HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150994 Ver 1_More Info Received_20151102u - V-71 Eam November 2, 2015 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 Attention: Mr. David Brown, P.G. N.C. Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section - Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Attention: Mr. Andrew W. Moore, P.G. Reference: Response to Request for Additional Information: NWP No. 12 /WQC No. 3884 Line T -01 Pipeline Replacement Project Polk, Henderson and Buncombe Counties, North Carolina S &ME Project No. 7335 -15 -05 DWR Project No. No. 20150994 Dear Messrs. Brown and Moore: Please reference the September 23, 2015 Pre - Construction Notification (PCN) submitted on behalf of our client, PSNC Energy (PSNC) for Line T -01 Pipeline Replacement project located in Polk, Henderson, and Buncombe counties North Carolina. On October 2, 2015, following review and evaluation of the submitted documents, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) requested the following additional information in order consider the application complete: 1. The PCN indicates trenchless methods are not feasible for the crossing at the Green River and the applicant is proposing open trench methods at this crossing. Please provide details (narratives, drawings, plans, etc.) for the open trench methodology at this crossing. This information should at a minimum describe how the work will be performed in the dry, detail sediment and erosion controls, manage expected normal river flows, restoration of the stream bed and bank, and activities to be conducted if unexpected high river flows are encountered. In accordance with Title 15A NCAC 02H .OS02(c), the N.C. Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) also placed the project on hold on October 7, 2015 pending receipt of the same information. Since that time, the Project Engineer, WBA, P.C. (WBA), along with input from S &ME Inc. (S &ME), has continued to investigate methods of construction that would allow installation of the pipe beneath the Green River either by "trenchless" methods, such as horizontal directional drill (HDD) or boring, or by S &ME, Inc. 19751 Southern Pine Boulevard I Charlotte, NC 28273 1 p 704.523.4726 1 f 704.525.3953 1 www.smeinc.com Response to Request for Additional Information: NWP No. 12 /WQC 3884 November 2, 2015 Line T -01 Replacement Project Page 2 conventional means performed "in the dry." A summary report prepared by WBA that describes the alternatives investigated, along with reasons why such alternatives are not feasible, is attached to this letter (Appendix I). In addition to the engineering and constructability constraints of using trenchless means of installation, efforts to install the pipe in the dry have also been eliminated from consideration based both on hydraulics and the integrity of the existing 12 -inch line (weight loading of the aqua dams), which is located 25 feet downstream of the proposed 20 -inch crossing, and must remain active until the new line is placed in service. A summary of an independent hydrologic and hydraulic analysis performed by S &ME in is also attached (Appendix II). As these investigations detail, pipe installation either by trenchless methods, or in- the -dry, is not practicable nor possible when taking into consideration safety, cost, existing technology, and logistics in light of the overall project purpose. Accordingly, PSNC requests that Condition No. 6 (Work in the Dry) of General Water Quality Certification No. 3884 be waived for pipe installation at the Green River crossing. A Detail Drawing of the proposed crossing as currently proposed is included in Appendix III. Prior to installation of the pipe, PSNC plans to coordinate with Duke Energy to suspend power generation at Lake Summit for a time sufficient to accommodate installation during low flow conditions. Prior communication between PSNC and Duke Energy indicates that they are agreeable to suspending power generation for up to a maximum of four -to -five days, which is sufficient time to install the pipe via an open -cut wet crossing. A minimum of two, type -three permeable turbidity curtains will be installed downstream of the proposed crossing location and remain during excavation and backfill operations. The trench would then be excavated as quickly as possible using a drag -line or long reach excavator, while stream flow at low levels continues. Excavated material would be temporarily stockpiled on high ground. The pipe section would be pre - welded and prepared for installation ahead of time such that it could be installed quickly once the trench is prepared. Following the pipe installation, tie -ins will be made in high ground, and the affected stream cross - section restored to its original grade and contour. As the attached reports indicate, installation of the pipe beneath the Green River by means other than that which is currently proposed are not feasible, and may ultimately entail more significant environmental impacts in order to accomplish. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us at 704.523.4726. Sincerely, 5 &ME Attachments S &ME, Inc. Joey Lawler, PWS Patrick L. McMahon, PhD Project Manager Civil and Water Resources Engineer jlawler @smeinc.com pmcmahon @smeinc.com Attachments S &ME, Inc. APPENDDIX I 53020 SCANA / PSNC PROJECT T -01A REPLACEMENT Investigation of Construction Methods for Green River Crossing 1) CONVENTIONAL AND MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL BORING Conventional bore- using sacrificial 20 -inch was investigated and determined infeasible due to the following reasons: • South side difficulties in access for pit receiving equipment. • Dewatering receiving pit, nowhere to discharge water except into river. • Dewatering bore pit (north side) would require deep wells and likelihood achieving well depth required to lower ground water 15 feet is very low. • Bore and receiving pit would have to be 21 feet (elev. 897') and 17 feet (elev. 897') respectively to provide 5 foot clearance below river bottom and top of pipe. • Soil conditions in boring zone, saturated alluvial sand, gravel and cobble, are not conducive to conventional boring. Collapse of unconsolidated material around sacrificial pipe could prevent jacking operations. • Lake Adger normal pool elevation is between 902 to 910 mean sea level (MSL). • Green River bottom elevation at crossing is between 905 and 906 MSL • Water surface elevation at PSNC proposed Green River crossing is between 908 and 910 MSL dependent on Lake Adger pool elevation. • Top of bank elevation at PSNC proposed crossing is 919 MSL north side and 914 MSL south side. Modified Conventional Bore — using fluid assisted (drilling mud) and guided drill head technology was investigated and determined infeasible due to the following reasons: • Though this method can handle gravel and cobble to some extent, ground water, especially in sandy soils, does pose problematic for the technique. • Pits are still required to be dry with a solid foundation for the drilling equipment. • Site investigation determined very loose unconsolidated sands gravel and cobble and water table to within 5 or 6 feet of surface on north side and 4 feet of surface south side. • Lake Ager normal pool elevation is between 902 to 910 MSL. • Water surface elevation at PSNC proposed Green River crossing is between 908 and 910 MSL. • Top of bank elevation at PSNC proposed crossing is 919 MSL north side and is 914 MSL south side. 53020 -PM -4 1 of 4 23 October 2015 2) HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Four optional HDD were investigated, all of the HDDs would require purchasing completely new rights -of -way for the length of the drill. Access for tracking the drills will be minimum and in heavy timbered areas. Normal drill entry and exit angle from the horizontal plain are 10 degrees entry and 8 degrees exit. Due to the topography of the area, these angles proved insufficient to provide adequate depths below the valleys encountered between proposed entry and exit points which are situated within the existing pipeline rights -of way. The entry and exit design angle was set at 14 degrees from horizontal, considered maximum for constructability. Three Options, 1, 2, and 3 would require the drill rig to be initially setup on the south side (lower elevation than the exit point) approximately 809', 1,552' and 1,821' from the Green River. All three of these drills would cross the Green River downstream from the existing T -01B 12 -inch line crossing (623', 497', and 161' respectively) and their total lengths would be 2,111; 3,489; and 3,417 feet respectively. The pipe pull string would be assembled south of the entry point within existing PSNC pipeline right -of -way and would cross and block residential drives (three for Option 1 and six for Option 2 and 3) for period of approximately 3 days prior to pulling operations until pull completed. All three of these options would require 24/7 operation and the rig for Option 1 would be within 1,000 feet of a residence, Option 2 and 3 would be within 330 feet of a residence. Option 1 drill entry site was determined to be on a mountain ridge with steep slope on both sides and found unsuitable to set the rig. Options 2 and 3 were suitable sites for rig erecting and operation, but would be too close to the residence to allow 24/7 operation for an extend period of time of 60 -70 days. Also Options 2 and 3 were found to be unsuitable as the drill path would exit the ground some 200 to 400 feet prior to the intended exit point due to the