HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081473 Ver 4_Arrington Phase I Year 1 Monitoring_20151015soul DENR- WATER RESOURCES 40 && BUFFER PERMITTING INGTON BRIDGE ARIZ BASIS PARCE L ARIAS BUFFER & NEU5E IZIp N T OFFSET ETRIENE SIT MITIGATION LISA WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CARD PHASE I & PHASE I EXPANSION MONITORING YEAR I REPORT DWQ ## 2008- 1473v•4 October 12, 2015 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................. ............................... I 1.1 Project Location and Description ........................................................... ..............................1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ................................................................. ..............................2 2.0 Vegetation Condition and Comparison ........................................................ ..............................2 3.0 Methodology ................................................................................................ ..............................3 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots .................................................................. ..............................3 3.2 Photo Stations ........................................................................................ ..............................4 4.0 References .................................................................................................... ..............................5 ADDendi� A: Site Maus Figure l: Site Location Map Figure 2.1: Conservation Easement Area — Phase I Figure 2.2: Conservation Easement Area — Phase I Expansion Figure 2.3: Proposed Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Restoration Area — Phase I BPDP Figure 2.4: Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas — Phase I Figure 2.5: Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas — Phase I Expansion Figure 3.1: Monitoring Year 1 Exhibit — Phase I Figure 3.2: Monitoring Year 1 Exhibit — Phase I Expansion Figure 4.1: Monitoring Year 1 Easement Encroachments — Phase I Figure 4.2: Monitoring Year 1 Easement Encroachments — Phase I Expansion ADDendix B: Vegetation Assessment Data Table l: Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 2: Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Table 3: Planted Species Comparison by Vegetation Plot ADDendix C: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos ADDendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets ADDendix E: Photo Station & Easement Encroachment Photos i 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Location and Description Located off of Arrington Bridge Road, at its intersection with John Street in Goldsboro, North Carolina (Figure 1, Appendix A) is the Neuse buffer and nutrient offset restoration area previously referred to as the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel and currently known as the Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel (hereafter referred to as the Bank Site). The Bank Site was proposed to be developed in two (2) phases: Phase I and Phase II. According to the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP, EcoEngineermg, April 2012), Phase I consisted of Parcel Numbers 2598449002 and is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Arrington Bridge Road and John Street. Phase 11 consisted of Parcel Numbers 2598632250 (located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Arrington Bridge road and John Street) and 2598543857 (located north of Parcel Number 2598449002, along the west side of John Street, and is separated from Parcel Number 2598449002 by a railroad easement and utility line easement). Since approval of the BPDP, only a portion of Parcel Number 2598632250 was developed and dedicated to Phase H. The Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Phase II As -Built Report (McAdams Company, April 27, 2015) describes that portion of land developed for Phase II. Based on the Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Phase II As -Built Report (McAdams Company, April 27, 2015), Parcel Number 2598543857 was not developed as part of Phase 11. Because the approved BPDP allowed development to occur on Parcel Number 2598543857, it was decided that development on Parcel Number 2598543857 would be dedicated to Phase I. Figure 2.1 (Appendix A) is the signed and sealed Conservation Easement (CE) platted for Phase I. Figure 2.3 (Appendix A) is provided to illustrate the Phase I CE as approved in the BPDP. Since approval of the BPDP, a portion of Parcel Number 2598427606 has also been added to Phase I; this portion of Phase I will hereafter be referred to as Phase I Expansion. Parcel Number 2598427606 (Phase I Expansion) is located south of Parcel Number 2598449002, along the south side of Arrington Bridge Road. On October 15, 2014, staff from the Division of Water Resources (DWR) authorized approval to this additional area to Phase I, and it is referred to as Phase I Expansion. Figure 2.2 (Appendix A) is the signed and sealed CE platted for Phase I Expansion. The total signed and sealed CE for both Phase I and Phase I Expansion of the Bank Site consists of ± 43.512 acres (Figures 2.1 and 2.2, Appendix A). Figures 2.4 and 2.5 (Appendix A) are provided to illustrate the constructed Phase I and Phase I Expansion Conservation Easements with aerials. The purpose of this Bank Site is to improve water quality within the Neuse River watershed by providing off -site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) requiring stream buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits. As shown on the easement plat (Figure 3.1, Appendix A), the CE for Phase I of the Bank Site is 38.886 acres (1,693,874.16 sf). Within the Phase I CE, 0.99 acres (43,124.4 sf) is dedicated to 0' to 50' of the Neuse Riparian Buffer and 0.981 acres (42,732.36 sf) is dedicated to 50' to 100' of the Neuse Riparian Buffer. Therefore, a total of 1.971 acres (85,856.76 sf) is dedicated to Neuse Riparian Buffer. A total of 31.558 acres (1,374,666.48 sf) is dedicated to Nutrient Offset Credits for nitrogen. Therefore, there are 5.357 acres (233,350.92 sf) of the Phase I Expansion CE that are not dedicated to either Neuse Riparian Buffer Credits or Nutrient Offset Credits. 1 As shown on the easement plat (Figure 3.2, Appendix A), the CE for the Phase I Expansion of the Bank Site is 4.626 acres (201,508.56 sf). Within the Phase I Expansion CE, 1.63 acres (71,002.8 sf) is dedicated to 0' to 50' of the Neuse Riparian Buffer and 1.402 acres (61,071.12 sf) is dedicated to 50' to 100' of the Neuse Riparian Buffer. Therefore, a total of 3.032 acres (132,073.92 sf) are dedicated to Neuse Riparian Buffer. A total of 0.947 acres (41,251.32 sf) are dedicated to Nutrient Offset Credits for nitrogen. Therefore, there are 0.647 acres (28,183.32 sf) of the Phase I Expansion CE that are not dedicated to either Neuse Riparian Buffer Credits or Nutrient Offset Credits. The Bank Site Service Area is contained within 8 -digit USGS HUC 03020201. Stormwater runoff from the Bank Site drains into an unnamed tributary of the Neuse River (Stream Index #27- (56)). According to the N.C. Division of Water Resources Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS), the Neuse River is classified as Class C and NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) in this location. The "C" classification is for "waters protected for uses such as secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture" while the NSW designation is for "Nutrient Sensitive Waters ". This Bank Site shall be established under the terms and conditions of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Bank) made and entered into by EBX Neuse I, LLC (EBX), acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ), and was entered into by the parties on November 10, 2008. