HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0071463_Permit Issuance_200111166,� W A rF9 `O� QG Michael F. Easley Governor �UJna r William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary —1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director i;s Division of Water Duality November 16, 2001 Brenda Meador Apex Oil Company 2801 Rock Road Granite City, Illinois 62040 Subject: FINAL -- NPDES Permit No. NCO071463 Apex Oil Company, Greensboro Terminal 6900 West Market Street Guilford County Dear Ms. Meador: This letter transmits your final NPDES individual discharge permit for the subject facility. Please review this final document carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the information, conditions, and requirements of dischargers to water supply (WS) waters contained therein. The Division of Water Quality (the Division) has revised permitting strategies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for this and all bulk storage petroleum facilities and terminals in North Carolina. As part of permit renewal, the Division has also conducted EPA -required Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) on this facility's effluent data to determine the "reasonable potential" for identified parameters to exceed North Carolina receiving -stream Water Quality Standards and criteria. The following explanations summarize current changes to your previous permit in compliance with the new 2001 SOP. BTEX. Apex Oil Company (Apex) is now required to monitor monthly for BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene) parameters. Please note that this requirement replaces EPA Method 624. These renewal parameters are not permit -limited currently because the RPA indicates no "reasonable potential," based on data submitted. For example, benzene's RPA "maximum predicted" effluent level of 0.05 µg/L (based on submitted data) does not exceed its 1.19 µg/L "allowable concentration." Data suggest that there is no "reasonable potential" to exceed receiving -stream Water Quality Standards. EPA Methods 624/625. Method 624 has been eliminated from facility monitoring if it did not detect compounds other than BTEX. However, because the majority of facilities now store, or have stored in the past, heavy -component fuels such as fuel oil and diesel, the Division has retained EPA Method 625 monitoring to detect naphthalene and related indicators of middle distillate compounds commonly found in these heavier fuels. The Division will consider a request to discontinue this monitoring if the Permittee can document that the subject facility does not now, nor has ever, stored heavier -component fuels. &A NCDENR N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 919-733-7015 Customer Service 1-800-623-7748 Apex Oil Company Greensboro Terminal NPDES Permit NCO071463 Page 2 Phenol. The Division recalculated a phenol stream-wasteload allocation of 0.002 lbs./day at the USGS stream gauge (0209400000) on Horsepen Creek — the assumed beginning of Lake Brandt Water Supply. This allocation was distributed equally between two (2) bulk -storage facilities within this drainage (0.001 lbs./day per discharger). These calculations are available upon request. Apex did not detect phenol at a test -method practical quantitation level (PQL) of 5.0 µg/L in 37 sample events. Therefore, there is no "reasonable potential" and a phenol limit has not been included in the permit. Please continue to insist on, and report, the lowest PQL possible from your North Carolina —certified laboratory. MTBE is a gasoline component recently identified by the EPA as a potential human carcinogen. Therefore, monthly monitoring has been added to this and all oil terminal permits discharging to WS waters within the state. After collecting additional data, the permittee may request the Division to reduce the MTBE monitoring frequency (See Special Condition A. 2.). Granting this request shall constitute a minor modification to the NPDES permit. Concerning Total Suspended Solids (TSS). During 24 of 25 discharge months (January 1999 through June 2001) Apex reported TSS levels in excess of the permit Daily Maximum of 45.0 mg/L. Annual discharge averages include 79.5 mg/L (1999), 67.1 mg/L (2000), and 63.5 mg/L (2001). A high value of 272 mg/L — six times the permit limit — was reported in June 2000. Apex shall therefore design and implement a TSS Prevention and Recovery Plan, thereby employing all means necessary to comply with the permit limit. Although TSS was discussed, this requirement was not specified in the draft permit. This facility's discharge of TSS will be further evaluated during the coming permit cycle. Lead was limited in the previous permit and will also be limited in the new permit. The RPA "maximum predicted" effluent level of 140.0 µg/L (based on submitted data) exceeds the allowable concentration of 25.0 µg/L. This indicates "reasonable potential" to exceed the instream Water Quality Standard for lead. Oil & Grease. Similar to lead, oil and grease were also limited in the previous permit. This limit will continue because the RPA "maximum predicted" effluent level of 51.6 µg/L exceeds the allowable concentration of 30.0 µg/L, based on data submitted by the permittee. If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days after receiving this letter. Your request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. This permit is not transferable except after notifying the Division of Water Quality. The Division may require modification, or revocation and re -issuance of this permit. Apex Oil Company Greensboro Terminal