HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089532_Speculative limits_20140428oCGS NC p 9f NCDENR North Carolina Department'of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Mr. Dan Harbaugh, Executive Director Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority 1246 West Main Street Sylva, NC 28779 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary April 28, 2014 Subject: Speculative Effluent Limits Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority Jackson County Savannah River Basin Dear Mr. Harbaugh : This letter provides speculative effluent limits for 0.125 MGD, 0.25 MGD and 0.496 MGD for a proposed wastewater treatment plant to serve the Cashiers area. The Division received the speculative limits request in a letter dated February 7, 2014 from Harry B. Buckner, PE of McGill Associates. Please recognize that speculative limits may change based on future water quality initiatives, and it is highly recommended that the applicant verify the speculative limits with the Division's NPDES Unit prior to any engineering design work. ReceivingStream. Horsepasture River is located within the Savannah River Basin. Horsepasture River has a classification of C, TR +, which is subject to special management strategy specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0225 (13), the Outstanding Resource Wastewater Rule. All new or expanding discharges to this section of Horsepasture River shall comply with the following requirement: (A) Oxygen Consuming Wastes: Effluent limitations shall be as follows: BOD = 5 mg/1, and NH3-' N = 2 mg/1; (B) Total Suspended Solids: Discharges of total suspended solids (TSS) shall be limited to effluent concentrations of 10 mg/1 for trout waters and to 20 mg/1 for all other waters except for mining operations, which will be held to their respective NPDES TSS permit limits; (C) Nutrients: Where nutrient overenrichment is projected to be a concern, effluent limitations shall be set for phosphorus or nitrogen, or both; and (D) Volume: The total volume of treated wastewater for all discharges combined shall not exceed 25 percent of the total instream flow in the designated ORW under 7Q10 conditions. Horsepasture River has a summer 7Q10 flow of 2.0 cfs, a winter 7Q10 flow of 3.0 cfs, and an annual average flow of 16 cfs. Including the maximum proposed flow of 0.496 MGD the total volume of treated wastewater for all combined discharges is 24% of the 7Q10 conditions. Horsepasture River is currently not listed as an impaired waterbody on the 2012 North Carolina 303(d) Impaired Waters List. Based upon a review of information available from the 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-63001 Intemet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal opportunity l Affirmative Acton Employer — Made in part by recycled paper Mr. Dan Harbaugh April 24, 2014 Page 2 North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Online Map Viewer, there are not any Federally Listed threatened or endangered aquatic species identified within a 5 mile radius of the proposed discharge location. Speculative Effluent Limits. Based on Division review of receiving stream conditions and water quality modeling results, speculative limits for the proposed phased discharge of 0.125 MGD, 0.25 MGD, and 0.496 MGD are presented in Table 1. A complete evaluation of these limits and monitoring requirements for metals and other toxicants, as well as potential instream monitoring requirements, will be addressed upon receipt of a formal NPDES permit application. TABLE 1. Speculative Limits for TWSA WWTP Effluent Charactexistic : f y EffluentLimitations. r11%MQnthly r . Vera e Weekly Average Daily Maximum Flow 0.125, 0.25 or 0.495 MGD BOD5 5.0 m / L 7.5 m / L NH3 asN 2.0m /L 6.0mg/ L Dissolved Oxygen (minimum) 6.0 m / L TSS 10 m /L 15 mg/ L Fecal coliform (geometric mean 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA. Please note that the Division cannot guarantee that an NPDES permit for a new or expanding discharge will be issued with these speculative limits. Final decisions can only be made after the Division receives and evaluates a formal permit application for the new/expanded discharge. In accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c), the most environmentally sound alternative should be selected from all reasonably cost effective options. Therefore, as a component of all NPDES permit applications for new or expanding flow, a detailed engineering alternatives analysis (EAA) must be prepared. The EAA must justify requested flows and provide an analysis of potential wastewater treatment alternatives. A copy of the Division guidance for preparing EAA documents is attached. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) EA/ EIS Requirements A SEPA EA/ EIS document must be prepared for all projects that: 1) need a permit; 2) use public money or affect public lands; and 3) might have a potential to significantly impact the environment. For new or expanding discharges, significant impact is defined as > 500,000 gpd additional flow. Since the TWSA is not proposing a discharge greater than 500,000 gpd, is not necessary to prepare a SEPA document. Mr. Dan Harbaugh April 24, 2014 Page 3 Should you have any questions about these speculative limits or NPDES permitting requirements, please feel free to contact Teresa Rodriguez at (919) 807-6387 or Tom Belnick at (919) 807-6390. Res ectf ully, Tom Belnick, Supervisor, NPDES Complex Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Attachment: EAA Guidance Document Hardcopy: Central Files NPDES Permit File Electronic Copy: Harry B. Buckner, PE, McGill Associates, P.A. DWR/Asheville Regional Office NPDES Server>Specs Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) Guidance Document North Carolina Division of Water Resources NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Resources (DWR) will not accept an NPDES application for a new or expanding wastewater treatment plant discharge unless all the required application requirements are submitted. A complete NPDES application will include the following items: NPDES Application Form (in triplicate) Application Fee Engineering Alternatives Analysis (in triplicate) Local Government Review Form (non -municipals only) Failure to submit all of the required information will result in.return of the incomplete package. If you have any questions about these requirements, contact the NPDES Unit staff. Contact names, application forms, applicable fees, and guidance documents are available on the NPDES website at hM2://portal.ncdenr.org/web/m cg/swp/12s/nl2des. Completed applications should be mailed to: NCDENR/DWR/NPDES Complex Permitting Unit,1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Background The NPDES permit program was enacted in 1972 as part of the Clean Water Act. The original goal of the program was to eliminate all point source discharges to surface waters by 1985. Although this goal was not achieved, the NPDES program continues to strive toward it. In that light, .an Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) is required with any NPDES application for a new or expanding wastewater treatment plant discharge, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c)(2). In order for an NPDES application to be approved, the EAA must provide complete justification for a direct discharge to surface water alternative, and demonstrate that direct discharge is the most environmentally sound_ alternative selected from all reasonably cost-effective options [per 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c)(2)]. The purpose of this EAA Guidance Document is to provide guidance to the regulated community for the evaluation of wastewater disposal alternatives. The impetus behind this comprehensive guidance was based on the following: 1) a majority of new NPDES applications were being returned as incomplete due to inadequate EAA submissions; and 2) a few recent court cases resulted in unfavorable rulings for the NPDES discharger due in part to inadequate EAAs. DWR most frequently returns EAAs as incomplete due to inadequate flow justification, inadequate alternatives evaluations, and/or lack of documentation/references used to design and cost alternatives. Please note that this guidance document is designed priinarily for domestic wastewater discharges. For other proposed discharges such as water treatment plant discharges from ion exchange and reverse osmosis units, some alternative disposal options may not be technologically feasible. Within this guidance document, we have attempted to point out where such technological limitations may exist. You are urged to review NPDES permitting guidance documents on the NPDES website, which discuss some of the limited disposal options for some discharges. Please note that if a proposed municipal expansion is subject to SEPA Environmental Assessment (EA)/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) requirements, the EAA requirements should be incorporated into the SEPA document. In addition, the NPDES Unit cannot accept an application for a new/expanding NPDES discharge until departmental review of the SEPA document is complete and a Finding -of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been submitted to the State Clearinghouse for circulation. The following step-by-step outline should be used for the preparation of all EAA submissions. If an EAA submission lacks any of these basic elements, the NPDES application will be returned as incomplete. EAA Guidance Document Revision: April 2014 Page 1 of 8 STEP 1. Determine if the proposed discharge will be allowed Before beginning any engineering evaluation of alternatives, you must first determine if the proposed wastewater discharge will be allowed. Otherwise, time and money may be spent needlessly for an EAA preparation that will ultimately be rejected on the basis of existing water quality restrictions. There are several potential, restrictions to a wastewater discharge to surface waters, including. ■ Zero flow stream restrictions [15A NCAC 2B.0206(d)(2)] apply to oxygen -consuming waste in zero -flow streams. In order to determine streamflow at the proposed discharge location, contact the U.S. Geological Survey at 919-571-4000. ■ Receiving stream classification restrictions [e.g., ORW, WS, SA, NSW, and HQ class waters have various discharge restrictions or require stricter treatment standards]. Stream classifications are available on the the DWR Classification and Standards/Rule Review Branch website: Oittp://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu), while wastewater discharge restrictions for various stream classifications are presented in state regulations [ 15A NCAC 2B.0200]. ■ Basinwide Water Quality Plans. These basin -specific plans list NPDES permitting strategies that may limit wastewater discharges to particular streams within the basin due to lack, of stream assimilative capacity, etc. Basin plans are available on the DWR website, or you may contact the DWR Basinwide Planning Branch (http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/bpu).. • Impaired waters and TMDLs. Certain waterbodies listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and/or subject to impending TMDLs may have wastewater discharge restrictions. The list of 303(d) impaired waters is located on the DWR website, or you may contact the DWR Modeling and Assessment Branch (http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/mtu). ■ Presence of Endangered Species. If endangered species are present in the proposed discharge location, there may be wastewater discharge restrictions. Endangered species information may be included in the Basinwide Water Quality Plan, or you may contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (919-856-4520), N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (919-733-3633), or the N.C. Natural Heritage Program (919-733- 7701). Municipal applicants. As a public service, the NPDES Unit will evaluate whether a proposed municipal discharge is considered allowable. The municipality needs to initiate this review by submitting a letter request for Speculative Effluent Limits to the NPDES Unit. You must obtain streamflow estimates for the proposed discharge location to ensure that the receiving stream is not subject to zero flow restrictions. Low flow data (specifically, drainage area, summer and winter 7Q10, average flow and 30Q2 flow statistics) can be obtained for a nominal fee from the U.S. Geological Survey in Raleigh at 919-571-4000. The low flow data must be submitted with the speculative limits request letter. If the proposed discharge appears to be allowable, the NPDES Unit will prepare speculative effluent limits for a maximum of 2 flows and 2 discharge locations using water quality models. The municipality can then use the speculative limits to prepare preliminary engineering design and cost estimates for the direct discharge alternative within the EAA. In limited instances where complex water quality models are necessary to develop speculative limits and determine potential water quality impacts, some municipalities have undertaken the modeling effort (with DWR review) in order to expedite this portion of the NPDES permit review process. Non -municipal 012licants. Due to staff constraints, the NPDES Unit cannot prepare speculative limits for non -municipal applicants. Thus, it is your responsibility to make your own determination as to whether the proposed discharge might be allowed by the Division, by evaluating the water quality factors listed above. It is highly recommended that you discuss the proposed discharge with the applicable DWR Regional Office and/or NPDES Unit staff, who may be able to provide input on the likelihood of a new/expanding discharge. As a first step, you must obtain streamflow estimates for the proposed discharge location to ensure that the receiving stream is not subject to zero flow restrictions. Low flow data (specifically, drainage area, the summer and winter 7Q10, average flow and 30Q2 flow statistics) can be obtained for a nominal fee from the U.S. Geological Survey in Raleigh at 919-571-4000. The low flow data must be submitted with the EAA, and will be used by the permit writer to develop permit limits. You must also verify that the proposed action EAA Guidance Document Revision: April 2014 Page 2 of 8 (i.e., construction of a wastewater treatment plant and its appurtenances) is consistent with local zoning and/or subdivision ordinances. You will need to request the local governments) to complete a Local Government Review Form (Attachment A), and include the signed and notarized form with