HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170938 Ver 2_Swift Creek_MY2_2023_Final Report_Compiled_01302024_opt_20240131SWIFT CREEK PERMITTEE RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION PROJECT MY2 MONITORING REPORT USACE PERMIT NO. SAW-2016-02338 Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan for Stream, Riparian Buffer, and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Credits Tar-Pamlico River Basin (CU 03020101) Edgecombe County, NC Data Collection Period: September 13 – November 11, 2023 Submission Date: January 2024 Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Prepared by: Water & Land Solutions, LLC 7721 Six Forks Road, Suite 130 Raleigh, NC 27615 WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. (formerly Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.) 104 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 407 West Columbia, SC, 29169 (803) 798-1200 Swift Creek PRMP 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PROJECT SUMMARY ............................... 4 1.1 Project Location and Description ........................ 4 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ............................... 4 1.3 Monitoring Schedule and Reporting .................... 5 1.4 Project Success Criteria ....................................... 5 1.4.1 Single-Thread Streams ............................................................ 6 1.4.2 Headwater STreams ................................................................ 7 1.4.3 Wetlands ................................................................................. 7 1.4.4 Vegetation ............................................................................... 8 1.4.5 Macroinvertebrates .................................................................. 8 1.4.6 Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffers .................................................... 8 1.4.7 Visual Assessment................................................................... 9 2 PROJECT MITIGATION COMPONENTS 10 2.1 Project Components ........................................... 10 Mitigation Plan Stream Mitigation Credits (SMCs) ....................... 10 Mitigation Plan Wetland Mitigation Credits (WMCs)..................... 11 Mitigation Plan riparian buffer Mitigation Credits (RBMCs) .......... 11 3 METHODS ............................................... 12 4 MONITORING YEAR 2 ASSESSMENT AND RESULTS ........................................ 13 4.1 Stream Morphological Assessment ................... 13 4.1.1 Stream Horizontal Pattern & Longitudinal Profile ..................... 13 4.1.2 Stream Horizontal Dimension ................................................. 13 MY2 Stream A Cross-Section Summary Table ............................ 14 MY2 Stream k Cross-Section Summary Table ............................ 14 4.1.3 Headwater Stream Channel Formation ................................... 14 4.2 Stream Hydrology ............................................... 15 MY2 Bankfull Events Summary Table ......................................... 16 4.3 Wetland Hydrology ............................................. 16 Wetland Hydrology MY2 Performance Standards ....................... 17 4.4 Vegetation ........................................................... 17 Vegetation MY2 Performance Standards .................................... 18 4.5 Macroinvertebrates ............................................. 18 Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 3 5 CONCLUSION ......................................... 19 APPENDICES Appendix A Background Tables Table 1 Project Mitigation Assets, Components, and Credits Table 2 Project Timeline and Contacts Table 3 Project Background Information Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Figure 1 Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Photos Cross-Section Photolog Vegetation Plot Photolog Photostations Photolog Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 4 Red-line Plant List Table 5 Stem Counts and Densities Table Appendix D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data MY1 Cross-Sections Table 6 Cross-section Morphology Data NCDEQ Stream Assessment Forms Appendix E Hydrologic Data Crest Gauge Hydrographs Groundwater Monitoring Well Hydrographs Table 7 Monthly Rainfall Data Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 4 1 PROJECT SUMMARY 1.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Swift Creek Mitigation Project (SCMP) is an approved permittee-responsible mitigation project. The SCMP project area is approximately 196.5 acres, located eleven miles northeast of the City of Rocky Mount in Edgecombe County, NC (35.999286°, -77.605591°). The SCMP is located within the 8-digit HUC 03020101, in the NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) sub-basin 0302010108 (Swift Creek), within the Tar-Pamlico River Basin. The SCMP includes the restoration, enhancement, and permanent protection of five stream reaches totaling 8,890 linear feet of stream and the establishment of approximately 200-ft wide Tar-Pamlico riparian buffers totaling 14.86 acres, with 27.31 acres being permanently preserved. The SCMP also includes the re- establishment, enhancement, and preservation of 53.8 acres of riparian wetlands. The SCMP will provide significant ecological improvements and functional uplift through stream and aquatic habitat restoration and through decreasing nutrient and sediment loads within the watershed. The Year 2 monitoring report provides a project summary and Appendix A Table 1 provides a summary of project assets. Figures in Appendix B illustrate an overview and detailed inset of the project mitigation components. Monitoring Year 2 (MY2) activities occurred from September to November 2023. This report presents the data for MY2. The SCMP meets the MY2 success criteria for stream hydrology, stream pattern, profile, and dimension. The SCMP generally meets the MY2 success criteria for wetland hydrology. However, one well in Wetland 10 does not meet the success criteria for percent hydroperiod and two wells, one in Wetland 10 and one in Wetland 12, do not meet success criteria for consecutive days of saturation. The SCMP generally meets the MY2 success criteria for vegetation. However, five individual vegetation plots did not meet MY2 success criteria for stems per acres, and two individual vegetation plots did not meet success criteria for percent of dominant species. The stream restoration appears to be generally progressing towards success criteria. However, the headwater reach of SA continues to lack many aspects of headwater stream channel formation, and indicators of a defined channel are limited in the majority of the reach for SB. Based on these results, the SCMP generally is on trajectory to meet interim and final success criteria. However, adaptive management, including additional planting and monitoring, may have to be considered in areas of concern. For more information on the chronology of the project history and activity, refer to Appendix A, Table 2. Relevant project contact information is presented in the appendices in Appendix A, Table 2 and project background information is presented in Appendix A, Table 3. 1.2 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The SCMP will meet the goals and objectives described in the Swift Creek Final Approved Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan (May 2019) and will address general restoration goals and opportunities outlined in the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NC DMS) Tar-Pamlico River Basin River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) (DEQ 2010). More specifically, watershed goals and management strategies will be met by: • Reducing sediment, soil erosion, turbidity, and nutrient inputs such as nitrogen and phosphorus to the Tar-Pamlico River Watershed. • Restoring, enhancing, preserving, and protecting headwater streams, wetlands, riparian buffers, and aquatic habitat functions. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 5 • Improving riparian corridor management and targeting restoration of impacted streams and riparian buffer areas. To accomplish these plan-specific goals, the following objectives will be measured to document overall project success: • Promote wetland hydrology by raising channelized stream beds and filling drainage ditches; • Plant wetland areas with native tree species to restore the natural vegetative communities; • Reconstruct stream channels to have the appropriate slope, planform, and cross-sectional geometry for the region of the Coastal Plain in which the SCMP is located; • Size reconstructed stream channels to inundate adjacent floodplains and wetlands frequently; • Stabilize stream banks using bioengineering, natural channel design techniques, and grading to reduce bank angles and bank height; • Install in-stream structures and woody debris to promote aeration of water, create habitat, and influence the creation of bed forms commonly found in sand bed channels; • Restore riparian buffer areas with native tree species to stabilize channels, filter flood flows and runoff, and supplement wetland plantings; and • Remove a large acreage of land from agricultural production within the Mitigation Plan to further improving water quality. 1.3 MONITORING SCHEDULE AND REPORTING The SCMP will be monitored on a regular basis with physical inspections to occur a minimum of once annually throughout the seven-year post-construction monitoring period, or until performance standards are met. The measure of stream restoration success will be documented by bankfull flows and no change in stream channel classification. Sand bed channels are dynamic and minor adjustments to dimension and profile are expected. Wetland restoration success will be documented by hydrology. Site inspections and monitoring reports will also identify components and features that require routine maintenance or adaptive management. Tar River Land Conservancy (TRLC) is the easement holder and long-term steward noted in the PRMP. TRLC will be responsible for annual inspection of the SCMP after close-out of the monitoring period to ensure that restrictions in place required by the recorded Conservation Easement document are being upheld. 1.4 PROJECT SUCCESS CRITERIA The success criteria for the SCMP will follow approved performance standards and monitoring protocols from the final approved mitigation plan, which was developed in compliance with the USACE October 2016 Guidance, USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003 and October 2005), and the 2008 Compensatory Mitigation Final Rule. Vegetation plot data will be collected during monitoring years 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 and cross-section data will be collected during monitoring years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Stream and wetland hydrology data and visual monitoring will be collected annually. Macroinvertebrate data will be collected in monitoring years 3, 5, and 7. Specific success criteria components and evaluation methods are described below. