HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130223_RE U-2524D - Greensboro Outerloop Culvert - Back Fill_20151026Wanucha, Dave From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wanucha, Dave Monday, October 26, 2015 8:46 AM Lauffer, Matthew S; David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; Wilson, Travis W.; Gary Jordan Elam, William H; Lee, Craig J; James Byrd RE: U-2524D - Greensboro Outerloop Culvert - Back Fil) Hi Matt, Giv�n th� % imp�rviousn�ss upstr�am and lik�ly flashy hydrograph, if th� culv�rts ar� not buri�d, th�r� vvould b� conc�rn with instability (outl�t scour and a p�rch�d outl�t). Would th�r� b� follow-up monitoring to d�t�rmin� if a fix vvas n��d�d to r�pair th� p�rch�d conditions? What m�thods vvould b� us�d to fix p�rch�d conditions? Is b�drock an 155U�? W� hav� I�ss conc�rn if th� culv�rts w�r� not backfill�d. Allowing �xisting s�dim�nt transport proc�ss�s to backfill has m�rit. W� hav� obs�rv�d vvh�r� backfill�d mat�rial app�ar�d to b� flush�d out and r�plac�d vvith upstr�am s�dim�nt during th� subs�qu�nt storm. +� . . . . . . � �. �. . � �, � In your Tabl� b�low, Culv�rt 1 s��ms a bit wid� giv�n th� �xisting str�am width. Alt�rnating baffl�s may b� n��d�d to narrow th� chann�l (similar to Figur� 2 in th� guidanc�, b�low), unl�ss th�r� is a r�ason why th� culv�rt is 2-3 f��t wid�r than th� str�am chann�l. P�rhaps an on-sit� m��ting may h�lp th� discussion. It vvould b� h�lpful to obs�rv� �xisting chann�l conditions (s�dim�nt load, b�drock, aquatic lif�). � ���, .� �������m� "��M� � °�� -������. � ��„� � � ,�„ � , .� .��� � � �. �. � ... ,... �� ,,� �,. .� `�� �,,�. �,�.� �.�.,,�* . ��,�..,. ,��: ���i��� � �� ����mm�.�,_ �� rv � � �"����. � �: . � � �� � ��, � .� " �� � ^� ,� ,�, �� ���� � ��� � �.. . .. �N� � � �,�.�. �. � � � � � � � , �� � � ���;� . ��'�m� " ��� � ����� �w� � ���_ . �. _ ..,, ����:� � :�� , �,:�-. ao�,� A �- � .� �ti� n.� � � ,,. �� � ..m �.�. ,�. .� �° "' � � �° � � � ��� � � �� ,� �,� . .� "� �� ��li�� �_ �� .� �_��.� w�� � �, �� ��""� ��w,�F�,�� ,. �, ...... ��o� r���� „�����.,�»�� ����..mm.�� ������ �� ������ � � ��'i ���'i�R� ���s�'r ��'�"��'� ��L;!V� �i�a�r� �,- �iNIU� ��� i��f�l�� �a��d t+� ����'�� � ��w� ���� �I��m���l ��u����� ��I�r�� L��� �r � -� .„ � �� � i � . ,, ' �� ii � l�i i � i��C �^s�� �, �. :(il,; • ,, � , „ � l� i^• � � ^ . ^ i , , ,, !� S: ! � !� a������ ���°�°�,��s���������� �� ����� ��°��� ��`��,� ������°�,�,� �,� ,��.������ �� ��`�� �'J����`� �°��°������ ��.����� �����°�:�,� ��W�r ����� ���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �����°�� �:s�����,�. From: Lauffer, Matthew S Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 1:21 PM To: Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov>; David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; GaryJordan <garyJordan@fws.gov> Cc: Elam, William H<belam@ncdot.gov>; Lee, Craig J<cjlee@ncdot.gov>; James Byrd <jabyrd@HNTB.com> Subject: RE: U-2524D - Greensboro Outerloop Culvert - Back Fill � .��;�"iil �r�1� Aft�r som� on-going discussions with som� of you, I would lik� to gath�r input on th� n��d to backfill culv�rts for th� U- 2524D proj�ct. Th�r� ar� som� long culv�rts on this proj�ct as id�ntifi�d b�low and shown on th� attachm�nt. IVon� of th� culv�rts hav� high flovv barr�ls. Would you all b� vvilling to comm�nt on th� b�n�fit of burying th�s� culv�rts a foot and backfilling with str�am-b�d mat�rial? ► Th� location of th� culv�rts is n�ar in Gr��nsboro at th� int�rs�ction of Lawndal� and th� propos�d Gr��nsboro out�rloop. https://www.