HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000504_MS4 Annual Report (2023)_20240227 NCS0005O4 FUQUAY VARINA 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Reporting Line Year BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Comments No. (Jan 1- Ref. Metric Dec 31) 3 2 1.8.6. Did TOFV submit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to February 28? YES 12 2 3.B.3. Did TOFV implement SOPs for MS4 compliance? YES 16 2 3 B 4 Did TOFV evaluate the stormwater program and update SOPs and/or SWMP YES BMPs and measurable goals as needed? 22 2 3.8.5. Did TOFV attend and distribute stormwater materials at Celebrate YES Fuquay or an alternative town event? 23 2 3.8.5. Number of stormwater materials distributed? 250 12,000 in attendance 32 2 3.8.6. Did TOFV perform at least one school/local community stormwater education YES 10/23/2023(classroom visit);5/12/22(Tiger Fest) event? 33 2 3.8.6. Number of contacts through school/local community stormwater education 275 event? 42 2 3.8.7. Did TOFV include stormwater education materials with utility bill mailings? YES 43 2 3.8.7. Number of stormwater education materials mailed with utility bills? 12,500 51 2 4.8.1. Did TOFV renew CWEP membership? YES 57 2 4.8.3. Did TOFV participate in CWEP membership meetings? YES 58 2 4.8.3. Number of CWEP meetings attended? 4 66 2 4.8.4. Did TOFV utilize annual CWEP report for outreach metrics? NO Annual report metrics are in addition to those reported here 71 2 5.8.1. Did TOFV promote the stormwater program's message on Town social media YES platforms? 78 2 5.8.2. Did TOFV set a hit counter in order to monitor social media engagement on YES stormwater posts? 79 2 5.8.2. Number of hits on social media stormwater posts? 9,466 See also CWEP Annual Report Did TOFV promote and maintain an internet web site designed to convey the 87 2 6.8.1. YES Stormwater Program's message? 93 2 6.B.2. Did TOFV set a hit counter on the stormwater web page in order to monitor YES engagement? 94 2 6.B.2. How many hits on the stormwater web page? 3,435 102 2 7.13.1. Did TOFV maintain a stormwater hotline/helpline information on the Town YES web site? 107 2 7.8.2. Did TOFV publicize the stormwater hotline in materials developed for the YES stormwater program and posted on the stormwater web page? Did TOFV document the number and type of stormwater hotline calls 113 2 7.8.3. YES _ received,actions and processes used through resolution? 114 2 7.8.3. Total number of stormwater hotline calls? 36 Did TOFV utilize the stormwater hotline to identify emerging target pollutants 124 2 7.8.4. YES and target audiences and update the SWMP as needed? 125 2 7.8.4. Total number of new target pollutants? 0 Current Target Pollutants were supported by analysis. 126 2 7.8.4. Total number of new target audiences? 0 Current Target Audiences were supported by analysis. 139 2 10.B.5. Did TOFV promote bi-annually the annual Wake County Big Sweep and/or an YES alternative volunteer event? 140 2 10.B.S. Number of volunteers participating? 158 141 2 10.B.S. Amount of trash collected? 3,380 Lbs of trash collected 153 2 10.B.6. Did TOFV maintain a list of volunteers? YES Volunteer list maintained by Wake County Big Sweep through coordinated registration 154 2 10.8.6. Number of volunteers maintained on list? 158 163 2 11.B.1. Did TOFV maintain storm drainage network map through field mapping and YES GIS analysis of existing data? 164 2 11.31. Percent of MS4 mapped? 85% A stormwater asset iventory for downtown areas will be compelted in 2024 to fill in GIS data gaps. Did TOFV update a GIS layer containing known major outfalls,stormwater 172 2 11.8.2. inlets,conveyances,and other infrastructure when new public stormwater YES infrastructure is identified or constructed? 177 2 12.8.1. Did TOFV maintain/update a land development ordinance? YES 184 2 14.13.2. Did TOFV maintain and update the outfall inventory as new infrastructure is YES added? 185 2 14.13.2. Number of new outfalls added to the inventory? 18 186 2 14.8.2. Total number of outfalls in the inventory? 41 200 2 14.13.3. Did TOFV inspect major outfalls in one of five equal groups(20%of total)? YES 201 2 14.13.3. Number of major outfalls inspected? 2 30%outfalls inspected within Permit Years 1-2 202 2 14.8.3. Number of potential illicit discharges identified during outfall inspections? 0 Did TOFV review of IDDE reports&identification of chronic violators,issues, 216 2 15.B.1. YES and/or"hot-spot"areas? 217 2 15.8.1. Number of potential illicit discharges found? 