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources is now hereby referred to as The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The Division of Water Quality is now hereby referred to as Division of Water Resources (DWR). 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of this nutrient offset mitigation project are to: • Improve the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tributary of the Neuse River by reducing nutrient and sediment loads into the streams caused by agricultural influences, • Improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation easement, and • Provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributary to the Neuse River and associated riparian and upland buffers. These goals will be met through the following objectives: • By establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Site, • By reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through chemical methods, • By establishing a conservation easement to provide long -term protection for the Bank Site, and • By donation of the conservation easement and all of its interests, in perpetuity, to an accredited or approved land trust or stewardship program. 2.0 Vegetation Condition and ComDariSOn Current stem counts (i.e. a stem is defined as a single living tree) were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data. Success will be defined as the survival of a minimum density of 2 320 planted trees per acre after five (5) years. Monitoring Year 1 field activities were conducted on September 17 and 24, 2015. As of Monitoring Year 1, Phase I of the Bank Site had eight (8) plots encompassing 0.1977 acres, containing 104 planted stems, which yielded a density of 526 planted stems per acre. For Phase I Monitoring Year 1, the planted vegetation survival threshold was met for all Vegetation Monitoring Plots (Vegetation Plots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, and 11). As of Monitoring Year 1, Phase I Expansion had three (3) plots encompassing 0.0741 acres, containing 27 planted stems, which yielded a density of 364 planted stems per acre. For Phase I Expansion Monitoring Year 1, the planted vegetation survival threshold was met for Vegetation Plots 6 and 7. Vegetation Plot 8 contained 0 stems, and thus did not meet the success criteria. Summary tables of the data collected are provided in Appendix B. Encroachments into the CE for both Phase I and Phase I Expansion were observed during Monitoring Year 1 field investigations. For Phase I, encroachments were in the form of mowing and tilling along the western CE boundary. The encroachments damaged Phase I CE markers, the Photo Station Number 5 marker, and the markers for Vegetation Monitoring Plot 10. In addition, the encroachments within the Phase I CE damaged planted stems located within Vegetation Monitoring Plot 10. Figure 4.1 in Appendix A depicts the approximate areas of encroachment into the Phase I CE. It is estimated that there are approximately 2.22 acres of easement encroachments within Phase 1. For Phase I Expansion, encroachments were in the form of mowing activities along the eastern CE boundary. The encroachments damaged Phase I Expansion CE markers and the markers for Vegetation Monitoring Plot 8. In addition, the encroachments within the Phase I Expansion CE eliminated all planted stems along the eastern CE boundary and within Vegetation Monitoring Plot 8. Figure 4.2 in Appendix A depicts the approximate areas of encroachment into the Phase I Expansion CE. It is estimated that there are approximately 0.85 acres of easement encroachments within Phase I Expansion. During Monitoring Year 1 field investigations, it was determined that there were encroachments into the CE for both Phase I and Phase I Expansion. Photos of the encroachments into the CE are provided in Appendix E. Therefore, it is the intent of the Bank Sponsor to replant within CE encroachment areas. The Bank Site will be replanted between the months of November 2015 and April 2016 in low stem count density areas to elevate the stem density within the targeted success criteria. In addition, the Bank Sponsor is currently working to add additional CE easement markers to prevent future easement encroachments. It is also the intent of the Bank Sponsor to re- establish damaged Photo Station and Vegetation Monitoring Plot markers. 3.0 Methodologv 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by NC DMS (EEP, 2010; EEP, 2011). Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in accordance with CVS -EEP Protocol for RecordinL- Vegetation (CVS -EEP, v4.2). All eleven (11) vegetation plots installed by McAdams were located in Monitoring Year 1. Table 1 (Appendix B) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot. Based on the vegetation monitoring, only Vegetation Monitoring Plot 8 fell below the five (5) year monitoring period requirement. Table 2 (Appendix B) provides a stem count total and planted stem total by each individual vegetation plot. Table 3 (Appendix B) provides a summary of only planted stem counts as compared to planted stem counts of the As Built. Photographs of each vegetation monitoring plot are located in Appendix C. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix D. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides measurements, location, and vigor of each planted stem within a respective vegetation monitoring plot. 3 3.2 Photo Stations Photo documentation is essential to monitoring the success the Bank Site. Photos provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions. Although Photo Station Number 5 was damaged due to easement encroachments, all seven (7) photo stations were located in Monitoring Year 1. Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus FE -115 5.0 megapixel digital camera. The location of the photo stations and their direction are depicted on Figures 2A and 2B (Appendix A). Photographs for the photo stations are located in Appendix E. al 4.0 References EcoEngineering — A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. April 27, 2012. Wayne Countv Development Alliance Bank Parcel Bank Parcel Development Package. The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. April 27, 2015. Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation, Phase I and Phase I Expansion — As- Built Report. Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R., 2008. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) October 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Available at internet site: httn: / /www.nceeD .net/news /reDorts/buffers.ndf. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) January 15, 2010. Procedural Guidance and Content Requirements fior EEP Monitoring Reports. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) November 7, 2011. Monitoring_ Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. Schafale MP and AS Weakley. 1990. Classirication of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. 5 pEN�i� A Ap aS site M P APPENDIX B Vegetation Assessment Data APPENDIX C Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitoring Data Sheets APPENDIX E Photo Station & Easement Encroachment Photos APPENDIX A Site Maps I !� ll • _ • Y- •.a „ .