HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060041 Ver 1_Application_20060106.~:' s„a siwg ~ f~o ~~~ `'~ ~ .Q~~. ~0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~ ~:~' DEPARTN~NT OF TRANSPORTATIOl~'~4~~~s oRh'QU,~,~~0~° ~~~77~~rr,,~,,ry~~ MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDCS'~~'~,J'~,c,TT GOVERNOR SECRETARY' December 29, 2005 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1000 Washington, North Carolina 27889-1000 ATTN: Mr. William Wescott NCDOT Coordinator 060041 i `~ ~; Dear Sir: Subject: Nationwide 23 Permit Application and Buffer Authorization for the ~ ;;° proposed replacement of Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 over Neuse River Cut-off (Overflow) in Wayne County, Federal Aid Project: BRZ-1222(4), State Project No. 8.2331301, WBS Element 33145.1.1, TIP B-3538 .~ Please find enclosed a copy of the Buffer Drawings, FHWA Right of Way Consultation, Planning Document, and half-size plan sheets, for the above referenced project. The North '' Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace existing Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 (Bryan Boulevard) over Neuse River Cut-Off (DWQ Index # 27-59) in Wayne ~~'~`~' County. The FHWA Right of Way Consultation dated June 30, 2002 reverses the preferred alternative (see FHWA Right of Way Consultation). The project involves replacement of the existing 161-foot structure with a new structure at the same location. The proposed replacement structure is a 176-foot-3/-inch long bridge with a 29-foot-l0-inch clear roadway width. During construction, traffic will be maintained with an on-site detour that utilizes a temporary bridge located approximately 40 feet north of the existing bridge. The total buffer impact is 11,706 ft2. Less than 0.001 acre of surface water impacts will occur from construction of the bridge bents. IlVIPACTS TO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES General Description: The project is located in the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit 03020201 of the Neuse River Basin and in the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) sub-basin 03-04-12. Neuse River Cut-Off joins with the Neuse River approximately 0.6 miles downstream from Bridge No. 296. A Best Usage Classification of "C NSW" has been assigned to Neuse River Cut-Off. Approximately 0.6 miles upstream of Bridge MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 • ~~ ~ No. 296 lies a water supply protected area classified a WS-IV. Wetlands are not present within the project area. Permanent Impacts: Less than 0.001 acre of surface water impacts from construction of the bridge bents will occur. There are no permanent stream impacts expected to Neuse River Cut-Off from the construction of the new bridge. Temporary Impacts: Temporary impacts to surface waters from installation of the temporary detour bridge bents are expected to be less than 0.001 acre. There are no temporary stream impacts expected to Neuse River Cut-Off from the construction of the new bridge. After construction activities are completed, the temporary bridge will be removed and disturbed upland areas will be revegetated and returned to preconstruction elevation. BUFFER IMPACTS NEUSE RIVER BASIN BUFFER RULES This project is located in the Neuse River Basin; therefore, the regulations pertaining to the buffer rules apply. There will be a total of 11,706 ft2 of impacts to riparian buffers, 6,830 ft2 in Zone 1 and 4,876 ftZ in Zone 2, due to the detour and construction of the new bridge. All practicable measures to minimize impacts within buffer zones were followed. According to the buffer rules, bridges are allowable. Uses designated as allowable may proceed within the riparian buffer provided that there are no practical alternatives to the requested use pursuant to Item (8) of this Rule. These uses require written authorization from the Division of Water Quality. Therefore, NCDOT requests that the NC Division of Water Quality review this application and issue a written authorization for a Neuse River Riparian Buffer Certification. UTILITY IlVIPACTS Southern Bell Telephone Company owns underground telephone cables along SR 1222, which become aerial over the Neuse River Cut-Off. Along the south side of SR 1222, Southern Wayne Sanitary District owns a water line, which is suspended on timber pilings over the Neuse River Cut-Off next to the existing bridge. No utility impacts to surface waters are expected from the proposed project. BRIDGE DEMOLITION The existing bridge has four spans totaling 161 feet. It is composed entirely of timber and steel. These components are slated for removal in a manner that will avoid dropping any bridge components into Neuse River Cut-Off. Because the Neuse River Cut-Off is known to support anadromous fish, "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage" will be followed and no in-stream work will be allowed between February 15 and June 15. There are no other special restrictions beyond those outlined in the BMPs for Protection of Surface Waters and BMPs for Bridge Demolition and Removal. Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal will be followed to avoid any temporary fill from entering Waters of the United States. Schedule: The project schedule calls for a January 16, 2007 Let date, with a Let Review date of November 28, 2006. NCDOT TIP B-3538 Page 2 of 4 ~, AVOIDANCE, MINIMIZATION, AND MITIGATION Avoidance and Minimization: Avoidance examines all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to "Waters of the United States". Because of the presence of surface waters within the project study area, avoidance of all impacts is not practicable. The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to providing full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Because avoidance of all impacts was not possible, minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. As part of this commitment, impacts to Neuse River Cut-Off were minimized by replacing the bridge in the same location. - ~ -- - - Mitigation: No mitigation is proposed for this project. FEDERAL PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered, Threatened, Proposed Endangered and Proposed Threatened are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. As of January 29, 2003 the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists one federally protected species for Wayne County; the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), which is listed as Endangered. No species have been added to or deleted from this list since the completion of the CE (September 2000). Field surveys conducted in 2001 determined that the project area does not contain habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker. Therefore, a biological conclusion of "No Effect" has been given for this species and remains valid. REGULATORY APPROVALS Section 404 Permit: All aspects of this project are being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(b). The NCDOT requests that these activities be authorized by a Nationwide Permit 23 (FR number 10, pages 2020-2095; January 15, 2002). Section 401 Permit: We anticipate 401 General Water Quality Certification number 3403 will apply to this project. All general conditions of the Water Quality Certifications will be met. Therefore, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500(a) and 15A NCAC 2B.0200, we are providing copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality for their review. A copy of this application will be posted on the NCDOT website at: http: //www.doh.dot. state.nc.us/preconstruct/pe/neu/permit.html NCDOT T!P B-3538 Page 3 of 4 r Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Please contact Tyler Stanton at tstanton@dot.state.nc.us or (919) 715-1439 if you have any questions or need any additional information. , Sincerely, Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA cc: W/attachment Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ (7 Copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Ron Sechler, NMFS Mr. Michael Street, NCDMF Dr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Richard E. Greene, P.E., Division Engineer Mr. Jamie Shern, Division 4 Environmental Officer W/o attachment Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Maj ed Alghandour, Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, P.E., Highway Design Mr. Hank Schwab, P.E., PDEA Project Planning Engineer NCDOT TIP 8-3538 Page 4 of 4 RECEIVED JUL ~ 2004 North Carolina Department of Transportation ~lV~SiC~ ~~ HiGI~~,"BAYS PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTATION FO EA-0~~t~.~i==~iA.,r1f41v#~~'~~ TIP No. B-3538 I. GENERAL INFORMATION a. Consultation Phase: Revised Right of Way Consultation b. Project Description: Replacement of Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 over Neuse River Cutoff in Wayne County c. State Project: 8.2331301 WBS Project: 33145.1.1 Federal Project: BRZ-1222 (4) d. Document Type: Right of Way Consultation 6-30-02 Categorical Exclusion 9-27-00 II. ACTION PROPOSED IN RIGHT OF WAY CONSULTATION This project proposed to replace Bridge No. 296 with a new 175-foot long bridge on new alignment approxunately 40 feet north (upstream) of the existing structure. Traffic would be maintained on the existing structure during construction. III. CONCLUSIONS The Categorical Exclusion and Right of Way Consultation have been reevaluated as required by 23 CFR 771. It was determined that the current proposed action is not the same as the action proposed in the previous documents. Proposed changes, aze noted below in Section IV. It has been determined that anticipated social, economic, and environmental impacts were accurately described in the Categorical Exclusion unless noted otherwise herein. IV. CHANGES IN PROPOSED ACTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES The original Categorical Exclusion (CE) proposed two alternatives. Alternate One recommended replacing the existing bridge with a new bridge at approximately the same location and elevation and maintaining traffic onsite using a temporary detour bridge to the north. Alternate Two recommended replacing the bridge on new location to the north and maintaining traffic along the existing alignment. Alternate Two was the recommended alternate in the CE Document. Since that time, Humcane Floyd caused a lot of flood damage to eastern North Carolina. The vicinity of this bridge project was flooded and FEMA bought most of the surrounding houses and property. FEMA regulations declare no new impervious surface (includes pavement) is allowed to be placed on land acquired using Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)/Supplemental funding. NCDOT's Roadway Design Unit has been coordinating with FEMA as well as the NC Division of Emergency Management (NCDEM). These agencies have conditionally approved the replacement of Bridge No. 296 utilizing Alternate One. These conditions are stated on the Green Sheet. '~_ j5",? O,PV'S~~{ R,flt?,` ,-,,~[1Si;itZtinr,, PaoP ! of? Therefore, the recommended alternate will change from Alternate Two, to Alternate One (onsite detour to the north). The previously attained Total Cost Estimate (Construction and Right of Way Cost) for Alternate One is $1,668,000. The new recommended Alternate will not affect any houses, nor result in any relocatees because the properties surrounding the project have been purchased by FEMA resulting from flooding caused by Hurricane Floyd. According to the February 2003 updated list for Wayne County, the only listed Threatened and Endangered Species is the Red-cockaded Woodpecker. As stated in the Categorical Exclusion, the Biological Conclusion of No Effect remains valid. V. COORDINATION Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch personnel have discussed current project proposals with others as follows: Design Engineer: Greg Brew 6-9-04 Date Permits Section: Tyler Stanton 5-17-04 ate e VI. NCDOT CONCURRENCE Robin Y. Hancock, PE, Project Development Engineer Date ~.