topography. The remaining Option, Option 4, is 5,106 feet in length; the closest residence to the entry (rig) point is 1,200 feet. The rig set -up area is restricted due to topography (again on top of a ridge) and is remote and 600 feet down the existing right -of -way from the closest access road. The exit point is the same location as Options 2 and 3 entry point. The pull string would extend southward along the existing right -of -way and would block residential access drives to six residences and would also have to cross Green River Cove Road if strung continuously for period of approximately three days prior to pulling operations until pull completed. Estimated drilling time would be 85 -95 days (24/7 operation). The pull pipe section would have to be lifted 45 feet above natural ground at a point 300 feet south of the exit point to allow pipe to break over to enter at the 14 degree angle into the drill hole, thus requiring three cranes with roller cradles to lift and hold the 46,800 Ibs of pipe in the air. Estimated cost for this installation is $8,000,000.00 to achieve a 100' crossing. HDD method is considered infeasible due to cost, time required, public inconvenience, and safety. 53020 -PM -4 2 of 4 23 October 2015 3) DRY OPEN CUT The hydrology plays a big part in the feasibility of a dry open cut. Duke Energy operates a hydroelectric power plant 14.7 miles upstream of the crossing. When they are not generating power the nominal flow of the Green River is 56 to 60 CFS and the crossing water depth is between 1 and 2 feet deep. When Tuxedo Dam is generating power the flow increases to 236 to240 CFS with one unit on and the water level in the river raises 1.5 feet. When Tuxedo Dam runs two units the flow increases to 416 to 420 CFS and the river water level raises 3 feet above normal flow level. A 2 year 30 minute rain event (1.2 inches) could add as much as an additional 427 CFS and the river water level would raise a little over 3 feet above (nominal flow). If Tuxedo Dam is generating power with one unit during such an event, the river stage at the proposed PSNC crossing would be 4.5 to 5.5 feet (667 CFS; 299,350 gallons per minute). If two units are running during such an event, the river stage at the proposed PSNC crossing would be 6 to 7.5 feet (847 CFS; 380,134 gallons per minute). A dry crossing will take approximately 5 to 6 weeks to complete: two weeks preparatory work, one week for the crossing, and 2 weeks for restoration work depending on two separate scenarios. Scenario one- 60% of the crossing performed in first phase (60% of crossing laid and 50% backfilled with 30% open channel), then second phase (opposite side 40% of crossing laid and backfilled with 30% open channel). Scenario two- 100% channel blocked with upstream and downstream aqua dams, with flumed pipe bypass through dams.. First scenario could handle nominal flow conditions, but any additional capacity would cause the river banks to be breached. Additionally, the flow velocity and sandy bottom could cause the temporary dams to be compromised and undermined. Tuxedo Dam power plant could not operate during the in stream activities, and a 2 year 30 minute rain fall event would also compromise the temporary dams. The second scenario would require multiple 24" flume pipes to by -pass nominal flow and an excessive number of flume pipes to handle one power unit running. To provide sealing area around flume pipe four Aqua Dams (or similar product); one under the pipe upstream and downstream, and one larger aqua dam over the pipes upstream and downstream; would be required. Each flume pipe requires a separation of twice the diameter to allow the bottom dam to be filled with water to a height of one -half the pipe diameter and the top bladder dam to be filled with water to fill the top void around the pipe and provide necessary height to back up water level and provide freeboard to prevent over breaching. The flume pipes would need to be spaced on 6 foot centers. Eighteen flumes would be the maximum number that could be installed for a 115' high -bank to high -bank river width. Though, more than just a small number of flumes would preclude excavation of the trench due to the resulting restricted access to the stream bed. To achieve the maximum flow 53020 -PM -4 3 of 4 23 October 2015 through each flume, the upstream water level needs to be above the top of the flume pipe approximately twice the flume diameter (4 feet). Upstream water levels would be 6 feet high with nominal flow, and 8 feet high with one dam generating unit running, which would breach the top of the south side river bank when either a power unit is running or a 2 year 30 minute rain fall event occurs. We have talked with Duke Energy about their power generating schedule and they implied that possibly they