HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151070 Ver 1_Application_20151030���� ��� ��� �� ����m �� � � � µ� �� �:� � � �ffic�e �.Jse �3n�y: G�au-ps �cti��n �� �a�a. C�V1rC� iProj��ct r��. F�arnn '��rsicam 1.4 ��r��a�r'y 2�DCJ� ���e�+�t�ns�r��t�t��t �I��i�i�a�ivr� ����� F�ar� ,�. �►�������,�t i�fi����t��,� �.._....._____-_____...WW__ �_.�__�.. �.� ���������� 1 a. Type�s� �pf �rp�arava� �caught fr�m t�� �o�p�: �X Sec�i�sr� 4�Dk� Pe��rait X� �e�ctic�� 10 P�r�nit .............................................................................................._.�.. 1 b. Sp�cify �I�tianvw��1� Pe�-mit ��9V'VF"� r��rra�er: � �r �er�er�� �'ermi� �U�) r�umb�r: � c. H�s t'�� N�'U�'I� �r� �IP ��arrsb�;� �r��;rp v��i�ed by �9�e C�arps? �,X� �'�s � h�o ____.........v M.._ _ -___.... _ 'N c�. "��+�ae(s� �f ap�rr�v�C s��rght �ram t�� b'ti+U'Q (ch�a�k �II �h�t apply�: ..�� 401 t�,+"�ter �3uaNity Cert�fica�i�rr� — ��*g�lar � NV�an�04 ,l�ar�sdic�i�ar��l ���s���9 �e�'m6t ❑ 4t�'� 1�a'�te�' C�uafi�y �C�rtwfi+�����rn —�xp�es� � q�i���'i�rw ��f��� Aukhaciz��itar� 1 e. I� this �a�tific�ti�rn sca�e9y �t��- th�e r�c�rd F'ar ��e r�e�csr� t���y f�rr L�+,�u'� F�ar the ��aca�d canly fc�� �Carp� ��ermit: k�ec��us� wr�tier� ��ap��v�l is r��a� �-���iresl'? 4�1 �Ce�ta���t��n: �] Yes � I�ca � Y�s � N� _...... __....... . ......._........ 'If. Is ��y�e�t ��t�a a�raitig�tio� b��� �ti�' irr-li�� f�� p�r+�gr��a �a�r�p�ase�l far �rnitigatinra rrf i�rrpacts"� �f sa, �t���r ��r� ���ept�r��� I��te�' fr�� �mitigati�� ba�k �"��s 0 N�p �ar in-�ie�a fee pro�rarr�. ____...._ ......_ �..____.��.. 1,�. Is the �r�ject loca�ed irr any a�f �N�'s ti�,ve�ty �a��t�l �ta�a�tties, �f y�s, a�s�rrer 1 h 0 Y�� � N�a b�El�auv. ____._ _ _____________ __ _. __.._____ ..._...._......m.. 1 h. �s k�e p�cale�ct I�rcated vwith+i� a�1� C3�91� Ar�a a� �rrvira��amert��N ��nce�n (AE�G}'? �X Y�s ��J� _______ ................_ _n.................................................. �. �"�aj�c� l�w�or�°ra�i�s� ��. �v�me c�f �r�j��k: . ...�._ N��f�lk S���hern �r�d�e ��C-59.� _ .____..._ .._....__ �m.�_...__...._____________....................... �._�....__...._____..........__.�...._._ 2�, ��r��r�ty: �r�v�� __M....... ......__...........__ .................._........_._ �._..�.M....�.__._....____.___...__....... 2�. �Ve�res� m�ni��pal��� / ��avw�n: New�r ��rn __ _.... W W W_. ___ ..... _M ___ _......._..._ �d. �ub�i�wisic�r� ��m�: NIA ......��...�. _........ .......___ �__._.. .____.� ... ...W___......__ �e. �J�C��1f �rnly, T.�.P, car state ,p�-c+jeck rn�a: hl/A _ . ..........................._.__................______..........._........v....._ _._. �..._..� �..............___.....W......�._ 3. �wn�r� �r��c��m�tuvr� _._ ........_..w�..._�.._ ��, INam�{�} an� k��c�r��d I��ed: N�a�th �ar�nl'i�n� I�a�l���d �Camp,�r�y ..�b, D�+�� �ook �nd Page I�a. ���8 43��„ ���C��r+��C� 1�Ii��/1��Z ._.�..__.__......__-___..�.. __.�_._.._..__... ......... ....... �.._. ��. R�sp�rr��b�e ���iy �f�� �.'�� i� �p�9ic�kale): _. � _._._..._._ ___.�...... �d. Str��t adda��ess: 28�19 Hi�h�v�a�ads �I�,V� S�it� 1�f� _ .........._ _ _ .... 3e. ���y, state, z�p: ��N���h, C�prt� Garca�in� �'7�&��4 .