~ ~ ~L~ ~ - ~v- v~ Teresa Hart, PE, CPM, Assistant Branch Manager Date Project Development and Environmental Analysis VII. FHWA CONCURRENCE -~~1- John F. ivan, III, PE Date g Division Administrator, FHWA B-3538 Revised ROW Consultation Page 2 of 2 ~. PROJECT COMMITMENTS Wayne County Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 over Neuse River Cutoff Federal-Aid No. BRZ-1222(4) State Project No. 8.2331301 WBS 33145.1.1 TIP No. B-3538 Commitments Developed Through Project Development and Design Division 4 Construction, Roadside Environmental Unit, Structure Design Unit Bridge Demolition: Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition & Removal will be implemented. The existing bridge is constructed entirely of timber and steel. Therefore, Bridge No. 296 will be removed without dropping any component into Waters of the United States during construction. Hydraulics Unit, Roadway Design Unit As recommended by the Wildlife Resources Commission, NCDOT will consider using measures to avoid bridge deck drainage directly into the Neuse River Overflow during the hydraulic analysis of the proposed bridge replacement. Roadside Environmental Unit, Hydraulics Unit, Division 4 Construction Office NCDOT will adhere to construction guidelines outlined in "NCDOT Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage" during the construction of Bridge No. 296 in Wayne County. No in-water work will occur from February 15 to June 15. Roadside Environmental Unit, Division 4 Construction Office Once construction of the new bridge and approaches are complete, the detour bridge will be removed. The approach fill for the detour will be removed to natural grade and the area will be revegetated with appropriate plant species. Roadside Environmental Unit, Division 4 Construction Office, Roadway Design Unit The following conditions are required through FEMA and the Division of Emergency Management: 1. The time required for the temporary roadway and bridge is not to exceed 18 months from the date of earth moving startup. 2. The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Property must be returned to pre- construction state. 3. NCDOT will maintain HMGP Property; keeping it free of storm debris. 4. NCDOT will publish a public notice in the local newspaper and provide FEMA with a copy 5. NCDOT will provide FEMA with a detailed engineering site plan for review. Green Sheet CE Revised ROW Consultation Page 1 of I ~I1T1P 7nnQ Wayne County Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 Over Neuse River Overflow Federal Project BRZ-1222 (4) State Project 8.2331301 TIP No. B-3538 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS APPROVED: ~' 2 ,S-Oo ~ ~ lT Date William D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager Project Development nd Environmental Analysis Branch Date ~~ Nicholas Graf, P. E. Division Administrator, FHWA Wayne County Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 Over Neuse River Overflow Federal Project BRZ-1222 (4) State Project 8.2331301 TIP No. B-3538 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION September 2000 Documentation Prepared in Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch By: - iz-oo i Date area T. Orthner Project Development Engineer Date Wayne Elliott ~~,~.~~~~~~~~~~,,,~ Bridge Project Development Engineer, Unit Head ~~•~~~H CARp~~%, ~. `~~ _ SEAL '; - q-ZS-a~ ~ 6976 - Date Lubin V. Prevatt, P. E., Assistant Manager r•~.. : '~ a Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch%,G~~//•~~b.:INEE?•~ ~~ ,;:° ~{~ VV PPRR~ S PROJECT COMMITMENTS Replacement of Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 over Neuse River Wayne County Federal-Aid No. BRZ-1222(4) State Project No. 8.2331301 T.I.P. No. B-3538 Commitments Developed 'I`hrou~h Proiect Development and Desi Hydraulics Unit, Roadway Design Unit As recommended by the Wildlife Resources Commission, NCDOT will consider using measures to avoid bridge deck drainage directly into the Neuse River Overflow during the hydraulic analysis of the proposed bridge replacement. Roadside Environmental Unit, Division Four Construction, Structure Design Unit NCDOT will adhere to the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for "Bridge Demolition and Removal" during the removal of Bridge No. 296 in Wayne County. Roadside Environmental Unit, Hydraulics Unit, Division Four Construction Office NCDOT will adhere to construction guidelines outlined in "NCDOT Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage" during the construction of $rid e No. 296 in Wayne County. No in-water work will occur from February 15 togJune 15. Roadside Environmental Unit, Division Four Construction Office Once construction of the new bridge and approaches are complete, the existing bridge will be removed. The existing approach fill will be removed to natural grade and the area will be planted with native grasses and/or tree species as appropriate. Green Sheet Categorical Exclusion Page 1 of 1 September 26, 2000 Wayne County Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 Over Neuse River Overflow Federal Project BRZ-1222 (4) State Project 8.2331301 TIP No. B-3538 Bridge No. 296 is located in Wayne County over the Neuse River Overflow. It is programmed in the Draft 2002-2008 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as a bridge replacement project. This project is part of the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (HBRRP) and has been classified as a "Categorical Exclusion". No substantial environmental impacts are expected. I. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Bridge No.296 will be replaced as recommended in Alternate 2 with a new bridge on new alignment approximately 40 feet (12.2 m) north (upstream) of the existing structure (see Figure 2). The new structure will be approximately 175 feet (53.3 m) long and 30 feet (9.2 m) wide. The cross section of the new bridge will include two 12-foot (3.6-m) lanes with 3-foot (1.0-m) offsets on each side of the bridge. Traffic will be maintained on the existing structure during construction. There will be approximately 1250 feet (381 m) of new approach work to the east of and 850 feet (260 m) of new approach work to the west of the new bridge, The pavement width of the roadway approaches will be 24 feet (7.2 m). Additionally, there will be 8-foot (2.4-m) grass shoulders. The design speed will be 25 mph (40 km/h). The estimated cost of the project is $1,365,000 including $1,272,000 in construction costs and $93,000 in right of way costs. The estimated cost shown in the Draft 2002-2008 TIP is $1,800,000. II. ANTICIPATED DESIGN EXCEPTIONS Based on preliminary analysis, a design exception will not be required for this project. III. EXISTING CONDITIONS SR 1222 is classified as a Rural Local Route in the Statewide Functional Classification System. The dead-end road is located approximately one mile southwest of Goldsboro, N. C. Currently the traffic volume is 800 vehicles per day (VPD) and projected at 1300 VPD for the year 2025. There is a 20 mph (30 km/h) posted speed limit in the vicinity of the bridge. The road serves primarily local residential and industrial traffic. The existing bridge was completed in 1953_ It is composed of a four-span timber and steel superstructure. The deck is 161 feet (49 m) long and 19 feet (6 m) wide. The substructure is composed of timber bents with timber caps. There are approximately 28 feet (8.5 m) of vertical clearance between the floorbeams of the bridge deck and streambed. There is one lane of traffic on the bridge. According to Bridge Maintenance Unit records, the sufficiency rating of the bridge is 5.0 out of a possible 100. Presently, the bridge is posted with weight restrictions of 14 tons for single vehicles and 17 tons for truck-tractor semi-trailers. Vertical alignment is good in the project vicinity. The existing bridge lies in a tangent section of roadway that curves sharply on both the east and west approaches to the bridge. The pavement width on the approaches to the bridge is 19 feet (6 m). Shoulders on the approaches of the bridge are approximately 4 feet (1.2 m) wide. The Traffic Engineering Branch indicates that no accidents have been reported during a recent three-yeaz period in the vicinity of the project. There are six daily school bus crossings over the studied bridge. Because SR 1222 is a dead-end road, there is no alternate route available for the school buses in the case of road closure. Southern Bell Telephone Company owns underground telephone cables along SR 1222, which become aerial over the Neuse River Overflow. CP&L owns power lines along SR 1247 with a service drop at the intersection of SR 1222. No power lines cross the Neuse River Overflow. Along the south side of SR 1222, Southern Wayne Sanitary District owns a water line, which is suspended on timber pilings over the Neuse River Overflow next to the bridge. IV. PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES There aze two "build" options considered in this document as follows: Alternate 1: Bridge No. 296 would be replaced with a new 175-foot (53 m) long bridge at approximately the same location and roadway elevation as the existing bridge. Traffic would be maintained on-site using a temporary detour north of the existing bridge. The design speed would be 25 mph (40 km/h). Alternate 2: (Recommended) Bridge No. 296 will be replaced with a new 175-foot (53 m) long bridge on new location approximately 40 feet (12.2 m) north (upstream) of the existing structure. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. The design speed will be 25 mph (40 km/h). Both alternates were evaluated on the north side of the bridge in order to avoid a water line suspended on timber pilings along the south side of the bridge. Bridge No. 296 is the only access in and out of a residential and industrial community northeast of the Neuse River Overflow on SR 1222. Therefore, closing the road during construction is not an option, as access to this community would be cut off. "Do-nothing" is not practical; requiring the eventual closing of the road as the existing bridge completely deteriorates. Rehabilitation of the existing deteriorating bridge is neither practical nor economical. V. ESTIMATED COST (Table 1) COMPONENT ALTERNATE 1 Recommended ALTERNATE 2 New Bridge Existing Bridge Removal Roadway & Approaches Detour Brid a and A roaches 383,000 28,000 198,000 322,000 383,000 28,000 345,000 N/A Mobilization & Miscellaneous 371,000 316,000 En ineerin & Contin encies 220,000 200,000 Total Construction $1,522,000 $1,272,000 Ri t of Wa $146,000 $93,000 Total Cost $1,668,000 $1,365,000 VI. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Bridge No.296 will be replaced as recommended in Alternate 2 with a new bridge on new alignment approximately 40 feet (12.2 m) north (upstream) of the existing structure (see Figure 2). The new structure will be approximately 175 feet (53.3 m) long and 30 feet (9.2 m) wide. The cross section of the new bridge will include two 12-foot (3.6-m) lanes with 3-foot (1.0-m) offsets on each side of the bridge. Traffic will be maintained on the existing structure during construction. There will be approximately 1250 feet (381 m) of new approach work to the east of and 850 feet (260 m) of new approach work to the west of the new bridge. The pavement width of the roadway approaches will be 24 feet (7.2 m). Additionally, there will be 8-foot (2.4-m) grass shoulders. The design speed will be 25 mph (40 km/h). Once construction of the new bridge and approaches are complete, the existing bridge will be removed. The existing approach fill will be removed to natural grade and the area will be planted with native grasses and/or tree species as appropriate. Alternate 2 is recommended due to lower cost. Each alternate would provide a 25 mph (40 km/h) design speed. Each alternate maintains traffic on site, since there are no alternate routes available in the area. In addition, the environmental consequences are essentially the same for both alternates. VII. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS A. GENERAL This project is expected to have an overall positive impact. Replacement of an inadequate bridge will result in safer traffic operations. This project is considered to be a "Categorical Exclusion" due to its limited scope and insignificant environmental consequences. This bridge replacement will not have a substantial adverse effect on the quality of the human or natural environment by implementing the environmental commitments listed in the "Project Commitments" (green) sheet of this document. In addition, the use of current NCDOT standards and specifications will be implemented. The project is not in conflict with any plan, existing land use, or zoning regulation. No change in land use is expected to result from construction of this project. There are no hazardous waste impacts. No adverse effect on families or communities is anticipated. Right-of--way acquisition will be limited. No adverse effect on public facilities or services is expected. The project is not expected to adversely affect social, economic, or religious opportunities in the area. There are no publicly owned parks, recreational facilities, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges of national, state, or local significance in the vicinity of the project. This project will not impact any resource protected by Section 4(f) of the U. S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966. The proposed bridge replacement project will not raise the existing flood levels or have any significant adverse effect on the existing floodplain. Utility impacts are considered to be low for the proposed project. B. AIR AND NOISE This project is an air quality "neutral" project, so it is not required to be included in the regional emissions analysis and a project level CO analysis is not required. The project is located in Wayne County, which has been determined to be in compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. 40 CFR part 51 is not applicable, because the proposed project is located in an attainment area. This project is not anticipated to create any adverse effects on the air quality of this attainment area. The project will not substantially increase traffic volumes. Therefore, it will not have substantial impact on noise levels. Temporary noise increases may occur during construction. C. LAND USE & FARMLAND EFFECTS In the vicinity of this project, Wayne County has no zoning. This project will impact no soils considered to be prime or important farmland. D. HISTORICAL EFFECTS & ARCHAEOLOGICAL EFFECTS The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) indicated that there are no known architectural or archaeological sites in the project area and no unknown sites are likely to be found. Therefore, the SHPO recommended no architectural or archaeological surveys be conducted in connection with this project. (See attachment.) E. NATURAL RESOURCES I. PHYSICAL RESOURCES Soil and water resources, which occur in the study area, are discussed below. Soils and the availability of water directly influence composition and distribution of flora and fauna in any biotic community. The project lies in the Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic province. Topography within the project region can be described as smooth, but short, sloping to moderately steep breaks occurring along the floodplain of permanent streams. Topography in the project area is flat with steep slopes occurring on the waters edge. Primary land use is agriculture, but it includes urban areas around Goldsboro. Project elevation is approximately 60.0 ft (18.3 m) above mean sea level (msl). SOILS Two soil phases occur within project boundaries. Wickham loamy sands (WhA) are well-drained soils found on broad stream terraces. These soils formed in stream sediments. Permeability is moderate and the seasonal high water table remains below a depth of 5.0 ft (1.5 m). The slopes of this Wickham loamy sand are 0-2 percent. Infiltration is moderate, and surface runoff is slow. Major hazards include flooding for short periods of time and erosion for the steeper sloped areas. Wickham loamy sands are listed asnon-hydric. Wickham sandy loam (WkB2) is awell-drained soil on smooth, low ridges on stream terraces, which formed in stream sediments. Permeability is moderate and the seasonal high water table remains below a depth of 5.0 ft (1.5 m). Slopes range from 2-6 percent. Infiltration is moderately slow, and surface runoff is medium. Erosion is a moderate hazard because of the steep slope's. Wickham sandy loam is listed as non- hydric. Wickham soils are low in natural fertility and organic matter content. They are important for farming and well suited to locally grown crops. WATER RESOURCES This section contains information concerning those water resources likely to be impacted by the project. Water resource information encompasses physical aspects of the resource, its relationship to major water systems, Best Usage Standards and water quality of the resources. Probable impacts to these water bodies are also discussed, as are means to minimize those impacts. Waters Impacted and Characteristics Neuse River Overflow will be the only surface water resource directly impacted by the proposed project (Figure 2). Neuse River Overflow is located in sub-basin 03-04-12 of the Neuse River Basin, and has its confluence with the Neuse River approximately 0.6 mi (1.0 km stream channel distance) downstream of Bridge No. 296, The Neuse River Overflow is not considered a navigable waterway. At Bridge No. 296, the channel of Neuse River Overflow is approximately 90.0 ft (27.4 m) wide and has a depth of 10.0 ft (3.1 m). The average baseflow width is 40.0 ft (12.2 m) and the average baseflow depth is 4.0 f t (1.2 m). Rip-rap is located under both sides of the bridge to stabilize the banks. The streambanks are steep, but stable. On July 29, 1999, very little flow was observed in this portion of Neuse River Overflow. Approximately 0.1 mi (0.2 km) downstream of the bridge is a riffle area comprised of clay, sand, cobbles, and boulders. Upstream of the bridge, rock ledges are visible and the substrate consists of clay and sand. Best Usage Classification Streams have been assigned a best usage classification by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). The DWQ identifies Neuse River Overflow as Neuse River Cut-Off. In this report, I will address it as Neuse River Overflow. The classification of Neuse River Overflow (Cut-Off) [index no. 27-59] is C NSW. The "C" classification denotes freshwaters suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation and agriculture. The supplemental classification of NSW denotes Nutrient Sensitive Waters which require limitations on nutrient inputs. Within the project region lies the Neuse River Water Supply Watershed. Approximately 0.6 mi (1.0 km) west of Bridge No. 2961ies a water supply protected area. A protected area is only located within WS-IV watersheds. WS-IV refers to those waters used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes for those users where a WS-I, WS-II, or WS-III classification is not feasible. WS-IV waters are generally located within moderately to highly developed watersheds. A protected area is defined as land within five miles and draining to the normal pool elevation of water supplies, or within ten miles upstream and draining to a river intake. Neither High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I: undeveloped watersheds, or WS-II: predominately undeveloped watersheds) nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.0 mile (1.6 km) of the project study area. Water Quality The DWQ has initiated a whole basin approach to water quality management for the 17 river basins within the state. To accomplish this goal the DWQ collects biological, chemical and physical data that can be used in basinwide assessment and planning. All basins are reassessed every five years. Prior to the implementation of the basinwide approach to water quality management, the Benthic Macroinvertebrate Ambient Network (managed by the DEM) assessed water quality by sampling for benthic macroinvertebrate organisms at fixed monitoring sites throughout the state. Biological monitoring is now performed as part of the basinwide assessment program. Many benthic macroinvertebrates have stages in their life cycle that can last from six months to a year; therefore, the adverse effects of a toxic spill will not be overcome 6 until the next generation. Different taxa of macroinvertebrates have different tolerances to pollution; therefore, long term changes in water quality conditions can be identified by population shifts from pollution sensitive to pollution tolerant organisms (and vice versa). Overall, the species present, the population diversity and the biomass are reflections of long term water quality conditions. There is a biological sampling station located on the Neuse River at NC 117, within 1.0 mi (1.6 km) of the project corridor. This site was last sampled in August 1995 and received a rating of Good-Fair. The Ambient Monitoring System (AMS) is a network of stream, lake, and estuarine water quality monitoring stations strategically located for the collection of physical and chemical water quality data. The type of water quality data or parameters that are collected aze determined by the waterbody's freshwater or saltwater classification and corresponding water quality standards. Class C waters are sampled at a minimum frequency of once per month. There is one AMS station located within 3.0 mi (4.8 km) downstream of Bridge No. 296. A review of the monitoring information obtained from this location indicated no significant water quality problems. Point source dischargers located throughout North Carolina are permitted through the National Pollutant Dischazge Elimination System (NPDES) Program. Any dischazger is required to register for a permit. Two permitted dischargers are located within 1.0 mi (1.6 km) of Bridge No. 296. Table 2. Maior Dischargers Within 1.0 mi (1.6 km) of Bride No. 296 Desi ' Av .Flow Facility NPDES # :.~ Flow. .-fxom I99I Location , ,. . _ _ (MGD ,.. IGD , . . Wayne County Genoa Industrial N00030392 0.4000 0.0882 Neuse R. Pazk WWTP *downstream Celotex Corporation N00050695 N/A 0.0000 Neuse R. Ut *downstream "MGD" Quantifies the flow in millions of gallons per day (MGD). "*" Denotes if the discharger is located upstream or downstream of Bridge No. 296. "Ut" Unnamed Tributary Nonpoint source discharge refers to runoff that enters surface waters through stormwater or snowmelt. Agricultural activities may serve as a source for various forms of nonpoint source pollutants. Land clearing and plowing disturb soils to a degree where they are- susceptible to erosion, which can lead to sedimentation in streams. Sediment is the most widespread cause of nonpoint source pollution in North Cazolina. Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and land application of animal wastes can be transported via runoff to receiving streams and potentially elevate concentrations of toxic compounds and nutrients. Animal wastes can also be a source of bacterial contamination and elevate biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Drainage ditches on poorly drained soils enhances the transportation of stormwater into surface waters. Summary of Anticipated Impacts Surface waters present in the project area include the Neuse River Overflow. Estimated linear impacts are derived using the combined ROW width of 90.0 feet (27.4 m) for Alternate 1 and 80.0 feet (24.4 m) for Alternate 2. Anticipated impacts to the Neuse River Overflow will be 90.0 feet (27.4 m) for Alternate 1 and 80.0 feet (24.4 m) for Alternate 2. Usually, project construction does not require the entire ROW; therefore, actual impacts may be considerably less. Project construction may result in the following impacts to surface waters: 1. Increased sedimentation and siltation from construction and/or erosion. 2. Changes in light incidence and water clarity due to increased sedimentation and vegetation removal. 3. Alteration of water levels and flows due to interruptions and/or additions to surface and ground water flow from construction. 4. Changes in water temperature due to removal of streamside vegetation. 5. Increased nutrient loading during construction via runoff from exposed areas. 