HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01326_Well Construction - GW1_20240304 . • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FoTthrernnlUs'ONLY; This Earthen be used for-single Or tnultipk wells. , I.Wcll.Cuntrletnr Information: • Tyler Brown FROM TO O . DESCRIPTION ' 1 Welt Conitaetor Nanie R, It, . 4625A . . rt. ft. NC Will CantractorCertiftctienNmitrcr - :IS.OUTER CASING tfoemulli-cesedirensF OR-LINER(if3p'ticabte}.. FROM TO I DIAMETER,' TitIC'KNESS• MATERIAL SAEDACCO 0 ft, 10 R. 2 hi. SCE-40 • PVC • Contptuty t�anle DINNER CASING OR TUBING(crotherntal chased-tohp,:_ ' O-FROSI TO_ - ' DIAMETER. THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Welt Cot'itruclioa Perltiit fir *ft, . ft, 'in. • Lis'r oll applicable urll pennits,(Lo.County.State;.b 1i idea.fr.yen rn r1C.l. . . .R. ft. lit. , 3. elt.Usc� (chccl,Well DSO,: CI:SCRS.EN_ Water Supply Well; FRosr. To DDTA tETER storms. TIICKNIISS I MATERIAL 17Agnie»itutal . • ClMttnicipaliPublic . 10 ft. 25 R, 2 in !.010 SCB-40 PVC ft. f. : .in, ' ®Geother al(HeatinglCooling Supply) I:Residential Water Supply(single) I. . ®ilidusirialiCounniercial i lResidential Water StiPpl)'(shared) '-FeoGRm.OUr •TO MATERIAL... ... ES[L'LACE IEVSNETROD RAHOnNr Dltrigatian . 0 • It, 4 fL Bentonite c Non-Water Supply;Well:' . I . . R1Monitoring . • .pfeeoycry R.`. fL . Inject(on.Well: . . h, , ft. • DATtoifer Recharge t ll.;roundi atcr Rcntedialion -tv:'SAND1GILtVEL.•l ACK(if alytlicabtel .. . • • 'FROST- ' TO SAAXitRIAL .. -- P.5IPLtetsreNTSlr:Ttion . - f7Ai[nifcr.Storagc and itccovciy flSalinity Harrier 8 ft. 16 ft, Gravel pack #2 - ❑Agriifcr Test•. QStonmMiter fmiiia ft. • ft.. ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Contort - .. .. . . •. • 20:DRILL.IING'LOG'fallach additional sheets"if reeccsmni OGeotltcnnal(Closed Loop) . OTricer. .FROST TO DESCRIPTION ceobr.Imednevt,virl'rnrktrPt-gee*site.(Ira OGeotiteitnal tHeating+Cooline Return} •OOthertexplaih udder 4211 Retinas) :fL ,fL , ft, . ft. i. •t.Date�`r@ll(s)Coplpletcd: 2-23-24 Well iD#MW-2 ' . • fL ft_ 5a.Well Location _ ft. , - .,-, .r. Kayser Roth R ft• , A i�'4✓ Facility,0irncrNimie Facility ID,: ifappli:ablc) R, ft. n 714 I-40, Graham, NC; 27253 MA 0 [ ,n,� R. ft.. . I .Ptgsioal Address.City.and Zip• 21:REMARIC.4 , tTli-ofic.a:tr it ?rc;. e t..ht I • Alamance Bentonite seal 4'—8' . I DWQi 3L • County I"arce7 Itic,diticatipu Ni,(PIN) Sh.-LadtiitteMid C.c ngitadc in ilcgrccslminuieslsccondsor decimal dt•gtecs. 22,CcitifitatiDn:. I (tlrrell field,one latrlona is snflickid) . i i N . W 5i 2/15/2024 Signitur:ofCcrtified*ell contractor • Dale . ' . 6.Is(are)the[yell($}: $IPt.nnanettt. .or t1T@lnllor.ir .By signing thu.fum.1lreroby certify dug,At irtlifs)was{rump tv,ulNCICd in rtreo fiance 'frith 1M NCAC 02C,01011 or 1 SA NCrlC 02C.0200 W411 Constrie.'ttwr Standards mid that a 7.Ls this a repair to an existiag well: £IYes or Nilo 'royir of Mir riverdltax#ic.mprnakd ro;ly;kill,rf ener. If 014'1s a rt yarr;fi out dttoftii weld raagarcrlon-larforrrurrhin aml rxplaln rbe aarare of rlte ' repair tinder 22i icmarki.tirciiaii o'r cot the had of rids form. 23.Site diagram or additional will derails: You nnay use the.back of this page CO,pir ide additional well site detail's or.well S.Number of-wells constructed: 1 Construction details. You•May also atiae(taiididonal pages if nccesriry. For nridtlple i lecilon or oral-parer snpplr-wilds ONLY mirh the maceausrruerlon,sets eon su&mltone for, SUBNIITTAL NSTUCTIONS • 9.Total welt depth below laud surfacer 26 (to -2-0a. Fur Ali Wells; Submit this rani;Within 30 days of completion of well • For matrtpleweds/isr all ileplitrIfdi�'ivciu(c.rmttplc-3'20.11'awl 2caMa) construction to thefoltaning; • i ;I. 10.Static Static water level below top of casing: Or.) UiviSinn of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, if ream'level dv alive mail;ease"+" - - 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleiggli NC 27699-1617 • IL Borehole diameter:6.. . -(in.) 2Ab.Fur Infection Weill ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address-in • 2-la above.also submit a copy of this:form within 30 days of conipletinli of well • 12.Well ceustrnction method:Roto-sonic cotnsimctiott to the following:' (Le.auger:ninny.cable.direct Mish.etc.} ! Dirisiou of Water Resources,Underground Iirjecaou CourraC Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 • .f t3a4.Vidal Wm) \Ictira[I'of test: 2dc.-ForWatcr Supply&Incettou Wells: • Also submit one copy of this form within 50.days ofcompletionof 13h.Disinfection type: • Amount: well construction to the chanty health'department of the.Crnmty.nhcm constructed. Feint GW-I Rosh Catalina Departntcnl of Envirarutrnu and Natural Resources—Disiiioa of Wale Etecotroes Revised August-11113