�_ �.._�....._........._...._�.. __...._. 3f. T"e��:p�a�a�ae nca.: � m �...�.� .....................__ _ _. _....... _. m............ _........ _. 3g. ��x n�.: .................� ........_....._____...__ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ��. ��ra�i9 a�id'rss�: �'��e � �f 'I d� �'�N F�rm — Vers�+�� � .4 ,��r�uary 2��9 4. Applicant Informatinn {if dif#�rent from ownerj 4a. Rppficant is: ❑ Agent �]X Dther, specify: Owner 1 Narfalk Southern Railway 4�. Name: �iacksQn Owens 4c. Business name Norfolk 5authern Railway {if app[icabie}: 4d. 5treet address: 12�� Peachtree Street, NE 4�e. City, s#ate, zip: Atlanta, Georgia 3fl3�9 4f. Te€ephone no.: 4Q4-5�7-2533 4g. Fax no.: �LQ�4-527-2589 4t�. �mail address: jackson.owens[rr�nscvrp.cam 5. AgentlConsultant Informatian �if applicahtey 5a. Name: Jennif�r Sunfey 5�. 6usiness narne ����fl� professianaf SerWi�es {if appkicable}: 5c. Street address: 'f 3$�1 Riverp�rt ❑�i�e, 5uite 3�0 5d. City, siate, zip: Sair�t Los�is, Missnuri E30�3 5e. Telephone no.: 3�i �4-942-5287 5f. �ax rro.: 31 �#-770-�428 5g. Email address: jsunleyCia hansan-inc.�am Page 2 of 'I d g. Project Infarmation and Prinr Praject Histary '[. Pra�erty Identif�ation 1a. Property identifi�atian no. =iax PIN or parcel kE7}: 7-RR1LR�-NCRR 'ip, Site c��r�inates (in decirr�al degrees}: Latitude: 3.5.Q99573 Long'stude: -77.�414a7 1 c. Praperty size: 195 acres 2. SurFaGe Wa#ers 2a. �€arrse a# nearest t�ody af water ia proposed praject: Trent River 2io. Water Quaiity Classification o# nearest rece'sving water: Trent R��er 2c. Ri�er basin: Neuse River 3. Project Descriptian 3a. Descrihe the existing candifians an the site and the genera€ kand use in #h� �icinity oi the pr�ject at the fime qf this appli�ation: Bridge EC-59.3 is an acfi�e raif bridge that crosses the Trent Ri�er Jus# svuth of New Bern, North Carolina.. 5ee lvcation maps included in attached report. 3b. List the total estimated a�reage of all existing wetlands an fhe grtiperty: 4.0 3c. List the total estimated linear fe�t oi afl existing streams �intermitten# and perennial} an the praperty: �,9�(] 3d. �xplain the purpose af the propased praject: The purpose of the project is tv rep#ace $ deteriorated sectians of bridge EC-59.3 to maintain reliable rail service. 3e, pescrit�e the overalf project in de#ail, in�luding the fy�ae af equipment to 4�e �setf: Fi�e hridge sections south of the swing span and three hridge secfions nvrth of the swing span wil3 tre replaced within the aiignment of the ex€sting brid 4. .�urisdic#innal Determinatians �a. Ha�e jurisdicti�nal wet[ar�d ar s#rearr� determinatians by #h� � Y�S '�] �o ❑ �nknawn Carps �r State been requested ar obtained for ihis pro�erty ! ra'ect 111GIt1dIR all r'tar hases �n the ast? Comments: 4b. lf the Carps mad� the jurisdi�tianal determsnation, what type � p�{irrsinary ❑ FinaI af deterrnination was made? 4c. If yes, wha delineated fhe jurisdi�tional areas? AgencylConsultant Company: Afame [if known}: �f�e�� 4d. If yes, list the dates af the Cor�s jurisdictiona[ determinatians ar State determina#ions and attach dacumentatior�. 