HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01342_Well Construction - GW1_20240304 • • • • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fig[Menial Use ONLY: I '(his Corsican be used for single at multiple wells I 1.Well•Contntctor Information: '11.-WATERZONES . Robert Miller . FROM TO ' DESCRIPTION ' • ft. ft, I ' .Well Contractor Name .ft. (L. 2675—A NCNcllConlmcfarCcuifccatianNu ei •:15.OUT'ERCASiNG(forinatti�easer0<icllsiORLiNER(tfan llcabtc). ' . FROM TO DIAMETER .THICKNESS ' MATERIAL SAEDACCO ft. IL. hi. Campnnj•lama 16.INNERCASING OR THIIINGi'gearbennat elused-toop)- -FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS NATURAL 2.Well Constructirin Permit h:WI03000514 —ft, • . ft. I.ln• list all applicable well pernatr(Le.County.Stare..Variance.Inre[delt or.), ft.. R. I in. 3.Wc11,Usc(cited welluse). 17."SCREEN Water Supply Well: • FROM. ., TO • DIAMETER SLOTS171: THICKNESS MATP.RiAI. " DAgncultural OMunicipaVPubllc • ft, tt. •to CGeothetmal(IicatinglCooling Supply) CResidentialWVater Supply(single) ft. ft. In. 0Indusirial/Conratcrcial . . . °ResidentialWater'Supply(shared) trnoGRODT To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT.1lEllon.5AMOUNT ' Olttip;rtian • . ft. ' fl. Non-Water Supply Well: R. Ft. ' ❑htonito ing ORccoveiy. Injection'Well: • R . ft. f]AgniferRecharge RiGroulidisaterReincdialien ;19..SANDiGRAVELLACK(ifaigdlcabtd'' . FROM . 'TO' MATERIAI. • KM PI.ICI:HENT MEtnon • OAgnifcrStoragc and Recovers• °Salinity Harrier R. ft. °Agliifer.Test OStornm:ger Drainage ft. R. Ill glcamcnTal Technology 17Snb5idenee Control .20;DRILLING LOG;(Mach additional sbccts.if nccessan•1 CGeotlieimal(Closed Loop) OTricer FROM• TO DESCRIPTION(cour.!mined:wn'nkkt}p¢pyin Kim de.i 17Geodu:nnal(Fleatine/Cooliog Return) ElOther(explain under#21 Retuatks) . rr, R• 4.Date Wells)Completed:-2/14/24 Well IDIIB-1 — B-6 (t. . 1 1,1.__L�L+? I� } ) . Sa.Well Location: .ft. n. M�K ly 4 207RL_t•� Sorrier Rudisill's 66 . -� fL V CY . 1050rrreau-:due - Facility,OivlrcrNamc FacilityiDk(ifappliablc} R. R: ' "F D+QAAl . . 2707 1st Ave., Hickory, NC, 28602 ft. ft • Ph sical Al dress.City.and Zip• 2l.REMARI{S ' . . . '" Catawba Injected 208 gallons of Cool-Ox per boring; County I reel i liidifictlioa No,(PL.1) 9-35' • 51),LatiftideMid',attitude in ifcgircsiminutatifseminds or dceiMal degrees: 22.Ccrtititadnn: ' (Ifticll field,wr:I:rtrlo�t¢ssdiickW) � � 14 " /y�f i, 2/27/2024 Siga:turrof.::yeti rtt;'rs ?s.<-::f• --- Date 6.IS(are)the well(s): OPCrramtene or >OTemporar}' sr air ibis orn.Ilrereb certify drac;rhe well a1 ma fd>rrel c rer:nrned ire nxordaace D3'.S fi f 3' f wills I NC.1C 02C.0100 or l5t NCAC 02C.0200 Well Conatrriction Standards and that o 7.Is this a repair fit anccistingWeft( f]Yes or IDNu colyof this record has teca provided rorLvi aril owner. If ibis'is o repalr;fill arrkrrunia well coasrnrctloa.lafornwdon am!explain the ware of rhr I . ,repair nrtderP21 remarks xecriin or on the bad:of tld i form. 23.She diagram or additional well details: _ - • - YOu-niay use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells censtrricted: 6 .• construction details. You may alto attack additional pages if necessauy. Fur irrahlpk Ifection er non-serer suppli n'eNs ONLY with'the sortie censtruelion,you can sabmtonefarm. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS , 9.Total well depth below laud surface: 35 (ft,) 21a..Far All Wells: Submit this Mono within 30 days of completion of well For milrlpla w•ellrlis,oil depths lid eron(trample t@ •and 2010O) construction to the following: - 10.Static water level below top of easing: (fd.) Division of Water Resources,Inftlrmatian Processing Unit, limner level is above casing,cue•'+" 1617 Aia[1 Sery ice Center,Raleigh,NC 276994617 l ' 11,Borehole diameter 1.5" • -(in.) 24b.For-iiijection Wells ONLY: in addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above.also submit a copy of this!form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method:DPP - coitslmctlOu CO the falloWiltg: (k ti.c.auger.'ro(an-.cable,direct MIA etc.) Division Of Water Resources,Underground Injcction-Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - 1636 Mail Service Ceiuer,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 ! ; 13a Yield(Wm) Method of test: • 24c.For Water Supply&injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form Within 30 days ofcompletionof 13h.Disinfection type: -Amount: well construction to the county healthIdepanment of the.county where constructed. Fonn G W.l Nardi Carmlina D.paantciii of Enirannein and Noma Resources—Division of Water Mourne; Revised August 2a l3 • 1