HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200668 Ver 2_Shoreline Stabilization_20240212Duke Enerev Excavation Permit Application Form
Duke File No.
Application Fee S _ Security Deposit $ Check # Date Recv'd Initials
Date of Duke Energy Lake iervices, applicant andor contractor on -site inspections Date _ S - Initials
Date Final Protection!Avoi, ance Area Markings Field - Verified
Approved to Start Work B) .
Date Completion Required
Date Passed Closeout Inspt :tion-
0 (Sign)
Date of Any Approved Extension _ Initials
Any Stop Work Orders or.` MG Violations*? (check one) ❑Yes ONo (If Yes, explain in PART V)
Date Deposit Refunded _ Initials Date Pennit Database Updated Initials
Femard copy of app -oved application (all pages, plus any attachments that Duke Energy changed) back to applicant
eith Approval Letter and highlight any changes. File copies of Approvoa and Closeout Checklists and any Stop Work
nMa ,,.;.t, e...,u..... —
Part I. Applical t Information (Please Print)
Name 011
Email address: t(14
relephol)e -SIC — —7 2-9 -:'A I q iG'
Lake Address Mailing Address (ifdifJerent)
I)r. SheyrLlk _Fz) rc� N c- Z$b13
Contractor Compan r ka
Contractor Contact 'erson �Y f L Telephone
Contractor Email A [dress:
Lake v Mancoi my C061�1 CityS rrtliS State NC -Tax Map No.
Lot / Section No. —1(Y2— Lot Size l t IDAcres
Duke Energy Page 4 of 13 rev 11,2121
Excavation Program
Duke Enerev Excavation Permit Application Form
Security Deposit R -fund Information
The security deposi will be refunded after the excavation pormit has expired if no violations of
the approval occurs d. The applicant will receive the security depost refund at the mailing
address in Part 1 unl -ss an alternative recipient is identified.
Send the security dt posit to an alternative recipient? (check one) ❑YesXNo (If Yes,
include name and n ailing address below.
Mailing Address:
Tax ID
Are there any Co -A )plicants*? (check one) ❑Yes ❑No (If Yes, include names, street
addresses or lot nut fibers, pier numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses in Part V —
Additional Inform ttion)
* Co -Applicants ex st when the proposed work is being done wider a single application, will be
performed by a sink le contractor as one continuous project, and is done to benefit multiple
owners / lease hold, rs of Project -front properties within a single development. There can be ne
more than 4 co-app icants in addition to the lead applicant en any application.
Do not continue th ! application until an on -site inspectic n has been conducted between a
Duke Energy Laki Representative and the applicant anti/or the excavation contractor.
NOTE. Initialling • his portion of the application by a Lake Representative in no way
constitutes approve l or eminent approval of the excavation or any other lake use permitting
Date of on -site insl jection
Initials (Duke Ene gy)
Duke Energy Page 5 of 13 rev t t;->z,zt
Excavation Program
Duke Enerev Excavation Permit Aaniication Form
Part II. Descript on of Project
A. Basic Infotmtatit n
1. Type of excavatif n: (check one) ❑ New excava+ion [Maintenance excavation
2. Purpose of excav uion: (check one) Boat Access Channel
❑ Water Int: ke Channel ❑ Wastewater Discharge Channel
❑ Other (sp(cify):
3. Lake user catego y: (check one) P*rivate ❑Residential Marina
❑Commerci tl Marina ❑Public
❑Other (spe �ify):
4. Max. Excavation Area Dimensions (ft): Length Width Z` Depth 2-
(Vote: include addit onal area dimensions if necessary so response to #5 below equals max. area
dimensions in #4)
5. Volume of Excw ated Material (TOTAL for the project): _ I C' (0 Cubic yards
of material removed (applicant
determines byfield sample ifpraetical):
