HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240205_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240307 REPORT OF LIMITED SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION COURTYARDS ON THE GREENWAY STALLINGS, UNION COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Epcon Communities B § 25 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4340-G Taggart Creek Road Charlotte, NC 28208 BOYLE Project No. 23-006 October 19, 2023 1 BoTi 25 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE 4340 Taggart Creek Road Suite G Charlotte, NC 28208 Tel: 704-676-0778 Fax: 704-676-0596 www.boyleconsulting.com N.C. License No. P-0109 October 19, 2023 VIA EMAIL: Mr. Andy Gibbon, P.E. Land Development Director Epcon Communities 11020 David Taylor Drive, Suite 105 Charlotte, NC 28262 Subject: Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation Courtyards on the Greenway Stallings, Union County, North Carolina BOYLE Project No. 23-006 Dear Mr. Gibbon: As authorized by acceptance of our Proposal No. 23-006 dated September 21, 2023, Boyle Consulting Engineers, PLLC (BOYLE) has performed a Limited Subsurface Investigation for the subject project in Stallings, Union County, North Carolina. This report describes the work performed, presents the data obtained, and provides our recommendations relative to site preparation and building foundations. This report is intended for the use of Mr. Andy Gibbon, Land Development Director, Epcon Communities. The contents of this report should not be relied upon by any other entity without the express written consent of BOYLE. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our professional services on this project. Please contact us should you have any questions pertaining to this report. Sincerely, BOYLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLLC Ess ,"9„r-fri,/ 041192 David Harris, P.E. Charles G. Boyle, P.E. Senior Engineer o fava,N ?�'e Principal •" s. • Registered NC 041192 T,,, Registered NC 019681 '•,,,,,$;,,,,, 70-79-2023 Attachments Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT OVERVIEW 1 PROJECT INFORMATION 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 PURPOSE OF EXPLORATION 1 FIELD EXPLORATION AND MAP RECORDS SEARCH 2 SOIL TEST BORINGS 2 MAP RECORDS SEARCH 3 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 3 LABORATORY EXAMINATION 3 SITE GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3 SITE GEOLOGY 3 SOIL SURVEY 4 SOIL CHARACTERISTICS 5 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8 SITE DEVELOPMENT PRECAUTIONS 8 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 9 CONSTRUCTION GROUNDWATER CONTROL 10 FOUNDATION DESIGN 10 SHALLOW FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION 11 ENGINEERED FILL 12 CUT AND FILL SLOPES 12 GRADE SLAB RECOMMENDATIONS 13 SOIL PERMEABILITY 13 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 13 POSITIVE SITE DRAINAGE 14 STANDARD OF CARE 14 APPENDICES Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 PROJECT OVERVIEW PROJECT INFORMATION We understand that Epcon Communities is planning to develop a 49-acre site located off Lawyers Road in Stallings, Union County, North Carolina. The approximate site location is identified in the attached Boring Location Plan (Figure 1). Up to 104 courtyard-style single family homes will be constructed along with a clubhouse, roadways, associated utilities, and two stormwater detention ponds. The site is heavily wooded with trails. No grading plan has been furnished. As part of a potential property transaction and subsequent development, Mr. Andy Gibbon, Epcon Companies, has requested that BOYLE perform a geotechnical exploration. We understand that the primary purpose of geotechnical exploration is to explore the existing subsurface conditions to provide recommendations regarding grading concerns and foundation design and construction for the project. The above information is based on information provided by Mr. Gibbon. SCOPE OF WORK The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on the results of a site reconnaissance, 48 soil test borings, visual examination of representative soil samples, and an engineering analysis of the results with respect to the outlined project information. PURPOSE OF EXPLORATION The purpose of this limited subsurface investigation was to explore the soil conditions at the site and to develop geotechnical engineering recommendations to guide in the design and construction of the proposed townhomes. We accomplished these objectives by the following: 1. drilling soil test borings to explore the subsurface soil conditions and collect samples for laboratory examination, testing, and classification, 2. measuring groundwater depths, if encountered, during and after the borings are completed to document the site groundwater conditions, Page 1 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 3. performing an engineering/geological site reconnaissance to observe the site conditions and detect issues that may not have been detected by the borings, observed by the engineering technicians, or indicated by published information, 4. performing a map records search of readily available geologic, topographic and soils information, 5. performing visual/manual examination of soil samples from the borings to evaluate pertinent engineering properties, and 6. analyzing the field data to develop appropriate engineering recommendations and estimate soil parameters for use by your civil and/or structural engineering team. FIELD EXPLORATION AND MAP RECORDS SEARCH Details of the procedures used for the field exploration are presented in Appendix D of this report. Site specific details regarding these procedures follow. SOIL TEST BORINGS As proposed, BOYLE advanced 48 soil test borings at the approximate site locations shown on the attached "Soil Test Boring Plan" (Appendix A). One boring (B-7) was eliminated from the plan due to potential impacts on a septic field. The boring locations were selected by Andrew Allison, Engineering Project Manager at Timmons Group, and approved by Mr. Gibbon. The proposed boring locations were established in the field by CG2 personnel. The boring locations shown on the "Soil Test Boring Plan" should be considered approximate. Representative portions of the soil samples obtained were classified by an experienced geotechnical engineer in our laboratory. The "Soil Test Boring Records" are included in Appendix B, showing the soil descriptions, penetration resistances, and other subgrade characteristics. The soil test borings generally were extended to a depth of 10 to 25 feet below the existing ground surface using a CME 550X ATV drill rig. Hollow-stem, continuous flight augers were used to advance the test borings into the ground. Standard Penetration Tests were performed at designated intervals in the soil test borings in general accordance with ASTM D-1586 to obtain data for estimating soil strength and consistency. In conjunction with the penetration testing, split-spoon soil samples were recovered for soil classification and potential laboratory testing. Water level measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling. Page 2 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 MAP RECORDS SEARCH The following map records were utilized to evaluate site groundwater and soil conditions: • Midland, North Carolina 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle, dated 2022, published by the USGS; and • On-Line Soil Survey, Union County, North Carolina, data dated Oct. 5, 2023, published by the US Department of Agriculture. SITE RECONNAISSANCE Prior to our field exploration, boring locations were laid out and access cleared by CG2; a site reconnaissance was later performed by our Mr. David Harris, P.E. The project site is located on the south side of Lawyers Road and northwest of Hawthorne Drive in Stallings, NC. The site is 49-acres of undeveloped land located along the border between Mecklenburg and Union County. LABORATORY EXAMINATION Representative soil samples were selected and examined in our laboratory to check field classifications and to determine pertinent engineering properties. An experienced staff professional classified each soil sample based on texture and plasticity in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). A brief explanation of the USCS is included with this report. The soil engineer grouped the various soil types into the major strata noted on the "Soil Test Boring Records". The stratification lines designating the interfaces between earth materials on the "Soil Test Boring Records" are approximate; in situ, the transitions may be gradual. SITE GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SITE GEOLOGY The project site is in the generally rolling terrain of the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The bedrock underlying the site is reported to be metamorphosed granitic rock. This published information was confirmed by our observations of the soil samples of residual soil. Additional details of regional geology relative to the site area are presented in Appendix C. The Piedmont of NC generally consists of low, rounded hills and long rolling (northeast to southwest trending) ridges with incised creeks and river channels. Based on the geologic map, the site is in the Charlotte Belt geologic province. Page 3 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 In-place chemical and physical weathering of parent rocks typically form residual soils in this geologic region. In areas not altered by erosion, alluvial deposition or the activities of man, the typical residual soil profile consists of clay-rich unconsolidated materials, transitioning to sandy silts and silty sands that generally become increasingly consolidated with depth. The boundary between soil and rock typically is not sharply defined. The transitional zone is termed "partially weathered rock". Partially weathered rock is defined, for engineering purposes, as residual material with Standard Penetration Resistances (i.e. N-values) more than 100 blows per foot (bpf). Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints, and less resistant materials in the rock. Consequently, the profile of the partially weathered rock and hard rock is quite irregular and erratic, even over short horizontal distances. Also, it is common to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. SOIL SURVEY The soils in the Piedmont Physiographic Province typically consist of residuum (weathered in-place soils) derived from the underlying parent bedrock. According to the Union County Soil Surveys (http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx), the soils underlying the site consist mainly of BaB, Badin channery silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes; CmB, Cid channery silt loam, 1 to 5 percent slopes; ScA, Secrest-Cid complex, 0 to 3 percent ssllo)pes; and TaB, Tarrus gravelly silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes. • � - � :sue / / It . \ - ':.1 :- 4‘...s'-''''' .- i 4 ! r -_, t , • / , ,., 1 .:•*-\ ✓ --- Rig Page 4 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Detailed information for each boring location is shown on the "Soil Test Boring Records" included in Appendix B. The descriptions below provide a general summary of the subsurface conditions encountered. Surficial: Up to about 10 inches of topsoil/ root mat was encountered at each of the boring locations. Surficial Organic Soil is typically a dark-colored soil material containing roots, fibrous matter, and/or other organic components, and is generally unsuitable for engineering purposes. BOYLE has not performed any laboratory testing to determine the organic content or other horticultural properties of the observed surficial organic soils. Therefore, the phrase "surficial organic soil" is not intended to indicate suitability for landscaping and/or other purposes. The surficial organic soil depths provided in this report and on the individual "Boring Logs" are based on observations of field personnel and should be considered approximate. Please note that the transition from surficial organic soils to underlying materials may be gradual, and therefore the observation and measurement of the surficial organic soil depth is subjective. Actual surficial organic soil depths should be expected to vary and generally increases with the amount of vegetation which was present over the site. Alluvium: Water deposited (i.e. alluvial) soils were not encountered. Residuum: Residual soils were encountered at various depths at each boring location and extended to the boring termination depths. The residual soils generally consisted of stiff- to hard low plasticity silts and clay (ML, CL-ML). Blow counts (N-Values) in the residual soils ranged from 9 to 100 bpf. Unsuitable Soils: Unsuitable clays or silts were not encountered in the borings. Groundwater Conditions: Groundwater at time and after drilling was not encountered in the borings during this study. Groundwater