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 6 1.4.1 SINGLE-THREAD STREAMS Stream Hydrology: Four separate bankfull flow events, occurring in separate years, must be documented on the restoration and enhancement reaches during monitoring years 1 through 7. Stream monitoring will continue until success criteria in the form of four bankfull events in separate years have been documented. Stream Profiles, Vertical Stability, and Floodplain Access: A longitudinal profile was collected as part of the as- built survey; however, longitudinal profile surveys will not be conducted during the seven-year monitoring period unless other indicators during the annual monitoring indicate a trend toward vertical and lateral instability. Migration of pools and bed forms is expected and does not require remedial action. Stream pattern and profile will be assessed visually as described below. Stream stability and floodplain access will be evaluated by measuring bank height ratio (BHR). Shallow section cross-sections on the restoration reaches should be stable and should show little change in bankfull area, maximum depth ratio and width-to-depth ratio. Shallow cross-sections should fall within the parameters defined for channels of the appropriate Rosgen stream type (when applicable). The BHR will not exceed 1.2 and the entrenchment ratio (ER) will be no less than 2.2 at any measured riffle cross-section. This standard only applies to restored reaches of the channel where BHRs were corrected through design and construction. Vertical stability will be evaluated with visual assessment and cross sections. Stream Horizontal Stability: Stream horizontal stability will be measured by cross-sections. Two permanently monumented cross-sections have been installed per 1,000 linear feet of stream restoration work and represent approximately 50 percent shallow/riffle and 50 percent pool areas within each restoration and enhancement reach. Each cross-section has been permanently marked with pins to establish its location. Cross-section surveys will be performed during monitoring years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 and will include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, edge of water, and thalweg. It is important to note that in sand bed channels, pools and bed forms (ripples, dunes, etc.) may migrate over time as a natural function of the c hannel hydraulics. These sorts of bed changes may not constitute a trend towards instability or indicate a need for remedial actions. The BHR and ER at any measured riffle cross-section should not change by more than 10 percent from the baseline (as-built) condition during any given monitoring interval (e.g., no more than 10 percent between years 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 5, or 5 and 7). For example, if BHR is calculated to be 0.8 at a given cross section following monitoring year 1, acceptable BHR calculated for that cross section in monitoring year 2 would be 0.8 ± 0.08 (0.72 to 0.88). If any changes do occur, these changes will be evaluated to assess whether the stream channel is showing signs of instability. Indicators of instability include a vertically incising thalweg or eroding channel banks. Changes in the channel that indicate a movement toward stability or enhanced habitat include a decrease in the width-to-depth ratio in meandering channels or an increase in pool depth. Remedial action would not be taken if channel changes indicate a movement toward stability. Permanent photograph stations at each cross-section will document stability and channel evolution during the monitoring period. Photographs will be taken looking across channel, looking upstream, and looking downstream, showing as much of the banks and channel as possible. The survey tape will be centered in each photograph and the water line will be located near the lower edge. An effort will be made to consistently show the same photograph area in each subsequent monitoring event. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 7 Streambed Material Condition and Stability: Pebble count procedures will not be conducted for this project due to the sand bed nature of the streams. 1.4.2 HEADWATER STREAMS Seasonal Flow: Under normal circumstances, surface water flow within the valley or crenulation will be documented to occur every year for at least 30 consecutive days during the seven-year monitoring period. Additional monitoring may be required if surface water flow c annot be documented due to abnormally dry conditions. Channel Formation: During monitoring years 1 through 4, a preponderance of evidence must demonstrate a concentration of flow indicative of channel formation within the topographic low -point of the valley or crenulation as documented by the following indicators: • Scour (indicating sediment transport by flowing water) • Sediment deposition (accumulations of sediment and/or formation of ripples) • Sediment sorting (sediment sorting indicated by grain-size distribution within primary flow path) • Multiple observed flow events (must be documented by gauge data and/or photographs) • Destruction of terrestrial vegetation • Presence of litter and debris • Wracking (deposits of drift material indicating surface water flow) • Vegetation matted down, bent, or absent (herbaceous or otherwise) • Leaf litter disturbed or washed away • During monitoring years 5 through 7, the stream must successfully meet the requirements above and in addition must demonstrate the development of stream bed and banks as documented by the following indicators: • Bed and banks (may include the formation of stream bed and banks, development of channel pattern such as meander bends and/or braiding at natural topographic breaks, woody debris, or plant root systems) • Natural line impressed on the bank (visible high-water mark) • Shelving (shelving of sediment depositions indicating transport) • Water staining (staining of rooted vegetation) • Change in plant community (transition to species adapted for flow or inundation for a long duration, including hydrophytes) • Changes in character of soil (texture and/or chroma changes when compared to the soils abutting the primary path of flow) 1.4.3 WETLANDS Wetland Hydrology: Hydroperiod ranges are based on the suggested wetland saturation thresholds for soils taxonomic groups. The predominant soils within the wetland restoration and enhancement areas consist of Roanoke soils. Therefore, the performance standard is that well data from the wetland enhancement areas indicate that groundwater is within 12 inches of the soil surface for seven percent target saturation period for monitoring years 1 and 2 and 10-12 percent for monitoring years 3 – 7 of the annual growing season during normal weather conditions. The growing season for the SCMP was taken from the National Weather Service Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 8 (NWS) Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) Station 318500, which is located in Tarboro, Edgecombe County. Based on this growing season, success will be achieved at the SCMP if the water table is within 12 inches of the soils surface for 17 consecutive days or more during the established growing season (March 21 to November 11, 235 days) for monitoring years 1 and 2 and a minimum of 23 consecutive days for monitoring years 3 – 7. Automated groundwater recording wells were installed in accordance with the techniques and standards described in the USACE’s “Technical Standard for Water-Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites” (ERDC TN- WRAP-05-2, June 2005). An automated rain gauge has been installed to collect and record rainfall at the SCMP. The rain gauge incorporates a tipping-bucket design (at a 0.01-inch tipping interval) and records sufficient data to determine rainfall quantities, rates and duration. Rainfall data collected from the gauge will be correlated with local weather stations and compared to the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Climate Analysis for Wetlands Tables (WETS tables) to determine if normal rainfall conditions exist during the monitoring period. The rain gauge will be downloaded during each site visit. If necessary, rainfall from the nearest weather station may be used to supplement data collected on-site if issues occur with the sampling equipment. 1.4.4 VEGETATION Vegetation monitoring will occur in monitoring years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 between August 1 and leaf drop. Vegetative success for the SCMP during the intermediate monitoring years will be based the survival of a minimum of 320 stems per acre at year 3; a minimum of 260 stems per acre at year 5; and a minimum of 210 stems per acre at year 7. Planted trees in each plot must measure seven feet in height at year 5 and 10 feet in height at year 7, on average. The final vegetative restoration success criteria will be achieving a density of no less than 210 seven- year-old planted stems per acre that must average 10 feet in height in Year 7 of monitoring. 1.4.5 MACROINVERTEBRATES Habitat availability and macroinvertebrate communities will be monitored in streams where functional uplift is attributed to maintenance or improvements in biological communities. Macroinvertebrate sampling will be conducted once a year during monitoring years 3, 5, and 7. Monitoring stations will be located on every perennial restoration and enhancement reach greater than 1,000 feet in length. Additional sampling points will be established per additional 2,000 feet of length on each restoration or enhancem ent reach (1,000’ = 1 point, 3,000’ = 2 points, 5,000’ = 3 points, etc.). Sampling locations will be based on riffle condition and best professional judgment and occur within the same riffle year-to-year. Macroinvertebrate sampling will be processed by a qualified taxonomist and/or NCDWR certified laboratory for macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrates will be identified to genus. Biotic indices, including percent EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera), North Carolina Biotic Index, Shannon-Weaver Diversity Index, Taxa Richness and a species list for each station, will be listed in the monitoring report. Each report will include a summary of the current results and all past monitoring events in tabular format. The final performance standard will be no net decrease in diversity and abundance by the end of the seventh year of monitoring. 1.4.6 TAR-PAMLICO RIPARIAN BUFFERS Approximately 26.10 acres of Tar-Pamlico riparian buffers (TOB – 200 feet) were restored within the SCMP project area. A Construction and Planting Completion Report was submitted to the NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) in accordance with the Division of Water Resources (DWR) Sectio n 401 and Buffer permitting. Vegetation monitoring will occur in monitoring years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 between August 1 and Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 9 leaf drop. Within the riparian buffer restoration areas, a minimum of 320 stems per acre must be present at year 3 and a minimum of 260 stems per acre must be present at year 7. Planted trees in each plot must measure an average of seven feet in height at year 5 and 10 feet in height at year 7. Volunteer species may count towards the stems per acre requirements, but species must be included on the approved planting palette. Any single species will only account for up to 50 percent of the required number of stems within any vegetation plot and shall include a minimum of four native hardwood species or four native hardwood tree and native shrub species. Where the vegetation plot is dominated by volunteer species, remedial action as specified in the Adaptive Management Plan may be required. The extent of invasive species coverage will also be monitored and controlled as necessary throughout the required monitoring period. 1.4.7 VISUAL ASSESSMENT Visual assessments of all stream reaches will be conducted annually. Photographs will be used to visually document system performance and any areas of concern related to streambank and bed stability, condition of in-stream structures, channel migration, excess sediment, active headcuts, live stake mortality, invasive plant species or animal browsing, easement boundary encroachments, and general streambed conditions. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 10 2 PROJECT MITIGATION COMPONENTS 2.1 PROJECT COMPONENTS The SCMP mitigation components include a combination of stream restoration and preservation, wetland restoration (re-establishment), enhancement, and preservation, and Tar-Pamlico riparian buffer restoration activities. The mitigation types and approved credits are summarized in the tables below. MITIGATION PLAN STREAM MITIGATION CREDITS (SMCS) STREAM MITIGATION RESTORATION FEATURE NAME APPROVED LENGTH (LF) SINUOSITY MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION RATIO AS-BUILT LENGTH (LF) MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION* TRIBUTARY A-1 (Headwater) 533 1.00 1.0:1.0 533.0 533.0 TRIBUTARY A-1 5,940 1.20 1.0:1.0 5,969.17 5,940.0 TRIBUTARY B-2 (Headwater) 1,056 1.00 1.0:1.0 1,056.0 1,056.0 TRIBUTARY K 679 1.20 1.0:1.0 720.81 679.0 STREAM RESTORATION CREDIT SUBTOTAL 8,208.0 PRESERVATION FEATURE NAME LENGTH (LF) MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION RATIO MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION TRIBUTARY B-1 383 7.5:1.0 51.1 STREAM PRESERVATION CREDIT SUBTOTAL 51.1 TOTAL STREAM MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION 8,259.1 *Note: Credit Generation is based off approved credits located in the Swift Creek Mitigation Plan. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 11 MITIGATION PLAN WETLAND MITIGATION CREDITS (WMCS) WETLAND MITIGATION ENHANCEMENT FEATURE NAME ACREAGE (Acres) MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION RATIO MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION WETLAND NO. 7 0.3 2.5:1.0 0.14 WETLAND NO. 11 5.6 2.5:1.0 2.24 WETLAND NO. 12 11.1 2.5:1.0 4.44 WETLAND ENHANCEMENT CREDIT SUBTOTAL 6.82 PRESERVATION FEATURE NAME ACREAGE (Acres) MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION RATIO MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION WETLAND NO. 4 2.1 5.0:1.0 0.42 WETLAND NO. 5 0.01 5.0:1.0 0.002 WETLAND NO. 6 0.06 5.0:1.0 0.01 WETLAND NO. 10 31.4 5.0:1.0 6.28 WETLAND NO. 13 3.2 5.0:1.0 0.64 WETLAND PRESERVATION CREDIT SUBTOTAL 7.35 TOTAL WETLAND MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION 14.17 MITIGATION PLAN RIPARIAN BUFFER MITIGATION CREDITS (RBMCS) TAR-PAMLICO RIPARIAN BUFFER MITIGATION BUFFER ZONE MITIGATION TYPE ACRES MITIGATION CREDIT GENERATION RATIO % FULL CREDIT AVAILABLE RIPARIAN BUFFER CREDIT GENERATION (ACRES / SQ. FT.) TRIBUTARY A-1 Restoration (TOB – 100’) 13.05 1.0:1.0 100% 13.05 / 568,458 TRIBUTARY K Restoration (TOB – 100’) 1.23 1.0:1.0 100% 1.23 / 53,579 TRIBUTARY A-1 Restoration (100’ – 200’) 11.11 3.0:1.0 100% 3.70 / 161,172 TRIBUTARY K Restoration (TOB – 100’) 0.71 3.0:1.0 100% 0.24 / 10,309 TRIBUTARY A-1 Preservation (TOB – 100’) 8.12 10.0:1.0 57% 0.46 / 20,161 TRIBUTARY B-1 Preservation (TOB – 100’) 1.09 10.0:1.0 0% 0.0 / 0.0 TRIBUTARY I-1 Preservation (TOB – 100’) 2.98 5.0:1.0 100% 0.60 / 25,962 TRIBUTARY K Preservation (TOB – 100’) 0.88 5.0:1.0 100% 0.18 / 7,667 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PRESERVATION/EPHEMERAL CREDIT GENERATION (25% CAP) ACRES/SQ. FEET 8.55 / 372,293 TOTAL TAR-PAMLICO RIPARIAN BUFFER CREDIT GENERATION 19.46 ac. / 847,308 sq. ft. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 12 3 METHODS Stream cross-section monitoring was conducted using a Topcon AT-B4 Automatic Level. Three-dimensional coordinates associated with cross-section data were collected in the field (NAD83 State Plane feet PIPS 3200). Morphological data were collected at 14 cross-sections. Following field activities, survey data was imported into Microsoft Excel®, the OSU STREAM Modules Reference Reach Spreadsheet1, and the NCDMS cross-section ShinyApp tool for processing and analysis. The crest gauges and groundwater monitoring wells include an automatic Onset Hobo pressure transducer set in PVC piping. Visual observations (i.e. wrack or debris lines) will also be used to document out of bank events. Vegetation success is being monitored at a total of 25 permanent vegetation plots—13 within riparian buffer areas and 12 within wetland enhancement areas. Vegetation plot monitoring follows the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level 1 (Planted Stem Inventory Plots) and Level 2 (Total Wood Stem Inventory Plots) survey protocols and includes analysis of species composition and density of planted species. In the field, the four comers of each plot were permanently marked with a large T-post at the origin and small T-posts at the other corners. Photos of each plot are taken from the origin corner facing across the plot each monitoring year. Tree species and height are recorded for each planted stem. 1 Mecklenburg, Dan & Ward, Andy. (2011). Stream modules: Spreadsheet tools for river evaluation, assessment and monitoring. Proceedings of the 2004 Self-Sustaining Solutions for Streams, Wetlands, and Watersheds Conference. 10.1061/41173(414)265. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 13 4 MONITORING YEAR 2 ASSESSMENT AND RESULTS The dates of MY 2 monitoring activities are detailed in Appendix A, Table 2. All MY2 monitoring data is presented in this report and in the appendices. Monitoring Year 2 (MY2) activities occurred from September to November 2023. This report presents the data for MY2. The SCMP meets the MY2 success criteria for stream hydrology, stream pattern, profile, and dimension. The SCMP generally meets the MY2 succe ss criteria for wetland hydrology. However, one well in Wetland 10 does not meet the success criteria for percent hydroperiod and two wells, one in Wetland 10 and one in Wetland 12, do not meet success criteria for consecutive days of saturation. The SCMP generally meets the MY2 success criteria for vegetation. However, five individual vegetation plots did not meet MY2 success criteria for stems per acres, and two individual vegetation plots did not meet success criteria for percent of dominant species. The stream restoration appears to be generally progressing towards success criteria. However, the headwater reach of SA continues to lack many aspects of headwater stream channel formation, and indicators of a defined channel are weak in the majority of the reach for SB. All monitoring device locations are depicted on the Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) (Appendix B, Figure 1). 4.1 STREAM MORPHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 4.1.1 STREAM HORIZONTAL PATTERN & LONGITUDINAL PROFILE Visual assessment was utilized for assessment of MY2 horizontal and vertical stability. The visual assessment for each stream reach documented that during MY2, stream channel pattern, longitudinal profiles, and in-stream structure location/function still closely match the profile design parameters and MY0/baseline conditions (Appendix D). Minor channel adjustments in riffle slopes, pool depths and pattern were observed based on natural sediment migration and stream bank vegetation establishment but do not present a stability concern. 4.1.2 STREAM HORIZONTAL DIMENSION The MY2 channel dimensions generally match the design parameters and are within a stable range of tolerance. Twelve cross-sections are located on restoration reaches, with six located in riffles and six located in pools. Of the five riffle cross sections in stream A and one in stream K, all had BHRs <1.2 and Entrenchment Ratios >2.2, meeting performance standards. All twelve permanently installed cross-sections show little to no change in bankfull area when compared to as-built measurements. It is expected that over time some pools may accumulate fine sediment and organic matter, however, this is not an indicator of channel instability. Maximum riffle depths are expected to fluctuate slightly throughout the monitoring period as the channels adjust to the post-restoration flow regime. Please note that previous years’ data was reevaluated at MY2 to ensure accuracy and consistency. As a result of this review, some MY0 and MY1 ER calculations were reevaluated to exclude areas below bankfull elevation located outside of channel. In addition, some MY0 and MY1 bankfull elevation determinations were reassessed and adjusted at MY2 to more accurate and consistent values. More information on adjusted values can be found in Appendix D. Cross-section overlays and measurements can be found in Appendix D and summarized in the tables below. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 14 MY2 STREAM A CROSS-SECTION SUMMARY TABLE Reach ID: Stream A (00+00 - 64+91.43) Parameter Performance Standard MY0 MY1 MY2 Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bank Height Ratio - 1.20 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) - - 0.4 2.1 0.4 2.0 0.5 1.8 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) - - 1.6 13.3 1.8 10.7 1.6 13.1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.20 - 1.1 5.0 1.2 4.6 2.9 4.2 < 10% deviation from As-Built Conditions Bank Height Ratio Min Max CXSEC SA-2 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 CXSEC SA-3 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 CXSEC SA-5 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 CXSEC SA-9 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 CXSEC SA-12 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 Entrenchment Ratio Min Max CXSEC SA-2 3.4 4.2 3.6 3.7 CXSEC SA-3 4.5 5.5 4.6 4.2 CXSEC SA-5 3.4 4.2 3.4 3.7 CXSEC SA-9 2.8 3.4 2.9 2.9 CXSEC SA-12 3.1 3.7 3.7 3.0 MY2 STREAM K CROSS-SECTION SUMMARY TABLE Reach ID: Stream K (00+00 - 7+15.77) Parameter Performance Standard MY0 MY1 MY2 Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Bank Height Ratio - 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) - - 0.5 0.5 0.6 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) - - 2.0 1.9 2.2 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2 - 3.3 3.9 3.5 < 10% deviation from As-Built Conditions Bank Height Ratio Min Max CXSEC SK-1 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 Entrenchment Ratio Min Max CXSEC SK-1 3.0 3.6 3.9 3.5 4.1.3 HEADWATER STREAM CHANNEL FORMATION To assess the formation of headwater streams, visual assessments and NCDEQ Stream Assessment forms were completed for SA and SB headwater stream reaches. Stream SA was observed to lack many indicators of headwater stream channel formation. As noted in Table, onsite hydrology data indicates the occurrence of multiple bankfull events over the course of MY2, including bankfull levels recorded for approximately four months from 1/21 to 5/24/2023. However, visual observations of the headwater stream reach lack evidence of sediment transport, deposition, and sorting, and OHWM. In addition, the channel is being colonized by various herbaceous species, primarily goldenrod (Solidago altissima). The SB headwater reach exhibited multiple indicators of headwater stream formation including scour, sediment deposition, and matted vegetation ; however, indicators of a defined channel are limited in the majority of the reach. Photos of headwater reaches Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 15 can be found in the Photostations Photolog in Appendix B. NCDEQ Stream Assessment forms for each headwater restoration reach can be found in Appendix D. 4.2 STREAM HYDROLOGY Stream hydrology restoration was monitored via five crest gauges installed along restoration reaches. Stream hydrology performance criteria is the documentation of four separate bankfull flow events in separate monitoring years. Bankfull events were determined by crest gauge water levels recorded above ground surface. Eight bankfull events were recorded within the headwater reach of SA (CG1), and 24 bankfull events were recorded within the headwater reach of SB (CG3). Twenty-two bankfull events were recorded along reach SK (CG2). Five were recorded in conjunction with rainfall events based on onsite rainfall gauge data; the other 17 were not related to a rainfall event. However, based on nearby Wunderground weather station data, it is possible that onsite rain gauge data for Jan- May 2023 is inaccurate. Within SA1, water levels were above bankfull levels for all but 2 days of the monitoring period. Crest gauge 5, along SA2, had a data error with the logger, and data was not recovered. Overall, stream restoration reaches are on track to reach hydrology performance standard targets during the monitoring period. A summary of bankfull events is located in in Table 4.2.1 below. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 16 MY2 BANKFULL EVENTS SUMMARY TABLE 4.3 WETLAND HYDROLOGY Hydrology data were collected from six shallow groundwater monitoring wells within wetland enhancement areas to assess wetland hydrologic performance standards. During MY2, enhancement areas on average were saturated within 12-inches of the soil surface for 101 days (43 percent of the growing season), meeting the MY2 performance standard of 17 days (seven percent of the growing season). Monitoring Well 2 did not meet the Event Maximum Feet Above Ground Level Onsite Rainfall Data Remote Weather Station Data (State Climate Office of NC Tarboro-Edgecombe Airport (KETC) Station) 12/1-2022-12/3/2022 0.2 No related rainfall event.0.46" rainfall event on 11/30. 12/16/2022-1/12/2023 0.7 No related rainfall event.0.96" rainfall event on 12/15 and 0.83" event on 12/22. 1/14/2023-1/19/2023 0.2 No related rainfall event.No related rainfall event. 1/21/2023-5/24/2023 1.7 No related rainfall event.10.69" rainfall between 1/21 and 5/24. 5/26/2023-6/1/2023 0.2 No related rainfall event.0.72" rainfall between 5/27 and 6/1. 7/25/2023/-8/3/2023 1.2 2.86" rainfall on 7/24.1.34" rain event on 7/24. 9/24/2023-10/9/2023 1.3 4.94" rainfall between 9/22 and 9/23.3.85" rainfall between 9/22 and 9/23. 10/14/2023-10/19/2023 0.4 1.22" rainfall event on 10/14.0.52" rainfall between 10/14 and 10/15. 11/26/2023 0.1 No related rainfall event.0.47" rainfall event on 11/25. 11/29/2022-12/11/2022 0.6 No related rainfall event.0.65" rainfall between 11/27 and 11/30. 12/13/2022 0.0 No related rainfall event.No related rainfall event. 12/15/2022-1/12/2023 0.5 No related rainfall event.1.79" rainfall from 12/15 to 12/22. 1/18/2023-1/19/2023 0.1 No related rainfall event.0.15" rainfall event on 1/17. 1/21/2023-2/27/2023 1.0 No related rainfall event.4.68" rainfall between 1/22 and 2/27. 3/2/2023-3/9/2023 0.5 No related rainfall event.0.66" rainfall between 3/2 and 3/3. 