HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021253_5 day report_20240307North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Water Resources
Upset, Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Reporting Form
(Please Print or Type Use Attachments if Needed)
Permittee: Christopher McGee
Permit Number: NC0021253
Facility Name: City of Havelock WWTP
County: Craven
Incident Started: Date:, 3/2/2024 Time: 10:30 AM
Incident Ended: Date: 3/3/2024 Time: 12:21 AM
Was the incident a Spill of wastewater out of containment or a Bypass of specific treatment units:
Both we were spilling from the sand filters from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. We started by bypassing at 10:30 AM
to 12:21 Am Sunday morning.
If a Bypass, which unit or units of treatment were bypassed and was it a Complete or Partial bypass of
wastewater Flow? The sand filters were being bypassed completely.
Level of Treatment achieved prior to Spill/Bypass:
__ None _Primary Treatment —X—Secondary Treatment _Chlorination/Disinfection Only
Estimated Volume of Spill/Bypass: 585,000 gallons (must be given even if it is a rough
Did the Spill/Bypass reach the Surface Waters? X Yes No
If yes, please list the following:
Volume Reaching Surface Waters: 250,000 gallons
Surface Water Name & Classification: East Prong of Slocum
Did the Spill/Bypass result in a Fish Kill? Yes X No
Was WWTP compliant with permit requirements? X Yes No (N/A)
Were samples taken during event? Yes —X—No
Specific to Spill/Bypass or Routine Sampling: No samples were taken due to it happing on a Saturday.
Sampling of East Prong of Slocum Creek will start next week. Twice weekly at Upstream, Downstream, and
Upset, Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Reporting Form
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at Ground zero.
Source of the Upset/Spill/Bypass (Location or Treatment Unit):
Highly elevated influent flows coming in to the plant. From unpredicted and unforcasted massive rain event
Saturday morning.
Cause or Reason for the Upset/Spill/Bypass:
The heavy flows pushed the blankets out of the final clarifiers in to the sand filters to cause them to get
stopped up and start to spill over the side of the filters.
Describe the Repairs Made or Actions Taken: N/A
Action Taken to Contain Spill Clean Up and Remediate the Site (if applicable)
Had to bypass filters to stop wastewater from going over the side of filters.
Action Taken or Pr�:)posed to be Taken to Prevent Occurrences: Training staff on how to operate the plant
when in a emergency.
Additional Comments About the Event:
The duty person was at the plant on Saturday morning doing his rounds and noticed the blankets were at 10'.
He started wasting and stared up the GBT to start processing. He checked the blankets at 9:OOAM and they
were at 13'. He called me at 10:30AM and said the filters were over flowing. While I was on my to plant I told
him to turn off the air to the plant and turn off the methanol to the filters. Then I I had him open up the bypass
to the filters. When I got to the plant I started to open the backwash waste valves to try and stop the filters
from spilling over. By doing this we filled up the backwash and wasting basin. Then I opened the bypass
valve all the way open to completely stop the flow going to the filters. When bypassing the filters we are
sending the flow straight to the UVs for disinfection.
24-Hour Report Made To: Division of Water Resources Emergency Management _X_
Contact Name: Sarah Date: 3/2/2024 Time: 7:21 PM
Other Agencies Notified (Health Dept, etc):
Upset, Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Reporting Form
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Person Reporting Event: Rodney George
Phone Number: _252-497-5178
Did DWR Request an Additional Written Report? _X Yes No
If Yes, What Additional Information is Needed (photos, sample results, costs of repairs/cleanup, etc.:
_Sampling of East: Prong of Slocum