was measured more than 24 hours after drilling to boring depths. Groundwater levels tend to fluctuate with seasonal and climatic variations, as well as with some types of construction operations. Page 5 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 Estimated Seasonal High-Water Table (ESHWT) During October 3-5, 2023, CG2 Exploration performed soil test borings in the proposed wet ponds and installed piezometers (PVC Casing) for measurement of ESHWT. The approximate boring locations (identified as B-31, B-32, B-33, and B-34) are shown on the attached Figure 1 - "Soil Test Boring Plan." Epcon Communities (Client) provided BOYLE a site plan and boring location map on September 14, 2023, that indicates the proposed wet pond locations. Timmons Group (Civil Designer for Epcon) provided elevations of the current ground elevations as well as those of the bottom of the proposed wet pond. According to this information, the bottom of the eastern wet pond will be 621 +/- ft-msl or approximately 11 feet below existing ground elevation at Boring B-34, and the bottom of the western, larger wet pond will be 619 +/- ft-msl or approximately 5 to 9 feet below existing ground elevations at Borings B-31 through B-33. The borings were located by CG2 Exploration using survey equipment. The Estimated Seasonal High-Water Table (ESHWT) indicators were not encountered within the depth excavated during this study. The ESHWT is defined as a change in the color of the soil layer due to water staining (typically, gray redoximorphic depletions and mottling). Spots or blotches of different color or shades of color interspersed with a dominant color in soil, commonly referred to as mottling. Mottling is a historic indication for the presence of ground water caused by intermittent periods of saturation and drying and may be indicative of poor aeration and impeded drainage. Mottling is a "general indication of historic groundwater" flow through a layer. BOYLE did not observe mottling in the soil stratum above the low permeable dense silty sands and partially weathered rock (PWR) stratum. If present, Perched water conditions differ from the "true" or "permanent" water table. A perched water table is water standing above an unsaturated zone and is often influenced by soil conditions, and occurrence of less permeable soils. Where the ESHWT is defined as the shallowest depth to a wet soil layer because of "true" or "permanent" groundwater at any time during the year. The BMP designer should take into consideration that perched water conditions may exist above the low permeable PWR stratum. The following table summarizes the boring sampled depths and existing ground elevations. Page 6 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 SUMMARY TABLE GW Boring ESHWT ESHWT Depth Test Depth Existing Ground Elev. Depth Elev. ATD Location (Feet) 1 (MSL) z (Feet) 1 (MSL) 2 (Feet) 1 B-31 15 628.26 +/- NE NE > 15 B-32 15 626.16 +/- NE NE > 15 B-33 15 624.30 +/- NE NE > 15 B-34 14 632.28 +/- NE NE > 14 1 Depths from existing ground surface. 2 Surveyed elevations were provided by Timmons Group design firm. NE - Not Encountered Partially Weathered Rock (PWR): Materials with blow counts in excess of 100 bpf were encountered in several borings, per the table below. Boring Range Boring Range Boring Range B-3 10-15 B-22 10-15 B-38 2.5-5, 10-15 B-4 10-15 B-24 7.5-10 B-40 5-7.5 B-5 7.5-15 B-25 2.5-7.5, B-41 1-5, 10-15 7.5-15 B-11 10-15 B-27 2.5-15 B-42 10-15 B-12 2.5-15 B-28 5-10 B-43 5-15 B-13 2.5-5 B-29 7.5-15 B-44 2.5-5 B-14 10-15 B-30 5-10 B-45 10-15 B-15 1-5, B-31 10-15 B-46 10-15 10-15 B-16 7.5-10 B-32 7.5-15 B-47 20-23.8 B-18 5-10 B-34 10-14 B-48 10-25 B-19 5-15 B-36 5-15 B-49 5-17 B-20 7.5-10 B-37 10-14 Page 7 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 The PWR typically was sampled as silts and sandy silts with blow counts between 50/0 inch and 50/5 inches. Since much of the PWR on the site was encountered at shallow depths, these areas could present hard soil conditions and may require heavy equipment such as the CAT 316 for excavation and removal of soils. The further nature and extent of these rock conditions was beyond the scope of this investigation. Once excavation requirements and utility inverts are known, plans should be reviewed for possible shallow rock conditions. Test Pits may be required to determine the extent and difficulty of removing potential rock soils/ rock. Auger Refusal: Auger refusal was encountered prior to the planned termination depth in boring B-30 and B-49 due to hard rock. Fill: Fill soils were not encountered in the borings. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SITE DEVELOPMENT PRECAUTIONS The following items are emphasized to help identify potential problems that may arise during the construction activities: Unsuitable Soils: Expansive silts and clays were not identified during this exploration. These types of unsuitable materials, if encountered, exhibit high shrink-swell potential when exposed to water. Generally, if plastic silty clay (CH) materials are located within 3 feet of final grades, they are not suitable for direct support of new fill or roadway construction without remediation. These materials may be placed in deep non-structural fills or used in landscaping berms. Rock: Hard rock was encountered at Borings B-30 and B-49 at 10 and 17 feet, respectively. Once grading requirements and utility inverts are known, plans should be reviewed for possible shallow rock conditions. Test Pits may be required to determine the extent and difficulty of removing potential rock soils/rock. Page 8 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 Fill Soils: The residual sandy and clayey silts (ML/ML-CL) encountered in most of the borings are suitable for reuse in engineering fills and direct support of new fill, structures, and roadway construction. Micaceous Soils: No micaceous soils were encountered. If encountered during construction, fine-grained soils that have varying amounts of mica are moisture sensitive and may present difficulties during proofrolling or may not be easily useable for engineered fill in the wetter seasons of the year. These soils will tend to "pump" or become unstable if placed at a moisture content exceeding optimum moisture. These fine-grained fill soils should be dried or watered as necessary to a moisture content sufficient to achieve stability and avoid "pumping" or "fluffing". Partially Weathered Rock (PWR): The shallow PWR encountered in several borings may require heavy equipment such as the CAT 316 for excavation and removal of soils. The further nature and extent of these PWR conditions was beyond the scope of this investigation. Once grading requirements and utility inverts are known, plans should be reviewed for possible shallow rock conditions. Test Pits may be required to determine the extent and difficulty of removing potential rock soils/rock. SUBGRADE PREPARATION Subgrade preparation should begin with demolition of any existing above and below ground structures and stripping of topsoil, rootmat, unsuitable materials, or any other deleterious materials from the building pads, pavement and other structural areas. After stripping and prior to placement of new fill in areas below design grade and after rough grading is completed in other areas, the subgrade should be proofrolled with a 25 to 35-ton, four- wheeled, rubber-tired roller or similar approved equipment. The proofroller should make at least four passes over each location, with the last two passes perpendicular to the first two. Areas which wave, rut, or deflect excessively and continue to do so after several passes of the proofroller should be undercut to firmer soils. The undercut areas should be backfilled in thin lifts with suitable compacted fill materials in accordance with the recommendations of this report. The proofrolling and undercutting operations should be monitored carefully by an experienced engineering technician working under the direct supervision of the geotechnical engineer. Page 9 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 CONSTRUCTION GROUNDWATER CONTROL Based on review of available topography information in relation to the series of intermittent drainage locations we anticipate long-term groundwater levels at the site will most likely be below the proposed excavation depths. We do not anticipate a need for groundwater control during grading or construction at the site. Localized perched water or stabilized groundwater may be present at the site depending on the time of year and/or recent rainfall activity which was not detected by our borings. Please refer to Appendix C for additional discussion regarding groundwater conditions and groundwater control techniques in the Piedmont region. BOYLE should be contacted for recommendations if groundwater is encountered during construction. FOUNDATION DESIGN Our evaluation and recommendations are based on the project information outlined previously, and on the data obtained from the field-testing program. If the structural loading, geometry, or proposed building locations are changed or significantly differ from those outlined, or if conditions are encountered during construction that differ from those encountered by the borings, BOYLE requests the opportunity to review our recommendations based on the new information and make the necessary changes. The footings for the proposed structures can be supported in the firm residual soils or by newly placed, compacted and tested engineered fill (at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density per ASTM D-698). For foundations bearing in residual materials, the maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf may be used for foundation design. For foundations bearing in engineered fill materials using onsite silts, or existing stiff fills onsite, the maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf may be used for foundation design. As mentioned before, any unsuitable soils, if encountered during construction, should be removed and replaced with suitable compacted and tested engineered fill. Footings should extend at least 14 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade for frost protection. Isolated column footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches and continuous formed footings should have a minimum width of 20 inches. Page 10 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 For a typical footing with a design bearing pressure of 3,000 psf, we anticipate maximum foundation settlement for the proposed homes to be less than 1 inch. Differential settlements between adjacent, similarly loaded columns typically are assumed to be on the order of one- half of the total settlement. These expected total and differential settlements are dependent upon proper proofrolling and surface preparation. SHALLOW FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION The base of all foundation excavations should be free of water and loose soil prior to placing concrete. Foundations should be inspected by qualified personnel working under the supervision of a geotechnical engineer. Where loose, soft, organic, or otherwise unsuitable materials are encountered in the foundation excavations, the suspect materials should be removed and replaced with suitable compacted fill prepared in accordance with the recommendations of this report. In general, the over-excavation is widened 8 inches on each side per foot of excavation that is below the foundation bearing elevation. The depth and width of over-excavation should be determined in consultation with the geotechnical engineer. Backfill materials should be suitable soil, prepared and compacted in accordance with the recommendations in the Engineered Fill section of this report. BELOW GRADE WALLS We recommend that any below grade walls be designed with regard to the lateral pressure exerted by the compacted fill. No triaxial shear testing was performed on samples of the on- site soils; therefore, the lateral earth pressure coefficients are based on a conservatively estimated angle of internal friction for compacted backfill using the on-site soils. We recommend lateral earth pressure coefficients of Ko=0.50 (at rest), KA=0.33 (active), and KP=3.00 (passive) with total unit weight of 125 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) based on the soils encountered within the upper 10 feet. A coefficient of 0.40 could be reasonably assumed for evaluating frictional resistance to sliding at the contact between the foundation bottom and the on-site soils. Page 11 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 Shallow groundwater was not encountered, but if there is concern for water to potentially collected behind the below grade walls, we recommend that a filtered vertical wall drain be installed. Pre-manufactured vertical wall drain systems (variety of which are commercially available) are acceptable. A filtered footing drain with a perforated pipe also should be installed at