your NPDES application package. All apulx If you conclude that the proposed discharge will pass the "allowable discharge" criteria, then begin the FAA preparation by summarizing the following general information about the proposed project: ■ Provide a description of the proposed project. If the project will be constructed in phases, provide a schedule for constructing each additional phase, and provide the projected flow per phase (see STEP 2). ■ Applicant name, mailing address, phone number, contact person ■ Facility name, address, county, phone number, contact person ■ EAA preparer's name, mailing address, phone number, contact person STEP 2. Provide reasonable projections for population and flow Residential Population Projections. Facilities requesting an NPDES discharge permit for new or expanding domestic wastewater discharges must document the population to be served within the service area over a 20-year planning period. The NC State Demographics unit provides population data for each county and municipality and can be accessed on the Internet at http://www.demog.state.nc.us. If 20-year population projections for specific areas are not available, a linear extrapolation of population trends from the past decade should be used. Any deviation from a linear projection method must be clearly justified. If population projections include future annexations, include a proposed annexation schedule as well as any annexation requirements that must be met. Municipal Flow Projections. Justification of flow as well as a demonstration of need shall be provided. Mere speculation is not sufficient. Flow projections should represent average anticipated flows, since permit flow limits are based on monthly averages. Peaking factors used to design various components of the wastewater collection system (e.g., collector sewers, interceptor sewers, pumping stations) should not be used in the justification of the average anticipated flow. For municipal wastewater dischargers, flow must be justified using the Clean Water Loan Program (CWLP) Guidance for Preaparing Engineering Reports available on the Internet at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wi/cleanwater/er. Exceptions to these flow criteria may be approved on a case -by -case basis provided adequate justification is supplied. ■ Current Flow Provide current flows including residential, commercial, industrial, and infiltration/inflow (I/I) based on actual flow data or water billing records. Current residential flow and current commercial flow may be based on water billing records minus a 10% consumptive loss. Current industrial flow may be based on dual metering to determine consumptive losses. ■ Future Residential Flow- Provide 20-year residential flows based on projected residential growth. Multiply the projected growth in residential population by 70 gallons per day per capita. ■ Future Commercial Flow- Provide 20-year commercial flows based on projected residential growth. Multiply the projected growth in residential population by 15 gallons per day per capita. ■ Future Industrial Flow Provide flow for future documented industrial flow. A nominal allowance for fixture unplanned industrial expansions may be considered by the Division, provided the basis is clearly justified and current land -use plans and local zoning allow for such industrial growth. Non -Municipal Flow Projections. Flow may be justified in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0219(1) for various activities (e.g., new subdivisions, new schools, various commercial activities). For other proposed discharges (e.g., groundwater remediation, water treatment plant filter backwash, industrial facilities), the flow projections will be based on engineering design considerations and/or production projections rather than population projections. EAA Guidance Document Revision: April 2014 Page 3 of 8 STEP 3. Evaluate technologically feasible alternatives Since a goal of the Clean Water Act is to minimize or eliminate point source discharges to surface waters, any proposal for a new or expanding wastewater discharge must include evaluation of wastewater disposal alternatives in addition to direct discharge. Particularly for dischargers of domestic wastewater, this evaluation should investigate the feasibility of the following wastewater disposal alternatives: ■ Connection to an existing wastewater treatment plant (public or private) ■ Land application alternatives, such as individual/community onsite subsurface systems, drip irrigation, spray irrigation Wastewater reuse ■ Surface water discharge through the NPDES program ■ Combinations of the above In order for the applicant to eliminate a wastewater disposal alternative, you must either show that the alternative is technologically infeasible, or that it would be cost prohibitive to implement relative to a direct discharge alternative. Please note that for some alternatives, it might be easier to prove an alternative is not viable based on high cost rather than technological feasibility. For example, for a large municipal expansion that would require several hundred acres for a land application alternative, it might be easier to simply assume that the required acreage could be purchased and calculate the present value costs (including current market land costs) for this option, rather than evaluating whether land application is technologically infeasible due to lack of available land and/or poor soil conditions. For those alternatives identified as technologically feasible, you must develop and compare costs, based on a preliminary level design effort (see STEP 4). The Division recognizes that wastewater disposal alternatives may be limited for some non -domestic wastewater scenarios, and a full alternatives evaluation may not be warranted. If there is some question as to whether an alternative may be eliminated, contact the NPDES Unit staff. Some scenarios that might not require a full alternatives evaluation include: Water Treatment Plant Discharges. Discharges from water treatment plants (WTPs) that utilize a membrane technology (e.g., reverse osmosis, nanofiltration) or ion exchange system tend to generate highly concentrated wastestreams. These wastestreams are not amenable to land application and do not have to be evaluated for this alternative. However, since these wastestreams can also have a toxic impact on a receiving freshwater system, proposed new discharges from these WTPs to freshwaters will not be considered for an NPDES permit unless you can demonstrate that the environmental impacts would be minimal based on dilution modeling. You should investigate whether the wastewater can be piped to a stream with sufficient dilution, or whether a local WWTP might accommodate this discharge. Please note that discharges from WTPs that utilize greensand filtration or conventional technology produce a wastestream that is not saline, therefore no disposal alternatives can be automatically ruled out as infeasible for these other W1?s. Refer to the NPDES website for permitting strategies for reverse osmosis, ion exchange, greensand filtration, and conventional WTPs. Groundwater Remediation System Discharges. You will need to evaluate whether WWTP connection, land application, infiltration galleries, in -situ groundwater remediation wells, or closed -loop groundwater remediation wells are viable disposal alternatives. While land application might be a feasible alternative in rural areas, it would not be a feasible alternative in downtown Charlotte, where there is no land available for wastewater application. In this instance, you may simply state that land application is infeasible based on land constraints within the city. You will also need to evaluate connection to an existing WWTP (in accordance with Alternative A), since there are some municipalities that have accepted this wastestream in the past. If the municipality will not accept the wastestream, the connection alternative is also EAA Guidance Document Revision: April 2014 Page 4 of 8 considered technologically infeasible. Please note that in -situ and closed -loop groundwater remediation wells are permittable well types and further guidance is available through the Aquifer Protection Section. Aside from these exceptions, you should proceed with the alternatives evaluation in accordance with the following requirements. If you have any questions about these requirements, contact the NPDES Unit staff. Alternative A. Connection to an Existing Wastewater Treatment System. You must evaluate the feasibility of connecting to an existing wastewater treatment system served by a municipality or other entity holding a valid NPDES or Non -Discharge Permit. All connection options should include an evaluation of a gravity line and/or force main with pump station(s). 1. Existing Sewerage System: (a) Identify whether there are existing sewer lines within a five -mile radius, or consider a greater radius if cost effective for the project size. (b) Provide a preliminary indication of flow acceptance from existing municipal or private WWTPs under consideration for connection. If a municipal or private WWI? cannot accept the wastewater, include a letter documenting such and consider this alternative technologically infeasible. (c) If an existing sewerage system will accept the wastewater, evaluate the piping/pumps/resources necessary to connect to the existing wastewater treatment plant. Attach a topographic map or a site drawing showing the physical route of this alternative. Conduct a Present Value Cost Analysis per STEP 4. 2. Planned Sewerage System: Determine if a regional sewerage system within a five mile radius is projected to be available within the next five years to receive waste from the project site. If applicable, determine availability date and flow acceptance projection from appropriate authority. Alternative B. Land Application. Land application disposal alternatives include individual/community onsite subsurface systems, drip irrigation, and spray irrigation. 1. Provide an estimate of the best case hydraulic loading rate based on County Soil Surveys or from a soil evaluation performed by a soil scientist. Include calculations showing the hydraulic loading rate and the total area of land needed for the land disposal system, including buffers. 2. Assess the availability of land. If insufficient land is available onsite, assume that the necessary land can be purchased and estimate the land purchase cost based on local real estate prices. Alternatively, provide documentation to demonstrate that insufficient land is available for sale in the project area (include letters from adjacent property owners indicating no interest in selling property). 3. Provide a description of the wastewater treatment system and the non -discharge application system. Include a site plan showing the proposed layout, the application area, any existing structures, proposed structures, and other uses within the site. 4. Explain the proposed reuse plan if reclaimed water will be used by a third party. 5. Conduct a Present Value Cost Analysis per STEP 4. For the reclaimed water system include the potential revenue generated by selling the water. 6. Provide all calculations, documentation and maps as necessary to support assumptions and conclusions. 7. Note: The design of land application systems must meet the treatment and design requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2T .05 or 15A NCAC 18A.1900. 8. Note: Proposed discharges from groundwater remediation systems must evaluate the potential for an infiltration gallery treatment alternative. Alternative C. Wastewater Reuse. You must evaluate reusing all or a portion of the wastewater generated. Some municipalities are currently reusing wastewater within the confines of their VAVI'P property for irrigation, toilet flushing, backwashing, etc., while other municipalities have established progressive reuse programs for residential irrigation. Reuse applications might include golf course irrigation, crop irrigation (e.g., hardwood or pine plantation, grasses), athletic field irrigation, landscape uses, and commercial/industrial uses. Some of these reuse applications will be evaluated under Alternative B, Land Application. The design of reclaimed water systems must meet the treatment and design requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2U. EAA Guidance Document Revision: April 2014 Page 5 of 8 Alternative D. Direct Discharge to Surface Waters. 1. No new or expanding (additional) discharge of oxygen -consuming waste will be allowed to surface waters of North Carolina if both the summer 7Q10 and 30Q2 streamflows are estimated to be zero, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0206(d). Private applicants must contact the USGS in Raleigh at 919- 571-4000 and obtain (generally for a nominal fee), the receiving streamflow data (s7Q10, 30Q2, annual average streamflow) at the proposed discharge location. This information must be included in the EAA, and will be used to develop permit limits. 2. All direct discharge systems of oxygen -consuming wastes should be evaluated both with tertiary filtration [BOD5= 5 mg/l, NH3-N= 1 mg/1] and without, and assuming a weekly sampling regime. 3. Provide a description of the proposed wastewater treatment facilities, including a schematic diagram of the major components and a site plan of the treatment facility with outfall line(s). 4. Provide documentation of the availability of required land and/or easement agreements. 5. Conduct a Present Value Cost Analysis per. STEP 4. 