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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220140 Ver 3_Staff Report Zachary.Thomas_20231207 (4)
August 23, 2021
Mr. Jon Meade, PE
Green Engineering, PLLC
303 Goldsboro Street E
Wilson, NC 27893
Re:City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Preliminary Wetlands and Waters Delineation
WilsonCounty, NC
Terracon Project No. 70217433
Mr. Meade:
Terracon Consultants,Inc.(Terracon), has completed the requestedpreliminary wetlands and waters
delineationfor theapproximately 2.10-mile(30-45ft wide)portion of an existing sewer line easement
locatedin WilsonCounty, NC (Exhibit1). Terracon staffwas tasked with reviewing the property to identify
features that may be considered subject to jurisdiction and permitting requirements under Sections 404 and
401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)and under the North Carolina Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional
Wetlands and Waters program.
Background Research
Prior to the initiation of field efforts,severalavailable resources were reviewed, including the applicable
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle, Wilson, NC, the NRCS published Soil
Survey of WilsonCounty, NC, aerial photography, and other publicly available mapping resources. Field
work was conducted by Terraconin late July-early August 2021.
Potential Wetlands and Waters
Section 404 of the CWA requires regulation of discharges into waters of the U.S.(WOTUS). Although the
principal administrative agency of the CWA is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has major responsibility for implementation, permitting, and
enforcement of provisions of the CWA.Water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and streams are subject to
jurisdictional consideration under the Section 404 program. However, by regulation, certain wetlands are
also considered WOTUS. USACEregulatory changes have clarified the extent of federal jurisdiction
through the Navigable Waters Protection Rule. However, wetlands and other waterbodies that do not fall
under federal regulation may be subject to jurisdiction by the N.C Division of Water Resources (NCDWR)
her Non-404 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters program.
Our preliminary review generally followedthe guidance outlined in the Regional Supplement to the USACE
Wetland Delineation Manual for the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal PlainRegion, which states that areas must
exhibit three distinct characteristics to be considered jurisdictional wetlands: 1) prevalence of hydrophytic
(water tolerant) plants; 2) presence of hydric soils; and 3) sufficient wetland hydrology indicators within 12
inches of the ground surface. The study area was also reviewed for the presence of tributaries (stream
channels) using criteria provided by the USACE and the NCDWR. When present, intermittent and perennial
tributaries, and certain other surface waters, are also considered jurisdictional by the USACE and/or
Preliminary Wetland and Waters Delineation
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements Wilson County, NC
August 23, 2021 Terracon Project No. 70217433
Preliminary Wetlands and Waters Review Results
Our review of the approximately 2.10-mile City of Wilson Sewer Line identified wetlands and waters
(tributaries/streams) that may be subject to Section 404/401 jurisdiction by the USACE and/or NCDWR.
Potential wetlands were flagged with pink-and-black and blue flagging and potential tributaries were flagged
with orange and blue flagging. These potential wetlands and waters were approximated on field sketches
previously provided to you at the conclusion of the delineation effort. The sketches were intended for use
by your surveyors to locate the flagging. all of the potential wetlands
and the potential tributaries identified onsite will likely be subject to Section 404 and the jurisdictional
boundaries of these features should be surveyed and approved by USACE for any future site planning or
development. Representative photographs were taken of many of the potential wetlands and waters and
are provided with this letter of findings.
The North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NCWAM) types that occur onsite are Headwater Forest
and Bottomland Hardwood Forest. Many of these wetlands comprise mature forested areas as well as
areas previously disturbed during the construction of the existing sewer line.
Clean Water Act Permitting
Most impacts to wetlands and WOTUS, which are deemed under the jurisdiction of either the federal or
state regulatory authority (USACE or NCDWR, respectively) must first be permitted pursuant to Section
404 and Section 401 of the CWA and/or Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional Wetlands
and Waters program. Activities so authorized are subject to additional requirements to comply with water
quality and storm water management. The Nationwide Permit (NWP) program administered by USACE
provides permitting of impacts which do not exceed pre-determined thresholds. The project should qualify
for authorization under NWP 58. It is our understanding that Green Engineering will be responsible for
submittal of the Section 404 permit application to USACE.
Riparian Buffers/Setbacks
The study area is within the Neuse River basin. Per the Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Rule, a 50-ft.
riparian buffer may apply to streams and other water bodies that are mapped on either the most current
version of the 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) USGS quadrangle topographic maps (Exhibit 1) and/or the
published county soil survey as prepared by NRCS (Exhibit 2).
Tributaries SGE, SGA, and SGB are depicted on either the most current version of the USGS quadrangle
topographic maps or the published county Soil Survey and will likely be subject to buffer. Concurrence from
NCDWR has been requested to review these streams.
A buffer authorization from NCDWR will also likely be required prior to construction activities commencing.
This request for buffer impact approval can be applied for concurrent with the Section 404 approval.
Potential wetlands and waters have been delineated on the City of Wilson Sewer Improvements project
and the approximated wetlands and streams have been provided to you on aerial photography. At your
request, a PJD request package, suitable for submittal to the USACE, can be prepared for this delineation
professional opinion is that the wetlands and tributaries occurring on site will be subject to 404 jurisdiction
and 404/401 permitting would be needed to impact these features. It is important to note that applying for
a Section 404 permit from USACE also triggers the need for compliance with the Endangered Species Act
and the Historic Preservation Act. Terracon is experienced with ensuring compliance with the above
regulatory requirements as well as offering full service permitting assistance.
Responsive Resourceful Reliable
Preliminary Wetland and Waters Delineation
City of Wilson Sewer ImprovementsWilsonCounty,NC
August 23, 2021Terracon ProjectNo. 70217433
Please contact our office if you have questions regarding this evaluation.
Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Robert Turnbull Jeff Harbour, PWS
Department Manager Senior Scientist
Topographic Map
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Wilson County, NC
Exhibit 1
USDA Soil Survey of Wilson County
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Wilson County, NC
Exhibit 2
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 1: Tributary SGCdownstream.
Photograph 2: Tributary SGA across.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 3: Tributary SGA downstream.
Photograph 4: Tributary SGB downstream.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 5: Tributary SGC upstream.
Photograph 6: Tributary SGD downstream.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 7: Tributary SGE upstream.
Photograph 8: Tributary SGE downstream.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 9: Tributary SGF upstream.
Photograph 10: Tributary SGG across.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 11: Wetland WGA.
Photograph 12: Wetland WGB.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 13: WGC wetland.
Photograph 14: WGG wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 15: WGG upland.
Photograph 16: WGH wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 17: WGI wetland.
Photograph 18: WGJ wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 19: WGM wetland.
Photograph 20: WGN wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 21: WGP wetland.
Photograph 22: WGP upland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 23: WGQwetland.
Photograph 24: WGR wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 25: WGR wetland.
Photograph 26: WGR upland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 27: WGS wetland.
Photograph 28: WGU wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 29: WGV wetland.
Photograph 30: WGW wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 31: WGX wetland.
Photograph 32: WGX wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 33: WGX upland.
Photograph 34: WGY wetland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements
Project No. 70217433
Photograph 35: WGY upland.
City of Wilson Sewer Improvements