NPDES Permit NCO071463 Page 3 Please notice that this permit does not affect your legal obligation to obtain other permits required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act, or other federal or local governments. If you have questions, or if we can be of further service, please call Joe Corporon at (919) 733- 5083, extension 597. Respectfully, O l signed 9Y David A. Goodrich Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Enclosure: NPDES Permit NCO071463 cc: Central Files Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section NPDES Unit; Point Source Comoliance and Enforcement Unit Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Aquatic Toxicoloev Unit Permit NCO071463 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELMNATION SYSTEM (NPDES) In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Apex Oil Company is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from outfalls located at the Apex Oil Company, Greensboro Terminal 6900 West Market Street, Greensboro Guilford County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary of Horsepen Creek within the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, 11, III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective January 1, 2002. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on August 31, 2006. Signed this day November 16, 20010 Original Signed By David A. Goodrich Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NCO071463 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Apex Oil Company is hereby authorized: 1. to continue discharging storm water from the existing water pollution control system consisting of • truck loading -rack drains • oil / water separator • waste holding tank (with optional pump -out for offsite disposal) • gravity drains to dike containment areas • discharge control valves (for pre -tested wastewater) • dry -ditch drains to UT of Horsepen Creek located at the Apex Oil Company, Greensboro Terminal, 6900 West Market Street, Greensboro, Guilford County, and 2. to discharge from said treatment facility through Outfall 001 at a specified location (see attached map) into an unnamed tributary of the Horsepen Creek, a waterbody classified as WS-III, NSW waters within the Cape Fear River Basin. Permit NCO071463 A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Averse Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flowl Episodic 1 Effluent Total Suspended Solids 45.0 m Monthly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease2 30.0 mg/L 60.0 mg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Phenol Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene Monthly Grab Effluent Toluene Monthly Grab Effluent Ethyl Benzene Monthly Grab Effluent X lene Monthly Grab Effluent Lead 25.0 mgAL 33.8 m Monthly Grab Effluent EPA 625 2/Year Grab Effluent MTBE3 Monthly Grab Effluent Acute Toxicit 4 Annually Grab Effluent Footnotes: 1. Flow — During periods of no flow, the Permittee shall submit a monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating "No discharge." Flow shall be monitored with each discharge event and may be monitored in one of four ways: a) measure flow continuously; b) calculate flow based on total rainfall per area draining to the outfall; exclude built -upon area (best method for facilities with large runoff -collection ponds); c) estimate flow at 20-minute intervals during the entire discharge event; or d) report flow based on discharge pump logs. 2. Oil and Grease — Where possible, the grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed from the surface of a quiescent (calm water) zone. 3. MTBE — See Part A.(2.) for other requirements relating to MTBE 4. Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow, 24-hour), Annual [see Special Condition A.(3.)]. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter µg/1 = micrograms per liter MTBE = methyl tertiary butyl ether The permittee shall not discharge floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. The permittee shall not discharge tank solids, tank bottom water, or the tank rag layer. The permittee shall not discharge tank (or pipe) contents following hydrostatic testing unless benzene concentration is less than 1.19 µg/L and toluene concentration is less than 11 µg/L. Permit NCO071463 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. (2.) MTBE MONITORING For the protection of public health, oil terminals discharging to waters classified as water supplies ("WS" waters) shall adhere to the following action plan: 1. Monthly monitoring for MTBE (except as modified under 2.) is required for the duration of the permit [See Part A. (1.)]. 2. After a one-year Test Period of monthly monitoring or after twelve (12) discharge events have .been sampled and analyzed, the Permittee shall review MTBE data. If MTBE is not detected, the facility may request the Division to reduce the MTBE monitoring frequency. Granting this request shall constitute a minor modification to the NPDES permit. 3. If MTBE is detected during the Test Period, the Permittee shall submit an MTBE Reduction Plan. This plan may include site -specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) or engineering solutions. A copy of this plan shall be submitted to: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 4. The Division anticipates that an MTBE regulatory criterion or Water Quality Standard will be established during the coming permit cycle. For the next cycle of permit renewals, the Division expects to apply this criterion or standard to MTBE data collected during this permit cycle. Should the permittee's MTBE data indicate discharge in excess of this criterion or Water Quality Standard, an MTBE limit will be added to the permit monitoring requirements at renewal. Permit NCO071463 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. (3.) ACUTE TOXICITY MONITORING (ANNUAL) The Permittee shall conduct annual toxicity tests using protocols defined as definitive in EPA Document EPA/600/4-90/027 entitled "Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms." The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24-hour static test. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. The permittee will conduct one test annually, with the annual period beginning in January of the calendar year of the effective date of the permit. The annual test requirement must be performed and reported by June 30. If no discharge occurs by June 30, notification will be made to the Division by this date. Toxicity testing will be performed on the next discharge event for the annual test requirement. The parameter code for this test is TAE6C. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DWQ Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Branch no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re- opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. NPDES PERMIT DRAFT /FINAL I CHECK LIST FILE CONTENTS: Facility' Nfn`K0�t(((—`�t�Cl/ I Permit No. 4,/- c� Left side: ❑ New Tracking Slip. 2-- Old Tracking Slip. Right side: ❑ Streamline Package Sheet M-- Draft Permit Cover Letter. "raft Permit p' Facility Map 19'� Fact Sheet. IBA Permit Writer's Notes Ms 'Staff Report from Region :td 6p Id Permit p� Permit Application. Acknowledgement Letter ❑ Permittee Responses ❑ Waste Load Allocation NPDES Permit Writer: (to region, only if strea tned) (add new policy text; arize major anges to permit) (order: cover, supp ment, map, efflu t sheets, special conditions) (E-Map:Include cility; Outfalls; U and D sample locations) (document per t writer's issues and re -issue logic) (if not in Fac Sheet -- chronology, strategy, DMR Review, RPA, etc.) (as appropriate --.not needed if streamlined) (Text, Effluent Sheets and Special Conditions) (Nevi Permit or Renewal; any additional permittee correspondence) (for Renewal Application, from NPDES Unit) (to acknowledgement letter, if any) (reference date; recalculated for current action?) Note: Italics indicate special conditions 'nof always required or applicable. 01 Submitted to E''��* for Peer Review: Date Ell"Peer Review completed by ��f p �,D�at�e 6 r-� �� n L7 Permit Maile / E-Mailed�to Regional Staff 3` � t�flb�tN by X>F= Date l��i'W CS' Regional Office Review completed by �Sw �J`N� ✓� Date � Sf ❑ Additional Review by initiated by Date ❑ Additional Review completed by on: Date Submitted to ad f 1C I R (r- for Public Notice on : Notice Date Updated Public Notice and databases. Date >--5'-fPC) Date 10 FINAL submitted to Dave Goodrich for signature on _,I!r- Additional Review :0 (S� State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director MEMORANDUM i'�e..... Uev.t.. oi ENR 0CT ` if 2001 September 19, 2001 To: Lee Spencer NC DENR / DE14 / Regional Engineer Regional Office 0- SAL" From: Joe Corpoton NPDES Unit Subject: Review of Draft NPDES Permit NC000367 Williams Terminals Holdings, Greensboro Guliford County A Iffl?WA NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the draft permit and return this form by October 19, 2001. If you have any questions on the draft permit, please contact me at the telephone number or e-mail address listed at the bottom of this page. ( " W e A A A F64 J��5C _ ) 5 RESPONSE: (Check one) 't I c Cn �[( �/Loncut with the issuance of this permit provided the facility is operated and maintained properly, the stated effluent limits - J are met prior to discharge, and the discharge does not contravene the designated water quality standards. ❑ Concurs with issuance of the above permit, provided the following conditions are met /UG1 LcS7� Iira� ,osr�clrt 11-S ftrat�� lJ4T£/Lde4`� 2 Is L r:KE ��w.roT� itla!T 4-41-54- 114'&E +) ❑ Opposes the issuance of the above permit, based on reasons stated below, or attached: V OCt we 200� 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1617 VISIT Us ON THE INTERNET @ http:Yh2o.enr.state.nc.us1NPDES Z (fax) 919 733.0719 11220515 Date 09/13/2001 Time i 3:35 PM W PUBLIC NOTCE STATENVIRONMENTAL UW1 COMMtsSSIION/NP�S UNIT 1617 Mall SmAce Center Raleigh, NC 27699-16D NOTFCAlON OF WTENTTO ISSUEA NPOES WASTEWATER PERM R con draft communist hoursol B:00 a.m. and 500 P.M. to rime bull, mafine on NPOES Permit Number NC00262aT. TransMon Migne Termina/ng. Inc. Southeast Telminel 2OO Mansell Court Smre 206. Roswell 6A 3007 hasaP Ikd lore err let te. wal rora I, did Pocated In Guilford County dechar In¢¢ treated wastewater to Ui of the East Fork Deep RNerinthe Cape Feat River Basin. Cur renty benzene and total phe- nol are water quarry limited. The discharge m&y afhctfu. lure a to ®tlons lit, e P orlon of the erasing steam. Ad shown is not actual print size State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director MEMORANDUM RECEIVED NA Dept. of f;NR IF WA OCT 2 5 2001 �,0 Winston-Salam ��W Regional Gfrice NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES September 12, 2001 To: Lee Spencer NC DENR / DEH / Regional Engineer Winston-Salem Regional Office From: Joe Corporon NPDES Unit Subject: Review of Draft NPDES Permit NCO071463 Apex Oil Company, Greensboro Terminal Guilford County r.,r-0MVED N.C. P f. of EHNR SEP 2 4 2001 Winszoil-Sa^ em, Regional Off CO, Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the draft permit