HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950991 Ver 2_USACE More Info Requested_20240222DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 February 22, 2024 Regulatory Division Action ID: SAW-2020-00807 Mr. Tony Johnson Vulcan Materials Company 11020 David Taylor Drive, Suite 400 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 Dear Mr. Johnson, Please reference your Individual Permit application for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to permanently discharge fill material into 0.41 acre (4,168 linear feet) of stream channel and 0.12 acre of wetlands associated with the expansion of the existing mine pit and overburden storage area at Vulcan's Rockingham Quarry located at 353 Galestown Road in Rockingham, Richmond County, North Carolina. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Corps) advertised your proposal by public notice dated December 12, 2023. Comments in response to the notice were received from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources (NCDEQ-DWR), United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS); the comments received are enclosed for your information and to provide you with the opportunity to address any of the stated concerns. No comments from the general public or other organizations were received. Please provide written responses to all comments from the NCDEQ-DWR, USEPA, and USFWS. The Catawba Indian Nation, in a letter dated January 12, 2024, stated that they "have no immediate concerns with regard to traditional cultural properties, sacred sites or Native American archaeological sites within the boundaries of the proposed project areas. However, the Catawba are to be notified if Native American artifacts and/or human remains are located during the ground disturbance phase of this project." Further, on February 6, 1990, the Department of the Army (DA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) establishing procedures to determine the type and level of mitigation necessary to comply with Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. This MOA provides for first, avoiding impacts to waters and wetlands through the selection of the least damaging, practical alternative; second, taking appropriate and practical steps to reduce impacts on waters and wetlands; and finally, compensation for remaining unavoidable -2- impacts to the extent appropriate and practical. To enable us to process your application, in compliance with the MOA, we request that you provide the following additional information: A. Permits for work within wetlands or other special aquatic sites are available only if the proposed work is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. Please furnish information regarding any other alternatives, including upland alternatives, to the work for which you have applied and provide justification that your selected plan is the least damaging to water or wetland areas. i. Based on the information provided, it is unclear that the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 2) is the Least Environmentally Damaging Practical Alternative (LEDPA) when compared to the other alternatives. Please provide additional information related to Screening Criteria 2 and 6. ii. Based on the data presented in Table 3, it does not appear that a uniform analysis was applied to each alternative. a. Was the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database access available for each alternative? Please clarify the use of the NCNHP database. b. Cultural Resources — Table 3 indicates a cultural resources desktop analysis was conducted for Alternatives 2 and 3; please clarify why this was not conducted for Alternatives 4 and 5. iii. Alternative 3 appears to meet the screening criteria as presented in Table 3 and proposes to have the least impacts to potential Waters of the US (WOUS) of the four alternatives presented. Please provide additional information to justify the decision that this alternative is not practicable. iv. In Section 5.2.2 you state that Alternative 3 is not practicable due to unknown availability/land purchase constraints. Please provide the rational as to why this alternative was carried forward for analysis. v. Alternative 4 appears to meet the screening criteria as presented in Section 4.1. However, based on Sections 4.2.4 and 5.2.3 the alternative is eliminated due to location and the use of public roads to move materials. Please provide additional information to support the decision that this alternative is not practicable. vi. Section 4.3 states that six additional potential alternative sites were considered but were dismissed for failing to meet the proposed project's purpose and need and/or did not meet the screening criteria. Please provide additional specific -2- -3- information regarding the dismissal of each of the six potential alternatives not carried forward. B. It is necessary for you to have taken all appropriate and practicable steps to minimize losses of Waters of the U.S.