HomeMy WebLinkAbout770017_Permit Renewal Application 2019_20190410State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Animal Waste Management Systems Request for Certification of Coverage Facility Currently covered by an Expiring Sate Non -Discharge General Permit On September 30, 2019, the North Carolina State Non -Discharge General Permits for Animal Waste Management Systems will expire. As required by these permits, facilities that have been issued Certificates of Coverage to operate wider these State Non -Discharge General Permits must apply for renewal at least 180 days prior to then expiration date. Therefore, all applications must be received by the Division of Water Resources by no later than April 3, 2019. Please do not leave any question unanswered Please verify all information and make any necessary corrections below. Application must be signed and dated by the Permittee. 1. Farm Number: 77-0017 2. FacilityName: Wilson's Swine Farm 3. Landowner's Name (same as on the Waste Management Plan): 4. Landowner's Mailing Address: 3208 Gibson Mill Rd Certificate Of Coverage Number: AWS770017 Paul Bryan Wilson City: Ellerbe State: NC ` Zip: 28338-8426 Telephone Number: 910-652-3749 Ext. E-mail: 'D V 3 44 i r C' W�- 5. Facility's Physical Address: 359 Gold Leaf Farm Rd City: Ellerbe State: 6. County where Facility is located: Richmond 7. Farm Manager's Name (if different from Landowner): 8. Farm Manager's telephone number (include area code): 9. Integrator's Name (if there is not an Integrator, write "None"): 10. Operator Name (OIC): Paul B. Wilson 11. Lessee's Name (if there is not a Lessee, write "None"): NC Zip: 28338 Carlos Morales 910-6524822 Ext. - 7DM iann .�dc-, Phone No.: 910-652-4822 OIC #: 17566 12. Indicate animal operation type and number: Current Permit: Operations Type Allowable Count Swine - Feeder to Finish 8,800. Operation Types: Swine Cattle Wean to Finish Dairy Calf Wean to Feeder Dairy Heifer Farrow to Finish Milk Cow Feeder to Finish Dry Cow Farrow to Wean Beef Stocker Calf Farrow to Feeder Beef Feeder Boar/Stud Beef Broad Cow Gilts Other Other Dry Poultry Other Tvoes Non Laying Chickens Horses - Horses Laying Chickens Horses - Other Pullets Sheep - Sheep Turkeys Sheep - Other Turkey Pullet Wet Poultry Non Laying Pullet Layers 13. Waste Treatment and Storage Lagoons (Verify the following information is accurate and complete. Make all necessary corrections and provide missing data.) Structure Name Estimated Date Built Liner Type (Clay, Synthetic, Unknown) Capacity Feet) Estimated Surface Area ((Square Feet) Design Freeboard "Redline" (Inches) 77-17 0 �.-t �r(Cubic e[ fl LY ia"{ 5 21.00 Mail one (1) copy of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) with this completed and signed application as required by NC General Statutes 143-215.1OC(d) to the address below. The CAWMP must include the following components: 1. The most recent Waste Utilization Plan (WUP), signed by the owner and a certified technical snecialist containing: a. The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g. irrigation, injection, etc.) b. A map of every field used for land application (for example: irrigation map) c. The soil series present on every land application field d. The crops grown on every land application field e. The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP f. The maximum PAN to be applied to every land application field g. The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP h. The required NRCS Standard specifications 2. A site map/schematic 3. Emergency Action Plan 4. Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 5. Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 6. Mortality Control Checklist with selected method noted - Use the enclosed updated Mortality Control Checklist 7. Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.) Please be sure the above table is accurate and complete. Also provide any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. - 8. Operation and Maintenance Plan If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. (e.g. composting, digesters, waste transfers, etc.) As a second option to mailing paper copies of the application package, you can scan and email one signed copy of the application and all the CAWMP items above to: 2019PermitReoewal@ncdenr.gov WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWNT Requiring enlargements of existing lagoon systems to meet current NRCS design criteria must be evaluated on a case -by -case basis since they are usually full of effluent and it is often difficult to make them larger. It is best to view actual effluent test results to see if adequate treatment is taking place. Below the reader will see the design volume of the lagoon in question. Historical treatment effectiveness of this lagoon system will be discussed later. TABLE 5 Minimum Design Treatment Volume for Wilson's Swine Farm 1 Stage Anaerobic Lagoon 1 8,300,000 gallons (1,109,626 cu. ft.) +/- Six Month Wastewater And Rainfall Storage Wastewater is typically pulled off of the top of a last stage lagoon and recycled to the confinement buildings for re -use. Excess water accumulation will eventually be spray irrigated on crops. Naturally the farmer will not desire to irrigate every day or every week. Likewise there will be time periods when the weather will not permit responsible irrigation. This requires there to be storage volume built into the lagoon system to give the farmer safety and flexibility in the irrigation routine. In North Carolina the time period for this part of the design can vary between three and six months or occasionally less if intensive waste management is used. Table 6 shows a 6 month water storage volume and a 1 month storage volume for this farm's lagoon. The six month storage volume includes excess wastes produced by the animals, spillage or wasted water, clean-up water, and excess rainfall (less evaporation) directly into the lagoon. This does not include rainfall run-off water from outside the lagoon since it is usually diverted by earthen embankments and grass water ways. These are "book values" only. TABLE 6 Typical Wastewater Storage Needs - Book Values: Six Months 4,443,120 gallons (594,000 cu. ft.) +/ One Month 740,520 gallons (99,000 cu. ft.) +/- Table 6 shows book values for excess wastewater production based on generalized climatological data and known case histories of hog production. This data also accounts for the average evaporation which occurs from lagoons. However this data can vary greatly with seasons and unusual weather conditions. The engineer thinks it is acceptable to use if the lagoon is uncovered and mostly free of floating organic mats and crust. An actual rainfall balance should be used if the structure is covered such as with most dairy waste storage ponds, Storage Of The First 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm At any time in North Carolina there may occur a severe rain producing storm which can deposit considerable amounts of water quickly. The standard storm surge allowed in lagoon design is the 25 year - 24 hour rainfall event. This storm event is historically different between the Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal plain and can even vary between neighboring cities. The 25 year - 24 hour storm used for the lagoon design was 6.5 inches. 11 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW There Should Be No Surface Run -Off From Surrounding Areas Allowed To Enter The Lagoon. All Run -Off Shall Be Diverted Around The Lagoon Via Earthen Embankments, Grass Water Ways, Or Similar Water Diversion Techniques. One 25 year - 24 hour storm volume for this farm is shown below. This value must be considered above the 6 month storage volumes. TABLE 7 Estimated Volume For One 25 Year - 24 Hour Severe Storm: Firet Rtnrm .S'tnrnue 1 778.728 eallons (104.108 cubic feet) Storage Of The Second 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm (Sometimes Called Normal Freeboard) For animal waste lagoons, normal freeboard is defined as the added depth needed for containment of a second 25 year-24 hour storm event. When the Wilson's Swine Farm lagoon was constructed there was not a design criteria for a second storm allowance. While the second storm allowance would be the same as the first if used, the second storm allowance for this farm is zero. Wilson's Swine Farm Lagoon Normal Freeboard Volume: 0 gallons (0 cu. ft.) Emergency Freeboard Emergency freeboard is the extra depth added to a lagoon for safety against a random embankment overflow or dam washout. This extra depth is a safety measure and prevents water from spilling over the dam, resulting in dam erosion and complete or partial dam failure. This amount of added depth is usually selected to be 1 foot but can be 2 feet in some cases. This freeboard is between the top of any emergency overflow and the top of the dam. Wilson's Swine Farm Lagoon Emergency Freeboard: 1 foot Since emergency overflow discussions have no bearing on animal waste utilization, no additional detail on emergency overflow design will be given herein. See the EES lagoon design package for emergency overflow design details. High Water Markers for Liquid Levels As required by regulation, the farmer shall install a permanent pole or metered stick or stakes inside the lagoon or waste storage pond so the operator can tell at a glance the current water level and volume inside the lagoon. The engineer recommends the farmer use some type of highly visible marker divided in increments so he/she can tell at a glance the storage volume remaining in the lagoon. Pole markings should be no greater than 1 foot apart, but six inch graduations are better. Highly visible permanent markers mounted up and down the interior side slope of the lagoon will also serve the same purpose. If wooden stakes are used they should be made out of treated lumber. As a minimum the farmer shall install a permanent marker at the "pump on" level and one at the "pump oft' level. The "pump on" level is below the allowance for any storm surges. A mid -way marker is also very helpful for approximating volumes if the marker is not graduated. Important lagoon water levels are shown below in Table 8. See Exhibit 29 to view a graph of lagoon volume vs. depth. 16 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW TABLE 8 Approximate Levels To Stake Inside The LaLroon START PUMPING BEFORE HERE STOP PUMPING AT LEAST BY HERE (FEET BELOW OVERFLOW FEET BELOW OVERFLOW Lagoon #1 1 0.7++ 4.4 ++ = Storage for only one 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm available between here and overflow. Please remember, the emergency overflow is NOT the top of the dam. TABLE 9 OVERALL DESIGN SUMMARY FOR THE GOLD LEAF FARM LAGOON Added Liquid Depth (Feet) Total Liquid Depth From Bottom Of Lagoon (Feet) Added Volume (Gallons) Total Volume (Gallons) Sludge 2.10 2.10 2,000,000 2,000,000 Minimum Design Volume 8.50 10.60 . 8,300,000 10 300,000 Six Month Storage Volume 3.70 14.30 4,443,120 14,743,120 Surface Inflow Included in six months storage Included in six months storage Included in six months storage Included in six months storage Extra Storage Capacity 0 14.30 0 14,743 120 First 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm 0.70 15.00 778,728 15,521 848 Normal Freeboard (second storm 0 15.00 0 15,521,848 Emergency Freeboard 1.0 16.00 N/A N/A Totals 16.00 ------- 15,521,848 +/- All tabular values are presented as calculated but are close approximations. Tabular values may vary a little from design values. See Exhibit 29 for a graph of as -built lagoon data. CONTROL PROGRAMS FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM Odor. Control And Lagoon Management (apply as needed) Note: Much of this document's text and exhibits are directly or indirectly related to odor control. Likewise, common sense plays a very important part of any odor control program. The below list of items is not intended to be all inclusive. Please refer to all information related to this farm, including suggestions made in the attached exhibits. See Exhibit 18 for an odor control checklist. 1. Use common sense and constant observations to prevent lagoon upsets. 2. It is desirable to add manure daily or every other day in regular doses. This is preferred to slug loading the lagoon at irregular intervals or starving the microorganisms. 3. The lagoon sludge and/or wastewater shall be tested to determine its nutrient content prior to land applications. This shall be done every 60 days or within 60 days of major application events. Send effluent and sludge samples to the N. C. Department of Agriculture, Plant, Waste, and Tissue Lab, 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, N.C. 27607, phone (919) 733-2655. Plant or crop tissue 11 755' Bryan Wilson 255' 8 9 24 7 10 23 6 11 22 5 12 21 4 13 20 3 14 19 2 15 18 1 16 17 . . . . . . . . . ........ ............. EA ........................................... MAIN STARTS HECRE EA ........................... - i FIELD � ............................ I ...... 5" PVC FORCE TIES IN HERE ................ .. ....... . ....... ... EW 6' PVC FORCE MAIN I FIELD 64 F6- P9 .................... PF-?- � 3 . .. ....... F?- P5 ......... EA.... ................... F?- P7 ................. ................. .... ......... ................ 0 200 400 600 800 I rm��� SOLID BLUE LINE STREAM ( UNNAMED ) PROPERTY LINE.: !: POND :::::::::::::::::::::::: i:a R S :::.:;: \- i EA F7- c;: Pz FIELD P F6- ......................... P9 6- PVC FORCE (ARTSWE 6_ FIELD IF�F2IGATION BUFFER FROM HIGHWAY C/L. 55 FT. MIN. 100 FT. RECOMMENDED INSTALL 6 INCH IRRIGATION PIPE UNDER �-RGHWAY PER O.O.T. SPECIFICATIONS EA FIELD EA P4- ................ ...... I F6%................... I ......... ........ P9 i F ..... 7 PROPMV- �. BROKEN BLUE LINE STREAMS 11 WILSON'S SWINE :::f ......M.:' LINE:•STRE-A :. to FARM OPERATION..-' '-"'O"""':::":'""."":�:'::':::::::::::: �.: -- - _ POND :: POND �� - :...• .. . _ �C� ... CD T_` . . _ ::::: F3-P FE 5- 1 ,erty ,::::::= F3-PI Fy _ F3- on _ - MAIIJ TIES HERE 'eet _ _ A FIELD 3 :FIELD` 5 ::: I :FIELD •4 = ' CHICKEN F3 P4 HOUSES I_ F5-P4 :FIELD �4 POND T F3-PI HOUSES L F4-PI = PROPERTY LINE SUGGESTED IRRIGATION BUFFER FROM PROPERTY LINE ( 25 FEET RECOMMENDED ) •\Auer+A n -••Oa. y: TIES :EA FIELD 3 { L F3-P4 REGULATORY IRRIGATION SET -BACKS OR I FROM WETTED AREAS 25 FEET FROM PERENNIAL WATERS + • !A GCDT CDlIM AAIV ODf10CDTV Dill imnA I attest that this application has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-2I5.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application may be subject to civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both for a similar offense.) Printed Name of Signing Official (Landowner, or if multiple Landowners all landowners should sign. If Landowner is a corporation, signatme should be by a principal executive officer of the corporation): Name: ,L, W'LS'� Title: (� Lr% ^fit' Signature: Date: ✓ / Name: Signature: Name: Signature: Title: Date: .. _ ..... Title: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NCDEQ-DWR Animal Feeding Operations Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Telephone number: 4939)gBT-'S�96� E-mail: 2019PermitRenewal@ncdenr.gov FORM: RENEWAL -STATE GENERAL 02/2019 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMF Miscellaneous Site Details There are no dwellings, structures, roads, or bridges between the anaerobic lagoon and the nearest creek or branch. In North Carolina the prevailing winds are typically from the south-west blowing to the north-east. There are no high density residential developments, hospitals, schools, or parks immediately north east of the Gold Leaf Farm parcel but some individual dwellings do exist in the nearby community. The land application of waste should not be inhibited by these nearby dwellings as long as all precautions and safeguards are followed. SR# 1465 is not designated a N.C. Scenic By -Way. From limited observation, the engineer did not observe any unusual natural or archeological features at this farm parcel where waste is to be applied. No endangered or threatened wildlife species were noted. Most wildlife habitat at this farm have been provided and are being maintained by the owner (e.g. fresh water ponds, wooded buffers, etc.). Animal Waste Descriptions and Related Information Anaerobically treated swine effluent is the only type of animal waste to be applied to the fields and crops on the Gold Leaf Farm proper. As mentioned earlier, the chicken manure will be hauled off site. Sludge from the anaerobic lagoon has not been scheduled for removal. However in the future it will need to be scheduled for land application. Sludge removal and its associated land application is not part of this waste utilization package. TABLE 3 General Swine Farm Data For Wilson's Swine Farm Type of facility Feeder to Finish Original farm siting 1994 Number of head 8,800 Average head weight 135 pounds Total SSLW 1,188,000 pounds. La con construction completed 1995 Number of lagoons 1 Lagon for storing excess water First(only) stage Future expansion plans None A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE WILSON'S SWINE FARM LAGOON SYSTEM. General The Wilson's Swine Farm anaerobic lagoon was built in 1995. Environmental Engineering Services developed the design specifications for this lagoon. For brevity the engineer will refer the reader to the original document for design and construction details. The revised CAWMp report herein will not concentrate on the lagoon construction efforts but will give known volumes to the reader and relate how they affect the waste utilization plan. WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP The swine confinement houses at this farm use shallow under slat puts with pull -plug type drains for waste removal. All wastewater generated within the confinement houses drains to the lagoon by gravity. Wastewater is stored inside the lagoon until ready for irrigation. Transfer pipe outlets from !�! the houses terminate below the water surface within the lagoon. Description of Waste Treatment Modern intensive livestock operations with a liquid waste component typically use on -farm anaerobic lagoons to both store and treat the animal manure. These lagoons rely on bacteria to decompose the organic matter in the wastewater into gases, liquids, and sludges or solids. In addition significant pathogen reduction is achieved by the process. Lagoon Shape and Flows There is no one special shape required for the design of anaerobic lagoons. Lagoon volume is a more important criteria than is shape. Very shallow water depths are discouraged. The anaerobic lagoon at this farm has no outlet and its water level will vary with wastewater generation, irrigation, and rainfall. Irrigation does and will occur out of this single lagoon. The lagoon has a rectangular shaped surface area and more or less flat bottom. The interior of this lagoon could not be viewed because of existing effluent but the original interior shape is known from measurements that were taken in 1995. This lagoon has an imported clay liner which was compacted as it was installed, The farm lagoon was built according to NRCS standards at the time of construction. The farmer has reportedly staked his lagoon to show the minimum and maximum water levels. Sludge Holding Capacity The Wilson's Swine Farm lagoon was designed to contain 5 years of sludge accumulation. The current sludge depth is not known for this structure. The engineer is assuming the farm manager will address sludge removal in the not too distant future. The manager should plan for sludge removal at an optimum time of crop growth and weather conditions and have a certified plan reflecting his or her desires. For the farmer's reference, planning and future consideration, the lagoon was designed for the following sludge accumulation. TABLE 4 Sludge Storage Volume Designed for The Wilson's Swine Farm Lagoon 5 years of storage 1 2,000,000 gallons (267,380 cubic feet) +/- Typical Design Treatment Volume The design treatment volume (sometimes called Minimum Design Volume) is the volume of wastewater needed to maintain optimum conditions for bacterial growth in anaerobic lagoons. This volume may require several months to obtain once filling begins on new lagoons. The owner should be careful to add water to the lagoon until one half of the design treatment volume is achieved before adding swine manure to new lagoons. The operator should always strive to maintain a liquid depth greater than 6 feet in single stage or first stage lagoons to control excessive odors. Minimum depth maintenance does not apply to storage only ponds. Second stage lagoon water levels can be lowered below the 6 feet level before the on -set of long wet seasons. 8 Exhibit 20 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN DWPHONE UN�iBERS — Q EMERGENCY MANAGEMENVYSTEM _�r-b,m.. ejJ ('k., SWCD _ 1/0 512LA Y NRCS G f o s42-62-S This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. A. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: a. Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. c. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B: Runoff from waste application field -actions include: a. Immediately stop waste application. b. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. C. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the application rates for the fields where runoff occurred. C: Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. d. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. D: Leakagge from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Make sure no siphon occurs. d. Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. December 18, 1996 C. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. E: Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks- possible action: a. Dig a small sump or ditch away from back to nkment to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump b. if holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. c. Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as possible. 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? 3: Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Quality) regional office; Phone - . . After hours, emergency number: 919 733 3942. oYour f theinc'tdent�from item, l should the exact locatime on of the facility, hone the locatioer, the n for direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS Phone number C. Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. SWCD office phone number d. Contact CES, phone number - - and local NRCS office for adviceltechnical assistance phone number 4: If none of the above works call 91a or the Sheriffs Department and explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 5: Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. a. Contractors Name: �deI }e„,ci h1C. a73�1r b. Contractors Address: sv9— c. Contractors Phone: 2 December 18,1996 end Exhibit 20 6: Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (NRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc.) a. Name: G @ rr b. Phone:3.�5•'i- 7: Implement. procedures as advised by DWQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. 3 December 18, 1996 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW TABLE 8 s To Stake Lagoon #1 0 7 ++ I ++ = Storage for only one 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm avada remember, the emergency overflow is NOT the top of the dam. The Lagoon PUMPING AT LEAST BY ] FEET BELOW OVERFL0�1 4.4 le between here and overflow. TABLE 9 OVERALL DESIGN SUMMARY FOR THE GOLD LEAF FARM LAGOON Added Liquid Total Liquid Added Volume Total Volume Depth (Feet) Depth From (Gallons) (Gallons) Bottom Of Lagoon (Feet) 2.10 2.10 2,000,000 2,000,000 Sludge _ Six Montle -Storage Volume 3.70 Included in six months storage 14..w Included in six. months storage Included in six months storage Included in six months stora e Surface Inflow 0 14.30 0 14,743,120 Extra rage Capacity 0.70 15.00 778,728 15,521 848 First 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm 0 15,521,848 Normal Freeboard (second p 15.00 storm enc Freeboard 1.0ls 16.00 N/A N/A 15,521,848 rtaej 16.00 All tabular values are presented as ____ calculated but are close approximations. Tabular values may vary a li e from design values. See Exhibit 29 for a graph of as -built lagoon data. CONTROL PROGRAMS FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM Odor Control And Lagoon Management (apply as needed) Note: Much of this document's text and exhibits are directly or indirectly related to odor control. Likewise, common sense plays a very important part of any odor control program. The below list of items is not intended to be all inclusive. Please refer to all information related to this farm, including suggestions made in the attached exhibits. See Exhibit 18 for an odor control checklist. 1. Use common sense and constant observations to prevent lagoon upsets. 2. It is desirable to add manure daily or every other day in regular doses. This is preferred to slug loading the lagoon at irregular intervals or starving the microorganisms. 3. The lagoon sludge and/or wastewater shall be tested to determine its nutrient content prior to land applications: This shall be done every 60 days or within 60 days of major application events. Send effluent and sludge samples to the N. C. Department of Agriculture, Plant, Waste, and Tissue Lab, 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, N.C. 27607, phone (919) 733-2655, Plant or crop tissue I i WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP samples can also be sent for regular analysis. Contact the local Cooperative Extension Service for additional details and phone numbers. Keep in mind that sludge applications will likely alter routine liquid application rates so do not confuse sludge and .slurry applications with liquid effluent. See Exhibit 9 for waste sampling instructions. 4. Keep grasses and vegetation out of the lagoon. Permanent floating organic mats are not likely to occur on swine lagoons. Such mats will not interfere with performance but should be removed to help control odor and insects. Animal health consumables, rubber gloves, plastic bags, and trash i tend to accumulate in lagoons and should be cleaned out regularly. Keep it neat! 5. Lagoon water levels should be lowered before the on -set of wet weather seasons and in accordance with on -farm crop needs. Leave plenty of room for heavy rainfalls or long wet i seasons. Review freeboard requirements and keep enough freeboard for the appropriate storm surges. 6. Regularly inspect the lagoon dam and earthen embankments for settling or bulges, side slope stability, rodent damage, jug holes or pock marks, erosion scars, wave action damage, weeping, _ etc. Weeds should be mown at least one time per year and two times per year in heavy growth years so the operator can see problems before they get serious. 7. Do not drive vehicles across emergency spillways. Keep the spillway clear of limbs, tall plant growth, logs, floating debris, sedimentation, etc. Watch for erosion and settling. S. Grazing on dams and embankments can cause problems and is not allowed. 9. Inspect all dams, earthen embankments, and emergency spillways at least two times per year or after every significant storm event. The owner/operator shall keep a written record on all inspections, maintenance and repairs done on the lagoon and or dam. 10. Lagoons with floors below the seasonably high water table should maintain the water levels in the lagoon at or slightly above the seasonably high level. 11. Always maintain at least 1 foot of freeboard in lagoons with pump systems. If pump units are not owned by the farmer where he/she has control of the use of the pump then the farmer should maintain at least a 2 feet freeboard. 12. Try to avoid large rapid liquid level reductions inside the lagoon. Always observe the inside dam sides for possible liner sloughing during rapid liquid draw -downs. Repair damaged lagoon liners immediately. 11 Emergency spillways should be kept clear of trash and debris. A good grass cover should be maintained at and down slope of emergency spillways. 14. Once new lagoons are constructed and ready for filling, it is very important to first add water to the lagoon prior to adding swine manure. The owners should be careful to add water to a new lagoon until at least one half of the lagoon design treatment volume is achieved before adding swine manure. In first stage lagoons the operator should always strive to maintain a liquid depth of about 6 feet (does not apply to storage only ponds). Initial water addition to the lagoon shall be _. from water wells on the farm or from nearby creeks, but if storm water run-off can be easily added to the lagoon it may be added in place of well water. Do not allow lagoon side walls to become eroded when filling. 15. Research literature suggests a pH of 7.5 to 8.0 be maintained in an anaerobic swine lagoon to obtain optimum treatment conditions and minimize odors. During lagoon start-up the acid forming bacteria will tend to populate faster then the methane forming bacteria and can lover the overall pH of the lagoon water. If this occurs, the owner/operator should add hydrated lime to the lagoon at a rate of 1 pound per 1000 cubic feet of water. The lime can be applied to the surface of the 12 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP lagoon and mixed into the surface waters until a proper pH is obtained. Start adjusting the pH if the lagoon water, drops to or below a pH of 6.7. 16. The only way to accurately estimate the volume of sludge in an anaerobic lagoon is to take - measurements. This can be done by using a "sludge judge" or a variety of other measuring devices. Measure sludge accumulation at least one time every 2 years. Plan sludge removal events as desired by the farmer in accordance with the waste utilization plan, weather conditions, etc. PLAN AHEAD! 17. Avoid unnecessary agitation of the lagoon when not irrigating. This will help control odors. Take measures to allow water to flow into the lagoon in a gentle fashion instead of splashing or cascading. Inlet piping should be placed below water surface as long as the water inside the houses will drain out fully. Extreme care should be used when filling the lagoon so as to avoid eroding a scar into the side of the lagoon and exposing undesirable soils. Use temporary flexible drainage pipe if necessary to transfer water to the bottom of the lagoon area. Flexible pipe can be left in lagoon. 18. Effluent piping from the confinement housing should be a minimum of 6 inches in diameter, however 8 inch piping may be used. Gravity flow piping should be sloped according to the recommendations of the building contractor. It should be PVC piping with glue joints. The terminal end of the piping should extend just under the water surface. If the pipe outlets are under water and the pipes are air tight the pipes should be equipped with vapor traps and vents to prevent gasses from moving back toward the confinement houses. Clean out ports should also be provided for each set of pipes. USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN INSTALLING PIPES ACROSS FILL MATERIAL SUCH AS A DAM. CONSULT THE ENGINEER OR NRCS BEFORE DIGGING. 19. Lagoon start-ups are best done in warm weather, particularly in the northern climates. This is less important in southern states. Careful consideration to pH and gradual start-up loadings can help L off -set cool weather start-ups. 20. Irrigation pump intakes should be a minimum of 18 inches below the lagoon liquid surfaces. The operator may elect to occasionally agitate the sludge on the lagoon floor while irrigating in order to minimize sludge build-up. Any irrigation pump and irrigation nozzles should be designed to PUMP solids if this is part of the irrigation plan. If solids are agitated when irrigating, account for this in your waste application amounts. 21. Take extreme care to select optimum conditions for spray irrigation of wastewater and' sludge removal events. Careful planing will help minimize odors. Irrigate wastewater in dry warm weather if possible, preferably before 12 noon. Avoid weekend and holiday irrigation unless absolutely necessary. Try to irrigate when wind is not blowing toward neighbors. 22. New products are being developed to help minimize odors from swine operations. The owner/operator may utilize such products but these should only be utilized according to manufacture's recommendations and with caution. Many of these products do not reduce odors and are a waste of money. Rapid additions of enzymes or chemicals could cause microbial upsets. 23. In North Carolina prevailing winds blow from the southwest toward the northeast. Plant or maintain trees on the west and southwest side of the farm to act as a wind break. Plant trees between irrigation fields and neighbors or public highways. Avoid spraying on windy days or when the wind is blowing toward nearby neighbors. 24. Keep trash, dead animals, and spilled feed cleaned up and properly disposed. Regularly haul off dead animal carcasses or bury them according to accepted carcass disposal methods. 13 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP 25. Keep at least 12 inches of air space between the bottom of concrete slats and under floor waste accumulations. Odor Control And Air Quality Regulations (recent) The NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) adopted temporary odor rules in February 1999. Permanent rules are scheduled to be adopted within the year. Most of these rules are mentioned in the above section but are being shown separate for emphasis. These rules are listed below for the farmer's information. 1. The discharge point of the flush water discharge pipe shall extend to a point below the surface of theanimal wastewater lagoon. 2. The carcasses of dead animals shall be properly stored at all times and disposed of within 48 hours. 3. Spray irrigation activities of wastewater can not be allowed to drift beyond the farm boundary except for the purposes of maintaining a safe lagoon freeboard. This would be an emergency situation. Farmers must contact the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) in emergency situations and before irrigating effluent during storms. 4. Animal wastewater application spray system intakes shall be located near the liquid surface of the animal wastewater lagoon. In other words they can not be located more than 18 inches below the surface. 5. Ventilation fans shall be maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications. 6. Animal feed storage containers located outside of animal containment buildings shall be covered except when necessary to remove feed. 7. Animal wastewater flush tanks shall be covered with a device that is designed for ready access to prevent overflow or shall have installed a fill pipe that extends below the surface of the tank's wastewater. Insect Control And Mortality Management Insect control is an important aspect of the day to day operation of a swine production facility and assists the farmer in being a "good neighbor". Below is a list to consider in an insect control program. Also refer to Exhibit 19 for an insect control check list. 1. The farmer shall at all times strive to keep weeds and tall grass from growing uncontrolled around the lagoons. Good weed control will help minimize insect problems. 2. Keep large floating mats of leaves, trash, and debris cleaned out from the lagoon. These mats can tend to form a habitat for insects and flies. Dispose of all organic materials and trash in containers or dumpsters. 3. Keep dead animals picked up, placed in carcass disposal containers, and hauled off -site. In warm months have the dead animals removed from the farm every day. 4. Keep all grass mown; especially around houses and lagoons. 5. Keep all spilled feed and piles of grain cleaned up. 6. Follow crop stalk and root destruction programs where applicable. Follow all BMP's for crop production. 7. Small pools. of water can develop around a farm due to equipment traffic, etc. Keep these depressions filled so water does not stand for long periods. A "dry" and manicured farm discourages insect breeding. 14 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMF 8. The farmer should consult with the local Cooperative Extension Service to discuss an integrated pest management program. Incorporate the use of pesticides and herbicides as needed for insect control. 9. Employ good housekeeping! 10. Manure tends to pack into the corners of pits and can cause excessive odors and insects. Regularly inspect pits, sump areas, pit walls, etc. for caked manure. Use a high pressure hose to wash out caked manure areas. 11. Remove crusted solids from lagoons, pits, and channels. 12. Fly traps which lure flies to them with an attractant well if enough of them are used around a farm, especially if the animal waste is not allowed to sit undisturbed in corners of pits or in hard to reach places. Hang such traps where they will not be damaged by the animals or by machinery and where they can be maintained. 13. The managers at Wilson's Swine Farm use steel containers or dumpsters to house dead animals until picked up by a rendering company (Enterprise Rendering Company, 28821 Bethlehem Church Road, Oakboro, N.C. 28129 Ph. # (704) 485-3018). This is their method of mortality management. Make sure all dead animals are placed within this container immediately upon removal from the confinement housing. General Sediment, Nutrient And Run -Off Control Suggestions (use as needed) 1. The off -site discharge of animal waste is prohibited. Surface waters of the state can not be impacted by animal waste. In the future the farmer shall at all times take whatever means necessary to control soil erosion on the farm and prevent sediment or nutrient transport off -site. The farmer should use terraces, grass strips, grass buffer zones, farming on the contour, silt fencing, rock dams, etc. in order to control erosion and run-off. However, erosion control design is beyond the scope of this waste utilization package. The local NRCS office may assist in developing a long term sediment and erosion control plan if requested by the farmer. 2. The up -slope sides of all lagoons shall have sufficiently sized stormwater diversion embankments across their length to convey rainfall run-off to the sides or around the ponds. Rainfall run-off from the buildings should be diverted away from the pond area if possible. 3. After any soil disturbance and/or final grading takes place, the farmer shall establish permanent vegetation around the confinement houses, lagoon dams, and waste application fields. The farmer shall maintain good covers with mowing and fertilizing. Annually collect soil samples for analysis and follow fertilizer and lime recommendations. Fertilize and lime native grasses around the site and keep existing ground cover in tact as much as possible. Maintain natural water ways and ditches. Plant new cover grasses'as necessary. See Exhibit 8 for soil sampling and plant tissue sampling instructions. 4. Repair mulch and seed beds as necessary if areas of dead grass develop or erosion scars occur. 5. Use pesticides and herbicides only as a last resort to keep grass stands healthy. Use good housekeeping techniques to control insects along with or instead of pesticides. 6. New shrubs and trees should not be planted closer than 30 feet to lagoons and never on earthen dams. 7. Leave grasses a little long just going into the typical dormant season for the type of grass you have. Leave grasses long in buffer areas and in grass water ways. 15 Version —November 26, 2018 Mortality Management Methods Indicate which method(s) will be implemented. When selecting multiple methods indicate a primary versus secondary option. Methods other than those listed must be approved by the State Veterinarian. Primary Secondary Routine Mortality Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours of knowledge of animal death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water (G.S.106-403). The bottom of the burial pit should be at least one foot above the seasonal high water table. Attach burial location map and plan. Landfill at municipal solid waste facility permitted by NC DEQ under GS 15A NCAC 13B .0200. Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7. Complete incineration according to 02 NCAC 52C .0102. A composting system approved and permitted by the NC Department of Agriculture & Con- sumer Services Veterinary Division (attach copy of permit). If compost is distributed off -farm, additional requirements must be met and a permit is required from NC DEQ. E In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (G.S. 106-549.70). Any method which, in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian, would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval by the State Veterinarian must be attached). Mass Mortality Plan Mass mortality plans are required for farms covered by an NPDES permit. These plans are also recommended for all animal operations. This plan outlines farm -specific mortality man- agement methods to be used for mass mortality. The NCDA&CS Veterinary Division sup- ports a variety of emergency mortality disposal options; contact the Division for guidance. • A catastrophic mortality disposal plan is part of the facility's CAWMP and is activated when numbers of dead animals exceed normal mortality rates as specified by the State Veterinarian. • Burial must be done in accordance with NC General Statutes and NCDA&CS Veterinary Division regulations and guidance. • Mass burial sites are subject to additional permit conditions (refer to facility's animal waste management system permit). • In the event of imminent threat of a disease emergency, the State Veterinarian may enact additional temporary procedures or measures for disposal according to G.S. 106-399.4. P -- 0� Signature of Farm Owner/Manager r - SignaUiWof Technical Specialist hq �g Date J Date System Calibration Information presented in manufacturer's charts are based on average operation conditions with relatively new equipment. Discharge rates and application rates change over time as equipment gets older and components wear. In particular, pump wear tends to reduce operating pressure and flow. With continued use, nozzle wear results in an increase in the nozzle opening which will increase the discharge rate while decreasing the wetted diameter. You should be aware that operating the system differently than assumed in the design will alter the application rate, diameter of coverage, and subsequently the application uniformity. For example, operating the system with excessive pressure results in smaller droplets, greater potential for drift, and accelerates wear of the sprinkler nozzle. Clogging of nozzles can result in pressure increase. Plugged intakes or crystallization of mainlines will reduce operating pressure. Operating below design pressure greatly reduces the coverage diameter and application uniformity. For the above reason, you should calibrate your equipment on a regular basis to ensure proper application rates and uniformity. Calibration at least once every three years is recommended. Calibration involves collecting and measuring flow at several locations in the application area. Any number of containers can be used to collect flow and determine the application rate. Rain gauges work best because they already have a graduated scale from which to read the application amount without having to perform additional calculations. However, pans, plastic buckets, jars, or anything with a uniform opening and cross-section can be used provided the liquid collected can be easily transferred to a scaled container for measuring. For stationary sprinklers, collection containers should be located randomly throughout the application area at several distances from sprinklers. For traveling guns, sprinklers should be located along a transect perpendicular to the direction of pull. Set out collection containers 25 feet apart along the transect on both sides of the gun cart. You should compute the average application rate for all nonuniformity of the application. On a windless day, variation between containers of more than 30 percent is cause for concern. You should contact your irrigation dealer or technical specialist for assistance. *Reprinted for Certification Training for Operations of Animal Waste Management Systems Manual 1 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN Proper lagoon management should be a year-round priority. It is especially important to manage levels so that you do not have problems during extended rainy and wet periods. Maximum storage capacity should be available in the lagoon for periods when the receiving crop is dormant (such as wintertime for bermudagrass) or when there are extended rainy spells such as a thunderstorm season in the summertime. This means that at the first sign of plant growth in the later winter / early spring, irrigation according to a farm waste management plan should be done whenever the land in dry enough to receive lagoon liquid. This will make storage space available in the lagoon for future wet periods. In the late summer / early fall the lagoon should be pumped down to the low marker (see Figure 2-1) to allow for winter storage. Every effort should be made to maintain the lagoon close to the minimum liquid level as long as the weather and waste utilization plan will allow it. Waiting until the lagoon has reached its maximum storage capacity before starting to irrigated does not leave room for storing excess water during extended wet periods. Overflow from the lagoon for any reason except a 25-year, 24-hour storm is a violation of state law and subject to penalty action. The routine maintenance of a lagoon involves the following: Maintenance of a vegetative cover for the dam. Fescue or common bermudagrass are the most common vegetative covers. The vegetation should be fertilized each year, if needed, to maintain a vigorous stand. The amount of fertilized applied should be based on a soils test, but in the event that it is not practical to obtain a soils test each year, the lagoon embankment and surrounding areas should be fertilized with 800 pounds per acre of 10-10-10, or equivalent. Brush and trees on the embankment must be controlled. This may be done by mowing, spraying, grazing, chopping, or a combination of these practices. This should be done at least once a year and possibly twice in years that weather conditions are favorable for heavy vegetative growth. NOTE: If vegetation is controlled by spraying, the herbicide must not be allowed to enter the lagoon water. Such chemicals could harm the bacteria in the lagoon that are treating the waste. Maintenance inspections of the entire lagoon should be made during the initial filling of the lagoon and at least monthly and after major rainfall and storm events. Items to be checked should include, as a minimum, the following: Waste Inlet Pipes, Recycling Pipes, and Overflow Pipes -- look for: 1. separation of joints 2. cracks or breaks 3. accumulation of salts or minerals 4. overall condition of pipes Lagoon surface -- look for: 1. undesirable vegetative growth 2. floating or lodged debris Embankment -- look for: 1. settlement, cracking, or "jug" holes 2. side slope stability -- slumps or bulges 3. wet or damp areas on the back slope 4. erosion due to lack or vegetation or as a result of wave action 5. rodent damage Larger lagoons may be subject to liner damage due to wave action caused by strong winds. These waves can erode the lagoon sidewalls, thereby weakening the lagoon dam. A good stand of vegetation will reduce the potential damage caused by wave action. If wave action causes serious damage to a lagoon sidewall, baffles in the lagoon may be used to reduce the wave impacts. Any of these features could lead to erosion and weakening of the dam. If your lagoon has any of these features, you should call an appropriate expert familiar with design and construction of waste lagoons. You may need to provide a temporary fix if there is a threat of a waste discharge. However, a permanent solution should be reviewed by the technical expert. Any digging into a lagoon dam with heavy equipment is a serious undertaking with potentially serious consequences and should not be conducted unless recommended by an appropriate technical expert. Transfer Pumps -- check for proper operation of: 1. recycling pumps 2. irrigation pumps Check for leaks, loose fittings, and overall pump operation. An unusually loud or grinding noise, or a large amount of vibration, may indicate that the pump is in need of repair or replacement. NOTE: Pumping systems should be inspected and operated frequently enough so that you are not completely "surprised" by equipment failure. You should perform your pumping system maintenance at a time when your lagoon is at its low level. This will allow some safety time should major repairs be required. Having a nearly full lagoon is not the time to think about switching, repairing, or borrowing pumps. Probably, if your lagoon is full, your neighbor's lagoon is full also. You should consider maintaining an inventory of spare parts or pumps. • Surface water diversion features are designed to carry all surface drainage waters (such as rainfall runoff, roof drainage, gutter outlets, and parking lot runoff) away from your lagoon and other waste treatment or storage structures. The only water that should be coming from your lagoon is that which comes from your flushing (washing) system pipes and the rainfall that hits the lagoon directly. You should inspect your diversion system for the following: 1. adequate vegetation 2. diversion capacity 3. ridge berm height 3 Identified problems should be corrected promptly. It is advisable to inspect your system during or immediately following a heavy rain. If technical assistance is needed to determine proper solutions, consult with appropriate experts. You should record the level of the lagoon just prior to when rain is predicted, and then record the level again 4 to 6 hours after the rain (assumes there is no pumping). This will give you an idea of how much your lagoon level will rise with a certain rainfall amount (you must also be recording your rainfall for this to work). Knowing this should help in planning irrigation applications and storage. If your lagoon rises excessively, you may have an overflow problem from a surface water diversion or there may be seepage into the lagoon from the surrounding land. Lagoon Operation Startup: 1. Immediately after construction establish a complete sod cover on bare soil surfaces to avoid erosion. 2. Fill new lagoon design treatment volume at least half full of water before waste loading begins, taking care not to erode lining or bank slopes. 3. Drainpipes into the lagoon should have a flexible pipe extender on the end of the pipe to discharge near the bottom of the lagoon during initial filling or another means of slowing the incoming water to avoid erosion of the lining. 