HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240205_Stormwater Report_20240307 HYDROLOGIC & HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Courtyards on the Greenway Stallings, NC January 15, 2024 Calculations By: �0o4�,. CAR�,--,, Michael Knepper, PE (NC) .NN0R'S ofESS/0 -v ', SEAL 051223 Checked By: FNGINER- Chris Rogers, PE (NC) /CjSI GQQ Digitallysignedby '�.,,'/4 E;1 'TKN %1YCnepper Dteael Kne 1P15 08:50:08-05'00' Timmons Group 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 NC Firm License: C-1652 4 4 C • � '. E • TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 BACKGROUND 2 2 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS 2 2.1 Unnamed Tributary Hydrology 2 3 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS 4 3.1 Existing Conditions 4 3.2 Proposed Conditions 4 3.3 Scour Analysis 6 4 REFERENCES 7 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table A—Unnamed Tributary Hydrologic Summary—Existing Conditions 3 Table B—Hydrologic Summary—Proposed Conditions 3 Table C— Existing Conditions Flow File Input Data 4 Table D—Post-Project Conditions Flow File Input Data 4 Table E— Existing Conditions and Post-Project 100-year WSEL Comparison 5 Table F—Scour Hole Geometry in Cohesive Soils 6 Table G—Riprap Basin Geometry 6 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A—HYDROLOGY Curve Number Calculation Worksheets Average Basin Slope Worksheets Average Basin Slope Maps HydroCAD Report Appendix B—HYDRAULICS HEC-RAS Flood Study Map—Existing Conditions HEC-RAS Flood Study Map—Post-Project HEC-RAS Cross Sections— Existing Conditions HEC-RAS Cross Sections—Post-Project HEC-RAS Output Tables—Existing Conditions HEC-RAS Output Tables—Post-Project Scour Calculations Timmons Group Page 1 Courtyards on the Greenway Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report Hydrologic & Hydraulic Analysis Courtyards on the Greenway 1 BACKGROUND The Courtyards on the Greenway project is a proposed single-family residential community project with a cumulative parcel area of 49.1 acres, located between Lawyers Road and Southstone Drive, directly west of Hawthorne Drive in Stallings, NC.The project will involve construction of a new road, Poppy Way,to provide access through the community.An unnamed tributary to Goose Creek flows through the site and the the proposed road, Poppy Way, includes one crossing over the unnamed tributary. Provided 100-year flows are greater than 50 cfs at the Poppy Way crossing, a 100+1 flood analysis was conducted for the culvert crossing.This hydraulic study included determining 100-year peak discharges, establishing the existing 100-year floodplain, determining the proposed stormwater protection elevations (SWPE), and delineating the 100+1 stormwater elevation line (SWEL). The site lies in the Lower Rocky River watershed within the Yadkin Pee Dee River basin (HUC: 0304010507) and drains to Goose Creek(Class C). 2 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS 2.1 Unnamed Tributary Hydrology The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Curve Number(CN) Method was used for the unnamed tributary's hydrology and implemented with HydroCAD Version 10.10-7a.The TR-55 and Lag method was used to calculate lag times. Average basin slope was calculated on a combined surface of LiDAR and surveyed topography. Slope calculations were conducted on 5'x5' cells throughout the drainage area,then a mean slope was determined and assigned to each subbasin. GIS maps depicting slopes observed throughout the watershed are included in Appendix A. Curve Numbers were computed based on the Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) of the soils as depicted in the NRCS Web Soils Survey in conjunction with the Curve Number values included in Chapter 2 of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual.The contributing drainage watershed is included primarily within the unincorporated areas of Union County,the Town of Stallings city limits, and the City of Charlotte City limits. Union County and the Town of Stallings do not have a stormwater design manual.The existing conditions hydrology utilized existing land cover curve numbers for the cumulative project parcel of 49.1 acres and curve numbers assuming full development per the current zoning for the remaining area.The proposed conditions hydrology utilized proposed land cover curve numbers for the project parcel and curve numbers assuming full development per current zoning for the remaining area. The existing site is comprised of forested land. Offsite land uses include single-family residential communities, paved roadways and forested areas.Two (2) subbasins were delineated in order to set flow change locations for the hydraulic model. The subbasins were connected to a shared link, summing their hydrograph volumes and computing a peak flowrate through the site.The tributary and subbasins are depicted on the drainage area maps in Appendix A. The hydrologic calculations are included in Appendix A.A summary of the subbasins with 100-year discharges is shown in Table A. Timmons Group Page 2 Courtyards on the Greenway Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report Table A—Unnamed Tributary Hydrologic Summary— Existing Conditions Point of Drainage Drainage 100-year Area Discharge Interest Identifier Area (ac) (cfs) EX-US EX-US 199.7 388.01 EX-DS EX-DS 35.6 100.23 EX-COMB EX-US & 235.3 427.38 EX-DS The proposed site improvements include new roadways, single-family homes, and a shared amenity space.The improvements are anticipated to substantially alter the land uses from primarily forested to a combination of impervious and managed pervious.The stormwater management plan for the site routes the majority of runoff from proposed roadways, residential lots, and structures through closed systems to two (2) wet pond stormwater control measures (SCM), one located west of the unnamed tributary (Proposed Pond #1) and one east of the tributary (Proposed Pond #2).The detention ponds, with combined drainage areas of approximately 32.1 acres, have outlet structures south of Poppy Way that ultimately contribute to the unnamed tributary and are therefore included in the 100+1 hydrologic/hydraulic analysis with their flow inputs factored in downstream of the proposed road crossing. During the 100-year storm, Proposed Pond#1 successfully detains the event, but Proposed Pond#2 experiences embankment overtopping.The contributing drainage areas outside of the project parcel to the unnamed tributary, depicted on drainage area maps in Appendix A, are zoned as either mixed-use, multi-family, or residential and their specific breakdown and associated weighted curve numbers, as well as HydroCAD reports of subbasin peak flows and SCM performance, are included in Appendix A. A summary of the subbasins with 100-year discharges is shown in Table B. Table B— Hydrologic Summary— Proposed Conditions Point of Drainage Area Drainage 100-year Interest Identifier Area (ac) Discharge (cfs) PR-CULV-US PR-CULV-US 193 373.95 PR-CULV-DS PR-CULV-DS 12.5 66.93 PR-POND#1 PR-POND#1 22.2 229.45 PR-POND#2 PR-POND#2 11.1 116.11 PR-CULV US, PR- CULV DS, PR- PR-COMB 238.8 402.86 POND#1, PR- POND#2 Timmons Group Page 3 Courtyards on the Greenway Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report 3 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS The hydraulic analysis of the unnamed tributary was performed using HEC-RAS 6.4.1 produced by USACE to evaluate the performance of the proposed culvert crossing on Poppy Way.The 100-year floodplain inundation for both existing and proposed conditions was mapped, along with the 100+1 Stormwater Elevation Line (SWEL), to determine the effects of the proposed improvements on the base flood