3/12/2023-3/16/2023 0.4 No related rainfall event.0.34" rainfall between 3/12 and 3/13. 3/19/2023-3/23/2023 0.3 No related rainfall event.0.11" rainfall between 3/17 and 3/18. 3/27/2023-4/3/2023 0.8 No related rainfall event.1.1" rainfall between 3/26 and 3/29. 4/6/2023-4/13/2023 1.4 No related rainfall event.1.14" rainfall between 4/4 and 4/9. 4/23/2023-4/24/2023 0.5 No related rainfall event.0.58" rainfall event on 4/22. 4/28/2023-4/29/2023 0.3 No related rainfall event.0.56" rainfall between 4/26 and 4/28. 5/1/2023 0.1 No related rainfall event.0.77" rainfall between 4/30 and 5/1. 5/6/2023 0.0 No related rainfall event.No related rainfall event. 5/10/2023-5/11/2023 0.3 No related rainfall event.0.27" rainfall between 5/9 and 5/10. 5/29/2023 0.0 No related rainfall event.0.7" rainfall between 5/27 and 5/29. 6/23/2023 0.3 2.47" rainfall between 6/20 and 6/23.1.38" rainfall between 6/20 and 6/23. 7/25/2023-7/26/2023 0.7 2.86" rainfall event on 7/24.1.34" rainfall event on 7/24. 8/31/2023 0.2 3.4" rainfall between 8/28 and 8/31.2.83" rainfall from 8/28 to 8/31. 9/23/2023-9/28/2023 0.4 4.94" rainfall between 9/22 and 9/23.3.85" rainfall between 9/22 and 9/23. 10/15/2023 0.0 1.22" rainfall event on 10/14.0.52" rainfall between 10/14 and 10/15. 11/9/2023 0.0 No related rainfall event.No related rainfall event. 11/14/2023 0.0 1.10" rainfall between 1/11 and 11/12.0.84" rainfall between 11/10 and 11/12. 11/21/2023 0.1 No related rainfall event.0.37" rainfall event on 11/15. 12/1/2022-12/2/2022 0.3 No related rainfall event.1.12" rainfall between 11/25 and 11/30. 12/19/2022-12/21/2022 0.2 No related rainfall event.0.97" rainfall between 12/14 and 12/15. 12/26/2022-12/20/2022 0.1 0.25" rainfall between 12/23 and 12/24.0.85" rainfall between 12/22 and 12/23. 1/7/2023-1/8/2023 0.1 No related rainfall event.0.14" rainfall event on 1/4. 1/23/2023-2/16/2023 0.8 No related rainfall event.4.43" rainfall between 1/22 and 2/13. 2/18/2023-2/29/2023 0.5 No related rainfall event.0.11" rainfall event on 2/17. 2/24/2023-2/26/2023 0.3 No related rainfall event.0.14" rainfall between 2/23 and 2/25. 3/3/2023 0.0 No related rainfall event.0.76" rainfall between 3/2 and 3/4. 3/5/2023-3/6/2023 0.2 No related rainfall event.0.76" rainfall between 3/2 and 3/4. 3/8/2023-3/9/2023 0.1 No related rainfall event.No related rainfall event. 3/14/2023-3/16/2023 0.1 No related rainfall event.0.34" rain between 3/12 and 3/13. 3/19/2023-3/22/2023 0.3 No related rainfall event.0.11" ranifall between 3/17 and 3/18. 3/27/2023-3/31/2023 0.3 No related rainfall event.1.1" rainfall between 3/26 and 3/29. 4/7/2023-4/11/2023 0.9 No related rainfall event.1" rainfall between 4/7 and 4/9. 7/25/2023-8/3/2023 0.6 2.86" rainfall event on 7/24.1.34" rainfall event on 7/24. 9/1/2023-9/3/2023 0.3 3.4" rainfall between 8/28 and 8/31.2.83" rainfall from 8/28 to 8/31. 9/20/2023-9/21/2023 0.1 0.65" rainfall between 9/17 and 9/18.0.54" rainfall from 9/17 to 9/18. 9/23/2023-10/6/2023 0.5 4.94" rainfall between 9/22 and 9/23.3.85" rainfall between 9/22 and 9/23. 10/8/2023-10/9/2023 0.01 No related rainfall event.No related rainfall event. 10/13/2023 0.003 No related rainfall event.No related rainfall event. 10/17/2023-10/19/2023 0.3 1.22" rainfall event on 10/14.0.52" rainfall between 10/14 and 10/15. 10/14/2023-8/25/2023 3.2 8/28/2023-10/19/2023 2.8 Crest Gauge 5 SA2 Gauge Stream MY2 Data Collection Period: 10/14/22-10/19/23 Crest Gauge 1 SA Headwater Crest Gauge 3 SB Headwater Crest Gauge 4 SA1 Crest Gauge 2 SK Due to location within Wetland 12, water levels were above bankful for almost the entire monitoring period. Data error. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 17 performance standard for percent hydroperiod with a hydroperiod <7% of the observed growing season. Monitoring Wells 2 and 4 had also did not meet hydroperiod criteria based on the length of the longest hydroperiod (<17 days). However, please note that data only represents 213 days of the 235-day growing season. The onsite rainfall gauge recorded rainfall levels under the 30% climate normal for the area for three months during the growing season; however, based on nearby Wunderground weather station data, it is possible that onsite rain gauge data for Jan-May 2023 is incorrect. Please note previous years’ well data was corrected to match Figure naming conventions opposed to field naming conventions and to include all available data from March 21 to November 11 (growing season). Hydrographs for each well and monthly rainfall data can be found in Appendix E. WETLAND HYDROLOGY MY2 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Monitoring Well 2020 Growing Season 2021 Growing Season (MY0) 2022 Growing Season (MY1) 196 days observed out of 235 in growing season 235 days observed out of 235 in growing season 208 days observed out of 235 in growing season Number of Days of Saturation Percent Hydroperiod Longest Hydroperiod Number of Days of Saturation Percent of Hydroperiod Longest Hydroperiod Number of Days of Saturation Percent Hydroperiod Longest Hydroperiod MW1 (W11) 165 70% 79 41 17% 31 36 15% 15 MW2 (W10) 119 51% 63 33 14% 29 41 17% 36 MW3 (W12) 189 80% 106 230 98% 171 142 60% 79 MW4 (W12) 140 60% 70 192 82% 94 35 15% 16 MW5 (W12) 196 83% 196 235 100% 235 98 42% 67 MW6 (W10) 196 83% 196 227 97% 163 157 67% 93 MW7 (Uplands) 9 4% 3 0 0% 0 19 8% 9 Average Across Wetland Restoration Areas 168 71% 118 160 68% 121 85 36% 51 Performance Standard NA NA NA NA NA NA 17 7% 17 days Monitoring Well 2023 Growing Season (MY2) 213 days observed out of 235 in growing season Number of Days of Saturation Percent Hydroperiod Longest Hydroperiod MW1 (W11) 37 16% 21 MW2 (W10) 8 3% 4 MW3 (W12) 186 79% 87 MW4 (W12) 101 43% 14 MW5 (W12) 191 81% 86 MW6 (W10) 82 35% 17 MW7 (Uplands) 105 45% 57 Average Across Wetland Restoration Areas 101 43% 41 Performance Standard 17 7% 17 days 4.4 VEGETATION Monitoring of the twenty-five permanent vegetation plots was completed during September 2023. At the completion of MY1, the site was not on track to meet interim vegetative success criteria. Therefore, a supplemental planting was completed in April 2023. MY2 vegetation data can be found in Appendix C with the Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 18 vegetation plot photos located in Appendix B. The MY2 average planted density is 469 stems per acre, which meets the interim measure of vegetative success of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year. However, five individual plots are not currently meeting interim success criteria for stems per acre (VP 3, 5, 14, 23, and 25), and five are at risk of not meeting interim success criteria for stems per acre (VP 7, 8, 12, 13, and 19). In addition, in two plots, the dominant species makes up >50% of the stems present, exceeding success criteria of ≤50% (VP 10 and 11). Volunteer species noted at MY2 consisted of winged elm (Ulmus alata). Visual assessment of vegetation outside of the monitoring plots indicates that the herbaceous vegetation is well established throughout the project. A detailed breakdown of individual plot performance can be found in Appendix C, Table 5a. VEGETATION MY2 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Performance Standards MY1 MY2 All Vegetation Plots Stems/Acre 320 (MY3) 311 481 260 (MY5) 210 (MY7) Average Stem Height (ft) 7-ft (MY5) 1.62 2.25 10-ft (MY7) Riparian Buffer Plots Only Species Count ≥ 4 4 6 % Cover of Dominant Species ≤ 50 % 50% 38% 4.5 MACROINVERTEBRATES In accordance with the PRMP, no macroinvertebrate sampling occurred in MY2. Swift Creek Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan WSP Project No. 6250180180 WSP January 2024 Page 19 5 CONCLUSION The second year of monitoring for the Swift Creek PRMP has been completed. Monitoring results indicate that the SCMP is on track to meet stream hydrology, stream pattern, profile, and dimension performance standards by Monitoring Year 7. Monitoring Year 2 (MY2) activities occurred from September to November 2023. This report presents the data for MY2. The SCMP meets the MY2 success criteria for stream hydrology, stream pattern, profile, and dimension. The SCMP generally meets the MY2 success criteria for wetland hydrology. However, one well in Wetland 10 does not meet the success criteria for percent hydroperiod and two wells, one in Wetland 10 and one in Wetland 12, do not meet success criteria for consecutive days of saturation. The SCMP generally meets the MY2 success criteria for vegetation. However, five individual vegetation plots did not meet MY2 success criteria for stems per acres (VP 3, 5, 14, 23, and 25), and two individual vegetation plots did not meet success criteria for percent of dominant species (VP 10 and 11). The stream restoration appears to be generally progressing towards success criteria. However, the headwater reach of SA continues to lack many aspects of headwater stream channel formation, and indicators of a defined channel are limited in the majority of the reach for SB. Based on these results, the SCMP generally is on trajectory to meet interim and final success criteria. However, adaptive management, including additional planting and monitoring, may have to be considered in areas of concern. Macroinvertebrate sampling was not scheduled to occur during MY2, per the mitigation plan. APPENDIX A BACKGROUND TABLES Table 1. Swift Creek Mitigation Project (SAW-2016-02338) - Mitigation Assets and Components Project Segment Trib A-1 (Headwaters)Trib A-1 Trib B-2 (Headwaters)Trib K Trib B-1 Existing Footage or Acreage 347 2,951 598 477 383 Mitigation Plan Footage or Acreage 533 5,940 1,056 679 383 Mitigation Category Warm Warm Warm Warm Warm Restoration Level Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Preservation Priority Level HW PI HW PI Mitigation Ratio 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 7.5:1 As-Built Footage or Acreage 533.00 5969.75 1056.00 720.81 383.00 Comments Planted Buffer, Permanent Conservation Easement Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Permanent Conservation Easement Planted Buffer, Permenant Conservation Easement Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Permanent Conservation Easement Permanent Conservation Easement Project Segment Wetland 7 Wetland 11 Wetland 12 Wetland 4 Wetland 5 Existing Footage or Acreage 0.3 5.6 11.1 2.1 0.01 Mitigation Plan Footage or Acreage 0.3 5.6 11.1 2.1 0.01 Mitigation Category RR RR RR RR RR Restoration Level Enhancement Enhancement Enhancement Preservation Preservation Priority Level Mitigation Ratio 2.5:1 2.5:1 2.5:1 5:1 5:1 As-Built Footage or Acreage 0.3 5.6 11.1 2.1 0.01 Comments Restored groundwater hydrology, Planted, Permanent Conservation Easement Restored groundwater hydrology, Planted, Permanent Conservation Easement Restored groundwater hydrology, Planted, Permanent Conservation Easement Permanent Conservation Easement Permanent Conservation Easement Wetland Mitigation Stream Mitigation Table 1. Swift Creek Mitigation Project (SAW-2016-02338) - Mitigation Assets and Components Project Segment Wetland 6 Wetland 10 Wetland 13 Existing Footage or Acreage 0.06 31.4 3.2 Mitigation Plan Footage or Acreage 0.06 31.4 3.2 Mitigation Category RR RR RR Restoration Level Preservation Preservation Preservation Priority Level Mitigation Ratio 5:1 5:1 5:1 As-Built Footage or Acreage 0.06 31.4 3.2 Comments Permanent Conservation Easement Permanent Conservation Easement Permanent Conservation Easement Wetland Mitigation Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Institution Date NA 5/9/2019 404 Permit Date NA 7/12/2019 Restoration Plan NA 5/9/2019 Final Design - Construction Plans NA 2/11/2022 Construction NA 4/15/2022 Planting NA 4/15/2022 As-built (Year 0 Monitoring - baseline)6/17/2022 8/22/2022 Year 1 Monitoring 10/18/2022 12/19/2022 Supplemental Planting N/A 4/1/2023 Year 2 Monitoring 10/19/2023 Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 6 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring/ Closeout Table 2. Swift Creek Mitigation Project (SAW-2016-02338) - Project Timeline and Contacts Project Role Contact Bank Sponsor Sponsor POC Water & Land Solutions, LLC 7721 Six Forks Rd, Suite 130, Raleigh, NC 27615 Tommy Cousins Phone: 919-522-9253 Designer Primary Project Design POC WSP Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc 104 Corporate Blvd, Suite 407, West Columbia, SC 29169 Allen Conger, SPWS Phone: 803-798-1200 Construction Contractor Construcion Contractor POC Wright Contracting, LLC P.O. Box 545, Siler Ciy, NC 27344 Joe Wright Phone: 704-692-4633 Survey Contractor Survey Contractor POC Turner Land Surveying, PLLC P.O. Box 148, Swannanoa, NC 28778 David Turner, PLS Phone: 919-827-0745 