� W. r- t •t . y y �. � �.'� wry, Mona L C Psrk' Pack so 73 • t_ . j „. -.. � , , � � x.• . r tom• _ IL Goff Course �. ~° e' •! l .. , Course - �.•' firms . - P*Tk •�_, w .. Cen} t W All r South z / 78 Goldsboro �` _ t PHASEI � Ramp Do w. M 74 Gr4xe} r I� •. R= PK,_y PHASE I • o r EXPANSION McArthur'-. C ke 71 r el am x w R t a vn/ • f `. ` V y�q Ponds WT Legend 35 °21'0.33 "N t 78° 0'38.64 "W 1 Bank Site Phase I Phase I Expansion - 7.5 MINUTE USGS "SW GOLDSBORO" QUAD; 1974 (PHOTO INSPECTED 1988) = 7.5 MINUTE USGS "SE GOLDSBORO" QUAD; 1982 (PHOTO INSPECTED 1988) X FIGURE 1. USGS QUAD i SW /SE GOLDSBORO 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet It 10 1 inch = 2,000 feet .� � A DA ivt.J` I 7) VXMM MAP Perm We ) - MW A (• -2 - 0M w:j 77 , , , �, , s0u90 Ask= uc Room mlm� SM1.0c.2 I—TD 1%1,n dr AWM4 ,FM V K 7 FIGURE 2.1 - -- YIELD PLAT --OR �— ESX-NEUSE J, LLC. OF THE ARRINGTON BRIDGE I SITE GOLOSBORO rovms,1Jp JAK%LW( 28, 2013 WAYNE COUNTY, 14C 'V:,M I: I - 200' 200' loo, 0 200, 400• glw' w rr � OFIVM ol "G"-- - Aw.1 LV "I =Nw� tc- 1c. � s swn SlAw cci �.m ( --. AA� PW%4� 11C AU AW !M:�*MWV WA*ArW' H MT AAL MMU �W .000�00S M, W K "M O. � SUM�. RP pa'"W* " , MV ♦ J�- — — � CAW* � 21JI. MCC 201 ft3e C.VM.>/= W 14M.-4 W 4 23005AM7 AV jsas�. � MATRIX EAST P LLC PRDFFSSAO(+t�E LAND ;,.4- cow, wu o" ,oru -west Acs om BcYAOROttS' tar 54"oto mr axftv 'Aill "DW4, w I Altlll , Lawo7" — Res A., WAS PArAWV W AMMAVtf WN GS 47- AS Alf�o M� * jo - oftook �Rw_ ft"m*� DRAWN W., GfP 'm Va VM CA- ar ♦VAI" "Ij m v f , , , �, , s0u90 Ask= uc Room mlm� SM1.0c.2 I—TD 1%1,n dr AWM4 ,FM V K 7 FIGURE 2.1 - -- YIELD PLAT --OR �— ESX-NEUSE J, LLC. OF THE ARRINGTON BRIDGE I SITE GOLOSBORO rovms,1Jp JAK%LW( 28, 2013 WAYNE COUNTY, 14C 'V:,M I: I - 200' 200' loo, 0 200, 400• glw' w rr � OFIVM ol "G"-- - Aw.1 LV "I =Nw� tc- 1c. � s swn SlAw cci �.m ( --. AA� PW%4� 11C AU AW !M:�*MWV WA*ArW' H MT AAL MMU �W .000�00S M, W K "M O. � SUM�. RP pa'"W* " , MV ♦ J�- — — � CAW* � 21JI. MCC 201 ft3e C.VM.>/= W 14M.-4 W 4 23005AM7 AV jsas�. � MATRIX EAST P LLC PRDFFSSAO(+t�E LAND ;,.4- ,oru -west Acs FIRM LIC 0 mama ---mu .W,. DRAWN W., GfP PROJECT NO.:--- 7001200)a m v f SUWIEYFD ey.. CKP DATE: 1/20/2013 SCALE 1• , 200• ORAVANr NAME. W-ESWTS VICIN11Y MAP (wr m mac; LROOD "'N qr MWAP w lvm wwa or mte PC A P. COMU—� mstvw ACW�ft MrA FIGURE 2.2 n s7Arzwnr . ....... . . A spree flttla JMLMP ARrA AS ar"Awt'a sy NT Mir w wmv -Ru;ckvp .-2-2w coMWlR/tY eMi¢ MELD PLAT FOR EBX-NEUSE I, LLC. OF THE ARRINGTON BRIDGE I EXPANSION GOLDSBORO TOWNSHIP JANUARY 7, 7.015 WAYNE COUNTY. NC 100' loo, W. 0 mom GRAPHIC SCALE wrrx NO .E CR17 IUfR1N11'i2 b1J'tOC41tD M: w. MIMCCS AMC MAWS A9^�a - � * X� W(Ss PIK.Im MAP I 4 71 ,, rRMJIn10,I1M..'M. wen A sT.T.ADel R(OUOD&WS rM RIVW� f.LD RAR .1— WKYN Mir ft-aft. CO." ew � C 46 EMU MIRM 11=00 f1 CJ167WOr - .0tom PeOtL[tANI[ — 9A WY w .M. CD"" r ' rls .4An[r . Dr AnDMLA GMww w W. AN fAsn"' '-oao .......... . .. SrAyf cotM, *."slopwft N, a*rw Dwr DAs ml S� w at— I �MD Is aft. Affm)4rb WREM mm Cct—,w . , JIM, — � �' o=%wjCf � CIS 17-M a ,Wz .wc, w, � -AUWY-- . AV' 20:1 MATRIX EAST, PLLC _fROFtxS10 k LAW VJRVrYORS ON N. QUMH ST., SUM A XVMM MC 20501 TEL - 252-522 -2500 FAX: 252-522-474 FIRIA LW, 4�ycfOmotn—st nat ..N 4': IKP PROJECT NO.: 20130099 SuR'fym BY. 1/2/2015 SCALE: " - DRAWNC NAME: 20130099 N Y N d\: 'N N<ol ON N. lmr� PC \N1 N\ I 4 71 ,, rRMJIn10,I1M..'M. wen A sT.T.ADel R(OUOD&WS rM RIVW� f.LD RAR .1— WKYN Mir ft-aft. CO." ew � C 46 EMU MIRM 11=00 f1 CJ167WOr - .0tom PeOtL[tANI[ — 9A WY w .M. CD"" r ' rls .4An[r . Dr AnDMLA GMww w W. AN fAsn"' '-oao .......... . .. SrAyf cotM, *."slopwft N, a*rw Dwr DAs ml S� w at— I �MD Is aft. Affm)4rb WREM mm Cct—,w . , JIM, — � �' o=%wjCf � CIS 17-M a ,Wz .wc, w, � -AUWY-- . AV' 20:1 MATRIX EAST, PLLC _fROFtxS10 k LAW VJRVrYORS ON N. QUMH ST., SUM A XVMM MC 20501 TEL - 252-522 -2500 FAX: 252-522-474 FIRIA LW, 4�ycfOmotn—st nat ..N 4': IKP PROJECT NO.: 20130099 SuR'fym BY. 1/2/2015 SCALE: " - DRAWNC NAME: 20130099 11 FIGURE 2.3. PROPOSED RIPARIAN BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREA - PHASE I BPDP 0 250 500 1,000 Feet 1 inch = 500 feet MCADAMS, FIGURE 2.4. NEUSE BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREAS 0 250 500 1,000 Feet 1 inch = 500 feet JNI MCADAMS., J r 114, ft 16 K 4. rhl, ^ A"N` Legend STREAMS DITCH HUCBOUNARY SITE Neuse Buffer Restoration Area TOTAL = 3.032AC " ZONE A (0' -50') = 1.630 AC ZONE B (50' -100') = 1.402 AC Nutrient Offset Restoration Area TOTAL = 0.947 AC ZONE C (100' -200') = 0.947 AC Nutrient Offset Credit Phase I Expansion: 2,152.550 Ibs of Nitrogen � FIGURE 2.5 - NEUSE BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREAS - !!j PHASE I EXPANSION 0 250 500 1,000 Feet M C h � 1 inch = 500 feet y DA M S ,, "PRELIMINARY PLAT" / NOT FOR SALES, CONVEYANCES, OR RECORDATION. / GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET inch I h = zoo ft. I / / PS \ / / /—VP 11 If PS ✓P 5- / VP 3 / [[ / PS 2 \\ i \\ PS 6 \ \\ VP 10 — 31.558 ACf \\ / VP 9 PS 1 = 1_971 art \ 0 = PHOTO STATION EBX —NEUSE 1, LLC. ARRINGTON BRIDGE 1 YIELD MAP Batt ;x MATRIX EAST, PLLC E e s l PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 906 N. QUEEN ST., SUITE A KINSTON, NC 28501 TEL: 252 -522 -2500 FAX: 252- 522 -4747 I', 0 M O 1Z FIGURE 3.1 _X: \Pro sects \EBX \EBX -13020 (Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel) \Storm \Phase I \As –Built \west credit revised FIGS2N3.dwq, 10/7/2015 10:33:10 AM, Roth, Kelly PROJECT -NO. EBX -13020 0/ ARRINGTON BRIDGE 1HB JOHN R McADAM3 D SCALE: EBX13020X.DWG BANK PARCEL con�nNn, ark SCALE: 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 1 = 200' AS -BUILT REPORT License No.: C -0293 DATE: 04 -27 -15 WAYNE coin, NORTH CAROLINA MCADAMs `8001733 -5646• McAdamsCo.com VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) a" STATEMENT L -1169 R/W- RIGHT- OF-WAY TERS PROPERLY IS LOCATED IN ZONE - A I. AV NO CRID MONUMENTS WERE LOG1E0 WiTNIN e - CENTERUNE PUT WAS DRAWN UNDER AL I' SUPERWSION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY LNOE UNDER MY SUPER19510N: (NEED DESmm- AND IS LOCATED —AN A SPEOAL FL000 IIA)ARO AREA, AS DEI INED DY NRP RAZE MAP 2000 OF THIS PROPERII: 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE H0.41ZONTK CRO/NO I RENEW OFACER OF DATED DECEMBER 2 2005 CONMIINRY PANEL MEASUREMENTS N FEET S (!EDYNAlS TNEREDF. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED \ WAYNE COUNTY, —Y THAT me MAP OR PUT m NUMBER 3)0255- 23B8�1. \ —EE— - ETECTMC', UNE — — -WIRE FENCE WMCN NS CEROMGRN IS AF m MEETS ALL S`.N REDUIREYp/IS FOR REDORONG �1\ — - AOIOININC PROPERLY —ll— - NOr m SCA UNF RENEW OR ER EA --- ®EA� TT/BBOLNDARY LINE `\ \� !`'' G TE ^ /V / \ �C RRED FOR REWSMnON 2015. _ _ M PUr CABINET , PACE . I � LEGEND L -1169 R/W- RIGHT- OF-WAY TRUSTEES OF L CHRSDPHER K. PADEWCK CERNFY LNAT n e - CENTERUNE PUT WAS DRAWN UNDER AL I' SUPERWSION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY LNOE UNDER MY SUPER19510N: (NEED DESmm- OS - EXISTING IRON STAKE Ell - F TRIG WON RPE � - NO MN' SET - NEW IRON STAKE OF PRECISION AS GLCUURD M 1: 110001 — THIS RAr WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WW DS. 47-JO AS \ ((i0 LNE CO ci - COV`RD` RNER \ —EE— - ETECTMC', UNE — — -WIRE FENCE �1\ — - AOIOININC PROPERLY —ll— - NOr m SCA UNF . EA --- ®EA� TT/BBOLNDARY LINE `\ \� SOURCES OF T DO 2512, PG 448 PC N, SL — CDNSERVAn EASEMENT ACREAGE DADA (6Y COMPUTER) 4.626 — J&1 PROPERTES, LLC. DB 2572. PG 4AB PC M, SL 9J�1 PS 7 VP 6 \ \� VP 7 \ \. JB4 PROPERRES, LLC. OB 1987., PG 313 PC L SL 90-F "PRELIMINARY PLAT" NOT FOR SALES, CONVEYANCES, OR RECORDATION. FIGURE 3.2 AS -BUILT EXHIBIT - PHASE I EXPANSION YM PLAT FOR EBX -NEUSE /, LLC. OF THE ARRINGTON BRIDGE I EXPANSION SITE GOLDSBORO TOWNSHIP JANUARY 2, 2015 WAYNE COUNTY, NC 1" = 100' 100' 50' 0 loo, 200' i GRAPHIC SCALE / J A \ 1 VP 8 \ \ ASA PROPERTIES, LLC. DO 25]2. PC 448 PC M, SL 93, / REOMMR O' DEEDS WAmE COUNTY D? DORM /ER COORDINATE TABLE I MORNING I E4S' I I 583,039.9060' 2294,728.BMI' 2 563,OOJ.J105' 2291.])0.6129' J 582,998.6862 2,291,))8.5034' 14 582.199.520)' 1 2,294,702+944' 5 SB2193.One' 1 2.294.)09.8388' 6 582725.0861' 2294,790.1865' 7 582682.1910' 2,294))0.1159' 8 1 582534.0939. 