5. Praject History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes ❑ iVo 0 Unknouvn this proj�ct {in�ludsng all prinr phases} in ihe pasf? 5k�. If yes, explain in detail according to "help �le" instructions. 6. �uture Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased prqject? ❑ Yes OX Na Eb, If yes, exp3ain. Page 3 of 1 � PCN Farm — Version 'i .� January 2a09 C, Prnpased Impacts fn�entory 1. Impacts Summary 'i a. Which sections were completed he�arlv #ar yo�r praject {cheGk all ihat appiy}: ❑ Wetlands ❑ Streams — trihutaries ❑ BufFers j�X ❑�en Waters ❑ Pand Construction 2. Wetland lmpaCEs If there are wretland irnpaots proposed on the site, then carraplete this question for eacE� wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of impact Type o# wefland Forested Type of jurisdictian Area af numher Carps ��D�,1Q� �r impact Permanen# {P} or DWQ �401, other) �a�res} Tem ora T W1 - Chnose one Chaose one Yesl�io W2 - Chvvse one Chovse ane YESIPdO - W3 - Chaose �ne Chvase ane YeslNv - W4 - Chovse one Ghoose ane Yes11Va W� - ChpQSB 4RE Choose one YesliVv - W� - Choose one ��roose one YeslNv - 2g. 7otal Wetland fmpacts: 2h. Comments: 3. Stream [mpacts lf there are perennia! ar intermit�ent stream im�acts �in�luding temporary impacfsj prvposed on the site, then complete this question far all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3�. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. �g. Strearn impac# Type of impaci Stream name Perenn'sal [P�R} or Type of A�erage Impact nurr;ber iniermi#tent 41NT}? jurisdiction stream lengih Permanent {Pj ar width �linear Temporary �T} ���e�j feet} S1 - Choose ane - S2 - Choose vne 53 - Chovse ane - 54 - Choosa ane - - �� - Choase ane - 55 - Choose one - - 3h. Totaf siream and trihu#ary impa�ts 3i. Camments: Page 4 af 1 fl PCN �orm — Versi�n 1.4 January �a09 �. Open iNater Impacts ff there are propaseci irripacts tv lakes, ponds, estuaries, trihutaries, sounds, the Atlanti� �cean, ❑r any other apen water of t�e U.S. then individuall I15� �II Q en water im acts helow. 4a. �h. �c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbady impaet nu�nher [':f applicahlej iype of impact Waterhoc€y ArQa of impact {acresj Permanent [P) or type Tem ora T ❑1 P Trenf Ri�er �ridge �ther 6.061 Q2 - Choflse one Choose Q3 - Choase one Chvose Q4 - Chaflse one Choosa 4f. iatal apen water impacts o.Ua1 �g. Ct]mmen#5: Eight {$} deterinrated sectians vf the existing raii bridge uvill be rep#aced. The new bridge sectians will he replaced along the same alignment as the existing struott�ras. Pleasa see the aYtached Is#ter and projsct �alans far additianal informaiiQn. 5. Pond or �.ake Cons#ru�iiort 4f ond or lake �onstru�tian ro ❑sed, then cam Is#e #he chart below. 58. 5b. 5C. 5d. 50. Pond E� numk�er Prapased use or Wetland Impacts {acres} 5tream lmpa�ts (fee#J Llpland purp�se of p�nd {a�resy Flaoded FiAed Excavated FlQOded FiHed Excavafed P1 Chvase vne P� Ci�aase ane 5f. Tv#al: 5g. Gommenfs: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ IVo if yes, �ermit ID na: 5i. �xpe�ted pond surFace area �acres}: 5j. Size af pand watersl�ed �acres}: 5k. Mathod �f construction: 5. Buffer lmpacts �far DWQj €# project wil4 impact a prafected .riparian huffer, ihen c�mp[ete the charf helow. If yes, then indi�id�zally list ali buffer impacfs belaw. If an irn acts re uire miti atEon, then ou MLJS'i filf aut Seciion IJ of this farm. 6a. Praject is in which pratected basin? ❑ I�euse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ �ther: fib. 6c. 6d. 5e. �€. 