4. When possible, begin loading new lagoons in the spring to maximize bacterial establishment (due to warmer weather). 5. It is recommended that a new lagoon be seeded with sludge from a healthy working swine lagoon in the amount of 0.25 percent of the full lagoon liquid volume. This seeding should occur at least two weeks prior to the addition of wastewater. 6. Maintain a periodic check on the lagoon liquid pH. If the pH falls below 7.0, add agricultural lime at the rate of 1 pound per 1000 cubic feet of lagoon liquid volume until the pH rises above 7.0. Optimum lagoon liquid pH is between 7.5 and 8.0. 7. A dark color, lack of bubbling, and excessive odor signals inadequate biological activity. Consultation with a technical specialist is recommended if these conditions occur for prolonged periods, especially during the warm season. Loading: The more frequently and regularly that wastewater is added to a lagoon, the better the lagoon will function. Flush systems that wash waste into the lagoon several times daily are optimum for treatment. Pit recharge systems, in which one or more buildings are drained and recharged each day, also work well. • Practice water conservation --- minimize building water usage and spillage from leaking waterers, broken pipes and washdown through proper maintenance and water conservation. • Minimize feed wastage and spillage by keeping feeders adjusted. This will reduce the amount of solids entering the lagoon. Management: • Maintain lagoon liquid level between the permanent storage level and the full temporary storage level. • Place visible markers or stakes on the lagoon bank to show the minimum liquid level and the maximum liquid level. (Figure 2-1). • Start irrigating at the earliest possible date in the spring based on nutrient requirements and soil moisture so that temporary storage will be maximized for the summer thunderstorm season. Similarly, irrigate in the late summer / early fall to provide maximum lagoon storage for the winter. • The lagoon liquid level should never be closer than 1 foot to the lowest point of the dam or embankment. • Don not pump the lagoon liquid level lower than the permanent storage level unless you are removing sludge. • Locate float pump intakes approximately 18 inches underneath the liquid surface and as far away from the drainpipe inlets as possible. • Prevent additions of bedding materials, long-stemmed forage or vegetation, molded feed, plastic syringes, or other foreign materials into the lagoon. • Frequently remove solids from catch basins at end of confinement houses or wherever they are installed. • Maintain strict vegetation, rodent, and varmint control near lagoon edges. • Do not allow trees or large bushes to grow on lagoon dam or embankment. • Remove sludge from the lagoon either when the sludge storage capacity is full or before it fills 50 percent of the permanent storage volume. • If animal production is to be terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a closure plan to eliminate the possibility of a pollutant discharge. Sludge Removal: Rate of lagoon sludge buildup can be reduced by: E • proper lagoon sizing, • mechanical solids separation of flushed waste, • gravity settling of flushed waste solids in an appropriately designed basin, or • minimizing feed wastage and spillage. Lagoon sludge that is removed annually rather than stored long term will: • have more nutrients, • have more odor, and • require more land to properly use the nutrients. Removal techniques: • Hire a custom applicator. • Mix the sludge and lagoon liquid with a chopper - agitator impeller pump through large - bore sprinkler irrigation system onto nearby cropland; and soil incorporate. • Dewater the upper part of lagoon by irrigation onto nearby cropland or forageland; mix remaining sludge; pump into liquid sludge applicator; haul and spread onto cropland or forageland; and soil incorporate. • Dewater the upper part of lagoon by irrigation onto nearby cropland or forageland; dredge sludge from lagoon with dragline or sludge barge; berm an area beside lagoon to receive the sludge so that liquids can drain back into lagoon; allow sludge to dewater; haul and spread with manure spreader onto cropland or forageland; and soil incorporate. Regardless of the method, you must have the sludge material analyzed for waste constituents just as you would your lagoon water. The sludge will contain different nutrient and metal values from the liquid. The application of the sludge to fields will be limited by these nutrients as well as any previous waste applications to that field and crop requirement. Waste application rates will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3. When removing sludge, you must also pay attention to the liner to prevent damage. Close attention by the pumper or drag -line operator will ensure that the lagoon liner remains intact. If you see soil material or the synthetic liner material being disturbed, you should stop the activity immediately and not resume until you are sure that the sludge can be removed without liner injury. If the liner is damaged it must be repaired as soon as possible. Sludge removed from the lagoon has a much higher phosphorus and heavy metal content than liquid. Because of this it should probably be applied to land with low phosphorus and metal levels, as indicated by a soil test, and incorporated to reduce the chance of erosion. Note that if the sludge is applied to fields with very high soil -test phosphors, it should be applied only at rates equal to the crop removal of phosphorus. As with other wastes, always have your lagoon sludge analyzed for its nutrient value. The application of sludge will increase the amount of odor at the waste application site. Extra precaution should be used to observe the wind direction and other conditions which could increase the concern of neighbors. Possible Causes of Lagoon Failure Lagoon failures result in the unplanned discharge of wastewater from the structure. Types of failures include leakage through the bottom or sides, overtopping, and breach of the dam. Assuming proper design and construction, the owner has the responsibility for ensuring structure safety. Items which may lead to lagoon failures include: • Modification of the lagoon structure -- an example is the placement of a pipe in the dam without proper design and construction. (Consult an expert in lagoon design before placing any pipes in dams.) • Lagoon liquid levels -- high levels are a safety risk. • Failure to inspect and maintain the dam. • Excess surface water flowing into the lagoon. • Liner integrity -- protect from inlet pipe scouring, damage during sludge removal, or rupture from lowering lagoon liquid level below groundwater table. NOTE: If lagoon water is allowed to overtop the dam, the moving water will soon cause gullies to form in the dam. Once this damage starts, it can quickly cause a large discharge of wastewater and possible dam failure. INSECT CONTROL CHECKLIST FOR ANIMAL OPERATIONS Source Cause BMP's to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Flush Gutters Accumulation of solids () Flush system is designed and operated sufficiently to remove accumulated solids from gutters as designed. () Remove bridging of accumulated solids at discharge Lagoons and Pits Crusted Solids () Maintain lagoons, settling basins and pits where pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting of solids to a depth of no more than 6-8 inches over more than 30% of surface. Excessive Decaying vegetation ( )Maintain vegetative control along banks of Vegetative Growth lagoons and other impoundment's to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter along water's edge on impoundment's perimeter. Feeders Feed Spillage () Design, operate and maintain feed systems (e.g.. bunkers and troughs) to minimize the accumulation of decaying wastage. () Clean up spillage on a routine basis (e.g. 7-10 day interval during summer; 15-30 day interval during winter). Feed Storage Accumulation of feed residues Animal Holding Accumulation of animal Areas wastes and feed wastage MIC -- November 11, 1996 () Reduce moisture accumulation within and around immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by insuring drainage away from site and/or providing adequate containment (e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products). () Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids in filter strips around feed storage as needed. () Eliminate low area that trap moisture along fences and other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is minimal. () Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e. inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed). 10 Dry Manure Handling Accumulations of animal () Remove spillage on a routine basis (e.g. 7-10 day Systems wastes interval during summer; 15-30 days interval during winter) where manure is loaded for land application or disposal. () Provide for adequate drainage around manure stockpiles () Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter strips around stockpiles and manure handling areas as needed. The issues checked ( ) pertain to this operation. The landowner / integrator agrees to use sound judgment in applying insect control measures as practical. I certify the aforementioned insect control Best Management Practices have been reviewed with me. r� (Landowner ignature) For more information contact the Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Box 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, INC 27695-7613. AMIC -- November 11, 1996 SWINE FARM WASTE MANAGEMENT ODOR CONTROL CHECKLIST Source Cause BMP's to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Farmstead Swine production ( )Vegetative or wooded buffers: ( )Recommended best management practices; ( )Good judgment and common sense Animal body Dirty manure ( )Dry floors surfaces covered animals Floor surfaces Wet manure -covered ( )Slotted floors; floors ( )Waterers located over slotted floors; ( )Feeders at high end of solid floors; ( )Scrape manure buildup from floors; ( )Underfloor ventilation for drying Manure collection Urine ( )Frequent manure removal by flush, pit pits recharge or scrape Partial microbial ( )Underfloor ventilation decomposition Ventilation Volatile gases ( )Fan maintenance; exhaust fans Dust ( )Efficient air movement Indoor surfaces Dust ( )Washdown between groups of animals ( )Feed additives; ( )Feeder covers; ( )Feed delivery downspout extenders to feeder covers Flush Tanks Agitation of recycled ( )Flush tank covers lagoon liquid while tanks ( )Extend fill lines to near bottom of tanks are filling with anti -siphon vents Flush alleys Agitation during waste ( )Underfloor flush with underfloor water conveyance ventilation Pit recharge Agitation of recycled ( )Extend recharge lines to near bottom of points lagoon liquid while pits pits with anti -siphon vents are filling Lift stations Agitation during sump ( )Sump tank covers tank filling and drawdown Outside drain Agitation during waste ( )Box Covers collection or water conveyance junction boxes End of drain Agitation during waste ( )Extend discharge point of pipes pipes at lagoon water underneath lagoon liquid level Lagoon surfaces Volatile gas emissions ( )Proper lagoon liquid capacity Biological mixing ( )Correct lagoon startup procedures Agitation ( )Minimum surface area -to -volume ratio ( )Minimum agitation when pumping ( )Mechanical aeration ( )Proven biological additives Irrigation sprinkler High pressure agitation ( )Irrigate on dry days with little or no wind nozzles Wind draft ( )Minimum recommended operation pressure ( )Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface ( )Pump from second -stage lagoon AMOC -- November 11, 1996 12 Storage tank or Partial microbial ( )Bottom or midlevel loading basin surface decomposition Mixing while ( )Tank covers filling Agitation when emptying( )Basin surface mats of solids ( )Proven biological additives or oxidants Settling basin Partial microbial decom- ( )Extend drainpipe outlets underneath liquid surface position Mixing while filling level Agitation when emptying ( )Remove settled solids regularly Manure, slurry or Agitation when spreading ( )Soil injection of slurry/sludges sludge spreader Volatile gas emissions ( )Wash residual manure from spreader after use outlets ( )Proven biological additives or oxidants Dead animals Carcass decomposition ( )Proper disposition of carcasses Dead animal Carcass decomposition ( )Complete covering of carcasses in burial pits disposal pits ( )Proper location / construction of disposal pits Incinerators Incomplete combustion ( )Secondary stack burners Standing water improper drainage ( )Farm access road maintenance around facilities Microbial decomposition of away from facilities organic matter Manure tracked Poorly maintained access ( )Farm access road maintenance onto public roads roads from farm access Additional Information: Available From: Swine Manure Management 0200 Rule / BMP Packet NCSU-County Extension Center Swine Production Farm Potential Odor Sources and Remedies, EBAE Fact Sheet NCSU-BAE Swine Production Facility Manure Management:Pit Recharge --Lagoon Treatment:EBAE128-88NCSU-BAE Swine Production Facility Manure Management:Undernoor Fluse-Lagoon Treatment 129-88NCSU-BAE Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage; EBAE103-83NCSU-BAE Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipment EBAE Fact Sheet NCSU-BAE Controlling Odors from Swine Buildings; PIH-33 NCSU-Swine Extension Environmental Assurance Program: NPPC Manual NC Pork Producers Assoc Options for Managing Odor; a report from the Swine Odor Task Force NCSU Agri Communication Nuisance Concerns in Animal Manure Management: Odors and Flies; PR0101, Florida Cooperative Extension 1995 Conference Proceedings The issues checked ( ) pertain to this operation. The landowner / integrator agrees to use sound judgment in applying odor control measures as practical. I certify the aforementioned odor control Best Management Practices have been reviewed with me. q�j (Landowner ignature) 13 lWILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP • The most explosive of gases produced, especially during manure agitation. Not extremely toxic at low levels. • Colorless and odorless. • Lighter than air, accumulates near the ceiling. • Recommended maximum safe gas concentrations for an 8 hour exposure to humans: 1,000 parts er million • Recommended control of as: Adequate ventilation. • Explosive at concentrations of 50,000 to 150,000 parts per million or 5 - 15 Ammonia-(NH4): • Not extremely toxic in lower concentrations. Irritating to the eyes and respiratory system. Can be released in large quantities especially during manure agitation. Can be corrosive to exposed metal parts. • Colorless with very distinct odor. • Lighter than air, accumulates near the ceiling. • Recommended maximum safe gas concentrations for an 8 hour exposure to humans: 25 parts per million • Recommended control of as: Adequate ventilation. • Not readily explosive. 4. Workers should never go under floor slats unless accompanied by a helper and only if adequate ventilation is in place. Drain and clean under slat pits at least 8 hours prior to entering in addition to providing good ventilation. Workers entering confined spaces should follow OSHA guidelines for such activities. 5. The owner/operator may wish to purchase a portable hand held gas meter for questionable environmental situations. 6. Beware of spiders and snakes around swine facilities. 7. Workers should attend to cuts and wounds immediately with the proper first aid. 8. An emergency action plan must be developed for this farm in case an emergency develops. A general plan is discussed later in this document. WASTE UTILIZATION PLANS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Soils To Receive Waste The USDA/NRCS soil survey maps for Richmond County (Exhibit 4) are not as complete as some counties. It would appear from Exhibit 4 that there is only one soil type for the Gold Leaf Farm crop land. That predominate soils series to "potentially" receive animal manure at this site is Candor and Wakulla. Below the reader will find a soil description: 17 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Soils At Gold Leaf Farm - CropLand 1. 716B - WcB. Candor and Wakulla Soils, 0 to 8 percent slopes Soil Description - 1 Candor and Wakulla Soils SoilName..............................................................I... Soil Index Number ................................................. :... 6 (most probable) Most Restrictive Permeability Zone ...................... I..... 6 in/hr. (approx.) Bare Soil = 0.40 In./Hr. (Avg.) Maximum Long Duration Application Rate ................ Maximum Long Duration Application Rate ................ On Crop = 0.50 In./Hr. (Avg.) Maximum Short Duration Application Rate ................ On Crop = 0.60 Inches/Hour "Design" Moisture Use Rate (Maximum -Hay) ........... 0.24 Inches/Day 0.18 Inches/Day "Design" Moisture Use Rate(Maximum-Veg.) Every 4 to 5 Days Maximum Irrigation During Peak ET - Hay. ...................... Everyto 8 s Maximum Irrigation During Peak ET - Veg. ... ........4...... •.. 1 inches Application Amount Range Per Event ........ :................... Most of the above soildescription was taken from the NRCS Technical guide, Section II-G (Sprinkler Irrigation Guide). Certain items have been modified per the engineer's opinion. ++ Approximate maximum irrigation in one cycle in the piedmont and coastal plain. Usually irrigation application amounts should be 0,75 inches or less. Highest value assumes a 75% irrigation efficiency and would only be possible in hot and dry weather conditions on slopes less than 8 %. Steeper slopes or cool weather applications will require less intensive irrigation. Do not apply more than 1 inch of wastewater at any one irrigation event. Application amounts of fresh water may be higher. On -Farm Nutrient Production From Animal Manure And Its Use On Agricultural Crops There is no more important task in the utilization of animal waste than to properly apply it on a particular crop at rates which the plants can utilize. Over application can cause nutrients to be washed off to surface water or leached into ground water, and under application can result in a poor crop growth, lower yields, etc. Proper application amounts are known as "agronomic rates', The proper short agronomic rates can vary from season to season, by crop types, by soil types, by topography, b Y term weather conditions, etc. These values are not to be confused with potential hydraulic loadings. Hydraulic loadings will be discussed in another section. The key factor to remember is to not apply nutrients to crops in excess of their ability to utilize these nutrients or in excess of water (hydraulic) acceptance -rates. Do not be confused and think that there is onl one nutrient application rate for a articular cro . Nutrient application will v as mentioned above. Once raw animal waste is collected and stored it starts going through microbial digestion. Anaerobic lagoons are especially good at breaking down solids and nutrients in raw manure. The microbes in all digestion processes consume some nutrients in their metabolism and help reduce the nutrient value of the raw manure. Anaerobically digested animal manure contains nitrogen as well as other macronutrients such as calcium, phosphorous, potassium, etc. In addition the effluent contains many micronutrients such as copper, zinc, iron, etc. Currently only nitrogen is considered as the limiting nutrient factor for the land application of animal waste, but in the future other nutrients may become the limiting components, especially if they are found in large quantities within the waste. The farmer must perform annual soil tests for potassium, phosphorous, copper, zinc, sodium, etc. The farmer 18 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP should always be aware of the total nutrient composition of his/her waste and always look at other nutrients besides nitrogen since these can seriously effect crop health. Some discussion about nutrients and metals will be given in this plan. Exhibit 13 shows maximum metal loading in soils. Below the reader will find estimated nutrient amounts expected to be produced from the swine waste. These values are subject to change with future waste analyses. - Nitrogen I Plant Available Nitrogen or P.A.N. in animal waste can be most reliably estimated by using an average of actual chemical analyses. When data is not available the designer can use some standard design numbers (i.e. book values) such as those issued by the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service, NRCS ' publications, etc. Book values are often used if there are not at least 6 consecutive waste analyses to average (i.e. 2 per year for 3 years or 3 per year for 2 years), All nitrogen figures discussed within this report are given as P.A.N. As a word of caution, NCDA waste testing is only as reliable as the care with which the sample is retrieved. Therefore the farmer should take extreme care to collect representative waste samples. The same would be true for soil sampling. The reader can see Exhibit 9 for waste sampling instructions and Exhibit 8 for soil sampling instructions. Animal manure from Wilson's Swine Farm is the only source of animal waste that will be applied to the Gold Leaf Farm crop land. Table 11 (below) shows recent test data from the swine lagoon. This data was collected by Mr. Bryan Wilson and provided to the engineer (also see Exhibit 5). In addition Table 11 shows "average book values" for similar type hog operations. The actual on -farm test data only represents 2 sample dates or sample events. The reader should note that according to DWQ guidelines and NRCS guidelines there is not enough long term testing data available from Wilson's Swine Farm to draw strong conclusions about PAN. amounts in the effluent. In addition the samples were all taken in warm months which could also skew the data. Because the actual test data is higher than the book value, the engineer has chosen to use a value slightly over the average book value to estimate nitrogen production. However the engineer would like to caution the farmer to closely watch future NCDA test results since the few available PAN values show levels of nitrogen significantly above the book averages. REMINDER: In the future the farmer must collect waste samples at least 3 times per year to accurately track nutrient levels in the lagoon effluent. Collecting samples one time per season (4 times per year) is a better plan if at all possible. Gold Leaf Farm Nitrogen Value Determination Number of Head: 8,800 top hogs. Type of operation: Feeder to Finish Estimation source: NCDA test results and NRCS book value averages . Estimated average weight per animal unit: 1351bs Estimated average excess water production (rainfall added) = 1.0 cu. ft. /lb. Excess water production est. source: NCSU - Cooperative Ext. Service. 19 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TABLE 11 Fetimatad P.A N_ Prndnetinn On Wilsnn's Swine Farm - Annual Totals DATE OR APPLICATION P.A.N. PER ESTIMATED TOTAL P.A.N. TYPE OF TECHNIQUE UNIT FOR GALLONS OF PRODUCTION SAMPLE LIQUID WASTE EFFLUENT TO (POUNDS PER YEAR) (POUNDS PER IRRIGATE 1000 GAL) ANNUALLY GALLONS 7-9-97 Irrigated 3.1 N/A N/A 7-9-97 irrigated 3.0 N/A N/A 6-17-98 Irrigated 3.5 N/A N/A 6-17-98 >' irrigated 3.1 N/A N/A 6-17-98 Irrigated 3.9 N/A N/A Average of Irrigated 3.3 8,900,000 29,370 Actual Data NRCS Book Irrigated 2.5 8,900,000 22,250 Value Selected Design Irrigated 2.75 8,900,000 24,475 Value Copper And Zinc Copper and zinc are trace metals (heavy metals) often found in animal type waste and will appear in the anaerobic lagoon effluent in small amounts. Heavy metals concentrations are usually higher in anaerobic lagoon bio-solids (sludge) than in anaerobic lagoon effluent. Plants must have a limited amount of these metals in order to thrive. Copper and zinc can accumulate in soils and may eventually, reach high enough levels to become toxic to plants (phytotoxic) if applied year after year, especially if applied in large amounts each year. Different plants have different tolerances for these metals. Harmful metal accumulation levels will also depend on the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil. Exhibit 13 shows these two metals and relative harmful levels. The land owner or operator should always try to keep the heavy metal levels as low as possible. NRCS, DWQ, etc. recommends that no more than 1/20 of the lifetime metals allowance be applied in any one year, especially if the application is an on -going event. Soil test data will show existing metal levels and the CEC of the soil. Soil tests for copper and zinc must be taken at least annually or according to the DWQ issued permit. Table 12 summarizes the most recent test results in terms of copper and zinc concentrations. Phosphorus and Potassium Phosphorus is found in various concentrations in all animal types of waste with concentrations usually higher in anaerobic lagoon sludge. Phosphorous is a key element to ensure good crop health. Its effect on crop growth is not as dramatic as nitrogen or potassium, but the lack of it can cause plant stunting, poor seed formation, and reduced crop yields. Phosphorous levels in animal type waste will vary depending on many factors so testing will always be required. Often the operator will land apply phosphorus in amounts beyond what can be taken up by plants. High phosphorus levels are more of a problem for surface transport to streams than it is a problem for plants. This is because the phosphorous strongly attaches itself to soil particles. Therefore the operator must be very cautious about surface run-off and soil erosion from fields into streams or creeks. Good buffer strips and 20 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP erosion controls will help keep phosphorus from getting into streams. See Exhibits 12 and 17 for more details about phosphorus. Potassium is also found in anaerobic lagoon effluent and is a very important element for plant growth. Plants use potassium in quantities similar to their use of nitrogen. The lack of potassium can cause plant stress, defoliation, or death. Potassium is less mobile in soil than nitrogen but more mobile than potassium. Sandy soils tend to loose potassium more readily than clay soils. Maintaining good soil pH and organic matter will help keep potassium from moving below the plant root zone. Potassium is not thought to be as environmentally damaging as phosphorous. Good buffer strips and erosion controls will help keep phosphorus from getting into streams from run-off. See Exhibits 12 and 17 for more details about potassium. As mentioned above under P.A.N. discussions, Wilson's Swine Farm does not have enough representative lagoon effluent samples or test results from which to draw strong conclusions about nutrient contents. However for the purpose of discussion Table 12 summarizes the known test results in terms of phosphorous and potassium concentrations assuming they will be irrigated. Sodium Sodium is a naturally occurring element in many soils. Excessive buildups of sodium can cause water stress in growing plants. Sometimes sodium can cause clay particle dispersion if it is not balanced with calcium or magnesium. Clay particle dispersion will cause the soil surface to become hard and will severely restrict water infiltration and permeability. High sodium content wastes, if land applied, can accumulate sodium in the soil profile and cause the problems mentioned above. Engineers use an equation to evaluate the potential effect of sodium on a soil that is called the Sodium Adsorption Ration or S.A.R. This ratio looks at a balance between sodium, calcium and magnesium. In general, a wastewater or sludge with a S.A.R. of 15 or less is usually safe to apply on clay soils. Sandy soils do not have as much problem with clay dispersion as do clay type soils since the clay content of sandy soils is obviously less. The waste sample collected for this project (using values from Table 12) has a S.A.R. of less than 8. All things considered, sodium does not seem to be a problem at this time. Table 12 summarizes the test results for sodium. Other Elements In The Lagoon Effluent Exhibit 5 shows additional elements and compounds that were tested for by the NCDA. The engineer does not see significant quantities of these elements that are of concern given the amount of effluent scheduled for application. However, the operator should not be lulled into thinking future test results will remain the same as shown here. Future test results should always be viewed for elevations in heavy metals, sodium, etc. Table 12 shows the remainder of these tested elements and rough estimations on their quantities in future applications. But remember, these are estimates and do not substitute for routine testing. 21 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TABLE 12 N:S'11MA1.1'.LAl`I19uni. FOUND IN THE vvc..�a.. ..=------•____..-- WILSON'S SWINE FARM ANAEROBIC - LAGOON EFFLUENT NCDA WASTE ANALYSES RESULTS taken 7-9-97 and 6-17-98 Compound Averaged Gallons of Waste Total Annual Est. Suggested Maximum Soil Sample Test + to Irrigate Annually Application Due To Irrigation oadingRcumulave)tees Results ( Aluminum (Al)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data Not Established Arsenic (As) No Data 8,900,000 No Data < 37 lbs./acre Boron (B)* 0.64 mg/L 8,900,000 48 pounds Not Established Calcium (Ca)* 106 mg/L 8,900 000 7,872 pounds N/A Cadmium (Cd)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data 4.4 - 17.8 lbs./acre Chlorine (Cl)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data Not Established Chromium (Cr) No Data 8,900,000 No Data < 2,6761bs./acre Copper (Cu)* 0.55 mg/L 8,900,000 41 pounds 125 - 5001bs./acre Iron (Fe)* 5 mg/L 8,900,000 371 pounds Not Established Lead (Ph)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data 500 - 2,000 lbs./acre No Data 8,900,000 No Data Not Established Lithium (Li)* Magnesium (Mg)* 23.24 mg/L 8,900,000 1,726 pounds Not Established Manganese (Mn)* 0.33 mg/L 8,900,000 25 pounds Not Established Mercury (I Ig) No Data 8,900,000 No Data <15 lbs./acre Molybdenum (Mo) * No Data 8,900,000 No Data <16 ]bs./acre No Data 8900000 ,, No Data 125 - SOO lbs./acre Nickel (Ni)* * Phosphorous(P) 80.22 mg/L 8,900,000 5 957 pounds N /A Potassium (K) * 896 mg/L 8,900,000 66,538 pounds N /A Selenium (Se)* No Data -8,900,000 No Data < 89 lbs./acre Sodium (Na)* 331 mg/L 8,900,000 24,581 pounds Not Established Sulfur (S)* 21.4 mg/L 8,900,000 1,589 pounds Not Established Zinc (Zn)* 0.71 mg/L 8,900,000 53 pounds 250 - 1,000 lbs./acre 1 th NCDA Waste Analysis Report sheets. * = These elements or compounds are reportable va ues on e + = These values are shown for irrigation since that will be the likely manner of application. They are total values not necessarily plant available. Some of each element will be used by each year's crop. ++ = This column is shown for general guidance only. Maximum values will actually depend t>n soil type, soil pH, and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil. See Exhibit 13 for potential phytotoxic problem levels for copper and zinc. Sources are EPA and NCDA. N / A = Not applicable. 22 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Soil Test Results And Discussions Routine soil testing is very important for land application sites to give the operator feedback about soil conditions. The soil test is representative of the conditions of the soil in everything but nitrogen. Nitrogen is estimated based on typical plant needs and is not reported as a true test result. All soil reports are a "snap -shot" of the soil conditions at a particular time and are subject to change as the years pass. Keep soil data for historical reviews. Gold Leaf Farm has been taking soil samples and having them tested at the NCDA lab for a number of years. Exhibit 15 shows three years of soil test data. For brevity the engineer will let the reader view Exhibit 15 for himself/herself. The farmer has designated where -each sample was collected. In the future the farmer should keep all records according to the field numbers within this document. The latest soil report (i.e. 1999) is the best report since it is the newest. While these soil reports are only "snap -shots" of the soil conditions from year to year; the following basic comments can be made: 1. Most sandy soils will need lime in order to maintain the proper pH. Keeping the soil pH near neutral (i.e. neutral is 7) will help keep metals immobile and provide a proper plant growth acidity level. The swine effluent from the anaerobic lagoon already contains some calcium and magnesium which could account for some of the annual lime needs, The most recent soil tests show that there is little need for lime for the upcoming planting season. Always collect soil samples before waste applications to verify the correct lime amounts. The soil pH values tested by Bryan Wilson are mostly between 5.6 and 6.5. 2. Past soil test results should be kept by the operator and compared to new test results. Look for trends or increasing levels of metals. When collecting soil samples, closely follow the soil sample instructions found in Exhibit 8. Do not use galvanized buckets or galvanized tools to collect these samples. 3. Land applied nutrients from animal waste are not 100 percent available to the crop in the first year. Some of the nutrients applied this year will become available next year for next years crops. Discussions about nutrient mineralization and residuals are beyond the scope of this report. Collect soil samples early enough to study the results before planting crops. 4. Crop nitrogen requirements are estimated on the soil reports. Remember that nitrogen requirements are based on averages for a particular type crop. More will be said later about crop production rates vs. nitrogen application. 5. In terms of crop utilization and benefits, there is a need for potassium (i.e. potash) on every field and little or no phosphorous needed according to the 1999 soil test results. Table 12 indicates that a considerable amount of potassium is available from the animal manure. Use caution but go ahead and land apply the correct amount of nutrients to the crops via irrigation, broadcasting, etc. Pay close attention to P and K levels in the future since there is a considerable amount of these elements in the animal waste. 6. According to the 1999 soil report there is not a need to add copper or zinc to the soils at the farm in terms of crop production. In fact future loading of these metals should be minimized to avoid plant phytotoxicity problems. The 1999 soil test indicates that copper and zinc levels are not at levels to cause plant phototoxic problems for fields 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Fields 2 and 8 had no results reported for 1999. Looking back on soils reports from 1998 and 1997 it would appear field 8 is approaching excessive amounts of both copper and zinc. Here the zinc index is high compared to the CEC of the soil (see Exhibit 13 for a table of metals and CECs). There were no soil samples collected for field 2. 23 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP �— 7. Field # 8 may have had chicken litter applied to it in years past, raising the elevation of copper and zinc. While there does not appear to be a noticeable vegetative problem within this field, the engineer would recommend keeping a close eye on this sample next time and if the zinc and copper indexes are still increasing, discontinue applying animal waste on this field. Read Exhibit 8 carefully for soil sampling instructions to make sure the test results are representative of your situation. Overall Cropping Descriptions Discussions between the farmer and the engineer were held to determine the farmer's desire for future crop selection. As mentioned earlier, Gold Leaf Farm grows a wide variety of crops. Table 13 shows the crops typically grown at the farm. All crops are harvested regularly. The reader should understand that Mr. Wilson rotates his crops from field to field from year to year. This means he could have -most any type crop in any given field on any particular year. The exact mixture of crops to be grown on any i field will depend on the farmer's business needs, crop demands, and the weather. In order to make € this report useful and not overly complex the engineer will not attempt to give all possible combinations of crop patterns but will discuss the most likely combinations. The farmer should be able to take the discussed data and apply it to the particular crop combinations each year. A discussion on the cropping patterns will appear below. Cereal Rye (i.e. small grain) will be planted on all fields for a winter cover crop. All cereal rye planted crops will be grazed by cattle. Cereal rye stubble will be plowed under when the time comes to plant row crops. Cereal rye overseeded on coastal bermudagrass fields will be cut short just before bermudagrass emergence. All effluent will be surface applied via a spray irrigation system. Mr. Wilson can apply effluent via a broadcast wagon it needed, but this is not currently planned for the farm. See Exhibit 7 for a property sketch, field identifications and an irrigation plan. . Table 13 shows the various fields at Gold Leaf Farm which are scheduied to receive waste. This table is a best guess summary of the Gold Leaf cropping patterns and available land areas. The field sizes were taken from FSA field maps and aerial photographs and are the engineer's best estimates. Some on -the -ground field sizes were collected for verification of map scale. The field sizes shown in Table 13 are not wettable acres. The crops shown to be grown are typical for that particular field. The farmer has flexibility in changing the crop patterns if needed, but records must be to show what was grown on each field how much vield was obtained and how much waste applied. Typically, row crops will be grown in warm weather on every cultivated field when possible. Cereal rye will be planted as a cover crop during cool weather on cultivated fields and on the bermudagrass field. Gold Leaf Farm will harvest the produced crops except for the grazing mentioned earlier. Burning hay or other crops is not allowed. 24 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TABLE 13 Field Sizes for the Gold Leaf Farm Property Field Field Areas Field Areas Predominate Crop Type To Be Grown Approx. Number Before After Soil Type(s) Slopes In Buffers Buffers Fields acres + acres + 1 32.78 31.31 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Com, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Corn, Re 2 5.18 4.65 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 2 to 10 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Corn, Rye 3 13.30 13.30 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Com, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Com, Re 4 31.05 30.09 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Com, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Com, Rye 5 18.94 18.94 Candor WcB Coastal Bermudagrass, Rye 0 to 8 % 6 31.63 30.42 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Com, Re 7 35.04 33.84 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Com, Rye 8 3.39 2.42 Candor WcB Coastal Bermudagrass, Rye 0 to 8 % Total 171.31 164.97 N/A N/A N/A + = These are NOT wetted acres. Crop Planting and Fertilizing Considerations Tobacco Flue cured tobacco is a warm season annual that will be planted at Gold Leaf Farm. Approximately fifty acres of tobacco will be planted each year according to the farmer. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than I month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. However nitrogen leaching is a function of weather, temperature, soil type, topsoil depth, microbial activity, waste type, organic content of the waste, etc. The best time for planting flue cured tobacco is between April 1 and May 15, but this planting window can change depending on the readiness of the transplants, weather (especially temperature), field preparations, etc. Typically, tobacco plants are transplanted into the fields in rows -as seedlings. Tobacco seedling spacings will vary somewhat by variety, soil types, experience, etc. Therefore the engineer will not specify a particular plant or row spacing in this document. Tobacco is a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore it can not have animal waste applied to it once in the field. 25 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to tobacco since a only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of tobacco must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. Tobacco quality greatly depends on the proper applications of nitrogen. Too much or too little nitrogen can have a negative impact on the tobacco quality. Typical nitrogen application ranges for tobacco are between 50 and 80 pounds of nitrogen annually, but this may need to be adjusted upwards if leaching is a problem (mainly on sandy or coarse textured soils). Fine textured soils with high clay or organic content will require the lower range of nitrogen. Deep topsoils that have a coarse and sandy texture require more nitrogen. The normal ripening process of tobacco leaves is partially caused by nitrogen starvation. Leaves high in nitrogen are difficult to cure and often turn dark, especially in the yellowing stage. Therefore the farmer should avoid applying nitrogen to tobacco late in its growing cycle. Overall the growing of tobacco is a complicated process and the fertilization process is not a "one size fits all" effort. The reader can see more information about tobacco production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 Flue Cured Tobacco Information", AG- 187. Animal waste will only be applied to tobacco as a preplant measure. Nitrogen from the animal waste will be released over time so applying the waste near transplanting will afford the plants longer exposure to the available nitrogen. For tobacco the engineer will use the typical preplant nitrogen rate as a fixed pounds per acre. P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for tobacco at the Gold Leaf Farm will be given at 65 lbs. N per acre. This rate takes into consideration the sandy soils and the rates given in the 1999 Tobacco Information book mentioned above. Tobacco is a warm season crop and its nutrient uptake is typically greatest in the months from May through June. This uptake of nutrients may shift a little depending on when the crop is planted. A typical R.Y.E. for tobacco on Candor soils would be 1,700 pounds per acre, but Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of 3,000 pounds per acre. The engineer believes the significantly larger yield is due to fresh water irrigation. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Tobacco may be harvested over a several month period. Usually this period is from August through October but can be as early as July and as late as November. The tobacco leaves will be harvested and the stalks and roots reincorporated into the soil. Records shall be kept on all tonnage of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. This especially important since many nutrients other than nitrogen are important for tobacco production. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. Sweet Corn Field corn is a warm season crop. Mr. Wilson usually plants about 15 acres of sweet corn per year on the Gold Leaf Farm. Field corn is typically planted between February 15 to April 30 in eastern NC and between March 15 and June 1 in the Piedmont. However it is best to plant corn by April 15 in both regions to achieve the best yields. Corn has its most vigorous growth and nitrogen uptake between 25 and 75 days after planting. 26 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP When commercial fertilizer is used, a percent of the total crop nitrogen needs (say 1/4 to 1/2 total N application) is applied at preplant or at planting. This will of course depend on the soil type, organic matter in the soil, clay content of the soil, rainfall, etc. Then as the corn starts to grow and is roughly 12 to 18 inches tall, 1/2 to 3/4 of the total nitrogen is applied as a side dressing. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. Nitrogen can be applied to a growing corn crop as needed as long as the total nitrogen applied does not exceed the crop's demand. Sweet corn is a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore it can not have animal waste applied to it once in it emerges. This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to sweet corn since only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of sweet corn must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. For sweet corn the engineer will use the typical preplant N rate as a fixed pounds per acre. Typical P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for sweet corn at the Gold Leaf Farm is usually 85 lbs. N per acre. This is slightly higher than the normally recommended preplant application from commercial fertilizer, but since the sweet corn will be irrigated and since some of the animal waste P.A.N. will be released over time the engineer feels this application rate would be appropriate. A typical RY.E. for sweet corn on Candor soils was not available for review. Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of sweet corn to be 1,000 and 1,200 dozen per acre. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Since there are numerous varieties of corn it is best to refer to the manufactures recommendations on planting rates and row spacings. However, a rule of thumb is to strive for around 14,500 to 19,000 corn plants per acre. Sweet corn will normally be ready for harvest around the first of July. The corn ears will be harvested and the stalks reincorporated into the soil. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. The reader can see more information about sweet corn production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 North Carolina Commercial Vegetable Recommendations", AG 586. Field Corn Field corn is a warm season crop. Mr. Wilson usually plants about 16 acres of field corn per year on the Gold Leaf Farm. Field corn is typically planted between March 20 to May 1 in eastern NC and between March 25 and May 15 in the Piedmont. However it is best to plant corn by. April 15 in both regions to achieve the best yields. Soil temperatures need to be about 55 degrees F. in order to plant corn seed. Corn has its most vigorous growth and nitrogen uptake between 25 and 75 days after planting. 27 LWILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWNT When commercial fertilizer is used a percent of the total crop nitrogen needs (say 1/4 to 1/2 total N application) is applied at preplant or at planting. This will of course depend on the soil type, organic matter in the soil, clay content of the soil, rainfall, etc. Then as the corn starts to grow and is roughly 12 inches tall, 1/2 to 3/4 of the total nitrogen is applied as a side dressing. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. Nitrogen can be applied to a growing corn crop as needed as long as the total nitrogen applied does not exceed the crop's demand. Field corn is not a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore it can have animal waste applied to it after it emerges. The engineer will use R.Y.E. to calculate nutrient uptake based on historical values since the book values for corn yields on Candor soils are so far off the normal Gold Leaf Farm yields. The engineer believes the book values for corn yields on Candor soils (i.e. 45 bushels per acre) do not account for the use of fresh water irrigation and subsequent increased yields. The engineer sees no reason to detract from the farmer's historical yields simply to comply with a book number that is inaccurate for this farm. Typical nitrogen removal by field corn is usually 1 to 1.2 pounds of N uptake per bushel of harvested crop. A typical R.Y.E. for field corn at the Gold Leaf Farm is conservatively 100 bushels per acre, and in many years up to 150 bushels per acre. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Nitrogen application on field corn usually stops about one week before tasseling which usually occurs about 3 months from planting. Applying nitrogen after the silks have turned brown is not advised. A rule for applying nitrogen is to apply one half as a preplant measure and the rest 30 to 40 days after emergence. Be careful not to over -apply nitrogen or obtain run-off of effluent when applying animal waste. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Since there are numerous varieties of corn it is best to refer to the manufactures recommendations on planting rates and row spacings. However, a rule of thumb is to strive for around 20,000 to 24,000 corn plants per acre. Field corn is usually ready for harvest between October and November. Optimum grain moisture content for mechanically harvested corn is between 21 and 26 percent. The corn ears will be harvested and the stalks reincorporated into the soil. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. Annually the farmer or irrigation operator shall compare crop removal rates with animal waste analyses and adjust waste application accordingly. The reader can see more information about field corn production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "Corn Production Systems in North Carolina", AG-347. Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are a warm season annual that will be planted at Gold Leaf Farm. Approximately twenty five acres of sweet potatoes will be planted each year. Sweet potatoes are typically planted 28 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW between May 1 to July 15 in eastern NC and between May 15 and June 30 in the piedmont. Sweet potato root development requires about 3 to 4 months. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. However nitrogen leaching is a function of weather, temperature, soil type, microbial activity, waste type, organic content of the waste, etc. Sweet potato sprouts can be set out on soil ridges 8 to 14 inches apart with row spacings of 36 to 48 inches. Sweet potatoes are a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore they can not have animal waste applied to the plants once in the field. This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to sweet potatoes since only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of sweet potatoes must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. E For sweet potatoes the engineer will use the typical preplant N rate as a fixed pounds per acre. Typical P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for sweet potatoes at the Gold Leaf Farm is usually 60 lbs. N per acre. For sweet potatoes, fertilizer is usually added about 21 to 28 days after planting, but since the sweet potatoes will be irrigated and since some of the animal waste P.A.N. will be released over time the engineer feels this application rate would be appropriate. A typical R.Y.E. for sweet potatoes on Candor soils was not available to the engineer, but Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of 350 bushels per acre. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Sweet potatoes are usually ready for harvest sometime in September or October. , Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. The reader can see more information about sweet potato production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 North Carolina Commercial Vegetable Recommendations", AG-586. Watermelons Watermelons are a warm season annual that will be planted at Gold Leaf Farm. Approximately twenty acres of watermelons will be planted' each year. Watermelons are typically planted between April 15 to May 20 in eastern NC and between May 1 and June 15 in the Piedmont. However it is best to plant watermelons as early as possible in either region. Soil temperatures should be 55 degrees F before planting. Early plantings may need to be protected from wind damage by rye strips, or similar wind breaks. Watermelons should mature in about 3 months from emergence if using direct seeding. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. 29 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP However nitrogen leaching is a function of weather, temperature, soil type, microbial activity, waste type, organic content of the waste, etc. Watermelons can be planted by direct seeding. Plant 3 to 5 pounds of seed per acre. The recommended spacings for watermelons is 3 to 4 feet apart with row spacings of 5 to 6 feet. If plastic mulch is used this spacing would change. Watermelons are a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore they can not have animal waste applied to the plants once in the field. This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to watermelons since only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of watermelons must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. For watermelons the engineer will use the typical preplant N rate as a fixed pounds per acre. Typical P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for fresh water irrigated watermelons at the Gold Leaf Farm is usually 60 lbs. N per acre. For watermelons, fertilizer is usually added at preplant and after the vines start running and sometimes after the first harvest. When commercial fertilizer is used about 50 pounds of N per acre is used, but since the animal waste P.A.N. will be released over time the engineer feels the 60 pound application rate would be appropriate. A typical RY.E. for watermelons on Candor soils was not available to the engineer, but Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of 8 tons per acre. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Watermelons are usually ready for harvest sometime in mid summer, usually sometime in July or early August. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site.. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. The reader can see more information about watermelon production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 North Carolina Commercial Vegetable Recommendations", AG-586. Cantaloupes (muskmelon) Cantaloupes are a warm season annual that will be planted at Gold Leaf Farm. Approximately fifteen acres of cantaloupes will be planted each year. Cantaloupes are typically planted between April 15 to May 15 in eastern NC and between May 1 and July 20 in the Piedmont. Some eastern NC planting may also occur between July 1 and July 15 according to published literature, but not for the Gold Leaf Farm. It is best to plant cantaloupes as early as possible in either region. Transplant or seed cantaloupes when the daily mean temperature has reached 60 degrees F. Temperatures below 45 degrees F can cause plant stunting. Early plantings may need to be protected from wind damage by rye strips, or similar wind breaks. Cantaloupes should mature in about 100 days from planting. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. However nitrogen leaching is a function of weather, temperature, soil type, microbial activity, waste type, organic content of the waste, etc. 30 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Cantaloupes can be planted by direct seeding or by using seedlings. The recommended spacings for cantaloupes is 5 to 6 feet apart on plastic mulch and 6 to 7 feet on bare ground. If plastic mulch is used 7.5 to 15 square feet should be allowed per plant and if bare ground is used 20 to 25 square feet should be allowed. Cantaloupes are a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore they can not have animal waste applied to the plants once in the field. This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to cantaloupes since only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of cantaloupes must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. For cantaloupes the engineer will use the typical preplant N rate as a fixed pounds per acre. Typical P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for fresh water irrigated cantaloupes at the Gold Leaf Farm is usually 60 lbs. N per acre. For cantaloupes, fertilizer is usually added at preplant and after the vines start running. When commercial fertilizer is used about 50 pounds of N per acre is used, but since the animal waste P.A.N. will be released over time the engineer feels this application rate of 60 pounds would be appropriate. A typical R.Y.E. for cantaloupes on Candor soils was not available to the engineer, but Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of 7.5 tons per acre. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. _ Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Cantaloupes are usually ready for harvest sometime in mid summer, usually from July 15 to August 15, but can vary with many factors. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. The reader can see more information about cantaloupe production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 North Carolina Commercial Vegetable Recommendations", AG-586. Hybrid Coastal Bermudagrass (for hay) Typically, hybrid coastal bermudagrass will yield more tonnage than common bermudagrass. Hybrid coastal bermudagrass produces no seeds but spreads by rhizomes and stolons. Coastal bermudagrass is a warm season crop and its nutrient uptake is typically greatest in the months from May to August, however it may actively grow from April to October, depending on temperatures. Climatic and nutrient conditions will alter growth rates for bermudagrass. About 3 cuttings per year can be expected on most bermudagrass fields. Hybrid coastal bermudagrass tolerates acid soils reasonably well (pH 5 to 5.5). However it does respond to liming. A soil pH of 6.0 or higher is recommended for improved growing conditions. Commercial fertilizer should be applied in split applications, i.e. not all at one time. When using animal type waste as a fertilizer source applications will occur regularly over the growing season. Nitrogen uptake predictions will be discussed below. When establishing, sprig hybrid coastal bermudagrass at 5 to 15 bushels per acre in rows about 3 to 4 feet apart with sprigs 2 to 3 feet apart within the row. If sprigs are plentiful, the farmer can establish by broadcasting 70 to 100 bushels per acre in late winter and disking in. One bushel will contain about 1,200 sprigs. Best planting dates in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain are between March 1 and March 31 i WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP 31. Planting may also be possible between February 15 to May 1 if weather conditions are favorable. If irrigated, some planting may spill over into July but this is not highly recommended. Sprig mortality i is lessened when ample soil moisture is present. The typical yield for non -irrigated hybrid coastal bermudagrass is from 3 to 6 tons per acre, again depending on many factors, not the least of which is soil type. For a Candor soil type, the R.Y.E. for non -irrigated coastal bermuda hay is 5 tons per acre (taken from NCSU/NCCES Nutrient Management Manual, Reference Section). However if bermudagrass is irrigated with fresh water its yield can be considerably higher. Since Gold Leaf Farm irrigates its coastal bermudagrass the engineer will use a R.Y.E. of 6 tons per acre as a gross yield. However the coastal bermudagrass at this farm will be grazed by cattle, so its R.Y.E. must be reduced by 75% (per NRCS guidelines) to 4.5 tons per acre. The normal nitrogen uptake for hybrid coastal bermudagrass is between 40 and 50 pounds of N per ton of hay. The engineer has used a Realistic Yield Expectation (R.Y.E.) to estimate crop yield for the Gold Leaf Farm. If bermudagrass is overseeded with a grain crop and the overseeded crop is not cut properly in the spring, it can shade the greening bermudagrass and reduce the subsequent yields. Therefore it is important to harvest the overseeded crop before it heads or by April 7 in most coastal counties and by April 15 in most piedmont counties. If the bermudagrass is not being grazed, cut regularly and harvest the residual hay. This is important when calculating crop nitrogen removal capabilities. Bermudagrass should be cut when it is 12 to 15 inches tall. Regular cutting every four to six weeks during the growing season can be expected provided growing conditions are suitable. More or less frequent cutting may be necessary. If the operator is not overseeding, bermudagrass should go into the winter season with 3 to 4 inches of growth. If being overseeded, cut bermudagrass back to 2 or 3 inches before planting the winter crop. Do not cut bermudagrass closer than 2 inches from the ground since this can damage the root system. Cereal Rye (winter cover crop) Cereal rye is a winter annual small grain that looks similar to wheat, barley, and oats. This crop is sometimes used to overseed a warm season crop like bermudagrass, Doing so affords some flexibility to a waste management program and enhances nitrogen uptake on an annual basis. However, it must be managed correctly or it can have a negative impact on a bermudagrass crop and be counter productive to the grower. The cereal rye should be planted between August 20 and October 31 in the piedmont and between September 1 and November 15 in the coastal plain region. Planting by October 15 is recommended to provide the best opportunity to get winter growth. Cereal rye has its most vigorous growth in the spring, but it has moderate growth in the fall. Some growth, though small, also occurs in the winter. Nitrogen uptake is greatest in the spring. Its fall nitrogen uptake and growth is greater than annual ryegrass for the same season. Be careful not to plant rye too early in the season if planting over bermudagrass since the bermudagrass may tend to keep growing and shade the emerging rye. The most consistent cereal grain stands are obtained from drilling rye into short (less than 3 inches tall) bermudagrass sod. If drilling is not possible, the seeds may be broadcast on short bermuda sod 32 I WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP followed by a light cultivation with a disc or tillage implement. The seeding rate for broadcast planting should be 1.5 times the rate for drilled seeds. Typical planting of cereal rye is 100 pounds of seed per acre if drilling and 130 to 150 pounds per acre if broadcasting. i If overseeding bermudagrass, the last application of animal type waste should be applied to bermudagrass prior to August 31. When the small grain (overseeded on bermuda) is to be harvested an application of/50 lbs/acre of Plant Available Nitrogen (P.A.N.) may be applied between September 15 and October 30. An additional 50 lbs/acre of P.A.N. may be applied in February or early March. If rye is overseeded on bermudagrass and will be grazed by cattle, the P.A.N. applications must be reduced by 25 %, or a maximum application of 75 pounds P.A.N. per year. Small grain harvest is required prior to heading or April 7, which ever comes first. If grazing, allow cattle access - to the rye before bermudagrass emerges. If rye growth is harvested on time it should not significantly shade the bermuda and reduce bermudagrass yields. If the bermuda is not overseeded it will continue to grow until cool weather. Usually bermudagrass growth will slow and sometimes stop by the end of September if it is not overseeded with a cool season crop. If the rye will be planted on cultivated soil (i.e. not overseeded on bermudagrass), and will be grazed, and the stubble reincorporated into the soil before planting of row crops, the total P.A.N. is recommended not to exceed 60 pounds per year. If rye is not grazed, cut rye as needed and remove from the site, usually this will only occur one time for small grains. Do not cut the rye closer than about 3 or 4 inches from the ground in order to not damage the emerging hybrid coastal bermudagrass shoots or root system. Short rye stubble should be left standing after cutting. TABLE 14 Tvvical Nitrogen Uotake Months for Varians Crone Grown in Confrnt and N !' CROP Jan Feb Mar I Aril May June July AugSet Oct Nov Dec Field Corn(grain) N N N L-M M-H H H-N H-N N N N N Sweet Corn (grain)* N N N-L M-H H H H-N N N N N N Corn (silage) N N N L-M M-H H H-N N N N N N Sorghum(grain) - N N N N-L M-H H H M N N N N Sorghum N N N N-L M-H I H H M N N N N Winter Wheat L-N M-H H H M N N N N-L L L-N L-N Winter Rye N L-M H H M N N N L L N N Soybeans N N N N N L-M M-H H-M L N N N Tall Fescue N M-H H H M L L M-N M M-L L-N L-N Orchard ass N M-H H H M L L M-N M M-L L-N L-N H .Bermuda N N N N-L L-M H H M L-N N N N Tobacco * N N N M-H H H M-N N N N N N Sweet Potatoes • N N N N N-L M-H H H-M M-N N N N Watermelons * N N N N-L L-M H H M-L N N N N Cantaloupes N N N N-L L-M H H-M M-N N N N N Pearl Millet N N N N-L M-H H H H-M L-N N N N N = No nitrogen application recommended under normal growing conditions. L = Apply nitrogen in Low amounts for normal growing conditions. Low amounts are < 15 ibs/acre. M = Apply nitrogen in Medium amounts for normal growing conditions. Medium amounts are < 25 lbs/acre. H = Apply nitrogen in High amounts for normal growing conditions. High amounts are 50 + lbs/acre. * = These crops are grown for human consumption. Do not apply animal waste to these crops except at pre -plant. 33 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP NOTESABOUT TABLE 14: This is a somewhat general chart and does not account for every situation. When the chart says L-N for a month, it may be better to use None unless weather and crop growth permits. The nitrogen application on crops will depend on the planting schedule and the harvest date of previous crops. Animal waste can not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or from crop emergence (i.e. greening). This table was taken from data developed by NCSU, NRCS, and the NC Cooperative Extension Service and tempered with the engineer's experience. Waste with high organic content may require fertilization in advance of Table 14 dates. Likewise, applying animal waste as preplant fertilizer may be necessary to apply a High dose since it can not be applied after crop emergence. See written explanations about each crop and the associated animal waste recommendations. TABLE 15 Summarized R.Y.E. For The Croos At Gold Leaf Farm (all fields are Candor soils) CROP TYPE BOOK HISTORICAL TYPICAL P.A.N. TO BE P.A.N. TO BE VALUE AVERAGE TOTAL APPLIED VIA APPLIED VIA FOR R.Y.E. VALUES FOR P.A.N. ANIMAL ANIMAL MANURE R.Y.E. + REMOVAL MANURE (POST- REPL EMERGENCE) TOBACCO 1700 Ibs/acre 3,000 Ibs/acre preplant only unds/acre 0 pounds SWEET CORN Not Available 1,100 doz/acre preplant only 85 unds/acre 0 pounds FIELD CORN 45 bu/acre 100 bu/acre 1.21bs/bu 0 unds/acre 0 unds/acre SWEET POTATO Not Available 350 bu/acre re ]ant onl 0 unds/acre 0 pounds WATERMELON Not Available 8 tons/acre preplant only 60 unds/acre 0 pounds CANTALOUPE Not Available 7.5 tons/acre re lant only 60 imds/acre 0 pounds RYE (small grain) N/A N/A 6lllbs/year (20'pounds/acre 40 poundstacre in ( cultivated & in fall spring razed RYE (small grain) N/A N/A ;75 lbs/year f.30 pounds/acre 45 pounds/acre in (overseeded & in fall spring razed BERMUDAGRASS 5 tons/acre unknown I 48,Ibs/ton uniform/season uniform/season + = When book values for R.Y.E. are not even close to historical data, the engineer used the farmer's historical data for R.Y.E. The historical data used is not the highest year yield but represents reasonable yields based on the farmer's data. Gold Leaf Farm irrigates all crop land with fresh water so yields will typically be higher than book values. . General Crop Management Reminders In order to maximize yield and provide high quality crops, soil samples and waste samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. See Exhibit 8 for soil sampling details. Soil samples shall be collected no less than yearly. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports tempered with yields and crop health. Annually the farmer shall compare crop removal rates with nutrient application rates and adjust irrigation accordingly. Do not over -apply nutrients to crops since that can result in crop damage, environmental problems; and animal health problems when the forage crops are consumed. Consult seed companies for exact planting and harvesting suggestions or your local Cooperative Extension Service. Exhibit 8 includes some information about plant tissue sampling. The farmer is encouraged to collect plant tissue samples in advance of the need to fertilize and have them tested for nutrients. This is especially useful if you think you have not applied enough nitrogen to a crop and it looks yellow or 34 Plan Amendment This waste management plan was amended on December 21, 2018 to change Tract 1939 Field 4 from row crops to Bermuda Pasture. Fields 1, 6, and 7 were changed from Row Crops to pearl millet and rye. The lbs. of N/1,000 gal were updated to reflect the current numbers from the most recent waste analysis. This number was averaged over a three-year time period using the Nitrogen available from the irrigated liquid. Swine Operation Owner/Manager: _ X✓�� Date Technical Specialist: Date Bryan Wilson Amendment to Animal Waste Plan 12/21/18 8,157,600 gallons of lagoon liquid produced. 1.52 Ibs of PAN/1000 gal liquid (waste report) 8,157,600 X 1.52/1000= 12,400 Ibs of PAN produced annually. N needed Rye and pearl millet pasture 31.31+30.42+33.84= 95.57 acres ROY COOPER Governor NUCHAEL S. REGAN UNDA CULPEPPER Dire" Paul B. Wilson Wilson's Swine Farm 3208 Gibson Mill Rd Ellerbe NC 28338-8426 Dear Mr. Paul Bryan Wilson, NORTH CAROLINA Envrrm=wad Quality August 08, 2019 '�trerp,�M 610,0 P onv UMC/0-3014103A1303a RECe1VED/NCDEQ/0WFj AUG 4 02019 Water Quality Regional Operations section Subject: Additional information Request Application No. AWS770017 Wilson's Swine Farm _Richmond G- 9unt31_ _ ._ The Animal Feeding Operation Program of the Division of Water Resources (Division) has completed a preliminary review of your renewal permit application package. Additional information is required before we may continue our review. Please address and submit the following item(s) within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of this letter: ,Z' issing Copies of Site Map ield Ma;zs: Our record show that the copies of the field maps are missing in your WLTP or NMP. L, l Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices checked. COdor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices checked. Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.) Also provide any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. All revised and/or additional documentation shall be signed, dated and sent to my attention at the address below. The Information can also be submitted electronically at raniesh.mvella,Lzncdenr.,�ov tease--- eeeLfre titcontact me at 919-707-3702. if you have any questions regarding this letter, Ramesh Ravella 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1636 Sincerely, Animal Feeding Operations Program cc: Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section AFOGS Section Files — AWS770017 North Carolina Department of Envim mental Quality 1 Division of Water Resources -u: i. e:512 North Salisbury Street 11636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 u. ie.w � � 919JO7.9000 Plan Amendment This waste management plan was amended on December 21, 2018 to change Tract 1939 Field 4 from row crops to Bermuda Pasture. Fields 1, 6, and 7 were changed from Row Crops to pearl millet and rve. The lbs. of NI1,000 gal were updated to reflect the current numbers from the most recent waste analysis. This number was averaged over a three-year time period using the Nitrogen available from the'irrigated liquid. Swine Operation Owner/Manager: Technical Specialist: 'q t�s 77oc) / Date iI ;r Date Ile AUG 4 0 2019 "3 ^1 1 n^anuons Section Bryan Wilson Amendment to Animal Waste Plan 12/21/18 8,157,600 gallons of lagoon liquid produced. 1.52 lbs of PAN/1000 gal liquid (waste report) 8,157,600 X 1.52/1000= 12,400 lbs of PAN produced annually. N needed Rye and pearl millet pasture 31.31+30.42+33.84= 95.57 acres A t;,,j 's --) -� d 6 1 -) CaC: Candor and Wakulla soils, 8 to 15 percent slopes SLOPE Use Representative Slope Typical of the Soil Map Unit `-' Use My Slope: S CALCULATE > ,4m5 7719v RECEIVECiMCDEOIDWR AUG 4 0 Z019 Wc^s ter Q:IaRy Regional Operations Soeft REALISTIC ESTIMATED PHOSPORHUS YIELD NITROGEN FACTOR NITROGEN RATE REMOVAL CROP � 1t 1t (LBS/ACRE) PZ (LBS E) 11 It Bahiagrass (Hay) 2.6 Tons 50 128 29 Barley (Grain) 38 1.6 61 14 Bushels Caucasian/Old World Bluestem (Hay) 2.7 Tons 50 133 32 Common Bermudagrass (Hay) 2.6 Tons 50 128 31 Corn (Grain) 55 1.04 (�5� 24 .� Bushels Corn (Silage) 0 Tons 12 0 0 Cotton 0.12 50 12 Pounds Dallisgrass (Hay) 2.6 Tons 50 128 34 Fescue ,:�: Y 0.2 Tons 50 8 3 Hybrid Bermudagrass (Hay)J ~ _ 3.4 Tons 50 168 4.1 ----D Hybrid Bermudagrass overseeded with Rescuegrass (Hay) 3.8 Tons 50 188 51 Mixed Cool Season Grass (Hay) 0.1 Tons 50 6 2 Oats (Grain) 1.3 63 12 Bushels Orchardgrass (Hay) 0.1 Tons 50 6 2 Peanuts 1679 0 0 9 Pounds Pearl Millet (Hay) 3 Tons 55 163 39 Rescuegrass (Hay) 1.6 Tons 50 80 18 REALISTIC ESTIMATED NITROGEN NITROGEN PHOSPORHUS YIELD FACTOR RATE REMOVAL CROP ,t l+ (LBS/ACRE) P n LBS0c` Small Grain (Silage) 4.9 Tons 12.5 61 26 Sorghum (Grain). 21 CWT 2 42 16 Sorghum (Silage) 0 Tons 8.4 0 0 Sorghum Sudan (Hay) 2.7 Tons 55 148 37 Soybeans (Double Cropped - Manured) 15 4 60 12 Bushels Soybeans (Double Cropped) 15 0 0 12 Bushels Soybeans (Full Season - Manured) 18 4 73 15 Bushels Soybeans (Full Season) 18 0 0 15 Bushels Timothy Grass (Hay) 0 Tons 50 0 0 Tobacco (Burley) 0 Pounds 0.08 0 0 Tobacco (Flue Cured) 1561 0.4 625 g Pounds Triticale (Grain) 40 1.48 59 13 Bushels Tropical Corn (Silage) 0 Tons 7.2 0 0 Wheat (Grain) 28 2.42 69 14 Bushels A6 T)06G ? The NC Interagency Nutrient Management Committee (http://nutrients.soil.ncsu.edu/) is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Realistic Yield reporting tool. © 2018 NC State University It. REVISED CERTIFIED ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. FACILITY I.D. # 77-17 Prepared for : Wilson's Swine Farm c/o Bryan Wilson 1180 Jones Springs Church Road Ellerbe, N.C. 28338 Phone (910) 652-3749 Plans Prepared By: Larry F. Graham, P.E. Environmental Engineering Services P.O. Box 426 Aberdeen, N.C. 28315 Phone (910) 295-3252 Fax: (910) 944-1652 Copy Submitted to: Richmond County NRCS Vilma Mendez Colombani - District Conservationist 125 South Hancock Street Rockingham, N.C. 28379 (910) 997-8244 Original Waste Utilization Plan Completion Date (by MRCS): March 29, 1995 Revised Plan Completion Date: May 18, 1999 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP WARNING THE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THIS PACKAGE WAS DEVELOPED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE NAMED CLIENT ON THE TITLE PAGE. THIS MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE COPIED BY PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS FOR PERSONAL USE OR DISTRIBUTION. ONLY PERSONS AUTHORIZED BY THE CLIENT SHOULD COPY OR REPRODUCE THE MATERIAL WITHIN THIS REPORT. REGULATORY OFFICIALS MAY HOWEVER COPY AND/OR DISTRIBUTE THIS DOCUMENT ACCORDING TO DEPARTMENTAL POLICY AND ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Page ii WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW Table of Contents BACKGROUND ABOUT THIS FARM AND A GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK 1 REPORT OBJECTIVES 2 ON -FARM DETAILS 3 General Site Information and Location 3 Topography, Drainage, and Surface Waters 4 Animal Waste Related Set -Backs Or Buffers 5 Miscellaneous Site Details 7 Animal Waste Descriptions and Related Information 7 A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE WILSON'S SWINE FARM LAGOON SYSTEM. 7 General 7 Description of Waste Treatment 8 Lagoon Shape and Flows 8 Sludge Holding Capacity 8 Typical Design Treatment Volume 8 Six Month Wastewater And Rainfall Storage 9 Storage Of The First 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm 9 Storage Of The Second 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm (Sometimes Called Normal Freeboard) 10 Emergency Freeboard 10 High Water Markers for Liquid Levels 10 CONTROL PROGRAMS FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM 11 Odor Control And Lagoon Management (apply as needed) 11 Odor Control And Air Quality Regulations (recent) 14 Insect Control And Mortality Management 14 Page iii WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP General Sediment, Nutrient And Run -Off Control Suggestions (use as needed) 15 Personal Safety Considerations Around Lagoons 16 WASTE UTILIZATION PLANS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 17 Soils To Receive Waste 17 On -Farm Nutrient Production From Animal Manure And Its Use On Agricultural Crops 18 Nitrogen 19 Copper And Zinc 20 Phosphorus and Potassium 20 Sodium 21 Other Elements In The Lagoon Effluent 21 Soil Test Results And Discussions 23 Overall Cropping Descriptions 24 Crop Planting and Fertilizing Considerations 25 Tobacco.............................................................................................................................................................. 25 SweetCorn......................................................................................................................................................... 26 FieldCorn .......................................................................................................................................................... 27 SweetPotatoes....................................................................................................................................................28 Watermelons...................................................................................................................................................... 29 Cantaloupes(muskmelon).................................................................................................................................. 30 Hybrid Coastal Bermudagrass (for hay)............................................................................................................. 31 CerealRye (winter cover crop)........................................................................................................................... 32 General Crop Management Reminders 34 NUTRIENT AND LIQUID WASTE APPLICATIONS 36 Irrigation Scheduling 35 Existing and Proposed Irrigation Methodology 36 Field by Field Land Application Details 42 ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE 64 General 64 Irrigation System Layout And Operation 65 Grading And Clearing For Travel Lanes (use if needed) 66 Page iv WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Trenches And Pipe Installation 67 Valves And System Safety 68 System Operation And Maintenance 70 Irrigation Examples 70 GENERAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM 74 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND NOTICES Page v 76 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP E)UIIBIT LIST Exhibit 1 County road map (vicinity map). Exhibit 2. USGS Topographic map of the farm property location. Exhibit 3.. Boundary outline of entire property (aerial photograph). Exhibit 4, NRCS soil survgy map of the farm. Exhibit 5. NCDA waste analysis reports of lagoon effluent. Exhibit 6. Not used in this package. Exhibit 7. Irrigation layout and field map for Wilson's Swine Farm. Exhibit 8. Soil and plant tissue sampling instructions. Exhibit 9, Waste sampling instructions. Exhibit 10, Mortality management methods list. Exhibit 11. Example forms for record keeping. Exhibit 12. Cooperative extension publication "Swine Manure as a Fertilizer Source" Exhibit 13. Metals loading in soils (NRCS). Exhibit 14. Specification guide for pasture and hay land planting. Exhibit 15. NCDA Soil Test Report. ' Exhibit 16, Field calibration procedures for animal waste application equipment (extension publication). Exhibit 17. Crop nutrient requirements, etc. (Cooperative Extension Publication) Exhibit 18. Swine farm waste management odor control checklist. Exhibit 19. Insect control checklist for animal operations. M';��E�1Dw� Exhibit 20. Emergency action plan ideas and BMP's. IBM Exhibit 21. Gun cart nozzle data and irrigation pump curves. 2��g Exhibit 22. Hard hose traveler information. Exhibit 23. Pipe for irrigation (extension publication). 1pnelLlperationsse►ion Exhibit 24. Irrigation scheduling (extension publication). Exhibit 25. Typical systems operation guide. Exhibit 26. Tri-Action Valve information. Exhibit 27. Field calibration procedures for semi -solid animal waste application equipment. Exhibit 28. Head loss and pressure calculations for each pull. Exhibit 29. Volume vs. depth graph for the anaerobic lagoon. Page vi WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWIVIP CERTIFICATION PARAMETERS AND DETAILS BACKGROUND ABOUT THIS FARM AND A GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK Gold Leaf Farm is a diversified farming operation, with a multitude of crop production and livestock production enterprises. On the Gold Leaf Farm property is an existing swine grow -out or finishing complex consisting of 10 finishing houses, a single stage anaerobic lagoon, an office, and misc. support equipment. The swine production operation is known as Wilson's Swine Farm. The swine operation has been active since the spring of 1995 and is owned by Mr. Bryan Wilson. Since its completion, the swine operation has been following a Certified Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for dealing with its animal manure. It is the purpose of this new document to revise the old CAWMP and better reflect current farming operations within the framework of more recent regulatory guidelines. Details within this revised plan are being developed in accordance with current U.S. Natural Resources and Conservation Service (MRCS) guidelines. The engineer will however use his own judgment about certain matters to include or exclude and use reasonable assumptions about waste utilization data when exact data is not available. For clarity, the reader should remember that through out this document the engineer will mention both Wilson's Swine Farm and Gold Leaf Farm since they are related and found on the same farm land. Animal waste from Wilson's Swine Farm will be applied to Gold Leaf Farm Land and associated crops. The CAWMP is being developed for Wilson's Swine Farm. The swine operation was sited in August of 1994 by the Richmond County NRCS (Mr. Jerry Pate and Ms. Vilma Marra, both with the NRCS). In March of 1995, the Richmond County NRCS certified an animal waste utilization plan for Wilson's Swine Farm. The farm has been more or less using this plan since that time. In March of 1999 Environmental Engineering Services (EES) was hired to revise this plan and bring it up-to-date. The anaerobic lagoon at Wilson's Swine Farm was designed by Larry F. Graham, P.E. with Environmental Engineering Services (EES). Except for a few minor details, its construction was certified as complete in May of 1995. When designed and constructed, the lagoon met or exceeded the NRCS guidelines at that time. There are no plans to modify the existing lagoon system beyond what was designed at the time of its construction. Gold Leaf Farm is a very diversified operation and has intensive crop growing schedules. This requires the farmer to be flexible in his yearly planning for -waste applications. It is extremely difficult to describe every crop growing alternative for this farm, especially when it relates to a large variety of crops planted on different fields each year. The plan being discussed herein will replace the existing CAWMP, but the reader should note that the farmer has the ultimate authority to manage his animal manure resource to best suite his cropping patterns and weather conditions. This l}lan is only a guide, and should be modified twithin reason) to fit those needs from year toy year. Maximums and minimums being discussed should not be violated and precautions about off -site run-off of animal waste should be strictly observed. The design parameters contained in this document have been shown to be effective if performed in a responsible manner by knowledgeable persons. It is impossible however to predict all future operational, environmental, and legislative situations which could cause these plans to need modification or be revised at a later date. When possible, this document follows the U.S. Natural 1 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Resources Conversation Service (MRCS) design criteria and is not meant to contradict standard MRCS guidelines or the design criteria of other organizations. Much of the exhibit information in this document was obtained courtesy of the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service. In case the reader is not familiar with animal waste utilization plans for agriculture, he or she must realize that this document is not a comprehensive teaching manual. In fact no such document can take the place of the owner/operator's experience and desire to learn all there is to know about the operation and maintenance of animal operations, especially with regards to waste management. When possible the engineer has tried to explain the thought process so the farmer could make changes to the plan following the same logic. All assumptions related to decision details are not presented in full explanation for brevity . The development of a CAWMP is a dynamic process. This means that one design decision will affect the next decision, and that decision will affect the next, etc. In the. future on -site situations will occasionally require plan alterations or adjustments to those parameters presented below. Therefore, the reader should use this plan for guidance and for general standards more than for exact "to the inch" measurements. The farmer/manager however should not grossly exceed the minimum or maximum recommendations so as not to violate the intent of the recommendations. The engineer has tried to weigh all factors in accordance with importance. Parameters like manpower requirements, equipment costs, economics of operations, and the individual's situation enter into the plan design but may not be openly addressed in this report. Each swine facility operates differently and must be evaluated on its own merit and the owner/operator's willingness to maintain best management practices or BMP's. Irrigation information presented in this document may relate to a new, existing, or modified system. Either way the engineer is presenting this information to demonstrate the adequacy of the equipment and to give general guidance as to performance parameters. It will be completely up to the irrigation system operator to operate the system in accordance with these plans, to protect the surface water and ground water of the State of North Carolina, and to adhere to all rules and regulations related to animal waste utilization. All specifications within this document or other documents provided by EES are acceptable for use to satisfy the animal waste management rules found in the publication titled NCDEHNR, Division of Environmental Management, Title 15A:02H, Section .0200. The reader should refer to this $tate publication for regulatory details. REPORT OBJECTIVES 1. To describe the Gold Leaf Farm (and Wilson's Swine Farm) site characteristics and operational features. To explain to the reader where the farm is located, what type of production is occurring, and significant animal waste management practices. Descriptions and explanations about crop production, lagoon storage capacities, crop yields, etc, will be given for background. 2. To review the farm's manure application areas, soil types, and plans for crop production. This would include an evaluation of the adequacy of existing equipment for current and proposed irrigation needs. ' N WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW 3. To list the crops to be grown, which crops will receive animal waste, Realistic Yield Expectations (R.Y.E.), Plant Available Nitrogen (P.A.N.) uptake by crop, some general cropping patterns, and animal waste application windows. 4. To provide general guidance to the farmer and/or irrigation operator as to some fundamental irrigation equations and principals so on -site waste application adjustments can be made as needed. This will include critical elements such as application amounts, precipitation rates, gun cart travel speeds, and a general water balance discussion between the irrigation routine and storage capabilities of the lagoon system. 5. To add emphasis to environmental concerns related to the protection of surface and groundwater at and near the farm. This will include insect and odor control information. 6. To provide a certifiable set of animal waste management plans (including information provided by others) that will accommodate the specific farm needs, be cost effective to the farmer, and meet the basic criteria of prudent and effective animal waste utilization and irrigation. ON -FARM DETAILS General Site Information and Location The physical location of the farm parcel is in the north eastern- part of Richmond County approximately 9 miles north east of Ellerbe and approximately 2.5 miles south east of Derby. Entrance to the farm is off SR# 1465 (Sycamore Lane Road) about 1,100 feet north of the intersection of SR# 1471 and SR# 1465. The farm consists of approximately 300 acres total. The nearest named stream to the farm site is Drowning Creek and it is located north east of the farm according to USGS quadrangle maps. Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 show various views of the property. The farm property is bordered by mostly wooded land or farm land with some residential dwellings scattered around the immediate community. Sandhill Game Land borders a section of the property on the south east corner. A travel trailer campground lies approximately 1.5 miles north west of the farm in a direct vector. Gold Leaf Farm has only one swine production complex on the parcel. This production complex is a feeder to finish operation with 8,800 head. Wilson's Swine Farm grows hogs for N.G. Purvis Farms, Inc., a Moore County based integrator. A single stage anaerobic lagoon stores and treats the liquid swine effluent. When needed the swine liquid is recycled into the houses to recharge the waste removal systems. On occasion lagoon effluent is pumped from the lagoon and land applied via an existing spray irrigation system. The effluent is applied to farm grown crops at agronomic rates and acts as a commercial fertilizer substitute. The swine population at this complex is not being changed. To the engineer's knowledge, there have been no occurrences of effluent and/or sludge releases at this farm parcel. In addition to growing a multitude of crops and swine, Mr. Wilson has several poultry houses on his farm. All chicken manure will be transported off the farm in the future. R WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Specifications contained in this report will relate to proper animal waste utilization. Throughout this document there will also be information and suggestions providing helpful hints on odor control, insect control, mortality management, as well as general long term overall waste management. Topography, Drainage, and Surface Waters The topography at and around the farm parcel ranges from almost flat to gently rolling hills with all of the drainage moving in a general north east direction and eventually into Drowning Creek. In addition there are several unnamed tributaries (i.e. broken blue line streams) on the farm parcel which terminate at Drowning Creek. From aerial photographs and on -site observation there are three fresh water ponds on site. A composite USGS topo map of the area can be seen as Exhibit 2. The USGS topographic maps containing this information are the West End Quadrangle map (photo revised 1982) and the Hoffman Quadrangle map (photo revised 1982). Coordinates for the Wilson's Swine complex are approximately Longitude 79 degrees, 36 minutes, 20 seconds; Latitude 35 degrees, 7 minutes, 26 seconds. Drowning Creek lies approximately 7,800 feet north east of the anaerobic lagoon in a direct vector and approximately 3,000 feet from the closest land application field. The down -slope hydraulic path to Drowning Creek is greater than the straight line distance. Three unnamed -named tributaries (broken blue line streams) can be found on the farm, mostly on the northern farm side. All three of the fresh water ponds are located on these broken blue line streams. From the USGS topographic representations and from conversations with the farm owner, flow in these streams depends on rainfall. In warm dry weather these streams may cease to flow. Drowning Creek is a WS2 water supply near the farm. No towns are know to get their water from the Drowning Creek immediately down stream from the farm site. Crop fields are located all around the Gold Leaf Farm parcel. The discharge of swine effluent to the surface waters of N.C. is prohibited. Therefore no effluent should be allowed to make its way into the nearby streams and rivers. While no intensive animal farming operation is immune from wastewater discharge accidents, adhering to the safety guidelines within this document and careful management should greatly minimize any such accidents. A sudden dam breach causing a significant release of effluent is very unlikely but existing dam evaluations are beyond the scope of this document. The reader should note however that the engineer did observe the lagoon and its earthen dike being installed and verified it was constructed according to NRCS guidelines. Likewise run-off from excess irrigation is not allowed. In a discharge event, the effluent would be very dilute prior to it reaching any public water supply intake. While the -effects of any such occurrence is serious, the engineer believes any major threat to a drinking water supply is minimal and would not have dramatic and prolonged effects on the availability of the drinking water supply. Municipal water intakes would be more than 10 miles away from the farm (downstream). Stream aquatic life would be in jeopardy associated with any large and sudden release of swine effluent especially if the discharge would occur at dry times when stream flows are small. The extent of such an accident would depend on the quantity and quality of the effluent. The natural slopes within the spray fields at the farm range from 0 to 8 percent, with one field from 2 to 10 percent. In general rainfall run-off flows away from or around the confinement housing and the lagoon areas via pre -determined grass water ways and ditches. The swine houses are not guttered. Most surface flowing water that might initially flow toward the lagoon is intercepted so this water is 4 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP diverted. around the outside of the lagoon. Therefore only rainwater falling directly into the lagoon adds to yearly volume increases. None of the farm land which is receiving animal manure should not be impacted by 100 year flooding. This was not verified with flood insurance maps but is a reasonable assumption given the positions of the fields (see Exhibit 2). Animal Waste Related Set -Backs Or Buffers There are numerous regulations related to set -backs and buffers from intensive livestock operations. Unfortunately these values are subject to rapid change due to legislation, making them hard to always follow. The engineer has made an attempt to list the appropriate set -backs below according to the .0200 regulations, General Statue 106 (Senate Bill 1080), Senate Bill 1217, House Bill 515, etc. as of this report date. Tables 1 and 2 show various buffers or set -backs that apply to swine and dairy operations. Table 2 shows minimum distances from wetted areas, usually from irrigation. The reader should note that the set -backs shown are dependent on the time the farm was sited. Gold Leaf Farm has been in business for many years but the swine facility was sited in August of 1994. Wind conditions, neighbor activities, crop growth, temperatures, etc. may require that buffers be increased. Wind direction is predominately from the west and southwest in Piedmont North Carolina. Be particularly careful to avoid spray drift if irrigating on windy days. TABLE 1 "FAC.TFJTV SET -RACKS" FOR NEW OR EXPANDING OPERATIONS FACILITY SET -BACKS FROM -- SWINE COWS Residences farms existing before 4-15-87 300 feet 300 feet Residences farms sited before 10-1-95) 750 feet 750 feet Residences (farms sited after 10-1-95) 1.500 feet 750 feet Public use area, church, hospitals, schools, picnic areas, parks, etc. farms existing before 4-15-87 300 feet 300 feet Public use .area, .church, hospitals, schools, picnic areas, parks, etc. farms sited before 10=1-95) 750 feet 750 feet Public use area, church, hospitals, schools, picnic areas, arks, etc. farms sited after 10-1-95 ) 2,500 feet 750 feet Property lines • Farms sited before 10-1-95 • Farms sited between 10-1-95 & 10-1-96 • Farms sited after 10-1-96 100 feet? 100 feet 500 feet 100 feet? 100 feet? 100 feet? Blue Line Streams SGS Quad. Maps) 100 feet 100 feet Water wells serving the farm property 100 feet 100 feet Water wells not servina the farm property 500 feet 100 feet 100 year flood plain Not Allowed Not Allowed ? = This setback has not been confirmed, but it is considered a good recommendation. WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Facilities would include the confinement houses, feed bins, lagoon, lagoon dam, etc. Access roads, stormwater control devices (i.e. grass water ways), irrigation fields, piping, etc. are not part of the facilities under the above set -back limitations according to the engineer's understanding. However the grower should refer to legal counsel and/or regulatory agencies to confirm these opinions since there is much regulatory confusion about such matters. TABLE 2 "WASTE APPLICATION SET -BACKS" FOR ANIMAL OPERATIONS (NEW AND EXISTING) WASTE APPLICATION SET -BACKS FROM -- SWINE COWS Residences or occupied dwellings 200 feet 200 feet T Public use area, church, hospitals, schools, picnic 200 feet 200 feet areas, parks, etc. Any property line not owned by the farm (except as No Specification (50 ft. No Specification (25 ft. shown below) recommended, more is ! recommended, more is better) better) Any property line with an occupied dwelling on that adjacent property. • Farm sited before 10-1-95 ........................... 0 feet (more is better) No Specification (25 ft. • Farm sited between 10-1-95 & 8-27-97........ 50 feet recommended, more is • Farm sited or expanded after 8-27-97 ......... 75 feet better) • S ravfields put in place after 8-27-97 ......... 75 feet Public roads and ri t-of-wa s + 25 feet recommended? 25 feet recommended? Shallow drainage ditches or grass water ways ++ 0 ft use extreme caution) 0 ft (use extreme caution) Irrigation ditches or canals fflowin or usually full) 25 ft more is better) 25 ft (more is better) Perennial Streams (i.e. Blue Line Streams from USGS Quad. Maps) other than an .irrigation ditch or Canal • Farms sited before 10-1-95 .... I ......... I ... I....... 25 feet (100 ft is better) 25 feet (100 feet is • Farms sited between 10-1-95 & 8-27-97....... 50 feet (100 ft is better) recommended) • Farm sited or expanded after 8-27-97 ......... 75 feet (100 ft is better) • S rayfields put in 21ace after 8-27-97 .......... 