HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01294_Well Construction - GW1_20240229 . . , . . . . WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FM-Jut-cavil ITsc!MIN: Ilis form can bc uscd fat Magic tir tnultipk was•- - 1.Well.COntraCtomt Information: -;111-WATER ZONES Stefan Smith FROM TO DESCRIMION ' WCii Connactot,NaniC ' ' •ft. ft.. 3576A . . ft. i' : . - 115-."MITER CASING Nor muttkisedruitis;OR (ififii ticalikf- NC Well Contractor Ccnificatinii Muth& SKIM •To , DIAMETER. THICKNESS MATERIAL. SAEDACCO 0 ,ft.• 18 it,. 2 ,.hi. SCH-4 0 • PVC. Company Name 16:INNER CASING OR.TURING itimilicraialetawd4non).... FROM TO ,..DIAMETER HIICKNESS MATERIAL •. 2.Well Construction FerMit 4: . 'ft. . ft. ,-ta. rims' nuaRi'tkotleiwirpehrtiiz fir.caiffiry:Stirie;Vakiantse.Ilecticf;rit) . . • . it.. IL.• ; in' • . , .. 3.Welk Use(thcek.Wye uSei: rt.S(:ttEtN Water Supply Welft - • Fuoio. TO - •latAlitsTER SLOT Sirs: -TIIICWIOSS 1•IttATittuAt, , 18 R. 28 It; 2 - ilit. -.010 SCH-40 PVC" ClAgrieultutal EIMUnidipatiPuldie . -r4 im. OGeothennal eleatingtooling Supply) E3Residential Water Supply(single) : ' - ' • . in lndustriallConinteral C2 eiResidential Water to.GROlIT Supply(shated) ...ijom . .16.. . •- i.k. -. EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT 14 ' '11. Portland Pour Nott-NViter Sup ply Welk.. . . . - • .6. . . • • 1,,ionitpring. . • . . ' nit•ccovoy . ' , ,• Inject lonWelft • rt. . O. CIAMtiferPechtirgi - • . 130roundwater ReinallatiOn •to."SAND/GRAVELPACK Or anothmttlei- . .. .... . ,.. _. . FRONT- • TO• ' • - MATERIAL • ' EMPLACEMENT Mrnion ClAnufrei.Sionige arid itcCes-C4^ 121Salinity Baidei • 16 . ft:. 28 - ft. Sand ; •2 13. tniiirci-tcst. OStinnavatcfOri4itiV. ' rt., --0. . . CiE*eriment6.1Technolo&v 1.3Subsidence•-tonitai • 2o.DRIL LING"LOG'fittacluiddi timid!dials-if accessary) • "1:1Grotlignuat(Closeti Loop) ' CITracer: . -.IntoNt- -to . . DESCntritON Noun.intnincti.suilAnekIHrt.'orift I 'rim W.) • OGtothettnal(Reatinatooline Return) : 130ther(explain under.g21RettiatitS) .° 'ft. •30 ft.. rt. Silt 4 Bate Weft(s)Competed: 1-1'8-24 Wen Meif-3 ri c C,f-.:i.vEr.). 5a.Wel1.1,0eation:" . ft-. . ft.. . Thruway Shopping Center . ft; - St, • - - FEB 2 0 Z024 Ricility,Divm-Rtunc. . - Facility IDN(it appir.abic). ft.- • ft.-- '- " Iftforinatien pr-•;,,,, 296 S. Stratford Rd. Winston Salem, NC 27103 Forsy, R. It. "-:• .-ii"..zi Wily Winston-Salem, NC, 27103 PIO-tidal AO*citk-nbl 2IP' -',2L.:nERIARRS- Forsyth , - . .2 foot bentonite.seal from 14 to 16 feet. County Farce]ItIciiiincalinn No,MINT 511.Laiiiiidc'and 1.-Ungitude in et dcgrcesiminuteit.sCekinds nr decimal&tikes': 22.Cerlifleation:•-. ' .UM&K.oat taltlotii$sidTicictin . . .. . . . • .47;/' 36.093000. . . N 80.282891 • 4 .'i ' • - - • i. ' w. ..„...- , 4_,..„, .t- • . 1/26/2024 cfCcIZII-V-ell Gann:mai. ' .-Dge 6.Is 044 aite.well(s): X1Perinaitent .or ElTemporary Sy signhtg tkir.../atrir;1 lrercty drag&Ow ilw iiv.1101 os Dit., ex/mime:of&accorthrqce' with 15A iVCAC 02C,0100.or 15A NCAdO2C,0200 Weil Comerrierion SNiVanis widths:a 7,Li this a repair 16 an existing well ICIYes or Si% IrsOyOf ash rrford?los Nall-if-91*W Ira di:e Itril eltqler, /MI5:a a repair.fill Oaf kruini well 614571UCI190 Inform-akar and rylala she maare of the repairturderE21 icniarks'irciiiin or ixn d ,1 u bad 6day form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may.use the back of this page to prosprovide additional well site details' or Weil 8.Nuntherof wells Consinteted: 1 • mustn't:don-detail: You May also atlachadditinnal pages if necesuity. Far malfiple kyeerion or ampltger i suppl.i.welts ONLY with de same eansiraidlon,yirm AM r • =Oar oar farra. ' SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total WeRdcpth herowlatid sutface: 28 . (II.) 24a. For Au Wells:.-Subthit this Tam Within-30(lays uf"completinn of Well Far maniple wet I s&rail depths if diRiy,IVII(e.mapte-3@204rami 20 100) - tln.stnictimitollicToItactinT. . . la.Steep water level below top'of cmslIngt•17 .(f) Diviiiun of Water Reitouregls,Information Protessing Unit, If wryer level If'dare casks;ase"+" 1617 Atall'Serriee Cen ' ter Raleigh,NC 276994617 - i 1 . . . 11.Borehole diainctem 8-23" - • '(in.) 24b.For figment;WON ONLY: in addition to sending-the fown to the address-in • .24a above.'also.submit a copy of thistrfonn within 30 days-of completion of well. 12.Well cbusirttetion'Method:lisA constmetion to the foiloWing: tic.nag%minty,Cable.(End iMsh.Mt.} ' Division of Water Resources,Underground Inliciion-Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY wimp'OM.Y: 1636 Mail Service Ceittr,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 2-te.-Fnr Water Simply&Injection Wells: 13a.Yield(gPm) Method of test: • Also submit one copy'of'thiS ftiint Within 30.days of Completion of 13h.Disinfection tiper. Amount: • -wcil iconstniction to the county hcaltft department of Me count.where • constructed. . h - . I . •FanuGW.I. NorthCaratina Dcptuution of EM1101411CILtaitd Natural ItCscurccs-Riviiion otWalcrEZattrrtS Revisal Angus:tall-I I , , . .