HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC240535_Site Plan or Location Map_20240223 UNCLASSIFIED 1 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 PROJECT LOCATION SITE ESC SUMMARY STATEMENTS: _ ion REGIONAL MAP NTS ' • 1. THERE ARE NO KNOWN HYDROGEOLOGIC FEATURES ON SITE. R11100.011111p �, - 4 Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name 2. THERE ARE NO LOCAL,STATE OR DWQ RIPARIAN BUFFERS RELATIVE TO THIS PROJECT. r I' BaB Baymeade fine sand,0 to 6 : 58 - � percent slopes 3. THERE ARE NO DRAINAGE EASEMENTS OR RECORD AGREEMENTS REQUIRED FRO THIS ' ✓' BnrB Baymeade-Urban land _ - o complex,0 to 6 percent PROJECT. ( .. r' r,. . slopes 53 • I I �� KuB Kureb fine sand,1 to 6 percent D Green 4. UTILITY PROFILES ARE PROVIDED HEREIN. slopes D - Hube' Camp Leienne5. ON SITE STOCKPILE AREAS WILL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO FINAL GRADING. ALL EXCESS SPOIL IOW �� IB6 • Ln• Leon fine sand SITE MATERIALS WILL BE DISPOSED OF OFF SITE AT A LICENSED/PERMITTED FACILITY PER �_- Mac Mervyn loamy fine sand,6to 15 GBCONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A COPY OF ALL HAUL RECORDS I percent slopes 5 TO PERMITTED SOIL DISPOSAL FACILITIES IN THE PROJECT SWPPP. Mk Muc 02 kalee loam \. On Onslow loamy fine sand 50c/i 6. THIS PROJECT WILL IMPACT JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS REGULATED BY THE U.S.ARMY -a MaC Pa Pactolus fine sand w CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY(DENR). t" IMPACTS ARE RELATED TO CULVERT AND ROAD CROSS SECTION FILL IN WETLAND AREA AS Pt Pits L,./-' NOTED ON PLANS. SECTION 401/404 PERMITTING IS BEING OBTAINED SEPARATELY FROM THIS z--. . - Ur Urban land Camp Lejeune ESC AND SWM SUBMITTAL. NO WORK WITHIN WETLAND AREAS WILL BE INITIATED UNTIL Mac W Water ,• „� SECTION 401/404 PERMITTING IS COMPLETE. ` •„r Sneads Ferry 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY NC DEMLR&MCB CAMP LEJEUNE EMD/PWD 48-HRS IN I �) ,, o ADVANCE OF INITIATING ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. o mitI' WET LAND AND STREAM IMPACT SUMMARY Nt -Rea,'h�I_ ► H,...'.,,� \\ s �' 11 I II II '.7 II BUFFERUMIT� A s. / Q-� O�RO / / O s 1 15pweruNO 1 1 I / BaB-Baymeade fine sand,0 to 6 percent slopes KuB-Kureb fine sand,1 to 6 percent slopes OFESS/o-.,- / JD WETLAND BOUNDARY JDWETLANDBOUNDARY I 1;\ I BUFFER LIMIT USAGE CONFIRMED 20m / ' 1 U3ACE CONFIRMED 200] ''9y //^\ I I TOTAL PER LJ ' ,4 .4 ,e / Map Unit Setting Map Unit Setting _ SEAL // _ --`-ANENT AND TEMP. 1 i / / National ma is symbol:3ws4 National me isFeb 3wsl 1 WETLAND AREA IMPACTS: ,800 SET \` /I/ LIMIT OF WETLAND IMPACT: punt yin map yin 024054 - / \ Y\`_ / / Elevation:20 to 160 feet Elevation:20 to 160 feet 'i-1 OF VICINITY MAP NTS \ \ REAM CHANNEL!IMPACTS:140LF Nib/ / // LAT:N34.585894 1,/,s/� ]J, / \e \ LONG:-77.333606 / / Mean annual precipitation:40 to 55 inches Mean annual precipitation.40 to 55 inches `;S 1 ( 9'\ \ I / Mean annual temperature)59 to 70 degrees F Mean annual air temperature:5 0 degrees F 6`,�G l N EEQ;•' C ILIMIT WETLAND LIMIT OF WETLANDIMPACT. Farmland period. toFarmlandot statew de importance Farmland classification:N prime ta inland �5 G 1 �. I E LONG: LAT:Naasfise72 Pen • Fl�ti 1 / t 9 to 7 ';O \ I I / Frost-free period:200 to 280 days g - 1/ LONG 7] I/ 1 3417 Ma Unit Composition I P P° Map Unit Composition Arr� ., _ j1 // Baymeade and similar soils 90 percent Kureb and similar sots.85 