HomeMy WebLinkAbout960137_Permit Renewal Application 2019_20190410State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality M K 2 8 2019 Division of Water Resources Animal Waste Management Systems r n'r1nn:, o?eiu^«1� e fi Request for Certification of Coverage Facility Currently covered by an Expiring Sate Non -Discharge General Permit On September 30, 2019, the North Carolina State Non -Discharge General Permits for Animal Waste Management Systems will expire. As required by these permits, facilities that have been issued Certificates of Coverage to operate under these State Non -Discharge General Permits must apply for renewal at least 180 days prior to their expiration date. Therefore, all applications must be received by the Division of Water Resources by no later than April 3, 2019. Please do not leave any question unanswered. Please verify all information and make any necessary corrections below. Application must be signed and dated by the Permittee. 1. Farm Number: 96-0137 Certificate Of Coverage Number: 2. Facility Name: Rand Grar's Isolation Farm 3. Landowner's Name (same as on the Waste Management Plan): Rand Alan Gray 4. Landowner's Mailing Address: 279 Cir Dr City: Pikeville State: NC Telephone Number: 919-778-7700 Ext. E-mail: 5• Facility's Physical Address: 6450 Wavne Memorial Rd City: Pikeville State: 6. County where Facility is located: Wad 7. Farm Manager's Name (if different from Landowner): 8. Farm Manager's telephone number (include area code): 9. Integrator's Name (if there is not an Integrator, write "None"): 10. Operator Name (OIC): Randv Alan Gray 11. Lessee's Name (if there is not a Lessee, write "None"): 12. Indicate animal operation type and number: Current Permit: Operations Type Swine - Feeder to Finish Operation Types: Swine Cattle Wean to Finish Dairy Calf Wean to Feeder Dairy Heifer Farrow to Finish Milk Cow Feeder to Finish Dry Cow Farrow to Wean Beef Stocker Calf Farrow to Feeder Beef Feeder Boar/Stud Beef Broad Cow Gilts Other Other NC AWS960137 Zip: 27863-9042 Zip: 27863 Phone No.: 919-222-7701 OIC #: 985730 Allowable Count 840 Dry Poultry Other Types Non Laying Chickens Horses - Horses Laying Chickens Horses- Other Pullets Sheep- Sheep Turkeys Sheep - Other Turkey Pullet Wets Non Laying Pullet Layers ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN secrerary LINDA CULPEPEER DYr"for NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality February 27, 2019 Randy Alan Gray Randy Gray's Isolation Farm 279 Cir Dr Pikeville, NC 27863-9042 Subject: Application for Renewal of Coverage for Expiring State General Permit Dear Permittee: Your facility is currently approved for operation under one of the Animal Waste Operation State Non -Discharge General Permits, which expire on September 30, 2019. Copies of the new animal waste operation State Non -Discharge General Permits are available at htt s://deg .nc. ov/about/divisions/water-resources/water- uali -re ional-o erations/afo or by writing or calling: NCDEQ-DWR Animal Feeding Operations Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Telephone number: (919) 707-9100 In order to assure our continued covera State Non -Discharge General Permits you must submit an a pliontinn for permit covera a to the Division. Enclosed ou will find a Itiaguest for Certificate oovera a Facili 'l- urrently Covered. —by —an Ex irin� State Non-Dischar a General Permit." The a lication form must be completed. si w ed and returned b • AA EL1, 19. Please note that you must include one 1 co v of the Certified Animal Waste Mana ement Plan CAWMP with the com leted and si ned a lication form. A list of items included in the CAWMP can be found on a �e 2 of the renewal a hcat� ion form• Failure to request renewal of your coverage under a general permit within the time period specified may result in a civil penalty. Operation of your facility without coverage under a valid general permit would constitute a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and could result in assessments of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If you have any questions about the State Non -Discharge General Permits, the enclosed application, or any related matter please feel free to contact the Animal Feeding Operations Branch staff at 919-707-9100. Sincerely, Jon Risgaard, Section Chief Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Section Enclosures cc (w/o enclosures): Washington Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District AFOG Section Central Files - AWS960137 Na th Caro na i7eca tre,tof € qvrormenta ,ua v, I D us0n OfWat=_r RC-SoucD=s D 512 N. -Sa sbu n• St. .a$ has Sary•-enter I Ra e , North Caro ra 27S913-1c^Zc. � 1� er _1n 7,D7 :9."t^,,r3 13. Waste Treatment and Storage Lagoons (Verify the following information is accurate and complete. Make all necessary corrections and provide missing data.) Structure Name Estimated Date Built Liner Type (Clay, Synthetic, Unknown) Capacity (Cubic Feet) Estimated Surface Area (Square Feet) Design Freeboard 'Redline" (Inches) IG 6/17/1997 f` Mail one (1) copy of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) with this completed and signed application as required by NC General Statutes 143-215.1OC(d) to the address below. The CAWMP must include the following components: 1. The most recent Waste Utilization Plan (WUP), signed by the owner and a certified technical specialist, containing: a. The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g. irrigation, injection, etc.) b. A map of every field used for land application (for example: irrigation map) c. The soil series present on every land application field d. The crops grown on every land application field e. The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP f. The maximum PAN to be applied to every land application field g. The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP h. The required NRCS Standard specifications 2. A site map/schematic 3. Emergency Action Plan 4. Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 5. Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 6. Mortality Control Checklist with selected method noted - Use the enclosed updated Mortality Control Checklist 7. Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.) Please be sure the above table is accurate and complete. Also provide any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. 8. Operation and Maintenance Plan If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. (e.g. composting, digesters, waste transfers, etc.) As a second option to mailing paper copies of the application package, you can scan and email one signed copy of the application and all the CAWMP items above to: 2019PermitRenewal@ncdenr.gov I attest that this application has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application may, be subject to civil penalties up,to $25,000 per violation. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both for a similar offense.) Printed Name of Signing Official (Landowner, or if multiple Landowners all landowners should sign. If Landowner is a corporation, signature should dd]be by a principal executive officer of the corporation): Name: 22'i1 L Ti a e�v V Title: �7�? Signature: r Date: 3 — A' — T / Name: Signature: Name: Signature: Title: Date: Title: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NCDEQ-DWR Animal Feeding Operations Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Telephone number: (919) 707-9100 E-mail: 2019PermitRenewal@ncdenr.gov FORM: RENEWAL -STATE GENERAL 02/2019 Version —November 26, 201E Aortality Management Methods Indicate which method(s) will be implemented. When selecting multiple methods indicate a primary versus secondary option. Methods other than those listed must be approved by the State Veterinarian. Primary Secondary Routine Mortality ® Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours of knowledge of animal death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water (G.S.106-403). The bottom of the burial pit should be at least one foot above the seasonal high water table. Attach burial location map and plan. Landfill at municipal solid waste facility permitted by NC DEQ under GS 15A NCAC 13B .0200. Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7. Complete incineration according to 02 NCAC 52C .0102. ® ® A composting system approved and permitted by the NC Department of Agriculture & Con- sumer Services Veterinary Division (attach copy of permit). If compost is distributed off -farm, additional requirements must be met and a permit is required from NC DEQ. In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (G.S. 106-549.70). a Any method which, in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian, would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval by the State Veterinarian must be attached). aMass Mortality Plan Mass mortality plans are required for farms covered by an NPDES permit. These;plans are also recommended for all animal operations. This plan outlines farm=specific mortality man- agement methods to be used for mass mortality. The NCDA&CS Veterinary Division sup- ports a variety of emergency mortality disposal options; contact the Division for guidance. • A catastrophic mortality disposal plan is part of the facility's CAWMP and is activated when numbers of dead animals exceed normal mortality rates as specified by the State Veterinarian. • Burial must be done in accordance with NC General Statutes and NCDA&CS Veterinary Division regulations and guidance. • Mass burial sites are subject to additional permit conditions (refer to facility's animal waste management system permit). • In the event of imminent threat of a disease emergency, the State Veterinarian may enact additional temporary procedures or measures for disposal according to G.S. 106-399.4. Date Za Date .�-;: ASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Goldsboro Hog Farms, Inc. Thursday, January 02, 2003 Producer : Randy Gray Farm Name: Telephone # : Type of Operation : RG Hog Farm 279 Circle Drive Pikeville,NC 278M (919)778-7700 Feeder to Finish Swine Number of Animals: 840 hogs design capacity Application Method: irrigation The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient contents of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and avaialable water holding capacities. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. With special pre -cautions, waste may be applied to land eroding at up to 10 tons per acre per year. Do. not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is not allowed under DEM regulations. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied to bare ground not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. This plan is based on waste application through irrigation for this is the manner in which you have chosen to apply your waste. If you choose to inject the waste in the future, you need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for injecting waste and irrigating waste are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Attached you will find information on proper sampling techniques, preparation, and transfer of waste samples to the lab for ananlysis. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H.0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. Page 1 AMOUNT OF WASTE PRODUCED PER YEAR (gallons, ft3, tons, etc.) 840 hogs X 1.9 tons "aste/ho 9slYear = 1598 tons AMOUNT OF PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN (PAN) PRODU 840 hogs X 2.3 Ibs PAN/hogs/year =1932 PAN/year CED PER YEAR Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a time) pp y plan time and have The following acreage will be needed for waste a y manner. soil type and suface application. application based on the crop to be grown, TABLE 1 : ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER TRACT FIELD SOIL TYPE NG PjIA _ CROP YIELD LgS AW _ AS DETERMINING PHASE CODE COMM ACRES LgS AW 4907 1 WAGRAM 0-6% N/ACRE NACRE APPLIC. 4907 1 WAGRAM 0-6% 4.7 235 BC USED TIME - y 4907 2 WAGRAM 0-6% - SG 1 02.02 474. MAR OCT 4907 2 WAGRAM 4.7 BC 0 2.02 101 SEP-APR 0-6% 4907 3 WAGRAM 03 -6GRAM 0-6%% SG 1 44.7_ 0 1.98 4�. MAR-OCT ~4907 GRAM BC 50 0 1.98 99 SEP-APR WA 4907 _ SG 235 0 2.15 505.25 MAR-OCT WA0-6% 1 50 4907 4A WAGRAM 0 6% BC 4.7 235 0 2.15 107.5 SEP-APR 4907 SG 0 1.17 274.95 MAR-OCT 4B WAGRAM 0-6% 1 50 0 1.17 4907 46 WAGRAM 0-6% SG 58.5 SEP APR 1 50 0 1.17 58.5 SEP-APR 4907 5 WAGRAM 0-6% BC 4.7 235 4907 5 WAGRAM 0-6% SG 0 1.17 274.95 MAR-OCT 1 � 0 2.37 4907 6 WAGRAM 0_6% BC 4.7 118.5 SEP APR 4907 SG 235 0 2.37 556. MAR-OCT 6 WAGRAM 0�% 1 50 0 2 4907 7 WAGRAM 0-6% BC 4-7 119 SEP-APR 4907 SG 235 0 2 38 559.3 MAR-OCT 7 WAGRAM 0-6% 1 --- BC 4.70 0 2.45 122.5 SEP.APR 575.75 MAI Indicates that this field is bein g rplanted ) or winter annuals follow overseeded (i.e. inte TOTALS: 3278.93 summer annuals. * Indicates a Crop Rotation NOTE: The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over requirments. Beginning in 1996 the Coastal Zone Management some eastern counties of NC to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all applied while meeting the N nutrients. This plan only addresses Nitrogen. Act will require farmers in Page 2 TABLE 2: ACRES WITH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEAS (Agreement with adjacent landowners must be attached.) (Required only if operator does not own adequate land. See required specifications 2.) There are no Acres Leased Indicates that this field is being overseeded (i.e. interplanted) or winter annuals follow summer annuals. * Indicates a Crop Rotation * Acreage figures may exceed total acreage in field due to overseeding. **Lbs AW N (animal waste nitrogen) equals total required nitrogen less any commercial nitrogen (COMM N) supplied. The following legend explains the crop codes used in TABLES 1 and 2 above: CROPCODE_ CROP BC HYBRID BERMUDAGRASS-CONTROLLED GRAZED ONUNITS LBS N/UNIT SG SMALL GRAIN OVERSEEDED TONS Sp AC 50 Page 3 TOTALS FROM TABLES 1 AND ACRES LBS AW TABLE 1 — - _ �16.693,279 N USED TOTALS: AMOUNT OF N PRODUCED: 1,932 *—BALANCE This number must be less than or equal to 0 in order to f N produced. ully utilize the animal waste Acres show in each of the preceeding tables are considered to be the us excluding required buffers, filter strips along ditches, odd areas unable to b perimeter areas not receiving full application rates due toe equipment able acres acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the a irrigated, and tables. q Pment limitations. Actual total acres shown in the NOTE: The Waste Utilization Plan must contain provisions for periodic sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nurturient rich and will re measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other ele land application of will produce approximately 310.8 pounds of plant available nitrogen quire precautionary sludge that will need a be removed on a periodic basis. This acres figure is PAN when elements. Your production facility broadcasting the sludge. Please be