HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050732 Ver 06_Emails_20071101RE: Briar Chapel Subject: RE: Briar Chapel From: "Matthews, Monte K SAW" <Monte.K.Matthews@saw02.usace.army.mil> Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 15:44:32 -0400 To: "Ed Timoney" <etimoney@newlandcommunities.com>, "McCorcle, Justin P SAW" <Justin.P.McCorcle@saw02.usace.army.mil>, "Manuele, Jean B SAW" <Jean.B.Manuele@saw02.usace. army.mil> CC: <CBachl@kilpatrickstockton.com>, <SLevitas@KilpatrickStockton.com>, "Mitch Barron" <MBarron@newlandcommunities.com>, "Jeff A Scouten" <jscouten@newlandcommunities.com>, <sclark@sandec.com>, <sanchez@johnrmcadams.com>, <JAKEWJT@BELLSOUTH.NET>, <cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net>, <ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net> I would think that you would have to satisfy the permit condition for that particular area. From: Ed Timoney [mailto:etimoney@newlandcommunities.com] Sent: Thursday, November O1, 2007 11:03 AM To: Matthews, Monte K SAW; McCorcle, Justin P SAW; Manuele, Jean B SAW Cc: CBachl@kilpatrickstockton.com; SLevitas@KilpatrickStockton.com; Mitch Barron; Jeff A Scouten; sclark@sandec.com; sanchez@johnrmcadams.com; JAKEWJT@BELLSOUTH.NET; cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net; ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net Subject: RE: Briar Chapel Monte, Thanks for getting back to me quickly and authorizing us to have our contractor remove sediment by hand (ACOE authorization only). we are coordinating with DWQ and Chatham County Erosion Control for their authorizations as well. According to your email we should be receiving the permit modification soon. Let me know if there is something holding up the permit modification so that we can address it promptly. You are correct, we do not want to modify the condition regarding the timing of conservation easements. We are continuing to work within the original permit limits. This work includes the installation of culverts, backfilling, endwalls, road base, and stabilizing side slopes in accordance with the authorization previously granted by the ACOE. This work will significantly improve the condition of the impacted areas and reduce the potential for further erosion and sedimentation problems. Other EC measures that may still be needed are outside of stream channels and buffers and will also help in this regard. We will not conduct any work within the permit modification areas until we receive the permit modification and have recorded the conservation easements over the impacted areas. Please clarify something for me. Do we only need to place the conservation easement over the impact areas and then later record the easements on the remaining length of steam at the time we close on the property? Thanks, Ed From: Matthews, Monte K SAW [mailto:Monte.K.Matthews@saw02.usace.army.mil] Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 10:04 AM To: Ed Timoney; McCorcle, Justin P SAW; Manuele, Jean B SAW Cc: CBachl@kilpatrickstockton.com; SLevitas@KilpatrickStockton.com; Mitch Barron; Jeff A Scouten; 1 of 2 11/8/2007 3:55 PM RE: Briar Chapel sclark@sandec.com; sanchez@johnrmcadams.com; JAKEWJT@BELLSOUTH.NET; cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net; ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net Subject: RE: Briar Chapel Ed, Thanks for the message below stating the EC update and the result of the recent storm. I'll have no problem with hand removal of eroded sediment in the downstream reaches -please just send a message when this is complete confirming that only recently eroded sediment was removed and all activities took place by hand. Please be aware that this is the Corps' approval only -continue to coordinate with DWQ and Chatham County for complete agency approval. Your modification to the permit is currently under review by the Corps. Hopefully, it will be issued soon. Please be aware that we assessed only the modification items within your letter of application (i.e. additional impacts and slight alignment shifts). Since the receipt of the modification request other problems have become apparent, predominately ownership of the land and commensurate preservation of aquatic features. Since we did not receive a request to modify the permit condition dictating the timing of preservation related to impacts, this permit condition will remain in effect as written within the original permit. Therefore, while the modification may allow the additional impacts, the preservation condition will preclude construction in these areas until the permit conditions are met. It may be necessary for Newland Communities to pursue additional sediment and erosion control measures in the areas of modification that have been impacted until preservation is complete. Monte From: Ed Timoney [mailto:etimoney@newlandcommunities.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:49 PM To: Matthews, Monte K SAW Cc: CBachl@kilpatrickstockton.com; SLevitas@KilpatrickStockton.com; Mitch Barron; Jeff A Scouten; sclark@sandec.com; sanchez@johnrmcadams.com; JAKEWJT@BELLSOUTH.NET Subject: Briar Chapel Monte, As a result of the recent storm event there were three locations where the EC measures at Briar Chapel were overburdened by the 5 inch rainfall and sediment was deposited in a nearby stream channels. The volume of material is minimal and can easily be removed by hand. We are working to repair the EC measures but will not enter the stream channels until we have an approved action plan. Our EC consultant Jake Taylor is coordinating directly with DWQ and Chatham County. Please call me to discuss the appropriate action to take Thanks, Ed Timoney, PE 919-361-7000 (Voice) 919-818-1248 (Cell) 919-361-7011 (Fax) etimoney@newlandcommunitie s. com 2 of 2 11/8/2007 3:55 PM Fw: Briar Chapel Subject: Fw: Briar Chapel From: "Ian.McMillan@ncmail.net" <Ian.McMillan@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 21:04:23 -0400 (EDT) To: cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net FYI ----Original Message---- From: Monte.K.Matthews~~saw02.usace.army.mil Date: Oct 19, 2007 16:02 To: "Ed Timoney"<etimoneyCnewlandcommunities.com> Cc: "Jeff A Scouten"<jscouten~~newlandcommunities.com>, "Levitas, Steve" <SLevitasckilpatrickstockton.com>, "Sean