the bottom of the walls to collect and discharge water collected by the vertical wall drain if used. In backfilling against the wall, care should be taken to prevent the backfill from being over- compacted, as this could result in excessive lateral stresses against the wall. In the same regard, heavy equipment should not be used for the compaction of the fill or operated adjacent to the wall. ENGINEERED FILL Fill used for raising site grade or for replacement of material that is undercut should be engineered fill as defined in the glossary of this report (Appendix E). Most of the sandy silts and sands at the site appear suitable for re-use as engineered fill. Any micaceous soils encountered are moisture sensitive and may tend to "pump" or become unstable if placed at a moisture content exceeding optimum moisture (per ASTM D-698). Therefore, moisture conditioning is critical to obtaining stability. The fine-grained fill soils obtained at the site should be either dried or watered, as necessary, to a moisture content sufficient (per ASTM D-698) to achieve stability and avoid "pumping" or "fluffing". Materials identified for excavation and re-use should be qualified by evaluating unit weights and in- place densities. Engineered fill should be placed and compacted in lifts of 6 inches or less in loose thickness and compacted to at least 95 percent of the material's Standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-698). Fill should be placed at moisture contents between 2 percentage points below (dry) and 3 percentage points above (wet) the material's optimum moisture content (also based on ASTM D-698). Sufficient density tests should be performed on fill to help verify the adequacy of the compaction levels obtained. CUT AND FILL SLOPES Final project "fill" slopes should be designed to be 3 (H) to 1 (V) or flatter; "cut" slopes should Page 12 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 be designed to be 2 (H) to 1 (V) or flatter. The tops and bases of all slopes should be located a minimum of 10 feet from structural limits and a minimum of 5 feet from pavement/sidewalk limits. The fill slopes should be adequately compacted, as outlined herein, and all slopes (cut or fill) should be seeded and maintained after construction. GRADE SLAB RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that areas to provide support for grade slabs, engineered fill, and any pavements be carefully inspected for soft surficial soils and proofrolled as recommended previously in this report. Areas which wave, rut, or deflect excessively and continue to do so after several passes of the proofroller should be undercut to firmer soils. The undercut areas should be backfilled in thin lifts with suitable compacted fill materials. The proofrolling and undercutting operations should be monitored carefully by an experienced engineering technician working under the direct supervision of the geotechnical engineer. Based on the results of our exploration and our experience with the soils in the project vicinity, we recommend concrete slabs-on-grade be designed based on a modulus of subgrade reaction of 100 pounds per cubic inch (pci), following proper subgrade preparation as discussed previously in the Subgrade Preparation section of this report. SOIL PERMEABILITY No soil permeability testing was performed. PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS A design CBR value of about 10% for flexible pavement should be available for subgrade support. This value assumes that the pavement subgrade is prepared in accordance with the recommendations outlined in this report. Based on the provided project information, light and heavy-duty paved areas will be required for this project. We define "light-duty" areas as areas having mostly automobile traffic and no loaded trucks/step-up vans. We define "heavy-duty" areas as areas receiving a heavy concentration of automobiles and loaded trucks. Page 13 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 Our thickness analyses for flexible and rigid pavements were performed in general accordance with the "NCDOT Pavement Design Procedure — AASHTO 1993 Method" flexible pavement design methodology. Based on the above assumptions, we recommend the following pavement sections over the prepared subgrade. Pavement Sections Pavement Material Type Thickness (in.) Type Light-Duty Heavy Duty Flexible Surface Type S9.5B 3 3 Intermediate Type I19.0B -- 4 ABC Stone Base 8 8 Because severe flexible pavement distress is often experienced in the vicinity of trash dumpsters, turn and braking areas, we recommend the construction of concrete pads or drives at such locations to limit pavement distress. These recommendations should be reviewed with any local ordinances. POSITIVE SITE DRAINAGE Site grading should direct surface water away from excavations or completed foundations during construction and after site development is completed. Positive site drainage should be maintained along the perimeter of building and in pavement areas. Final grades should be established to direct runoff away from building foundations. Down spouts, gutters, and roof drains should discharge distant from building perimeters. STANDARD OF CARE Our evaluation of the subject site has been based on our current understanding of site conditions, project information provided to us, our observations, and data obtained from our exploration. If the project information is incorrect, or if project objectives are changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed. In addition, BOYLE should be provided with copies of grading/erosion control plans for review. The discovery of any site or subsurface condition during construction which deviate from data outlined in this report should be reported to us for our re-evaluation. The assessment of site environmental Page 14 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 conditions or the presence of pollutants in the soil, rock and groundwater of the site was beyond the scope of this exploration. If this report is unclear or presents conflicting recommendations, BOYLE should be notified promptly. The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the data collected at the points shown on the attached boring location plan. This report does not reflect specific variations that may occur between test locations. The borings were located where site conditions permitted and where it is believed representative conditions occur, but the full nature and extent of variations between borings and of subsurface conditions not encountered by any boring may not become evident until the course of construction. If significant variations become evident at any time before or during the course of construction, it will be necessary to make a re-evaluation of the conclusions and recommendations of this report and further exploration, observation, and/or testing may be required. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted standard soil and foundation engineering practices and makes no other warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the professional advice under the terms of our agreement and included in this report. The recommendations contained herein are made with the understanding that the contract documents between the owner and foundation or earthwork contractor or between the owner and the general contractor and the foundation, excavating and earthwork subcontractors, if any, shall require that the contractor certify that all work in connection with foundations, piles, caissons, compacted fills and other elements of the foundation or other support components are in place at the locations, with proper dimensions and plumb, as shown on the plans and specifications for the project. Further, it is understood the contract documents will specify that the contractor will, upon becoming aware of apparent or latent subsurface conditions differing from those disclosed by the limited subsurface investigation work, promptly notify the owner, both verbally to permit immediate verification of the change, and in writing, as to the nature and extent of the differing conditions and that no claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from those anticipated in the plans and specifications and disclosed by the soil studies will be allowed under the contract unless the contractor has so notified the owner both verbally and in writing, as required above, of such changed conditions. The owner will, in turn, promptly Page 15 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 notify this firm of the existence of such unanticipated conditions and will authorize such further investigation as may be required to evaluate properly these conditions. Further, it is understood that any specific recommendations made in this report as to on-site construction review by this firm will be authorized and funds and facilities for such review will be provided at the times recommended if we are to be held responsible for the design recommendations. Page 16 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 APPENDIX Appendices for Geotechnical Exploration Appendix A Soil Test Boring Plan Appendix B Soil Test Boring Records Unified Soil Classification Reference Notes for Boring Logs Appendix C Regional Geology, Soils and Groundwater Appendix D Procedures Regarding Field Logs Appendix E Definitions &Terminology Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 APPENDIX A SOIL TEST BORING PLAN "R4,..f.-......„_,..7 .__ ,r .. 90. , B"3 . !1 ;? ,. aro o'B 2 •� + � t Matthews KinderCar- r: ..--,,,..14 '''• '- ',-• , ,t„ •h'1 ` l 1k' .-• • -.1'Y7�i�` '- C / _,',idr y �5� ' i• / 664 ) le 40° , •',- , .+'+,+..:1*3.1;-i-t-4+..,, 0 • : •" .6 . B=1 O r' '!,+ / .'• . -. 7-if c4 e. ., ,5. 4f ?A . X;tt try ''d' f . " -, • .'',,/ +� \ i — '.� 0 jp/t/ .\ //......+ - • - -,, / ••A ''':'‘' oer. -,,, . - --Tam 0 wy,.�i k .b 4 E '4i� d ��w l •+T Ic$/ '�'..,, 1 l *, 0 '• �h • c + j3-7.14 0 ,_,r- ' ' .4-1 ,:i t. ' 'ilit:__ 1 ' fir 's.., B-2'0" ___ - 'a_ - ..; r : ... ;i,~ 1- '4.4.:k. ., ,,,. ,. ,_1 T.o%...... , r„,, ,; ---B-1.6 a,, ..''..•,„..e.•.'„-„°•.7.,", ,1+,-,,. -. B-.-2 1,77i iH L ,‘,, I .,_- Y_ , , B-2K2 -_ .,.,.._ . _ _ _ .,, 1 riFirr,„. 11 _ii ..-_,,,:+.F. ,_ , ,,,, 1-,,,,, E,' .14. 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Development& Construction Project Services +.'.a.+ i, '+ + ' + +' + +.+1" +tom,,* +++ +. f, +: ` �+x ing`LO att� + +'+ ';+,�r Y f'+ / Boring Location Plan ilk `"'`" � � Y,++`+' ++ *+ +{ /L' Courtyards at the Greenway -to f ±f -• •+ + 'its 2A .++ .r, Y } t `� Mint Hill, North Carolina _C it+.0• �.A. h '' + +:' + BOYLE Project No. 23-006 Date: 10-16-23 Drawn By: DH Scale: NTS Figure: 1 i.-. V ,, '-.,'4 ✓ :cTHY \ - I r ..w / Iry, \_, \ p • ` r•: .-- tk7;rr.�'4r' - �" B-32 - s'` r(r ..;2�" + g `�', 4,...s... . .- -,5- .:. . fi x.- a d \ B 2.7;`.i"- • v• - i. • • - B 33. �es'. ✓ , . �,. ;11 c o �, � � �y �+ h +• Jr� „ * .t • Y ,er 1°fi • ' 1/, �, ;y -, ,.;. + •,', 1‘ •%. --,.-...",„„,:-, ..,.:,,k i. I• , ' - ir i B-37 * ! - ! . Q , ..-, ./1 ', -- j,_ •>,.,\,\\. k, ..sie°,. ..'.*N ,,.-r.;;;.*•.14.10_40!• t ,7 _• B•-38', o- .•r.�_ ' " �"' - 4 - +�R ;4 a 'F J/.per ..„ .44- Q �7 i. Jr n i B 4 / s-4/ L y. �!. a 1.+a� / 4 4 '►i• :: -, A\ 40 "! •* a :: - }} • A a: `'"• ` �F-. ° • `. � • �•�:r ,• .it ' t T G 7 � pi.---"---�`r .r. Er ' er, ` �0 / • 1 � s f ti '! try a'1 Sow' \ •44.1 4''• mot, 't''' • k t 49.41ri, ' ,',:g4.",, 61**-1;7-1,.. :-2!i4,„ .A.:71.1 .--fl!s•ts-40:---'-... •-) . ?.' „JO 2, - f tr. . ., , , ..' .,-.• • ....'''..4 11147:- 7 ..1*.' ' ;� � - Na'":r -A 0-\ ~ ''• BOY CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLLC ...... ,_ ,,, A ".-., ‘ •.::r\- _ . „,tisr° ,:.,„. ',,1 . . ',...:'..'.:. 7.;?..' Utir '• ,'. . . ,.: -'7i":'.. * ` 1• \ Development& Construction Project Services - I. f 3 • ��� •tin_1;.� te. �. lisv ' ,�. Boring Location Plan . .,� . , ••' ,. Courtyards at the Greenway -�= ,., i . -1'' - Mint Hill, North Carolina ' ``�► � BOYLE Project No. 23-006 ,Google Ear.- .:�; ��` � .{•�• :x $ �,. t r„ ° . . Date: 10-16-23 Drawn By: DH Scale: NTS Figure:1.2 Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 APPENDIX B SOIL TEST BORING RECORDS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS B 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-1 Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w ~. a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 l__ 0 'ij,-=77`� TOP SOIL-6 inches ---• 0.5%.•.• RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Brown Sandy SILT • 17 (ML) • X _�— 17 5 RESIDUUM-Stiff Light Orange Brown SILT (ML) /x\ 14 7.5/... RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Orange White Sandy SILT _ (ML) X 23 10 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Yellow White SILT (ML) 15 X • 24 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-2 �i Y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION co w ~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl-v �_1 )- W" (blows/foot)• m0> O _i UZ w 10 30 50 90 ,__ 0, 'i' ', TOPSOIL-8 inches ---. --- 0.6.: RESIDUUM-Stiff Brown Orange Sandy SILT _ (ML) 14 2.5 . • RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Orange Sandy SILT (ML) 19 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Lite Tan Orange SILT (ML) /x\ 45 7.5....... RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Tan Orange Sandy SILT (ML) 27 10 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) 15 a 54 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.7 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.6 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 .B V L E 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-3 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w o0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 -- 0, 'i' ', TOP SOIL-8 inches ---. --- 0.6 — RESIDUUM-Stiff Light Brown Yellow SILT (ML) 12 2.5 RESIDUUM-Stiff Light Yellow Tan SILT (ML) �j x 15 --5---- 5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Tan SILT (ML) \ / /x\ 4\\N\ 17 21 - 10°Qo Tan SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< - °0C 15 0�r 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.4 ft. Final /\ Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 .B V L E 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-4 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v w )- >--- (blows/foot)•• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .' :` TOP SOIL-10 inches 0.8 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Tan Brown SILT ^� (ML) 25 23 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Orange Tan Brown SILT (ML) X40 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan White SILT (ML) �j /x\ III 43 —40- 10°Qo Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< °aC - o�D� X 100 Termination at 14.5 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.3 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 15 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-5 �i y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z = w O STANDARD PENETRATION co Cu- ll= O OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl-v w >--- (blows/foot)• 110 0> uj O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 -- 0,f/ ` , TOP SOIL-8 inches ---. 0.6w RESIDUUM-Stiff Gray Clayey SILT ---- j (CL ML) X 9 2.5 RESIDUUM-Stiff Tan Orange Gray SILT (ML) �j x 12 - 5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Orange Gray SILT \/ 27 (ML) / x\ 7.50 Qo Tan Yellow Gray SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock >o p< X 100 - 10 o Q, Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )0 0< 00 oO C- 15 0 X • 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 15.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 11.5 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-6 �i y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION CO w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v w >--- (blows/foot)• 110> Lij O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 1___OJ� \`TOP SOIL-4inches / ---. O. RESIDUUM-Stiff Orange Clayey SILT ---- j (CL-ML) x 14 2.5 RESIDUUM-Stiff Orange SILT 41( (ML) 9 — 5 X 11 X \ 11 10 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Tan SILT (ML) 1 15 7 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.6 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12.10 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 .B V L E 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-8 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION w o0_= O OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .' TOP SOIL-10 inches _ -—— 0.8 RESIDUUM-Stiff Orange Brown Yellow SILT (ML) 15 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Brown Yellow SILT (ML) I 19 — 5 \/ 16 --- x 20 7.5 jRESIDUUM-Very Stiff Red Brown Yellow Clayey SILT (CL-ML) X 10 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Dark Brown SILT w/Red Clayey Lenes (ML) 15 X 24 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 12.9 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 11.7 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B4340-G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-9 �i y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704)676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION co w H= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl- �w >--- (blows/foot)• m0> Lij O -J OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 .' TOP SOIL-10 inches 0.8. : RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Sandy SILT w/Clay Lenses ^� 42 (ML) 49 — 5 \/ --- x 46 7.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Brown Sandy SILT (ML) �j /x\ 17 10 NO RETURN- S 100 Termination at 13.7 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 12.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12.1 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-10 �i y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z 0 w O STANDARD PENETRATION co Cu- ll. a 00 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA 0 z-I o v w >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj 0 -J 0Z w 10 30 50 90 1___OJ ' '\ TOP SOIL-4 inches / ———' 0.3 `RESIDUUM-Stiff Orange SILT (ML) 13 -�_ 15 5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange SILT--- (ML) X18 7.`�" RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Gray Clayey SILT (CL-ML) �j - — /x\ 22 10 RESIDUUM-Stiff Tan Brown Sandy SILT (ML) 15 X 14 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.4 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B" V I_.E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-11 i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co Cu- oll= O OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 1___0J' " , \TOPSOIL-3inches / 0.2 — RESIDUUM-Stiff Tan Orange Yellow SILT (ML) 11 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Orange Yellow SILT (ML) �j x 30 5 j RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Brown Clayey SILT (CL-ML) \/ x 22 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Brown Gray SILT / \ (ML) �j /x\ 40 _ 10°' Gray Silty SAND w/Rock Fragments Logged as Partially D°� Weathered Rock o D o 15 ��� X 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 12.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B" V I_.E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-12 i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w H= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl-v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> Lij O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 .`` :` TOP SOIL-3 inches 0.8 RESIDUUM-Stiff Lite Brown Tan SILT w/Clay Gray lenses 21 - (ML) 2.5°Qo Brown Tan Sandy SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock - 5 oD� X 100 oO C 0(2 oD< X • 100 oO C / \ - o�D< — 10 09,C X� • 100 )o D< _ ooC o Q° _ XDr X • 100 Termination at 14.5 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B � Y L E 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-13 i Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w H= O OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl-v --w >--- (blows/foot)• 110> Lij O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 0 .`i ``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches 0.8 I RESIDUUM-Hard Light Brown Tan SILT w/Gray Clay lyl lenses 36 2.5`� \-\ (ML) / ° °� Brown Tan Sandy SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o p 69 5 5 9 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) X\ / 58 _ 59 — 10 /x\ 4 15 3 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B,ILE 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-14 i Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z = = w O STANDARD PENETRATION w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA 0 z-I o v --w >'-' (blows/foot)• m 0> uj O -J OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 TOP SOIL-4 inches / 0.3 RESIDUUM-Stiff Tan Brown SILT ---_ (ML) 22 - 2.5 j RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Clayey SILT (CL-ML) �j ——5— x 38 5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan SILT w/Brown Clay Lenses (ML) /x\ 28 - 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Clayey SILT (ML) �j /x\ 52 — 10°Qo Tan Brown sandy SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< °aC bal Q 100 Termination at 13.8 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 11 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 SOIL TEST BORING B-15 BYL E 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Charlotte, NC 28208 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY Tel: (704) 676-0778 AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w ~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA 0 z-I o v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110 0> uj O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 .`i ``—` TOP SOIL-12 inches — 1 o QL Light Brown Gray SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock X • 100 - 2,S)o D Gray SILT w/Rock Fragments Logged as Partially o C Weathered Rock 0 Cy 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Light Brown Gray SILT (ML) X 57 7.5`0 QL Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock - )o p< 75 10 o Q{ Lite Tan Brown Gray SILT Logged as Partially Weathered ) 0< Rock 00 0-J0< X „O F \I 74 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.8 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.4 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340-G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-16 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704)676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X Z = = O STANDARD PENETRATION w o0_ a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z v w >" (blows/foot)• m 0> UZ 10 30 50 90 0 'ice TOPSOIL-8 inches --- 0.6 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Orange Brown SILT (ML) 19 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Tan Brown Gray SILT (ML) 34 — 5 \/ 51 7.5`0 ` Light Tan Brown Gray SILT Logged as Partially Weathered / \ °L°� Rock >o 96 — 10 1 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Gray SILT (ML) 6 15 7 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B,ILE 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-17 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION co w ~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I CI- --_1 )- W" (blows/foot)• m0> O _i UZ w 10 30 50 90 L__0) 'i` ' TOPSOIL-5inches --- 0.4 RESIDUUM-Stiff Gray Orange Sandy SILT \/ x 411b 14 2.5.•• .• • RESIDUUM- Stiff Orange Tan Sandy SILT . (ML) X 15 _____' _ 5 RESIDUUM- Firm Orange Tan Sandy SILT .••. X X 14 7.5 RESIDUUM-Stiff Orange SILT (ML) �j /x\ 12 - — ---- 10 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Brown Tan SILT (ML) X1 15 7 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.1 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-18 i yLE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION w o0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v <w )- >--- (blows/foot)• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 .'i``.:``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches -- 0.8 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Brown Orange SILT —\X --- — (ML) 23 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Lite Tan Orange SILT (ML) �j _ x 40 - 5 O' \- Light Tan Gray Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered - °p°� Rock o D X 80 o0C 0 Cy 0 < 100 _ r — 10 I RESIDUUM-Hard Light Tan Brow SILT (ML) 3 15 8 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 14 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-19 i y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co Cu- ll= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 .`i ``—` TOP SOIL-12 inches 0.8 : RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Brown Sandy SILT —__ (ML) 23 2.5: RESIDUUM-Stiff Tan Brown Sandy SILT (ML) �j x 15 5 °" \- Light Brown Gray Sandy SILT Logged as Partially L)°< Weathered Rock o D X 89 00C o�D< 69 — 10 0OC --- o c°<)o D 00 C oCy _ )o D< a 75 15 °O Q Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B,ILE 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-20 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z = = w O STANDARD PENETRATION w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I ov --w >"- (blows/foot)• m0> uj O -J OZ w 10 30 50 90 A-- 0 ' TOP SOIL-8 inches ---. 