6. Note: All direct discharge treatment systems must comply with Reliability Requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0124. Alternative E. Combination of Alternatives. You should evaluate the possibility of a combination of wastewater alternatives that would minimize or eliminate a direct discharge alternative. For example, consider whether the facility can operate a land application system during the dry season when streamflows are at their lowest and provide less dilution, and operate an NPDES discharge system during the wet season when soils may not be as amenable to land application and the receiving stream provides its greatest dilution. STEP 4. Evaluate economic feasibility of alternatives To provide valid cost comparisons among all technologically feasible wastewater alternatives identified in STEP 3, a 20- year Present Value of Costs Analysis (PVCA) must be performed. A preliminary design level effort is considered appropriate for comparing feasible options and their associated costs. For the PVCA cost comparison, all future expenditures are converted to a present value cost at the beginning of the 20-year planning period. A discount rate is used in the analysis and represents the time value of money (the ability of money to earn interest). Present value is also referred to as "present discounted value" or "present worth". The PVCA should include all monetary costs associated with construction, startup and annual operation and maintenance of a facility. All unit cost information must be provided, and costs must be referenced. Costs can be referenced in paragraph format by summarizing the sources utilized (e.g., vendor quotes, realtor land quotes, past bids, Means Construction Index, etc). Vender quotes received for treatment units or other components, as well as realtor land quotes, shall be included as well. For each treatment alternative identified as technologically feasible, costs should include, but not be limited to, the following: Capital Costs ■ Land acquisition costs ■ Equipment costs ■ Labor costs ■ Installation costs ■ Design costs Recurring Costs ■ Operation and maintenance costs (with replacement costs) EAA Guidance Document Revision: April 2014 Page 6 of 8 ■ Laboratory costs assuming a weekly monitoring regime- for discharge systems and a monthly regime for non -discharge systems ■ Operator and support staff costs ■ Residual disposal costs ■ Connection fees and subsequent user fees ■ Permit and compliance fees ■ Utility costs (power, water, etc.) Lost Opportunity Costs PVCA Calculation Method. The following standard formula for computing the present value must be used in all cost estimates made under this evaluation: Where: C PV= C° + Y.- r t=1 (1 + r)r PV = Present value of costs. Co = Costs incurred in the present year. Ct = Costs incurred in time t. t = Time period after the present year (The present year is t = 0) n = Ending year of the life of the facility. r = Current EPA discount rate. EPA adjusts this rate annually on October 12 and it can be accessed from the Internet at http:/www.nccgl.net/fap/cwsrf/201gui.htrnl. If recurring costs are the same in years 1 through 20, then Ct=C and the formula reduces to: PV= C° + (1 + r)" -1 1 r(1 + r)"-] As an example, assuming capital costs (Co) of $2 million, annual recurring costs (C) of $40,000, and a discount rate (r) of 5.625%1, the 20-pear (n=20) present value of costs would equal: PV= capital costs + recurring costs X PV= $2,000,000 + $40,000 X PV= $23,000,000 + $471,428 PV= $2,471,428 [(1+0.05625)20 —1] / [0.05625(1+0.05625)20] [1.98/0.168] PVCA SummaM Table. The EAA must include a Summary Cost Table, which summarizes present worth costs developed for all technologically feasible wastewater alternatives. The summary should include a breakdown of capital costs and recurring costs. In some situations, the Division may require the applicant to refine cost estimates for some alternatives, or possibly collect actual soil data to better characterize the land application alternative. Ultimately, the final determination on cost effectiveness is made by the Division with consideration of monetary costs as well as potential environmental impacts. FAA Guidance Document Revision: April 2014 Page 7 of 8 Attachment A. Local. Government Review Form General Statute Overview: North Carolina General Statute 143--215.1 (c)(6) allows input from local governments in the issuance of NPDES Permits for non -municipal domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Specifically, the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) may not act on an application for a new non -municipal domestic wastewater discharge facility until it has received a written statement from each city and county government having jurisdiction over any part of the lands on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located. The written statement shall document whether the city or county has a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect and (if such an ordinance is in effect) whether the proposed facility is consistent with the ordinance. The EMC shall not approve a permit application for any facility which a city or county has determined to be inconsistent with zoning or subdivision ordinances unless the approval of such application is determined to have statewide significance and is in the best interest of the State. Instructions to the Ap Ln 'cant: Prior to submitting an application for a NPDES Permit for a proposed facility, the applicant shall request that both the nearby city and county government complete this form. The applicant must: ■ Submit a copy of the permit application (with a written request for this form to be completed) to the clerk of the city and the county by certified mail, return receipt requested. ■ If either (or both) local government(s) fails) to mail the completed form, as evidenced by the postmark on the certified mail card(s), within 15 days after receiving and signing for the certified mail, the applicant may submit the application to the NPDES Unit. ■ As evidence to the Commission that the local, government(s) failed to respond within 15 days, the applicant shall submit a copy of the certified mail card along with a notarized letter stating that the local government(s) failed to respond within the 15-day period. Instructions to the Local Government: The nearby city and/or county government which may have or has jurisdiction over any part of the land on, which the proposed facility or its appurtenances are to be located is required to complete and return this form to the applicant within 15 days of receipt. The form must be signed and notarized. Name of local government (City/County) Does the city/county have jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located? Yes [ ] No [ ] If no, please sign this form, have it notarized, and return it to the applicant. Does the city/county have in effect a zoning or subdivision ordinance? Yes [ ] No [ ] If there is a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect, is the plan for the proposed facility consistent with the ordinance? Yes [ ] No f 1 Date State of , County of Signature (City Manager/County Manager) On this day of I , personally appeared before me, the said name to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing document and he (or she) acknowledged that he (or she) executed the same and being duly sworn by me, made oath that the statements in the foregoing document are true. My Commission expires .(Signature of Notary" Public) Notary Public (Official Seal) EAA Guidance Document Revision: April 2014 Page 8 of 8 Speculative Limits Request Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority (I'WSA) Summary: The TWSA is requesting speculative limits for a new discharge to Horepasture River approximately 0.5 mi downstream from Lupton Lake, approximately 2.3 miles northeast of Cashiers in Jackson County. Three flow scenarios were requested: 0.125 MGD, 0.25 MGD and 0.496 MGD. Proposed discharge location: Latitude: 35" 07' 46" Lon 'tude: 83' 04' 00" Receiving Stream: Horsepasture River Stream Class: C Tr + 8.68 mi upstream of B Tr OR Basin: Savannah River Basin Sub -basin: 03-13-02 Stream Index No.: 4-13- 0.5 The USGS provided estimates of low flow statistics at two locations; the discharge location and the point where the river changes classification to ORW, 0.6 downstream of Highway 281 at latitude 35" 05' 36.74" longitude 82' 58' 6.92". Stream Statistics: Proposed Discharge location ORW - Near Highway 281 Drainage area mi 3.91 24.7 s7 10 cfs 2.0 13.3 w7 10 cfs 3.0 18.3 30 2 cfs 4.3 27.9 averse cfs 16 100 There are four other permitted discharzes in this area: Permitted BOD NH3N DO Permit No. Flow (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) Location (MGD) NCO068918 0.1 30 11 summer -- Horsepasture Rv. Cedar Beach 14 winter (upstream) NCO022985 0.3 30 2.7 summer Trays Island Fairfield Sapphire 4.0 winter Creek Valley WWTP (Downstream 0.8 5 2.0 summer 5 Fairfield Lake) 4.3 winter NCO059421 A&D 0.025 30 -- -- Horsepasture Water Service — River Sapphire Lakes #1 0.3 30 24 summer no limit winter NCO059439 A&D 0.0049 30 -- -- James Creek Water Service — Sapphire Lakes #2 Model Development: A level B model was developed to evaluate the proposed discharge. The classification of Horsepasture River at the point of discharge is C, Tr +, which is subject to special management strategy specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0225, the Outstanding Resource Wastewater Rule. All new discharges shall comply with the following requirement: a. BOD = 5 mg/l, NH3N = 2 mg/l b. TSS = 10 mg/l for trout waters c. The total volume of treated wastewater for all discharges combined shall not exceed 25% of the s7Q10. Verification of c.: Permitted flow 1.205 MGD Max proposed flow 0.496 MGD Total 1.701 MGD = 3.16 cfs s7Q10 at ORW location: 13.3 cfs. 13.3 x 25% = 3.325 cfs 3.16 (24%) < 3.325 OK The model was segmented into two segments, the first segment with 9 reaches and the second segment with one reach for a total of 8.68 miles of stream.. To simulate low velocities in Sapphire Lake it was modeled as one reach with a 0.5 slope. All the existing dischargers were modeled at the maximum permitted flow. Both permits that have phased flow are discharging at the lowest flow tier. The model was run for the three proposed flow scenarios. Model Results: Proposed Flow DO sag (mg/1) End CBOD (mg/1) End NBOD (mg/1) End DO (m /1) 0.125 MGD 7.03 1.88 0.92 8.54 0.25 MGD 7.01 1.88 0.92 8.54 0.496 MGD 6.97 1.88 0.92 8.54 Model results predict DO above the water quality standard and CBOD and NBOD at background concentrations. Limits of BOD 5 mg/l, NH3N of 2 mg/1 and DO of 6 mg/l should protect water quality standards. Teresa Rodriguez 4/25/2014 SUMMER 0.125 MGD L Seg # Reach # Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow 1 1 0.00 7.16 6.17 4.49 2.15 1 1 0.05 7.30 6.05 4.37 2.20 1 1 0.10 7.41 5.94 4.26 2.25 1 1 0.15 7.51 5.83 4.16 2.30 1 2 0.12 7.39 6.15 4.53 2.49 1 2 0.17 7.49 6.05 4.43 2.54 1 2 0.22 7.58 5.94 4.33 2.59 1 2 0.27 7.66 5.85 4.24 2.63 1 2 0.32 7.72 5.75 4.15 2.68 1 2 0.37 7.78 5.66 4.06 2.73 1 2 0.42 7.83 5.57 3.97 2.78 1 2 0.47 7.87 5.49 3.89 2.82 1 2 0.52 7.91 5.41 3.81 2.87 1 3 0.45 7.85 4.32 2.92 4.21 1 3 0.55 7.97 4.24 2.84 4.31 1 3 0.65 8.06 4.16 2.76 4.40 1 3 0.75 8.12 4.09 2.69 4.50 1 3 0.85 8.17 4.01 2.62 4.59 1 3 0.95 8.21 3.94 2.55 4.69 1 3 1.05 8.24 3.88 2.49 4.78 1 3 1.15 8.26 3.81 2.43 4.88 1 3 1.25 8.28 3.75 2.37 4.97 1 3 1.35 8.30 3.69 2.31 5.07 1 3 1.45 8.31 3.63 2.26 5.16 1 3 1.55 8.32 3.58 2.21 5.26 �e 1 3 1.65 8.33 3.52 2.16 5.35 1 3 1.75 8.34 3.47 2.11 5.45 1 3 1.85 8.34 3.42 2.06 5.54 1 3 1.95 8.35 3.37 2.02 5.64 1 3 2.05 8.35 3.32 1.98 5.73 1 4 2.05 7.76 4.51 3.23 6.97 1 4 2.10 7.84 4.48 3.19 7.02 1 4 2.15 7.90 4.45 3.16 7.07 1 4 2.20 7.96 4.42 3.13 7.11 1 4 2.25 8.02 4.39 3.10 7.16 1 4 2.30 8.06 4.36 3.07 7.21 1 4 2.35 8.10 4.33 3.04 7.26 1 4 2.40 8.13 4.30 3.01 7.30 1 4 2.45 8.16 4.28 2.98 7.35 1 4 2.50 8.19 4.25 2.95 7.40 1 4 2.55 8.21 4.22 2.93 7.45 1 4 2.60 8.23 4.19 2.90 7.49 1 4 2.65 8.25 4.17 2.87 7.54 1 4 2.70 8.26 4.14 2.85 7.59 1 4 2.75 8.27 4.11 2.82 7.64 1 4 2.80 8.29 4.09 2.79 7.68 1 5 2.80 8.29 4.09 2.79 7.68 1 5 2.90 8.18 4.02 2.72 7.76 1 5 3.00 8.09 3.95 2.66 7.84 1 5 3.10 7.99 3.89 2.59 7.92 1 5 3.20 7.90 3.83 2.53 8.00 t� 1 5 3.30 7.81 3.76 2.47 8.08 1 5 3.40 7.73 3.70 2.41 8.16 1 5 3.50 7.64 3.64 2.35 8.24 1 5 3.60 7.57 3.59 2.29 8.32 1 5 3.70 7.49 3.53 2.24 8.39 1 5 3.80 7.42 3.47 2.19 8.47 1 5 3.90 7.35 3.42 2.13 8.55 1 5 4.00 7.28 3.37 2.08 8.63 1 5 4.10 7.21 3.32 2.04 8.71 1 5 4.20 7.15 3.27 1.99 8.79 1 5 4.30 7.09 3.22 1.94 8.87 1 5 4.40 7.03 3.17 1.90 8.95 1 6 4.36 7.03 3.17 1.90 8.95 1 6 4.41 7.40 3.15 1.89 8.99 1 6 4.46 7.68 3.14 1.88 9.03 1 6 4.51 7.89 3.12 1.87 9.07 1 6 4.56 8.05 3.11 1.86 9.11 1 6 4.61 8.16 3.09 1.85 9.15 1 6 4.66 8.25 3.08 1.84 9.18 1 6 4.71 8.32 3.06 1.83 9.22 1 6 4.76 8.37 3.05 1.82 9.26 1 7 4.74 8.28 2.90 1.71 10.76 1 7 4.84 8.38 2.88 1.69 10.84 1 7 4.94 8.43 2.86 1.67 10.92 1 7 5.04 8.47 2.83 1.66 11.00 1 7 5.14 8.49 2.81 1.64 11.08 1 7 5.24 8.50 2.79 1.63 11.16 1 7 5.34 8.51 2.76 1.62 11.24 1 7 5.44 8.51 2.74 1.60 11.32 1 7 5.54 8.52 2.72 1.59 11.40 1 7 5.64 8.52 2.70 1.57 11.47 1 7 5.74 8.52 2.68 1.56 11.55 1 7 5.84 8.52 2.66 1.55 11.63 1 7 5.94 8.52 2.64 1.53 11.71 f� 1 7 6.04 8.52 2.62 1.52 11.79 1 7 6.14 8.52 2.60 1.51 11.87 1 8 6.12 8.48 2.57 1.48 12.47 1 8 6.17 8.49 2.56 1.48 12.51 1 8 6.22 8.50 2.55 1.47 12.55 1 9 6.21 8.20 4.60 5.28 13.01 1 9 6.26 8.25 4.58 5.25 13.05 1 9 6.31 8.30 4.56 5.22 13.09 1 9 6.36 8.33 4.54 5.19 13.13 1 9 6.41 8.36 4.52 5.17 13.17 1 9 6.46 8.38 4.50 5.14 13.21 1 9 6.51 8.40 4.48 5.11 13.25 1 9 6.56 8.41 4.46 5.09 13.29 1 9 6.61 8.42 4.44 5.06 13.33 1 9 6.66 8.43 4.42 5.03 13.37 1 9 6.71 8.44 4.40 5.01 13.41 1 9 6.76 8.44 4.38 4.98 13.45 1 9 6.81 8.45 4.36 4.95 13.49 2 1 0.00 7.71 2.04 1.00 11.61 2 1 0.10 8.06 2.03 0.99 11.72 2 1 0.20 8.26 2.01 0.99 11.83 2 1 0.30 8.38 2.00 0.98 11.94 2 1 0.40 8.44 1.99 0.97 12.05 2 1 0.50 8.48 1.98 0.97 12.16 2 1 0.60 8.51 1.97 0.96 12.27 2 1 0.70 8.52 1.96 0.96 12.38 �„�� 2 1 0.80 8.53 1.94 0.95 12.49 2 1 0.90 8.53 1.93 0.95 12.60 2 1 1.00 8.53 1.92 0.94 12.71 2 1 1.10 8.54 1.91 0.93 12.82 2 1 1.20 8.54 1.90 0.93 12.93 2 1 1.30 8.54 1.69 0.92 13.04 2 1 1.40 8.54 1.88 0.92 13.15 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow it SUMMER 0.25 MGD Seg # Reach # Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow 1 1 0.00 7.16 6.17 4.49 2.15 1 1 0.05 7.30 6.05 4.37 2.20 1 1 0.10 7.41 5.94 4.26 2.25 1 1 0.15 7.51 5.83 4.16 2.30 1 2 0.12 7.29 6.43 4.86 2.68 1 2 0.17 7.40 6.32 4.75 2.73 1 2 0.22 7.50 6.22 4.65 2.78 1 2 0.27 7.59 6.13 4.56 2.83 1 2 0.32 7.67 6.03 4.46 2.87 1 2 0.37 7.73 5.94 4.37 2.92 1 2 0.42 7.79 5.85 4.28 2.97 1 2 0.47 7.84 5.76 4.20 3.02 1 2 0.52 7.88 5.68 4.12 3.06 1 3 0.45 7.83 4.56 3.17 4.40 1 3 0.55 7.95 4.48 3.08 4.50 1 3 0.65 8.04 4.39 3.00 4.59 1 3 0.75 8.11 4.31 2.92 4.69 1 3 0.85 8.16 4.24 2.85 4.78 1 3 0.95 8.20 4.16 2.78 4.88 1 3 1.05 8.23 4.09 2.71 4.97 1 3 1.15 8.25 4.02 2.64 5.07 1 3 1.25 8.27 3.96 2.58 5.16 1 3 1.35 8.29 3.90 2.52 5.26 1 3 1.45 8.30 3.83 2.46 5.35 1 3 1.55 8.31 3.78 2.41 5.45 j 1 3 1.65 8.32 3.72 2.35 5.54 1 3 1.75 8.33 3.66 2.30 5.64 1 3 1.85 8.33 3.61 2.25 5.73 1 3 1.95 8.34 3.56 2.20 5.83 1 3 2.05 8.35 3.51 2.15 5.92 1 4 2.05 7.77 4.63 3.34 7.16 1 4 2.10 7.84 4.60 3.31 7.21 1 4 2.15 7.91 4.57 3.27 7.26 1 4 2.20 7.97 4.54 3.24 7.31 1 4 2.25 8.02 4.51 3.21 7.35 1 4 2.30 8.06 4.48 3.18 7.40 1 4 2.35 8.10 4.45 3.15 7.45 1 4 2.40 8.13 4.42 3.12 7.50 1 4 2.45 8.16 4.39 3.09 7.54 1 4 2.50 8.19 4.36 3.06 7.59 1 4 2.55 8.21 4.33 3.03 7.64 1 4 2.60 8.23 4.31 3.00 7.69 1 4 2.65 8.25 4.28 2.98 7.73 1 4 2.70 8.26 4.25 2.95 7.78 1 4 2.75 8.27 4.23 