2294,774847' 19 5622M.32N ' 1 2294617. 1481' 110 58219CBJ70' 12294,61J.0258' I II 592181.4629 1 2294.8031012' I I2 582202.1+4Y 2291,780.3184' IJ 3825]280]]' 2,294338.4235' I4 3826933046' I $294628.4240' +S SB26JB.ZnS' 2294,VVI 360' 16 50;324234+' 2293,453.0699' 1. CHMSMR K PApERICN, PAOFESS� LAND SURVEYOR NO. 1169. CERnFY nMT DBS SU/NE1' n OF ANOTHER CATEODNY, TO WTT,. AN EASEMENT SURVEY. L -1189 <Ix MATRIX EAST, PLLC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 906 N. OUFEN ST., SURE A KINSTON, NC 26501 TEL 252 -522 -2500 FAX: 252 -522 -4747 FIRM LLC. # P -0221 I EMAIL: 9— eyor0matrixeast.net DRAWN BY: CKP PROJECT NO.: 20130099 SURVEYED BY: CKP I DATE: 1/2/2015 SCALE: 1" = 100' DRAWING NAME: 20130099 L -1169 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY TRUSTEES OF L CHRSDPHER K. PADEWCK CERNFY LNAT n FE110WSHIP N-ST CRUNCH DO 853, PG Bf) PC 5. PG 128 PUT WAS DRAWN UNDER AL I' SUPERWSION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY LNOE UNDER MY SUPER19510N: (NEED DESmm- RECOR ED N MAP G DEED BOOKS NOTED): DNT WE BO/NGRES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEANLY NOGTED AS PRAWN F!K)M NFl]RMARON RETERENCED HEREON: MAT THE RAM) OF PRECISION AS GLCUURD M 1: 110001 — THIS RAr WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WW DS. 47-JO AS AMENDED. WONESS MY OMGINAL SIGNANRE RED/SIRATKN NUMBER AND SEAL MS _J_� NY OF JAWAW , AD., 2015 L -1189 <Ix MATRIX EAST, PLLC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 906 N. OUFEN ST., SURE A KINSTON, NC 26501 TEL 252 -522 -2500 FAX: 252 -522 -4747 FIRM LLC. # P -0221 I EMAIL: 9— eyor0matrixeast.net DRAWN BY: CKP PROJECT NO.: 20130099 SURVEYED BY: CKP I DATE: 1/2/2015 SCALE: 1" = 100' DRAWING NAME: 20130099 ! r-� t 1, 1, 1 1 1 ,� APFR,OXIMA�TE' Hl ! FROM NCE =EP INT s ! FIGURE 4.1. MY1 EASEMENT ENCROACHMENTS ! ARRINGTON BRIDGE PHASE I 0 250 500 1,000 ! Feet A 1 inch = 500 feet LEGEND HUC8 STREAM DITCH BANK SITE NEUSE BUFFER RESTORATION AREA NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREA ENCROACHMENT AREAS ( +/_2.22 ACRES) WADAMS, F EAT U R E, 01, f , `, � .: a #� +�4 ®a�aa� +� �► +.rte � � ! ! ; �►s v, � +1. +, � 4 �,y ' , q ' aaa!# �►:'► . � �i fa, �# i+ �+++ �+ �# �# �# j# QR� # +a��R�rr�+i+a#,+r+►,+r+� + * #� #� #aoa . yrv�i` a+ �rrr�`+ + # # # #+o #t + #� +1► +# �' �i �f`## a+## # # # # # # #o4: #+#0 G.�', +a# aoa++* a�a�+ ���' s�+ �a� +�a� + #a +a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a���'o� +• 80 Wi ! r ®i +o ®# #chi + # +® +i + + + # +o . �. ►so +® ®® +e+ +r + + + + +� +.o FEATURE 03 ! t } + o + ®+ ►►s +i +i °s+i +o +i/ FEATUR;E ©6 030202©2 �� t - ► # #oro #0000 o #os #o +i # #Di +o +i +o +•�+ +i +i +o�• } # Of i +i +ioas aoasroa #a + +� + + +a +a+ a +a +tea +a +a +a+ �.` +psi► +a +a +a +a +a +fo +s +a + + ♦ #+ ',aa #yaaaa ®a�J # ®a'W 'W. tt9�t FEATURE 05 r .�•. FEATURE 04 ! r-� t 1, 1, 1 1 1 ,� APFR,OXIMA�TE' Hl ! FROM NCE =EP INT s ! FIGURE 4.1. MY1 EASEMENT ENCROACHMENTS ! ARRINGTON BRIDGE PHASE I 0 250 500 1,000 ! Feet A 1 inch = 500 feet LEGEND HUC8 STREAM DITCH BANK SITE NEUSE BUFFER RESTORATION AREA NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREA ENCROACHMENT AREAS ( +/_2.22 ACRES) WADAMS, i FIGURE 4.2. MY1 EASEMENT ENCROACHMENTS " ARRINGTON BRIDGE PHASE I EXPANSION 0 250 500 1,000 Feet iV� C A DA M S, 1 inch = 500 feet mi APPENDIX B Vegetation Assessment Data Table IA. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table - Phase I Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC Monitoring Year 1: September 17 & 24, 2015 EcoEngineering Project #: EBX -13020 Vegetation Threshold Vegetation Plot ID Met ?* Tract Mean 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 100% 5 Yes 9 Yes 10 Yes 11 Yes * Within Range of 436 to 681 according to the "Wayne county Development Alliance Bank Park - Bank Parcel Development Package "; April 27, 2012. Table 1B. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table - Phase I Expansion Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC Monitoring Year 1: September 17 & 24, 2015 EcoEngineering Project #: EBX -13020 Vegetation Threshold Vegetation Plot ID Met ?* Tract Mean 6 Yes 7 Yes 66% 8 No * Within Range of 436 to 681 according to the "Wayne county Development Alliance Ban c Park - Bank Parcel Development Package "; April 27, 2012. Table 2A. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegation Plot - Phase I Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC Monitoring Year 1: September 17 & 24, 2015 EcoEngineering Project #: EBX -13020 Current Plot Data ANNUAL MEANS 1 Scientific Name I Common Name I Species Tvnel VP -1 I VP -2 I VP -3 I YP-4 I VP -5 I VP -9 I VP -101 VP -111 MY -1 (Sept 2015) I AS BUILT SUMMARY (Dec 2014 & Mar 2015) Planted Stems Betula niAra river birch Tree 2 1 1 1 I 2 1 8 31 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree t 1 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar Tree 1 1 Ill 1 3 12 Platanus occidentalis sycamore Tree 4 4 I 5 5 18 5 Quercus alba white oak Tree I I 0 I 3 Quercus michauxii I swamp chestnut oak Tree 3 1 5 1 I 4 2 I 1 15 I 16 Quercus nigra I water oak I Tree I I I I I I I l I 2 I 10 Quercus vai odifolia cherry bark oak I Tree to I 1 I 2 12 I I 1 16 I 44 Quercus phellos I willow oak I Tree _ 8 9 7 I 3 I 7 I 2 36 I 40 Taxodium distichium bald cypress I Tree I 13 12 I 5 I 8 Stem Count Total 15 15 12 13 15 I 12 10 12 _ 104 169 Size of Vegetation Plot (Acres) 0.02 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 1 0.02 0.20 0.20 Number of Different Species 3 4 4 I 3 6 I 4 3 I 7 _ 34 I 42 Stems Per Acre 607 1 607 486 526 1 607 486 1 405 486 526 I 855 Total Neuse Riparian and Nutrient Offset Restoration Area = 33.529 acres Table 2B. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegation Plot - Phase I Expansion Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC AS BUILT: December 19, 2014 & March 18, 2015 In ECOEn ee Project #: EBCuurr yln Current Plot Data J ANNUAL MEANS Scientific Name I Common Name I Species T pe VP -6 I VP -7 I VP -8 MY -1 (Sept 2015 ) I AS BUILT SUMMARY ( Dec 2014 & Mar 2015 ) Planted Stems Quercus alba white oak Tree 2 2 8 Quercus michaurn swamp chestnut oak Tree 2 5 7 7 Quercus ntyra water oak Tree t 1 2 10 Quercus paAodifolia cherry bark oak Tree 1 t 5 Quercus phellos willow oak I Tree 10 5 - 15 29 Stem Count Total 13 I 14 I 0 27 I 59 Size of Vegetation Plot (Acres) 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 0.07 I 0.07 Number of Different Species 3 1 5 I 0 8 I 13 Stems Per Acre 526 I 567 I 0 364 I 796 Total Nose Riparian and Nutrient Offset Restoration Area = 3.979 acres Table 3A. Planted Species Comparison by Vegation Plot - Phase I Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC Monitoring Year 1: September 17 & 24, 2015 McAdams Project #: EBX -13020 VP -1 VP -2 VP -3 VP -4 VP -5 VP -9 VP -10 VP -11 Monitoring Year I Planted Stem Count Total 15 15 12 13 15 12 10 12 As Built Planted Stem