HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060310 Ver 1_Application_20060224•~ .~~~ yd r~°~. ~ ..: '~~.~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~~' ~~ ~' r 5 ~1~) ,. ~. n ray:,,. !-; 1 '',';jcs n i DEPARTZVIENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY February 23, 2006 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Washington, NC 27889-1000 ATTN: Mr. William Wescott NCDOT Coordinator ososio Subject: Nationwide 14 and 33 Permit Application for the proposed widening of SR 1708 (Fire Tower Road) from NC 11-903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1709 (Corey Road) in Greenville, Pitt County; NCDOT Division 2. Federal Project No. MASTP - 1708(1), State Project No. 8.2220901; TIP No. U-3613B. $475.00 Debit WBS Element 34961.1 Dear Sir: The NCDOT proposes to widen SR 1708 (Fire Tower Road) to a multi-lane facility from NC 11- 903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1709 (Corey Road). The length of the proposed widening is 2.65 miles. TIP U-3613 was originally divided into three sections: Section A (Davenport Farm Road to NC 11-903 (Memorial Drive)); Section B (NC 11-903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1700 (Old Tar Road)); and Section C (SR 1700 (Old Tar Road) to SR 1709 (Corey Road)). NCDOT combined Sections B and C into one project - U-3613B, for which an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was prepared. Section A is unfunded and is scheduled for post year construction. The proposed improvements will be constructed on 100 feet of right-of--way and includes typical sections of five-lanes with curb-and-gutter and a 10-foot berm as well as afour-lane, curb-and- gutter divided section with a 16-foot raised grass median. In addition, NCDOT will include 14- foot wide outside lanes and sidewalks within the typical design along the entire length of the project to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The project ties into the existing five-lane curb and gutter section just east of Corey Road (SR 1709). Traffic will be maintained on-site utilizing lane shifts. This application package consists of the PCN Form, permit drawings, half size plan sheets, and a stormwater management plan. Purpose and Need: As identified in the November 2000 EA and the October 2001 FONSI, the purpose of the project is to alleviate congestion and improve safety along Fire Tower Road (an existing three-lane, two-way roadway on 60-foot right-of--way). Currently, between 20,000 and MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-715-1501 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUrrI WILMINGTON STREET 1598 MAIL SERVICEC.ENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEN3H NC 27899-1598 ,., 2 24,000 vehicles per day are traveling along Fire Tower Road in the project vicinity. This is expected to increase to between 30,000 and 32,000 vehicles per day by design year 2020. The proposed improvements to Fire Tower Road will provide additional travel lanes, which will alleviate current and future capacity deficiencies along this facility. In addition, safety will be enhanced along the project as a result of the widened pavement and additional through and turn lanes. Summary of Impacts to Waters of the United States: Proposed impacts on jurisdictional areas of the project consist of a total of 2771inear feet of permanent stream impacts and 1471inear feet of temporary stream impacts. No wetland impacts are associated with the proposed project. Summary of Impacts to Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffers: This project is located in the Neuse River Basin (sub-basin 03-04-09), therefore the project is subject to the Neuse River Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B. 0233). Proposed buffer impacts associated with this project total 52,285 square feet. The Zone 1 buffer impacts are 34,569 square feet and Zone 2 buffer impacts are 17,716 square feet. Summary of Miti atg ion: The project has been designed to avoid and minimise impacts to jurisdictional areas throughout the NEPA and design processes. Compensatory mitigation for proposed impacts to jurisdictional streams and Neuse River riparian buffers will be provided by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). NEPA DOCUMENT STATUS An Environmental Assessment (EA) was submitted by NCDOT on November 14, 2000 in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The document addressed the widening of SR 1708 (Fire Tower Road) to a multi-lane facility from NC 11-903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1709 (Corey Road). The EA explains the purpose and need for the project; provides a description of the alternatives considered; and characterizes the social, economic, and environmental effects. After the EA was approved, it was circulated to federal, state, and local agencies. On October 31, 2001 a FONSI was approved for U-3613. Copies of the EA and FONSI have been provided to regulatory review agencies involved in the approval process. Additional copies will be provided upon request. INDEPENDENT UTILITY The subject project is in compliance with 23 CFR Part 771.111(f) which lists the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) characteristics of independent utility of a project: (1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope, (2) The project is usable and a reasonable expenditure, even if no additional transportation improvements are made in the area; (3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. Impacts to Waters of the United States Wetland/Stream delineations: Potential wetland communities were investigated pursuant to the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual by NCDOT biologist Susan Brady and 3 Chris Murray on December 11, 1998. There are no jurisdictional wetlands located on the project. Two streams (western and eastern tributaries to Fork Swamp) will be crossed by the project. These tributaries were determined to be perennial, jurisdictional streams. Impacts are reported in Table 1. All project waters are located within the Neuse River Basin. The project crosses the western and eastern tributaries of Fork Swamp which are located within USGS hydrologic unit code (HLJC) 03020202. The best usage classification for each of these streams is class C, Sw, NSW. The first site involves replacing an existing 96-inch corrugated metal pipe (CMP) with a 10 foot by 8-foot reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) buried one foot below the stream bed. Temporary stream impacts will occur to allow for dewatering of the site during construction of the culvert and stream relocation. The second site involves extending two existing 11 foot 5 inch by 7 foot 1 inch structural plate aluminum pipe arches to meet the new fill slopes. The normal stream flow and channel characteristics will be maintained at the crossing by diverting low flow into one of the pipe arches and keeping the pipe inverts buried below the stream bed. Temporary stream impacts are proposed to allow for dewatering of the site during construction. Table 1. Stream Impacts for TIP Project U-3613B, Pitt County. Site Station No. Structure Stream Stream Stream (from/to) Size/ Type Impacts (lf) Impacts (lf) Name Permanent Tem ora 1 33 + 52 - L 1 @ 10' x 8' RCBC 196 77 Ut 1 to Fork Sw 2 135 + 24 - L 2@11'5" x 7'1" 81 70 Ut 2 to STR Plate Pipe Fork Arches Swam TOTAL 277 I47 This project is located in the Neuse River Basin and is subject to the riparian buffer protection rules for the Neuse River Basin (15A NCAC 2B. 0233). Buffer impacts associated with this project total are reported in Table 2. Table 2. Ri arian Buffer Im acts for TIP Project U-3613B Pitt Coun Site Station No. from/to Structure Size/ T e Zone I Im acts ftZ Zone II Im acts ft2 Total ftZ 1 33 + 52 - L 1 10' x 8' RCBC 15,908 5,386 21,294 2 105 + 22 - L 3 8' x 7' RCBC 8,134 6,911 15,045 3 135 + 24 - L 2@11'5" x 7' 1" STR Plate Pipe Arches 10,527 5,419 15,946 TOTAL 34,569 17,716 52,285 4 UTILITIES Utility work at jurisdictional azeas aze as follows: Culvert at station 33+52 There are three lines on the left side of the road; one 12" water line, one 4" gas line, and one 8" sewer force main. On the right side of the road, one 6" water line is being installed, and the head wall will be poured around an existing 12" sewer line. All new lines will be installed by directional drilling. There will be no impacts to the stream or buffer area. Culvert at station 105+21 At this station there is an existing culvert. Two lines are being installed on the left side of the road, one 12" water line, and one 4" gas line. Both of these lines are being installed over the culvert by trenching. All work will be behind the curb within the construction limits. Culvert at station 135+27 At this station there is an existing culvert that is being extended. Two lines are being installed on the left side of the road, one 12" water line, and one 4" gas line. Both of these lines aze being installed by directional drilling, with no impacts to the stream or buffer. FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with Federal classifications of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Proposed Endangered (PE) and Proposed Threatened (PT) are protected under provisions of Sections 7 and 9 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended. As of January 29, 2003 the FWS lists the following federally-protected species for Pitt County as shown in Table 3. Table 3 Federall Protected S ecies for Pitt Coun Scientific Name Common Name Status Habitat Biolo 'cal Conclusion Elli do steinstansana Taz Rivers in ussel E Noe No Effect Haliaeetus leucoce halus Bald ea le T Noe No Effect Picoides borealis Red-cockaded wood ecker E Noe No Effect Trichechus manatus West Indian Manatee E Noe No Effect E - denotes endangered T - denotes threatened Surveys for the Tar River spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana) and the dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) were conducted for the proposed project by Alderman Environmental Services, Inc. on September 26, 2003. The fmdings concluded that the stream habitat within the project area is degraded with heavy sediment loading and stormwater runoff resulting in inappropriate habitat for the Taz River spinymussel or the dwarf wedgemussel. The survey results concurred with the No Effect biological conclusion documented in the EA. INDIRECT CUMULATIVE IMPACT ANALYSIS Existing rules for the 401 Water Quality Certification Program (15A NCAC 2H.0506(b)(4) require that the DWQ determine that a project "does not result in cumulative impacts, based on past or reasonably anticipated future impacts, that cause or will cause a violation of downstream water quality standards." NCDOT contracted with the Louis Berger Group, Inc. to conduct an Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) Analysis for the proposed project. The analysis was completed in November 2004. The results of the analysis concluded that while the widening of Fire Tower Road (LJ-3613B) is expected to reduce east-west travel times, provide increased capacity, and accommodate growth that has already occurred along the Fire Tower Road corridor, the project taken by itself is not likely to induce substantial development or land use changes. The U-3613B project was determined to be a minor component of a series of proposed road projects and anticipated private development projects that, when considered together, constitute a cumulative impact on the ICE study azea. Copies of the ICE analysis have been provided to regulatory review agencies involved in the approval process. Additional copies of the ICE report aze available upon request. CULTURAL RESOURCES Archaeolog~& Historical Structures: An archaeological survey was conducted within the area of potential effect (APE) of this project by the Archaeological Section of the NCDOT. Based upon the topographic setting, the project was determined to have a low probability of containing prehistoric and early historic azchaeological sites. All potential sites date to the late 19~' or eazly 20~' century and represent domestic dwellings. None of these archaeological sites were considered eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurred with the determination of each of these sites. The SHPO concurrence letter is found in Appendix B in the EA. A historic architectural survey of the APE of this project was conducted by the Historic Architectural Resources section of the NCDOT. A Phase II survey of the APE identified eight properties over fifty years of age including one late nineteenth-century dwelling, six early twentieth-century dwellings, and one eazly twentieth-century fire tower. Of these eight properties, none were determined to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The SHPO concurred with the determination of each of these sites. The SHPO concurrence letter is found in Appendix B in the EA. FEMA COMPLIANCE Pitt County is currently a participant in the National Flood Insurance Regulatory Program. The proposed stream crossings aze not located in any designated flood hazazd areas and will not impact any 100-year floodplain limits. WII~D AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM The project will not impact any designated Wild and Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90-542, as amended). MITIGATION OPTIONS The Corps of Engineers has adopted, through the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), a wetland mitigation policy that embraces the concept of "no net loss of wetlands" and sequencing. The purpose of this policy is to restore and maintain the chemical, biological, and physical integrity of the Waters of the United States. Mitigation of wetland and surface water impacts has been defined by the CEQ to include: avoiding impacts, minimizing impacts, rectifying impacts, 6 reducing impacts over time and compensating for impacts (40 CFR 1508.20). Executive Order 11990 (Protection of Wetlands) and Department of Transportation Order 5660.1A (Preservation of the Nations Wetlands), emphasize protection of the functions and values provided by wetlands. These directives require that new construction in wetlands be avoided as much as possible and that all practicable measures are taken to minimize or mitigate impacts to wetlands. AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION: The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and NEPA compliance stages; minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. NCDOT's guidelines for Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters will be enforced throughout the duration of the project construction. Because the project is located within the Neuse River Basin, strict adherence to the Neuse River Riparian Buffer rules will apply. M;nim;~.ation and avoidance measures that were taken to reduce impacts to streams and the Neuse Buffers include the following: 1. The project consists of widening an existing facility therefore it will have less surface water and riparian buffer impact than a project on new location. 2. The existing hydraulic structures will be retained and widened where possible. 3. Disturbance of stream and buffers up and downstream of the project will be ,,,;n;m;red as much as possible. 