Clark"<sclark~sandec.com>, "Sanchez, Mike"<sanchezC~johnrmcadams.com>, "McCorcle, Justin P SAW" <Justin.P.McCorcleCsaw02.usace.army.mil>, "Manuele, Jean B SAW"<Jean.B. Manuele~saw02.usace.army.mil>, "Bachl, Carolyn" <CBachi~kilpatrickstockton.com>, <ian.mcmillan~?ncmail.net> Subj: RE: Briar Chapel Ed, Thanks for the list of items needed to stabilize the site at Briar Chapel in Chatham County, North Carolina. As discussed, we can authorize selected work on a case-by-case basis if it will result in an overall benefit to the environment. It is understood that all the work listed below falls within the original permit limits. Therefore, please accept this email as confirmation from the Corps that the work items listed below can proceed. Please be aware that the work that we are allowing to be done is an interim corrective measure meant to temporarily stabilize areas which, if left in their current condition, might have an adverse effect on aquatic resources. We are aware that Newland/Briar Chapel, LLC does not own all of the property where these impacts are to occur. Please confirm that you have the property rights necessary to accomplish this temporary work. Additionally, to the extent that any of this work is not part of your issued permit, please be aware that it may need to be restored to pre-project conditions. It will be your responsibility to insure that you have the requisite property interests to bring all work into compliance with your permit and any issued modification or restoration order. Also, please realize that the permit suspension is still applicable to any work within waters of the U.S. not listed below. Call with any questions, 1 of 5 10/22/2007 11:39 AM Fw: Briar Chapel Monte Matthews USACE From: Ed Timoney [mailto:etimoney@newlandcommunities.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 6:04 PM To: Matthews, Monte K SAW Cc: Jeff A Scouten; Levitas, Steve; Sean Clark; Sanchez, Mike; McCorcle, Justin P SAW; Manuele, Jean B SAW; Bachl, Carolyn Subject: RE: Briar Chapel glad to provide the additional info. NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC owns the land that crossings M, A, B, C, and D are on and a conservation easement is recorded on the streams and buffers on the same land. Crossings F, G, H, and I are not on NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC land but we are working with the current land owner to record easements on that land. We currently have conservation easements on significantly more stream than we have impacted and I will get you a quantity as soon as possible. For now, to quantify it graphically please refer to the map of the entire site in the permit package. Conservation easements exist for the length of Pokeberry Creek from Crossing F east and south to the property limit, The streams and wetlands east of Pokeberry Creek to 15-501, on the property south of Andrews Store Road (the park), and on the two properties where the schools will be located just north of Andrews Store Road. Also, please consider that all offsite mitigation is complete and a conservation easement is recorded there. I hope this helps and as I said we can get total length of easement to you, but I ask that with these considerations we be allowed to proceed as described in my previous email. Thanks, Ed 2 of 5 10/22/2007 11:39 AM Fw: Briar Chapel From: Matthews, Monte K SAW [mailto:Monte.K.Matthews~saw02.usace mil] Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 4:08 PM To: Ed Timoney Cc: Jeff A Scouten; Levitas, Steve; Sean Clark; Sanchez, Mike; McCorcle, Justin P SAW; Manuele, Jean B SAW Subject: RE: Briar Chapel Ed, Thanks for the list of items you wish to accomplish in order to stabilize the site. Since our original discussion of this as an option, a few concerns have arisen pertaining to land ownership with respect to preservation of aquatic features. Could you help me with identifying which impact areas stated below (as well as those within the modification application) fall within property currently owned by Newland Communities? Also, if Newland owns these crossings let me know if these impacts are currently compensated by an existing preservation mechanism (per the permit condition). As stated earlier, I hope to be able to authorize the type of work stated below in order to protect the environment. The above information request will help to expedite this approval. Thanks, and call if you need additional information; Monte From: Ed Timoney [mailto:etimoney~~=:newlandcommunities.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 1:02 PM To: Matthews, Monte K SAW Cc: Jeff A Scouten; Levitas, Steve; Sean Clark; Sanchez, Mike Subject: Briar Chapel Monte, 3 of 5 10/22/2007 11:39 AM Fw: Briar Chapel As we discussed previously in reference to Briar Chapel, I am requesting the ACOE allow our contractor to continue work in the areas where impacts to wetlands and streams were originally permitted and are now a part of the permit modification application. I have provided below a list of the impact areas as they are referenced in the existing permit and the requested activity to restart. It is important that we restart this work so that the subject areas can be stabilized and down stream channels be protected from degradation as a result of potential erosion and sediment transport. Stream Crossing Proposed Activity M, A, B, and D Finish minor grading of road shoulder to stabilize side slopes, seed and mulch, and pave road. Remove erosion control (crossings complete) (temporary impact) upon approval of Chatham County Erosion Control inspector. C (Pokeberry Bridge) Previously authorized to continue work. F Construct culvert and backfill, endwalls (length is reduced from original permit but shifted slightly -see submittal) and rip-rap pad. Rip rap will be constructed within original permit limits G Finish constructing culvert to the east and backfill. Construct east endwall and rip-rap within original permit limits. H Construct culvert and backfill, and any additional erosion control devices within original permit limits. I complete. Culvert, backfill and endwalls 4 of 5 10/22/2007 11:39 AM Fw: Briar Chapel Allowing this work to proceed will improve the site conditions and lessen the risk for stream channel sedimentation from erosion and stream flow. Thanks, Ed 5 of 5 10/22/2007 11:39 AM