0.6 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Brown Yellow SILT — (ML) 21 -- -- 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Lite Brown Grey Yellow SILT (ML) �j x 53 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Lite Brown Grey SILT (ML) X 74 7.5`' J'` Light Brown Grey SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock Jo 0 (ML) 4 100 — 10 l RESIDUUM-Hard Brown SILT /\ (ML) 15 X 66 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-21 i Y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X Z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION co w o0_ a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z v w )- >" (blows/foot)•• m 0> UZ 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i`' `—` TOP SOIL-10 inches 0.8 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange SILT (ML) 23 25 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Orange SILT (ML) /x\ 39 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Lite Brown Orange SILT (ML) /x\ 44 10 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Brown Gray SILT (ML) 16 15 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.8 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-22 i Y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/2/2023 CME 550X z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION co w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v w >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj O -J UZ w 10 30 50 9 0 . .:``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches —---- 0.8 — RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Brown SILT (ML) 21 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Lite Tan Orange SILT (ML) �j x 25 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Lite Tan SILT (ML) X 1\Nf 68 7.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Lite Tan Brown SILT (ML) /x\�j 74 —40- 10°Qo Light Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< 4\\ °aC ��� 100 15 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.1 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12.1 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 go-c-iyLE 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-23 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w ~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 _0 ' ce TOPSOIL-9inches ,---. - -- -- 0.7 —— RESIDUUM-Stiff Light Brown Orange SILT (ML) 14 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange SILT (ML) �j x 27 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Orange SILT (ML) /x\ 33 7.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Yellow Brown Orange SILT (ML) �j /x\ 30 10 RESIDUUM-Hard Gray SILT NIk (ML) 38 15 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.3 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12.9 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-24 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w ~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl-v <w )- >--- (blows/foot)•• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 -- 0, 'i ', TOP SOIL-8 inches ---. -—— 0.6 — RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange SILT (ML) 29 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Lite Orange Yellow White SILT (ML) �j x 20 --5---- 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Lite Tan Yellow SILT (ML) X 50 7.5`0 Qo Light Tan SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )0 0< X 100 _40_ ' r- 10 NO RETURN- • 100 15 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.6 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.1 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-25 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w H= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl-v <w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> Lij O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i ``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches _ --- 0.8 .•. RESIDUUM-Hard Gray Sandy SILT (ML) 43 - 2.5° ` Orange Gray Brown Sandy SILT Logged as Partially �D°� Weathered Rock 5 oD 1 100 oO C 7.5.•••:: . RESIDUUM-Hard Orange Brown Sandy SILT (ML) 59 10°.., `- Brown Gray Sandy SILT Logged as Partially Weathered 4\ - D°� Rock o D °aC 15 0�r 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final /\ Cave-in Depth 12.10 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 � Bi 4340-G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-26 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704)676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v <w )- >--- (blows/foot)• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i ``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches _ --- 0.8 —— RESIDUUM-Hard Orange Brown SILT - (ML) 39 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Brown SILT - (ML) �j x 24 5 RESIDUUM-Firm Orange Tan SILT(ML) \/ _ x 11 - 7.5 RESIDUUM-Very Soft Lite tan SILT - (ML) �j /x\ 20 —40-- 10 :. RESIDUUM-Hard Light Tan Gray Sandy SILT (ML) 100 15 • Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 14 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B� � 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-27 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v <w )- >'-' (blows/foot)• 110> Lij O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 - ___0 .'i`.:`-` TOP SOIL-10 inches _ 0.8 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Brown Yellow SILT (ML) 47 2.5°Qo Gray SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock 5 oD< 1 100 oO C - oOb< x • 100 o C oho` - _a.g_—_pg — X • 100 10 0(I)° Dark Gray SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o p< o0 C o Q° o0 0 • 100 15 ^C Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.4 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B Bi 4340-G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-28 y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704)676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z = = w O STANDARD PENETRATION w ~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I CI_ �w >--- (blows/foot)• m0> uj O -J OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 . `—` TOP SOIL-10 inches 0.8 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Yellow Tan Brown SILT ^� (ML) 25 23 5 °�L Light Yellow Tan SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock --- oO_ X 100 7. Light Brown Gray SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock �j �o D< X • 100 _40—_ „n(- / \ 10 NO RETURN- 15 X • 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.7 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 � Bi 4340-G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-29 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704)676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w H= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl-v <w )- >--- (blows/foot)•Lij m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 .`i``.:``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches 0.8 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) X 32 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Brown SILT (ML) �j _ X 28 5 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) X 51 7.50 3 Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )0 0< 100 10 00� o Q° )0 0< 00 o Qp/ 00 C a • 100 15 0 Termination at 12.8 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.7 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12.1 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B „ 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-30 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/3/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w o~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)•• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 -- 0, 'i ', TOP SOIL-8 inches ---. --- 0.6 — RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Brown Gray SILT (ML) 17 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Brown Gray SILT w/Rock Fragments (ML) X 54 — 5- 5 O' \- Light brown Gray sandy SILT Logged as Partially Weathered L)°� Rock oQD X 100 10 �nD • 100 Auger Refusl at 10 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 7 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 6.7 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 Bon Y L E 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-31 i Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION cn w o0_= O OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v w I- w--- (blows/foot)• 110> O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i``':`—` _ TOP SOIL-10 inches _ --- 0.8 —— RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Brown Light Yellow SILT I - (ML) 20 2.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Brown Light Yellow Orange SILT (ML) �j x • 21 - 5J RESIDUUM-Stiff Brown Light Yellow Gray Clayey SILT (CL-ML) 14 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Brown Light Yellow Gray Clayey -—40— SILT ° (CL ML) X 16 10 Brown Gray Clayey SILT Logged as Partially Weathered D°� Rock o D 00 C 15 0�r X 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12.5 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-32 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w o~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z-I v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)•• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 -- 0, 'i ', TOP SOIL-8 inches ---. 0.6 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Yellow Brown SILT --- — (ML) 24 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Yellow Orange Brown SILT (ML) �j x 37 --5---- 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Brown Tan SILT X 35 7.5`0 Qo Light Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o p< 100 - 10 00� oQ° )0 0< 00 ..... .. o0C X ..... .• 100 15 o Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-33 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704)676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z = = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION w o0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i ``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches -—— 0.8 —— RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Yellow Orange Brown SILT (ML) .. .. ..... .. 29 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Yellow Orange Brown SILT (ML) �j x 37 — ---- 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Tan Brown Gray SILT (ML) X 49 — 10 /x\ 58 15 a •.... .. 53 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final X Cave-in Depth 12.9 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 . Bi 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-34 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w o0_= O OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v --w )- >Lij--- (blows/foot)•• m O> O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 0 RESIDUUM-Hard Brown Tan SILT (ML) /x\ 28 - 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Gray SILT w/Clay lenses - (ML) 1 74 — 5 \/ --- -- x 51 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Brown Tan SILT / \ (ML) �j /x\ 39 — 10°Q� Brown Tan SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< °aC Cy< 5Z 100 Termination at 14 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B,ILE 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-35 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---FIAD AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z = = w O STANDARD PENETRATION w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v --w >--- (blows/foot)• 110> Li j O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 1 __0J '\TOPSOIL-3inches i---- —— 0.3 —— RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Brown Orange SILT (ML) 14 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Brown Tan SILT (ML) 54 — 5 X 50 — 10 / \ x 63 •. .. 64 15 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.32 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 go-c-iyLE 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-36 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION w 0_= O 00 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA 0 z-I o v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj 0 -J 0Z w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i``.:``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches _ --- 0.8 — RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Gary SILT - (ML) 27 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Gary SILT (ML) �j _ x 40 — 5- 5 0" \- Brown Gray Sandy SILT Logged as Partially Weathered - �L)°� Rock o D X 100 - 7.5 Brown Tan SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock �o D X 96 — 10 00C / \ o C° )O D< - 00 o C° )o D< 15 00 C. X • 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 12.8 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 11 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-37 i y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION co w H= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I Cl- --w >---Lij (blows/foot) m0> O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 0 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Clayey SILT w/Sand --- (ML) X 2.5.'•' RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Sandy SILT w/Clay Lenses 42 .