2.92 7.83 1 4 2.80 8.29 4.20 2.90 7.88 1 5 2.80 8.29 4.20 2.90 7.88 1 5 2.90 8.18 4.13 2.82 7.96 1 5 3.00 8.08 4.06 2.76 8.04 1 5 3.10 7.99 4.00 2.69 8.11 1 5 3.20 7.89 3.93 2.62 8.19 r� 1 5 3.30 7.80 3.87 2.56 8.27 1 5 3.40 7.72 3.81 2.50 8.35 1 5 3.50 7.63 3.75 2.44 8.43 1 5 3.60 7.55 3.69 2.38 8.51 1 5 3.70 7.48 3.63 2.33 8.59 1 5 3.80 7.40 3.57 2.27 8.67 1 5 3.90 7.33 3.52 2.22 8.75 1 5 4.00 7.26 3.47 2.17 8.83 1 5 4.10 7.19 3.41 2.12 8.90 5 4.20 7.13 3.36 2.07 8.98 1 5 4.30 7.07 3.31 2.02 9.06 1 5 4.40 7.01 3.26 1.98 9.14 1 6 4.36 7.01 3.26 1.98 9.14 1 6 4.41 7.38 3.25 1.97 9.18 1 6 4.46 7.66 3.23 1.96 9.22 1 6 4.51 7.87 3.22 1.95 9.26 1 6 4.56 8.03 3.20 1.94 9.30 1 6 4.61 8.15 3.19 1.93 9.34 1 6 4.66 8.24 3.17 1.92 9.38 1 6 4.71 8.31 3.15 1.91 9.42 1 6 4.76 8.36 3.14 1.90 9.46 1 7 4.74 8.27 2.98 1.77 10.96 1 7 4.84 8.37 2.96 1.76 11.04 1 7 4.94 8.43 2.93 1.74 11.12 1 7 5.04 8.47 2.91 1.73 11.19 1 7 5.14 8.49 2.89 1.71 11.27 1 7 5.24 8.50 2.86 1.69 11.35 1 7 5.34 8.51 2.84 1.68 11.43 1 7 5.44 8.51 2.82 1.66 11.51 1 7 5.54 8.52 2.79 1.65 11.59 1 7 5.64 8.52 2.77 1.64 11.67 1 7 5.74 8.52 2.75 1.62 11.75 1 7 5.84 8.52 2.73 1.61 11.83 1 7 5.94 8.52 2.71 1.59 11.91 1 7 6.04 8.52 2.69 1.58 11.98 1 7 6.14 8.52 2.67 1.57 12.06 1 8 6.12 8.48 2.64 1.54 12.66 1 8 6.17 8.49 2.63 1.53 12.70 1 8 6.22 8.50 2.62 1.53 12.74 1 9 6.21 8.36 4.64 5.28 13.21 1 9 6.26 8.38 4.62 5.25 13.25 1 9 6.31 8.40 4.59 5.22 13.29 1 9 6.36 8.41 4.57 5.19 13.33 1 9 6.41 8.42 4.55 5.17 13.37 1 9 6.46 8.43 4.53 5.14 13.41 1 9 6.51 8.43 4.51 5.11 13.44 1 9 6.56 8.44 4.49 5.09 13.48 1 9 6.61 8.44 4.47 5.06 13.52 1 9 6.66 8.45 4.45 5.03 13.56 1 9 6.71 8.45 4.43 5.01 13.60 1 9 6.76 8.45 4.41 4.98 13.64 1 9 6.81 8.45 4.39 4.96 13.68 2 1 0.00 7.71 2.04 1.00 11.61 2 1 0.10 8.06 2.03 0.99 11.72 2 1 0.20 8.26 2.01 0.99 11.83 2 1 0.30 8.38 2.00 0.98 11.94 2 1 0.40 8.44 1.99 0.97 12.05 2 1 0.50 8.48 1.98 0.97 12.16 2 1 0.60 8.51 1.97 0.96 12.27 2 1 0.70 8.52 1.96 0.96 12.38 �1 2 1 0.80 8.53 1.94 0.95 12.49 2 1 0.90 8.53 1.93 0.95 12.60 2 1 1.00 8.53 1.92 0.94 12.71 2 1 1.10 8.54 1.91 0.93 12.82 2 1 1.20 8.54 1.90 0.93 12.93 2 1 2 1 Seg # ( Reach # 1.30 1.40 Seg Mi 8.54 8.54 D.O. 1.89 1.88 CBOD 0.92 13.04 0.92 13.15 NBOD Flow SUMMER 0.496 MGD Seg # ( Reach ## Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow 1 1 0.00 7.16 6.17 4.49 2.15 1 1 0.05 7.30 6.05 4.37 2.20 1 1 0.10 7.41 5.94 4.26 2.25 1 1 0.15 7.51- 5.83 4.16 2.30 1 2 0.12 7.13- 6.87 5.37 3.07 1 2 0.17 7.27 6.77 5.27 3.11 1 2 0.22 7.39 6.67 5.17 3.16 1 2 0.27 7.49 6.58 5.07 3.21 1 2 0.32 7.58 6.48 4.97 3.26 1 2 0.37 7.65 6.39 4.88 3.30 1 2 0.42 7.72 6.30 4.79 3.35 1 2 0.47 7.78 6.22 4.71 3.40 1 2 0.52 7.83 6.13 4.62 3.45 1 3 0.45 7.80 4.98 3.61 4.79 1 3 0.55 7.92 4.89 3.52 4.88 1 3 0.65 8.02 4.80 3.43 4.98 1 3 0.75 8.09 4.71 3.34 5.07 1 3 0.85 8.14 4.63 3.26 5.17 1 3 0.95 8.18 4.55 3.18 5.26 1 3 1.05 8.21 4.47 3.10 5.36 1 3 1.15 8.24 4.40 3.03 5.45 1 3 1.25 8.26 4.33 2.96 5.55 1 3 1.35 8.27 4.26 2.89 5.64 1 3 1.45 8.29 4.19 2.82 5.74 1 3 1.55 8.30 4.13 2.76 5.83 f°r�1 1 3 1.65 8.31 4.07 2.70 5.93 1 3 1.75 8.32 4.01 2.64 6.02 1 3 1.85 8.32 3.95 2.58 6.12 1 3 1.95 8.33 3.89 2.53 6.21 1 3 2.05 8.33 3.84 2.48 6.31 1 4 2.05 7.79<-- 4.85 3.55 7.55 1 4 2.10 7.86 4.82 3.51 7.59 1 4 2.15 7.92 4.79 3.48 7.64 1 4 2.20 7.98 4.75 3.45 7.69 1 4 2.25 8.03 4.72 3.42 7.74 1 4 2.30 8.07 4.69 3.39 7.78 1 4 2.35 8.11 4.66 3.35 7.83 1 4 2.40 8.14 4.63 3.32 7.88 1 4 2.45 8.17 4.60 3.29 7.93 1 4 2.50 8.19 4.57 3.26 7.97 1 4 2.55 8.21 4.55 3.23 8.02 1 4 2.60 8.23 4.52 3.20 8.07 1 4 2.65 8.25 4.49 3.18 8.12 1 4 2.70 8.26 4.46 3.15 8.16 1 4 2.75 8.27 4.43 3.12 8.21 1 4 2.80 8.28 4.41 3.09 8.26 1 5 2.80 8.28 4.41 3.09 8.26 1 5 2.90 8.18 4.34 3.02 8.34 1 5 3.00 8.08'-' 4.27 2.95 8.42 1 5 3.10 7.98 4.20 2.88 8.50 1 5 3.20 7.88 4.13 2.81 8.57 1 5 3.30 7.79 4.07 2.74 8.65 1 5 3.40 7.70 4.00 2.68 8.73 1 5 3.50 7.62 3.94 2.62 8.81 1 5 3.60 7.53 3.88 2.56 8.89 1 5 3.70 7.45 3.82 2.50 8.97 1 5 3.80 7.38 3.16 2.44 9.05 1 5 3.90 7.30 3.71 2.39 9.13 1 5 4.00 7.23 3.65 2.33 9.21 1 5 4.10 7.16 3.60 2.28 9.29 1 5 4.20 7.10 3.54 2.23 9.36 1 5 4.30 7.03 3.49 2.18 9.44 1 5 4.40 6.97 or 3.44 2.13 9.52 1 6 4.36 6.97-s 3.44 2.13 9.52 1 6 4.41 7.34 3.42 2.12 9.56 1 6 4.46 7.62 3.41 2.11 9.60 1 6 4.51 7.84 3.39 2.10 9.64 1 6 4.56 8.00 3.37 2.09 9.68 1 6 4.61 8.12 3.36 2.08 9.72 1 6 4.66 8.21 3.34 2.06 9.76 1 6 4.71 8.29 3.33 2.05 9.80 1 6 4.76 8.34 3.31 2.04 9.84 1 7 4.74 8.26 3.14 1.90 11.34 1 7 4.84 8.36 3.11 1.89 11.42 1 7 4.94 8.42 3.08 1.87 11.50 1 7 5.04 8.46 3.06 1.85 11.58 1 7 5.14 8.48 3.03 1.84 11.65 1 7 5.24 8.49 3.01 1.82 11.73 1 7 5.34 8.50 2.98 1.80 11.81 1 7 5.44 8.51 2.96 1.79 11.89 1 7 5.54 8.51 2.94 1.77 11.97 1 7 5.64 8.51 2.91 1.76 12.05 1 7 5.74 8.51 2.89 1.74 12.13 1 7 5.84 8.52 2.87 1.73 12.21 1 7 5.94 8.52 2.84 1.71 12.29 1 7 6.04 8.52 2.82 1.70 12.37 1 7 6.14 8.52 2.80 1.68 12.44 1 8 6.12 8.48-- 2.76 1.65 13.04 1 8 6.17 8.49 2.75 1.64 13.08 1 8 6.22 8.50 2.74 1.64 13.12 1 9 6.21 8.21- 4.70 5.28 13.59 1 9 6.26 8.26 4.68 5.25 13.63 1 9 6.31 8.30 4.66 5.22 13.67 1 9 6.36 8.33 4.64 5.20 13.71 1 9 6.41 8.36 4.62 5.17 13.75 1 9 6.46 8.38 4.60 5.14 13.79 1 9 6.51 8.40 4.58 5.12 13.83 1 9 6.56 8.41 4.56 5.09 13.87 1 9 6.61 8.42 4.54 5.07 13.90 1 9 6.66 8.43 4.52 5.04 13.94 1 9 6.71 8.44 4.50 5.01 13.98 1 9 6.76 8.44 4.48 4.99 14.02 1 9 6.81 8.44 4.46 4.96 14.06 2 1 0.00 7.71- 2.04 1.00 11.61 2 1 0.10 8.06 2.03 0.99 11.72 2 1 0.20 8.26 2.01 0.99 11.83 2 1 0.30 8.38 2.00 0.98 11.94 2 1 0.40 8.44 1.99 0.97 12.05 2 1 0.50 8.48 1.98 0.97 12.16 2 1 0.60 8.51 1.97 0.96 12.27 2 1 0.70 8.52 1.96 0.96 12.38 2 1 0.80 8.53, 1.94 0.95 12.49 2 1 0.90 8.53 1.93 0.95 12.60 2 1 1.00 8.53- 1.92 0.94 12.71 2 1 1.10 8.54 1.91 0.93 12.82 2 1 1.20 8.54, 1.90 0.93 12.93 2 1 1.30 8.54 1.89 0.92 13.04 2 1 1.40 8.54 1.88 0.92 13.15 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow C : TOC UM E--1 \TRODRI •• 11Deskto p1L bv4 9. exe -------------------------------------- 'lie End D_0_ is 8.54 mg/1. :be End CBOD is 1.88 mg/l. 'he End NBOD is 0.92 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flog <mg/l) ------ Milepoint Reach # ----- (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) -- <mgd) ---------- egment 1 6.97 4.40 5 Reach 1 60.00 49.50 0.00 0.10000 Reach 2 10.00 9.00 6.00 0.49600 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reachl 4 10.00 9.00 5.00 0.80000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reacli 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 9 60.00 108.00 0.00 0.30000 egment 2 7.71 0.00 1 Reach 1 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00490 C 1DOCUM E-• 11TRODRI-11Deskto p1L bv49. exe ------------------------------------- 'he End D_0_ is 8.54 mg/1- 'lie End CBOD is 1.88 mg/l. 'he End NBOD is 0.92 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # -- <mg/1> ---- (mg/l> ---- (mg/1) (mgd) -- egment 1 7.01 4.40 5 Reach 1 60.00 49.50 0.00 0.10000 Reach 2 10.00 9.00 6.00 0.25000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 10.00 9.00 5.00 0.80000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 9 60.00 108.00 4.50 0.30000 egment 2 7.71 0.00 1 Reach 1 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00490 - C:IDOCU1Y16.11TRODRI.11Desktop\Lbv49.exe End D.0_ is 8.54 my/l. End CBOD is 1.88 mg/l. End NBOD is 0.92 my/ L ULN ULR ULB DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (my/1) Milepoint Reach it (my/1) <mg/1) ---- (my/1) -- (mgd) ---------- egment 1 7.03 4.40 5 Reach 1 60.00 49.50 0.00 0.10000 Reach 2 10.00 9.00 6.00 0.12500 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 10.00 9.00 5.00 0.80000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 9 60.00 108.00 0.00 0.30000 egment 2 7.71 0.00 1 Reach 1 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00490 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** ju scharger : TWSA Subbasin 031302 .eiving Stream : HORSEPASTURE RIVER Stream Class: C TR L..ammer 7Q10 : 2.0 Winter 7Q10 : 3.0 Design Temperature: 23.0 LENGTH SLOPE VELOCITY DEPTH Kd Kd Ka Ka KN ------------ mile ------------------------------------------------------------------- ft/mi fps I ft design I @20° I design @20° design Segment 1 0.15 24.00 0.213 0.84 0.34 0.30 9.80 9.18 0.63 Reach 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment 1 A.43 24.00 0.235 0.87 0.35 0.30 10.83 10.14 0.63 Reach 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment 1 1.67 24.00 0.294 1.07 0.35 0.31 13.57 12.71 0.63 Reach 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment 1 0.75 24.00 0.364 1.17 0.37 0.32 16.81 15.74 0.63 Reach 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gment 1 1.60 0.50 0.124 2.13 0.24 0.21 0.12 0.11 0.38 Reach 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment 1 0.44 87.00 0.571 1.04 0.61 0.53 53.37 50.00 0.63 Reach 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment 1 1.42 87.00 0.627 1.10 0.62 0.54 53.37 50.00 0.63 Reach 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment 1 0.12 84.00 0.642 1.15 0.62 0.54 53.37 50.00 0.63 Reach 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment 1 0.61 84.00 0.665 1.16 0.62 0.54 53.37 50.00 0.63 Reach 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment 2 1.49 84.00 0.607 1.17 0.59 0.51 53.37 50.00 0.63 Reach 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flow CBOD NBOD D.O. cfs mg/l mg/l mg/1 Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 0.155 60.000 '49.500 0.000 Headwaters 2.000 2.000 1.000 7.720 Tributary 0.000 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 0.950 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 0.194 10.000 9.000 6.000 Tributary 0.000 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 0.950 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tributary 1.340 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 0.950 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 1 Reach 4 Waste 1.240 10.000 9.000 5.000 Tributary 0.000 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 0.950 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 1 Reach 5 Waste 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tributary 0.000 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 0.790 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 1 Reach 6 Waste 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tributary 0.000 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 0.790 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 1 Reach 7 Waste 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tributary 1.500 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 0.790 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 1 Reach 8 Waste 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tributary 0.600 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 0.790 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 1 Reach 9 Waste 0.465 60.000 0.000 Tributary 0.000 2.000 1 1108.000 1.000 7.720 1 * Runoff 0.790 2.000 1.000 7.720 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste 0.008 60.000 0.000 0.000 Headwaters 11.600 2.000 1.000 7.720 Tributary 0.000 2.000 1.000 7.720 * Runoff 1.100 2.000 1.000 7.720 Wo- Pr 77� S � ,, I ,Q 1 miZ C --- -_._ �3 OS ot s sc nil 5 v a a-0. • w nc' `a ,, ACID � l9 /ro g,)v6u Slow R-0 w S �-�rc�l1•�= U .�� fLo Le\ SAVANNAH RIVER BASIN Name of Stream Subbasin Stream Index Number Map Number Class Holly Branch SAVOI 3-4-1 G06SW9 C:+ Hor - - r:+ f1 Horsepasture River SAV02 4-13-(12.75) G07SW1 B-Tr, ORW F Horeepasture River (Lupton Lake, Sapphire Lake) SAV02 4-13-(0.5) G06SE1 C;Tr_+ LLL.....� _India" n Creek SAV02 4-5- 3 G07NWS C;Tr- Indian Creek (Indian Lake) SAV02 4-5-(1) G07NW8 B;Tr Intake Branch SAV02 4-13-4-(1) G06SE2 C;HQW:+ Intake Branch SAV02 4-13-4-(2) G06SE2 C;Tr:+ Jacks Creek SAVOI 3-10-1 G06SE8 B;Tr James Creek SAV02 4-13-12 G07SWI C:+ Laurel Creek SAV02 4-13-1 G06NES C;Tr:+ Little Creek SAVOI 3-10-3-3 G06SWO C;Tr,ORW Little Creek SAV02 4-9-4 G07SE1 C;Tr Little Hogback Creek SAV02 4-13-8 G06NE9 C;Tr:+ Little Whitewater Creek SAV02 4-14-2 G06SE5 C;Tr,HQW Logan Creek SAV02 4-13-3 G06NE8 C;Tr:+ Long Branch SAV02 4-13-5-2 G06NE8 C;HQW:+ Maple Spring Branch SAV02 4-8-1 G07SW3 C Mill Creek SAV02 4-2 G07NW7 B;Tr Mill Creek SAV02 4-9-4-1 G07SE1 C;Tr Mud Creek SAV02 4-13-6 G06NE9 Ca+ Nicholson Licklog Creek SAVOI 3-8-1 G06SE7 C:+ Nix Creek SAV02 4-13-7 G06SE3 C:+ Norton Branch SAV01 3-10-3-4 G06SW9 C;ORW Norton Mill Creek SAV01 3-3 G06SW6 C;Tr:+ Overflow Creek SAVOI 3-10-2 G06SW7 C;Tr,ORW Panther Branch SAV02 4-6 G07SW2 C Reid Branch SAV02 4-14-6-1 G07SW4 C;Tr Right Prong Logan Creek SAV02 4-13-3-2 G06NEB C;Tr:+ Rochester Creek SAV02 4-13-2 G06SE2 C;Tr:+ Rock Creek SAV02 4-10 G07SE4 C Rock Creek SAV02 4-13-11 G07NW7 C;Tr:+ Sassafras Branch SAV01 3-11-5 G04SE8 C;Tr Scotsman Creek SAV01 3-7 G06SE7 C;Tr,ORW Silver Run Creek SAV02 4-14-1 G06SE5 C;Tr Talley Mill Creek SAV01 3-30-3-5 G06SW8 C;ORW Thompson River SAV02 4-14-6 G06SE3 C;Tr Tom Branch SAVOI 3-10-2-3-3-1 G06SW7 B Toxaway Creek SAV02 4-9 G07SE1 C;Tr TOXAWAY RIVER SAV02 4-(4) G07SW2 C TOXAWAY RIVER (Lake Toxaway) SAV02 4-(1) G07NW7 B;Tr Trays Island Creek SAV02 4-13-5-(1) G06NE9 C;HQW:+ Trays Island Creek SAV02 4-13-5-(4) G06SE3 C:+ Trays Island Creek (Fairfield Lake) SAV02 4-13-5-(3) G06NES B:+ Tullulah River SAVOI 3-11 G04SES C;Tr Waddle Branch SAV02 4-14-4 G06SE6 C;Tr,HQW Water Spout Branch SAVOI 3-11-4 G04SES C;Tr Wateroak Creek (Whiteoak Creek) SAVOI 3-11-2 G04SE8 C;Tr Webb Branch SAVOI 3-10-2-2-1 GOSSE9 C;ORW West Fork Overflow Creek SAVOI 3-10-2-2 GOSSE9 C;Tr,ORW Whitewater River SAV02 4-14-(0.5) G06SE5 C;Tr Whitewater River SAV02 4-14-(1.5) G06SE5 C;Tr,HQW Wild Hog Creek SAV02 4-15-1 G07SE5 B;Tr Page 2 of 2 2013-12-19 11:16:09 NC DENR - DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY .0303 SAVANNAH RIVER BASIN Name of Stream Description Class TOXAWAY RIVER From Dam at Lake Toxaway C Estates, Inc. to North Carolina -South Carolina State Line Indian Creek (Indian Lake) From source to Dam at B;Tr Indian Lake Estates Recreation Lake Blue Ridge Lake Entire lake and connecting B;Tr stream to Indian Lake, Indian Creek Indian Creek From Dam at Indian Lake C;Tr Estates Recreation Lake to Toxaway River Panther Branch From source to Toxaway River C Bearwallow Creek From source to a point 2.3 C;Tr:O miles upstream of mouth Bearwallow Creek From a point 2.3 miles C;Tr,HQW upstream of mouth to Toxaway River Auger Fork Creek Maple Spring Branch Toxaway Creek Devils Hole Creek Ann Creek Aiken Creek Little Creek Mill Creek Frozen Creek (Frozen Lake) Rock Creek Bearpen Creek Cobb Creek From source to Toxaway River C;Tr From source to Auger Fork C Creek From source to Toxaway River C;Tr From source to Toxaway Creek C;Tr From source to Toxaway Creek