8 Page 1 of 3 NCSOOO5O4_FUQUAY VARINA 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 218 2 15.B.1. Number of illicit discharges verified? 8 219 2 15.B.1. Number of illicit discharges remedied? 8 233 2 16.B.1. Did TOFV maintain a log of IDDE investigations and enforcement? YES 239 2 16.13.2. Did TOFV review Inve s tigation and Enforcement Database for identification YES of chronic violators? 240 2 16.B.2. Number of chronic violators identified? 1 Zips Car Wash Did TOFV implement and document a training program for appropriate 249 2 17.B.1. municipal staff,who as part of their normal job responsibilities,may come YES into contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection, illegal dumping,and spills? 250 2 17.B.2. Number of staff trained in IDDE? 86 260 2 18.B.1. Did TOFV develop illicit discharge fact sheet posters to display? YES 261 2 18.B.2. Did TOFV display illicit discharge posters in employee common areas? YES 262 2 183.2. Number of illicit discharge posters displayed in employee common areas? 4 274 2 20.6.2. Did TOFV implement citizen response procedures for Town staff to effectively YES track and respond to citizen requests? 275 2 20.6.2. Number of IDDE citizen requests? 2 284 2 23.6.1. Did TOFV train municipal staff on proper handling of construction site runoff YES control complaints? 285 2 23.6.1. Number of staff trained on proper handling of construction site runoff 86 control complaints? Did TOFV track and document erosion control inspection and enforcement 294 2 25.6.1. activities associated with permitted erosion control projects and citizen YES requests for investigation? 295 2 253.1. Number of complaint driven construction site inspections? 15 303 2 26.6.2. Did TOFV maintain a construction site runoff controls plan review checklist? YES 309 2 26.B.3. Did TOFV inform construction site operators of waste management YES requirements at preconstruction meetings? 310 2 26.6.3. Number of preconstruction meetings held? 21 319 2 26.B.4. Did TOFV develop a construction item fact sheet to provide with issued YES building permits? 320 2 26.B.4. Number of construction site fact seets distributed? 0 Fact sheet will be distributed 2024 333 2 27 Did TOFV track the number of low-density and high-density plan reviews YES performed? 334 2 27 If so,how many low density project reviews were performed? 0 335 2 27 If so,how many high density project reviews were performed? 30 336 2 27 If so,how many low density project reviews were approved? 0 337 2 27 If so,how many high density project reviews were approved? 25 Did TOFV maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and 354 2 27 constructed SCMs,including SCM type or low-density acreage,location,last YES inspection date and type of enforcement action(if any)? 359 2 27 How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were 38 performed? 364 2 27 How many low-density inspections were performed? 0 369 2 27 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 1 374 2 28.B.2. Did TOFV update and adopt ordinance to implement Neuse Local Program? NO Neuse Implementation is required and planned for July 1,2024 380 2 31.B.4. Did TOFV maintain a post-construction plan review checklist consistent with YES LOO and MDC requirements? Did TOFV provide Stormwater Requirements for Permit Completion and 385 2 31.13.5. require O&M Manuals and recorded Access and Maintenance Agreements YES for SCMs prior to plat recordation or building CO? 390 2 32.13.2. Did TOFV require a stormwater surety be provided prior to platting for YES residential development and some phased commercial development? 395 2 32.B.2. Number of stormwater sureties in place? 88 $6,265,811 in sureties Did TOFV require as-built approval for development plans,including 400 2 32.B.3. individual SCM as-builts,prior to building CO for commercial development or YES release of a stormwater surety? Did TOFV require enforceable mechanisms such as recorded deed restrictions 405 2 33.B.1. and protective covenants that ensure development activities will maintain YES the project consistent with approved plans? Did TOFV require SCM Owners to annually submit SCM inspection reports. 410 2 34.B.2. YES from date of CO or release of SCM surety and report metric? 417 2 34.B.3. Did TOFV inspect one of five equal groups(20%of total)of SCMs? YES 418 2 34.B.3. Number of SCMs inspected? 38 427 2 35.B.2. Did TOFV provide pet waste educational materials? YES Page 2 of 3 NCSOOO5O4_FUQUAY VARINA 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 432 2 36.6.1. Did TOFV provide a link to Wake County Septic and Wastewater Management YES on the Town website? 