• :.: (ML) I 63 — 5 \/ x 76 •• •• 66 — 10°Qo Tan Brown Sandy SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< 00 C Cy< X • 100 Termination at 14 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.1 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12.8 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-38 �i Y LE Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z _ = w O STANDARD PENETRATION co w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v w >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj O -J UZ w 10 30 50 90 0 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Brown SILT X 30 (ML) 2.5° -) - Light Orange Tan Yellow SILT Logged as Partially �D°< Weathered Rock o D X 87 - 5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Light Tan Orange White SILT(ML) \/ x 23 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Light Orange Tan Yellow SILT (ML) �j /x\ 40 —40- 10°v `- Light Orange Tan Yellow SILT Logged as Partially oLD< Weathered Rock °aC 15 ��r a 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 12.10 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-39 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z _ 0 w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w H= a 00 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA 0 z-I Cl-v --w )- >Lij--- (blows/foot)•• m 0> 0 _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 'ce TOP SOIL-9 inches —— 0.7 —— RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Brown SILT - (ML) \.. ..... .. 29 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) I 42 — 5 X 81 58 — - 10 ... RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Brown Sandy SILT (ML) 15 • X a/ 21 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.4 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 . B i 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-40 Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w ~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj O _i OZ w I 10 30 50 90 1---OJ ' '\ TOP SOIL-4 inches / ---• 0.3 `RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) *... .. 57 X 79 - 5 °' o Tan Brown SILT w/Rock Fragments Logged as Partially - D Weathered Rock o X 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT w/Rock Fragments (ML) �j /x\ 96 —40-- 10 . • : RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Sandy SILT (ML) • 15 X 45 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.7 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-41 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z = = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v <w )- >'-' (blows/foot)• m 0> uj O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i`.:`—` TOP SOIL-10 inches _ 0.8 RESIDUUM-Stiff Light Yellow Tan Orange SILT (ML) 15 - 2.50 Qo Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock >o p< 76 _ — 'l -- 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) X 57 - 7.50 Qo Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock - >o p< 63 — 10 o Q{ Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )0 0< o Q 0 Qo< 15 X100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.8 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-42 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION w o0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 1---OJ ' \ TOP SOIL-4 inches / ---' 0.3 `RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) 37 X 41 - 5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Yellow Orange SILT (ML) /x\ 27 - 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) �j - /x\ 33 —40- 10°Qo Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< - °0C 15 0�r 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13 ft. Final \ Cave-in Depth 12.9 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B B b' ' 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-43 Y I_.E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704)676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z = = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION w o0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v <w )- >--- (blows/foot)• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Brown SILT(ML) \/ x 22 - 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT _ (ML) 66 - 5 °�'- Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< X 100 00C 0 D< • 100 — 10 o0C o�° )O D< _ 00 C > _< • 100 Termination at 13.7 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 12 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 11.9 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B, 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-44 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w o0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v <w )- >--- (blows/foot)•• m 0> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i``.:``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches - _ 0.8 RESIDUUM -Very Stiff Lite Yellow Orange SILT - (ML) 28 2.5° ` Tan Brown Orange SILT Logged as Partially Weathered j�°‹ Rock o D 100 _ _ n 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Lite Tan Brown Orange SILT (ML) /x\ 37 - 7.5 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Tan Brown Orange SILT (ML) �j /x\ 25 —40---- 10 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Orange SILT (ML) X 50 15 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.7 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13.2 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 g B � 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-45 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> Lij O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i``.:``—` TOP SOIL-10 inches _ —— 0.8 — RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Tan SILT - (ML) 28 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Orange Brown SILT 1111 (ML) I 46 — 5 -C 31 - 7.5 —— RESIDUUM-Hard Brown Yellow Clayey SILT (ML) �j /x\ 24 —40-- 10°Qk. Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< °aC 15 ��r a 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.3 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 13 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 g B � 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-46 i Y L E Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/4/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w 0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA p z-I o v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> uj O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 ___0 .'i`.:`—` TOP SOIL-10 inches 0.8 RESIDUUM-Very Stiff Orange Tan SILT ^� (ML) 18 25 - 5 RESIDUUM-Hard Orange Tan Brown SILT (ML) X 54 7.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT w/Clay Lenses (ML) �j /x\ r.. ..... .. 38 —40- 10°Qo Brown Tan SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D< - °aC - 15 0�r a 100 Termination at 15 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 13.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 10.9 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 go-c-iyLE 4340 G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-47 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z _ 0 w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w o~= a 00 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Q w TEST DATA 0 z-I v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> 0 _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 .`i:`—` TOP SOIL-4 inches • 0.8 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Orange SILT (ML) X �.. .. 61 X 62 - 5 Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock (ML) X 86 _ � 100 — --- 10 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Clayey SILT (ML) — x 33 --- / \ 15 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT - (ML) x 60 — 20 0 Qo Partially Weathered Rock- / \ )o D o 0 C ( � 100 Termination at 23.8 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 23.8 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 22 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 B V L E 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-48 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704)676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z _ = LU 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w o0_= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v <_1 )- W" (blows/foot)• m0> O _i OZ LU 10 30 50 90 0 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown Orange SILT(ML) \/ x 31 - 2.5 RESIDUUM-Hard Tan Brown SILT (ML) I_ 46 — 5 X 19 X 62 - 10°X Brown Tan SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock o 30 D O 0C 0 D< 100 — 15 00C I o Q° 30 D< O 0 C o Cy oO • 100 —20 ° C 20 NO RETURN- R • 100 Termination at 25.3 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 21.5 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 21 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 .B V L E 4340 -G Taggart Creek Rd SOIL TEST BORING B-49 Charlotte, NC 28208 ELEVATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tel: (704) 676-0778 GROUND WATER: AT TIME OF DRILLING---DRY AFTER DRILLING---DRY PROJECT NAME: Courtyards at Greenway DRILLING COMPANY CG2 Exploration PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DRILL METHOD: NOTES: UNION COUNTY, NC 23-006 ASTM D-1586 CHECKED BY: DATE DRILLED: DRILL RIG: 10/5/2023 CME 550X z _ = w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION co w o~= a OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o_ Q w TEST DATA p z-I v --w )- >--- (blows/foot)• 110> O _i OZ w 10 30 50 90 0 RESIDUUM-Stiff Tan Brown Sandy SILT X 7 28 X 26 - 5 0�L Tan Brown SILT Logged as Partially Weathered Rock )o D' X 100 o0C 0 Cy 0 D< • 100 — 10 o0C o c° )O D' _ o0C o Cy _ _ 00 100 15 NO RETURN- • 100 Auger Refusl at 17 feet. Initial Cave-in Depth 16.2 ft. Final Cave-in Depth 15.9 ft. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL STRATIFICATIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. BORING,SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. PAGE 1 OF 1 Major Divisions Group Typical Names Laboratory Classification Criteria Symbols .� d Well graded gravels,gravel- Cu D6o/Dio greater than 4 c , GW sand mixtures,little or no fines C�(D30)2/(DIo x D60)between 1 and 3 NC a� .c v) °c GP Poorly graded gravels,gravel- o g Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW •°, -, o '� U sand mixtures,little or no fines ; N C cat p O •m Z i N 6 � z ,1cta ° d Silty Gravels,gravel-sand-silt o o Atterberg limits Z y GM' e ,a? -d below"A"line or P.I. Above"A"line with P.I. 0 3 mixtures O A 3 v, ok cn a ) ,n a u E -o v, 5 less than 4 between 4 and 7 are 'o , to > r} > o 4, 07 C- • borderline cases requiring fin o O ` GC Clayey Gravels,gravel-sand- oan.2 Atterberg limits use of dual symbols 6 3 L' below"A"line with .� clay mixtures 8 C7 c7 r P.I.greater than 7 a. SW Well-graded sands,gravelly a w •� o a Cu D6o/Dio greater than 6 0 0 � :-a CI a •O 0 '2 ta sands,little or no fines o C�(D30)2/(Dio x D60)between 1 and 3 O Q ..N. ed C c '-' Q Q rn N 4--' 4 cC ct O U cC V] F O . cC o ' U -- SP Poorly graded sands,gravelly 2 = a o Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW it -a O 0 . sands,little or no fines U N a 4 a d ' o i, Atterberg limits Limits plotting in hatched E SM Silty sands,sand-silt mixtures below"A"line or P.I. _ o o 3 a A less than 4 zone with P.I.between 4 u b and 7 are borderline cases c c Clayey sands,sand-clay a o Atterberg limits requiring use of dual SC mixtures Ca below"A"line with symbols P.I.greater than 0 Inorganic silts and very fine sands, o; rock flour,silty or clayey fine ML sands,or clayey silts with slight °: r\ plasticity 60 Plasticity Chart o 1 1 c Inorganic clays of low to medium oN ct a "' CL plasticity,gravelly clays,sandy CH c = .6 clays,silty clays,lean clays 50 a a `n a Organic silts and organic silty a 40 y OL clays of low plasticity o ,-' o 30 v) -; ,r, Inorganic silts,micaceous or u I14ye -c E a MH diatomaceous fine sandy or silty 20 CL „A ti OH and MH 0 ,,, E, soils,elastic silts � • a . ; y CL—ML ML'o � U 1 Inorganic clays of high plasticity, 10 %//%////////%/f OL and 0 on CH fat clays 0 ;' k'' E C (i.e.Bull Tallow) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 o • j Liquid Limit a OH Organic clays of medium to high a a' plasticity,organic silts N a. O ›'. 