percent \ a;;,S V © +/\� `-� ' a\\ �1 I % I 11 I // Minor components Bpercent Minor components 5percent - \ �, Imo'"` LL(L \ • 1 �/� j J- \ // I / I 1% I 1 / 1 Estimates are based on observations,descriptions,and transacts o/the mapunit Estimates are based on observations,descriptions,and bansecfs of the mapun2 R t \1 _4 U`L\ V v/ ( 11 i I 11 l N EX EL LA• INLET. ‘1// // i�/ 1 r Description of Baymeade ®- `� _ 1�� fit,,r_ _ t t _ Y`i- / f I I� Bo s fl ]�333553 j / /� Setting Description of Kureb ` Y \� /. J `r \` - /t / I - Landform Rdges on marine lenaces Setting - 1 `\ �. i a'�^ 4 '. 50'STREAM '/ - 50'F ETLPND Landfonn position(fwodtmeneional)Summit,shoulderrims on carolina\II �% /-. // / / /, BUFFER LIMIT ,Ely - - BUFFERLIMIT Lantl/onn position(three-dimensronal)Qest Ldnd/Orrll.Ridges on marine terraces, arc na bays P1458 SITE ENTRY' ! J Down-slope cOnvax Land mposrbon(twotlrmenslonalf.Summt,shoulder TT DESIGN y ^ 5 � /� �� Pe Conform positron(three-dimensional)'Crest '.( 4 mI LOCATION: .... _  ope shape:Convex Parent mAcross-slatenal'L Loamy and sandy manna tleposis Down slope shape Convex `^J/- W ", I - \ Across-slope ha Convex ` 1620 Faraday Avenue JACK�ONVILl,P w, i III �� Ty profile I E d d/ CrEbed CA 1/4 i LAT:34.684799 t �r� - penal pro i e pea shape:^_ - Parent oanaanaan and/or Irzme - LONG:-77.330922 � A oeznonea fine sand -^ x _ - ��'' ° \ - E/Bh 2l030 inches fine sand Typical profile APPROVED OD VD - - L ry - - ������� �/�/� R DF 4„ ����� �_ / /0" y loam A 0 to 3 inches fine sand Q / N A / / Bl 30 to 40 inches file sand E 3 to 26 inches'sand 4.. - J�WETLAND �/ so ,_t - L- C-40 to 80 inches loamy fine sand J M �/ s REAM FER GBh 28 to 89 inches:sand (� .I, Properties and qualities • Y I 11 -„ - �� ND ///STREAM � -�/ OF e P Slope 0 to 6 percent Properties and qualities FORcoMkaIOEP RAMC r jL• \•;n� `'' `n - "� ___ L v/ / - man 89 inches AMR P - /� UFFER IMIT/�� /- h.� _ _ - r B �'� � / - Depth to re t t feature.More Slope 0 to 6 percent \� �� �`� /�� ���� ��� 1 1 .+V'e Drainage classWell drained Depth to restrictive feature More than 80 inches `ay �_ -� TOTAL PERMANENT WETLAND ���®� %,\�gr+�, % Runoff clan Very low Drainage class:Excessively droned . ! s 61 Y I,` , -+ AREA IMPACTS 7 BOO SFT-d /�/0�®� ��N Capacy of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksal):High(1.98 to 5.95 Runoff class'Very low e°i� - _ -/ -'� /9 ®dC' \I nlhr) Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat):High b very high(5.95 SATISFACTORv 7o DATE �:/ / 1 1 Depth to water table About 48 to 60 inches to 19 98 nlhr) I Frequency of flooding:None Depth to water table:More than 80 inches DES BB I cow RC)I Coe GC / • // Fop1 w'® GULV L Frequency ofponding None Frequency of flooding None PM/DM i e 4' J - _ / // A'-,,,\ ,-, LON - glVe�sT i 0 6 ® Available water supply, to 60 inches Low 3.6 inches) Frequencyf d None BRANCH MANAGER 536�' o port mg /\ -' / / t Available walersu 1 ��' / • / EXISTING PERENNIAL 2 AND_ll. so•wETUND • 1 r r /]� Interpretive groups supply,o to so inches very low(about to inches) �_ STREAM BOTTOM ELEV. T EAMC ,IBUFFER LIMIT r / Land capability classification(irrigated):NOOK specified Interpretive CHIEF ENGIARCH l 5 g / Lend cepabltyclassification(nonlmgeted) 3s Pre groups FIRE PROTECTION /`( B .tit®NEw OUTFACE LT jjj / Land capability classification(irrigated):None specified B T -- 1 l I I l I Hydrolog,c Sod Group:A Land capability classification(nommge ed'7s