75 feet (100 ft is better) Water wells serving the farm property 100 feet 100 feet Water wells not serving the farm property 100 feet 100 feet 100 ymr flood plain Allowed but use caution Allowed but use caution ? = This setback has not been confirmed, but it is considered a good recommendation. + = Typical right-of-ways from secondary roads in NC is 30 feet from the center line of the road. This means to stay 25 feet away from the right of way or a total of 55 feet from the center line of the road. The engineer would suggest a buffer of at least 75 feet from public road right-of-ways if using big gun irrigation to avoid unpleasant accidents, especially in windy conditions. Twenty five feet is recommended if using a "honey wagon" to broadcast near public road right-of-ways. ++ = A light application of effluent over grass water ways to maintain a good grass cover is acceptable. This is different from deep ground water lowering ditches. Use good judgment and plan this type of activity away from rain events. Do not irrigate in wet lands if avoidable. Do not heavily apply waste in valleys which are subject to high rainfall run off or in wet weather drainage ways. 100 feet buffers from perennial water (i.e. blue line streams) are recommended by the engineer for all fields where waste is to be applied (if applicable). WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Miscellaneous Site Details There are no dwellings, structures, roads, or bridges between the anaerobic lagoon and the nearest creek or branch. In North Carolina the prevailing winds are typically from the south-west blowing to the north-east. There are no high density residential developments, hospitals, schools, or parks immediately north east of the Gold Leaf Farm parcel but some individual dwellings do exist in the nearby community. The land application of waste should not be inhibited by these nearby dwellings as long as all precautions and safeguards are followed. SR# 1465 is not designated a N.C. Scenic By -Way. From limited observation, the engineer did not observe any unusual natural or archeological features at this farm parcel where waste is to be applied. No endangered or threatened wildlife species were noted. Most wildlife habitat at this farm have been provided and are being maintained by the owner (e.g. fresh water ponds, wooded buffers, etc.). Animal Waste Descriptions and Related Information Anaerobically treated swine effluent is the only type of animal waste to be applied to the fields and crops on the Gold Leaf Farm proper. As mentioned earlier, the chicken manure will be hauled off site. Sludge from the anaerobic lagoon has not been scheduled for removal. However in the future it will need to be scheduled for land. application. Sludge removal and its associated land application is not part of this waste utilization package. TABLE 3 General Swine Farm Data For Wilson's Swine Farm Type of facility Feeder to Finish Original farm siting 1994 Number of head 8,800 Avera a head weight 135 pounds Total SSLW 1,188,000 pounds, Lagoon construction completed 1995 Number of laBoons I Lagoon for storin excess water First(only) stage Future expansion plans None A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE WILSON'S SWINE FARM LAGOON SYSTEM. General The Wilson's Swine Farm anaerobic lagoon was built in 1995. Environmental Engineering Services developed the design specifications for this lagoon. For brevity the engineer will refer the reader to the original document for design and construction details. The revised CAWMP report herein will not concentrate on the lagoon construction efforts but will give known volumes to the reader and relate how they affect the waste utilization plan. 7 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP The swine confinement houses at this farm use shallow under slat puts with pull -plug type drains for waste removal. All wastewater generated within the confinement houses drains to the lagoon by gravity. Wastewater is stored inside the lagoon until ready for irrigation. Transfer pipe outlets from the houses terminate below the water surface within the lagoon. Description of Waste Treatment Modern intensive livestock operations with a liquid waste component typically use on -farm anaerobic lagoons to both store and treat the animal manure. These lagoons rely on bacteria to decompose the organic matter in the wastewater into gases, liquids, and sludges or solids. In addition significant pathogen reduction is achieved by the process. Lagoon Shape and Flows There is no one special shape required for the design of anaerobic lagoons. Lagoon volume is a more important criteria than is shape. Very shallow water depths are discouraged. The anaerobic lagoon at this farm has no outlet and its . water level ` will vary with wastewater generation, irrigation, and rainfall. Irrigation does and will occur out of this single lagoon. The lagoon has a rectangular shaped surface area and more or less flat bottom. The interior of this lagoon could not be viewed because of existing effluent but the original interior shape is known from measurements that were taken in 1995. This lagoon has an imported clay liner which was compacted as it was installed. The farm lagoon was built according to NRCS standards at the time of construction. The farmer has reportedly staked his lagoon to show the minimum and maximum water levels. Sludge Holding Capacity The Wilson's Swine Farm lagoon was designed to contain 5 years of sludge accumulation. The current sludge depth is not known for this structure. The engineer is assuming the farm manager will address sludge removal in the not too distant future. The manager should plan for sludge removal at an optimum time of crop growth and weather conditions and have a certified plan reflecting his or her desires. For the farmer's reference, planning and future consideration, the lagoon was designed for the following. sludge accumulation. TABLE 4 Sludge Storage Volume Designed for The Wilson's Swine Farm Lagoon S years of storage 2,000,000 gallons (267,380 cubic feet) +/- Typical Design Treatment Volume The design treatment volume (sometimes called Minimum Design Volume) is the volume of wastewater needed to maintain optimum conditions for bacterial growth in anaerobic lagoons. This volume may require several months to obtain once filling begins on new lagoons. The owner should be careful to add water to the lagoon until one half of the design treatment volume is achieved before adding swine manure to new lagoons. The operator should always strive to maintain a liquid depth greater than 6 feet in single stage or first stage lagoons to control excessive odors. Minimum depth maintenance does not apply to storage only ponds. Second stage lagoon water levels can be lowered below the 6 feet level before the on -set of long wet seasons. 8 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Requiring enlargements of existing lagoon systems to meet current NRCS design criteria must be evaluated on a case -by -case basis since they are usually full of effluent and it is often difficult to make them larger. It is best to view actual effluent test results to see if adequate treatment is taking place. Below the reader will see the design volume of the lagoon in question. Historical treatment effectiveness of this lagoon system will be discussed later. TABLE 5 Minimum Design Treatment Volume for Wilson's Swine Farm 1 Stage Anaerobic Lagoon 8,300,000 gallons (1,109,626 cu. ft.) +/- Six Month Wastewater And Rainfall Storage Wastewater is typically pulled off of the top of a last stage lagoon and recycled to the confinement buildings for re -use. Excess water accumulation will eventually be spray irrigated on crops. Naturally the farmer will not desire to irrigate every day or every week. Likewise there will be time periods when the weather will not permit responsible irrigation. This requires there to be storage volume built into the lagoon system to give the farmer safety and flexibility in the irrigation routine. In North Carolina the time period for this part of the design can vary between three and six months or occasionally less if intensive waste management is used. Table 6 shows a 6 month water storage volume and a I month storage volume for this farm's lagoon. The six month storage volume includes excess wastes produced by the animals, spillage or wasted water, clean-up water, and excess rainfall (less evaporation) directly into the lagoon. This. does not include rainfall run-off water from outside the lagoon since it is usually diverted by earthen embankments and grass water ways. These are "book values" only. TABLE 6 Typical Wastewater Storage Needs - Book Values: Six Months 4,443,120 gallons (594,000 cu. ft.) +/- One Month 740,520 gallons (99,000 cu. ft.) +/- Table 6 shows book values for excess wastewater production based on generalized climatological data and known case histories of hog production. This data also accounts for the average evaporation which occurs from lagoons. However this data can vary greatly with seasons and unusual weather conditions. The engineer thinks it is acceptable to use if the lagoon is uncovered and mostly free of floating organic mats and crust. An actual rainfall balance should be used if the structure is covered such as with most dairy waste storage ponds. Storage Of The First 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm At any time in North Carolina there may occur a severe rain producing storm which can deposit considerable amounts of water quickly. The standard storm surge allowed in lagoon design is the 25 year - 24 hour rainfall event. This storm event is historically different between tlie Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal plain and can even vary between neighboring cities. The 25 year - 24 hour storm used for the lagoon design was 6.5 inches. 01 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP There Should Be No Surface Run -Off From Surrounding Areas Allowed To Enter The Lagoon. All Run -Off Shall Be Diverted Around The Lagoon Via Earthen Embankments, Grass Water Ways, Or Similar Water Diversion Techniques. One 25 year - 24 hour storm volume for this farm is shown below. This value must be considered above the 6 month storage volumes. TABLE 7 Estimated Volume For One 25 Year - 24 Hour Severe Storm: First Storm Storage 778,728 gallons 104,108 cubic feet) Storage Of The Second 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm (Sometimes Called Normal Freeboard) For animal waste lagoons, normal freeboard is defined as the added depth needed for containment of a second 25 year-24 hour storm event. When the Wilson's Swine Farm lagoon was constructed there was not a design criteria for a second storm allowance. While the second storm allowance would be the same as the first if used, the second storm allowance for this farm is zero. Wilson's Swine Farm Lagoon Normal Freeboard Volume: 0 gallons (0 cu. ft.) Emergency Freeboard Emergency freeboard is the extra depth added to a lagoon for safety against a random embankment overflow or dam washout. This extra depth is a safety measure and prevents water from spilling over the dam, resulting in dam erosion and complete or partial dam failure. This amount of added depth is usually selected to be 1 foot but can be 2 feet in some cases. This freeboard is between the top of any emergency overflow and the top of the dam. Wilson's Swine Farm Lagoon Emergency Freeboard: 1 foot Since emergency overflow discussions have no bearing on animal waste utilization, no additional detail on emergency overflow design will be given herein. See the EES lagoon design package for emergency overflow design details. High Water Markers for Liquid Levels As required by regulation, the farmer shall install a permanent pole or metered stick or stakes inside the lagoon or waste storage pond so the operator can tell at a glance the current water level and volume inside the lagoon. The engineer recommends the farmer use some type of highly visible marker divided in increments so he/she can tell at a glance the storage volume remaining in the lagoon. Pole markings should be no greater than 1 foot apart, but six inch graduations are better. Highly visible permanent markers mounted up and down the interior side slope of the lagoon will also serve the same purpose. If wooden stakes are used they should be made out of treated lumber. As a minimum the farmer shall install a permanent marker at the "pump on" level and one at the "pump off" level. The "pump on" level is below the allowance for any storm surges. A mid -way marker is also very helpful for approximating volumes if the marker is not graduated. Important lagoon water levels are shown below in Table 8. See Exhibit 29 to view a graph of lagoon volume vs. depth. 10 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TABLE 8 Approximate Levels To Stake Inside The Lagoon START PUMPING BEFORE HERE STOP PUMPING AT LEAST BY HERE _FEET BELOW OVERFLOW FEET BELOW OVERFLOW Lagoon #1 0.7 ++ 4.4 ++ = Storage for only one 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm available between here and overflow. Please remember, the emergency overflow is NOT the top of the dam: TABLE 9 OVERALL DESIGN SUMMARY FOR THE GOLD LEAF FARM LAGOON Added Liquid Depth (Feet) Total Liquid Depth From Bottom Of Lagoon (Feet) Added Volume (Gallons) Total Volume (Gallons) Sludge 2.10 2.10 2,000,000 2,000,000 Minimum Desi2 Volume 8.50 10.60 8,300,000 10,300,000 Six Month Stora a Volume 3.70 14.30 4,443,120 14,743,120 Surface Inflow Included in six months storage Included in six months storage Included in six months storage Included in six months storage Extra Storage Capacity 0 14.30 0 14,743,120 First 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm 0.70 15.00 778,728 15,521,848 Normal Freeboard (second storm) 0 15.00 0 ---- 15,521,848 _._ Emergency Freeboard 1.0 16.00 N/A N/A Totals ---- 16.00 ------- 1 15,521,848 +/- All tabular values are presented as calculated but are close approximations. Tabular values may vary a little from design values. See Exhibit 29 for a graph of as -built lagoon data. CONTROL PROGRAMS FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM Odor. Control And Lagoon Management (apply as needed) Note: Much of this document's text and exhibits are directly or indirectly related to odor control. Likewise, common sense plays a very important part of any odor control program. The below list of items is not intended to be all inclusive. Please refer to all information related to this farm, including suggestions made in the attached exhibits. See Exhibit 18 for an odor control checklist. 1. 'Use common sense and constant observations to prevent lagoon upsets. 2. It is desirable to add manure daily or every other day in regular doses. This is preferred to slug loading the lagoon at irregular intervals or starving the microorganisms. 3. The lagoon sludge and/or wastewater shall be tested to determine its nutrient content prior to land applications: This shall be done every 60 days or within 60 days of major application events. Send effluent and sludge samples to the N. C. Department of Agriculture, Plant, Waste, and Tissue Lab, 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, N.C. 27607, phone (919) 733-2655. Plant or crop tissue 11 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWNW samples can also be sent for regular analysis. Contact the local Cooperative Extension Service for additional details and phone numbers. Keep in mind that sludge applications will likely alter routine liquid application rates so do not confuse sludge and slurry applications with liquid effluent. See Exhibit 9 for waste sampling instructions. 4. Keep grasses and vegetation out of the lagoon. Permanent floating organic mats are not likely to occur on swine lagoons. Such mats will not interfere with performance but should be removed to help control odor and insects. Animal health consumables, rubber gloves, plastic bags, and trash tend to accumulate in lagoons and should be cleaned out regularly. Keep it neat! 5. Lagoon water levels should be lowered before the on -set of wet weather seasons and in accordance with on -farm crop needs. Leave plenty of room for heavy rainfalls or long wet seasons. Review freeboard requirements and keep enough freeboard for the appropriate storm surges. 6. Regularly inspect the lagoon dam and earthen embankments for settling or bulges, side slope stability, rodent damage, jug holes or pock marks, erosion scars, wave action damage, weeping, etc. Weeds should be mown at least one time per year and two times per year in heavy growth years so the operator can see problems before they get serious. 7. Do not drive vehicles across emergency spillways. Keep the spillway clear of limbs, tall plant growth, logs, floating debris, sedimentation, etc. Watch for erosion and settling. 8. Grazing on dams and embankments can cause problems and is not allowed. 9. Inspect all dams, earthen embankments, and emergency spillways at least two times per year or after every significant storm event. The owner/operator shall keep a written record on all inspections, maintenance and repairs done on the lagoon and or dam. 10. Lagoons with floors below the seasonably high water table should maintain the water levels in the lagoon at or slightly above the seasonably high level. 11. Always maintain at least 1 foot of freeboard in lagoons with pump systems. If pump units are not owned by the farmer where he/she has control of the use of the pump then the farmer should maintain at least a 2 feet freeboard. 12. Try to avoid large rapid liquid level reductions inside the lagoon. Always observe the inside dam sides for possible liner sloughing during rapid liquid draw -downs. Repair damaged lagoon liners immediately. 13. Emergency spillways should be kept clear of trash and debris. A good grass cover should be maintained at and down slope of emergency spillways. 14. Once new lagoons are constructed and ready for filling, it is very important to first add water to the lagoon prior to adding swine manure. The owners should be careful to add water to a new lagoon until at least one half of the lagoon design treatment volume is achieved before adding swine manure. In first stage lagoons the operator should always strive to maintain a liquid depth of about 6 feet (does not apply to storage only ponds). Initial water addition to the lagoon shall be from water wells on the farm or from nearby creeks, but if storm water run-off can be easily added to the lagoon it may be added in place of well water. Do not allow lagoon side walls to become eroded when filling. 15. Research literature suggests a pH of 7.5 to 8.0 be maintained in an anaerobic swine lagoon to obtain optimum treatment conditions and minimize odors. During lagoon start-up the acid forming bacteria will tend to populate faster then the methane forming bacteria and can lower the overall pH of the lagoon water. If this occurs, the owner/operator should add hydrated lime to the lagoon at a rate of 1 pound per 1000 cubic feet.of water. The lime can be applied to the surface of the 12 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP lagoon and mixed into the surface waters until a proper pH is obtained. Start adjusting the pH if the lagoon water, drops to or below a pH of 6.7. 16. The only way to accurately estimate the volume of sludge in an anaerobic lagoon is to take measurements. This can be done by using a "sludge judge" or a variety of other measuring devices. Measure sludge accumulation at least one time every 2 years. Plan sludge removal events as desired by the farmer in accordance with the waste utilization plan, weather conditions, etc. PLAN AHEAD! 17. Avoid unnecessary agitation of the lagoon when not irrigating. This will help control odors. Take measures to allow water to flow into the lagoon in a gentle fashion instead of splashing or cascading. Inlet piping should be placed below water surface as long as the water inside the houses will drain out fully. Extreme care should be used when filling the lagoon so as to avoid eroding a scar into the side of the lagoon and exposing undesirable soils. Use temporary flexible drainage pipe if necessary to transfer water to the bottom of the lagoon area. Flexible pipe can be left in lagoon. 18. Effluent piping from the confinement housing should be a minimum of 6 inches in diameter, however 8 inch piping may be used. Gravity flow piping should be sloped according to the recommendations of the building contractor. It should be PVC piping with glue joints. The terminal end of the piping should extend just under the water surface. If the pipe outlets are under water and the pipes are air tight the pipes should be equipped with vapor traps and vents to prevent gasses from moving back toward the confinement houses. Clean out ports should also be provided for each set of pipes. USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN INSTALLING PIPES ACROSS FILL MATERIAL SUCH AS A DAM. CONSULT THE ENGINEER OR NRCS BEFORE DIGGING. 19. Lagoon start-ups are best done in warm weather, particularly in the northern climates. This is less important in southern states. Careful consideration to pH and gradual start-up loadings can help oil set cool weather start-ups. 20. Irrigation pump intakes should be a minimum of 18 inches below the lagoon liquid surfaces. The operator may elect to occasionally agitate the sludge on the lagoon floor while irrigating in order to minimize sludge build-up. Any irrigation pump and irrigation nozzles should be designed to pump solids if this is part of the irrigation plan. If solids are agitated when irrigating, account for this in your waste application amounts. 21. Take extreme care to select optimum conditions for spray irrigation of wastewater and sludge removal " events. Careful planing will help minimize odors. Irrigate wastewater in dry warm weather if possible, preferably before 12 noon. Avoid weekend and holiday irrigation unless absolutely necessary. Try to irrigate when wind is not blowing toward neighbors. 22. New products are being developed to help minimize odors from swine operations. The owner/operator may utilize such products but these should only be utilized according to manufacture's recommendations and with caution. Many of these products do not reduce odors and are a waste of money. Rapid additions of enzymes or chemicals could cause microbial upsets. 23. In North Carolina prevailing winds blow from the southwest toward the northeast. Plant or maintain trees on the west and southwest side of the farm to act as a wind break. Plant trees between irrigation fields and neighbors or public highways. Avoid spraying on windy days or when the wind is blowing toward nearby neighbors. , 24. Keep trash, dead animals, and spilled feed cleaned up and properly disposed. Regularly haul off dead animal carcasses or bury them according to accepted carcass disposal methods. 13 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP 25. Keep at least 12 inches of air space between the bottom of concrete slats and under floor waste accumulations. Odor Control And Air Quality Regulations (recent) The NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) adopted temporary odor rules in February 1999. Permanent rules are scheduled to be adopted within the year. Most of these rules are mentioned in the above section but are being shown separate for emphasis. These rules are listed below for the farmer's information. 1. The discharge point of the flush water discharge pipe shall extend to a point below the surface of the animal wastewater lagoon. 2. The carcasses of dead animals shall be properly stored at all times and disposed of within 48 hours. 3. Spray irrigation activities of wastewater can not be allowed to drift beyond the farm boundary except for the purposes of maintaining a safe lagoon freeboard. This would be an emergency situation. Farmers must contact the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) in emergency situations and before irrigating effluent during storms. 4. Animal wastewater application spray system intakes shall be located near the liquid surface of the animal wastewater lagoon. In other words they can not be located more than 18 inches below the surface. 5. Ventilation fans shall be maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications. 6. Animal feed storage containers located outside of animal containment buildings shall be covered except when necessary to remove feed. 7. Animal wastewater flush tanks shall be covered with a device that is designed for ready access to prevent overflow or shall have installed a fill pipe that extends below the surface of the tank's wastewater. Insect Control And Mortality Management Insect control is an important aspect of the day to day operation of a swine production facility and assists the farmer in being a "good neighbor". Below is a list to consider in an insect control program. Also refer to Exhibit 19 for an insect control check list. 1. The farmer shall at all times strive to keep weeds and tall grass from growing uncontrolled around the lagoons. Good weed control will help minimize insect problems. 2. Keep large floating mats of leaves, trash, and debris cleaned out from the lagoon. These mats can tend to form a habitat for insects and flies. Dispose of all organic materials and trash in containers or dumpsters. 3. Keep dead animals picked up, placed in carcass disposal containers, and hauled off -site. In warm months have the dead animals removed from the farm every. day. 4. Keep all grass mown, especially around houses and lagoons. 5. Keep all spilled feed and piles of grain cleaned up. 6. Follow crop stalk and root destruction programs where applicable. Follow all BMP's for crop production. 7. Small pools, of water can develop around a farm due to equipment traffic, efc. Keep these depressions filled so water does not stand for long .periods. A "dry" and manicured farm discourages insect breeding. 14 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWNW 8. The farmer should consult with the local Cooperative Extension Service to discuss an integrated pest management program. Incorporate the use of pesticides and herbicides as needed for insect control. 9. Employ good housekeeping! 10. Manure tends to pack into the corners of pits and . can cause excessive odors and insects. Regularly inspect pits, sump areas, pit walls, etc. for caked manure. Use a high pressure hose to wash out caked manure areas. 11. Remove crusted solids from lagoons, pits, and channels. 12. Fly traps which lure flies to them with an attractant well if enough of them are used around a farm, especially if the animal waste is not allowed to sit undisturbed in corners of pits or in hard to reach places. Hang such traps where they will not be damaged by the animals or by machinery and where they can be maintained. 13. The managers at Wilson's Swine Farm use steel containers or dumpsters to house dead animals until picked up by a rendering company (Enterprise Rendering Company, 28821 Bethlehem Church Road, Oakboro, N.C. 28129 Ph. # (704) 485-3018). This is their method of mortality management. Make sure all dead animals are placed within this container immediately upon removal from the confinement housing. General Sediment, Nutrient And Run -Off Control Suggestions (use as needed) 1. The off -site discharge of animal waste is prohibited. Surface waters of the state can not be impacted by animal waste. In the future the farmer shall at all times take whatever means necessary to control soil erosion on the farm and prevent sediment or nutrient transport off -site. The farmer should use terraces, grass strips, grass buffer zones, farming on the contour, silt fencing, rock dams, etc. in order to control erosion and run-off. However, erosion control design is beyond the scope of this waste utilization package. The local NRCS office may assist in developing a long term sediment and erosion control plan if requested by the farmer. 2. The up -slope sides of all lagoons shall have sufficiently sized stormwater diversion embankments across their length to convey rainfall run-off to the sides or around the ponds. Rainfall run-off from the buildings should be diverted away from the pond area if possible. 3. After any soil disturbance and/or final grading takes place, the farmer shall establish permanent vegetation around the confinement houses, lagoon dams, and waste application fields. The farmer shall maintain good covers with mowing and fertilizing. Annually collect soil samples for analysis and follow fertilizer and lime recommendations. Fertilize and lime native grasses around the site and keep existing ground cover in tact as much as possible. Maintain natural water ways and ditches. Plant new cover grasses as necessary. See Exhibit 8 for soil sampling and plant tissue sampling instructions. 4. Repair mulch and seed beds as necessary if areas of dead grass develop or erosion scars occur. 5. Use pesticides and herbicides only as a last resort to keep grass stands healthy. Use good housekeeping techniques to control insects along with or instead of pesticides. 6. New shrubs and trees should not be planted closer than 30 feet to lagoons and never on earthen dams. 7. Leave grasses a little long just going into the typical dormant season for the type of grass you have. Leave grasses long in buffer areas and in grass water ways. 15 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW Personal Safety Considerations Around Lagoons (repeated from lagoon design package) 1. Fencing around the lagoon is an option to the farmer if trespassing is a problem. If the public or children will have access to the lagoon area the lagoon should have a stock tight fence installed around its perimeter. Clear warning signs should be installed around the lagoon and be visible from all sides of the lagoon. Unauthorized persons should be kept away from the lagoon area. 2. The owners should install throw type safety devices within easy access from at least 2 places around the lagoon in the event of a drowning accident. Safety ropes should also be kept nearby. At least one person at the farm should have water rescue training. Any person using a boat on the lagoon must wear a life preserver and have a helper standing on shore in case of an emergency, All farm personnel should have first aid and safety training. 3 Animal manures produce gasses as their solids decompose. Agitation of lagoon solids or agitation of under slat liquids can cause large amounts of gasses to. be released quickly. The owners should be aware that certain gasses are colorless and odorless and can cause asphyxiation and death under severe circumstances (usually in confined spaces and not as likely around a lagoon). It is doubtful gas concentrations would approach explosive levels, but the owners should be aware of such possibilities in confined spaces. Employees should be warned about such dangers and trained in .dealing with such matters. The primary types of gases produced by animal manure are listed below: TABLE 10 Hydrogen Sulfide- MS : • The most dangerous of gases produced, especially during manure agitation. This gas is corrosive to exposed metal parts. 7 • Colorless with distinct odor. _ • Heavier than air, accumulates near the floor. • Recommended maximum safe gas concentrations for an 8 hour exposure to humans: 10 parts per million • Recommended control of as: Adequate ventilation. • Not readily explosive. Carbon Dioxide- CO2 : • Not particularly toxic in normal concentrations. Large quantities can be released during manure agitation. Not particularly corrosive. • Colorless and odorless. • Heavier than air, accumulates near the floor. • Recommended maximum safe gas concentrations for an 8 hour exposure to humans: 5,000 parts per million • Recommended control of gas: Adeq uate ventilation. • Not readily explosive. Methane- CH4 16 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWNT • The most explosive of gases produced, especially during manure agitation. Not extremely toxic at low levels. • Colorless and odorless. • Li hter than air, accumulates near the ceiling. • Recommended maximum safe gas concentrations for an 8 hour exposure to humans: 1,000 parts er million • Recommended control of as: Adequate ventilation. • Explosive at concentrations of 50,000 to 150,000 parts per million (or 5 - 15 %) Ammonia-(NH4): • Not extremely toxic in lower concentrations. Irritating to the eyes and respiratory system. Can be released in large quantities especially during manure agitation. Can be corrosive to exposed metal parts. • Colorless with ve distinct odor. • Lighter than air, accumulates near the ceiling. • Recommended maximum safe gas concentrations for an 8 hour exposure to humans: 25 parts per million • Recommended control of gas: Adequate ventilation. • Not readily explosive._ 4. Workers should never go under floor slats unless accompanied by a helper and only if adequate ventilation is in place. Drain and clean under slat pits at least 8 hours prior to entering in addition to providing good ventilation. Workers entering confined spaces should follow OSHA guidelines for such activities. 5. The owner/operator may wish to purchase a portable hand held gas meter for questionable environmental situations. 6. Beware of spiders and snakes around swine facilities. 7. Workers should attend to cuts and wounds immediately with the proper first aid. 8. An emergency action plan must be developed for this farm in case an emergency develops. A general plan is discussed later in this document. WASTE UTILIZATION PLANS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Soils To Receive Waste The USDA/NRCS soil survey maps for Richmond County (Exhibit 4) are not as complete as some counties. It would appear from Exhibit 4 that there is only one soil type for the Gold Leaf Farm crop land. That predominate soils series to "potentially" receive animal manure at this site is Candor and Wakulla. Below the reader will find a soil description: 17 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Soils At Gold Leaf Farm - Crop Land 1. 716B - WcB. Candor and Wakulla Soils, 0 to 8 percent slopes. Soil Description - 1 Soil Name.................................................................. Candor and Wakulla Soils Soil Index Number ..................................................... 6 (most probable) Most Restrictive Permeability Zone ............................ 6 in/hr. (approx.) Maximum Long Duration Application Rate ................ Bare Soil = 0.40 In./Hr. (Avg.) Maximum Long Duration Application Rate ................ On Crop = 0.50 In./Hr. (Avg.) Maximum Short Duration Application Rate ................ On Crop = 0,60 Inches/flour "Design" Moisture Use Rate (Maximum -Hay) ........... 0.24 Inches/Day "Design" Moisture Use Rate (Maximum-Veg.) ........... 0.18 Inches/Day Maximum Irrigation During Peak ET - Hay ....................... Every 4 to 5 Days Maximum Irrigation During Peak ET - Veg....................... Every 7 to 8 Days Application Amount Range Per Event .............................. 0.3 to 1.0 inches ++ Most of the above soil. description was taken from the NRCS Technical guide, Section II-G (Sprinkler Irrigation Guide). Certain items have been modified per the engineer's opinion. ++ Approximate maximum irrigation in one cycle in the piedmont and coastal plain. Usually irrigation application amounts should be 0.75 inches or less. Highest value assumes a 75% irrigation efficiency and would only be possible in hot and dry weather conditions on slopes less than 8 %. Steeper slopes or cool weather applications will require less intensive irrigation. Do not apply more than 1 inch of wastewater at any one irrigation event. Application amounts of fresh water may be higher. On -Farm Nutrient Production From Animal Manure And Its Use On Agricultural Crops There is no more important task in the utilization of animal waste than to properly apply it on a particular crop at rates which the plants can utilize. Over application can cause nutrients to be washed off to surface water or leached into ground water, and under application can result in a poor crop growth, lower yields, etc. Proper application amounts are known as "agronomic rates". The proper agronomic rates can vary from season to season, by crop types, by soil types, by topography, by short term weather conditions, etc. These values are not to be confused with potential hydraulic loadings. Hydraulic loadings will be discussed in another section. The key factor to remember is to not apply nutrients to crops in excess of their ability to utilize these nutrients or in excess of water (hydraulic) acceptance .rates. Do not be confused and think that there is only one nutrient application rate for a particular crop. Nutrient application will va as mentioned above. Once raw animal waste is collected and stored it starts going through microbial digestion. Anaerobic lagoons are especially good at breaking down solids and nutrients in raw manure. The microbes in all digestion processes consume some nutrients in their metabolism and help reduce the nutrient value of the raw manure. Anaerobically digested animal manure contains nitrogen as well as other macronutrients such as calcium, phosphorous, potassium, etc. In addition the effluent contains many micronutrients such as copper, zinc, iron, etc. Currently only nitrogen is considered as the limiting nutrient factor for the land application of animal waste, but in the future other nutrients may become the limiting components,especially if they are found in large quantities within the waste. The farmer must perform annual soil tests for potassium, phosphorous, copper, zinc, sodium, etc. The farmer 18 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP should always be aware of the total nutrient composition of his/her waste and alwa s look at other nutrients besides nitrogen since these can seriously effect crop health. Some discussion about nutrients and metals will be given in this plan. Exhibit 13 shows maximum metal loading in soils. Below the reader will find estimated nutrient amounts expected to be produced from the swine waste. These values are subject to change with future waste analyses. Nitrogen Plant Available Nitrogen or P.A.N. in animal waste can be most reliably estimated by using an average Jof actual chemical analyses. When data is not available the designer can use some standard design numbers (i.e. book values) such as those issued by the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service, NRCS publications, etc. Book values are often used if there are not at least 6 consecutive waste analyses to average (i.e. 2 per year for 3 years or 3 per year for 2 years). All nitrogen figures discussed within this report are given as P.A.N. As a word of caution, NCDA waste testing is only as reliable as the care with which the sample is retrieved. Therefore the farmer should take extreme care to collect representative waste samples. The same would be true for soil sampling. The reader can see Exhibit 9 for waste sampling instructions and Exhibit 8 for soil sampling instructions. Animal manure from Wilson's Swine Farm is the only source of animal waste that will be applied to the Gold Leaf Farm crop land. Table 11 (below) shows recent test data from the swine lagoon. This data was collected by Mr. Bryan Wilson and provided to the engineer (also see Exhibit 5). In addition Table 11 shows "average book values" for similar type hog operations. The actual on -farm test data only represents 2 sample dates or sample events. The reader should note that according to DWQ guidelines and NRCS guidelines there is not enough long term testing data available from Wilson's Swine Farm to draw strong conclusions about P.A.N. amounts in the effluent. In addition the samples were all taken in warm months which could also skew the data. Because the actual test data is higher than the book value, the engineer has chosen to use a value slightly over the average book value to estimate nitrogen production. However the engineer would like to caution the farmer to clesel watch future NCDA test results since the few available P.A.N. values show levels of nitrogen significantly above the book averages. REMINDER: In the future the farmer must collect waste samples at least 3 times per year to accurately track nutrient levels in the lagoon effluent. Collecting samples one time per season (4 times per year) is a better plan if at all possible. Gold Leaf Farm Nitrogen Value Determination Number of Head: 8,800 top hogs. Type of operation: Feeder to Finish Estimation source: NCDA test results and NRCS book value averages Estimated average weight per animal unit: 135 lbs Estimated average excess water production (rainfall added) =1.0 cu. ft. /lb. Excess water production est. source: NCSU - Cooperative Ext. Service. 19 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TABLE 11 Estimated P.A.N. Production On Wilson's Swine Farm - Annual Totals DATE OR APPLICATION RA.N. PER ESTIMATED TOTAL P.A.N. TYPE OF TECHNIQUE UNIT FOR GALLONS OF PRODUCTION SAMPLE LIQUID WASTE EFFLUENT TO (POUNDS PER YEAR) (POUNDS PER IRRIGATE 1000 GAL) ANNUALLY (GALLONS) 7-9-97 Irrigated 3.1 N/A N/A 7-9-97 irrigated 3.0 N/A N/A 6-17-98 Irrigated 3.5 N/A N/A 6-17-98 Irrigated 3.1 N/A N/A 6-17-98 Irri ated 3.9 N/A N/A Average of Irrigated 3.3 8,900,000 29,370 Actual Data NRCS Book Irrigated 2.5 8,900,000 22,250 Value Selected Design Irrigated 2.75 8,900,000 24,475 Value Copper And Zinc Copper and zinc are trace metals (heavy metals) often found in animal type waste and will appear in the anaerobic lagoon effluent in small amounts. Heavy metals concentrations are usually higher in anaerobic lagoon bio-solids (sludge) than in anaerobic lagoon effluent. Plants must have a limited amount of these metals in order to thrive. Copper and zinc can accumulate in soils and may eventually reach high enough levels to become toxic to plants (phytotoxic) if applied year after year, especially if applied in large amounts each year. Different plants have different tolerances for these metals. Harmful metal accumulation levels will also depend on the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil. Exhibit 13 shows these two metals and relative harmful levels. The land owner or operator should always try to keep the heavy metal levels as low as possible. MRCS, DWQ, etc. recommends that no more than 1/20 of the lifetime metals allowance be applied in any one year, especially if the application is an on -going event. Soil test data will show existing metal levels and the CEC of the soil. Soil tests for copper and zinc must be taken at least annually or according to the DWQ issued permit. Table 12 summarizes the most recent test results in terms of copper and zinc concentrations. Phosphorus and Potassium Phosphorus is found in various concentrations in all animal types of waste with concentrations usually higher in anaerobic lagoon sludge. Phosphorous is a key element to ensure good crop health. Its effect on crop growth is not as dramatic as nitrogen or potassium, but the lack of it can cause plant stunting, poor seed formation, and reduced crop yields. Phosphorous levels in animal type waste will vary depending on many factors so testing will always be required. Often the operator will land apply phosphorus in amounts beyond what can be taken up by plants. High phosphorus levels are more of a problem for surface transport to streams than it is a problem for plants. This is because the phosphorous strongly attaches itself to soil particles. Therefore the operator must be very cautious about surface run-off and soil erosion from fields into streams or creeks. Good buffer strips and 20 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP erosion controls will help keep phosphorus from getting into streams. See Exhibits 12 and 17 for more details about phosphorus. Potassium is also found in anaerobic lagoon effluent and is a very important element for plant growth. Plants use potassium in quantities similar to their use of nitrogen. The lack of potassium can cause plant stress, defoliation, or death. Potassium is less mobile in soil than nitrogen but more mobile than potassium. Sandy soils tend to loose potassium more readily than clay soils. Maintaining good soil pH and organic matter will help keep potassium from moving below the plant root zone. Potassium is not thought to be as environmentally damaging as phosphorous. Good buffer strips and erosion controls will help keep phosphorus from getting into streams from run-off. See Exhibits 12 and 17 for more details. about potassium. As mentioned above under P.A.N. discussions, Wilson's Swine Farm does not have enough representative lagoon effluent samples or test results from which to draw strong conclusions about nutrient contents. However for the purpose of discussion Table 12 summarizes the known test results in terms of phosphorous and potassium concentrations assuming they will be irrigated. Sodium Sodium is a naturally occurring element in many soils. Excessive buildups of sodium can cause water stress in growing plants. Sometimes sodium can cause clay particle dispersion if it is not balanced with calcium or magnesium. Clay particle dispersion will cause the soil surface to become hard and will severely restrict water infiltration and permeability. High sodium content wastes, if land applied, can accumulate sodium in the soil profile and cause the problems mentioned above. Engineers use an equation to evaluate the potential effect of sodium on a soil that is called the Sodium Adsorption Ration or S.A.R. This ratio looks at a balance between sodium, calcium and magnesium. In general, a wastewater or sludge with a S.A.R. of 15 or less is usually safe to apply on clay soils. Sandy soils do not have as much problem with clay dispersion as do clay type soils since the clay content of sandy soils is obviously less. The waste sample collected for this project (using values from Table 12) has a S.A.R. of less than 8. All things considered, sodium does not seem to be a problem at this time. Table 12 summarizes the test results for sodium. Other Elements In The Lagoon Effluent Exhibit 5 shows additional elements and compounds that were tested for by the NCDA. The engineer does not see significant quantities of these elements that are of concern given the amount of effluent scheduled for application. However, the operator should not be lulled into thinking future test results will remain the same as shown here. Future test results should always be viewed for elevations in heavy metals, sodium, etc. Table 12 shows the remainder of these tested elements and rough estimations on their quantities in future applications. But remember, these are estimates .and do not substitute for routine testing. 21 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TABLE 12 ESTIMATED ANNUAL WASTE APPLICATION AMOUNTS FOR VARIOUS COMPONENTS FOUND IN THE WILSON'S SWINE FARM ANAEROBIC LAGOON EFFLUENT NCDA WASTE ANALYSES RESULTS taken 7-9-97 and 6-17-98 Compound Averaged Sample Test Results + Gallons of Waste to Irrigate Annually Total Annual Est. Application Due To Irrigation Suggested Maximum Soil Loading Rates (cumulative) ++ Aluminum (Al)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data Not Established Arsenic (As) No Data 8,900,000 No Data < 37 lbs.lacre Boron (B)* 0,64 mg/L 8,900)000 48 pounds Not Established Calcium (Ca)* 106 mg/L 8,900,000 7,872 pounds N/A Cadmium (Cd)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data 4.4 - 17.81bs./acre Chlorine (Cl)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data Not Established Chromium (Cr) No Data 8,900,000 No Data < 2,616 lbs./acre Copper (Cu)* 0.55 mg/L 8,900,000 41 pounds 125 - 5001bs./acre Iron (Fe)* 5 mg/L 8,900,000 371 pounds Not Established Lead (Pb)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data 500 - 2,0001bs./acre Lithium (Li)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data Not Established Magnesium (Mg)* 23.24 mg/L 8,900,000 1,726 pounds Not Established Manganese (Mn)* 0.33 mg/L 8,900,000 25 pounds Not Established Mercury (Hg) No Data 8,900,000 No Data <15 lbs./acre Molybdenum (Mo)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data <16 lbs./acre Nickel (Ni)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data 125 - 500 lbs./acre Phosphorous (P)* 80.22 mg/L 8,900,000 5,957 pounds N /A Potassium (K)* 896 mg/L 8,900,000 66,538 pounds N /A Selenium (Se)* No Data 8,900,000 No Data < 891bs./acre Sodium (Na)* 331 mg/L 8,900,000 24,581 pounds Not Established Sulfur (S)* 21A mg/L 8,900,000 1,589 pounds Not Established Zinc (Zn)* 0.71 mg/L 8,900,000 53 pounds 250 - 1,000 lbs./acre * = These elements or compounds are reportable values on the NCDA Waste Analysis Report sheets. + = These values are shown for irrigation since that will be the likely manner of application. They are total values not necessarily plant available. Some of each element will be used by each year's crop. ++ = This column is shown for general guidance only. Maximum values will actually depend on soil type, soil pH, and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil. See Exhibit 13 for potential phytotoxic problem levels for copper and zinc. Sources are EPA and NCDA. N / A = Not applicable. 22 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Soil Test Results And Discussions Routine soil testing is very important for land application sites to give the operator feedback about soil conditions. The soil test is representative of the conditions of the soil in everything but nitrogen. Nitrogen is estimated based on typical plant needs and is not reported as a true test result. All soil reports are a "snap -shot" of the soil conditions at a particular time and are subject to change as the years pass. Keep soil data for historical reviews. Gold Leaf Farm has been taking soil samples and having them tested at the NCDA lab for a number of - years. Exhibit 15 shows three years of soil test data. For brevity the engineer will let the reader view Exhibit 15 for himself/herself. The farmer has designated where each sample was collected. In the future the farmer should keep all records according to the field numbers within this document. The latest soil report (i.e. 1999) is the best report since it is the newest. While these soil reports are only "snap -shots" of the soil conditions from year to year, the following basic comments can be made: 1. Most sandy soils will need lime in order to maintain the proper pH. Keeping the soil pH near neutral (i.e. neutral is 7) will help keep metals immobile and provide a proper plant growth acidity level. The swine effluent from the anaerobic lagoon already contains some calcium and magnesium which could account for some of the annual lime needs. The most recent soil tests show that there is little need for lime for the upcoming planting season. Always collect soil samples before waste applications to verify the correct lime amounts. The soil pH values tested by Bryan Wilson are mostly between 5.6 and 6.5. 2. Past soil test results should be kept by the operator and compared to new test results. Look for trends or increasing levels of metals. When collecting soil samples, closely follow the soil sample instructions found in Exhibit 8. Do not use galvanized buckets or galvanized tools to collect these samples. _ 3. Land applied nutrients from animal waste are not 100 percent available to the crop in the first year. Some of the nutrients applied this year will become available next year for next years crops. Discussions about nutrient mineralization and residuals are beyond the scope of this report. Collect soil samples early enough to study the results before planting crops. 4. Crop nitrogen requirements are estimated on the soil reports. Remember that nitrogen requirements are based on averages for a particular type crop. More will be said later about crop — production rates vs. nitrogen application. 5. In terms of crop utilization and benefits, there is a need for potassium (i.e. potash) on every field and little or no phosphorous needed according to the 1999 soil test results. Table 12 indicates that a considerable amount of potassium is available from the animal manure. Use caution but go ahead and land apply the correct amount of nutrients to the crops via irrigation, broadcasting, etc. JPay close attention to P and K levels in the future since there is a considerable amount of these elements in the animal waste. 6. According to the 1999 soil report there.is not a need to add copper or zinc to the soils at the farm in terms of crop production. In fact future loading of these metals should be minimized to avoid plant phytotoxicity problems. The 1999 soil test indicates that copper and zinc levels are not at levels to cause plant phototoxic problems for fields 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Fields 2 and 8 had no _ results reported for 1999. Looking back on soils reports from 1998 and 1997 it would appear field 8 is approaching excessive amounts of both copper and zinc. Here the zinc index is high compared to the CEC of the soil (see Exhibit 13 for a table of metals and CFCs). There were no soil samples collected for field 2. 