i C \cx.� C r�arke
m a)G
7. Excavation Site; rea: Acre (s) Disposal Site area: 066 Acre
8. Total Disturbed. krea (including equipment staging area,.: U , 1 � Acre (s)
9. Does the project meet the requirements of the applicable General Permit? (check one)
l es ❑No
10. Do you claim a :le to the disposal area? (check one) ❑Yes �(No
11. Do you claim t: ae to the equipment staging area? (check one) kes ❑No
12. Are there any v ater-treatnt t facilities within 50 feet cf the proposed excavation area?
(check one) ❑Yt s 0
(If Yes, specifi):_
13. How will the e:.cavated material be entrapped and the erosion controlled? (e.g. see attached
erosion control pla, , and disposal area design):
eKCkUQ-*-CW , bcty
Duke Energy Page 6 of 13 rev 11,22121
Excavation Program
Duke Enerev Excavation Permit Application Form
14. Ty e(s) of exca ation equipment to be used:
-eo" e7 , Ex c 'Jo.+ -Or , Terdbr %3a�
15. Will waters or v etlands b rossed in transporting equipment to or from the site?
(check one) OYe : VN0
(I es, explain)
16. Will return wate - re-enter the reservoir? (Check one) ❑Yes gkNo ❑N/A
(If Yes, speck poin (s) of re-entry and show on Excavation Area Drawing)
17. Is there an a isi ing facility (e.g. pier) that access is being maintained to by conducting the
excavation? c s ONo
(If Yes, provide t e xistin ermt.Ift number. No, include c scaled drawing ofthe proposed
facility). Permit #_ 1(o"°I
18. Total planned c uration of the work (Include first equipment mobilization, excavation
through final mitigc tion measures complete):
START C. (,o / '�4_ FINISH Oq _ / _2
(Mo, ih) (Year) (Month) Gear)
Duke Energy Page 7 of 13 rev t 122/21
Excavation Program
) }
�} .
td e
$ )
Duke EnerEv Excavation Permit ADtilication Form
C. Applicant's Sign itures
Applicant Name (p
Applicant Signatui
Co -Applicant Nam e (print)
Co -Applicant Sign iture*
Co -Applicant Nair e (print)
Co -Applicant Sign iture*
Co -Applicant Nan a (print)
Co -Applicant Sign iture*
Co -Applicant Nan a (print)
Co -Applicant Sign ature*
*Per my signature, he information provided in this application is correct to the best of my
Duke Energy Page 10 of 13 rev 1 i/zz zort
Excavation Program
Project Name/address: 2 2 (o2 `-Ye+CnA � br County: Cc-+a32l�
Owner: t)') ] I rT
Contractor/agent: S •lerr t-
L USk. Signature
The approval is for th ! purpose and design described in your application. Impacts not indicated in the
application is a violation of the Buffer Rule. Site specific work shou d be provided in the application. [15A NCAC
02H .0506 and 15A NU C 02B .0243(8)]
Trees are not allowed t ) be removed from Zone 1 of the Buffer (within 30 ft of the full pond elevation), unless
approved. Exception, tF use trees that are severely undermined alo ig the immediate shoreline can be removed.
Minimal shaping and sly ,ping along the immediate shoreline is allowed. [15A NCAC 028 .0243(6)]
Benching and grading ii the buffer is not allowed. Excessive disturbance of ground cover. [15A NCAC 02B .0243
Beaches, impervious pa :ios, impervious walkways, etc. are not allowed in the buffer unless specifically approved
by the Division. There, re limitation on size for decks. [15A NCAC 028 .0243(4) and (6)]
Work to be conducted `rom land must indicate an access and ind cate any trees that are to be removed. The
work corridor should b , described. The approved access corridor !.hall be restored. Staging, spoil, construction
material must be outsir a the buffer. [15A NCAC 02H .0502 and ISA NCAC 02B .0243 (4), (6), (8)]
Stormwater cannot be piped or channeled for direct discharge to the lake. All constructed stormwater
discharges must be at he natural elevation and discharged prior to entering the buffer directed as diffuse or
sheet flow at non-erosi ie velocities to the lake. [15A NCAC 02B .0::43(5), (6)]
Acknowledgement of I 'otiflcation
I, ' Y1 1 f C h �GiV 1S hereby state that I have been informed of the Catawba
Riparian Buffer Rule. A iy work conducted in the buffer, not specie ically stated in the application and approved
by the Division of WatE • Resources (DWR), is a violation and subje=t to enforcement. Due diligence will be
taken such that the cor struction will be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water
Quality Certification ar f Buffer Rules, the approved plan(s) and specification(s), and other supporting
Signature (owner): �\. �L=�—Z Date:
nnv r`nnDCn
NJRrH CAROLINA State of North Carolina
...i..I Jli/Jl f'i11Ui 1,(liUlitj
Department of Environment Quality
Division of Water Resources
1SA NCAC 02H .0500 - Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization
FORM: SSGP 09-2020
Shoreline Stabilization Application Form
Three copies of the ippiication (including attachments) and the application fec should be sent to:
If sending vi r US Postal Service If sendinu via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.)