p U r,, y f •\„ /• /l// Ecologicalsite.F153BY030NC Dry Loamy Rises and Flats,F153AY030NC-Dry / Hydrologic Sal Group'A Z • JD WETLAND BOUNDARY / Lc sot R and Flats MIT OF WETLAND IMPACT. _/ / USAGE CONFIRMED 2007 Hydd Irabng.No Ecological site F153AY010NC Dry Sands F153BV010NC-Dry Sands U'o J / LAT: -77.333337 4 /. /II /// /",/ J // Hydnc sal renng:No p Z j w LONG'-7].33383] =Q=Q=Q / I / / / / LIMIT OF WETLAND IMPACT: / _ MaC-Mervyn loamy fine sand,6 to 15 percent slopes I- co (p I / i CAT:N3Ts-rsi42 -ME' 1 II II Q I I JD WETLAND BOUNDAR / / & /LONG:-7733355r / Map Unit setting h 0 U = F. SITE MAP NTS U9ACECONFIRMED2007 MROFIMPACT. / / ® II�_ National map unit symbol:3Wsr 2M -, a_ n '1 I / J. I + /i WT.N34.665494 WETLAND / T` Elevation:zo t 160 feet w ' /// /LONG:-77.333663 / / o I / / / / j / / / a / hireI - Meanannualp pt r ao to ss inches w o X .' r M i '� * I / ( / / / / / / ,G ., 8 6� "�' Mean annual temperature:59 to 70 degrees F z Z LL.I f 1r ) I /// / / / / / �'i(�I / Frost-free period.'200 t 280 days i¢ J a I Farmland classi('cation.Farmland of statewide importance w oil _ MpUnit sition 't • itIF .6077S-77 3318C5 L1mI_\ a Minor components 5percent LL U a e AREA OF MINIMAL,FLOOD HAZARD - � Estimates are based on observations,descriptions,and transacts o/the mapun2 Lu z c°i zoireX "i' H O Li III IP 4-It I • Description of Mervyn } J Q Q CAMP j,$]jJ$N$,MeRTNF.CORP = - I sailing fit Q K I- a �•;��� MII:ITARY INS • r ON CULVERT INLET: Landiorm'Rtlges on marine terraces CrJ i_ m p M1 I I 3763Q() LAT:34.685774N Landfonn position(hvo-dimensional):Shoulder,backslope Z C F ' LONG:-77.333553 Down slope shape:Convexvex CO U W Across-s 72 t' �' .i. i I Parent mlaerial.:Loamy ope shape: oand clayey deposits LU O Z U O 'SOW. •A- en y ymanne post Z - DC r•r' Typical profile (7D z 0 ti_ o_ U ' CULVERT OUTLET: Ap-0to 4 inches:loamy fine sand Z Q ea I LAT:34.685538N LIJCC v' LONG:-]].333621 E 4 to 12 inches:loamy fine sand �i 9 P1458 PROJEC - • Cg-145te480irinches sa dy dyclay clay loam loamm IJJ cn 5 0 STAGE 3 AREA a H o LAJ Z $ MIN.BLDG FFE 21.50 P1458 PROJECT SITE •R- Properties and quaMias w N 1� MIN.BLDG FFE 2T.00 - Slope 6 to 15 percent r U W @ i co 9'!R� v Depth to restrictive feature.More than 80 inches Q. Lu L(') As-3_ Drainage class Well drained o L1-m v A U - - - Runoff class:Medium _ CL Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Seat):Moderately high to high 5>5 a o ., �' ` _- - \ , ,• (0.20 to 1.98 n/hr) cc Q U Depth to water table:More than 80 Inches a Z g U il 2 DWR s 2023 006 Frequency of flooding'None A l rtn to - ) P-1458 Dm Radio Battalion m 'm m.- F� mt L�4,- lir: \ \- Onslow County scuE AS NOTED it''' m.,. S �"~ - Page4of4 EPROJECT NO. F` i Excat 0 � - T W dd d sketch accurately depicts all Division coNs7R CONTR.No 1397586 d - r�61 LWLL p during then[ I Theyellow I h h map starting at34 68776 J -mil `T _ A denrred whereh h t ephemeral m int .B h punt the stream G N4008STg D-0034 Win L"�\ appears to have braided stream features within wetlands,flowing to point 34.687349,-77.332332 9wFeet 1:6,000 n srtwce40 where the stream channel ends,and it appears to sheet flow over wetlands.The red line on the map Ktti) 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 sta ring at 34.6864826,-77.3334306 and flowing towards Bea rhead Creek Is Identified as a perennial - stream. G002 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 DENR ESC 12-19-23 UNCLASSIFIED