Planting Contractor Planting Contractor POC Wright Contracting, LLC P.O. Box 545, Siler Ciy, NC 27344 Joe Wright Phone: 704-692-4633 Seed Mix Sources Mellow Marsh Farm Phone: 919-742-1200 Nusery Stock Suppliers (Bare Roots Trees, Bare Roots/Plugs Shrubs, Live Stakes) Mellow Marsh Farm Phone: 919-742-1200 Monitoring Performers Monitoring Performers POC WSP Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc 104 Corporate Blvd, Suite 407, West Columbia, SC 29169 Allen Conger, SPWS Phone: 803-798-1200 Table 3. Swift Creek Mitigation Project (SAW-2016-02338) - Project Background Information USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03020101 Tributary A-1 (Headwaters) Tributary A-1 Tributary B-1 Tributary B-2 (Headwaters) Tributary K 533.00 5,969.75 383.00 1056.00 720.81 unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined 24.5 ac 0.04 mi2 307.2 ac 0.48 mi2 57.6 ac 0.09 mi2 64.0 ac 0.10 mi2 12.16 ac 0.019 mi2 Intermittent Perennial Intermittent Intermittent Intermittent C, NSW C, NSW C, NSW C, NSW C, NSW G5c C5 C5 G5c C5 E5 E5 C5 E5 E5 II II III III II N/a AE AE AE N/a W4 W5 W6 W7 W10 W11 W12 W13 2.1 0.01 0.06 0.3 31.4 5.6 11.1 3.2 Riparian riverine Riparian riverine Riparian riverine Riparian riverine Riparian riverine Riparian riverine Riparian riverine Riparian riverine RaA, Ro Ro Ro Ro, AaA Ro, AaA, TaB AaA, TaB Ro, TaB Wh, TaB, WkB Poorly drained Poorly drained Poorly drained Poorly drained, moderately well drained Poorly drained, moderately well drained, somewhat excessively drained Moderately well drained, somewhat excessively drained Poorly drained, somewhat excessively drained Poorly drained, somewhat excessively drained, well drained Hydric Hydric Hydric Hydric, Non- hydric Hydric, Non- hydric, Non- hydric Non-hydric, Non-hydric Hydric, Non- hydric Hydric, Non- hydric, Non- hydric Surface Runoff, Groundwater Surface Runoff, Groundwater Surface Runoff, Groundwater Surface Runoff, Groundwater Surface Runoff, Groundwater Surface Runoff, Groundwater Surface Runoff, Groundwater Surface Runoff, Groundwater Preservation Preservation Preservation Hydrologic, Vegetative Preservation Hydrologic, Vegetative Hydrologic, Vegetative Preservation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documents? Yes Yes NWP 27 Yes Yes NWP 27 No Yes PRMP Yes Yes PRMP No N/a N/a Yes Yes Floodplain Development Permit No N/a N/a Length of reach (linear feet) Valley Confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Reach Summary Information Project Name County Project Area (acres) Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) Planted Acreage (Acres of Woody Stems Planted) Physiographic Province River Basin Project Drainage Area (Acres and Square Miles) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area CGIA Land Use Classification (2011) Paramters Soil Hydric Status Source of Hydrology FEMA Floodplain Compliance Restoration or Enhancement Method (hydrologic, vegetative) Drainage Area (Acres and Square Miles) Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral NCDWR Water Quality Classification Existing Stream Classification Wetland Summary Information Proposed Stream Classification Evolutionary Trend (Simon) FEMA Classification Wetland Type (non-riparian, riparian riverine, riparian non-riverine) Mapped Soil Series Size of Wetland (acres) Parameters Essential Fisheries Habitat Paramaters Water of the United States - Section 404 Water of the United States - Section 401 Endangered Species Act Historic Preservation Act Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA) Project Specifics Project Watershed Summary Information Regulatory Considerations 94.6% agriculture, 4.2% forest, and 1.2% rangeland USGS Hydrologic Unit 10-digit 0302010108 Swift Creek Mitigation Project Edgecombe 196.5 36.000565°, -77.607119° 17.0 Upper Coastal Plain Tar River Basin 204.8 ac/0.32 mi2 0.19% Drainage Class APPENDIX B VISUAL ASSESSMENT DATA Stream A Stream K Stream B Wetland 10 Wetland 11 Wetland 13 Wetland 4 Wetland 7 Wetland 6 Wetland 12 Wetland 10 UV1207 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 73.5 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (O verview).m xd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Overview) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site(~196.5 Acres) Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration(TOB-100')(~13.95 Acres) Riparian Buffer Restoration(100' - 200')(~11.69 Acres) Riparian Buffer Preservation(TOB-100')(~13.15 Acres / 8.55 Acres is 25% CAP) Wetland Enhancement(~17.0 Acres) Wetland Preservation(~36.8Acres) Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: MJC Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/12/2024 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 1,000 2,000Feet !? !?!? !? !?!? !?!? !?!? !? !? !. !. !< "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ Æÿ ÆÿÆÿ Æÿ Æÿ Wetland PS 6 Wetland PS 5 Wetland PS 4 Stream A PS 2 Stream A PS 1 MW 7 VP 7 VP 5 VP 6 VP 4 VP 3 VP 2 VP 10 CG-2 CG-1 SA XS-3 SK XS-2 SA XS-4 SK XS-1 SA XS-2 SA XS-1 Stream K Stream A Wetland 4 Wetland 7 Wetland 6 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 0.50.25 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (Inset A).mxd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Inset A) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: LML Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/12/2024 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 150 300Feet Top of Bank Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration (0'-100') Riparian Buffer Restoration (100'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation !.Crest Gauge (5) !?!?Cross Section Monitoring Stations "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404); DoesNot Meet Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Meets Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404); AtRisk of Not Meeting Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); Does NotMeet Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404);MeetsPerformance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); At Risk ofNot Meeting Performance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Does Not MeetPerformance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Meets PerformanceCriteria Photo Station Æÿ Stream Headwater Æÿ Wetland VP1 !?!? !?!? !? !?!? !? !?!? !? !? ! !. "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ "/"/ "/ "/"/ ÆÿÆÿ Æÿ Wetland PS 6 Wetland PS 5 Wetland PS 4 VP 7 VP 5 VP 6 VP 4 VP 15 VP 14 VP 13 VP 12 VP 11 VP 10 CG-2 MS-3 SA XS-6 SA XS-3 SK XS-2 SA XS-5 SA XS-4 SK XS-1 Stream K Stream A Wetland 4Wetland 7 Wetland 6 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 0.550.275 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (Inset B).m xd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Inset B) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: MJC Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/12/2024 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 150 300Feet Top of Bank Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration (0'-100') Riparian Buffer Restoration (100'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation !.Crest Gauge (5) !Macro Sampling Station (5) !?!?Cross Section Photo Station ÿÆ Stream Headwater ÿÆ Wetland Monitoring Stations MY2 Status "/ DVegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);oes Not Meet Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Meets Performance Criteria "/ Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);At Risk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); DoesNot Meet Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404);MeetsPerformance Criteria !. Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); AtRisk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !<Monitoring Well; Does Not MeetPerformance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Meets PerformanceCriteria !. !< "/ "/"/ !. !. Æÿ Æÿ Æÿ Stream B PS 2 Stream B PS 1 Stream B PS 3 MW 6 VP 19 VP 17 VP 13 CG-3 SA XS-5 Stream B Wetland 10 Wetland 11 Wetland 10 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 0.50.25 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (Inset C).m xd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Inset C) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: MJC Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/27/2023 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 150 300Feet Top of Bank Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration (0'-100') Riparian Buffer Restoration (100'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation !.Crest Gauge (5) !?!?Cross Section Monitoring Stations MY2 Status "/ DVegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);oes Not Meet Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Meets Performance Criteria "/ Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);At Risk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); DoesNot Meet Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404);MeetsPerformance Criteria !. Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); AtRisk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !<Monitoring Well; Does Not MeetPerformance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Meets PerformanceCriteria Photo Station Æÿ Stream Headwater Æÿ Wetland !< !< !< !< "/"/ "/ !. !. !. !. !?!? !?!? !? !? !?!? !. Æÿ Stream B PS 3 MW 6 MW 3 MW 2 MW 1 VP 9 VP 8 VP 19 VP 17 VP 16 CG-3 SA XS-6 SA XS-7 SA XS-8 SA XS-9 SA XS-10 Stream AStream B Wetland 11 Wetland 10 Wetland 10 Wetland 12 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 0.50.25 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (Inset D).m xd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Inset D) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: MJC Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/12/2024 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 150 300Feet Top of Bank Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration (0'-100') Riparian Buffer Restoration (100'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation !.Crest Gauge (5) !?!?Cross Section Monitoring Stations MY2 Status "/ DVegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);oes Not Meet Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Meets Performance Criteria "/ Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404); AtRisk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); DoesNot Meet Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404);MeetsPerformance Criteria !. Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); AtRisk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !<Monitoring Well; Does Not MeetPerformance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Meets PerformanceCriteria Photo Station Æÿ Stream Headwater Æÿ Wetland Low Water Crossing !. Æÿ Wetland PS 13 VP 20 Wetland 10 Wetland 13 Wetland 12 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 0.50.25 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (Inset E).m xd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Inset E) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: MJC Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/17/2024 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 150 300Feet Top of Bank Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration (0'-100') Riparian Buffer Restoration (100'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation .! Crest Gauge (5) !?!?Cross Section Photo Station Æÿ Stream Headwater Æÿ Wetland Monitoring Stations MY2 Status "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Does Not Meet Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Meets Performance Criteria "/ Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);At Risk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); DoesNot Meet Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot(404);Meets Performance Criteria !. Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); AtRisk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !<Monitoring Well; Does Not MeetPerformance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Meets PerformanceCriteria !?!? !?!? !?!? !. !< !< !< !