23 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP 7. Field # 8 may have had chicken litter applied to it in years past, raising the elevation of copper and zinc. While there does not appear to be a noticeable vegetative problem within this field, the engineer would recommend keeping a close eye .on this sample next time and if the zinc and copper indexes are still increasing, discontinue applying animal waste on this field. Read Exhibit 8 carefully for soil sampling instructions to make sure the test results are representative of your situation. Overall Cropping Descriptions Discussions between the farmer and the engineer were held to determine the farmer's desire for future crop selection. As mentioned earlier, Gold Leaf Farm grows a wide variety of crops. Table 13 shows the crops typically grown at the farm. All crops are harvested regularly. The reader should understand that Mr. Wilson rotates his crops from field to field from year to year. This means he could have most any type crop in any given field on any particular year. The exact mixture of crops to be grown on any field will depend on the farmer's business needs, crop demands, and the weather. In order to make this report useful and not overly complex the engineer will not attempt to give all possible combinations of crop patterns but will discuss the most likely combinations. The farmer should be able to take the discussed data and apply it to the particular crop combinations each year. A discussion on the cropping patterns will appear below. Cereal Rye (i.e. small grain) will be planted on all fields for a winter cover crop. All cereal rye planted crops will be grazed by cattle. Cereal rye stubble will be plowed under when the time comes to plant row crops. Cereal rye overseeded on coastal bermudagrass fields will be cut short just before bermudagrass emergence. All effluent will be surface applied via a spray irrigation system. Mr. Wilson can apply effluent via a broadcast wagon if needed, but this is not currently planned for the farm. See Exhibit 7 for a property sketch, field identifications and an irrigation plan. Table 13 shows the various fields at Gold Leaf Farm which are scheduled to receive waste. This table is a best guess summary of the Gold Leaf cropping patterns and available land areas. The field sizes were taken from FSA field maps and aerial photographs and are the engineer's best estimates. Some on -the -ground field sizes were collected for verification of map scale. The field sizes shown in Table 13 are not wettable acres. The crops shown to be grown are typical for that particular field. The farmer has flexibility in changing the crop patterns if needed, but records must be kept to show what was grown on each field how much Jeld was obtained, and how much waste ap .l� ied. Typically, row crops will be grown in warm weather on every cultivated field when possible. Cereal rye will be planted as a cover crop during cool weather on cultivated fields and on the bermudagrass field. Gold Leaf Farm will harvest the produced crops except for the grazing mentioned earlier. Burning hay or other crops is not allowed. 24 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TABLE 13 Field Sizes for the Gold Leaf Farm Property Field Field Areas Field Areas Predominate Crop Type To Be Grown Approx. Number Before After Soil Type(s) Slopes In Buffers Buffers Fields (acres) + (acres) + 1 32.78 31.31 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Corn, R-ve 2 5.18 4.65 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 2 to 10 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Corn, I Re 3 13.30 13.30 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % f Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Corn, Re 4 31.05 30.09 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Com, Rve 5 18.94 18.94 Candor WcB Coastal Bermudagrass, Rye 0-to 8 % 6 31.63 30.42 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Corn, R_ye.J. 7 35.04 33.84 Candor WcB Tobacco, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 0 to 8 % Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Field Corn, Rve 8 3.39 2.42 Candor WcB Coastal Bermudagrass, Rye 0 to 8 % Total 171.31 164.97 N/A I N/A N/A + = These are NOT wetted acres. Crop Planting and Fertilizing Considerations Tobacco Flue cured tobacco is a warm season annual that will be planted at Gold Leaf Farm. Approximately fifty acres of tobacco will be planted each year according to the farmer. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. However nitrogen leaching is a function of weather, temperature, soil type, topsoil depth, microbial activity, waste type, organic content of the waste, etc. The best time for planting flue cured tobacco is between April 1 and May 15, but this planting window can change depending on the readiness of the transplants, weather (especially temperature), field preparations, etc. Typically, tobacco plants are transplanted into the fields in rows • as seedlings. Tobacco seedling' spacings will vary somewhat by variety, soil types, experience, etc. Therefore the engineer will not specify a particular plant or row spacing in this document. Tobacco is a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore it can not have animal waste applied to it once in the field. 25 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to tobacco since a only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of tobacco must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. Tobacco quality greatly depends on the proper applications of nitrogen. Too much or too little nitrogen can have a negative impact on the tobacco quality. Typical nitrogen application ranges for tobacco are between 50 and 80 pounds of nitrogen annually, but this may need to be adjusted upwards if leaching is a problem (mainly on sandy or coarse textured soils). Fine textured soils with high clay or organic content will require the lower range of nitrogen. Deep topsoils that have a coarse and sandy texture require more nitrogen. The normal ripening process of tobacco leaves is partially caused by nitrogen starvation. Leaves high in nitrogen are difficult to cure and often turn dark, especially in the yellowing stage. Therefore the farmer should avoid applying nitrogen to tobacco late in its growing cycle. Overall the growing of tobacco is a complicated process and the fertilization process is not a "one size fits all" effort. The reader can see more information about tobacco production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 Flue Cured Tobacco Information", AG- 187. Animal waste will only be applied to tobacco as a preplant measure. Nitrogen from the animal waste will be released over time so applying the waste near transplanting will afford the plants longer exposure to the available nitrogen. For tobacco the engineer will use the typical preplant nitrogen rate as a fixed pounds per acre. P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for tobacco at the Gold Leaf Farm will be given at 65 lbs. N per acre. This rate takes into consideration the sandy soils and the rates given in the 1999 Tobacco Information book mentioned above. Tobacco is a warm season crop and its nutrient uptake is typically greatest in the months from May through June. This uptake of nutrients may shift a little depending on when the crop is planted. A typical R.Y.E. for tobacco on Candor soils would be 1,700 pounds per acre, but Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of 3,000 pounds per acre. The engineer believes the significantly larger yield is due to fresh water irrigation. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Tobacco may be harvested over a several month period. Usually this period is from August through October but can be as early as July and as late as November. The tobacco leaves will be harvested and the stalks and roots reincorporated into the soil. Records shall be kept on all tonnage of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. This especially important since many nutrients other than nitrogen are important for tobacco production. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. Sweet Corn Field corn is a warm season crop. Mr. Wilson usually plants about 15 acres of sweet corn per year on the Gold Leaf Farm. Field corn is typically planted between February 15 to April 30 in eastern NC and between March 15 and June 1 in the Piedmont. However it is best to plant corn by April 15 in both regions to achieve the best yields. Corn has its most vigorous growth and nitrogen uptake between 25 and 75 days after planting. 26 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAW vT When commercial fertilizer is used, a percent of the total crop nitrogen needs (say 1/4 to 1/2 total N application) is applied at preplant or at planting. This will of course depend on the soil type, organic matter in the soil, clay content of the soil, rainfall, etc. Then as the corn starts to grow and is roughly 12 to 18 inches tall, 1/2 to 3/4 of the total nitrogen is applied as a side dressing. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting i to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. Nitrogen can be applied to a growing corn crop as needed as long as the total nitrogen applied does not exceed the crop's demand. IL Sweet corn is a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore it can not have animal waste applied to it once in it emerges. This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to sweet corn since only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of sweet corn must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. For sweet corn the engineer will use the typical preplant N rate as a fixed pounds per acre. Typical P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for sweet corn at the Gold Leaf Farm is usually 85 lbs. N per acre. This is slightly higher than the normally recommended preplant application from commercial fertilizer, but since the sweet corn will be irrigated and since some of the animal waste P.A.N. will be released over time the engineer feels this application rate would be appropriate. A typical R.Y.E. for sweet corn on Candor soils was not available for review. Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of sweet corn to be 1,000 and 1,200 dozen per acre. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Since there are numerous varieties of corn it is best to refer to the manufactures recommendations on planting rates and row spacings. However, a rule of rhumb is to strive for around 14,500 to 19,000 corn plants per acre. Sweet corn will normally be ready for harvest around the first of July. The corn ears will be harvested and the stalks reincorporated into the soil. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. The reader can see more information about sweet corn production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 North Carolina Commercial Vegetable Recommendations", AG-586. Field Corn Field corn is a warm season crop. Mr. Wilson usually plants about 16 acres of field corn per year on the Gold Leaf Farm. Field corn is typically planted between March 20 to May 1 in eastern NC and between March 25 and May 15 in the Piedmont. However it is best to plant corn by. April 15 in both regions to achieve the best yields. Soil temperatures need to be about 55 degrees F. in order to plant corn seed. Corn has its most vigorous growth and nitrogen uptake between 25 and 75 days after planting. 27 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW When commercial fertilizer is used a percent of the total crop nitrogen needs (say 1/4 to 1/2 total N application) is applied at preplant or at planting. This will of course depend on the soil type, organic matter in the soil, clay content of the soil, rainfall, etc. Then as the corn starts to grow and is roughly 12 inches tall, 1/2 to 3/4 of the total nitrogen is applied as a side dressing. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. Nitrogen can be applied to a growing corn crop as needed as long as the total nitrogen applied does not exceed the crop's demand. Field corn is not a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore it can have animal waste applied to it after it emerges. The engineer will use R.Y.E. to calculate nutrient uptake based on historical values since the book values for corn yields on Candor soils are so far off the normal Gold Leaf Farm yields. The engineer believes the book values for corn yields on Candor soils (i.e. 45 bushels per acre) do not account for the use of fresh water irrigation and subsequent increased yields. The engineer sees no reason to detract from the farmer's historical yields simply to comply with a book number that is inaccurate for this farm. Typical nitrogen removal by field corn is usually 1 to 1.2 pounds of N uptake per bushel of harvested crop. A typical RY.E. for field corn at the Gold Leaf Farm is conservatively 100 bushels per acre, and in many years up to 150 bushels per acre. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Nitrogen application on field corn usually stops about one week before tasseling which usually occurs about 3 months from planting. Applying nitrogen after the silks have turned brown is not advised. A rule for applying nitrogen is to apply one half as a preplant measure and the rest 30 to 40 days after emergence. Be careful not to over -apply nitrogen or obtain run-off of effluent when applying animal waste. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Since there are numerous varieties of corn it is best to refer to the manufactures recommendations on planting rates and row spacings. However, a rule of thumb is to strive for around 20,000 to 24,000 corn plants per acre. Field corn is usually ready for harvest between October and November. Optimum grain moisture content for mechanically harvested corn is between 21 and 26 percent. The corn ears will be harvested .and the stalks reincorporated into the soil. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. Annually the farmer or irrigation operator shall compare crop removal rates with animal waste analyses and adjust waste application accordingly. The reader can see more information about field corn production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service- publication titled "Corn Production Systems in North Carolina", AG-347. Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are a warm season annual that will be planted at Gold Leaf Farm. Approximately twenty five acres of sweet potatoes will be planted each year. Sweet potatoes are typically planted 28 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP between May 1 to July 15 in eastern NC and between May 15 and June 30 in the Piedmont. Sweet potato root development requires about 3 to 4 months. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. However nitrogen leaching is a function of weather, temperature, soil type, microbial activity, waste type, organic content of the waste, etc. Sweet potato sprouts can be set out on soil ridges 8 to 14 inches apart with row spacings of 36 to 48 inches. Sweet potatoes are a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore they can not have animal waste applied to the plants once in the field. This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to sweet potatoes since only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of sweet potatoes must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. r; For sweet potatoes the engineer will use the typical preplant N rate as a fixed pounds per acre. Typical P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for sweet potatoes at the Gold Leaf Farm is usually 60 lbs. N per acre. For sweet potatoes, fertilizer is usually added about 21 to 28 days after planting, but since the sweet potatoes will be irrigated and since some of the animal waste P.A.N. will be released over time the engineer feels this application rate would be appropriate. A typical R.Y.E. for sweet potatoes on Candor soils was not available to the engineer, but Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of 350 bushels per acre. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Sweet potatoes are usually ready for harvest sometime in September or October. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. The reader can see more information about sweet potato production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 North Carolina Commercial Vegetable Recommendations", AG-586. Watermelons Watermelons are a warm season annual that will be planted at Gold Leaf Farm. Approximately twenty acres of watermelons will be planted each year. Watermelons are typically planted between April 15 to May 20 in eastern NC and between May 1 and June 15 in the Piedmont. However it is best to plant watermelons as early as possible in either region. Soil temperatures should be 55 degrees F before planting. Early plantings may need to be protected from wind damage by rye strips, or similar wind breaks. Watermelons should mature in about 3 months from emergence if using direct seeding. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. 29 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP However nitrogen leaching is a function of weather, temperature, soil type, microbial activity, waste type, organic.content of the waste, etc. Watermelons can be planted by direct seeding. Plant 3 to 5 pounds of seed per acre. The recommended spacings for watermelons is 3 to 4 feet apart with row spacings of 5 to 6 feet. If plastic mulch is used this spacing would change. Watermelons are a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore they can not have animal waste applied to the plants once in the field. This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, -k values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to watermelons since only a certain amount of the total N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of watermelons must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. For watermelons the engineer will use the typical preplant N rate as a fixed pounds per acre. Typical P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for fresh water irrigated watermelons at the Gold Leaf Farm is usually 60 lbs. N per acre. For watermelons, fertilizer is usually added at preplant and after the vines start running and sometimes after the first harvest. When commercial fertilizer is used about 50 pounds of N per acre is used, but since the animal waste P.A.N. will be released over time the engineer feels the 60 pound application rate would be appropriate. A typical R.Y.E. for watermelons on Candor soils was not available to the engineer, but Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of 8 tons per acre. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Watermelons are usually ready for harvest sometime in mid summer, usually sometime in July or early August. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. The reader can see more information about watermelon production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 North Carolina Commercial Vegetable Recommendations", AG-586. Cantaloupes (muskmelon) Cantaloupes are a warm season annual that will be planted at Gold Leaf Farm. Approximately fifteen acres of cantaloupes will be planted each year. Cantaloupes are typically planted between April 15 to May 15 in eastern NC and between May 1 and July 20 in the Piedmont. Some eastern NC planting may also occur between July 1 and July 15 according to published literature, but not for the Gold Leaf Farm. It is best to plant cantaloupes as early as possible in either region. Transplant or seed cantaloupes when the daily mean temperature has reached 60 degrees F. Temperatures below 45 degrees F can cause plant stunting. Early plantings may need to be protected from wind damage by rye strips, or similar wind breaks. Cantaloupes should mature in about 100 days from planting. When using animal manure as a nitrogen source, the nitrogen can not be applied more than 1 month before planting the crop. The engineer recommends less time between waste application and planting to avoid unwanted leaching of the nitrogen below the soon -to -be root zone, especially in sandy soils. However nitrogen leaching is a function of weather, temperature, soil type, microbial activity, waste type, organic content of the waste, etc. 30 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Cantaloupes can be planted by direct seeding or by using seedlings. The recommended spacings for cantaloupes is 5 to 6 feet apart on plastic mulch and 6 to 7 feet on bare ground. If plastic mulch is used 7.5 to 15 square feet should be allowed per plant and if bare ground is used 20 to 25 square feet should be allowed. Cantaloupes are a crop scheduled for human consumption therefore they can not have animal waste applied to the plants once in the field. This means any animal waste must be applied as a preplant measure only. Thus, book values for R.Y.E. are really not applicable to cantaloupes since only a certain amount of the total. N needed for this crop will be applied at preplant. Post emergence N needs of cantaloupes must be supplied via a commercial fertilizer. For cantaloupes the engineer will use the typical preplant N rate as a fixed pounds per acre. Typical P.A.N. application as a preplant measure for fresh water irrigated cantaloupes at the Gold Leaf Farm is usually 60 lbs. N per acre. For cantaloupes, fertilizer is usually added at preplant and after the vines start running. When commercial fertilizer is used about 50 pounds of N per acre is used, but since the animal waste P.A.N. will be released over time the engineer feels this application rate of 60 pounds would be appropriate. A typical R.Y.E. for cantaloupes on Candor soils was not available to the engineer, but Gold Leaf Farm records show a typical yield of 7.5 tons per acre. Again, R.Y.E. will not be used to calculate P.A.N. removal due to only applying animal waste as a preplant. Table 14 shows a summary of typical nitrogen uptake windows for various crops. Cantaloupes are usually ready for harvest sometime in mid summer, usually from July 15 to August 15, but can vary with many factors. Records shall be kept on all tonnage (or applicable yield units) of all crops removed from the site. Regular soil samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports. The reader can see more information about cantaloupe production in the NC Cooperative Extension Service publication titled "1999 North Carolina Commercial Vegetable Recommendations", AG-586. Hybrid Coastal Bermudagrass (for hay) Typically, hybrid coastal bermudagrass will yield more tonnage than common bermudagrass. Hybrid coastal bermudagrass produces no seeds but spreads by rhizomes and stolons. Coastal bermudagrass is a warm season crop and its nutrient uptake is typically greatest in the months from May to August, however it may actively grow from April to October, depending on temperatures. Climatic and nutrient conditions will alter growth rates for bermudagrass. About 3 cuttings per year can be expected on most bermudagrass fields. Hybrid coastal bermudagrass tolerates acid soils reasonably well (pH 5 to 5.5). However it does respond to liming. A soil pH of 6.0 or higher is recommended for improved growing conditions. Commercial fertilizer should be applied in split applications, i.e. not all at one time. When using animal type waste as a fertilizer source applications will occur regularly over the growing season. Nitrogen uptake predictions will be discussed. below. When establishing, sprig hybrid coastal bermudagrass at 5 to 15 bushels per acre in rows about 3 to 4 feet apart with sprigs 2 to 3 feet apart within the row. If sprigs are plentiful, the farmet can establish by broadcasting 70 to 100 bushels per acre in late winter and disking in. One bushel will contain about 1,200 sprigs. Best planting dates in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain are between March 1 and March 31 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP 31. Planting may also be possible between February 15 to May 1 if weather conditions are favorable. If irrigated, some planting may spill over into July but this is not highly recommended. Sprig mortality is lessened when ample soil moisture is present. The typical yield for non -irrigated hybrid coastal bermudagrass is from 3 to 6 tons per acre, again depending on many factors, not the least of which is soil type. For a Candor soil type, the R.Y.E. for non -irrigated coastal bermuda hay is 5 tons per acre (taken from NCSU/NCCES Nutrient Management Manual, Reference Section). However if bermudagrass is irrigated with fresh water its yield can be considerably higher. Since Gold Leaf Farm irrigates its coastal bermudagrass the engineer will use a R.Y.E. of 6 tons per acre as a gross yield. However the coastal bermudagrass at this farm will be grazed by cattle, so its R.Y.E. must be reduced by 75% (per NRCS guidelines) to 4.5 tons per acre. The normal nitrogen uptake for hybrid coastal bermudagrass is between 40 and 50 pounds of N per ton of hay. The engineer has used a Realistic Yield Expectation (R.Y.E.) to estimate crop yield for the Gold Leaf Farm. If bermudagrass is overseeded with a grain crop and the .overseeded crop is not cut properly in the spring, it can shade the greening bermudagrass and reduce the subsequent yields. Therefore it is important to harvest the overseeded crop before it heads or by April 7 in most coastal counties and by April 15 in most piedmont counties. If the bermudagrass is not being grazed, cut regularly and harvest the residual hay. This is important when calculating crop nitrogen removal capabilities. Bermudagrass should be cut when it is 12 to 15 inches tall. Regular cutting every four to six weeks during the growing season can be expected provided growing conditions are suitable. More or less frequent cutting may be necessary. If the operator is not overseeding, bermudagrass should go into the winter season with 3 to 4 inches of growth. If being overseeded, cut bermudagrass back to 2 or 3 inches before planting the winter crop. Do not cut bermudagrass closer than 2 inches from the ground since this can damage the root system. Cereal Rye (winter cover crop) Cereal rye is a winter annual small grain that looks similar to wheat, barley, and oats. This crop is sometimes used to overseed a warm season crop like bermudagrass. Doing so affords some flexibility to a waste management program and enhances nitrogen uptake on an annual basis. However, it must be managed correctly or it can have a negative impact on a bermudagrass crop and be counter productive to the grower. The cereal rye should be planted between August 20 and October 31 in the piedmont and between September 1 and November 15 in the coastal plain region. Planting by October 15 is recommended to provide the best opportunity to get winter growth. Cereal rye has its most vigorous growth in the spring, but it has moderate growth in the fall. Some growth, though small, also occurs in the winter. Nitrogen uptake is greatest in the spring. Its fall nitrogen uptake and growth is greater than annual ryegrass for the same season. Be careful not to plant rye too early in the season if planting over bermudagrass since the bermudagrass may tend to keep growing and shade the emerging rye. The most consistent cereal grain stands are obtained from drilling rye into short (less than 3 inches tall) bermudagrass sod. - If drilling is not possible, the seeds may be broadcast on short bermuda sod 32 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP followed by a light cultivation with a disc or tillage implement. The seeding rate for broadcast planting should be 1.5 times the rate for drilled seeds. Typical planting of cereal rye is 100 pounds of seed per acre if drilling and 130 to 150 pounds per acre if broadcasting. If overseeding bermudagrass, the last application of animal type waste should be applied to bermudagrass prior to August 31. When the small grain (overseeded on bermuda) is to be harvested an application of 50 lbs/acre of Plant Available Nitrogen (P.A.N.) may be applied between September 15 and October 30. An additional 50 lbs/acre of P.A.N. may be applied in February or early March. If rye is overseeded on bermudagrass and will be grazed by cattle, the P.A.N. applications must be reduced by 25 %, or a maximum application of 75 pounds P.A.N. per year. Small grain harvest is required prior to heading or April 7, which ever comes first. If grazing, allow cattle access to the rye before bermudagrass emerges. If rye growth is harvested on time it should not significantly shade the Bermuda and reduce bermudagrass yields. If the bermuda is not overseeded it will continue to grow until cool weather. Usually bermudagrass growth will slow and sometimes stop by the end of September if it is not overseeded with a cool season crop. If the rye will be planted on cultivated soil (i.e. not overseeded on bermudagrass), and will be grazed, and the stubble reincorporated into the soil before planting of row crops, the total P.A.N. is recommended not to exceed 60 pounds per year. If rye is not grazed, cut rye as needed and remove from the site, usually this will only occur one time for small grains. Do not cut the rye closer than about 3 or 4 inches from the ground in order to not damage the emerging hybrid coastal bermudagrass shoots or root system. Short rye stubble should be left standing after cutting. TABLE 14 %rrnna Grnwn in Ci-ntral and Eastern N.C. CROP Jan Feb Mar Aril May June I July Au Se A Oct Nov Dec Field Corn (grain) N N N L-M M-H H H-N H-N N N N N Sweet Corn (grain)* N N N-L M-H H H H-N N N N N N Corn (silage) N N N L-M M-H H H-N N N N N N Sorghum (grain) N N N N-L M-H H H M N N N N Sorghum (llav N N N N-L M-H H H M N N N N Winter Wheat L-N M-H H H M N N N N-L L L-N L-N Winter Rve Soybeans N N L-M N H N H N M N N L-M N M-H N H-M L L L N N N N N Tall Fescue N M-H H H M L L M-N M M-L L-N L-N Orchard grass N M-H H H M L L M-N M M-L L-N L-N -Hvb. Bermuda N N N N-L L-M H H M L-N N N N Tobacco * N N N M-H H H M-N N N N N N Sweet Potatoes * N N N N N-L M-H H H-M M-N N N N Watermelons * N N N N-L L-M H H M-L N N N N Cantaloupes N N N N-L L-M H H-M M-N N N N N Pearl Millet N N N N-L M-H H H H-M L-N N N N N = No nitrogen application recommended under normal growing commons. L = Apply nitrogen in Low amounts for normal growing conditions. Low amounts are < 15 lbs/acre. M = Apply nitrogen in Medium amounts for normal growing conditions. Medium amounts are < 25 lbs/acre. H = Apply nitrogen in High amounts for normal growing conditions. High amounts are 50 + lbs/acre. * = These crops are grown for human consumption. Do not apply animal waste to these crops except at pre -plant. 33 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP NOTES ABOUT TABLE 14: This is a somewhat general chart and does not account for every situation. When the chart says L-N for a month, it may be better to use None unless weather and crop growth permits. The nitrogen application on crops will depend on the planting schedule and the harvest date of previous crops. Animal waste can not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or from crop emergence (i.e: greening). This table was taken from data developed by NCSU, NRCS, and the NC Cooperative Extension Service and tempered with the engineer's experience. Waste with high organic content may require fertilization in advance of Table 14 dates. Likewise, applying animal waste as preplant fertilizer may be necessary to apply a High dose since it can not be applied after crop emergence. See written explanations about each crop and the associated animal waste recommendations. TABLE 15 Summarized R.Y.E. For The Crops At Gold Leaf Farm (all fields are Candor soils) CROP TYPE BOOK HISTORICAL TYPICAL P.A.N. TO BE P.A.N. TO BE VALUE AVERAGE TOTAL APPLIED VIA APPLIED VIA FOR R.Y.E. VALUES FOR P.A.N. ANIMAL ANIMAL MANURE R.Y.E. + REMOVAL MANURE (POST- (PREPLANT) EMERGENCE) TOBACCO 1 7001bs/acre 3,000 lbs/acre preplant only 65pounds/acre 0 pounds SWEET CORN Not Available 1,100 doz/acre prc plant only 85pounds/acre 0 pounds FIELD CORN 45 bu/acre 100 bu/acre 1.2 lbs/bu '60 unds/acre 60pounds/acre SWEET POTATO Not Available 350 bu/acre prcplant only 60 ' ands/acre 0 pounds WATERMELON Not Available 8 tons/acre replant only 60 unds/acre 0 pounds CANTALOUPE Not Available 7.5 tons/acre preplant only 6Qpounds/acre o poTds RYE (small grain) N/A N/A 60 bs/year (26pounds/acre 40 pounds/acre in ( cultivated & in fall spring ,grazed RYE (small grain) N/A N/A i75 lbs/year (3_0,:pounds/acre 45 pounds/acre in (overseeded & in fall spring i razed� BERMUDAGRASS 5 tons/acre unknown 48 ibs/ton uniform/season uniform/season + = When book values for R.Y.E. are not even close to historical data, the engineer used the farmer's historical data for R.Y.E. The historical data used is not the highest year yield but represents reasonable yields based on the farmer's data. Gold Leaf Farm irrigates all crop land with fresh water so yields will typically be higher than book values. General Crop Management Reminders In order to maximize yield and provide high quality crops, soil samples and waste samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. See Exhibit 8 for soil sampling details. Soil samples shall be collected no less than yearly. Lime and supplement fertilize according to the NCDA soil reports tempered with yields and crop health. Annually the farmer shall compare crop removal rates with nutrient application rates and adjust irrigation accordingly. Do not over -apply nutrients to crops since that can result in crop damage, environmental problems; and animal health problems when the forage crops are consumed. Consult seed companies for exact planting and harvesting suggestions or your local Cooperative Extension Service. Exhibit 8 includes some information about plant tissue sampling. The farmer is encouraged to collect plant tissue samples in advance of the need to fertilize and have them tested for nutrients. This is especially useful if you think you have not applied enough nitrogen to a crop and it looks yellow or 34 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW i stunted. Plant tissue sampling will help you better tune your waste application for the most productive crop without over applying nitrogen. Contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for more details about plant tissue sampling. It is suggested that the swine producer minimize the cutting of grasses and/or other crops in the buffer areas shown in Exhibit 7. Taller grass allows for better sediment control and animal habitat in the borders surrounding the fields This is especially important in or near drainage ways or ditches and in areas where two hillsides converge. The farmer may elect to plant some other type of vegetation in this area which requires minimal maintenance. Cut buffer zones as needed and minimize the use of commercial fertilizers in these areas. Planting suggestions for forage crops appear on Exhibit 14. Sometimes weeds will try to take over a field of grasses, especially if the grasses have been weakened by drought or disease. Always control weed growth and strive for a mono -culture crop. NUTRIENT AND LIQUID WASTE APPLICATIONS Irrigation Scheduling Understanding the more technical points of irrigating is very important to the proper utilization of animal waste. Knowing soil/water relationships and plant/water relationships helps the farmer decide when irrigation is appropriate. However, it would be much beyond the scope of this portion of the CAWMP to dwell on highly technical aspects of irrigation. The key point to remember is that the soil must accept and plants must be able to utilize the irrigated water (and nutrients) in order to avoid surface run-off or gravity drainage. Full plant utilization of the water held within the root zone is needed to avoid draining nutrients below the root zone. Careful observations of soil/plant and climatic relationships will help assure a successful irrigation program. Exhibit 24 explains soil/water/plant relationships in more detail. TABLE 16 Dry Days Needed Between Hion Events (Ty ical (Medium body soils) Month Hay CroUs VeEdables January 20 23 February 15 18 March 10 13 April 8 11 May 6 8 June 5 7 July 5 7 August 6 8 September 8 10 October 10 13 November 15 18 December 20 23 35 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Table 16 is a very general guide. On -site measurements and experience must be used to accurately schedule irrigation events. Sandy soils may require less dry days between irrigation events. Small amounts of irrigation may be possible without waiting for all the dry days shown. Plant available moisture and other soil/water relationships will dictate actual times between irrigation events. If forage crops are not actively growing it is better not to irrigate unless they are just before breaking dormancy. The operator must use good judgment when applying effluent to crops. His or her judgment, tempered with crop growth, crop health, rainfall, and other factors will be needed to make a workable irrigation schedule. The farmer must also adhere to lagoon designs and suggested maximum and minimum lagoon volumes. Always know your lagoon level and available storage volume. A key item to remember is to keep water levels inside the pump out lagoon (i.e. where irrigation pump is located) at manageable levels. Lagoon water levels should not be used alone to verify effluent application volumes over the crop land. Good records.on irrigation rates, hours of pumping, and volumes are required. Exhibit 11 shows several examples of record keeping forms. Due to the concerns over possible groundwater contamination occurrences, the owner is encouraged to "spread out' the irrigation volumes so as to not concentrate loadings in one place at one time. Heavy effluent loadings can cause nitrogen to quickly leach below the plant root zone. Several light applications per month is often better than 1 heavy application. Monitor soil moisture so that gravity drainage from irrigation events is more or less zero. Hard hose travelers do not always irrigate all available acreage. Field corners and long narrow strips are often missed by this type of irrigation system. These areas of crops need nutrients in order to thrive. Wilson's Swine Farm may wish to utilize some of this land for effluent and sludge disposal or in a "pump and haul" situation using a broadcast wagon, however the use of a broadcast wagon is not part of this waste utilization flan. If the non -irrigated fields are ever used to receive effluent, the farmer must keep a record of this activity. Existing and Proposed Irrigation Methodology Gold Leaf Farm has an existing irrigation system. This system mostly consists of two older hard hose travelers, two portable or engine driven irrigation pumps, underground (permanent piping), and aluminum piping (movable). It is the desire of Mr. Bryan Wilson to replace his old hard hose travelers with new ones, keep his existing pumps, keep the underground piping and hydrants, and install 9 new hydrants, underground piping to serve those hydrants, etc. The existing irrigation system and the proposed expansion is shown on Exhibit 7. Because new equipment is planned for purchase, the engineer is treating this system as being new or modified. However the resultant irrigation coverage is not undergoing a significant expansion since the entire farm is already being irrigated. Exhibit 7 divides the spray acreage into fields called 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. A total of 165 +/- acres of crop land is available at the Gold Leaf Farm complex after set -backs are taken into account. However, not 100% of this area can be counted as "Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) wetted acreage". Since the entire system is being classified as a new or expanded system the engineer will refer to "effectively irrigated acreage" when discussing irrigation coverage. Z WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP To facilitate discussions about irrigation and to assist the farmer in maintaining his irrigation records, all fields will be divided into irrigation pull lanes for this discussion. Each field (except field 8) is divided into individual pull paths for the gun cart. Grassy areas outside of the pull zones (including field 8) can also be used for waste provided they are within the set -backs, but due to irrigation equipment limitations these areas are not scheduled for spray irrigation. Table 17 shows the various pulls at Gold Leaf Farm which are scheduled to receive effluent. At this farm there is only one predominate soil type under irrigation. From the USDA/NRCS soil survey map of Richmond County, and other references, the permeability of the most restrictive soil layer of Gold Leaf Farm soils varies from as low as 6 inches per hour to as much as 20 inches per hour. In other words the soil permeability rate is high. If crop covers exist and if the soils are not wet, the soils should accept the higher precipitation rates shown in Table 17. As with application rates, wastewater application depths for soils will vary between wet seasons and dry seasons as well as with slope, soil type, crop condition, etc. However at Gold Leaf Farm there is only one soil type reported and the field slopes (for all practical purposes) are less than 8%, but the other conditions mentioned will temper water application amounts. Experience may allow changes to the values in Table 17 but these are reasonable values to follow. Table 18 shows the total estimated Effective Wettable Acres for each field by pull lane. This table is a summary of wettable acre determination calculations showing each portion of the calculation process. This table was developed using one type nozzle, one pressure setting, one pumping rate, and one assumed nozzle coverage percentage. If such settings were changed the actual wettable acres may likewise change. The gun cart pull length was estimated from Exhibit 7. TABLE 17 IS PRINTED ON THE NEXT PAGE 37 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TART,F 17 irrioatinn Data [nr000sed!- Gold Leaf Farm Field & System Pull Lateral Type Number Gun Nozzle Type and Size Suggested Maximum Precipitation Range On/hr) Suggested Application Depth Range (inches) Field 1 Pull 1 multiple Nelson SR150R, 1,26" ring 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 2 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 3 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 4 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 5 Multi ple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Field 2 Pull 1 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 2 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Field 3 Pull 1 Multi le Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 2 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 3 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 4 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Field 4 Pull 1 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 2 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 3 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 4 Multi le Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3. to 1.0 Pull 5 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Field 5 Pull 1 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 2 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 3 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 4 Multi le Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 5 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Field 6 Pull 1 Pull 2 Pull 3 Multi le Multiple Multiple Same Same Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 0.3 to 1.0 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 4 Pull 5 Pull 6 Multiple Multiple Multiple Same Same Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 0.3 to 1.0 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 7 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 8 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 9 Field 7 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 1 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 2 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 3 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 4 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 5 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 6 1 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 7 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Pull 8 Multiple Same 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 Field 8 N/A N/A 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 1.0 38 TABLE 18 EFFECTIVE WETTABLE ACREAGE CALCULATIONS FOR_WILSON'S SWINE FARM -- THIS IS CLASSIFIED AS A NEW OR EXPANDED SYSTEM -- INPUT INPUT INPUT AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO INPUT INPUT FIELD INTERIOR GUN LANE PUBLISHED MIDDLE MIDDLE START STOP NUMBER OR CART SPACING WETTED WETTED WETTED END END AND EXTERIOR PULL FOR MULTI DIAMETER AREA FOR AREA FOR WETTED WETTED PULL PULL LENGTH LATERAL DATA EXTERIOR INTERIOR AREA AREA NUMBER SYSTEMS LANES LANES (TABLE (TABLE NE62.5) + NE62.5) + FEET FEET FEET ACRES _ ACRES ACRES ACRES FIELD 1 PULL 1 EXTERIOR 985 200 320 5.88 0.535 0.250 PULL 2 INTERIOR 1010 200 320 4.64 0.535 0.250 PULL 3 INTERIOR 1085 200 320 4.98 0.535 0.250 PULL 4 INTERIOR 990 200 320 4.55 0.535 0.250 PULL 5 EXTERIOR 960 200 320 5.73 0.535 0.250 TOTAL FIELD 2 PULL 1 EXTERIOR 185 200 320 1.10 0.535 0.250 PULL 2 EXTERIOR 155 200 320 0.93 0.385 0.170 TOTAL FIELD 3 PULL 1 EXTERIOR 405 200 320 2.42 0.535 0.250 PULL 2 INTERIOR 365 200 320 1.68 0.535 0.250 PULL 3 INTERIOR 305 200 320 1.40 0.535 0.250 PULL 4 INTERIOR 320 200 320 1.47 0.535 0.250 TOTAL + THIS IS AN INTERPOLATION BETWEEN TABLES NE65 AND NE60. PAGE 39 AUTO TOTAL EFFECTIVE WETTED AREA ACRES 6.664 5.422 5.767 5.330 6.515 29.70 1.889 1.480 3.37 3.202 2.461 2.185 2.254 10.10 TABLE 18 (CONTINUED) EFFECTIVE WETTABLE ACREAGE CALCULATIONS FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM -- THIS IS CLASSIFIED AS A NEW OR EXPANDED SYSTEM - FIELD INTERIOR GUN LANE PUBLISHED MIDDLE MIDDLE START STOP NUMBER OR CART SPACING WETTED WETTED WETTED END END AND EXTERIOR PULL FOR MULTI DIAMETER AREA FOR AREA FOR WETTED WETTED PULL PULL LENGTH LATERAL DATA EXTERIOR INTERIOR AREA AREA NUMBER SYSTEMS LANES LANES (TABLE (TABLE NE62.5) + NE62.5) + FEET FEET FEET ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES FIELD 4 PULL 1 EXTERIOR 920 200 PULL 2 INTERIOR 1000 200 PULL 3 INTERIOR 1110 200 PULL 4 INTERIOR 1230 200 PULL 5 EXTERIOR 765 200 TOTAL FIELD 5 PULL 1 INTERIOR 300 200 PULL 2 EXTERIOR 940 200 PULL 3 INTERIOR 395 200 PULL 4 EXTERIOR 500 200 PULL 5 EXTERIOR 245 200 TOTAL TOTAL EFFECTIVE WETTED AREA ACRES 320 5.49 0.535 0.250 6.276 320 4.59 0.535 0.250 5.376 320 5.10 0.535 0.250 5.881 320 5.65 0.535 0.250 6.432 320 4.57 0.535 0.250 5.351 29.32 320 1.38 0.535 0.250 2.162 320 5.61 0.535 0.250 6.396 320 1.81 0.535 0.250 2.599 320 2.98 0.535 0.250 3.769 320 1.46 0.535 0.250 2.247 17.17 + THIS IS AN INTERPOLATION BETWEEN TABLES NE65 AND NE60. PAGE 40 TABLE 18 (CONTINUED) EFFECTIVE WETTABLE ACREAGE CALCU ATIONS FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM - THIS IS CLASSIFIED AS A NEW OR EXPANDED SYSTEM - FIELD INTERIOR GUN LANE PUBLISHED MIDDLE MIDDLE START STOP TOTAL NUMBER OR CART SPACING WETTED WETTED WETTED END END EFFECTIVE AND EXTERIOR PULL FOR MULTI DIAMETER AREA FOR AREA FOR WETTED WETTED WETTED PULL PULL LENGTH LATERAL DATA EXTERIOR INTERIOR AREA AREA AREA NUMBER SYSTEMS LANES LANES (TABLE (TABLE NE62.5) + NE62.5) + w�+e,-�,r+r *,►+,r,kt FEET �,r+r+ FEET x+-�vr�,r FEET ,�xt+.r�,aa,�x ACRES �-�x* ACRES ,r�,r** ACRES *�r+r�* ACRES �*+t ACRES FIELD 6 ,re�,r,x PULL 1 EXTERIOR 580 200 320 3.46 0.535 0.250 4.247 PULL 2 EXTERIOR 630 200 320 3.76 0.535 0.250 4.545 PULL 3 INTERIOR 580 200 320 2.66 0.535 0.250 3.448 PULL 4 INTERIOR 560 200 320 2.57 0.535 0.250 3.356 PULL 5 INTERIOR 585 200 320 2.69 0.535 0.250 3.471 PULL 6 INTERIOR 325 200 320 1.49 0.535 0.250 2.277 PULL 7 INTERIOR 625 200 320 2.87 0.535 0.250 3.655 PULL 8 EXTERIOR 50 200 320 0.30 0.535 0.250 1.083 PULL 9 EXTERIOR 670 200 320 4.00 0.535 0.250 4.784 TOTAL 30.87 FIELD 7 PULL 1 EXTERIOR 595 200 320 3.55 0.535 0.250 4.336 PULL 2 EXTERIOR 770 200 320 4.60 0.535 0.250 5.381 PULL 3 INTERIOR 595 200 320 2.73 0.535 0.250 3.517 PULL 4 INTERIOR 825 200 320 3.79 0.535 0.250 4.573 PULL 5 INTERIOR 265 200 320 1.22 0.535 0.250 2.002 PULL 6 INTERIOR 830 200 320 3.81 0.535 0.250 4.596 PULL 7 EXTERIOR 240 200 320 1.43 0.535 0.250 2.218 PULL 8 EXTERIOR 815 200 320 4.86 0.535 0.250 5.650 TOTAL 32.27 FIELD 8 NO PULLS THIS FIELD DOES NOT RECIEVE ROUTINE IRRIGATION N/A GRAND TOTAL FOR EFFECTIVE WETTED COVERAGE 152.80 + THIS IS AN INTERPOLATION BETWEEN TABLES NE65 AND NE60. PAGE 41 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP TABLE 19 Traveler Pull S geed Data - Gold Leaf Farm Field & Pull Gun Lane Spacing Gun Flow Rate Target Gun Cart Precipitation Number Operating @ 62.5 % Rotation of Application Travel Rate At Pressure Wetted Arc Sprinkler Volume Speed These I (psi) Diameter (degrees) Nozzle l (inches) (ft./min) Settings Fields 1 to 7 - All Pulls Volume 1 50 si 200 270 255 0.3 j 6.84 0.50 Volume 2 50 psi 200 270 255 0.4 5.13 0.50 Volume 3 50 si 200 270 255 0.5 4.10 0.50 Volume 4 50 psi 200 270 255 0.6 3.42 0.50 Volume 5 50 psi 200 270 255 0.7 2.93 0.50 Volume 6 50 psi 200 270 255 0.8 2.56 0.50 Volume 7 50 psi 200 270 255 0.9 2.28 0.50 Volume 8 50 psi 200 270 255 1.0 2.05 0.50 Field 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A The reader should realize that it is almost impossible to pin down the exact irrigation routine for any site with varying weather conditions, crop needs, etc. Therefore the engineer must leave the ultimate irrigation operation to the person doing the irrigation. Gun cart retrieval rates will likely be the most useful adjustment factor to implement in overall application technique. But remember, precipitation rate does not change with pull rate, as illustrated in Table 19. Application amounts (i.e. volume) do change with pull rates, so be aware of this aspect. A series of pull rates and application volumes are shown in Table 19 for the operator's quick reference. Animal waste can only be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. The Gold Leaf Farm land is not steep and should qualify given the proper crop covers are maintained. Erosion could become a problem at this farm in the irrigated fields if crop covers are not maintained. It is vitally important that the farmer pay close attention to irrigation schedules at this farm. Strong slopes will encourage surface run off to occur, especially during rainfall events. Nearby wet weather streams and ponds down -slope from the irrigated fields and could be impacted by the over application of effluent or by a sudden rain storm shortly after irrigation. Fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are scheduled to be irrigated by the new hard hose travelers. Field 8 is not scheduled for irrigation since it has some farm buildings scattered about, making a gun cart difficult to track. Field by Field Land Application Details Below the reader will see Tables 20 through 33. All of these tables are related to the animal waste utilization plans for Wilson's Swine Farm and Gold Leaf Farm. Each table represerits a different set of predicted -values related to waste application. It is very important that the reader realize that growing various crop types on numerous fields and rotating these crops between fields each year makes for a complicated set of tables to predict in advance all possible combinations. -Therefore the engineer has developed tables that present the individual crop yield and estimated nitrogen uptake for that crop. Also, each of the Gold Leaf Farm fields will have a cereal rye crop planted in the fall of the year for winter cover. Some of the below data shows row crops overseeded with cereal rye and some 42 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP of the tables show hybrid coastal bermudagrass overseeded with cereal rye. It is important to look at each table for the needed information and combine tables as needed by the grower. This animal waste utilization plan has been made to show reasonable waste application methodology and nitrogen management, but it should be clearly understood that it is made to be changed as crop data and waste test results change. Therefore the reader should use this plan as a guideline for animal waste management and not get hung -up on the exact values presented below. Tables 20 through 33 were developed with the following assumptions: 1. The farmer will accurately record crop type, waste application amounts, waste test data, and crop yield for each field (or pull) receiving animal waste. Animal waste applications will be altered according to crops being grown, analysis of the applied waste, recent crop yields, and recent waste test results. 