C;Tr From source to Toxaway Creek C;Tr From source to Toxaway Creek C;Tr From source to Little Creek C;Tr From source to Toxaway Creek C;Tr North Carolina Portion C From source to Rock Creek C;Tr From source to North C;Tr Carolina -South Carolina State Line Bear Creek From source to North C;Tr Carolina -South Carolina Horsepasture River (Lupton State Line From source to N.C. Hwy.GD Lake, Sapphire Lake) 281 (Bohaynee Road) Laurel Creek From source to Lupton Lake, C;Tr:+ Horsepasture River Rochester Creek From source to Horsepasture C;Tr:+ River Logan Creek From source to Horsepasture C;Tr:+ River Flatwood Branch From source to Logan Creek C;Tr:+ Right Prong Logan Creek From source to Logan Creek C;Tr:+ Page 3 of 5 2B .0300 Class Date Index No. 07/01/61 4-(4) 09/01/74 4-5-(1) 09/01/74 4-5-2 07/01/73 4-5-(3) 07/01/61 4-6 02/01/93 4-7-(1) 08/01/90 4-7-(2) 07/01/73 4-8 07/01/61 4-8-1 07/01/73 4-9 07/01/73 4-9-1 07/01/73 4-9-2 07/01/73 4-9-3 07/01/73 4-9-4 07/01/73 4-9-4-1 07/01/73 4-9-5 07/01/61 4-10 07/01/73 4-10-1 07/01/73 4-11 07/01/73 4-12 07/01/09 4-13-(0.5) 07/01/09 4-13-1 07/01/09 4-13-2 07/01/09 4-13-3 07/01/09 4-13-3-1 07/01/09 4-13-3-2 2013-12-09 10:51:12 NC DENR - DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY .0303 SAVANNAH RIVER BASIN Class Name of Stream Description Class Date Index No. Intake Branch From source to Sapphire C;HQW:+ 07/01/09 4-13-4-(1) Valley Inn Water Supply Intake Intake Branch From Sapphire Valley Inn C;Tr:+ 07/01/09 4-13-4-(2) Water Supply Intake to Horsepasture River Trays Island Creek From source to Camp C;HQW:+ 07/01/09 4-13-5-(1) Merrie-Woods Water Supply Intake Long Branch From source to Trays Island C;HQW:+ 07/01/09 4-13-5-2 Creek Trays Island Creek From Camp Merrie-Woods B:+ 07/01/09 4-13-5-(3) (Fairfield Lake) Water Supply Intake to Dam at Fairfield Lake Trays Island Creek From Dam at Fairfield Lake C:+ 07/01/09 4-13-5-(4) to Horsepasture River Mud Creek From source to Horsepasture C:+ 07/01/09 4-13-6 River Nix Creek From source to Sapphire C:+ 07/01/09 4-13-7 Lake, Horsepasture River Little Hogback Creek From source to Horeepasture C;Tr:+ 07/01/09 4-13-8 River Hogback Creek From source to Horsepasture C;Tr:+ 07/01/09 4-13-9 River Burlingame Creek From source to Horsepasture C:+ 07/01/09 4-13-10 River Rock Creek From source to Horsepasture C;Tr:+ 07/01/09 4-13-11 River James Creek From source to Horsepasture C:+ 07/01/09 4-13-12 River Horsepasture River From N.C. Hwy. 281 B;Tr:+ 07/01/09 4-13-(12.5) (Bohaynee Road) to a point approximately 0.60 mile downstream of N.C. Hwy. 281 Horsepasture River From a point approximately B;Tr,ORW 07/01/09 4-13-(12.75) 0.60 mile downstream of N.C. Hwy. 281 (Bohaynee Road) t0 NC -SC state line Bearcamp Creek From source to North C;Tr 07/01/73 4-13-13 Carolina -South Carolina State Line Whitewater River From source to Little C;Tr 07/01/61 4-14-(0.5) Whitewater Creek Silver Run Creek From source to Whitewater C;Tr 07/01/73 4-14-1 River 2B .0300 Page 4 of 2013-12-09 10:51:12 NC DENR- DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY .0303 SAVANNAH RIVER BASIN 2B .0300 Class Name of Stream Description Class Date Index No. Whitewater River From Little Whitewater C;Tr,HQW 08/01/90 4-14-(1.5) Creek to North Carolina -South Carolina State Line Little Whitewater Creek From source to Whitewater C;Tr,HQW 08/01/90 4-14-2 River Democrat Creek From source to Whitewater C;Tr,HQW 08/01/90 4-14-3 River Waddle Branch From source to Whitewater C;Tr,HQW 08/01/90 4-14-4 River Corbin Creek From source to Whitewater C;Tr,HQW 06/01/90 4-14-5 River Thompson River From source to North C;Tr 07/01/73 4-14-6 Carolina -South Carolina State Line Reid Branch From source to Thompson C;Tr 07/01/73 4-14-6-1 River Coley Creek From source to North C;Tr 07/01/73 4-14-6-2 Carolina -South Carolina State Line Eastatoe Creek From source to North B;Tr 03/01/77 4-15 Carolina -South Carolina State Line Wild Hog Creek From source to North B;Tr 03/01/77 4-15-1 Carolina -South Carolina State Line Dogwood Creek From source to North B;Tr 03/01/77 4-15-2-1 Carolina -South Carolina State Line @ This symbol identifies waters that are subject to the management strateggy specified in 15A NCAC 26 .0201, applied to High Quality Waters (HdW), in order to protect downstream waters. + This symbol identifies waters that are subject to a special management strategy specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0225 the Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) rule, in order to protect downstream waters designated as ORW. Note: "CA" means critical area. Page 5 of 2013-12-09 10:51:12 any chemical or whole effluent toxicity allocation. The limit for a specific chemical constituent shall be allocated at one-half of the normal standard at design conditions. Whole effluent toxicity shall be allocated to protect for chronic toxicity at an effluent concentration equal to twice that which is acceptable under design conditions. In all instances there may be no acute toxicity in an effluent concentration of 90 percent. Ammonia toxicity shall be evaluated according to EPA guidelines promulgated in "Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia - 1984"; EPA document number 440/5-85-001; NITS number PB85-227114; July 29,1985 (50 FR 30784) or "Ambient Water Quality Criteria forAmmonia (Saltwater) - 1989'; EPA document number440/5-88-004; NPIS number P1389-169825. This material related to ammonia toxicity is hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments and editions and is available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Library, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161 at a cost of forty-seven dollars ($47.00). (c) All expanded NPDES wastewater discharges in High Quality Waters shall be required to provide the treatment described in Sub -Item (I)(b) of this Rule, except for those existing discharges which expand with no increase in permitted pollutant loading. (2) Development activities which require an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan in accordance with rules established by the NC Sedimentation Control Commission or local erosion and sedimentation control program approved in accordance with 15A NCAC 4B .0218, and which drain to and are within one mile of High Quality Waters (HQW) shall be required to follow the stormwater management rules as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1000. Stormwater management requirements specific to HQW are described in 15ANCAC 2H .1006. (3) Listing of Waters Classified HQW with Speck Actions. Waters classified as HQW with specificactions to protect exceptional water quality are listed as follows: Thorpe Reservoir [Little Tennessee River Basin, Index No.2-79-23-(1)] including all of its tributaries shall be managed with respect to wastewaterdschages through Item (1) of this Rule. Item (2) of this Rule shall not be applied in association with this HQW because ofthe local government implementation of WS-III stormwatermanagement requirements. If an applicant objects to the requirements to protect high quality waters and believes degradation is necessary to accommodate important social and economic development, the applicant may contest these requirements according to the provisions ofGS. 143-215.1(e)and 15013-23. History Note: Authority G.S.143-214.1; 143-215.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); Ef' October 1, 1995; AmendedE�'August 1, 1998; April 1, 1996. �' J.y7 S�gD Ct1rr> 15A NCAC 02B .0225 OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (a) General. In addition to the existing classifications, the Commission may classify unique and special surface watersofthe state as outstanding resource waters (ORW) upon finding that such waters are of exceptional state or national recreationalor ecological significance and that the waters have exceptional water quality while meeting the following conditions: (1) that the waterquality is rated as excellent based on physical, chemical orbiological information; (2) the characteristics which make these waters unique and special may not be protected by the assigned narrative and numerical water quality standards. (b) Outstanding Resource Values. In order to be classified as ORW, a water body must exhibit one or more of the following values or uses to demonstrate it is of exceptional state or national recreational or ecological significance: (1) there are outstanding fish (or commercially important aquatic species) habitat and fisheries; (2) there is an unusually high level of water -based recreation or the potential for such recreation; (3) the waters have already received some special designation such as a North Carolina or National W ildand Scenic River, Native or Special Native Trout Waters or National Wildlife Refuge, which do notpmvlde any water quality protection; (4) the waters represent an important component of a state or national park or forest; or (5) the waters are of special ecological or scientific significance such as habitat for rare or endangetedspecies or as areas for research and education. (c) Quality Standards for ORW. (1) Freshwater: Water quality conditions shall be maintained to protect the outstanding resource values of waters classified ORW. Management strategies to protect resource values shall be developed on a site specific basis during the proceedings to classify waters as ORW. No new discharges or expansions of existing discharges shall be permitted, and stormwater controls for all new development activities requtarg an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan in accordance with rules established by the NC Sedimentation Control Commission oran appropriate local erosion and sedimentation control program shall berequired to follow the stormwater provisions as specified in 15A NCAC 02H .1000. Specific stormwaterrequi events for ORW areas are described in 15A NCAC 02H .1007. (2) Saltwater: Water quality conditions shall be maintained to protect the outstanding resource values of waters classified ORW. Management strategies to protect resource values shall be developed on a site -specific basis during the proceedings to classify waters as ORW. New development shaflcorrplywith the stormwater provisions as specified in 15A NCAC 02H .1000. Specific stormwater management requirements for saltwater ORW s are described in 15A NCAC 02H .1007. New non -discharge pemus shall meet reduced loading rates and increased buffer zones, to be determined on a case -by -case basis. No dredge or fill activities shall be allowed if those activities would result in a reduction of the beds of submerged aquatic vegetation or a reduction of shellfish producing habitat as defined in 15A NCAC 031 .0101(b)(20)(A) and (B), except for maintenance dredging, such as that required to maintain access to existing channels and facilities located within the designated areas or maintenance dredging for activities such as agriculture. A public hearing is mandatory for any proposed permits to discharge to waters classified as ORW. Additional actions to protect resource values shall be considered on a site specific basis during the proceedings to classily waters as ORW and shall be specified in Paragraph (e) ofthis Rule. These actions may include anything withinthepovvmof the Commission. The Commission shall also consider local actions which have been taken to protect a water body in determining the appropriate state protection options. Descriptions of boundaries of waters classified as ORW areincLded'in Paragraph (e) of this Rule and in the Schedule of Classifications (15A NCAC 02B.0302 through 02B.0317) as specified forthe appropriate river basin and shall also be described on maps maintained by the Division of Water Quality. (d) Petition Process. Any person may petition the Commission to classify a surface water ofthe state as an ORW. The petition shall identify the exceptional resource value to be protected, address how the water body meets the genetalcriteria in Paragraph (a) of this Rule, and the suggested actions to protect the resource values. The Commission may requestaddltional supporting information from the petitioner. The Commission or its designee shall initiate public proceedings to classify waters as ORW or shall inform the petitioner that the waters do not meet the criteria for ORW with an explanation ofthebasis forths decision. The petition shall be sent to: Director DENR/Divis ion of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 The envelope containing the petition shall clearly bear the notation: RULE -MAKING PETITION FOR ORW CLASSIFICATION. (e) Listing of Waters Classified ORW with Specific Actions. Waters classified as ORW with specific actions to protect exceptional resource values are listed as follows: (1) Roosevelt Natural Area [White Oak River Basin, Index Nos.20-36-9.5-(1) and 20-36-9.5-(2)] including all fresh and saline waters within the property boundaries of the natural area shall have onlynewdevebpnem which complies with the low density option in the stormwaterrules as specified in 15ANYAC2H.1005(2xa) within 575 feet of the Roosevelt Natural Area (if the development site naturally drains to the Roosevelt Natural Area); (2) Chattooga River ORW Area (Little Tennessee River Basin and Savannah River Drainage Area): the following undesignated waterbodies that are tributary to ORW designated segments shall comply with Paragraph (c) of this Rule in order to protect the designated waters as per Rule .0203 of this Section. However, expansions of existing discharges to these segments shall be allowed if there is no increase in pollutant loading: (A) North and South Fowler Creeks; (B) Green and Norton Mill Creeks; (C) Cane Creek; (D) Ammons Branch; (E) Glade Creek; and (F) Associated tributaries; (3) Henry Fork ORW Area (Catawba River Basin): the following undesignated waterbodies thatamtrbutary to ORW designated segments shall comply with Paragraph (c) of this Rule in order to protect the designated waters as per Rule .0203 of this Section: (A) Ivy Creek; (B) Rock Creek; and (C) Associated tributaries; (4) South Fork New and New Rivers ORW Area [New River Basin (IndexNos. 