and return this form by October 12, 2001. If you have any questions on the draft permit, please contact me at the telephone number or e-mail address listed at the bottom of this page. RESPONSE: (Check one) oncur with the issuance of this permit provided the facility is operated and maintained properly, the stated effluent limits are met prior to discharge, and the discharge does not contravene the designated water quality standards. Concurs with issuance of the above permit, provided the following conditions are met Opposes the issuance of the above permit, based on reasons stated below, or attached: .p QGj G 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 733-5083, extension 511 (fax) 919 733-0719 VISIT US ON THE INTERNET@http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES Challes.Weaver@nemail.net DENR / DWQ / NPDES Unit FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES Permit No. NCO071463 INTRODUCTION Apex Oil Company (herein referred to as Apex or the permittee) requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to dispose treated wastewater to the surface waters of the state. The Permittee's 5-year NPDES permit has expired and they have requested renewal from the Division of Water Quality (the Division). This Fact Sheet summarizes background information and rationale used by the Division's NPDES Unit to determine permit limits and conditions. This document also contains references to information sources relevant to this permit renewal (superscripted numbers in order of appearance, See References). FACILITY RECORDS REVIEW Facility Description. Apex (Table 1) operates the Apex Oil Company, Greensboro Terminal, a bulk storage petroleum fuel distribution center in Guilford County. Discharge from the facility consists of stormwater runoff controlled by a Water Pollution Control System consisting of: loading rack drains; oil/water separator; waste holding tank with optional offsite disposal; pumps to empty dike containment areas trough the oil -water separator; and discharge control valves. Discharge travels to an unnamed tributary (UT) of Horsepen Creek. Table 1. Apex Oil Company — Water Pollution Control System Facility Information A Iicmffacilit Name Apex Oil Company / Apex Oil Company, Greensboro Terminal A :!cant Address ' 2801 Rock Road, Granite City, Illinois 62040 Facility Address ' 6900 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27409 Permitted Flow (MGD) Not limited Type of Waste ' Industrial runoff wastewater. SIC Code 5171 W W Code Prim. 37; Second. 39; Facility/Permit Status ' ' Class I, Minor / Renewal Drainage Basin / County Cape Fear / Guilford Miscellaneous Receiving Stream 1,24UT of Horsepen Creek Regional Office Winston - Salem Stream Classification ' WS-III, NSW State Gad / USGS Too Quad C 19 SW / Guilford, NC 303(d) Listed? Not listed Permit Writer Joe R. Corporon Subbasin 4 03-06-02 Date: 06Au 0l Drains a Area (s . miJ Lat. 36° 04' 43" Long. 79° 55' 36" Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 0.0 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) ' 0.0 30Q2 (cfs) ' 0.0 Avers a Flow (cfs) 0.0 IWC (%) ' t00 Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES Permit NCO071461 Page I This permit became effective February 16, 1996 (with an expiration date of January 31, 2001). To stager the renewal workload, the Division extended the expiration date to expire June 30, 2001.1'2 Waste Load Allocation (WLA). The Division conducted a WLA in March 1994 and developed effluent limits and monitoring requirements based on an in -stream waste concentration (IWC) of 100% (zero -flow stream).6 The Division judges these limits and monitoring requirements to be appropriate for this renewal with the exception of additions and deletions listed below (see PERMITTING APPROACH SUMMARY). Verifying Existing Stream Conditions. This facility discharges to a "zero -flow" stream, an unnamed tributary (UT) Horsepen Creek, a Class WS-III NSW stream within the Cape Fear River Basin. Horsepen Creek is not listed as an "impaired" waterbody [not 303(d) listed].s COMPLIANCE REVIEW Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) -- Effluent Data Review. DMRs were reviewed from January 1999 through June 2001.E Discharges from Outfall 001 occurred episodically, zero to four times per month — non -discharge months reported as "no flow." The permittee reported a maximum discharge of 0.0.096 MGD (June 2000). Therefore, this flow was used for reasonable potential calculations (see below). Monitoring parameter results are summarized in Table 2: Table 2. Apex, Greensboro Terminal DAM Review Summary Parameter Samples n Hits n) High Average RP1 /n Comments / Action Flow 37 -- 0.096 MGD 0.038 MGD -- High used for RPA B 11 0 -- -- No No limit T 11 0 -- -- No No limit E 11 0 -- -- No No limit X 11 0 -- -- No No limit Phenol 37 0 <5.0 µg/L <5.0 µg/L Yes Based on yx PQL only No Limit/no monitor (See RPA) TSS 37 37 272 m 70.0 m -- Note to cover letter Lead 3 2 21.0 10.0 Yes Include permit limit Oil & Grease 37 9 21.5 mg/L 3.16 mg/L Yes Include limit -- 30 m (BPJ) Eight (8) Add. Phenols 0 -- -- -- -- No data TOX 4 (annual) -- -- -- -- All "pass" EPA 624/625 8 0 -- Retain 625 Delete 624 RP = "Reasonable Potential' to exceed Water Quality Stream Standard. Fact Shcet Renew,d -- N PDES NCO07 ! 