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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061761 Ver 5_More Info Received_20150922North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Pat McCrory Governor MEMORANDUM DATE: September 22, 2015 TO: Courtney Spears THRU: Roy Brownlow FROM: Brad Connell �T' SUBJECT: Burton Farm Development Company, LLC and'State Permit # 28 -08 Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary Please find correspondence enclosed dated September 16, 2015 from Mr. Warren Eadus, of Quible and Associates PC, requesting a permit modification. State Permit #28 -08 was issued for the construction of the Mill Creek subdivision (phase 2), kayak launch, hiking trails, and community docking facility adjacent to Mill Creek, Pamlico County. The permit expires on September 27, 2017. The request by the permittee is to modify the existing permit to reconfigure the alignment of the authorized community boat launch, pier, parking are, and retaining wall on Lot 287 and Lot 288. The proposed orientation will give it an east -west alignment to allow for a more gentle slope gradient. The Morehead City District Staff recommends approving the new alignment of the community boat launch, with standard associated permit conditions. A check in the amount of $100 ( #337) has been received in order to process the request. Enclosure Cc: Raleigh Bland, USACE Scott Vinson, DWR Shane Staples, DCM 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Phone: 252 -808 -28081 FAX: 252 - 247 -3330 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer i Quible Quible &Associates, P.C. P.O. Drawer 870 Krfty Hawk NC 27949 ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING Phone: 252 -491 -8147 SINCE 1959 Fox: 252-491 -8146 web, NC DEAR 400 Com,rnerce Ave. Morehead City, NC 28557 Re: Mill Creek CAMA Minor Modification Permit #28 -08 Mr. Connell: Please find enclosed a project narrative and accompanying site plan, details, and adjacent riparian notification letters for Burton Farm Development Company, LLC's proposed plan to construct a boat ramp for home and lot owners in the Mill Creek Phase_ I and Phase II Subdivision in Minnesott Beach, Pamlico County North Carolina. This boat ramp was previously approved (copy of June 4, 2015 Authorization attached) in the same location, however changes to the design have been made to shorten the length of the ramp approach. As discussed, please process this request as a Minor Modification to the existing CAMA Major Permit #28 -08. Sincerely, Quible & Associates, P.C. Z� Warren D. Eadus, P.G. cc file Burton Farm Developmeht Company, LLC RECEIVED SEP 2 12015 3:37 co Mill Creek Phase II CAMA Minor Modification #28 -08 Boat Ramp Proiect Narrative Burton Farm Development Company, LLC (Applicant) proposes to construct a boat ramp, retaining walls, a small pier (six feet by 20 feet for 'Lying up boat after la! inching), gravel drive and wooden walkway on Lot 287 as shown on the attached Conceptual Sketch. An on -site meeting with the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) representative, Mr. Brad Connell, was conducted on March 10, 2015 to the review the site and discuss the proposed project. The original design was permitted but after discussions with the applicant and the marine contractor the site plan has been adjusted to shorten the ramp approach. This new proposal lessens impacts, however, grading is required on the adjacent Lot 288. Water depths for this location were collected in February of 2014 and prior to that in 2010 and 2009. This proposal will involve the addition of ±7,256 sf of impervious surfaces (in addition to the already constructed ±6,845 sf for a total of ±12,380 sf) and will require a State Stormwater Plan_ Revision. An existing Stormwater Permit (Low Density SW #7070602) has been issued for the site. The Sites (Lot 287 and 288) were designed for and allowed to have 30% coverage of impervious area. Therefore, we will be pursuing a Plan Revision of the existing Low Density Stormwater Permit and utilizing some of the specified 2.50 acres of impervious coverage allowed for Community Amenities as specified in SW #7070602 in addition to the already allowed coverage. SAV surveying was conducted by NC DWQ in the spring of 2009 and the survey concluded that there is a significant SAV resource in the creek (predominately horned pond weed). However, a boat ramp will have a minimal to negligible impact on overall SAV habitat. Mill Creek is not listed as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) or Secondary Nursery Area (SNA). The proposed boat ramp will provide needed access to Mill Creek and the Neuse River for open runabout style boats and small sail boats and is situated well within the quarter width measurement of Mill Creek in this location. This boat ramp will be open to the residents of the Mill Creek Subdivision and will be