4. The Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules were followed in the design of the project. Diffuse flow will be maintained in the riparian buffer by dispersing concentrated flow and reestablishing vegetation. Grass swales and pre- formed scour holes were utilized throughout the project to provide treatment of runoff before it is discharge into receiving waters to reduce the stormwater impacts. The reinforced concrete box culvert proposed at station 33 + 52 - L (Site 1) will be buried one foot below the streambed to allow for natural aquatic passage. The extension of the existing structural plate aluminum pipe arches at station 135 + 24 - L (Site 2) will maintain normal stream flow and channel characteristics at the crossing by diverting low flow into one of the pipe arches and keeping the pipe inverts buried below the stream bed. COMPENSATION: The primary emphasis of compensatory mitigation is to reestablish a condition that would have existed if the project were not built. As previously stated, mitigation is limited to reasonable expenditures and practicable considerations related to highway operation. Mitigation is generally accomplished through a combination of methods designed to replace wetland functions and values lost as a result of construction of the project. These methods consist of creation of new wetlands from uplands, borrow pits, and other non-wetland azeas; restoration of wetlands; and enhancement of existing wetlands. Where such options may not be available, or when existing wetlands and wetland-surface water complexes aze considered to be important resources worthy of preservation, consideration is given to preservation as at least one component of a compensatory mitigation proposal. 7 FHWA STEP DOWN COMPLIANCE: All compensatory mitigation must be in compliance with 23 CFR Part 777.9, "Mitigation of Impacts" that describes the actions that should be followed to qualify for Federal-aid highway funding. This process is known as the FHWA "Step Down" procedures: 1. Consideration must be given to mitigation within the right-of--way and should include the enhancement of existing wetlands and the creation of new wetlands in the highway median, borrow pit areas, interchange areas and along the roadside. 2. Where mitigation within the right-of--way does not fully offset wetland losses, compensatory mitigation may be conducted outside the right-of--way including enhancement, creation, and preservation. Based upon the agreements stipulated in the "Memorandum of Agreement Among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (MOA)", it is understood that the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), will assume responsibility for satisfying the Section 404 compensatory mitigation requirements for NCDOT projects that are listed in Exhibit 2 of the subject MOA during the EEP transition period which ended on July 1, 2005. Since the subject project is listed in Exhibit 2, the necessary compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts to waters that are jurisdictional under the federal Clean Water Act will be provided by the EEP. The offsetting mitigation will derive from an inventory of assets already in existence within the same Ecoregion and the same 8-digit cataloging unit. We have avoided and m;n;m;7ed the impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent possible as described above. The remaining impacts to 2771inear feet of jurisdictional streams and 52,285 square feet of riparian buffer will be compensated for by mitigation provided by the EEP program. REGULATORY APPROVALS Section 404: Application is hereby made to the Department of the Army for Section 404 Nationwide 14 and 33 permits for the above described activities. Section 401: Application is hereby requesting a 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division of Water Quality. We anticipate 401 General Water Quality Certification numbers 3404 and 3366 will apply to this project. All general conditions of the Water Quality Certification will be met. In compliance with Section 143-215.3D(e) of the NCAC we will provide $475.00 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit application previously noted in this application (see Subject line). We are providing five copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, for their review. Neuse River Basin Buffer Authorization: NCDOT requests that the NC Division of Water Quality review this application and issue a written approval for a Neuse River Riparian Buffer Authorization. We also anticipate that comments from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) will be required prior to authorization by the Corps of Engineers. By copy of this 8 letter and attachment, NCDOT hereby requests NCWRC review. NCDOT requests that NCWRC forward their comments to the Corps of Engineers. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mr. Chris Underwood at csunderwood~~dot.state.nc.us or (919) 715- 1451. Sincerely, '; ~ `~~.. '~~.:c~ 1,_ Grego J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Environmental Management Director '~ Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Cc: W/attachment Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ (5 copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Ron Sechler, NMFS Mr. Michael Street, NCDMF Dr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. C.E. Lassiter, P.E., Division 2 Engineer Mr. Jay Johnson, Division 2 Environmental Officer Cc: W/o attachments Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, P.E., Programming and TII' Mr. Art McMillan, P.E., Highway Design Ms. Beth Harmon, EEP Mr. Todd Jones, NCDOT External Audit Branch Mr. Michele James, PDEA Project Planning Engineer Office Use Only• Form Version March OS USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. 2 0 0 6 0 3 1 0 (If any particular item is not applicable to uus project, please enter ~~rvot t~ppncaoie or ivir~ .~ I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ® Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NWP 14 and 33 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ^ II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: NCDOT/ Proiect Develoament & Environmental Analysis Branch/ Greg Thorne Mailing Address: 1548 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. NC 27699-1548 Telephone Number: 919-733-3141 Fax Number: 919-733-9794 E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: N/A Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Page 5 of 13 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Widening of SR 1708 (Fire Tower Road) from NC 11-903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1709 (Corey Road) 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): U-3613B 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 4. Location County: Pitt Nearest Town: Greenville Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): US 264 E to Greenville, continue east on US 264 BUS to NC 11-903 (Memorial Drivel, follow NC 11-903 south to intersection with SR 1708 (Fire Tower Roadl (uroiects western terminus). Continue east on SR 1708 (Fire Tower Road) to SR 1709 (Corey Road) (aroiects eastern terminus . 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 39° 36' S2" °N 28° 20' 77" °W 6. Property size (acres): N/A 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Fork Swamn (Class C. Sw, NSW) 8. River Basin: Neuse (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at htt~//h2o enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: 3-lane. two-way road on 60.foot right-of--way Page 6 of 13 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: From NC 11-903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1709 (Corev Road) -widen existing SR 1708 (Fire Tower Road) to a multi-lane facility. The proposed improvements will be constructed on 100-foot right-of-way and includes twical sections of five-lane curb and cutter as well as a four-lane. curb and gutter divided section. Typical roadway construction eauipment (excavators. bull dozers, dump trucks, graders. etc.) will be utilized. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: To provide additional travel lanes to alleviate current and future traffic congestion and improve safety along Fire Tower Road (SR 1708). IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. N/A V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. The proiect was divided into three sections: Section A. from Davenport Road to NC 11-903 (Memorial Drive) Section B from NC 11-903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1700 (Old Tar Roadl, and Section C, from SR 1700. (Old Tar Road) to SR 1709 (Corev Road). Section A is currently unfunded. and is scheduled for construction in Post Years, therefore this permit request is for construction activities for sections B and C. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) Page ? of 13 should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: 277 linear feet of perennial stream impacts due to culvert replacements and extensions; 147 feet of temporary stream impact to allow for dewatering of the site during construction and stream relocation. No jurisdictional wetlands are located in the project 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located within 100-year Floodplain es/no Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet Area of Impact (acres) No Impacts Total Wetland Impact (acres) 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must he included. To calculate acreage. multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact perennial o Average Impact Area of Number Stream Name Type of Impact ~ Intermittent Stream Width Length Impact indicate on ma . Before Im act linear feet acres 1 iTT to Fork Swamp 1@10' x 8' RCBC Perennial 5 feet 196 0.02 Temp. -stream 1 LTT to Fork Swamp transition/ Perennial 5 feet 77 0.01 dewaterin 2 UT to Fork Swamp 2@11'x7' 1"pipe perennial 10 feet g 1 0.02 arch extension 2 UT to Fork Swamp Temp. - dewatering Perennial 10 feet 70 0.02 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 424 0.07 Page 8 of 13 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill_ excavation. dred~in~. flooding. drainase. bulkheads, etc. Open Water Impact Site Number indicate on ma Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc. Area of Impact acres No Impacts Total Open Water Impact (acres) 6. List the cumulative im act to all Waters of the U.S. resultin from the ro'ect: Stream Impact (acres): 0.04 permanent impact 0.03 tem ora im act Wetland Im act (acres : 0 en Water Im act (acres : 0 Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. acres 0.07 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 2771f permanent impact 1471f tem ora im act 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. N/A Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It maybe useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and Page 9 of 13 financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Two stream impacts will occur due to culvert construction (site 11 and extension (site 21. With the addition of lanes due to widening culvert improvements are unavoidable. Because the proiect consists of widening and existing facilility the proiect will have less impact than a proiect on new location The existing hydraulic structures have been retained and widened where feasible (site 21. Disturbances of stream and buffers up and downstream of the proiect will be minimized as much as possible The reinforced concrete box culvert (site 1) will be buried one foot below the streambed to allow for natural aquatic life passage The extension of the pipe arches (site 21 will maintain normal stream flow and channel characteristics by diverting low flow into one of the pipe arches and keeping the pipe inverts buried below the stream channel. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that maybe appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o. enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a Page 10 of 13 description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Proposed aermanent stream impacts eaual 277 feet for the crossings of two unnamed tributaries of Swamp Fork The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosvstem Enhancement Pronram (EEP) will provide the compensatory mitigation reauired for this proiect. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): 2771f Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): 34.569 sf Zone I: 17.716 sf Zone II Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federaUstate/local) funds or the use of public (federaUstate) land? Yes ~ No ^ 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ® No ^ 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ® No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Page 11 of 13 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ® No ^ 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. _ Zone* Impact s ogre feet Multiplier Required Miti ation 1 34,569 3 (2 for Catawba) 103,707 2 17,716 1.5 26,574 Total 52,285 130,281 * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additiona120 feet from the edge of Zone 1. XI. XII. 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. The North Carolina Department of Environment and .Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEPI will provide the compensatory mitigation required for this proiect. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss Stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. The Meuse River Riparian Buffer rules for stormwater management requirements were followed in the design of the proiect (see attached stormwater management plan). Diffuse flow will be maintained in the riparian buffer by disbursing concentrated flows and re- establishing vegetation. Grass swales and pre-formed scour holes will be utilized throughout the project to provide treatment of runoff before it is discharged into receiving waters. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page 12 of 13 XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No Is this anafter-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). N/A A plicantlAgent's Signature ~ Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 13 of 13 ..- o stem E a ement PROGRAM November 7, 2005 Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: R~~vD NOV ~ 2005 DllflSlla~~ GF ldi~h'~'AYS PDEA-0FFN;EOF ir`Ai'JFIAAtE1i~IIROPII~EM U-3613B, Widening of SR 1708 (Fire Tower Road) from NC 11/903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1709 (Corey Road) in Greenville, Pitt County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide the compensatory stream mitigation and buffer mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you in a letter dated October 26, 2005 (received November 1, 2005), the impacts are located in CU 03020202 of the Neuse River Basin in the Northern Inner Coastal Plain (NICP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Stream: 277 feet Zone 1 Buffer: 34,569 square feet Zone 2 Buffer: 17,716 square feet The NCDOT estimated buffer impacts in the 7-yeaz Impact Projection Database submitted to EEP in May 2005. The buffer mitigation required for the NCDOT's impact projections was incorporated into EEP's biennial budget that was submitted to the NCDOT for approval in June 2005. However, EEP intends to continue managing all of the NCDOT's buffer mitigation requests and approvals through the In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Program's Buffer Fund. Any buffer impact associated with projects located in the Neuse, Taz-Pamlico, and portions of the Catawba and Cape Fear River Basins aze automatic acceptances by the EEP, per the agreement with the NCDWQ. The NCDOT will be responsible to ensure that the appropriate compensation for the buffer mitigation will be provided in the agreed upon method of fund transfer. Upon receipt of the NCDWQ's Buffer Certification, the NCDOT will provide the EEP a copy of the Certification along with a letter verifying the buffer impact/mitigation amounts and RP.StDY ~ ... ~ ~ ... P~OtP.Gt ~~ OGffr St'G{,;F"P~ NCDENR North Carolina Ecos ste~ ancement Pro ram,1652 Mail Service Center, Rale- igh NC 27699-1651 / 919-715-0476 / www nceep.net Y S s requesting a fund transfer to provide the required compensation. The EEP will transfer funds from the MOA Account (Fund 2984) into the ILF Buffer Mitigation Fund (Fund 2982). As stated in your letter, the subject project is listed in Exhibit 2 of the Memorandum of Agreement among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District dated July 22, 2003. The compensatory stream mitigation for the subject project will be provided in accordance with this agreement. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-715-1929. Sincerely, ~~ William D. Gilmore, P.E. EEP Director cc: Mr. William Wescott, USACE-Washington Mr. John Hennessy, Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Unit File: U-3613B .F.~o stem h ....~~ ~ ~ [. _E Eft e~~;:~ ~~~tt a _ _a PROGRAM November 7, 2005 Mr. William Wescott U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office P. O. Box 1000 Washington, North Carolina 27889-1000 Dear Mr. Wescott: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: U-3613B, Widening of SR 1708 (Fire Tower Road) from NC 11/903 (Memorial Drive) to SR 1709 (Corey Road) in Greenville; Neuse River Basin (Cataloging Unit 03020202); Northern Inner Coastal Plain (NICP) Eco-Region The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide the compensatory stream mitigation and buffer mitigation for the unavoidable impacts associated with the above referenced project. As indicated in the NCDOT's mitigation request letter dated October 26, 2005, the project will impact 277 feet of stream. Also, this project will impact buffers located in CU 03020202 of the Neuse River Basin. The total buffer impacts are 34,569 square feet in Zone 1 and 17,716 square feet in Zone 2. The NCDOT estimated buffer impacts in the 7-year Impact Projection Database submitted to EEP in May 2005. The buffer mitigation required for the NCDOT's impact projections was incorporated into EEP's biennial budget that was approved in June 2005 by the NCDOT. However, EEP intends to continue managing all of the NCDOT's buffer mitigation requests and approvals through the In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Program's Buffer Fund. Any buffer impact associated with projects located in the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico River Basins, and portions of the Cape Fear and Catawba River Basins are automatic acceptances by the EEP, per the agreement with the NCDWQ. The NCDOT will be responsible to ensure that the appropriate compensation for the buffer mitigation will be provided in the agreed upon method of fund transfer. Upon receipt of the NCDWQ's Buffer Certification, the NCDOT will provide the EEP a copy of the Certification along with a letter verifying the buffer impact/mitigation amounts and North Carolina EcosystemFEnhancement Program,1652 Mai! Service [enter, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 419-115-0416 / www.nceep.net . , STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN U-3613B, State Project 8.2220901 Date:l/24/02 Pitt County Revised 5/11/OS Hydraulics Project Engineer: Andrew Nottingham, PE Revised 7/25/05 ROADWAY DESCRIPTION The project involves the widening of SR 1708 (Firetower Road) in Pitt County from NC 11-903 to SR 1709 (Corey Road). The overall length of the project is 2.65 miles. The existing 36-foot paved road is a three-lane road with two 12-foot travel lanes and one 12- foot center turn lane. The first half of the project (from NC 11-983 to SR 1700). will be a five-lane undivided, 72-foot face to face, curb and gutter section. The second half of the project (from SR 1700 to SR 1709 Corey rd.) will be a four-lane divided, 72-foot face to face, curb and gutter section with a 16-foot raised. grass median. The project ties into the existing five-lane curb and gutter section just east of Corey Road. All sections include 14-foot outside lanes to accommodate bicycle travel and sidewalks on both sides of the road. There will be one new box culvert and one extension of a pipe arch. ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION This project is located in the Neuse River Basin. There are three stream crossings on this project, which aze all classified as Class C SW and NSW. The first is a western tributary to Fork Swamp. Approximately 130 feet of stream relocation is associated with this crossing. The second is Fork Swamp and the third is an eastern_tributary to Fork Swamp. Neuse River Buffer impacts will occur at each of these crossings due to the project. There will be approximately 277 linear feet of permanent stream impact and approximately 1471ineaz feet of temporary stream impact due to this project. No wetlands will be impacted by the proposed project. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND MAJOR STRUCTURES Best Management Practices (BMPs) and measures used on the project to reduce the stormwater impacts are grass swales and preformed scour holes. Also the inverts of all new culverts will be buried 1 foot below the stream bed and multiple cell culverts.will maintain the normal stream flow and channel characteristics. The following summarizes where the BMPs will be used on the project: GRASS SWALES The north side of the roadway between stations 25+70 -L- and 32+45 -L- The north side of the roadway between stations 35+35 -L- and 48+50 -L- The north side of the roadway between stations 92+55 -L- and 104+75 -L- The north side of the roadway between stations 106+16 -L- and 108+22 -L- The south side of the roadway between stations 105+68 -L- and 107+25 -L- The north side of the roadway between stations 129+00 -L- and 134+80 -L- PREFORMED SCOUR HOLES The south side of the roadway at station 102+50 -L- The north side of the roadway at station 136+60 -L- STREAM RELOCATIONS Station 33+50 -L- to station 34+60 -L-. Stream enhancement techniques will be used in lieu of natural stream design due to the minor length involved and urban/farm ditch nature of the stream. CULVERTS Station 33+52 -L- (western tributary to Fork Swamp) the existing 96-inch comzgated metal pipe (cmp) will be replaced with a 10 foot by 8-foot reinforced concrete box culvert buried one foot below the stream bed. Station 105+20 -L- (Fork Swamp) the existing bridge was replaced with a triple 8 foot by 7 foot reinforced concrete box culvert buried one foot below the stream bed at its existing location under TIP Project B-3502. This culvert will be retained on . project U-3613B. Station 135+24 -L- (eastern tributary to Fork Swamp) the existing two at 11 foot 5 inch by 7 foot 1 inch structural plate aluminum pipe arches will be retained and extended to meet the fill slopes. The normal stream flow and channel characteristics will be maintained at the crossing by diverting low flow into one of the pipe arches and keeping the pipe inverts buried below the stream bed. FINAL MINUTES OF INTERAGENCY PERMIT DRAWING REVIEW MEETING FOR PROJECT U-3613B PITT COUNTY Held on 4/20/05 Team Members: Andrew Nottingham NCDOT Hydraulics (Present) Bill Biddlecome USACOE (Present) Nikki Thomson NCDWQ (Absent) Gary Jordan USFWS (Absent) Travis Wilson NCWRC (Absent) Chris Militscher EPA (Absent) Chris Underwood NCDOT PDEA (Present) James Speer NCDOT Roadway Design (Present) Ed Eatmon Division 2 (Absent) Rob Ayers FHWA (Absent) Eric Midkiff PDEA (Absent) Participants: Marc Shown NCDOT Hydraulics Charles Hunt NCDOT Structures Design Danny Gardner NCDOT Roadway Design Beth Reed Kimley-Horn Mark laugisch Roadside Environmental Unit DOT began the meeting at approximately 10:30 A.M. It was noted that the fast meeting had run over time and that the meeting prior to this one had to be moved to another conference room and was expected to run late as well. All of the agency representatives except for the USACOE were still in the previous meeting. Since the previous meeting was expected to run way over time it was decided to proceed with this meeting to let the USACOE comment on the drawings and schedule another meeting for the other agencies to comment. DOT gave a brief background on the project. It was noted the project had been delayed for several years by a lawsuit over the type of typical section. The storm water management plan was then reviewed. It was noted that on the second page under the culverts section that TIP project B-3502 is now complete and not under construction. The permit drawings were then reviewed. Site 1 of the wetland and stream impact permit was reviewed first. DOT noted that the existing 96 inch pipe would be replaced with a new 10' x 8' RCBC. DOT noted that since the Hydraulic design review meeting the tributary on the north west side of the culvert crossing had been determined not to be a stream by the regional DWQ office. The rt USACOE concurred with this determination. DOT noted that approximately 110 feet of stream on the north side of the culvert would be relocated. Due to the short length of relocation natural stream design mitigation was not pursued at this site. Temporary stream impacts are shown to allow for dewatering of the site during construction of the. culvert and stream relocation. USACOE ask how the culvert would be constructed. It was noted that the contractor would most likely use impervious dykes with a raised pipe above the streambed to divert the flow through while building the culvert. Site 2 of the wetland and stream impact permit was reviewed next. DOT noted that the existing 2 @ 11'-5" x 7'-1"pipe arches would be retained and extended on the inlet and outlet ends. The normal stream flow will be diverted through one of the pipe arches as shown on the plans. Temporary stream impacts are shown for dewatering the site during construction. General comments: The USACOE thinks the permit can be done under a nationwide permit with mitigation required for the stream impact. Buffer permits will need to be reviewed by DWQ. FINAL MINUTES OF INTERAGENCY SECOND PERMIT DRAWING REVIEW MEETING FOR PROJECT U-3613B PITT COUNTY Held on 5/11/OS Team Members: Andrew Nottingham Bill Biddlecome Nikki Thomson Gary Jordan Travis Wilson Chris Militscher Chris Underwood James Speer Ed Eatmon Rob Ayers Eric Midkiff Participants: Marc Shown Danny Gardner Brian Wrenn Polly Lespinasse NCDOT Hydraulics (Present) USACOE (Absent) NCDWQ (Absent) USFWS (Absent) NCWRC (Present) EPA (Present) NCDOT PDEA (Present) NCDOT Roadway Design (Present) Division 2 (Absent) FHWA (Absent) PDEA (Absent) NCDOT Hydraulics NCDOT Roadway Design NCDWQ NCDWQ DOT began the meeting at approximately 1:OOpm. 'DOT noted that this meeting was a make up meeting for those who missed the first permit drawing review meeting held on 4/20/05 due to the R-2245 meeting Winning overtime. DOT gave a brief overview of the project history and the USACOE comments from the first meeting held on 4/20/05. Site 1 NCWRC questioned why the proposed 10' X 8' RCBC was not aligned with the main channel. DOT noted that the culvert was aligned to accommodate the flow coming into the culvert from three different directions. DWQ asked about the drainage from the existing 42" pipe left of station 32+00 -L- that will be discharging into a new grass Swale through the buffer left of station 33+00 -L-. They noted that since DOT was proposing a new conveyance (grass Swale) through the buffer that the drainage from the 42" pipe would have to be treated prior to discharging through the buffer. DOT noted that they had been allowed to bypass offsite drainage through the buffer on past projects. DWQ noted they would check into this issue. DWQ noted that the grass swale from left of station 35+00 -L- to left of station 47+50 -L- had adrainage area of 19.3 acres but only had a length of 1240 feet which was less than the 1930 feet length required. DOT noted that the grass Swale was as long as they could make it based on site conditions. DOT noted that they had looked as using two parallel ditches side by side at this location but did not feel that it was practical to do this considering the amount of extra right of way that would be required to do this. DOT noted that the only other alternative would be to pipe the offsite drainage on the south side of the road straight to the culvert at station 33+50 -L-. DOT noted that even though the proposed grass swale was not adequate in length based on DWQ guidelines that they thought it might still be better to drain all the water through the grass swale rather than bypass approximately 7 acres of it straight to the creek. DWQ noted that they would check and see how they want to proceed with this issue. Site 2 No comments Site 3 EPA questioned what the note meant left of station 137+50 -L- next to the preformed scour hole (PSH) that said "do not disturb parking lot" since no parking lot was shown on the plans. DOT noted that even though there was not a parking lot shown on the plans that there was one there and that it was very close to the PSH. DWQ noted that grass Swale length from left of station 129+00 -L- to left of station 135+50 -L- was not long enough for the drainage area shown. DOT noted that due to site conditions it was not possible to make the grass Swale any longer. DOT noted that they could look at piping some of the off site drainage straight to the culvert at station 135+15-L- in order to reduce the drainage area and make the grass swale length adequate. DWQ noted that they would check and see how they want to proceed with this issue. General comments: A request was made to turn off the cross-hatching for pavement removal on the permit drawings to avoid mistaking it as an environmental impact. POST MEETING ACTIVITIES In order to resolve the buffer issues concerning offsite drainage noted above a meeting was held on 7/01/05 between DWQ and DOT with the following in attendance: Andrew Nottingham David Chang David Henderson Chris Rivenbark Chris Underwood Marc Shown Brian Wrenn Christina Breen John Hennessy NCDOT Hydraulics NCDOT Hydraulics NCDOT Hydrauiics NCDOT NEU NCDOT NEU NCDOT Hydraulics NCDWQ NCDWQ NCDWQ The meeting began at 8:OOam. The issues discussed and decisions made were as follows: Site 1 The existing 42" pipe left of station 32+00 -L- that will be discharging into a new grass Swale through the buffer left of station 3 3+00 -L- was discussed first. Presently the existing 42" pipe drains into an existing ditch off the highway right of way. This ditch then flows into the highway right of way and-into the highway roadside ditch, which then flows through the buffer to the stream. Due to the widening of the road the existing roadside ditch through the buffer will be eliminated (covered up and filled). DOT's plan proposes to provide a grass Swale roadside ditch to replace the old roadside ditch to convey the drainage from the existing 42" pipe to the stream. DWQ noted that this would be considered a new drainage ditch through the riparian buffer and would not be allowed unless the drainage has been treated prior to dischazging through the buffer. DOT noted that due to the large drainage area draining from the 42" pipe it was not practical or even possible to treat this drainage. DOT noted that they had been allowed to bypass offsite drainage through the buffer on past projects. DOT showed where this had been done on a bridge replacement project on this same road (site 2 azound station 105+50 -L-). At this location the offsite drainage from subdivision had been piped in a 30" pipe directly to the new culvert. After some discussion DWQ decided that it would be allowable for DOT to pipe offsite drainage "within the roadway facility" to the culvert carrying the buffer stream. DWQ noted that since the new