�oo�le.com/maps/@36.1406946,-79.8331553,18z?hl=en � + - ,� � Length Culvert ID (Feet) Culvert 1 1430 Culvert 2A 363 Culvert 2B Culvert 3 Culvert 4 712 1214 335 Size Slope Burial Sills 8' X 8' 1.04% 1' Yes 11'X9' I 1.86% 11'X9' 0.50% 11'X9' 0.59% 7'X8' 2.07% Matthew (MattJ Lauffer, PE, CPM Asst. State Hydraulics Engineer Central Region, Divisions 5,7,8,9 Highway Stormwater Program Hydraulics Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation Phone:919-707-6703 Cel (: 919-621-0443 Fax: 919-250-4108 Email: mslauffer@ncdot.�ov Mail: 1590 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1590 Delivery: 1020 Birch Ridge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610 1' Yes 1' Yes 1' Yes 1' Yes Baffles No Yes (25 foot Centers No No Yes (20 foot Centers) Drainage Approximate Area Width (Square of Stream Miles) 5-6' 0.15 Confluence of two streams - 4-5' and 5-6' 0.38 Confluence of two streams - 4-5' and 5-6' 0.38 10' 1.12 6-7' 0.22 From: Lauffer, Matthew S Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 10:31 AM To: 'dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov' Cc: Elam, William H; Lee, Craig J; David.E.Bailey2Ca�usace.army.mil; James Byrd Subject: RE: U-2524D - Greensboro Outerloop Culvert Summary (UNCLASSIFIED) Dav�, Hop� you �njoy�d your vv��k�nd. Th�s� culv�rts vvill b� singl� barr�l�d culv�rts and vvill not hav� high and lovv flovv barr�ls. Stabilization of th� culv�rt �ntranc� and �xit vvill b� part of th� d�sign. I hav� attach�d a plan vi�vv layout of th� culv�rt configuration for th� Lavvndal� int�rchang�. Th� plan is to backfill th� culv�rts vvith alluvial s�dim�nts that ar� obtain�d during th� �xcavation of th� propos�d culv�rts. I am ch�cking on th� p�rmit modification submittal dat� and vvill s�nd that as soon as I knovv. 3 . � �� Matthew (MattJ Lauffer, PE, CPM Asst. State Hydraulics Engineer Central Region, Divisions 5,7,8,9 Highway Stormwater Program Hydraulics Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation Phone: 919-707-6703 Cel (: 919-621-0443 Fax: 919-250-4108 Email: mslauffer@ncdot.�ov Mail: 1590 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1590 Delivery: 1020 Birch Ridge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610 From: Bailey, David E SAW [mailto:David.E.Bailey2Ca�usace.army.mil] Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 8:56 AM To: Wanucha, Dave; Lauffer, Matthew S Cc: Elam, William H; Lee, Craig J Subject: RE: U-2524D - Greensboro Outerloop Culvert Summary (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: LTNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Hi all. IVo additional comm�nts at this tim�. Thanks for th� coordination. -Dav� �ail�y David E. �ail�y, PWS R�gulatory Proj�ct Manag�r US Army Corps of Engin��rs CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 H�ritag� Trad� Driv�, Suit� 105 Wak� For�st, North Carolina 27587 Phon�e (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. Faxe (919) 562-0421 Emaile David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil Th� Wilmington District is committ�d to providing th� high�st I�v�l of support to th� public. To h�lp us �nsur� vv� continu� to do so, pl�as� compl�t� th� Custom�r Satisfaction Surv�y locat�d at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0. 4 From: Wanucha, Dave [mailto:dave.wanuchaC�ncdenr.QOV] Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 8:38 AM To: Lauffer, Matthew S Cc: Elam, William H; Lee, Craig J; Bailey, David E SAW Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: U-2524D - Greensboro Outerloop Culvert Summary Hi Matt, Thanks for s�nding th� data. Th� propos�d sills and baffl�s app�ar to b� consist�nt vvith DOT°s guidanc� on th� subj�ct. Will th�s� culv�rts poss�ss high flow barr�ls and flood plain b�nch�s, and if so, what typ� of mat�rial will b� � .