elevations and provide a basis for the design of proposed structure finished floor elevations (FFEs). The flood study model includes one unnamed tributary draining to Goose Creek. Cross sections were extracted from the surveyed topography, from March 2022 and supplemented with more detailed stream survey in October 2023, in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2023 and exported to HEC-RAS. 3.1 Existing Conditions The existing conditions HEC-RAS model was created using the surveyed topography. Cross Section overbank n-values were set to 0.1.The channel n-value was set to 0.045. The existing conditions flow file uses the results from the HydroCAD model with flow changes assigned as shown in Table C. Table C—Existing Conditions Flow File Input Data 100-year Hydrologic Peak Reach RS Element Discharge (cfs) EX-US Stream 1 1163 388 EX-COMB Stream 1 1161 428 3.2 Proposed Conditions The existing conditions HEC-RAS model was copied and modified to represent the proposed conditions of the site.The following changes were made to the model: • A roadway crossing and 84" circular aluminized metal pipe (CAMP), buried 1', was added at the proposed road Poppy Way. Cross section geometry was updated to incorporate finished grades of site built-out conditions, see construction drawings. • The proposed wet pond SCMs were represented as permanent ineffective flow areas when reflected in the cross section geometry. The post-project flow file uses the results from the HEC-HMS model with flow changes assigned as shown in Table D. Table D—Post-Project Conditions Flow File Input Data 100-year Hydrologic Peak Reach RS Element Discharge (cfs) PR-CULV-US Stream 1 1163 374 PR-COMB Stream 1 1161 403 Timmons Group Page 4 Courtyards on the Greenway Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report The model was run and the results are shown in Table E. Table E- Existing Conditions and Post-Project 100-year WSEL Comparison Cross 100-year BFE Difference 100-year BFE Section/Stream (Proposed) (Proposed- Station (Existing) (NAVD88) (NAVD88) Existing) (ft) 1663 626.07 628.71 2.64 1582 625.52 628.7 3.18 1503 624.87 628.69 3.82 1430 624.46 628.68 4.22 1367 623.99 628.67 4.68 1299 623.72 628.65 4.93 1228 Proposed Poppy Way-84" CAMP 1161 622.66 622.62 -0.04 1069 622.33 622.25 -0.08 975 621.94 621.88 -0.06 881 621.35 621.29 -0.06 813 620.93 620.87 -0.06 721 620.47 620.41 -0.06 626 619.32 619.28 -0.04 530 618.74 618.65 -0.09 431 618.17 618.09 -0.08 372 618.06 617.97 -0.09 277 617.66 617.57 -0.09 221 617.43 617.34 -0.09 The 100+1 analysis yielded a maximum water surface elevation (WSEL) of 629.71. Provided this elevation is lower than the low point of Poppy Way, 632.97, a stormwater protection elevation (SWPE) of 632.97 was used for the upstream lots. The lowest pad elevation on the proposed residential lots is 635.38, approximately 2.4 LF higher than the SWPE. The existing and proposed conditions 100-year floodplains and 100+1 SWEL boundaries were delineated and mapped through the site on the flood study work map included in Appendix B. Sections of the proposed conditions 100-year floodplain and 100+1 SWEL are not contained within the project parcel and encroach into the right-of-way of Lawyers Road at the northeast corner of the site, however, the flood boundaries do not inundate the asphalt of Lawyers Road. Timmons Group Page 5 Courtyards on the Greenway Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report 3.3 Scour Analysis Scour was estimated at the outlet of the 84" CAMP for the 100-year storm utilizing methodologies from the Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 14 (HEC-14),Third Edition. Local scour was calculated at the culvert outlet assuming no energy dissipation.These calculations took into account discharge, culvert shape, soil type, duration of flow, culvert slope, culvert height above bed, and tailwater depth. Calculations and guidance from Section 5.2 ("Cohesive Soils") were used provided soils borings from the proposed culvert area yielded gray silt. Parameters for the scour hole are shown in Table F. Table F—Scour Hole Geometry in Cohesive Soils Parameter Measurement (ft) Height 13.7 Width 57.1 Length 110.6 An additional scour analysis was conducted to determine the scour hole and associated riprap basin needed at the outlet for varying riprap size classes.These calculations took into account discharge, culvert shape, outlet depth,tailwater depth, culvert depression (buried depth), and median sizes of riprap. Calculations and guidance from HEC-14 were used to determine various riprap basin parameters and are shown in Table G. Detailed calculations for scour are provided in Appendix B. Table G— Riprap Basin Geometry Riprap D50(ft) Height(ft) Length (ft) Width (ft) CLASS 1 0.79 7.43 74.3 77.8 CLASS 2 1.33 3.54 35.4 51.8 CLASS 3 1.92 1.38 21.0 42.2 Timmons Group Page 6 Courtyards on the Greenway Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report 4 REFERENCES RAS 6.4.1. HEC. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2023, from https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ras/download.aspx NRCS Web Soil Survey. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2023, from https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. Retrieved October 2023, from https://www.charlottenc.gov/Services/Stormwater/Stormwater-Regulations/Storm-Water- Design-Manual Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissipators for Culverts and Channels, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 14, Third Edition. Retrieved December 2023, from https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydraulics/pubs/06086/hec14.pdf Timmons Group Page 7 Courtyards on the Greenway Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report APPENDIX A HYDROLOGY Hydrology Maps Runoff Coefficient Calculation Worksheets Average Basin Slope Worksheet Basin Slope Maps HydroCAD Report HYDROLOGY MAPS E f 8 • , 6 o = T •• : '• . • . . .••-.. Q.:. . . • :....f . -' ..,.c• .... iw.,. „-, . ,troi-41.44iz .,_:• E ;., : - r‘ ,,,,,,,,,I, i ,.--:iitc;...,.7.• .. - - . •• - -• •- - ' • -,. ' .11'... ' .‘ . -1-oi..,„i••••:. .,, ..•..k..:11..:--:. tic •i 4dAj / - • ..I - _ Th?..-"°,...:s).1.,..11-ct.::::''' .1::: ... . . ._.=,k . . , b'e .•J I ' I : :I,7! IL'S'-2I:.."•,:;08 ,.. .,,,... ., -,, ,.-.,,•,.,::.•44,., .,......_...:... .... „,:,:14...„..1 i . ,._.. .. . , ,_ _._s_., .._.,fr...8„1.44tifie.17. .,— . . . ,,,..4 -,.. 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Jr`-.. 4 j'---: RUNOFF COEFFICIENT CALCULATIONS WORKSHEETS HYDROLOGY - NRCS CURVE NUMBER Project Name: COURTYARDS ON THE GREENWAY Project Number: 60099 Location: STALLINGS,NC t a • •4 0 Date: 11/20/2023 • * i Prepared by: MICHAEL KNEPPER,PE Checked by: T I M M O N S GROUP Existing or Proposed: EXISTING YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS Catchment: EX-US I.SUBBASIN SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AREA ac HSG'A' 0.00 0% HSG'B' 47.41 24% HSG'C' 139.38 70% HSG D' 12.89 6% 199.69 _ ac TOTAL AREA 8698388.8 sq ft 0.312012 sq mi II. SUBBASIN LAND COVER CONDITIONS AREA COVER DESCRIPTION TOTAL HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' (AC) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) Zoning Mixed-Use 25.83 60016 1065179 Residential:Multi-Family 2.38 14995 79367 9504 Residential:1/4 acre 122.30 1195852 3824947 306701 Residential:1/3 acre 7.20 122013 190186 1301 Residential:1/2 acre 28.92 641117 389848 228746 Impervious 0.98 7283 32377 2813 Gravel 0.15 6432 Grass 1.66 5754 65114 1231 Forest 10.28 18265 418001 11348 TOTAL(AC) 199.69 0.00 47.41 139.38 12.89 III. SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION COVER DESCRIPTION(Source:NCDEQ Stormwater MDC) SCS CN HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' Zoning Mixed-Use 89 92 94 95 Residential:Multi-Family 77 85 90 92 Residential:1/4 acre 61 75 83 87 Residential:1/3 acre 57 72 81 86 Residential:1/2 acre 54 70 80 85 Impervious 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Grass 39 61 74 80 Forest 30 55 70 77 0 3494 11689 1110 COMPOSITE SCS CN HYDROLOGY - NRCS CURVE NUMBER Project Name: COURTYARDS ON THE GREENWAY Project Number: 60099 Location: STALLINGS,NC t a • •4 0 Date: 11/20/2023 • * i Prepared by: MICHAEL KNEPPER,PE Checked by: T I M M O N S GROUP Existing or Proposed: EXISTING YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS Catchment: EX-DS I.SUBBASIN SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AREA ac HSG'A' 0.00 0% HSG'B' 0.08 0% HSG'C' 31.53 89% HSG D' 4.01 11% 35.63 _ ac TOTAL AREA 1552009.3 sq ft 0.055671 sq mi II. SUBBASIN LAND COVER CONDITIONS AREA COVER DESCRIPTION TOTAL HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' (AC) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) Zoning Mixed-Use 0.00 Residential:Multi-Family 0.03 1447 Residential:1/4 acre 4.64 202281 Residential:1/3 acre 0.00 Residential:1/2 acre 0.60 25981 Impervious 0.10 73 3447 920 Gravel 0.12 5272 Grass 0.94 1 39054 1940 Forest 29.19 3619 1096110 171865 TOTAL(AC) 35.63 0.00 0.08 31.53 4.01 III. SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION COVER DESCRIPTION(Source:NCDEQ Stormwater MDC) SCS CN HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' Zoning Mixed-Use 89 92 94 95 Residential:Multi-Family 77 85 90 92 Residential:1/4 acre 61 75 83 87 Residential:1/3 acre 57 72 81 86 Residential:1/2 acre 54 70 80 85 Impervious 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Grass 39 61 74 80 Forest 30 55 70 77 0 5 2282 309 COMPOSITE SCS CN HYDROLOGY - NRCS CURVE NUMBER Project Name: COURTYARDS ON THE GREENWAY Project Number: 60099 Location: STALLINGS,NC r u • !4 0 Date: 11/20/2023 • * i Prepared by: MICHAEL KNEPPER,PE Checked by: T I M M O N S GROUP Existing or Proposed: PROPOSED YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS Catchment: PR-CULV-US I.SUBBASIN SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AREA ac HSG'A' 0.00 0% HSG'B' 47.23 24% HSG'C' 132.83 69% HSG D' 12.90 7% 192.96 _ ac TOTAL AREA 8405523.7 sq ft 0.301507 sqmi II. SUBBASIN LAND COVER CONDITIONS AREA COVER DESCRIPTION TOTAL HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' (AC) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) Zoning Mixed-Use 25.86 60015 1066255 Residential:Multi-Family 8.69 38442 314808 25215 Residential:1/4 acre 122.30 1195852 3824949 306701 Residential:1/3 acre 7.20 122013 190185 1301 Residential:1/2 acre 28.92 641117 389924 228746 TOTAL(AC) 192.96 0.00 47.23 132.83 12.90 III. SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION COVER DESCRIPTION(Source:NCDEQ Stormwater MDC) SCS CN HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' Zoning Mixed-Use 89 92 94 95 Residential:Multi-Family 77 85 90 92 Residential:1/4 acre 61 75 83 87 Residential:1/3 acre 57 72 81 86 Residential:1/2 acre 54 70 80 85 0 3493 11309 1115 COMPOSITE SCS CN HYDROLOGY - NRCS CURVE NUMBER Project Name: COURTYARDS ON THE GREENWAY Project Number: 60099 Location: STALLINGS,NC r u • !4 0 Date: 11/20/2023 • * i Prepared by: MICHAEL KNEPPER,PE Checked by: T I M M O N S GROUP Existing or Proposed: PROPOSED YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS Catchment: PR-CULV-DS I.SUBBASIN SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AREA ac HSG'A' 0.00 0% HSG'B' 0.00 0% HSG'C' 12.20 97% HSG D' 0.33 3% 12.53 _ ac TOTAL AREA 545980.54 sq ft 0.019584 sqmi II. SUBBASIN LAND COVER CONDITIONS AREA COVER DESCRIPTION TOTAL HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' (AC) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) Zoning Mixed-Use 0.00 Residential:Multi-Family 7.30 303418 14378 Residential:1/4 acre 4.64 202280 Residential:1/3 acre 0.00 Residential:1/2 acre 0.59 25904 TOTAL(AC) 12.53 0.00 0.00 12.20 0.33 III. SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION COVER DESCRIPTION(Source:NCDEQ Stormwater MDC) SCS CN HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' Zoning Mixed-Use 89 92 94 95 Residential:Multi-Family 77 85 90 92 Residential:1/4 acre 61 75 83 87 Residential:1/3 acre 57 72 81 86 Residential:1/2 acre 54 70 80 85 0 0 1060 30 COMPOSITE SCS CN HYDROLOGY - NRCS CURVE NUMBER Project Name: COURTYARDS ON THE GREENWAY Project Number: 60099 Location: STALLINGS,NC . t • • •f 0 Date: 11/20/2023 • Prepared by: MICHAEL KNEPPER,PE Checked by: T I M M O N S GROUP Existing or Proposed: PROPOSED YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS Catchment: PR-POND#1 I.SUBBASIN SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AREA ac % HSG'A' 0.00 0% HSG'B' 0.00 0% HSG'C' 22.20 100% HSG D' 0.00 0% 22.20 ac TOTAL AREA 967032 sq ft 0.034688 sq mi II. SUBBASIN LAND COVER CONDITIONS AREA COVER DESCRIPTION TOTAL HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' (AC) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) Zoning Impervious 11.42 497455 Grass 10.78 469577 TOTAL(AC) 22.20 0.00 0.00 22.20 0.00 III. SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION COVER DESCRIPTION(Source:NCDEQ Stormwater MDC) SCS CN HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' Zoning Impervious 98 98 98 98 Grass 39 61 74 80 0 0 1917 0 COMPOSITE SCS CN HYDROLOGY - NRCS CURVE NUMBER Project Name: COURTYARDS ON THE GREENWAY Project Number: 60099 Location: STALLINGS,NC . t • • •f 0 Date: 11/20/2023 • Prepared by: MICHAEL KNEPPER,PE Checked by: T I M M O N S GROUP Existing or Proposed: PROPOSED YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS Catchment: PR-POND#2 I.SUBBASIN SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AREA ac % HSG'A' 0.00 0% HSG'B' 0.00 0% HSG'C' 11.10 100% HSG D' 0.00 0% 11.10 _ ac TOTAL AREA 483516 sq ft 0.017344 sq mi II. SUBBASIN LAND COVER CONDITIONS AREA COVER DESCRIPTION TOTAL HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' (AC) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) Zoning Impervious 5.99 260924 Grass 5.11 222592 TOTAL(AC) 11.10 0.00 0.00 11.10 0.00 III. SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION COVER DESCRIPTION(Source:NCDEQ Stormwater MDC) SCS CN HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' Zoning Impervious 98 98 98 98 Grass 39 61 74 80 0 0 965 0 COMPOSITE SCS CN AVERAGE BASIN SLOPE WORKSHEET BASIN AVERAGE SLOPE WORKSHEET Project Name: Courtyards on the Greenway Project Number: 60099 Date: 11/17/2023 BASIN AVERAGE SLOPE CALCULATIONS Basin(y) Hydraulic Catchment Area(Ac) A(Sq Mi) CN Length HL Sto(S)ap. Tlag(hr) Tlag(min) Avg Slope% (Ft) EX-US 199.69 0.31202 82 1.79 7013 2.20 1.06 63.5 EX-DS 35.63 0.05567 73 1.71 1863 3.70 0.49 29.5 PR-CULV-US 192.96 0.30150 82 1.78 7013 2.20 1.06 63.7 PR-CULV-DS 12.53 0.01958 87 1.74 1662 1.49 0.29 17.1 PR-POND#1 22.2 0.03469 86 Minimum time of concentration=5 rains I PR-POND#2 11.1 0.01734 87 Minimum time of concentration=5 mins 111 Cony.Ac to Sq mi. 640 ac/sqmi S=1000/CN-10 T lag= HL^0.8*(S+1)1'0.7/1900*y^0.5 NOTES: *CN estimates based on Soil Survey of Union County and Mecklenburg County,North Carolina,USDA Web Soils Survey *Runoff curve numbers found in NCDEQ MDC *Areas taken from watershed delineations with NC FRIS Topo Data obtained November,2023 * Hydraulic lengths and basin average slopes measured from above referenced topo maps *T-lag SCS Method "Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis",Addison Wesley Pg.128 2 BASIN SLOPE MAPS 1 vo i NI • I 'I • 1 �4 j� 1` 1 4;1 - .-' ' .• I ,:I( t4. ~'tom\ �' ,, �� N tia ,,tic!I iii,..,,_.-r, ?.. -.• .., , „. k r‘ ) . 