2. The farmer will be able to take the actual crop yields by field number (or pull number), the quantity of waste applied, and use the P.A.N. uptake values given in this plan and calculate an annual P.A.N. removal for a given field. This will be especially important since the waste analysis for a given waste type can change from season to season. 3. There are not enough actual lagoon effluent test values to use averages from this data when calculating P.A.N. Therefore the annual P.A.N. predictions shown in Table 11 are based on book values and tempered with a few actual waste analyses. Routine animal waste testing will be the oWX accurate method of determining effluent nitrogen content in the future. The farmer will be allowed to decide where to grow crops and how much animal waste is to be applied as long as P.A.N. removal rates are not exceeded for that particular crop. 4. All fields at Gold Leaf Farm are said to be Candor Sands. All fields and crops will be irrigated with fresh water as needed. Therefore typical yields of crops are greater on Gold Leaf Farm than typical book values. Explanation of Tables -- TABLE 20. Certain crops grown at Gold Leaf Farm are scheduled for human consumption. Therefore they can not receive animal waste as a fertilizer source except as a preplant measure. Table 20 shows the expected yields of the crops not scheduled for human consumption. These crops can and will have animal waste applied the entire time of their growing season. This table is based on Realistic Yield Expectations or R.Y.E. from either book values or historical values. Since Mr. Wilson irrigates his crops with fresh water, his yields are typically higher than book values shown for Candor soils. Table 20 is a "best guess" of R.Y.E. Future yields could be lower or higher. Table 20 shows 75 percent reduction in forage crops due to grazing. TABLE 21 Table 21 shows estimated P.A.N. uptakes (or removal) estimates based on crop type. The crops scheduled for human consumption are shown as a single-preplant P.A.N. application amount, whereas the crops not scheduled for human consumption are shown as a book value amount per unit of harvested crop. The preplant amounts shown are not 100 % of the crops P.A.N. needs, but reflect the amount of P.A.N. that is typically applied at preplant for this soil type. The reader should remember that all of the P.A.N. in the animal waste is not available the minute it hits the ground, but should 41 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP become available to the crop within 1 to 4 weeks of application. All crops .are scheduled for removal off the land at harvest except for grazed grasses. TABLE 22 As mentioned above, Gold Leaf Farm will grow a combination of row crops on many if its fields each summer. The farm also has dedicated coastal bermudagrass land that is not planted in row crops. Fields 5 and 8 are planted in bermudagrass, but field 8 will not be routinely irrigated. Mr. Wilson can apply swine effluent to Field 8 if he records the activity, but its P.A.N. removal potential is not being counted within the routine irrigation calculations. Every field will have rye planted on it in the fall. Table 22 shows the combination of crops that might be possible for any given field by pull zone. Table 22 only relates to P.A.N. due to animal waste applications. The reader will also note that a lower P.A.N. application is being used for cereal rye on row crop land since this crop will be tilled under during row crop land preparation.. All of the cereal rye crop and bermudagrass crop are being treated as grazed. The P.A.N. removal potential for all cereal rye and bermudagrass have been adjusted for grazing. Table 22 divides the irrigated fields into pull zones. Each pull zone shows the total effective wettable acres within that zone (taken from Table 18). It also breaks down the amount of annual P.A.N. to be removed by a warm and cool season crop combination. As can be seen by this table, certain crop combinations remove more nitrogen than other crop combinations. For example, F 1-P 1 (Field 1 and Pull 1) shows an estimated P.A.N. removal of 866 pounds for the Tobacco and Rye combination compared to 1,000 pounds for the Sweet Corn and Rye combination. Remember, some of these combinations are for animal waste at preplant only. Those crops not scheduled for human consumption typically remove more P.A.N. from animal waste since the waste can be applied through out the crop's growing season. The farmer should not land apply nitrogen in amounts in excess of those found in Table 22 unless on -farm data can show otherwise. TABLE 23 Table 23 shows how many acres of each crop (combined with cereal rye) that are typically grown at Gold Leaf Farm each year. This table also shows the per acre animal waste P.A.N. removal estimates for these combinations and the expected farm wide total P.A.N. removal. The total amount of swine generated P.A.N. is also shown in this table for comparison. According to this table, the amount of nitrogen generated from the swine operation is more or less balanced with the amount of P.A.N. being removed by the crops. The reader will note that there is 165 acres of crop land ---that could receive animal waste. The total effective wetted area for irrigation is about 153 acres, but more than 153 acres will get some effluent. Therefore the engineer is estimating about 159 acres is receiving enough animal waste via irrigation to use in calculating total P.A.N. removal potential. These are approximations and guidelines only. By having both cool and warm weather crops, the farmer maintains maximum flexibility in his waste application program. Table 23 suggests a more or less "balanced" nitrogen usage/availability scheme, but in some cases nitrogen loading rates may be seriously diminished due to a lack of excess wastewater. This of course would not pose a significant problem and may allow for some needed sludge removal to occur. Nitrogen application can be less than shown by any of these tables. Lower nitrogen levels may mean lower crop yields. Crop yields must be figured back into the nitrogen removal equation. The farmer may wish to adjust application amounts or reduce acreage to better balance nutrients with crop 44 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW demand. Always record Melds removed from all acrea_,e. Also record fresh water irrigation events and the addition of commercial fertilizer. TABLES 24 through 32 Tables 24 through 32 list the individual crops to be grown at Gold Leaf Farm. These tables allow the reader to see the estimated gallons of effluent needed to supply the nitrogen needs already mentioned. The last column in each table in this series shows the inches of effluent needed to supply those nitrogen needs. In some cases the inches of effluent required may need to be applied in split applications if there is a danger or run-off. For instance Table 32 shows considerable irrigation to occur in the month of June on Coastal Bermudagrass. This application should be split, perhaps even shifting some of the irrigation events to another month. In no case shall the farmer apply more than 1 inch of swine waste at any one irrigation event. Tables 24 through 32 also show effluent application windows for each crop. These are "typical" windows that coincide with crop production guides for that crop. Of course animal waste can only be applied as a preplant measure on crops scheduled for human consumption. The farmer may at any time vary this cropping pattern to best suite his needs and growing conditions. The reader can see suggested fertilizer application windows and R.Y.E. values for the various crops discussed under the above section titled "Crop Planting and Fertilizing Considerations" and in Table 14. Use these tables as guidelines. TABLE 33 Table 33 shows long term water balances that "could" be experienced within the Wilson's Swine Farm lagoon. Notice that the cumulative liquid volumes wax and wane between seasons. It is very important to realize that the operator must use good judgment when applying effluent to crops since irrigation must be tempered with crop growth, crop health, rainfall, lagoon water levels, etc. Table 33 is only a general guide to show that it is possible to balance the excess water production with irrigation needs and not over fill the lagoon. Excess wastewater values in Table 33 do not include unusually large excess rainfall events (e.g. rainfall from a hurricane). Always know your lagoon level and available storage volume. A key item to remember is to keep water levels inside the lagoon low enough to store at least one 25 year 24 hour storm before overflow. Allowing. storage for two 25 year 24 hour storms would be better but is not a regulatory requirement for this farm. Lower water levels in lagoon systems before the on -set of long wet seasons. Applying waste to areas outside the wetted irrigation zones could also help if lagoon levels become too high. Exhibit 29 shows a graph of the lagoon volume and should help the farmer relate volume to water levels. 45 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. TABLE 2 CROP TYPES AND REALISTIC YIELD EXPECTATIONS + R.Y.E ONE ONE R.Y.E. FIELD ONE ONE FOR ACRE OF ONE ONE ACRE OF FOR AND ACRE OF ACRE OF FIELD SWEET ACRE OF ACRE OF CEREAL HYBRID PULL TOBACCO SWEET CORN CORN POTATOES WATERMELONS CANTALOUPES RYE BERMUDA NUMBER fiiiiiH }*itifftflf ###*ffffttf (BU/AC/YR) if#k!}t*ff! *}#tNk4ki# #ftli}4k4#f #}}tttitti# (TONSIAC/YR) F1 - P1 1 1 100 1 1 1 k*4ik#*}##i 1 *fflitf4kfft 0 F1 - P2 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F1 - P3 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F1 - P4 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F1 - P5 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F2 - P1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F2 - P2 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F3 - P1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F3 - P2 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F3 - P3 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F3 - P4 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F4 - P1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F4 - P2 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F4 - P3 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F4 - P4 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F4 - P5 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 0 F5 - P1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4.5 F5 - P2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4.5 F5 - P3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4.5 F5 - P4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4.5 F5 - P5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4.5 + = ACTUAL R.Y.E. IS ONLY GIVEN FOR CROPS NOT SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. CROPS SCHEDULED FOR PREPLANT NITROGEN APPLICATION ONLY ARE DESIGNATED BY A "1" IN THIS TABLE. PAGE 46 FARM NAME: FARM OWNER(S): FARM LOCATION: FIELD ONE AND ACRE OF PULL TOBACCO NUMBER r#riaait aiwriartrar F6-P1 1 F6 - P2 1 F6 - P3 1 F6 - P4 1 F6 - P5 1 F6 - P6 1 F6 - P7 1 F6-P8 1 F6 - P9 1 F7 - P1 1 F7 - P2 1 F7 - P3 1 F7 - P4 1 F7 - P5 1 F7-P6 1 F7 - P7 1 F7 - P8 1 FIELD 8 0 WILSON'S SWINE FARM BRYAN WILSON RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. TABLE 20- (CONTINUED) CROP TYPES AND REALISTIC YIELD EXPECTATIONS + R.Y.E ONE ONE FOR ACRE OF ONE ACRE OF FIELD SWEET ACRE OF SWEET CORN CORN POTATOES WATERMELONS #ia#iitaaaa (BU/ACNR) iiRat#iiaai iafattlfta# itaatrlafit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ONE R.Y.E. ONE ACRE OF FOR ACRE OF CEREAL HYBRID CANTALOUPES RYE BERMUDA fai##H.ttkA Hafttt#f## (TIACIYR) tfitkr#####i 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 4.5 + = ACTUAL R.Y.E. IS ONLY GIVEN FOR CROPS NOT SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. CROPS SCHEDULED FOR PREPLANT NITROGEN APPLICATION ONLY ARE DESIGNATED BY A "1" IN THIS TABLE. PAGE 47 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. TABLE 2 CROP TYPES AND PER UNIT NITROGEN APPLICATIONS OR REMOVALS P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. REMOVED FOR PRE- P.A.N. P.A.N. REMOVED REMOVED FIELD FOR PRE- FOR PRE- BY PLANT ON FOR PRE- FOR PRE- BY BY AND PLANT ON PLANT ON FIELD SWEET PLANT ON PLANT ON CEREAL HYBRID PULL TOBACCO SWEET CORN CORN POTATOES WATERMELONS CANTALOUPES RYE BERMUDA NUMBER !fflfl*f (LB/ACRE)+ ttiti*ifii!! (LB/ACRE)+ *f#***itfiti (LBBU) *#iffif*ifit (LB/ACRE)+ !**#ifkif#** (LB/ACRE)+ #ltfit#t##it (LB/ACRE)+ i*tilt*ftiii (LB/ACNR)+ tff**!##fiff (LBrrON) ffff*fik*iff F1 - P1 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F1 - P2 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F1 - P3 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F1 - P4 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F1 - P5 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F2 - P1 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F2 - P2 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F3 - P1 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F3 - P2 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F3 - P3 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F3 - P4 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F4 - P1 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F4 - P2 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F4 - P3 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F4 - P4 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F4 - P5 65 85 1.2 60 60 60 65 0 F5 - P1 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 48 F5 - P2 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 48 F5 - P3 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 48 F5 - P4 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 48 F5 - P5 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 48 + = INDICATES A LUMP SUM AMOUNT OF P.A.N. APPLIED AT PREPLANT. NO POST EMERGENCE APPLICATION OF ANIMAL WASTE. PAGE 48 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. TABLE 2 - (CONTINUED) CROP TYPES AND PER UNIT NITROGEN APPLICATIONS OR REMOVALS P.A.N. P.A.N. REMOVED FOR PRE - FIELD FOR PRE- FOR PRE- BY PLANT ON AND PLANT ON PLANT ON FIELD SWEET PULL TOBACCO SWEET CORN CORN POTATOES NUMBER (LB/ACRE) (LB/ACRE) (LBBU) (LB/ACRE) F6 - P1 65 85 1.2 60 F6 - P2 65 85 1.2 60 F6 - P3 65 85 1.2 60 F6 - P4 65 85 1.2 60 F6 - P5 65 85 1.2 60 F6 - P6 65 85 1.2 60 F6 - P7 65 85 1.2 .60 F6 - P8 65 85 1.2 60 F6 - P9 65 85 1.2 60 F7 - P1 65 85 1.2 60 F7 - P2 65 85 1.2 60 F7 - P3 65 85 1.2 60 F7 - P4 65 85 1.2 60 F7 - P5 65 85 1.2 60 F7 - P6 65 85 1.2 60 F7 - P7 65 85 1.2 60 F7 - P8 65 85 1.2 60 FIELD 8 0 0 0 0 P.A.N. P.A.N. FOR PRE- FOR PRE - PLANT ON PLANT ON WATERMELONS CANTALOUPES (LB/ACRE) flit*#ik}iH (LB/ACRE) ttt#tiHittt 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 0 0 P.A.N. REMOVED BY CEREAL RYE (LB/AC/YR) a ##Httfflff 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 75 + = INDICATES A LUMP SUM AMOUNT OF P.A.N. APPLIED AT PREPLANT NO POST EMERGENCE APPLICATION OF ANIMAL WASTE. P.A.N. REMOVED BY HYBRID BERMUDA (LB/TON) H!i#iifili# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 PAGE 49 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. TOTAL CROP ACRES IN THESE FIELDS = 165 ACRES TAKING OUT FOR BUFFERS, ETC. TABLE 2222 NITROGEN REMOVAL ESTIMATES BASED ON ANNUAL CROP COMBINATIONS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED FIELD TOTAL BY BY BY BY BY BY BY NUMBER EFFECT. TOBACCO SWEET CORN FIELD CORN SWEET POTS. WATERMELONS CANTALOUPES BERMUDA AND WETTABLE & RYE & RYE & RYE & RYE & RYE & RYE & RYE PULL ACRES IN COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. NUMBER #aiiiffi THIS PULL alit#ftffii (pounds) ifi##+ikkkf (pounds) +#fi+i+aa## (pounds) titii+iatif (pounds) itt+aril++a (pounds) +tttitaitt# (pounds) it+ai+aii#t (pounds) ttitittit#t F1 - P1 6.664 866 1000 1233 833 833 833 0 F1 - P2 5.422 705 813 1003 678 678 678 0 F1 - P3 5.767 750 865 1067 721 721 721 0 F1 - P4 5.330 693 800 986 666 666 666 0 F1 - P5 6.515 847 977 1205 814 814 814 0 F2 - P1 1.889 246 283 349 236 236 236 0 F2 - P2 1.480 192 222 274 185 185 185 0 F3 - P1 3.202 416 480 592 400 400 400 0 F3 - P2 2.461 320 369 455 308 308 308 0 F3 - P3 2.185 284 328 404 273 273 273 0 F3 - P4 2.254 293 338 417 282 282 282 0 F4 - P1 6.276 816 941 1161 785 785 785 0 F4 - P2 5.376 699 806 995 672 672 672 0 F4 - P3 5.881 765 882 1088 735 735 735 0 F4 - P4 6.432 836 965 1190 804 804 804 0 F4 - P5 5.351 696 803 990 669 669 669 0 F5 - Pt 2.162 0 0 0 0 0 0 629 F5 - P2 6.396 0 0 0 0 0 0 1861 F5 - P3 2.599 0 0 0 0 0 0 756 F5 - P4 3.769 0 0 0 0 0 0 1097 F5 - P5 2.247 0 0 0 0 0 0 654 PAGE 50 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. TABLE_. 22 (CONTINUED) NITROGEN REMOVAL ESTIMATES BASED ON ANNUAL CROP COMBINATIONS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A.N. P.A:N. P.A.N. P.A.N. REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED FIELD TOTAL BY BY BY BY BY BY BY NUMBER EFFECT. TOBACCO SWEET CORN FIELD CORN SWT POTATOES WATERMELONS CANTALOUPES BERMUDA AND WETTABLE & RYE & RYE & RYE & RYE & RYE & RYE & RYE PULL ACRES IN COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. COMBO. NUMBER rrttt+++ THIS PULL er+rw++rre+ (pounds) rr++++rr+++ (pounds) rtttwt+rwrr (pounds) +rrrtaaa+ra (pounds) (pounds) ++++a+rrr+t (pounds) rr+rrta+rr+ (pounds) F6 - P1 4.247 552 637 786 ttarr+rrtrt 531 531 531 +rrrrarrrtr 0 F6 - P2 4.545 591 682 841 568 568 568 0 F6 - P3 3.448 448 517 638 431 431 431 0 F6 - P4 3.356 436 503 621 420 420 420 0 F6 - PS 3.471 451 521 642 434 434 434 0 F6 - P6 2.277 296 342 421 285 285 285 0 F6 - P7 3.655 475 548 676 457 457 457 0 F6 - P8 1.083 141 162 200 135 135 135 0 F6 - P9 4.784 622 718 885 598 598 598 0 F7 - P1 4.336 564 650 802 542 542 542 0 F7 - P2 5.381 700 807 995 673 673 673 0 F7 - P3 3.517 457 528 651 440 440 440 0 F7 - P4 4.573 594 686 846 572 572 572 0 F7 - P5 2.002 260 300 370 250 250 250 0 F7 - P6 4.596 597 689 850 575 575 575 0 F7 - P7 2.21.8 288 333 410 277 277 277 0 F7 - P& 5.650 735 848 1045 706 706 706 0 FIELD 8 2.420 0 0 0 0 0 0 704 TOTAL 155.22 TOTAL 152.80 (EXCLUDING FIELD 8) PAGE 51 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. TABLE 23 TOTAL ANIMAL WASTE P.A.N. REMOVAL FOR A SELECTED COMBINATION OF CROPS P.A.N. FROM ANIMAL TOTAL ACRES OF TOTAL P.A.N. WASTE REMOVED BY THIS CROP COMBINATION REMOVED BY THIS COMBINATION _ UNDER SIGNIFICANT THIS COMBINATION FOR ONE ACRE IRRIGATION ++ ANNUALLY CROP COMBINATIONS rarrraaa:aaaaexrxr (pounds) rrrarrarraa (acres) (pounds) + TOBACCO & RYE 130 rxrrarrrrrx 50 rrrrrrrrarr 6,500 + SWEET CORN & RYE 150 15 2,250 FIELD CORN & RYE 185 16 2,960 + SWEET POTATO & RYE 125 25 3,125 + WATER MELONS & RYE 125 20 2,500 + CANTALOUPES & RYE 125 15 1,875 BERMUDAGRASS & RYE 291 18 %**kk 5,238 TOTALS 159 24,448 AMOUNT OF P.A.N. GENERATED BY ANIMAL WASTE AT THIS FARM = EXCESS (DEFECT) P.A.N. AVAILABLE FROM ANIMAL WASTE IS = 24,475 27 THE TOTAL CROP ACREAGE INSIDE OF REGULATORY SET -BACKS IS (FOR REF.) 165 ACRES + THESE VALUES ONLY ACCOUNT FOR NITROGEN PROVIDED BY ANIMAL WASTE. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN APPLICATIONS FROM COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. P.A.N. REMOVAL FOR FORAGE CROPS IS BASED ON R.Y.E. FROM OTHER TABLES SINCE SUCH CROPS WILL BE ANIMAL FEED. ++ THIS IS A BEST GUESS FOR THE TOTAL ACRES RECEIVING "SIGNIFICANT" IRRIGATION. THIS TOTAL IS SLIGHTLY LESS THAN THE TOTAL WETTED ACRES AND SLIGHTLY MORE THAN THE EFFECTIVE WETTABLE ACRES. FIELD FRINGES AND ALL OF FIELD 8 ARE NOT FIGURED INTO THE TOTAL P.A.N. REMOVAL ESTIMATES OF THIS TABLE. PAGE 52 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE 2 ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION GUIDELINES ON SIMILAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW TOBACCO) ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 -ALL PULLS ANIMAL WASTE TOTAL ANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBS/AC)++ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAL/ACRE) (IN/ACRE) APRIL OR MAY (PREPLANT) 50.0 65 3,250 1,181,818 23,636 0.87 ++ TOTAL 65 3,250 1,181,818 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A CROP FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED. POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THE P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. ++ = THIS LIQUID MAY NEED TO BE APPLIED IN TWO APPLICATIONS TO AVOID RUN-OFF, ESPECIALLY IF APPLIED ON BARE SOIL. PAGE 53 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE 2 ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATK N GUIDELINES ON SIMILAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW SWEET CORN ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 -- ALL PULLS ANIMAL WASTE TOTAL ANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBS/AC)+ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAUACRE) (IN/ACRE) MARCH OR APRIL (PREPLANT) 15.0 85 1,275 463,636 30,909 1.14 ++ TOTAL 85 1,275 463,636 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A CROP •FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED. POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THE P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. ++ = THIS LIQUID MAY NEED TO BE APPLIED IN TWO APPLICATIONS TO AVOID RUN-OFF, ESPECIALLY IF APPLIED ON BARE SOIL. PAGE 54 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE 2 ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION GU_IUELIpIES ON SIMJLAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW FIELD CORN ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 --ALL PULLS ANIMAL WASTE TOTAL ANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBS/AC)++ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAUACRE) (IN/ACRE) APRIL 16.0 30 480 174,545 10,909 0.40 MAY 16.0 35 557 202,473 12,655 0.47 JUNE 16.0 35 557 202,473 12,655 0.47 JULY 16.0 20 326 118,691 7,418 0.27 TOTAL 120 1,920 698,182 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A CROP FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED. POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THI= P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. PAGE 55 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE 2 ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION GUIDELINES ON SIMILAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW SWEET POTATOES ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 - ALL PULLS ANIMAL WASTE TOTAL ANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBS/AC)++ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAUACRE) (IN/ACRE) APRIL, MAY, OR JUNE (PREPLANT) 25.0 60 1,500 545,455 21,818 0.80 ++ TOTAL 60 1,500 545,455 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A CROP FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED. POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THE P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. ++ = THIS LIQUID MAY NEED TO BE APPLIED IN TWO APPLICATIONS TO AVOID RUN-OFF, ESPECIALLY IF APPLIED ON BARE SOIL. PAGE 56 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE 2 ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION GUIDELINES ON SIMILAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW WATERMELONS ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 --ALL PULLS ANIMAL WASTE TOTAL ANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBS/AC)++ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAUACRE) (IN/ACRE) MARCH, APRIL, OR MAY (PREPLANT) 20.0 60 1,200 436,364 21,818 0.80 ++ TOTAL 60 1,200 436,364 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO.A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A CROP FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED: POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THE P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. ++ = THIS LIQUID MAY NEED TO BE APPLIED IN TWO APPLICATIONS TO AVOID RUN-OFF, ESPECIALLY IF APPLIED ON BARE SOIL. PAGE 57 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE 29 ANIMAL WASTE_ APPLICATION GUIDELINES ON SIMILAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW CANTALOUPES ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 --ALL PULLS ANIMAL WASTE TOTAL ANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBSIAC)++ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAUACRE) (INIACRE) MARCH OR APRIL (PREPLANT) 15.0 60 900 327,273 21,818 0.80 ++ TOTAL 60 900 327,273 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A CROP FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED. POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THE P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. ++ = THIS LIQUID MAY NEED TO BE APPLIED IN TWO APPLICATIONS TO AVOID RUN-OFF, ESPECIALLY IF APPLIED ON BARE SOIL. PAGE 58 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION GUIDELINES ON SIMILAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW RYE (as a winter cover crop ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 - ALL PULLS and grazed) ANIMAL WASTE TOTAL ANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBS/AC)++ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAUACRE) (IN/ACRE) SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, (NOV.?) 141.0 20 2,841 1,033,145 7,327 0.27 FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL 141.0 45 6,324 2,299,582 16,309 0.60 TOTAL 65 9,165 3,332,727 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A CROP FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED. POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THE P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. PAGE 59 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE 3 ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION GUIDELINES ON SIMILAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW RYE (overseeded on ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 --ALL PULLS bermuda and grazed) ANIMAL WASTE TOTALANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBS/AC)++ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAUACRE) (IN/ACRE) SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, (NOV.?) 18.0 23 419 152,182 8,455 0.31 FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL 18.0 52 932 338,727 18,818 0.69 TOTAL 75 1,350 490,909 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A CROP FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED. POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THE P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. PAGE 60 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN PER 1000 GALLONS OF EFFLUENT = 2.75 POUNDS TABLE 3z ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION GUIDELINES ON SIMILAR FIELDS FIELDS THAT CAN GROW BERMUDAGRASS ARE: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F7 --ALL PULLS ANIMAL WASTE TOTAL ANNUAL SUGGESTED POUNDS OF GALLONS GALLONS INCHES OF APPLICATION ESTIMATED RATE OF P.A.N. P.A.N. TO OF EFFLUENT OF EFFLUENT WASTE FOR WINDOWS ACRES APPLICATION APPLY TO APPLY TO APPLY A SINGLE ON THIS PLANTED IN FROM WASTE ANNUALLY ANNUALLY PER ACRE EVENT CROP + THIS CROP + (LBS/AC)++ (LBS) (GALLONS) (GAIJACRE) (IN/ACRE) MAY 18.0 43 778 282,764 15,709 0.58 JUNE 18.0 86 1,555 565,527 31,418 1.16 ++ JULY 18.0 65 1,166 424,145 23,564 0.87 ++ AUGUST 18.0 22 389 141,382 7,855 0.29 TOTAL 216 3,888 1,413,818 NOTE: THE FARMER MUST NOT APPLY ANIMAL WASTE MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING A CROP OR 30 DAYS PRIOR TO A CROP BREAKING DORMANCY. ANIMAL WASTE APPLIED TO A.CROP FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MUST BE APPLIED AS A PREPLANT MEASURE ONLY. TOTAL NITROGEN APPLIED CAN NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED AGRONOMIC RATES IF A CROP'S MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE DEMAND EXCEEDS THE P.A.N. APPLIED FROM ANIMAL WASTE, A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER MAY BE NEEDED. POST EMERGENCE NITROGEN NEEDS FOR CROPS SCHEDULED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED WITH ANIMAL MANURE. TYPICALLY, NITROGEN APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FIELD TO FIELD AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDE. THE CROP GROWING SCHEME IN THIS TABLE IS ONLY FOR ONE TYPE OF CROP. + = THE P.A.N. APPLICATION AMOUNTS AND ACRES PLANTED ARE BEST GUESSES AND MAY VARY. ++ = THIS LIQUID MAY NEED TO BE APPLIED IN TWO APPLICATIONS TO AVOID RUN-OFF. PAGE 61 FARM NAME: WILSON'S SWINE FARM FARM OWNER(S): BRYAN WILSON FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, N.C. TABLE 33 GENERAL LONG TERM WATER BALANCES ONCE CROPS ARE ESTABLISHED WHAT IS THE MINIMUM DESIGN VOLUME FOR THIS THE LAGOON? 10,500,000 GALLONS (APPROXIMATELY) EST. AVG. @ ALLOWABLE WASTEWATER ESTIMATED VOLUME # EXCESS ESTIMATED ACCUMULATION OF LIQUID IN PERIOD OF WASTEWATER IRRIGATION OR REDUCTION THE LAGOON THE YEAR raaaeaatrrr (GAL 12 MO) trttrrrrrrrrrr (GAL / 2 MO) aaaaataataaara (GAL 12 MO) aRrir**att#*Rt (CUMULATIVE) rrriat******ri JANUARY, FEBRUARY 1,481,040 1,319,155 161,885 13,161.885 ++ MARCH, APRIL 1,481,040 3,902.791 (2,421,751) 10,740,135 MAY, JUNE 1,481,040 1,798,691 (317,651) 10,422,484 JULY, AUGUST 1,481,040 684,218 796,822 11,219,305 SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER 1,481,040 1,185,327 295,713 11.515,018 NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 1,481,040 akrrR!!r*tint 0 tiatrkkri*iii 1,481,040 iiitiiitiiaaa 12,996,058 TOTAL 8,886,240 8,890,182 (3,942) + = THE AVERAGE WASTEWATER EXCESSES DO NOT ACCOUNT FOR WIDE MONTHLY RAINFALL VARIATIONS OR MONTHLY EVAPOTRANSPORATION VARIATIONS. SUCH VARIATIONS COULD BE SIGNIFICANT AND CHANGE THE WATER BALANCE TABLE FROM WHAT IS SHOWN ABOVE. THIS TABLE IS ONLY AN APPROXIMATION, NOT A DETAILED WATER BALANCE. # = A MINIMUM VOLUME OF AROUND 10,500,000 GALLONS SHOULD BE MAINTAINED IN THE LAGOON. DO NOT PUMP MUCH BELOW THIS LEVEL. THIS ALLOWS FOR LIQUID AND SLUDGE BUILD-UP. + = A LARGE POSITIVE VALUE HERE INDICATES MORE ACRES MAY BE NEEDED IN ORDER TO APPLY WASTE. A LARGE NEGATIVE VALUE INDICATES MORE THAN ENOUGH LAND IS BEING IRRIGATED TO UTILIZE ALL OF THE EXPECTED WASTEWATER GENERATION. ++ = THIS IS AN ASSUMED VOLUME FOR THIS TABLE OR EXAMPLE. EACH YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT. PAGE 62 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW Below is an example of how to use the tabular information discussed above. EXAMPLE: The farmer wants to grow sweet potatoes in field 3 in the summer and grow cereal rye in the cool months as an overseeded crop. The following is one "process" the farmer would use to estimate the amount of P.A.N, to land apply. 1. The farmer is interested in determining the use of animal waste on field 3. At this time he is not concerned with commercial fertilizer needs so those will not be discussed. Table 27 shows that the preplant window for sweet potatoes is April, May, or possibly June if the farmer is late in planting. Timing will be according to the farmer's opportunity, weather, cereal rye growth, etc. Table 30 shows the effluent application window for cereal rye on cultivated land in the fall and the spring. 2. Table 13 shows that there is a total of 13.3 acres in field 3 that could receive animal waste, but not 100 percent of field 3 can be effectively irrigated. From Table 18 he sees the total effective wetted area due to irrigation is 10.1 acres. That information also appears in Table 22 by adding the pulls infield 3. Table 23 shows that an estimated 125 pounds of P.A.N. can be applied to each acre of this field annually with this combination of crops. 3. Table 27 tells the farmer he can apply roughly 21,818 gallons of animal waste per acre as a preplant for sweet potatoes (not including cereal rye) and get the needed P.A.N. As Table 27 says this is about 0.80 inches of effluent per acre. This may be too much effluent to apply at one time, especially if the land has been cultivated, and may require split applications. The farmer must decide. 4. Table 30 tells the farmer he can apply roughly 7,327 gallons of animal waste per acre in the fall and 16,309 gallons per acre in the spring on his cereal rye. As Table 30 says this is about 0.27 inches of effluent per acre in the fall and about 0.6 inches in the spring. The farmer may wish to equally split the effluent applications between the fall and spring if this better fits his growing schedule. The farmer must decide. 5 If the farmer only uses this crop combination for pulls 1 and 2 in field 3, then he would have to only total pulls 1 and 2 using the above numbers. The per acre application amounts would be the same no matter which pulls he uses for the sweet potatoes and cereal rye combination. All of the actual irrigation and crop growing combinations must be recorded on the appropriate forms. This waste utilization document does not specifically address nitrogen application on germinating or very. young crops. Thus the farmer must use good judgment when planting and applying waste to young crops. Young crops can not remove large quantities of nitrogen thus possibly requiring split applications. Remember, do not apply animal waste directly to crops scheduled for. human consumz�tion. Monthly waste application amounts will vary according to many factors. The engineer has assumed that animal waste will be available to deliver these nitrogen quantities. If the animal waste is lacking the needed nutrients, or lacking sufficient liquid quantities the operator could occasionally need to supplement nutrients in greater quantities than shown in this document. However, use caution when 63 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW applying commercial fertilizers. Annually look at nutrients like phosphorous and metals to make sure you are not over applying these or other nutrients. The farmer may need to contact a qualified technical specialist in order to help estimate these values. Some residual nitrogen carry-over from the organic fraction in animal waste and crop residue will be left in the fields from year to year. You might say there is a carry over of nitrogen so you may need to apply less as the years go by. In sandy soils nitrogen carry over this tends to be less of a factor. Be aware of this aspect and do not over apply nitrogen. Long term sludge removal methods (i.e. irrigation, pump and haul, etc.) are not specifically addressed in this plan as a separate issue. The Wilson's Swine Farm lagoon has sludge storage built into its design (see Table 4). Sludge removal and land applications will need a certified plan approved by DWQ. ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE The right animal waste application equipment is extremely important in terms of the farmer's ability to accurately measure and control the application of animal waste. However, when it comes to properly operating irrigation equipment (or broadcast equipment) the farmer must be familiar with his/her equipment and have a good understanding of pump curves, pumping rates, basic math, and possess the willingness to keep good records. This animal waste utilization plan is not intended to be a, comprehensive irrigation teaching manual. The engineer must assume the farmer can take the presented information and apply it to his or her farm. General Gold Leaf Farm currently has two irrigation pumps with stand alone power units, some existing below ground PVC force mains, many permanent hydrants, some above ground aluminum piping (which is movable), and two older model hard hose travelers. The farmer uses the irrigation system to pump lagoon effluent and fresh water to all fields. However, the existing system needs some modification in order to be more useful to the farmer. Therefore the engineer has developed plans and specifications for this CAWMP that shows the irrigation system as it will be modified. The .engineer is considering this entire system as a new or expanded system for the effective wettable acres determination. Only factors surrounding lagoon effluent irrigation are being considered for this CAWMP. Fresh water irrigation will also occur but the engineer is not specifying how the fresh water irrigation is to be used. Irrigation equipment data is shown below in Table 34 as well as on Exhibits 21 and 22. At this time, the farmer plans to install an additional 4,000 feet of below grade permanent PVC pipe to replace the need for above ground aluminum piping. He will also be installing several new hydrants. He plans to purchase two new hard hose traveler reels (both will be of the same make and model) and retire his older reels. All information presented herein will discuss the proposed modifications and new equipment. Exhibit 7 shows this general irrigation setup with the dotted lines showing the approximate center of normal irrigation lanes. The semi -circles on Exhibit 7 show approximate net wetted areas covered by gun cart nozzles (net wetted areas will overlap). The semi=circles shown are not effective wetted areas used to calculate CAWMP effective wetted acres. 64 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP 9FAi2T T'i 1A _ i_'nlrl T.nof ]Rarm Trrivatinn F.nninmpnt Derrrintinns Power supply t e + Caterpillar Diesel Engine - Model 1674 . Pump type and size for Cat. 1674 Berkelev Model B4EYQBH, 17.87 in. impeller Power supply ty2e + Caterpillar Diesel Engine - Model D333. Pump type and size for Cat. D333 Berkeley Model B4EYQBM, full impeller Traveler type proposed Amadas Reel Rain - Model 1030 Hose I.D. and length each reel) 3.0 inch I.D. @ 965 feet Gun and nozzle type all fields) Nelson Model SR150 w/ 1.26 in. ring nozzle Nelson Sprinkler diameter (wetted diameter) 320 feet c 50 psi mfg. published info. Expected flow and pressure with selected nozzle (farmer tries to keep nozzle pressure more or less constant) 255 gpm @ 50 psi (Nelson gun, mfg. published info.) 200 ft +/- (most all pull lanes are uniform at this farm Selected lane spacing Friction losses: See Exhibit 28 for a complete listing Flow velocity in 6 inch pipe 255 gpin 2.78 feet/second (approximately) Gun cart retrieval mechanism On board gasoline engine or a pelton wheel slurry turbine Anticipated wetted gun arc (all fields) 270 degrees Maximum Horsepower required @ 255 gpm a, maximum head considering allpulls) 50 hp (approximately) + Power unit horsepower curves were unavailable for this package. Either pump could be used to pump effluent but the Cat Model # 1674 and Pump Model B4EYQBH are most often used to pump effluent. Irrigation System Layout And Operation An irrigation layout is shown as Exhibit 7. The reader should notice that Exhibit 7 shows where the new pipe is to be installed and where the new above ground hydrants will be placed. The grower plans to use most of the existing system as is with only a few modifications. The new portions of the system will be tied into the existing piping. Minor pipe and hydrant placement variations due to on site conditions is allowable. The operator should always try and keep the gun nozzle at the same pressure and thus deliver the same amount of water (i.e. gpm) on each pull for ease in record keeping. Each time the traveling gun is set up it will need to be checked for the proper pressure and delivery. It is beyond the scope of this document to predict all pumping rates and traveler retrieval rate combinations to achieve a variety of application rates. The engineer must however rely on the farmer's record keeping ability to accurately track gallons pumped and nutrient amounts delivered. Adjustments can also be made in engine speeds (i.e. rpm) to increase or lower irrigation rates but use caution since this will also change application coverage. The farmer will find it most convenient to adjust gun cart retrieval speed when changing application volumes. Table 19 shows gun cart speeds for a specific application volume. Cart speed will not change the effective coverage, nozzle output or precipitation rates, but it will change application volumes. n As a general comment, more water will be applied at the bottom of hills than at the tops if slopes are significant. This will be mainly due to the higher nozzle pressures at lower elevations. The farmer 63 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW may find it more convenient to set applications to be correct at low points and thereby apply less on hill tops as the cart is being retrieved. Otherwise he will need to adjust the delivery rate throughout the pull on hills. Averages can also be used if over applications do not occur in low areas. Exhibit 28 shows detailed head loss calculations. Critical elements of the irrigation process are listed on an example record keeping form attached as Exhibit 11. The operator shall also keep records on equipment repairs, maintenance, and irrigation calibrations. The engineer recommends irrigation calibration be done at least one time per year but semi-annual calibration would be better. Information on calibration can be seen as Exhibit 16. The farmer should consult with his or her irrigation dealer to obtain more information on calibration or contact a qualified irrigation specialist. Wastewater shall not be allowed to run off any field at any time. Application rates should be as low as needed to avoid surface run-off or water ponding. When using traveling guns the instantaneous application rate is often above continuous application rates however the duration is minimal so run-off should not occur. Most soils at this site could accept a short duration loading rate of about 0.4 in./hr to 0.6 in/hr but caution should be used if irrigating close to the upper value. Strong slopes or wet conditions may cause irrigation rates to be less or require pull rates to be fast. If irrigation selections are causing run-off, the operator should change nozzles, increase travel speed, reduce. application or pump rates, etc. Changing gun cart speed is probably the easiest adjustment, but it will not change the application rate. The farmer should avoid irrigating low areas in the fields or spots which tend to stay wet. Keep good vegetative buffers between irrigated fields and the creek. The engineer would recommend very limited irrigation or no irrigation in grass water ways, stormwater channels, and near down -slope grass buffers. The operator of an agricultural irrigation system for wastewater must be certified. Certification details are not discussed within this document but more information on the irrigation operators certification program can be obtained by calling the N.C. Division of Soil and Water Conservation at (919) 733- 2302. Grading And Clearing For Travel Lanes (use if needed) For smooth irrigation, the operator will need to predetermined gun cart paths and travel lanes, especially in recently cleared fields. This will be most important between hills and where hills would tilt the gun cart to the side. A tilted gun cart is more easily turned over and will also alter the effective coverage of the spray. Exhibit 7 shows these travel lanes at Gold Leaf Farm. The engineer does not expect any clearing necessary for travel lanes at this farm. If needed to smooth out cart paths, remove all stumps and large rocks, and place soil in gullies and valleys. Recently cleared or disturbed soil areas (if applicable) shall be seeded for soil stabilization. Irrigation shall be limited on these areas until grass is well established. Traveler pulls across these disturbed soil areas will be allowed if a cover crop is planted. Filling valleys can block natural drainage ways. If earthen bridges are constructed between hills a stormwater culvert may need to be installed. Sizing stormwater culverts is beyond the scope of this plan. WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Trenches And Pipe Installation Care in installing pipes or force mains will greatly reduce long term problems and potential leaks. Exhibit 23 goes into detail about trench construction, pipe fitting, thrust block installation, trench cover up, etc. For brevity the engineer will not repeat these details here. Some new pipe installation is planned at the farm. The existing and new underground pipe at Gold Leaf Farm is and will be 6 inch PVC, SDR26, class 160, gasketed joint pipe. New pipe shall be installed a minimum of 36 inches deep. Trench depths between 40 inches and 48 inches would be better. Cut trenches and back -fill according to Exhibit 23. Concrete thrust blocks are necessary on irrigation system piping in order to prevent pipe movement and failure. Very often air in the pipe lines will cause water hammer to occur, Sudden shocks due to water hammer or water rushes can loosen joints or break pipe. Thrust blocks are especially needed for pipes 4 inches in diameter or larger and for gasketed joint pipe. Reaction blocks should be installed at bends greater than 10 degrees. Figure 1 of Exhibit 23 shows several examples of reaction block configuration. Tables 35 and 36 show suggested reaction areas for thrust blocking. These are guidelines only. Concrete should be well mixed and be at least a 2500 pound consistency. Thrust blocks are usually between 4 and 12 inches thick and back up against the undisturbed soil of a trench wall. These are given for future guidance. Suggested (new) thrust block locations are shown on Exhibit 7. TABLE 35 Minimum Concrete Thrust Block Areas For PVC Pipe Maximum Test Pressure Assumed =160 psi Thrust Block Areas (sq. ft.) * ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Location SandyLoams + Medium Firm Clays ++ 4 inch pipe 6 inch pipe 4 inch i e 6 inch pipe 90 degree elbows 1.6 3.4 1.2 2.4 60 degree elbows 1.2 2.4 0.8 1.7 45 degree elbows 0.9 1.8 0.6 1.3 30 degree elbows 0.6 1.2 0.4 0.9 22.5 degree elbows 0.5 0.9 0.3 0.7 Dead ends 1.2 2.4 0.8 1.7 Tees 0.8 1.7 0.6 1.2 Hydrants 1.6 3.4 1.2 2.4 Drains 1.2 2.4 0.8 1.7 Ground entry i e 0.9 1.9 0.7 1.4 Valves 1.3 2.6 0.9 1.9 * Calculated using formula and tables on pages 6 and 7 of Exhibit 23. More firm soils will reduce thrust block surface areas. Less firm soils will increase thrust block areas. + Sandy Loams assumed at 2,5001b/sq. ft. + Medium Firm Clay assumed at 3,5001b/sq. ft. 67 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWNW TABLE 36 Minimum Concrete Thrust Block Areas For PVC Pipe Maximum Test Pressure Assumed = 200 psi Thrust Block Areas (sq. ft.) * Location ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Sandy Loams + Medium Firm Clays ++ 4 inch pipe 6 inch pi e 4 inch pipe 6 inch pipe 90 degree elbows 2 4.2 1.5 3.0 60 degree elbows 1.5 3.0 1.0 2.1 45 degree elbows 1.1 2.3 0.8 1.6 30 degree elbows 0.8 1.6 0.5 1.1 22.5 de ree elbows 0.6 1.2 0.4 0.8 Dead ends 1.5 3.0 1.0 2.1 Tees 1.0 2.1 0.7 1.5 Hvdrants 2.0 4.2 1.5 3.0 Drains L5 3.0 1.0 2.1 Ground entry pipe 1.2 2.4 0.8 1.7 Valves 1.6 3.3 1.1 2.3 * Calculated using formula and tables on pages 6 and 7 of Exhibit 23. More firm soils will reduce thrust block surface areas. Less firm soils will increase thrust block areas. + Sandy Loams assumed at 2,500 lb/sq. ft. + Medium Firm Clay assumed at 3,5001b/sq. ft. Valves And System Safety When irrigation is underway the entire underground pipe system may be pressurized. Special valve caps at each hydrant prevent water from flowing except where the irrigation reel is connected. Exhibit 23 shows a typical plumbing arrangement from the irrigation pump to underground piping. This is an illustration only but does show needed components. A flange type butterfly type valve installed at each hydrant will afford much control of irrigation seepage while connecting reels to hydrants, however the standard cap type valve (i.e. bonnet) on each hydrant is acceptable. The installer shall place concrete collars around hydrants as needed to prevent pipe movement. Also see Exhibit 7 for a typical hydrant illustration. The engineer is requiring a high/low pressure cut-off switch be installed on the power unit used to pump lagoon effluent at Wilson's Swine Farm. Should a pipe break or a pipe blockage occur the power unit (and irrigation) will automatically shut down. Both power units mentioned above have such switches already installed. This switch would take the place of a pressure relief valve however a pressure relief valve is a low cost safety device that is recommended on every system. Most brands for said purpose would be acceptable. The farmer shall test this emergency cut-off switch routinely to make sure it works. The engineer would recommend a monthly test as a minimum. DO NOT LEAVE IRRIGATION SYSTEM OPERATING UNATTENDED.. Valves to control flow should be of a size and type that is consistent with the volume and material type being pumped. Swine effluent is corrosive. Ball and butterfly type valves tend to be more durable than gate valves but either is acceptable. 