HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01447_Well Construction - GW1_20240301 t WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD � `''c� Forty entnlUscONLY: This form can ba used for single or multiple wells t`r 1.Well Contractor Information: `LL..WATLR ZONES . . . Rich.Lemire FROM- TO DESCRIPTION Well Contractor Contractor Name R. ft, I ' . 2593A ft. ft. I ,I. . • NC Well Contractor Ccmii®tion Nadia. ,15.OUTER CASING Roy multi raasedadctlsl'OR L1N);R(Waif A ANO'' . . _ FROM •TO Dr.4(IIETRR 1 THICKNESS- MATERIAL . SAEDACCO rl if. I,II. c n i uay Nwito 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING N,uthermil closed-loopy-' FROM - TO DL+LMETRR THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Penult#: 0 ft. i7 ft. 2" • :tu. SCR-40 . PVC . . • List off afytlicraGle well pennies,fi e.Comity.Stile.-Variarxe.lrffeco'cit etc.) •R, rt. - - 'to, - 3.Wc11.Usc(check well use): t7:SCREEN .Water Supply Wc1L: -. F�. - _ --- . .--- FROM.' . 10 . 'DIAMETER -stsTSI?F. T1ICHNESS 1 MATERIAL LINO-cultural C114lunicipallPltblic 17 II. 37 II. 2" in O10 SCH-40 ` PVC f7Geothenna1(Heating,Cooing Supply'} 1lResidentiat Water Supply(single) • ft, . " ft. in. I El industriatfContntcrcial ©Residential Water Supply(shared) '-tP:GROUT. .' • ' _ FltO\f TO . MAT'ERL4L ' EMPL4CEMLNT METHOD&AMOUNT ❑fftipntiah . 0 ft.. 13 ft. PORTLAND TREMMIE Non-Water Supply Well:, R. ft.' . RIMonitoring O1tccosoty- . tujeclloiWell: et. ft, CI Aquifer Rccbargc t3GiouidnntcrRcnicdiation •t9-'SANDJGRAVEL-PACK(ifntgrllcoble . , FROM . TO' MATERIAL R IPLaCIYIENTSILTIIOti - IJAiluifcrStorage and Recom:ety 17Salinity Harter 15 ft, 37 ft. SAND , #2 ❑Aquifer Test ' ❑Storm atcrl}iainagc ft. R. ❑Eylelimcntal Tcchnol0gg ElSuhsidcnec Control -xu:DRILLING-LOG(attach nddilior al sbcelslf necessnrvl OGeotheitna[(Closed Loop) • OTricer, FROM• TO - DESCRIPTION(wbr.loirtlnert,wR'myklywe. aln we:rR:I OC,eodtettual(FIeating/Caollue Return) IJOther(explain under#21 Retuatls) 0 ft.' 19 IL FILL DIRT- • ' 19 it. 37 IL 'BROWN SILT/PWR . 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 2-6-2024 .Well ID#Pz-2 ' rt. rt. 54.W4'il Location; _ Toyota i �' 'k I LA l�f t E D rl, I. • FacRiq,Disocr.Nane. Facility IDrf(ifopplicable) - rt, ft. MHR V 2024- 5938 Julian Airport Rd., LIBERTY, NC, .27298. .ft. ft. Plrysicnl Address.Ci .and Zi • 1,-4.tr1'«4tert tPr^..^0644t:1 JR0 • p xt.REntARG4 Di.ICJ3r= RANDOLPR BENTONITE FROM 13' TO 15'I. County NivelttkiitificationNU,(PRI) 510-ittititdc amid l tingAttude iil degrees/nano lesisecands or decimal degrees: ,2_,Certification:• I. (it pen skid,one bulon;is stemeleno , • N W l/1 i+n1..+c. 2/10/2024 ' - SignmueafCeni Well Dale ' • '6.Is(are)the w•ell(s): xlPecluatrent or )7Temporary 1 ily signing thin Arno,1 hereby certify that.the vacs)was iwrral curlrn i red br accord:ram irfrlr 1M MAC 02C.0109 or 15rt NCAC 02C.0200 Rill Constmierion Standards and d rt a • 7.Is Ws a repair to an C4isting well: IJYcs or El No copy of char record bus beta provblyd ro the rir11 mow, If thls'is a'epllr:fall oar krraini well cam'uurtloabrfornaudar and cipfabi he aware of die 1 repair under 021 icautrtadretiao or an the bock of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the hack of this page to;prov'ide additional well site details or'well • 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 • cons(tuctiotidetails, You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For aen/Iplc lmfectlat orris:-uvier nrpply mefls ONLY mach the same constrain-on,yaa can - sabmir one tom. . Sf11BMITTALINSTIICTIONS ', 9.Total well depth below land surface: 37 (rt.) 24a..For All Wells:. Submit this•fans within all days of completion of.well For a ralriide welds'lisr aidemtlu tldifforrnt(arampfe-3@Nil'rind 2@I00) • ' - construction to the fanning: ' 10.Static water level helow tap of casing: 21 (It) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, ' 1f wale,.level is above rosliag;ate"+" - 1617 MalSen•ice Center Raleigh.NC 27699-1'617 IL Burch.!c diameter 8.25" -(in.) 2Ib.For(nficl(on Wst(a ONLY: Ind addition to sending the form to tbe.address in 24aabove.also_submit a copy of this fat]within 30 days of.completian of well V.Well coustntctiau Method:AUGER eaustmetioh to the following: , (Le:auger.rota:}',itnble,direct posh.etc.}. • Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection-Control Program; FOR WATERSUPPLY WELLS ONLY: I636 Mali Service Center;Raleigh,NC 27599.1636 • 13;a Yield(gprn) �Ictliod of test: 24e,For Water Supply&Injection Welts: Also•submit one copy,of this form iyithin 30 days ofcompletion.of • 1311.Disinfection type: • Amount: • well constriction to the county health dcpanment of the calmly where constructed. FormGW-t Noah Carolina rmeparpitens of Em'iraiunxni and Natant Resources-Division of Wooer Rmotrem Revised August 2013 I