10-1-33.5 and 10)]: the following management strategies, in addition to the discharge requirements specified in Subparagraph (c)(1) of this Rule, shall be applied to protect the designated ORW areas: (A) Stormwater controls described in Subparagraph (c)(1) of this Rule shall apply to land within one mile of and that drains to the designated ORW areas; (B) New or expanded NPDES permitted wastewater discharges located upstream of the designated ORW (for the North Fork New River ORW are see Subparagraph (14) of this Paragraph) shall be permitted such that the following water quality standards are maintained in the ORW segment: (i) the total volume of treated wastewater for all upstream discharges combined shall not exceed 50 percent of the total instream flow in the designated ORW under 7Q10 conditions, which are defined in Rule .0206(a)(1) of this Section; (ii) a safety factor shall be applied to any chemical allocation such that the effluent limitation for a specific chemical constituent shall be the more stringent of either the limitation allocated under design conditions (pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0206) for the normal standard at the point of discharge, or the limitation allocated under design conditions for one-half the normal standard at the upstream border of the ORW segment; (iii) a safety factor shall be applied to any discharge of complex wastewater (those containing or potentially containing toxicants) to protect for chronic toxicity in the ORW segment by setting the whole effluent toxicity limitation at the higher (more stringent) percentage effluent determined under design conditions (pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0206) for either the instream effluent concentration at the point of discharge or twice the effluent concentration calculated as if the discharge were at the upstream border of the ORW segment; (C) New or expanded NPDES permitted wastewater discharges located upstream of the designated ORW (for the North Fork New River ORW area; see Subparagraph (14) of this Paragraph) shall comply with the following: (i) Oxygen Consuming Wastes: Effluent limitations shall be as follows: BOD = 5 nig/l,and NH3-N = 2 mg/I; (ii) Total Suspended Solids: Discharges of total suspended solids (TSS) shall be limitedto effluent concentrations of 10 mg/1 for trout waters and to 20 mg/1 for all other waters; (iii) Emergency Requirements: Failsafe treatment designs shall be employed, including stand-by power capability for entire treatment works, dual train design for all treatment components, or equivalent failsafe treatment designs; (iv) Nutrients: Where nutrient overenrichment is projected to be a concern, effluent limitations shall be set for phosphorus or nitrogen, or both; (5) Old Field Creek (New River Basin): the undesignated portion of Old Field Creek (from its source to Call Creek) shall comply with Paragraph (c) of this Rule in order to protect the designated waters as per Rule .0203 of this Section; (6) In the following designated waterbodies, no additional restrictions shall be placed on new or expanded marinas. The only new or expanded NPDES permitted discharges that shall be allowed shall be non -domestic, non -process industrial discharges. The Alligator River Area (Pasquotank River Basin) extending from the source of the Alligator River to the U.S. Highway 64 bridge including New Lake Fork, North West Fork Alligator River, Juniper Creek, Southwest Fork Alligator River, Scouts Bay, Gum Neck Creek, Georgia Bay, Winn Bay, Stumpy Creek Bay, Stumpy Creek, Swann Creek (Swann Creek Lake), Whipping Creek (Whipping Creek Lake), Grapevine Bay, Rattlesnake Bay, The Straits, The Frying Pan, Coopers Creek, Babbitt Bay, Goose Creek, Milltail Creek, Boat Bay, Sandy Ridge Gut (Sawyer Lake) and Second Creek, but excluding the Intracoastal Waterway (Pungo River -Alligator River Canal) and all other tributary streams and canals; (7) In the following designated waterbodies, the only type of new or expanded marina that shall be allowed shall be those marinas located in upland basin areas, or those with less than 10 slips, having no boats over 21 feet in length and no boats with heads. The only new or expanded NPDES permitted discharges that shall be allowed shall be non -domestic, non -process industrial discharges: (A) The Northeast Swanquarter Bay Area including all waters northeast of a line from a point at Lat. 35E 23N 510 and Long. 76E 21N 020 thence southeast along the Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge hunting closure boundary (as defined by the 1935 Presidential Proclamation) to Drum Point. (B) The Neuse-Southeast Pamlico Sound Area (Southeast Pamlico Sound Section of the Southeast Pamlico, Core and Back Sound Area); (Meuse River Basin) including all waters within an area defined by a line extending from the southern shore of Ocracoke Inlet northwest to the Tar -Pamlico River and Neuse River basin boundary, then southwest to Ship Point. (C) The Core Sound Section of the Southeast Pamlico, Core and Back Sound Area (White Oak River Basin), including all waters of Core Sound and its tributaries, but excluding Nelson Bay,I11&Port Branch and Atlantic Harbor at its mouth, and those tributaries of Jarrett Bay that are closed to shellfishing. (D) The Western Bogue Sound Section of the Western Bogue Sound and Bear Island Area (White Oak River Basin) including all waters within an area defined by a line from Bogue Inlet to the mainland at SR 1117 to a line across Bogue Sound from the southwest side of Gales C1eektoRock Point, including Taylor Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway. (E) The Stump Sound Area (Cape Fear River Basin) including all waters of Stump SoundandAMgator Bay from marker Number 17 to the western end of Permuda Island, but excluding Rogers Bay,the Kings Creek Restricted Area and Mill Creek. (F) The Topsail Sound and Middle Sound Area (Cape Fear River Basin) including all estuarinewaters from New Topsail Inlet to Mason Inlet, including the Intracoastal Waterway and HovAeQcek,but excluding Pages Creek and Futch Creek; (8) In the following designated waterbodies, no new or expanded NPDES permitted discharges andonly newor expanded marinas with less than 10 slips, having no boats over 21 feet in length and no boats with heads shall be allowed: (A) The Swanquarter Bay and Juniper Bay Area (Tar -Pamlico River Basin) including allwatersw1hina line beginning at Juniper Bay Point and running south and then west below Great Island, then northwest to Shell Point and including Shell Bay, Swanquarter and Juniper Bays and their tributaries, but excluding all waters northeast of a line from a point at Lat. 35E 23N 510 and Long. 76E21N 020 thence southeast along the Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge hunting closure boundary (as defined by the 1935 Presidential Proclamation) to Drum Point and also exvludingthe Blowout Canal, Hydeland Canal, Juniper Canal and Quarter Canal. (B) The Back Sound Section of the Southeast Pamlico, Core and Back Sound Area (White OakRiver Basin) including that area of Back Sound extending from Core Sound west along Shackleford Banks, then north to the western most point of Middle Marshes and along the northwestshoreof Middle Marshes (to include all of Middle Marshes), then west to Rush Point on Harker's Island, and along the southern shore of Harkees Island back to Core Sound. (C) The Bear Island Section of the Western Bogue Sound and Bear Island Area (White Oak River Basin) including all waters within an area defined by a line from the western most point on Bear Island to the northeast mouth of Goose Creek on the mainland, east to the southwest mouth of Queen Creek, then south to green marker No. 49, then northeast to the northern most point on Huggins Island, then southeast along the shoreline of Huggins Island to the southeastern Trost point of Huggins Island, then south to the northeastern most point on Dudley Island, then southwest along the shoreline of Dudley Island to the eastern tip of Bear Island. (D) The Masonboro Sound Area (Cape Fear River Basin) including all waters between the Barrier Islands and the mainland from Carolina Beach Inlet to Masonboro Inlet; (9) Black and South Rivers ORW Area (Cape Fear River Basin) [IndexNos. 18-68-(0.5), 18-68-(3.5),18{8{114 18-68-12-(0.5), 18-68-12-(11.5), and 18-68-2]: the following management strategies, in addition to the discharge requirements specified in Subparagraph (c)(1) of this Rule, shall be applied to protect the designated ORW areas: (A) Stormwater controls described in Subparagraph (c)(1) of this Rule shall apply to land within one mile of and that drains to the designated ORW areas; (B) New or expanded NPDES permitted wastewater discharges located one mile upstreamofthestream segments designated ORW (upstream on the designated mainstem and upstream into direct tributaries to the designated mainstem) shall comply with the following discharge restrictions: (i) Oxygen Consuming Wastes: Effluent limitations shall be as follows: BOD = 5 mg/l and NH3-N = 2 mg/l; (ii) Total Suspended Solids: Discharges of total suspended solids (TSS) shall be limited to effluent concentrations of 20 mg/1; (iii) Emergency Requirements: Fallsafe treatment designs shall be employed, including stand-by power capability for entire treatment works, dual train design for all treatment components, or equivalent failsafe treatment designs; (iv) Nutrients: Where nutrient overenrichment is projected to be a concern, effluent limitations shall be set for phosphorus or nitrogen, or both. (v) Toxic substances: In cases where complex discharges (those containing or potentially containing toxicants) may be currently present in the discharge, a safety factor shallbe applied to any chemical or whole effluent toxicity allocation. The limit for a specific chemical constituent shall be allocated at one-half of the normal standard at design conditions. Whole effluent toxicity shall be allocated to protect for chronic to*hyatan effluent concentration equal to twice that which is acceptable under flow design criteria (pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0206); (10) Lake Waccamaw ORW Area (Lumber River Basin) [lndexNo. 15-2]: all undesignated waterbodies thatare tributary to Lake Waccamaw shall comply with Paragraph (c) of this Rule in order to protect thedesignated waters as per Rule .0203 of this Section; (11) Swift Creek and Sandy Creek ORW Area (Tar -Pamlico River Basin) [portion of IndexNo. 28-78-(0.5) and IndexNo. 28-78-1-(19)1: all undesignated waterbodies that drain to the designated waters shallcomplywith Paragraph (c) of this Rule in order to protect the designated waters as per Rule .0203 of this Section andto protect outstanding resource values found in the designated waters as well as in the undesignatedv&m that drain to the designated waters; (12) Fontana Lake North Shore ORW Area (Little Tennessee River Basin and Savannah River Drainage Area) [IndexNos. 2-96 through 2-164 (excluding all waterbodies that drain to the south shore of Fontana Lake) consists of the entire watersheds of all creeks that drain to the north shore of Fontana Lake be %wm Eagle and Forney Creeks, including Eagle and Forney Creeks. In addition to the requirements specified in Subparagraph (c)(1) of this Rule, any person conducting development activity disturbing greater than or equal to 5,000 square feet of land area in the designated ORW area shall undertake the following actions to protect the outstanding resource values of the designated ORW and downstream waters: (A) investigate for the presence of and identify the composition of acid -producing rocks by exploratory drilling or other means and characterize the net neutralization potential of the acid - producing rocks prior to commencing the land -disturbing activity; (B) avoid areas to the maximum extent practical where acid -producing rocks are found with net neutralization potential of-5 or less; (C) establish background levels of acidity and mineralization prior to commencing land -disturbing activity, and monitor and maintain baseline water quality conditions for the duration of the land - disturbing activity and for any period thereafter not less than two years as determined by the Division as part of a certification issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0500 or stormwater permit issued pursuant to this Rule; (D) obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for construction pursuantto Rule 15A NCAC 02H .0126 prior to initiating land -disturbing activity; Lc: wiII nQe P4^F— (E) design stomtwater control systems to control and treat stormwater runoff generated from all surfaces generated by one inch of rainfall in accordance with 15A NCACO2H. 1008; and (F) replicate pre -development mnoff characteristics and mimic the natural and unique hydrology of the site, post development; Horscpasture River ORW Area (Savannah Drainage Area) [Index No. 4-13-(0.5) and Index No. 4-13{125)]: all undesignated waterbodies that are located within the Horsepasture River watershed shall comply with Paragraph (c) of this Rule in orderto protect the designated waters as per Rule .0203 of this Sectionandto protect outstanding resource values found throughout the watershed. However, new domestirwastewater discharges and expansions of existing wastewater discharges may be allowed provided that: (A) Oxygen Consuming Wastes: Effluent limitations shall beasfollows: BOD=5mg/Landl'- N=2 mg/1; (B) Total Suspended Solids: Discharges of total suspended solids (TSS) shall be limited to effluent concentrations of 10 mg/1 for trout waters and to 20 mg/I for a0 other waters except for mining operations, which will be held to their respective NPDES TSS permit limits; (C) Nutrients: Where nutrient overenrichment is projected to be a concern, effluent limitations shall e set for phosphorus or nitrogen, or both; and (D) Volume: he total volume of treated wastewater for all discha es combined shall not eweed25 -reMMrof the total instream flow in the designated under conditions, which are (14) North Fork New River ORW Area (New River Basin) pndexNos.10-2-(1),10-2-(11)and 10.2-(12)I:al1non- ORW waterbodies including Little Buffalo Creek and Claybank Creek [Index Nos. 10-2-20-1 and 10-229-1-1] that are located within the North Fork New River watershed shall comply with Rule .0224 of this Section in order to protect the ORW designated waters. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214. 1; S.L. 2005-9 7, Eff October 1, 1995; Amended Eff. August 1, 2003 (see S.L. 2003433, s.2); August 1, 2000; April 1, 1996; Janumy 1, 1996; Temporary Amendment Eff. October 7, 2003; Amended Eff December 1, 2010; July 1, 2009; January 1, 2007; June 1, 2004. 15A NCAC 02B .0226 EXEMPTIONS FROM SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS Variances from applicable standards, revisions to water quality standards or site -specific water quality standards may be granted by the Commission on a case -by -case basis pursuant to G.S. 143-215.3(e), 143-214.3 or 143-214.1. A listing ofexisting variances shall be maintained and made available to the public by the Division. Exemptions established pursuant to this Rule shall be reviewed as part of the Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards conducted pursuant to 40 CFR 131.10(g). HistoryNote: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-214.3; 143-215.3(e); Eff. October 1, 1995. 