6g. SufFer Impa�# Reasan for impaci Stream name Buffer Zone 1 Zone � nurs�her— mitigation impact impact Permanent (P} or required? {square (square Tem arar feet fee# 61 - Yes1Na Bz - YeslNfl B3 - YeslNo B4 - Yes/No S5 - Yes1No g� - YeslMa Bh. Total Buffer fmpacts: Fii. Ctirnments: Page 5 of 'I D D. impact Jusiification and Mitigation 1. A�vid�nce and Mir�imizativn '[a. Specifi�aEly descrihe measures taken ta a�oid ar mir�irr�i�e the �roposed irrzpacts in d�signing project. The eight [S} bridge secfiflns wiil i�e replaced wfthin the same alignment as ths exis#ing 5eciivns. 'ih. S�ecifica�ly describe measures taken tv a�oid or minimize the prapased impacfs thraugh constructirsn techniques. Tha eight {8} pridge sscfions wifl be rsplacer� within the same alignment as the exEsting seatians minimizing impacts ta tha Trent River. 2. Com ensatv Miti ation #nr Im acts to Waiers af #he U.S. ar Waters of the State 2a. C}oes the project require Compensafory Mit'tgation for � Yes �]X No impaets fo Waters af th� U.S. or VIlaters vf the State? , 2h. If yes, mitigation is required hy [check all that apply}: ❑[7WCi ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation �ank 2�. If yes, vsrhi�h mitigation aption wiEl be used fnr this ��,bj��t.� ❑ Payment to in-[ieu fee program ❑ Permit#ee Respansihle Mitigatian 3. Com lete if Usin a Miti ation Bank 3a. Name of Mi#igation Bar�k: N�A Type; Ghaose ane Quantity: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receip# and [etier} Type: Chnase ane C�uanti#y: TYPe: �hoose vne Quan#ify: 3c. Camments: 4. Cam lefe if Makin a Pa ment ta In-lieu Fee Pra rarn 4a. Approval lelter fram in-lieu fee program is aitached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: Einear feet 4c. If using stream mifigation, stream temperature: Chpose ane 4d. 6uf#er mifigatian requested �OW[Q anlyj: sq�are feet 4e. Riparian wetiand mi�igativn requested: acres 4f. 1Von-riparian wetland mifigafian requested: acres 4g. Coastaf (tidal} wetland rnitigation requested: acres 4h. Gamments: 5. Camplefe if Using a Permi�tee Responsihle Mitigation P[an 5a. �f using a permii#ee r�spvnsi�le mitigatian plan, pra�ide a description of the prapnsed mitigation plan. wA Pag� 6 af � D PCN Farm — Version 1.4 January �a49 S, guffer Mifigaiion [State F��gulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by OWQ �a. Will the project result in an ir�pact wi4hin a pratecked riparian bui�er that requir�s � Yes ❑X I�o huffer mitigatian? 6b. If yes, then 'sdentify the square feet afi impa�t ta eaGh zone of the riparian �uffer that requires rnitigatian. �alculate th� amount o# mitigation required. 6�. 6d. 6e. Zone ���$°� for impact Tatal impact Mu[tipiier Req�ired mifiga#ian [square feet} �square feet) Zane 1 3 [2 #or Catawba) �ane 2 1.