conveyance is through the roadway facility and not through the riparian buffer it would be considered allowable. It was decided that DOT would pipe the offsite drainage from the existing 42" pipe and ditch under the new roadway and into the new proposed culvert at station 33+50 -L-. The grass Swale from left of station 35+00 -L- to left of station 47+50-L- was discussed next. The grass Swale is proposed to have a drainage area of 19.3 acres but will only have a length of 1240 feet, which will be less than the 1930 feet length required. DWQ agreed that two parallel grass swales would not be practicable. DWQ agreed that piping the offsite drainage from the south side of the road to the culvert at station 33+50 -L- would be allowable since the new conveyance is through the roadway facility and not through the buffer. DWQ noted that outleting the pipe in the side of the culvert was good way to dissipate energy inside the culvert and not in the stream. It was decided that DOT would pipe the offsite drainage on the south side of the road in a system under the roadway shoulder into the side of the culvert located at station 33+50 -L-. This will allow the grass Swale on the north side of the road to have adequate length to treat the roadway drainage and the offsite drainage on the north side of the road draining to it. Site 3 The grass swale from left of station 129+00 -L- to left of station 135+50 -L- was discussed next. As noted before the grass swale length was not long enough for the drainage azea shown. Again DWQ noted that as long as the offsite drainage is piped through the roadway facility to the stream and not through the buffer it would be allowable. It was decided that DOT would look at redesigning the drainage system such that offsite drainage causing the grass Swale length to be inadequate would be piped through the roadway facility to the existing culvert located at station 135+15 - L-. This will allow the grass swale to have adequate length to treat the roadway drainage and some of the offsite drainage. DOT has since redesigned the roadway drainage such that the off site drainage on the south side of the road and some of the offsite drainage on the north side of the road will be piped under the roadway shoulders and into the side of the culvert located at station 135+15 -L-. DWQ also asked if the PSH left of station 137+50 -L- could be moved to avoid the impact to the buffer, which would avoid having to get a minor variance. DOT noted that the buffer at this location is a maintained grass lawn and they think there is a minimum amount of parking available for the property now and that the new road will further reduce the amount of parking. DOT will check to see if the PSH could be moved or the impact avoided without causing a hardship to the property owner due to the loss of parking. DOT has determined that the PSH can be constructed in its proposed location without impacting the buffer zone. Site 2 DOT noted that a small amount of offsite drainage is proposed to be piped from station 107+75 -L- right to the stream located at station 105+00 -L- in order for the grass swale from station 105+50 to 107+15 -L- right to have adequate length. Again DWQ noted that as long as the offsite drainage is piped through the roadway facility to the stream and not through the buffer it would be allowable. It was decide that DOT would pipe this off site drainage under the roadway shoulder and into the side of the existing culvert located ~at station 105+00 -L-. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 am. SUBJECT: Minutes from Inter-agency hydraulic design review meeting (1-24-02) U3613 B &C - SR 1702 (Firetower Road) from NC 11/903 to SR 1709 (Corey Road), Pitt County TEAM MEMBERS: Andrew Nottingham, NCDOT Hydraulics Mike Bell, USACE-Washington John Hennessy, NCDWQ Tom McCartney, USFWS David Cox, NCWRC Alice Gordon, NCDOT - PD&EA Mazc Shown, NCDOT Hydraulics To open the meeting Andrew gave a general overview of the project and distributed copies of the Stormwater Management Plan. He stated that there are three (maybe four) crossings. The team decided to look at the crossings and not go through the red line plans sheet by sheet. The first crossing discussed was the western tributary to Fork Swamp. On the west side of the crossing the stormwater is being treated with a grassed Swale that is long enough to treat the entire drainage area. Mike, John and David agreed with this design. On the eastern side of this crossing there was not enough azea to get a length of grassed swale to treat the entire drainage area. Andrew displayed two hydrographs showing that the urbanized area and roadway runoff would peak before the off-site runoff from the undeveloped area and therefore the grassed Swale could treat the entire area. There was some concern with this approach as to what would happen when the undeveloped area is developed. John indicated that this approach had been discussed and that he needed to look at it and come up with a formalized process for using the hydrographs. Andrew also presented the option of piping the urbanized off-site runoff straight to the creek and treating the roadway and undeveloped off-site runoff with the grassed swale. With this option the grassed Swale is long enough to treat the entire area coming to it. Mike, John and David indicated that it would be preferable to put all of the runoff through the swale. The second crossing is at Fork Swamp. Andrew showed the original design that used two wet detention ponds to treat the runoff. It was decided not to use this plan due to development of the area where the ponds were proposed. On the east side of this crossing a grassed Swale with enough length to treat the runoff is proposed on both sides of the roadway. On the west side of this crossing the roadway drainage will be treated with a grassed Swale on the north side of the roadway. Off-site drainage on the south side will be piped to the floodplain and dispersed using a preformed scour hole. Mike, David and John agreed with this design. The third crossing is questionable as to whether it is actually a stream: It is shown on the soils map and John indicated that if it was on the map DWQ would need to look at it and make a determination. If it is a stream additional measures will need to be taken. Hydraulics will investigate and report in the next meeting. The fourth crossing is at an eastern tributary to Fork Swamp. Andrew indicated that at this site it is proposed to extend two pipe arches with the low flow directed through a single arch. He also explained that the original plan had used level spreaders as BMP's but there was a problem with backing water up in the systems and into adjacent yazds. The revised design uses a grassed Swale on the north side of the west approach to treat all of the runoff and a preformed scour hole to treat the runoff from the east. John, David and Mike agreed with this design. John brought up the possibility of doing some stream mitigation upstream of this crossing. In general it was questioned as to why use curb and gutter on this project when swales were needed to treat the runoff. Curb and gutter is being used because it is typical of an urban thoroughfare and it is needed with the presence of sidewallcs. " J `'I ~ m ~~ 43 ~~hu.e - - W I 1_ _ ~ ~ ' It ~ ~S / ~-' f 1 J n ~~~ ~ 1 ! '~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ i r ~..1 1~' ~ ~-; L r _ 13 ` _ 1 / ~ 43 ~, \ t 70y9 - ~ 22a1 ; ~ \i J ~ ~ / \ Q/ ,,~ r/n ' m~ ~_ ~` ~ ~ ~' E111D PROJECT ~ r .i ~.- f~.. ail Y U-3613B ~ , ~ ~ ~~ oa...a. ~ 1 BEGIIIT - - ~ r ~: ~, ~• •, PROJECT ~. " -„~" '~ ~ ~~, ~, _ ~ ~~ ' ~~ .~- \ i 1 f ~~\~ ~ ~ \ ~ T ~~y9 \ 1743 1 1876 1866 ~1 ~~`Li ~l `~I ~~~ ~~~~ E 8b7 / / ~\ N~~®°1[° DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PITT COUNTY PROJECT:3~96111 (U-3613B) SR 1708 (FIRE TOWER RDJ FROM WEST OF NC 11-903 TO EAST OF SR 1709 (COREY RDJ Q,um,~ or~w,~g l o~ I ~ r~oPTH sa~ou~~;~. ~ r----= T . ~, ~„---- i -- Lynn 1 1.,., ~----- -- - • ~ _:,. ~~--T J r--~, •. ..~ .,, ; ~ 1 .Y ~'C~~1i~ :~li1eS -1 -~ pp .. . .l f ~ ~~ M ~. ~ - - .Y ------ - - I '~ .. ~ ~ -1 "" r Wesfhaven I c~ ~ ~ ~ -SITE 2 ~ ~.. ------- ~ i r ~ ° .~ ~° ~. : Cel ' .tit ~'= ~ ,~0. I ~ ` Ao-: em so - ~ \ l' 1~ I +~ (1709 l: • ,tip \. i ._ ~ ; ! 1 ter I ,y~`~ '~ I 1 Green 'tl . er ( - - r 1 . r° c ~. pgra~.. \ \ p i ' Orlve-in I i ~ ~ .. ~~ `y ~ ~` ho I `~ •' Academy , ,~ Zr. ,' ~ I 1 ~/ ,Can ons Cros ro ~ ~~ Cem' I~_ ` ~ s,,~ , ~ I • ,l ~ ~o ~~. ~ ,. i ,' ~,,~ PROJECT 1 ~. BEGIN '~ ,~ ~~ ~-~ PROJECT - - ~~ ' ~'~.,_ _ f~ ~:; , J, ` ~~~J " ~~ : i r~s,. ~ uel `~ .. n j ~~~ st,a '~ r . / Y•• 7 ,•, 1129 ~ ~ .~6-. ~ -- 1~1 ~~®~ DIVISION ' OF HIGHWAI'S PITT COU\TTY PROJECT:B.?2?0901 (U-361~B) ~~ ~ ~ SR 1708 (F1RE, TOWER RD.> FROM tivEST OF NC 11-90,1 TO EAST OF SR 1709 (CORE7i" RD.) PPrfii~ OrAw:KcS `a, o~ ia. - SH(:ET OF 4 - ~ ` ~S 70' 3:1 NORMAL 100 YR, wS EL=67.27~~- 50 YR. WS EL=66.53 60' TB LT/RT~ NWS = 59.19 50' ~ STA. 33+52 -L- I ~ 10' X 8' RCBC SKEW = 80° ELEV. = 68.4 3:1 NORMAL 70' I 55.4' i /- 57.8' +/- I 60' BED SLOPE = 0.65% CL BED ELEV. = 57.16' 50' 200 150 100 50 0 50 100 150 10 0 5 10 SCALE: t'= 10' VERT. 50 0 25 50 SCALE:I"= 50' HORIZ. ~~~~~~ ~Ap.®~~~~ SITE 200 I 70' 0' 50' 4 0' RETAIN AND EXTEND .~ STA. 135+24 -L- STRUCTURAL PLATE 100 yr. WS EL. = 62.00' ALUMINUM 50 yr. WS EL. = 60.98' AR. SKEW = 115° ELEV. = 61.97' TB LT --- - i ~~ -- ~---_-___~ = I -------- ~ '+ - -I TB RT 169 / 75 +/ I 0.0% - - L- BED BED ELEV 51.9' 0.0% NWS EL. = 53.23' SLOPE = 0.95% 200 150 10 0 5 50 SCALE:I"= 10' VERT. 50 0 25 50 SCALE: I'= 50' HORIZ. 100 50 0 50 SITE II -VAR. TB RT/LT BED 100 150 200 7 0' 60' I 50' I 40' Pe~M,~-~~~n5y o~ la WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size /Type Permanent Fillln Wetlands ac Temp. Fillln Wetlands ac Excavation in Wetlands ac Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands ac an Clearing in Wetlands ac Permanent SW impacts ac Temp. SW impacts ac Existing Channel Impacts Permanent ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 1 Sta 33 + 52 -L- 1 10' x 8' RCBC 0.026 0.013 196 77 2 Sta 135 + 24 -L- 2 11'5" x 7'1" STR PLATE PIPE ARC HES 0.023 0.014 81 70 TOTAL S: 0.049 0.027 277 147 NAMES AND ADDRESSES PARCEL NO. NAMES 11 SDC PROPERTIES 13 INTERSTATE REALTY,. LLC 14 BOYS CLUB OF PITT COUNTY ~ JUDY WORTHINGTON 8< WALKER MCLAWHORN 8~ ELAINE WORTHINGTON GOLD 72 WILTON E. & LENA J. EVANS 73 FLANDERS EQUITY CORP. 74 W. G. POLLARD, JR ADDRESSES 102-8 EAST VICTORIA CT. GREENVILLE, NC 27858 P.O. BOX 809 SMITHFIELD, NC 27577 P.O. BOX 20293 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 ADDRESS UNKNOWN RR 13 BOX 196 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 P.O. BOX 1708 WASHINGTON, NC X7889 RR 2 BOX 42 WINTERVILLE, NC 28590 NCB®7C DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PITT COUNTY PROJECT:3~96L1.1 (U-3613B) GREENVILLE SR 1708 (FIRE TOWER RD) FROM WEST OF NC 11-903 TO EAST OF SR 1709 (COREY RD). iEET OF ~ / ~ / 0. Perm :t d.~,;,-na to o~ 1~. Chris Murray on December 11, 1998. There are no jurisdictional wetlands located on the project. Two streams (western and eastern tributaries to Fork Swamp) will be crossed by the project. These tributaries were determined to be perennial, jurisdictional streams. Impacts are reported in Table 1. All project waters are located within the Neuse River Basin. The project crosses the western and eastern tributaries of Fork Swamp which are located within USGS hydrologic unit code (HUC) 03020202. The best usage classification for each of these streams is class C, Sw, NSW. The first site involves replacing an existing 96-inch corrugated metal pipe (CMP) with a 10 foot by 8-foot reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) buried one foot below the stream bed. Temporary stream impacts will occur to allow for dewatering of the site during construction of the culvert and stream relocation. The second site involves extending two existing 11 foot 5 inch by 7 foot 1 inch structural plate aluminum pipe arches to meet the new fill slopes. The normal stream flow and channel characteristics will be maintained at the crossing by diverting low flow into one of the pipe arches and keeping the pipe inverts buried below the stream bed. Temporary stream impacts are proposed to allow for dewatering of the site during construction. Table 1. Stream Impacts for TIP Project U-3613B, Pitt County. Site Station No. Structure Stream Stream Stream (from/to) Size/ Type Impacts (If) Impacts (If) Name Permanent Tem orar 1 33 + 52 - L 1 @ 10' x 8' RCBC 196 77 Ut 1 to Fork Swam 3 135 + 24 - L 2 @ 11' S" x 7' 1" 81 70 Ut 2 to STR Plate Pipe Fork Arches Swam TOTAL 277 147 This project is located in the Neuse River Basin and is subject to the riparian buffer protection rules for the Neuse River Basin (15A NCAC 2B. 0233). Buffer impacts associated with this project total are reported in Table 2. Table 2. Ri arian Buffer Impacts for TIP Project U-3613B, Pitt County. Site Station No. (from/to) Structure Size/ T e Zone I Im acts (ftZ) Zone II Im acts (ft2) Total (ftZ) 1 33 + 52 - L 1 @ 10' x 8' RCBC 15,908 5,386 21,294 2 105 + 22 - L 3 @ 8' x 7' RCBC 8,134 6,911 15,045 3 135 + 24 - L 2@ 11'5" x 7' 1" STR Plate Pipe Arches 10,527 5,419 15,946 TOTAL 34,569 17,716 52,285 >, I - , pp 7i 2,'99 2~~rn~ nt V'1 ~ ~/1 1~ ~rysod 2mom ~ ~~i ~ ~ MATCHLINE -L- STA 21 +50.00 (SEE SHEET 4) a ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ rt t uwolo ~ e III m ~, ~ - ~' Q ~o III. I9 ?o i• ~ ~~i~~y III' 20~~~ 2T].N' °~° ~~ Q ~ m ~ s vo•~r iNixn ssn~..oi : - ~ _ \ ~ Ir' i ~ } i i ~ I I I~ ~ g T, ;I ~ 1 III O ~ ms~~ -. x }•' ~ ~~n , Mc ~,,~ 858+~~~Q ~I ~ cat ~ m=~~ ~ m I w av~ Ji-- J ~ ~~ v r ~ I I .^ 4 ~~ I ~ ; , IDE TDE-_ n ~ y ~ ~ o I C roE ~~~ • ~E ~^ i lil `X t. /n t I A I` .~ -'1 m c!~ ~ ' ~"~~l ~ Noy s~~ l I. 9 b ~ ~ 301 ~ m I1 .I 2 \ is r Io ? ?L p ~~ 9 ~ I o ~~~ ~~~ ~ a ~ t t ~ C w ~~~~~~~ O ~ y } v 1 ,' /'v i ~~ ~ ~ .~ + ~ H - ~~ I ~~ ,I Q~Q 4~~ ~ ®G + ~~ ii m ;6 z L (~~o~(. I ~ r O ;^ ® + I ~ ~g I r ~~$~~~ I 8~ ~~ ~ . ®o M'iL.10.-ON ~~ ~ ~$ ~~ ~g [^ .~ ~~ 9 ~ ~~ ~~ OF N I IS \ ~~ 3.0. ~ ~ ~~ ~•9YL i 3.Y4~90.6K II ~Y O I V N~ 1 • I + ~ . ~ ~ ~L I y S Y I ~ I s u ' iif ~~ '1 Y -~ ~ S I~ ~~ L v ~ ~=~- ~ s ~ - to ~ . N -- ~rn ,_ r n ~~~. ~1 o -~ b ~~ m ~ ~ ~1 T ~ y ¢ o az Z ~ ~ . b g~ : '~ o ~ f ~r 4~ . zz =~ _ 0 MATCHLINE -L- STA 34+50.00 (SEE SHEET 6) ~'r~yy 1"!n ~~ O w MATCHLINE -L- STA 34+50.00 (SEE SHEET b) ~ .~~ "'~~ r O r M,/L•q.~ON 4 I ~~ ~6 ~g ~N 1 ` 7 f~ :~ ~~ A r N ~ \ R O .~1 f a a ~~q q~ Wt~ib ~,yyt ~ 3A5.g0,GK MATCHLINE -L- STA 21 +50.00 (SEE SHEET 4) _ .~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ill ~, to _ al ~ + _ ~ ~ t.~I r ~} ~ ~~~ ~ iii ~ - ~ ~' ~ ~ i O ~ ~ .. ~ ~•~ I Q '~ / L^Il\\\ - ~ \! 1( // / 'i~ /tl .L9'L ~ ~ ~ 1~ ®~'+I C r - ~~ e ~ }~~~~ ~~ n ®~~: ~ r~~ ~ 8I8L j= O ~ ~ 1 ZCrs =N `~ Z 7i 2/99 O ~ ~~ ~ O m~~~+N ~O~O d y A y ~ ~rnom ~ n,~~ b mm~ a ~ 2 °8~$ ~m§~~ g,,~~.. ~ yQ~ 2^+~2 N maim m~~~ ~~~~ '~ F o n I~ us.v N0757'09•f ~~ R" N ~~ v ~Q A 5 u v ~ LO 1 w 0 7 5 u O \. > Y S y ~ ~ / 1 / u - ~® S 3 ~8 K <~J7 S y cn ~ - a O • ~ rn J -~-~--. "CJ ~ 8 ~ o ~ ~ ~~ c w ~ u M z ~ m e a ~ b ~ ~e ~ ~ r ~ ~ s Z z ~ _ `~ s ~ ~~ Z 0 :1-JU1-005 i0 53 r:\pro~ u36T3bs06.ppsh mshewn A HY212437 ~~ I I [3~ J ~x~o~.o~ ~-- ~3 MATCHLINE -L- STA. 34+50.00 (SEE SHEET 5) a III ~ ~ ~~~ ~X,x~ ~ u~ >< ~ ~ II ~Qj x ~-1: I I O~ .o I 6 ~ ~~ ~^N y~~ 1~1 N ;! _ _1 _~ ~x X ~~ ~ \ .., ~~ J } / ~~ ~ i ~; ~ ~ ~~ O , g ~ ~ , ~- N ~ ~ _.. 'SST I ' / L2't'iT tl0~'M/tl .10 _ ~ _ _ ~ yp0.-/tl. _~ . . .. ~ }9L.6C.rT _ ~~ . I ~ _- ' CCaaZ Nr N ^u ~ ~' ~ i ~O -X-x 1H~.Z! x-x ~.tiS. TT COT - /Y.C~4C~~ ~~ ~ ~ _ ~ - . ~~ ~ ~Y07-M/tl .tt'!t[ JNO7.W p 3.t0.IS.