463 Page 2 Based on the Division's our review of the DMRs, twice annual EPA 624/625 scans did not detect semi -volatile or volatile organic compounds. Total suspended residue (TSR) results do not exceed recommended levels. Notices of Violation (NOVs). No NOVs were issued to this facility during this permit cycle.8 Facility Inspections. This facility was last inspected September 1995 in connecting to an Authorization To Construct (ATC) an oil —water separator. Beginning with this permit cycle, the Winston-Salem Regional Office has scheduled regular annual inspections for this and all bulk - petroleum storage facilities in the Greensboro area.9 Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Test. The facility has passed its annual acute toxicity test for four (4) years, from 1998 through year 2001. Total Suspended Solids (TSS). During 24 of 25 discharge months (January 1999 through June 2001) TSS levels are reported in excess of the permit Daily Maximum of 45.0 mg/L Annual averages are 79.5 mg/L (1999), 67.1 mg/L (2000), and 63.5 mg/L (2001). A maximum was reported in June 2000 of 272 mg/L. These violations have not been assessed. According to the Compliance and Enforcement Unit, future discharges in excess of 45.0 mg/L will be assessed as a violation-9 A note to this effect will be added to the permit cover letter. PERMITTING STRATEGY Revised Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The Division has revised permitting strategies and SOP for this and all oil terminals in the state based on a 1996 SOP. This document, hereafter referred to as the 2001 SOP,10 addresses issues and delineates monitoring frequencies and permit limits for contaminants commonly found at these facilities. Summary of Compliance Under 2001 SOP. Under the 2001 SOP, flow monitoring will be changed from "monthly" to "episodic" (Parts L.A. ). Compliance for acute toxicity, TSS, and oil and grease (Parts L.B. through I.D.). In place of EPA Methods 624/625 monitoring requirements [eight (8) chlorophenols specified in the previous permit], the permittee shall now monitor monthly for phenol only (Part LE.), required for all WS (water supply) waters, and for BTEX (Part III.A.). The Division shall also require monthly monitoring for MTBE (2001 SOP Part I.I.) considering WS waters. 10 Footnotes to the Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements page shall reflect no direct discharge of tanks solids, tank bottom water, or the tank rag layer. Footnotes also stipulate no direct discharge of hydrostatic test water if benzene and/or toluene concentrations exceed their respective water quality standard (2001 SOP, Parts I.G. and I.I). Phenol — Monitoring and Limits Calculations. When combined with chlorine, phenol can cause taste and odor (organoleptic) problems in drinking water, and can also result in the tainting of fish tissues. Therefore, in accordance with SOP 2001, all dischargers to state water supply (WS) waters shall conduct monthly effluent monitoring for total phenol.10 Moreover, if analytical results suggest "reasonable potential," a phenol limit shall be included in the permit.7 A phenol limit magnitude depends on dilution. Ideally dilution would be calculated at the Lake Townsand Dam water plant intake where chlorine is introduced, but it is impractical at this time to Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDE.S NCO071463 Page assumed headwaters of this water supply. Secondly, the Division used 1 µg/L (the aesthetic limit for phenol) to calculate a wasteload allocation in pounds per day (lbs./day) at these headwaters. Finally, the wasteload allocation was distributed equally among phenol dischargers as a permit limit, but only as each facility's data -set showed reasonable potential to exceed the water quality stream standard. Currently two (2) bulk storage facilities discharge to Horsepen Creek draining to Lake Townsand, the nearest downstream intake waterbody. An EPA stream gauge (0209400000) located on Horsepen Creek was assumed for the following calculations to approximate the headwaters of Lake Townsand. The Division used published 30Q2 flows from this stream gauge to calculate a wasteload allocation for phenol. The 30Q2 flow, not the 7Q 10, was deemed appropriate because the standard for phenol is aesthetic. Flow Calculations: Given: Flow (30Q2) = 3.3 cfs (USGS Gauging Station) Drainage Area = 16.40 mil (USGS) Yield = Flow (cfs) Drainage Area (mil) = 3.3 cfs 16.40 mil 0.20 efs/mi2 Therefore: Total Flow = Yield x Total Drainage Area 0.20 cfs/mil x 16.40 mil 3.3 cfs Wasteload Calculation: 3.3 cfs x 0.001 mg/L x 8.34 = 0.002 lbs./day distributed among two (2) 1.55 dischargers 0.002 lbs./day 2 dischargers 0.001 lbsJday per discharger Phenol Limit: Maximum reported flow = 0.096 MGD Limit = Allocated wasteload (lbs./day) x 1.0 mW_ 8.34 lbs./MG Highest Reported Flow (MGD) = 0.001 x 1.0 8.34 0.096 .00125 mg/L 1.25 µg/L Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NCO071463 Payc 4 QUESTION: Using 0.001 lbs. per day as the wasteload allocation for phenol, does the allowable concentration (calculated limit) exceed the maximum predicted concentration for this facility? Max Predicted: Allowable: ANSWER: YES. 16.7 µg/L (no hits in 37 @ 5 µg/L) 1.25 µg/L However, a phenol limit will not be included in this permit because: 1. phenol was not detected in 37 samples at 5 µg/L, and 2. because the "maximum predicted" is based solely on'/z the test -method Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL), and 3. because an analytical method more sensitive than 5 µg/L is not currently available. Summary of Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA). The Division conducted an EPA -mandated RPA on Apex's reported data for benzene, phenols, oil & grease, and lead. There were insufficient data to establish reasonable potential for ethyl benzene, toluene, and xylene. Maximum Predicted Allowable Reasonable