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Prepared By: �' >> �;��� it , ' +0�� 0 550 1 ,100 Feet ll g_��_ stot- TIMMONS GROUP HYDROCAD REPORT ® (8S) PR-C LV-US 0 E -US 0 Pond#Area Pond 2 Area 11 EX-D A A Pond#1 (Wetp d) P nd#2(Wetpond) ----\., K9S)6L EX-COMB PR-CULV-DS nj PR-COMB (SubCa) Reach 'on• MI Routing Diagram for Courtyards at the Greenway Prepared by Timmons Group, Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD®10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Courtyards at the Greenway Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 392.650 82 (1S, 8S) 35.630 73 (7S) 12.530 87 (9S) 15.890 74 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG C (2S, 3S) 17.410 98 Unconnected pavement, HSG C (2S, 3S) 474.110 82 TOTAL AREA Courtyards at the Greenway Type 1124-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Time span=0.00-250.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 25001 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method SubcatchmentlS: EX-US Runoff Area=199.690 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=5.57" Flow Length=7,013' Slope=0.0179 '/' Tc=105.8 min CN=82 Runoff=388.01 cfs 92.622 af Subcatchment2S: Pond#1 Area Runoff Area=22.200 ac 51.44% Impervious Runoff Depth=6.03" Tc=5.0 min CN=86 Runoff=229.45 cfs 11.158 af Subcatchment3S: Pond#2 Area Runoff Area=11.100 ac 53.96% Impervious Runoff Depth=6.15" Tc=5.0 min CN=87 Runoff=116.11 cfs 5.687 af Subcatchment7S: EX-DS Runoff Area=35.630 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=4.54" Flow Length=1,863' Slope=0.0171 '/' Tc=49.1 min CN=73 Runoff=100.23 cfs 13.469 af Subcatchment8S: PR-CULV-US Runoff Area=192.960 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=5.57" Flow Length=7,013' Slope=0.0178 '/' Tc=106.1 min CN=82 Runoff=373.95 cfs 89.501 af Subcatchment9S: PR-CULV-DS Runoff Area=12.530 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=6.15" Flow Length=1,662' Slope=0.0174 '/' Tc=28.5 min CN=87 Runoff=66.93 cfs 6.420 af Pond 2P: Pond#2 (Wetpond) Peak EIev=631.00' Storage=95,852 cf Inflow=116.11 cfs 5.687 af Primary=24.72 cfs 4.382 af Secondary=80.49 cfs 0.991 af Outflow=105.21 cfs 5.373 af Pond 7P: Pond#1 (Wetpond) Peak Elev=627.24' Storage=269,444 cf Inflow=229.45 cfs 11.158 af Primary=36.74 cfs 10.883 af Secondary=7.70 cfs 0.150 af Outflow=44.44 cfs 11.033 af Link IL: PR-COMB Inflow=402.86 cfs 112.326 of Primary=402.86 cfs 112.326 af Link 6L: EX-COMB Inflow=427.38 cfs 106.091 af Primary=427.38 cfs 106.091 af Total Runoff Area = 474.110 ac Runoff Volume = 218.857 af Average Runoff Depth = 5.54" 96.33% Pervious = 456.700 ac 3.67% Impervious = 17.410 ac Courtyards at the Greenway Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Summary for Subcatchment 1S: EX-US Runoff = 388.01 cfs @ 13.17 hrs, Volume= 92.622 af, Depth= 5.57" Routed to Link 6L : EX-COMB Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Area (ac) CN Description * 199.690 82 199.690 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 105.8 7,013 0.0179 1.10 Lag/CN Method, Subcatchment 1 S: EX-US Hydrograph I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 420-' I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ❑Runoff 400-1 388.o1 cis I L L I L A 1 L — I— 1 I L H 1 L A 1 L L 1 1 1 1� 360 + H H + / - H + I + I � I �/� � yjpea1i24-k1K 3401 , - -1 - 1- t - I- t -1 - - rt -1- t rtISJ� I� t'f � I�n"I 320 / - - 1- T - 1- T -1 - - 7 1 M,no1 Area=199690 ac_ 3001 - 2601 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I IR nOTIr Une1=W44 ai~ • 2401 Runoff De h .&57 2201 - LA I LA I L I LI I L 1 LA I LL L _L • 800 - + + - I— + H - - + -I - - -I- HH —Flow L Irnealgth=�,013f 160_ - 1- - - I- fi H - I- t -1 - 1- fi -1- -I- fi 'VII -f 1401 , - r - - I- � � - 1- t -1 - - rt -1- r � -1- t -1 Tc t05.16mfrr 1001 % 0 601 , / 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 !, l��l��ll�l��l��l��l��ll�l��l��ll�ll��l��l��/�������/l�l/�1��� 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100' 110' 120' 130' 140' 150' 160' 170' 180' 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Pond #1 Area Runoff = 229.45 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 11.158 af, Depth= 6.03" Routed to Pond 7P : Pond #1 (Wetpond) Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Area (ac) CN Description 11.420 98 Unconnected pavement, HSG C 10.780 74 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG C 22.200 86 Weighted Average 10.780 48.56% Pervious Area 11.420 51.44% Impervious Area 11.420 100.00% Unconnected Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Assumed Tc Subcatchment 2S: Pond #1 Area Hydrograph LL _ I_ LJ _ 1 L4 _I_ LJ _ I_ 1 _I _ I_ 1 . 1 250_/ 4- 4 1 4 4 I 4 4 I- t -I - I- -1 -1- 1 4 I 4 4 I 4 1 - 1 - ❑Runoff 24071 229.45 cis r 1- r r - 1- r 7 - I- T -1 - r H -1- r H -1- r 7 - 7 T -1 - I- H -1- 230= / T 2207 zI 1 1 . 1 I ype]I� C 210 �I 1 � � I 4 I 4 I -1 1 -)in�1 In- voi 0I1,I ,L� g6r 200=zfi -1- 77 - I- 77 - 1- r -1 - 1- 7 -1- ram 190 i 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 Runoff_il eat22.-2-00 ae- 1801 —I 1701 ,- I 1- I t I t -I -1 1 �,,,,� 160 � K�� �iIt Ir'�+i+1 -I-r r - I- r -r 4 I- t -1 - 1- rt -1 y pp n� 1501 y� I,, 1401 Runci f DeDth 16 13013-I -1- 1 H - I- t I- t -1 - - 4 -1- 1 4 - t - 4 I 01201 - I tt I tH I— t —I — rt -1— trt t H HTC 5.10ff1111Y LL 1101 ,L 1 1 1 1 1 1001 904, 1 17 I 74 - I- H I HI I 14 - I_ _H 14 --I — 801 p 1 t t 1 t H 1- t 1 1 fi 1 t 4 1 t 4 1 t 1 fi 1 704/ - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 604/ 501 , _I_ L I _ I_ _I 1 1 _I - - I _I- L I _I_ L 4 _ I_ I -I - I- I _I- 401 - % I- - I- t I- t I t i I 1 -1 I t 4 I t 1 I i 304/ - 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 201 - ;� 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Summary for Subcatchment 3S: Pond #2 Area Runoff = 116.11 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 5.687 af, Depth= 6.15" Routed to Pond 2P : Pond #2 (Wetpond) Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Area (ac) CN Description 5.990 98 Unconnected pavement, HSG C 5.110 74 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG C 11.100 87 Weighted Average 5.110 46.04% Pervious Area 5.990 53.96% Impervious Area 5.990 100.00% Unconnected Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Assumed Tc Subcatchment 3S: Pond #2 Area Hydrograph 1 1 f T T l 130, - - - - 125=' ,r L I- L L - - L - I- L - - I- 1 I L J - 1- L J 1 T 1 - 1- 1 1 ❑Runoff 120i-I116.11 cis II- + + - I- + H 1 + -1 - - H -I- + H - 1- LH - I + 1 I H 1- 115Y - T T T H 1 T 1 1 7 T - T -I Type h 134-hr � ,_ -I_ L J - I- J J - I- J -I - L J -I- L _I R✓,F 105= maim a I t 7 .Z 95_' 1- 7 7 - 1- - 1- T -1 - 77 -1- Igbf Aria 11 110ff 90 851 , - _ LJ - - JJ _ _ J _ — JJ - - JJ _ I_ _I _ I— - - I— _I 801t -1- 1- H - I + H - I- + -1 + H -I--Runoff `J, 1 1 noff olume=&687of • 751 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 flJ " • 5r,. 