[OT 1N~.2! k~ O On ~`1 ...._ ~~ Q g 1~" rri 0 iS4/!S I ~o h ~ ~ o~~~ ' ~ II i ( F : m 'L£ ~~~~ 44R~ L~ i~ ~~ ~~L~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 T I ~ i s H ~ 1 Jn/ I ~~ o~~ C ~ ~'$ ~~~~ ~~ I~ P 0 O ~~ 1 sg3 PP[[ II I ~~yG t ~'~ ~ } a ' ~~ - ~ ~ v o II' T ~} ~~{~~~ ~ ~ . ~ i~ ~gg1~ V ~ X ~ py ' I I Y I U ~~ '^ I ®~+ "I I ~. ~' ~ ~ 7 II ~ ~ ~'" F I 181 k ~SI I I I ~ l ~ 1 IO it II I l.~ ~ k ' ` 'r ~ 3 ~~ r i I tJ ~ g I ' C ~ ~ ~ ~ esrm I a `~ ~ ~ ~ I m ?~ ~ I y ~' ~ I~ I q~ %~,~ ~ ,J ~ _ a ~~,! MATCHLINE -L- STA. 4 7+ 50.0 0 (SEE SHEET 7) ' rn f O N N r • /~ A v, rn '~~ }t ~ ~ ~ t n 1 3 N s+ 8 8 O ~ ~ M ~ m o a~r°, ~~~ 1 L 'C ! 5 1 %':r _ ~~ 2 ~ ~~ me ' 0 +~ v~ 56 ~~~I„~a S,} , P ~~ ~ ~' '1 Lau+ ~ Auo-~'^ oHr µ-Iri »,po'oSC 3N'N31'!~ O D ~ t .n ffi '~ ~f'~ ^ y 6 5 Lo ~ o ~ ~ F r ~ O x S " ~ ~~ H O ~~y~~Dv tl 1 aM M q 11 In !-I~Vw~,AO 1 ~~~~~~~ N ~R~ 7/?!95 ~ ~ ~~N od ~ y ~ rn~ m~ ~a x g i O g N m r A ti O ,~ ~b b 8 ~ O ,7 .~ : r- ti z rn o -~ ; z ~ b ~~ o ~ ~ ~r ~ } ~ a N = ~ ~ ~ ~, I Z O 2l-JU1-2005 ~0.5~ s\pr o,l u 1is 6.p sfi mshovn A HY212437 k 7!?i 99 // /J ~ ~~ 7H~ MATCHLINE -L- STA. 34+50.00 (SEE SHEET 5J 0 N i -- ~ x ~x-- ~ ~ >< x ~ * x ~~ O ~ I I ~~ ~ ~ X m N 1.1 ' x -~ ;~ a x F N a N i~ i I ~ _- r n ,~~yy H Ri ~ uO _X_ w~.zt Tl_ .M/9. ~~ y O ~ _ If ~~ m ~~ _ _ s n.YSLOS. k!( .sl;._ , lN].il~ r [1 Or 19~.-. n ~ b ~ 2A VI N 2 O ~m~ m~~ ~~, ~m~ n,~8 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ Z O = ~ : ° ~g ~ `m i o ~ ro n Y • a ~~ o rn ~ ~ -~ }~~ '' ~~ ~ ~ 1 N ~ f*1 1 1 p N 1 ~~ 8 8 o i7 ~ ~ m e ~o a•n, .Hs ~ Z ~ 1 ~ ~ }} ~ '~ ' i 5 ~ I !Fr mr C ~ ~ ••• 777 y ~ v + e ; v u ~ ~ 8b i rl~: ~a b m 8 ~ 2 ~ + N N ''~ 1 '' ~ Atl~~31^ 0,,•, H-IVi 'H3ti~3 ~ N •~ os~ ~ A a ~ N1 llp ly4 • ' ~ ~ '~ L Q T ~ f /~_ Y ,*~ ti ~ c ;E° °~~ 1 ~ ~ g S 6' g ~ 1 1 8 a ~ 3 ~~ " g Y~ ~a 1 11 ~ "'~ I tl im n ! ~ ~~~~ f~1 n ~~-+~oD M ~ Y ~ 11 111/1 u, ~ w°_ ~~ ~1~'~ N ~a~ 1 tl ~ ~~ I >~ m h I° ~~ ;~ ~~~~ I ' _' ~ V N R n ~ ~~~~~~ ~! r ~M~~ S ~NAn ' e3~- a~~L 1 I ~ 1 „ I ~ ~ /. ~ e I ~' U ~,~, il MATCHLINE -L- STA. 47+50.00 (SEE SHEET 7) b s ~ ° ~ ~ (A v T~ ~ o~ I v -'` ~ z = ~ ~ Z o ~ Z O O o ~ro ~ ~ a ~ ~ z ~ ~; ~ ~~, ~ Z 0 r~ r~~ N Or~ ~a o, c 0 ~~a -, an P P n ~j- REGGIE SPw COxSTRUC1Wn Llt v[rrao-sccrcn r suaamr uxoOr caaT. B5A reenouE arcs vveuci ~ 2r BSi w, 2 CYNiS a 6NTER5 85C 85D -L PoC SE CORT auoa~l-Y - PIOT lEE ,IEfiORY N SCOTT ED~+UtD 0 W '~~ i°o ~ -L- Sla. l25+56 5 y + is a. 50.00 . ~ W W y is. E g ._ ~::,:..:,:,- O -- ~ 125+00 '~' N 1- - Re Q . .,,::: :, ... :: ... ;...: a::,:. y Q E+ J a~+ W ~ ~ ' Z r J + Z ~ , I ~r[av, E1R- DISCM ~ ser--°LTAn=~ II ~ S i xm Lp +aom -n1- ° 01E>o~T'!~w4 nton E. ~ lElu J.Evuis 0 -Yn- Po STa p+0 P! Sia IO+461b p= 7'3a442'rRrl 0 = 8'r5'OO.U L =9187' 7 = 46.AY R =694.49' SE = OA33 -Yll- OExOTES rEP11R/IExT SLPFRCE vpiEP IWRCTS ® OEMTES TENPOR4tT SLPr~[E w~tEp W~CTS ll a .' r ~ SITE '1 f~ -L- POC STa.137+3939= -~ I'UE- PERMANENT UTII(TY EASEMENT '~ ~}a ~ ~ ~~ r ~~~~ t y ."_ E W O Rr 0 0 .~ _ y T ,Lr r N + d!0 d. ~ +71.00 J . da,op'I~I~L, W u'CSG + .w ns Z a . rw = U E'CSC ~~ COvENUIT TINTED IETN1DI51 CNIRCN OF GREENVILE 93 Pl STa 127+0!53 Pr S1a 139+7726 p = 4' 2r 230' /RT1 p = 17.53' 45.4 (LT1 D = r3p'OOD' D = 2'30'OOD' L =290.43' L = 715.84' T = 145,28' T =36086' R = 381972' R = 229!83' SE = 0,025 SE = OD3 DET el ~ DETAIL!' sRE:~; ~uT~pra cRUS swRL€ _~ r ~.~ ~w ~ y~,^' L,: s.w ~a,To ga''`r -`w. r7 whc~l2.n. R Rw,p,13Fr. ~ xo.. a : 1 Fr. .hi- STA 10+00 70 11+SD R L LT e : 7-Fr. -ni- n~ 1a+oa ra a+oo Lr A u r,n m uM, : 9s~ NIOM x.179+p0 TO a.l]5+50 ~cis.oa u LCsN/27'i97 J ,{ L -Yl2A- PoTSYa.ll+50,(b N La"'~n9"w Vw -L- Pf7T STa730+7500= -Y12A- PoTSIa. rb+A9.00 ~~ 850 ___- _-- I I ~ iRST sours e+NI / P N 05-02-05 RNI REVISION /DWGI .. ADDED PARCEL 85C fCOAEY lEE SLY)TTI,PARCEL 85D fRANQ7(,PH JEFFORYI,PAACft 85f (EDWARD GI(BERT1,PaiCEL 85F fB08BY pxDN1,AND PARCEL 85G (FIRST SOUTH BANx1. A SECOND CLau OF AnY AND PDE wAS ADDED ON PARCEL 8561 fFIR57 SIXlTH BANq,PARCEL 85Z (JUDY WORTHINGTON NCLAWHORN AND GO(D WORTHINGTON WALKER!, AND PARCEL 85AZ fREGGIE SPAIN CONSTRUCTEIN,u,C1, N 2~ N W W fn O N r H N J r W Z J t U L J~ ~Q NL REGQE SPAN COrESTRUCTpH EEC swruo-sEETCx r SUIpN501 YIOEII Ed6T. 85A rRTON E. ~ EEtu ,I,ENAEAS 0 -n1- PC Sta -Ye- PI S1o 10+46.00 p = T'34'442'fRrJ D = 8'15'OOD' C = 9181 r=46m' R = 694.49' SE = OD33 -L- P1 Slo lZI+O153 Pi S1o 139+7726 ~= 4'2T23J7(Rn D= !l'S3'45,4'lLT1 D = r30' ~A' D = 230' A7.~ C = 25b,43' C = 11584' r = 14sz8' r = 36086' R = 38!972' R = 229183' SE = Op25 Sf = OD3 -Y12A- DETAL srEau CUT d0.ttx DETA0. ~_ ss~ caaSS Sr4E _ ~: ,. ~., ~ ~~ ~ - A mss" o gym'' sa. ~ rho=lAr+. a who=?Srr. ~ xo..a:1_n. _nr- SU to+W m n+5o AT ~ tt a ,_r.. _nl- SU 10+00 TO 11+pp AT L V irw of Char = K~__________._ ROM -Ir179+W TO -1.175+;0 Mns.oo- a • u = t=re, • J 3~ I~zES.oo• u•rr-iT•7r. °'~ ~. 11+50,00 ~ ~axe~rES+ ~` I= ado 850 II ~ nA fMKi SOIITN BAHc oENOras -EREVrfNT $UFACE Y4rEP IMPACTS ®OENOrCS TEM-OxWT SIAraCE ufEP waCTS ROIECT AEfEEENCE N0, ENEET N0. u_- 613a r3 EW SHEET N0. AOAOWAY DESIGN HYDAAWCS ENOWEEA @,WN~ / ~ PRELIMIN RY PLANS ~ ` W NOT Ua[ ro CONatx OC110N •~ I~ TTP(mi~4 .~TYLAsing ~~ ~ P la SITE 2 -rK ~~~ PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT ~ , ' >• -L- POC S1a137+3939= 'C rF W W W ~N O O O . ~ M r Q N J I w ~ J U ro• cac ~~ CONENANt LNTED AETHODIST CMIFCM OF DREENttLE 93 ~ /_0~ 903 J ~rr 1 r~ ~ Im ~/ C • ~I1 43 /~ ~~ ~ /_ ~ ~_ _ ~_ 1 ~ SIhMSq~ ~i ~ r 1 ~" -1 % 1~~\ ~, ,~ (~ "7241 V ! 13 43 /, ~ ~ ~i _ 0 2241 m "'~ , ~` . ~ _ ~ ~' E111D PROJECT - ~ `~ :~ ~`~ U-3613B X41 J 6s~ad~ McGa~+s ~' ~ r -i ~ c,~..a. - BEGIIIT - ~ ~ r ~°'°°` ~ °e1°~' 1 PROJECT - ~ ~ ~ _ `~ -„~ ' ~ ~ _ ,742 U-3613B ~ 1 r i .~ \ ~ / ~ r \ / h~9 \ 1743 ~'~~ / ~ ~C m 1876 1866 2721 / ~ 867 / T ~\ NEUSE RIVER BUFFER N~~®7C DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ~y PITT COUNTY Jj PROJECT: 3.1961.1.1 (U-3613B) 1~ /((~ ~ ~ SR 1708 (FIRE TOWER RDJ FROM w'~ WEST OF NC 11-903 TO EAST OF p rSR n1709 (COREYr~ RD.) SHEET OF J ~ / ~ / OS ~ NORTH C4ROLINA NEUSE RIVER BUFFER ~~~~~~~~ ~~.~~ /~~ ~% N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PITT COUNTY PROJEC'T': 8 `?220901 <U3613) SR 1708 BETWEEN NC 11 AND NC ~3 ~j~~er ~' `~19 ~ of 7 SHEET OF 4-4-OS BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY IMPACT BUFFER TYPE ALLOWABLE MITIGABLE REPLACEMENT SITE NO. STRUCTURE SIZE /TYPE STATION (FROMlf01 ROAD CROSSING PARALLEL IMPACT ZONE 1 (ftz) ZONE 2 (ftZ) TOTAL (ftz) ZONE 1 (ftZ) ZONE 2 (ftZ) TOTAL (ftZ) ZONE 1 (ftZ) ZONE 2 (ftZ) 1 1 10' ' 8' RCBC -L- Sta 33+52 X 15908.0 5386.0 21294.0 2 3 8' ' 7' RCBC -L- Sta 105+y2 X 8134.0 6911.0 15045.0 3 2#11' S"' 7' 1" -L- Sta 135+24 X 10527.0 5419.0 15946.0 STR. PLATE PIPE ARCHES TOTAL: o.o o.o o.0 3asss.o 1771s.o 5zza5.o i i 21-JUL- 0p5 II.32 r:\proJ u364~bs65.psh o0 mshovn A HY2l"2437 ., ., MATCHLINE -L- STA 21 +50.00 (SEE SHEET 4) n F~ r~ ~~ r ~ ~ '© ql ~~ ~ I©I~ ~~~m I 223.A' ~ sem z I }q t° I~ _ ~ ' I ~ " II ~ 52Y0'~i lxsrliq cs)»t.os ~ J ~ I to I "II s `il it ~~~ ~~i 7~I I ~ T_t" 7~aa ~° a ~ I - ~ II \ ~. ~~/ I ~ -r - ~a~, tl.bos~ ~•--- it ""'~- -""'t~ ....~~ I \ _ r ' r M;Bi.l0.Y0N ® r z ~,' 8 ~ ~~ ~ "' - ~ ~ ~\\ ~ ~ N f• 2Z a 1"1 p r7 Y t- ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~_~ ~~ K ~~ t~i °--___JI rross'~ - ~ ~ ~ "'8 M 2 Cp~ T ~ ~~__ I.. _ O ~ N 1 Q ~ ~ .. ~O~ \ ~~ y °' F v ? o~F ~ ~ / ~ N' _ >E 7 r I I W o n nt ITIT i -~ I Iy;M i ' ~ M j y N r V ~ `r R a r4i N m ~ 0 ~ r ~~r ~ ~ €S 8. t > 4, ~ m o 0 u } i ~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~~ i t L S N I + ~sr4i Y" r- o -r I ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ '~ l 6~ ~~~ I ~~ ! aw )~ S " > ~ S tf° _= o °~~ I~ ( __ ~o b;~ } ~ ~ ~w ~~ y ~ ' 83> „~. ~{ ~ ~ n r'il I I a Q ./ ~ Zr~ ~ N ~ ay I ~„ ~ ~ dfi C~ P~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ I' I 4 ~ ` ~( ~ g $ g ¢ ~~ ,a ~ ~ ~ ~, a ~_ j 4 ///////~ 09J .Yt ~ .. ~ \ ~I o i~ .. y iii ~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ L _ ~ rn rBOp` ~ •• ~ ~ O X n 1 apt ~ 9Y y ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~' ~ _ BBBBBBI ,~ 95,946 ~._ ~_ -_ ~ k~ MATCHLINE -L- STA 34+50.00 (SEE SHEET 6) z~-~~~-~~~~4~=~9 m~horwn ~ A H 062437 MATCHLINE -L- STA. 34+50.00 (SEE SHEET 5j ~ ~p I I I t? 4 N {[y, M~ y -~ rn. ~~ 7/2/99 >2 V1 ~j 2 O ~m~ ;~~ ~ ~ z ~~~ ~ ~Z ~ ~ i N m i a o~ iu ~ III: R x X-_X~ ~ ~ III ~ ~ x ~ # III ~ ® i ~ ~ ~° it ~` X L._._X--X-~ ~~ i X / / i ~~ i' N - i ~ ~ , / i ~ ~ _ - - - ' - ypo.M/e.u'-aa Mo~-M/u.to~ssc . -~;yx.ec.es ~- _ ~J,2Ls ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~l ~~ ~t I r mZ eu ~ ~~ ~~ ~ -xx wau xX- -~~.YSros /M.t-•zst ~N _ _ g ~ ~~ _ ~h IpJ-M/tl.[S'tSC 3,C0.-i£DS 7~J•~° lNJ.2L '~ _.9,..._ ~~ ~~ I I r ~ ' ~ la ~ I~ ~ ~ >3 0 ~~ ~~~ ~I hl~ I ~~ h I _ >~ r- m i ~ ~I i it ~ ~~ fl ~, - -, „$ ~_ a of ~ , o ~~~~ ~~ ~-.~ .. ~~ 1 ~ ~ n I ~ ~ ~ m ~I I ;I ~ I m ~ ~ I ~ ~m m 1 ~T ~ ,I ~ I N i~rG S X~ // I I ~~ q I ~ r ~ J ~ I~ MATCHLINE -Lr- STA. 47+50.00 (SEE SHEET 7) N~W~~s.B'R Iw ~ } ~~ s ( s~ ~ 8 8 ~~ ~` ~~m o~ ~ o ~c } } ~Fr ~ ~~ ~ o ~ ~o A G -ri ~~ i~ w N ~ / ~~ HL~v i ,~ os ~ ~/ / ~ S H ~ ~E~, ~ -G ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ g s~ 8 N Y^ Y~ y . ~_ , r~,u e- 3-. ~ b 8 ply z < C e z o -~ ~ ~ ~ V a~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t` ~ ~ ~ Q REYISIC7N5 N 05-02-05 RM' REVISION (DWGI A SECOND CLAM( OF POE WAS ADDED Ox PARCEL <6Z fALYA P4RAYORf1. REVfSEO THE RiW AND TCE ON PARCEL 60 AND 61 (TREErOPS LLCI. A SECOND ClAIY OF PDE AND TCE WAS • ADDED Ox PARCEL 6JZ (CARTRETTE.11C1. ADOEO PDE AND REVISED THE TCE ON PARCEL 6< (&ANCHE D.WATSONI. REVISED 7xE PROPERTY xAllE ON PARCEL 67 TO (CHAR77Y 8E1L. ADDED A PROPERTY Uxf AT 1 -L- STA(09+gp RT,ANp REV!$ED THE PROPERTY OWNER NAXE ~ ON PARCEL 69 TO fRT OEVELOPYENT,INCJ. A SECOND CLNY OF ~ ,. RnY Ax0 TCE WAS ADDED Ox PARCEL 697 rRr OEVElAPAIENT,IxCJ. 1 1 ~r 1. DETAR. ~ cp~uo ~ C }~ td re •ua B ~D fat 1••' Nn.O =LSF,. B =.7.F1. ,,8. a ~,~ ~ tsks---------- FROM .ar7ao+IO To klm+ol lT FROM k10A+00 TO x.101+70 lT PROM b101f61 TO k107+1d Rr -Y9- Pi S1o a+8953 ~ = IZ 23' 53.9' (RTI 0 = Ir15'OOIr L = «02r r = 5s.3z R • so9.3a SE = 0035 A a~ GRASS SWALE d1. 1,97 a Ci2 - d dt d3 0.96 R SITE 2 010 • e~a d10 • 1.04 R Y! - 1.39 v10 • 1.39 ~.sr 6rglh - Z R ~'D7• A . 1.0% 8 E ALw PARAIbAE -Y - Pr 570.1 +49A1 ~ ~~~ d xIa >'< aw PARWORE 'Y9- PC S1o.11+3421 x ~~~ Ia x Ctl0 • 30 d% I d3 1,93 R ~ 1 k` d10 • ti7 R x n MD 7 -L- POT Sta99+2998- 4i 10 : 2A7~4u ~r / `7'7e•,B, . , -YB- POT Sta 12+03J2 ~ ,~~1a %7o R ii x cols 1 rPRAr ea,7A ~ p^ -Y - PT Sto /1+63 ~f 16 7 7oi~ was SwAIL I ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ 67.7 sY MIrC !@ DITAL'K ~ CIAO 1 rPUI 0~'~Xy BL7 10N1 ~~ YMLTTR MIrC I I T6 TO 'I0 GAIR 1 dPRAP ff it rro , W 177.7 q FAWC ~c!1~1' 67.9 TOItl RI DRA0.'A' .so MVFLTd MMIC e e con[ C 4,' I~ [A.7 K FAIRK rv A 67.7 TON1 a 25BpD y - w lST,t01Y MWC ,~ i CYNTxA a ~a>xc W ~F - - MF -- P E - - _ -- ~- -PDE - ~ E Cm, pn DE - - -~ ---^r--PLE. _ ro ." Id ORwTx0u5E O .. __. .. oo ~ ' ~ -___- b { • ..---~- .. s I ~ 1 -. ~, .. ._:,._--- ------ - 7 ® ~a ,~ ~ rer.pn u[ rcau } -_ ----------- ------- ----- pv ae ___ -.c-__-_-__-_ , _______- -~7_-.________________ _.-____~ ---------------- - P - - • SN /Iq9 FMIE7(WEN a1 J6B57 I ! l _ _ - ~-__--.-- -.-~-ii wAUr -~ ___-_- _---- _ -- --.--__ ---Tr 1 II • vn E .. .. .. ' \ .. .. _~ i16STz .. ~ ~ ..T~ .1 .. .. .. .. ~ ~ e >c >c ~>c Z ~,c ~ ~ ^ \ ~~`'< 0 PDE PIN As'%4.s' E _ -~ PDE "ts ~~ S@ 0[dL ~~ 1104E I . d" ~ ~, ~s.Ff . ~4y G ~ 76~fY0RR;AVATION !Y i, _ • m ~ I ~ V {Epi ~~,. ~A . ,o Tow C 1 N~ ~. I m ~ F' I ~ b:.• < cBNC 7u.~ m m ~ i N ~, P,y~. ` .. ~N 21'Ct ~ ~, N~ , '~AiT' d c y r~runa carer ~ ~ ; i i I~ I , `! I .~_ I ~,,~ 'I 7 OrT. I ~I ~ \ 1pr~ ~dATSt6ygr .~/~,, dr• ~ aC MOWS I , 11 ~ aAU 1 RE7N I I z~ ~ ~ •~r s s<e our N ~ Ct,E s ~ : ~ ~~- ~""~~~ I / car a• a 1 / \ ~, t E n 1 I IrQ CB lr \ ~ qSq /'N Pa ~~ 11 25~eolei ~ c ~ ~7S ~ °9~_ B ~ hTlpixr RIIOPotlS E~LTNN Y.NOEOER ~ I ~v i~, i z _ :~: R. ~\ / ~ it • ~\ rar ,~ z, ~ AwRT.lAt1; C.DALCNTRT F•RAR01.0 Ri L5A S.IIDSON ~I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I GRASS SWAIEa' n II $ u \\~ z.•rar TIM IC•GALAZT PARTNERS GaWROERET r.- SAWEL r.N000NIC%, ~ I I ClI •14.7 ad! s ~ 1o- II ~ \~ nll a • I I CDO • 6 d1 0 4 ~~ v L=EETx K POC% N•CLRTIS L BARBARA rA00RER A l l d10 • iL36 R ' S0 TREETOPS LLC -.. e n I I ~ y0~• 0.17 6 RAT ~E I : 0.3% II~ NPAyG7~,'~~TOENE I ® RPACTS Z01E 2 u hTO~s7. ~ .t ~,~+ ~ Qa.7B• CTd:ENVR.LE PROPERTES CARIRETTE LlC G1N CON ftUCrgN sBiro9.On -Y - a ~~ 1 m 1 ISBxD 740lECf REPiAB~lCE N0. 1NREi No. ~. - 6( 11 AW iFrkT N0. IOMWAY 0lAGN HYDIAIAJCS ENINEER tNGINEH '.. PRELIMIN RY PLANS m eo7 uBe ro causmornox i 8u~'~er' l~r~i~ ~ ~ g I'! OF 7 I'~~I ~~ a ~».~~ I ~ ac _1J~J -= aenx Ov -21BSr -___~1P C8~ - a'C M [B Cx+Rrr 1Gb ~~ 1 ' ~ COrITa SPAN - ,,,~ i ~e ~• ~ ~ ~ iseaB is1aO LU N •70. e•Bwplaa rx, y. .. O _....._ ...._ O dei ~ -- -- N r r ~Y ~!Y - :._. ..: ~ - J -ail-x 7z~o x'-x- W Z J 2 i ea evapiwEnts `_ F r.r~ I~~ li TM r x- I I. a•II l9~. II I 'II ~I1,1 ~~ U II ~ ~~ a1. 4~~11 . II R -~- zs0 1 ~ ~ -Y9 I r"I 1rlo :u ~~ 1 I N II • ~ II 0 ~ I II 1 I u 1 ~ ~4 1.~ BLARGE 0 uTSON ~ ' i a RT oEvELOP-ENT, Nc O SEE SHEET 11 FOR .4.• PROHLE SEE SHEET 16 FOR YB- PROflLE SEE SHEET Z6 POR -`(9- PROflLE ,' .. °~ REVISIONS ~ 05-02-05 RAV REVISION (DWG) ADDED PARCEL 85C (COREY LEE SLT)TTI,PARCEL 850 IRANDDlPH JEFFpRlJ,PARCEL 85f fEAvARD GILBERTI,PARCf185F ' (ABBY 1NXONI,AND PARCEL 85G (FIR$T SOUTH BANK). A SECOND CLAIM OF R/W AND PDE WAS ADDED ON PARCEL 85GZ (FIRS( SCUTH BANKLPARCEL 852 fJUDt WORTHINGTON MCLAWHORN AND GO(D WORTHINGTON WAIXERI AND PARCEL 85AZ (REGCIE SPAIN CONSTR(1CTKM',LLC1. REGWE SPW COwSTRIItTgw LLC suFFEIasEETON r suellRlyDN ucu roNSr. eeatrnae ais2f trveun N 95T w/ Ta1R&S b q/FfERS OT ~FORY ~~ ~~ EDuRD SC _; _ ~ W ~ _' y -L- " Sto.l25+ N ~ ' ~ N .. s E O =~. O -- ~ 125+00 d r _ R N E © ! uxq ECM .L r xiR ~ 79LOk EER-0IE01 ~ etE DEVIL'C' HTR f -11 HIA j ~.~ 1RTOw E. R LENT ,LEveN$ -Yll- PC Sta -Yrl- P! Sro ~+4600 p= 7'34442'(RT) 0 =8'15'0017 L = 918T T =4600' R =694,49' SE = 0033 l N~ ip r \jro S IT pxON ~'. s .~ ,.,. -L- PI Sra 127+0153 Pr S1o 139+7726 p- 427 2317 tRT! o = rT 53' 45.4 rlrl o = r3aoo0~ v = z3a0oa L = 243' L = 7!584 r = 745,28 r =36086' R = 3,81972' R =229183' Sf = 0,025 Sf = 003 a ~~ OETAII ~ ~"~ o ~€ ors a t~ ~fN ~N o o'•~ Nr ouw p far yy, Nx.G =1,6Fr. nno :1ST+. Nm, a : 1 rr. -nl- ErA 1D+aD To n+sa eT i R 9 = _rr. -n7- FTA 10+00 TO 1I+00 a i LT trw of liner = K~___________. FEOM -1.179+00 TO x.173+Sp R.775A0' Y LL= ~'~ P=22SOD' POTSf0,11+50,(b 15s' ~ LCsNA71'S9'N ~ IO+75,00= ~o , b+0000 it Fei51 Shcix BAEeI dlD~ ~iEOTRT~EIITG~TON~iu.KER~ N ~~ ~ 1 I . ~ ~ ~ I~ _ •L- Pr Sro. 728+46b8 , , I I R,zNH.7Y ~ I ~ " r- - I I~; U=N2ryH'39'N I I ( 7 I/ I ~ a ~ a isaX eus :IA95 1 EIMA9 I I R=2967Y I l I I Iil ~ i wRLT9l FuRV: i = Hr ( I I;I -L- SOT $ra130+ 3T,7 TONE I ILC•-Nn'N79w ea. t sr FAeeIC I II~ II ~I -Yr2~ POT 570.11+9659 I ~I O~f a pFRAF rr-zs.GO•~~' I ~ I If ~~ rY{TILTEI FAeE10 LL'WER Lai57NGtngy I t 1 I sT.erows ~ ...~. POE _ I I `, 6i.7, FY FAEAIC r ~f ---n ~ y-s b '1 'T 1 , © ~~~ I ,scv 1 _ isRo I ~~ 7 ., 8q ;~ ~ -Ylr- PT Sta p+9187' • R4Pw C. TIICiERr IYIdT H YCLEiw s 'I'7'---E 11 II !i Y 1 I ISFD W f~, M DRCH `~~ DRAIL'C' .