Paul Wojosl, Paul Wojoski
DWR-401 i Buffer Permitting Branch DWR-401 & Buffer Permitting Branch
1617 Mail S irvice Center 512 N. & lisbury Street
Raleigh, NC ?7699-1617 Raleigh, IJC 27604
NOTE: Before subrr itting this form, please ensure you have submitted the Pre -Filing Meeting Request
Form as we will not I e able to accept your application withou, this important first step. The Pre -Filing
Meeting Request Foi m is used in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 121.4(a) which states "At least 30
days prior to submiting a certification request, the project proponent shall request a pre -filing
meeting with the cei :ifying agency." In accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 121.5(b)(7), and (c)(5), all
certification request must include documentation that a pre-91ing meeting request was submitted to
the certifying author ty at least 30 days prior to submitting the certification request. Click here to read
more information or when this form is needed prior to application submission or hnrc+ to view the
Attach documentati m of Pre -Filing Meeting Request to this application.
Date of Pre -filing Meting Request: /_, (required)
DWR ID p Version (if appli.:able)
A. Applicant Inforr cation [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a))
1. Owner Infor nation
Name: -a I i l nqv "S
Mailing Addi ess: Y eA cc G' -S) r 5h)eY L lC Tea d
nC 7.g(c--
TelephoneNumber: 31Q-7Zci-! IJq(o Fax Number:
E-mail Addra ss: M I I C I� C1 A\V i C r QMCAL 11 r( Plf'Yl
2. Agent/ Conta t Person Information
A signed and Fated copy of the Agent Authorization let:er must be attached if the Agent has
signed this ap Aication form. (A form can be downloaded here:
tttp://www.sa v_.usace.army.mil/Portals/59/docs(reRulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTHORIZ
Name: S5he
Company Affi
Mailing Addre
NC 28UR2
Telephone Ni mber: 7 D4-36S- COLA b Fax Num�"be"r:
E-mail Addre:s: ChQatafk�Sh®VCLry1V1
B. Project Informat on L SA NCAC 02H .0502�a1 & (blj
1. Attach a vicir ity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with
respect to loc ai landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads.
2. Provide a del ailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of
vegetation cl !aring, buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, rip rap, excavation
or dredging It elow Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access
corridors. Yc u may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form.
3. Attach a pho ograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of
some sort- a lard stick, shovel handle, etc.)
4. Location of t ielproperty (where work is to be conducted))
County: Cc i `a�Jbo� Nearest Town J her c l LS
Lake/: river/ - ,cean adjacent to property: r m <wY1
Property sizc (acres): I . k S
Subdivision 1 ame or site address (include phase/lot mimber):2262 i nek_o�)r
i A_Zi�, r a n 2% 6-1 3_-o+ i o2
Directions tc site - please include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: Vr.l (6
2+ V.CQnbr J1Q,,ew Vla:bo.- Dr. L Me+C r
Latitude (in Cecimal degrees) 751 � Longitude (decimal degrees) —WAOIa2-
5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application
(residential, undeveioped, etc.): J�PS16eI 4 I aQ
6. Describe prc posed work (include d' cussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been
avoided, or, My it is necessary): a.+ ccesS'
FORM: SSGP 09-2020 Page 2 of 5
7. Will work be onducted from land? ❑ From water?
8. Total amount of impacts below the normal pool lake level / Normal Water Level
Tem 9ra i�
(including all excavation, backfill, r p rap, retaining walls, etc.) in square feet:
in square feet:
9. Total amouni of impacts above the normal pool lake level / Normal Water Level and 50 feet
land -ward
Permanent it ipacts (including back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) in square feet:
Temoorary it ipacts (temporary clearing, construction :orridor) in square feet:
10. Please descri )e the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50
feet landwar i to be impacted (number of trees, for inr,tance):
11. Signature
By signing be low, I, as the project proponent, certify to the following:
• The proje ct proponent hereby certifies that all infornation contained herein is true,
accurate and complete to the best of my knowlecge and belief
• The proje ct proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action
on this C NA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time
Owner/Age it's Signature'[. ,, __. �; i u: uzz J Date
'Agent's sig -ature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided.