(WOUS), including wetlands. Please indicate all that you have done, especially regarding development and modification of plans and proposed construction techniques, to minimize adverse impacts. i. Specifically, please provide information which supports that WOUS within Alternative 2 (TIAA [Preferred Alternative]) are being avoided and proposed impacts minimized to the maximum extent practicable. C. The MOA requires that appropriate and practicable mitigation will be required for all unavoidable adverse impacts remaining after the applicant has employed all appropriate and practicable minimization. Please indicate your plan to mitigate for the projected, unavoidable loss of waters or wetlands or provide information as to the absence of any such appropriate and practicable measures. i. The Corps issued a public notice to inform the public on the implementation of the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) and the North Carolina Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM) on April 21, 2015. The Corps utilizes NC WAM and NC SAM for our internal reviews of permit applications, including decisions regarding the amount and type of compensatory mitigation, avoidance and minimization of impacts, or other decisions pertaining to aquatic resource quality and functions. Generally, the loss of wetlands and stream channels are required to mitigate at a 2 to 1 ratio unless otherwise justified by NCSAM and NCWAM. Please provide NCSAM and NCWAM forms for any aquatic resources with a ratio less the 2 to 1. ii. The Corps is in receipt of your permittee responsible compensatory mitigation plan, received via email on February 2, 2024. This site was formerly described and initially evaluated under Corps Action ID: SAW- 2023-00121. This information is currently under review, and we will respond with additional questions or concerns about your compensatory mitigation proposal within 30 DAYS. Additionally, the following items must be resolved prior to continuing to process your permit request: 1. Reference is made to a summer mist survey for bats conducted on the permitted mine boundary between June 27, and June 29, 2023. Please provide a copy of the results of the survey. 2. Please note that additional comments and questions may be required after review of the responses to the comments above. -3- -4- The above requested information is essential to the expeditious processing of your application; please forward this information to us within 30 days of your receipt of this letter. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact me at (919) 801-8990 or Richard. G.Harmon (a)usace.army.mi1. Enclosures Copies Furnished: Mr. JC Weaver 0weave r(a)cecinc.com Mr. Todd Bowers bowers.todd@epa.gov Ms. Sue Homewood sue. homewood@deq. nc.gov Sincerely, Dicky Harmon, Regulatory Specialist Raleigh Regulatory Field Office -4- Office 803-328-2427 January 16, 2024 Attention: Richard G. Harmon Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re. THPO # TCNS # Project Description 2024-56-19 SAW-2020-00807 Dear Mr. Harmon, The Catawba have no immediate concerns with regard to traditional cultural properties, sacred sites or Native American archaeological sites within the boundaries of the proposed project areas. However, the Catawba are to be notified if Native American artifacts and / or human remains are located during the ground disturbance phase of this project. If you have questions please contact Caitlin Rogers at 803-328-2427 ext. 226, or e-mail Caitlin.Rogers@catawba.com. Sincerely, C� lu.- k7-- Wenonah G. Haire Tribal Historic Preservation Officer From: Bowers, Todd To: Harmon. Richard G CIV SAW Subject: [Non-DoD Source] USACE Public Notice SAW-2020-00807 epa response Date: Friday, December 15, 2023 3:05:26 PM Attachments: imaae001.pna Importance: High Dicky, The EPA Region 4 Ocean, Wetlands and Streams Protection Branch has reviewed the subject USACE Individual Public Notice under DA Action ID SAW-2020-00807 dated December 13, 2023. It is our understanding that the applicant, Vulcan Materials, is seeking Department of the Army authorization to discharge fill material into 0.12 acre of wetlands and 0.41 acre (4,168 linear feet) of stream, associated with the expansion of the existing quarry pit and overburden storage area at Vulcan's Rockingham Granite Quarry located at 353 Galestown Road in Rockingham, Richmond County, North Carolina. Specifically per the project narrative, purpose and description, Vulcan Materials Company proposes to expand their existing aggregate quarry mine and overburden storage area at the Rockingham Quarry. The Proposed Action includes the removal and relocation of an estimated four 4 million cubic yards (CY) of overburden and waste material to be stored and transported on roads within the permitted quarry boundary (Figure 2). The applicant is proposing to permanently impact approximately 0.41 acre (4,168 linear feet) ofperennial streams and 0.12 acre of palustrine forested wetland. The purpose of the proposed project as stated by the applicant is to expand Vulcan's mining capabilities at the Rockingham Quarry, improve overall quarry optimization, and increase aggregate production processes. The applicant states that the proposed action is needed to meet the continued and growing local and regional demand for high quality construction aggregate products and materials currently produced at the Quarry. There are no active mitigation banks with available credits to purchase in the primary service area. Utilization