HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01367_Well Construction - GW1_20240304 WELL CONSTRUCPION RECORD Far bite pal tJscONLY: • This form clink.used for:Single or multiple.wells• • ' 1.'Vel1 Contrttetor Information: 1 11;WATER ZONES I Scott Hunt Jr. FROM TO • DESERIPtIONt Well Cor4radoTtwnw 25 R. 30 ft, black compacted sandy silty 4561-A ft. ft. NCWa1JConlmcaarCcniftcatiouNtuiber .i15.OUTER CASING'tforeantai-casedwcflsifORLINER(Ifap flcabk): . tmoM To • ' DIAMETER. TIIICKNEM MATERIAL ' •SAEDACCO 1L ft. la'.• Cgalp;utyNem _16:'1NN_ER_CASINGOR171BINGh:eatherrnatclased4onnl ,FROM • TO _ _ DIAMETER. THICKNESS MATERIAL2,Well Construction Permit#: . 0 ft; 25 R: 2 • �•i r: SCH-40 •PVC .Lost oft atoffr ble wellpmaiir fi r..Colony.Sinn>:.Varian.IrfeCtiart or.)- -..(1.• rt. - tin: - 3.Weil..Use(cheeleWeiluse): I1 SCREEN ' Water Supply WelJ.: -.. _ - - _— FROM.• TO . •DIAMETER ,SLOTSIZE THICKNESS. 1 MATF.RIAt. DAgticultutal 1DMunicipaliPublic' . 25 ft. 30 ft. 2 in,- 01 SCH 40 PVC ®Geothermal(Heatingi'Cooling Supply), ®Residential Water Supply(single) R. IL ID, _ -] ®I ndustiialiCon�mcrcial GlResidential Water Supply(shated) :ts.GROtrP - _ . !.. I7ROSI TO. -MATERFAL - - - EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT Diriipation . . ft. • .ft NIM.Water Supply Weil:, rt. n. ®Monitoring - . ORceoyery , Injection Well: fL ft l7tlgnifcrltccbarge DGronndwatcrRentcdiation t9:'SANDIGftAVELPACKOfnpplkable)- , . OM FR TO L:MATERIA EMP1.ACEMENTME:rnOhI. • 17Agnrtcr.Storngc and Rccovetp ❑salinity Antics. 23 R. 30 ft, sand ;, ' number 2 ' CJAquifciTcst 1:1Stommateri}raitiggc R. ft. 17EYpetimcntnl Technology OSRbsidencc Control • - • - . '2a:DRILLINCLOG(attach.ndditionalshrels if acressnn•t DQeodtenual(Closed Loop) OTrdcer, .FROM Ti} DESCRIPTION Motor.tmnrnet,.wn4+n;knar.jxdn stir.ck:1 OGeothenmal(Heating/Cooling Return) DOtlter(explain under#2l Retnatks) 0 •m 3 f4 graver • ; • 3 fL. 12 it, gray silty sand • 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1-31-24 .Well IDftSB-2- . • 12 .It, 20 ft,. sandy cobble layer 54.;Well LHcatIIIn: 20 ft, .29 ft,. black compacted silty sand Pactiv Evergreen Canton Mill ft. 30 ft. bed rock Facfial',V norNante Facility IDII(if applicable) R • ft. i . 173 Champion Drive, Canton, NC, 28716 . . ft fL ' ' ' Pintie.iit Ad dips Clt}.rind Zip' :;y t:REMARKS Haywood Attempted to collect gw sample via packer; C-tuvuly Parcel Idenline;tlion No,(PIN) was slo '. 5b...;.Outride and Longitude in degreeslminutcs/sevwids or decimal*grecs: . ,2 •Certification: f (If n011 Belt,Me l: Moog lesudllclaitI) tp \'+.� f . • N Wh.L447' MAkO42Q24 2/4/2024 • Sim :Ccnell Contractor I Date 6.Is(arc)the well(s): OPerutanoitr or $ITentlaoran •tlrsignnrb this fo,rrr,f hrrrb(eiz r�'t j'lg i f,#r''R iItili d •11IFx ,rerexl ter m cordance frith 1M NC,EC 02C,0107 or TA NCIIC bvimetTonstructiair Standards(r»d thy R 7.Is this a repairfo an existing well: 1:7Yei or 1INo cofiyofrhu rrcon).hasNell prntvrled toil urlionm r. ifthls'is o repair:fill oeirbtoisit meld c n,s,occtlan brforrtroilaa and rtpiadn the torture of the repair ronler 1J21 iienuerts+rtiian pr on the bor.(of Asir forsr 23.Site diapran[b1'additional well details: You may use the back Of this page M.invade additional.well site details or.welt 8.Number of Wells constructed: 1 - - cettsttuctiou details. You May also attach additional pages if necessaty. For rnuftdpk lnleeilan or non-.eater Supple'wells Ou LY Writ the same eanstrnethm,po0 eon sttGttritanrfnnn.• CUBMITTA I INSTUCTIONS 9.Totalwelldepth below land surface: 30 (ft.) 24a.•Fur All Wells:• Submit this fans within 30-days of comptetion of wilt Fortnuhip1eu•ellsJlsrrrlld'ethsifdt ireiir(exomptr-3@e200'and2@100') construction to thefo€lowing; 1' 10.Static water level below top of casing. 12 • (11) Uivislun of Water Resource's,Information Processing Unit, If water 1rwl is above cask::rue"+'• - . 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I617 11.Borcholc diomctcr tl 6" (in.) tab.For ijecsion Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the fomt to the address in 24a above. also.submit a copy of this faint within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well Construction method: sonic _ . construction►to the following: ' li.c.auger.rotniy,cnblc direci post.etc.) I . 'Division of Water Resources,Underground Infection Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Ce er,Raleigh,NC 27699-163f 13a Yield(191tn) Method of test: 14c.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: Also submit one copy'or this farm(within 30,days ofcompletion of 13b.DIsinfectinn type Amount: well construction to the county heal h department of the county.where constricted. Farm GW-I NookCarolinaDepaument.ofEnvimnnrtnand:inturslResources-DvillonofWaterRtxatt s ncriscd August lDl3 . 1