Count Total 24 21 21 21 24 20 19 19 Planted Stem Difference from As Built -9 -6 -9 -8 -9 -8 -9 -7 1 Surivability Rate ( %) per Monitoring Plot 63% 71% 57% 62% 63% 60% 53% 63% Note: The difference between planted stems from the As Built and Monitoring Year 1 is due to species which were deemed "missing' or "dead" at the time of monitoring. One possible explanation for "missing' species is due to thick herbaceous growth obscurring the species from identification during Monitoring Year 1. Therefore, it is possilbe "missing" species could grow larger than the herbaceous layer and allow for their identification and measurment in subsequent monitoring years. In addition, species which were deemed "dead" could survive in subsequent years because the species may have gone dormant at the time of monitoring while the roots of the species are surviving below ground. Therefore, in subsequent years the species could grow under more favorable conditions. Table 3B. Planted Species Comparison by Vegation Plot - Phase I Expansion Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC Monitoring Year 1: September 17 & 24, 2015 McAdams Project #: EBX -13020 VP -6 VP -7 VP -8 Monitoring Year 1 Planted Stem Count Total 13 14 0 As Built Planted Stem Count Total 20 19 20 Planted Stem Difference from As Built -7 -5 -20 Surivability Rate ( %) per Monitoring Plot 65% 74% 0% APPENDIX C Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase I MY1 Monitoring Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 September 17 & 24, 2015 Vegetation Plot Photos: Vegetation Plot 1: View facing 134 °SE, showing the Neuse River Riparian Buffer to the left and Nutrient Offset Restoration area to the right. Vegetation Plot 2: View facing 202 °S Vegetation Plot 3: View facing 300 °NW Vegetation Plot 4: View facing 44 °NE Vegetation Plot 5: View facing 144 °SE Vegetation Plot 9: View facing 334 °NW Vegetation Plot 10: View facing 150 °SE Vegetation Plot 11: View facing 220 °SW Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase I Expansion MY1 Monitoring Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 September 17, 2015 Vegetation Plot Photos: Vegetation Plot 6: View facing 212 °S Vegetation Plot 7: View facing 3 10 °NW Vegetation Plot 8: View facing 30 °N. Vegetation plot has been damaged as a result of easement encroachments. APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitoring Data Sheets Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/17/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 1 X -axis: 200 0S I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Plot Location: see sketch below X I Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name (Source meter meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes I 1 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 0.3 0.1 8.23 50 3 2 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 0.7 1.9 M 1 3 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 1.2 3.5 5.23 37 3 1 4 Betula nigra river birch B 0.21 5.3 9.891 59 31 51 buercus�agodifolia cherry bark oak B 1 1.81 5.31 5.011 381 31 1 61Betulanigra river birch IB 1 0.71 7.41 3.361 361 1 31 1 7lQuercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 1.21 9.61 4.951 301 1 31 1 81 Quercus pagodifolia Icherry, bark oak IB 1 2.51 6.91 1 1 IM I I 91Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 31 1.51 9.471 381 1 31 I 101 Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 3.51 2.91 9.751 411 1 31 I 111 Quercus michauxii I Iswarni hestnut oak IB 1 4.31 4.51 1.211 601 1 31 12tQuercuspagodifolia Icherry ark oak IB 1 51 61 4.911 391 1 31 1 131 irioden ron tulipifera Itulip poplar IB 1 5.71 7.61 1 1 IM I 1 141Quercus pagodi olia Icherry bark oak IB 1 8.31 8.61 1 1 IM I 1 151Quercus pagodifolia Icherry, bark oak IB 1 7.31 6.71 1 1 IM I 1 161Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 6.91 5.21 1 1 IM I 1 17 Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak 113 1 6.51 4.51 5.011 391 1 31 I 18 Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak B 1 5.91 3.11 8.31 501 1 31 1 191 Quercus michauxii Iswarrle chestnut oak jB 1 5.41 1.71 6.451 281 1 31 1 201Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 8.31 1.51 5.181 461 1 31 1 211 Quercus pagodifolia 221Betula Icherry bark oak 1 8.81 2.61 1 1 IM I I nigra Iriver birch IT 1 9.21 4.61 1 1 IM I 231Liriodenciron tulipifera Itulip poplar IB 1 9.71 71 1 1 IM I 1 241 Quercus michauxii Iswamp chestnut oak IB 1 9.81 8.91 6.521 541 1 31 B = bare root Note 1: Plot is located partially within the 50' Neuse River Buffer xY y ditch x IS. John Road Arrington Road I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER EIGHT CLASSES Jcm Scientific Name ( 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 (Quercus phellos 1 I I 1 1 1 ► 1 I Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/17/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 1 X -axis: 200 °S 10 ------- - - - - - -- a- -------- 9 I I , ------- F- - - - - -- ---- --- +- -- -- -- , 8 I I 6 7 I I , , ------- F- - - - - -- t- - - - - -- 6 I I - -- �--------- ---- - -4 - -C I 5J J 4 ' I I 5 ; --------------- ------- 4 I I , I , 3 I I , -------F--------------- t------- , 2 2 - --- - - -t -- - - -- 1 I I I 0.5 1 , 0,0 0.5 1 2 134SE° 3 4 5 6 7 8 X -AXIS 14)) 24 23 22 9 10 Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 2 X -axis: 247 0W CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Plot Location: see sketch below X Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes 1 Quecus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 0.2 0.3 2.25 36 3 2 Quecus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 0.2 2.2 4.57 30 3 I 3 Quecus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 0.2 4.1 8.35 55 2 4 Quecus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 0.2 6.2 5.05 51 31 I 5 Quecus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 1 0.2 8.21 6.43 601 21 I 6 Quercus phellos (willow oak B 1 3.21 0.21 5.311 471 1 31 1 71Quercus pa_odifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 3.21 3.21 1 1 ID I 1 8�Quercus phellos (willow oak lB 1 3.21 4.51 4.711 381 1 31 I 9 uercus nigra Iwater oak 1 1 3.21 6.71 4.71 451 1 31 I 101Quercus niqra Iwater oak IB 1 3.21 8.91 1 1 IM I 111Betula nigra Iriver birch IB I 61 0.31 4.891 421 1 2I 1 121Quercus phellos (willow oak IB 1 61 1.61 I I 1M i 131Quercus pa_odifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 61 3.61 I I IM I 141Quercus phellos lwillow oak �B 1 61 5.71 4.811 471 1 31 151Quercus phellos lwillow oak B 1 61 7.81 4.551 461 1 31 1 161Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 61 9.71 1 1 IM I 1 171Quercus phellos lwillow oak IB 1 8.71 1.81 1 I IM I 1 181Quercus phellos lwillow oak IB 1 8.71 3.71 5.231 601 1 31 191Quercus phellos [willow oak IB 1 8.71 5.41 4.751 541 1 31 201Quercus phellos lwillow oak IB 1 8.71 71 5.021 571 1 31 211Quercus phellos lwillow oak IB 1 8.71 9.11 6.581 621 1 31 B = bare root 1 1 � 1 1 1 Arrington Road 1 1 1 1 ditch x y 1 ; 1 1 1 1 xy 1. ditch 1, S. John Road 1 I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER (HEIGHT CLASSES Jcmi Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 I I 1 Ipomoea sp. vine covering -15% of plot Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 2 X -axis: 247 °W 10 US16 - -- - -- - - - - - -- - ------------ - - - - -- ----------- -- ------ --- -------- - ° - - -- -- - - - - - -- - --- - - -� - -- --- - - - -- -� ----------------------- - -- - - *- f 21 I � - - - - -- ---- - - - - - -- ----- --•-- -- - - -I \J 9 - -- - -- - 10 - - —------------ - - - - ------- -------- 5 I I 8 I � 5 - - - - -- � I 1 -------- I - - -- - - -I F -- - -- -- - -- -- -------•- ------ ±--- ----------- -F- - - -- -- - ---- -- -------- •--- ---- - - -- --- -- --- - - 0 I 7 ' - - - --- --------- ------ - - - - -- - -- - - -- 4 6 f I I - -- ----- - -- -- --- - - - -- - -- -- -- -- - - -- •--- -- - I i 19 5 I I -_ - L----------- y - - - -- •------ 1_----- _� -L - -- ------- ' j-- ____...