< !. !. !.!. !. !. !. MW 4 MW 3 MW 2 MW 1 VP 9 VP 8 VP 20 VP 18 VP 21 VP 22 VP 23 CG-4 SA XS-11 SA XS-9 SA XS-10 Stream A Wetland 12 Wetland 10 Wetland 10 Wetland 10 Wetland 11 Wetland 10 Wetland 12 Wetland 10 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 0.50.25 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (Inset F).mxd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Inset F) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: MJC Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/17/2024 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 150 300Feet Top of Bank Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) !.Crest Gauge (5) !?!?Cross Section Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration (0'-100') Riparian Buffer Restoration (100'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation Photo Station Æÿ Stream Headwater Æÿ Wetland Monitoring Stations MY2 Status "/ DVegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);oes Not Meet Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Meets Performance Criteria "/ Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);At Risk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); DoesNot Meet Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot(404);Meets Performance Criteria !. Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); AtRisk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !<Monitoring Well; Does Not MeetPerformance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Meets PerformanceCriteria Low Water Crossing !?!? !?!? !. !. !< !< !.!. !. !. MW 5 MW 4 VP 24 VP 25 VP 22 VP 23 CG-5 CG-4 SA XS-11 SA XS-12 Stream A Wetland 12 Wetland 10 Wetland 10 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 0.50.25 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (Inset G).m xd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Inset G) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: MJC Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/17/2024 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 150 300Feet Top of Bank Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration (0'-100') Riparian Buffer Restoration (100'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation !.Crest Gauge (5) !?!?Cross Section Photo Station Æÿ Stream Headwater Æÿ Wetland Monitoring Stations MY2 Status "/ DVegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);oes Not Meet Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Meets Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);At Risk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); DoesNot Meet Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot(404);Meets Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); AtRisk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !<Monitoring Well; Does Not MeetPerformance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Meets PerformanceCriteria Æÿ Wetland PS 10 Wetland 10 I Imagery Source: USGS EarthExplorer I 0 0.50.25 Miles X:\US\USCAE400-CBA\projects\Environmental\2012 + Projects\0180 - Palustrine - REV. Swift Creek\GIS\MY1-MY5\MY02\Maps (MXDs)\Current Conditions Plan View M onitoring Year 2 (Inset H).m xd Current Conditions Plan ViewMonitoring Year 2 (Inset H) Legend Swift Creek Property(~593 Acres) Swift Creek Mitigation Site Swift Creek - PermitteeResponsible Mitigation PlanEdgecombe County, North Carolina Job No. 6250-18-0180 Drawn By: MJC Reviewed By: BPK Date: 1/17/2024 The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood, project number6250180180, and PalustrineGroup. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. 0 150 300Feet Top of Bank Stream Stream Head Water Restoration (PI) Stream Preservation Stream Restoration (PI) Planted Zones Riparian Buffer Restoration (0'-100') Riparian Buffer Restoration (100'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation !.Crest Gauge (5) !?!?Cross Section Photo Station Æÿ Stream Headwater Æÿ Wetland Monitoring Stations MY2_Status "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Does Not Meet Performance Criteria "/Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);Meets Performance Criteria "/ Vegetation Monitoring Plot (401/404);At Risk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); DoesNot Meet Performance Criteria !.Vegetation Monitoring Plot(404);Meets Performance Criteria !. Vegetation Monitoring Plot (404); AtRisk of Not Meeting PerformanceCriteria !<Monitoring Well; Does Not MeetPerformance Criteria !<Monitoring Well; Meets PerformanceCriteria Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC Cross-Sections Photographic Log Prepared By: LL Checked By: DM Page 1 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-1, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-1, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 2 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-1, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-1, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 3 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-1, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-1, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 4 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-1, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-1, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 5 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-2, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-2, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 6 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-2, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-2, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 7 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-2, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-2, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 8 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-2, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-2, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 9 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-3, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-3, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 10 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-3, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-3, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 11 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-3, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-3, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 12 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-3, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-3, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 13 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-4, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-4, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 14 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-4, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-4, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 15 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-4, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-4, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 16 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-4, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-4, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 17 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-5, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-5, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 18 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-5, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-5, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 19 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-5, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-5, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 20 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-5, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-5- UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 21 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-6, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-6, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 22 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-6, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-6, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 23 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-6, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-6, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 24 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-6, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-6, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 25 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-7, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-7, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 26 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-7, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-7 LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 27 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-7, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-7, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 28 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-7, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-7, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 29 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-8, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-8, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 30 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-8, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-8, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 31 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-8, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-8, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 32 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-8, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-8, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 33 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-9, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-9, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 34 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-9, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-9, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 35 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-9, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-9, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 36 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-9, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-9, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 37 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-10, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-10, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 38 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-10, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-10, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 39 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-10, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-10, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 40 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-10, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-10, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 41 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-11, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-11, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 42 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-11, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-11, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 43 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-11, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-11, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 44 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-11, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-11, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 45 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-12, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-12, DOWNSTREAM MY2 3 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 46 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-12, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-12, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 47 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-12, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-12, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 48 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SA-12, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SA-12, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 49 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SK-1, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SK-1, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 50 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SK-1, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SK-1, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 51 