of the NC Division of Mitigation Services In -Lieu Fee Program is also not an option due to the lack of available credits. Wetland and stream mitigation for this project would be achieved through a Permittee Responsible Mitigation (PRM) site within the same HUC as the proposed project impacts. Expected to be proposed for authorization under Nationwide Permit (NWP) 27 in the coming weeks, the proposed PRM Turkey Mitigation Site (Action ID: SAW-2023-00121) located in Anson County, North Carolina would involve the restoration of a historically degraded stream system, providing ecological uplift to existing North Carolina Stream Assessment Method (NCSAM) low quality scoring streams, North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method low quality scoring wetlands, and riparian buffer. Wetlands and streams permanently impacted at the TIAA Property would be replaced at a 2:1 ratio at the Turkey Mitigation Site. At this time, the EPA has specific concerns with the project as presented. The applicant has several challenges to overcome in order to consider the use of Permittee Responsible Mitigation. In order to assess if the proposed PRM meets the standards of the 2008 Mitigation Rule, I will need the applicant's proposed plan (PRM Turkey Mitigation Site) to provide suitable compensatory mitigation for loss of aquatic function at the quarry expansion site. The applicant will need to have a project plan with requirements that are expected of any other proposed mitigation site including but not limited to current site conditions, stressors to the current resources, site constraints, the mitigation approach of proposed restoration, enhancement, or creation of aquatic resources that clearly demonstrates functional lift, riparian buffer vegetation planting, appropriate performance standards and monitoring plan that demonstrate success, maintenance and adaptive management, financial assurances, site protection instrument, reporting criteria, and a long term management/stewardship plan. I would also like to see the applicant's evidence that there are no available credits from either a mitigation bank or NCDMS site within the Pee Dee River 03040201 HUC to demonstrate the need for PRM, especially at this magnitude. Additionally, I would like a statement from the applicant that they have also considered utilizing an adjacent HUC for available mitigation credit and that the cost of purchasing those credits is a financial disadvantage to PRM. Thank you for the opportunity to provide oversight and review on DA Action ID SAW-2020- 00807 to discharge fill material into 0.12 acre of wetlands and 0.41 acre (4,168 linear feet) of stream, associated with the expansion of the existing quarry pit and overburden storage area at Vulcan's Rockingham Granite Quarry located at 353 Galestown Road in Rockingham, Richmond County, North Carolina. Best Regards, Todd Bowers Todd Allen Bowers US EPA Region 4 Wetlands and Stream Regulatory Section Water Division Quality Assurance Coordinator 61 Forsyth St. SW Atlanta, GA 30303 919.523.2637 cell/telework 404.562.9225 office Bowers.toddge_a.gov Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you." Wendell Berry i d PF4 From: Schaffer, Josephine L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Josephine.L.Schaffer@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 10:14 AM Subject: US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice Importance: High DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C0129E-0339-43A8-9E82-02ADE5F3FDB0 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality January 12, 2024 DWR # 19950991v2 Richmond County Vulcan Materials Company Attn: Mr. Tony Johnson 11020 David Taylor Drive, Suite 400 Charlotte NC 28262 Delivered via email to: johnsonto@vmcmail.com Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Rockingham Quarry Mine Pit Expansion Dear Mr. Johnson: On December 22, 2023, the Division of Water Resources (Division) received your application requesting a 401 Individual Water Quality Certification from the Division for the subject project. The Division has determined that your application is incomplete and cannot be processed. The application is on -hold until all of the following information is received: 1. If the USACE requests a response to any comments received as a result of the Public Notice, please provide the Division with a copy of your response to the USACE. 2. The application is incomplete as it only includes the application form and an alternatives analysis. Please provide a complete application that includes: a. a detailed site design plan(s) that includes the proposed grading limits for the expanded quarry area and includes the limits of the outer most proposed disturbed area necessary to mine within the area, such as disturbances for associated activities such as access roads, berms, sediment/erosion control measures, safety features, etc.. The plans should clearly show any temporary or permanent sediment and erosion control measures or stormwater control measures. The plans should also clearly identify the limits of all stream and wetland impacts and the proposed buffer areas at a scale sufficient to clearly show all aspects of the project limits and proposed impacts. b. a complete mitigation plan which will meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0506(c). The Division understands that you propose Permittee Responsible Mitigation (PRM) at the Turkey Mitigation Site, however the application has provided no details regarding this proposal nor has that site been authorized separately. A full evaluation of the proposed mitigation plan will be required as part if your request for 401 Certification. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NORTH CAROLINA Uapwhnanl of Fmimnnnental 0a 1 919.7o7.9oDo DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C0129E-0339-43A8-9E82-02ADE5F3FDB0 Rockingham Quarry Mine Pit Expansion DWR# 199509941v2 Request for Additional Information Page 2 of 3 c. Please provide documentation such as DWR Stream Identification Forms for all intermittent stream channels. Please provide a map that shows locations for any forms provided. 3. Please clarify if operation of the mine expansion will require the construction of any new haul roads that would impact any additional stream or wetland impacts. 4. Will the expansion of the mine require additional dewatering activities and if so, please explain where the water will be discharged. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b) "a 401 Water Quality Certification may only be issued upon determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards which includes designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy, as defined in rules of 15A NCAC 02B .0200... In assessing whether the proposed activity will comply with water quality standards, the Division shall evaluate if the proposed activity: (2) would cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards; (3) would result in secondary or cumulative impacts that cause or contribute to, or will cause or contribute to, a violation of water quality standards;" The project proposes to leave small portions of Stream Channel 4, 6, 7 and 12 beyond the footprint of the impacts, however in each case it appears that the entire watershed for these channels will be impacted and surface flow and any expected infiltration/shallow subsurface flow will be rerouted. Since surface flow and shallow subsurface flow are the two main sources of flow in headwater stream channels in the piedmont, it appears that the remaining portions of these channels will no longer have sufficient hydrology to support a functional use. Please include these portions of stream channels, including offsite portions of channels, down to an unimpacted watershed/hydrology source, as indirect impacts within the proposed application or provide a detailed hydrologic analysis/modeling to document the features will retain their existing functions. 6. The Division is concerned that indirect hydrologic impacts will also occur in adjacent wetland 2 and stream 11 as a result of mining activities. Please provide a detailed hydrologic analysis/modeling of mining activities, including pit dewatering, on the adjacent features. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 02H .0502(e), the applicant shall furnish all of the above requested information for the proper consideration of the application. Please respond in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter by sending one (1) copy of all of the above requested information to the 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 OR by submitting all of the above requested information through this link: https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/Forms/Supplemental-Information-Form (note the DWR# requested on the link is referenced above). If all of the requested information is not received within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter, the Division will be unable to approve the application and it will be denied as incomplete. The denial of this ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NCRTH CnaouNn ��` 919.707.9000 n.p. mm Bmmnm qum� DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C0129E-0339-43A8-9E82-02ADE5F3FDB0 Rockingham Quarry Mine Pit Expansion DWR# 199509941v2 Request for Additional Information Page 3 of 3 project will necessitate reapplication to the Division for approval, including a complete application package and the appropriate fee. Please be aware that you have no authorization under the Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for this activity and any work done within waters of the state may be a violation of North Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code. Please contact Sue Homewood at 336-813-1863 or Sue.Homewood@deg.nc.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, ESDocuSigned by: ft pl tAit, less 98005097D80E4E9_. Stephanie Goss, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Electronic cc: JC Weaver, Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc. Dicky Harmon, USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Gabriela Garrison, NCWRC DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch file Filename: 19950991v2 Vulcan Rockingham Quarry Exp - Richmond - addinfo.docx D North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources r/ 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 , E QNORTH CAROLINA 919.707.9000 neaaNnM of EmironmanW 9uallly