could suspend power generation for up to a maximum of four to five days providing they could draw down Lake Summit enough to handle the normal inflow to the lake and providing there are no rain fall events that would require them to release water from the lake. Tuxedo Dam generally operates 300 days out of a year with 64 days allowed for no power generation. They also indicated that there would be weekends they could not allow suspension of power generation in September, November and March during the Green River White Water Race events. A wet stream crossing appears to be the most economical and to have the least environmental impact. A wet crossing could be accomplished with at most three in stream days and during nominal flow conditions. Two or more turbidity curtains would be installed downstream of the crossing to minimize sediment from progressing downstream. Turbidity will not be completely prevented but it should not be any more turbid than during power generation flows. 53020 -PM -4 4 of 4 23 October 2015 Project 53020- PSNC Green River Proposed HDD's Exits ground before Exit Point Exits ground before Exit Point 1 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Length 2,1111 Drill Length 3,489 Drill Length 1 3,417 Drill Length 5,106 Drill Station Grd. Elev. TOP Cover below Grd. Station Grd. Elev. TOP Cover below Grd. Station Grd. Elev. TOP Cover below Grd. Station Grd. Elev. TOP Cover below Grd. -300 1039 1084 45 -300 1084 -300 1084 -300 1084 Entry 0 1025 1025.8 0.8 Entry 0 1079 1079 0 Entry 0 1079 1079 0 Exit 0 1079 1079 0 246 1022 964 -58 200 1060 1029 -31 200 1066 1029 -37 200 1070 1029 -41 421 952 621 -331 400 1038 980 -58 400 1048 980 -68 400 1042 980 -62 530 1017 899.5 -117.5 600 1024 930 -94 600 1028 930 -98 600 1003 930.2 -72.8 611 1028 887 -141 800 1028 891.1 -136.9 800 1042 891.1 -150.9 800 979 891.1 -87.9 Green Rv 809 910 870.1 -39.9 1000 996 872.7 -123.3 1000 964 872.7 -91.3 1000 990 872.6 -117.4 Green Rv 873 910 870.1 -39.9 1100 963 870.9 -92.1 1200 1037 870.9 -166.1 1200 1033 870.9 -162.1 900 911 870.1 -40.9 1200 1022 870.9 -151.11 1500 1032 870.9 -161.1 1400 1065 870.92 - 194.08 921 920 870.1 -49.9 1300 1041 870.9 -170.1 Green Rv. 1821 910 870.9 -39.1 1 1600 10441 870.92 - 173.08 1000 921 870.1 -50.9 1500 923 870.9 -52.1 Green Rv. 1890 910 870.9 -39.1 1850 945 870.92 -74.08 1200 925 870.1 -54.9 Green Rv 1552 910 870.9 -39.1 1900 911 870.9 -40.1 2000 971 870.92 - 100.08 1495 939 889.6 -49.4 Green Rv 1623 910 870.9 -39.1 2029 919 870.9 -48.1 2150 941 870.92 -70.08 1700 955 929.3 -25.7 1646 913 870.9 -42.1 2400 947 881.7 -65.3 2500 971 870.92 - 100.08 1900 986 979.2 -6.8 1835 921 870.9 -50.1 2600 1000 912.7 -87.3 2700 957 870.92 -86.08 2000 1010 1004 -6 2100 925 870.9 -54.1 2800 1016 960.9 -55.1 2900 942 870.92 -71.08 Exit 2111 1031 1031.8 0.8 2400 969 878.6 -90.4 3000 975 1010 35 3000 940 870.92 -69.08 2600 994 906.49 -87.51 3080 966 1030.7 64.7 3200 936 870.92 -65.08 2800 1024 953.2 -70.8 3300 1074 1085.6 11.6 3400 919 870.92 -48.08 3000 1040 1003 -37 Exit 3417 1114 1114 0 Green Rv. 3486 911 870.92 -40.08 3200 1037 1052.9 15.9 Green Rv. 3520 911 870.92 -40.08 3400 1114 1102.8 -11.2 3600 944 870.92 -73.08 Exit 3489 1124 1124 0 3800 969 870.92 -98.08 3600 1111 4000 1000 870.92 - 129.08 4200 1021 873.6 -147.4 4400 1002 894.5 -107.5 4600 1007 935.9 -71.1 4800 1062 985.8 -76.2 5000 1074 1035.7 -38.3 Entry 5106 1061 10611 0 Notes: Option 1 Possible FRAC out last 211 feet account less than 10' deep. Rig move around is required account elevation profile and route PI will not allow pipe string to be on the north side thus rig needs to move to the north end and pipe strung on the south end. Pull string will block three residential drives and will require lifting in the air 45 feet a distance of 300 feet from south end drill hole to allow pipe to break over and enter the 14 degree angled drill hole. Entry point is located along a ridge with steep slopes on either side, minimal working room and no flat area for rig working room. Rig requires a 300 by 300 foot flat area for set up. Exit point is in a similar situations for rig set -up. High Risk of FRAC out and unsafe working room on both ends. Notes: Option 2 and 3 Both of these options will exit the ground prior to the intended exit point do to topography. Rig move around is required as no pull string room on the north end, Pull strings will block residence access on south end. Notes: Option 4 Rig move around is not required as drill entry is required at the north end (low end). Pull string will block six residence access drives on south end as well as Green River Cove Road. Rig will require 24/7 operation and 87 days to complete drill and ream operations because of expected base rock unconfined compressive strength of 30,000 psi (Biotite Gneiss and Schist and granitic