'wo• n o`�n 0 Pt Peat and other highly organic soils x O Reference:Winterkorn&Fang, 1975 (ASTM D-2487) aDivision of GM and SM groups into subdivision of d and u are for road and airfields only. Subdivision is based on Atterberg limits;suffix d used when L.L.is 28 or less and the P.I.is 6 or less;the suffix u is used when L.L.is greater that 28. bBorderline classifications,used for soils possessing characteristics of two groups,are designated by combinations of group symbols. For example: GW-GC,well-graded gravel-sand mixture with clay binder. Unified Soil Bilitik__yIE Classification System CONSULTING ENGINEERS REFERENCE NOTES FOR SOIL TEST BORING RECORDS Drilling and Sampling Symbols: SS: Split Spoon Sampler GSE: Ground Surface Elevation ST: Shelby Tube Sampler PG: Proposed Grade RC: Rock Core;NX,BX,AX BS: Bulk Sample of Cuttings NQ: Rock Core,2-1/16"Diameter PA: Power Auger(no sample) PM: Pressuremeter HSA: Hollow Stem Auger DC: Dutch Cone Penetrometer WS: Wash Sample REC: Recovery of Core Run(%) RQD: Rock Quality of Core Run Standard Penetration(Blows/Ft) refers to the blows per foot of a 140 lb hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch O.D. split spoon sample, as specified in ASTM D-1586. The blow count is commonly referred to as the N value. Autohammer refers to an automatic hammer as opposed to the manual "Cathead" and rope type. Core Drilling meets ASTM D-2113 II. Correlation of Penetration Resistances to Soil Properties: Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Consistency of Cohesive Soils SPT-N Relative Density SPT-N Consistency 0-4 Very Loose 0- 1 Very Soft 5 - 10 Loose 2-4 Soft 11 -30 Medium Dense 5 -8 Firm 31 -50 Dense 9- 15 Stiff 51 or more Very Dense 16—30 Very Stiff 31 or more Hard III. Unified Soil Classification Symbols: GP: Poorly Graded Gravel ML: Low Plasticity Silts GW: Well Graded Gravel MH: High Plasticity Silts GM: Silty Gravel CL: Low Plasticity Clays GC: Clayey Gravel CH: High Plasticity Clays SP: Poorly Graded Sands OL: Low Plasticity Organics SW: Well Graded Sands OH: High Plasticity Organics SM: Silty Sands CL-ML: Dual Classification(Typical) SC: Clayey Sands IV. Water Level Measurement Symbols: -WL: Water Level WL: While Sampling WD: While Drilling DCD: Dry Caved Depth WCD: Wet Caved Depth The water levels are those water levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol. The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in a granular soil. In clays and plastic silts, the accurate determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases,additional methods of measurement are generally applied. J:IDatalAdministrativelForms&templateslReportFormsISOIL CLASSIFICATION.docBor- 1( LE CONSULTING ENGINEERS Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 APPENDIX C REGIONAL GEOLOGY, SOILS AND GROUNDWATER Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 REGIONAL GEOLOGY, SOILS AND GROUNDWATER Regional Geology of the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountains Geologists subdivide the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountains into geologic "belts," each having a somewhat different set of characteristics as noted below. The belts are discussed in the order in which they are geographically located in a west to east manner. Blue Ridge Belt - The Blue Ridge Belt is a mountainous region, which consists of rocks that range from about 500 million to 1 billion years in age. This belt is a complex mixture of granite, gneiss, schist, volcanic rock, and sedimentary rock that has repeatedly been squeezed, fractured, faulted, and twisted into folds. The Blue Ridge Belt is well known for its deposits of feldspar, mica, and quartz. The Great Smokies fault near the Tennessee border forms the western boundary of this belt and the Brevard fault forms the eastern boundary. Inner Piedmont Belt - The Inner Piedmont Belt is the most intensely deformed and metamorphosed segment of the Piedmont. These metamorphic rocks range from 500 to 750 million years in age and include gneiss and schist that have been intruded by younger granitic rocks. The northeast-trending Brevard fault zone forms much of the boundary between the Blue Ridge and the Inner Piedmont belts. Kings Mountain Belt - This belt consists of moderately deformed and metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The rocks are about 400 to 500 million years old. Milton Belt - This belt consists of gneisses, schist and metamorphosed intrusive rocks. Charlotte Belt -This belt consists mostly of 300 to 500 million years old igneous rocks such as granite, diorite and gabbro. Carolina Slate Belt - This belt consists of a band of heated and deformed volcanic and sedimentary rocks stretching from Georgia through the Carolinas into Virginia and was the site of a series of oceanic volcanic islands about 550 to 650 million years ago. The rocks have been subjected to heat and pressure (metamorphism) over geologic time since their formation. The major rock type encountered in this belt is not slate, but includes a variety of metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks. The metavolcanics include tuffs, rhyolitic, dacitic and andesitic flows and breccias; the metasediments include slate, mudstones, sericite schist, and argillite. The belt also is known for its numerous abandoned gold mines and prospects. Soils of the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountains The Piedmont Province lies between the Coastal Plain and the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Piedmont Physiographic Province is characterized by its particular types of landforms and occupies about 45 percent of the area of the state. The Piedmont Province is a deeply eroded, plateau-like segment of the Appalachian Mountain System. The Piedmont in this region is about 80 to 120 miles wide. It is bounded on the northwest by the Blue Ridge Province and on the southeast by the Atlantic Coastal Plain Province. The plateau generally slopes southeastward from an elevation of about 1,200 feet near the Blue Ridge to about 400 feet near the Coastal Plain. The Piedmont also is characterized by gently rolling, rounded hills and long low ridges with up to a few hundred feet of elevation difference Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 between the hills and valleys. The Piedmont also includes some relatively low mountains including the South Mountain and the Uwharrie Mountains. The Blue Ridge Province lies on the eastern face of the Appalachian Mountains which were formed by the stacking and shuffling of relatively thin sheets in several orogenies. It extends from Georgia northeast into Pennsylvania and ranges in elevation from about 6,700 to 1,200 feet. The soils in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Provinces consist mainly of residuum derived from the parent bedrock, which are found in various states of weathering. Although the residual saprolitic materials normally retain the structure of the original parent bedrock, they typically have a much lower density and exhibit strengths and other engineering properties typical of soil. In a mature undisturbed weathering profile of the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Provinces, the soils are generally found to be finer grained (or more clayey) at the surface where more extensive weathering has occurred. This near-surface finer-grained layer is often referred to as the upper clayey zone and is typically encountered from beneath topsoil to about 3 to 6 feet below the ground surface. Layers of clayey soils are rarely present beyond depths greater than 6 feet and tend to exist as thin seams, which decrease in thickness and frequency as depth increases. The particle size of the residual soils generally becomes larger and more granular with increasing depth and gradually changes first to partially weathered rock and finally to unweathered bedrock. The mineral composition of the parent rock and the environment in which weathering occurs largely control the resulting soil's engineering characteristics. Some of the soils along the site drainage features and in the flood plain areas are water- deposited (alluvial) materials that have been eroded and washed down from adjacent higher ground. Alluvial soils often contain layers of rounded gravel and cobbles, interbedded with zones of soft compressible, fine grained soils. Such alluvial soils usually are soft since they have never been consolidated by pressures in excess of the existing overburden pressure. In some cases, particularly along major rivers channels, the alluvial soils were deposited such a long time ago that the river channel has eroded deeply into the bedrock leaving old floodplain soils "high and dry." These soils are called Terrace Deposits or sometimes Ancient Alluvium since they begin to reacquire some of the characteristics of residual soils. Along the slopes of and at the base of mountains or foothills, materials that are moved down slope by gravity and/or erosion (colluvial) collect with little or no sorting. Soils from colluvial deposits are generally deep. Groundwater in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountains Groundwater is water that is found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand, partially weathered rock and bedrock. Groundwater is stored in and moves through layers of soil, sand and bedrock called aquifers. In the Piedmont, most aquifers are unconfined. Unconfined aquifers are those that are bounded by the water table. Some aquifers, however, lie beneath layers of impermeable materials. These are called confined aquifers, or sometimes artesian aquifers. A well in such an aquifer is called an artesian well. The water in these wells rises higher than the top of the aquifer because of confining pressure. If the water level rises above the ground surface a flowing artesian well occurs. The piezometric surface is the level to which the water in an artesian aquifer will rise. During a geotechnical exploration, the borings or test pits penetrate the overlying soil/rock strata and sometimes reach the top of an aquifer, which corresponds to the top of groundwater often called the water table. The process of drilling the borings or excavating Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 test pits often disturbs the walls of the borehole or excavation such that the water which may be present within the strata are partly prevented from immediately filling the borehole up to the piezometric surface. These water levels are those water levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated, usually as "time of boring" or "during drilling". The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in a granular soil. In clays and plastic silts, the accurate determination of water levels may require 24 hours up to several days for the water level to stabilize. Depending largely upon topographic location and proximity to drainage features, ground- water levels may fluctuate several feet or up to 15 feet or more with typical seasonal and rainfall variations and with changes in the water level in adjacent drainage features. Normally, the highest ground-water levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. At the time of this exploration, water levels probably are at their seasonal low due to the season and the drought conditions. Fluctuations in the ground-water level can be expected depending on variations in precipitation, run-off, and other factors not evident or apparent at the time of our subsurface exploration. Sometimes water levels are recorded at elevations above the groundwater table. These water levels are indicative of perched water conditions. Perched water is surface water that has infiltrated the upper soil layers only to become trapped above deeper relatively impermeable soil or rock layers. Perched water is often encountered as small pockets or depressions within fill soil layers, above clayey soils and bedrock or partially weathered rock. The approximate quantity of perched water is not typically substantial; however, in some cases it can be significant. The caved and dry depths noted on the soil test boring records may indicate the presence of ground water at or just below the indicated caved depth which likely caused the soils to collapse into the hole. They also may be the result of soil cuttings left in the borehole upon removal of the drilling tools. We examine the profile of caved elevations and examine the boring logs for comments regarding moistness of soils below the caved depths to evaluate whether or not a caved depth is likely due to groundwater or the result of soil cuttings sloughing during removal of the drilling tools. If groundwater is encountered during construction, we recommend that the groundwater table be lowered and maintained at a depth of at least 2-feet below bearing levels and excavation bottoms during construction. Adequate control of this groundwater could likely be accomplished by means of gravity ditches and pumping from gravel-lined, cased sumps. The contractor should be prepared to promptly remove surface water and perched water from the general construction area by similar methods. Some sites require more time or more complex approaches to properly dewater. Lowering the groundwater level of larger site areas will increase the effective stress within the soils surrounding the face of the excavation. This will result in some ground surface settlement. The effect of this settlement on surrounding streets, utilities and particularly any nearby buildings should be considered during the planning for major dewatering systems. Construction projects sometimes require a system consisting of underfloor drains below the building and vertical drains behind retaining walls. Such systems should be designed to drain by gravity (if possible) or at least drain by gravity to permanent sumps from which the water can then be pumped to outfalls to drain by gravity. The use of granular fill (washed stone) behind the below ground walls would be more traditional than a manufactured Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 composite system (such as Miradrain or Enkedrain) due to the inability to access the drain materials for maintenance should problems develop. If manufactured products are used, they must be properly installed and must function over the life of the structure as designed. Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 APPENDIX D PROCEDURES REGARDING FIELD LOGS Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 PROCEDURES REGARDING FIELDS LOGS In the process of obtaining and testing samples and preparing this report, procedures are followed that represent reasonable and accepted practice in the field of soil and foundation engineering. Specifically, field logs are prepared during performance of the drilling and sampling operations that are intended to portray essentially field occurrences, sampling locations, and other information. Samples obtained in the field are frequently subjected to additional testing and reclassification in the laboratory by more experienced soil engineers, and differences between the field logs and the final logs exist. The engineer preparing the report reviews the field and laboratory logs, classifications and test data, and his judgment in interpreting this data, may make further changes. Samples are taken in the field, some of which are later subjected to laboratory tests, are retained in our laboratory for sixty (60) days and are then discarded unless special disposition is requested by our client. Samples retained over a long period of time, even if sealed in jars, are subject to moisture loss, which changes the apparent strength of cohesive soil generally increasing the strength from what was originally encountered in the field. Since they are then no longer representative of the moisture conditions initially encountered, an inspection of these samples should recognize this factor. It is common practice in the soil and foundation engineering profession that field logs and laboratory data sheets not be included in engineering reports because they do not represent the engineer's final opinions as to appropriate descriptions for conditions encountered in the exploration and testing work. On the other hand, we are aware that perhaps certain contractors submitting bids or proposals on work may have an interest in studying these documents before submitting a bid or proposal. For this reason, the field logs will be retained in our office for inspection by all contractors submitting a bid or proposal. We would welcome the opportunity to explain any changes that have been and typically are made in the preparation of our final reports, to the contractor or subcontractors, before the firm submits the bid or proposal, and to describe how the information was obtained to the extent the contractor or subcontractor wishes. Results of the laboratory tests are generally shown on the boring logs or described in the extent of the report, as appropriate. Soil Test Borings (ASTM D-1586) Soil test borings are performed by mechanically twisting a continuous flight hollow-stem steel auger into the soil. Soil sampling and penetration testing are performed in general accordance with ASTM D-1586. At regular intervals, soil samples are obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I. D., 2-inch O. D., split-tube sampler. The sampler is first seated 6 inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, then driven an additional 12 inches with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is recorded and designated the "penetration resistance". The penetration resistance, when properly evaluated, is an index to the soil's strength and foundation supporting capability. Representative portions of the obtained soil samples are placed in glass jars or plastic containers and transported to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the samples were Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 examined by an engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer to verify the driller's field classifications. Soil Test Borings (ASTM STP-399) Soil test borings are made by mechanically twisting a solid-stem, continuous-flight solid steel auger into the soil. Soil samples are obtained at regular intervals. Soil classification and dynamic cone penetrometer testing in accordance with ASTM STP-399 is performed at each boring location. The penetration resistance value of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test, when properly evaluated, can be an indicator of the soil's strength and foundation supporting capability. The DCP test records the average number of blows required to drive the test equipment a 1.75-inch increment by a 15-pound hammer falling 20 inches and is designated the "penetration resistance" or blowcount. Representative portions of the soil samples obtained were classified in our laboratory. Soil test boring records are attached, showing the soil descriptions, penetration resistances, and other subgrade characteristics. Test Pits The excavatability of the existing materials in the subject area can be tested in the field with test pit excavations using a medium-duty backhoe (typically John Deere 310C or equivalent) which can explore to a depth of about 12 feet below the existing grade or a heavy-duty backhoe which can explore to a maximum depth of about 20 feet below the existing grade. Test pit excavations permit visual examination of a large portion (surface area) of exposed materials and allow direct observation of the relative ease or difficulty of excavation. Test pits also allow the collection of representative samples of the excavated materials. The test pit excavations are performed by others and observed by an engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer familiar with the general site area and area geology. Observation Wells (Piezometers) Water level readings taken during the field operations do not provide information on the long term fluctuations of the water table. When this information is required, observation wells are necessary to prevent the borings from caving. Observation wells (when installed) typically are constructed by inserting PVC plastic pipe to the desired depths. A closed end slotted portion of PVC pipe is attached to the bottom of the plastic pipe to allow subsurface water to enter the observation well. Clean sand is backfilled around the bottom slotted portion of the well. The remainder of the hole is backfilled with an impervious material, using a bentonite or mortar cap to seal out surface water. The top of the PVC pipe has a removable cover to seal out rainwater and surface water. Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 APPENDIX E DEFINITIONS & TERMINOLOGY Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 DEFINITIONS & TERMINOLOGY Alluvium - Soil and/or rock materials that have been transported by water such that much of the original structure or texture of the original material is lost or diminished. Bedrock - Subsurface materials that cannot be excavated or pre-loosened with a track mounted backhoe having a minimum bucket curling force rating of at least 25,500 pounds (i.e. Caterpillar 225) and occupying an original volume of at least 1 cubic yard. Bedrock can be defined differently depending upon the type of project. Auger refusal is the generally accepted "top of bedrock"; however, zones of soft material may exist at lower elevations than the auger refusal. In such cases, bedrock is defined as material having a rock quality designation (RQD) of 90 or greater. Blue Ridge Belt - mountainous area located on the eastern face of the Appalachian Mountains consisting of a variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Building Limits - the plan outline of the exterior of the building (either wall or footing) perimeter. Caved and dry depths - A measured depth of a borehole partially filled with soil checked 24 hours or more after being drilled. This phenomenon, sometimes designated as a "C-" on the soil test boring records, may indicate the presence of ground water at or just below the indicated depth which likely caused the soils to collapse into the hole. It also may be the result of soil cuttings left in the hole upon removal of the drilling tools. Colluvium - Soil and/or rock materials that have been transported down slope in steep terrains and deposited along the slopes and at their toes. Dikes and sills - Dikes and sills are igneous intrusions (similar to volcanic lava) that are substantially wider than they are thick (i.e. planar). Dikes often are steeply inclined or nearly vertical where sills are oriented horizontally or tabular. These igneous intrusions were injected along zones of weakness in existing bedrock, such as faults, fractured zones, and joint concentrations. Engineered fill - Engineered fill soil generally shall be free of roots larger than 1-inch diameter and shall have a fibrous organic content less than 5 (five) percent by weight. Engineered fill should be an approved material, free of debris (no more than 5 percent by weight), and have a liquid limit and plasticity index less than 40 and 15, respectively. Fill used for raising site grade or for replacement of material that is undercut should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and uniformly compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum density obtained in accordance with ASTM D-698, standard Proctor method. Soil types usually suitable for use as engineered fill include: SC, SM, SP, SW, GC, GM, GP, GW, ML, and CL. Locally, soil type MH is suitable for use as engineered fill with proper moisture conditioning. Existing fill - Soil materials transported by man and placed by man into their current position. Existing fill may be documented or undocumented, suitable or unsuitable. Geotechnical Exploration - A study that is performed after building and infrastructure positioning has occurred and preliminary grades have been estimated in order to identify potential problems with the building location and provide recommendations for building and pavement construction. Ground water - The water levels are those water levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated. The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in a granular soil. In clays and plastic silts, the accurate determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In situ - In the natural or original position or place. Organics - Fibrous material derived from living or formerly living organisms usually plants such as limbs, roots, leaves and bark. Report of Limited Subsurface Investigation October 19, 2023 Courtyards on the Greenway, Stallings, Union County, NC BOYLE Project No. 23-006 Partially weathered rock -An undisturbed residual material with standard penetration- resistances in excess of 100 blows per foot using ASTM D-1586 standards. Physiographic - An area of similar topographic landforms and geomorphologic processes. Piedmont - any area near the foot of a mountain, particularly the plateau extending from New York to Alabama east of the Blue Ridge and/or Appalachian Mountains and west of the Atlantic coastal plain. Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration - A geotechnical exploration that is performed before building and infrastructure positioning has occurred and before preliminary grades have been estimated in order to identify potential problems with the building and infrastructure design and provide preliminary recommendations for building and pavement construction. Rock - Subsurface materials that cannot be excavated or pre-loosened with a track mounted backhoe having a minimum bucket curling force rating of at least 25,500 pounds (i.e. Caterpillar 225) and occupying an original volume of at least 1/2 cubic yard. Mechanized auger refusal is the generally accepted "top of rock". Saprolite or saprolitic - An undisturbed residual soil material weathered in-place that retains the visual appearance (coloration, foliation or cleavage, relict joints, etc.) of the parent bedrock and also retains a portion of the intergranular bond strength once present in the parent rock. Soil - Materials such as sand, silt and clay that are readily excavated with regular duty grading equipment. Standard Penetration - (Blows/Foot) refers to the blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch O.D. split spoon sampler, as specified in ASTM D-1586. The blow count commonly is referred to as the N-value. Topsoil - Organic surficial soil containing more than 5 percent by weight fibrous organic material. Unsuitable Soils - Unsuitable soils are determined on a site by site basis; however, there are several soil types that are typically considered unsuitable to provide support of building foundations. These are: CH-highly plastic clays, topsoil and highly organic soils (containing 10 percent or more organics by weight), and undocumented fills containing slag and/or other deleterious debris. Unsuitable and marginally unsuitable soil types often include CL, MH, OL, OH, and Pt (Peat).