aware that additional g n (PAN} per year in the equipment, may be needed when you remove this sludge, of land, as well special See the attached map showing the fields to be used for the uti APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION Ilzation of waste water The irrigation application rate should not exceed the intake rate of the irrigation such that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited b initial content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and or soil at the time of amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity y al soil moisture Irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied 9y of solids. The application P ty of the soil at the time of crop. pp ed exceed the nitrogen needs of the Your facility is designed for 180 days of temporary storage a be removed on the average of once every 5.92 months. In no instanc Of waste being stored in your structure be within 1 feetg and the temporary storage must If surface irrigation is the method of land application fort a should the volume of the top of the dike. Producer and irrigation designer to ensure that an irrigation system irrigate the acres shown in Tables 1 and 2. F his plan, it is the responsiblity of the amounts of Nitrogen shown in the tables may to apply the recommended rates and y make this plan invalid. The following table is provided as a guide for establishing applicatio TRACT n rates and amounts. FIELDSOIL APPLICATION 4907 >> 3, -4� ..j8, s, 6 AGRAM 0 6% TMPE CROP (fir APPLICATION RATE ) AMT (inches) 4907 t,2.3,4A,4B,5,6,7 WAGRAMSG 0.60 * This is the maximum application amount allowed for the .1 BC 0.60 nitrogen allowed for the crop is not over applied. In many situations t i soil assuming the amount of amount shown cannot be applied because the nitrogen limitation. The m application amount shown can be applied under optimums ' he a maximum axlmum soil conditions. Page 4 NARRATIVE OF OPERATION This WUP is written based on an irrigation design provided by Brock Irrigation and approved by Dean Bingham, NRCS Civil Engineer. The irrigation design is attached as part of the documentation. Page 5 PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. Illegal discharges are subject to assessment of civil penalties of $10,000 per day by the Division of Water Quality for every day the discharge continues. 2. The Field Office must have documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has long term access to adequate land to properly dispose of waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he shall provide NRCS with a copy of a written agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application for the life expectancy of the production facility. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste may be applied to land that has a Resource Management System (RMS) or an Alternative Conservation System (ACS). If an ACS is used the soil loss shall be no greater than 10 tons per acre per year and appropriate filter strips will be used where runoff leaves the field. These filter strips will be in addition to 'Buffers" required by DEM. (See FOTG Stantard 393 - Filter Strips and Standard 390 Interim Riparian Forest Buffers). 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland: When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" in the NRCS Technical Reference - Environment file for guidance.) *7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control conditions conducive to odor or flies and to provide uniformity of application. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of a crop on bare soil. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: the outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a Page 6 component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and from any perennial stream or river (other that an irrigation ditch or canal. Animal waste other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995), shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to perennial waters. (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips) 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal Waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landownwer. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right - of ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted croplands provided they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste should not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, except when applied at agronomic rates and the application causes no runoff or drift from the site. *16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. *17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments;. berms, pipe runs; etc.). If needed, special vegetation shall be provided for these areas and shall be fenced; as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc. are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Lagoon berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage or discharge. *18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. *19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption, it should only be applied as a preemergence with no other applications of animal waste during the crop season. *21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume fpr waste storage ponds. 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate - determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted for optimum crop production amd maintained. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five (5) years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. Page 7 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina Department of Agriculture regulations. " Liquid Systems Page 8 NAME OF FARM: RG Hog Farm OWNER i MANAGER AGREEMENT I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance precedures estalished in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and/or storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new utilization plan and a new certification to be submitted to DEM before the new animals are stocked. I (we) understand that I must own or have acres to equipment, primarily irrigation equipment, to land apply the animal waste described in this waste utilization plan. This equipment must be available at the appropriate pumping time such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon in a 25-year 1-day storm event. I also certify that the waste will be applied on the land according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates that no runoff occurs. NAME OF FACILITY OWNER: Randy Gray SIGNATURE: NAME OF MANAGER (if different from owner): SIGNATURE: DATE: S = ? 5-- DATE: NAME OF TECHNICAL SPECIALIST: George H. Pettus AFFILIATION: Goldsboro Hog Farms, Inc. ADDRESS (AGENCY): PO Box 10009 Goldsboro, NC 27532 please print (919) 778-3130 SIGNATURE: DATE: 2� toS Page 9 t/ !l / %/ �)�"�_ ✓'�G. s� / �,+` Gas , "z-J,� � .RANDY ALAN GRAY GURLEY County: WA ?istance nYNE to nearest residece Date; (other 6/17/97 LIVE t• AVERAGE than owner): WEIGHT (ALW) 450.00 feet 0 sows (farrow to 0 sows (farrow finish) 840 head to feeder) 1417 (finishing only) x - 0 sows (farrow x 522 lbs. _ 0 lbs 0 head t° wean) 135 lbs. _ 0 lbs Describe otl to feeder) x 433 lbs. 113z. other ; x _ -00 lbs -- 30 lbs. _- 0 lbs 0 lbs Total Av.er.a ---- 0 • MINIMUM REQUIRED ge. Live Weight = TREATMENT VOLUME OF 11-3 0 0 lI� jTolt�nle = LAGOON Treatment 113400 lbs, x Treatment Volume TTolume = 113400 c ALW = (CF)/lb. ALW Cubic*feet 1 CF/lb. ALW �• STORAGE VOLUME FOR SLUDGE ACCUMULATION Volume = 0.00 cubic feet TOTAL DESIGNED VOLUME Inside top length (feet Inside top width )---------_ Top of dike (feet)----------- _ --- 355.0 Bottom elevation (feet}---------- ------ 74.2 Freeboard lagoon elevation-_-- 49:2 Side _slopes (feet)-----------_ ---- (inside ----------------- 39.2 lagoon}------ 1.0 Total design volume c-�--- 1. 5 1 u`ing Irismoidal formula SSD1 SS �, ---- _/EN/END2 S�/SIDE1 SS c LENGTH y -- �_--- WIDTH DEPTH AREA OF TOP LENGTH * WIDTH = 352.0 71 2 AR£A-F___n _ T_ _ 25045 ( AREA OF Top) ti - O.� LENGTH * WIDTH = f 325.0 44.2 AREA OF MIDSECTION14049 (AREA OF BOTTOM) LENGTH * WIDTH 338.5 57.7 CU. FT, = IAREA TQp + 4*AREA 78058 (AREA OF MIDSECTION, 4) ( 25044,8 MIDSECTION) AREA BOTTOM) X 78058,1 +AR 14348,8 DEPTH/6 Total Designed Volume AI." . Available = 176177 C.U. FT, • TEMPORARY STORAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE AREA: Lagoon (top of dike) Length * Width = 355.0 74.2 26323.3 square feet Buildings (roof and lot water) 0.0 square feet TOTAL DA Describe this area, 26323.3 square feet Design temporar Y storage period to e 5A• Volume of waste produced 180 days, Feces &urine Production in gal./day Per 135 lb. ALW 1.37 Volume = 113400 W/1 lbs• lbs. (5B. Volume - 207144 gals. AoLr�27693.0ALW*1.37 gal/day 180 Volume of wash water cubic feet days This is the amount Of fresh water usedof fresh water used for the lagoon water are accounted for plush washing floors or volume system. Flush systems that recirculate Volume = in 5A. 0 gal, ,K Voltune = ~ - 180 days stora P 0.0 cubic — — g_/7.48 gallons fee+ _ ZF-- r�Znfa33 1n- "Xcess-c,f- Use period of time when -- '� rainfall exceeds evaporation by largest __._.._..._..___ 180 days excess rainfall amount. Volume = 8,2 in * � 8=2 inches DA / 12 inches per foot Volume = 17987.E cubic feet -- 5D. Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm Volume = 7.0 inches ,1 12 inches per foot * DA Volume = 15355.2 cubic feet TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE 5A. 27693 cubic feet 5B. 0 cubic feet 5C. 17988 cubic feet 5D. 1-53.55 .cubic feet TOTAL 61036 cubic feet 6. SUMMARY Temporary storage period____________________> 180 days Rainfall in excess of evaporation===========> 8.2 inches 25 year - 24 hour rainfall==================> 7.0 inches 1.0 feet Side slopes_________________________________> 1.5 1 Inside top length==_________________________> 355.0 feet Inside top width____________________________> 74.2 feet Top of dike elevation=======================> 49.20 feet Bottom of lagoon elevation==================> 39.20 feet Total required voltmie_______________________> 174436 cu. ft. Actual design volume========================> 176177 cu. ft. A - Seasonal high watertable elevation (SHWT)===> 43.00 feet Stop pumping elev.__________________________> 45.52 feet Must he > or = to the SHWT elev.=======_===> 43.00 feet Must be > or = to min. req. treatment el.=> 45.20 feet Required minimum treatment volume===========> 113400 cu. ft. Volume at stop pumping elevation============> 113559 cu. ft. - Must be at bottom of freeboard & 25 yr. rainfall Actual volume less 25 yr.- 24 hr. rainfall==> 160822 cu. ft. Volume at start pumping elevation===========> 160166 cu. ft. Required volume to be pumped======..-=.========> 45681 cu. ft. Actual volume planned to be pumped==========> 46607 cu. ft. Min. thickness of soil liner when required==> 1.5 feet 7 . 99I GNP Tr : T •1 ,�� �- =✓ �,y v APPROVED PY • -- DATE: DATE: NOTE: SEE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN COMMENTS: G�Pc . y�%r .��� c' �.�%' �.� / -' �:.y� ;`"�� -Sr � e /%y/l.,r/Y!-{' �n • �,•'J - tu. s- �' C n ray'�� � f" _ �=�'� ez^i c�� f e�rr'�-v��� SHEET 1 =12 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN ------------------------------ This lagoon is designed for waste treatment (permanent storage) and 180 days of temporary storage. The time required for the planned fluid level (permanent and temporary storage) to be reached may vary due to site conditions, weather, flushing operations, and the amount of fresh water added to the system. The designed temporary storage consists of 180 days storage for*. (1) waste from animals and (2) excess rainfall after evaporation. Also included is storage for the 25 year - 24 hour storm for the location. The volzune of waste generated from a given number of animals will be fairly constant throughout the year and from year to year, but excess rainfall will vary from year to year. The 25 year rainfall will not be a factor to consider in an annual pumping cycle, but this storage .volume -mu-s-t .always be .-avail.abl.e.. A maximum elevation is determined in each design to begin pumping and this is usually the outlet invert of pipe(s) from building(s). If the out -let pipe is not installed at the elevation to begin pumping, a permanent- marker must be installed at this elevation to indicate when pumping should begin. An elevation must be established to stop pumping to maintain lagoon treatment depth. Pumping can be started or stopped at any time between these two elevations for operating convenience as site conditions permit, such as weather, soils, crop, and equipment in order.to apply waste without runoff or leaching. Land application of waste water is recognized as an acceptable method of disposal. Methods of application include solid set, center pivot, guns, and traveling gun irrigation. Care should be taken when applying waste to prevent damage to crops. The following items are to be carried out: 1. It is strongly recommended that the treatment lagoon be pre - charged to 1/2 its capacity to prevent excessive odors during start-up. Pre -charging reduces the concentration of the initial covered with effluent at all times. When pre -charging is complete, flush buildings with recycled lagoon liquid. Fresh water should not be used for flushing after initial filling. 2. The attached waste utilization plan shall be followed. This plan recommends sampling and testing of waste (see attachment) _- 3. Begin temporary storage pump -out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches the elevation 47.55 as marked by permanent marker. Stop pump - out when the fluid level reaches elevation 45.52 . This temporary storage, less 25 yr- 24 hr storm, contains 45681 cubic feet or 341691 gallons. SHEET 2 OF 2 4. The recommended maximum amount to apply per irrigation is one (1) inch and the recommended maximum application rate is 0.3 inch per hour. Refer to the waste utilization plan for further details. 5. Keep vegetation on the embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed annually. Vegetation should be fertilized as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. 6. Repair any eroded areas or areas damaged by rodents and establish in vegetation. 7. All surface runoff is to be diverted from the lagoon to stable outlets. S. Keep a minimum of 25 feet of grass vegetated buffer around waste utilization fields a.d.i..ac.ent .tn . perennial streams., Waste will not be applied in open ditches. Do not pump within 200 feet of a residence or within 100 feet of a well. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways, 9. The Clean Water Act of 1977 prohibits the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environ- mental Management, has the responsibility for enforcing this law. CIL.or-: o- err - � . _r � `N�iTV C ;;BILE i�' County: WAY--NTE Distance to nearest residence Date (other 6/17/97 1. AVERAGE than awner): LITTE WEIGHT (ALW) 450,00 feet 0 sows (farrow to 0 sows (farrow finish) 840 head to x feeder) 1417 lbs. 0 SOWS (farrow to `Y . _ (finishia wean) ng only) 522 lbs. 0 lbs _ 0 head (wean 135 lbs. _ 0 lbs Describe other:feeder) �° 433 lbs. 113400 lbs 30 lbs, = 0 lbs 0 lbs Total Aver a 0 2. MINIMUM REQUIRED ge Live Weight TREATMENT VOLUME OF 113400 lbs Volume = LAGOON 113400 lbs. ALW � Treatment TTolume(gF);'lb, Treatment Volume(CF i Volume = 113400 ALW = ),lb. ALW cubic feet 1 CF/lb. ALW 3, STORAGE VOLUME FOR SLUDGE ACC LrMLrLATION Volume = 0,00 cubic feet TOTAL DESIGNED VOLUME Inside tap length (feet) Inside tap width ----------- ToP of dike (feet)------------`_-------- 355.0 Bottom of elevation (feet)_________ _______ 74,2 Freeboard lagoon elevation (feet)-----___---- 49,2 Side slopes - ---- lopes (inside ------ _ 39.2 -� _ _ lagoon)--------- - - 1.0 Total desi~----_-- _ _--------- 1.5 1 gn valume using Prismo—, -- f miia--- _ SS/1.5 S,S/END2 SS/SIDE1 SS/SIDE2 y4 y 1., 115 LENGTH 1.5 1.50 WIDTH DEPTH 352.0 71.2 AREA OF TOP 9.0 LENGTH * WIDTH = 352,0 71,2 AREA OF BOTTOM 25045 (AREA OF TOP) LENGTH * WIDTH = 325.0 44.2 AREA OF MIDSECTION 14349 (AREA OF BOTTOM) LENGTH * WIDTH 338,5 57.7 - CLr, FT. = [AREA TOP + (4 *AREA 78058 (AREA OF MIDSECTION * 4) 25044.8 MIDSECTION) + AREA BOTTOM] 78058.1 DEPTH/6 14348,g Total Designed Volume Available = 1.E 176177 CU, FT. 'i TEMPORARY STORAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE AREA: Lagoon (top of dike) Length * Width = 355.0 74.2 2630-3.3 square feet Buildings (roof and lot water) 0.0 square feet Describe this area. TOTAL DA 26323.3 square feet Design temporary storage period to b e 180 days. 5A. Volume of waste produced Feces & urine production in gal./day per 135 lb. ALW 1.37 Volume = 113400 lbs. ALW/135 lbs. ALW * 1.37 gal/day 180 days Volume = 207144 gals. or 27693.0 cubic feet 5B. Volume of wash water This is the amount of fresh water used for washing floors or volume of fresh water used for a flush system. Flush systems that recirculate the lagoon water are accounted for in 5A. 0.0 gallons/day 180 days storage/7.48 gallons per I, Vol -Lune = 0.0 cubic feet 5C. Volume of rainfall in excess of evaporation Use period of time when rainfall exceeds evaporation by largest amount. 180 days excess rainfall = 8.2 inches Vol -Lune = 8.2 in * DA / 12 inches per foot Volume = 17987.6 cubic feet. 5D. Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm Volume = 7.0 inches / 12 inches per foot * DA Volume = 15355.2 cubic feet TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE 5A. 27693 cubic feet 5B. 0 cubic feet 5C. 17988 cubic feet 5D. 15355 cubic feet TOTAL 61036 cubic feet 6. ,SUMMARY Temporary storage period____________________> 180 days Rainfall in excess of evaporation=====______> 8.2 inches 25 year - 24 hour rainfall__________________> 7.0 inches 1.0 feet Side slopes---------------------------------? 1.5 : 1 Inside top length___________________________> 355.0 feet Inside top width____________________________> 74.2 feet Top of dike elevation_______________________> 49.20 feet Bottom of lagoon elevation__________________> 39.20 feet Total required volume_______________________> 174436 cu. ft. Actual design voltune________________________> 176177 cu. 'ft. Seasonal high watertable elevation (SHWT)===> 43.00 feet. Stop pumping elev.__________________________> 45.52 feet Mu-c3 -t-bp nr—o- -t.he—EiWT eI.eJ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > . 43.00 f eet -- Must. be > or = to min. req. treatment el.=> 45.20 feet Required minimum treatment voltme=====______> 113400 cu. ft. Volume at stop pumping elevation=====_______> 113559 cu. ft. Start pumping elev._________________________> 47.55 feet Must- be at bottom of freeboard & 25 yr. rainfall Actual volume less 25 yr.- 24 hr. rainfall==> 160822 cu. ft. Volume at start pumping elevation=====______> 160166 cu. ft. Required volume to be. pumped======_-_________> 45681 cu, ft, Actual volume planned to be pumped=====_____> 46607 cu. ft. Min. thickness of soil liner when required==> 1.5 feet 7 APPROVED BY DATE: DATE: NOTE: SEE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN COMMENTS: r�� t'"Gr'r.^. c l% uiY'-p ,�.w�: rerJ-.. r•t� ra."�,'',G ,-i- .. --e � ^rvrr t /��'���� OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN ------------------------------ This lagoon is designed for waste treatment (permanent storage) and 180 days of temporary storage. The time required for the planned fluid level (permanent and temporary storage) to be reached may vary due to site conditions, weather, flushing operations, and the amount of fresh water added to the system. The designed temporary storage consists of 180 days storage for: (1) waste from animals and (2) excess rainfall after evaporation. Also included is storage for the 25 year - 24 hour storm for the location. The vol-ume of waste generated from a given number of animals will be fairly constant throughout the year and from year to year, but excess rainfall will vary from year to year. The 25 year rainfall will not be a factor to consider in an annual pumping cycle, but this storage volume must always be available. A maximum elevation is determined in each design to begin pumping and this is usually the outlet invert of pipe(s) from building(s). If the outlet pipe is not installed at the elevation to begin pumping, a permanent marker must be installed at this elevation to indicate when .pumping should begin. An elevation must be established to stop pumping to maintain lagoon treatment depth. Pumping can be started or stopped at any time between these two elevations for operating convenience as site conditions permit, such as weather, soils, crop, and equipment in order to apply waste without runoff or leaching. Land application of waste water is recognized as an acceptable method of disposal. Methods of application include solid set, center pivot, guns, and traveling gun irrigation. Care should be taken when applying waste to prevent damage to crops. The following items are to be carried out: 1. It is strongly recommended that the treatment lagoon be pre - charged to 1/2 its capacity to prevent excessive odors during start-up. Pre -charging reduces the concentration of the initial waste entering the lagoon thereby reducing odors. Solids should be covered with effluent at all times. When precharging is complete, flush buildings with recycled lagoon liquid. Fresh water should not be used for flushing after initial filling. 2. The attached waste utilization plan shall be followed. This plan recommends sampling and testing of waste (see attachment) before land application. 3. Begin temporary storage pump -out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches the elevation 47.55 as marked by permanent marker. Stop pump - out when the fluid level reaches elevation 45.52 . This temporary storage, less 25 yr- 24 hr storm, contains 45681 cubic feet or 341691 gallons. SHEET 2 OF 2 4. The recommended maximum amount to apply per irrigation is one (1) inch and the recommended maximum application rate is 0.3 inch per hour. Refer to the waste utilization plan for further details. 5. Keep vegetation on the embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed annually. Vegetation should be fertilized as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. 6. Repair any eroded areas or areas damaged by rodents and establish in vegetation. 7. All surface runoff is to be diverted from the lagoon to stable outlets. 8. Keep a minimum of 25 feet of grass vegetated buffer around waste utilization fields adjacent to perennial streams. Waste will not be applied in open ditches. Do not pump within 200 feet of a residence or within 100 feet of a well. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 9. The Clean Water Act of 1977 prohibits the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environ- mental Management, ement has the responsibility for enforcing this law, FIELD SPECIFICATIONS Johnny Gurley 193 Wilbert Lane Pikeville N.C. 27863 (919) 778-3470 The lowest max'mum application rate (inches per hour) = 6 The lowest max�um application XnOunt (inches per ligation cycle) = I.0 840 tOpPlllg hogs gs produce 2.3 lbs of N and Soybeans use 1521bs of per aiunal per year = 19321bs of T7gation NPer acre N Plan effectively irrigates - -� cres X 152 lbs N -acres ��• �g per acre — 233-fibs of N This formation was provided by WUP Traveling Irrigation Gun Settings Travel speed = 2 fpm Application rate = .36 Lane spacing = 165 1-'- Wetted diameter = 225 Gun make and size = Nelson 100 Nozzle size = .5 '-- Operating pressure at gun = 70 psi,'-' Operating pressure at reel = 84 psi(! Operating pressure at pump = 91 psi Arc pattern = 180 Flow rate of sprinkler = 60 gpm Pump power requirement (bhp) = 5 Total acres covered (effective) = t"7 S �o 9 Traveler make and model = Cadman 2250 Hose length = 700' Hose diameter (ID) = 2.25" Speed compensation = mechanical Hydrant number Effective Length Effective Width Acres Covered 1 --11-7- .5 2� ` 172 ZF, 0? 2 -5iT S 4� 9 r 165 165 4 (a 9 165 --2:34- 21, 3 5 ��ot 6 165 165 26 2, 3 g 172 __2_ 8-2. t -� Brack Equipment Co. PO Boa 100 BAIL EY9 N.C. 27807 Phone (919) 235-4111 Fax (919) 235-4112 January 26, 1999 Johnny Gurley 193 Wilbert Lane Pikeville, NC 27863 (919) 778-3470 Dear Mr. Gurley, The installation of your irrigation system is complcte. All work is in accordance with the approved design. The system has been pressure tested and works according to MRCS specifications and standards. The system has been inspected and approved. Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to working with you again in the future. Sincerely,,/ G� Lee Brock At'orl alP Corr i)Ur� 7'�,r- V--&r5 `k,s 1�,64rL A UNITED STATES NATURAL FED. BLDG., RM. 108 DEPARTMENT RESOURCES 134 NORTH JOHN STREET AGRICULTURE CONSERVATION GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 SERVICE 919-734-0961 SUBJECT: ENG - Irrigation System Plan Johnny Gurley Farm Wayne County TO: Grover Hood NCACS Technician Wayne County DATE: January 11, 1999 FILE CODE: 210 I have reviewed the stakeout of the subject irrigation system as staked by Brock Equipment Co. There were some problems with the layout but they have now been corrected. The irrigation design and stakeout by Brock Equipment Co. now appears to meet the minimum NRCS requirements. ,44'w X . Dean K. Bin -am Supervisory Civil Engineer cc: Patricia Gabriel Karyn Pageau UNITED STATES NATURAL FED. BLDG., RM. 108 DEPARTMENT RESOURCES 134 NORTH JOHN STREET AGRICULTURE CONSERVATION GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 SERVICE 919-734-0961 SUBJECT: ENG - Irrigation System Plan Johnny Gurley Farm Wayne County TO: Grover Hood NCACS Technician Wayne County DATE: August 7, 1998 FILE CODE: 210 We have reviewed the revisions to the irrigation system plan for Johnny Gurley's 840 head feeder to finish swine operation as furnished by Brock Equipment Co. And Brock Irrigation. Please contact me when the system is staked for our review. Dean K. Bing am Supervisory Civil Engineer cc: Karyn Pageau Patricia Gabriel UNITED STATES NATURAL FED. BLDG. RM. 108 DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE RESOURCES 134 NORTH JOHN STREET CONSERVATION GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 SERVICE 919-734-0961 SUBJECT: ENG - Irrigation System Plan Johnny Gurley Farm Wayne County TO: Grover Hood NCACS Technician Wayne County DATE: July 20, 1998 FILE CODE: 210 Karyn Pageau and I have reviewed the irrigation system design by Brock Equipment Company for Mr. Gurley's 840 head feeder to finish swine operation. Attached is a list of a few items that were missing from the plan or need to be revised. Please contact me once the system has been staked by the irrigation designer for our review. At that time we can review the additional requested items unless you prefer to send -them to me ahead of that time. The staking is to include the location of the mainline, hydrants, site post locations at end of pulls, pumping unit, and any Obstructions planned to be removed. Dean K. Binghn Supervisory Civil Engineer attachment cc: Karyn Pageau Patricia Gabriel Johnn Gurle Farm knimal Wastewater Land Application System Plans Items Needed: (corresponds to numbers on "Design Check List") Please send a copy of Cultural Resources Request Form: to the Area Offrce. 4) Irrigation Design Parameters -D- Computations for spacing of hydrants and lines is 73.3% as opposed to recommended 70% 5) Pump and Power Drive Requirements Computations for minor losses through elbows, valves, and other fitting (assume 5%) is missing Computations of the Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA) are missing. Insure that NPSHA is /greater than NPSHR '(Net Positive Suction Head Required). i5 Did �d O q,S�� r1 �c '��-e ✓ w�c G Lt fr'c�C �� r'� O 1 z r � TO: rsa V 1 . — a :tea SS, b `i' (ver. 2/98) EW REQUEST FOR CULTeU I mo In ormationEE.xRempt) (This document is Fre l mbia SC 29201 Jim ERarite, CRS, NRCS, 1835 Assembly St., Room 950, Co u ph, (803) 253-3937 FAX (803)253-3670 1 S' County: �Lek rs Name(s): s r 'r rt A • �''' 'ractice(s): �nfr ; s bur! Of Practice(s): i Dd a of Ground Surface Visible: of Ground Cover: 1 Y _ 4C, worthy Characteristics (i.e. soil drainage terrain)* - A b i L ne of USGS Quad(s): o map and clearly note the Iocation(s). ach a photocopy of the practice area takes from a top cultural resources (prehistoric or historic) are known to exist in the immediate vicinity of the practice ny c ue k Qfly describe: J,rr e 5 co w s ha < (ret it � ' �n J %,r711 iR 0I t' ,.! Q-LS o-i.s--c�.n - �� 9 µou-.�� 1/z irn; Jt 1 Cwi� you acquire this information. � jiltural resources are present, how did National Register of Historic Places ecoilections of customer and/or adjacent land owner(s). Historian, museum, or historical society. Visual cues, such as artifacts, buildings, chimneys, walls, rfoundations/footing other landscape pe eatures�etc. or other landscap bridges, abutments, depressions, mounds, earthworks, C'K�. OR Specialist b survey will be conducted by (circle one): . Staff 7 r e e of contact person submitting this request: ------------------------- ER# �-- BE COMPLETED BY SHPO AND/OR CRS) archaeological sites have been previously recorded within the APE of this practice. ments: 2 'h Q1 K IL e� -k rAM,- ,s n!n A C A lfer►�ocX e k&-s K nature:, The Natural Resaxoes Cr4ation Service works hae+d-;n-t aM with the American people to 001 em natural resourees Orr private Lands. 1� 1 �W, 1a GtLo t VOL�e i'O 0.b� GL SJ►L Ty��'r It b ut i5 1°e f i Dater I AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER /a UNITED, STATES STATE OF NORTH CAR, Dx-?ARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR s� DEPARTMENT F NATURAL GEOLOGICAL SURVEY �` �`�� -� RE»°5z'3o' AND COMMUNITY DE1,'ELOI 35°30'i 400 _ RALEIGH, NORTH CAROL � E °41 '42 ' I• ! .. L: — �T�-7--, — _ 50' EUREKA S.J KM ((53911 (STANTGNSSEUR5455/!