rock). All Optional drills are considered high risk and low probability of successful completions. APPENDIX II SCANA / PSNC PROJECT T -001A REPLACEMENT Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Summary Support for Construction Methods Investigation Green River Crossing ❖ Background S &ME was retained by PSNC /SACNA to evaluate hydrologic and hydraulic conditions at the proposed Green River Crossing to develop a set of specifications for the use of portable dam structures to facilitate a dry instillation of the proposed pipeline crossing. Based on these analyses, it appears that the margin for the opportunity to use these structures is narrowly defined at the base flow condition. The following is a brief summary of the analyses performed and a discussion of the import of their results. These analyses were performed independently of those performed by WBA, P.C. The datum used in this analyses differs from the datum used by WBA, P.C. by approximately +2.5 feet. Differences between the results presented by WBA, P.C. and results presented in this summary are primarily related to the difference between the two datums with minor differences being related to the exact geometry of the cross - section surveyed for each study and estimates of roughness characteristics and energy gradients and losses. ❖ Hydrologic and Hydraulic Characterization of the Green River at the Proposed Crossing. There are no established USGS stream gages on the Green River between the Summit Lake and Lake Adger reservoirs. In the absence of historical gage data, a combination of regression analyses, field measurements, and single section one - dimensional (1D) hydraulic modeling have been used to characterize the hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics of the Green River at the proposed crossing location. On September 17, 2015 S &ME personnel Ralf Russel and Patrick McMahon visited the site of the proposed crossing to collect stage, cross - section, and flow velocity data and to make observations of the existing condition of the channel bed and banks. The site visit was made during base flow conditions. A cross - section was established perpendicular to flow and water surface and bed elevations were measured using an auto -level and survey rod. Flow velocities were measured using a Global Water Flow Probe. Results of these measurements are summarized in Table 1. These data were amended using available bare ground LiDAR topographic data downloaded from the North Carolina Flood Risk Information System website (http: / /fris.nc.gov /, BE3710053800WC20060426.txt). The resulting cross - section is presented in Figure 1. The base flow water surface shown in Figure 1 represents the water surface at the time the field measurements were taken. According to the velocity measurements collected during the site visit, the flow was estimated to be approximately 42 cfs. A back calculation of the flow rate using the 1D model and an energy slope of 0.0001 ft /ft (based on gradient information provided by Duke) suggests a flow of approximately 60 cfs at the stage observed in the field. The discrepancy between the two values is attributed to the lack of precision of the flow probe at the low velocities present during the field visit. The larger of these two values was chosen for use in evaluating base flow conditions during construction. 53020 SCANA / PSNC PROJECT T -01A REPLACEMENT Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Summary Page 1 of 4 Table 1: Cross Section Data Collected on 9/17/2015 Station (ft) Elevation (ft) Depth (ft) Velocity (ft /sec) 0.0 911.10 0.00 0.00 0.0 909.89 1.21 0.00 5.0 909.18 1.92 0.10 12.0 909.18 1.92 0.10 20.0 908.44 2.66 0.20 24.0 908.49 2.61 0.20 26.0 908.31 2.79 0.20 30.0 908.34 2.76 0.30 35.0 908.76 2.34 0.30 40.0 909.02 2.08 0.30 45.0 909.18 1.92 0.40 50.0 909.04 2.06 0.40 55.0 909.31 1.79 0.40 60.0 909.40 1.70 0.30 65.0 909.34 1.76 0.40 70.0 909.01 2.09 0.30 75.0 908.97 2.13 0.10 80.0 908.95 2.15 0.10 85.0 909.12 1.98 0.00 90.0 909.13 1.97 0.00 95.0 909.64 1.46 0.00 100.0 910.14 0.96 0.00 105.0 910.85 0.25 0.00 106.0 911.10 0.00 0.00 The 2 -year and 5 -year flow rates were estimated using USGS regression equations presented in Weaver, Et al. 2009 (Weaver, J.C.; Feaster, T.D.; and Gotvald A.J. 2009 Magnitude and frequency of rural floods in the Southeastern United States through 2006 - Volume 2 North Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009 -5158, 111 p). The resulting flow estimates are 4,230 cfs and 7,000 cfs respectively. Note that these estimates do not include the effect of the Summit Lake Dam. These results assume negligible buffering of peak flows is provided by the dam during the 2 and 5 -year event flows. The predicted water surface elevations during these events are illustrated in Figure 1. The predicted water surface elevations during base flow conditions when the Summit Lake Dam is generating power on 1 and 2 units respectively are also illustrated in Figure 1. 