HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000535_Name-Owner Change Supporting Info_20240117 This certifies that there are no deliquent ad valorem real estate taxes,
which the Wilson County Tax Collectors charged with collectiong, that are a lien on
Pin Number 3721123427.000
This is not a certification that this Wilson County Tax Department Pin Number matches this
Deed description
5mga Date 11/16/2023
Type: CRP
Tax Collector, Deputy Tax Collector, Tax Clerk Recorded: 11/16/2023 1:05:15 PM
Fee Amt: $26.00 Page 1 of 4
Revenue Tax: $0.00
Wilson, NC
Lisa J. Stith Register of Deeds
BK 3040 PG 555 - 558
Tax Parcel Number:3721123427.000 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE
Prepared By:
Wilson Real Estate & Assets, LLC
After Recording Return To:
XCF Global Capital, Inc.
5170 Golden Foothill Parkway
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
On October 31, 2023 THE GRANTOR(S),
Wilson Real Estate & Assets, LLC, Robert Barr, Manager
for and in consideration of: One Dollar($1.00) and/or other good and valuable consideration
conveys, releases and quitclaims to the GRANTEE(S):
- XCF Global Capital, Inc.
5170 Golden Foothill Parkway
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
the following described real estate, situated in Wilson, in the County of Wilson, State of North
Legal Description: See attached Exhibit A
Derivation: This property was acquired by the Grantor by a Trustees Deed, dated August 16,
2021 and recorded with the Wilson County recorder, in Book 2914, Page 44-47, Wilson County
Submitted electronically by "Good Steward Lending Services , Inc"
in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Wilson County Register of Deeds.
Grantor does hereby convey, release and quitclaim all of the Grantor's rights, title, and interest in
and to the above described property and premises to the Grantee(s), and to the Grantee(s) heirs
and assigns forever, so that neither Grantor(s) nor Grantor's heirs, legal representatives or assigns
shall have, claim or demand any right or title to the property, premises, or appurtenances, or any
part thereof
Mail Tax Statements To:
XCF Global Capital, Inc.
5170 Golden Foothill Parkway
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Grantor Signatures:
DATED: 11 % 3
.1 l'd
Robert Barr, Manager<on behalf of Wilson Real Estate &Assets, LLC
This instrument was acknowledged before me on this g day of November, 2023 by Robert
Barr, Manager, on behalf of Wilson Real Estate & Assets, T I C.
Nota 'ubl't
Nora 1 1 NYAKJ
Title (and Rank)
My commission expires t• i1•Intl
Note Public•Arizona
' M
PimaCounty Commission+Y65322t
My Comm.Expires Aug 17,2027
TRACT 1: --
BEING that certain parcel of land lying end being situate in Wilson Township, Wilson County,North
Caroline,and more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the center line of State Rued#1680,which rood runs from U.S.Highway 301 from
the north to Swift&Company to the south,said point of beginning bang the intersection of the
northcrlymost property line of the Matthis and Miller property with the center line of said Suite Road#1680;
thence from said point of beginning ninth and along the said Matthis and Miller northerly property line N.84
deg.30 iris.W.680.24 feet to an iron stake in the easterly right of way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad,
cornering;thence with and along the easterly right of way line of said railroad N.28 deg.35 min.E.239.15
feet to an iron stake,cornering;thence S.84 deg.30 min. E.602.32 feet to a point in the center of State Road
#1680,cornering;thence with and along the canter of said road S.9 deg.41 min. W.220.59 feet to the point
of beginning,containing 3.38 acres; and being the southcrlynnost property et-Brown 011 Company lying
between State Road#1 680 on the east and north of the Matthis and M llcr property;and being bounded by
the Seaboard Coast Line track on the West and being part of the property conveyed unto Brown Of
Company,Inc.by deed of Ervin Morgan of Farmville,North Carolina.Also being the identical property
conveyed to T.L.Herring and wife,and T.L.. Herring,Jr.and wife,by deed from Brown Oil Company.Inc.
dated March 20, 1969.and recorded in Book 1028,Page 27,of the Wilson County Registry,and then by deed
dared January 11, 1979,from T.L Herring,Unmarried.to T.L.Herring,Jr.and wife,Jean F.Herring,and
recorded in Book 1168,Page 322,Wilson County Registry.This being all of Tract 2 on the Recombination
Plat entitled "Recombination Plat Property of Triangle Biofuels Infinities",dated April,2007,prepared by
&oon Engineering
BEING that certain parcel of land lying and being situate in Wilson Township,Wilson County,North
Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
Being a tract of land contiguous of N.C.S.R. 1680,Bald=Road,and portion of the a roperty of Brown Oil
Company,as duly recorded in the Registry of Wilson County,State of North Carolina,in deed book 811 at
page 302 and being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at an existing iron pipe found on the westerly right-of-nay line of N.C.S.R 1680,said iron
pipe having North Carolina Grid(N.A.D.83)coordinates ofN(y)=712,65554 and E(x)=2,321,664.15 feet:
the point of beginning;thence S 04°3714"W-149.97 foot with and along the westerly right-of-wary line of
N.C.S.R. 1680 to an existing iron pipe;thence N 89°36'25"W-571.845 feet to an existing iron pipe in the
easterly right-of-way line of C.S.X Railroad;thence N 23°29'02"E-162.58 feet with and along the easterly
right-of-way lino of C.S.X.Railroad to an existing iron pipe, thence S 89°36'23"E-519.16 foci to sn
existing iron pipe in the westerly right-of-way line of N.C.S.R. 1680,the point and place of beginning,
containing 81,582 square feet(1.87 acres)plus or minus.This being all of Tract 1 on the Recombination Plat
entitled"Recombination Plat Property of Triangle Biofuels Industries",dated April 2007,prepared by Engibeeting.