HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140843 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20151030Perrnft tVcrrnrrcr: (to be provided by D ) r r� V,4 HCDENR A ASCRA ra STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM DLII °"I ENTIII 1'' GEL.L., S IIPIIP2LEIWE' This farm must be idled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part dtl) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information, Project name Jule Noland Road Phase 9E — — Contact name John —Harmon Phone number 628 452 0545 Date October 25 2015 Drainage area number 4 I w EIIN O _fids Site Characteristics Drainage area 46,609 f? Impervious area 52,670 ft 2 Percent impervious: 701% % Design rainfall dearth 2,6 inch �- ,..•t -.k Is preipost control of the 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow required? N (Y or N) 1 -yr, 24 --hr runoff depth 158 in 1 -yr, 24 -hr intensity Q.107 irnfhr Pre -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 0,040 ft/sec Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 0,109 f'/soc Pre/Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak control 0.069 ft'/sec Storage Volume: Nary -SA Waters..._.__ Minimum volume required 2,629.0 fts Volume provided 6,98U ft' D�K Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5' runoff volume 3 Pre -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff fta Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff ft' Minimum volume required 0 ft3 Volume provided�fts Cell Dimensions Pondsng death of water 9 inches OK Ponding death of water 6.75 ft. Surace area of the top of the beretention cell 5,389.0 fl' OK Length: _ 110 ft OK Width: 49 It OK -or_ Radius ft Cela and Soils Summary Drawdown bine, ponded volune 6 hr OK Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface 5 hr OK Drawdown urine, total: 11 hr in-situsail':.. Soap perrneabslity 1.00 In/hr CK Planning media soil. Seip permeability 1,00 Whr OK Sail composition __ ...._ Sand (by volume) 86% SDK Fines (by volume) 10% OK * Organic (by volume)4% _ --i50—%, OK Total: Phosphorus Index (P -Index) of media m _ m 20' (unitless) OK Form SVV401-Slareter,nn€rn-Rev.8 June 25, 2010 NP' s ! and H n n!Ja�m ?n 6irrnirnnnnrx p aim .n r�i,f I Basin Elevations Temporary pcd elevation "I ype, of bioretention cell (answer "Y" to only one of the two following questions), - Is this a grassed cell? Is this a cell wilts trees/shrubs? Planting devabon (top of the mulch or grass sod layer) Depth of mulch Bottom of the planting media soil Planting media depth Depth of washed sand below planting media soil ZMME��� How many clean out pipes are being lnstalled? That factor of safety is used for sibrig the undordrains? (See BMP Manual Section 123.6) Additional distance between the bottom of the planting media and the bottom of the cell to account for undordrains Bottom of the cell required SHWT elevation Distance from bottom to SHUNT Internal Water Storage Zone (IWS) Does the design Include INNS Elevation of the top of the upturned elbow Separation of IWS and Surface Planting Plan Number of tree species Number of shrub species Number of herbaceous group ver species Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the horotention cell? Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What is the length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet if SA waters)? Is the BMP bcaW at Ieast 100 feet from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 31? Is the BMP located in a proposed drainage easement with access to a public Right of Way (ROM? Inlet velocity (from treatment system) Is the area surrounding the cell likely to undergo development in the future? Are the slopes draining to the boretention cell greater than 20%? Is the drainage area permanently stabilized? Pretreatment Used (indicate Type Used with an'.X" in the shaded cell) Gravel and grass (811nehos gravel Vowed by 3-5 ft of grass) Grassed swale For Other Form M401-8imetention-Rev,8 June 25, 2010 Pei ind Number -- (to