Potential Benzene 0.5 µg/L 1.19 µg/L No Phenol 16.7 µg/L* 1.25 µg/L Yes* Oil and Grease 51.6 µg/L 30.0 µg/L Yes Lead 140.6 µg/L 25.0 µg/L Yes * based only on 1/2 PQL of 2.5 µg/L; no hits @ 5.0 µg/L (see phenol calculations) Therefore, the allowable concentrations for lead and oil & grease will be included as limits in the permit, per the 2001 SOP. Phenol will be monitored per SOP 2001, but no permit limit will be imposed. Permitting Approach Summary Per DWQ/NPDES Unit's 2001 SOP: • Incorporated BTEX monitoring, frequency Monthly per SOP 2001. • Benzene remains in the permit; no added limit due to no "reasonable potential" • Removed EPA Method 624 monitoring; "no parameters detected." • Method EPA 625 monitoring remains at 2/Year per SOP 2001. • Phenol remains in permit -- no change in Monthly monitoring frequency; no permit limit because not detected (despite "reasonable potential"). • Per requirement for WS waters, added Monthly MTBE monitoring, no limit. • Oil and Grease — monitor Monthly; previously limited/currently limited; "reasonable potential" — yes. • Lead — RPA indicates "reasonable potential;" monitor Monthly with limit. Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NC0071463 Page 5 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: September 12, 2001. Permit Scheduled to Issue: October 29, 2001 If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Joe Corporon ate) 733-50"t. 597. NAME: V DATE: REF ENCES 1999. NPDES Per ication Short Form C. for Apex Oil Company, NPDES Permit NC0071463. 2. 1995. NPDES Permit NC0071463, issued to Apex Oil Company, expired January 31, 2001 (extended by the Division to June 30 2001). Copies may be obtained through The Division of Water Quality, Central Files, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina. 3. 2000. Active NPDES Permits List, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, NPDES Unit, on the web at http:lh2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/NPDESweb.html. 4. 2000. Cape Fear Basinwide Water Quality Plan. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, July. 5. 2000. 303(d) List of North Carolina Impaired Waters - Draft. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. Copies may be obtained through the Planning Branch, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina. 6. 1994. NPDES Waste Load Allocation Work Sheet, NPDES Permit NC0071463, conducted for Apex Oil Company, modeled by Permits and Engineering Unit, May 13. 7. 1999-2001. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) for Effluent (DEM Form MR-1), Apex Oil Company beginning January 1999 through June 2001. 8. 2001 Personal Communication from Marcia Lieber (Point Source Compliance and Enforcement Unit) to Joe Corporon (NPDES Unit), Apex Oil Company, Greensboro Terminal, NPDES Permit NC0071463, DMR records, September 4. 9. 2001 Personal Communication from Jenny Rankin (WSRO) to Joe Corporon (NPDES Unit), Greensboro oil -terminal site visits and records, August 22. 10. 2001 Standard Operating Procedures -- Permit Requirements for Discharges from Oil and Petroleum Storage Facilities (2001 SOP), NPDES Unit, Natalie Sierra, July 30. Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NCO071463 Pugc 6 REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS N ® om NAME: I TE: 9--/A'-01 REGIONAL SUPERVISOR: rL "Al^lns I• DATE: � 7 0 NPDES SU PERVISOR:DATE: Fact Shcct Renewal -- NPDES NOX)71463 p1we 8 �ileno�5 le)QL �or-&,c.99. 1[)er 99 , 46Ag•000, Dec 2o, ) � 49' �n2ere : 3c3 L t'o r 5v.N,,L 99 �ec99 Fe, t3H' 0�tene z 6Q1. For Sw,-99 , 7eL`l9 EtMlbenzene_ r E QL % r Sa„Q 99, �be c`(ck FwA Xvlene zBCLt For Dec 99 �dN I q�l .L'GrettSe=SQL For Dee77, APril9000, -6t- Lead = BQL ror SUnz 99 )-�" 6`6 VG6,,JS (k,4, ) 21 S �2.5- I4o �a' , p5K o3Z , asYg .—Na 24.E tea .ez3 o�4r6 hA� 15F (�( ON- OCoCP ,0 ,deb io (r4 ae� ors �� ,aSz 151- 2 O"FW !00 -jvL i031 a�� .0`C(o o`c c1-�G- SF� r2c7 26�1 9GS- ALr, 9EP .as( ,a6� b J Z&� �O cc r,oJ -dam ,_ r im DF e- ( aFc. -OK 2.5 . 0`;4s • a�O . c�sry� �-I r 7T. h a33 0 J Z F; .aZ� • +�'�3 , 03� . og? •o2'f to 3 oar{ b3S q Z) .03w • o gK . a gR • o33 Facility Name = NPDES k = Qw (MGD) = 7QI0s (cfs)= IWC (%) = APEX OIL COMPANY NC0071463 0.096 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Oil & Grease Max. Pred Cw 51.6 Allowable Cw 30.0 d Dev. 3.5044 can 3.9 V. 0.9007 of data points 37 Factor Value 21.5 mg/L Pred Cw 51.6 mg/L vable Cw 30.0 mg/L Parameter = Oil & Grease Standard = 30.0 Date n < Actual Data BDL=.1/2DL Jan-99 1 < 5 2.5 Jan-99 2 < 5 2.5 Mar-99 3 < 5 2.5 Mar-99 4 < 5 2.5 Apr-99 5 < 5 2.5 Apr-99 6 < 5 2.5 May-99 7 < 5 2.5 May-99 8 < 5 2.5 Jun-99 9 ® 7.7 Jul-99 10 < 5 2.5 Jul-99 11 < 5 2.5 Aug-99 12 < 5 2.5 Aug-99 13 < 5 2.5 Sep-99 14 < 5 2.5 Sep-99 15 ® 21.5 Oct-99 16 < 5 2.5 Oct-99 17 < 5 2.5 Dec-99 18 ® 6.7 Jan-00 19 < 5 2.5 Feb-00 20 < 5 2.5 Feb-00 21 < 5 2.5 Mar-00 22 < 5 2.5 Mar-00 23 < 5 2.5 Apr-00 24 < 5 2.5 Jun-00 25 < 5 2.5 Jun-00 26 ® . Jul-00 27 6.2 Jul-00 28 < 5 2.5 Aug-00 29 < 5 2.5 Sep-00 30 M 5.0 Sep-00 31 10.2 Jan-01 32 < 5 2.5 Feb-01 33 < 5 2.5 Mar-01 34 < 5 2.5 Mar-01 35 < 5 2.5 Apr-01 36 M 5.3 May-01 37 6.4 Facility Name = APEX OIL COMPANY NPDES # = NC0071463 Qw (MGD) = 0.096 7Q/Os (cfs)= 0 [WC (%n) = 100.00 FINAL RFSULTS Lead Max. Pred Cw 216.4 Allowable Cw 0.0 Dev. 9.3853 m 10.8 0.8663 data points 3 wit Factor = 1 10.301 ax. Value 21.0 µg/I ax. Ned Cw 216.4 µg/I lowable Cw 25.0 µg/I Parameter = Lead Standard = 25.0 µg/1 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Feb-00 1 9.0 Feb-01 2 21.0 Jun-99 3 < 5.0 2.5 Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Self -Monitoring