HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6231101_Design Calculations_20240224 Stormwater Wet Pond Design Criteria
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
SCM: Wet Pond 1
Calculate Runoff Coefficient
A= 3.02 acres 131,734 sf Watershed area
Ai= 2.01 acres 87,463 sf Impervious area
la= 0.66 Impervious fraction
Rv= 0.65 Runoff Coefficient
Calculate Runoff Volume Required to be Controlled
Rd= 1 in Design storm rainfall depth (typically 1" or 1.5")
WQV= 7,109 cf Volume of runoff that must be
1.96 Ac in controlled for specified design storm
Calculate Required Pond Surface Area for Permanent Pool Elevation
SA/DA= 2.34 Based 3 Avg. Perm. Pool Depth
**See Table 10-1,10-2,10-3 for SA/DA
SA= 0.071 Ac
3,079 sf Required Surface Area @ Perm Pool
Pond Volume Calculations
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
Outlet: Wet Pond 1
Permanent Pool Volume (Main Pool Only)
Elev. Contour Accum.
Stage Diff Area Incr. Vol. Vol.
(ft) _(ft) (sf) (cf) (cf)
273.5 0.0 982 0 0
275 1.5 1,406 1,791 1,791
276 1.0 1,708 1,557 3,348
277 1.0 2,028 1,868 5,216
278 1.0 2,364 2,196 7,412
278.5 0.5 2,537 1,225 8,637
279 0.5 3,087 1,406 10,043 Perm Pool Elev.
Forebay Only Volume
Elev. Contour Accum.
Stage Diff Area Incr. Vol. Vol.
(ft) (ft) (sf) (cf) (cf)
274.5 0.0 50 0 0
275 0.5 344 99 99
276 1.0 346 345 444
277 1.0 348 347 791
278 1.0 350 349 1,140
278.5 0.5 452.3 201 1,340
279 0.5 761 303 1,643 16.4% Forebay To Main Volumes Check
Temporary Pool Volume
Elev. Contour Accum.
Stage Diff Area Incr. Vol. Vol.
(ft) (ft) (sf) (cf) (cf)
279 0.0 3,848 0 0 Perm Pool Elev.
279.5 0.5 4,867 2,179 2,179
280 0.5 5,346 2,553 4,732
280.5 0.5 5,836 2,796 ,52. Actual WQV
7,109 Min. Required WQV
Drawdown Orifice Sizing Calculations
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
Outlet: Wet Pond 1
Pond Storage= 7,528 cf Water Quality Volume
Pond Depth(h)= 0.5 ft HO=H/3
Drawdown Time= 2.5 days 2-5 days
Cd= 0.6 Coefficient of Discharge (typical 0.6)
g= 32.2 ft/secA2 Gravity
The Orifice Equation
Q= Cd A Sqrt(2 g h)
Rearrange to solve for A, the minimum orifice area needed to meet drawdown requirements
Q= 0.03 cfs Based on pond volume and desired drawdown time
A= 0.01024 sf 1.47 si
Number of Orifices= 1
Minimum diameter to meet area
d= 1.37 inch diameter orifice
Use: 1.25 "diameter orifice 0.0085 sf
Check Outflow time
Q= Cd A Sqrt(2 g h)
Q= 0.03 cfs
Drawdown time= 3.00 days OK
Anti-Flotation Sizing Calculations
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
Outlet: Wet Pond 1
Riser Diameter= 0 in (circular)
Dimensions of Riser= 5.5 5.5 ft
Depth of pond = 6 ft
Required Factor of Safety= 1.5
Cross Sectional Area of Riser
Circular= 0.00 sf
Rectangular= 30.25 sf
Volume of Water Displaced
Depth of pond * Cross-sectional area
181.5 cf
Weight of Water Displaced
(assuming weight of water= 62.4 lb/cf)
62.4 *Volume of water Displaced
11325.60 lb
Minimum Weight of Anti-Flotaton Device
FS *WoW Displaced
16988.40 lb
Riser Base Provided
8 ft x 8 ft x 2 ft(depth)
Weight of concrete assumed 150 lb/cf
Weight of Base Provided = 19200.00 lb
FS Provided = 1.70 OK
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
SCM: Wet Pond 1
Average Depth Equation 3
Vpp= 10,043 cf
VSheIf= 153.3 cf
ABottom of Shelf— 2,537 sf
Davg= 3.9 ft
Dmax Over Shelf= 0.5 ft
Pperm PooI= 204.4 ft
Wsubmerged part of shelf— 3 ft
Vshelf= 153.3 cf
Equation 3. Average depth when the shelf is partially or fully submerged and
the shelf is being excluded from the average depth calculation
Abottom of shelf
Where: Davg = Average depth(feet)
Vpp = Main pool volume at permanent pool elevation(feet')
Vshelf = Volume over the shelf only(feet3)—see below
Abottom of shelf = Area of main pool at the bottom of the shelf(feet2)
Vshelf= 0.5* Depthma,,over shelf*Perimeterparm pool•W Idthst6merged part of shelf
Where: Depthmax over shelf = Depth of water at the deep side of the shelf as
measured from the permanent pool(feet)
Perimeterpem,pool = Perimeter of main pool at the bottom of the
Wdthsubmerged part of shelf = Width from the deep side to the dry side of the
shelf as measured at permanent pool(feet)
Stormwater Wet Pond Design Criteria
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
SCM: Wet Pond 2
Calculate Runoff Coefficient
A= 8.41 acres 366,362 sf Watershed area
Ai= 6.31 acres 274,772 sf Impervious area
la= 0.75 Impervious fraction
Rv= 0.73 Runoff Coefficient
Calculate Runoff Volume Required to be Controlled
Rd= 1 in Design storm rainfall depth (typically 1" or 1.5")
WQV= 22,134 cf Volume of runoff that must be
6.10 Ac in controlled for specified design storm
Calculate Required Pond Surface Area for Permanent Pool Elevation
SA/DA= 2.72 Based 3 Avg. Perm. Pool Depth
**See Table 10-1,10-2,10-3 for SA/DA
SA= 0.228 Ac
9,947 sf Required Surface Area @ Perm Pool
Pond Volume Calculations
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
Outlet: Wet Pond 2
Permanent Pool Volume (Main Pool Only)
Elev. Contour Accum.