- - - - - -- 1- - - - - -- ----------------------- J-- - -____ •------- 1- ____--- -____- ------- I I 1 1 3 I I I I I I 4 I I l f I 18 ; -- - - -- -h - - - --- -- --------------- ---- -- - F- - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- ----- - -- -- - ± - - -- - -- - -h- -- -- - -- -- -i- -- -- --- - ± - ------- -I - - -- -- I 3 I I I 1 - -- - T_- -_ - - - ------- 1 I I I I I 2 1 1 I I I I P17 2 I j 12 -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - ----- -- - - -- - - 1 ' 1 -- - - - -�- -- -- ----- -- t- ------ •- - - - --- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- ---- ---•- ---- - -1- -- - 1 1 - -- -- - - - - - -- - --- - -- --- ----- •- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -- - 0.5 1 0,0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS C202NO Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 3 X -axis: 345 0N I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA 1 Plot Location: see sketch below X Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Sourced 113 meter meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes 1 Quercus phellos willow oak 0.5 0.3 6.52 36 3 2 Quercus phellos willow oak B 2.5 0.3 6.53 50 3 3 Quercus phellos willow oak B 4.5 0.3 8.39 54 31 1 4 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 6.6 0.3 4.5 41 21 5 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar B 1 8.51 0.3 6.4 461 21 1 61 Quercus phellos willow oak IB 1 1.51 2.81 1 1 IM I 1 71Quercus phellos +willow oak IB 1 3.61 2.81 1 1 IM I I 81 Quercus phellos (willow oak IB 1 5.61 2.81 51 571 1 31 1 91Quercus phellos (willow oak IB 1 7.51 2.81 5.151 431 1 31 I 101 Quercus phellos (willow oak 1 1 9.31 2.81 1 1 IM I 11 (Quercus phellos (willow oak 1 0.51 4.41 1 1 IM I I 121 Quercus phellos (willow oak �B B 1 5.21 4.41 5.341 81 1 21deer I 131Quercus phellos [willow oak 1 2.61 5.71 1 1 IM I I 141Quercus phellos (willow oak 1 4.11 6.51 5.191 591 1 21 15 Betula nigra Iriver birch 113 1 71 5.71 1 1 IM I 1 16 Quercus phellos (willow oak IB 1 8.71 6.31 4.551 441 1 31 1 171Quercus phellos (willow oak IB 1 9.41 8.61 7.81 601 1 21 1 181Betula nigra Iriver birch IB 1 7.81 7.71 1 1 lM 1 19 Betula nigra Iriver birch lB 1 51 9.91 1 1 1m 201 etulanigra Iriver birch 1 1 341 9.31 1 1 IM I I 21113etula nigra Iriver birch IB 1 0.81 81 4.721 481 1 21 B = bare root - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rail Road - - - -- - I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Scientific Name Campsis radicans in plot ( -15 %) xy VOLUNTEER 1HEIGHT CLASSES f cm) 1 10 -50 50 -100 >I 00 1 I I S. John Road Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 3 X -axis: 345 0N 10 9 8 7 6 3 ------------- - -- - -; - - -�- - �� / / - - ; - - - - - -- , - -- ---- --- ;-------- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - -- ----- --- -- -- - --------- �-- - - - - -•- - - - - --1 , 1 ' I i 5 I I , I , I 4 8 -- I 3 I ; �9 - I 1Q 7 �,-c - _-- - - - - -' _ ------------ ' - - - -_ - •- •____- T------- ._- - - - - -T - _--------- I'--- - -• -._ - -- - _- - •- •-- ___�- - - - - -- T- - - - - -- • I ' 1 2 1 I 1 1 . - -_ - 1 I 1 1 1 � 1 1 I I . - - - -- ----- _ ------ i ------- . ---- 1 ----- — - ___--------- i___-- .-- -___ -_ _.,------- 1____- -. -. -_ __-------1-__---- 0.5 �- 1 0 -- 0,0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS 300N° Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 4 X -axis: 89 °E Plot Location: see sketch below Map ID Scientific Name 1 1 Quercus phellos 1 2 Quercus nigra 3 Quercus phellos 4 Quercus phellos I 5 Quercus phellos 1 6 Platanus occidentalis 1 7 _Betula nigra 8 betula niqra 1 91Platanus occidentalis 101Platanus occidentalis 111Quercus michauxii 121Quercus pa_ odifolia 131Quercus michauxii 1 141Quercus michauxii 1 151Platanus occidentalis 1 161Quercus phellos 171Quercus phellos 181Quercus pa_odifolia 191Quercus phellos 20IQuercus phellos 1 21 (Quercus phellos B = bare root Common Name willow oak water oak willow oak willow oak willow oak Isycamore Iriver birch Iriver birch Isycamore Isycamore Iswamp chestnut oak Icherry bark oak Iswamp chestnut oak Iswamp chestnut oak Isycamore 1willow oak (willow oak Icherry bark oak 1willow oak (willow oak 1willow oak X Source mete B 0. B 2. B 4. B 6. B 1 8. B I 5. b 1 3. 1B 1 1. 113 1 7. 16 1 9.1 I B 1 8. IB I I B I 4. I B 1 2. I B 1 0. I B 1 8. IB 1 8.1 IB I 7 IB 1 4.8 IB 1 2.4 IB I 0.1 0/ CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA i i Y d ddh H Height D DBH r meter m mm c cm c cm Vigor Notes Ditch S. John Road Rail Road- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER (HEIGHT CLASSES Jcm) Scientific Name 1 10 -50 50 -100 >11 00 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 4 ELiquidambar styraciflua 1 25 I I � Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 4 X -axis: 89 °E 10 1 I -- - - - - - -- - - - -- 1 I I I I ' 9 I I -- - - -- - - - - -- 21 I ; I 20 I I I 1g I I ----- - - - - - I 1� 8 1 ------ - - - - -- - - - ------ - --t - ---- - - - - -- - - - - 17 16 8 I ; 7 I I I I I I I I I •- -- - - -- ----- - - - - -- - -- - - -' -------- ------------------------r--------------T------- - -- -- - - -' --- ---- - - - - -- - - -- --- -r- - - - - -- - T--- -- - - -- ; i I 1 I - - - -- 13 -- - - -- 12 ------------- ------- T-- - - - - -- 11 - - - -- -- 15 ------- - ------- - - - - - -- 14 --------- - - - - -; - - - - - -- - - - - - -- I 5 I I 1 ' ____a- ______ ------- i 4 I I I I I I �I I I 3 I 7 -6 I I I 9 10 -_____ ._ ' - - - -. _ I �1 _� __ _ 1 ______ ________T_______- __T_______ _ --- ___T _____- T______ -._ T- ___- __- ___ ____ _ _____ ' ; 1 1 ' ' 1 I ' � I 2 1 , 1 1 � I� y - - - -- - -- -- -- * J --- - ------ -------------- -'�/ - --- - - -- - ---- - - - - - -- - •------- 1---- ---- - - - - -- 4O - - - - - - -- -- - - - --- •-- - - - --1 -- - - - - -- i -- 0.5 i 3 5 0,0 0.5 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS 44NE° Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 1 4onitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 5 X -axis: 182 0S CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Plot Location: see sketch below ( X Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Sourcel meter meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes 1 Quecus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B l 0.3 0.3 12.72 67 3 1 2 Quecus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 2.4 0.3 6.79 57 3 3 Quercus phellos willow oak B ' 4.4 0.3 8.21 75 31 4 Quercus phellos willow oak B I 6.3 0.3 5.15 42 31 5 Quercus phellos willow oak B 1 8.51 0.31 10.081 58 1 31 6 Platanus occidentalis sycamore B 1 9.71 21 7.771 561 1 31 E 71Platanus occidentalis sycamore lb 1 8.21 2.21 1 1 IM I 81Platanus occidentalis Isycamore IB 1 6.41 2.41 15.071 1091 1 31 91Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 4.31 2.81 I 1 IM I I 10IQuecus michauxii Iswamp chestnut oak IB 1 2.21 2.71 1 1 IM I 1 111 Quecus michauxii Iswamp chestnut oak IB 1 0.51 3.31 11.421 841 1 31 1 121Quecus michauxii (swamp chestnut oak IB 1 0.31 6.31 2.011 161 1 31deer 131Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 1.61 5.91 5.151 371 1 31 141Quercus pagodifolia Icherryry bark oak 113 1 