be provided by D Y (Y or N) OK (Y or N) 2583 fmsI inches 2581 frnsi 2 ft 0,33 ft Y (Y or N) 30 ft 6 OK 10 OK 1 it (Y or N) 2579.67 fmsl (Y or N) 2517.4 frnsl (Y or N) 2.27 ft OK N (Y or N) — fmsI F58ift 0 Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) In MEMMMIMEEMIS = I N (Y or N) OK N (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK El 0 Pads 1 and il, Design Sunimary, Page 2 of 2 30 ft IN (Y or N) Y (Y or N) Y (Y or N) Y (Y or N) Y (Y or N) In MEMMMIMEEMIS = I N (Y or N) OK N (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK El 0 Pads 1 and il, Design Sunimary, Page 2 of 2 Permit Nurnber- ........ .. (to be provided by DWQ) HCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM BIORETEN1 ION QEL� SUPPI., EMEN r This form must be filled out, printed and submitted, The Required Items Checklist (Part 1/1) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. Project name Jule Noland Road Phase it Contact nano John HaIrmon Phone number 828 452 0545 Date October 25 2015 Drainage area nuntxr T Site Characteristics Drainage area 37,462 ft2 Impervious area 32,234 ft2 Percent Impervious 86,0% % Design rainfall depth 2,6 inch Peak Flow Calculations 9 inches Is preJpost control of the 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow required? N _(YorN) 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff depth 2,58 in 1 -yr, 24 -hr Intensity 0,107 irvbr Pre-dovdopment 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 0,032 ft3/sec Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 0.087 ft3/Sec Pre/Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak control 0,055 ft'/sec Storage Volume: tion -SA Wars -or- Radius Minimum volume required 2,58U ft�' Volume provided 3,403,0 ft',' OK Storage Volume: SA Waters Drawdown time, ponded volume 1.5" runoff volume ft3 Pre -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff ft3 Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff ft3 Minimum volume required 0 ft3 Volume provided ft3 RMFOM71T=-1 Pending depth of water 9 inches OK Pending depth of water 0.75 ft Surface area of the top of the bioretention cell 4,811,0 ft2 OK Length: 139 ft OK Width: 69 ft OK -or- Radius ft Media and Soils Summary Drawdown time, ponded volume 6 hr OK Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface 5 hr OK Draw time, total: 11 hr In-situ soil, Soil permeability 1.00 irVhr OK Planting media soil, Soil permeability 1.00 Whr OK Soil composition % Sand (by volume) 86% OK % Fines (by volume) I OK % Organic (by volume) 4% OK TotaI� 100% Phosphorus index (P-Mclex) of mocla 20 (unitless) OK Form SW401-8ioretentkm-Rev.8 hhn6+71, Mleli Permit NwnW. r: (to be pivvkW by DVM) 717 MINIM= Temporary pod elevation 2582,75 fmsi Type of bioretention cell (answer 'Y" to only one of the two foilowing questions): Is this a grassed cell? Y (Y or N) OK is this a cell with trees/shrubs? (Y or, N) Planting elevation (top of the mulch or grass sod layer) 2582 fmsl Depth of mulch inches Bottom of the planting is soil 2580 fmst Planting media depth 2 If Depth of washed sand below planting is soil 033 It Are underdrains being installed? Y (Y or N) How many clean out pipes are being instalied? 6 OK What factor of safety is used for sizing ft underdrains? (See BMP Manual Section 12.16) 10 OK Additional distance between the bottom of the planting media and the bottom of the cell to account for unclardrains, I ft Bottom of the cell required �578 67 frnsl SHWT elevation 2567.7 fmsl Distance from bottom to SHW`f 10,97 ft OK Internal Water Storage Zone (IWS) Does the design inciude IWS N (Y or N) Elevation of the top of the upturned elbow ftnsl Separation of IWS and Surface 2582 ft Planting Plan Number of tree species 0 Number of shrub species Number of herbaceous groundcover species Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass ft Y bioretention cell'? (Y or N) OK Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? N (Y or N) Excess volume must pass through filter, What is the length of the vegetated filter? fit Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? N (Y or N) Show how Now is evenly distributed. Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet if SA waters)? Y (Y or N) OK Is the BMP localed at least 100 feet from water supply wells? Y (Y or N) OK Are the vegetated side sbpes equal to or less than: 31? Y (Y or' N) OK Is the BMP located in a proposed drainage easement with access to a public Rght of Way (ROW)? Y (Y or N) OK Inlet velocity (from treatment system) 0.1 ft/sec OK Is the area surrounding the cell likely to undergo development in the future? N (Y or N) OK Are the slopes draining to the boi,eiention cell greater than 201%? N (Y or N) OK Is ft drainage area permanently stabilized? Y (Y or N) OK Pretreatment Used (Indicate Type Used width an "X'° in me shaded cell) Gravel and grass (Winches gravel followed by 3-5 IT of grass) X Grassed swale OK Fee Other Form SW40143ioreterrfio n -Rev. 8 June 25,,2010 Parts 9 and h Design Surnrnary, Page 2 of 2 Perm# Pear n4aer: (to be 1mvided by MW) 611) MCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM BIORETEN noiq CEL.J. SUPPLEEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part (//) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. W101 Project name Jule Noland Road Phase it Contact name John Harmon Phone number 828 452 0545 Date October 25 2015 Drainage area number 2 -1i►N INFO ATION Site Characteristics N (Y or N) Drainage area 52,572 ftp Impervious area 43,996 If 2 Percent impervious 837% % Design rainfall depth 2,6 inch Is prelpost control of the 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow required? N (Y or N) 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff depth 2.58 in 1 -yr, 24 -hr intensity 0.101 in/hr, Pre -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 0,045 ft3isec Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 0.122 ft/sec Pre/Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak control 0017 ft"Isec Storage Volume: Non-SAWaters 56 ft Mrnimum volume required 3,506.0 ft' Volume provided 7,9%0 ftu OK Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5' runoff volume ft3 Pre -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff ft3 Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoffft3 5 hr Minimum volume required 0- ft3 Volume provided ft' W-WiF171r,"r, "I" Ponding depth of water 9 inches OK Ponding depth of water 015 ft Surface area of the top of the bioretenflon cell 5,684,0 ft' OK Length: 102 it OK Width: 56 ft OK -or- Radius It Media and Solis Summary Drawdown time, ponded volurne 6 hr OK Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface 5 hr OK Drawdown time, total: 11 hr In-sdu Solt. Soil permeability 1.00 Whr OK Planting media soil. Soil permeabiiity I �00 inthr OK Soil composition % Sand (by volume) 860 OK % Fines (by volume) 10% OK % Organic (by volume)4% OK Total:__ Phosphorus Index (P-Incx)of mcda 20, (unitless) OK Form SW401-Bioreten1bn-Rev,6 "C Pr%4. I And 11 9 "f') Basin Elevations Ternporary pool elevation Type of bioretention cell (answer "Y" to only one of the two follov&g questions): Is this a grassed cell? Is this a cell with trees/shrubs? Planting elevation (top of the mulch or grass sod layer) Depth of mulch Bottom of the planting media soil Planting media depth Depth of washed sand below planting media soil Are underdrains being installed? How many clean out pipes are being installed? What factor of safety is used for sizing the underdrains? (See BIVIP Manual Section 12.3.6) Addtonal distance between the bottom of the planting media and the bottom of the cell to account for underdrains Bottom of the cell required SHWT elevation Distance from bottom to SH Internal Water Storage Zone (IWS) Does the design include IWS Elevation of the top of the upturned elbow Separation of lWS and Surface Planting Plan Number of tree species Number of shrub species Nu er of herbaceous groundcover species Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the bioretention