~ ~ \ ~, II \ ~ \1 - HTR ~ LeOA LOrrEv s p ~~ ~ ~~. ,......... ~~ ~ ~+' _ _ ~' ~ ~, I, r"" ~ \ ~TERV(LLE1TOgN5NlP ~ ~~ _'_~I ~ d I_ ~1 ~ ~ \LO~~ /~ ~o I ~ i w 1 L > ~ <( J rllTOw E.R LEwi J.EviwS~ - ~ J xiR BEGIN CONSTRUC710N -YA- PC S-a. r0+2700 ~r r~ - - •PUE -p xTR HTR ^ A s ueau CtR DrtCw i!! DQAA'C ~7 Nip e PDE __~~ ~~~Na~~/ - ~Pa ~i E ~ PUE-asr-~ .or+ry~E_ LT CON,' RTOw E.R LEEU J.EviwS ~~~e11GT~ ggZ~~OEEFE I ® ei'ACT$AZ07$ 2 o' b Q. ~ yn o' M s /~. . I ~. ~+ / YF gk ~~ . ~ 1~ ,/ ,r FiIOJ:CT EEFEAENCE N0. SHEET N0. U_36_13B_ _ 13_ - -MV EHFFf N0. ~oADWAr Dnlcl+ wrouwr3 ENdNta ENdNEEA PRELIMIN RY PLANS 00 NOT V98 PO CON8IAVGTON Q~L~P1~r' pr4w~~5 ~ D F r~ ~~r~ PSH do= 136 x alo . a Gr. SITE 3 -L- POC Sta137+3939= -Y13- Por STQ,,12+33J3 JR, S / l.3• / -- ICI 2fiBL~PT l 7 - ___ __ {I B' CLG ~ fi0' CONC ~ o Vn ~] ~ A r a asr g IA' CbG ` ~ --- fid CGNC d W h ~ ( -Yr3- Sra/0+85A 25BNePi J_ ~-x Ri90ER5 EOUITT CORP. ~T -PIIE PLIE- PEAMANENT !!711!71' EASEMENT 0~ GRASS SWAIE da= 2AE ac QZ ~ 10 de Q10 ~ 15 cb dz - ~.» x d10 . 1,56 fi ~ - t.16 ~ vT~O h. 1.24 ion -L- PC 1 ~ 03% 40~ N JUDY tORTVIEECiON uLLiv9v)Rw $ N Gq.D tglTUlGTdI e4RER o~ ~ aAU a erelr EEI.7 TONE ~ 2 0 11'Y E M7! A~IJMW g Eff. ti SY FNIIC ~ eN~ W ~~ ~~Q ~ r C ~~n~~ ~ -E W .-.... N' - -.... O .- Hr p O -- N - M i N/LT r --= -- - a ~u W 18'C8G '~ p ~ U ' i ie•cet -~ COVENiwT UNTED LET1pd51 CMIRCw OF OREENVUE LS~J SHEET 1 FOR ~ PROFILE SEE SHEET Z6 FOR Y11- PROFILE SEE SHEET T6 FOR Y14- PROFlIE SEE SHEET 27 FOR Y13- PROFlIF v M M I 0 gill /~,~, 4' ~~ ~ ~~~ -' o `~~ Sce Sheet 1-B For Conventional Plon Sheet Symbols See Sheet 1-C For Survev Control Sheet ~~ '~ i ). - P ~ 1 J" ~ ~- -1 - .~ ~~°ATIE ®~ N®Ig~[`~][ C~I~®ILII~A x ~I~I~I®1V ®~ 1~I~1HWA1~Y~ 701,8 ~ ~- , ~ ~ -;. k ,r ~ 1 ~1{~§w ~, ~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ END PROJECT `~ II-36136 a,~ ~ ~- ` ~' f W W s ~ y O~w1Y Miw~ Oww~~ O~rY - BE~T-•~~ _ U~613B ~ ~ '~ "~~ / I ,~ ~~ ~~ .~; ~~ prrr covx~ LOCATION; GREENVILLE - SR 1708 {FIRE TOWER ROAD) FROM WEST OF NC I1--903 TO EAST OF SR 1709 (COREY RD). TYPE OF WORK; GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, CURS f~ GUTfER, CULVERT, RETAINING WALLS, GUARDRAIL AND SIGNALS 0 N V THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF GREENVILLE AND WINTERVILLE. CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III, rtm mn n0o67 raao 110 B6T T0~"~ ...,. •~• U-36136 1 ROn IMLIq R~nOIIO MIrf~Wl 34961.1.2 MMSTP 1708 PE 34961.2.2 STS-1706 3 BhV UTIL 34961.3.3 S1?-1708 CONST. GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH Preporeo to t~ atlte d: RYDRAL1LlCS RNGIIVESR ST ~ ~ ~~ C~ARAOyLAL! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 30 25 D 50 100 ADT 2006 = 28,908 t0oo Dlrci 1llirr Dr., >R.I.+rM1 xc stato ADT 2030 = 42,200 LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT U-3b13B = i 7D~''r'"~AtO '~1C°'~"'!0°'a PLANS DHV = 10 96 2,y~ m , TOTAL LENGTH OP TIP PROJECT U~6138 = 2.646 mi. ra so 25 o so too D = 60 96 1EIGRT OF WAY J2AT6 PE JAMES A SPEER ~""~t°'` ld : . . T = 3 96 ' JUNE 28 2002 "t0~ ~'~` _ ROAD ~ ~ 0 PROFILE ~HORIZONTAW , EIYGIlIBBR ~ T7KE11? OF TRANSPORTATION V 50 MPH FEDERAL ffiGSWAY ADMINISTRATI 1o s o to 20 L877ING J3l18: DANNY GARDNER rt iua Asap V ' TTST 196 DUAL 296 JUNE 20.2006 g PROFILE (VERTICAL) is arcau$aa: '""'0°® nnzvav emm~smrax a+~ VICINITI' MAP I r~l Note.• Nor to Scale so.~ = s~af,~a v s„a:,~~,;~8 5°~'.~1"E ~~' P~T~FB°d']H[ ~.~~~1LIl~i.~ ~3d~~~I~I*T ~~ Hb~~WA~ 5 CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS BOUNDARIES AND PROPERTY.• State Una -••• Counfy Una Township Une U Ci •-••°- - ly ne Reservation Une - ~ - • - Property Une Existing Iron Pin Properly Comer -~ Property Monument Parcel/Sequence Number ®s Existing Fence Une -x -x-x- Proposed Woven Wlro Fence - ~ Proposed Chain Unk Fence & Proposed Barbed Wiro Fence -- -8-- Existing Wetland Boundary - - - -••- - - - Proposed Wrtland Boundary •~ Existing Hph Qualify Wetland Boundary -- "° •~- Existing Endangered Mimal Boundary w- Exiating Endangered Plant Boundary ^^- BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE.• Gas Pump Yent ar lYti sank Cap o Sign Welt ° Small Mine x Foundation Q Aroa Outline D Cemetery 0 Building L~J School Church Dam HyDROZt~Gr Siroam or Body of Water Hydro, Pool or Reservoir r= __ J River Bann Buffer - eea - Flow Arrow E---- Disappearing Stream >----- Spring p^••~,.--~ Swamp Marsh ~ Proposed lateral, Tail, Head Ditch ~ ~~ False Sump ~ RAILROADS•• Standard Gauge ~, RR Signal Milepost „~~, u Switch O RR Abandoned --- -~- -- -~ RR Dismantled - RIGHT OF wAY eoseline Control Point Existing Right of Way Marker ~ Existing Right of Way Une - Proposed Right of Way Une - ~-~-- Proposed Right of Woy Une with Iron Pin and Cap Marker Proposed Right of Way Une with Concrete or Granite Marker Existing Control of Access - -~;-- Proposed Control of Access - --®-- Existing Easement Une - -E-- Proposed Temporary Construction Easement- e Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement- -me- Proposed Permanent Droinage Easement - -roe- Proposad PennanentUHlity Easement -rus- ROADS AND REL4TTsD FEATURES.• Existing Edgs of Pavement -- Existing Curb -- Proposed Slope Stakes Cut ---~--- Proposed Slope Stakes Fill - -- _v -- - Propaed Wheel Chair Ramp Curb Cut for Futuro Wheel Chair Ramp - cr Existing Metal Guardrail ' ' ' Proposed Guardrail Existing Cable Guideroil " Proposed Cable Guideroil " Equality Symbol Pavement Removal I~EGETATION.• Single Tree Q Single Shrub o Hedge ...,,,„.~,,,,,,,,.,,,r Woods line Orchard 4 Q p E3 Vineyard m.w-a EXISTING STRUCTURES.• MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Cuhrort ~~~ Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Well - ~ ~~ ^^ MINOR: Head and End Woll ~~ ^^ Pipe Culvert Footbridge > ----~ Drainage Box: Cakh Basin, DI or 16 OC8 Paved Ditch Gutter ----- Siorm Sswer Manhole Storm Sewer s UTILI77ES•• POWER; Existing Power Pole ~ Proposed Power Pole b Existing kint Use Pole + Proposed Joint Use Pole Power Manhole Power Une Tower Power Transformer 8 USG Power Coble Hand Hole H-Frame Pak ~ Recorded UG Power Une " Designated UG Power Une (S.U.E.') TELEPHONE: Existing Telephone Pole + Proposed Telephone Pole •~ Telephone Manhole 8 Telephone Booth ~ Telephone Pedestal ~ Telephone Cell Tower ,~, USG Telephone Cable Hond Hole Recorded USG Telephone Cable Designated USG Telephone Cable (S.U.E.')- ----~---- Recorded L4G Telephone Conduit ~" Designated U~G Telephone Conduit(S.U.E.'~- ----tt---- Reeorded USG Fiber Optia Cable " ~•- Designated U~G Fiber Optia Cobb (S.U.E.'}• - - - -~ ~"- _ _ . WATER: Water Manhole 0 Water Meter o Water Valve ..Water Hydrant 4 Recorded USG Water Una Duignated U~ Water Una (S.U.E.")-- - - - -•- - - - Above Ground Water Une ~~~ ^m~ N: N Satellite Diah ~ N Pedestal N Tower USG N Cable Hand Hole Recorded U~ N Cable ~• Designated U~G N Cable (S.U.E.') ----~•---- Rewrded USG Fiber Optic Cable -~• ~^- Designated USG Fiber Optic Cable (S.U.E.'}- ----^ro--- GAS; Gas Yahro 0 Gas Meter Recorded USG Gas Une Designated USG Gas Une (S.U.E.') ----•---- Above Ground Gas Une "` `°` SANRARY SEWER; Santary Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Cleanout p USG Sanitary Sewer Une Above Ground Sanitary Sewer ~re ~~,Q, :..K Rewrded SS Forced Main Une ~$- Designated SS Forced Main Une (S.U.E!) - - - - -~,- - - - MISCEUANEOUS; Utility Pole ~ Utiliy Pole with Base p UNliy located Object o Udlily TrafFic Signal Box Utlllfy UnlmaWn lJ't7 floe -m~- U~G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil AG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil 0 USG Test Hole (S.U.E.7 ~ Abandoned Auording to Utility Records - MNR End of Information E.0.1. oAKMNAL GROUNT) T ~I v'al oaaNU cAaIND 10' ~ VAR. e. , ~~ OAADE Ta TNBi ue 10' 2' 5' ~ T ~ .~ 6" i•- S GARDE m TNn m 4 SURVEY ~ ~ - EXISTING E3 ~ d /~M ~ C3 ~ 3 D2 ~ ~~~ U `~ 3' 2T~n MIN. MIN. Z~n MIN. 3' Detail Showing Method Of Wedging "~"' ~ -L- SR 1708 I (FIRETOWER RD.) 52' F-F 10' 316' VAR. 2 I 4 5, 5, w C2 rolNr I ~ w ~ D1 R2 T ~ ~~ ----~- -- ~ 11" ~ 11" 6" ~ ~ •s GBAx to n+O uNE TYPICAL SECTION N0.1 -L- SR 1708 ~FIRETOWER RD.) 84' F-F 10' 30' 1 50' 2 ~ 1.5' 5' ~ GRADE W C1 R2 `,OSg .02, ~,gg y - - - - - 11" -t----- - - --- - - --- - -- LM U U ~ T S GRADE To THIS uNE TYPICAL SECTION N0.2 ~ wRVEY __ naxr RDSieue HD. RHee No. U-36r3B 2 ROADWAY DEYON MYCMRNf DtlIQN NGNlB! BJG1.4£R OAKYNAI GROUND 3~ NOTE: TRANSITION FROM EXISTING TO TYPICAL SECTION N0.1 ~ sTa 1z+oo.oo TO STA. 13+10.00 USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.1 -L- STA. 13+10.00 TO STA. 14+50.00 '-L- STA. 14+50.00 TO STA. 16+10.70 oRKMNU GROUND USE. TYPICAL SECTION N0.2 -4- STA.17+25.00 TO STA. 19+00.00 PAVEMENT SCHEDULE C1 CE COURSE TYPE BO.BB, QURyA NCPE E O ~ AT p T Ei '6 E DURBE, TYPE B28.OB, AE B 8 R R4 8" CONCRETE MONOLITHIC IBLANO D S EAAOE R AT AN E OF LBB 1eB 0 B PER OF 46 AT AN AVE RAOE AATE ~Q PROP. APPAO%. 8" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE TYPE 60.88, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 188 L88. PER BO. Y0. SN EACH OF TND E2 PROP. APPAOX B" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE 826.08, S " 4 CONCRETE SIDEWALK. LAYERB~ AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 870 LBB. PER 80. YD. PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CDNCRETE SURFACE COURSE TYPE 80.88 h PROP. VAR. DEPTH ABPNALT CONCRETE BABE COURSE, TYPE B28.DB YD PEA 80 PEA 1" b C3 DEPTH, TD ~E AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 112 LBB. PEA 8D. YD. PEA 1 E3 . . AT AN AVERAGE MTE OF 114 LBB. DEPTH. T LAYERS NOT LE88 THAN 9 IN DEPTH OR GREAT BE PU EO I T EARTH IUTEAIAL. PUCED IN UYEAS NOT TO E%CEED 1fy" IN OEPTN. Q N ER THAN 8 IN DEPTH. D1 PROP. APPROX. 21s" ABPNALT CONCRETE 1NTEAYEDIATE COURSE, R 1 1'•8" CONCRETE CURB-AND GUTTER. (f EXISTING PAVEMENT. TYPE I10.OB, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 288 LBB. PER 8G. YD. D2 PROP. APPAO%. 4" ABPNALT CONCRETE INTERYEOIATE COURSE, R2 2'•0' CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. W VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1BEE STANDARD NEDGIND DETAILS) TYPE I10.OB, AT AN AYEAAOE RATE OF 488 LBB. PER BD. Y0. PROP. VAR. 0lPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, D3 TYPE I1B.OB AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBB. PER"B0. YD. PCR 1" R3 2'.0" VALLEY GUTTER DEPTH TO B~ PLACED IN UYEAB NOT LE88 THAN 2k IN DEPTH OR ~ " OREAT A THAN 4 IN OEPTN. NOTE; PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES ARE 1;1 UNLESS BHDWN OTHERWISE. Detail Showing Method of Wedging. P 10' 2~ 5' , 4.5' -L- SR 1708 (FIRETOWER RD.) G' F-F 10' noseT ~e~ee No. !ND'.T No. U-36138 2-A NMDWAY DESIDN MVEM@R OFlIfiN l1GIN®l @IGWBt 2 `025 ouG~NU GIOU1m 6" 10' 14` WiG. 2, , 5' , 4 5 .02, ~11" GEADE ro TH6 uNE E1 TYPICAL SECTION N0.3 -L- SR 1708 (FIRETOWER RD.) 72' F-F 14' ~ _ 12' ' _~_ 14' OEIGWAL GIOUND C1 11~" 98.69 ~ T $:~ C2 3" 89.58 `OZ C9 VAA. DEPTH 69.5B '~ ~ ~ Err Dt 21~" I19.OB S USE TYPICAL SECTION N0 3 D2 4" I19.OB . -L- sra 19+00.00 TO STa 23+35.00 D3 VAR. DEPTH I19.08 '-lr STA. 19+00.00 TO STa 21+30.00 RT. TRANSITION FROM TYPICAL SECTION N0 NOTE 3 TO TYPICAL SECTION N0 4 E1 e° B25.os : . . -lt STa 23+35.00 TO STa 29+35.00 E2 6" B26.OB E3 VAR. DEPTH 826.OB lOr R1 1'-8" CONC. CURB E; GUTTER Z 14' WiG.R. R2 2'-S" CONC. CURB A DOTTER ' ' RS 2'-0" VALLEY DOTTER 4.5 5 " R4 CONC. MONOLITHIC ISLAND 6 ouclEVU clouNO B CONC. BIDEWALK R2 T 3'~ T EARTH MATERIAL )25 ~ ~ ~ .02, ~ U EXISTING PAVEMENT n I ~ n USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.4 W VAR DEPTH ABPH. PAVY'T 11 11~ 6 (SEE wEDDINO DETAIL) ' S -L- STa 29+3500 TO sra 45+50 00 U ~ -I.- STa 57+00.00 TO STa 86+65.00 VAR. 33' TO 54' -~ sra e9+66.92 TO sra 103+55.00 GRADE TO TNa uNE -L- STA. 111 +60.00 TO STa 120+20.00 TYPICAL SECTION N0.4 -L- sra 121+33.50 TO sra 135+12.50 -I.- STa 137+14.75 TO STA. 147+82.55 NOTE; TRANSRION FROM TYPICAL SECTION N0.4 TO EXISTING -1r STA. 147+82.55 TO STa 151+70.00 NOTE; SEE PLAN SHEET 10,12, AND 13 FOR LEFT-0VER DESIGN a N VAR. baT - e' 2' +81 5' n olxlwu alouNo ~.)S.~~oR. ~ D1 ~ 3:1 --'~ g T ~ fib" E1 GLADE 10 111E ue MEDUN DETAIL REVERSE FOR WESTBOUND TURN LANE -L- Sia 17+70.00 TO STA. 22+50.00 -L- STa 77+27.33 TO STA. 81+00.00 '~ STA. 82+BS.00 TO STa Bb+65.00 '~: STA. 89+66.92 TO STa 90+26.93 ~- STa 90+09.00 TO STa 93+39.00 'd- STA. 93+39.00 TO STa 95+45,00 ~ STa 95+45.00 TO STA. 98+75.00 '-L- STa 99+75.00 TO STa 103+55.00 '-lr Sia 111+60.00 TO STa 115+40.00 •~,- STa 116+40.00 TO STA. 120+20.00 '-L- STa 121+33.50 TO STa 121+90.00 ~- STa 121.+72,50 TO STa 115+02.50 '-L- STa 125+01.50 TO STa 117+02.50 d- STA. 117+01.50 TO STa 130+32.50 '~,- STa 131+32.50 TO STa 135+11.50 '~,- STa 137+29.75 TO STa 137+77.50 '-L- STA. 137+70.00 TO STa 145+15.00 -4- STa 146+25.00 TO STa 148+35.00 USE WITH TYPICAL SEC'T10N N0.4 '-L- STA. 97+50.00 TO STA. 98+50.00 RT '-L- STa 115+50.00 i0 STa 111+50.00 LT -L- STa 113+00.00 TO sra 126+00.00 LT 10' 14' WiO.R. --~ 2' 2.5' S` OpGINAL OIOUND ~ D ~ g:1 ... 3:1 6" ~ ~ S oucNU olGU~ T El GLADE To TrIB TINE USE WITH TYPICAL SECTION N0.4 -L- STA. 122+45.Q0 TO STa 124+60.00 RT 2'-6" C&G 50' 2' MONO. 4 ' CONC. ISLAND -~ i n ~,~^ R=1' N 50` 25' 30' 4' MONO. TAPER CONC.ISLAN 4'-6" C&G USE WITH TYPICAL 5ECT10N N0.4 -L- STa 90+00.00 MEDUN -L-STa121+65.00 MEDWV -L- STa 137+50.00 MEDUN OEIGp~AL GEOUIEI " 16n~ S E1 GLADE TO THEI uNE J i ~ ~i N i ROllCI AlRI~ N0. !M![~ N0. U-36r38 2-B ',OADWAY DEfgN MYENlIrt DBK.l1 BlGINla BWt181 C1 11~t" S8.6B C2 3" S9.5B I N0.5 C3 VAA. DEPTH 88.5B TA. 49+82.00 D1 z1~° I~e.De 7A. 57+00.00 ~~ GRADE TD THI$ UNE N_ i.49 1.13 D2 4 I19.08 03 VAA. DEPTH I18.OB E1 4" B2b.08 E2 5" B26.OB E3 VAR. DEPTH 826.OB R1 1'•B" CONC. CUAB 6 GUTTER R2 2'•B" CONC. CUAB ~ GUTTER R3 2'•D" YALLEY GUTTER R4 5" CONC. NONOLITHIC ISLAND S CONC. BIDEWALK T EARTH NATEAIAL U EXI8TIN8 PAVEMENT W VAA DEPTH ASPH. PAVN'T (SEE WEDOIND DETAILI ON N0.6 P O d O 0 Z m N owe DIOUND ITI'I~,AL ~Ct,ILViV IVV.O -Y- (SR 1148) I 10` 40' F-F 10' 2` 12' 11' 12' 1' T "•-II~ ------- - ---- T n E1 11" ~ 11 ~ ~ b GRADE To THIS uNE TYPICAL SECTION N0.7 CEIDINAE QW~MD 3~~ ~L~ TA. 89+66.42 0 STA. 111+60.00 -v- ~~w iwTav.vv .0 STA. 121+33.50 -L- STA,135+12.50 TO STA. 137+29J5 '"-L- STA. 109+00,00 LT USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.7 -Y- STA. 10+61.79 TO STA. 11+00.00 ~ -L- SR 1708 (FIRETOWER RD,) 1A+ ~ni e e tA/ P N 3'~ oudNU wouND noun ulDieia 1a, meer No. U-36138 2-C ~91GIN®! 1AYdAl~NT~~ GN Y1- (NC 11) 10' 2' VAR. 36' - 44' 2I2' YAR. 48' - 36' 2' 10' ;px>1.Ir~n1ARy ;PLgxs ' DO NOT V9b::Fq" CgN8TgJ1G2lOR ' ouGWAI cAOUND Ct 111" 99.68 ~ ~ I ~ ~ 3.1 C2 3" 69.58 - ~ _ - - EXIST. EXIST,, x,02 C3 VAA. DEPTH B9.6B ' ---------- - - - - - - - _J I ---- --- - ~ --------~--- 1 -- -------------- D1 21'2" I19.OB " 6 "~~ 11 ~+6" T 11 U ~ 11 D2 4" I19.OB Ei U E1 GEADE TO THIS UNE GEADE TO THIS UNE 03 VAA. DEPTH I19.OB TYPICAL SECTION N0.8 ~ Y1- (NC 11) 11' ~ 11' -~ -1' ' 1' I Q! Q C ---`--- U llu .t, 2 --- u ---- El OEADE TO THIS UNE USE WITH TYPICAL SECTION N0.8 ONdNAI dlOUND 111 9~ 0~ 02 EXIST. -~-- ~ 2 U dIAOE TO THEi UNE USE WITH TYPICAL SEC'iION N0.8 -Y1- STA. 19+10.00 TO STA. 23+00.00 MEDL4N Yt- STA. 19+43.35 TO STA. 22+08.35 LT. ~ YlA- WHRLEY DRIVE I 10' S2' F-F 10' 2' 12' 12' ~ 12' 12' 2' I az w ~ ~ ~ w R2 a .0, X02 ~ .0_ 2~ . _.01 J 31 T 6,/ ~11" -----~- u-__--111- 611 T o DEKaNU ~~ Ei Ei PL ~_ fiAADE TO THIS UNE -- V TYPICAL SECTION N0, 9 n v t E:1 4" B26.OB USE TYPICAL SECTION- N0.8 E2 6" e25.oe Yl- STA. 17+00.00 TO STA.17+41.29 LT. E3 VAR. DEPTH 826.08 -YI- STA. 17+00.00 TO STA. 17+49.83 Ri. ~-Yl- STA. 19+71.00 TO STA. 20+00.00 RT. R1 t'-8" CDNC. CURB ~ BUTTER 'NOTE; SEE PLANS FOR LOCATION OF CONCRETE ISLAND R2 2'•8" CONC. CURS E GUTTER R3 2'•0" VALLEY OUTTEA Y1- (NC 11) R4 5" CONC. MONOLITHIC ISLAND S CONC. SIDEWALK VAR. 12'-0'I $! T EAATH MATERIAL ~ U EXI8TIN0 PAVEMENT PS W V SEE WEDO NO DETAILIT ---'EXIST. `02 44-3. r-------- - - ;~i1~ i ---- - -~ U E1 U OAADE TO THIS UNE USE WITH TYPICAL SECTION N0.8 Y1- STA. 13+00,00 TO STA. 26+25.00 MEDIAN oudNU dta,ro 3:1 ~~- USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.9 -Ylar STA. 10+.73,99 TO STA. 11+00.00 -_ ~ IWACf D'.lEANC! N0. SX!!r N0. U-3613B 2-D lOADWAY DEIGN 1AVlMlN! DlfIGN BlGINla ENOIN6A ~ ~ Y2- VICTORY LANE I P1tBLIMINAAY' PUNS 8` 6' VAR. 36' TO 20' 6' DO N9S-% IV%C0.V8'[AINTION Ct 112" SB.6B I C2 3" 89.58 GugNU glourm a W a I qua ~ W C4 C3 VAA. DEPTH 88.68 ~•~ y8 ~.