/SFG) 11B / ` 1 \11\jj J• .6 . \ \ 1616 �, `:c�� •C63� t 0 3zo /! ` ♦-�- moo, III I St MaC = `°o '� ° q1N. 1.._ uCk� Meadou) - f3rnnc161 f 1 -. _ _..._ l ( t f - . � � � � � . � ,'• Cem i I ' li r \ � `•� ao'- ! i ° � � _ - . 1 I � ) I $ \ 1263 I r \ `!'� Cem : I 395 l 1 11, 1 .( 245 � � t) f ( / , ) /' l �u° � � � �� ice- ^?L ` ,\� �� � �• O.� - -- Qi ,0 isrs'' f I I' 20 f`.` ) 121i 9l)ll 1 4 h 1 CTh e 1 �} Ak 200 /7 Cem S�b!Y- .,3�V j 11� , A30 ,3 zo 28- 1 )t _ S Wm L a a7 O I N C ^IO U NT Y M1I 3 4 a(727 Z .a^ GfO°ds �,, . 1 ..3 1 I v1• �. ry �.�_' _�_ _ d 1 �;-° _ ��_ __-�_ _�•..�_ ]S `35' ;i Ids ;S• 1,]•e 5 Lii4��• 1.2 S1s0o a IsO� rd �, l 17 1]S] ,j ele a 407 e1�27 .7IS0] a I51 30 % u %• '+1316 ...L 8 pjQ a IS 1 r.Z -� 1.0% uas .5 A1.3 «� u°e - / 5 r M1 Warery I.O Is03 Btarldl• 1I�a 130] 7 ;.•j - ° �� E •i Isvl e FAS •e q ' l' m < ili 1J -1 .Q^ ISOa Iso3 � IS]O S�"�r m Ifs ' 1317.y i• 1306 e• l ^�/ tY5 i I316 D ! {� i 1 _ Goa ti Yj T �J'.,Pmm 1111 • I . b •'�'' 131.4 r !) r' r Sr.e 1° 1519 1.0 J SUS I32T 9' I521 1.6 :C FREMONTi' '•3.:)r ./.lp.'.::I:. 1 ]a] r\ :.Z .Q LL POP. 1.7]e,y _ r;� ft1RBCA. A., 1521 1 v / t•''- ;. POP. 303'3• O �1],1 1]�1 �.•� 1 ,2 �•< ) IS .�5 ,1 IS7T `•]e irl m I 06 1351 Pr-'` JI11 a Loa \ I O E n 17,0 137, .l•L. I !') 772 ? ? i ? I _IS,1 'IH ISd `• I376 •' I� I 7-3 I V Is]t 3.7 - t �1'�lf! _ ,] ` '�t• r L242 11 Vahunla � . • • 1" Foro 13]d .P �f I337 arc 1M a_ 1a36 1 .E '✓ .7 a 1320 1321 ao 0 f. 3 IOsf .'I •]]6 1]17 IS-] 153. :53 13xa Pit, Ill- L2 Is�3 10 _ - I -- Ili. '+ I.I l V ... '- :y POP. eel IS]S 1.3 ��16oe - M1 .~ ^_•a .1 35':0' q�° �; 13 ,a +. n L _ _ _ . •) Pike -7 •q .321 g IS],0 3 :61e L C I 1 Crossroads IM2 _ 1321 1'5 14y;:ry:,'r ]` yOhiatek _ 9 T Mt. Carme! Iu]o {0 _ 1516 9 .` _ �'! �/i Crossroads v �•\s�cg6 1531 I 2 19 111_ Y _ - 20 ! 1' t_ ISaa !J-• --1! 13••• - ""n _ I . IjTJ �__ • Ste• I_i3 P=. I573 7.J aranCh- _ v_.-� cµ:3n';' Z ` ..\• 1323 i•/ I 17'1 %Carmel -III am 1 x� ` L� k _ ' , 'LAzi Goldsboro m - ' •'!, Way1w � 1.9 :" in Rock.7 s 1 1 a00" 132, '\ O - 161, Airport Patelosm ' 137, '.t•. � . 1.1 1.6 H ./ fAs S ,: F� '�S �`� 13]�-_�-�' 'i -p 1' ,Vllj' i 2i 1]it1 W N ` ✓ a 1513 _ I37, IS]]/ !)1719 ! 1700 '11 9 �t•a •J 1336 PPPPP"''' 1.13 ~ 16°7 _ 1sT] 9 ; :'!: I Isn 1SIe LITTLE O/� /./ \ 1.07 � •. 1 9 .1 1 r S m Y '.1 u Lsse 6 5 1s76 .. � 1726 ^ T IS�1 '] ��IseT 1 '. as ti.\,. �aliunto .3 1376 L •.T u 1a06 _ /V _._ ,]79 J 7 Fds I 1372 I / I63, 16]9 a_O •/ .3 �. FAPI. 19 7 1 7 TO SNOW HILL -� try ti i r+ .2 137e a5 1572 1 •1700~ 1701 y1!M1�1703 170, •11+ 7 Pens' I .• _ '_"" ,9 ROSE w000 'P - 1 /S < 3� Langston 1166„ 1570 0 -: rC.. -7 ~\ (.W. G1 e•P 1 ' ` / '` `'i U 1 7 ` 3 ` /02 ll 17ax I 35'75' 706 70 �70• W] NORTHWEST EUFAUpq:..,�.• `^ ..-!+).. Re. f\ ti ♦r in I]07, Y 1 Hood Imo 1705 �Lp IUNINGI - ,•Y �J+C�• '1571 �Ie3] /) 1 i 1 Swamp 1!]d \ POP 1.397 �'? ! \ \ 7 •7 ,is- 1! 1' ,7 ? 1A 1 \^ M �.�. ` � �>• ' �� � I � .:' ,\ 17^56..f -.Ixs. ..ti, ir- .7 � �. 8elhet .,\ FA] .''. tr • F5''- YG Gsy ��' \ F Ij .y ! b I)a3j s itle 1 ..� !�y;� •`'• :::7 •\ I voe i lno l9n 13 �y • fA se7 T `• � •': 1a ,fle _ % O I�1s '. � J FAU �•.� I C: EYP. 4q, e 705 ]J '. ,]~'• FeU: �.6 r1ia B B .T Parkst-) 117 l 100t / 17 1. f r.sea„. �.'Lar l a IT!.T^,w :]•a 7 SOLITNGOLOSSSOR 175 'UHPOI 2N5 ri": �. 'T'.• 1\'µ M1•..,r y"�niUl1�IlV '•, 1 '910 VIe '.Jr ��,` _ -:.,�:�.:�`. - 111 Newsome 1T1e'. . \ +� 717 '\ .7 o•, g .: r. ` L�SB4 [`�� :, if \ PAtf ' 1.0 '• J 1713 SOymaForce�r Lohman t , , Air Base Best 1162 A' ozo ctUs� v:.` 1Casay 1721 M11ur+iNGI s LROY Ind Chip17I9 c.I 35'10' IUNINGI a17 b 1 71]s �+900a+ y -•. ': f POP. 4.073 I11 •r 0 _ ._ !r t ti Ott f 1 V 7 a •Rr - .•� �.a�4 � 1726 I ess Walmd G.', � Ch. MAT _ - A 1771 .� ~ �i71 's J lry K r- 107e 34 1917 202 Ls IPis i937 Ins': GDEN \ 7 �1911 � I iiro601 v2lr � ! !s ; :;' .* n]I I 70 TO Ku+sroN 1719 27 WALNUT ZREHC i" 17 17]] 1 - POP. 17N .9 ! O `1 a' I 1IT1 _ B*rogden � SI. InM.• �- i1 C3 ; v� VVAYNE COUNTY NORTH CAROUNA -- S-,E-T NUMEER 12 Irrigation System Operation Traveler Start-up: 1. Tow machine to held. 2. Connect supply ]lose to field hydrant and traveler. 3. Open hydrant. 4. Start pump and run at idle until water is coming out of gun. 5. Slowly increase throttle to the desired pressure. 6. Start traveler engine, engage reel, and set at the desired speed. Shut -down: 1. Slowly decrease throttle on pump and shut off. 2. Shut off engine on reel. 3. Shut,hydrant off.. 4. Disconnect supply hose. Winterization: 1. Remove suction assembly. 2. Remove discharge hose and supply hose. 3. Remove drain plug on the bottom of pump. 4. Remove cap on bottom of gun cart. 5. Blow reel out with air compressor. 6. Check antifreeze in engine. k wi 44 4f F�� 44(-FM A� • T . !, , 4 1 1 ---- ------ .. . ... IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS Landowner/Operator. Name: 1rN Gj � 2 /'� Address: g 3 jc(! ��Z4C>7" L nr County: L GCS r I . C, , oe' T r'� Date: Telephone: - 7 7d' - 3 4� -T�a TABLE I - Field Specifications 3Total Geld acreage minus required butler areas. Refer to N. C. Irrigation Guide, Field Office Tectmical Guide, Section 11 G. Annual application must not exceed the agronomic rates for the soil and cro used. p EXHIBIT D-1 mnrc *1r TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD si feet Elevation dif. from water to CL of pump- 1.732 4 Elevation of nozzle- 2.165 5 Elevation dif. between CL of pump and high point in field- Sprinkler discharge pressure- 70 161.7 FL in pump suction assembly- 2 4.62 FL in pump discharge assembly- 2 4.62 FL. in traveller hose** - 11.32 26.14 FL in supply line** - 1.30 3.01 TDH-1 BRAKE HORSEPOWER BHP = [Q*TDHII[3960*Epj where, BHP = power required to drive the pump (hp) Q = flow rate (gpm) TDH = total head the pump operates against (ft) Ep = pump efficiency (decimal form) IF Q = 60 gpm T D H -: 3 G ; ft and Ep then BHP = 7 hp Brake Horse ower = Z horsepower MAR 2 8 2019 %-1011m,i ^rmp'l;, sue+ TRAVELING IRRIGATION SYSTEM CALCULATIONS TRAVELING IRRIGATION GUN APPLICATION RATE I =((96.3*q)/(3.14*(.09*r)^2))*360/w where, I = approximate actual application rate (iph) IF - q =discharge (gpm) q - 60.00 gpm r = wetted radius (ft) r = 112.50 ft w = portion of circle receiving water (degrees) and w = 180.00 degrees ApI2111cation Rate = 0.36 inches per hour TRAVELING IRRIGATION GUN APPLICATION AMOUNT d = 0.605*q)/(I*s) where, d = gross application (in) q = sprinkler discharge (gpm) I = travel lane spacing (ft) s = travel speed (fpm) Total A lication Amount = 0.29 inches VELOCITY IN A PIPELINE v = [0.408*q]/d^2 where, v = velocity of water (fps) q = flowrate (gpm) d = inside diameter of pipe (in) Veloci of Water = 1.53 feet per second then I = 0.36 iph IF q = 60.00 gpm I = 165.00 ft and s = 2.00 fpm then d = 0.29 in IF q = 60.00 gpm and d = 4.00 in then v = 1.53 fps FRICTIONLOSS IN SUPPLYLINE AND/OR TRA VELER HOSE FRICTION LOSS IN SUPPLY LINE FL =[(0.2083*(100/C)"1.852)*[(Q^1.852)/(DA4.8656)]*(L/100)]*.433 where, FL = friction loss in supply line (psi) IF c = 150 c = roughness coefficient Q = 60 gpm Q = flowrate (gpm) D = 4 in D = inside diameter of pipe or hose (in) and L = 1325 ft L = length of supply line or hose (ft) Friction Loss in Su I Line = FRICTION LOSS IN TRAVELLER HOSE then FL = 1.30 psi 1.30 psi (if solid set ... enter 0 for gpm ) FL =[(0.2083*(100/c)^1.852)*[(Q^1.852)/(DA4.8656)]*(L/100)]*.433 where, FL = friction loss in traveler hose (psi) IF c =lift c = roughness coefficient Q =gpm Q = flowrate (gpm) D = in D = inside diameter of pipe or hose (in) and L = L = length of supply line or hose (ft) then FL = 11.32 psi Friction Loss in Traveller Hose = 11.32 psi f � THRUST BLOCKING AD ','END AND TEE-— (2 0 0 X 16.2) / 1200 = 2.7 "ELBOW a; = (200 X 23.o) / 1200 = 3.8 6,:. DEAD END AND TEE _ (200 X 34.8) / 1200 = 5.8 .�90 ELBOW = (200 X 49.2) / 1200 = 8.2 r Handlin and Installation of PVC Plastic Pi1i(, Temperature has a major effect on PVC plastic pipe. As temperatures approach freezing, the flexibility and impact resistance of PVC plastic Pipe is greatly reduced. At low temperatures when joining solvent weld pipe, a longer time is required for the glue to set. Generally solvent weld pipe should not be joined at temperatures below 400F. At high temperatures pipe becomes more flexible and set-up time for the glue -is greatly reduced. When pipe is stacked, it should not be placed in piles more than five feet high. Occasionally out -of -round pipe will result from stacking. In warm weather, once the weight is removed, it will rapidly assume a' round shape. In cold weather, several hours may be required for the pipe to return to the original shape. Sunlight can have an effect on the pipe, especially in.colors other than white. It may warp and exhibit a snaking effect. When left in the sunlight for long periods, the color may fade and the pipe will harden at the surface causing a loss of impact strength. Discolored pipe should be handled carefully during installation. If pipe is to be stored out- side for long periods of time, it should be covered with a cover of opaque material, not plastic, and air should be able to circulate under the cover. Gaskets should be stored away from excessive heat and solvents. Some pipe comes from the manufacturer with the gaskets installed.. If the pipe is not to be installed immediately, the gaskets should be removed and stored. When installing gasket pipe there are several simple ..steps to follow that will ensure leak -free joints.' The gasket or ring groove should be cleaned of foreign materials. The gasket should be properly installed. Ample lubricant should be placed on the male pipe end, the pipe aligned and the male end inserted into the female end. Some pressure:will be required to force the male end to the correct depth. There will be a reference point to indicate the required penetration depth. If penetration is not deep enough the joint may leak; and if penetration is too deep, there is not adequate room for pipe expansion. Once the joint is made, the pipe being installed should be rotated to ensure that the gasket is not pinched. Gasket pipe may be connected in the trench - +►,o ground beside the trench and then lowered into the trench. If the latter is done, check each joint to ensure that penetration is correct. If it is necessary to cut pipe, either a PVC pipe cutter or a miter box with a carpenter's fine-toothed handsaw should be used. For gasket pipe, it will be necessary to bevel the pipe, usually at an 80 angle, at-complished with a special rasp or file. For solvent weld pipe, burr,- chips and filings should be removed from the outside and inside of the pipe and it is preferable to slightly bevel the outside circumference. Fittings for gasket pipe may be plastic cr steel. The trend in the industry ins. Tee are manufactured today -is byseo veralcompaniepoxy use coated steel t es(MccDowell,Pierce,Davis, etc•) and can M,E I$- Irrigation Water Conveyance'430-DD-3 The ratio of air -release valve diameter to pipe diameter for valves intended to release air when filling. -the pipe should not be less than 0.1. However, small -diameter valves may be used to limit water hammer pressures by controlling air release where control of filling velocities Is . . questionable. Equivalent valve outlet diameter of less than 0.1 are permitted for continuously acting air release valves. Adequate vacuum relief must be provided. Air -release valves or combination air valves shall be used as needed to permit air to escape from the pipeline while the line is at working pressure. Small orifices of these types shall be sized according to the -working pressure and venting requirements recommended by the valve manufacturer. Manufacturers of air vales marketed for use under this standard shall provide dimensional data, which shall be the basis for selection and acceptance of these valves. Drainage. Provislon-shall-be madefor completely draining the pipeline if a hazard Is Imposed by freezing temperatures, drainage Is recommended by the manufacturer of the pipe, or drainage of the line is specified for the job. If provisions for drainage are required drainage outlets shall be located at all low places in the line. These outlets may drain Into dry wells or to points of lower elevation. If drainage cannot be provided by gravity, provisions shall be made to empty the line by pumping or by other means. Flushing. If provisions are needed for flushing the line free of sediment or other foreign material, a suitable valve shall be installed at the distal end of the pipeline. Thrust control. Abrupt changes in pipeline grade, horizontal alignment, or reduction in pipe size normally require an anchor or thrust blocks to absorb any axial thrust of the pipeline. Thrust control may also be needed at the end of the Pipeline and at in -line control valves. Thrust blocks and anchors must be large enough to withstand the forces tending to move the pipe, Including those of momentum and pressure as well as forces due to expansion and contraction. The pipe manufacturer's recommendations for thrust control shall be followed. In absence of the pipe manufacturer's requirements, the following formula must be used in designing thrust blocks: 2 a A• - B sin 2 Where: A = Area of thrust block required in e H -Maximum working pressure in ft 0 m. Inside diameter of pipe in it 1 6 - Allowable passive pressure of the soil in Ib/fta a - Deflection angle of pipe bend Area of thrust blocks for dead ends and tees shall be 0.7 times the area of block required for a 90- deflection angle of pipe bend. If adequate soil tests are not available, the passive soil pressure may be estimated from Table 1. Materials. All materials shall meet or exceed the minlmum-requirements indicated In "Specifications for Materials." Plans and specifications Plans and specifications for constructing high- pressure underground plastic pipeline shall be in keeping with this standard and shall describe the requirements for applying the practice to achieve its intended purposes. Table I. —Allowable soil bearing pressure O&M of cover to canter of thn= block Natural sail material 2 Pt 3 ft t tt g•n Sound bedrock .... .-_._....... 8.000 10.000 10,000 10.000 Derue sand and gravel -bawl (asatuned 0 -A01) ................ _...... 1.200 i,&)o 2.400 3.000 Consm tine to costs. sand (assumed 0 - 35 -) ........ aoo 1 zoo I , 650 2.100 slit " clay mi=Ure (assured 0 - 25•) ..._... Soo 700 95o 1.2W soft dsY and ory-snit soils (assumea 4 - 10') .......... ............. 200 300 4-00 Soo MAR 2'8 2m T'1"wt1.1r? SCS, January 1 gag w ..: i Figure 2. Anchorage blocks, -.for. in -line valves. Table 1 is the forces encountered:at end plugs... -to calculate forces encountered at bends, -tees and wyes, multiply the figure in Table 1 by the factors given.in Table 2. Table 1. Thrust'W at End Plugs Thrust in lhs_ fnr test nrassura in nc Pipe Diameter inches 100 PSI 150 PSI 200 PSI 250 PSI 1 z 295 440 590 - 740 2 455 680 910 1140 21-2 660 990 1320 1650 3 985 1480 1970 2460- 4.. 