69 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Never shut off valves quickly or open them quickly under full flow conditions. Be careful when filling empty pipes in order to avoid water hammer and their possible rupture when water rushes through the system. Table 37 is a general guide for filling irrigation type piping. TABLE 37 o Am-v ivTr T nvr_ u A TT C 1 (1R M A TNT .TNF IRRIGATION PIPE + + This table was obtained from information glen in a NL Ju traInIng cuss V11 ililru4LiV11. " aFliva— originated from David D. Davis and Associates. ++ Slowly increase flow rates. Generally speaking increase flow rates about 30 gpm per minute. Use caution to fill pipes according to this table every time the mainline has drained down by 10 percent of its volume capacity. A Tri-Action irrigation valve is being specified for this system, to be installed at the pump location beside the swine lagoon. These valves will allow air to escape, prevent pipe vacuum, and act as a pressure relief point. An example of such a valve is shown as Exhibit 26. Valve placements are shown on Exhibit 7. Ordinary air relief valves shall be placed at the hydrants shown on Exhibit 7 and on the force mains which cross high points of all hills (not applicable to Gold Leaf Farm). Exhibit 7 does not propose any drain port locations. However if used, install drain ports at low points of the irrigation system. These ports are to be used to winterize the system and in some cases can drain out hundreds or even thousands of gallons of effluent if opened. Due to environmental concerns the engineer is requiring that any effluent which is drained be contained either in a small pit or tank and land applied or put back into the lagoon system. Effluent from pipes can not be emptied onto the soil and allowed to drain off -site. When in operation, an irrigation system is under high pressure and can be dangerous. A sudden release of pressure in the face can easily blind or even kill an operator. Also if elbows, tees, valves, or other parts suddenly break off, they will be projected through the air at high velocity. This can be a deadly missile for the operator. Always use caution around irrigation systems, PTO shafts, tractors and power units. Be sure to follow the equipment manufactures recommendation for operation and safety and never disconnect safety devices. Think before you act! 60 1_ WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP Always observe sanitary principals around animal waste. Keep your dirty hands away from your mouth, nose, and eyes when working with manure. Also see earlier precautions about lagoon safety. System Operation And Maintenance Exhibit 25 is a general irrigation systems operation and maintenance guide. This document is adequate for said purpose. In addition the farmer shall adhere to equipment manufactures recommendations for equipment operation and maintenance. Irrigation Examples Perhaps the best way to summarize irrigation methodology is with examples. There are examples only but contain many of the critical irrigation elements the farmer will need to figure his or her own irrigation parameters. The reader can also refer to numerous other examples (e.g. NC Cooperative Extension Training Manual AG-538-A, etc.). Example 1. Conditions • Source of irrigation water: Wilson's Swine Farm anerobic lagoon effluent. • Assumed nitrogen levels in effluent: 2.75 lbs RA.N./1000 gallons (for example only). • Month of application: Late February • Type of cover crop: Cereal Rye - well established on Candor Soils, All of Field 1. • Desired nitrogen loading rate: Follow the CAWMP guidelines. • Type of irrigation equipment: AMADAS Reel Rain Model 1030 with a Nelson SR150, 1.26 inch ring nozzle. From CAWMP lane spacings are at 200 feet. • Application Conditions: Apply at no more than agronomic rates and avoid run-off. Calculations and considerations: 1. From the soils data presented earlier we know that the safe hydraulic loading at any one application is estimated to be between 0.3 and 1.0 inches (see Table 17). One inch of total application assumes very dry soil conditions and is usually in warm or hot weather. Now compare the desired loading rates with your waste utilization plan for the applicable month. You may or may not be able to apply the maximum amount of water due to nutrient limitations, poor crop health, or wet conditions. Do not allow run off and do not over apply nutrients. You know the soil is relatively dry but February is usually not warm. Looking at Table 30 (use Table 30 because field 1 is a cultivated field) it shows that the recommended spring application of animal waste is about 0.60 inches of effluent. You may want to choose 0.3 inches first to be on the safe side and apply more waste next month. Experience may temper this value later. This is the farmer's call. 2. From enclosed literature and Table 34 the reel hose length is 965 feet. The 1.26 inch ring nozzle is being used. You plan to apply waste on all ,your fields the same (for example) and desire to maintain about 50 psi at the nozzle. The operator verifies this with a pressure gauge on the gun cart. At 50 psi the nozzle will deliver 255 gpm (Exhibit 21). From calibration data the farmer can and should verify this value since the tables can sometimes be wrong. The effective wetted coverage of the nozzle is around 200 feet (taken from Table 19) assuming no wind and more or T WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP less ideal conditions. (Note: effective coverage values should be verified with on site measurements). 3 Estimate the precipitation rate for the above system, Assume we use a rotation arc (w) for our gun of 270 degrees. The rotation arc is adjustable. Precipitation Rate (in/hr) = 96.3 x steer flow { _ 360 3.16 x [0.9 x sprinkler radius pf X w PR (in/hr) = 96.3 x 255 360 3.16 x [0.9 x 320/2]2 x 270 PR = 0,50 in/hr (This is within the acceptable precipitation rate range for crop/soil conditions, see Table 17 and the soils data. However it might be a little high for February so keep a close eye out for run-off. 4. Remember that precipitation rate and application values are not the same thing. We have decided to apply 0.3 inches of water to be put out and safeguard against run off. How fast do you need to pull the gun cart to only apply 0.3 inches of water? Travel Speed (in/min) _ [19.3 x sprinkler flow rate Le vm7 line spacing (ft) x application volume (inches) where: gpm = 255 lane spacing = 200 feet application volume = 0.3 in (first try) Travel Speed = 19.3 x 255 = 82.03 in/min (6,84 ft/min) 200 x 0.3 The reader can also look at Table 19 for already calculated values for these particular settings. 5. For this example assume you have pulled out 965 feet of hose and wish to know how long it will take. to retrieve. Time of pull: 965 feet/6.84 ft/min = 141 minutes (2.35 hours) Discussion: Please note that 0.3 inches is the target loading volume to try for this type soil/crop combination at this particular time. If these were `what if' type calculations and the farmer was happy with the calculated results, the farmer would now compare these values with equipment capabilities and make sure all parameters are within the capabilities of the machine. The owner will likely have to calculate his or her own values based on nutrient analyses and application rates. For instance, the farmer may wish to pull the gun cart faster to apply less water per acre. This is why it is extremely important to calibrate equipment and keep good records, The owner/operator must use common 71 I WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWW sense to evaluate all parameters and apply them to the task at hand. The above calculation is only an example and is not intended to take the place of equipment manufactures recommendations. Also if irrigation occurs on "non -uniform" land, the operator must account for irrigation variations. Do not over apply near hydrants or in areas that tend to stay wet. Carefully watch the system over an entire pull to see if run-off is occurring. The irrigation amounts will vary between the top and bottom of slopes. If pull lanes are not side by side you may not get uniform coverage to keep all crops in good condition. A good water meter on your system may save you time and make recording water usage much easier. Example 2 Lets assume that no run-off occurred in the above example. So the farmer thinks he/she could irrigate more volume. So he/she wishes to increase the loading to 0.5 inches and try that. How much should the irrigation gun cart speed be changed in order to achieve this result? 1. Use the formula shown in item 4 of Example 1 or use the ratio: (0.3 in/0.5 in) x 82 in/min = 49.2 in/min (or about 4.1 ft/minute) Discussion: Reduce the gun cart speed to 49 or 50 in/min in order to increase the application volume of effluent to 0.5 in. The precipitation rate would stay the same as calculated in Example 1, part 3 above assuming the operating pressures and pumping rates remain the same. But again, carefully watch for effluent run-off. Example 3 Assume an application of 0.5 inches does not result in run-off and the farmer is happy with the retrieval rate of 49 in/min. He/she wishes to irrigate pull F1-P3 in this field. He/she will need to lay some above ground pipe to get this entire pull since the pull length is about 1085 feet and his hose length is only 965 feet. He/she will take up the surface laid pipe when the reel gets close to the pipe. How many hours of irrigation time will be required? How many gallons of effluent will be pumped? How much P.A.N. will be applied total and per acre? From Table 18 the total effective wetted area of F1-P3 is 5.767 acres. 1085 ft / 4.1 ft/min = 265 minutes or 4.41 hours 4.41 hours = 0.76 hr/acre or 1.31 acres per hour 5.767 acres This does not include set up time, moving the traveler, hose deployment, pipe connections, etc. 2. Total volume pumped = 255 gal/min x 60 min/hr = 15,300 gal/hr 15,300 gph x 4.41 hours = 67,473 gallons. The operator should not always rely on "average values" since nozzle pressures and application rates are can change across a field and between fields. Fill out Exhibit 11 for each field irrigated and F—Pa WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP calculate individual applications per field. Again a water meter can make keeping track of gallons pumped easy, but make sure it stays calibrated. 3. P.A.N. Application 2.75 lbs P.A.N./1000 gallons x 67,473 gal = 185.6 pounds P.A.N. 185.6 lbs P.A.N. / 5.767 acres = 32.2 lbs P.A.N./acre Discussion: The reader can compare this value with the allowable nitrogen application in that month from the waste utilization plans (Table 30). By doing this the operator will note that 32.2 pounds of P.A.N. is not over the target maximum of 45 pounds in the spring. Therefore the operator may wish to apply another application of waste in a few weeks. Slight over or under values are to be expected. Use test data from waste analyses to accurately calculate P.A.N. To decrease P.A.N. application in this example, increase the pull speed gun cart. Be careful to keep track of your yearly accumulation of P.A.N. Example 4 Lets assume (for example only) the operator pulls out the gun cart to a point considerably down hill from a hydrant. For this example lets assume this is F1-P3. After starting up the irrigation pump he/she checks the pressure gauge on the gun cart nozzle and find it reads 60 psi. The operator thinks this pressure may cause him/her to over apply water and risk run-off because the soil is not extremely dry. What is the speed the operator will need to pull the cart in order to apply a volume to 0.4 inches (a value you feel is safe to avoid run-off)? 1. From Exhibit 21 the approximate flow from the nozzle at 60 psi is 275 gpm. Our desired flow from earlier calculations was 255 gpm. Now use the Travel Speed Equation (Example 1, part 4) to find the needed retrieve speed. Travel Speed (in/min) 119,26 x sprinkler flow rate g n!) line spacing (ft) x application volume (inches) where: gpm = 275 lane spacing = 200 feet application volume = 0.4 in (to avoid possible run-off Travel Speed = 19.3 x 275. = 66.34 in/min (5.53 ft/min) 200x.4 73 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWNT Discussion: If the hill is steep, the cart comes back up the hill the nozzle pressure will be reduced (i.e. not as much elevation difference) and the application volume will be reduced below 0.4 inches. You may wish to closely watch the application event to see if run-off occurs at the lower portions of the hill. If it does not occur go ahead and let the retrieval speed remain at the pre-set rate or slow it down as it comes up the hill to keep the application amount the same. Use good judgment. Remember, all of the above examples are close approximations. Try to stay within sound and safe operating ranges. Example 5 Suppose you want to use an average for irrigated volume when pulling the gun cart up hill. How do you do this? Lets assume you pull out your gun cart on a particular field and set the pressure at the nozzle at 60 psi. Then you pull the gun cart back up the hill. Just before the gun cart finishes its pull you record the nozzle pressure to be 50 psi. Assume it took 5 hours and 15 minutes to make this pull (5.25 hours). What has been the average gallons applied during this pull? Lets assume the hill is relatively uniform. First determine the calculated gallons per minute at the start and stop of the pull. The change in pressure between the bottom and top of the hill is 10 psi. Look at Exhibit 21 to see the nozzle data output and calculate the beginning and end nozzle output. At 60 psi the output of the nozzle is 275 gpm. At 50 psi the output of the nozzle is 255 gpm. For the uniform hill: 275 gpm + 255 gpm = 265 gpm (avg) 2 265 gpm x 5.25 hours x 60 min/hour = 83,475 gallons Discussion: Note that the gun cart retrieval should be more or less constant. Here is when the output changes and an average is appropriate. The 265 gpm was the average between the 275 gpm and the 255 gpm. In practical terms, you can make these determinations one time for each of your pulls and as long. as the operational parameters are the same (i.e. motor rpm, pressures, pull track, etc.) you should not have to recalculate the output every time. However, do use some common sense and check the calibration on your equipment regularly. A few hundred gallons of effluent will not make or break your irrigation routine. Be as careful as possible but do not get too detailed unless you have a very good and accurate way to measure each and every parameter. A top quality water meter is also a very helpful tool for the irrigator but it must be suitable for animal waste. Be careful about using nozzle pressure greater than those mentioned in the CAWMP since your effective irrigation coverage changes when you change nozzle pressures. Slight changes in nozzle pressure is an operational reality. GENERAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM Animal wastes can not impact the surface waters of North Carolina. In the event of an emergency or accidental discharge, Bryan Wilson and/or the farm manager at that time shall take the necessary measures.to eliminate or at least minimize the impact of the discharge and if possible keep it 74 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP out of nearby creeks. An emergency may be effluent overflow from a lagoon, a dam failure, severe run-off of soil and nutrients due to a storm, a broken effluent pipe, etc. The owners are required to develop a customized Emergency Response Plan for this farm. As a minimum the following shall be done (do as applicable): 1. Take the necessary measures to safeguard lives. 2. Stop the. discharge source and then any off -site discharges ASAP. Temporary measures are acceptable in an emergency. Cut off the irrigation pump (or other pumps) if necessary. Keep the effluent out of surface waters. See Exhibit 20 for plan ideas 3. Get a contractor or equipment to the site to contain the discharge on a more permanent basis if this is necessary. Do not wait for the contractor to arrive before getting more help if needed. 4. Notify all of these persons listed below (as needed). 5. In the event of a lagoon problem, develop an agreement with a local earth moving contractor who has equipment that can be on -site within hours in the event of an emergency. This shall be a standing agreement between the farm owners and the contractor. In an emergency notify the contractor of the situation and specify the type of equipment needed. Use on -farm tractors, back -hoes, etc. to contain the discharge. 6. Evaluate the situation quickly and reduce the impact of the problem if at all possible. This can be done by turning off valves, stopping water flows, stop flush tanks, diverting problem flows, adding soil to dams, making small dams in drainage ditches, installing temporary earthen dams or ditches with farm equipment, pump excess water to other holding areas etc. Not all measures are applicable to all situations. Irrigating during rainfall events may be better than allowing a dam to fail in an emergency, but notify DWQ first and discuss options. 7. Notify DWQ officials ASAP but always within 24 hours of the problem (sooner is better). 8. Notify local authorities if lives or property are threatened. CONTACT PERSONS IN AN EMERGENCY 1. Bryan Wilson - Wilson's Swine Farm Owner ................ Home - (910) 652-3749. Mobile - (910) 417-7694 2. Paul Wilson, Jr................................................................ Home - (910) 652-5604 3. Richmond County NRCS................................................ Office - (910) 997-8244 4. Regional Office of DWQ, Fayetteville, N.0.................... Office - (910) 486-1541 5. Larry F. Graham, P.E. - EES -........................................ Office - (910) 295-3252 6. DWQ emergency phone for after hours (in Raleigh) ......... Office - (919) 733-3942 7. Local emergency management personnel in Richmond County Office - (910) 997-8238 8. Richmond County Environmental Health Department ....... Office (910) 997-8320 9. Richmond County Sheriffs Department -Phone ................ 9-1-1. 10. EMS - Richmond County .............................................. 11. Others: 12. Others: The farm owners should develop their own detailed Emergency Response Plan and review this plan with all appropriate persons and employees. Exhibit 20 shows more information related to such plans. Emergency contacts and phone numbers should be posted in visible locations, like inside the managers shack or office and near every telephone. This Emergency Response Plan should have 75 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP considerable well thought out detail on what to do in each type emergency. The plan should address environmental, medical, fire, and storm related emergencies. Update this plan annually and have regular employee refresher training sessions on emergency preparedness. Discharge emergencies can happen very quickly and every minute counts. Discharges will probably flow off -site rapidly giving the farm manager only a short time to react. Therefore making plans in advance is a good investment and is much less expensive than lawyers or fines. The farmer should take some time to walk around the site with farm employees and think about possible discharge emergencies. Ask yourself; which way would a discharge flow?, is there a creek nearby?, is there a natural diversion that could be diked to stop the flow?, is there any emergency spill containment equipment on site?, can you drive to the nearby creek to stop a flow before it gets away?, what equipment would you use to stop a small or large discharge? Go over these things in your mind and with farm managers and plan out your actions. Perhaps have a few emergency drills to see how well your people are prepared. Discharges to nearby creeks are serious and could cause you to loose your operating permit. Do not neglect this plan. It could save -you a iijeat deal of trouble in the future. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND NOTICES The farm operator may wish to contact the following people and/or agencies for detailed assistance with crop selections, irrigation, soil analyses, etc. • Richmond County NRCS office • Richmond County Cooperative Extension Service • N.C. Irrigation Society • NCDA Also the reader should thoroughly review all the attached exhibits for helpful information and precautions. Any person or company owning or controlling the property upon which an animal waste disposal system is in operation shall be responsible for all aspects of the disposal system. The system must be maintained at all times to prevent direct seepage and/or discharge of effluent to the surface of ponds, rivers, streams, or to any type of surface or ground waters. Significant changes in operations, or problems should be duly noted and documented by the farmer. The owner is hereby notified that he/she must operate this system in accordance with state and local laws and regulations. Problems should be reported to the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) ASAP. DWQ phone numbers are listed under the emergency action plan section of this report. Changes in animal steady state live weight, operations, ownership, and/or waste management must first be discussed with DWQ before proceeding. This is not an option for the farmer but a requirement. Increases in SSLW will require plan modifications and a new permit. 76 WILSON'S SWINE FARM CAWMP All vegetation under irrigation shall be kept in peak condition at all times. This means the proper fertilization, mowing, cutting, and liming. Overly wet or overly dry conditions can cause vegetative stress or death, therefore the operator shall be careful to monitor vegetative performance. Baled hay can not be left to rot next to spray fields. Harvested crops must be removed from the site. The project engineer can not take responsibility for the accuracy . of all information or conclusions made by others and referenced herein. Much of the information presented above is based on estimated conditions, estimated operational capabilities, etc. that are subject to change. When dealing with so many variables and natural elements it is impossible to predict in advance all operational conditions, however the concepts and methodology presented above are reliable. The information above is presented in a detailed fashion so that system operators can recalculate and adjust certain parameters from year to year. The engineer takes no responsibility for changes made to the above plan before, during, or after construction without his knowledge. Nor does the engineer take any responsibility for human losses or property damages which should occur due to poor workmanship, improper use of machinery, unknown conditions above or below ground level, legal problems with boundary lines or easements, acts of nature, "short-cuts" the owner may take in system construction, legislative rule changes during or after plan development, or improper system operation. Information given to the engineer by the owner or others and used in these specifications shall be taken as truth if it can not be verified otherwise. DWQ officials and local health officials are authorized to inspect the system at any time. It is of the utmost importance that all activities with regards to waste utilization and irrigation be recorded and kept in a safe place on the farm. Exhibit 11 forms may be altered to include more data if needed. Good records are essential to good waste utilization practices. The farmer must provide documentation for harvested products (e.g. weigh tickets for hay bales or sales tickets for bushels of corn). The farm owner must keep a copy of this certified report on the farm at all times. He or she must adhere to these plans as much as is possible. Alterations in waste management practices shall at no time violate the intent of this plan. This document does not contain all specifications, rules, and laws associated with the land application and management of animal waste. Copies of such guidelines and documentation can be obtained at the local NRCS office, the regional office of DWQ, or from the Cooperative Extension Service. END OF ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 77 EXHIBITS SECTION 1003 i Exhibit 2 - - �- USGS Topographic map for ti= =_ the Gold Leaf Farm. Owner: Bryan Wilson 98 r0\Z I.rr - %69S 11 1 4 LG k - A '-r`• �1I _ _ �..7. �� . o- 11 .r -t. :4 .• (' WEST END QUADRANGLE _J = NORTH CAROLINA - '1 455 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) la HOFFMAN QUADRANGLE NORTH, CAROLINA 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) ,' II SE/4 JACKSON SPRINGS 15' QUADRANGLE O f l LA /i 472 iI cNir apeb • IC x41 461 /_ - _ > Aso__ �_- W. ><. // �a ->i /i •=...ev.._ .� _ -��.—,dam. - 10 feet contour intervals SCALE 1:24000 1 7 0 1 MILE 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET 1 75 0 ~ 1 KILOMETER S'i'r° K' ^•-. r > r',1 Ft� , yt �,yC �" ' - 4 ,� "+ � S � •,�� it. • 1 .. 4.a _ 05i, .u. r,n" 1 ':r-•f t sib auk°, fix-+` ti - +„•e . a-Y'M+ � 1. y � ti • � •' ` `M . •� .,h 4 \ Y �`. 1. nit •. �1• .�A e a )kr k • J �: ) ly. L J:�ti ` 1. "47.��a 1 � •� `� ,•`•T �t,. �... E�3;M x+ 1, � ♦,? •� .�yYy g�rfi�rg� tl a t�, j w",� t t xt 4ta-''!e� _ •� � �.mN.}y �p tir .. �„nw`4. .� ,t � , �n� �, � ? }) oqf-'� ft'. `�'� r �4•r� -C� *a �• +u`;:Ja `t'"`s.,`!wa � f '.}t°'y 1^ s.•• ty� ?\ Wr..�7^ "� ! a � "N �'1L Lt �+ � _ n .. 'j - u• � Aa1�+, 1:tirji 4 `. �' ;'.. r� r"a ,ys_.A�� 4 � •� 1 �4. �1e i ^I M 7 K{�' l .a �) ,,�Yr��rr"4�? � i � V•,�+11..!` �21... •S•* - eJ •,lyr „�,S , ¢4 ,,.N• MiE. •�tr,. �.. ?r, ,_ : '"` r�/ry,`. uold Leaf Farm., ei d yi• C ;, • 'Sid z' �ia . • :`� �ti, , Q }� IN dr .+ �. .71' +� .. i1F' i "'^'4 1 •` y; gCDA k oif6isiie_DwBion 4300 Rce'dy Creels Road - Ralei ,' NC . 27607.646.5 s 919 •.733-2655 - Re oii NO: V700096 AV Grower.• Wilson, Paul Copies To: County Extension Director ' 1180 Jones Springs Church Rd. USDA-NRCS-Richmond Ellerbe, NC 28338 WasteAnalysis =� 5 e o.rt Farm: 77-17Exhibit 7/ 9/97 - Richmond County ►am le In% `. ::_: - ' Laborato Results arts per nullion unless otlzerv+5se'noted ample ID: N P K Ca M S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Cl C i(?©3 r ; Total 833 H 87.1 908 110 22.3 28.9 10.1 o.49 1.50 0.69 0.86 IN-N M H M M H M M M M M Aaste Code: NH4 IS -NO3 Na Ni Cd Pb Al Se Li Pit SS ON DM% CCE% ALE K al 313 7.85 7escription: OR-N wL,ine ;oon Lin Urea VH teconnnetidations. Nutrients Available for First Crop .'K "., `' lbsI1000allows Other Elerne.nts 16,r, 000Rraflolrs lshp?icalion MfI!N)d V P 205 X< C) C!2 3!� S h? V?; A. Cie B Afo 0 Na INIT Cd 11I, Al Se Li lr:i avian 3.1 1-2 73 o_64 013 0A7 0.06 T 0.01 T 0-01 l.6 lam Ie Infof- Latsorato Results arts per million Unless otherwise -noted i ample ID: N P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Cl C ][i0,2 Waste Code: US 9escription: Swine Lagoon Liq. Total 791 M INN -NH4 NO3 OR-N Urea 78.7 899 86.6 18.4 25.5 M H M M M 6.32 0.27 0.63 M M M 0.57 M 0.82 M Na M Cd Pb Al Se Li pH SS C.•N DM% CCE% ALE r a 323 7.88 VH Etecomfliendations: Nutiients.Available for First Crop'lbs11060 allows..: Other Elements IIisIT000 allows. dpfilicafion nfelbod irrigation _ N.- P-05 K:Q 3.O 1.1 7.2 Ca. hfq. - S- Fe: :"'fin Zn o.51. 0,11 0,15 0.04 T T cw' B. No Cl T T Na 2.7 h'i Cd Pb'° Al ::: Se M. NCDA A gnomic Division. ; 30.0 Reed Creek: Road' Rafe NC;. 27607-6465 919: `:h733-265'S .. Grolier. `,Wilson Paul:.. _ :. Re "ort No; W05528',P '2 , Tani le Info;, :. ..: :. ub.oratog.Reiults, ('`arts er.:'nulliou'unless: othecwise.noted Sample ID: N PK Ca mg S Fe AM Zn Cu B Afo Cl C )003. Waste Code: BLS 9escription: Nine Lagoon Li . Total IN -N -AIH4 -A'03 OR-N Urea 924 H 86.2 907 M 11 116 27.0 M M 19.5 3.61 0.39 0.67 M At Af M 0:70 0.57 M M Na Ni Cd PG Al Se Li pH SS ON DM% CCB% ALE�A:ca!] 343 7.68 VH Recommendations: Nutrients available for:First Crop lbs%1000; allons Otltcr Elements ZbslIQ0.,0 gallons 4p[�I.cal �z 11elbgd Irrig tio..ii N P30i A.'a Ca Mg S 3:9 1°.2 7.3 0.68 616 : - 6.1) Fe: Mii: 0, 02 T Zir Cu B ma el - T T T A'a Ni 2.9 Cd A At Se Li ---' S no Waste Code: -NH4 gqO When you submit soil samples for laboratory analysis, you need and expect reliable results. Because .thc test report is used in making decisions about liming and fertilization. its accuracy can affect your costs and yields. In other words, getting accurate results can make a difference in dollars and cents. The reliability- of the soil test, however,. can be no better than the sample you submit. For results you can depend on, it is vitally important that you take samples In away that accurately represents the soil on your farm. This publication tells how to obtain truly rcprescntativc soil samples and to submit them for analysis. Where to'Talce Samples You can obtain an aerial photograph of your farm fro, the county ASCS office: outline you r•farm•or ficldm:boun- daries directly do the photo or make a' farger-,and'more•. detailed map using the photo as a guide. Thcn'assign. a permanent number to each field or management area. - Numbering the areas will enable you to keep records of the soil treatments applied and the crop yields obtained from each area. For your convenience in submitting soil samples, assign each area an identifier consisting -of -no more than three characters — numbers,. letters, or, both. Every soil -sample you submit for testing should consist of about 15 to 20 cores taken at random locations, . i, throughout one field or area. A sample should include cores from; no more than about 20 acres even If the soil appears to be uniform over a larger area. - Keep in mind that each sample should represent only one general soil type or condition. If the field you arc sam• pling contains areas that arc obviously different in slope, color, drainage, and texture and if those areas can bc'fcr- tilized separately, submit a separate sample (consisting of 15 to 20 cores) for each area. (See Figure:;].) When collecting samples, avoid small areas where -the soil conditions are obviously quite* different from'thdsc in -the " rest of the field — for example; wet spots,:'places:where wood piles have been burned, severely eroded areas, old "ILiV(: isX[ lL1 LUtI Careful So -it"" ­ Sampling ­ ., The ,Key.:•.td'-Reliable Soil Test Information. Eroded Area I Ught Colored Soil A B Figure 1. Within each field, collect a separate sample from each area that has a different type of soil. building sites, fence rows, spoil banks, and burn -row areas. Also avoid the fertilizer bands in fields where row crops have been grown. Because samples taken from these locationswould not be typical of the soil in.thc rest of the, field, including themcould produce misleading results. Areas within a field where different crops have been grown in the past should be sampled separately, .even if you now plan to grow the same crop in the whop• field. Areas that have been limed and fertilized differently from the rest or the field *should also be sampled separately: Sampling Problem Areas In fields or areas where fertility problems appear to be the cause or abnormal crop growth, samples should be col- lected in a somewhat different way from samples used for routine testing. At the same time you collect topsoil samples, collect subsoil samples at a depth from 8 to 16 inches, but keep the two types of samples separate. Follow the guidelines for collecting a good, representative sample, taking cores at random locations throughout the problcm•area even though it may be relatively small. At the same time, collect a representative sample :from -nor- mal areas of the same field. More detailed information on collecting samples from pro• blem areas (s'given in form AD2, "Problem Area Soil Sample Information. Copies can be obtained from your county Extension Service office, NCDA regional agronomists, loca) agribusinesses, or the NCDA Agronomic Division, Blue Ridge Road Center, Raleigh, NC 27611. ,When to Take Samples Collect samples three to six months before planting time. You will then have tite test report in time to plan your liming and fertilization program bcforc•the busy' planting season. if you submit samples immediately after harvest in the fall, you arc likely to receive thd.results promptly because the laboratory work load is lighter at that time than in the spring. Do not collect samples when the soil is. too wet because it will be difficult to mix the cores. As a rule, if. the soil is too wet to plow, it Is too wet to sample. Sample the soil from perennial or sod -crop areal three o four .months before establishing the crop or app g or fertilizer. How Often to Sample r If your farm is in the coastal plain region, it is best to test the soil every 2 or 3 years. The sandy soils in that region do not hold nutrients as long as soils in other parts -of the stale and arc more apt to become acid through the addi- tion of nitrogen. The nutrient levels in the silt and clay loam soils of the piedmont and mountain regions change less rapidly with lime and fertilizer applications: In these areas, soil testing once every 4 years is usually sufficient. A good plan is io sample one-third of your fields each year if your farm is in the coastal plains region and one fourth of your fields each year if you arc in the piedmont or mountain regions. How to Collect a Good Sample Tools. Collect your samples with stainless steel or ehrome•plated sampling tools and plastic buckets to avoid contaminating the samples with traces of chemical elements (micronutricnis) from the sampling tools. Avoid brass, bronze, or galvanized tools. A suitable soil probe is shown on the front cover of this folder. Make sure that the buckets and sampling tools arc clean and free of lime and fertilizer residues. Even•a small amount of lime or fertilizer transferred- from the; sampling tools to the soil can seriously contaminate the sample and produce inaccurate results. Sampling Depth. For areas in which field crops arc grown, collect samples to the same depth that thc,ficld is plowed (usually about 8 inches) since this is the zone in . which lime and fertilizer have been incorporated'(Figure2). Pasture and Turf Figure 2. Sample to a depth of 8 Inches In fields. plowed for row crODS, 4 Inches where perennial pasture or turf;erops arc grown. — r — and turf arq'bcing maintained, samples taken to a depth of 4 inches -will best represent the crop's lime and fer• tilizer needs. Where these perennial crops arc to be established, however, sample to the regular plow depth. Submitting the Sample Soil samples are analyzed by the Agronomic Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Each Sam- plc must be submitted in a standard soil sample box and accompanied by a completed copy of form AD4, "Soil Sample Information:' The boxes and forms arc available from your county Extension Service office, NCDA regional agronomists, local agribusincsscs, or the NCDA Agronomic • Division,' -Blue Ridge Road Center. Raleigh, NC. 27611. `Submit your samples only in the standard boxes provid- ed, as shown in Figure 3. Samples sent in bags or other containers will not be compatible with the processing System used in the laboratory. Do not pox iplastic bf the bag in. side the sample box. Scat the shipping samples arc from a quarantined area. �1 r{� Figure 3. Thoroughly mix the soil sample y r t y and fill the standard NCDA sample box two-thirds full. The entire sample consisting of the 15 to 20 cores you have collected will most likely be more soil than the box will hold. Before filling the box, therefore, pulverize the cores and mix them thoroughly in the bucket. Then fill the sample box about two-thirds full with this mixture. Label the box with the identifying number you have assigned to the area from which you took the sample. Remember that the identification can consist of no more than three numbers, letters, or a combination of the two. Directions for filling out form AD•1, the soil inforf'nalion sheet, arc printed on the back of the form. To get the most value from your soil test, take the time* to fill in the .blanks completely and be sure to list the crop'or crops -to be grown. Also check to make sure that the sample number you put on the form corresponds to the number on the sample box and the farm map. Mail the completed form with the sample box, keeping a copy for your future reference. If you need assistance in interpreting the soil test results or developing a soil treatment plan, consult your local agricultural advisors. Prepared by rM. Ray Tuckcr, Agronomist Jack Y. stBaird.Extension, north Carolina OCPartrncnt.or Agronomist — Soil Fcrlitrty Agriculture ' north Carolina Agricultural cAlenslon strrtee Pubhltud be* THE NORTH CAROUNA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE. _ at O+nnwao :faoM C.'a.0 Suu u ir«r7Y ai naNgA Hone Gala.0-W'cJly +t .ne T.crxwcy Suu t�+4 ,�,np Sul. Ud..,Mr SN,�.M1 r1iM:Pr� N.C.. rl+W.r D. Dlaca. • • a,d N. U.S. D.Pa,,..N a Ngr.culme. Court.r. 9114111, 1 and.lum 00, IIt4. 7M N-h C"Ok" D+Kta.NsuaaanturtMuoo.au>. Nl+rw dN OWap.rranrrpu04udriu.cda.arlawwli9o, -A7kJla+lr1t1A1ionSariu011uriupopr . V4 i. m eq„ jl OPPM nitr .mpor.r'__ •„ .._... _ ...._...�-.«. M,.012 1.4r•IOu•TYrK =orm AD SOIL SAMPLE INFORMATION Fill out and attach to mailing carton in first class envelope and mail to: AGRONOMIC DIVISION —Soil Testing Laboratory. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 27611. Instructions and examples are given on the back of this sheet. GROWER'S NAME —Please Print 1 A copy of your soil fast report will be sent to your County Extension Director. if you desire others to receive a copy, print their narnes and addresses below. (Last) (First) �— (Address) {Name) (Name) (City) (County) (State) (Zip Code) Total No. Samples Submitted . (Address) (City) (Slate) (Address) (Zip Code) (City) (State) (Zip Code) 2 3 4 1 5 6 LAB NUMBER (Leave • -.'Blank) YOUR SAMPLE NUMBER LAST CROP (Crop grown last year or other use) LIME APPLIED . WITHIN PAST YEAR CROP CODE T/A YR. MO. NEXT CROP CROP (See discussion No. 5 CODE reverse side of form) SECOND CROP CROP (Following year —See CODE reverse side) INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING OUT INFORMATION SHEET " (Soo Samplo Information Shoot Below) ADDRESS, ZIP CODE AND COUNTY. County listed sfiould be where farm is located. 1.'NAME, MAILING or illegible address may result in non -delivery of the mailed report. Incomplete Record the identification (ano information) for each sample on a.separate line. REQUIRED 2. YOUR SAMPLE NUMBER - 3 digits for sample identification. CAUTIONI Do not use the same number for INFORMATION Our computer will accept only if tlioy•are from different farms. Be sure the name, and sample numbers on the (blocked areas) more than one sample oven information Sheet are the samo as those on tlio soil samplo boxes. GROWN - Listfll9fl4E and CROP CODE of the next crop for which you want lime and We must have this 5. NEXT CROP TO BE ture 043: Bermuda hay or EXAMPLE: hay. or unfordehyd information before we 'fertilizerfrecommendations. ormaintenance (M), 044: Bermuda ationsestabl establishment E)n045. for and athletic field turf. analyze the samples pasturegolf P RF codes A. Use LAWN {026) for all lawn grasses except CENTIPEDE. Use T 1� CAMELLIA. RHODODENDRON. and MT LAUREL. SHRtIBeERY (029) for all shrubs except. AZALEA, B. Use List Ji6IYll;and r'ROP .ODE of crop drown prior to sampling. II space is loft blank. DESIRABLE INFORMATION 3. LAST CROP - we will assume no previous crop was grown if made in the last year. We can make better 4..CAST LIMED -Tons per acre, year and month of last, lime application, will follow 5 above. This will suggestions if we D of the crop which is as suggested the first year- ti. SECOND CROP TO BE GROWN -tor is m op have this information , thst treated enable us to make suggestions atlsumif4tlte field the same year as 5 above. List second crop here even though it is to be grown EXAMPLE 5 6 8 4 — — 2 Limo Applied NEXT CROP SECOND CROP lA8 NUMBER YOUR LAST CROP (Following oar —Soo Within Peet Yoor CROP Soo discussion No. 5 CROP ( g Y side) (Loovo SAMPLE (Crop grown last Yoor CROP CODE ravorso other use) CODE. T/A YR. M0. CODE reverse side of form) Soybeans Blank) NUM4.ER I I 1 or 010 Corn Silage 002 1 84 9 ' 004 Oats L/Wht Cl-grass M 050 L/tNht CI -grass M 2 L/clot Cl-grass F 049 2 84 9 050 CROP CODE CROP CODE CROP CODE CROP CODE CROP CODE o90 Potato. Irish 099 Potato. Sweet Orchards/Fruit & Nut 000 No Crop urser Commorciel Hor1 Crops for Garden Vcgetabtas 101 Radish131 Apple M Ecod Field Crons 001 Gorn. Grain BodsUso024 070Aspatagus. E 101 Rapc, cote crops 130 Poach E uce, licmlock 071 Asparagus, M 102 Rasp•0lackberry E 139 Poach M imadar 001 Corn. Silage te. Virginia 103 Rasp-Blackborry M ce/Rod Cedar 072 Doan/Bush Pea 104 Rhubarb 140 Pocan. E 002 Cotton 004 Small Grain (Wheal. 073 Boan, polo 105 Rutabaga 141 Pecan. M 074 Boots oats, rye, barloyl 005 oats. r Pearl Fora o/Pasture -�� 075 Blueberry, E 1 oG Spinach 040 Allalla. E 107 Squash•Pumpkm Fornstr Traos/Saod O76 Uluoborry. M 133 Hardwoo . 100 Strowburry, E 006 Milo (Grain Sorghum) 04 I Allalla, 3 077 Uroccoli 134 Hardwood. M 007 Peanut 043 h 070 Brussol Sprouts Strawberry. M E 137 Nursery. Pine 000 Rico 043 Bermuda hay/pasluro, 110 Tomato, Bold 0armudo 110 044 Bermuda hay/pasluro. M 079 Cabbage I 1 I Tomato. groonhouso 142 Pine. E 009 Sorghum, Syrup 045 Bermuda. dehydrated. E 000 Cantaloupe 112 Tomato. trellis, CP 143 Pine. M 010 Soybeans O11 Sunflower 001 Carrots 046 Bcrmuda. dehydrated. M 001 Cauliflower 113 Tomato. trellis. Mt 144 Hardwood. Soed 145 Fir/Spruco. Seed 011 Tobacco, burley 013. Tobacco. ad 047 Bluegrass pasture 062 Collards 1 14 Truck vegetables 048 Bluograss-White clover 1 15 Turnip 146 Pine, Scod 004 Corn. Shoot plant b 014 Tobacco, plant bad 050 L/Wht clover -grass. E 005 Cucumbors 116 Walcrmalon M 1 17 Beans, lima 050 L/clot clovor•s, Lawn Gordon Ornamentals 020 Azalea E 006 Cucumber, trollis 051 R. Clovcr•grass, E 007 Eggplant 052 R. Clover -grass. M 000 Grape, E Comm Nurs/Flower Fino T rt 150 Fairway/Athletic Turf 021 Camellia 053 Pura clovers 120 pahlfa 054 Fescue-Orch grass/Timothy E 009 Grape, M 121 Gladiolus 151 Too, Turf 022 Centipede 023 Garden. Flower 055 Fcscuo-Orch grass/Timothy M . 090 Kalo 122 Greenhouse 152 Groon,.Turf 091 Lottuco092 024 Gordon. Vegetable 056 Legumes. Miscollanoous Mustard 123 Gysephila 025 Laurel, Mountain: 057 Lospodoza a 093 Okra 124 Flower. bulbs 026 Lawn 027 Rhododendron 050 Sudangrass 125 Flowor. roots 059 Sudan -sorghum pasture 094 Onion 095 Paa, Southern 1Nuts. container 070 Rosa O60 Sudan -sorghum silage 096 Poppor 132 32 Ahodo/Natyorn 136 Nurs/Troos 029 Shrubbery 097 Plant Bad, Vag 030 Barrios, fruit & nuts 031 Troo. shade E = establishment CP =Coastal Plain M = maintenance Mt = Mountain + - ABOUT YOUR SOIL SAMPLES less—Nocres or Are they representative? A soil TEST is only as GOOD as the $Oil' m dry Ri h� de th OOf 10 a8" lot plowed soils. a0 4jor 5 for oil sold)- NoSfertili er treatment history"Use good tools (iron or stainless stool) Take om dry —Right g p bands —No corners or and turn aroas-20 of moro'c0r0s (collected and mixed in a clean plastic buckotl—Subsamplod and numbered — bands —No information supplied. Circle the tope or samples submitted Predictive Diagnostic see instructtons GRowrit w oitm.wim, Telephone No. ( ) (LASTNAIIIE) (Fief) 1 Add—.) Wit'l lStare) ('L119 Clteck Money Order ( ) PAYMENT: S-100 perenmple Make Checks payable to NCDA Plant Analysis Information Sheet Plant Advisory Section Agronomic Division N.C. Dept. or Agriculture 4300 Reedy Creels Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607-6465 ADDITIONAL COPIES Telephone No. ( ) Telephone No. ( ) LA.S I' NAME) (FW,1) : (LAST NAME) Crash ( ) :I c-ory (�'thia report will be .cent to the Coope)mtire Lrreasion Q Pee. 1'lea.te indicate additianed copies n•quested. No. samples. Payment: lscro,r ( ) Farm It): -- . --- sampled By.- LabNum Sample ca,n,tlt Plant Pl:ml Corresponding Sample ID ,U.LLes Ill Crop Name a ,. , Plant Appearance Labinsa Stage 1 A,i Position Soil solulion Wtvile 1 1 . „ X. ty M. PROBLEM SAMPLE COMMENTS GitOwm; CONDITIONS Planting Date: lou long have s►niptolns been pre,cnt? Are pfants inl-ected uitil discasd' Yes No Are plauts inl'esled ►rith insects? Yes No Environmental conditions last thrce weeks: c� Itainlal: llelo►► norn:td Normal Above normal 3 'lbmperaturr: Below uortnal Noraltd Above Dormal lrrigntion (atuonall -- Ftmpicides Uscd: _ Date Prcplant: Postplant: Micronutrients: Others: FERTILIZER HISTORY Material Rate Comments �..:..:: • : ,.::� :;. �: � -...: �. ' NSTRUCTIpNS '�: The information in the shaded areas is required before analysis Sample Type - Predictive is for a routine check of nutritional status plus interpretation and general recommendations. - Diagnostic is for assistance in diagnosing suspected nutritional problems. Specific interpretation and recommendations are provided. - Matching soil samples should be submitted for diagnostic samples along with additional information on growing conditions and cultural practices. Grower information - Print telephone, nine, mailing address, county (sample origination) and fee information. Make checks.payable to NCDA. - Telephone number must he included for electronic data access. Farm 1D - Farm identification or location (no more than 16 letters). Sample 1D - Sample identification (no more than 4 digits or letters). Crop Name - Name of crop sampled (Use names as indicated inside Information Sheet. If tour crop is not listed, indicate the common and/or botanical namc). Growth Stage - Identify stage or -growth using the appropriate letter code below. Plant Part - Idcn(ify the part of the plant that was sampled using the letter code below. - For most plants the Most Recently Mature Leaf (M) is the proper plant part to sample. Plant Position - Identify the position on the plant %%-here the snmple was taken using the letter code below. - For most plants the Upper (U) position is the proper place to sample. Corresponding; Sample ID - List the ID's of matching soil. solution, and waste samples submitted. Plant Appearance - Describe the symptoms of the plant at sampling. If left blank, we assume growth is normal. Problem Sample Comments - Provide additional information needed to help diagnose specific problems. GROWTH STAGE CODES PLANT PART CODES PLANT POSITION CODES S = Seedling E = Early growth W = Whole -plant M = Most Recent Mature Leaf U = Upper B = Bloom F = Fruiting T = Top 3" (includes Petiole where appropriate) M = Middle M = Mature H = Harvested Leaf E = Ear Leaf L = Lower PLEASE DO NOT PLACE SAMPLES IN PLASTIC BAGS. LEAVE AMPLE AIR SPACE IN PAPER CONTAINERS TO PROMOTE DRYING AND AVOID SAMPLE DETERIORATION. SAMPLE FEE: A sample fee of $4.00 per sample is charged far plant analysis. 13 FORM AD, SOIL SAMPLE INFORMATION Complete information sheet and return with sample(s). GROWER'S NAME —Please Print Copies of soil test reports are sent to County Extension Directors. FARM ID# If you want others to receive a copy, print '- name and address below. _&toeo>.le (Last) (First) - - Phone: _( ) (Address) (Name) Send To: Agronomic Division -Soil Test Lab (City) (state) (Zip Code) (Address) N.C. Dept. of Agriculture Total'No. Samples 4300 Reedy Creek Road Submitted Raleigh, N.C. 27607-6465 (County (City) (State) (Zip Code) (919) 733-2656 Phone: ( ) 2 3 4 5 6 LAB YOUR LAST CROP LIME APPLIED NEXT CROP J SECOND CROP NUMBER (Leave SAMPLE (Crop grown last year CROP WITHIN PAST YEAR (See discussion No. 5 CROP (Following year —See CROP Blank) NUMBER or other use) CODE. T/A YR MO reverse side of form) CODE reverse side) CODE ::Y• Kai.k: V, .. sic :gs Revised 2/1196 INSTRUCTIONS AND CROP CODES ARE SHOWN ON BACK a End Exhibit 8 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING OUT INFORMATION SHEET (See Example Below) 1. REQUIRED 12. INFORMATION (blocked areas) We must have this• information before w analyze the samples. DESIRABLE '• INFORMATION We can make better 4. suggestions if we B. have this information. LAB NUMBER YOUR (Leave SAMPLE Blank) I NUMBER 112 CROP CODE 000 No Crop Field Croos 001 Corn, Grain 002 Corn, Silage 003 Cotton o04 Small Grain (Wheat, oats, rye, barley) oo5 Millet, Pearl 006 Milo (Grain Sorghum) 007 Peanut 008 Rice 009 Sorghum, Syrup 010 Soybeans 011 Sunflower 012 Tobacco, burley 013 Tobacco, flue -cured 014 Tobacco, plant bed t awn Garden Ornaments 020 Azalea 021 Camellia 022 Centipede 023 Garden, Flower 024 Garden, Vegetable 025 Laurel, Mountain 026 Lawn 027 Rhododendron 028 Rose 029 Shrubbery 030 Berries, fruit & nuts 031 Tree, shade Print Name, Address, Zip Code and County. Show county where farm is located. An incomplete address may result in failure to deliver your report. Include your phone number. SAMPLE ID - Print sample ID (use numbers and/or letters) and crop code for oath samplo on separate lines. Samples from other farms should be labeled differently (Ex.J01, Sol). Make sure sample ID on boxes and information shoat are the same. Use pencil or waterproof markers. NEXT CROP TO BE GROWN - List INANE and CROP Q DE of the next crop for which you want lime and fertilizer recommendations. EXAMPLE: Bermuda hay or -pasture establishment (E), 045. A. Use LAWN (026) for all lawn grasses except CENTIPEDE. Use TURF codes for golf and athletic field turf. B. Use kL[8y0B(029) for all shrubs except AZALEA, CAMELLIA, RHODODENDRON, and MT. LAUREL. ERY C. For all Home garden vegetables use crop code 024. LAST CROP - List NAME and CROP CODE of crop grown prior to sampling. If space is left blank, we will assume no previous crop was grown. LAST LIMED - Tons peracre, year and month of last lime application, if made in the last year. SECOND CROP TO BE GROWN - List NAM and CROP CODE of the crop which will follow 5 above. This will enable us to make suggestions for this crop assuming that the field is treated as suggested the first year. List second crop here even though it is to be grown the some year as 5 above. Limed Applied LAST CROP Within Past Year NEXT CROP (See discussion No. 5 CROP SECOND CROP (Following year —See CROP (Crop grown lest year CROP MO. reverse side of form) CODE reverse side) CODE or other use) CODE T/A YR. Corn silage om 1 84 9 Oats 004 Soybeans 010 L/Wht CI -grass E 049 2 84 9 L/Wht cl-grass M 050 1 L/iNnt CI -grass M 050 CROP CODE X-Mas Troes/Nursery 036 Ln-out/Seed Beds 037 Fir/N Spruce, Hemlock 038 Pine/White, Virginia 039 Blue Spruce/Red Cedar Forage/Pasture 040 Alfalfa, E 041 Alfalfa, M 042 Bahiagrass 043 Bermuda hay/pasture, E 044 Bermuda hay/pasture, M 047 Bluegrass pasture 048 Bluegrass -White clover 049 L/Wht clover -grass, E 050 L/Wht clover -grass, M 051 R, Clover -gross, E 052 R. Clover -grass, M 053 Pure clovers 054 Fescue-Orch grass�Tsmothy E 055 Fescue-Orch grass/Timothy M 056 Legumes, Miscellaneous 057 Lespedeza 058 Sudangross 059 Sudan -sorghum pasture 060 Sudan -sorghum silage CROP CODE �gmmerclal Hort Croos Use 024 for Garden Vegetables 070 Asparagus, E 071 Asparagus, M 072 Bean/Bush Pea 073 Bean, pole 074 Beets 075 Blueberry, E 076 Blueberry, M 077 Broccoli 078 Brussel Sprouts 079 Cabbage 080 Cantaloupe 081 Carrots 082 Cauliflower 083 Collards 084 Corn, Sweet 085 Cucumbers 086 Cucumber, trellis 087 Eggplant 088 Grape, E 089 Grape, M 090 Kale 091 Lettuce 092 Mustard 093 Okra 094 Onion 095 Pea, Southern 096 Pepper 097 Plant Bed, Vag. E • establishment CP • Coastal Plain M . maintenance Mt • Mountain CROP CODE 098 Potato, Irish 099 Potato, Sweat 100 Radish 101 Rape, tole crops 102 Rasp -Blackberry E 103 Rasp -Blackberry M 104 Rhubarb 105 Rutabaga 106 Spinach 107 Squash -Pumpkin 108 Strawberry, E 109 Strawberry, M 110 Tomato, field 111 Tomato, greenhouse 112 Tomato, trellis, CP 113 Tomato, trellis, Mt 114 Truck Vegetables 115 Turnip 116 Watermelon 117 Beans, lima CROP CODE Orchards/Fruit & Nut 130 Apple E 131 Apple M 138 Peach E 139 Peach M 140 Pecan,E 141 Pecan, M Forestry Trees/Seed 133 Hardwood, E 134 Hardwood, M 137 Nursery, Pine 142 Pine, E 143 Pine, M 144 Hardwood, Seed 145 Fir/Spruce, Seed 146 Pine, Seed Comm Nurs/Flower Fine Turf 150 Fairway/Athletic 120 Dahlia 121 Gladiolus Turf 122 Greenhouse 151 Tee, Turf 123 Gysophila 152 Green, Turf 124 Flower, bulbs 125 Flower, roots 126 Nurs. container 132 Rhoda/Naty. orn 136 Nurs/Trees • ABOUT YOUR SOIL SAMPLES Are they representative? A soil TEST is only as GOOD as the soil SAMPLESI Area of 10 acres or less --No major soil differences --Same treatment history —Use good tools (iron or stainless steel) —Take 'am dry —Right depth (0-11' for plowed soils, 0-4' for sod) —'No fertilizer bands —No corners or and turn areas-20 or more cores (collected and mixed in a clean plastic bucket)—Subsampled and numbered — Sufficient information supplied. PLEASE DO NOT PUT SOIL IN PLASTIC BAGS I of Exhibit 9 -fie . ,M, - ana ern. 1 V1�as .. A .. ent North Carolina State University Biological and Agricultural Engincenng • - LIVESTOCK RASTE SA"LIN(;,' ANALYSIS 'AND CALCULATION OF LAND'APPLICATIOH BATES ' .f "James' C. ',Dirkaz''• I. SAxnz COLLECTION , : .; •.. . A. Sami-Solid Loc .Unura J. Scraped directly .from.