2.91 5.31 1 1 IM I 151Betulanigra Iriverbirch IB 1 4.51 5.71 1 1 IM 161Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 6.11 4.71 3.481 591 1 31 171Quercusnigra Iwater oak IB 1 7.81 3.81 1 1 IM 1 18 Platanus occidentalis Isycamore I 1 9.41 2.71 3.921 171 1 31 191Platanus occidentalis Isycamore IB 1 9.91 6.61 5.131 571 1 31 2011-iriodendron tuli ifera Itulip poplar 113 1 8.11 6.91 4.951 591 1 31 E 21 IQuercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak 113 1 6.61 7.51 1 I IM I 22IQuercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 3.91 81 I I IM I I 231Quercus pagodifolia Icher bark oak 113 1 2.91 8.61 I I IM I 241Betula nigra Iriver7irch IB I 1.51 91 2.951 331 1 31 B = bare root Note 1: Plot is located partially within the 50' Neuse River Buffer y ditch xy x CIS. John Roadl i Arrinqton Road CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES Jcm� Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 IPaatanus occidentalis l 8 I I � Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 5 X -axis: 182 °S 10 ' i ' 24 9 8 I 7 I I I I 6 13 ---- --- �--------------- t - -- 5 I I I 4 I I 3 I -------F-------•-------+------- 2 I I I -------t---------------}------- 1 I I I -- F---------------+------- 0.5 0,0 0.5 1 2 144SE° 3 4 5 6 7 X -AXIS 8 20 I 19 I I I (18; •- --- -- --i- - - - - -- 9 10 Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page: 1 4onitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/17/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 6 X -axis: 258 0S I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Plot Location: see sketch below X Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name (Source meter meter mm cm cm Viqor Notes 1 Quercus phellos w willow oak B B I Ditch '� I •, I I Fenc ' I I I 0.4 3.28 33 3 3.8 6.67 50 3 6.6 7.08 48 3 9.2 1 M 7.5 6.351 561 31 4.91 6.551 601 31 1.81 5.191 571 31 2.91 6.481 531 21 5.61 1 1 M 1 8.21 4.581 511 31 9.91 5.011 351 3' 6.61 1 IM 4.61 9.941 621 31 0.71 8.361 331 21 2.11 1 IM 1 5.51 1 1 M 1 7.91 4.541 461 31 71 1 1M 1 4.51 1 IM 1 3.21 5.111 341 31 Tree line xy x 1conservation Easement CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES (cm) Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 Arrin ton Road Tree line xy x 1conservation Easement CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES (cm) Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 Arrin ton Road Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/17/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 6 X -axis: 258 0S 10 6 I 5 l 16 ------- -------- - - - - -- ►- - - -- -- l I 2 7 ; I I f 1 l --------------- I - -- 1 ---- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- •------- ---------- - - - - - -i - - - - --- -------- - - - - -- -- - 1---- ----- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- ----- 1- t--------------y------- I 0.5 � I 0,0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS C212SO Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/17/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 7 X -axis: 2 0N 1 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Plot Location: see sketch below X 1 Y ddh Height DBH I 1 Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 0.5 0.6 9.52 51 3 1 2 Quercus phellos willow oak B 3.4 1.2 0 located /roots may be alive 3 Quercus phellos willow oak B 4.8 0.3 5.21 57 3 I 4 Quercus phellos willow oak B 6.51 1.31 6.45 56 3 1 5 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 1 8.11 0.21 4.821 521 31 61Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak 113 9.61 1.81 4.801 451 1 31 71Quercus pa odifolia cherry bark oak 16 5.01 2.71 5.321 391 1 31 81Quercus phellos lwillow oak IB 1 2.01 2.01 4.911 521 1 31 91 Quercus phellos lwillow oak IB 1 0.21 3.81 5.211 561 1 31 101Quercus michauxii lswamp chestnut oak B 1 2.51 5.51 6.451 281 1 21 I 111Quercus michauxii lswamp chestnut oak JB 1 6.71 4.91 8.341 451 1 31 I 121Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak 16 1 9.91 4.61 9.501 511 1 21 1 131Quercus albs white oak IB 1 8.81 6.41 1 1 IM E 141Quercus alba lwhite oak 113 1 5.51 6.31 6.381 391 1 31 151Quercus alba lwhite oak 16 1 3.91 7.81 1 1 IM 161Quercus alba ]white oak 113 1 0.71 6.81 9.531 411 1 31 I 171Quercus nigra Iwater oak I 1 2.71 9.31 1 1 IM I I 181Quercus nigra Iwater oak IB 1 5.71 9.91 6.391 471 l 21 I 19IQuercus rngra Iwater oak I 1 7.31 8.11 1 1 IM I B = bare root lConservation Easement � I I ' � 1 i �` xY � % Zone P ` �, y `% Zo ,,e6 ` ♦ Channel Zone C ` _ ` Tree line /CE - ` I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER 1HEIGHT CLASSES Jcm I Scientific Name 110 -50 50 -100 > 00 I I I I I I I I I I Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9117/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 7 X-axis: 21N CD 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 X-AXIS CIOONW 8.0 9.0 10.0 Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page: 1 ' lonitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/17/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 8 X -axis: 76 0NE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Plot Location: see sketch below X Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B I 0.7 0.5 M damaqed 2 Quercus niqra water oak B I 0.7 2.6 M damaqed 3 Quercus niqra water oak B 1 0.7 4.4 M Idamaqed 4 Quercus phellos willow oak B 1 0.7 6.41 IM Idamaqed 5 Quercus phellos willow oak B 1 0.71 8.31 1 1 IM Idamaqed 1 6 Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak B 1 3.31 9.51 1 1 IM Idamaqed 71Quercus phellos lwillow oak IB 1 3.01 7.11 1 1 IM Idamaqed I 81Quercus niqra Iwater oak 1B 1 3.01 5.11 1 1 IM ldamaged 1 91Quercus alba lwhite oak IB 1 3.01 3.11 1 1 IM Idamaqed 1 101Quercus alba lwhite oak IB 1 3.31 1.01 1 1 IM Idamaqed 1 111Quercus alba lwhite oak IB 1 6.31 1.51 1 1 IM Idamaqed I 121Quercus phellos lwillow oak 113 1 6.31 3.11 1 1 IM ldamaged I 131Quercus niqra Iwater oak 1B 1 6.31 5.01 1 1 IM Idamaqed 141Quercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 5.81 6.81 1 1 IM ldamaged 151Quercus paqodifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 6.11 8.81 1 1 IM Idamaqed 1 161Quercus paqodifolia Icherry bark oak 1B 1 8.91 9.21 1 1 IM Idamaqed 1 171Quercus phellos lwillow oak IB 1 8.71 7.41 1 1 IM Idamaqed 1 18IQuercus niqra Iwater oak 113 1 9.01 6.11 1 1 IM Idamaqed I 19IQuercus niqra Iwater oak 113 1 9.51 4.81 1 1 IM ldamaged 201Quercus alba lwhite oak IB 1 9.91 2.41 1 1 IM ldamaged B = bare root 1 1 1 ` \ X Conservation Easement 1 Channel �♦ \ ♦ ♦ Tree line CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Scientific Name VOLUNTEER (HEIGHT CLASSES (cm� 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 I I 1 I Entire plot has been mowed - no surviving trees Two easement poles are missing & the third has been bent over Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/17/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 8 X -axis: 76 0NE 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 N_ 5.0 } 4.0 3.0 O f _ T\ 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 30 °N 09) n� O 20 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 X -AXIS Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 9 X -axis: 28 °N { Plot Location: see sketch below X Map ID Scientific Name Common Name ISource mete 1 Quercus phellos willow oak IB 0.6 { 2 Platanus occidentalis sycamore B 2. { 3 Taxodium distichum bald cypress IB 4. { 4 Taxodium distichum bald cypress 1B 6. { 5 Quercus michauxii ramp chestnut oak B 8. { 6 Betula nigra river birch B 8. { 7 Betula nigra river birch B 6. 