HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG210503_Inspection Report - Kamps Pallets Plant 2_20240215 Ch affo Mfl-m4c4m burg
STORM Facility Inspection
Wi E Storm W ate r.C<harMeck,org
Facility Name: Kamps Pallets Plant 2 Inspection#: 81550
Contact:Antonio Neal, Manager Permit#: NCG210503
Inspector: Ron Eubanks Receiving Stream:
Inspection Date: 02/06/2024 Entry Time: 10:00 am Exit Time: 11:00 am SIC#:
Facility Description: Kamps Pallets-Plant 2 is located at 3500 North Graham Street on approximately 11.8 acres of
property in Charlotte. The facility re-manufactures used pallets. The manufacturing of new pallets and the grinding of
waste pallets is conducted at the Kamps Pallets-Plant 1 facility located at 5104 North Graham Street, Charlotte.
File Review/History: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS)has not previously inspected the Kamps
Pallets-Plant 2 facility.
Inspection Summary:At the time of inspection, Kamps Pallets-Plant 2 was observed to be compliant with the City of
Charlotte Storm Water Pollution Control Ordinance; however, no Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)was
developed, recorded, or implemented for the facility. Please refer to the report for comments and recommendations from
the inspection.
Site Inspection Deficiency Comments
Stormwater system (catch basins, Satisfactory Stormwater drains by sheet flow into a catch basin inlet
inlets, outfalls, etc.) which acts as the outfall for the property. No stormwater
pollution issues were observed.
Erosion issues Satisfactory There were no stormwater erosion issues observed on the
Structural stormwater control N/A There were no structural SCMs observed on the property.
Illicit discharges/connections Satisfactory No illicit discharges or connections were observed on the
property during the inspection.
Aboveground storage tank(s)(ASTs) N/A
and any associated venting and/or
dispenser(s)—list tank size(s)and
Underground storage tank(s)(USTs) N/A
and any associated fill port area(s)
and dispenser(s)—list tank size(s)
and contents
Outdoor material storage area(s) Satisfactory New and refurbished pallets are stored outdoors. No
stormwater pollution issues were observed.
Outdoor processing area(s) N/A
Loading/unloading area(s) Satisfactory No stormwater pollution issues were observed in the loading
and unloading areas.
Vehicle/equipment area(s)-fueling, Satisfactory Per facility staff,there are no vehicle fueling, maintenance, or
maintenance,washing, storage, etc. washing activities conducted on site.The forklifts,which have
propane tanks, are stored on the property. No stormwater
pollution issues were observed.
Oil/water separator and/or N/A Per facility staff,there is no oil/water separator and/or
pretreatment pretreatment system located on the property.
- To report pollution or drainage problems call: 311
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Site Inspection Deficiency Comments
Waste storage/disposal area(s)- Recommendation There is one municipal waste dumpster and two containers
open tops,waste containers, scrap for scrap metal recycling.The municipal waste dumpster and
metal bins, etc. one of the recycling containers are located underneath a
structural canopy. CMSWS recommends the other recycling
container be covered or placed underneath a structural
canopy to prevent stormwater exposure.
Food service area(s) N/A
Indoor material storage area(s) Satisfactory Parts and materials are stored inside the warehouse building.
No stormwater pollution issues were observed.
Indoor processing area(s) Satisfactory The pallet refurbishing activities are conducted underneath a
structural canopy. No stormwater pollution issues were
Floor drains N/A There were no floor drains observed on the property.
Spill response equipment Satisfactory A spill kit is located in the warehouse building.
SWPPP Section Observed Comments
Does the facility have a Stormwater Deficiency A SWPPP should be developed and implemented per the
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)? facility's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (N
PDES) Permit(NCG210503).
Reviewed and updated annually N/A
Responsible party N/A
General location (USGS)map N/A
Detailed site map N/A
Narrative description of industrial N/A
Feasibility study N/A
Evaluation of stormwater outfalls(non N/A
-stormwater discharge evaluation)
Stormwater best management N/A
Secondary containment plan (all N/A
necessary secondary containment
provided and documented)
Records on every release from a N/A
secondary containment system (for
the last 5 years)
Spill prevention and response N/A
List of significant spills or leaks(for N/A
the last 3 years)
Solvent management plan (SMP) N/A
Preventative maintenance and good N/A
housekeeping program (PMGHP)
Facility inspections conducted as N/A
Employee training (provided and N/A
Qualitative/Analytical Monitoring Observed Comments
Qualitative monitoring conducted as Deficiency The facility should conduct and document quarterly qualitative
required monitoring as required, per Part II, Section C of the
NCG210000 stormwater permit.
dxTo report pollution or drainage problems call: 311
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Qualitative/Analytical Monitoring Observed Comments
Analytical monitoring conducted as Deficiency The facility should conduct and document quarterly
required analytical monitoring as required, per Part II, Section B of the
NCG210000 stormwater permit.
Analytical monitoring for onsite N/A
vehicle and equipment maintenance
as required
Permit and Outfalls Observed Comments
Copy of permit and certificate of Yes The facility has Certificate of Coverage NCG210503.
coverage onsite
All outfalls observed N/A There were no stormwater pollution issues observed at the
Number of Outfalls Observed 1
Representative outfall status N/A
documented by DEMLR
Annual no-exposure self re-certificatio N/A
n documented
((b To report pollution or drainage problems call: 311
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