cell? Does volume In excess of the design volume flow eventy distributed through a vegetated filter? What is the length of the vegetated fifter7 Does the Ggn use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet if SA waters)? Is the BIAP located at least 100 feet from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side- slopes equal to or less than 3:1? Is the BMP located in a proposed drainage easement with access to a public Right of Way (ROW)? Wet velocity (from treatment system) Is the area surrounding the cell likely to, undergo development in the future? Are the slopes draining to the bioretention cell greater than 20%? is the drainage area permanently stabilized? Pretreatment Used (Indicate Type Used with an "X'jn the shaded cell) Gravel and grass (8inchesgravel followed by 3-5 IT of grass) Grassed swale Forisbay Other Form SW401-8ioretenfion-Rev,8 June 2g, 2010 Permft Number (to be povi(Jed by D Y _(YorN) OK (Y or N) 2582 frnsl inches 2580 fmsi 2 ft 0,33 ft Y (Y or N) 6 OK 10 OK 1 ft 2578.67 frnsl 2570.8 fmsl 7.87 ft OK N (Y or N) fmsl 2582 ft 0 Y (Y or N) OK N (Y or N) Excess volume must pass through filter, ft N (Y or N) Show how flow is evenly distributed Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) 0K 01 ft/sec OK N (Y or N) OK N (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK 13 W Parts I and H Cosign Surnmary , Page 2 of PerMil Ntjrnbw� (to be piuvided by DKV) J1 FMA A&A c:aM. n, HCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERUT APPLICAT�ON FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM BIOREETUITTION CO LI SUFTLEIRDY I This form must be filled out, printed and submitted, The Required items Checklist (Part /I/) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. Project name Jule Noland Road Phase 11 Contact name John Harmon Phone number 828 452 0545 Date October 25 2015 Drainage area number I UJIM940", 4 111, Site Characteristics N (Y or N) Drainage area 43,124 ftp Impervious area 35,284 ft2 Percent impervious 81.8% % Design rainfall depth 2iinch is pre/post control of the 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow required?. N (Y or N) OK 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff depth 2.58 in OK 1 -yr, 24 -hr intensity 0.10% in/hr' Pre -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 0,037 ft3/sec Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 0,101 ft'/sec OK Pre/Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak control 0.064 ft/,sec StorageVolume- Non-SAWaters 1.00 Whr OK Minimum volurne required 2,812.0 ft,' Volume provided 6,329,0 ft' OK Storage Volume: SA Waters 100/0 OK I 5" runoff volume ft OK Pre-clevelopment 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff fly Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff ft, OK MiNmum voiume required 0 ftl Volume provided ft'3 Ppvft I and 11 11-w-wdnn nioirninftru r11eu- I ra 2 Coll Dimensions Pondrig depth of water9 inches OK Pending depth of water 075 ft Surface area of the top of the boretention cell 5,111.1 fie OK Length: 86 ft OK Width: 55 It OK -or- Radius ft Drawdown time, ponied volume 6 hr OK Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface 5 hr OK Drawdown time, total: 11 hr In-sfiu soil: Soil permeabilfty 1,00 Whr OK Planfing media soil. Soil permeability 1.00 Whr OK Soil composition * Sand (by volume) 86% OK * Fines (by voUrne) 100/0 OK * Organic (by volurne) 411/6 OK Total; 1667% Phosphorus Index (P -Index) of media 20 (unifless) OK Form SW401-Biorefenfion-Rev,8 hqu. 'A 'Pn1n Ppvft I and 11 11-w-wdnn nioirninftru r11eu- I ra 2 FIT M'39m= Permft Number (to be provided by DING) Temporary pool elevabon 2582,75 frnsl T ype of bioretention cell (answer "Y" to only one of the two What is the length of the vegetated filter? folloyAng questions): 10 OK Is this a grassed call? Y _(YorN) OK Is this a cell with trees/shrubs? (Y or N) Planting elevation (top of the mulch or grass sod layer) 2582 firnsi Depth of mulch inches Bottom of the planting media soil 2580 fmsl Ranting media depth 2 ft Depth of washed sand below planfing media soil 033 ft Are underdrains being installed? Y (Y or N) How many clean out pipes are being installed? 