Summary June 18, 2001 FACILITY REQUIREMENT YEAR JAN PER MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OUT NOV DEC Alcoa-1105 Porn chr Bar 90% 107 Pass - Pass - - Para si - - Pass - - Pasaa NC00043011005 Begun lLl/1995 Frrquenry.QP/F + MvlunSep Occ NonComp:Svmlc tsse - - Paps) - - Poo(s) - - Pass(.) _ _ pap County: Sandy Region: MRO Subbain: YAD08 1999 - - Pis - - Pass - - Faller) -"a) >f00 Pass PF: NA smw 2000 - - Paps) - - Pasga) - - Paa1(1) - - P ..I.) 7QIO: 0.0 IWC(%):Iw ands: 2041 - - paps) - A1m.4111 Pam 24hr LC50ac .it epu And(gdb) 1987 — — — sego) — NCON30MIl BegimlVIA995 Frequenry50WD/A NonComp: 108 - - - >100(3) - County: Sandy Arlin.: MRQ Subbesin: YAD08 INS - - - >100(s) - PF: VAR Spared WAS _ - >100A) - _ 7QI0: NA IWC(%)NA tole: Vau - - MISS - Alcoa-012 Pennchrlbm 16% 19V - - Finer - - Pau(,) - - Pass - - Pangs) NC0004308N12 Bank IVI/1995 Fmgaarcy:QP/F + Marlton Sep Drc NonCOm,:Sm,,Ic INS - - Pander) - - Pools) - - Pave) - - Paws) County: Sandy Region: MRO Subsositl: YAD08 1999 - - Paas(a) - - P. - - Full >24 >z4 Pant PF: NA Span 2" - _ Papa) - - Posts) - - Poy.l - - Pal 700: NA IWC(Y.)NA (Jude,,. MI - - Paula) - Alt."13 Penn 241trac Nfl6n: W% had 1997 - - Passel) - - Paw-) - - paalel - - Pugs) NC0004308,4113 R drrIVI/1995 Fm,ucruy:QP/F + Madura SepDre NonComP:Sirrgle limit - - Paps) - - Pal - - peals) - - Passls) County Sandy Raglan: MRO Subbssin: YAD08 1999 - - Puss) - - Paspa) - - Pau(a) - - Br PF: NA Sparta 2000 - - Paa1(e) - - Psssa) - - Pasa(s) - - Pap(1) 7QIO: NA IWC(Y.)NA fkda: 2001 - - Paul - ArnenOa Hen Corp. Penn 24hr MO cc commit epis but Al 1997 - - - - - -IN NCO06671IM01 Begirr It/I/1996 Frequeny:A NonComp: 1998 - -IN - - - County: New Hanover Region: WIRO Subbain: CPF17 19" - IN - - - IN PR SPsia 2000 _ >100 _ _ _ 7Q10: NA IWC(%)NA GM: 3001 - - >100 - AmandaHsssGreauboeaTerviod Perm 241ur LC50ac monirepa Bird (Grab) 1997 At - - - - - - >100 - - - - NC00692560001 Bcgiw&1/1996 Froquenay:A NonComp; INS >100 - - - - - - - County Guilford Region: WSRO Substantial: CPF68 INS -IN - - - - - - PF: NA well N00 _ >100 _ _ - - -7QIO: 0.0 IWC(Y.)NA nodal 2001 - AN - - AmarinnTemmusel gloa Penn chr lim:%%(gol 1997 N N N Fal,Fal Pau - - Pm - - Pus - NC0085928/001 Bcgiml/1/1997 Fscqumry:QP/F + Fab May Aug Nov NonCOmp:Smglc t99a - Fa.Pmai - - Pau _ - Pant - - Fail Pau Cowl MttkleMurg Region: MR0 Subbism, CTB34 1999 - Pass - - late Pass - Pm - - Pm Fail PF: 0.05 Stria 2000 -45.76St Fan Falls) N - - H H - - H - 7QIg:0.0 IWC(V.):100 Order: 2001 H Amara Oil Co. Penn 24hr LC50 or moat is AM (Gain) 1897 -IN - NC0003671/OUI Begimb/I/1996 Precool A N..COmp: INS >1e0 - - - - - - - - - - - County: Guilford Region: WSRO Subbacire CPF02 INS - 0.76 PR NA sinned 2000 >iw _ 7QI0: 0.0 IWC(%):100 Order: 2001 - - - - And.1AoAF P P. chr lim: 13% Y 1997 - - Pau - - Pass - - Pau - - Paso NM20800MI Be9m3/I/I998 Frrquenry: Q P/F + Mvlun Sep Dee + NmnComp:Singlc INS - - Puns - - Pm - - Pass - _ pant Covey. ChaMes Region: ARO Simulate HIW02 1999 - - Pap - - Pan - - Fad -26 16A Pass PF: 1.5 spared 2000 - - Pass - - Pass - - Fen 11.A 18A Pass, 7QIO: 15.0 IWC(%):13.0 Orb: Not >26 152 AnyFont >52 Anson Co. W WTP Perm chr lim: 3% 1997 Pass - - Pas - - Pass - - Pan - - NCO04I408NOI Bcg r4/I/IN9 Fryumcy:QP/F + lw Apr Jul Om + NonComp:Singic INS wte Pus - Pau - - Pass - - Pass - _ County: Anson Region: FRO Subbm'n: YAD16 1999 Pas - - Pap - - Pus - - Pee. - - PF: 3.5 SPaia 2000 rate Pass - Pass - - Pass - -- Peas - - 7Q10:175.5 IWC(%)4.99 Order: 2001 Pas - - Pan Ape. Oil Company PERM: 24HR 1,C50 AC MONIT EPIS FTHD (GRAB) 1997 - - - - - - - - - - - - NCo071463MOI Begin:911AW4 Fm um,: SOWD/A NonComp: 108 - - - - - >100 >100.>tl8q -i m - - - - County Guilford Re,ame WSRO Subbuim CPF02 INS - - - - - >100 PF: NA 3pand 2000 _ _ _ _ am969 _ 7Q10: 0.0 IWC(%):100 oaer: 2001 - - - - Y Pre 1997 Darn Available LEGEND: PERM-Purmit Req iremmt LET=Administrative Lcrn-Target Frequency= Monitoring frcqurnry. Q. Quarrel M. Monthly; AM. Bimonthly; SA. Scmiawually; A -Among, OW Only when duchuging;D- Discontinued monitoring requirement Begin-FirAmamh Mrequirid 7Q10=Receiving imam low Row criterion(ifs) +=gwnerly monitoring iarcasatomunthly upw fnilurc or NR Momhs thauesting must occur-cx.lun, Apr, lul. Oct NonComp= Current Compliance Requirement PF-Pismincd Row(MGD) IWC%=Instreamwaztcconccntation P/F=pua liar AC=Acute CHR-Chrome Data Noun.: f. Fathead Minnow; •-Cermlophnin ap.; my- Myaid sailor; ChV - Chronic value; P- Mortality natural I+anu age at highest concentration; at - Performed by D WQ Aquatic Tax Unit; N - Bad test Reporting Notation:--= Data not required; NA. -Not criminal Facility Activity Scotus: I - Inactive.N - Newly himed(fo em.murA; A - Active but not discharging;l-More dam available for month in quarter; -= ORC signature needed 2 NCDENR-DIVISONOFWATER QUALITY t f� 2B .0300 .0311 CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN [� Classification Name of Stream Description Class Date Index No. Giles Creek Reedy Fork Beaver Creek Moores Creek Reedy Fork (including Lake Brandt and Lake Townsend below normal operating levels) Brush Creek Brush Creek (Lake Higgins) From source to Haw River From source to a point 0.4 mile downstream of Moores Creek From source to Reedy Fork From source to Reedy Fork From a point 0.4 mile downstream of Moores Creek to Lake Townsend Dam (City of Greensboro water supply intake) From source to a point 0.5 mile downstream of Guilford County SR 2190 From a point 0.5 mile downstream of Guilford County SR 2190 to Lake C NSW O8103/92 16-9 WS-III NSW 08/03/92 16-11-(1) WS-III NSW 08/03/92 16-11-2 WS-III NSW 08/03/92 