1820 2720 3630 - 4540 6 3740 5600 7460 93501" 8 6490 9740 13,000 16,200`,* 10 10,650 16,000 21,300 26,600 12 15,150 22,700 30.,200 37,800 14 20,600 30,800 41,100 -51,400'~" 16 26,600 39,800 53,100 *66,400 ff-19 DIAMOND e r>J PLASTICS CORPORATION IPS IRRIGATION PIPE ASTM D2241 Stock Nominal ' Woight Outsldo Ize er 00 ft Wall Inaldo Plocon Par Foot Per Foot Par • k oss 1ameter Bundle Bundle Truckl �+ 23 SDR - 41 100 PSI ; LM 4" 4. M 4.500 . 6" 0 6.625 .110 4.280 63 1,260 20,160 M 8 " :0 8.625 .162 6.301 28/32 560/640 81400 M 10" .0 10.'750 .210 .262 8.205 10.226 15/10 300l20`0 4,840 M 12" t3 •0 t 12.750 .311 12.128 12 6/8 240 . : 34420 120/160 •.2,100 SDR - 32.5 125 PSI M 4" 0 4.500 M 6" .138 4.224 63 1., 260 6.625 M 8" 4'r1 8.625 .204 6.217 28/32 S60/640 .20,160 8,400 8,400 M 10 "� 10.750 .265 .331 8.095 10.088 15/10 12 360/640 M 12" p 12.750 .392 11.966 6/8 240 120/160 3,420 2,100 SDR - 26 160 PSI rt 2" 3" 2.375 M 6. 3.500 .091 2.193 204 41080 65,280. M 4" ,�58�. 4.500 , .135 .173 3.230 4.154 88 63 1, 760 28, 160 M 6" 0 6.625 M 8" .255 6.115 28/32 1,260 560/640 0,160 28,400 'M 10" i�2.7Q 10.750 0.750 .413 � 15/10 300/200 4,840 M 12" 7�2. 0 12.750 .413' .490 9.924 9.924 11.770 12 6/8 240 3,420 120/160 2.100 SDR - 21 -• 200 PSI M 2" :9.:9 2.375 M 3" 8; 3.500 .113 2.149 204 41080 65,280 M 4" 4.500 `� .•167 .214 3.166 4 88 1,760 28,160 M 6" ;ql r ,e''.' ,," •$ .316 .072 5.993 63 28/32 1,260 20,160 8.625 M 8" .410 7.805 15/10. 560/640 8 400 0.625 M 10" �• 0� ,..0. 10.750 .511 9.728 12 300/200 4,140. M 12" ,' p 12.750 .606 11.538 6/0 240 120/160 ` 3,100 2,100 Prices are subject to a firm policy of "Price in effect at time of shipment Possession of this page of a price list does not constitute on regular purchase." 'Freight regulations Wor equipment may reduce an offer to sell. maximum footage All prices 17.0.13, manufacturing Iocation. per truckload. L = normal stock item at Lubbock, Texas M o normal stock item at Macon, Georgia Joints Per Quart of Lubricant (Furnished) 4' 85 6" 60 8" 45 10. 35 12" 25 15" 15 18" 12 21" 10 24" 8 27" 5 Additional Lubricant Y N 12 Qt. per case 4 Gal. per case x` p. ►.r,wa: 2 j IbS1IWi�s ti;+eiti� w Figure No. e THRUST BLOCKS 1. Tees _ I k 2. Plugged End of Tee J. 90' Elbow 4, End Caps or Plum S. Valve 6. Steep Incline _ g . Gen:e:ra•I. installation 11eco_nme n-dation s: FOR GASKET PIPE installation Excavation, Laying, Testing, and Back - filling Instructions are usually provided by the•Engineer:in charge of the project. Reference may also be made to Amerl- can Society for -Testing and Materials Standard, ASTM D-2774 "Recommended Practice for Underground installation of hermoplastic Pressure Piping." Excavation 1. The trench bottom shall be stable, continuous, relatively smooth, and free of rocks or other objects detrimental to the pipe. It shall provide continuous s upport for the pipe, and bell holes shall be provided for the bell and spigot joints, valves, and other system components that might act asa fulcrum. Whenmade Through a rock cut, at least 4" of com- nacted satisfactory bedding material ;hall be provided. ?. The trench depth shall place the plpe- ine at least 6" below the lowest recorded rost depth, and shall place the pipeline i-pth "t least 30" below grade. . '. TV anch width at the top of the pipe : all've'as narrow as practical to allow dequate room for Joining the pipe and allow proper Compaction of the aldefill. linimum trench width is normally con- dered 12" plus the pipe O.D. r'ipellnes shalt be cased, bridged, or lherwise protected at locations where :ey will be subject to heavy surface ads due to shallow burial. Casing shall •so be used in spanning creeks arid :flies, extending 8 it. on either side of a creek or gully. ointing The pipe shall be Jointed In the trench, above ground, In accordance with the Inting Instructions. 1; Is Important that the gasket be clean d properly seated, the spigot end well Jrlcated, and the bell and spigot ends )ned correctly In both -Planes. If Jointing Is done above ground, care ,,uld be taken when lowering pipe Into trench that the depthot the joint entry zalns correct, Check that the depth •ntry mark CA the spigot ends is flush I the face of the bell. Jointing of 6" largo pipo Is usuallydono In tlio lronch. AT — ) TIME should a back-hoo or larfi Ice be used to assemble pipe. Thrust Blocking As with other push -fit rubber gasketed Joints, the pipe will not lake end thrust without restraints. Thrust blocks are usually required at dead ends and wherever the line changes direction of 30 degrees or more. 1. Thrust blocks shall be placed so that the bearing,surface is In direct line with the major force created by the pipe or fitting. Concrete having a compressive strength of 2000 psi Is the recommended blocking material, and may be poured between the simplest of forms and the undisturbed earth bearing surfaces. 2. Thrust blocking size maybe calculated as follows: . a) Multiply the pressure level desired for testing by the value shown In the table for thrust on fittings: Thrust in Pounds 45 22% Dead End Elbow Hand or Toe A'_ 26.38 13.45 36.10 44.72 22.60 61.1869.47 36.42 95.0577.23 49.82 133.T0 b) Determine the bearing strength of the soil from the following table: HEARING STRENGTH OF SOILS SOIL lb. per S% Ft. Muck peat, etc. Solt cle 0 1,000 Sand 2,000 Sand and aravel 3,000 band and gravel cemontod with cla 4,000 Hard shale 10,000 c) Divide the total thrust on the fitting (step a) by the bearing strength of the soil (step b). The result Is the square foot of aroa noodod on lho race of tho.thrust block d) Thrust blocks should haunch the pipe or filling, not encase It. Backfilling I. Place solect backflll and compact under the haunch, along the sides of, and over the top of the pipe to a com- paclod doplli of of loa_sl t3 This backflll shall bo soils that allow good compacllon and placed In 6" layers, well compacted. It shall bo froo of rocks, frozon clods, or olhor hard objects. ea 2. Tho final backflll may thon bo mado In the usual manner, but care should be taken not to dump large rocks or heavy objects on the Initial backflll and plpellne. 3. if the Joints and fillings must be left exposed while under test, backflll to within one foot of each side of the joint or fitting to prevent dellectlon of the Pipe while under test pressures. Testing 1. ALL AIR IN TH1. E'PIPELINE SHALL BE BLED OFF CAREFULLY WHILE FILLING THE LINE WITH WATER FOR TESTING. Entrapped air in the tine can cause ex- cessive test pressures, .and create un- necessary problems. Air shali•be. bled off at .the high spots in the line. Air removal may'also be accomplished'by pushing a foam plug through the line by Incoming water pressure. 2. Test pressures may be ,1.'h times the designed operating pressure of the plpellne, but shalt not exceed the maxi- mum pressure rating of .the pipe. 3. After pressure test and acceptance of testing, the uncovered Joints and fit- tings shall be Initially backfilled with well compacted soil, and then covered with final backflll. - 4. Hydraulic pressure testing of the pipeline shall be carried out initially at Intervals not exceeding 500 yards and thereafter at Intervals not exceeding 1,000 yards. Radius Bends Gradual change Qf direction may be achieved by deflecting orcocking R'rBER Joints a maximum of 3 degrees without affecting the hydraulic seal cif the Joint. Offsets are made only aftertb`e.stralght In-Ilne assembly Is made. Deflecllons at the Joint and minimum curve radli (it,) obtainable are listed below: Dearee of Dollactlon at the Jofnt Offset, Inches Radius, feel 4.2" 1.150, 8.3" 672' 12.3" 38V be fabricated in almost any configuration: Some epoxy coated -fittings': 'include stacks and hydrants as an integral.part of the fitting. Occasional,l•y it may, be necessary to,'connect :PVC plastic pipe to' steel: or ,CA• pipe'. This connection fan' be'' made with .a c•qupl ing cal l ed ''a''• 1 transition or repair coupling • Tn=lime valves can' be -supplied with ! connections• •to gasket • pipe: Thrust blockind is required for gasket pi e. ' Most thrust' blocks••• will be concrete. Manufacturers.recommended thrust blocks at an.Y.1 ' change in -direction. greater. than,l0o..•,,Figure 1 gives an example,:of different arrangements for• thrust bl.ocl. s ail � .. . r' ,•', :: !i •', o,' .. i1_ c .. . 'i'I Ir u ! •J,7 i,. •r't r.w; 1•P•:f y5 1. .•!. Figure 1. Example of different arrangements for. thrust blocks. J } M._ Table 2. Factors for Calculating Thrust W for Elbows and Tees. Elbows: 900 = 1.41 Tees = 0.70 600 - 1.00 450 = 0.76 300 = 0.52 22.50 = 0.39 Table 3 gives the safe bearing load for different soil types. Table 3. Safe Bearing Load Soil. :l b/ft2 Mulch,, peat and similar - 0 Soft Clay 1000 Sand 2000 Sand and gravel ' 3000 Sand and'gravel cemented with clay- :� 4000 Hard shale 109000 Thrust bl ock area (ft2) W -_ .Thrust (Tabl e 1 & Tabl e 2 ) - 17 of earing. s rengt a e 3) In placing concrete thrust blocks, check with the manufacturer of the pipe being used 'to ensure that the correct size thrust blocks are being used. There. are a number .of' machines that "can be used to prepare the trench for PVC plastic pipe.;. Soil types, moisture content, depth of trench' required. and type and diameter Of -pipe must be considered. Generally ,chain trenches, wheel'trenches,.backhoes, or vibrating will be "used. for trench preparation. The' e-vibrating plow can onlyplows used for solvent weld PVC Pipe -and generally is limited to the smaller diameter of -..pipe. -Under most conditions the chain trencher or wheel trencher will be faster than. 'the' bac khoe. Where wide trenches for large pipe . are required, the 'backhoe 'wi 11 be most sati sfactory. If soil conditions permit, long stretches of open trench will expedite pipe installation. However, if'rain is forecast the pipe should be installed and the trench backfilled. To avoid sharp turns in the -line at obstructions, trenches should be curved within limits of curvature of the pipe. -7- on egch'alde._df the pipe to provlde'YLjfport CreB fro,h voids. flual bickfill oHly ■ftek thb mililmuM depth of cover lima been Care: it pitid4 be taken to avold defokmliij. dlsplaclnQ, or placed and. only with pipe havhtg wall thicknesses greated• than datria{lit !tiii-olpe during tli6 phiie bf the opeistlop, 1. that of SDR-4i, ,, . ;, ,,.,... • , , 0.4.1 Gih.Wril« Aftei pipeline leitln j, hnil 6ckfJl ihilt be S�CiIOfJ 7-S]SLCIAi CONSIDERAT10N5 placed ind, spread hi approximately, uhlform laytiri in such i . 1.1, Bill hold.• ltii• i'l16W bsi lClik Jakii. Wheri the pipe 681ng lrt- mannwas tti fill the 6inch eonipletely li thdt, theii will be itd stalled ii pi6vided with idb6d , aisket Jolrits, bell holes thall be unfilled'ipaces.under or about socks of lumps bf earth In the excavate4 jn the bedding mikeilal to illow for the unobstructed back[Wi AFInal liack[lll shall be free of large rocks, frozen clods isseinbly lit khe Jolht. Care thouid be taken that the bell hole Is no and other debris greater than 76 inm (3 In.) Ili diametek. boiling larger,titin nettisary is accomplish prdpei jolnt assembly, Wheh khe equipment. or heavy tampers shbuld be Uiad kit 'ttirisolidate the • Jolht hatl'been thiddl the bell• hole lhtiuld be carefully Hied with TABLE ii - TH1itiS•i` BLOCk1N(i AND ANCH01t3 Irbit t7j41)81tt;itdbNti 11tWO)L 'Ibis iiikLINEJ •a, '' ' ' 81e1S Y i4tulttvly ijii iidilcllijt likei:iiiii i;k thi tilipiopilitivalua *•fir y`,• iliii" (li HA fdllriarlil table to obUW katii klirust IA N• (Ib)t {4�J.111 1 �, r� *, >�IPBIJ11lE THlftfSl' 1rACI'GILBY, •I• i r4' ��°6•� f'iDd.8lsd ' "Iliiait�. 90e ,tie 22=1/2e �'.6y�• lilt pi6i ' ''''1' or too klbow 1J1Soei Elbow 1-i/�• .3�•�'�.94 , i 4.16,:•. 2:26 �3.16• , 2 60. .� ' `: ►.; 4.66 , 6.46 .,, 3.50. : 1.78 2.1/2 03.6 . , ,:'.8.86" 9.40. 5.10 2, 3 78E 9.$0', i8.9 7.61' 3.82 3•i/2 98:0 12.h i8.1 9.81 4.99 4 . 101.E I8.2 28.0 1214 6.31 6 127.0 24.7 36.0 18.9 9.63 6 162.4 84.0 40.2 26.7 13.6 8 203.i 0,0 1113.6 46.2 23.0 id "" 264.0 ol.d 180.0 70.0 35.8 12 ' '' 804.8 12D.0 182.0 08.5 50.3 + Based do thrust lies kPi (lily liresiure Blocking for 6roag may not be heeded with loos branch Imes. Sley A. tieliriidiii thi biikln= itrenttth of the soil from the table 610* 1 iSEAftINd STIt$NGTlI OIr SOILS .e toils ifia bite iieiilnj Loadi lb/142 kPa Sound $lisle ' 1D 000 47818 Ce'mehted Grivel maid 91,id difficult to blck, ' • d boo 101.6 Co4ri6 iifd find corn iAct Jiii(d• 3 000 - 143.6 . - Medium Clay -Cart bi ipaded 9 000 95.8 - Soft Clay 1 000 47.9 Muck 0 0 Step S. Divide the total thkiut obtiliied iri btep 1 by the baaring strength bf the %oll to 161 the area tieeded, tn2•(!t2). sln>, Tltltvsz` AL1'tltllA�•lc pltob�titlit$ :''. NIA Sire Sidi Thrtut-per DeZroa• lil • truri ib N ~" 1-112 88.1 6.1 ' 22.7 " 2 60.8 7.0 35.1 2-1/2 03.6 11.d 51.6 3 76.2 17.1 76.1 8-1/2 88.0 22.4 99.6 .r I�.f ••: 6 101.6 28.3* 126.9 117.0 43A 191.7 8 162,d 60.6. i.% 270.E 8 203.9 103.0 468.2 " 10 254.0 160.0 71117 12 304.9 ''' 226.0 1000.8 4 j llasa,d oti i1da thrust ber h89 1i (Ib0 pit) orb- per dagtee of o.�. ��� NOTiti MuluDly ild6 Wkiiit fro 'hi tib�li kiy"desjebi of dillectioh iltne■ kPi (psi) dIvld'id by i00,to obtalh total :ldi throat to N (lb). `L 625 46 • EQUIPMENT THE '► CADMAN J_ • TRAVELLER..' f 300 SPECIFICATIONS INSIDE STANDARD MODEL AXLE DIAMETER LENGTHS OF HOSE AVAILABLE 2250 1 2.25" 700' 2625 1 2.625" 900, 3000S 1 3.04" 600'. J STANDARD FEATURES • Honda 4 hp. OHV engine. • Single chain drive on drum using • Slewing ring turntable. heavy duty traction pins. • P205/65R15 tires on 2250. • 3" x 5" tube frame. • 9.50L-15 tires on 2625. • Four (4) coats of paint. • 9.50L-15 tires on 3000S. • Best quality 2406 medium density hose. • 4 gallon aluminum fuel tank. • Flip down stabilizers on 2250. Automatic gun cart stop. • Gear driven telescopic stabilizers on 2625 • Hose build-up safety switch. and 3000S. • 3-wheeled gun cart. • Disc brake to prevent hose recoil. • Nelson SR-100 gun on 2250. • Mechanical speed compensation. • Nelson SR-100 gun on 2625. • 2.5" x 25' feeder hose on 2250. • Nelson SR-150 gun on 3000S. • 4" x 25' feeder hose on 2625 and 3000S. • Lift kit for gun cart. •Speedometer. 3 7s' 7- IN11 7, .v ^-w V 1rV . . ..... . N IZ -I,;, -P I 'n - 4 J� Z, I.- . ; ., 4 Jk� 4, ­7 '1., 'Y� %IX CONSTRUCTION..-:-, Single i U� th end.'s' or two stag6�pumps cast k6i and 'a horizontal discharge facing' right when facing the suction s Pumps, are PUMP from the rear. The direction can.b&.'' rotated to left or vertical by your dealen; The balanced -Impellers are C'asf iron designed for tractor .'drives . and i,,­-and have two 'replaceable wear rings -for each lmipeljer.-A.-�-:�.!:­.. are lded1l y su ited for.a Wift.rahqe of Z. stuffing box seal. is standard equlpm.ent- A, dependable J btepiAjO irrigation ,.doplication's'incitiding gear box has hardened. helidal -spur gears funnihq in, - oil. Some models -.ire'also water-cooled.. ..igh'hebd'sncitiiiiallyreq6ir6'd for.' U M ation- , travellers:tr6i'16f supplied- has "iIiear- support bar which. I he heavy'd .16 Used to keep 4he PUMP from tipping over.backward. Sta n*daed tires are 4.00 x.8.1he" pu Mips are supplied with"a manuf actures alto a complete P.T.O. shaft, hand primer and discharge check valve. All tinge ofpumps for en gine drive, appropriate sized N.P.T. -female coupling is supplied. for th"e"' ldiftWi W "in-d"tub r ne. k'for details. OTE:Wewould lHighly recommend the use iolsafety shut -do WrIf switches for Our -,dp.T.o�pu p.