HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01325_Well Construction - GW1_20240304 7 IAQ3..0 WELL CONSTRUCTION'RECORD For flFor ititcrita1i4cDNLY: This form can be used for single or nu ltipk wells 1.Weil Contractor Information: l -1 ',WATLR ZON ES I Tyler Brown . IrnoM TO DEtC twllt)N ! ' • Well Coiiraclor.Name R. ft, 4625A - ft. rt. NC Well Contra tarCertification Windier EIS OUTER CASiNO tear ttulti-casedfnctlsl OR LiNER Miff Riable): - - •I FROM 1•TO ' • DIAMETER,I THICI i<T SS• MATERIAL SAF.DA000 0 ft.••I 18 ft.: 2 hi. SCB-40 - PVC I Company Noma 16.7NNERCASINGOR.TUBING(geothermal doxcd-lotip).;' r "FROM - TO DIAMETER I TUtCGA'ESS MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: -ft. • ft; • 'in: ' List ail eppilirable well permit:(ix.County;Stute..Variamre.Infatic!I eta,i :' -- - - .- •I 4 ft. • .in.• I. f 3.Well;Use(check Well use): 11.sCR[EN - Water Supply Well: • -- '- tmoat. TO . 'DIAMETER stOTsinf; TtuCKNI I MATERIAI. • i• . • DAgticultinal I7MunlcipaliPublic' 18 ft. 38 ft. 2 in ;.010 SCH=40 PVC OGeotheitnal(HeatingiCooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) • ' . rt. ft to • i 0IndustriallConmtcrcial ClRes[denftal Water Supply(shared) IA:CROUi , FROM. " TO . MATERIAL ; EMPLACEMENT METIROD.D AMOUNT' Ohtipation . - 0 'ft. 12 ft. Bentonite c 5teethie Nou-WJter Supply Whit:- . . . ft.. ft. I✓�Monitoring Elfccoyely . , • ' lnjeciion'Wdt: - ft.' ft. • ' DAquiferRecfiarge [7Gtoundii:licrRciicdiation -,t9•'SANDIGRAVELtACK(if alyllictDtca= ._ , - PROM - ' TO' !LA•rRRCAI. , • ESIPI-ACI:Arr:VT Mr:TnOn I - PAiptifcr.Stoagc and Recovety' glSalinity Ranier 16 R.. 38 ft. Gravel pack #2 ❑AgtiifcrTcst i75tonmtiateri ratoage • ft. (L . Olir petimcntal Technology DSubsidcncc Control : - . . • .' • . .. -'2u DRILLING'LOG(atlsch.addilioriatdicelsifioccessarYl CGeotitenual(Closed Loop) . l7Tracer. .FROM ' TO DESCRIPTION;Dolor.Itanlnea+,wiTnicl lyttt.orAin,itudc:I. OGeodietmal(Hearing/Cooling Return) DOtlter(explain under#21 Rettnnbs) R- ft. i ft. 'ft. :I.— r•--a .....,,,. .. • 4.Date Wells)Completed 2-13-24' Well®11MW-1 ft. tL _, � Sa.WellLocation: .rt.' . ft,. MAR 0 .1• 20Z4 Kayser Roth ft. ft. ' . - Faclitg+mivncrNaruc. Facility IDk(if appli able) - " ft. i''" Ifts%r r i�isi4eri OrGC:NEO:f:'g Uvril 719 I-40, Graham; NC, 27253 .ft. ft. • I iArt)l�bk.n. Physical Address City.and Zip• 2I.REMARKS • Alamance Bentonite seal 12'-16' I County Parcel Idcnhifwallon No,(PIN) • 51i.I atitiide'and Longitude in degrees/minutcs/secrinds or dcciliral-degrees: 22.CettiSeatIon: (Knell field,one la>along lr'softlekaly r. N W r ~ 2/15/2024 . • ' Si ofCeni3ed Well Cannactar- •• Dame 6.is(are)the uvcll(s):.%Permanent .or DTempnora Fy•signing rhir farm.!hereby certify that the'veils)mt.(were)constructed is accordance twit I SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 15.4 NCAC 02C.0200{Veil Co,rstriet(e,Staiulards and klin:a ' 7.Is this a repair to ait_existiugwell; DYcv or IDNu rro�ir'ofMit recordhasb cti'prorufrd raahe'l rli owner, . lf,Wrs'ds a r:Falr.fill on:knouir well eoos;rucr(aa hrfarmrrlon andriplahi the aortae oldie i repair tinder02l remarks'sreliun or on the back of this form.. • 23.Site diagram or additional well details: . • You may use the back of this page to.provide additional well site details or Well 8.Number of wells constntcted: 1 - •• •• •• ' cettstmetimi.details. You May also atta,c[t udditioilal pages if necessary. For srnlrlpte lydeeilon or non-tearer snpplr•wells ONLY Oh the sortie cani ruelion,yogi con I submit one fano. . SUBMITTAL iNSTUCTiONS . 9.Total well depth below land surface: 38 ' . ((1J,) 24a. Far AU Wells: Submit this'faint within-30 days of completion of well • For•rnaittpl1K'relr list all ATMs(fd(fli•rem;(cranople-.l@20lr'arud209100) construction tolhc follow ing: 1' • 10.Static water level below top of easing: .(ft.) Division of Water Resou�es;'Information Paneessing Unit, If unto,leval.ly above casing;uu-"+'• - . 16.17 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter:6"' (ta.) 24h.For Mimeon Welk ONLY: in(addition to sending the coml.to the address in 24a above,also.submit a copy of this faint within 30 days-of completion,of well 12.Well consttttetion method:Rote-sonic constmction to the following:' f (i.e.auger.fetal)•,cable,direct pink etc.) I ' 'Division of Water Resources;Undetound Injection Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: -- 1636 Mall Service Cent r.'Raleigh.NC27699-1636 13a Yield(1 pm) Method of test: 24c.For-Water Supply:St Infection Welts: Also submit one copy.of this form Within 30•days of completion of 13h.Ditinteetiun type: Amount: well construction to the county health department of'the.county.where constructed. .Form GW-1 Nor&L CarmIlna Depnnment of Eniironrucril and Natural Resources-Division of Melt'Rmaurom Revised August NIA I