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Creeping Swamp Phase CD Ledger-2/27/2024
87,714.280 Pounds Nitrogen Acres Pounds Nitrogen Acres Pounds Nitrogen Acres 2/23/2024 43,857.140 299.57 43,857.140 299.57 NCDEQ 5/8/2024 43,857.140 299.57 87,714.280 599.14 NCDEQ 7/24/2024 Johnston County NPDES Permit # NC0030716 modification 3020201 87,714.280 599.14 0.000 0.00 DWR Task 2 (20%) Credit Release Nitrogen Credit Balance Local Gov't Task 1 (20%) Credit Release Total Credits Released to Date: Date Paid Purchaser or UMBI Task Completed Project w/HUC # Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold from Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Restoration Systems' Neuse 02 Nutrient Offset Umbrella Banking Instrument (UBI) Creeping Swamp Phase CD Bank Parcel / Neuse 03020202 Nitrogen Offset Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 11/12/2024 DWR # 2022-0620v4 HUC