16-11-3 WS-III NSW CA O6/03/92 16-11-(3.5) WS-III NSW 08/03/92 16-11-4-(1) WS-III NSW CA 08/03/92 16-11-4-(2) Horsepen Creek From source to U.S. Hwy. 220 WS-III NSW 08/03/92 16-11-5-(0.5) nname I1 u ary at From source to dam at WS-III&B NSW 1 - - - -(1) Guilford College Guilford College bathing lake Unnamed Tributary at From dam at Guilford WS-III NSW O8/03/92 16-11-5-1-(2) Guilford College College bathing lake to Horsepen Creek Horsepen Creek From U.S. Hwy. 220 to Lake WS-III NSW CA 08/03/92 16-11-5-(2) Brandt, Reedy Fork Long Branch From source to a point 0.5 WS-III NSW 08/03/92 16-11-6-(1) mile upstream of mouth Long Branch Richland Creek (Richland Lake) Richland Creek (Richland Lake) Squirrel Creek Squirrel Creek From a point 0.5 mile WS-III NSW CA 08/03/92 16-11-6-(2) upstream of mouth to Lake Townsend, Reedy Fork From source to a point 0.5 WS-III NSW O8/03/92 16-11-7-(1) mile upstream of dam at Richland Lake From a point 0.5 mile WS-III NSW CA 08/03/92 16-11-7-(2) upstream of dam at Richland Lake to Lake Townsend, Reedy Fork Froom source to a point 0.4 WS-III NSW mile downstream of Guilford County SR 1001 O8/03/92 16-11-8-(1) From a point 0.9 mile WS-III NSW CA 08/03/92 16-11-8-(2) downstream of Guilford County SR 1001 to Lake Townsend, Reedy Fork CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN Name of Stream Subbasin Stream Index Number Map Number Class Hickman Branch CPF17 18-81-6-1-2 K26SE1 C Sw Hickory Branch CPF13 18-20-13-9 F23SW1 C Hickory Creek CPF08 17-8.5-(1) D19NE1 WS-IV Hickory Creek CPF08 17-8.5-(3) D19NE1 WS-IV CA Hicks Branch CPF19 18-68-2-6-1 H26NW3 C Sw Hide Branch CPF13 18-20-13-3-2 F22SW6 C Hill Creek CPF04 16-38-2-(1) E22NW2 C NSW Hill Creek CPF04 16-38-2-(2) E22NW2 WS-IV NSW Hobbs Pond CPF19 18-68-1-14 H25NW6 C Sw' Hoe Swamp CPF19 18-68-2-1 G25NE8 C Sw Hog Branch CPF04 16-27-2 C22SW8 WS-II NSW Holly Shelter Creek CPF23 18-74-33 I28NW8 C Sw Honey Creek CPF23 18-74-48 J27NE4 C Sw Hood Creek CPF17 18-66 K26NE1 C Sw Hornet Swamp (Horner Swamp) CPF19 18-68-1-17-3 G25SW1 C Sw Horse Branch CPF14 18-23-16-9 F22SW7 WS-III Horse Branch CPF23 18-74-55-1 I27SWl C Sw Horse Creek CPF10 17-26-5-6-1 F20NE7 WS-III Horse Creek CPF14 18-23-14 G22NW4 WS-III Horse Pen Branch CPF13 18-20-20 F23SW5 C Horse Pen Branch CPF21 18-74-3-1 G27NW4 C Sw Horsepen Branch CPF16 18-61-4-1 J25NEB WS-IV Sw Horsepen Branch CPF19 18-68-1-17-12 H25SW2 C Sw Horsepen Branch CPF21 18-74-12 G27SE1 C Sw Horsepen Branch CPF22 18-74-19-9-2 G26SE1 C Sw Horsepen Creek CPF02 16-11-5-(0.5) C19SW2 WS-III NSW Horsepen Creek CPF02 16-11-5-(2) C19NE7 WS-III NSW CA Housland Branch CPF21 18-74-16 G27SE4 w Howard Channel CPF24 18-87-13 J28SW2 SA ORW Howard Pond CPF19 18-68-1-17-7 H24NE3 C Sw Howe Creek CPF24 18-87-23 J27SE8 SA ORW Hudson Branch CPF04 16-27-4-1 D22NW2 WS-II NSW Hughes Creek CPF07 18-4-7 E22SE4 WS-IV Hughes Mill Creek CPF02 16-14-6-1 B21SE8 WS-II NSW Hunting Branch CPF04 16-28-2 D21NW9 C NSW Hybarts Branch CPF15 18-27-5-1-1 G23SW5 C Indian Branch CPF13 18-20-26-1 F23NE7 WS-IV Indian Creek CPF05 16-41-1-18-(1) D23SW5 WS-IV NSW Indian Creek CPF05 16-41-1-18-(2) D23SW4 WS-IV NSW CA Indian Creek CPF10 17-35 E21SE4 WS-IV Indian Creek CPF16 18-46-4 I24NE2 C Indian Creek CPF17 18-70 J26SE4 C Sw Indian Creek (Jessups Pond) CPF16 18-42-1 H24SW1 C Intracoastal Waterway CPF24 18-87 J29NW2 SA ORW Intracoastal Waterway CPF24 18-87-(5.5) J28NE3 SA Intracoastal Waterway CPF24 18-87-(11.5) J28SW2 SA ORW Intracoastal Waterway CPF24 18-87-(23.5) K27NE2 SA Intracoastal Waterway CPF17 18-88-9 L26NE4 SA Intracoastal Waterway CPF17 18-88-9-(3.5) L26NE9 SC Island Creek CPF22 18-74-27 H27SW4 C Sw Island Creek CPF23 18-74-50 J27SE5 C Sw Jack Branch CPF05 16-41-6-1-(1) D23SW9 C NSW Jack Branch CPF05 16-41-6-1-(2) D23SW9 WS-IV NSW Jackeys Creek CPF17 18-77-3 K26NE6 C Sw Page 12 of 30 Reasonable Potential Request Form Facility Name Apex Oil Company NPDES Number NCO071463 Permitted Flow Rate (MGD) Not limited — intermittent 7Q10 Stream Flow cfs 0 Receiving Stream UT of Horse en Creek 030602 C19SW Stream Classification WS-III NSW 30Q2 Stream Flow cfs O Average Stream Flow Qav cfs o Date Requested: August 1, 2001 Projected Date for Completion (add one week to date requested): August 15, 2001 Requested Parameters (Spell out): Phenols Benzene Toluene Ethyl benzene Xylene MTBE (Methyl Tert Butyl Ether) rld?A ( EPA 624 — list number of hits by parameter (EPA 625 — list number of hits by parameter Oil and grease Lead r4 WC -A R/Zo/01— /dl G6,fAe5 APEX OEL COMPANY 2801 Rock Road Granite City, II, 62040 (618)452-4195 December 7, 2000 N.C. Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 d [ RE: NPDES Renewal NCO071463 Apex Oil Company C FC 2 1 2000 ._._ Greensboro, NC To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is a Short Form C to renew our facility's permit. Because this facility discharges stormwater only, should it be permitted by a general permit for stormwater? Please contact me at (618) 452-4195 to advise whether or not we need to apply for a general permit. Sincerely, ,kt%k-7Aj. , ) Belinda Meador Administrator of Terminals Mq 1W Ix nmvee-C iuzar o, gal7elal pelwv;4 b/& Visa bccdk 1( 21 ye -They a& cnI (We" ( Cuhdeb- i1,?djv1&Ua.1 pee-lnl)f- fold P,eliarda. - 11,;3le1 - W `FROM : P PHONE NO. : 6184527847 Jan. 24 2001 08:06AM P2 SLUDGE MANAGEMENT PLAN Apex Oil Gompanp ow wevt It n*et stXoot Greensboro, NC 27409 Q.Ril 814 County im &',-Wty Vmjrjmr%,lu.�v iu uL.�=i4�8 � wkc�o product io ctnr011 WhP'n a MrilgP, tank is taken cntt of ,ice and the Wk is cleaned, the sludge is removed and disposed of Ley a IICC" L-d WU!j L:IUULUI +MLIiauL i e#AIPABV- . .