� 6f. Totaf i�uffer mi#igation required: Gg. If huffer mifigation is requir�d, dis�uss what type of mitigati�n is praposed (e.g., payrn�nt to pri�ate mitigation bank, permitiee respansi�4� riparian buffer restoration, payment inta an appro�ed in-Geu fee fursd}. 6h. Comm�nts: Page 7 of 10 �. 5tarmwater Management �nc! Di#fuse Flow Pian {required by DWQ] '!. �iffuse Flvw P#arf 1 a. [7aes the praject include ar is i# adjacent fo prote�ted riparian buffers iderttifed 0 y�$ ��a within ❑n� of the NC Ri arian Buifer Protectian Rules? 1 b. if y�s, then is a diifuse #€aw plan ir�cluded? lf n�, explain why. Tt�e pro�e�t in�ol�es repair and maintenanae to an existing structure. Na changes ta the stffrm water is � y�s ��a prapasad. IVo trees wilf �e clsared #flr the project. 2. Starmwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the a�erall percent imperviousness of this praject? R� d�A 2b. �aes this ro'ect re Uire a 5tormwater Mana ement Plan? ❑ Yes � No 2c. lf #his project DDES NCIT require a Starmwa#er Management Plan, exp[ain r,vhy: The pr�pflsed repta�ement of eight (8} sectians of ths existing hridge will n4i increase the overall imperviousness af the existing bridge stru�ture. 2d. If ihis praject DDES require a 5tarmwater Managetnent Plan, th�n pro�'tde a hrief, narrafive descriptian o# #he plan: �e. Who will be respansible for the re�iew of fhe Stormwater Management Plan? n�lA 3. Cereified Loca[ Ga�ernment Stormwa#er R��i�w 3a. 1n which fQCal ��ernmenf's 'urisdiction is this ro"ect? wA ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of #he follvwing lo�ally-irrtplemented stormwater management pragrams ❑�SW apply �chec�C all thaf apply}: [] USMP � Water Supply Wat�rshed [] �ther: 3c. Has the appro�ed Sfarmwater Mar�agement Plan witY� proo# af appra�al be�n ❑ Yes ❑ f�o attached? �. DWQ S#vrmwat�r Pro ram Re�iew �Coastal cvunties ❑HQW 4a. Which af ihe follawing state-irr�plemen#ed stvrrr�water ma�agerrsent pragrams ap�ly �p�}N �checi� all ihat apply}: ❑5ession Law 2DQ6-246 ❑�ther: 4b. Has the approved Stnrmwafer Managerrs�Rt Plan with praaf af appro�al been � y�s ��Q atta�hed? 5. l]VNQ 4�7 .Unit Starmwater Re�iew 5a. Daes the Stvrrnwater Management Plan meet #he appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No �b. Ha�e all of the 4D7 Unit submirial requiremenfs heen met? [� Yes ❑ N❑ Page 8 0# 1 D PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2Dfl9 F. 5u.pplemer�tary ln#armatian 'E. Enr►ironmentaf Daeumentat�or� �I]W� Requirernent} 'i a. ❑aes the projecf in�al�e an expenditure nf puhlia (federallstatellocalj funds or the � Yes 0 No use of puhli� (federallstate} land? 1 b. if you �nswereci "yes" fo the ahove, t�aes the praJe�t reqUire preparation of �r� en�iranmenfa[ docurnerst pursuani to fhe req�airements of t�e Natianal flr Sfate ❑ Yes ❑ Na {North Garvl'sna} En�ironmenfai Policy Act {NEF'AISEPAj? 1 c. I# yvu answered "yes" to the alaa�e, has the ciocument re�iew been finalized by the State Clearing House? tlf so, attach a c�py of tf�e N�PA or SEP�4 final appro�al I�tt�r.} ❑ Yes ❑ N� Camments: 2. Violaiians (C]WQ Requirementy 2a. ls the site in violatian af �WR Wetland Rufes tiSA NGAC 2H .05DC]}, Isolated W�tland Rules �'� 5A NCAC 2H .1300}, DWf.