8 Betula niqra river birch B 4. 9 Platanus occidentalis sycamore B 2. { 10 Quercus pagod. - - cherry bark oak B 1. 11 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 1. 12 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 3. 13 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip Poplar B 5. 14 Betula niqra river birch IB 6. I 15 Quercus niqra water oak B 9. f 16 Platanus occidentalis sycamore B 7. 17 Platanus occidentalis sycamore B I 5. { 18 Platanus occidentalis sycamore B 4. { 19 Betula niqra river birch B I 2. { 20 Betula nigra river birch B 0. B = bare root r : / Ditch / Ditch / / / f - -- ---- - - - - -- CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Y ddh Height DBH r meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes 0.6 M 5 0.6 5.08 47 5 0.5 6.68 71 6 0.5 9.1 68 6 0.4 6.68 62 4 2.4 M 6 2.3 M 9 2.5 5.32 66 6 3.0 14.53 51 0 3.6 I M 9 6.6 9.68 69 6 5.5 4.92 60 2 5.3 M 9 4.6 M 6 9.9 M 2 9.9 7.12 58 5 9.9 5.2 50 3 9.9 8.39 45 4 9.9 5.25 47 9 10.0 M / I / ! Y X, y f Ditch I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES (cm) { Scientific Name 10 -50150 -100 -1 0 I I - I I I / I / ! Y X, y f Ditch I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES (cm) { Scientific Name 10 -50150 -100 -1 0 I I - I I I Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 10 X -axis: 194 1S I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA j Plot Location: see sketch below X I Y ddh Height DBH I Map ID Scientific Name Common Name ISource meter meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes I 1 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 0.5 0.4 6.48 34 2 Damaged I 1 2 Quercus phellos willow oak B 2.2 0.5 4.49 56 2 Damaged 3 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 4.5 0.4 M 4 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 7.01 0.6 1 M I 1 5 Quercus phellos willow oak I B 1 9.31 0.61 5.191 571 1 21 Damaged I 6 Quercus phellos willow oak IB 1 9.11 3.11 5.221 441 1 21 Damaged I 7 1 Quercus phellos Iwillowoak IB 1 7.01 3.01 1 1 IM I 1 81Taxodiumdistichum I bald cypress IB 1 4.91 3.01 1 1 IM I 91Taxodium distichum Ibald cypress IB 1 2.61 2.91 4.841 191 1 21 Damaged 10 1 Quercus phellos Iwillowoak I 1 0.71 2.61 5.001 581 1 21Damaged 11 IQUercus pagodifolia Icherry bark oak 18 1 0.81 5.11 1 1 IM 121Quercus pa_odifolia Icherry bark oak IB 1 3.01 5.21 1 1 IM I 131Quercus phellos (willow oak 16 1 4.91 5.61 4.451 291 1 21 Damaged 141Quercus ghellos (willow oak IB 1 6.71 5.81 7.081 591 1 2 Damaged I 151Quercusnigra Iwater oak I 1 8.91 6.11 5.101 581 1 21Damaged I 161Betulanigra I river birch I 1 9.71 8.11 1 1 IM 171Lirioden ron tulipifera Itulip poplar IB 1 7.71 8.11 1 1 IM I 18 1 Quercus phellos [willow oak 16 1 6.01 8.11 5.411 361 1 21 Damaged 191 Platanus occidentalis Isycamore lB 1 4.51 8.11 1 1 IM I 201Quercus alba (white oak I 1 1.81 8.01 1 1 IM I B = bare root X, y Conservation Easement y i r r Ditch r x r r i nqton Roadi _ I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER Scientific Name !I I I (HEIGHT CLASSES cm 1 10 -50 50 -100 >_ 00 I I I I All vegetation in plot has been damaged as a result of easement encroachments. Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 10 X -axis: 194 0S sn.n 150 °SE 6.0 7.0 Site: Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page: 1 14onitoring Year: MY1 Date: 9/24/2015 Area: Veg Plot No.: 11 X -axis: 280 °W Plot Location: see sketch below Map ID Scientific Name 1 Liriodendron tulipifera 2 Quercus phellos 3 Quercus michauxii 4 Quercus pagodifolia 5 Betula nigra 6 Platanus occidentalis 71p1atanus occidentalis 81Fraxinus pennsylvanica 91Quercus phellos 10IQuercus phellos 111Betula nigra 121Betula nigra 131Platanus occidentalis 141Platanus occidentalis 151Platanus occidentalis 1611-iriodendron tulipifera 171Platanus occidentalis 181Quercus phellos 191Quercus pagodifolia 2016etula nigra B = bare root Common Name tulip poplar Iwillow oak swamp chestnut oak cher bark oak riv 'Zirch Isycamore !sycamore creen ash willow oak (willow oak Iriver birch Iriver birch Isycamore Isycamore Isycamore Itulip poplar Isycamore Iwdlow oak Icherry bark oak Iriver birch -- Ditch- - --r--------------- ► ► Ditch � ► ► ► ► ► ► ► CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Scientific Name Ipomoea sp. covering -20 % of plot CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA X Y ddh Height DBH Sourcel meter meter mm cm cm Vigor Notes B 0.6 0.4 6.45 52 3 B ' 2.7 0.2 5.17 59 2 B 1 4.6 0.2 7.68 57 21 B 1 6.7 0.21 4.89 57 31 B 1 8.61 0.21 I I IM I 1b 1 1.41 3.31 4.821 411 1 31 IB 1 3.21 3.01 4.921 471 1 21 IB 1 5.01 2.71 5.221 381 1 31 lB 1 6.71 2.61 1 1 tM 1 1 1 8.61 1.81 1 1 1 I IB 1 8.91 5.11 4.811 541 I 31 IB 1 6.91 5.11 I I IM I IB 1 5.41 5.61 I I IM I IB 1 3.11 5.71 6.641 591 1 31 IB 1 1.41 5.91 7.991 471 1 31 IB 1 1.21 8.81 1 1 IM I IB 1 3.11 8.71 2.201 221 1 31 IB 1 4.31 8.61 7.681 641 I 31 IB 1 6.41 8.51 1 1 IM I IB 1 9.71 8.31 I I IM I x X, y Conservation Easement) VOLUNTEER (HEIGHT CLASSES Jcm) 10 -50 50 -100 >100 APPENDIX E Photo Station & Easement Encroachment Photos Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase I MY1 Monitoring Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 September 18 & 24, 2015 Photo Station Photos: Photo Station 1: View facing 260 °W, showing the Neuse River Riparian Buffer to the right and Nutrient Offset Restoration area to the left. Photo Station 2: View facing 234 °SW Photo Station 3: View facing 301 °NW Photo Station 4: View facing 288 °W Photo Station 4: View facing 94 °E Photo Station 5: View facing 88 °E. Note tilling within the CE. Photo Station 6: View facing 178 °S. Note vegetation has been damaged as a result of easement encroachments. Photo Station 6: View facing 10 °N. Note vegetation has been damaged as a result of easement encroachments. Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase I Expansion MY1 Monitoring Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 September 17, 2015 Photo Station Photos: Photo Station 7: View facing 50 °NE, showing the Neuse River Riparian Buffer to the right and Nutrient Offset Restoration area to the left. Photo Station 7: View facing 152 °SE, showing the Neuse River Riparian Buffer to the left and Nutrient Offset Restoration area to the right. Photo Station 7: View facing 216 °SW, showing the Nutrient Offset Restoration area. Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase I Monitoring Year 1 Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 September 17 & 24, 2015 Easement Encroachment Photos: Photo 1: Mowing within the western section of CE near Vegetation Plot 5. View facing east along CE line from a location approximately 100 feet west of Vegetation Plot 5. Note the bent easement marker pole that was found lying on the ground. Photo 2: Mowing and tilling within the southwest portion of CE. View facing south along CE line from the location of Photo Station 6. Note the CE marker pole in the upper right quadrant of the photo, the tilled soil in the center of the photo, and the damaged vegetation in the lower left quadrant of the photo. Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase I Expansion Monitoring Year 1 Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 September 17 & 24, 2015 �,asement Encroachment Photos: Photo 1: Mowing within the northeastern section of CE. View facing south into CE from a location on the northern CE boundary approximately 50 feet east of the tributary. Photo 2: Mowing and tilling southeastern portion of CE. View facing northwest along CE line from the location of southeastern-most corner of CE.