6. Increased concentration of toxic compounds from highway runoff, construction, toxic spills, and increased vehicular use. Precautions will be taken to minimize impacts to water resources in the study azea. NCDOT's Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters will be strictly enforced during the construction stage of the project. Guidelines for these BMPs include, but are not limited to: minimizing built upon area and diversion of stormwater away from surface water supply waters as much as possible. In addition, measures to avoid deck drainage directly into the stream will be considered in the hydraulic analysis of this project. Provisions to preclude contamination by toxic substances during the construction interval must also be strictly enforced. II. BIOTIC RESOURCES Biotic resources include aquatic and terrestrial communities. This section describes those communities encountered in the study azea as well as the relationships between fauna and flora within these communities. Composition and distribution of biotic communities throughout the project azea aze reflective of topography, hydrologic influences and past and present land uses in the study area. Descriptions of the terrestrial systems aze presented in the context of plant community classifications and follow descriptions presented by Schafale and Weakley (1990) where possible. Dominant flora and fauna observed, or likely to occur, in each community are described and discussed. Scientific nomenclature and common names (when applicable) are provided for each animal and plant species described. Plant taxonomy generally follows Radford, et al. (1968). Animal taxonomy follows Martof, et al. (1980), Menhinick (1991), Potter, et al. (1980), Webster, et al. (1985), Glassberg (1999), and Borror, et al (1970). Subsequent references to the same organism will include the common name only. Fauna observed during the site visit aze denoted with an asterisk (*). Spoor evidence equates to observation of the species. Published range distributions and habitat analysis aze used in estimating fauna expected to be present within the project area. TERRESTRIAL COMMUNITIES Two distinct terrestrial communities aze identified in the project study area: mixed pine hardwood forest and maintained/disturbed. Community boundaries within the study area are generally well defined without a significant transition zone between them. Many faunal species likely to occur within the study area may exploit all communities for shelter and foraging opportunities, or as movement corridors. Mixed Pine Hardwood Forest The mixed pine hardwood forest is present in the upland areas adjacent to Neuse River Overflow. The transition from mixed pine hazdwood forest to the surrounding communities is abrupt due to the change in vegetation and road shoulder and agricultural maintenance activities. On the southwest corner of the bridge, the azea adjacent to the mixed pine hardwood forest appeazs to have been previously inhabited and maintained. The forest community is littered with debris including concrete and trash. The other three corners of the bridge are relatively undisturbed mixed pine hazdwood forest. The canopy is primarily composed of sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), water oak (Quercus nigra), southern red oak (Q. falcata), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), laurel oak (Q. laurifolia), river birch (Betula nigra), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), and eastern redcedaz (Juniperus virginiana). The shrub layer consists of saplings of the canopy trees, ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), and sassafras (Sassafras albidum). Herbs within the forest consist of river oats (Chasmanthium latifolium) and Japanese grass (Microstegium virmineum). Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), and greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia) comprise the vine layer of this community. Maintained/Disturbed The maintained/disturbed community includes road shoulders along SR 1222 that are present along the entire length of the project, a utility corridor, and an agricultural field. Road shoulders and utility corridors aze irregulazly maintained, receiving only periodic mowing and herbicide applications. The portion of the agricultural field that will be impacted is less maintained; therefore, vegetation occurring along the utility corridor would be similaz to, but denser than that in the agricultural field. Road shoulders act as buffers between the roadway and surrounding communities by filtering storm water run-off and reducing run-off velocities. The width of the road shoulder is approximately 10.0 ft (3.1 m). Vegetation occurring within frequently maintained portions of the road shoulder include low growing species such as: fescue (Festuca spp.), crab grass (Digitaria sp. ), dwarf dandelion (Krigia virginica), clover (Trifolium spp.), common chickweed (Stellaria media), and buckhom plantain (Plantago lanceolata). Areas receiving less frequent maintenance, such as utility corridors are occupied by Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.), dog-fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), ragweed (Ambrosia sp.), pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), dayflower (Commelina sp.), greenbrier, morning glory (Ipomoea sp.), curly dock (Rumex crispus), horse nettle (Solanum carolinensis), grape (Vitis sp.), sneeze-weed (Helenium sp.), trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Chinese wistena (Wisteria sinensis), passion-flower (Passijlora sp.), and saplings of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), water oak (Quercus nigra), mimosa-tree (Albizia julibrissin), and redbud (Cercis canadensis). Wildlife ' Many faunal species are highly adaptive and may populate or exploit the entire range of biotic communities discussed. Generally, community boundaries are abrupt, with little transitional azea between them. Forested tracts and drainageways provide habitat for species requiring a forest community, and also provide shelter and movement corridors for other species of wildlife within the project vicinity. Mammals that commonly exploit habitats found within the project azea include: the hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus), house mouse (Mus musculus), Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus), and least shrew (Cryptotis parva). The hispid cotton rat thrives in dense vegetation associated with field edges. The Virginia oppossum (Didelphis virginiana) and raccoon (Procyon lotor) are very adaptive mammals which frequent areas of human settlement. The gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) preys heavily on cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus) and other rodents which can be found in abundance in this type of habitat. Birds found foraging within the project azea include: brown thrasher* (Toxostoma rufum), Cazolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus), great blue heron (Ardea herodias), common crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), field sparrow (Spizella pusilla), eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis), turkey vulture (Cathartes aura), and killdeer (Charadrius vociferus). Insects observed utilizing the azea were cicadas* (Family Cicadidae), Horace's duskywing* (Erynnis horatius), and least skipper* (Ancyloxypha numitor). An orb- weaver spider* (Order Araneida) was also observed in the project area. Reptiles that can be expected to utilize the terrestrial communities within the project area include: redbelly snake (Storeria occipitomaculata), rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta), rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus), Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis), five-lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus), eastern hognose snake (Heterodon platyrhinos), snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina), spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata), and eastern fence lizazd (Sceloporus undulatus). The diet of the rat snake consist pnmarily of rats and mice. The forest communities near surface water provide excellent habitat for amphibians such as Cazolina mudpuppy (Necturus lewisi), dwazf salamander (Eurycea quadridigitata), Fowler's toad* (Bufo woodhousei), little grass frog (Limnaoedus ocularis), spring peeper (Hyla crucifer), and Brimley's chorus frog (Pseudacris brimleyi). Brimley's chorus frog occurs along streams flowing through hazdwood forests, with females depositing eggs on plant stems and other submerged objects. AQUATIC COMMUNITIES One aquatic community, Neuse River Overflow, will be impacted by the proposed project. Fauna present within the project area aze dependent upon physical chazactenstics of the water body and overall condition of the water resource. Terrestrial communities adjacent to a water resource also greatly influence aquatic communities. Fauna associated with the aquatic communities include various invertebrate and vertebrate species. The streambank along this portion of Neuse River Overflow is steep, yet stable. Vegetation along the streambank includes various mosses (Musci), liverwort (Hepaticae), and Japanese grass. Fish species likely to occur in Neuse River Overflow include mosquitofish* (Gambusia holbrooki), sunfish* (Family Centrazchidae), creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus), and margined madtom (Noturus insignis). Invertebrates that would be present include: crayfish* (Cambaridae), dragonflies* and damselflies* (Odonata), nymphal and larval stages of caddisflies* (Trichoptera) and stoneflies* (Plecoptera), whirligig beetles* (Gynnidae), and water striders* (Aquarius sp.). Mollusks identified in Neuse River Overflow include two types of freshwater mussels, including four specimens of Elliptio spp.* and three eastern floaters* (Pyganodon cataracta), as well as asiatic clams* (Corbicula fluminea) and snails* (Gastropoda). ]0 The Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) indicated this section of Neuse River Overflow is known to support anadromous fish. WRC has requested that NCDOT comply with the "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage" and that no in-water work occur from February 15 to June 15. SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED IMPACTS Construction of the subject project will have various impacts on the biotic resources described. Any construction related activities in or near these resources have the potential to impact biological functions. This section quantifies and qualifies impacts to the natural resources in terms of area impacted and ecosystems affected. Temporary and permanent impacts are considered here as well. Calculated impacts to biotic resources reflects the relative abundance of each community present within the study area. Project construction will result in clearing and degradation of portions of these communities. Table 3 summarizes potential quantitative losses to these biotic communities resulting from project construction. Estimated impacts for Alternate 1 and Alternate 2 are derived using the proposed ROW of 80.0 feet (24.4 m) for the Replacement Bridge. In addition, Alternate 1 involves a detour bridge with a ROW of 60.0 feet (18.3 m), for a combined width of 90.0 feet (27.4 m), excluding overlap. The paved roadway width of 19.0 ft (5.8 m) has been excluded from the impact calculations. Usually, project construction does not require the use of the entire ROW or study area width, therefore, actual impacts may be considerably less. Surface water impacts are presented in "Water Resources" section of this document. Table 3. Anticipated Impacts to Biotic Communities Community Alternate 1 * Alternate 2 Mixed, Pine Hardwood .0.39 (0.16) 0.65 (0.26) Maintained/Disturbed 2.27 (0.92) 2.39 (0.97) Total 2.66 (1.08) 3.04 (1.23) Note: Values cited are in acres (hectares). *Approximately 30% of Alternate 1 involve temporary impacts. Plant communities found along the proposed project area serve as nesting and sheltering habitat for various wildlife. Replacing Bridge No. 296 will reduce habitat for faunal species, thereby diminishing faunal numbers„ Habitat reduction concentrates wildlife into smaller areas of refuge, thus causing some species to become more susceptible to disease, predation and starvation. Areas modified by construction (but not paved) will become road shoulders and early successional habitat. Increased traffic noise and reduced habitat will displace some wildlife further from the roadway while attracting other wildlife by the creation of more early successional habitat. Animals temporarily displaced by construction activities will repopulate areas suitable for the species. This temporary displacement of animals may result in an increase of competition for the remaining resources. Aquatic communities are sensitive to small changes in their environment. Stream channelization, scouring, siltation, sedimentation and erosion from construction- related work would effect water quality and biological constituents. Although direct impacts may be temporary, environmental impacts from these construction processes may result in long term or irreversible effects. In-stream construction alters the stream substrate and may remove streamside vegetation at the site. Disturbances to the substrate will destroy aquatic vegetation and produce siltation, which clogs the gills and/or feeding mechanisms of benthic organisms (sessile filter-feeders and deposit- feeders), fish and amphibian species. Benthic organisms can also be covered by excessive amounts of sediment. These organisms are slow to recover or repopulate a stream. Turbidity reduces light penetration thus ' decreasing the growth of aquatic vegetation. The removal of streamside vegetation and placement of fill material at the construction site alters the terrain. Alterations of the streambank enhances the likelihood of erosion and sedimentation. Revegetation stabilizes and holds the soil thus mitigating these processes. Erosion and sedimentation carry soils, toxic compounds and other materials into aquatic communities at the construction site. These processes magnify turbidity and can cause the formation of sandbazs at the site and downstream, thereby altering water flow and the growth of vegetation. Streamside alterations also lead to more direct sunlight penetration and to elevations of water temperatures which may impact many species. III. JURISDICTIONAL TOPICS -This section provides descriptions, inventories and impact analysis pertinent to two important issues--Waters of the United States, and rare and protected species. WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) promulgated the definition of "Waters of the United States" under 33 CFR §328.3(a). Waters of the United States include most interstate and intrastate surface waters, tributazies, and wetlands. Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions are considered "wetlands" under 33 CFR §328.3(b). Wetlands generally include swamps, mazshes, bogs, and similar areas. Any action that proposes to place dredged or fill materials into Waters of the United States falls under the jurisdiction of the USAGE, and must follow the statutory provisions under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. 1344). Characteristics of Wetlands and Surface Waters Potential wetland communities were investigated pursuant to the 1987 "Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual". The three parameter approach is used where hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation and prescribed hydrologic chazacteristics must all be present for an area to be considered a wetland. Wetlands are not present within the project area. Summary of Anticipated Impacts Surface waters present in the project area include the Neuse River Overflow. Estimated linear impacts are derived using the combined ROW width of 90.0 feet (27.4 m) for Alternate 1 and 80.0 feet (24.4 m) for Alternate 2. Anticipated impacts to the Neuse River Overflow will be 90.0 feet (27.4 m) for Alternate 1 and 80.0 feet (24.4 m) for Alternate 2. Usually, project construction does not require the entire ROW; therefore, actual impacts may be considerably less. 12 Permits Impacts to jurisdictional surface waters are anticipated. In accordance with provisions of section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), a permit will be required from the COE for the discharge of dredged or fill material into "Waters of the United States." A Section 404 Nationwide Permit 33 CFR 330.5(a) (23) is likely to be applicable for all impacts to Waters of the United States from the proposed project. This permit authorizes activities undertaken, assisted, authorized, regulated, funded or financed in whole, or part, by another Federal agency or department where that agency or department has determined that pursuant to the council on environmental quality regulation for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act; (1) that the activity, work, or discharge is categorically excluded from environmental documentation because it is included within a category of actions which neither individually nor cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment, and; (2) that the office of the Chief of Engineers has been furnished notice of the agency' or department's application for the categorical exclusion and concurs with that determination. A North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Section 401 Water Quality General Certification is required prior to the issuance of the Section 404 Nationwide Permit No. 23. Section 401 Certification allows surface waters to be temporarily impacted for the duration of the construction or other land manipulations. Neuse River Buffers As the project is located in the Neuse River Basin, Riparian Area Rules for Nutrient Sensitive Waters apply. The rules state that roads, bridges, stormwater management facilities, ponds, and utilities may be allowed where no practical alternative exists. They also state that these structures shall be located, designed, constructed, and maintained to have minimal disturbance, to provide maximum erosion protection, to have the least adverse effects on aquatic life and habitat, and to protect water quality to the maximum extent practical through the use of best management practices. Every reasonable effort will be made to avoid and minimize wetland and stream impacts. Estimated impacts to the. riparian buffers are derived using the combined ROW width of 90.0 ft (27.4 m) for Alternate 1 and 80.0 feet (24.4 m) for Alternate 2, and the required buffer width of 50.0 ft (15.2 m) on each side of the water resource. Anticipated impacts to riparian buffers are calculated to be 0.21 ac (0.08 ha) for Alternate 1 and 0.18 acres (0.07 ha) for Alternate 2. It is possible the Neuse River Overflow may be exempted when an on-site determination by the Division of Water Quality is conducted. Therefore, impacts may be considerably less. Mitigation The USACE has adopted, through the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), a wetland mitigation policy which embraces the concept of "no net loss of wetlands" and sequencing. The purpose of this policy is to restore and maintain the chemical, biological and physical integrity of Waters of the United States, specifically wetlands. Mitigation of 13 wetland impacts has been defined by the CEQ to include: avoiding impacts (to wetlands), minimizing impacts, rectifying impacts, reducing impacts over time and compensating for impacts (40 CFR 1508.20). Each of these three aspects (avoidance, minimization and compensatory mitigation) must be considered sequentially. Avoidance Avoidance mitigation examines all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to Waters of the United States. According to a 1990 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the USACE, in determining "appropriate and practicable" measures to offset unavoidable impacts, such measures should be appropriate to the scope and degree of those impacts and practicable in terms of cost, existing technology and logistics in light of overall project purposes. Minimization Minimization includes the examination of appropriate and practicable steps to reduce the adverse impacts to Waters of the United States. Implementation of these steps will be required through project modifications and permit conditions. Minimization typically focuses on decreasing the footprint of the proposed project through the reduction of median widths, ROW widths, and/or fill slopes. Other practical mechanisms to minimize impacts to Waters of the United States crossed by the proposed project include: strict enforcement of sedimentation control BMP's for the protection of surface waters during the entire life of the project; reduction of clearing and grubbing activity; reduction/elimination of direct dischazge into streams; reduction of runoff velocity; re- establishment of vegetation on exposed azeas, judicious pesticide and herbicide usage; minimization of "in-stream" activity; and litter/debris control. In addition, once construction of the new bridge and approaches are complete as recommended in Alternate 2, the existing bridge will be removed. The existing approach fill will be removed to natural grade and the azea will be planted with native grasses and/or tree species as appropriate. Compensatory Mitigation Compensatory mitigation is not normally considered until anticipated impacts to Waters of the United States have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. It is recognized that "no net loss of wetlands" functions and values may not be achieved in each and every permit action. Appropriate and practicable compensatory mitigation is required for unavoidable adverse impacts which remain after all appropriate and practicable minimization has been required. Compensatory actions often include restoration, creation and enhancement of Waters of the United States. Such actions should be undertaken in areas adjacent to or contiguous to the discharge site. Compensatory mitigation is not usually necessary with a Nationwide Permit No. 23, however the final decision lies with the COE. Bridge Demolition Bridge No. 296 has four spans totaling 161 feet (49 m) in length. The bridge is composed entirely of timber and steel. Therefore, Bridge No. 296 will be removed without dropping any components into Waters of the U.S. during construction. 14 RARE AND PROTECTED SPECIES Some populations of fauna and flora have been in, or are in, the process of decline either due to natural forces or their inability to coexist with human activities. Federal law (under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended) requires that any action, likely to adversely affect a species classified asfederally-protected, be subject to review by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife (FWS). Other species may receive additional protection under separate state laws. Federally-Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Proposed Endangered (PE) and Proposed Threatened (PT) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. As of December 20, 1999, the FWS lists one federally-protected species for Wayne County. A brief description of the species' characteristics and habitat follows. Picoides borealis (red-cockaded woodpecker) Endangered Family: Picidae Date Listed: October 10, 1970 The adult red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) has a plumage that is entirely black and white except for small red streaks on the sides of the nape in the male. The back of the RCW is black and white with horizontal stripes. The breast and underside of this woodpecker aze white with streaked flanks. The RCW has a large white cheek patch surrounded by the black cap, nape, and throat. The RCW uses open old growth stands of southern pines, particularly longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), for foraging and nesting habitat. A forested stand must contain at least 50 percent pine, lack a thick understory, and be contiguous with other stands to be appropriate habitat for the RCW. These birds nest exclusively in trees that aze greater than 60 years old and aze contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age. The foraging range of the RCW is up to500 acres (200 hectares). This acreage must be contiguous with suitable nesting sites. These woodpeckers nest exclusively in living pine trees and usually in trees that are infected with the fungus that causes red-heart disease. Cavities are located in colonies from 12.0-100.0 ft (3.6-30.3 m) above the ground and average 30.0-50.0 ft (9.1- 15.2 m) high. They can be identified by a large incrustation of running sap that surrounds the tree. The RCW lays its eggs in April, May, and June; the eggs hatch approximately 38 days later. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION NO EFFECT Suitable habitat, in the form of open old growth stands of southern pines, does not exist within the project azea. The project azea is dominated by mixed pine hardwood forest community. Pines within this forested community are interspersed within the community and represent less than fifty percent of the canopy. A review of the NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats on January 19, 2000 revealed that there are no known occurrences of the red-cockaded woodpecker within 2.0 mi (3.2 km) of the project study azea. Therefore, project construction will not affect the red-cockaded woodpecker. IS Federal Species of Concern and State Listed Species There are five Federal Species of Concern (FSC) listed for Wayne County. Federal Species of Concern are not afforded federal protection under the ESA and are not subject to any of its provisions, including Section 7, until they are formally proposed or listed as Threatened or Endangered. Federal Species of Concern aze defined as those species which may or may not be listed in the future. These species were formally candidate species, or species under consideration for listing for which there was insufficient information to support a listing of Endangered, Threatened, Proposed Endangered and Proposed Threatened. Organisms which are listed as Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Significantly Raze (SR) or Special Concern (SC) by the North Cazolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) list of rare species and unique habitats are afforded state protection under the State Endangered Species Act and the North Carolina Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979. Table 4 lists Federal Species of Concern and State listed species, the species state status and the existence of suitable habitat for each species in the study azea. This species list is provided for information purposes as the status of these species may be upgraded in the future. Surveys for these species were not conducted during the site visit, nor were any of these species observed. A review of the NCNHP database of rare species and unique habitats on January 19, 2000 revealed no records of North Carolina rare and/or protected species in or near the project study azea. Table 4. Federal Species of Concern for Wayne County Scienttific Name Common Name'> States = Habits '' Corynorhinus rafinesquii Rafinesque's big-eazed bat SC* PT Yes Heterodon simus southern hognose snake SR PSC Yes L thrurus matutinus inewoods shiner SR Yes Fusconaia masoni Atlantic pigtoe T PE Yes Litsea aestivalis Ponds ice C No "*" ----- Historic record (Last observed in Wayne County more than twenty years ago.) "E"------An Endangered species is any native or once-native species of wild animal whose continued existence as a viable component of the State's fauna is determined by the Wildlife Resources Commission to be in jeopardy or any species of wild animal determined to bean "endangered species" pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. "SC"---- A Special Concern species is any species of wild animal native or once-native to North Carolina which is determined by the Wildlife Resources Commission to require monitoring but which may be taken under regulations adopted under the provisions of Article 25 of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes; 1987. "SR"-----A Significantly Rare species is one which has not been listed by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission as an Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern species, but which exists in the state in small numbers and has been determined by the N.C. Natural Heritage Program to need monitoring. "T"----- A Threatened species is any native or once-native species of wild animal which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range or one that is designated as a threatened species pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. "C"----- A Candidate species is one which is very rare in North Carolina, generally with 1-20 populations in the state, generally substantially reduced in numbers by habitat destruction, direct exploitation or disease. The species is also either rare throughout its range or disjunct in North Carolina from a main 16 range in a different part of the country or the world. "PE"---- Proposed Endangered "PT"---- Proposed Threatened "PSC"---Proposed Special Concern 17 1222 N O .~ MAR-MAC (UNINC.) - POP. 3,366 (~ ~ ~ ~~ • ~ 2108 ~~ 1247 13 `~'~ 1222 1248 117 ~.,` Bridge No. 296 •~ ~ ~o •~ ; 1258 •~ -1247 ~ `~ 0 01 .`•'~ 1272 '•~ / o 0~ 1290 gp ~9 Ov O ~•.~ , - 1222 1291 • ~ 1219 ' p~ ..`~ ; .~~ •Za ~ O /.. I ~ 1262 .~'•, 04 ~3 ~ ~ 1263 1926 1219 1130 ~,~~ North Carolina ;. Department of Transportation ' ~ 1}ivision of Highways Planning ~' Environmental Branch a'ayne County Replace Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 (her Neuse River Overflow B~538 F>lgure 1 r,, ~. ~. ..E~'..~.' . ,e y? r~' _J~'Lt<. ;;,y, ¢; , .. yr .. . L... r i '{~ ~ ft.P ~ F ~4y7~~k . /.~ ~ h 1 ~~ j ~ :~ ~ ~` ~' ' ~ . ~ . .,r - ~. , , ~,. i ' 1" a r ,F "~ Rl ~ j~~, d i ~, ~~. ~2~~ ~ ~ T C u N ~ [CS t. N N Y M /~ ~ L O ' ~y y "G Vl pip ~ ~ a; ° ti >' ~ c a~i 3 ~ >, o a \ ~ ~~ C O r n. Q ~ O c5 ~ ~ L p N yd ckJ ~ d o 01 y ~ ,~ ~ M) ~ j E c ~ G j, a~ ~ ca ~ d ~ :H y ~ L O. ~~ p ~ L Z Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 6d 7' U ~~laP Po' N~<(b r6o , A ^-~ tr d P ~+ ~~ ds ?'•. ~ ' 1F".+ W~L ~.._L e2 ~ 'F ~kl~y^•9•. ~ h~iat ..:~~~~' ........ ..._ _ s~ 4''i1. a. ,7. ~~~ ; ~; xra ~ I ,k.~~, `! '! " +~! F f~..f y~ f R~ ~ 1 Y'/ ~r .~~ , r ,.._ k, ~ ~. ~i ~,~ , i~ '' ~,-~ ~~ agnaj~ # r,,,I i b 1 ~ Ji F -0; 1 3 ,~ - W ~ ~ ~ ~ U~ `~~`~b r ~ , ~ , ~r E~€~ ~,,„~. s f` k t I ~ _F ~y +.}ate #~ ~' { 'F s "` ~ ~ 4~J9 tits + ~~ t I 1 , B u Itt+ ~ ryro, t F,a , yri #~~~ S ~- , 9 g° ",~ ~ a~ F I ~l a{~Q ~A~~~ ~ 6 ~i ,' ~ ' ` y-2 ryF t ~li'r~~ E ~T r cc f Y '3$ nT t,~,YFht x• F ~ J r k K rr~j! "~~~5j ~r u. ' ~+~' t ~ '~~ ~v6i-. "' e ~f r ~ ra x zr.~ rs, s , s, s ~g3~d~~Y ~~ i°~ ~s ~`~a;~p s a ~~ ~~u'~ t, 1 ~,.~ ~ N ~~~*~~rn~~ ~~ ~f ~tl R,ye s ~~,~! ~9 ~ t ~ ~,C ` ~lwsr L ~-( L~ ~ ss~ ~Lt', ~_ ~rra, b~,,-; r~ y z '$~ ,~ ~ r _ ~,J~.~; ~ ,' r i t.,~.-t z a s ~ ~~ ; ~~~ ~i a } i '~,a~,rr ~ k 1 , ~~ " .ti~~G R. f .. ~n~~:•. s .~.., ,. Y~ ~ .~~~s ,. .~,'. b ,, r ~ s i ..'fi't"""~~ ~""~ _. r F~ ~ ~ ' k s ~ ~ ~ I ~ -,,~,I r ~ ~ i 'd , ,', ~: ~a I * ~ .. krk... r Y~ as nw. s ,;~ys~Y,Y:' F ~$ ® ' -'t"'r~ 7 M~u r ~ i uF ~ x ~~ "e ~ ~ ~ ~~~k, P # c ` ' e ~q'~ ~y f rr ~ ~r,"'+~r~~ I r ~ ..r 9s: f,~ s 6 a~ Cdr Ys II' 4 ~ y ~ .F yt x s ) /~ I ~ ~ ~' r ~P x r r t }, , , ~ p~ Rp ~".q d.. ~1r d9 J.'4e1 ~,f ` 7 -. i IVY r~1~~~,I '~ri } ~" 4 F ~ ~ ~ t.: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~` r .~5,~~$ ~ f Y # T q t'E A~v i6 ~~' r r2~~k qq , ` ~ y Y, _ r~ y~~~ l t~.f R~r' ~ ~S~y l1 3 M ` !~ ~` f r JJ JJ . `; ._,i. ~~K :i 3t `w 4. ~''€ ,Rf 7n~. i 5y~ ~3"4ad ,. '{. 4'', 3. ~'~`~ ~ yTy~~ SruF q,~ ~y N ~~~ ~~ ~. n ~~~ North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary MAILING ADDRESS 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 August 17, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Karen Orthner Division of Highways Department of Transportation FROM: David- Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer SUBJECT: Bridge 296 on SR 1222 over Neuse River OverIlow, B-3538, Wayne County, ER 99- 8120 LOCATION 507 North Blount Street Raleigh, NC State Courier 53-31-31 Thank you for contacting us regarding the above project. We have reviewed our files and found that our Environmental Review Coordinator, Renee Gledhill-Earley, called Karen Orthner, North Carolina Department of Transportation, on February 3, 1999, and advised that no architectural or archaeological surveys were recommended for this project. The above comments are made pur-suant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. DB: slw cc: Nicholas Graf William D. Gilmore Division of Archives and History kffrey J. Crow, Director 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 g~~ ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission® X12 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Karen Orthner, Project Planning Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch, NCDOT FROM: David Cox, Highway Project Coor ' , Habitat Conservation Program ~~/ DATE: February 25, 1999 SUBJECT: NCDOT Bridge Replacement Projects in Wayne County, North Carolina. TIP Nos. B-3378, B-3538 and B-3539. Biologists with the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the information provided and have the following preliminary comments on the subject project. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). On bridge replacement projects of this scope our standard recommendations are as follows: 1. We generally prefer spanning structures. Spanning structures usually do not require work within the stream and do not require stream channel realignment. The horizontal and vertical clearances provided by bridges allows for human and wildlife passage beneath the structure, does not block fish passage, and does not block navigation by canoeists and boaters. 2. Bridge deck drains should not discharge directly into the stream. 3. Live concrete should not be allowed to contact the water in or entering into the stream. 4. If possible, bridge supports (bents) should not be placed in the stream. Bridge Replacement Memo 2 February 25, 1999 5. If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, they should be removed back to original ground elevations immediately upon the completion of the project. Disturbed azeas should be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soil and native tree species should be planted with a spacing of not more than 10'x10'. If possible, when using temporary structures the azea should be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the azea with chain saws, mowers, bush-hogs, or other mechanized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact, allows the azea to revegetate naturally and minimizes disturbed soil. 6. A cleaz bank (riprap free) azea of at least 10 feet should remain on each side of the steam underneath the bridge: 7. In trout waters, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission reviews all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nationwide and general `404' permits. We have the option of requesting additional measures to protect trout and trout habitat and we can recommend that the project require an individual `404' permit. 8. In streams that contain threatened or endangered species, NCDOT biologist Mr. Tim Savidge should be notified. Special measures to protect these sensitive species may be required. NCDOT should also contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for information on requirements of the Endangered Species Act as it relates to the project. 9. In streams that aze used by anadromous fish, the NCDOT official policy entitled "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage (May 12, 1997)" should be followed. 10. In areas with significant fisheries for sunfish, seasonal exclusions may also be recommended. If corrugated metal pipe arches or concrete box culverts are used: 1. The culvert must be designed to allow for fish passage. Generally, this means that the culvert or pipe invert is buried at least 1 foot below the natural stream bed. If multiple cells aze required the second and/or third cells should be placed so that their bottoms aze at stream bankful stage (similar to Lyonsfield design). This will allow sufficient water depth in the culvert or pipe during normal flows to accommodate fish movements. If culverts are long, baffle systems are required to trap gravel and provide resting areas for fish and other aquatic organisms.' 2. If multiple pipes or cells are used, at least one pipe or box should be designed to remain dry during normal flows to allow for wildlife passage. 3. Culverts or pipes should be situated so that no channel realignment or widening is required. Widening of the stream channel at the inlet or outlet of structures usually causes a decrease in water velocity causing sediment deposition that will require future maintenance. 4. Riprap should not be placed on the stream bed. In most cases, we prefer the replacement of the existing structure at the same location with road closure. If road closure is not feasible, a temporary detour should be designed and located to avoid wetland impacts, minimize the need for clearing and to Bridge Replacement Memo 3 February 25, 1999 avoid destabilizing stream banks. If the structure will be on a new alignment, the old structure should be removed and the approach fills removed from the 100-yeaz floodplain. Approach fills should be removed down to the natural ground elevation. The area should be stabilized with grass and planted with native tree species. If the area that is reclaimed was previously wetlands, NCDOT should restore the area to wetlands. If successful, the site may be used as wetland mitigation for the subject project or other projects in the watershed. Project specific comments: 1. B-3378 -Wayne County -Bridge # 34 is located over Nahunta Swamp. With the recent dam removal in the Neuse River this site now may support anadromous fish. NCDOT should follow the officially adopted document "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". No in-water work should be conducted between February 15 and June 15. 