437 2 36.6.2. Did TOFV provide information to citizens regarding domestic wastewater YES treatment proper operation and maintenance? 442 2 36.B.3. Did TOFV provide a reporting mechanism for unmaintained septic systems? YES Did TOFV maintain a current inventory of facilities and operations owned 448 2 37.B.1. and operated by the permittee with the potential for generating polluted YES stormwater runoff? Number of inventoried facilities and operations owned and operated by the 449 2 37.B.1. 73 permittee with the potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff? 458 2 37.B.2. Number of priority municipal facilities in inventory? 7 459 2 37.B.2. Number of low risk municipal facilities in inventory? 66 470 2 37.9.3. Did TOFV perform inspections of low risk municipal facilities once per permit PARTIAL On track to have each inspected within the permit term term? 471 2 37.B.3. Number of annual priority municipal facility inspections? 6 472 2 37.B.3. Number of once per permit term low risk municipal facility inspections? 7 485 2 38.9.2. Did TOFV provide training for staff responsible for performing town-facility YES inspections? 486 2 38.B.2. Number of staff trained for performing town-facility inspections? 4 496 2 393.4. Did TOFV train PSC staff on procedures,inspections,etc.identified in the YES SWPPP? 497 2 39.B.4. Number of PSC staff trained on SWPPP? 15 505 2 39.B.5. Did TOFV inspect/verify implementation of the PSC SWPPP? PARTIAL Staff was trained and Engineering Department still working with PSC staff on Ironer documentation 509 2 39.6.6. Did TOFV evaluate the PSC SWPPPannually and update as needed? YES 514 2 40.B.3. Did TOFV update existing spill response procedures fact sheet displayed at YES Town facilities? 516 2 40.B.4. Did TOFV display Spill Response fact sheet at all Town Facilities? YES Did TOFV maintain a proactive plan for MS4 system maintenance with regular 523 2 41 inspections and maintenance including schedules,standard documentation, YES staff responsibilities and training? 524 2 41 Number of MS4 inspections performed? 93 525 2 41 Number of MS4 maintenance activities performed? 62 538 2 42.B.2. Did TOFV train staff on general stormwater pollution prevention? YES 539 2 42.6.2. Number of staff trained on general pollution prevention? 86 540 2 42.B.2. Did TOFV train staff on general stormwater pollution prevention? YES 556 2 43.B.1. Did TOFV maintain a municipal SCM inventory? YES 557 2 43.B.1. Number of municipal SCMs in inventory? 160 Did TOFV perform inspections of municipal SCMs per established Compliance inspections showed need for documentation and general 558 2 43.9.6. PARTIAL maintenance needs.Town is interviewing(FEB 2024)contractors to frequencies? perform muncipal inspections and maintenance on the Town's 3 SCMs. 559 2 43.B.6. Number of municipal SCMs inspected? 3 Compliance inspections showed need for documentation and general 560 2 43.9.7. Did TOFV maintain municipal SCMs per established frequencies/inspection PARTIAL maintenance needs.Town is interviewing(FEB 2024)contractors to results? perform muncipal inspections and maintenance on the Town's 3 SCMs. 561 2 43.B.7. Number of municipal SCM maintenance activities? 2 582 2 45.B.1. Did TOFV maintain a licensed pesticide applicator on staff? YES 583 2 45.B.2. Number of licensed pesticide applicators on staff? 15 591 2 46.B.1. Did TOFV maintain a designated vehicle washing area at the Public Service YES Center? 596 2 46.B.3. Did TOFV utilize an inspection log to track Oil&Water Separator inspections YES and maintenance? Did TOFV evaluate existing and new BMPs annually that reduce polluted 601 2 473.1. stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets,roads,and public parking YES lots within the corporate limits? 606 2 47.9.2. Did TOFV maintain an inventory of municipal parking lots? YES 611 2 47.B.3. Did TOFV perform street sweeping per established frequencies in SOP? YES 616 2 48.B.3. Amount of street sweeping material collected? 71 loads 1 load=25CY 623 2 493.1. Did TOFV provide education and outreach regarding proper disposal of litter, YES leaves,debris,particulate and fluid pollutants? 624 2 49.9.2. Did TOFV maintain a debris and yard waste collection program for proper YES disposal of litter,leaves,debris,particulate and fluid pollutants? 625 2 49.B.3. Total amount of leaves and debris collected? 114 Loads 1 load=2CY Page 3 of 3