~1 ~ .OZa ~ .Oea Dt 2~" I18.OB a'1 - - - - - T - - - - - 7" I 7" 3•~ D2 4" I18.DB T Ei U El T ougNU alouND D3 VAA. DEPTH IT9.OB 201 E1 4" 826.08 GRADE TO THIS UNE TYPICAL SECTION N0.9 E2 6" 825.98 USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.9 !~ Y2- STA. 10+67.37 TO SiA• 11+67.37 EB VAR. DEPTH B26.DB I Rt 1'-8" CONC. CURB A GUTTER A2 2'•8" CONC. CURB 6 GUTTER Y4- BAYWOOD DRIVE ~ Rs 2'-0" VALLEY~GUTTER -YS- BAYWOOD DRIVE ( R4 5" CONC• MONOLITHIC ISLAND 8' b' 10' 10' b' B CONC. SIDEWALK T EARTH MATERIAL U EXISTING PAVEMENT ORgRy,~G~p I w C1 ~ w W VAA DEPTH ABPH. PAVM'T (SEE WEDGING DETAIL) I rolNr I' 3q „08 ~,.4? I .01, .08 E I ~:t , ~~, - -- 3, 1N 1 ro 1 1N T U T ~•~ oRUSRaAI GROUND GRADE TO THIS UNE- TYPICAL SECTION N0, 10 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO.10 Y4- STA,11+00.00 TO STA• 11+94.04 ~I i Y5- STA. 11+00,00 TO STA. 11+41.53 ~ Y6- SR 1700 (OLD TAR ROAD) i 8' 8' VAR. 24' TO 64' 8' - VAR VAR. 14' TO 36' VAR 0'-12' 0'-16' oDgNU GROUNG a W a I roM a W T 9.5" I ~ 9.5" '•~ D1 ~ U U Dl T ~ OuGRVAL GROUND USE TYPICAL SECTION N0. 11 a:° '~~~ GRADE TO THIS UNE TYPICAL SECTION N0 11 Y6- STA, 9+40.00 TO STA. 13+40.91 oa I ry , Y6- STA. 14+08.98 TO STA. 17+66.61 I ~ ~ L I, ~ ~ NOTE: SEE PLANS FOR LOCATION OF CONCRETE ISLAND N -Y7- WINDING BRANCHES ROAD 6' 14' 9' 14' 6' 2' 12' 9" 19" 12' 2' AR. ORIGINAL GROUNO ' GRADE I ~•) R1 W ~ roUrt D2 W R2 .01 _ 101 .02 02 0. 1- X02 T 6 11" Rl ~ 11 ~ 6„ T '~ u o EI T ~ ORIGINAL GRO N Ei U 6n n U EI GRADE TO THIS LINE GRADE TO THIS UNE TYPICAL SECTION N0.13 Y8- PINE BRANCHES CIRCLE I 6' 40' F-F 6, 2' ~ 18' 18' 2' I I R2 D1 W ~ rolNr I ~ W D2 ~ .0~ `02 .01 ~ x.02 31 T ° I~ u " n 6 11 I 11 ~ 6 opaNU GROUNG . ~ U , U ~ ~ VAR. 28 TO 33 GRADE TO 1HI5 UNE TYPICAL SECTION. N0.14 Y9- ALBION DRIVE 10' 48' F-F 10' 2'~ I 12' - USE TYPICAL SECTION N0, 13 Y7- STA. 10+75.00 TO STA. 11+26.18 oRR;o~AL GRCUNo 3'~ NOTE: TRANSRION FROM EXISTING TO TYPICAL SECTION N0, 14 -YB- STA. 10+00.00 TO STA. 10+75.00 USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.14 oRIGRiAL GROUND 3~ 3'~ >~ 0 ~~ oRIGINAI GROUND -------r- --- T 6"-I ~ 11" 11~~ --d ~ 6„ EI U E1 GRAD! TO THIS UNE TYPICAL SECTION N 0.15 USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.15 -Y9- STA. 10+65.00 TO STA. 11 +00.00 NOTE: SEE PLANS FOR LOCATION OF CONCRETE ISLAND rRaecr uroexe ra. ReeRr No. U-36/38 2-E RDADWAYD~1 MVWlIR DCIGN ?IGNlDI B,IGINBI c~ ~ i~" s9.5a CZ 9" 88.58 C3 VAR. DEPTH 89.58 D1 21~" I19.OB D2 4" I19.OB D3 VAR. DEPTH I19.OB E1 4" B25.OB E2 5" 825.08 E9 VAR. DEPTH B26.OB R1 T'•8" CONC. CURB d GUTTER R2 2'•8" CONC. CURB d GUTTER R3 2'-0" VALLEY~OUTTER R4 5" CONC. MONOLITHIC ISLAND 8 CONC. BIDENALK T EARTH ARTERIAL U EXIBTINO PAVEAENT W VAR. DEPTH ABPH. PAVY'T REVISIONS N n OT-243 R/w REVISION (ON6J REVISED rEuPORARY CONSTAUCTx)N EASEYEA?,PERNANENr DRaNA6E EASENENr, avD ADDED rENPORarv DRaxaGE EaSEuExr Ox PARCEL 4 (PEaCf PRESBYrER/AN CMIRCNI RTT COWNTY CaILEGE O OETAp. E SPECyy TER ~'Y OrtCN 1 ~~d 1e°a ""° 0 Im 0 =1l H. RG 17+00 TO 14+0a -1. rt -BL-U36I3-2 PINC STa.13+80.82 -BYI• PINC STA.7+74,4 -L- STA. 15+51.46 112.4 RT)= -YI- STA.IB+84.33 (12831LT1= -BY-I POT STA. +00.00 PT Sta. N'A 31 47 °i END COWSTRf1CT10N I' In wwr -BL-2 PINC STA. 12+~0 46 "• -BY2- POT STA.6+g7.97 ~ a I -L- STA. 14+48,67 {35.76 RTI= 1 II" .III m -Y- STA, 10+39.59 (22.63 RTI= 1I ~~ sI I ~ III I . a III I II o. I~ WE.TI R/M~CDA ~, ~ ~ J -72'CONC J I ~ }J_ ~'~-----. s°rts'>,M ~n ~ - zr cbi = X0.00 x-1L I /,/. " I I eDrt. RAv I(8G ~ " h I -Y- v +ll esr I -L- PDC Sto.14+26Lgb= , ~ zr -Y- POT Sta10't0000 l- ~ 0 C°G W 21'C8G ~. , L-I +oo oo_ 54• ~ -- -->x-b--=- 51• CDNC --_~.._.--__--~---'--~~ MILT W/LT I~ r,Lr RTT GdMR'RTY COLLEGE Dart. N osr~Pae47 -(- PC Sto.13+22b8 +7:.N a. Raoo an O Rey/POSt eoAD M1n , ~ F 11 ausP a ~ ~ ~ MATCHLINE Y1- STA 13+00.0 ' ~ E 5 X4'/7/ I~+ I , T- ~ °I ~p~1_ "iI Ilil I EP { ~I Ili III;II,` -BYI-I POT STA, 5+01.00 ~ I,1 l l~~ i t i II 10 -YI- S1A.2MR.85 15.62 L 1= 1 8 ~ I I ~ v s• v 'I I +00.00 YI- °~ ~ I ~ I ~n 0 FJOST. RW ~• cONE f0.001En 'kt~ ~ z/•c z ps, I 11~1,~ RiT COr ~'7 COLLE I~W + D ~I I REi Y 17 II I 1lM~PCQI I I I I ~ iI ~ I I° II'I I qM/LT I I~ ~ ~ II I° ~~ I ~ I, n To EXIST, cr,G I I I m2 1 ~ ;I~ I I G. SIDEWALK - SU.10+bs.oh l h I I~ ~ ~~ I II Y I I ~_ II ~~ I"' M7 C TT p ' IIII I I I I LI I I i I I +tom _Y. +4e 0 RDRf, Rw ~ - • II I ' '' I rL+17.OOL II ICI 11 I I +~ ill~~ tli I~ III . ' I ~ 11~+ ~ % ~ pa l` I _ R y - / G - ~ ~~ ~ !' k 15' > / rArac Nha ~+Si,00 I~ n ~ YP' \ +aom a. tlL 1 - ..~ ~ n ~ I BEG. C6G AND PAVING n 0 a ~, s p / ~ ~ -~ +u r I G '} j I ~ y I ~ Em sr.Rw LT.6 RT.~-STA. 14+00 -L- PT $TAil+98T0 ~ ~ ' ~ som ~ +w oo ~ t I ~ I ~ t ~ r Wr / nb +RO.RO a,. . r-1 • t7tlT. Rw ~ I I BEGIN PROJECT U-36138 / a ~ 4aaR um - - I St 15+9292 I Ta ; ( I I ~CZS'c -f,- PC S7o, 10+0000 r+ T / / ~ c C a +Ra4n at- i I / r/Li / / / r ~ / 7 S' r ~ + 4 ~ ~ 77 a ~ I I " I ~+~ 11. II 1 s~~ j ~n + ~-- ~ ~ ~ SP 115¢ S / + - ~ E in Op, (~I PRT ~D ~~ 0 Da07~ IIW I 9 PRO~ECr REFEA@1CE za. avert la. U-36138 4 I-w palT Ia. ROADWAY Ot71f.N HYDEAUI7CS RMOW[EA eNCIKat SHEET 15) PEACE RO:SBrrERUw tIRlRG71 o ~ ~rERR~ m PRELIMIN RY PLANS R`a5/PppS m Hm nm t -caxsxxix.~ Z s ,n, 911'00' . PEACE RIESRYTERRw CxLNCR 1~RRC RAW ~ pOAK~ 0 II Q7/ Q ~ t ~~ ' ~ ~ ~~ ( fl I ~yy ~~ D SS~4143,35 zse° cyuACy i P TIE T01~ EX~15T, C8G © I I" ^`I I n ' STbi9 n,1o ~I I~ __~` -~-I ~--- -L- POT Stagy +78b9~ 1 ~J rC--=___ ~ - Sto. t48J ~ count J +oo.oo a. ~r 1ER +4oAU - Q ~ n.oo On sn .. 1~ ~ n ~ ~p~ PTO-? ~ `.~ ~ ~~i ~ ~•c~ -- i~ R +OOAO -YI- I ~ I ~ l ~ ' / / Y k Y~EQAL OITOI 0 OOR~ RW I = I ~ IR \ , s raNU qj +Rp,Op OFD t TIE TO EXIST. Ci1G 1 al 1 ~ esF - - - - ! - ~ ~ / ar.7 n rArlc •~ u,oa RA O BEG, 51DEWALK III I I w I, ~._0p,c ~ +11.70 k .L- STA. 14+ v I ~~ff g ~~a ~~ n ~~ ~ ~~ RoaD II ~ II I b•cOWC Lr,_ - a DOiLOW END SIDEWALK I~ I 4 aT \` / x n X ytT ° x ~ ~ + x x__X ~• 0nL X_-x-_x syrre+el'71- STA. 17+41.29 I ~ I ~ I I / / ~ ~ .~ 'A/r ORn i I I I /I/ +~OVEAFLM ~JI ~ll / ~% _ ~Li ! ~ - ~ -~ ~ - ~ ,LT j I ~ III I m ~~ `~ = ~ ° ,,II I I I~~, % 11 ~ 1~%=~ DDNC ~~% - ~ sAErs CLI18 II II 11 a II x~ _.~~; C ~) 1 ~- . ~~ ~ Deeo¢~c7ss I "~ ~ -BYI-3 P01 STA. a+09.2111 I ~ r- NK6G ~~, ~ ~~ ~ , - 1 -YI- STA. 15+46.05 179.5 LTI= d II 1 LIE -. - II Its R QATUIN DESCRIPTION ihE IOCKi1F0 LTOiOINAE A'AEII fEUElO°ED FDq Tx/5 PwLECI n BASED d TIE STaE PINE D~IxQES EsrxtrQED e RTtS TD4 RRDRExt 1EEp" rtnl rq 0 SuTE PULE 6AlD LOD4DixoES DT ILTGNA'y Q6191BSYT0 EASTlIRn 2W4i'45TP8T0 ixE x+ERr,E m6lxED 6RI0 FALTDT YSfD Or ixtS PR1ELT R41TIM1 TO dtlgrs THE xGU19JR DTtp BEAVtxs xcN.ttED EoattorrK aaao DtsrA~E Paw +EEa~• TD {• srAna nls9ro is xmDp•~•r IRaLx; NL LtxExt DIIE17S1p5 NE IDCA:tZED LgYTIdrK D15TA1TE5 PErLTCAI DATDY USED !S x,ND t9 ~1 '~ ~' ~L 1 ~„„ St 170! ~~ r~ low Am 1~ 7pR0 ADT NC 1T-9W I r lOiR~ II ll~ , II fl _ -11 W 11 ~I W Il Ii ~~ u~ : I Il ~~ II ; II ' III II ' ~ s II a ' I II ~ ~ / s I \ / I I I EDNC ~ g57 ISL li ii -~--- / e D7Rr.awl .~ + -I- 5-Ix•s ~ +n.oo a. 74A0 an w cuEL Pun 11.00 IRn U/ua cerbP a DOiT. 1 I.L7 ~~ I „ e PR01, RW F11iL R44 DI. I EWALK ~ - _,_ _ -Y1- STA. 17+493 Nay a= yy~ ~(~ 0r41j'nca O ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 5 Lr L, TIE T EXIST. CSG ' 9 ° ° I J LT 11t'C4~ A 7211' _ ~ ---.-P_- LZ-. ,as~•, i 1 - __~ W --- :. ... ~r ... -..-, ,,:... v i O P ~ ~ 067 M 1 N m iro Rsr ~1 aaDm t;s' 7v ' '==-u _ rvrc P J _ F I s ~D' +nm a. „ ~ ~ W Z CmRIaE~T.RWgesT 0.0DOOaT:R1Y = U H M ... 857 ` ,P INTER ~ 1 al IS MiL ~ i I ~ R T ARHOLD O Gl009?G274 Rroo/rcQ6 -L- I PI Sta N'ROO20 Pt Sto N+6Q92 I p= l8'L5'2a9'fLTJ p^ P9'43'3l,9'fRTJ ~ D - 91r 45~P p = tf 00' 000' ~L - t9tgJa c =27023' 'T ^ tQ92D' 7 = 13823' R =62306' R =520$1' SE = 002-0A25 RO=180' ~~,, REVISED SIGNAL -r- P~Sto q+91J5 p- l5'30'279fRTJ D =9'00'000' c = n2.Ir T -8628' R =636.62' SE = EX. SEE SHEET 1S FOR -Lr PROFILE SEE SHAT 24 FOR -Y- PROflLE SEE SHEET 24 FOR Y1- PROFILE 28-NOV-2005 09:43 :\p o \u36136s0 psh Btt6U~ERNAMEtttt 7/2/99 @'r 9 ~~ r ~~ F1R MATCHLINE -L- STA 21 +50.00 (SEE SHEET 4) =1 m 8~ i ~ I I i~ ~~~ la I m~}~Iy ~ II I~ ~' I ~)~ ICI 0~~ 2 _ II ~ y . ~ I ~9 _ ~ / ~ ~ ' ~ .~." J ~--~~,ty~ 4{.9.M / ~~ G C s }~~ r ~+~ ~ ~ L 5 O ~n O ~ + ~ ~ L ®$~ ~i 8~ ~~} 3.x2.10.-M r.9z.10.-ON r 0 ®V ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~g "~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ + • ~~ ~ 4Y 19P ~'t tl07-r/ Z~ \~ _ A ~ - - - 797.-L - . pp~j lSB.ZC $~ W~' ~9~.Y2 ~~ y j Oi ,~ae~=iO ~ m ~u ~ ~ sa; wwa ~~~ ~ f8 R{ ~ ' ~ _ { ~~~ ~ ~ y~ ~ .'9 /~ N r ~ y ~, O m ~ ~ t w s~~ ~ i~ ~ w ~~ ~~ ~o~ ~~ ~~ g~ ~' `~~ ~ } a } rll 9 ~ H Z N ~~/ + gas ~ / p~+~ ~, L ... n '~r9 .~9YL 6K L ~~-"~ 3.95~~' us.~r ~. 3a1 ~ ~ $8 ~ ~~ ~+Qg ~ t ~ Y q~N ~~ ~~~ ~ k 8 ~~ ~ Ww~ y ~ ~~..._ 0 ~~ n _~ ll ~N yy ~ ~~ y ~~ Y ~ ~ NN E Y ~ .. {A I I ' ~ ~~~ z ~ r wo CoC m I ( YY n T T • -L II ~ O y I V ~ S G ~N~ {- m ~ ~ ,I ~ g~ s ~ moo ~ + ~. ~ a ;) ~ ~~ g G3 b ~~ ~Aoo• L' ~{ "06sa•z~.z ~ ~E4, -a ~ ~ ~ ~R~ s s ~~ + > ~ '' I' } gs ~~ saw )~ } y ~ y ~ II ~ + ~ ~ i fff -fL ~ N __ ~HC~ei_= _ ~ ~RrQ~+ - - ---------~=~-g- Y "_ ~ Nw ~~ :, ~~ ao z ca n nQ ~ , N `° a Nan ' e-,--3~ Q Z ..8~ -- ~ ~~~~~ ~ a N N eY MATCHIJNE ~- STA 34+50.00 (SEE SHEET 6) ~ ~ ~,~,~~ 28-NOV-2005 pp9:43 •\pro~II\u36136s0 psh f Sf tI15ERNAMEtttS 7/2/9 MATCHLINE -1.- STA. 34 +50.00 (SEE SHEET 5) x ~ ~ ~~ , ~JN0~.09 ~ ~.- y~ ~ ~ I I°1 ~ a ~ J~ ~ I ~- ~i ~ a1 ~ ~I lid 1 ~ ~ G ~ ~ III I II J ~~ ~0\ ~I ~° i I 4y~* I O I~ ~ ~ \ ~ I ~ N A '. s>< } €~ ~ ~~~ i ~,~ ~~% lil ~° ~ ~s~ ~_ _J ICI •~~ I~ III ~~ ~ II ~ S ~ ~~~ h~l " x ~ q~ °II ~ x~ ~ x-~ N III . ~ $ it ~ s X ~9 ~ III ~~}II ~ ~ X ~° II `~ i I _x_j Ags \\ \\ -. J ~x ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ x ~ ~ / /~ off: g s ,~ ~~ / ~ ~ } ~ / LO'SSt ~ ~ •Ytt ypJ•N/tl • ~ 39b.6C.MS _ 7R0 ~bL 'IH].Llc i o o~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~} I ~~~ ~~~'~~}II N NN N N ~~ ~L i O ~ y ~J iNJ.zl -Xx x-x -~tK.YL[OS ,.~1 Y 9 ~ J- /tl .CY'LSE o ~~ ~ t~~ O ~ - - - -- - J e'~oNc #~ ~ +~ Jse ~~ ~~1pJ-M/tl .iS'!tt ;t0.-SCOS JNOJ.BI • + a~~ ~ ~ }I 91Y~ J Or ~ ~o „~i OSa ~ emu ~~ ~ g ~~~ eor~R~N-~~ ~ } ~~ ~~ \ ~~ O a ~sLir~S ~ ~ ~L ~ 1 7 ~~ o~ r 0 ~ ~~~ I; ~-~ } ~ ~ I I~ ~~ ~~ _ ~ a 1 I~ ~ } I ~: ~;~ ~ • ~.~ i ~, ~ ~ ~~~ ~ it ~ ~, .~+ ~ .~ ~~~~ ~I l ~ ~~ 1 I >~i yl I p +--, t m \ '~ ~~~~ ~o ~~ ro ~N 7~ ~ t~ I ~ ~~ a~ I V ~. ~~ I m ~~ r~ d ~ P ~' I ~ 1 8 n ~ y~ ~~ a k x n ~ ~ y} k `IC N P ~ ~~ n ~°_~' ~~ 1 I +Nr- ~~~ mm~~ Iv i ~ 1 ~ ? y i N ~VI~ N~ vary- N 7t ~ ~ }Da ~~ ~ OA qY I ~ ~ o > ° ~ IIII m y a l iv00 y ~ -~ a w a i II I O O+ to i + Na trtr ~! ~ I ~m ~0 w 1 r ~ ~ ~ ~ ii ~~ ~ a z w I i ~ I ~~~~ ~ ~ a ~~~ ~ I m ~~~~ ~I ~I~ ~~ ~~ ~ I _ >~ ~ 13 =$ VN~b I T ~t ~~~~ ~~ ~I~ +~ I ~ a; ~~~,I II+ ~+ ~J.~ ° ~ __ a , + 1 o i I y~ g , + esr S~9 ', ~ s ~ ~ ml ~ ~ ~~~ ~- •i 1! i ' q I • MATCHLINE -L- STA. 47+50.00 (SEE SHEET 7) » Y ~ 8 g ~ ~~rn O ~ ~ v ..nom it • 1 ~ 1 1- S 11 r E~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ E~ ~ 7 aa ~ ,f +~ V + + m . . . A y y ~ ~ ~ ~' _~ ' ~0 W ~ ~ ~~.,~ SS' Xl~i ! L~ ~ ~,oo'o5t ~' D / /'~ ~ / /~ } Q , d5 C NN Y. AS ~ N ~ y c ~~~ ~r~• L n ~ } ~ U ~ ~ ~n g w t+ IF3 f O O y O 0 ~$~ ~ ~~~ t'A r r~ ,~~1 ~ `i'' ~D tM~~ryll~ a I ~~~~~~~ N ~~ I ~~ ~_ N~ ' 8-1- 3'--•~. O O m ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ G8 ~~ ~~ ~i oF.M~~ u c_n~ u ~ u u ~40~1-~~n J ~~ I C1~~~N~0 ~ix~xuuu 0.Q0~,ti~uWi J ~~ ®~~x ~~~ ~g _~ ~~ ~~ ~tltl ~Q 6 ~' `~ ~ 88 +86'M1S Y' 3N11H71~ (ll ,133HS 335 00'05 ~ ~ ,~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ , ~g I 1„1 I 11 J ~~ ~~ I ~~ ~ c .~ ~ ~re~r ~ O ~ ~ '° n ~di~. a a / ,~ s+4. N N ~A ~ry ti W W ~~ y J J N N O IF 1 r 1 ~~ ~~ ~ 0 t ^F ' W ~~ 1 ~5 N~pp ~L ~~~ . \~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ .~~y ~ i n ~~fi~~ ~ I ~~~_ I. ~ ~ 9~n + o om 8 ~ ~ ~~ k ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ N.. ~~~ ~ S S o O ~< a' °` N a gg „ O~ 0 Iz~~ $$ ~m $~ a ~ a~ ~~..~ ~4 a W ~ W ~~~o ~~ Y ti 4 i 4 Y ~~~~ ~~~ o ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ° ~W ~~ O ~ ~ W ~ ~~ W ~z a~z ~2~ ~W~~~~W~~ to d I ~Q(=W~~'if~W ~ i0 ~OIQ~~xxO~ii~~IQ~~ ~I`4~iiIdC1`W 66/Z/L ~ ~ { t ~~ 3i g$~ L ~ ~ ~ + W ® ~ HTfl ~~~ J -~ d ~ _ s_ 4 -~, + /' ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~F I 1 1 ly HTfl J ~ f .1 1 p = ~ 1 ; °~' ~. 1 1~;~ 1 y ~ I ~.~ 1 1 1 1 1. " a 1~ ~~~ a~~~ ~ I ~ffi~O , ~ 3~ I , a N z~ ~~ ~' ~~ xp I u ~ • a ~u _~ g+I~~a ~~o - - - ... T~Fs ~ - E ~m ~ +a ~ m W 3HS 3351 ~ So~~~• ~~ `_ ~' i n 8 ~~ 7- 3N17HJ1dW r ~ . ` _:_.R,w oq ~~ ~ \ c ' t ~ ~GNS Y9- At810N DRIVE DETAIL 'G' n 11-l8-p5 RAV REVISKIN (DNril REVISED THE R/W AND PDE FOR THE A(1DlTIDN OF A RIGHT 1700 PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE WITH TURN LANE AND TURNOUT FOR THE PARANORE FARMS fHTRANCE 1600 LEVEL SPREADER APRON (AUTA LEE DRNEION PARCEL 468 (CLARK LAND COd!PANY,LLC1. a a ~ ADDED A PROPERTY UNE AND PARCEL 46C (CI-Y OF GREENVI(LEl aT -L- srA Ia+12 Lr, REVISED THE PDE FUR THE ADDITAW OF A R~,HT TURN LANE p-pD - ~ ~~ ~ TAPER FOR THE PARAYORE FARMS fNTRAACE (ALMA LEE DRNE! ~, ypp 7>lao 4tbo ~ ~ P ~ ~w M AND THE GRASS SWALE ALONG THE 5(NL DRNE EAST DF THE a r t CULVERT ON PARCEL 46C (C1TY OF GREEN/ILlEI, DELETED THE R/W fRDll PARCE 65 (CYNTHra 8 GR AT -4• nro~ ~0p SR 170A A A L . O HOIlSE1 too ~'•a':°NO °° w [o nm n A 1a~t ~» °"' pure r • V IBLt ~ d !~ er ~ DUDLEY'S GRAVE ?p $ELTbM ~-l Dawu °~ a ratted -0rourM ~n•noouJ.inR Ito-rl r b r[mrN, mn mr [aeAp CLAIOt LAFD C0IPANT,LLC ~ G7 G0~ ' i! - foGFD,UID OAAa[0 fWA4F S ~ nFA~jpC O x~°` k~ p ~ -BL-II PING STIt~ 97+58.84 +w•00 a^ s x~ \ -BYB-IPOT STk S+00.00 tw.W M1n ~~ ~® ~'~ -L- STA. 98+9 .08 (26.93 RT~~~ io K ~ XJ' x r ~--- +flm -6 FA a NIIC YB- STA,II+1 .19 (30.89 LTI -~~ ~ -C- POT Sto.99t24,~8= I M1O + nom hn elm 4>I Y 8 STa. !2+0312 ~~ ~ +~ k ~j-~ ~ ~ m 7Ar yyRTa ~pDC ER.7 TOM ~ -8L-12 PI STA.103+92.14 alto TOM am a'T~6 ~'t 7Y ~ fY FAWC ~~1 k -L- STA. 5+27.38 123.84 RT) // ~, O + -Y - r! l 11f 41 + OO.DD ~' ~ ~ tot.76o~ '00 11o n W'nT9l FA1NC ~ I nAa 1 pFAAF nao >I . m LL m F FiL: TONF ~ OaL NV NFHIIa FAIFJC + S ! W at T 7T FAWC (~ ~ roE }~ !FL 7 TOM is DIWL'A ar 7 >H FAMUC I M1 (\ ~ = , - ~ TDE \ ~ N R6rr _ _ ~ - ~ -,.,- m PDE - - ~- - - - - - - rutr . C W _~ RA RNA W ~ ~ r ~ i ;~ ~ i ~ ' k 1y _ t . ~ . -~-~ ~~ ~ 1 Iml ~~ ~ O I I l I - ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ u CI Kr + - - ~a _ Y ' r = _ -- ------- - --- - - - ---j-- ~ - - a u _ VE GUARDR;UL sR nDD fARCravER RD 3serr ~ v7 - ++ . 1 ...::.:.: ..:.::.:__ . ~ ` .. s s `- - ~ aasT~ SO RI RIP NA1X 1 I \ LL B I~ Z ,. I !~ IQI $ OT D RB ~ E ~ 48 z u' E , :d ' . F ' an D AB BERM aF o~TU c _ 9 ~ ,~ 'ty ~ +a +l/m d. idCn R~VA110N ' ~ y~ ~ S ~ .+ ~ tSa .. .. . z' . +16m -6 t6m 10 TON7 ~ f f9E ~ t~ -~_ ~ P .°,ro ~ p wm pi) !Om ([II 77m IR) I ~ N ' ~3 7S ~' n'bt + e y - 3j 297N ~ wm~ rrncG[Lla [A41[M ~ ~ nI a ~ ~ zuD7• t[ ` d' y~p~ c ~ TB ' l l / D.7rt, '~~5~ p Typ• of IMNr = F7AM k3a -BYB-2 POT 6+88.00 A C ¢e.t@' GFEENFLLE PROPERTES CARTRETTE LlC BEG/N CON RUCT u'99 °FN oeatnost7 O oR rtn Pc wt0 -Y - o. rlascr Fst:Ftr+cF NO. ,MFR wa U-36138 11 RW YIBRT MI. 70ADWAY OaION HYDFAUtICF B'm01Ea S101N®I -YB- -Y9- PI Sto b+8204 PISTO tl+8953 PRELIMIN m Nor r~ ~ ~Y ,PLANS ~v +a ~,~ ~- 633'205'((71 ~= IZ23'S3.4'fRTI r ~ 0 ~ 4'00'000' ll l 5'000' D ^ C =163.89' l p ~ T 1 T = 8204' . 5532' g ~ l4 R ~ ~~, 0025 SE S 035 a DETAR A GP~ASS, ~E ltd ~a I D rnD•Uft. ~ N / ~j ~" Nos. N = 1 Ft. 6=trt. ~ ` „" lipo of [ur = FaM ROM .iaoo+oo ro -1.1oe+u u ~ ~ ROM x.106+a ro -6106+ti LT ROM .61oT+w ro -6101+:o LT r1D3M .