53020 SCANA / PSNC PROJECT T -01A REPLACEMENT Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Summary Page 2 of 4 935 930 925 920 a W 915 Figure 1 - Green River Cross Section at Proposed Crossing, Looking Downstream 910 905 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) 500 600 700 Field Measurements LiDAR ......••• Base Flow 1 Unit 2 Units — — 2 -Year Flood — — 5 -Year Flood ❖ Challenges Associated with using Portable Dams to Facilitate a Dry Cut The challenges associated with using a portable dam system to facilitate a dry open -cut and installation of the proposed pipeline crossing generally fall into threecategories. 1. Challenges associated with cofferdam configuration 2. Challenges associated with a flume bypass configuration 3. Challenges associated with a pump around bypass configuration At the proposed crossing location, the Green River is approximately 100 feet wide. During base flow conditions, the freeboard to the floodplain (at 916 ft elevation) is approximately 5 feet and the average depth of flow is approximately 2.5 feet. Allowing for a minimum of one foot of freeboard during construction, the maximum allowable water surface elevation during construction is approximately 915 feet. The lowest point in the cross section is approximately 908.3 feet. Thus the maximum allowable depth of water during construction is 6.7 feet. Under base flow conditions it would be conceptually possible to use a coffer dam configuration to facilitate a dry excavation using the following general sequence: 53020 SCANA / PSNC PROJECT T -01A REPLACEMENT Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Summary Page 3 of 4 ♦ Install a horseshoe shaped coffer dam to facilitate dry excavation of 60% of the trench length; ♦ Pump water out of the work area (continuously); ♦ Excavate pipeline trench; ♦ Place the section of pipe; ♦ Backfill the pipeline trench; ♦ Remove cofferdam and install similar coffer dam on the opposite side of the river; ♦ Pump water out (continuously); ♦ Excavate pipeline trench and expose end of previously placed pipe; ♦ Install additional pipe and weld connection; and ♦ Backfill trench and remove cofferdam. Under base flow conditions, the hydraulic influence of the coffer dams will result in a maximum increase in flow depths to an approximate elevation of 912.5 immediately upstream of the coffer dam. When Summit Lake is generating power on 1 unit, the hydraulic influence of the coffer dam will result in a maximum increase in flow depths to an approximate elevation 918.1 feet (i.e. flows will be out of the channel). Thus, the coffer dams will fail when power is generated at the Summit Lake Dam. Further challenges to the cofferdam approach include pipe welding in a the trench sump and the potential for failure of the second coffer dam as pore pressures in the backfilled portion of the trench may cause instability in the bed and undermine the cofferdam. A potential alternative to the cofferdam approach is to use portable dam structures to completely isolate the excavation on the upstream and downstream sides and flume flows across the work area through lengths of 20 -inch diameter steel pipe. In order to estimate the number of pipes required, U.S. Federal Highway Administration software HY -8 (Version 7.2) was used to analyze the pipes as culverts with projecting inlets and outlets. According to this analysis, a total of 3 pipes would be required to convey a base flow of 60 cfs while maintaining an upstream water surface elevation of 915 feet or less. However, if flows increase due to rainfall in the watershed or power generation at the Summit Lake Dam, the number of required pipes increase significantly. To convey flows across the work area when a single unit is generating power will require approximately 17 pipes. When both generators are running, it would require 31 pipes to safely convey water across the work area. Another alternative to the coffer dam approach would be to pump river flows around the work site. At a base flow of 60 cfs a 30 inch DV600c suction pump from Rain for Rent (or equivalent) operating at peak performance would be required. The published capacity of this pump will onlyjust meet the flow requirement. Applying a factor of safety of 2, two pumps would be required to convey base flow. To convey flows when a single unit is generating power at the dam would require as many as 8 pumps. 