Stage Diff Area Incr.Vol. Vol.
(ft) (ft) (sf) (cf) (cf)
251.25 0.0 7,618 0 0
252 0.8 8,225 5,941 5,941
253 1.0 9,047 8,636 14,577
254 1.0 9,887 9,467 24,044
255 1.0 10,743 10,315 34,359
255.5 0.5 11,179 5,481 39,840
256 0.5 13,407 6,147 45,986 Perm Pool Elev.
9,947 Min. Req'd SA
Forebay Only Volume
Elev. Contour Accum.
Stage Diff Area Incr.Vol. Vol.
(ft) (ft) (sf) (cf) (cf)
251 0.0 654 0 0
252 1.0 948 474 474
253 1.0 1245 1,097 1,571
254 1.0 1579 1,412 2,983
255 1.0 1952 1,766 4,748
255.5 0.5 2153 1,026 5,774
256 0.5 3199 1,338 7,112 15.5% Forebay To Main Volumes Check
Temporary Pool Volume
Elev. Contour Accum.
Stage Diff Area Incr.Vol. Vol.
(ft) (ft) (sf) (cf) (cf)
256 0.0 16,606 0 0 Perm Pool Elev.
256.5 0.5 20,090 - 9,174 9,174
257.25 0.8 21,722 15,680 24,854 Actual WQV
22,134 Min. Required WQV
Drawdown Orifice Sizing Calculations
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
Outlet: Wet Pond 2
Pond Storage= 24,854 cf Water Quality Volume
Pond Depth(h)= 0.416667 ft HO=H/3
Drawdown Time= 2.5 days 2-5 days
Cd= 0.6 Coefficient of Discharge (typical 0.6)
g= 32.2 ft/secA2 Gravity
The Orifice Equation
Q= Cd A Sqrt(2 g h)
Rearrange to solve for A, the minimum orifice area needed to meet drawdown requirements
Q= 0.12 cfs Based on pond volume and desired drawdown time
A= 0.03702 sf 5.33 si
Number of Orifices= 1
Minimum diameter to meet area
d= 2.61 inch diameter orifice
Use: 2.5 "diameter orifice 0.0341 sf
Check Outflow time
Q= Cd A Sqrt(2 g h)
Q= 0.11 cfs
Drawdown time= 2.72 days OK
Anti-Flotation Sizing Calculations
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
Outlet: Wet Pond 2
Riser Diameter= 0 in (circular)
Dimensions of Riser= 5.5 5.5 ft
Depth of pond = 6.5 ft
Required Factor of Safety= 1.5
Cross Sectional Area of Riser
Circular= 0.00 sf
Rectangular= 30.25 sf
Volume of Water Displaced
Depth of pond * Cross-sectional area
196.625 cf
Weight of Water Displaced
(assuming weight of water= 62.4 lb/cf)
62.4 *Volume of water Displaced
12269.40 lb
Minimum Weight of Anti-Flotaton Device
FS *WoW Displaced
18404.10 lb
Riser Base Provided
8.5 ft x 8.5 ft x 2 ft(depth)
Weight of concrete assumed 150 lb/cf
Weight of Base Provided = 21675.00 lb
FS Provided = 1.77 OK
Project Name: Forest Ridge Commons - Ph. 1
SCM: Wet Pond 2
Average Depth Equation 3
VPP= 45,986 cf
Vshelf= 647.75 cf
ABottom of Shelf= 11,179 sf
Davg= 4.1 ft
Dmax Over Shelf= 0.5 ft
Pperm Pool= 518.2 ft
Wsubmerged part of shelf— 5 ft
Vshelf= 647.75 cf
Equation 3. Average depth when the shelf is partially or fully submerged and
the shelf is being excluded from the average depth calculation
Abottom of shelf
Where: Davg = Average depth(feet)
Vpp = Main pool volume at permanent pool elevation(feet')
Vshelf = Volume over the shelf only(feet3)—see below
Abottom of shelf = Area of main pool at the bottom of the shelf(feet2)
Vshelf= 0.5* Depthma,,over shelf*Perimeterparm pool•W Idthst6merged part of shelf
Where: Depthmax over shelf = Depth of water at the deep side of the shelf as
measured from the permanent pool(feet)
Perimeterpem,pool = Perimeter of main pool at the bottom of the
Wdthsubmerged part of shelf = Width from the deep side to the dry side of the
shelf as measured at permanent pool(feet)