- M _.tractor w.hen:usjng �' Cadman Power Equipment Unllted,'WhoSe'polfey is one of continuous improvement reserves the he fight to change specifications, design or prices without incurring r-'i •- ti ti' Z K1, V I I W, iJ I zp), 0 0 0 -4 ZZ ZIp; ea X-1 {b 1 8 5 '2 10 04600"MW E HOME �DJ.`J VrU 1N v r1�,1tr U1CVIAN C.:E ' 1ABLES U.S. UNITS 100 SERIES BIG GUNS - 240 TRAJECTORY" 100 T TAPER BORE NOZZLES Nozzle "b" Nozzle M. Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Naxzle Nozzle PS.I. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. -6" GPM DIA. .65" GPM DIA. .7" GPM DIA. .76" GPM DIA. GPM 6" V. Nozzle DIA. GPMS6" DIA. GPM DIA. GPM10" DIA. r0 50 205 64 215' 74 225' 87, 235' 100 245' 115 256' 130 265' 150 273r 165 280' 204 70 60 225' 75„ 238' 88 250' 103 283' 120• 275' 136 .• 283'. 155 : • 295' 177 , 300' ._ 1 302'r 197 310' 243 338• 90 '- 68 ..• 245' ." 83 5 „ 258' - 100 270' :117 283' 135 295' 155 306' 175 315' 201 r 326' 223 710 76 265' 92 278' 111 290' r _ 129 303' _ 150 315' ..r--.: • F.. ` „ 171 335' 274 362' t 324' 195 335''' Available only with F100 13 SR100. 222 344' 247 355' 304 380 100 R RING NOZZLES 100 DN DIFFUSER NOZZLES PSI .71 RING GPM DIA .77 RING .81 DING .86 RING .89 RING .93 RING .96 RING GPM DIA GPM DIA O.6DN 0.7DN ,, :,•,., •.,i•...:•. GPM DIA GPM DIA GPM DIA GPM DIA PM ;:..,.._,..., .._..... „ s ,: ::.•. ..:. GPM DIA GP DIA ..•. M O.8DN GP DIA GPM M DIA 40 66 208 A li.m�:.�.rn+-�cw a(fs,:.rr'�# ......,., _.t,=.?:ar;'rwLiY " 78 212 91 215 103 224 118 60 : 81 235 , 235 734 238 152 242 45" 154...: 66 168 91 182 118 191 :. t yn _......, .16� 244 '' S�f2f:5 a .. t„��aTaii�O , _ 80 r.• 94r' 255 r., ,�tn5n — 96 240 110 245 125 260 141 270 164 275 183 280 1�ii iiQ0_ A �oH1 iQ iewaf,Y-• ' ; ,�76:zc ae 152<u28Q i6i1 " ' '` '' i::; ::'y •"189 1 10 200 143 21 t ' : , 117 265 127 275 145 2B5 163 300 305 211 : +.:u' 100 105 270 ., 315 .,..I ..• 124 280 142' 295 162 3d5 r •'r .�Q.r �.. "._ . :�, .,� . .. 18 0- 212Y325-•236 33" i130. ' :, ,;.:14 .5 . , •.:.1 Q :... :. 3 ..3]4 ,.JB "The diameter of throw is approximately 3% less for the 21" trajectory angle, 6% less for 18"- 150 SERIES BIG GUNS - 240 TRAJECTORY"* 150 T TAPER BORE NOZZLES Nozzle .7" Nozzle 8" Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle 9" Nozzle P.S.I. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. 1.0" GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM 1 2" DIA. 7 3" 60 110 265' 743 285' , .�� ✓$' GPM DIA, ' ('i6fi - "',: 1852�305' 2215' 275 345' 330 36 s' :. '•... a7 - r ' r • 305 380' b0 t 28 290' 165 3f0` ctafr.t r.. _ :.. ........ v .. . , .,..... _ 270 335- 280~ 355' 315 3?5' 38L' 395' h 1r .. •445 410' 143 310, 185 330' .f 235 355' 290 • 375' 355 400' J51�IiIB 425 120_1 157, 330' 204 350' 258375'• 1 r 385420'' 465 440' 545 A60' 11FO R RING NOZZLES '- Ain .86 P.S.I. GPM Rinp .97 r in R 1.08' • R,,n 1.26 RingDIA. ` R41 ' 4DIA. DIA. ;. GPM DIA. .'.280•;t. GPM_ DIA. 1.34' GPM1\ DIA. GPM GPM 13"DIA. GPM 1 60 910 -i260' -., �Af1�43,.. 1B2 300' ar.:• •, .., -:,_ ". x. . 225 315, WL.4•101. .I BZ:Ita(Gf.H -• 275 335' 330 80 728 280' y1,"x�".�t270 F 165 300' ,.,• :. f 210 320' .: . . . 260 340; 'a 315 , 360' 380 380' 445 395' 100 143 3D0' 185 320' ;e:+i 2:i5 340' 7C�lt�lhtii35 _r 1 F , n.120 ..' _ .335' ' '252rr:1:a360%-, 290 360' 355 380' 425 400' 500 415, "The 157, 315, 204 320 380' .' 385 400' ,• 465 420' diameter of throw Is approximately 3% less for the_21 ° trajectory angle. 545 435' 200 SERIES BIG GUNS - 270 TRAJECTORY" 200 T TAPER BORE NOZZLES Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle 1.2" Nozzle 1.3" Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle P.S.I. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. 1.4" GPM DIA. 1.5" GPM DIA. 1.6" GPM DIA. 1.76' GPM DIA. 1.9" 70 270 360' Si+' 310 380' 37W1;L 355 395' : 386, ' 6ytiiA1 ''-. , i:rCxifi;ltiuA30.'il:. r,-:. GPM DIA. 90 110 O7kP1' 310 390' 340 410' ` 3f16 `'• 350 410' Orl(1:i480,.r:` 390 430' - • ' � fi0,;reG:fO"�ir, 405 425' r;..;. ,. Oaa A45 450' 415 410' '• ,. � 475 445' u� 60flid S25 470' 480 430' S$ue:a ,, ,, 545 465' 7.51uivAflOCS 605 495' 555 450' .. , 90a.70dt.i 625 485' 630 465' 63si1d86"'` 715 505' : `... b r ' 755 495' - 855 1535' 7 945, .565' 890 515, 1005 555' : 200 130 R RING 65ieiltlA90':...:: i:rSAS na.�66R'...,I ; •,< 695 515' 790 535' 301 70 425' 425 445' 485 465' S65 485' 655 515' 755 540' 860' 1025 590' NOZZLES 1,10a 590' 1210 620' 1 '/," Ring (11 MA actual] M. 1 ��" Ring (1.46" actual 1 %x" Rin, (1.56" actual] 1 s%" Ring (7.66" actual) 13/40 Ring 174" 1 rh" Ring ' 2" Ring .. GPM _ GPM DIA. GP_M DIA. GPM DIA. ( actual) GPM DIA. (1.83" aMual ) GPM DIA. (1.93" aqua[) „sD 250 340' 330 370' 65 ir390,>-410'47Ai,;;c:.425' 1' .. GPM DIA. 'fi95 '• "r�. ." .n ,,; c: "_ 385 390' r l3u; r o 1.., " -, ,...:. 445 410' , ,.. .. ',.....,.515 425,. 585 440' 455' BO •�.- 290 370' .r. .. .. " 380 400' .. v' ram.••-y. iRr.,.lµ,•:;,:t....-.; ursirYil 445 425.15 . .•� ,: ,: 440' t ••,f, '`g' .+.. 590 455' - r 675 470' l.'i,' � _ _ 805' 49a, . 325 390' .. [KIr• r'. 425 425' rs1'aic:w is�. dR r'.'?. .. �.yt.'F2`YIS6i.J4-' 500 445' .,... , 75 465'... 575 465' •.. - 660 4B0' .,;.::�:• ---��»r+•-rrl"a'[�' 755 ' 500 - 900 520' � ..- 355 410' 465 4•t 5' 54!i 465' ��5, 63 ➢ i:Wl><'vFi.9.�atll. '.$917r:.1r"r"'1 ti :,. .v. r ..: is 'i `�': 'd•w�., .A,> :.' ..:: , :.. ..,. '...,.- .6 _ -,1 i' .� .: ...,.._ r;, ..:: ,:.:� .72 5 500 025 520' 985 545' .. ' 1 ne diameter of throw is approximately 2% less for the 24" trajectory angle, 5% loss for the 21°,trajectory angle. The BIG GUN2 performance data has been obtained under ideal'test conditions and may be adversely affected by wind, poor hydraulic entrance conditions or other Nelson Irrigation Corporation makes no representation regarding droplet condition, uniformity, or application rate. [actors. Brock Equipment 'r~`O. P.O. Box 100 Bailey N.C. 27807 (919) 235-4111 Qua n' D ri n Pri E h Pri Tot 1 1 Cadman 2250 9000.00 9000.00 1 Caprari D2-50 PTO pump 3500.00 3500.00 1325 4" SDR 21 200 psi pvc pipe 1.00 1325.00 7 Field hydrants 235.00 1645.00 1 Lagoon hydrant 235.00 235.00 1 45 degree elbow 35.00 35.00 2 Air releases 75.00 150.00 Tax 148.90 Thrust Blocking 50.00 Labor 1725.00 Total 17813.90 Johnny Gurley (919) 778-3470 41j 12-14-1995 1O:51AM FROM P. 2 NPSHA Calcula&nS NPSIA = Pa Hs-j*6Pvpa 14.3.33-2-.36 NPS!►. ` 5.61 There: Pa = Atmospheric Pressure Hs,= Suction Head Hf= Friction Head Npa = Vapor Pmssure Lane Spacron -165 is 73.3% of225 223(.733)=164.92S LS --r65i **There will be a 5% loss of pressure through sittings in the 4" pipe. 7DH 94.83pst 94.85-5%=94.8 psi 08/03/98 09:18 TX/R.X N0.1834 P.002 0 .MEC D2/50 MEC D04/80 0 MRS NNN OWNER, mummus on UN m -6 re. RUNNE®NN amn NNNNNN Moo — Ag MEC D3/6-c; RFA 3.7 50 40 vj. 30 go to u rw boo 430 No. im EC DMR 83-3/2 A lacm z PLW 600 wo '50 w so a. DDD 7w MEC D3/101 LAD UCT ON ASSEMBLY CC SON LINE XUBBER SUCTION HOSE COIL NECI-ED 0 ALUMINUM PIPE IT A TO A -alx - SCREEN Cam lock Fittings Suction Screen Field Calibration Procedures for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment HARD HOSE AND CABLE TOW TRAVELER IRRIGATION SYSTEM North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service North Carolina State University Field Calibration Procedures + for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment HARD HOSE Land application equipment used on animal production farms must be field f AND CABLE calibrated or evaluated in accordance with existing design charts and tables TOW TRAVELER according to state rules that wen t into effect September 1, 1996. Technical IRRIGATION SYSTEM Specialist certifying waste management plans after September 1, 1996, must also certify that operators have been provided calibration and adjustment guidance for all land application equipment. The rules apply to irrigation sys- tems as well as all other types of liquid, slurry, or solid application equipment. Information presented in manufacturers' charts are based on average op- erating conditions for relatively new equipment. Discharge rates and applica- tion rates change over time as equipment ages and components wear. As a result, equipment should be field calibrated regularly to ensure that applica- tion rates and uniformity are consistent with values used during the system design and given in manufacturers' specifications. Field calibration involves collection and measurement of the material being applied at several locations in the application area. This publication contains step-by-step guidelines for field calibration of hard hose and cable tow traveler irrigation systems. General Guidelines Operating an irrigation system differently than average application volume and application unifor- assumed in the design will alter the application rate, uniformity of coverage, and subsequently the mi An in -line flow meter in lestima applica- lion uniformity. Operating with excessive pressure p irrigation line provides good e o the f the total volume results in smaller droplets greater potential for drift, and accelerates wear of the pumped from the lagoon during each irriga- tion cycle. The average application depth be sprinkler nozzle. Pump wear tends to reduce operating pressure and flow. can ; determined by dividing the pumped volume by the With continued use, nozzle wear results in an increase 'the � application area. The average application depth is in nozzle opening, which will increase the computed from the formula; discharge rate while decreasing the wetted diameter. Clogging Average application depth (inches) _ of nozzles or crystallization of main lines can result in increased pump pressure but reduced Volume pumped (gallons) flow at the n. Plugged intakes will reduce operating 27,154 (gal/ac-in) X Application area (acres) Pressure. An operating pressure below design pressure greatly reduces the coverage diameter and application The average application depth is the average amount uniformity. Field calibration helps ensure that nutri- applied throughout the field. Unfortunately, sprinklers do ents from animal waste are applied uniformly and at not apply the same depth of wate throughout their wetted diameter. Proper rates. Under normal The calibration of a hard hose or cable tow system involves operting applica depth decreases toward the oudteronser�imeter, setting out collection containers, operating the system, measuring the amount of wastewater ofthe wett Big gun sprinkler systems typically ha eeoverlap diameter. collected in each container, and then computing the � based on a design sprinkler spacing of 70 to 80 percent of the wetted sprinkler diameter to compen- O HARD HOSE AND CABLE TOW TRAVELER IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Reel cart —> Left Right Row of 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 collection 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gauges Gun cart Direction of travel \ Wetted diameter i At least one wetted (320 feet) `ter diameter end of field Figure T. General layout and orientation of collection gauges for calibration of a hard hose and cable tow traveler irrigation systems. CALIBRATION PROCEDURES 1. Determine the wetted diameter of the gun. 2. Determine the number of collection gauges and spacing between gauges. For a wetted diameter of 320 feet, the rain gauge spacing should not exceed 20 feet. (320 ft / 16 = 20 ft). 3. Label gauges outward from the gun cart as either left or right (Ll, L2, L3, etc; Rl, R2, R3, etc.) 4. Set out gauges along a row as labeled and shown in Figure 1, equally spaced at the distance determined in item 2 (20 feet): The row should be at least one wetted diameter from either end of the pull. The first gauge on each side of the travel lane should be 1 /2 the gauge spacing from the center of the lane. For a gauge spacing of 20 feet, Ll and R1 should be 10 feet from the center of the lane. S. Operate the system for the time required for the gun to completely pass all collection containers. Record the "starting" time that wastewater begins to be applied along the row of gauges and the "ending" time when wastewater no longer is being applied anywhere along the row. Also record the distance traveled in feet for the time of operation. 6. Immediately record the amounts collected in each gauge. (Refer to Table 1 for an example.) 7. Identify those gauges that fall outside the effective lane spacing, Figure 2. This volume is the overlap volume that would be collected when operating the system on the adjacent lane. 8. Superimpose (left to right and vice versa) the gauges just outside the effective width with the gauges just inside the effective width. Add the volumes together. For the layout shown in Figure 2, add the volume (depth) collected in gauge R8 (outside the effective lane spacing) to volume (depth) collected in gauge L5 (inside the effective lane spacing). Similarly, R7 is added to 1-6; L8 is added to R5; and L7 is added to R6. This is now the application volume (depth) within the effective lane spacing adjusted for overlap. 