12. Please apprc ximately sketch the following information on this plan and provide dimensions for
each item:
a. Ail proF osed vegetation clearing
b. Locatic 1 of rip rap or fill to be placed above the =ull Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation
c. Locatic i of rip rap or fill to be placed below the =ull Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation
d. Locatic n of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc.
e. Locatic n of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level
elevati m
FORM: SSGP 09-2020 Page 3 of 5
rinnpertw �l`�� IICCMTRTI/11.,�.
PARCEL ID: `� I IUy 0-1 SZy
-�EE: AILD R=:S_ 22L-2 kc_e,Ccd_ T. Shevf dlc ftrd
NC i 810-1-IS
Please print: j c T
Property Owner: _ �1 I� �J� lS
The undersigned. wdstered property owners of the above noted tironerty; do heretyv authorize
l►el(,co LyS�— of Lake Hofmar, jvec�tr,
(Contractor / Ace 0 (Name of coisultinq firm) J
to act on my beN i and take all actions necessary for the pro:essing, issuance and acceptance of
this permit or cerl fication and any and all standard and special conditions attached.
,. 31 c-12�t -G tyb
We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the
best of our knowl dqe.
Authorized Sig'ng ire A' onzed Signa, re
2-5-2Z11( u S- 2
Excavation Project User's Agreement Letter
(Please fill in the blanks. Pleas! Print)
Date 2. - 5
TO: Duke Energ:
c/o Lake Set /ices - EC 12Q
526 S. Church Street
Charlotte, N : 28202
RE: Excavation I or (Subdivi *ro an Lot Ws or Other
22/02 Yreiee�t �r �c�err
(Lake/Count /City) 11Ds'(YIan / QO- a
(Applicant's full na ne) Mtt1 CV) S _ hereby agrees to comply with all
recommendations, requirements and/or conditions of Duke Energy, General Permit(s) (if
applicable) and oth- r federal, 51tte and local agency requirements pertaining to the application to
excavate for the pur )ose of a bockA &C.QS S
In addition, lfwe Lave read and agree to comply with Duke Energy's current Shoreline
Management Plan (3MP) or other applicable guidelines, tr.uch of which is repeated herein, and
understand that writ :en authorization must be obtained from Duke Energy prior to beginning any
activity within the l ederal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) project boundary or on Duke
Energy property as ociated with a reservoir, collectively r:ferred to as Project Boundary. The
excavation will be :ompleted as described in the approved application and within eighteen (18)
months from the da a of written approval by Duke Energy, unless specifically noted otherwise in
the application or u dess I/we obtain approval for a single, time extension (maximum of one year)
in writing from Du :e Energy. I/we understand that if the'. MP or other applicable guidelines or
rules change durir g any extension period, I/we will be expected to comply with the new
requirements to the maximum extent practicable. 1/we also recognize that failure to complete the
excavation within tl is build -out period will require the filing of a new application within the then -
current SMP or oth :r applicable guidelines and the new application must include any applicable
fees and security do.30sits.
I/we attest to be the owner(s) or lease holder(s) of the land immediately adjoining the Project
Boundary where th , excavation activity is to take place, or .f not the owner or lease holder, 1/we
have included proo of title to the property and written auth :)rization from the owner(s) or lease
holder(s) to carry o it the proposal within the Project Boundary adjacent to their land.
1/we attest to be the owner(s) or lease holder(s) of the land that will be used for equipment
staging and disposa : of excavated material or if not the owr. er or lease holder, l/we have included
proof of title to the 3roperty and written authorization from the owner(s) or lease holder(s) to
cant' out the work . ,n their land.