used in conjunction with the ten permitted and constructed boat slips immediately adjacent to the north. The location was chosen after an extensive review of the shoreline to identify an area where a boat ramp could be sited without impacting Section 404 Wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. This site is located very near the large boat ramp and docking complex that serves Camp Seafarer and takes advantage of already constructed gravel areas associated with the ten slips. As noted during the March 10, 2015 site visit with DCM field staff, there is a fringe of coastal wetlands species (literally a few plants of Cynosuroides) that exist in this proposed boat ramp location along the shore. RECEIVED SEP 212015 000 "'.4r e CIV V: ,I G' ; ILI r ✓) lr�3 L L 2 L; C a% � `cam � J LL ■ EE of o ao mE m 9799 6269 2000 0912 'Z00Z RECEIVED SEP 11015 I 5 li 11-5 L LL LL d c c�=i vmi a: �m � o Y FO .Qm � a 0 CO M O 7099 6265 2000 0992 L.OU. ILI r ✓) lr�3 L L 2 L; C a% � `cam � J LL ■ EE of o ao mE m 9799 6269 2000 0912 'Z00Z RECEIVED SEP 11015 Quible Quible & Assoclates, P.C. P.O.Drower870 Krhy Hawk NC 27949 ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING - SURVEYING Phone: 252 -491 -8147 SINCE 1959 Fax: 252-491 -8140 web: qulblecom September 16, 2015 /(f.w. Henry J. Metzger 693 Raymond Drive Arapahoe, NC 28510 Re: Burton Farm Development, LLC CAMA Major Permitting Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notification Mr. Metzger: CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT 7007 2680 0002 5929 6601 This is formal written notification that the owners of the Mill Creek Phase II Development property are applying for a modification to the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Permit #28 -08. As an adjacent riparian property owner you are required to be notified of the proposed development requiring the modification to the existing permit. All of the proposed work is depicted on the enclosed site plan and includes the construction of a boat ramp. ** *Please note, we have made minor changes to the already approved boat ramp that we notified you about last spring. However, these changes require that we notify you of these changes. If you have no objections to the project as currently proposed, please sign in the space below. If you have any objections please check the appropriate space and indicate what your objections are. Please retain a copy for your records and return one copy of this letter to: Warren Eadus Quibie & Associates, P.C. P.O. Drawer 870 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 No response within 30 days of this notice will be interpreted as no objection. You can also reach me at (252) 491 -8147, or you can reach the DCM Representative, Mr. Brad Connell, at (252) 808 -2808 or'by mail at 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter: Sincerely, Quible & Associates, P.C. K721 VD D. Eadus ave nool�jection td tho project as proposed Uhave jectio t the project as proposed We Quible Quible & Associates, P.C. P.O. Drawer 870 10tty Hawk NC 27949 ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING Phone: 252491.8147 SINCE 1959 fax 252491 -8146 September 16, 2015 4 °ibia`°"' Camp Seafarer 1601 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27605 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT 7007 2680 0002 5929 6618 Re: Burton Farm Development, LLC CAMA Minor Modification Permitting Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notification Sir /Madam: This is formal written notification that the owners of the Mill Creek Phase Il Development property are applying for a modification to the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Permit #28 -08. As an adjacent riparian property owner you are required to be notified of the proposed development requiring the modification to the existing permit. All of the proposed work is depicted on the enclosed site plan and includes the construction of a boat ramp. 'Please note, we have made minor changes to the already approved boat ramp that we notified you about last spring. However, these changes require that we notify you of these changes. If you have no objections to the project as currently proposed, please sign in the space below. If you have any objections please check the appropriate space and indicate what your objections are. Please retain a copy for your records and return one copy of this letter to: Warren Eadus Quible & Associates, P.C. P.O. Drawer 870 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 No response within 30 days of this notice will be interpreted as no objection. You can also reach me at (252) 491 -8147, or you can reach the DCM Representative, Mr. Brad Connell, at (252) 808 -2808 or by mail at 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter. Sincerely, Quible & Associates, P.C. Arr Eadus t! 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