53020 SCANA / PSNC PROJECT T -01A REPLACEMENT Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Summary Page 4 of 4 APPENDIX III POLK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ! I /BAC UP TURBUIDITY CURTAIN / B_ A ATW / 5' Xi282' PERMANENT EASEMENT E PRIMARY TURBIDITY CURTAIN EXISTING PIPELINE T -001B 122.42' ; 1 ; P/L i P/L ONE UNIT RUNNING n WATER LEVEL 85.15' PROPOSED 20" PIPELINE T -001A (NORMAL WAT R LEVEL) _ PERMANENT EASEMENT _T_EA ORARY_w RKSPAC i WAO i in P�� i 0� WA08 gK TE P`ORARY OSPACE — — — — — / ONE UNIT RUNNING WATER EL C B A \ —Fl nW —Fl nW LEGEND —FI nw COBBLE T— i z" 01B SECTION C —C SCALES N.T.S. 990 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 A COBBLE i T z" —018 SECTION 13-13 13-13 SCALE N.T_S- COBBLE ;z °'a SECTION A —A SCALE. N.T.S. %I 115T �/ -- x-- - -x - -- EROSION & SEDIMENTARY CONTROL DEVICE, p � - /! ', _ PROPOSED Of j EC ^ w Hw RIVER TEMPORARY SPOIL PILE cl l CROSSING WOOD MATS ro 3� 3� 08° ENERGY DISSIPATION MATERIAL 3m �JUa - - -- TURBIDITY CURTAINS ° AWN Ery SJS Ua zW w vJi —FI nw COBBLE T— i z" 01B SECTION C —C SCALES N.T.S. 990 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 A COBBLE i T z" —018 SECTION 13-13 13-13 SCALE N.T_S- COBBLE ;z °'a SECTION A —A SCALE. N.T.S. %I 245 +50 245 +00 I I I I 1 1 244 +50 244 +00 243 +50 243 +00 242 +50 242 +00 990 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 GREEN RIVER SITE SPECIFIC PROJECT NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES WILL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PSNC ECS. 2. CROSSING INSTALLATION SHALL BE THE WET DITCH CROSSING METHOD AND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE PERMITS AND REGULATIONS. 3. CONSTRUCTION DATES ARE UNLIMITED BUT NOT EXCEEDING 1 JUNE 2016. 4. NC DENR SHALL BE NOTIFIED 5 DAYS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AS PER 401 PERMIT CONDITIONS. 5. LOCATE EXTRA WORK AREAS AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM EDGE OF WATER. 6. GRADE AND TRENCH SPOIL WILL BE STOCKPILED IN SEDIMENT CONTROLLED AREA ADJACENT TO RIVER BANKS IN EXTRA WORK AREAS. 7. TURBIDITY CURTAINS (TWO OR MORE) SHALL BE INSTALLED DOWNSTREAM IN ORDER TO TRAP ANY SEDIMENTS FROM MIGRATING DOWNSTREAM. 8. WETLAND BOUNDARIES AND OTHER AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN WILL BE FIELD MARKED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. REMOVE AND STOCKPILE TOP 12 INCHES OF TOPSOIL FOR SPOIL PILE AREAS LOCATED IN WETLANDS. 10. CONCRETE COATED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER THE STREAM TO A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET OF COVER AND EXTEND AT LEAST 15 FEET PAST TOP OF BANK TO OUTSIDE OF TOP BANK. 11. PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL UNDER STREAMS LESS THAN 100' WIDE TO A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET COVER EXCEPT IN ROCK FORMATIONS WHERE TOP OF PIPE MAY BE LAID TO A MINIMUM OF 2.0 FEET BELOW ADJACENT ROCK. 12. FULL JOINTS OF PIPE SHALL BE USED UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER. 13. ALL GIRTH WELDS SHALL BE 100% RADIOGRAPHICALLY INSPECTED. 14. CONCRETE COATED PIPE, FIELD SAG BENDS, AND RELATED CROSSING PIPE SHALL BE STAGE, ASSEMBLED, AND PRE - INSTALLED TESTED ON THE NORTH SIDE RIGHTS -OF THE WAY PRIOR TO COMMENCING TRENCHING OPERATIONS. 15. NC DENR SHALL BE NOTIFIED 7 DAYS PRIOR TO RESTORATION AS PER PERMIT CONDITIONS. 16. RESTORATION SHALL COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TRENCH IS BACKFILLED. 17. EXISTING T -01 B 12 -INCH PIPELINE WILL REMAIN ACTIVE AND SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST DAMAGE THROUGHOUT THE CROSSING CONSTRUCTION. 18. MAINTAIN 10.0 FOOT UN- GRUBBED BUFFER ZONE ON EACH SIDE UNTIL TRENCH CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 19. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OIL BOOMS AND SHEEN CONTROL DEVICES ON PROXIMAL STAND -BY DURING CROSSING CONSTRUCTION. 20. BENDS SHALL BE INSTALLED NO CLOSER THAN 10.0 FEET OUTSIDE OF TOP OF BANKS. 21. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE IN RIVER CONSTRUCTION EFFORTS WITH DUKE ENERGY'S TUXEDO POWER SCHEDULE. DUKE ENERGY IS WILLING TO WORK WITH PSNC TO SUSPEND POWER GENERATION FOR UP TO FOUR DAYS SO THAT CROSSING CAN OCCUR DURING NORMAL FLOW CONDITIONS (60 CFS) RATHER THAN 240 CFS WHEN ONE POWER UNIT IS RUNNING. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE (WORK) WITHIN RIVER ONLY DURING NORMAL FLOW CONDITIONS AND SHALL BE VIGILANT OF ANY IMPENDING RAIN FORCAST WHICH MAY CAUSE RIVER TO FLOOD. RIVER FLOW RATES NOMINAL FLOW : 42 -60 CFS ONE TUXEDO UNIT RUNNING : 222 -240 CFS TWO TUXEDO UNITS RUNNING : 402 -420 CFS 2 YEAR 30 INCHES, 38,400 ACRE DRAINAGE ADDS 427 CFS WBA, P, C, FIRM REGISTRATION NUMBER: NC C -2618 PSIICENE/;GI: PROJECTION SYSTEM: NAD83 STATE PLANE, NORTH CAROLINA (U.S. SURVEY FEET) R/W INGRESS F ED FOR X= 588523.9600' RMIT Y= 1031736.4737' OBER -201 5 R/W EGRESS Q X= 588659.9957' j Y= 1031677.8121' ww w rila z Y ¢ w 0' ^ �^ a0 �� H� Of j EC ^ w Hw Y www zZtD 1L cl J ro 3� 3� Of 3m �JUa ° AWN Ery SJS Ua zW w vJi io x zw O DATE D,,,,,,,,, 09 -18 -15 DRAWING NO. 53020 -34 -051 A o� V¢ w o L' L' w3 OOCO op z w w 3 Lam= O 007 o�oLd co WV¢ Lo cl ORAWNING N0. O OU p O CL w LLJ LLJ ' of J w Z O ap z 0 O] PROJECT EN6RiEER DEM REFERENCE DRAWINGS I ISSUE RECORD I ''PPuRaym JWL Ld Of 0_ M F- Ld Ld U ° o] CL m r, Lo + ; 00 N V +^pM 't N + + + } N M } O_ N N N N N c4 N N N L0 cN N + N N NATURAL G DE WATER ELEV. WITH WATER POWER GENERATION LEV. LOW WATER 90 911.178 .653 NATURAL GRADE \\�\ PROPOSED 20" PIPELINE T -001A 175 FT. CONCRETE COATED PIPE 245 +50 245 +00 I I I I 1 1 244 +50 244 +00 243 +50 243 +00 242 +50 242 +00 990 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 GREEN RIVER SITE SPECIFIC PROJECT NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES WILL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PSNC ECS. 2. CROSSING INSTALLATION SHALL BE THE WET DITCH CROSSING METHOD AND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE PERMITS AND REGULATIONS. 3. CONSTRUCTION DATES ARE UNLIMITED BUT NOT EXCEEDING 1 JUNE 2016. 4. NC DENR SHALL BE NOTIFIED 5 DAYS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AS PER 401 PERMIT CONDITIONS. 5. LOCATE EXTRA WORK AREAS AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM EDGE OF WATER. 6. GRADE AND TRENCH SPOIL WILL BE STOCKPILED IN SEDIMENT CONTROLLED AREA ADJACENT TO RIVER BANKS IN EXTRA WORK AREAS. 7. TURBIDITY CURTAINS (TWO OR MORE) SHALL BE INSTALLED DOWNSTREAM IN ORDER TO TRAP ANY SEDIMENTS FROM MIGRATING DOWNSTREAM. 8. WETLAND BOUNDARIES AND OTHER AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN WILL BE FIELD MARKED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. REMOVE AND STOCKPILE TOP 12 INCHES OF TOPSOIL FOR SPOIL PILE AREAS LOCATED IN WETLANDS. 10. CONCRETE COATED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER THE STREAM TO A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET OF COVER AND EXTEND AT LEAST 15 FEET PAST TOP OF BANK TO OUTSIDE OF TOP BANK. 11. PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL UNDER STREAMS LESS THAN 100' WIDE TO A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET COVER EXCEPT IN ROCK FORMATIONS WHERE TOP OF PIPE MAY BE LAID TO A MINIMUM OF 2.0 FEET BELOW ADJACENT ROCK. 12. FULL JOINTS OF PIPE SHALL BE USED UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER. 13. ALL GIRTH WELDS SHALL BE 100% RADIOGRAPHICALLY INSPECTED. 14. CONCRETE COATED PIPE, FIELD SAG BENDS, AND RELATED CROSSING PIPE SHALL BE STAGE, ASSEMBLED, AND PRE - INSTALLED TESTED ON THE NORTH SIDE RIGHTS -OF THE WAY PRIOR TO COMMENCING TRENCHING OPERATIONS. 15. NC DENR SHALL BE NOTIFIED 7 DAYS PRIOR TO RESTORATION AS PER PERMIT CONDITIONS. 16. RESTORATION SHALL COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TRENCH IS BACKFILLED. 17. EXISTING T -01 B 12 -INCH PIPELINE WILL REMAIN ACTIVE AND SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST DAMAGE THROUGHOUT THE CROSSING CONSTRUCTION. 18. MAINTAIN 10.0 FOOT UN- GRUBBED BUFFER ZONE ON EACH SIDE UNTIL TRENCH CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 19. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OIL BOOMS AND SHEEN CONTROL DEVICES ON PROXIMAL STAND -BY DURING CROSSING CONSTRUCTION. 20. BENDS SHALL BE INSTALLED NO CLOSER THAN 10.0 FEET OUTSIDE OF TOP OF BANKS. 21. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE IN RIVER CONSTRUCTION EFFORTS WITH DUKE ENERGY'S TUXEDO POWER SCHEDULE. DUKE ENERGY IS WILLING TO WORK WITH PSNC TO SUSPEND POWER GENERATION FOR UP TO FOUR DAYS SO THAT CROSSING CAN OCCUR DURING NORMAL FLOW CONDITIONS (60 CFS) RATHER THAN 240 CFS WHEN ONE POWER UNIT IS RUNNING. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE (WORK) WITHIN RIVER ONLY DURING NORMAL FLOW CONDITIONS AND SHALL BE VIGILANT OF ANY IMPENDING RAIN FORCAST WHICH MAY CAUSE RIVER TO FLOOD. RIVER FLOW RATES NOMINAL FLOW : 42 -60 CFS ONE TUXEDO UNIT RUNNING : 222 -240 CFS TWO TUXEDO UNITS RUNNING : 402 -420 CFS 2 YEAR 30 INCHES, 38,400 ACRE DRAINAGE ADDS 427 CFS WBA, P, C, FIRM REGISTRATION NUMBER: NC C -2618 PSIICENE/;GI: PROJECTION SYSTEM: NAD83 STATE PLANE, NORTH CAROLINA (U.S. SURVEY FEET) R/W INGRESS F ED FOR X= 588523.9600' RMIT Y= 1031736.4737' OBER -201 5 R/W EGRESS Q X= 588659.9957' j Y= 1031677.8121' 0 25 50 a RMSCAM' 1' -50, Sa PN ME (N) SCME: 1- -50' 0 25 50 PROFLE (V) SCALE. 1- -50' I SCANA - T -001A REPLACEMENT GREEN RIVER CROSSING WET DITCH CROSSING METHOD POLK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ° AWN Ery SJS NOTED ATe 0059354 DATE D,,,,,,,,, 09 -18 -15 DRAWING NO. 53020 -34 -051 A A EaR veR1tT 20 -31 -011 AUGNMENT SFEET C1ECKm CAF "�' 'o-'° -'5 ORAWNING N0. OMMNG 71RE Nuuem DRAWN DATE ar REVISED C mm ar PROJECT ENGINEER APPROVm ar PROJECT EN6RiEER DEM REFERENCE DRAWINGS I ISSUE RECORD I ''PPuRaym JWL Oa b. X 2015 - 10:41—