"u E., Page 1 Rm. 4!62070
I/we understand that Al excavation work must be done directly in front of my/our property and as
specified in Duke Er ergy's approval. I/we also understand teat access channels must run
perpendicular to the shoreline while within the third of the cove area that is nearest my/ow•
I/we understand that for proposed excavations, I/we must no :ify the appropriate local, state and
federal agencies in a ivance of the activity by sending them completed copy of Duke Energy's
Excavation Permit / pplication Form and other required information. I/we understand that
written authorization and/or other permits may be required by some of these agencies and such
required authorizatic ns must be obtained before IAve submit the final application to Duke
At FERC-licensed r servoirs, I/we understand that except for maintenance excavations, any
excavation exceedin ; 2000 cubic yards of material removed or any excavation or shoreline
stabilization work n -eded to support an application that regt ires FERC review does itself require
specific review and tpproval by the FERC before Duke Energy can issue any approvals.
I/we agree that unle: s specifically approved otherwise in the application, explosives will not be
used as part of this (xcavation activity.
I/we understand that every reasonable effort must be made t.) minimize any adverse impact on
fish, wildlife and of ter natural resources.
1/we understand tha applicants in South Carolina proposing excavations that are not covered
under the General P !rmit, or are greater than 150 cubic yards, must receive prior written
authorization from i is South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
(SCDHEC) or the L S Army Corps of Engineers (as applicable) before submitting the completed
application to Duke Energy.
I/we agree that exca vation activities will not occur during the months of March, April, May and
June because of the potential impacts to fish spawning area.
Ave understand tha trees and vegetation growing within or adjoining the lake play an important
role in its overall er vironmental condition, and the ecological benefit the vegetation has on fish
and wildlife habitat directly supports a sound and healthy lake environment. l/we also understand
that unauthorized rc moval of shoreline vegetation (e.g. button bushes, willows, cattails, etc.)
and/or disturbance, -f the shoreline buffer may result in suspension or denial of lake use
permitting requests forfeiture of security deposits and requ re re-establishment of vegetation at
my/our expense, pa ticularly if the disturbance is found to be in violation of state or local
ordinances or impa, is FERC project buffers.
1/we agree all excaN ated material will be placed in upland a-eas, landward of the Project
Boundary, and con: ined to prevent erosion and sedimentation back into the lake or nearby
am E." Page 2 a v 4*7020
I/we agree to adequa ely stabilize all excavated material and all disturbed shoreline to prevent
erosion and runoff it to the lake.
I/we understand that the double handling of excavated mater.al will not be allowed; therefore, all
excavated material r iust be placed above the Project Boundary in one handling.
I/we have designed t to hydraulic excavation process (if any will be used) so that return water re-
enters the lake in the same general vicinity and cove as the excavation, to the maximum extent
1/we agree that the p •oposed excavation will not be for the purpose of creating additional
shoreline, will not a ter the Project Boundary or the full pond contour, and will not impact
threatened or endan; .ered species, historic properties, or env.ronmentally-important areas, unless
special public entity provisions were made in the application.
1/we recognize that ; : is my/our responsibility to clearly locate in the field and label on my/our
work area drawings any areas that require specific protection or avoidance during this excavation
work. Examples of :hese protection/avoidance areas include but are not limited to, any
Environmental Arer s, Natural Areas or Impact Minimizatio i Zones as identified by Duke
Energy; jurisdiction rl wetlands; historic properties; rare or threatened species; and buried gas,
water, sewer, electri , or communications lines. 1/we agree to provide my/our contractor with a
copy of these work trea drawings showing these areas to stress the necessary protection
I/we agree that if an ✓ archaeological resources (e.g. pottery shards, Indian artifacts, etc.) are
discovered during tl a excavation, work shall be halted immediately. I/we will then notify Duke
Energy and the Stat : Historic Preservation Office to determine what measures, if any,1/we must
pursue to protect or salvage the archaeological resources.
1/we agree that any :xcavation from within the Project Boundary will not exceed the volume as
outlined in the appl cation and will remove and disturb only what is absolutely necessary to
achieve the project'; stated purpose.