2. B-3538 -Wayne County -Bridge # 296 is over the Neuse River overflow. This site is known to support anadromous fish. NCDOT should follow the officially adopted document "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". No in-water work should be conducted between February 15 and June 15. 3. B-3539 -Wayne County -Bridge # 164 is over Stony Creek. This site is known to support anadromous fish. NCDOT should follow the officially adopted document "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Aadromous Fish Passage". No in-water work should be conducted between February 15 and June 15. We request that NCDOT routinely minimize adverse impacts to fish and wildlife resources in the vicinity of bridge replacements. The NCDOT should install and maintain sedimentation control measures throughout the life of the project and prevent wet concrete from contacting water in or entering into these streams. Replacement of bridges with spanning structures of some type, as opposed to pipe or box culverts, is recommended in most cases. Spanning structures allow wildlife passage along streambazilcs, reducing habitat fragmentation and vehicle related mortality at highway crossings. If you need further assistance or information on NCWRC concerns regazding bridge replacements, please contact me at (919) 528-9886. Thanl: you for the opportunity to review and comment on these projects. ~,~. ~„ r ~ r .. r a?, r , r _ ,~ A ~ _ ~~'kw, ~ n ~la~ .1 ; ~, ~' ~ ~, , yh Z , ~~1 ~ ~ ~ ,, ~ ~ 54 ~ ~: ' I f ~ r,', YID .~~ A p. {,. v ~-'t~ i' ~ '.~ ` ~~ ~ 14 1 "ex ~., € .. ~ ' ~ ~ : { j ! .r ,,, ~ . t .. ~ .` -.... ~ .f ~ ~rN r h~ ~ _~, I ~ ~ ~ y K _ ___ , ~ , ; , ~ jY Y r' ~ . ' + ~~ ~ ~f ~ ~, I ~r ~~ ~"' ~ ~ ~ ^ti, ~~ i ~ r ~y ~. p~+ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ f ~. ~ m~ , k~3~ ~" .. ~ "".. i,Fl_ i .... f hip` `~"... ~~~~ r ,,= ~ ~` I - '_ tl ~1 J ~ i _ r w.i , a ;I. ~ 'y~ ~; ~ F 4 ~ PG ~~. ~ ~ 4 t a~ ~d ~ •, s '' 4 - ~,, ~F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i r ~`~~"'~~~ ~ r'', ~'~ ' ' hl2a S -s ~~ s _ a f+TM , f ~ ~{ud ~ ~ ~ k i t ~~~~~ ik~~ , +~'"~~~ q~ } is ~ , ~f.,. = k ti .~,v ~ ~ ~ r ~TM1 ~ ~ 1' -'~ 'h d' ~` 7C ~ f" _ ~ ~ ti `~~ 6~~ 4f _ ~ r! ~, ,~. + ~Y ,~~ ~ ~ =_ ~~ ~ ~ f ,'~`~t~14"8J ' ~tF ~ I tr, nr c i ~ c ~ -S 3j`~a~a ~ 9• NEUSE R~ER BUFFER ~~~®~ ®IVISI®1*I ®F ]EIIGFIWA'~S W.~~1!*TE C®1TNTY Y~Ia®J1ECT:33fl~5.1.1 (~-353~D I~Efl~I~~CE ~I$IDGE ~ 296 ~VEIE~ N]EflISE I$IV1ElE~ ~IJT-~~FF A1L~91~1s 5I8 1222 SHEET ~OF ~(% 5 % X05 ., PR ~~~~~~~~ ~~ll~~~ NEUSE R DER BUFFER ~~~®~ DIVISI®N ®F HIGHWr~YS WAYNE C®UNTY PR®JECT:331~5.1.1 (B-3538) REPL.iCE BRIDGE ~ 296 ®VER NEUSE RIVER CUT-®FF PAL®NG SR 1222 SHEET oZ ®F ~~ x/5/05 m M V W [~i v 0 v See Sheet 1-A For InOex of Sheets See Sheet 1-8 For Conventlorrol Symbols FER racc~u~uNeRY PLANS w xor oa roa mear,vcnoa GRAPIffC SCALES gp g gp ~ DESIGN DATA ADT 2005 = 400 PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT 6538 = 0.31 MILE Prepore0ln mt Office d: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1000 Ahe1 Rld~a Dr„ lt~btOA KC, 11610 EYDRAi1Lt;CS ffiYGDr88R DIVISION OF ffiGFlWAYS sTATa o,~ xoxTS cAaoruvA ADT 2025 = 1300 LENGTH STRUCNRE TIP PROJECT 63538 = 0.03 MILE yam PLANS g0 5 g0 1 DHV = 10 % D = 60 % TOTAL LENGTH STATE TiP PROJECT 8-3538 = 0.34 MILE NGBT OF WAY DA7~ G E GREW PE ra ~""~'°' ra . . . T = 4 % ' FEBRUARY 2@,,2005 >s~Am~ ROADWAY DESIGN Bfl'GINB88 ~ ~r ' PROFILE HORIZONTAL) 10 10 20 V 25 MPH • ' I.B77~NG 1)A18; W,T, BEST DSPARTIIffiV7 OP TRANSPORTATION 1~BDBRAL ffiGHWAY ADM!lVilST&! TT ST 2% + DUAL 2% r~ r~r ~B°'®` APRIL 18, 2006 PROFILE VE A 1•urvc ~s • tort ~~ ra "'A0D'~ ( RTIC L) rtn rtn wear eeworo ea emr ~ ~~ iwm .C. Qa~ ~3R 1 3/11 arv IJTIL nasa meiexe No, a+ar No. . ~ ~ ansioNS I N ~ ,~ ~L, W W6T N0. n tlgN NYDINJIlCi '~ ALLOWABLE ~ FFER IM• ACTS ZONE I 6 ~"~` "~"~` EiP DONALD R. SMITH ' a' ALLOW,~3LE BN .FER IMP . TS ZONE 2 DB 1713 PG 477 DB 1539 PG 117 + , I ~ ~ PC B SLIDE 270 +~ I y U ' ' ~ J. NELSON KORNEGAY ~, CREATE 2' X 4' DEPRESSION _ PING 14+8 .88 ~ ~ DB 819 PG 20 N w ~ INLET OF 12' CMP BY 00 -L- (3.13 L .) ~ ~ ~ 'EXCAVATING TO PROPOSED INLET INV• 04/10/05 ELEV. 71.4 TO ACHIEVE - to I ~ ~ : I' MIN. CO TA 13+16HOpEDER p01NT BL-5 IZ+85.38 PING ' N 1 ~ POT 15+10.25 -L- (5.81 LT.) PTSta.17f7~ W + +W Z W + POCSta.11+94.93-L- _ -: 7 NC ~ ~ POT Sta. i2+17.08 -Y - ,W '~ Pf~C~9. 77 c~ i r 4' X 8' X 2' ~ -l; +10 •' ~ `, -L- +35 ~ • + TYPE 'B' BASIN ' MODIFIED CONC. FLUME ~ ~ , ~ 100.00' &. + ~ 100.00' ~J W/ CONC. DITCH " ' a8 72'00' ` ' & CLASS 'B' RIP RAP ~ ~ z i ' -L-+6.1 + ' ' ~ ~ PTSto. ~ •00• SPECIAL CUT DITCH ~ I I 13+18.39 ~ , GRASS LINED SOIL'RD . ~ ' -tt +68 ' SEE DETAIL A PCSt4,16+88.47 , + ~ ~ 80.00' ~ • WOODS ' ' ~ ~ I I w D '~ S -L- +88.47 ~ ; ~ +73.26 + -L- +85. b i 1 E E ~ . ~ -L- +,12 ~ ~ 30.00 & 41.21' ~ I 2' X 4' ~ ~ ~ 48.00' ' ' I I + i - , 1. I + i + CMP C B RIPRAP •F +60.9 I 5 F ~ E GRAVES 14.71' , , '~ C a Q a o o I I ~ ~-.~- EXISI N Y + , v= ~~ C F ~ o B N --- _ ~ t _ ~--~'~j 0 ~ WOOD HW w b ..._- _ ~ ` , ' ~ I 6' DLJCTI E PILINGS 0 l~ TY E ~5~ F F w ~ 50•07r " C I WAT ,~INF QISTIIR'R71Y-~' s"- ~- ® 2 ' -.~ 9.65 6953` B RAP ~~ C C C ~ EXISTING Ri ~.~ 3 TON .-._~..x x C GRA a8" CN D 3 -L-~+75 ~~ W x N C @ 113 - X ~ W ~ 24' RCP ~ ~ 37.~ & , W/~IETER~ ~ ~ o FLAP GATE ~ SPECIAL CUT DITCH 5 X 10 5 X 10 ~ F -L +31 +1 39 m MIN. SLOPE s GRASS LINED CLASS 'B' RIP RAP CLASS 'B' RIP F TCH -~- +37 ~ 55, ~ •~: SEE DETAIL 'A' PAD EST. 3 TONS PAD EST. 3 TO ' bb. PROPOSED ~^ 65.00' - m ~ z ~ SPECIAL CU ~ ITCH m ~ I '' ~ ~ MODIFIED CONC. FLUME m w o m GRASS LI ED `21' w/ CONC. DITCH o C ~ ~ SEE DETAI , A' C SLAB & CLASS 'B' RIP RAP PTSta. l6+ I T a ~ F I ~ ~ waoos ; ~ PCSta,15+46J3 ~, ~ x o PASruaE GARLAND D. JOYS ° ~ a z I II ~ DB 1028 PG 197 C ~; a ~ I ml COUNTY OF WAY'NE 5 ~ 7 ~09 I~- F ~, p8 1716 PG 574 ~ ~ 5®9 ~~ ~ ~- ~ m X o = GARLAND D. JOYNER °N _ _ _ _ I~~`~ la Y- +7~ ~ m~1 •w DB 1028 PG 197 /J~ /~ A A ~1 N'= _ S_O1L OR I~ Im ~ 40.00' 8~ r c~ o °~a _ ~, 29.74' ~ °•' ~ REM E~ ~ z N N]E~T~IE ~ VAR ~ITIFF]EI$ ,!~ N°~ I I m r'0 ° aFm .E~1 1 ~`q V i P A r 5 6cF5Er ~I'D~E RE1.arnN ro PaEYENr ac I. ~ OAND 6,rARREH ~~, pe 160196 t72 ~ we p7 90 4f Ff. crAr 9+20.05 -L- 120.37 Li.l w i37,4P 5-8232'9M Gt,eERT 0. r s>e nt7 9D w o "' W oP ~ . . I. 3 4 ' III O I t I Iwo I I ~ $ I I'" wrw i O Pe1C H+86.88 POC 4+12.00 •L- 13J.T'Lra IJI I &I • ~ De to PoPo2~oCAY I I ~ t . a' if ~ I I ~ pAy(I~ rARREH I •~~,., ~~ W + I ~~roM 11 !r I i I I ~~ ~ : 1 1 I I I ~~~ I I ~ i +e cw< I I TYPE ti'x a I ro~ ~ ar ^ t e I I oe e I 1 uu»E rAINTTI ~ ! 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C S ~ ~o1~r BL-5 1T+85.38 P1rC I I " 1 + POT 5+10.25 •L- 15.81LTJ I I I I 1 1 I +10 ~ I 1 r'e' I ~ ~. +S7 I 1 ri C. ~ 1 1 1 1 1 6 a Ao 1 1 SPE~CIIT WTCH ~ ~ I I I TuL '"' ~I~ l I ~ YAV~IY(f uuIT~ND x0005 I 1 +p.N ~ ~ -1. +1536 Iff I ~ ~ Nv (~S \~ -I.+17 I i ~ 0 ~~~ ~~ ~ r OJ1X EST. ~F~IB C Y~~ C ILDN 1 CIP 1 rI1A9 6 I E E I c I«T 5 C~ C r ~ C C ~ t 2 ~ ~7C~--~ X~_x _ ~_ _ .~Jf 7(~~xFp Yt eb 3 E S ~ g p ~ c 1 I SPE~ ~~ITCN E ~ •~' ~ TCH SP~C T ' ' g •g C~ PAN EST. S~i0N5 C~ $ ~g p p PAD E T. 3 Td15 S 1 V iD A AA. 1 1 a. +K 6 A D ;1 -R P 6 Ci ' s O owa~m • ~, 6 ~ A . rASnnC ~"~ o. ~~ TIp1uS R SwLSOH Oe10P1061 ~ M ~ O ,~ _ De 166H1 + mAnE touHm W C N 6611LA10 0. JOVIER D0 qt! PO hT O ~' v W ~ ~ h ¢, ~ 2 I ~ tP + i ao ror2 ~ 5x41.7+n9 -DET- Rr. a END 20:ITAPER I STAN+93]2 -DET- RT. 0 BEG.PAVEMENT WIDENING SfA12+83.41-DET- END IGD' RADfUS STA17+y,69 -DET- U. BEGIN 20dTAPER END.PAVEMENT WIDENING '2 STA16+5679 -DET- LT. G I BEG.PAVfMENT WIDENIN h Aa15+209 -DET- RT. -! BEG.PAVEMENT WIDENING STAl5+8051-DET- END 170'RAD1U5 BEGIN 20GTAPER STAI6+06B3 -DET- RT. END 299TAPER PcSrlwai • i AOIIR 1@BFNC N0. 7F~i N0. B-3538 7 ~ew~r o~+ Nroiuuua e1QNia HiGV~0. A~-1 INCOMPLE E PLANS ua tme v~ mx ~~ emnmt~r PRELIMIN RY PLANS 00 NOT D6E WNR&IIC11®i 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~ ~ M V W t N ti U O U T a L M ~u m ~n o~ O L~ = ac 00 03 Nn ~~~ aa~ ~~i „a m L? GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA 50 0 i0 1 0 ADT 2005 = 900 ADT 2025 = 1300 PLANS nHV = to % 50 5 0 5Q ] 0 D = 60 % T = 4 %' PROFILE (HORIZONTAL} V = 25 MPH 1p ,~i 0 1 0 ' SST 2% + DUAL 2% m PUNQQASS • LOCdL Rt~,IL ~°I°~°I°]E c~F i`~T~1[~'1[']EI CAR~LIP7~ DIS~ISd~N 49~ HiItBfj[WA~~ WAYIVE COU11tTY LOCATION. BRIDGE N0.296 OVER THE NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW ON SR 1222 TYPE OF WORK GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURE PROJECT LENGTH Preyarea In tre Orriae dr DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT 8-3538 0.310 MILE 749A 8{rcA Rldrr Dr„ Rarrlrw xc, Grua LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT 8.3538 - 0.033 MILE am arn~mun ru~rerrares TOTAL LENGTIi STATE TIP PROlECi 8-3536 = 0.343 MILE RIGHT OF IYAY DATE; G. E. BREW, PE FEBRUARY 28,1005 P0~ ~'~ L8Tl7HG DATE; w. T. BEST APRIL 18,1006 "tQ~a~r> am ma r ram,n m °ER 'mo'w wecrz .~. B--3 x38 1 am mm~n .„ ~.nm~w rnwa~ 93145.11 BRZ-1222 ~ PE 33145.2.2 BR2-1222 8 RM+ tll'IL HYDRAULICS ExGIlP13FB ~ DIVISION OF ]HGHWAYS srArs of xoRrli cAROLLVA ROADWAY DESIGN sr~ mnw a ]01fGABfiR DIIPARTMI{NT OF T1tANSPORTAT70N P811BRAL HIGHWdY ADMIIYISrR41T0] See Sleet 1-A For Index of Sixets See S1~ei 1-B Fa Ca+ventiandl Symbols ~ , FINAL PAVEMENT SCHEDULE C ~ PROP,APPROX, f25" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE TYPE SF9SA AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 140 LBS. PER S0. YD. C,~ PROP, APPROX. rS"ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE,TYPE SF9SA AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 168 LBS.PER Sp.YD. C z J PROP. APPROX. 2S " ASPHALT CANCRETE SURFACE COURSE.TYPE SF45A aT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 140 LBS.PER SD.YD, IN EACH Of TNO LAYERS PAOP,VAR,DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE CpURSE.TYPE SF9SA G`4 AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF f 12 LBS. PER SO.YD. P£R f " DEPTH. TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED 1 %?"DEPTH, E , PROP.APPRQX.4" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE.TYPE 825118, AT RN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBS,PER SQ,YO. PROP. APPROX. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE. TYPE 825.08, E`Z AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF i 14 LBS.PER SO.YD.PER 1 "DEPTH TO 8E PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 3" IN DEPTH OR GREATER THAN 5%p" IN DEPTH, R T CONCRETE SHOULDER BERAf GUTTER T EARTH uarERlAt GI EXISTING PAVEIXENT VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE STANDARD WEDGING DETAIU NOTE:PAVEME,Yr EDGE SLOPES ARE 1;1 UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. C1 E2 C4 ------- ~ ---------- 1.5" 3" ~ L----------_ ~1 MIN.------~_ MIN._~ Wedging Detail For Resurfacing a 6 b l DETAIL SNOWING GUARDRAIL AT 5' OFfSET USE WITH TY%GLL SECTION NOS. ~ b 4 DITCH CLEAN OUT TYPICAL SECTION N0.1 ~-L- VARIABLE 3,r SLOPE 4~ 4,~ NOTE: USE B'AT GUARDRAIL LOCATIONS USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.1 ~ -L- FRp,Y ST0.7+Og,66 TO STAIO+C10m RIG1fT -L- FRON STa19+50m TO STA24+6683 LEFT 6'-0' fSEE NOTE) ~~v TYPICAL SECTION N0.2 USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.2 VARIABLE SLOPE • -L- FRDN sraro+a~m ro sraro+20.47 -L- FROM STAA+7327 TO Sra/4+25m • -L- FROM STAl9+25m TO STA19+67AI ~-L- XY-0' 6'-d Exisr.C~ 1SEf NOTEI VAR,d-dT0 8'~rl ' C N RARE rNr POr C3 Ct vAR1ABLE ,~~ 008 002 002 SLOPE 4J 4.t 65' T El U GRADE TO THIS UNE NOTE: USE 8'AT GUARDRAIL LOCATIONS USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.3 vMrABLE SLOPE • -L- FRON SrA10+20,41 TO ST0.10+25,00 -L- FROp sraro+25m ro srarz+se.A7 -L- FRQU STAIS+5417 TO STA11+7327 ~~ 0.08 SNlOR. SHCOR POIA7 .. ~,.T <! ~; FINAL PAVEMENT SCHEDULE C ~ t25" ASPHALT CONCRETE TYPE SF9SA C'2 1S " ASPNALr CONCRETE TYPE SF9SA C,3 2S " ASPHALr CONCRETE TYPE SF9.5A C4 V~.DEPTN ASPNALr CONCRETE TYPE SF9SA E ~ 4 " ASPNALr CONCRETE rrPE B25A8 E2 VAR.DEPTN ASPHALT CONCRETE TYPE B25A8 T EARTH MATERIAL (f EXISTING PAVEMENT W VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT EOP dETAII SHOWING GUARQRAII AT 2' OFFSET USE WITH 1YMGd SECTION N09.7 ~o. ~-Y- ~ lSEE NOTE1 3,~ 39 NOTE: USE 8'AT GUARDRAIL LfxArrONS USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.6 I OA2 OA2 I u u TYPICAL SECTION N0.6 VARIABLE SLOPE -Y- FROM STArf+CDA~ TO STar2404.a79 ~-DETOUR- NOrE: USE ~ Ar GDARDRa1 [xarroNS ! Y f'1LAL JtL I I V N NV. / USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.7 -DETOUR- FROM STAB+,~,gO TO STAIl+93,38.rRANSTTrON FROM ExISrrNG rD lrPrCA1 SECTION N0.8 -DETOUR- FROM $TAlf+9338 TO Srar3+3413(BEC BRIDGE! -DETOUR- FROM STA14+A?A!