701 _La —1 3 651 ,_ -I- J J - I- J - I- J -I - J 1 -I- J J - �l —7V•1 O -1 + + - I- + H I- + 1 + -h 1 1- I + H T+ ��0miry 551 � TT TJ T I T7 T -I T T y+I L 45= 501 , LJ I LJ 1 _L _I L1 _I_ LJ 1 LJ 1 TJcN#s7I/ 401 -I- H H - 1- + H - 1- + -1 - I- t -1- ' H -1- -h H - 1- + -1 - 1- + -1- 351 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 301 ' - 251 _ I L L I L J I_ _L I L 1 I L J I_ _L J I_ L I 1 I 20" - -1- H - I- + H - 1- + -1 - 1- -I- in -1- + -1 - 1- + -1 - I- -F -1- 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 51 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Summary for Subcatchment 7S: EX-DS Runoff = 100.23 cfs @ 12.49 hrs, Volume= 13.469 af, Depth= 4.54" Routed to Link 6L : EX-COMB Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Area (ac) CN Description 35.630 73 35.630 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 49.1 1,863 0.0171 0.63 Lag/CN Method, Subcatchment 7S: EX-DS Hydrograph J -I- - I- I - -I- J -I- - - I- -I - 110� ,— 4 —I— + + — I— + . I I — - 4 —I— + + —I— + -1 - 1— + -1 — I- 4 -1 El Runoff 105/I 100.23 cfs I fi t rt rt r t —I t 1 rt 195 ' ; 1 Tel11� C 90/, � i. 85- 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 4° r R i�f � � 91 801 , _ J J - I- J J - I- J -I - J J —I_ J Runoff-A 'ea=3-5 30 at 751 , — H - I- - 1- + -I - - 4 -I-p,, - �o u e� 13- -IIf 701 , — + + — I— + + — I— + —I — 1— —I�f0 651 , — r -1 - - 7 -I - - T - - — rt - - r1 —RU11orrDepAh4341"- LT. 501 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I FlowLength=1,863E 45k - J J - I- J J - I- J -I - J J -I_ L J -I- J R 71�_o14 401 , / — I I — I— I I — I- I -I - H I -I- 1 4 -I- I �r �I_ 4 _f- 351 , — + + — I— + + — I— + —I — + + -1— + + —I— + -1 - 1 -0=49!11111tIY 301 — fib — I * r r l _ r" 7 251 i 20; 151 , % — 11 1 10 I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I -'_ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 11 Summary for Subcatchment 8S: PR-CULV-US Runoff = 373.95 cfs @ 13.20 hrs, Volume= 89.501 af, Depth= 5.57" Routed to Link 1 L : PR-COMB Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Area (ac) CN Description * 192.960 82 192.960 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 106.1 7,013 0.0178 1.10 Lag/CN Method, Subcatchment 8S: PR-CULV-US Hydrograph 400-' 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ElRunoff 380;7 1 373.95 cis 1' I 1 i i i 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 360 T�rpel1l2 hr 320-' - II 1 I I I I I I I 1 _Li RI�"2n1_ 320_' ; _ L J - I_ J J - I_ J _I _ I_ 1 -I_ L I _ _ ���! 3001 , Ij - d_ J - I- _HJ - I- 1 -I - I_ _L -I- Rtinoff-Ar'e 19-Q960ac 2801 , - -I - I- -I - I- -I - I- 4 -I- J- -4 - - - - I- -_-1 - - - -1 2601 1- -I - I- T -I - I- T -I - r 4 1 Auflol Vole eFilv-- �1 _au :g2401 - + + - I- + H - I- + -I - I- H -1- + -1 -Rundff1Dep-th 5571•F b 2201 - 1- H - 1- fi H - I- fi -1 - I- rt -1- 'T rt -1- fi -1 - 1- 1 — 1— fi —1 - 02001 - % r7 I- r - I- H I 1H I rH Flow Length-=7,913' 17- 180- - T T I- I I T I I- I T 4 I- T 4 n �I� 160; gyp A17 � 1401 , 1201 - 0 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I -17&106.11 -hi 100; 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 80� , I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 64 40 -/ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I 201/,;..'.(.. .. . . I��� 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 12 Summary for Subcatchment 9S: PR-CULV-DS Runoff = 66.93 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume= 6.420 af, Depth= 6.15" Routed to Link 1 L : PR-COMB Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Area (ac) CN Description * 12.530 87 12.530 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 28.5 1,662 0.0174 0.97 Lag/CN Method, Subcatchment 9S: PR-CULV-DS Hydrograph I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .f` 4 1 k -k I 1 4 I -k -1 I -k 1 H A I 1 I 4 -1- - ■Runoff 70;-/166.93 cfs L I 5" - % 1 I I 1 I I 6 Type 11124�-h r t -1- 1- -I - I- + -1 - 1 -r -I- 1- -1 - 1- t 4 00-Y}R 1 Ry i'f'-00 0-916 - 55_ - L _1 _ 1_ i _1 _ L _L _1_ L _1 _ 1_ 1Riiloff Ar :tg5L0ad - � T 45 Runoff-Vo lume=6.420- - t 40 I u_no ! Dep-t11h -6111 5 - O n LL 35� F_Io ILda a,b62 30 -' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I1,,�`I '�1� I��I1 I I 25- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 StopeFO 74- /" k / 1- -I - I- + -1 - H -F -1- * -1 - I- + -1 - H -i -1- 20� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _1 1 1 1' 41 S M 15� % 1 1 1 1 1 1 CN �7 104-/ / - r -I -1- fi -1 - 1- rt -1- r - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type 1124-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 15 Summary for Pond 7P: Pond #1 (Wetpond) Inflow Area = 22.200 ac, 51.44% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 6.03" for 100-YR event Inflow = 229.45 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 11.158 af Outflow = 44.44 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 11.033 af, Atten= 81%, Lag= 9.0 min Primary = 36.74 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 10.883 of Routed to Link IL : PR-COMB Secondary= 7.70 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 0.150 of Routed to Link 1 L : PR-COMB Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 627.24'@ 12.11 hrs Surf.Area= 64,860 sf Storage= 269,444 cf Plug-Flow detention time=2,217.8 min calculated for 11.032 af(99% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time=2,211.1 min ( 2,996.0 - 784.9 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 622.50' 319,560 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 622.50 45,693 0 0 623.00 50,976 24,167 24,167 624.00 54,134 52,555 76,722 625.00 57,401 55,768 132,490 626.00 60,612 59,007 191,496 627.00 64,029 62,321 253,817 628.00 67,457 65,743 319,560 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 617.00' 24.0" Round Culvert L= 136.4' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 617.00'/616.00' S= 0.0073 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.010, Flow Area= 3.14 sf #2 Device 1 622.50' 3.0" Vert. Water Quality Orifice C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #3 Device 1 626.00' 4.0' long x 1.50' rise Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir X 2.00 0 End Contraction(s) #4 Secondary 627.00' 45.0 deg x 20.0' long x 0.50' rise Emergency Spillway Cv= 2.56 (C= 3.20) Primary OutFlow Max=36.73 cfs @ 12.11 hrs HW=627.24' (Free Discharge) L1=Culvert (Passes 36.73 cfs of 45.99 cfs potential flow) t2=Water Quality Orifice (Orifice Controls 0.51 cfs @ 10.35 fps) 3=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir(Weir Controls 36.22 cfs @ 3.64 fps) Secondary OutFlow Max=7.66 cfs @ 12.11 hrs HW=627.24' (Free Discharge) t 4=Emergency Spillway(Weir Controls 7.66 cfs @ 1.57 fps) Courtyards at the Greenway Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 16 Pond 7P: Pond #1 (Wetpond) Hydrograph I I I I II II II II I t rt I I t —I t I I t 1 I t I I— ■Inflow 229.45 cfs •Outflow 1 J 1 pa_ I_ p Primary z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 ow r�ea— t oI aY ❑Secondary ary 240� PeaK EIeV' =627.24' - J —1 — 1— L 1 J —1 — 1— L 1 J —1 — 1— Storage-269y444_cf 200=:' / I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 - z / 1801V / / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i _ 1601 / / — I— 7 T 7 -1 - 1- r T -I - I- T -I— I— r T —I —I— / / H I 1 H 1 1 I_ L _ J 1 1 H _ 1 I _I I 1_ 140- c 1203/ / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LL - / 1001 / 1 717 T rt 1 717 17 T 71 71 7 17 T 717 17 T 717 1— 1 80- 44.44 cfs 1 II II 1 1 1 1 II II II II II 1 601 136.74 cfs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 207 7 70 cfs - Ar-/ 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type 1124-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 13 Summary for Pond 2P: Pond #2 (Wetpond) [93] Warning: Storage range exceeded by 1.00' [95] Warning: Outlet Device #3 rise exceeded [95] Warning: Outlet Device #4 rise exceeded [95] Warning: Outlet Device #5 rise exceeded Inflow Area = 11.100 ac, 53.96% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 6.15" for 100-YR event Inflow = 116.11 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 5.687 af Outflow = 105.21 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume= 5.373 af, Atten= 9%, Lag= 2.2 min Primary = 24.72 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume= 4.382 af Routed to Link 1 L : PR-COMB Secondary= 80.49 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume= 0.991 af Routed to Link 1 L : PR-COMB Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 631.00'@ 11.99 hrs Surf.Area= 22,065 sf Storage= 95,852 cf Plug-Flow detention time=450.8 min calculated for 5.373 af(94% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time=419.4 