+.1oa+u ro •+.tot+te R ~,~, ~'0>T ^e y r 168~'~ 'u'~t~ su•~ezrN uru•z1a 8 O -Y - PT l (4441 $ ~ _~~(p~ ' ' 3P l+ POT 5+00.00 a 8 N+34y -Y9- ~ S} ~ ~ ND /0N ` O. Y OF CREEFt71LLE F!e rts[ ro 7o k ~ ~ II A ll -Y9- 0.11 ~ , r kr~~ r 'I r E ~ ~~ ~ ST TIE TO I ~ 4T ~ ~ it ~ ~} CNa 1 7l7AF I ~'A [wrr •~ VYR1tA FAIMC ° iA•cAG _1 t?k®~ BM7)AID OAAam fW'A![ ~ aL7 TOM ik L00 d. fEE ORAA 1Y at 10 N FAItlC z' NO ~ -I I I. f T cD '~'~ [4 G- ~ ' . m~ ~. 43 CY FYGVATIDN ~T. ~ I ' N e K1 I/yA/7 ntw ';gym -'^ taco M1n n ~q ear+TA sP ~U ' 1 v~~hraa FAak noy0 ~ T~ ~ 1 ~°~°~ l~ ~ ~ ~ I 7 7r 1w1uc ~ - + oo a. , ~ 71' ND ~ ; ~'3 ~ ( I ~ yp\ i T ~ ~ p `~ ,p/r ~ CROATX~QI$&E~D !smut A = f ~ 4 _PDE A p~~t i LSE I '6i••.r- ~. Pl16/PWS _~ 30'CDND _~~ F7TAM \ --- b [ t ~ ~ rINP.Nn A[f M'CDNC r I t'- -------- --'- -- i- A'fCAS71t~ ~ AIP DAD -'~y. PDE ~ +eoao ~ I , , ~ II to Ate d7m M I @mc i ~~ I " +aom ~, a~ II ~~ I I 79m R9 °~ ~, I ~ II +4ptp a. ~ ~ Pm 1^~ II $ dm ~ do On) 1\ 1 (~ ~~ 4A0 ~ a~uF _` YNLTQ FAMtlC ~ \ tD I I ~, 7 TON{ zsrD sRr+w d. 1 3 8N IPIRiNtNT$ I I I m II ~n: ,.a :N (I ,q ~' ~ .. "~ ~ o II a $ I I I ~ 111111 ~~ ~\~~ L•BETN RPOCIt rl•C11RT15 A BAABYU tAG01ER ~ A t I TDE AIL H N , I, 11 I ~ ; ~ OMKit0L3 ~ I I STANDARD DNASSED SNaLE ~ S ~ 1 I TREETOPS ttCn ~ PB11/POF)2 , iMOt to Scaler w a (~1 ' a 8L6NOE 0 SAT ~ a BL- NC ST ~~~...JJJ E roan ,I 0 ;~ roan ~~'~9 p BY9 2 POT Sl I C ~ I w.D =1lrr. o ~ rsznr ~ >, -L ' I + C 9 N•c a : 1 rt. « ooc•rw ~ 1 \ 4ar'y! ;aD ~Ati ' ~ ~ r Nooos I I I I I 2F ~~ 13.@7 15r i 17.73a m I I pp 4A' a CD t~ ~ ~~ t Y L rli .N~ ~ ii ~~ . ~ ~. ~ ~ 13,@9• • a~~ . ~ ~ ~~ + ,OD- \~~ L` 2' c ~ MTMDTMT R. FIOailS E[LtTi'1 M. ROEOER I ,. _ -1 oeulwa+ncs~ pe4~,PG.ps ' r f , ~~ ~ tT - ~~ cat \ zq ~: Jc ~~~~~ RT F• ~0 QA l15A S.IADSON ~ , I ll $ I ~~\ \ z,•ca R•GALATf PARTFERS C•6uRGERET bA $AgliL t.M000AMtr: ~I ~\ \ '~ri ~~76 pk~~•~ a I I ' I rye, Ayj 2 5 eR OPARTNENT = I aso ~ F I I ~ DO NOT DLSTURB TREES +wm k ' +{0mJ -6 77m ~ -L'wP(lT f 109!95.95 Y -PDT Sta. !0 ~~= RT DEYELOP6iNi,NC M145TP65R 16NPOM II~ O ~p A. 108+56.84 /~ NEW SIGNAL SEE SHEET 21 FOR -1r PROFILE SEE SHEET Z6 FOR YR- PROFILE SEE SHEET Z6 FOR Y9- PROFILE P ~e~ . P RE4151CN4S N n QI-24-D3 R/W REVlSIOA' fDW6l REVrSED TEYPDRNT/ CONSfR1,CTpN EASEYENr AND PERYAYEN7 DRAINAt;E EASEYEA? OAt PAI,LEC 23 (CARO(INA CLASSICS CATFISN,INCJ. -L- ~ -Y3- END slDEwa CiG -lr ~! •BL-6 PINC STA.47+93, 8~ -BY3-2 PNC ST.A.6+18, I -TI- POT STA. 5+00,0 -L- STA. 49+62.35 (11,15+ -Y3- STA. 12+22,45 f27 GA611lW R / ~~ 1WICT8 MitIC NAO (Lry! st 1 Taw DOAO Ory y sr. T n PAMIC ~ 4Ar 41 ~r C \ ~F / +~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ _. ~ s' / ~, h N + I N~ 7~~4fq ,, ~ .~/ 1 ~~E~ pB$--' ?I e' r ~ 4W' , ~e ~ ~ T. eE IAr~i. I CONC, COYER ~ ~ / MAO RA i sTAO pm s toirt.rw i~ ~. /wrtERVUE iSSGCi+t' ~,~ ~M1 I O /A. } ENDS ALK AND \ / L G1G~ STA.49+54 i i + ~ ~~ ~ti ,,~+ ~ ~ -BY3-3 P( ~,~ -Y3- sTA. b ~A 'a~ e ~~~-Y3- POT 57a ~h ~1~4~'~a2ra ~ A~ y ,~, / ~ Ny JiCA,107E llt y~16A `?r'r Tow7 of 00 aN PG 113 otxTERVt1,t.E IB 2tPi i i 4 ~ r DE 0•SO PO itt O ~ ~ ytF,e IE 11 iG IS e~~ ~'ii ly O 0 -Y3- SIO.W+p34 ~;~~ ~f4 1~ P ~0 40 'Y 4• DETAL A srcou i~m~ euE uTa, V ,eW y~ 21A `a~ ,.... a d'' ~^' ~$ ,~V a .= r,, e L fW 17+00 TD k fTA 41+Op LT S 8 ~. DEL( F srnoum u~ara o mo •tAn. e . / n. ~ RA S7+h L AI. ciRaw austcs GTfWI OC. OB !70 PO $ ,P`~ 23 8 ~ / 'wrc ~s / I ~4~ / / . ~f ~ ~ // -L- PC Sla 52+433! ~Bt I ~5 oAO an i ~ a e, I +nm ~. ~ ~ 0o a,. `~" m ao ~ nn ~ f i ~ FO ~ a~ +17.00 a- +79A . uAO 4n iaoo Rn uAo R~k~ 1oAo esr f ~ r_ ~ ~. / I' ~ ~ // 8. /~/ +a1AO .l. / sAO RID ~. SIDEWAIJ( AND ~i ~- STA. 49+94 -L- PI Slo 55+46D9 o= 35'rr05lItT1 a=saraoa L = SBG4r T =30278' Sf ` ~3, RO = 240' -~~ ~x~ a" TEMPLE fREE RL 8 O BiPTbT CRURpt -BL-7 PINC STA. 53+48.67 ~+~i -BY4-IPOT STA.5+00.00 -L- STA. 55+08.29 (43.45 RTI= -Y4- STA. 12+27.69 (28.08 LTI= ' „ , 1~- !R 170! 100 I ~ 000 >u Y4- ' BAYWOOD DRME ~,, (WEST 1001 AOT i 1070 ADT ~. ~ ~ ~' ~ p3{ ~y5` - TEI~pPTI~E~FRE~EpR~t B ONii?~i7 ~~ 27 ~ O ~LOIi CL755tC5 GTF64lIC -L- PT S la 58+2972 ~ oe sw tw n . +trom a. ~ ~p man 1- POC S1a55+3192 en~i ~ ~n$ E A7~ +11• M1A ~ 24~ V, V •Y4- POT S1a !2+5892 +~ ~ eom N ~ +f0A0 a. ~ mp ~~~ On ~ -- - = aE7 uman i ~ s 1oAO hA a .~ - ~.:: E - ~~ i i ;. 0 ~y nas f ~_ r3aL ~ / Y _____- a 'T "l~!` ~ . ~ " P ~ ~ __:: ` ~ Y a~ o yR - ,ry~P ~ p 6 ~ m ---- N -- -- I' .. . .~ ....:: C....: - ~ ~ ~f ~ OAO Z • a1R• 11Y 70 ~ A~ AD t aut ~tiT ~ 5 ~ . . K © ~ ~ SGD + - , +1oAO .rr a ~ x T/AD al) 60'0° ~ ToAO ~ +uAO a,. moo RA nmfu~ +~ ~ ~ 7Y Y4- PT SYa !2+48.49 i +a oAO .ar qA0 ~ ClAif iDO.oo,t111 s~i w~ /~ ~ 10.00 O>n +tlAO Y4 1 ~w.w 7{ RIJ 0 ~ ~~ Bi.It H rAlaC ~ F10R• NN 1 ~ ~ RICR4RD L, i 24 N MiRRRGTON 1 +NlO - + ~• ale oosr. BE~ ID ALK s K ~ o ~ - 4-'TA~+94.4 a T ~ IEFFERRMi JR ¢I! PG m ~ .O Ti -0 7~ ~S. / wiRT uRptu L. dD1ES0 / ! ~1 ~ (• ~ T i TTy',~,.A END SIDEWALK AND 1 ~ ~~ ~ 1 Eau LnOR ~ ~ syoa ~} oec/sncT~ 22 ~ /~~IK~C6G 4Y4- STS 1 ~~ 05.91 ~ ~' \1a - ~ ~`~ }) oece+na~ ~ ~ ~ ~( ~ \m ~G 11~ ` O ~ PlSlo 12+0484 Ici~s o~rt®at ~ ( ~ /~ GY4= 1 Q l915~00O'fRT! sCgIG10AAR f .n ~ I ~ +~ o ~' pet// \.i fUE KlE c - s795~ m ,~°°"~ s 1 ~ ~ ~1~ ,~« FERMANB4T uTILrTY EASEMENt r . 443a ~ ''nl 5 x. ~ ,~ S~•e~ R =29764' ~~'" -Y4- ?OJ 37a.n~0,~Oq,00 (~ ~ + ~~ ~ xc~ Sf = EX, ~ BEGIN CANST ,r~ ~ aaD7ET RAT Jag5077 : „ ;o m I*pl '~ Bry&.o 72' w d ~ ~ ' tNdGNA A. tnl6oR ~. Q _ ~ , -T~~ Slo. b{O0Ot~ S~ SHEET 19 FOR -Ir MLORIE S~ SHE Z4 FOR =13- PRORLE MATCHLINE (SEE SHEET 16) 5EE SHEET Z5 fort Y4- FRORLE U-3613B 7 iW k~i Na. f0/aWAY OtR6N T MYOIAIAlf7 woprmt ( e~u~ a I 28-N01'~~ff-2005 13:47 S6~SUSERNAMEHSSgPsh 7/2~ :~~noni v oyr~o3 $I~ • ~} ~ < ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ _.. --_ ^( 1 .~ ~~ ° o ~ y ~ ~ a ~ K ~~ rrs ~Il.c ybo.oo.l .fCOtt ~ ~ ~s ~~~ O + R~ N •-- ~~ ~~ggg~rrr .o~~ ~- STA. 59 + 50.00 (SEE SHEET ~ 1 MATGHIJNE 11 ~ ~ ~ 1 I' N 1 ~r ~W ~ 1 .,e 1s~u I ,~ ~ Vf ~ .~ ~~ 8ry 19b m ( ~ ~ ~IT ~ ' " O ~o ^ ~ • ~~ ~ ~ $ y ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ + I L ~ +G K N + l a ~ 5 vag ~ le~~ `` ~~ } ° 3 +~ ~ N ,~ N L1T~ x ~~ . 3JIAtl35 SM 3 tt~ 1 I S~ G 831/ / I~ ' 3~pu ItlOJ ~ I~ ____ _- _ ery 1NM7 a~ ~ ~ y S ~ ~ ~ ~'$ ~ Q~ 'u1 a ~ `11~i n ~ $ ~n",~`~~~D~ ~n ~~~~"~ ~o $$~~iea o hio¢8 ~ I ~4 ~~ ~~~ ~~ N P s ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ m oyoy 88 g~V ~I• r O L `1 y~1z.xA s ~} .rrs I ~~~~~R ~ ~ +~'~~~ $~ ~s x i M + r $~ I ~} ~ as a a~-~ " ~ as aaa "' ~~~~~_ 3.lipp.NS ~ I 1 ~~ ~ I k I } r I Fl I 3dOtl/M~SOd~OM.9! C _ _ ~s{ _ _ -x Y~ - - ~X'x-~3d08/M lSOd OM.9fX - I~j ~ 3.8f.80.1rS ~ ~ue y ~ ~ T II ~ ~ I,p~ ~Mv ~~ ~~ nd II 8 ~~ ~~~~ .. ~~~' ~~ J s R~ vS ~* *~ `"~ $ ~ ~ ~ a y~yy ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l ,,. I~ 1~~ 1~ ~~' ': ,~d .• 1 ~. 1 ,~ iONN V N -r a ~ --1 $ ' a :„ o, ? a y ~w Irk ~ Doom ~~~ NN O~ y+l 00 ' ~ mN O~ w o L° ~~ is ~ r u M.OS,laxn fq0-M/tl .rB' R J ue,ea ~~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~S 8~~ v~~ p ~~ S'I~ ~ ueaa II i fi 11; 1~z l 1 11~ 11 ~ '1 . ~ ~1 r ~i '' ,~ I f ~~ al !3 II O p ^I ~~~ ~m ~ to ae+ ~ ~~} il~~ >NOJ~- ~~~ ~~~ ~ :~dy L dd } ~`~~~ IF M.fir BSSCN ~±a a .. ~~ ~~A~ ~ ~~ ~~ S ~~ ~ J,40J II ~ .- ~ M, $ g ._ ~t ~ ~ ~ , p ~' ~ ~,~ ~ Q ~~ ,c1 .68'88 M/tl •YPYOY N.LI,By,OYN M,LI.By,OrN tlp0-M/tl .19'fOF p ~ ~ oaa~ 't'np 0 ~~ 1 i^ ~ ~ r ~~~ n li ~~ ~ ~ 9\~ ~ ~ II ^~ e ~ / ~ l I ~ / 10 ~ ~ /la° ~ er / / ~, /~ ~~ ~g ~ p / ~ y / ^ ~ Z / ~~ ~ ~~ as l / }I ~ v as ~ ~T~huNF ~h l~ .~,,~ ~ _/ G !~~ ~~ 1 `,~~~0~ 1. H~ \~ o ~ I fsFF Shy ~ ~ ~ 9J s i ag ~^ x: g aR ~ 8iC ~ i L,~ O~ ~ d' ~~ ~~ ~vlsloNs ^ 05-02-05 A/W REV/Sqx (pMGI REVISED 7Hf RM;PDE,AND PUE AT -L- STA 84+15 RT,FOR A STREET TURNQ'll' ON PARCEL 47 aYA1TER L WIWANSL REVISED THE RiIY AND TCE AT -L- STA 84+15 RT,fOR A STREET TURNplf OM PARCEL ~9 (JAMES F,& PHYWS H,l3RAD(ET'1. PARCEL 16A (DARWIN E.PARAIfORE.dux1WAS ADDED AND THE R/W WAS EXTENOEO TO THE PROPERTY UNE. PARCEL 48A(GARY W.HARDEE)WA$ ADDED AND THE R/W WAS EXTENDED TO THE PROPERTY UNE. 6eL16' mesD's1'E © a-~~--024 ~ a• smNN ewurx cu-a NOYC6uz IN LL~ s 01 ST/ P6 31TQ ~'r Pexroeo . 0 it ~1 III a ,I II;T _,e~E~il .IIQ oil ~II~ LT 69Aa ~ Q I I .p I~ ~ il, ~ II Z = ~ ~J I~~ 60' LNG. a a~ 21•CA4 ~J~ Trr~cAL W zecsc ~ N C -L- PL STO 80+3876 0 =0'30'000 L = 35120' r = n5,6r' R = 11,45916' SE = NL, /APB ~ P6 aT~ 1 ,]y PLdYfAIXND \\// 18'CNL~ ~ r (x-x-f >` l a 2~N o m SCNaDI ~ © I ~ 60'CONC AUM1 ' aWIIES C YoI { ` ~ . 6e nx Pc xe ( " ro sE vc ar +ta.16 .+ esr ~ n +ob.oo a- C 4" i I I i 00'W an Lrorc Q ~ C7 - ---- ---1--Y SR ODe FIRE70YER RD WT _~-~ CY _ - ~- TRC-- YIIEE -- =- - zrcec ~ +16A1a. 1UE~ a6m ~ =\\ - ~ON~--- Z J~ ~ ~+ n,e6 a. 76AO ~ I Z Ip V ~~ 1$BLN I. Bus ` ~ Dp ClG OISiURA I I ' III n -Y6- P/ Sfo 15+9964 PI SIa l8+5588 ~= r38'39.4'ILTJ 0- 3'29'276'fC7J D - r45' OOlO' D - 2'2r' 402 C - 93,96' L ^ 14!.84' r =46.98' r =rosy R -3,27404' R ^ 2.328,D0' SE - NC. SE = NC. 7!- ~ a--~ soDas• me~os/4 LSR ASSOC1lt OBSOi/P6TOT 1~5 rosvrmT -- ---- J - IN76'!0'eS'E eE'CBNC ~~' w" ~. O BS.OD' COM10N AREA _~~._ ------ ~ ~ ~} P1S1iP0aT~. ~ ii I awc ~ S ~~le_cac~ >I D De IOR I ~% I~ ~ II~'~ °II ~ PI~~~~ ISBN DI bUe I C BtG ~~- ~ , ~i BUS I-.~ - es aYa^ BsI DO NOT 24' CiG - PT Sta 73+35A9 -~ cBC 4/ 21YAC Cg BSI ~LT ~ ~ \ ~ ~~,?~ -Y6- SR 1700 EVANS STREET /SO6 77100 ~~ ~~ A2700 "~ ~`` r"~ SR 17~ 9100 27aoo Y~ SR 1700 2 OLD TAR ROAD 0~iI6f PUEDO NOT _ DISTURuRB_~ SIGN LT R!E TO E105T~ ~I': y mT _"~ JOSEPH D. i WIOIE A. SPEKIIT a OBI/T/PC71 a~ O ~~~ S .~ »~ i /j~~~ ~ I pl~ ~ I ~ ~ J/ \ 3seeo kJ ~ ~ +,fA1 a'f- ~, a bo.ro nA ~ a0fr.1W l ~ ~ ryan~a a Y6 PC Sto. n+8493 ~ P "" 1 ..~` RaeERT i ROOP ° i N DB 611P6 iST I NN.B •1l NY. N1 >6 P6 ar S aL Y4101 10+µ TO -Y/• RA H+10 R - +µ 11 Y = . /- -Yb 1rA 10+SD TO Yb RA 12+l0 Q bOm Qn Q r Yd- bTA to+00 TO YE LTA 17+06 LT N = ~~ -YI. bU U+90 TO YE fG 17+7b R ~ RUIH PETERSON ~ I F Yi 366-6 K KT~ 1~ Ktr r ~~}~~~6~~Q~f~Q~a ~ . OI~AN SAK~6 TAU51 ~~ I /16tH .c~/~`- P°~MiS' //Y o u0~ II~ ,,~-;~Y~ 6- AC ~l ~" I I ti ~ V x'$51 `~1°"° ~ ~ m' ' p ~~~ I ~J~ 1B, C6G ~ m L ~ m ~y SBNBUS . CB ~~ m $ ~ NMIP,LLC y'e~ ~ ~ ' C ANr g~ ~ ~' 00 I ~ ~ ~0 ~ _ B§i 42 ~ ~~ r e s7evztrN Ice.. is .. ~ ~01e'cac _~_~ ~=1 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ -L- PC Sfa 78+6314 ~°0A-° a c 21• csc J ~} 1` I- l ~ c~cb~ ~ ~ °_~ -,~J~ IseNeus I~ III" ~ a~ III v B5T 'I In I~ ANGELA G. STErARtO 06T93/P6T1 43 I p O II ~ =J -Y Fjj'II~I~__TT A' ~~tl .~ I I` I~ I~- I\ n Z ~ ~ ,I II I I I I~ I I~ i NIOXCr IErelrla HD. 1HHr ~. ALMA PARAAIORE U-36138 9 6e u-le Pc sa bw Nlar No. oe e re bii N• 10AON'AY 0l116N MYCINJIIC7 b0A0 B16MI@A RASING X oosr.lW /N Nl~e 4 -~ DAarN E.PARAIgNE,rt ux 1111 K Tt1 PL1~1~.Ii~ RY :'~I.,AN$ m ~nraea mtg. ;; 46a +U.17 Y~Q a s5 25Fp LT C ~ . n i ' ~ +oo xa ~t C~a' l . .Q -B 6-I POT 5+00.00 ~ Yb- 5 27 - 7 +AI.d1 Y` I • D0.66 1rraAL art oral I 1te Deru ~ cuLmdTan ALAU PARAIbRE I +6666 -Y6- DB u•a P6 Se I /oa6 ply a b ro iu 46 +12.11-YN O ~ b6m E ND SIDEWALK AND C6G I Txaus r.i -Y~ STA. t4+95.0! LT, i RT. u ~ R1 -L= POr SYa81+8591= ~ I ~,~, -Y6- POT Sla/3+7495 wm ~ +u.eo -YA. 7Am (iTl ' .~ -L- PT Sla 82+1434 ~ $ ~ f w app ~' r c m ~ u '~ ~ Tm ~ alAt DrtCH cunvdTNw+ W _ ~'0° bAOO ~ 900' FULL H E E E W _ .. F N 7----- - ----- N ........... .. -,- ___ _ _ c r~6 I E _: F 1 F . .F Dort, w ~ +iiA>~ ~ , - ~ i REWN }UE + . k $ ' W Z wm • NIF - L-U I - CST +08.3 ~ ,~ ea6 RR -BY6- PINC 4 + _ - ~'~ Y~ STA. 13 ~ 0 590-"c--_ b0A0 pDl +1140 ~ J 'M- W E1dD SIDEWALK M1D C6G ; Y~ STA. 12+5416 LT, L Ri ae ~ ro~ ~ Q nE ro Ex1sT, _ ~ CiG ~rALrEa L.a I ~, ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~•LT reJS'EP•Cpt ~'~ I•ISl 1 FUEL PUMPS UAI7L ly ~ . CINOPY BUS _ ,,, ~ a mp. iw J mYr , `~ JuES F, a>< ~~ L y~`~'~G PHYIta KBRADLEYO l D8110xP6bOT ~ 49 72'WD ~ PNSrPfrTS ae.ee NB2'DY53 ~~-~ CART r,HARDEE 66 t/e 16 102 06 SS1 16 STO 48a CHARLES R, NAMEE OB ?N PG 10T Rw, REVISED SIGNAL -1UE 1UE- PEAMANENT UTIlJ1Y EASEMENT PAINTED ISLAND ~ (SEE PAVE. MAIWNG PLANS) SEE SHEET 20 FOR.-l. PROFILE SEE SHEET Z5 FOR -Y6- PROFILE RRI•RRI•mR uuul~nE P REwslows a N n 052-05 RhY REV!$N,N' fDWGJ REVISED THE PROPERTY OWNER NAVE ON PANEL 83A TO (KAREN w.BRIGHTI. A SECOxO CLAfW OF PDE AND TCE WAS ADCED ON PARCEL B3AZ (KAREN w,BRK,I „ ADDED PARCEL 838 (ANTHONY S.HART,d ux1.PARCE183C JESSE C.Yf10RE.d uxAPARCEC 83D (JOANNE T,CHILDSAPARCEL 83f (KERRY P.M71/SEAPARCEL 83F fMIIORED OOLWiNAPARCEL 8JG (ROBERT E.EARNHARDTAPARCEL 83H (YATTHEw AAIDAIDGE.d uxl. PARCEL 858 (KAREN w,BR,GHfAAND PARCEL 85C (COREY LEE SCOTTA REVISED THE RiTY AND TCE DY PARCEL 76 fGREY57'ON LIOBILE HOVE PARK LLCL PARCEL 77 fFlRETOWER CR0.551NO LCCAAND PARCEL T8 fFxtETOWER CROSSlNO lL.CA REVISED THE Riw,TCf,AND PDE ON PARCEL 82 fFfRETOWER CROSSING (LClAND PARCEL 8~ fNC.FOAEST SERV~EI. SEE WALL PLANS FOR GRADING OETAllS TREES /~ ~~ I m6r, Am. pow Am \~ CepiREifE,L1.C. ~i8S52 P~"G.6~0 naffs w-631 a1 /~ ~ 1~~~~ ~i / i ~ D /~ nLUw F ~a d IgFFNW .~ r ' ~ 71 FEW pp 1 ~6BKD T 5 BA D Y W y ~ ~~ 2 W Tr1ro 7BY0 + W `- h. AB O O H '`'~ _ _ _ ,~, ~ ~1 ~ T d ........ GREENVILIE ~ .. -~ ~ ~•I ~ W a ~ I 6F0 i A V '~'I I nE WO I L ~ Y ~ roGii Fi"0o~s~ ,; ~2 ND SDI s 74 c EGI V, i ^ ~,~0,~5 e ~ $U 5 B u ~~. a RT DEVELOP6f~ OB NST -G S7 ~ FE S9 PG q O L f~AB s~ K PGO -1. ~ ~ ~ SR 17DB I~ ~~ ~~ eoo i6o6 -na- BAYSWATER ROAD -L- PL 5-o rn+5633 p~ T!3'042'flT! D = 230'GnA' L = 2887r T = 144,55' R = 229!,63` SE - DA3 -L- STA. 116+27.37 128.63 RT1= . -Y10- STA. 11+76.78 136.91RT1 Sla 1f6+n78 83A O ~N .. Rlncln 83E '~" P.101aE bs -G ~ ~ ,ra6 PG oe rtos - /,1{iNONi s, i. 6i ux ~ YLDRED ~ I u B3 os ne+ P6 T6i 838 oe nAO F 3C JESSE •' u+` 83O eoi'PEC~T mi ,,,.E i. cxLVS B3 wanE~ ~ . •, u~ 8~D / ~ rtes k cs - aav; aE dx+E rauEVD, 83H '/\\) 83 ZCIxFBS 8 GNTEMS ^ ~ ~ // ~ ~~ CB \ G r \ n .. _ ! .r1 a . m am an " , ( gam ; • sago av ~ ` / ~ € c a i " ++aBAD ~ " F - + b, +7 rseNO ISBFCU f 6 IsaAD 8 6Bbo 1sa B ~ k ~ E ` Eeco F E Z ~ a°, i - -T - ,. -- _ e;.u' I I ~~ B II _ -- „ ~- _ 6 pp d ' Om {~ +00.00 L +um * ~' uao udB (A um +>o 1~0 r ~ 0~ W i ~ ~ I~ c LI E R I ~ I.11+11.15 L + F o ~~ Z ace ~~IS D~ ~ QQ Et 75 -YI GtEYSTOx NOBLE xalE Pua uc Jp b~2 P~6 260 -~_ IEI51eICE No. Meer No. 36138 !2 6M' IIIffT NO. B!IGIN6Q EDF ~~~ . os siar6.es " io sup \~ 513+$e.e,e EP ,~Y t. MCLAt11011A1 ~Q~~,~p \ LpY 651 ~s~~. }+ 150x0 ~~>\I< 6om aA cr Ax5/HUG/ Nlll a9~32A0 I~ I '~0 7B 76 II I FRETOtER FRETOtER LLC ~~ ~ROS561G LLC ' CREYSid1 IIOBLE II OB R6 P6 K9 BB eib PG 669 b !Y FC t60 IpIE PeWI LLC ~u ~ ~ iI BB ]! P6 t60 ~~~Yq- PDTS7a 9 85~ _eN.DY II II 9L6N' y ~ ~ 11A5 RT 15 eN Bus N07FH0 CENTER, S E TYPICAL 5H1 R LEFTOVER 19 I ~ FIETMER ~ F t1 E CR055610 LLC LLC CpB G SS ~ K ~ OB eK P6 K9 60 2F 07 ~3 ~#.w,~. [.w[r fY0.71 ~ O,pECTgN ONLY C6G q~ J I I L I O 82 FtEiOtER FIETOtER CROSSNG LLC ~~' LLC OB R6 P6 666 CB It6 PG K9 YB 32 P6 t60 IB u PC XO F eass~ ~.n TowruwP u"~' I _ ~---- ~ CONC CdTCX BeSN wINtERVtiIE TOwNSNIP * NEW SIGNAL SEE SHEEP 11 FOR ~ PROFILE SEE SHEET 16 FOR Yif>- PROflLE a racraEE SPwx CONSTRUCTgN uc oe m,Pa666 r ss.PC.rs TAxCT t Lfl/tE6~f6C1CM r suarta uas caaT. 85A ~~~. ~1~tuPEN t. BAIGIi CORT l M DB K% k 10t OB h r /+qAO a. i 6ao6 an O ~ ~ e5c z } N I II r I W D ' : e-E E ~ e~ ----r t~Tf i } N - ~i P- ~a -:- ~ 1_.....: F E al I ~ +IOAO -Ir FIRE I "~ I ~ elm owEA I I I ~ ~ LY / FORDS E SH~~T - I i I I Fv -EMIEI R~E~ ~c.6s " , u ~'~ 1rtL PeW ~'`~,.,. a ~ e. N.C.FOREST SERVICE ~ F~Bt3v~P66~9 ~ -. H, 84 GREENVILLE it II L r-nr M" _~~ N~~ Om~ O ~r N/I Z z 0. m~~ N ll I r r v 11-IB-0 oECEri IaECCd racrrr -BL=15 PINC STA. 124 -BYII-I POT STA.5+0 -l- STA,125+55.93 I -YII- STA. 11+73.93 V AEGOE sPw CDTK1LiUCrIDN uc °Bie ~;r°G{.eK6s tD~Ci 2 L6i40•SEflOD s NODINOIOD IDOG M4i. 85C ( 85D -C POC -Y-P01 ~ EMWI ~ E $GOtt 00 M z PO IM ; ~~ Y,~ ~ ~, n _ -L- ~ Sta. + i $ ~ + W ~ W E .....:.::.:. .. N - .: - .. 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