15A NCAC 02B .0227 WATER QUALITYMANAGE"ENT PLANS (a) In implementing the water quality standards to protect the existing uses [as defined by Rule .0202 of this Section] ofthe waters of the state or the water quality which supports those uses, the Commission shall develop water quality managenrnt plans on a priority basis to attain, maintain or enhance water quality throughout the state. Additional speci0cactions deerred necessary by the Commission to protect the water quality or the existing uses of the waters of the state shall be specifiedin Paragraph (b) of this Rule. These actions may include anything within the powers of the Commission. The Comrissionrmy also consider local actions which have been taken to protect a waterbody in determining the appropriate protection optionsto be incorporated into the water quality management plan. (b) All waters determined by the Commission to be protected by a water quality management plan are listed with specific actions as follows: The Lockwoods Folly RiverArea (Lumber River Basin), which includes all waters of the lower Lockwoods Folly River in an area extending north from the Intracoastal Waterway to a line extending from Genoes Point to Mullet Creek, shallbepmtected by the specific actions described in Subparagraphs (1) through (5) ofthis Paragraph. z1j•o225 �eyvlrirNGrlfi ORvv Se9rnc4vt � McGill A S S O C I A T E S February 7, 2014 f yr GiiJCLrgr�e� fo ti5�s��4�{�,•� R✓�► dl1P' �1rOJi S /Q10 USES � YCS ELVE FEB 1 4 7014 Mr. Tom Belnick, Supervisor Division of Water Quality Z�1$/zvlY — p� vt� �fa wS L �yo ✓�'! NPDES Unit (,►yy`� Ti 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 - 1617 RE: Request for Speculative Limits Cashiers Area Wastewater Treatment Plant Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority Jackson County, North Caro�lina Dear Mr.Belnick: / V(t0Y)(44 G\l`(� — }"S)h The Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority (TWSA) is considering the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant along the Horsepasture River to serve the greater Cashiers area. As part of the due diligence in selecting an appropriate site, and on behalf of the Authority, McGill Associates is respectfully requesting speculative NPDES permit limits for the site identified on the enclosed quad sheet. The coordinates for the discharge are 35°-07'-46"N, 83°-04'-00"W. Preliminary evaluations have determined a phased approach is most suitable; therefore we would like to receive speculative limits for 0.125 million gallons per day (MGD), 0.250 MGD, and 0.496 MGD at the location shown. Thank you in advance for your assistance on this project. If you have any questions or need additional information please don't hesitate to contact me at 828-252-0575. Sincerely, MCGTLL ASSTES, P.A. BB U iCK N&E R, PE Project Manager Enclosure cc: Dan Harbaugh, Executive Director, TWSA (w/enclosure) Landon Davidson, Environmental Regional Supervisor, NCDWR-ARO Jeff Menzel, Environmental Specialist, NCDWR-ARO Mike Waresak, P.E., Senior Project Manager, McGill Associates p:\2011\11.00424\letters\tb05feb2014-spec limits req.docx Engineering . Planning . Finance McGill Associates, P.A. • P.O. Box 2259. Asheville, NC 28802 • 55 Bmad Street. Asheville, NC 28801 828-252-0575 • Fax: 828-252-2518 PLAN Laur 1 1 I 2000 0 IIXNI 3000 -Knob GRAPHIC I GRAPHIC SCALE I INCH =2000 FEET -�� ��E,- �8 v��) ;� ((I Chest �� Moun / o ZacharysGaP ,✓� 6 � \ Cowrok Mountain �7 /, (,� Dillard tl,� .- Canyon - S _ 0 PROPOSED DISCHARGE 35'07'46" N, 83`04'00" W % .ittle = Riley sheep Mountain Merne Woode Cam r' (�^'� P -tiff l64 View "J Rock 32, fl — ilul scpus(urc Rrcr � . Luke _ 0 64 �� .,�. 3 SITE B �Vakc } w V,A „rY / \� «D►Clif Condominiurj ti On I Cem .. Mx Mountain J NOTASURVEY. LOCATIONS AND PROPERTY BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. V -^ „PRELIMINARY SITE EVALUATIONS mB Na.: n co:2s @McGidl DATE FEB 2014 CASHIERS AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT pESw.E.By.. BE SPECULATIVE DISCHARGE FIGURE TUCKASEIGEE WATER `ESI N" VIE LIMITS REQUEST DESIGN REVIEW: ASSOCIATES AND SEWER AUTHORITY LONSTREVIEW :_ SITE B 1ENGINEERING-PLANNING FINANCE cn' AME'e CASHIERS AREA WWTP omu..w.uu..cvmi avm,,� uc�v.c JACKSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA a`a PLAN 1rl �y �� 2IN10 11 IIIINI IWO 4000 1�. �•i� a 320 64 L !voD GRAPHIC SCALE I INCH 2000FEET - _ ` _ P-uncheo, \V r r `-A �� I �' " f` f � �• _ N _ > Mountou 6aklandY VAS A� o-v L f cem Y—Spcirigs' Beai-�VallbwHollow l L4. PER W, koun'to 1 , 4\{ 91 drossy r - izw (' a000_ ll-Ridge�' l CLASS B;Tr,ORW �t CLASS C•Tr:+ ate: O TO NC/SC STATE LINE o FROM SOURCE ((`L o`f 3000 ,ill, .. h`° Union CLASS B Tr:+� •/�' = rVhitewaYerPines I/.� 37oR 1 - arA . BEGIN B;Tr,ORW v CLASSIFICATION 35.0936° N, 82.9688° W r ,3000 _ 26X ri f �� Rocky�� 81. �� �� i I 7<N✓' - ��f� i320Q 1 , NANTAHALA� NATIONAI. FOREST v-- ! NOT SURVEY. LOCATIONS AND PROPERTY BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 'ice j • PRELRWNARY SITE EVALUATIONS IH uoaa D IE r SPECULATIVE DISCHARGE FIGURE Mc G IRNU CASHIERS AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PW4T DESID EDSY HRR TUCKASEIGEE WATER r ""y NDe LIMITS REQUEST A S S O C I A T E s AND SEWER AUTHORITY E"EW 0[SIGN RENEW'. co"sT.REmew�_ HORSEPASTURE RIVER CLASSES ^ i ENOINFERINO PLANNINO+PINA NCE ,.....»�.E�.� .w�:nu..,w,.,� �+...�.ro�,,.. .�.n.�.�.v... �,�„ JACKSON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA raE NAME: caan�.rs slo s.aw� CASHIERS AREA WWTP L r;. It 6t/Spe` Z/�/y Bed Tom From: Harry Buckner [Harry.Buckner@Mcgillengineers.Com] Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 201410:50 AM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Mike Waresak; Rodriguez, Teresa Subject: RE: Initial USGS response concerning... Re: Request for 7Q10 Flow Estimate - Horsepasture River, Cashiers, NC �i1 Thanks for the feedback. I'll make sure we request the second flow point so we have the data you all need. I appreciate the quick response! Harry B. Buckner , PE Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street I Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: 828.252.0575 1 Mobile: 828.230.72611 Fax: 828.252.2518 Email: harry.buckner@mceilleneineers.com I Website: www.mceillengineers.com From: Belnick, Tom[mailto:tom.belnick@ncdenr.ggvv] Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:48 AM To: Harry Buckner Cc: Mike Waresak; Rodriguez, Teresa Subject: RE: Initial USGS response concerning... Re: Request for 7Q10 Flow Estimate - Horsepasture River, Cashiers, NC Harry- yes- we'll need the full determination, which should factor in the recent droughts (2002, 2007/08). Also, you might want to request flow statistics for another downstream station, at the point where the ORW segment begins. Per requirements for dischargers within the ORW Area (15A NCAC 2B.0225(e)(13)(D), "The total volume of treated wastewater for all discharges combined shall not exceed 25 percent of the total instream flow in the designated ORW under 7Q10 conditions..." Thus, we will ultimately take a look at your maximum requested flow (0.496 MGD, or 0.77 cfs) and combine it with any other NPDES permitted flows in the ORW Area, and compare that total flow to the 7Q10 flow at the point where ORW stream designation begins. The actual ORW segment (stream index number 4-13- (12.75) is defined "from a point approximately 0.60 miles downstream of NC Highway 281(Bohaynee Road) to the NC -SC state line". Bottom line- we'll ultimately need stream statistics at -NC Hwy 281 as well, to check the <25% total volume requirement. Tom Belnick Supervisor, NPDES Complex Permitting Unit NCDWR/Water Quality Programs 919-807-6390 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Harry Buckner [mailto:Harry.BucknerO McgillenQineers.Com] Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 201410:02 AM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Mike Waresak Subject: Initial USGS response concerning... Re: Request for 7Q10 Flow Estimate - Horsepasture River, Cashiers, NC Tom: I assume we will need a formal 7Q10 determination for our specific site, but just wanted to confirm with you before we authorized the analysis. Thanks again for your help, and let me know if you have any questions. Harry B. Buckner , PE Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street I Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: 828.252.0575 1 Mobile: 828.230.72611 Fax: 828.252.2518 Email: harry.buckner@mceilleneineers.com I Website: www.mc ilk lengineers.com Rodriguez, Teresa From: Weaver, John <jcweaver@usgs.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 4:46 PM To: Harry Buckner Cc: Mike Waresak; Belnick, Tom; Rodriguez, Teresa; Rose Pinnix; John Weaver Subject: Low -flow characteristics for USGS Sta. 0218424250 Horsepasture River below NC Highway 281 near Union, NC 0 U.S. Geological Survey North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Date: April 16, 2014 Mr. Harry B. Buckner, PE, Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Mr. Buckner, In response to your request (via email dated March 12, 2014y for a formal determination of the low -flow characteristics on Horsepasture River downstream from NC Highway 281 near Union in Transylvania County, the following information is provided: A check of the low -flow files here at the USGS North Carolina Water Science Center does not indicate a previous low -flow determination for your specific point of interest on Horsepasture River as shown on the map attached to your email dated March 12, 2014. No USGS discharge records are likewise known to exist for your point of interest. In the absence of site -specific discharge records sufficient for a low -flow analysis, estimates of low - flow characteristics at ungaged locations are determined by assessing a range in the low -flow yields (expressed as flow per square mile drainage area, of cfsm) at nearby sites where such estimates have previously been determined. A drainage -area delineation completed using the online NC StreamStats application (http://water.usgs.gov/osw/streamstats/north carolina.html) indicates the drainage area for your point of interest is 24.7 sgmi. Previously published low -flow information for streams in your area of interest For streams in Transylvania County, the most recently published low -flow information is a statewide report completed in the early 1990's. It is USGS Water -Supply Paper 2403, 'Low -flow characteristics of streams in North Carolina" (Giese and Mason, 1993). An online version of the report is available at http://pubs.usas.gov/wsp/2403/report.pdf. The report provides the low -flow characteristics (based on data through 1988) via regional relations and at -site values for sites with drainage basins between 1 and 400 sgmi and not considered or known to be affected by regulation and/or diversions. Please note the low -flow characteristics in the statewide report are based on data ending during the late 1980's and do not reflect the occurrence of recent droughts, which have resulted in decreased low -flow statistics at some USGS streamgaging stations across North Carolina. Sta. 021842425o Horsepasture River below NC Highway 281 near Union, NC Location: Approximately 0.6 mile downstream from NC Highway 281, and approximately 0.75 mile east-northeast of Union Latllong ==> 035d 05m 36.74s // 082d 58m 06.92s (referenced to NAD83, initial coordinates provided by requestor via map attached to email dated March 12, 2014... final coordinates basin delineation and characteristics compilation via NC StreamStats application) County: Transylvania County Drainage area = 24.7 sqmi (determined via NC StreamStats application at http://water.usgs.gov/osw/streamstats/north carolina.html HUC: 03060101 Map: Reid [G-7-SW] Tributary to: Toxaway River Your point of interest is located just downstream from a USGS partial -record site on Horsepasture River at NC Highway 281 near Union (station id 02184242, drainage area 24.0 sgmi). Records of 80 miscellaneous measurements are available for this site for the 1959, 1984-2009 water years. Correlation analyses based on the MOVER statistical technique were developed between the miscellaneous measurements and the concurrent daily mean discharges at three nearby continuous - record streamgages operated in vicinity of the partial -record site. For each low -flow statistic, the average of the low -flow yields among the three correlations were determined and applied to the drainage area for your point of interest (24.7 sgmi). The average low -flow yields along with corresponding estimated flows are provided in the table below. Average Average low -flow yield estimated (cfsm) (cfs) Annual 7Q10 0.54 13.3 Annual 30Q2 1.13, 27.9 Winter 7Q10 0.74, 18.3 Annual 7Q2 0.95. 23.5 The mean annual runoff (Plate 2, Giese and Mason, 1993) determined for streams in vicinity of the Horsepasture River basin is estimated to bet4,0 cfsm, resulting in an average annual discharge estimated at approximately 100 cfs. Please note the estimated flow estimates reflect "natural -flow" characteristics with no diversions or regulation known or considered to occur upstream of the request site. Notes: (1) As noted above, please be aware the low -flow characteristics in the above -referenced report are based on data ending during the late 1980's that do not reflect the occurrence of recent droughts, which have resulted in decreased low -flow statistics at some USGS streamgaging stations. The USGS North Carolina Water Science Center is currently conducting an update of low -flow statistics at continuous -record streamgages to account for the recent droughts where records are available. At a nearby USGS continuous -record streamgage on French Broad River at Rosman in Transylvania County (station id 03439000, drainage area 67.9 sgmi), the 7Q10 discharge decreased about 5 percent between the 1998 and 2011 climatic years. (2) The climatic year is the standard annual period used for low -flow analyses at continuous -record streamgages and runs from April 1 through March 31, designated by the year in which the period begins. For example, the 2011 climatic year is from April 1, 2011, through March 31, 2012. (3) Estimated flows are provided in units of cubic feet per second (cfs). (4) The information provided in this message is based on a preliminary assessment and considered provisional, subject to revision pending further analyses. Invoice information: A charge of $250.00 for accessing and processing information has been assessed to partially offset these costs. An invoice covering the processing costs for these data will be sent via regular mail from the U.S. Geological Survey to the billing address shown below. Instructions for sending your payment will be shown on the invoice. Mr. Harry B. Buckner, PE, Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Basis for charge: Low -flow characteristics for USGS Sta. 0218424250 Horsepasture River below NC Highway 281 near Union, NC, in Transylvania County This information is considered preliminary and subject to revision pending further analysis as further data were to become available, and is made available through our cooperative program of water -resources investigations with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact me at the phone number or email address listed below. Thank you. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 571-4043 11 Fax: (919) 571-4041 E-mail address -- jcweaver c(ro,usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ 3 Rodriguez, Teresa From: Weaver, John <jcweaver@usgs.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 4:46 PM To: Harry Buckner Cc: Mike Waresak; Belnick, Tom; Rodriguez, Teresa; Rose Pinnix; John Weaver Subject: Low -flow characteristics for USGS Sta. 0219412997 Horsepasture River adjacent U.S. Highway 64 near Cashiers, NC ...Re: Initial USGS response concerning... Re: Request for 7Q10 Flow Estimate - Horsepasture River, Cashiers, NC USGS science for a changinq world U.S. Geological Survey North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Date: April 16, 2014 Mr. Harry B. Buckner, PE, Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Mr. Buckner, In response to your request (via email dated March 12, 2014) for a formal determination of the low -flow characteristics on Horsepasture River in vicinity of Cashiers in Townhouse Branch at Wesser in Swain County, the following information is provided: A check of the low -flow files here at the USGS North Carolina Water Science Center does not indicate a previous low -flow determination for your specific point of interest on Horsepasture River as shown on the map attached to your email dated February 20, 2014. No USGS discharge records are likewise known to exist for your point of interest. In the absence of site -specific discharge records sufficient for a low -flow analysis, estimates of low - flow characteristics at ungaged locations are determined by assessing a range in the low -flow yields (expressed as flow per square mile drainage area, of cfsm) at nearby sites where such estimates have previously been determined. A drainage -area delineation completed using the online NC StreamStats application (http://water.usgs.gov/osw/streamstats/north carolina.html) indicates the drainage area for your point of interest is 3.91 sgmi. Previously published low -flow information for streams in your area of interest For streams in Jackson County, the most recently published low -flow information is a statewide report completed in the early 1990's. It is USGS Water -Supply Paper 2403, 'Low -flow characteristics of streams in North Carolina" (Giese and Mason, 1993�. An online version of the report is available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/2403/report.pdf. The report provides the low -flow characteristics (based on data through 1988) via regional relations and at -site values for sites with drainage basins between 1 and 400 sgmi and not considered or known to be affected by regulation and/or diversions. Please note the low -flow characteristics in the statewide report are based on data ending during the late 1980's and do not reflect the occurrence of recent droughts, which have resulted in decreased low -flow statistics at some USGS streamgaging stations across North Carolina. Sta, 0218412997 Horsepasture River adjacent U.S. Highway 64 near Cashiers, NC Location: Adjacent to U.S. Highway 64, approximately 0.5 mile downstream from Lupton Lake, and approximately 2.3 miles northeast of Cashiers Lat/long ==> 035d 07m 46.00s // 083d 04m 00.77s (referenced to NAD83) County: Jackson County Drainage area = 3.91 sqmi HUC: 03060101 Map: Big Ridge [G-6-NE] Tributary to: Toxaway River Based on five (5) nearby selected USGS partial -record sites in general vicinity of Horsepasture River, a range of potential low -flow yields were assessed for the 7Q10, 30Q2, winter 7Q10 (W7Q10), and 7Q2 low -flow discharges. The average for each yield range was determined, and when applied to the drainage area for your point of interest (3.91 sgmi), the estimated flows based on these yields were determined. The range and average low -flow yields along with corresponding estimated flows are provided in the table below. Range in Average Range in Average low -flow yield low -flow yield estimated low -flow estimated low -flow —�—` (cfsm) (cfsm) (cfs) (cfs) Annual 7Q10 0.30 to 0.71 11 0.50� 1.2 to 2.8 2.0 Annual 30Q2 0.85 to 1.71 1.11 3.3 to 6.7 4.3. Winter 7Q10 0.57 to 1.40 0.76 2.2 to 5.5 3.0 Annual 7Q2 0.63 to 1.32 0_88 2.5 to 5.2 3.4 J) The mean annual runoff (Plate 2, Giese and Mason, 1993) determined for streams in vicinity of the Horsepasture River basin is estimated to be 4.0 cfsm,;resulting in an average annual discharge estimated at approximately 16 cfs. Please note the estimated flow estimates reflect "natural -flow" characteristics with no diversions or regulation known to occur upstream of the request site. Notes: (1) As noted above, please be aware the low -flow characteristics in the above -referenced report are based on data ending during the late 1980's that do not reflect the occurrence of recent droughts, which have resulted in decreased low -flow statistics at some USGS streamgaging stations. The USGS North Carolina Water Science Center is currently conducting an update of low -flow statistics at continuous -record streamgages to account for the recent droughts where records are available. At a nearby USGS continuous -record streamgage on French Broad River at Rosman in Transylvania County (station id 03439000, drainage area 67.9 sgmi), the 7Q10 discharge decreased about 5 percent between the 1998 and 2011 climatic years. (2) The climatic year is the standard annual period used for low -flow analyses at continuous -record streamgages and runs from April 1 through March 31, designated by the year in which the period begins. For example, the 2011 climatic year is from April 1, 2011, through March 31, 2012. (3) Estimated flows are provided in units of cubic feet per second (cfs). (4) The information provided in this message is based on a preliminary assessment and considered provisional, subject to revision pending further analyses. Invoice information: A charge of $250.00 for accessing and processing information has been assessed to partially offset these costs. An invoice covering the processing costs for these data will be sent via regular mail from the U.S. Geological Survey to the billing address shown below. Instructions for sending your payment will be shown on the invoice. Mr. Harry B. Buckner, PE, Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Basis for charge: Low -flow characteristics for USGS Sta. 0218412997 Horsepasture River adjacent U.S. Highway 64 near Cashiers, NC, in Jackson County This information is considered preliminary and subject to revision pending further analysis as further data were to become available, and is made available through our cooperative program of water -resources investigations with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact me at the phone number or email address listed below. Thank you. Curtis Weaver ************************************************************* J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 571-4043 H Fax: (919) 5714041 E-mail address -- jcweaver(c-usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.water.usas.gov/ On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Harry Buckner <Harry.Buckner( ,mcgilleng_ineers.com> wrote: Mr. Weaver: I'm sorry for being a little slow to get back to you on the subject project. We have consulted with NCDENR and decided that we do need a formal, full determination of low flow estimates from your office not only for the original site but also for an additional site located at the beginning of the ORW designation on the Horsepasture River. I have attached an additional USGS quad sheet, with coordinates, for this additional location. Please let this e-mail serve as our formal request for an in-depth assessment of both sites (the original location plus the one attached hereto). Feel free to use my name/company name and address below as the billing contact information. We understand that the billings for this work will be approximately $250 per site. Thank you in advance for your help, and we will look for this information sometime around the end of April. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. Harry B. Buckner, PE Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street I Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: 828.252.0575 1 Mobile: 828.230.72611 Fax: 828.252.2518 Email: harry.buckner@mc ilg_lengineers.com I Website: www.mceilleneineers.com From: Weaver, John [mailto:jcweaverC@usgs.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 9:31 AM To: Harry Buckner Cc: Mike Waresak; tom.belnick@)ncdenr.gov; John Weaver Subject: Initial USGS response concerning... Re: Request for 7Q10 Flow Estimate - Horsepasture River, Cashiers, NC Mr. Buckner, In response to your inquiry about the low -flow characteristics (7Q10) for a location on the Horsepasture River near Cashiers in southern Jackson County, the following information is provided: 4 t ai t A check of the low -flow files here at the USGS North Carolina Water Science Center indicates a previous low -flow determination almost identical to your specific point of interest on Horsepasture River as shown on the map attached to your email dated February 20, 2014. Completed in April 1981, the 7Q10 for Horsepasture River near Cashiers (station id 02184130, drainage area 4.00 sgmi) was estimated at 1.5 cfs, based on transfer of flow characteristics from a downstream continuous -record streamgage on the Horsepasture River near Sapphire (station id 02184240, drainage area 21. 0 sqmi). No USGS discharge records are likewise known to exist for your point of interest. In the absence of site -specific discharge records sufficient for a low -flow analysis, estimates of low -flow characteristics at ungaged locations are determined by assessing a range in the low -flow yields (expressed as flow per square mile drainage area, of cfsm) at nearby sites where such estimates have previously been determined. A drainage -area delineation completed using the online NC StreamStats application (http://water.usgs.gov/osw/streamstats/north carolina.html) indicates the drainage area for your point of interest is about 3.9 sgmi. For streams in Jackson County, the most recently published low -flow information is a statewide report completed in the early 1990's. It is USGS Water -Supply Paper 2403, 'Low -flow characteristics of streams in North Carolina" (Giese and Mason, 1993). An online version of the report is available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/wsg/2403/regort.odf. The report provides the low -flow characteristics (based on data through 1988) via regional relations and at -site values for sites with drainage basins between 1 and 400 sgmi and not considered or known to be affected by regulation and/or diversions. Please note the low -flow characteristics in the statewide report are based on data ending during the late 1980's and do not reflect the occurrence of recent droughts, which have resulted in decreased low -flow statistics at some USGS streamgaging stations across North Carolina. Based on nearby selected USGS partial -record sites in general vicinity of Horsepasture River where low -flow characteristics have previously been published, the annual 7Q10 yields range from about 0.30 to 0.71 cfsm (average approximately 0.50 cfsm). Applying the above annual 7Q10 yield range to the drainage area for your point of interest results in an annual 7Q10 discharge estimated in the range of 1.2 to 2.8 cfs. Please note that estimated flows are provided in units of cubic feet per second (cfs). Please understand this information is based on a preliminary assessment. Further analyses would be needed to confirm the initial assessments, and a fee of $250 per site is required for completion of a more in-depth assessment and formal determination of estimates (7Q10, 30Q2, winter 7Q10, 7Q2, and average flow). If you want us to complete a more in- depth assessment, please provide a contact name and address for billing purposes and we'll proceed from there. The assessment would be completed within four to six weeks, and the response would be made via email with an invoice mailed separately via regular mail following the provision of estimates. Hope this information is helpful. t 0. . _8 Thank you. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 571-4043 // Fax: (919) 571-4041 E-mail address -- jcweaver o,usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Harry Buckner <Harry. Buckner@mc, ig llengineers.com> wrote: Dear Mr. Weaver: The Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority (TWSA) has engaged McGill Associates to perform preliminary planning efforts for a possible new wastewater plant to be located on the Horsepasture River near Cashiers, North Carolina. As a part of this project, we have requested Speculative Discharge limits from Mr. Tom Belnick of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), and he, in turn, notified us that we are required to obtain 7Q 10 data from your office for NCDWQ to use in their planning efforts. �- I have attached a quad sheet with the specific location of the proposed discharge identified on it with corresponding NC grid coordinates. I also understand that there will likely be a charge for obtaining this data from USGS. If you would please send me the necessary engagement details and/or fees, we will return authorization to your attention as soon as possible. We sincerely appreciate your assistance with this matter, and if you have any questions about this request, please do not hesitate to contact me via any of the methods listed below in my signature line. Harry B. Buckner, PE Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street I Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: 828.252.0575 1 Mobile: 828.230.72611 Fax: 828.252.2518 Email: hM.buckner@mcgillengineers.com I Website: www.mcgillengineers.com