min ( 1,201.5 - 782.0 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 624.50' 95,852 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 624.50 11,483 0 0 625.00 14,211 6,424 6,424 626.00 15,215 14,713 21,137 627.00 17,285 16,250 37,387 628.00 18,524 17,905 55,291 629.00 20,266 19,395 74,686 630.00 22,065 21,166 95,852 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 621.72' 18.0" Round Culvert L= 120.0' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 621.72'/621.00' S= 0.0060 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.010, Flow Area= 1.77 sf #2 Device 1 625.50' 3.0" Vert. Water Quality Orifice C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #3 Device 1 628.00' 4.0' long x 1.50' rise Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir X 2.00 2 End Contraction(s) #4 Secondary 629.00' 45.0 deg x 25.0' long x 0.50' rise Emergency Spillway Cv= 2.56 (C= 3.20) #5 Device 1 628.50' 4.0' long x 1.00' rise Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir X 2.00 2 End Contraction(s) Courtyards at the Greenway Type II 24-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 14 Primary OutFlow Max=24.53 cfs @ 11.99 hrs HW=630.87' (Free Discharge) —1=Culvert (Barrel Controls 24.53 cfs @ 13.88 fps) —2=Water Quality Orifice (Passes < 0.54 cfs potential flow) —3=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir(Passes < 78.88 cfs potential flow) —5=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir(Passes < 50.84 cfs potential flow) Secondary OutFlow Max=76.85 cfs @ 11.99 hrs HW=630.87' (Free Discharge) L4=Emergency Spillway (Orifice Controls 76.85 cfs @ 6.10 fps) Pond 2P: Pond #2 (Wetpond) Hydrograph I I I I I T I T T I T T - - —I — I— I— - H —I — I— I— T —I —I — I— I— —4 —I — I— H- T — — — I— ❑Inflow i�s.n cfs Outflow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,I,z 1 1 1 ❑primary 130_ / / �I �r = t 101 a ❑Secondary 120� 1105.21 cfs Peak EIeV1 =631.00' + —1 — 1— + + 4 —I — I— H + H —1 — 1— + + + —1 — 1— + + H —1 — I- 100: / / ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storage=95�,852 Clf 90-' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I80.49cfs I + —I — 1— + + + —I — I— I— + —I —I — 1— + + —I —I — I— + + —I —I — 1- 80- , = / / j J —1 - 1— L 1 J _I _ 1_ L 1 J _I _ I_ L 1 J _I _ 1_ L 1 J _I _ _ .13 70� j 0 60� / '% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 50� ,i 1 —1 — I— I— t 1 —I - 1— r t 1 —1 - 1— I— t 1 —1 - 1— 1- t 1 —1 — I- z % �/ J —1 — I— L 1 _t _I _ 1_ L 1 J _1 _ I_ L 1 J _I _ 1_ L 1 J _1 _ _ 40� 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 cfs l 303' V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 203/ / 10- 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type 1124-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 17 Summary for Link 1 L: PR-COMB Inflow Area = 238.790 ac, 7.29% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 5.64" for 100-YR event Inflow = 402.86 cfs @ 13.09 hrs, Volume= 112.326 af Primary = 402.86 cfs @ 13.09 hrs, Volume= 112.326 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Link 1 L: PR-COMB Hydrograph II1IIL1ILHI11 I 1 1 4 I - I- H -I - I L H -I- L H -I- H 4 -I H 4 -I - I + I- H H - ■Inflow 440-' i I aoz.as its�I — I— t —I — I— fir -I- fir -I- r rt - - r rrt -I - I- t -I - I- t if - _U Primary 420,-1402.86 cfs% —I T I T T T T TImfloW Area-2-38.79Orac 40047 1111111111111111111111 380-' i 360 i 1 I H I I L H I L H I L H I H H I I T 1 I H H 340 i v 1 I- + I - I- -I- L H -I- H 4 1 - H 4 -I - 1 + 1 - I- + H - 320 / r -1- Tr -1- Trt - - rrt - - - T -1 — I— T � - 300 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 280 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 _' / 17; 260=' i 240 i 1 1 H I I_ TH I LH I_ HH 1 - I- H -I - 1 T 1 - I- HH - 3 2204K z 1 I- + 1 I- H I L H -I- I- -+ -I - H 1 1 + 1 I- H LL 200; iIst; T -I - I- TT -I- TT -I- T7 - I- T -I - I- T -I - TT - 180-160100� ± -1 = 1- ± H -I- TH =1= 1- -h =1 = 1- ± =1 = 1 + 1 - I- -T1 - 1- TT1TT1T7TT1T TT - 1TT - 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100' 110' 120' 130 140' 150 160' 170' 180' 190' 200 210 220' 230' 240 250 Time (hours) Courtyards at the Greenway Type 1124-hr 100-YR Rainfall=7.69" Prepared by Timmons Group Printed 12/18/2023 HydroCAD® 10.10-7a s/n 08663 ©2021 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 18 Summary for Link 6L: EX-COMB Inflow Area = 235.320 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 5.41" for 100-YR event Inflow = 427.38 cfs @ 13.05 hrs, Volume= 106.091 af Primary = 427.38 cfs @ 13.05 hrs, Volume= 106.091 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.00-250.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Link 6L: EX-COMB Hydrograph I I I I I I 1 L I I L I I L L I L L I L I L L I I L I I L J ■Inflow 4603' /1427.38 ds LI — I— + —I — I— H —I —I— T H —I— 1— 7 —I — H w4 —I — I— + —I — I— T —I — ■Primary 44041 427.38 cfs — 1— L L H I L H —I— r I Ili f�L9il1�Area-ea-�5.32Orac 420 380 i I I L 1 1 L H I L H I 17 1 H H I I T I I L H 360� i —I — I— t —I — I— tt —I— fit —I— r7 —I — rt —I — I— t —I — I— t — 340-f i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 320 ' z 300-V 11 L I I_ LL 1 LL 1 L7 I LL 1 I LL 1 LA 280 ;� I I— L I — I L H —I— L H —I— H 4 1 — r 4 —I — I + I — I— L H - - 26(W — — — t — — - -r — - t — - rrt — - rrt — — — t — - I— t —I — z i — — 1— L —1 — I— L H —1— L _I _I_ L 4 _I — L 4 —1 — I_ _L _ I— L H — 1801I — I— t —I — 1— t t —I— t t —I— t 7 —1 — H t —I — 1— t —1 — I— t H — 1605 7 - 1- T I — I— T T —I— T T —I— T 7 —1 — 7 7 —I — T —I — I— T — 1004Ir z I L 1 L 1 H 4 I r I + 1 L H 80° ' I -r L 1 r 1 r rt r rt 1 I 1 L 401/ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Time (hours) APPENDIX B HYDRAULICS Flood Study Map HEC-RAS Cross Sections— Existing Conditions HEC-RAS Cross Sections— Post-Project HEC-RAS Output Table — Existing Conditions HEC-RAS Output Table — Post-Project FLOOD STUDY MAPS • ,- _,, 4/ ‘,‘ , ,„ r, oilii/ /, , . ,' , / , , it �� / . �1 1 I I I e v � vv �� I \` vvvv. 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VERTICAL NAVD88 ZU = O „e1503 624.87 628.69 3.82 v 1 _ r- v / /� / 1 ��r / / / ,/ , /// 'Y 2.TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED FROM TIMMONS GROUP AND SUPPLEMENTED WITH ZJE1430 624.46 628.68 4.22 ��` v / �F / �' ' I I 1 1 �1 / li \ / / / , / NC FLOODMAPS LIDAR. m 1367 623.99 628.67 4.66 1 / // / // / �' / / I / / / / / / / / / / V a 8 1299 623.72 628.65 4.93 U / \ I / / / / , y I / 1 I 1 7 / / / // i�.j // o" J 7 Z O "3 1228 Poppy Way-84"CAMP r,.fi'I l l J / / I1 / , • m 11 c 1161 622.66 622.62 -0.04 � V - -\ // / / 1 2-- I / // ��®/,,� / / /lam '/ I ,/I / ,/ l l -, r' -z LEGEND m 1069 622.33 622.25 -0.08 1 `O�� / / A ' / / / / / / ' / �, m / {{ \ / /t� / l /�' ' ' / I / / I /i _ )/ EXISTING MAJOR CONTOURS m 975 621.94 �• ,�, / / / I / 6'1 I /I ' / / /// -i// / �, d EXISTING MINOR CONTOURS e o 881 621.35 621.29 �. - ''�/ 1 // /,/ / / / I I / /3 /\ 2 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR __ Vt \ / / T �- / / o __ PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR E. 3 813 620.93 620.87 �• / 1 I ,II l/// /////,y - I/ // / k j ' / j ¢g�47 t / rItaz r / ETING 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN 32 / / , / 5 2674 \ E+ 5t / _-_ _ / E D .i __6 .97 -009 1 V. a 221 617.43 617.34 -0.09 �� // 6t6 i V �/ l I 1 1/ l / / / Roy�Wj m n Y JJJ / ) / X JOB NOji ,/ASSOCMDCWINC l l i as vvI (� / SCALE 1.