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SK-1, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SK-1, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 52 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SK-1, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SK-1, UPSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 53 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SK-2, DOWNSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SK-2, DOWNSTREAM MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 54 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SK-2, LEFT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SK-2, LEFT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 55 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SK-2, RIGHT BANK MY1 CROSS-SECTION SK-2, RIGHT BANK MY2 Cross-Section Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 56 of 56 CROSS-SECTION SK-2, UPSTREAM MY1 CROSS-SECTION SK-2, UPSTREAM MY2 Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 1 of 25 PLOT 1 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 2 of 25 PLOT 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 3 of 25 PLOT 3 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 4 of 25 PLOT 4 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 5 of 25 PLOT 5 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 6 of 25 PLOT 6 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 7 of 25 PLOT 7 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 8 of 25 PLOT 8 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 9 of 25 PLOT 9 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 10 of 25 PLOT 10 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 11 of 25 PLOT 11 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 12 of 25 PLOT 12 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 13 of 25 PLOT 13 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 14 of 25 PLOT 14 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 15 of 25 PLOT 15 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 16 of 25 PLOT 16 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 17 of 25 PLOT 17 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 18 of 25 PLOT 18 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 19 of 25 PLOT 19 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 20 of 25 PLOT 20 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 21 of 25 PLOT 21 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 22 of 25 PLOT 22 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 23 of 25 PLOT 23 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 24 of 25 PLOT 24 MY0 MY1 MY2 Vegetation Plots Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 25 of 25 PLOT 25 MY0 MY1 MY2 Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC Stream and Wetland Photographic Log Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 1 of 15 STREAM A HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 1, UPSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 2 of 15 STREAM A HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 1, DOWNSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 3 of 15 STREAM A HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 2, UPSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 4 of 15 STREAM A HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 2, DOWNSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 5 of 15 STREAM B HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 1, UPSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 6 of 15 STREAM B HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 1, DOWNSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 7 of 15 STREAM B HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 2, UPSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 8 of 15 STREAM B HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 2, DOWNSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 9 of 15 STREAM B HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 3, UPSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 10 of 15 STREAM B HEADWATER PHOTOSTATION 3, DOWNSTREAM MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 11 of 15 WETLAND 4 PHOTOSTATION MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 12 of 15 WETLAND 5 PHOTOSTATION MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 13 of 15 WETLAND 6 PHOTOSTATION MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 14 of 15 WETLAND 10 PHOTOSTATION MY0 MY1 MY2 Stream and Wetland Photostation Photographic Log Swift Creek PRMP November 8, 2023 6250180180 Edgecombe County, NC Prepared By: LL Checked By: MM Page 15 of 15 WETLAND 13 PHOTOSTATION MY0 MY1 MY2 APPENDIX C VEGETATION PLOT DATA Species Common Name % Planted Stocking Rate per Acre Species Common Name Stems Planted Quercus nigra Water oak 1,200 Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak 10 61 Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak 1,600 Quercus pagoda Cherry bark oak 9 10 54 61 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 1,500 Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak 9 10 54 61 Nyssa biflora Blackgum 1,100 Quercus nigra Water oak 9 10 54 61 Quercus alba White oak 600 Quercus phellos Willow oak 9 10 54 61 Quercus phellos Willow oak 700 Quercus lyrata Overcup oak 9 10 54 60 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash 400 Carya ovata Shagbark hickory 9 10 54 60 Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak 200 Carya cordiformis Bitternut 9 10 54 60 Betula nigra River birch 1,200 Carya aquatica Water hickory 9 54 Taxodium distichum Bald cypress 2,000 Juglans nigra Black walnut 9 10 54 60 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry 9 10 54 60 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 4,000 Nyssa biflora Blackgum 200 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 50 151 Salix nigra Black willow 3,000 Nyssa aquatica Water tupelo 50 151 Cornus amomum Silky dogwood 1,000 Salix nigra Black willow 33 1613 Populus heterophylla Cottonwood 33 1613 Cornus amomum Silky dogwood 33 1613 Table 4. Swift Creek Mitigation Project (SAW-2016-02338) - Planting List Zone 1 - Bottomland Hardwood Forest Zone 2 - Cypress-Gum Swamp 12 x 12 ft Spacing Zone 3 - Riparian Stream Bank Live Staking 3 x 3 ft Spacing Supplemental Planting List (March-April 2023) Zone 1 - Bottomland Hardwood Forest 6 x 12 ft Spacing Zone 2 - Cypress-Gum Swamp Zone 3 - Riparian Stream Bank Live Staking Table 5a: Stem Counts and Densities Table Date of Initial Plant 4/15/2023 Date(s) of Supplements Plant(s)Apr-23 Date of Current Survey 9/13/2023, 9/14/2023 Plot Size (ACRES)0.02 Average Stems per Acre 481 *Green highlighted measures are on track to meet performance standards. Orange highlighted measures are not currently meeƟng performance standards. Yellow highlighted measures are in danger of not meeƟng performance standards (currently have ≤10 stems in plot or 405 stems per acre). Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 Plot 10 Plot 11 Plot 12 Plot 13 RB RB RB RB RB WE RB WE WE RB RB RB RB Quercus alba White oak Tree FACU 3 Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak Tree FACW 3 6 1 1 3 4 6 1 2 1 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak Tree FAC 2 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak Tree FACW Quercus nigra Water oak Tree FAC 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow oak Tree FACW 1 Quercus lyrata Overcup oak Tree OBL 5 2 2 1 7 3 3 Betula nigra River Birch Tree FACW 1 Carya ovata Shagbark hickory Tree FACU Carya cordiformis Bitternut Tree FAC 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 Juglans nigra Black walnut Tree UPL 1 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Tree FACW Taxodium distichum Bald cypress Tree OBL 2 1 1 1 8 13 2 1 Nyssa aquatica Water tupelo Tree OBL Nyssa biflora Swamp tupelo Tree OBL 2 1 Salix nigra Black willow Tree OBL Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore Tree FACW 2 3 1 4 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 Populus heterophylla Cottonwood Tree OBL Cornus amomum Sily dogwood Tree FACW UK UK Tree UK 1 Sum 19 16 6 11 7 13 9 8 13 11 12 10 9 Volunteer Species Ulmus alata Winged elm Tree FACU 1 1 Sum 19 16 6 11 7 13 10 8 13 11 12 10 10 19 16 6 11 7 13 9 8 13 11 12 10 9 769 647 243 445 283 526 364 324 526 445 486 405 364 8 7 5 5 6 -4 --4 4 6 6 26%38%33%36%29%-44%--55%58%30%33% 1.45 1.97 2.24 2.63 2.31 1.78 1.90 3.74 4.26 1.53 2.28 1.87 1.50 1%0%2%0%0%-0%--1%0%1%0% 19 16 6 11 7 13 10 8 13 11 12 10 10 769 647 243 445 283 526 405 324 526 445 486 405 405 7 7 5 5 6 -5 --4 4 6 7 31%38%33%36%29%-40%--55%58%30%30% 1.45 1.97 2.24 2.63 2.31 1.78 1.95 3.74 4.26 1.53 2.28 1.87 1.37 0%0%0%0%0%-0%--0%0%0%0% MY2 Monitoring Results Including Volunteer Species Current Year Stem Count Stems/Acre Species Count Dominant Species Composition (%) Average Plot Height (ft) % Invasives Scientific Name Common Name Tree/Shrub Indicator Status Species Included in Approved Mitigation Plan MY2 Monitoring Results Current Year Stem Count Stems/Acre Species Count Dominant Species Composition (%) Average Plot Height (ft) % Invasives Plot 14 Plot 15 Plot 16 Plot 17 Plot 18 Plot 19 Plot 20 Plot 21 Plot 22 Plot 23 Plot 24 Plot 25 RB RB RB WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak Tree FACW 1 4 2 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak Tree FAC 2 3 Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak Tree FACW 1 1 Quercus nigra Water oak Tree FAC Quercus phellos Willow oak Tree FACW Quercus lyrata Overcup oak Tree OBL 1 Carya ovata Shagbark hickory Tree FACU Carya cordiformis Bitternut Tree FAC 1 1 1 Juglans nigra Black walnut Tree UPL Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Tree FACW Taxodium distichum Bald cypress Tree OBL 11 16 9 16 17 20 3 15 7 Nyssa aquatica Water tupelo Tree OBL Nyssa biflora Swamp tupelo Tree OBL 2 3 1 Salix nigra Black willow Tree OBL Betula nigra River birch Tree FACW 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree FACW 1 5 1 Populus heterophylla Cottonwood Tree OBL Cornus amomum Sily dogwood Tree FACW UK UK Tree UK 1 Sum 5 12 11 11 16 9 16 20 20 6 15 7 Volunteer Species Ulmus alata Winged elm Tree FACU 3 Sum 5 12 14 11 16 9 16 20 20 6 15 7 5 12 11 11 16 9 16 20 20 6 15 7 202 486 445 445 647 364 647 809 809 243 607 283 4 7 5 --------- 40%33%45%--------- 1.74 1.72 1.93 2.50 3.57 3.41 3.23 1.62 1.70 1.10 2.49 2.66 2%0%0%--------- 5 12 14 11 16 9 16 20 20 6 15 7 202 486 567 445 647 364 647 809 809 243 607 283 4 7 6 --------- 40%33%36%--------- 1.74 1.72 1.71 2.50 3.57 3.41 3.23 1.34 1.69 0.94 2.49 2.66 0%0%0%---------% Invasives % Invasives Current Year Stem Count Stems/Acre Species CountMY2 Monitoring Results Including Volunteer Species Species Count Dominant Species Composition (%) Average Plot Height (ft) Species Included in Approved Mitigation Plan MY2 Monitoring Results Scientific Name Common Name Tree/Shrub Indicator Status Dominant Species Composition (%) Average Plot Height (ft) Current Year Stem Count Stems/Acre APPENDIX D STREAM MEASUREMENT AND GEOMORPHOLOGY DATA Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-1 (pool) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 86.61 86.70 86.68 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 0.4 0.4 0.5 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 1.6 1.8 2.0 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-2 (riffle) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 86.68 86.71 86.69 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 0.6 0.6 0.6 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 1.9 1.8 1.6 W/D Ratio 10.3 11.8 12.8 Entrenchment Ratio 3.8 3.6 3.7 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-3 (riffle) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 78.92 79.11 79.12 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 0.7 0.7 0.9 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 2.3 2.8 3.0 W/D Ratio 15.5 15.2 17.1 Entrenchment Ratio 5.0 4.6 4.2 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-4 (pool) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 79.66 79.83 79.87 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 0.7 0.8 0.8 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 2.6 3.0 3.3 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-5 (riffle) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 72.39 72.58 72.49 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 0.7 0.8 0.8 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 2.7 3.5 3.2 W/D Ratio 15.8 15.0 14.5 Entrenchment Ratio 3.8 3.4 3.7 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-6 (pool) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 71.97 72.05 72.04 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 1.3 1.1 1.2 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 7.0 6.6 6.4 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-7 (pool) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 70.54 70.72 70.74 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 1.2 1.3 1.3 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 4.3 6.2 6.6 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-8 (pool) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 63.96 63.81 63.93 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 1.3 1.1 1.2 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 13.3 10.6 12.5 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-9 (riffle) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 60.16 60.55 60.52 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 1.0 1.2 1.1 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 3.9 4.5 4.5 W/D Ratio 9.6 9.5 9.7 Entrenchment Ratio 3.1 2.9 2.9 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-10 (pool) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 60.22 60.27 60.33 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 1.2 1.3 1.3 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 3.5 3.8 4.1 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-11 (pool) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 59.42 59.42 59.31 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 2.1 2.0 1.8 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 10.7 10.7 13.1 *High amount of vegetation in channel Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SA-12 (riffle) Reach ID SA Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 58.12 58.28 58.37 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 1.3 1.1 1.3 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 6.0 4.9 5.8 W/D Ratio 9.2 9.5 12.5 Entrenchment Ratio 3.4 3.7 3.0 *High amount of vegetation in channel Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SK-1 (riffle) Reach ID SK Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 77.88 77.79 77.85 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 0.5 0.5 0.6 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 2.0 1.9 2.2 W/D Ratio 24.9 18.8 20.6 Entrenchment Ratio 3.3 3.9 3.5 Project Name Swift Creek PRMP Cross Section ID CXSEC SK-2 (pool) Reach ID SK Monitoring Year 2 MY0 MY1 MY2 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 77.89 77.87 77.93 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft) 0.9 0.9 1.0 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft) 3.4 3.3 4.0 Table 6b. Swift Creek Mitigation Bank (SAW-2016-02338) - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Cross Sections) Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft)86.61 86.70 86.68 86.68 86.71 86.69 78.92 79.11 79.12 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft)0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.9 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft)1.6 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.6 2.3 2.8 3.0 W/D Ratio 20.6 15.4 10.3 11.8 12.8 15.5 15.2 17.1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.1 1.2 3.8 3.6 3.7 5.0 4.6 4.2 Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft)79.66 79.83 79.87 72.39 72.58 72.49 71.97 72.05 72.04 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft)0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.1 1.2 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft)2.6 3.0 3.3 2.7 3.5 3.2 7.0 6.6 6.4 W/D Ratio 9.3 11.4 15.8 15.0 14.5 12.5 15.6 Entrenchment Ratio 2.1 1.8 3.8 3.4 3.7 2.4 1.2 Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft)70.54 70.72 70.74 63.96 63.81 63.93 60.16 60.55 60.52 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft)1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.1 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft)4.3 6.2 6.6 13.3 10.6 12.5 3.9 4.5 4.5 W/D Ratio 7.7 8.0 8.9 8.8 9.6 9.5 9.7 Entrenchment Ratio 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.2 3.1 2.9 2.9 Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft)60.22 60.27 60.33 59.42 59.42 59.31 58.12 58.28 58.37 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft)1.2 1.3 1.3 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.3 1.1 1.3 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft)3.5 3.8 4.1 10.7 10.7 13.1 6.0 4.9 5.8 W/D Ratio 9.4 11.0 4.4 8.6 9.2 9.5 12.5 Entrenchment Ratio 1.6 1.5 3.1 1.4 3.4 3.7 3.0 Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft)77.88 77.79 77.85 77.89 77.87 77.93 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Max Depth (ft)0.5 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.0 Cross Sectional Area (sq. ft)2.0 1.9 2.2 3.4 3.3 4.0 W/D Ratio 24.9 18.8 20.6 6.7 6.1 Entrenchment Ratio 3.3 3.9 3.5 1.9 2.3 Cross Section SA-7 (pool)Cross Section SA-8 (pool)Cross Section SA-9 (riffle) Swift Creek Mitigaiton Bank Cross Section SA-3 (riffle) Cross Section SA-4 (pool)Cross Section SA-5 (riffle) Cross Section SA-1 (pool)Cross Section SA-2 (riffle) Cross Section SA-6 (pool) **Bankfull Elevation values for SA-3 MY1, SA-4 MY1, SA-5 MY1, SA-6 MY0 and MY1, SA-7 MY1, SA-8 MY0 and MY1, SA-9 MY1, and SA-11 MY0 and MY1 were reassessed at MY2 and updated to more accurate and consistent values. *Some MY0 and MY1 ER calculations were reevaluated at MY2 to exclude areas below bankfull elevation located outside of the channel. Cross Section SA-10 (pool)Cross Section SA-12 (riffle)Cross Section SA-11 (pool) Cross Section SK-1 (riffle)Cross Section SK-2 (pool) NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 7.5 Ephemeral 6.5 •artificial ditches are not rated:see discussions in manual 1 0 Other e.g .Q uad Name:Absent Weak Moderate Strong Date: 9/14/2023 Project/Site: SCMB SA Headwater Latitude: 36.005 Evaluator: LL County: Edgecombe Longitude: -77.604 Total Points: Stream is at least Stream Determination: 1.Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2.Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3.In-channel structure: ex.riffle-pool,step-pool,ripple-pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6.Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7.Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8.Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 10.Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 13.Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 3 14.Leaf litter 1.5 0 11.Second or greater order channel 0 3 12.Presence of Base flow 0 3 A. Geomorphology Subtotal: B.Hydrology Subtotal: 1 1 1 2 2 0.5 17.Soil-based evidence of high water table? 18.Fibrous roots in streambed 3 0 15.Sediment on plants or debris 0 1.5 16.Organic debris lines or piles 0 1.5 C.Biology Subtotal: 1 1 0.5 0.5 30 12 19.Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 0 20.Macro benthos (note diversity and abundance)0 3 1 2 2 1 Sketch: 25.Algae 0 1.5 26.Wetland plants in streambed *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods.See p. 35 of manual. 21.Aquatic Mollusks 0 3 22.Fish 0 1.5 2 1 1 0.5 1.5 Notes: 23.Crayfish 0 1.5 24.Amphibians 0 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.75 1.5 NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 15 Ephemeral 5 •artificial ditches are not rated:see discussions in manual 5.5 4.5 Other e.g .Q uad Name:Absent Weak Moderate Strong Date: 9/13/2023 Project/Site: SCMB SB Headwater Latitude: 36.001 Evaluator: LL County: Edgecombe Longitude: -77.612 Total Points: Stream is at least Stream Determination: 1.Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2.Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3.In-channel structure: ex.riffle-pool,step-pool,ripple-pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6.Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7.Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8.Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 10.Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 13.Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 3 14.Leaf litter 1.5 0 11.Second or greater order channel 0 3 12.Presence of Base flow 0 3 A. Geomorphology Subtotal: B.Hydrology Subtotal: 1 1 1 2 2 0.5 17.Soil-based evidence of high water table? 18.Fibrous roots in streambed 3 0 15.Sediment on plants or debris 0 1.5 16.Organic debris lines or piles 0 1.5 C.Biology Subtotal: 1 1 0.5 0.5 30 12 19.Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 0 20.Macro benthos (note diversity and abundance)0 3 1 2 2 1 Sketch: 25.Algae 0 1.5 26.Wetland plants in streambed *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods.See p. 35 of manual. 21.Aquatic Mollusks 0 3 22.Fish 0 1.5 2 1 1 0.5 1.5 Notes: 23.Crayfish 0 1.5 24.Amphibians 0 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.75 1.5 APPENDIX E HYDROLOGIC DATA Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC Crest Gauge Hydrographs Crest Gauge Hydrographs Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC December 1, 2023 6250180180 *CG-5 had a data error. MY2 data was not recovered. **Remote data was used for rainfall from 10/2022 to 5/2023 due to equipment malfunction onsite. Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC Groundwater Monitoring Well Hydrographs -40.00 -35.00 -30.00 -25.00 -20.00 -15.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 5.00 3/21/2023 4/21/2023 5/21/2023 6/21/2023 7/21/2023 8/21/2023 9/21/2023 Wa t e r E l e v a t i o n ( i n . ) Date Monitoring Well 1 Growing Season Hydrograph MY2 Avg. Water Level (in.)Wetland Criteria (12 in. BGS)Longest Hydroperiod (21 days) -75 -65 -55 -45 -35 -25 -15 -5 3/21/2023 4/21/2023 5/21/2023 6/21/2023 7/21/2023 8/21/2023 9/21/2023 Wa t e r E l e v a t i o n ( i n . ) Date Monitoring Well 2 Growing Season Hydrograph MY2 Wetland Criteria (12 in. BGS)Avg. Water Level (in.)Longest Hydroperiod (4 days) Groundwater Monitoring Well Hydrographs Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC November 27, 2023 6250180180 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 3/21/2023 4/21/2023 5/21/2023 6/21/2023 7/21/2023 8/21/2023 9/21/2023 Wa t e r E l e v a t i o n ( i n . ) Date Monitoring Well 3 Growing Season Hydrograph MY2 Avg Water Level (in.)Wetland Criteria (12 in. BGS)Longest Hydroperiod (87 days) -40.00 -35.00 -30.00 -25.00 -20.00 -15.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 3/21/2023 4/21/2023 5/21/2023 6/21/2023 7/21/2023 8/21/2023 9/21/2023 Wa t e r E l e v a t i o n ( i n . ) Date Montitoring Well 4 Growing Season Hydrography MY2 Avg. Water Level (in.)Wetland Criteria (12 in. BGS)Longest Hydroperiod (14 days) Groundwater Monitoring Well Hydrographs Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC November 27, 2023 6250180180 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 3/21/2023 4/21/2023 5/21/2023 6/21/2023 7/21/2023 8/21/2023 9/21/2023 Wa t e r E l e v a t i o n ( i n . ) Date Monitoring Well 5 Growing Season Hydrograph MY2 Avg. Water Level (in.)Wetland Criteria (12 in. BGS)Longest Hydroperiod (86 days) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 3/21/2023 4/21/2023 5/21/2023 6/21/2023 7/21/2023 8/21/2023 9/21/2023 Wa t e r E l e v a t i o n ( i n . ) Date Monitoring Well 6 Growing Season Hydrograph MY2 Avg. Water Level (in.)Wetland Criteria (12 in. BGS)Longest Hydroperiod (17 days) Groundwater Monitoring Well Hydrographs Swift Creek PRMP Edgecombe County, NC November 27, 2023 6250180180 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 3/21/2023 4/21/2023 5/21/2023 6/21/2023 7/21/2023 8/21/2023 9/21/2023 Wa t e r E l e v a t i o n ( i n . ) Date Monitoring Well 7 Growing Season Hydrograph MY2 Avg. Water Level (in.)Wetland Criteria (12 in. BGS)Longest Hydroperiod (57 days) Month Observed Onsite Rain Gauge Monthly Rainfall Totals* State Climate Office of NC Tarboro- Edgecombe Airport (KETC) Station Data 30% Climate Normal** 70% Climate Normal** Jan 0 3.16 3.31 4.94 Feb 0 1.94 2.43 4.17 March 0.03 2.34 3.19 4.90 April 0.04 3.15 1.90 3.73 May 0.05 1.22 2.67 4.41 June 2.68 1.58 2.53 4.46 July 6.62 3.35 3.04 5.31 Aug 4.64 3.91 3.46 5.84 Sept 6.93 5.09 2.48 5.38 Oct*1.22 0.89 1.33 3.67 *Onsite rain gauge data for Oct was collected on Oct 19. Incomplete month. **Climate normals taken from NOAA National Wether Service Station USC00318500 - Tarboro, NC Table 8: Monthly Rainfall Data Swift Creek PRMP MY2 2023 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct* In c h e s o f R a i n f a l l 2023 Monthly Rainfall Observed Onsite Rain Gauge Monthly Rainfall Totals* State Climate Office of NC Tarboro-Edgecombe Airport (KETC) Station Data 30% Climate Normal** 70% Climate Normal**