� . �� ,� . . Dav� �., Th�s� ar� th� culv�rt data of vvhich vv� spok� y�st�rday. f�� Dave Wanucha NC DENR Winston Salem Region Office NC Division of Water Resources Transportation Permitting Unit 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston�Salem, NC 27105 Cell (336) 403�5655 Office (336) 776�9703 Dave. Wanucha(r�ncdenr.gov E-mail corr�spond�nc� to and from this addr�ss may b� subj�ct to th� North Carolina Public R�cords Lavv and may b� disclos�d to third parti�s. From: Lauffer, Matthew S Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 4:10 PM To: Wanucha, Dave Cc: Elam, William H; Lee, Craig J; Lauffer, Matthew S Subject: U-2524D - Greensboro Outerloop Culvert Summary Importance: High H i Dave, Per our phone conversation a couple weeks ago, I wanted to let you know what we were going to recommend for the culverts on U-2524D near Lawndale with respect to sills and baffles. The following is a summary of the structures and proposed configurations: Culvert ID Culvert 1 Length (Feet) 1430 Size 8' X 8' Slope 1.04% Burial 1' Sills Yes Baffles No Approximate Width of Stream 5-6 ' Drainage Area (Square Miles) 0.15 Confluence of two streams - Culvert 2A 363 11'X9' 1.86% 1' Yes Yes (25 foot Centers) 4-5' and 5-6' 0.38 Confluence of two streams - Culvert 2B 712 11'X9' 0.50% 1' Yes No 4-5' and 5-6' 0.38 Culvert 3 1214 11'X9' 0.59% 1' Yes No 10' 1.12 Culvert 4 335 7'X8' 2.07% 1' Yes Yes (20 foot Centers) 6-7' 0.22 You will notice that the lengths of the culverts are long and that sills are used on all culverts and all culverts will be buried a foot. Baffles will be placed on Culvert 2A and Culvert 4 where slopes are near 2%. Baffles will be placed across the entire box with no additional reduction in stream width. Stream pictures are below for reference. Please let me know if you concur with the proposal or would like to discuss further. My phone number is below. Regards, Matt Stream on Culvert 1 6 Stream u/s stream of Culvert 2A Stream U/S of Culvert 3 Stream Up stream of Culvert 4 Matthew (MattJ Lauffer, PE, CPM Asst. State Hydraulics Engineer Central Region, Divisions 5,7,8,9 Highway Stormwater Program Hydraulics Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation Phone:919-707-6703 Cel (: 919-621-0443 Fax: 919-250-4108 Email: mslauffer@ncdot.�ov Mail: 1590 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1590 Delivery: 1020 Birch Ridge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610 I rr�7all �:urrc,�l�ui�dci��;e, �C�u ai�d ��rurr�7 �U°ii� �e,i�dcr i� �ul�j��;� �u �C�h°ie, I"J � I�'�"ul�li�; I ta�:ur�:;� I..aw ai�d ir�7ay I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h°ih�rl I�artie,�, Classification: LTNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE io � _„J—�a �,-�— �,« �'°--,.� -- - - - - � _ _ 1 °$ ; � `o�' ,� aF, --.-� .. � :o .���a_/ o \` ��' �� �` �!^�_ _ B�FFLE ���� — n____ .. -- °—"— NUMBE0. OF eA�FLES-i ON iR CENTERS FROM DOWNSTREPM SILI Figure 2- Silis and eaffles used to create a low flow channel through culvert S.�{. . 1 4.:. ^"1'' � R1 SR ay � s li� ��� y♦ r t� ` �:w .� �/: � . tih�� �.��.'�. � � �� ��,'i�� i � :1 , '� ; ��, "�,�. 2 �t.' �y," � „� i . .. .. _ �J _ . ., '� tF�., \ �r �. 7 � °<t ,� i: q 7 ' \A ,*�� \� 4,��� �.i I � i'f�'� f I�' � �I��. �� �� � �� .a'�� � '�i .:— � ',:, ,!� ���� ,�:�. �= �,` °.=' ', �'�, 4., +r.1 _ y.J . F�4 n}.�J.�i. f J��� . �. '.A r�14 .� ��/ _NKi � � � �� �} � �J / �� �y . �V Il. �� � .�?� (��..�1:� f,�'� /A „ S . � • ,��^t� .'4 ��F!' �1 � w�� . "yC,'3�..�:Kr�+M � y *i'r , �'A. `� Yi,� � ' ` � �,`` J�` . h P � 1�� �"�a�•� � , � � � �� . , ` .� .., �-�I�:- 1� ?R�. ,t� Z r , , , .r} ; = .; , , -t , �_. � � if,� � � ., ��,` �`�„���'``+�. ;b�•�'�y � , - � . � �#; � ,. ,�. . .. , � �' C . � TF �:.. � �'`s . _, � T� k _. ��:.� -�;. -�« .: s- �� ��n� ��� ..- - i��`�� ' F . �'A_ r t�! ��-' C� tyy�0-: i �L . •�Z {rw �; � �`�. 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