0 �7LER - _iv1S CALIBRATION PROCEDURES (continued) 13. Compute the average travel speed Average travel speed = Distance traveled (feet) Time (minutes) 14. Determine the application uniformity. The application uniformity is often computed using the mathematical formula referred to as the Christiansen Uniformity Coefficient. It is computed as follows: Average depth (#9) —Average deviation (#11) U� — X 100 Average depth (#9) 15. Interpret the calibration results. The higher the index value, the more uniform the application. An index of 100 would mean that the uniformity is perfect — the exact same amount was collected in every gauge. For travelers with proper overlap and operated in light wind, an application uniformity greater than 85 is common. Application uniformity between 70 to 85 is in the "good" range and is acceptable for wastewater application. Generally, an application uniformity below 70 is considered unacceptable for wastewater irrigation using travelers. If the computed Uc is less than 7b, system adjustments are required. Contact your irrigation dealer or Certified Technical Specialist for assistance. Table 1. Example calibration data for a traveling gun system operated in parallel lanes. Lane spacing 70 percent of sprinkler wetted diameter. a. Manufacturers' Specifications: Gun Model 150 Type Ta er Bore Nozzle Dia. 0.9 inch Wetted diameter 320 ft Hose Size: Length 800 ft Pressure (Gun) 70 psi Effective Spacing 224 ft Diameter 3 in Reel 105 psi Flow 197 GPM b. Spacing between collection containers (spacing 320 (ft) / 16) = 20 ft c. Number of gauges = 16 d. Start of Irrigation event 7:15 a.m. e. End of Irrigation event 9:00 a.m. f. Duration (e-d) 10S minutes g. Travel distance 320 feet h. Operate the system and collect data. CI HARD HOSE AND CABLE TOW TRAVELE IRRIGATION SYSTEM Irrigation System Calibration Data Sheet for Hard Hose Traveler Irrigation System DATE: Land Owner Farm No. a. Manufacturers` Specifications: Gun Model Type Nozzle Dia. in Pressure (Gun) Reel _ Wetted diameter ft Effective Spacing ft Flow GPM Hose Size: Length ft Diameter in b. Spacing between collection containers (diameter �16) = ft C. wetted diameter (ft) Number of gauges = gauge spacing (ft) — d. Start of Irrigation event Reel can Lane' Wne2 -� � e. End of Irrigation event Leh Right f. Duration (e-d) 1 Left B 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right 1 min 6 716 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 2 3 4 5 617 Gun 1 0 0 0 0 0 o O cart g. Travel distance feet Direction of Vavel I Cun cart ` I h. Operate the system, collect data, I 1 I and record on the worksheet on page 8. I I Effective lane spacing (224 feel) (. Sum of all catches inches ic--_Effeclivelanespac;ng_ (224 j. Average catch (i/number of gauges) inches I I I I I I k• Average travel speed = Distance traveled (ft)_ Time (min) I. Sum of all deviations from the average catch m. Average deviation from average catch n. Uniformity coefficient U = (m) — X 100 = Interpret the calibration data and make necessary adjustments. For travelers with proper overlap and operated in light wind, an application uniformity Coefficient greater than 85 is common. Application uniformity between 70 to 85 is in the "good" range and is acceptable for wastewater application. Generally, an application uniformity below 70 is considered unacceptable for wastewater irrigation using travelers. If the computed U,is less than 70, system adjustments are required. Contact your irrigation dealer or Certified Technical Specialist for assistance. 101 TABLE OF IRRIGATION LANES Effective date as of 9/27104 Randy Gray HYDRANTS ACRES RG-1 2.02 RG-2 1.98 RG-3 2.15 RG-4 2.34 RG-5 2.37 RG-6 2.38 RG-7 2.45 Total Acres 55.69 flh3 ap ".2 -74-3 et 5--.? I57,06 JOHNNY GURLEY SCALE: IH =LU I 02/10/98 - - WETTED AREA; 15,69 ACRES REQUIRED AREA, 13,00 ACRES IV 31,1 0 = Hydrant 0 = Air Release (Approx) = Thrust Blocking EAG,E] El N t y 4 SDA21, 200 PSI oe PVCJP Animal Waste Management Plan Certification (Please type or print all information that does not require a signature) watlon: Name of Fame: o h (S;LA AE t Facility No:�- 13'7 Owner(s) Name: Phone No: Mailing Address: Q Farm Location: Fourteen Digit Hydrologic Unit:_ O 3U Zo2. t)_30(00 Oy 0 Latitude and Longitude: 27 4 / 7 Y 2. County: rj e., _ Please attach a copy of a county road map with location identified and describe below (Be specific: road names, directions, milepost, etc.): 7r. c AL eati je o t �r Ga Id ,r Type of Swine O Wean to Feeder OFeeder to Finish ❑ Farrow to Wean • Farrow to Feeder ❑ Farrow to Finish DitOn: No. of Animals Type of Poultry No, of Animals ❑ Layer ❑ Pullets Other Type of Livestock: Type of Cattle ❑ Dairy ❑ Beef No. of Animals .Number of Animals: . Expartdtng Upexat%r� P ..:...... AEfdtztanaf.flesign G'apacat �'ara113es2��. Cc�pactl� - . nB. f�pemlrvp �inly LSi2'aTYC�lifI�F whzch fai�sn, appiecl for reglstraiiait) , Acreage Available for Application: Required Acreage:: l Number of Lagoons / Storage Ponds :�_ Total Capacit Cubic Feet (ft3) Are subsurface drains present on the farm: YES or 0 (please circle'ane) Owner / Manager Agreement I (we) verify that all the above information is correct and will be updated upon changing. I (we) understand the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste management plan for the farm named above and will implement these procedures. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management before the new animals are stocked. I (we) understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from the storage or application system to surface waters of the state either directly through a man-made conveyance or from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm and there must not be run-off from the application of animal waste. I (we) understand that run-off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas must beminimized using technical standards developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The approved plan will be filed at the farm and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District. I (we) know that any modification must be approved by a technical specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior to implementation. A change in land ownership requires written notification to DEN �new certificatipn (if the approved plan is changed) within 60 days of a title transfer. Name of Land Owne�y: ���� �r�1 Signature: - Date: - Name of 'Manager(if different from owner): Signature: Date: AwC -- April 24, 1996 1 Technical Specialist Certification I. As a technical specialist designated by the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 6F .0005, I certify that the animal waste management system for the farm named above has an animal waste management plan that meets or exceeds standards and specifications of the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) as specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0217 and the USDA -Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and/or the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A' NCAC 2H.021'7 and 15A NCAC 6F .0001-.0005. The following elements are included in the plan as applicable. While each category designates a technical "specialist who may sign each certification (SD,. SI,. I) WUP, RC, , the technical specialist should only certify parts for which they are technically comfletent. s II...Certif ication of Design . A) Collection, Storagre, Treatment System Check the appropriate box EYtink faciIit(iithout retrofit (SD or WUP) Storage_volume is adequate for operation capacity; storage capability consistent with waste utilization requirements. New, expanded or retrofitted facility (SD) Animal waste storage and treatment structures, such as but not Iimited to collection systems, lagoons and ponds, have been designed to meet, or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. Name of Technical Specialist (PIease Print): i• 6h`� Affiliation: D -N CS _ Address(Age. Cy):_ UJA4roe Ce ^Iu, fZ,,,,. [ atF �21� W. ek,rAkr +l Phone No.: ?,I T -Z/ -19 3 2 �Sr-• batatbaro Iut z7Y3o Signature: Date: Z I B) Land ARplication Site (WUP) The plan provides for minimum separations (buffers); adequate amount of land for waste utilization; chosen crop is suitable for waste management; hydraulic and nutrient Ioading rates. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation:.'D A. -- M P_ r- s Address(Agency): Phone No.: Sig C) Runoff Controls from Exterior Lots Check the appropriate box Facility without exterior lots (SD or WUP or RC) This facility does not contain any exterior lots. ❑ Facility with exterior lots (RC) Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas have been designed in accordance with technical standards developed by NRCS. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): �. G Affiliation: AWC -- April 24, 1996 2 D) Application and Handling, Eguipment Check the appropriate box ExistinzfaciliU with existing waste application a ui ment (WUP or I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been either field calibrated or evaluated in accordance with existing design charts and tables and is able to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan: (existing application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates, a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained and calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan). Q New or expanded facility: or existing facility without existing waste -application equipment (I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been designed to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan; (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates; a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan). Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print):_ c t=,ram Ga-btu-f Affiliation: L/ Is D 4 ~/V R Ls Address(Age Signature:, III. Certification of Installation A) Collection, Storage. Treatment installation hone No.: New expanded or retrofitted facility (S I) Animal waste storage and treatment structures, such as but not limited to lagoons and ponds, have been installed in accordance with the approved plan to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. For existing facilities without retrofits, no certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation: Address (Agency): Phone No.: Signature: Date: AWC -- April 24, 1996 B) Land Application Site (WUP) Check the appropriate box C The cropping system is in place on all land as- specified in the animal waste management plan. Conditional Approval: all required land as specified in the plan is cleared for planting; the cropping system as specified in the waste utilization plan has not been established and the owner has committed to establish the vegetation as specified in the plan by (month/day/year); the proposed cover crop is appropriate for compliance with the waste utilization plan. a Also check this box if appropriate if the cropping system as specified in the plan can not be established on newly cleared land within 30 days of this certification, the owner has committed to establish an interim crop for erosion control; Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Lt bra Aff Iiation:�,,11 b A- AJ (✓t-S r-- Address Signature: Phone No.: Date:- This following signature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in III. B above has been checked. I (we) certify that I (we) have committed to establish the cropping system as specified in my (our) waste utilization plan, and if appropriate to establish the interim crop for erosion control., and will submit to DEM, a verification of completion from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date specified in the conditional certification. I (we) realize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste management plan and will subject me (us) to an enforcement action from DEM. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Date: Name of Manager(if different from owner): Signature: Date: C) Runoff Controls from Exterior Lots (RC) Facilitv with exterior lots Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas have been installed as specified in the plan. . Forfacilities without exterior lots, no certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation: Address (Agency): Phone No.: Signature: Date: AWC -- April 24, 1996 4 D) Avniication and Handling E, guigment Tnstallation (WUP or I) Check the appropriate block ❑ Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan is on site and ready for use; calibration and adjustment materials have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan. Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan has not been installed but the owner has proposed leasing or third party application and has provided a signed contract; equipment specified in the contract agrees with the requirements of the plan; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan. 10 Conditional approval,.Animal waste application and handling. equip ment specified in the plan has been purchased and will be on site and installed by (month/day/year); there is adequate storage to hold the waste until the equipment is installed and until the waste can be land applied in accordance with the cropping system contained in the plan; and calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print):r: Affiliation: Q _� D ✓N- Nl2- t S Address Signature: e -p— I,Z—,,,+ _.Phone No.: The following signature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in III D above has been checked. I (we) certify that I (we) have committed to purchase the animal waste application and handling equipment as specified in my (our) waste management plan and will submit to DEM a verification of delivery and installation from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date specified in the conditional certification. I (we) realize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste management plan and will subject me (us) to an enforcement action from DEM. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Name of Manager(if different from owner): Signature: Date: Date: Please return the completed form to the Division of Environmental Management at the following address: Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division Of Environmental Management Water Quality Section, Compliance Group P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Please also remember to submit a copy of this form along with the complete Animal Waste Management Plan to the local Soil and Water Conservation District Office and to keep a copy in your files with your Animal Waste Management Plan. AWC -- April 24, 1996 5 TECHNICAL SPECIALIST FOR ANIM WASTE MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION DESIGNATION CATEGORY CODE AREA OF AUTHORITY Collection, Storage, SD (design) - lagoons, storage ponds, dry stacks, storage structures, and/or Treatment SI (installation) composters, pushoff ramps, curbing and other similar structures Waste Utilization Plan WUP - design and installation (development and implementation) of land application plans including crop and acreages available to meet nutrient budget, hydraulic and nutrient loading rates, placement of application site buffers - measurement of existing storage volume - confirmation of existence and compatibility of land application equipment with waste utilization•plan - czrtification of cropping systems - confirmation of absence of exterior lots - confirmation of sludge and effluent removal and application at agronomic rates for lagoon closure Runoff Controls RC - design and installation of filter strips, grass channels, and related bmps used to reduce runoff from exterior lots (primarily dairy operations) Irrigation Equipment I - design and installation of irrigation systems to include pipe size, pump horsepower, nozzle size, system layout, thrust blocks, etc. and operation plan to meet criteria of Waste Utilization Plan (hours per set, etc.) Technical Specialists are designated by the soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 6F.0005. Technical Specialists should only certify parts of a plan for which they are technically competent. Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause a _T BIVll's to Minimize Odor Site Specitie Practices Farmstead • Swine production IN Vegetative or wooded buffers; 0 Recommended best management practices; ® Good judgment and common sense Animal body surfaces • Dirty manure -covered animals A Dry floors Floor surfaces • Wet manure -covered floors 9 Slotted floors; l0 Waterers located over slotted floors; O Feeders at high end of solid floors; O Scrape manure buildup from floors; 0 Underfloor ventilation for drying Manure collection pits • Urine; O Frequent manure removal by flush, pit recharge, Partial microbial decomposition or scrape; D Underfloor ventilation Ventilation exhaust fans • Volatile gases; 0 Fan maintenance; Dust ICI Efficient air movement Indoor surfaces Dust R Washdown between groups of animals; M Feed additives; 17 Feeder covers; 9 Feed delivery downspout extenders to feeder Flush tanks 0 Agitation of recycled lagoon 0 oe+r m _ - - Flush tank covers; liquid while tanks are filling 0 Extend rill lines to near bottom of tanks with anti -siphon vents Flush alleys a Agitation during wastewater a Underfloor flush -with underfloor ventilation conveyance Pit recharge points • Agitation of recycled lagoon 0 Extend recharge lines to near bottom of pits liquid while pits are filling with anti -siphon vents �T Lift stations • Agitation during sump tank 0 Sump tank covers filling and drawdown Outside drain collection Agitation during wastewater 0 Box covers or junction boxes conveyance Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices End of drainpipes at • Agitation during wastewater IN Extend discharge point of pipes underneath lagoon conveyance lagoon liquid level Lagoon surfaces • Volatile gas emissions; 0 Proper lagoon liquid capacity; • Biological mixing; 9 Correct lagoon startup procedures; • Agitation a Minimum surface area -to -volume ratio; 0 Minimum agitation when.pumping; • Mechanical aeration; Cl Proven biological additives Irrigation sprinkler • High pressure agitation; 9 Irrigate on dry days with little or no wind; nozzles . Wind drift 9 Minimum recommended operating pressure; IN Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface; ® Pump from second -stage lagoon Storage tank or basin • Partial microbial decomposition; 0 Bottom or midlevel loading; surface . Mixing while filling; I] Tank covers; • Agitation when emptying Q Basin surface mats of solids; Settling basin surface • Partial microbial • Mixing while filling; • Agitation when emptying Manure, slurry or sludge • Agitation when spreading 0 Proven biological additives or oxidants tion; a Extend drainpipe outlets underneath liquid level; O Remove settled solids regularly O Soil injection of slurry/sludges; spreader outlets . Volatile gas emissions 17 Wash residual manure from spreader after usej; Cl Proven biological additives or oxidants Uncovered manure, • Volatile gas emissions while O Soil injection of slurry/sludges slurry or sludge on field drying Q Soil incorporation within 48 hrs.; surfaces O Spread in thin uniform layers for rapid drying; ® Proven biological additives or oxidants Dead animals • Carcass decomposition CK Proper disposition of carcasses Dead animal disposal • Carcass decomposition 17 Complete covering of carcasses in burial pits; Pits O Proper location/construction ofdisposal pits Incinerators 0 Incomplete combustion 0 Secondary stack burners Source Cause B_MPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Standing water around a Improper drainage; f$ Grade and landscape such that water drains facilities . Microbial decomposition of away from facilities organic matter Manure tracked onto . Poorly maintained access roads Farm access road maintenance public roads from farm access Additional Information : Swine Manure Management; 0200 Rule/BMP Packet Swine Production Farm Potential Odor Sources and Remedies ; EBAE Fact Sheet Swine Production Facility Manure Management: Pit Recharge - Lagoon Treatment; EBAE 128-88 Swine Production Facility Manure Management: Underfloor Flush - Lagoon Treatment; EBAE 129-88 Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage ; . EBAE 103-83 Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipment; EBAE Fact Sheet Controlling Odors from Swine Buildings; PIH-33 Environmental Assurance Program ; NPPC Manual Options for Managing Odor; a report from the Swine Odor Task Force Nuisance Concerns in Animal Manure Management: Odors and Flies; PRO107, 1995 Conference Proceedings Available From: NCSU, County Extension Center NCSU -BAE NCSU - BAE NCSU - BAE NCSU - BAE NCSU - BAE NCSU - Swine Extension NC Pork Producers Assoc NCSU Agri Communications Florida Cooperative Extension Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause Flush Gutters Accumulation of solids ❑ Lagoons and Pits • Crusted Solids Excessive Vegetative • Decaying vegetation Growth • Feed Spillage ❑ Feeders Feed Storage • Accumulations of feed residues Cl BM[Ps to Control Insects Site Specific Practices Liquid Systems Flush system is designed and operated sufficiently to remove accumulated solids from gutters as designed. Remove bridging of accumulated solids at discharge Maintain lagoons, settling basins and pits where pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting of solids to a depth of no more than 6 - 8 inches over more than 30% of surface. Maintain vegetative control along banks of lagoons and other impoundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter along water's edge on impoundment's perimeter. Dry Systems _ Design, operate and maintain feed systems (e.g., bunkers and troughs) to minimize the accumulation of decaying wastage. Clean up spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7 - I0 day interval during summer; 15-30 day interval during winter). Reduce moisture accumulation within and around immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by insuring drainage away from site and/or providing adequate containment (e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products). inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids in filter strips around feed storage as needed. Source Cause _ _ BMPs to Control Insects. - Site Specific Practices Animal Holding Areas Accumulations of animal wastes O Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along and feed wastage fences and other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is minimal. Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e., inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed). Dry Manure Handling • Accumulations of animal wastes 13 Remove spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7 - 10 Systems day interval during summer; 15-30 day interval during winter) where manure is loaded for land application or disposal. CI Provide for adequate drainage around manure stockpiles. O Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated wastes in Filter strips around stockpiles and manure handling areas as needed. For more information contact the Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Box 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7613. Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Control Insects Site Specific Practices Li uid Systems Flush gutters Accumulation of solids 0 Flush system is designed and operated sufficiently to remove accumulated solids from gutters as designed 0 Remove bridging of accumulated solids at Lagoons and pits • Crusted solids 0 Maintain lagoons, settling basins and pits where pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting of solids to a depth of no more than 6 to 8 inches over more than 30 percent of surface Excessive vegetative • Decaying vegetation 0 Maintain vegetative control along banks of growth lagoons and other impoundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter along water's edge on impoundment's perimeter. Dry S 'stems Feeders Feed spillage 0 Design, operate, and maintain feed systems (e.g., bunkers and troughs) to minimize the accumulation of decaying wastage 0 Clean up spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7- to 10- day interval during summer; 15- to 30-day interval during winter) AMIC - November 11, 1996, page 1 Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Control Insects Feed storage Accumulations of feed C3 R Site Specific Practices residues Animal holding areas Accumulations of animal wastes and feed wastage Dry manure handling Accumulations of animal systems wastes educe moisture accumulation within and around immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by ensuring drainage is away from site and/or providing adequate containment (e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products) 13 Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids in filter stri s around feed storage as needed C3 Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along fences and other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is minimal 0 Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e., inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed) C3 Remove spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7- to 10-day interval during summer; 15- to 30-day interval during winter) where manure is loaded for land application or disposal ® Provide for adequate drainage around manure stockpiles O Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter strips around stockpiles and manure handling areas as needed For more information contact: Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Box 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613. AMIC - November 11, 1996, page 2 EMERGENCY ACTION � LAY PHONE NUMBERS Division of Water Resources (DWR) Emergency Management System (EMS) Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. a. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: 1) Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. 2) Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. 3) Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. 4) Call a pumping contractor. 5) Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. b. Runoff from waste application field -actions include: 1) Immediately stop waste application. 2) Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. 3) Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. 4) Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. 5) Evaluate the application rates for the fields where runoff occurred. c. Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: 1) Stop recycle pump. 2) Stop irrigation pump. 3) Close valves to eliminate further discharge. 4) Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. 1 November 23, 2016 d. Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: 1) Stop recycle pump. 2) Stop irrigation pump. 3) Make sure no siphon occurs. 4) Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. 5) Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. e. Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks- possible action: 1) Dig a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to lagoon. 2) If holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. 3) Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as possible. 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? 3. Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWR regional office, phone number: . After hours, emergency number: 1-800-858-0368. Your phone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of the incident from item 2 above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill Ieaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS, phone number: . Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. c. Contact the following for advice/technical assistance: 1) Cooperative Extension, phone number: 2 November 23, 2016 2) local SWCD office, phone number: 3) local NRCS office, phone number: 4. If none of the above works call 911 or the Sheriffs Department and explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 5. Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. a b Contractors Name: Contractors Address: Contractors Phone: 6. Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (NRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc.) a. Name: b. Phone: 7. Implement procedures as advised by DWR and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. 3 November 23, 2016 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director Randy Alan Gray Randy Gray's Isolation Farm 279 Circle Dr Pikeville, NC 27863-9042 Dear Randy Alan Gray: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality September 23, 2019 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS960137 Randy Gray's Isolation Farm Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Wayne County In accordance with your renewal request, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Randy Alan Gray, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. Please read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit carefully. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for Randy Gray's Isolation Farm, located in Wayne County, with a swine animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Wean to Finish: Feeder to Finish: 840 Boar/Stud: Wean to Feeder: Farrow to Wean: Gilts: Farrow to Finish: Farrow to Feeder: Other: If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unnecessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows. This COC shall be effective from October 1, 2019 until September 30, 2024 and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWS960137 that was previously issued to this facility. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. You are encouraged to update your Swine Odor Control Checklist using the enclosed form. If you do so, you must send a copy of the updated form to the Animal Feeding perations Program at the address below. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Stocking and Mortality Form (STOCK-1) has been updated; all other record keeping forms are unchanged with this General Permit. Please use the most current record keepingforms. orms. D E Q�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources to: �-512 North Salisbury Street 1 1636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 NORTM C-OLINA o.�memmE.A—WQ�.ifly /"� 919.707.9000 If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Per 15A NCAC 02T .1304 and NRCS standards a I00-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any land application of waste. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Program for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. In accordance with Condition IL23 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within twelve (12) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch/Flash Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/warning information for your county by calling the Raleigh, NC National Weather Service office at (919) 326-1042, or by visiting their website at: viww.weather. ovg /rah/ This facility is located in a county covered by our Washington Regional Office. The Regional Office staff may be reached at 252-946-6481. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Program staff at (919) 707-9129. Sincerely, '4r, 4;L for Linda Culpepper Director, Division of Water Resources Enclosures (General Permit AWG100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) Washington Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wayne County Health Department Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District Central Files (Permit No. AWS960137)