6 OK What factor of safety is used for sizing the underdrains? (See What is the length of the vegetated filter? BMP Manual Section 123 6) 10 OK Additional distance between the bottom of the planting media and Y the bottom of the cell to account for underdrains 1 ft Bottom of the cell required 257EF67 fmsl SHWT elevation 2573,6 fmsl Distance from bottom to SHWT 507 ft OK Internal Water Storage Zone (INNS) (Y or N) Does the design include IWS N (Y or N): Elevation of the top of the upturned elbow frnsl Separation of IWS and SurfaceW2582 ft Planting Plan Nurriber of free species 0 Nu ntw of shrub species 0,11 fysec Number of herbaceous groundoover species N Additional Information the future? Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the Y (Y or N) OK bioretention cell? N Does volume in excess of the desirin volume flow evenly distributed Is the drainage area permanently stabilized? through a vegetated filter? Y (Y or N) What is the length of the vegetated filter? 30 ft Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Y (Y or N) Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet if Y (Y or N) SA waters)? Is the BMP located at least 100 feet from water supply wells? Y (Y or N) Are the vegetated sicle slopes equal to or less than 3:1? Y (Y or N) Is the BMP located in a proposed drainage easement wlth access Y (Y or N) to a public Right of Way (ROW)? Inlet velocity (from treatment system) 0,11 fysec Is the area surrounding the cefl likely to undergo development in N (Y or N) the future? Are the slopes draining to the bioretention cell greater than 20%? N (Y or N) Is the drainage area permanently stabilized? Y (Y or N) Pretreatment Used (Indicate type Used with an "X" in the shaded cell) Gravel and grass (flinches gravel followed by 3-5 ft of grass) X Grassed swale Forebay Other. E Submit a level spreader supplement, OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KI Form SW401-Bioretention-Rev.6 June 25, 2010 Parts 9 and H. Design Surnmary, Page 2 of 2 Z�r = Date of Evaluation: October 81h, 2015 Rg2tint _Date: October 12, 2015 Soil Scientists: Dalton Buchanan, Soil Scientist, NCDSWC Other Par!!E!g2njE_Leslie Smathers, Conservationist, HCSWCD Field Work: A total of four soil boring were dug and examined. The borings were done at the four locations marked by a surveyor. Results: Boring 1 showed a shallow water table with grey colors appearing within the soil at a depth of 11 inches., Boring 2 was a highly disturbed area with a culvert pipe run ningwater directly onto the area. The area had sections of standing water but grey color indicated the water table was at 14 inches. The fact that the area has high amounts of disturbance makes this water table level the most uncertain and likely to change. TrAzy-MMMUNWIM Recommendations: The site evaluation at boring 2 could be moved to another area that is less disturbed or done again in the future after the area has had time to re-establish a steady water table. For questions or comments, contact Dalton Buchanan at 828-687-6020 (email: Dakc)n bucjha um Dalton Buchanan Hlqz��� 1. I[ C CM ocf I 'D j Agricultural Handbook Number 590: Ponds--Planning, Design, Construction. (1997). Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Buol, S. W., Daniels, R. B., Kleiss, H. J., & Ditzler, C. A. (1999). Soil Systems in North Carolina, Technical Bulletin 314. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina State University, Soil Science Department. Field Bookfor Describing and Sampling Soils. (1998). Lincoln, Nebraska: Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center. GeoSpatial Data Gateway. (2015). (N', R. Service, Producer, & United States Department of Agriculture) Retrieved from https://gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/GDGOrderaspx Service, N. C. (1,992). Redoximorphic features for Identifing Aquic Conditions. North Carolina State University Technical Bulletin in 301. Staff, S. S. (1993). Soil Survey Manual. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. Staff, S. S. (n.d.). Keys to Soil Taxonomy. 12. Natural Resource Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The National Map Viewer. (2015). (USGS) Retrieved from http://viewer.nationaImap.gov/viewer/ N Permit Number_ �1 o —be p r (—) v —ide _dbyD _TVQ Drainage Area Number._. 1 Bioretention Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important operation and maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the bioretention cell is established, the plants will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Snow, mulch or any other material will NEVER be piled on the surface bioretention cell. - Heavy equipment will NEVER be driven over the bioretention cell. 71nb7r - Special care will be taken to prevent sediment from entering the bioretfln R01- 3 - Once a year, a soil test of the soil media will be conducted. After the bioretention cell is established, I will inspect it once a month and wih"WA hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element, Potential problems: How I will remediate !!!�roj!lems The entire BMP Trash/delaresent. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the bioretention cell Areas of bare soil and/or erosive gullies have formed. Regrade the soil if necessary —to remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide time and a one-time fertilizer application. The inlet device: pipe, stone verge or swale The pipe is dogged (if applicable). —sediment Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the, off-site. The pipe is cracked or otherwise damaged (if Replace the pipe. applicable). Erosion is occurring in the swale (if applicable). Regrade the swale if necessary to smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with erosion. Stone verge is dogged or covered in sediment (if Remove sediment and dogged stone and replace with clean stone. applicable). Form SW401-Bioretention O&M -Rev.: Page 1 of 4 BMP element:Potential problems: How I will remediate the The pretreatment area Flow is bypassing Regrade if necessary to route all pretreatment area and/or flow to the pretreatment area. gullies have formed. Restabilize the area after in Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than three inches. sediment and remedy the problem if possible. Remove the sediment and restabilize the pretreatment area. — Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or prap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. The bioretention cell: Best professional practices Prune according to best professional vegetation show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates --�Tre—estakes/wires it is necessary. are —present Remove tree stake/wires (which sixmonths after planting. can kill the tree if not removed). The bioretention cell: soils and mulch Mulch is breaking down or has floated away. Spot mulch if there are only random void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining much and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Soils and/or mulch are clogged with sediment. Determine the extent of the clogging - remove and replace either just the top layers or the entire media as needed. Dispose of the spoil in an appropriate off-site location, Use triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if possible. An annual soil test shows that Dolomitic lime shall be applied as pH has dropped or heavy recommended per the soil test and metals have accumulated in toxic soils shall be removed, the soil media. disposed of properly and replaced with new lantin media. Form SW401-Bioretention O&M-Rev.3 Page 2 of 4 BMP element. Poten!i4 �roblem�s:___ How I will remediate the pT!Ilem. The underdrain system Cloggpg has occurred. Wash out the underdrain system. (if applicable) -- The drop inletClogging has occurred. Clean out the drop inlet. Dispose of the sediment off-site. inlet The drop dap�� e d -Re ace the dro, pair or re lace �h�inlet. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the KC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919- outlet. 733-1786. Form, SW401-Bioretention O&M-Rev.3 Page 3 of 4 NUMMMOTa (to be provided b,Y D ff(?) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: Jule Noland Road Phase 11 B 41 drainage area number: I & 4 Print name:John Harmon Title:Harmon Graham LLC Managing Partner Address:P. 0. Box 180 W4ynesville, NC 28786 mm Signe Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president I, C- i Z--abe-S; o'\ poyl a Notary Public for the State of a A I Vorf4k (0-ro County of _ tea 4-, do hereby certify that t rpw� personally appeared before me this 13 day of BpW and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing bioretention maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, My commission expires C-1 Form SW401 -Bioretention I&M-Rev. 2 Page 4 of 4 PIPE INVERTS NUitb: 1) AUI tLA(;'t UY UUUHUINAIL (,l'UMHUIAIiUNti, 24 P INV=2564,22' 2) THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO RIGHT OF- WAYS, EASEMENTS AND DAVENPORT & ASSOC., INC. iNV . pi N V 24" CPP IN7 =2564.93' RESTRICTIONS OF' RECORD, UNRECORDED, WRITTEN AND/ /OR UNWRiTIFEN, PLAT WAS DRAWN jNDER MY SUPERVISION F��­V AN A"UAt- SUP`�� !NV 12"X24" SQUASHED NV=2564,94' 3) DASHED LINES (BOUNDARY FOR TRACT "A") NOT . RE-SURVEYED AT TI­­fl'S' PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS RECORDED IN BOOK ACE S N C" E- NV 12"X24" SQUASHED CMP - NV=256k82' NV 36" CMP INV=2576,72' PLOTTED FROM ENSLEY SURVEY RECORDED IN PILAT CAB. C, SLOT 4325 P.O. BOX 234 CULLOWHEE, N.C. 28723 6 DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN BOO� kTED IS 1: 10,000 TH AT THIS PLAT WA", PA RIE'l D :N T 7­,!,D V, -",\A C A N V 15" CPP INV=256443' N V 15" h INV=2566-91' 4) FOR GRID TIE SEE PLAT CAB. "C", SLOT 4325 LICENSE NO. (828) 293-3258 ATURE, REGISTRATI!ON SEA& THIS DAY DF C­- 2) NV 12 P AS INV=2566,16 5) THIS PROPE-RTY DOES NOT DEE IN A FLOOD HAZARD AREA, 4-0814 cx S E AL /L OVERFLOW STRUCTURE - INVER T INACCESSIBLE 6) ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVID 88 AND PROVIDED BY G.P,S, FRON4 TI­411',1'1. NUMBER L-5210 4 V 30" CMP - !N V=2577.26' "opo"PH"' HARMON GRAHAM PROPERTIES, LLC. ,GISTRATION ✓8 - THROAT - 2484,99, INV IN (24" CMP=2581,36, 24" C 4P)­2581-22' NV ,uT N I SURVEY FOR: 7"1, N A 30" CMP INV='579,14' 4 7) 1 FOOT CU ONTOUR INTERVAL WITH 5' CONTOUR INDEX RN B - THROAT - 2587,45, INV IN (20" CMP)=2579,87, INV=2590,02', NV OUI (30" ICIAIP)=2579,45 8) NOT ALL EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN, REFERENCE MAP IN PLA, ilNET "C", S�­�", T CAE DEED REFERENCE D.B. 860, PG. 816 N IqV 18" CMP - OB - THROAT 259152, INV IN (15' CMP)=2590,34, :N, OUT '18" CMP)=2590�31' 43,25 BY KEVIN ENSLEY FOR "THE GREAT LAURELS OF LAKE JUNALUSIVA" PIN NUMBER: 8616-49-2446 BOUNDARY AND EASEMENTS REVIEW OFFICER OF N IS AFFfXEED MEETS AL,i- STATi�,ITOR'* REr,, hq-t I—- i'. 9) NOT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATED - AF&T, CHARTER, DUKE ANE; HAVE NOTI RESPONDED TO 811 REQUEST AT THEE TIME THIS MAP WAS . 'ORTH CAROLINA N HAYWOOD,--- DATE,—­­­­", S" Vr;;'LINES (ALL LINES ARE 8" PVC) S TA TE, COUNTY__ IT OF' 2 V, M2579,4% (NV IN-2575,04', INV IN(FROM WEST) 25714,62', !NV 0lUT=2574­-)o' -2589,19% INV M-257615% INV OUT -25"26,06' -,OWNSHjp,, WAYNESVILLE DArE: OCT. 22, 2015 DAVID B, IVEY, PROFESSIONAL LAND SUR,­-rOR, ANID 3 `eA# -2587,13, INV IN- 257791% INV OUT-2577,71' BE CORRECT, THIS INSTRUMENT WAS "RE"SENTED `-C"R RE IN 4 5 �fi �w -2592,89 INV IN=2582,55', INV IN(FROM SOUTI-1)-2582,63 iN� RIl'k­269&82, INV IN-2584,01', INV OUT-2583,84' OU�­2582ZW C 0 R. FILE:- H126-T DRAWN' By.:_____DBl & JRD SLIDE THIS Dk` OF' 'CILC"'Cr," �vl, 20 5 Rlw-2577,42, INV IN-2571,29', INV OUT-2571,22' 0 60 120 i8o 7 ­�V­2595,00% INV IN-2585,16% tNV OUT=2585,02' SCALE: 60 FIELD BK�-Al 4j)�— 6 q- D WG NO: H126-T