=60�(I/ : J I / / \ i '�~ \ I / /I \ \ I lL : 0 60' 120' 8 m r HEC-RAS CROSS SECTIONS - EXISTING CONDITIONS CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1663 .1 .1 D 645 4 4 Legend _ 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 640- Crit 100-YR • Ground • Bank Sta 635- c o - m m w 630- 625- 620 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1582 .1 H . < .1 H 645 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 640- Ground • Bank Sta 635- c o - m - m w 630- 625- 620 0 100 200 300 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1503 .1 a < —.1 640 4 0 Legend 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR Ground 635- • Bank Sta F m 630- a) w 625- 620 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1430 .1 D < .1 640 4 0 Legend 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 635- Ground • Bank Sta 630- c o - w 625- 620- 615 I 0 100 200 300 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1367 < .1 4. H .1 636 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 634 WS 100-YR t 632 Ground • Bank Sta 630- 628- c 0 w 626- 624- 622- 620- 618 0 100 200 300 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1299 < .1 )0. K .1 634 4 Legend EG 100-YR 632 WS 100-YR t Ground 630- \00.•\05 • Bank Sta 628- c m 626- > m w 624- 622- 620- 711 618 1 1 , 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1161 < —.1 . < .1 632 0 4 Legend 5 ill I\ EG 100-YR 630- WS 100-YR t Ground • Bank Sta 628- F 626- c 0 m d w 624- iderse-- 622- ■620-- 618 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1069 < .1 >1 . E .1 > 632 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 630- WS 100-YR t Ground • Bank Sta 628- F 626- c o - o m w 624- 622- 620- ifall"..111"1"-"IliP.1111.1.111°.°1111.1111° 618 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=975 .1 H . < .1 632 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 630- WS 100-YR - t Ground • Bank Sta 628- F 626- c o - m m w ::: - 620- 618 0 100 200 300 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=881 .1 ➢<.045D< .1 634- Legend EG 100-YR 632- WS 100-YR _ t Ground 630- • Bank Sta 628- c 626- o 624- 622- 620- 618 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=813 < .1 -<.045> .1 632 Legend EG 100-YR 630- WS 100-YR _ t Ground 628- • Bank Sta 626- c • 624- w 622- 620- 618- 616 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=721 .1 D < .1 628 4 0 Legend 5 626- EG 100-YR WS 100-YR Ground • Bank Sta 624- m 622- w 620- 618- /7 616 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=626 —.1 ➢<.045➢< .1 628 Legend EG 100-YR 626- WS 100-YR Crit 100-YR Ground 624- • Bank Sta F 622- c o - a w 620- 618- 616- 614 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=530 .1 . < .1 628 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 626- WS 100-YR _ t Ground • 624- Bank Sta 622- c 620- o 618- 616- 614- 612 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=431 .1 > Q .1 630 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 628- WS 100-YR _ t 626 Ground • Bank Sta 624- g 622- c 0 w 620- 618- 616- 614- 612 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=372 .1 ><.045 .1 630- Legend EG 100-YR 628- WS 100-YR _ t 626 Ground • Bank Sta 624- g 622- c 0 w 620- 618- 616- 614- 612 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=277 .1 H . H .1 630- 4 - 5 0 Legend EG 100-YR \rirei 628- WS 100-YR _ t 626 Ground • Bank Sta 624- g 622- c 0 w 620- 618- 616- 614- 612 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Existing Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Existing Conditions Flow: Existing Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=221 .1 > Q .1 628 4 0 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 626- WS 100-YR Crit 100-YR 624- Ground • 622 Bank Sta g 620- c w 618- 616- 614- 11.611>alaza"""..- 612- 610 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) HEC-RAS CROSS SECTIONS - POST-PROJECT CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1663 .1 ➢ .1 645 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR ■ WS 100-YR 640- Ground • Bank Sta 635- c o - m m w 630- 625- 620 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1582 .1 H . < .1 H 645 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR • WS 100-YR 640- Ground • Bank Sta 635- c o - m - m w 630- 625- 620 0 100 200 300 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1503 .1 a Q .1 645 4 0 Legend 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 640- Ground • Bank Sta 635- c o - 630- Nr...4646,41. 0. 625- 620 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1430 .1 640-< 1� 0 1� 0 • Legend 1 4 3 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 635- Crit 100-YR • Ground • Ineff • 630 Bank Sta c 0 m w 625- 620- 615 0 100 200 300 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=1367 .1 . < .1 640 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR • 635- Ground • Bank Sta 630- o > - a w 625- 620- 615 0 100 200 300 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=1299 .1 . < .1 640- 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR • WS 100-YR 635- Crit 100-YR ■ A A Ground • Ineff • Bank Sta 630- c o w 625- V,\\ 620- 615 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=1228 Culv .1 > . < .1 640 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 635- Crit 10▪0-YR ■ -------------- ♦ -- -__ Ground ♦ ♦ Ineff • Bank Sta ::: c 0 m w 620- 615 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=1161 .1 > < .1 640 4 0 Legend 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 635- Crit 100-YR ■ Ground • Ineff • 630 Bank Sta ♦ 0 > w 625- 620- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS= 1069 .1 .1 640 0 4 Legend 5 • EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 635- • Ground • Bank Sta 630- c 0 - m > m w 625- 620- 615 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=975 .1 H . < .1— 632 0 Le 4 5 EG 100-YRgend 630 WS 100-YR Ground • Ineff 628 • Bank Sta F 626 c 0 a m w 624 622 ---- 620 618 0 100 200 300 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=881 —.1 ><.045:-< .1 630- Legend EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 628- t Ground • Ineff • 626 Bank Sta m 624- m w 622- 620 618 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=813 .1 ><.045> .1— —)1 630 Legend EG 100-YR 628- WS 100-YR - t Ground • Ineff 626- • Bank Sta F 624- c o - m m w ::: � 618- 616 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=721 .1 > Q .1 632 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 630 WS 100-YR Ground • 628 Bank Sta 626 F m 624 622 620 618 616 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=626 .1 ➢<.045➢< .1— —d 632 Legend EG 100-YR 630- WS 100-YR Crit 100-YR 628- Ground • 626- Bank Sta 624- c 0 w 622- 620- 618- 616- 614 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=530 .1 . < .1 630- 0 Legend 4 5- EG 100-YR 628- WS 100-YR _ t 626 Ground • Bank Sta 624- g 622- c 0 w 620- 618- 616- 614- 612 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=431 .1 . < .1— 630 4 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 628- WS 100-YR _ t 626 Ground • Bank Sta 624- g 622- c w 620- 618- 616- 614- 612 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=372 —.1 ><.045 .1 630 Legend EG 100-YR 628- WS 100-YR _ t 626 Ground • Bank Sta 624- 622- c 0 w 620- 618- 616- 614- 612 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=277 .1 . Q .1 635 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR WS 100-YR 630 Ground • Bank Sta 625 F c 0 a m w 620 615- 610 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) CourtyardsGreenway Plan: Proposed Conditions 12/18/2023 Geom:Proposed Conditions Flow: Proposed Conditions River=River 1 Reach=Reach 1 RS=221 .1 > Q .1 628 0 4 Legend 5 EG 100-YR 626 WS 100-YR 624- Crit 100-YR • Ground • 622 Bank Sta g 620- c 0 > w 618- 616- 614- 612- 610 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) HEC-RAS OUTPUT TABLE - EXISTING CONDITIONS HEC-RAS Plan:EC River:River 1 Reach:Reach 1 Profile:100-YR Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S.Elev Crit W.S. E.G.Elev E.G.Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude#Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Reach 1 1663 100-YR 388.00 621.97 626.07 625.86 626.46 0.007461 5.86 148.20 152.14 0.57 Reach 1 1582 100-YR 388.00 621.78 625.52 625.84 0.007261 5.47 148.99 126.77 0.55 Reach 1 1503 100-YR 388.00 620.25 624.87 625.25 0.007576 5.80 136.44 106.85 0.53 Reach 1 1430 100-YR 388.00 619.41 624.46 624.77 0.005287 5.15 146.92 114.53 0.45 Reach 1 1367 100-YR 388.00 619.34 623.99 624.36 0.007796 5.90 144.85 123.45 0.56 Reach 1 1299 100-YR 388.00 618.84 623.72 623.91 0.004583 4.90 196.33 120.30 0.43 Reach 1 1161 100-YR 428.00 618.36 622.66 623.05 0.008168 6.24 154.19 122.34 0.58 Reach 1 1069 100-YR 428.00 618.25 622.33 622.45 0.004127 4.31 264.05 181.29 0.41 Reach 1 975 100-YR 428.00 618.16 621.94 622.05 0.004354 4.10 261.69 184.25 0.44 Reach 1 881 100-YR 428.00 618.85 621.35 621.49 0.008551 4.21 205.02 164.66 0.58 Reach 1 813 100-YR 428.00 617.81 620.93 621.05 0.004950 3.84 228.11 146.13 0.46 Reach 1 721 100-YR 428.00 616.11 620.47 620.60 0.004645 4.27 244.93 168.60 0.44 Reach 1 626 100-YR 428.00 615.30 619.32 619.32 619.80 0.017559 6.67 129.04 136.17 0.83 Reach 1 530 100-YR 428.00 613.56 618.74 618.93 0.004676 4.82 219.48 143.40 0.45 Reach 1 431 100-YR 428.00 612.75 618.17 618.44 0.004984 5.35 184.57 112.43 0.44 Reach 1 372 100-YR 428.00 613.47 618.06 618.19 0.002661 3.94 249.43 143.65 0.36 Reach 1 277 100-YR 428.00 612.09 617.66 617.88 0.003829 4.96 218.66 138.37 0.40 Reach 1 221 100-YR 428.00 611.97 617.43 616.72 617.65 0.004585 5.09 207.28 125.44 0.41 HEC-RAS OUTPUT TABLE - POST-PROJECT HEC-RAS Plan:PC River:River 1 Reach:Reach 1 Profile:100-YR Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S.Elev Crit W.S. E.G.Elev E.G.Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude#Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Reach 1 1663 100-YR 374.00 621.97 628.71 628.73 0.000223 1.49 676.26 248.64 0.11 Reach 1 1582 100-YR 374.00 621.78 628.70 628.71 0.000168 1.33 716.37 230.86 0.09 Reach 1 1503 100-YR 374.00 620.25 628.69 628.70 0.000143 1.28 736.50 211.88 0.08 Reach 1 1430 100-YR 374.00 619.41 628.68 623.71 628.69 0.000090 1.08 811.27 200.91 0.07 Reach 1 1367 100-YR 374.00 619.34 628.67 628.68 0.000093 1.15 781.97 173.70 0.07 Reach 1 1299 100-YR 374.00 618.84 628.65 622.89 628.67 0.000181 1.66 411.58 168.71 0.10 Reach 1 1228 Culvert Reach 1 1161 100-YR 403.00 618.36 622.62 622.25 623.02 0.008239 6.22 125.64 91.10 0.58 Reach 1 1069 100-YR 403.00 618.25 622.25 622.37 0.003988 4.17 247.32 161.30 0.40 Reach 1 975 100-YR 403.00 618.16 621.88 621.98 0.004206 3.97 245.90 177.65 0.43 Reach 1 881 100-YR 403.00 618.85 621.29 621.42 0.008764 4.15 195.00 210.12 0.58 Reach 1 813 100-YR 403.00 617.81 620.87 620.98 0.004930 3.75 218.86 155.04 0.46 Reach 1 721 100-YR 403.00 616.11 620.41 620.54 0.004590 4.19 234.72 166.32 0.44 Reach 1 626 100-YR 403.00 615.30 619.28 619.28 619.75 0.017300 6.53 123.31 135.04 0.82 Reach 1 530 100-YR 403.00 613.56 618.65 618.84 0.004778 4.79 206.76 140.76 0.45 Reach 1 431 100-YR 403.00 612.75 618.09 618.35 0.004931 5.26 175.07 109.69 0.43 Reach 1 372 100-YR 403.00 613.47 617.97 618.11 0.002653 3.87 237.27 141.28 0.36 Reach 1 277 100-YR 403.00 612.09 617.57 617.80 0.003836 4.90 206.58 135.85 0.40 Reach 1 221 100-YR 403.00 611.97 617.34 616.66 617.56 0.004589 5.03 196.31 123.12 0.41 SCOUR CALCULATIONS ESTIMATING SCOUR AT CULVERT OUTLETS-SEE FHWA HEC 14,CHAPTER 5 FHWA CRITERIA MODIFIED BY SHA,JANUARY 25,2005 B f 4340.0 reopen cel opere na SOIL TEST BORING B-30 Y L E Chorine 06 2620e ELEVATON. 51 _ nal mawn Wale w.0 - CRY .x.w nR.u.c-PRY PNOXICT,.NW Cot**n o.....,.x W.a.oma..w cme....w raven aou7a. r.s11a,Kb CON.MICR NM. u,.c«cW.w'NC am. ONECNEDDV: OM IMAM INNU.INe �. xy pp _• aTaeo.e0 fNTTwTw S wrolw nxacrsre• P>a 11 Ai• Y1 a 9 '1 e 9 o , 4 AsWr.v�r St Lan stn.,fee___ ;sibm w h r. CON b•op, e. - ,W - .apF how Robbie 10Ie....r,...,Ob.7.F. .F a MO L M i } b ' _ O T .0 Wpneccim 1. M- - j{ -hag.ea.and•n.o,. •LOW Me+•MWN.e. pent ..M.we...n.•n+. Culvert Diameter 7 ft x_env den et _ _ -.ten _ J tr DS Velocity 13.15 ft/s -_- _ - _ - - - --- Y-- - Soil type ML Silt 'twin en." }h - at t Platicity Index(PI) 5 1 '-.du... r_ tenon end wen WY_- Shear Strength(Sy) 500 Ibs/ft"2 t--a ari .`..,_- - rL.�--c ,` - Slope 0.3% 0 -in - - tin a.a..r.r e.tn.MM 0 10 20 30 40 50 40 A 02 ea ,00 1) Compute critical tractive shear strength r.a 0.001(S.•u„)tan(30•1 73 P11 0.95268733 2) Compute the modified shear number,Snm,at the peak discharge and height above bed ratio,Hd,for slopes>0% x 352.1298537 3) Determine scour coefficients from Table 5.4 and coefficients for culvert drop height,Ch,from Table 5.2 and slope from Table 5.1 Table 8.2.CodMd.nt C,.for Outlets above the Bed Ha' Depth Width Length Volume 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.22 1.51 0.79 1.28 2 1.26 1.54 0.73 1.47 4 1.34 1.66 0.73 1.55 'H.is the height above bad in pipe diameters Table 5.3.Coefficient C.for Culvert Slope Slope% Depth W10111 Length Vokmre 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 1.03 1.28 1.17 1.90 5 1.08 1.28 1.17 1.30 >7 1.12 1 28 1 17 1 30 Table 5.4.Coefficients for Culvert Outlet Scour In Cohesive Soils u I, a o. Depth.ha 0 86 0 18 0 10 1 37 Width.Wv 3.55 0.17 007 563 Length.Ls 2 82 0.33 0 09 4 4(3 Vdume,V, 0.62 0.93 023 248 Ch 1 Cs 1 4) Compute the scour hole dimensions using Equation 5.2 for circular culverts: h, W, L, V. _C'CF(4 pV' a t [0. 0 Lc; 12. )(316 SCOUR HOLE DIMENSIONS Height hs(ft) 13.7 Width Ws(ft) 57.1 Length Ls(ft) 110.6 RIPRAP CULVERT OUTLET BASIN -SEE FHWA HEC 14, CHAPTER 11 FHWA CRITERIA MODIFIED BY SHA, JANUARY 25, 2005 Directions for user: Fill in the appropriate values for the cells with a yellow background. The spreadsheet will then calculate the recommended dimensions for the riprap basin at the culvert outlet. Refer to the Figures Spreadsheet for Definition of Values TABLE 1 -INPUT DATA CULVERT CULVERT Voutlet OUTLET TAILWATEF CULVERT OUTLET --- HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH Y2 DEPRESSIOI FROUDE# TW/Ye --- H W Ye Hd Fr RATIO see note 1 see note2 see note3 see note 4 ft ft fps ft ft ft. 7 7 13.15 0.98 0.77 NOTES 1 V=Q/A where A is the wetted area at brink of culvert 2 box culverts: Ye=culvert outlet(brink)depth non rectangles: Ye= (A/2)^0.5 where A is the wetted area at brink of culvert 3 For best results,TW/Ye< 0.75 4 Hd =culvert depression below streambed TABLE 2 COMPUTATION OF BASIN LENGTH AND WIDTH RIPRAP D50(FT.) D50/Ye Hs/Ye Hs LENGTH LENGTH GOVERNING BASIN (Hs+Hd)/D50 SEE NOTE 1 SCOUR METHOD 1 METHOD 2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH L=10Hs L=3W L WB SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 4 CLASS 1 0.79 0.14 1.32 7.43 74.3 21.00 74.3 77.8 10.68 CLASS 2 1.33 0.24 0.63 3.54 35.4 21.00 35.4 51.8 3.41 CLASS 3 1.92 0.34 0.25 1.38 13.8 21.00 21.0 42.2 1.24 NOTE 1 SCOUR DEPTH TO BRINK DEPTH RATIO NOTE 4 Hs/Ye= Fr*(1/(D50/Ye))^0.54-1.5 BEST RESULTS WITH ENERGY DISSIPATION ARE ACHIEVED WITH A PRE-FORMED SCOUR NOTE 2 CULVERT WIDTH (W) HOLE HAVING A DEPTH (Hs+Hd)EQUAL TO A DETERMINE W AS FOLLOWS: VALUE OF TWO OR MORE TIMES THE D50 SINGLE CULVERTS RIPRAP SIZE((Hs+Hd)/D50=>2) BOX CULVERTS: W = BOX WIDTH ROUND/OVAL PIPES: W = DIAMETER OR HORIZONTAL DIMENSION MULTIPLE CULVERTS:W=W of SINGLE CULVERT NOTE 3 BASIN WIDTH (WB)CALCULATIONS BASIN WIDTH =WB =N*W+(N-1)*S+2*(L/3+2*Y2+2*FB) FILL IN VALUES OF W, N AND S BELOW WHERE W = CULVERT WIDTH OF SINGLE CULVERT W = 7 N = NUMBER OF BARRELS N = 1 S=SPACING BETWEEN CULVERTS S= 0 L= BASIN LENGTH FB= 1.00 Hs= SCOUR DEPTH FB= BASIN FREEBOARD o_ , / V. Wir IIIIn i a re kv,:___.. m c _,„.. _sp, 4 3 III s m o l' s co ill m wcc o - Lss's cc NJ N U CC W p cc m g rn W o mo H L, L.,1 P 1. re u W O I , ! IP ti O i OQ� 0, h� Le ~ m os 0 0) >o> unm 1 = v