IAve agree to be ful y responsible for the permitted lake use and I/we understand that this
responsibility is cot sidered to transfer automatically along with ownership and leases of the
adjoining tract.
1/we understand Du ce Energy representatives may issue Step Work Directives for violations of
the SMP or other al plicable guidelines and other consequences may result from such violations,
including but not li nited to suspension or cancellation of approved permits, increases in fees,
modification or ren oval of non -complying structures and restoration of disturbed areas at my/our
own expense or los of any consideration for future lake use permits. I/we agree to immediately
comply with any Si )p Work Directives, to fully cooperate with Duke Energy and other agencies
as necessary, and tc perform the necessary remedial actions within the specified time frame.
�Ee y Page 3 R�:4;a_ozo
Ihve agree to develol any required mitigation plans and to complete any required mitigation
activities at my/our c wn expense within the specified time frames. I/we recognize that the
excavation work is n )t considered complete and deposits will not be refunded until the
mitigation requiremt nts (if any) have been satisfactorily fuif lied.
1/we agree to notify . )uke Energy by phone when the excavation is initiated and to ensure that
during the excavatio t-period, 1/we will post Duke Energy's e.pproval letter in a clear waterproof
bag at the job site at.. 3 visible from the water's edge.
I/we agree to notify duke Energy in writing when the excavation is completed (including any
required mitigation i neasures) and that the excavation was completed per the approved
application, so a clo a -out inspection can be performed.
I/we recognize secw ity deposits will not be refunded if any violations of the SMP, other
applicable guideline;, or this user's agreement occur.
Ave understand thei a will be no change in hydro project operations as a result of the excavation
and/or utilization of the excavated area.
Ave agree to mainu in the work area in a safe condition and to fully indemnify and save Duke
Energy harmless frc m any and all claims, liability, loss or dtmage that may arise from this
excavation project.
1/we understand tha this user's agreement does not, in any way, constitute the transfer of any
rights in real proper y and that my/our use and enjoyment of FERC project and Duke Energy
lands and waters sh dl not hinder the general public's lawfu use and enjoyment of the same.
�; i r?
Applicant's Namf (Print) Applicant's Signature
Co -Applicant's N une (Print)
Co -Applicant's N une (Print)
Co -Applicant's N tune (Print)
Co -Applicant's N tine (Print)
Co -Applicant's Signature
Co -Applicant s Signature
Co -Applicant s Signature
Co -Applicant s Signature
DA. r ,, Page 4 a-.: roe,�nzo
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Raw Cr N, rtn Lartifina
Dollar f'r2. b'_'j and uther gmd urYaluable consideration. if any, in hand pain to the `Grant:' ul"
kmnum as:
The rerein whereof is hereby arknowiedged, he undersigned hereby remises, releases, and quit
claims to'T he Davis Farrift Trim rtared Senremher 2 l 2(W wirh Mirrh Da-,ris actine as the
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'd _) fLas:T A-"- TO HOLD, all and mgular the described prc-perry, tcðer with the
ter.=_mens, hereduaments, and appurteadmen belungirg, or in anywise aepetiaining hereto. unm
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Print Nam h4=rrheii Daallq
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Add,--- h.-I 11. , I rml.
Grantor's lignaturz--Mu February:? 2NI
P-Em NZmz
..C!P.rp" %qe7ra!i yr.
rorn, jvnzn t arunn4, ;Ak:4
Date: _A.JaUS1—Z8 20i2 Pgs:
TITC I -MA PM Pecordina Fees
Danny R. Hester
Register of Deeds
Li nr.,in ^.nnn ty. NC
�I� III1gINll� gII�I��IIgM
Prepared by: Riche rd E. Jonas, Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, NC
✓ After recording mai to: Grantee
L)eed of Gift
This deed n a,.e finis F/.II day 07
AAA-- ./., 7 9 n ��i�✓��.
hereinafter referrer I to as "Grantee.
The design ition "Giantor and Grantee' as used tieiein shall include said parties, ihEir heirs,
personal represen atives, successors and assigns and shall include the singular, plural, masculine,
feminine or neuter as required by the context.
