HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01426_Well Construction - GW1_20240301 0 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ! , ^v\ Pgr[utarnolUscON1;Y: Th6form wnbc used fir singleorniullipkwells ` \( \ 1.tiWell-Ctjntractor information: 'aft W tT1?RZONES ' , John Eisenman FROM 10 DESCRIPTION' Well ConlrsaorName. • 15 ft.. 20 ft. - ft' ft.. 4439 NC Well Cora e1orCcfification Ni niicr •.ES.OUTER CASiNG(cur®tutlikused wills)OR L1NERlll an ileibk)! • VROAI TO nr,Abtr.TGR.. Iturtirass- �.MATERIAL • SAEDACCO - It-- ft.. itl' Comistnj•.Name .16:INNER CASING OR TUR➢NG(gcotherma1 ctused400 j). FROM . 10 •DIAMETER. THICKNESS MATERIAL 2,Wclt Consttuelxtia Pciutit . . 0 R. 10 ft; 2 -la scH-40 . • PVC ' l ist onappli le war prmeirs ri o:Counrv:Strr',.Vgriarare..friscriort o:.) • ft., ft.. - r t"`. 3.Welt:lise(check Weil use): ta:SCRLEN - • WaterSunpty Weil; " -- — FROM. TO . .DtAAti,Tr,R • SLOT SIZE TIIICNNISS. I-MATERIAL . . DAgacultittal CiMunicipal/Public• 10 R. 25 ft.• 2 ii� 010 SCH-40 PVC CiGeetlleunat(ieating eopiing Supply)' . ®Residential Water Supply(single) • R. It.: Is. I Dlndustti�llContotefcial IJResidential Water Suppiy,(sband) oAR(nrr TO ' MATERIAL ' E\rPtACE.\lENT 3IET11OD&AMOUNT ' Elltti€ation • ' " 0 fI. 5' ft Portland Pour Non-Water SuPplY Well • - • limonitoting _ ElRecotrty _. • . • �. Injccllot%We(i:. -- R. . ft: , • DA • quifcr ccliargc - ClOiouridwiticuRentedialioo E{(i ' `t9.SANDrGRAVELPACf applicable)' - . - `FROM - 10' - • W.TPRIAI. - • itAIPLACru t;it7n0n PAgnifcrStortge-aed RecoA'ct3' flSalinity 8aiiier 8 R.. 25 ft. Sand #2 ElAquifcrTcst IJStommatcr l)rcinn ft. 'ft.. . 17Espcdmctitaal Tochnotog. DSabsidcttcc Con col -2o1 DRILLONG.LOG-(atlictt additional,sheds if nccessarcl DGeotheuttnl(ClasedLoop) ®]Tracer- . FROM 70 DESCRIPTION toobn6;Wncrrrsog4sicttls pr.t•ssiarire.c.tet DGeotliennal(H alingJCooline Return) •DOtlter(mtplain under A21 ReuiatEs) 0 :ft. 11 ft, sand stone . 11 It:. 25-. 'ft- rock . : r s.•7.1 r,._ 4:Date`�elt(s)Coutplcicd 12-21-23 ..Well1DffMW-4 r 1 if LE•. i 5,.Wcll i nca6fn: .rc. ft.. i. MAR d 1 202.. Eaet7it}'lOiroerNnuec. Faotlit}'1Dk.Cufapplieable) -• tffl(rflfprly:f;':•a_ R. ft. ,;.. po: 4993.Plank,Rd, Norwood, NC, 28128 .R. ft.". - I ,• - Pli sicalAddressCitg.andZip' 21-R1:1t1ARES_ • . Stanly 654201492345 bentonite seal from 5-8ft I County P celldeoliClealOnNo,(PIN) I• 51,l atitade l aril unguaile in degrees lminuteitscconds tir decinoal idcgrccs 22.Ce titicatinu: , (itiiell Eat,one i:t(ilo>i Isstrfuti:nl) , . 35.1985912 N -80.1900598 w � � — ` 12/22/2023 SigtAittiiquf ?:w 11�u..e ::;: ' 6.Is arel tthewefl s:-:lPerinaitent -or' DTert orary y. ,n/ r"'"ss-r-:,.r!a'p !a ( I () p ^Hpa{gnuig thls.fune., ...way rl.., rrxe..•c.gJt rids-t,.e:rf svarrrucred hregvargpre • Willi lSat NC1IC UZC•' t 7t r4,I::1L,0200 Ri1lConstrrlcitar Stnixiards and riasaa 7.Is this a repair to an exiatiu,;well: DYev or 19No avprofchic record Iias been provided taatra qrN oi1.7icr, If floes'is a rs•)wlr:fad!teat.krtoitil well caiutnrctlon Inform:Io l am!ripto!t the tuarare oldie repair tinder 92lr aris'st litinocanncebarkoftliisform. 23.Site diagram or additional well lctadts: " . - You nia3 use the back of this page to provide additional well site details.or.tietl 8.11utmbet;of A EIN rnastrncted: 1 eousttuction details, You tuay alga attach additional pages if Iiecessaly. For'rnaltlple lr;jecilon or wain-hater Sup*trills OISLY with Me sarn_e(onstruction,you extra subnrironeform. . . . CIIQOfITTAVINSTUCTIONS. i 9.Total well ilcpth hefoy laud surftice: 25 - • (tt_,) 3ia. For All Welk: Submit this form within 30-days of completion of'Well For nutyplrwrlls list all depttsifdi,()iaent(example-3@200'and.2@I0O construction to thefottossing: i is 1(I.Static water Level below tap of easliegi 15 ( ,) Division of Water Rcrourecs,Information Processing.Unit, If wino.lesi1 Is above a!siiag,rue."+" 1617 MailSu•A•icc Center,itaileigh,NC 2769.9 1617 11.Borehotediainctr. 6- - -- '(in.) tab.For tnlecttrrtt-Wets ONLY: In addition to sending the fotut to the address-in 24a above.also.submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well canstivation-method:Air Rotary - construction to the following:' i (Lc:pager.iotwy'cabia.direct;ash,etc:) 'Division of Water Resources,underground Injection Control Program; - FOR WATiER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - 1636 Matt Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 f3ai Yield(�trn) Method of test: 2-Le.For Water Supplv_&lnjcctioaWelLs: Also submit one copy-or this fdmi•ieithin 30,daysof completion of 13h.Dicinfeetinn hmc: Amount• well construction to the county health department of'the.cormty.whetc constricted. Faith GW-L Noah Carolina IA aiUne i of prirountsil acid Natural Resources-Divisios of WoIerRr5C®tat Revised August2el3• 1 I