� SurFace V1later ar Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes ❑x Na or Riparian eu€fer Rules {15A NCAC 2B .D2�D]? 2b. 4s this an after-the-fact perrriit appli�atian? ❑ Y�� ��p 2c. 1f you answered "yes" io one or bath af fhe aho�e questions, prp�ide an exp�anatian af the vinlation(s}: 3. Cumulati�e Impacis �QWQ Requirernent] 3a. Will this praject �hased an past and reasonak�ly an#icipa#ed future impacts} resulf in ��,�$ 0 No additiona[ developmen#, which could impact near�y downstream water quality? 3b. If yau answered "yes" ta the above, submit a qualitative or quantitati�e �urrsulati�e impa�t arralysis in accordan�e with the most reoent [�W4 palicy. I€ you answered "na," pro�ide a shart narrative description. �4. Sewage Dis�osal �pWG� Requirement} 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and d'sspasifion [non-discharge flr discharge) af wastewater generat�d from the proposed praject, ❑r availab�e capacity o# the subjecf facility. N!A Page9of1� PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 20�9 5. Endangered Species and C]esignated Gritical Na�i#at �Ccsrps Re�uirement3 5a. Will this project o�cur in or near an �rea wi#h f�d�rally pratected spe�ies ar ��,� ��q habitat? 5�. Fla�e .yau checked with the llS�VIIS aoncerning Endangered Species Acf m y�s ❑ No EfT1��L'�S? 5c. if yes, indicate the USFWS Fiaid �ffic� you f�ave oontact�d. Raleigh 5d, What data sauroes did yau use ta determine whether your site wo�id impact Fndangered 5pecies ar �esignateti Critical Habitat? USFiNS lPac datahase. Ari official species fist is included in Attachment XX in endosed repor�. 6. ��sential Fish Hat�itat [Carps Requirementy fia. Wif[ this project Qr.cur in nr naar an area designa#ed as esseni€al �sh habitat? �] Yes ❑�lo Bh. Vtfhat data sources did you use ta deterrrrine whether yflur siie wouid impact �ssenfial �ish F{a�itat? Spake with 5hawn Sfaples wilh ihe pivision of Marirre Fish�trias. Construction activities wiA occur after QGtoher 7 st i. Historic ar Prehistoric Cuituraf Resaurc�s [Carps Requirementj Ta. Wifl this project ac�ur in nr near an are� that the state, €ederal or tribal ga�ernmenfs ha�e de5ignated as ha�ir�g histaric or cultural preservafian � Y�S ��� status �e.g., Nafianal Historic 7rusi �esigr�atiors or properties signiiir,ant in North Cara�ina histary and archaeologyj? 7b. V�lhat data svurpes did you Use to determine whefher your sile wauld impact histori� or archealagical resources? The eight {8] bridge sections 6eirag replaced were installed in 'I988. 8. Ffoad �on� F�esignatiorz {Corps Reyufrementj Sa. Will this prajeCi vccur in a FEMA designated 10tl-year €foadplain? � Yes ❑ No 8b. f# yes, explain ho� praject meeis FEMA re.quirements; The 6ridge opening will remained unchanged aftar construc[ion. The new hridge sectians wi#i 6e insialted within the faoiprint of the exisiing hridge. 8c, Whaf saurce(sj did yo� use to make the floodpla'€n determinatian? Jackson �,+►ens 9�1912Q�5 AppticantlAgent's Prin#ed Name A �cantJAgenf`s Signaiure []ate �AgertE's s nafure is vafid only if an autfxirization lerier fmm the a icarrf is �i�ed. Page '[ [} af 't L1