(END BRICvE1T0 ST0.16+053! -DETOUR- FARM STA16+053rTO STAf6+6249 TRANSITION FROM rYP1CAl SECTION NO.b r0 EXfSTING OA8 1 y Y- ].dgn 0 ~~ S u g a ~, $~an a r + ~~ p~ o a O ~~ ~ O '•~rous~ 6•DUCr 91pN $~ ~N ~~ f ~~ W~ ~~ O a ~~ .~ 0 A ~~ s r ~~ ~ti a~ ~ _? ~~ p ~ ~s a ~ r., ~~~ o ~~~£ ~~~w~~a ~ (~~ ~~~N~~a~~ .~~ N ~ '~ ~ ;~ + F I ~~~ ~ i ~' ~~ ,I a 'I €~ ~~i gl ~QP ~ "~ n ~ I ~~ ~ 1O m ~t ;~ f ~ 1/ .w vyq ~y PrflL.. Il{} N ~ __ ~-;~~~ ^t, Ay''oD b 1 ~ ~ 1 n $ O O ~~~~ v ~~~~~~ W ~v ~N y A`+'~oDb M M ~ ~ U („/ l7.~~ 4N tf~ y Q 'Y~~w~$ ~~~ .~.. 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G m .~- ~ ...~ ~ ~y ~ ~ .~--- N£USE RNER cllloFF ~eN ~ om m ,R ~ ~ m .. . f• • o ,r • - O 00 ~ ~ .. ~•yh/z: 0 0 ~- .. ~~ •~ ! /~. o O ~ ~ `t A - ~ ~ afn. ~ ~ i r ~ ~y~ ~ I ~ I ~~~ ~ } ~Ig ~ T I ~ • V •~ MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 5 STAY, 17+60. a N~9s,•oz~---- m R~ q ~j ~ ~hi z SG t~s 1 ~ ~p ~i ,e ~~ ~ ~" ~' I ~ b~ ~+ -~.- !k .~ 4 MA 8 ~--~ ~ ~ a i cr ~~ o ~,~.. r ~= 9 ~ ry ~ ~ ~ iR / ~~ ~ / ~~~~ I~~ ~ a _ ~ "' 33 $~ -, F $ fi F1 I ImO d s: b N ~ aYt S ~~ ~ ~ $3 ,~~- y ~ rn w = t W '~ ~r,o irC P7" o -1 ~ ' w '~ ~ o ~ O ~ge~2° ~ ~'~ a ~ "A~~ ~~ N Q r ~ ,o ~ !5 .~ 1 m ~~ I~ ~~ I ID t I i I t I + I t O I 1 Q I I l I ~ ~ I I + I I 1 I N I I I t J~I~ I I Q I I 1 1 E- I I.i...nu Igl ~ I 9a. a6 a«o lal sREGCR~SCUr I I Ifft $EE pEiAp V' /n~ E-~ _ ,i V~~ N N w I w '_` '_' r^ KpIY V , x~-x_ ~ _ E- w 1 S PAD EST, 3~TON5 Illl 1 U X It !- O sx,.2t av a Aro a ~O7pERN rNDlus R s.xson OB IOQ6 Po p97 _ DO 996 v0 IN N ° p#'AYpE COLNTTp ~~ o f~ m v ~ ~ Q ~} G~, d N O DONALD 0. SN1N oa na vc m a! 639 PC rt x e sLa 27D ~~, ., ~~ ~ ~ ~ If a / - - sn m I I~ s SPEGaE1T( ~r pIiCN - - - - - ~ nor to swu I I faiu-a ~ .~ <,e~ aspw t wW .i U N ~`R I ~ ~ .~ uin D = LS Ft. / STAA.R~60 T~ 19150 L' LT s~ STA19+57~?! -L- ENO PAVINGG lI,GIT$ a 0.37'C SL~Itl~6iE..NOoF~r 19.50 70 ~FST.WE=IAC.Y, -rt-CEE-t---e- ~l_-SL- _ --- I ! f b~ ~ ' :I /~ ~ ; -I ~ '~ ~~ j I ' .I )~ SYa,25+86, I // k +le ~ ~ . se.~ ~ ~ ~/ /f \ ! P45TUAf SEEGdRS FAML7 PATIIER6 oa psnro . ~` ~. ~_~~ _~ Nas roans DONALD R. SMTN De iTa ro Nn PC 8 kDE S70 sssarm Pa5Ita1E (CPS 83538-21 PRiC 26~84T4 ~ POC 2403.25 •L- 05.76 RTJ ,~~ ~" CARLAIO a.areR w lue roar -L- P/ Slo 0+30,88 P!$la 24+8859 O= 3'14'2pJfLT) p= 88'28'264'(L71 D = 3'49'!!Q' D -3009'20.4' L =8419' L - 227A7' T = 4241' T - 1P9.30 CARlA10 0.,OYIER O6 104! P6 H7 ~ Na. BJG4IFB! ~. REMSIONS dy_psh6_dat.dgn + ~ 1 .' „e ZO• -ter _ _ ^^ 1 N26'OS'S3'N ° R I I ~ 190.~ p 1• P ~ ~ ~ i _~ A~ ~ a s$ ~ ~ / ~ I ~~~ _~ N y~]7( ly r S ~ ~ $~ $~> i •I I \ Qom. ~ mR m ~~ ~ ~ A ~} ~~~ ( I ~ ~ ~N Y $ ear ~;^s3 1 ~ .. L ros• ~>r. o• ~' „~ C .. .. .. MN .09 N29'19'O7Y ,~ •• _99.a9'_ e~.m• ! ~ _ ~8m ~ •1Z'LL Ir~~~~ ~~ ~o ~~~w~~ ~N~ ~~a~ A"snoD Vb uuuu~~ ~~~'~'~~ ~a i `1 ~o~nOD u u'~ n ~v~ ~~~~4 ~~~a~* ~~~ y =o" !'" OD b uu"u~v~ A ti '~ y to ~p b~ ~ ~' m~ y~ rn~ OA ~~ ~~ ~a ~~ ~~ m a ~ L ~~ Q '~ ~ ~~ ~ s ~ A ~a N ~F ~~ r -~ aQ ~~ ;~./ uB Y G Y~ ~ ~,$ i ° My a a a~; ~lss ' ~, ~ --~. ' ~s' CP 1, ~ +„~~ ~R 6~ T 01f +.. .C~i"„~ !7~ /~~~ - ~ ~ ~ B ^ ~~ ,~' ,~i Vp X ~ +~ ° ~ ye \ 4 a~ a -- -~ a a X,~X„~x_ ~x to ~ ! a~~ ~.. ;J ~ I ®® I F 4 ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ r ~C~ Ap Q an oRR~y Q ~ g f~ o { ° ~ a ~~ ~ Q 1 ~ ~y O ~ y '~ N 4 + ~ (~ _` ' Q ~ ~ N ~ V A ~ IoJ~ ~'._1~ .. . • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~x ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 ~~ ~ Lei/--t a g 4 ~ ~ ~ NEUSE RNER CUC~FF ~- NEUSE ANER CUfOfi ~A ax =y $~ O ~~ ~ ~ e p ~O ~ ttO 2 ~A ~ O a m ~p x~ 5~ z6~ ~ u ~~ Op ~~ y ^, ~~ ~A ~, ~* ~~ oA ~y va 3r cxi'i m`O 44~~ i m~ xr-y ~ cxi', s ~~o m~ A 3.lf.ZS,LtS y ~~ AO'0~ ! ;~ ~~ ~~N ~ ~~~ ,,~ n I~ ~85j~rr ~~g~l e~~= I 4 x ~ ~ $ ~$ o .. .. .,r -..- a,i ~ ~ ~ ~. w ~ _ _ Q,,. _ ~ ~ /5 a a "~ ~ ~~ c1 ~ + s L~ ~ ~ m ml n ~ ,~ (~ ~' ~ b ~f~~a~fP! Q~ V ~, ~ w ~' ~S}$~ ~ G - I~ Ya1 r $' g~ + c~ ,,, '' ~ a k i~ w ~ a a a~ a a s x i ~~ I I ~ ,it Q ~~ R;\Ro e~beyaX ~~~\,~~ 3538 _ Rdy_L _xpl.dgn ~R:\Roa~ e~~~~~±~G3538_Rdy_L_xpl.dgn } R;\Roo~i ~f~22~1853538_Rdy_L_xpl.dgn Besc 02/03/98 abieeiza u6p•~dx-l'~'P21-6£SEy~~~li S~~OZ-~AtlW-HIS. 3 0 R: ~oe~T ~D22~1653536_Rdy_L_xpl.dgn 02/03/98 WBest 1 o~alAY~200~~~~~o_~c~o or., i .,._i a_~ :I S JBost Al N0223185 pt $T~ 4 p....~°~ Mi •Q pqM vlo~ STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.o. sox 2s2o1, RAr.EiGx, N.C. 27611-s201 E. NORRIS TOLSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY 'r $5-res C i ss~ C t5~ January 21, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ms. Cyndi Bell DWQ - DENR W. D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch t5 [b ~ l'1 I~, i ~' , ~; ! JAN 2 I f999 WETLANDS GROUP' ~•-~ tNi1TER (?U~lITY_5sr~''' Review of Scoping Sheets for the following projects: Project T.I.P. County Bridge No. State Route Planning Engineer B-3435 Chowan No. 4 SR 1207 Bill Goodwin -3217 Onslow No. 21 SR 1503 Bill Goodwin B-3378 Wayne No. 34 NC 111 Karen Orthner -3538 Wayne No. 296 SR 1222 Karen Orthner B-3539 Wayne No. 164 SR 1571 Karen Orthner Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets and location maps for the subject projects. The purpose of this information and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the projects. Scoping meetings for these projects are scheduled for February 18, 1999 in the Planning and Environmental Branch Conference Room (Room 470). These scoping meetings will be held back to back beginning at 9:00 A. M. in the order shown above. You may provide us with your comments at the meeting, mail them to us prior to the meeting, or e-mail them to bgoodwin@dot.state.nc.us prior to the meeting. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meetings or the scoping sheets, please call the indicated Project Planning Engineer, at 733-3141. WDG/bg Attachments ~ ~e e~~A~~~t,~ - -1 ~ NS's BRIDGE PROJECT SLOPING SHEET TIP PROJECT: B-3538 F. A. PROJECT: BRZ - 1222(4 STATE PROJECT: 8.2331301 DIVISION: Four COUNTY: Wayne ROUTE: SR 1222 DESCRIPTION: Replacement of Bridge No. 296 on SR 1222 over Neuse River Overflow PROJECT PURPOSE: Replace obsolete bride PROJECT U.S.G.S. QUAD SHEET(S): Southwest Goldsboro Quad Sheet ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION: Rural Local Rrnrte TIP CONSTRUCTION COST .......................................................................... $ 810,000 TIP RIGHT OF WAY COST .......................................................................... $ 66>000 TIP TOTAL COST ........................................................................................... $ 876,000 TRAFFIC: CURRENT 800 VPD; DESIGN YEAR (2025) 1300 VPD TTST 2 % DUAL 2 EXISTING ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION: Two lane shoulder section, 19 foot pavement EXISTING STRUCTURE LENGTH 49.1 METERS WIDTH 5.9 METERS 161.0 FEET 19.2 FEET COMMENTS: SOUTHWEST GOLDSBORO QUADRAhfGLE SOURCES - NORTH CAROLINA-WAYNE CO. 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) ~G° ~ ",. r rr ~ ~ ~ WILSON 26 Ml. ~ 7$°oOr 68 2 30 69 70 2 290 000 FEET 71 PlKEVILLE 2.5 Ml. 72 \ \` ` Q.I,,\ ~~__ ~ \_. '', .~~ `• .['"I 13oRadio '~• o lla/ 35 22 loos ~:., ~. ~` 0 / !' \ - • • _ _ ~- _ ~` _ ~ -~,~ 1 .iii ~~ • (~ • ' is ~,' _ u \`,-- ~~,/. ! off` .-` / !i. ~ ~l .I I •°,l~~l ~ ;"~ "_ \`_ ,~ 1\~ - ~ ~ ,lam ~~ 1 ~ r ~ ,~ 18 Ilo~~ _~5-" ~, .:--GRAVEL PIT~~ /`"' OLD O O / O ~ i - ~ • • / ° ~j ~ ~~_ . .' ` ~ ' ~ /:~. ~ .~"• • ~ Park ~ . ti~,=---!~~ ~~x~- .,,~ ,>~~ I ~~J ~ :~ ~, L..... s9o 000 ";, `'~~! I\ir J-~___ i I /~•.~• •~ ~ °.~~ ` ---- .... FEET ~~, j\~~ 1 ` ~ Golf i ~/~ / ~ ^ ~,~°~ '/_ Course ~I ~~~ ~~, ~ .. `t/%// \~ .\ •~i_~ 3917 ~~ ~ / ~ ~i ^ ~ c / Emmanuel _ - ~~ i ~ Allie ~ \ ~~ ~ v, - - `~ ~ South ;~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ 1 ~; ~ ~ ~'- -_ t~ ~ ~: :, :Goldsboro /~ ~ J - Sandpit-~.,./ •• \~:C` ~Z. 1 ~ ~ ^r / ~I • \t~ )% ~, ~~ ~ lei, \1 ~' / ~ ~--'\~~ ` • ' ~ / ~ ~~ - J I~ 3916 •r iRamp / D II / ~' • ~ i J ~ ~ fl / O ~ ~ °P _ / ~ BM 74 /~ r+ r ~~ ~ / ~.- ~ -' G ` ~ ~~~,/ i° `./ •O Trailer • ~ ~ I i~ J P :J ~ ~2 ~ 7Z• Park \'~ i 0~", J _ ~ ~ 3915 ~: .l ;~ :~ . - ' ~ ~ i A~~\- ~ P = Av ~~ McArthur ~~~ ~~ ~~~, ~ _ .Gravel ri / .Pit q ,~ a ~ ~' '• _ ~. ~ Sewage i '';c, /` 'r i~•; Y~ •/: ~. .Disposal a rr I,; ~~:: ~• Love Memo ~ _ 'Park / \\ ~~~' - • \ \ •j Ch ~ ~ _ i/ ~ _. ~~ 'J .~,~/.llll iii /l ~ -_ - \` I v`~1 / y, 3914 _ ~ 1130 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / . '- , ~j..~ ~f . f-, - _ ~~ I ~ "_~ ~-- -~ ~ ~ //Sewege'Disposal\. J ~~. / _ Ji _JJ _,.,,~ ~ .J= ~~ ~ -, ,// Ponds ~/ n i ~v ~~~ V~/T _ .. I / i _ _ t~ .. % ;~ y ~ , c • .-•- ••- - Fairgrounds ~• ~ I - ~ /„- -\. 'Genoa '~, ;; - ~ / ~;, ~ \J~'~ _L\') _~~ ~ r O 3913 Worre ~.. ' •I - r_-~~•~~./ ea na ~-_-.. ~ 1. --- ~ .. ~ .~\i ~`I .. ~\ ~~ ~ 2< 171 - • ([ ~ __ ;~ \ ~ - ~~~\ • - ~ `~" m n m m a a a Property Owfcer Cohtlact Report ~ , N ... - TIP # B-.~S3R , ° Urv~nc~rLaxt '" tYamel U~vner Cantacd Hume Cantuct ~ Basi»r.-s Firc! Nxme Addrts:s Citv7Tawn Stale Zip Code Rcdalronship Pi1O11 a Cu>r/acted BJ+ 1Mle Kow Cunlaeled Cn~rtmen~s -*~ 0 Aromando Paul J. 515 Bryan Blvd. Goldsboro NC 27530 Owner Self H. A. Sorrell 813/00 Persun(Lelter ~ Bell Madle D. 405 Tyndall Drive Goldsboro NC 27530 Owner SeIF H. A. S orrell 813/OD PersanlLeller N m Bennett Jack R. 1412 Hwy 111 Goldsboro NC 27530 Owner Self H. A. Sorrell 8!3/00 Perscn/Letler .m 0 South °~ Bryant Wanda D. 51? Bryan Blvd. Goldstoro NC 27530 Owner Self H. A. Sorrell 81J/00 Pers~cn/Letter County of P_0. Box 227 Goldsboro NC 27533 Owner Self H. A. Sorrell 813100 Perscn/Letter Wayne Dau~lry Jesse R. 516 Bryan Bivd. Goldsboro NC 27530 Owner Self H. A. Sorrell 813/00 PersanlLetier Davis Lillie E. 519 Bryan Bhrd. Goldstoro NC 27530 Owner Self H. A. Sorrell 8/JJ00 Person/Letler o r;ranS~am Elhea S. 511 Bryan Blvd. Goldsboro NC 27530 Owner Sel( H_ A. Sorrell 811100 PersonAetter r Harris James M. 517 Bryan Bhrd. Goldsboro NC 27530 Owner Self H. A. Sorrell 813/00 PersonlLetter Joyner Garland D. 107 Lau Drive Goldsboro NC .27530 Owner Self H. A. Sorrell 8!3/00 PersonJLetter Kornegay J. Nelson 389 Buckhom Rd_ Goldsboro NC 27550 Owner Self H. A_ Sorrell 813/00 Person/Letla~ La~ehorn AlleneH. 1088 Rlll. Carmel Pikevlle P1C 27863 Owner ~ Self H. A. Sorrell 8/3/00 PersonlLetter Church Rd. Overman Raberi J. 707 Oki MI.OIYve Dudley tJC 28333 Owner Self H. A. Sorrel! 8/3100 ersonlLeUer Hy',IY ~ Pale Mcrris C. 508 Bryan Blvd. Goldsboro dJC 27530 Ourner Se!7 H. A. Sorrell B/3/00 Person/Letter m o Seegers 743 Lake Goldsboro NC 27534 Owner Se7 H.A. Sorrell 813/00 PersonlLetier ° Family Wackena RD Limited PevtnetsFip Smith Qonald R. 836 Sleepy Creek Dudley NC 28333 Owner Sef H. A_ ::orredl 8/3/fMd Person/Letter RD :dlonrlur•..aar110;l. 2003 - ... - - .. 9 a F /l n.. _... r -~~ r m n m a a v i 0 A a a 0 N a a T 0 a w N m m A 0 m rn 0 w ~i m 0 0 N TIP #r? 8-3538 fhvner La.~u r'Varrre/ Owder Busiar~s FitsfName ,4ddre~s S6Avell Elizabeth ~. 513 Bryan BArd Swinson Thomas R. T23 Bryan Blvd. Warren Oavid E. 118 Armstrong Drive Warren David G. B12 8r)en Blvd. Warren Gilbert D. EOZ-Bryan Blvd. ~4fnrrda~•, rl pri/ 0;l,1005 Cgrrdicd C'ity/('anm Slafe 'Lip L'ude Relutiatrkip Goldsbcro NC 27530. Owner Self Goldsbcro NC 27530 Owner . Self Goldsboro NC 27530 Owner Self Goklsbcro NC 27530 Owner Self Goldsboro NC 27530 Owner Sell Hume Cuemct Phunr C'untucted By Date Hnw Cenfacterf H. A Sortell 8/3/00 PersonlLeUer H. A Sorrell 8/3!00 PersonlLeUer H. A Sorrell 8/2100 Personlleller H. A 5orreil 813/00 PersonJletter H. A. Sorrell 8/3!00 PersanlLetter Camrrrerrls ::/o;. of // . n___ ~ _r~ BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY IMPACT BUFFER TYPE ALLOWABLE MITIGABLE REPLACEMENT SITE NO. STRUCTURE SIZE /TYPE STATION (FROM/T0) ROAD CROSSING PARALLEL IMPACT ZONE 1 (ft2) ZONE 2 (ftZ) TOTAL (ftZ) ZONE 1 (ftZ) ZONE 2 (ftZ) TOTAL (ftZ) ZONE 1 (ftZ) ZONE 2 (ftZ) 1 Bride 13+21 TO X 3477 2294 5771 & Det Bride 13+72 -L- 14+69 TO 3353 2582 5935 t 5+30 -L- 0 0 TOTAL: 6830 4876 117os o.o o:o o.o <- 0.001 acre of impacts will occur ti-um the placement of bridge bents.