4LD I,:AJL fe,
which is hereby acl nowiedged,Vhas Vand by these presents does grant, bargain, sea and convey Untu
the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Catawba Springs Township,
Lincoln County, N. 1 and more particularly described as follows:
All of Tax Parcel 34700 be -in; all of the Keith rjoodsor. heirs property on the
southwestern side of Kidville Road, the same being property described in deed
recorded B 3ok 379, Page 381, Book 512, Page 573 slid Book 603, Page 70, to which
deed reference is made for further description which is incorporated herein by this
See also E) hibit A for further deed description.
TO HAVE _P;U DiC _foresnia - or farm! no auu dii pfivninjc5 ai,d
appurtenances the eunto belonging to the said Grantee in fee simple,
And the Ghintor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee
all encumbrances, and that Oian(of will warrant and defend the title against the lawful ciz:.^.:s of all
persons whomso , er except for the exceptions hereinafter statec. Title to the property heremabove
described is subjec t to the following exceptions:
Valid and e ifcrct-abie rose -cations, restriction's: G7ndit dnt�. ea5emens and flynle-rjT'4Sa}s i-1
the record chain of title.
The draftsm an of this deed did not examine or certify title and did not participate in the closing
IN WITNES 3 WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year
J d LGvC cti `fd °'a r' �'-4-46EAL)
—A An he+nhv r 4*Af fhM KMhl+ n r fw Hgnn FinhPr
personally appea . d before me this day and 'acknowledged the due exec.rtlen of tile toregcmg
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal,
My Commission Et pires: G—l3-(Y
this the q $I- day of
r l�1 FG -7
Notary Public
pock 2 i °aGL i 3 3
Parcel 3470 )
6792 Kidvillt Road
TRACT 1. E EGMNING at a stake on West side of a hranr h in Ruyan Ke.ever's line, and
runs North E 5'/2 deg. East 93 poles to a white oak; thence North 3 deg. East 47 % poles
to a stone; t ience North 25 deg. East 45-7/8 poles to a stone on West side of
Lincolnton P oad: thence North 9 deg. West 22 poles to a stone: thence North 62 % deg.
West 6-3151:oles to a stone; thence South 16 deg. West 8 '.A poles to a stone: thence
North 78 % leg. West-1 1-1/5 poles to a stone; thence Sotth 861/2deg. West 29'%
poles to a sl ake in the Road; thence South 81-3/4 deg. West 29 poles to a stake in the
Road; thong South 44 den. West 37 notes to a dogwood near a branch: thence South
72 deg. `.' e: i 22 poles to a cedar, thence South 66 deg. V7est 4E poles to a stake in the
branch; that ce, down the branch as it meanders, to the beginning, being about 99 1/2
poles, containing 85 acres, more or less.
Iaeed Refer. race: Sock 379. Pare 381
TRACT 2: E EGINNING at an iron stake, a new comer on :he old line of C.A. Keever
and also co ner of the property of Keith Goodson, and runs thence with Keith
:iOOOa,CIM, i,. 1 line: South h: cy.
Keith Good: on's old corner, thence North 1 deg. 34 min. 21 sec. East 69.25 feet to an
iron stake a new comer in the old line at the edge of the right of way of State Road No.
1381, thenc a three (3) new lines with the lands of C.A. Keever, South 41 deg. 58 min.
i i sec. '..e: I. Z.85 i6ei i0 an von stake. tt-ence. 'io —Itl -. dey,,,,,,. .'3es
29.52 feet 111 an iron stake, thence South 86 deg. 42 min. 23 sec. West 436.61 feet to
the point of 3EGINNING, containing 0.20 acres more or buns.
TRACT 3: E EGINNING at a point in the center of N.C. Hic hway #1381, new comer in
the old A.B. Keever line, and runs thence with the center of the highway South 32 deg.
10 min East 183.5 feet to a point in the center of the high Nay (which said comer is
located Nor h 78 deg. 30 min. West 27A feet from an n$� - rtrol corner), and runs
thence with other lands of Goodson North 78 deg. 30 min West 122.5 feet to an old
comer, ther ce with property of A.B. Keever North 2 deg. 45 min. West 109.8 feet to the
Deed Refer ante: Book 512, Page 573
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