•loc into spreader a. From loadcd:'spreader, collate about 2 lbs of manure from diffarane;"locations• using- nonmecallie :collneeors. ii. From storage a. Collacc abouc',2 •lbs•,of;,msnura from under c:ia surface crust avoiding bedding.macnrials and using nonmacallic collectors. E. Liquid tianurs Slurry 1. Under-sloccad•;419or: Pic open on both ands into a. Extend a nontnncillic',Gon manure co, pig floor...,. y p a rhumb over and b. seal uPPar:and':o��.eonduic:;(4•g•,. by Placing of conduit) trapping manure 'mac has encored lour and, remove and empcy slurry -in". plastic buckac or nonmacallic concainar. ,,.o►ore locations ,or ac lease 1 quart' C. Take subsafaplss• 1•. d. tiix and add about /,4.,p..inc.,ca::nonm+!u11t.c., sampin container. or ••Conk• ., •��• li. Excacior storage: basin • • •,• •• , ~ '''''' � •ch a Li uid manu:a sure: cainurs ;as�bo.an,; +ell. mixnd; L 4 chopoer•ag:'acor Puaap Or,Propaller ag:ca:.or. is Locations, from aSicacor puup 5. Take subsar?.es from aboue 5 p Lascc b�ekac. or f-am maru;a spraadar and place a ? * Professo•r and Extension specialisc, 9iolagical and _Agrieulcural Enginceting Deparcmanc,.;iorrh Carolina Scaca'.Uni'veriicy, Raleigh, :��• �. ATTACHMENT B 2 of llic sample concainor. C. Kix and add 3/4 pin c.to a nonmeta C. Lagoon Liquid. 4 Lnc of racyclad'lagoon Liquid from Laflov pipe i, Collect about 3/ a nonmecallic•s�pla container. co Flush conks in ii. From lagoon ine ' or.. lass) on end of 10.15' pole. a, Puce a small ,Mottle (1/2 p . b• Excand bottle 10-15' away from bank edge. c Brush away floating scum or debris. d. Submerge bottla within 1' of liquid ic bucker-... lastsurfaea, repeat about S eLmes around e• Empty into a:P ine co nonmetallic sample container. lagoon, mix;•and add S/4', P D. Bro-iler or Turkey Litter" i. House liecer liccerg �for areas of varying quality, e a. Visually inspccc wacerersand ascimaca percene of areas around•�faide rs ' and; , floor surface in each area. about 5 litter subsxmples ac locations proportionate co b. Takeualicv is Item a. E.g.,'L£ 20t of liccar of similar: visual q around (ceders and waterers, take l.subsample there and the ocher 4 subsampLes. fram'ran11% nder•' of 'floor surface. C. At each locacion,.collecc licear from a 6" by 6" area down co torch floor and' place .1n -a'.•.Plascic 'but eC adC.,. ~';..." ' J and.. d. Afcar 'S subsainplss' have •.bson''added., to the .bucket, mix, about •2-3 lbs ,litcar..co a nonmetallic sampls concainor. such as,,. a 1•gallon:;freezar.•bjg: and seal':' .•.: ii. From -stockpile Llc. 'rake subsamplas from about %5' locations ac least 18" into p ecallic sampls container and seal, b. tlix, add 2-}'lbs co norm . f1J. 1.'%� ,u,+.... r „ 3 of 3 II. SA OLL 1.jr2A. -rION AND TWSFE.B 4. Place samplomiconeainerPwi bcleannwacerrbuc doenocbuscadisinfeccanes. residues fr ocher wa soaps, or creac•in any y' $, Pack sample in Lca, refrLgaraea, freeze, or eransfar co Lab quickly. . () ::•• I. C. hand-delivary is most reliable way of sampla transfer. sample concaineppvi�h a=inandaCape. such as D. If mailed, procact nawspapar, box or package with wrapping Pape E. Commercial sample containers and mailers Ira also available. Concaccs: i, A&L Easccrn A�riculcural Lab, Inc. iii 2320fS. Fam oscerrAvenue• 7621 Vhiccpine Road WheellnY, IL 60090 Richmond, YA 23237 ph;: (312)398-0110 Ph: (804)743-9401 iv. NASCO U . Fisher Scientific Co. 901 Janesvilla Avenue 3315 Vinton Road Forc Atkinson, VI 53538 Rtlaigh, NC 27604 ph; (414)563-2446 Ph: (919)876-2351 F. arc available, but sample analyses are cosely. Private arulytieal Labs sarvica for North Carolina residents. C. The 2iCDA provides this L. Addrass: NCDA Plant, Waste, & Tissue Lab 4300 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Ph. (919) 733-2655 11. Forward $4 along uich cha sample. wing•idencification informaeion with sample: iii. Include cha'follo (dairy ,'swine, turkey, *cc.) a. Livcscock specS,as ( ry b. Livestock usage(swine-nursery, finishing; turkey-bre.d-ere, brooderhouse.:grower, number flocks grown on liccar: arc.). -i•loc sc:aped manure, liquid slurry; swine-pic c, uasce `ypa (dais. •a slud c: broiler house lic:cr, stockpile slur:i. la pon liqu 3 e.formed o^ all sanples: Y, P, K. CaZnhScu. B iv. Roueine analyses,.p S. Fe, . �� v. Additional anal/ses perforacC upon request Mi. :So, Cd, Ni. Pb tir CC ww =N }x co m or N >-1W Q,�z=,. uu y y- �C rv rf RP z 1n�ec:C1+� <:m• rG:tur�•,h, cn.Ua -A-J �u l •: Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May a and June 30. 1914. Employment and program opportunities are offored to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, ago, or disability. North Carolina Slate University, North Carolina A&T Slate University, U.S. Deportment of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. soilFacts WasteAnalysis Agricultural, industrial, municipal, and yard wastes can be valuable to farmers —provided they are properly managed. Waste analysis is as andpotarr! e to proper rnanagenlent. By determining the amount of t ly harmful elements in the waste, and by determining the product's lineing erials can make characteristics, growers and other potential use f informed decisions about their application. From both an economic and art environmental standpoint, this infonnation benefits all North Carolinians. This fact sheet will clarify the importance of waste analysis the and describe ste the procedures for taking reliable samples and submitting then isory Section at the Agronomic Division of the North Carolina Departrrlent of Agriculture (NCDA). Why Waste Analysis? Waste products must be used or disposed of with environmentally sound management practices in order to prevent damage to our natural resources. Farms, food-proccssing plants, textile manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, wood and paper producers, and municipalities all generate a variety of waste products --the disposal of which must be managed somewhat differently depending upon the source and the intended use. Most waste must undergo sonic form of processing before it can be applied to the land. As landfill space becomes increasingly limited, waste producers are being forced to seek alternative disposal sites or potential recycling opportunities. Land application is one of the safest and most common altcnia- tivcs—provided that best management practices (BMPs) are followed. Waste products are generally applied to the land because they contain nutrients or liming materials beneficial to plant growth. Waste analysis is the most accurate and efficient way to measure the nutrient or lime value of different waste products. Because the amount of these beneficial components can vary among waste products, laboratory analysis Icts the producer know the proper amount of the waste material to apply to meet the specific plant needs for each site. When Man agcmcnt decisions arc made without waste -analysis information, even well- intentioned users can reduce plant growth and yields or endanger the environment. Composting can reduce volume, improve uniformity, and somctimcs alter the nutrient availability of waste products. Because of this, samples from the final material that will be applied must be analyzed. Nutrient concentrations vary in most organic waste products. Table 1, for example, depicts the wide range in nutrients from animal wastes analyzed by the NCDA Agronomic Division. Note that the maximum and minimum values for nitrogen, phosphate, and potash differ by nlore than 100-fold. These numbers should send a clear me5539e North Carolina x� Cooperative Extension Service NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE SCIENCES , r41, -- SoilFacfs _ k Table 1. Variations in poultry and swine manure nutrient levels. Minimum Maximum Average Poultry, broiler house pounds per ton Nitrogen 4 137 72 Phosphate 21 146 78 Potash 12 78 46 Swine, liquid lagoon pounds per 1,000 gallons — Nitrogen 2 345 136. Phosphate Potash to waste users and environmental policymakers: average nutrient estimates arc not adequate guides for the safe and efficient use of waste materials. Waste users who fail to test each waste material arc faced with a number of questions they simply cannot answer. Are they supplying plants with adequate nutrients? Are they building up excess nutrients that may ultimately move to streams or groundwater? Arc they changing the soil pki to levels that will not support plant production? Arc they applying heavy metals at levels that may be toxic to plants and permanently alter soil productivity? Because environmental damage and losses in plant yield and quality often happen before visible plant Symptoms, growers and other users should always have their wastes analyzed by a competent laboratory and their application rates determined by a lmowledgcablc agronomist. Waste Analysis Services The Waste Advisory Section of the NCDA Agronomic Division ana- lyzcs wastes, interprets analytical results, and provides management recommendations for citizens of North Carolina. The fee is $4.00 per sample. Private laboratories also offer some of these services and their fees vary. 197 .;53 369. 133 A good analytical service should always determine the concentrations of essential plant nutrients, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), iron (Fc), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B). Analy- ses of certain municipal and indus- trial wastes should also include tests for heavy metals like nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb), as well as Clements such as sodiutn (Na) and chlorine (Cl). The neutralizing value (calcium carbonate equivalent, CCE) of lime -stabilized products or materials suspected of having liming characteristics should also be determined. ' Samtpling Procedures Proper sampling is the key to reliable waste analysis. Although laboratory procedures are extremely accurate, they have little value if the samples fail to represent the waste product. Tile importance of careful sampling becomes clear when one recognizes that laboratory determinations are made oil a portion of the sample submitted that's as little as 0.02 pounds (1 gram) for solid materials or less than a tablespoon (10 milliliters) for liquid materials. Waste samples submitted to a laboratory should represent the avcragc composition of the material that will be applied to [lie field.. :t Reliable samples typically consist of material collected from a number of locations. Precise sampling methods vary according to the type of waste. Ideally, growers should not base application rates on laboratory test results from previous years because nutrient concentrations can change significantly, particularly when Elie waste has been exposed to the environment. For example, nutrient levels in all anaerobic lagoon can be influenced by rainfall. Stockpiled litter or other wastes may also change significantly if left unpro- tCcicd. Municipal and industrial wastes also vary as production demands alter inputs and processing. Liquid Wastes Liquid waste samples submitted for analysis should nice[ the following requirements. ■ Place sample in a scaled plastic container with about a one -quart volume. Glass is not suitable because it is breakable and may contain contaminants. n Leave one incli of air space in the plastic container to allow for expansion caused by the release of gas from the waste material. ■ Refrigerate samples that cannot be shipped on the day they are collected; this will minimize chemical reactions and pressure buildup from gases. - Ideally, some liquid wastes should be sampled after they arc thoroughly mixed. Because this is sometimes impractical, samples can also be taken ill accordance will' the suggestions that follow. LAGOON LIQUID: Premixing the surface liquid in the lagoon is not needed, provided it is the only component that is being pumped. Growers with two -stage systems should draw samples from the lagoon they intend to pump. Samples should be collected using a plastic container similar to the one shown in Figure 1. One pint of material should be taken from at least eight silts around the lagoon and then mixed in a plastic containcr. Waste should be collcctcd at least six feet front the edge of the lagoon at a depth of about a foot. Shallower samples from anaerobic lagoons may be less representative than deep samples because oxygen transfer near the surface sometinnes alters [lie chemis- try of the solution. Floating debris and scum should be avoided. One quart of mixed matcrial should be sent to the laboratory. Galvanized containers should never be used for collection, mixing, or storage due to the risk of contamina- tion from metals like zinc in the container. LIQUID SLUIUM Waste materials applied as a slurry from a pit or storage basin should be mixed prior to sampling. Waste should be collected from approximately eight areas around the pit or basin and mixed thoroughly in a plastic container. Figure 2 shows a useful collecting device. An 8- to 10-foot section of 0.5- to 0.75-inch plastic pipe can also be used: the pipe should be extended into [lie pit, and the thumb pressed over the cud to form an air lock; the pipe is then removed from the waste, and the air lock is released to deposit the waste in a container. For analysis, the laboratory requires one quart of material in a plastic container. The sample should not be rinsed into the container because doing so dilutes the mixture and distorts nutrient evaluations. However, if water is typically added to the waste prior to land application, a proportionate quantity of water should be added to the satmple. Solid Wastes Solid waste samples should represent the average moisture content of [lie Wooden pole (10 feet) Plastic container (5 gallons) Plastic cup Figure 1. Liquid waste sampling device. PVC pipe (2 inches diameter, 6 feet long) Rubber ball (2'/2 inces diameter) Figure 2. Slurry sampling device. A one -quart sample is required for analysis. Samples should be taken from approximately eight different areas in the waste, placed in a plastic container, and thoroughly mixed. Approximately ollc quart of Clean -out dowel (1 inch diameter PVC pipe) Plastic container (5 gallons) �J the mixed sample should be placed in a plastic bag, scaled, and shipped directly to the laboratory. Samples stored for more than two days should be refrigerated. Figure 3 shows a device for sampling solid waste. waste. POULTRY IN-HOUSE MANURE SAMPLING: Nutrient concentralion varies widely in poultry litter —both from house to house and within each house. If waste is to be applicd by house, each one should be sampled separately. Waste samples should be collected from 6 to 12 locations in the house. Each sample should extend from the top to the bottom of the accumulated waste. Samples taken around waterers, feeders, and brooders should be proportionate to the space tllcsc areas occupy in [lie house. The collcctcd tnatcrial should be combined in a plastic container and mixed thoroughly. The one - quart laboratory sample should be taken from this mixture. POULTRY IIELOW-HOUSE MANURE SAMPLING: In a high- rise system, manure is deposited below the poultry !louse. If the system is properly managed, the manure should be fairly uniform in moisture and appearance. Approximately eight samples should be collected throughout the storage area. If manurc in certain areas differs in appearance, take samples proportionatc to the size and number of tllcsc areas. For example, if 10 percent of the manure differs from the bulk pile, thcil 10.1)crccnt of the total sample should be taken from this area. The collected material should be combined ill a plastic container and mixed thor- oughly. The one -quart laboratory sample should be taken front this mixture, placed in a plastic bag, scaled, and shipped to the laboratory for analysis. If the sample can not be shipped within one day of sampling, it should be refrigerated. STOCKPILED LITTER: Ideally, stockpiled waste should be stored under cover on an impervious surface. The weathered exterior of uncovered waste may not accurately represent the majority of the matc- rial. Rainfall generally moves watcr- Waste Analysis Dowel Clean -out dowel Metal rod (broomstick) _ 3 feet Thin -walled metal tubing (1 inch diameter) Figure 3. Solid waste sampling device soluble nutrients down into the pile. If an unprotected stockpile is used over ail extended period, it should be sampled before cacti application. Stockpiled waste should be sampled at a depth. of at least 18 iuchcs at six or more locations. The collected material should be com- bined in a plastic container and mixed thoroughly. The one -quart laboratory sample should be taken from this mixture, placed in a plastic bag, scaled, and shipped to the laboratory for analysis. If the sample cannot be shipped within two days of sampling, it should be refrigerated. SURFACE -SCRAPED WASTE: Surface -scraped and piled materials should be treated like stockpiled waste. Follow the saute procedures for taking samples. Ideally, surface - scraped materials should be pro- tectcd from the weather unless they are used immediately. COMPOSTED WASTE: Ideally, composted waste should be stored under cover on an impervious surface. Although nutrients are somewhat stabilized in these Plastic, container (5 gallons) materials, some nutricnts can leach out during rains. When composted waste is left unprotected, samples should be submitted to the laboratory each time the material is applied - Sampling procedures the same as those described for stockpiled waste. Understanding the Waste Analysis Report Samples submitted to the NCDA Agronomic Division will be ana- lyzed and [lie sender will receive a report that lists the concentration of each plant nutrient and several potentially harmful elements. Specific concentrations of nutricnts and other elements arc reported on a dry -weight basis for solid wastes; . results for liquid wastes arc reported Oil a volume basis. Tile most useful information is nutrients available for the first drop. These levels are predicted on an as -is or wet basis. Nutrient availability is predicted by estimating the nutrient release rate from the waste and a nutrient loss for a specific applica- tion method. III Nutrients listed in the report as "available for the first crop" should be used in determining the actual application rate to meet a specific plant nutricnt requirement. For the availability prediction to be reliable, growers must have properly identi- fied the type of waste and the application method on the informa- tion sheet submitted to the laboratory. For waste materials suspected of containing liming materials, such as . stack dust or lime -stabilized waste, a calcium -carbonate equivalent (CCE) determination should be requested. These materials arc reported on a dry - weight basis for solid and semi -solid materials and on a volume basis for liquids. The CCE can be used to compare waste materials to agricul- tural lime for effectiveness in neutralizing soil acidity. The agricul- tural lime equivalent (ALE) is also calculated on a wet basis. This indicates the amount of the waste product that must be applied to have the same liming potential as one from agricultural lime with 90% CCE. Monitoring and Record Keeping. Growers who use waste materials as fertilizer or a source of lime should maintain records of the analytical results, application rates, and soil tests for each application site. Growers arc also advised to take Waste Analysis plant samples to evaluate their nutricnt management program, identify corrective actions for current crops, and plan improvements for future crops. Owners of waste application sites may also wish to sample surface and groundwater supplies once a year to confirm that nutricnt-management programs arc not adversely affecting the environment. Where waste products have been applied regularly for a number of years, growers should also monitor the buildup of metals that can affect long-term soil productivity, particularly zinc and copper. For municipal and industrial waste sites, nickel, cadmium, lead, and sodium should also be monitored. � r � �.: .;i�.%, r;}.,.;�r•s.Laet:,: ;.rs"v,V:?4�1?F:1 Prepared by J. P. zublena, Associate Slate Program LeaderANR1CRD, North Carolina Cooperative Gxteasion Service, NCSU C. Ray Campbell, Section Chief, Plant/Waste/Solution Advisory, Agronomic Division, NCDA 10,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $1,350, or $.135 per copy. Published by NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE 8/95-10M—JMG-250372 AG-439-33 Circle the type of samples submitted Predictive , Dlagiii5"stit���5ee Instructldns GROWER INFORMATION a .... tit �.,.�: a •. "'�f:;'�'��� ��':; 3".' . YAYMENl: i 34.69 petriitlitplG •: ::;:.:::;::i �. _, .:' ., .i ::cr': :r) ;:... Miltecheclapayableldl�CDA Cis�t r i i ) 1F�esorr ., I?o Saatpiea�" paymeat, i.„ Y AmateCNama. Farm ID: Sampled By: _ Lab Num Sample Waste (tab U.) ID Code Date: Sample Description Waste Analysis Information Sheet Waste Advisory Section Agronomic Division N.C. Dept. of Agriculture 4300 Reedy Creek Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607-6465 UDMONAL COPIES telephone No. ( ) Telephone No. ( ) UST )fkM Et (rinq (LAST NAME) ;Addms) - (Addrnd (city) (sutd (ZIP) _ 1 (City) (State) (Zit) A copy of this report will be sent to the Cooperative Extension Office. Please indicate additional copies requested. Application Corresponding Sample ID Methods Soil Plant Solution Comments Lab I M Nmm� �e"I "I MMUMM oil EUMIFIM �w IN$TItUMOtiS Sample 7Iy - Predictive is for a routine check of nutrient content plus interpretation and general recommendations. Diagnostic is for special assistance in solving suspected nutritional problems. Specific interpretation and recommendations are provided. Grower Information - Print telephone (must be Included for electronic data access), name, mailing address, county (sample origination) and fee information. Farm M - Farm indentification or location (no more than 16letters). Sample ID - Smple identification (no more than 4 digits or letters). The same ID should appear on sample containers. Waste Code - Identify type of waste using codes (see back of information sheet). Sample Description - Additional descriptive information should be provided if a specific waste code is not identified. eK Application Methods - Select one or two application methods for estimation of nutrient availability. �t Corresponding Sample ID - List the 1D's of matching soil, plant, and solution samples submitted. 91 Comments - Additional information. Brief statement of problem or purpose in sampling (must be provided for diagnostic samples). BR = Waste broadcast on soil surface and left uncovered for one week or longer. SI = Waste broadcast on soil surface and plowed or disked into soil within two days. IN = Waste injected directly into the soil and covered immediately. IR = Waste applied through irrigation system and left uncovered for one week or longer. Ex .1t Surface Scraped SSD Dairy SSB Beef SSS Swine SSP Poultry SSE Sheep SSG Goat SSH Horse SSO Other* Poultry House Litter HLB Broiler HBB Broiler Breeder HIT Turkey HLD Duck HLO Other" Poultry Stockpiled Litter SLB Broiler SIT Turkey SLD Duck SLO Other* Liquid Manure Slurry LSD Dairy LSB Beef LSV Veal LSS Swine ISP Poultry ISO Other* Anaerobic Lagoon Liquid ALD Dairy ALB Beef ALV Veal ALS Swine ALP Poultry ALA Other' • Indicate type of waste under comments Anaerobic Lagoon Sludge ASD Dairy ASB Beef ASS Swine ASP Poultry ASO Other* Aerobic Liquid AES Swine ATO Other* Aerobic Sludge ASW Swine Composted Farm Waste FCD Dairy FCB Beef FCH Horse FCS Swine FSM Swine Mort. FCP Poultry FPM Poultry Mort. FCE Sheep FCG Goat FCC Crop Residue FCV Vegetable FCW Other' Non -Composted Waste Caution- As with soil testing. the analytical results from waste materials are no better than the sample. Every effort should be made to ensure that samples are representative of the waste material being evaluated. SURFACE SCRAPED MANURES After manure has been piled, collect a representative sample from several locations. Place in a plastic bucket and mix thoroughly. Place approximately 1 quart of material in a clean bag and mail in a suitable container to the laboratory. POULTRY LITTER Stockpiled. Collect representative core samples at least 18 inches deep from several locations on the pile. Mix samples thoroughly in a plastic bucket. Place approximately 1 quart of material in a clean plastic bag and maill in a suitable container to the laboratory. In -House: Inspect house and estimate percentage of floor space utilized in different activities (feeding, watering, etc.). Take core sections of litter in these areas to represent the proportionate make-up of the house. Mix samples thoroughly in a plastic bucket. Place approximately 1 quart of material in a clean plastic bag and mail in a suitable container to the laboratory. NCRCrop Residue NVR Vegetable Residue NBS Bark/Sawdust NCW Other' �INDUSPRIA,I�MUMCIPAL• WASTE Canil:s ` :} ::... Municipal Industrial - Pharmaceutical MWR Raw PHR Raw MAE Aerobic PHA Aerobic MAN Anaerobic PHN Anaerobic MLS Lime Stabilized PHL Lime Stabilized MOX Chem Ox (CI) PHX Chem Ox (Cl) MCY Composted Yard Waste PHC Composted MCS Composted Sludge PHO Other' MWO Other' . Industrial - Textile TXR Raw TAE Aerobic TAN Anaerobic TLS time Stabilized TOX Chem Ox (CI) TCW Composted TXO Other' Industrial - Poultry PLR Raw PAE Aerobic PAN Anaerobic PIS Lime Stabilized PDX Chem Ox (Cl) PCW Composted PLO Other' Industrial - Stack Dust/Ash SAR Raw SAC Composted SAO Other• Industrial - Other IOR Raw IOE Aerobic ION Anaerobic IOL Lime Stabilized IOX Chem Ox (Cl) IOC Composted I00 Other' LIQUID MANURE SLURRY Pit Under Slotted Floor: Use a length of 112" conduit or similar device to collect the sample. With both ends of the conduit open, extend it into the manure pit floor. Place thumb over the end of the conduit and remove the core sample. Do this at no less than 5 locations in the pit. After taking the samples, mix thoroughly and send approximately 1 pint of material in a clean plastic container to the laboratory. EzteriorStorage Basin: After the slurry has been well mixed, take samples from approxmately five locations in the pit. Place material in a plastic bucket and mix thoroughly. Send approximately 1 pint of slurry to the laboratory in a clean plastic container. LIQUID LAGOON Construct a 10-15 foot pole with a 1/2 pint container attached to one end. Use this to collect liquid from at least five representative locations in the lagoon. Always take the sample approximately 10 ft. from the edge of the lagoon and one foot under surface. Do not include floating scum or debris. Mix thoroughly and send approximately 1 pint of liquid in a clean plastic container to the laboratory. SAMPLE FEE: A sample fee of $4.00 per sample is charged for waste analysis 20.000 copies of this public document were printed at a total cast of $697.44 at $0.075 ca. Exhibit 10 Mortality Management 1�Iethods k (check which method(s) are being implemented) C� Burial three feet beneath the surface of the around within 24 hours after knowledge of the death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water. . �IV Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7 ❑ Complete incineration ❑ In the case of dead poultry only; placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the Department of Agriculture ,1 Any method which in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian would make possible the salvage e ofpart approval of thanimalesStateewithout Veter Veterinarian mustbng e human or animal h attached) Rendering Company is: Enterprixe Rendering Company 28821 Bethlehem Church Road Oakboro, N.C. 28129 Ph # (704) 485-3018 December 13, 1996 Exhibit 11 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Field Records Farm Owner: Irrigation Operator. SO cn JCB/BAE/NCSU/7-93/2 W Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Records Farm Owner ,ame - ddress hone: Custom Applicator (if used) 'ield No. Date Irrigation Soil Crop — -- Type Type volume area gals acres Realistic Yield, I Ib,bu,ton per acre Nutrient Liquid Analysis Liquid Nutrients Applied Nutrient Balance, Recommendations, Plant Available Nutrients, Plant Available, + / - , j Ibs/acre Ibs/1000 gallons Ibs/acre Ibs/acre N P205 K20 N P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Zn Cu N P205 K20 Zn Cu N P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Zn Cu I i 1 I Totals JCS/DAE/NCSU/7.93/1 sprinkler flow rate, gpm = from manufacturers data sheet based on sprinkler operating pressure and nozzle diameter irrigation volume, gallons — no. of sprinklers operating x sprinkler flow rate, gpm x irrigation time, mins irrigation area, acres — no. of sprinklers operating x sprinkler spacing width, ft x length, ft _ 43560 t liquid nutrients applied, Ibs/ac = liquid nutrient analysis, Ibs/1.000 gallons _ 1000 x irrigation volume, gallons irrigation area, acres % x 83.5 = lbs/1000 gallons ppm x .00835 = Ibs/1000 gallons Ibs/1000 gallons x 27.154 = lbs/acre-inch EXAMPLE RECORD KEEPING FORM FARM. NAME: OPERATOR IN CHARGE OR MANAGER: - TELEPHONE NUMBER OF FARM MANAGER: - CROP MAINTENANCE RECORDS i:l4:u: rrr TABLE 2 - Traveling Irrigation Gun Settings hfake, Niodel and Type of Equipment: Field No Travel and Speed Hydrant Not (Wrnin) Application Rate (irv'hr) TRAVEL LANE Efrective Efrective Width (fl) Length (A) EQUIPMENT SETTINGS Wetted Nozzle Operating Operating Diameter Diameter Pressure Pressure Arc (feet) (inches) .Gun (psi) Reel (psi) Pattem3 Comments. I I _ I I 4 I I I I I I I I 1 V I 1 I See attached map. 2Show separate entries for each hydrant location in each field. 3Use the following abbreviations for various arc patterns: F (full circle), TQ (three quarters), TT (two Utirds), H (half circle), T (one third), Q (one quarter). May also use degrees of arc. MRCS, NC s JUNE, 1996 orm SLUR-1 Farm Owner Spreader Operator Tract # Field # Slurry "and Sludge Application Field Record For Recording Slurry Application Events on Different Fields -- — � Facility Number Date Crop Type e Field Size Application # of Loads Volume of Loads 2 (mmlddlyr) 1 (acres) Method Per Field (gallons) ' §I = soil incorporated (disked); BR = broadcast (surface applied) Can be found in operator's manual for the spreader. Contact a local dealer if you do not have your owner's manual. Form SLUR-2 Tract # Field Size (acres) = (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address Owner's Phone # End Exhibit 11 Slurry and Sludge Application Field Record One Form for Each Field Per Crop Cycle Facility Number 1 7771- Spreader Operator Spreader Operator's Address Operator's Phone # From Animal Waste Management Plan Crop Type Recommended PAN Loading (lb/acre) = (B) !1\ !9l Val (dl IM (6) m (8) Total Volume Volume Per Acre z PAN Applied Nitrogen Balance 3 Date Waste Analysis 1 � (mm/dd/yr) # of Loads Per Field Volume of Loads (gallons) (gal/ac) PAN (lb/1000 gal) x (lb/a+) (Ib/ac) (2) " (3) (4) + (A) ((5) (6)) 1,000 (B) - (7) 1 Crop Cycle Totals Owner's Signature Certified Operator (Print) Operator's Signature Operator Certification # ' Can be found in operators manual for the spreader. Contact a local dealer if you do not have your owners manual. 24 See your animal waste management plan for sampling frequency. At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. 3 Enter the value received by subtracting column (7) from (B). Continue subtracting column (7) from column (8) following each application event. u, U Uj CC wUj co in �j r, 7 V Z N o , .x r6;,T. 0 +-u)Uj�� V Lu 0 6C 'L r' rc`i "r:7 isi O u Ox JIn m U rx 0 Z Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May U and June 30. 1914. Employment and program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, ago, or disability. North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State Universiry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. SoilFacts Swine .Manure as a Fertilizer Source Swine manure can be an excellent source of nutrients for crop production. The Key to proper management is determining the nutrient content of the manure, the percentages of those nutrients that are available to the plant, and the nutrient requirements of the plant. Considered together, these three factors will help you apply the proper amount. Nutrient Content of the Manure Because the nutrient content of swine ma- nurc varies among operations and over time, the manurc must be analyzed before you apply it to the land. Waste samples can be analyzed for $4.00 by contacting the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA), Agronomic Division, Plant and Waste Analysis Lab, P.O. Box 27647, Blue Ridge Road Center, Raleigh, NC 27611. Other qualified private laboratories are also available (fees vary). Samples collected for analysis should be representative of the pit or lagoon. If the waste is to be applied as a slurry, the storage pit or basin should be agitated before sam- pling. Collect approximately 3/4 of a pint of material in an expandable container, being sure to leave air space. If you cannot have a sample analyzed, determine the application rate by using the average nutrient values for different swine manurc systems shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows the average amounts of secondary and Table 1. Nutrient Composition of Swine Manure Manure Total Ammonium Phosphorus P 0 Potassium N Type NH,, N 2 5 Ib/ton Fresh 12 7^ 9 12 9 °• 9 Scraped' 13 7 Ib/1,000 gallons Liquid slurry2 31 19 22 17 Anaerobic 6 49 7 lagoon sludge 22 lb/acre-inch Anaerobic lagoon liquid 136 111 53 133 Source: Abridged from North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual. ` rCollocted within 1 week.. . 2Six-12 months accumulation of manure, urine, and excess water usage; does not include fresh water tor:.:;'::; flushing or lot runoff. • =r. .Jy wig;..': - i it ,.40.E p,.�•��.. • r,•' North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE SCIENCES I micronutrients present in swine manures. These values can be used as planning guidelines, as long as you realize that they arc not as accurate as a sample analysis. Nutrient Availabilities The total nutrient content reported on a manure analysis report (or (ltc levels shown in Tables 1 and 2) is not immediately available to the crops when the manure is applied. Some elements arc released when the organic matter is decomposed by soil microorganisms. Other elements can combine will, soil constituents and be made unavailable. Nitrogen may also be lost to the atmosphere through volatilization or dcnitrifica- tion, depending on the application method and soil moisture levels. Table 3 lists the proportion of nutrients available for crop use during the first year of application for given application methods. When determining the application rate, refer to the availability cocffi- cient for the appropriate application method, and then multiply that number by the corresponding nutri- ent value on the waste analysis report (or by the values shown in Tables 1 and 2). Waste analysis reports from the NCDA's Agro- nomic Division show the nutrient availabilitics for titc first crop. The most recently applied waste is not the only source of nutrients; they are also available from previ- ous applications of manures or from Table 3. First -Year Availability Coefficients for Swine Manure Manure Soil Type Injection' Incorporation Broadcast' Irrigation P20, and K 2 0 availability coefficients All manure types 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 N availability coefficient Scraped paved surface - 0.6 0.4 - Liquid manure slurry 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.3 Anaerobic lagoon liquid 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.5 Anaerobic lagoon sludge 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 'Manure injected directly into soil and immediately covered. 2Surface-spread manure plowed or disked into soil within two days. 'Surface -spread manure uncovered for one month or longer. 'Sprinkler -irrigated liquid uncovered for one month or longer. legumes crops. With the exception of nitrogen, updated soil tests are the. best means of determining nutrient reserves from manure applications. Table 4 can be used to estimate available nitrogen carry- over from legumes. Application Rates Land application rates of manure are generally determined by matching the available nitrogen or phosphorus content of the wastes to the nutrient requirements of the crops. In most cases, nitrogen determines the application rate unless the area is designated "nutrient sensitive" and indicates that phosphorus movement ,.:;:Table 2. Secondary and Micronutrient Content of Swine Manures off -site could contaminate surface waters. In areas not designated as nutrient sensitive, phosphorus movement can be adequately con- trolled with conservation methods that minimize soil and nutrient runoff. The conservation methods include grass field borders, grassed waterways, contour planting, and reduced tillage. Leaching of phos- phorus is extremely limited on mineral soils and should not contrib- ute to groundwater contamination. Nitrogen recommendations for various crops arc listed in Table 5. Use these rates as guidelines with tltc realistic yield capabilities for each crop and field. With feed and forage crops, excessive manure .Manure7ype Ca Mg S Na Fe Mn B Mo Zn Cu 1y: lb/ton .:;:. Fresh 7.9 1.7 1.8 1.6 0.39 0.04 0.074 0.00066 0.12 0.02 ,4; Paved lot scraped 1.2.0 2.3 2.2 1.6 1.03 0.19 0.015 0.00007 0:35 0.15 - Ib/1,000 gallons ` Liquid slurry 8.6 2.9 4.7 3.7 0.69 0.15 0.069 0.0011 0.39 .0.11 Lagoon sludge 15.8 4.5 8.3 2.9 118 0.28 0.023 0.0095 0.67 0.23 lb/acre-inch 5 q . :Lagoon liquid 25.5 8.3 . •' 10.0 :,-57.7 -'::: 2.4 .34 0.18 0.0045 1.5 ?'� Source: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, NCSU. Table 4. Estimated Residual Nitrogen Provided by a Good Stand of Legumes Grown in Rotation �^ Legume Residual Nitrogen Available (lb/acre) Alfalfa' J 80-100 Harry vetch' 80-100 60-75 Crimson clover Austrian winter pea' 50-60 Soybeans2 15-30 Peanuts2 20-40 'Killed before planting current spring crop. 'Legume planted in previous year or season. More nitrogen will be available if the fall -planted crop immediately follows the legume. On sandy soils and in years with normally high precipitation, loss nitrogen will be available to spring -planted crops. Table 5. Nitrogen Fertilization Guidelines Commodity Corn (grain) Corn (silage) Cotton Sorghum (grain) Wheat (grain) Rye (grain) Barley (grain) Triticale (grain) Oats Bermudagrass (hay2-3) Tall fescue (hay2•3) Orchardgrass (hay2.3) Small grain(hay2-3) Sorghum-sudangrass (hay'-) Millet (hay2-1) Pine and hardwood trees' lb N/RYE' 1.0 - 1.25 lb N/bu 10 - 20 lb N/ton 0.06 - 0.12 lb N/lb lint 2.0 - 2.5 lb N/cwt 1.7 - 2.4 lb N/bu 1.7 - 2.4 lb N/bu 1.4 - 1.6 lb N/bu 1.4 - 1.6 lb Nlbu 1.0 - 1.3 lb N/bu 40 - 50 lb N/dry ton 40 - 50 lb N/dry ton 40 - 50 lb N/dry ton 50 - 60 lb N/dry ton 45 - 55 lb N/dry ton 45 - 55 lb N/dry ton 40 - 60 lb Nlacrelyear 'RYE = Realistic Yield Expectation 2Annual maintenance guidelines 'Reduce. N rate by 2-5percentwhen grazing 40n trees less than 5 feet tall, N will stimulate undergrowth competition application can produce high nitrate concentrations, which can harm livestock (through nitrate poisoning) and promote nutrient imbalances that may lead to grass tetany. If loading rates are based on phospho- rus, apply the MUM suggested by soil test recommendations. Other nutrients such as potassium, magne- sium, and the micronutricnts manga- nesc, zinc, and copper may not be supplied in sufficient quantities for normal crop production. In such cases, apply the supplemental nutrients with a commercial ferti- lizer as recommended by a current soil test. In addition to the supply of nutrients, proper soil pI-I-is required to promote organic matter decompo- sition, improve crop yields, and ensure nutrient availability. The biological conversion of organic matter to nitrate is an acid-forming process that will continue to reduce soil pl-1 unless you follow an adc- quatc sampling and liming program. To liclp you determine land application rates, a worksliect is provided at the end of this publica- tion. Timing of Manure Applications In addition to carefully calculating the application rate, you must also minimize the delay between apply- ing the manure and planting the crop. Precise timing increases the amount of nitrogen used by the crop and thus reduces leaching. The risk of surface water and groundwater contamination is greater in areas of high rainfall and where manures arc applied in the fall or winter for spring crops. On sandy -textured soils, apply manures at low rates throughout the growing season, wherever possible, to reduce nitro- gen leaching caused by Elie soil's low nutrient -holding capacity. Exercise caution when applying lagoon liquid through irrigation onto standing crops that arc undergoing stresses. Acreage Requirements for New Facilities Whenever samples of-manurc or lagoon liquid are available for analysis, the specific results should be used to determine application rates and acreage requirements. However, when you arc planning new facilities, average values can help determine the approximate acreage requirements for a given size swine operation. Table 6 can be used to determine the minimum acreage a new unit will ncbd for manure use. An example will make these methods clear. A producer is inter- cstcd in starting a 500-sow farrow- Swinc Mantu•c as a Fertilizer Source to -finish operation using an anaero- bic lagoon collection system. The producer is considering spraying the lagoon liquid effluent on bcrmu- dagrass being grown for hay. The realistic yield expected for this field is 6 dry tons per acrc. How many acres of ber-mudagrass would be needed? Using Table 5, tine maximum nitrogen (N) rate required is 300 lb per acrc (6 tons x 501b N/ton). Go now to Table 6 under surface broad- cast column 300, and you will find that each sow would require 0.0867 acres to utilize its waste. A 500-sow operation would thus require 43.4 acres (0.0867 x 500 = 43.4). Value of Manure To compare the value of manurc to commercial fertilizer, convert the manure nutrients to available nutri- cnts by using their availability coefficients. In the example that follows, the amount of available nitrogen (N), phosphorus (PZOS), and potassium (K,O) in cacti inch of lagoon liquid is approximately 68, 37, and 93 pounds per acrc, respec lively. At $0.225 per pound of nitrogen, $0.22 per pound of phos- pliale, and $0.12 per pound of potash, the manures gross worth is (68 x $.225) + (37 x $.22) + (93 x $.12) or $15.30 + $8.14 + $11.16 = $34.60 per acrc for each inch of lagoon liquid. Table 6. Minimum Amount of Land Needed to Apply Swine Manure as a Nitrogen Fertilizer Based on the Nitrogen Rate Required by the Crop. Soil Incorporated' Surface Broadcast2 lb N/acre/year 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 'Manure Handling and Production Unit T Acres/animal unit capacity Paved Lot Scraped Manure Weanling-to-feeder per head 0.025 0.012 0.0082 0.0062 0.0158 0.0074 0.0049 0.0037 Feeder -to -finish per head 0.12 0.061 0.041 0.030 0.073 0.036 0.024 0,018 Farrow-to-weanling per sow 0.29 0.14 0.095 0.071 0.17 0.085 0.057 0.043 Farrow -to -feeder per sow 0.34 0.17 0.11 0.086 0.21 0.10 0.069 0.051 Farrow -to -finish per sow 1.4 0.70 0.47 0.35 0.84 0.42 0.28 0.21 :...Liquid Manure Slurry Weanling-to-feeder per head 0.031 0.015 0.010 0.0077 0.019 0.0095 0.0063 0.0047 Feeder -to -finish per head 0.15 0.076 0.051 0.038 0.094 0.0470 0.031 0.023 ` :'`Farrow-to-weanling per sow 0.36 0.18 0.12 0.089 0.22 0.11 0.073 0.055 Farrow -to -feeder per sow 0.43 0.21 0.14 0.11 0.26 0.13 0.088 0.066 I Farrow -to -finish per -sow. 1.7 0.87 0.58 0.44 1.1 0.54 0.36 0.27 Anaerobic Lagoon Sludge Weanling-to-feeder per head 0.0019 0.0010 0.0006 0.0005 0.0016 0.0008 0.0005 0.0004 Feeder -to -finish per head 0.0094 0.0047 0.0031 0.0024 0.0078 0.0039 0,0026 0.0019 Farrow-to-weanling per sow 0.015 0.007.4 0.0049 0.0037 0.018 0.0091 0.0061 0.0046 Farrow -to feeder per sow 0.018 0.0089 0,0059 0.0044 0.022 0.011 0.0073 0,0055 'Farrow -to -finish per sow 0.11 0.054 0.036 0.027 0.089 0.045 0.030 0.022 ,..Anaerobic Lagoon Liquid Weanling-to-feeder per head 0.0075 0.0038 0.0025 0.0019 0.0048 0.0024 0.0016 0.0012 Feeder -to -finish per head 0.037 0.018 0.012 0.0092 0.023 0.012 0.0078 0.0058 Farrow-to-weanling per sow 0.084 0.042 0.028 0.021 0.054 0.027 0.018 0.013 Farrow -to -feeder per sow 0.10 0.051 0.034 0.025 0.065 0.032 0.022 0.016 Farrow -to -finish per sow 0.41 0.21 0.14 0.10 0.26 0.13 0.088 0.066 'Incorporated within 2 days 2Not incorporated for 1 month or longer; lagoon liquid irrigated. 11 i Swine Manure as a Ferfilizer Source This value dues nol include labor or irrigation equipment costs, nor does it include the value of any secondary or micronutrients avail- ablc in the manure. In addition, it assumes that the soil test has indi- cated a need for each nutrient, when, in fact, many nutrients may not be needed. Nutrients not needed should not be considered in assess- ing the financial value of the ma- nure. Land Application Worksheet Farmer Jones has a swine operation in which lagoon liquid is applied through a travel gun to fertigalc a field for corn. His yield goal is about 120 bushels per acre, and lie decides to apply, the equivalent of 120 pounds of nitrogen per acre (Table 5). His land is not subject to erosion, nor is it in a nutrient sensi- Worksheet: Determining the Nutrient Needs of Your Crop 1. Crop to be grown 2.Total nutrients required a. N (fable 5) (lb/acre) b. P.O. (soil test) (lb/acre) c. K20 (soil test) (lb/acre) 3. Pounds of starter or preplarit fertilizer used a. N (lb/acre) b. PZor, (lb/acre) c. K,O.(Ib/acre) 4. Residual N credit from legumes (fable 4) (lb/acre) 5. Net nutrient needs of crop (lb/acre) live walershed. "1'hc corn crop will be planted in the same field that had soybeans last year. He has grass borders on his field to further reduce the potential of nutrient or pesticide runoff. Farmer Jones uses a starter fertilizer on his corn crop at a rate to supply 10 pounds of nitrogen per acre and 34 pounds of Pi Os per acre. He intends to supply the remainder of nitrogen from liquid swine lagoon Example corn 120 50 50 10 34 0 20 Nitrogen: Total need (item 2a) minus additional N from starter (item 3a), minus legume (item 4) a. N: 120 —10 — 20 (lb/acre) 90 Phosphorus and potassium: Total need (items 2b and 2c) minus additional nutrients from starter (items 3b and 3c) b. P203: 50 — 34 (Ib/acre) 16 C. KO: 50 — 0 (lb/acre) 50 RATE OF MANURE TO APPLY 6. Nutrient totals in manure (from Table 1 or waste samples). If analysis report already gives available nutrients, skip this item. a. Total N (lb/acre-inch) 136 b. _P20., (lb/acre-inch) 53 c. K20 (lb./acre-inch) 133 Your Farm end Exhibit 12 Soffads effluent. I•low mucli effluent does he will be needed to supplement the of 50 pounds of each nutrient per 1 need to apply to meet the nitrogen crop with additional K,O or 1',0, to acre? The answers are given in the needs of his corn crop? flow much satisfy his soil test recommendations workshcet. Worksheet (continued) Example Your Farm 7. Nutrients"available to crop (items 6a, 6b, and 6c) times availability coefficients (fable 3) a. Available N: 136 x 0.5 (lb/acre-inch), 68 b. Available P205: 53 x 0.7 (lb/acre-inch) 37 c. Available K20: 133 x 0.7 (lb/acre-inch) 93 8.Application rate to supply priority nutrient a. Priority nutrient nitrogen b. Amount of priority nutrient needed (lb/acre from item 5a) 90 c. Rate of manure needed to supply priority nutrient (item 8b)/(item 7a): 90/68 (acre -inch) 1.32 9. Pounds per acre of all nutrients supplied at the application rate required to meet the needs for the priority nutrient. For each nutrient, multiply the available nutrients (items 7a, 7b, and 7c) by manure rate (item 8c). a. N supplied: 68 x 1.32 (lb/acre) 90 b. P205 supplied: 37 x 1.32 (lb/acre) 49 c. K20 supplied: 93 x 1.32 (lb/acre) 123 10.Nutrient Balance: Net nutrient need (—) or excess (+) after application of manure at calculated rate. Subtract the net nutrient needs of the crop (items 5a, 5b, and 5c) from the nutrient rate applied (items 9a, 9b, and 9c). a. N balance: 90 — 90 (lb/acre) 0 b. P205 balance: 49 —16 (Ib/acre) +33 C. K20 balance: 123 — 50 (lb/acre) +73 Source: Calculation format modified from Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Field Application of Manure, October 1986. Prepared by J. A Zublena, Exterrsiolt Soil Science Specialist J. C. Barker, Extension Agricultural Enginecrins Specialist J. W. Parker, Extension Area Swine Spccialisl (retired) C. M. Stanislaw, Extension Swine Specialist The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture's Agronomic Division in the analysis of samples and the development of the data base used in this publication. — 10,000 copies of this public docuttrent were pruned at a cost of $1,422.00, or $.14 per copy. J Published by NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Y 6/93-10M—MOC—Woodard (Revised) AG439. WOWM-39 633-6 k Table I Exhibit 13 EPA Regulations on Land Application of Sewage Sludge: Metal Loadinv Rates 503 Rcph tions) Ceiling Monthly avcra�c Maximum cumulative Maximum annual Metal concentrations concentration Ioadinz rate loadinr rate mg/kg mg/kg kg/ha kg/ha Arsenic (As) 75 41 41 2.0 Cadmium (Cd) 85 39 39 1.9 Chromium (Cr). 3000 1200 3000 150 Copper (Cu) 4300 1500 1500 75 Lead (Pb) 840 300 300 15 Mercury (Fig) 57 17 17 0.85 Molvbdcmum (Mo) 75 18 18 0.90 Nickel (Ni) 420 420 420 21 Scicaiurn (Se) 100 36 100 5.0 Zinc (Zn) 7500 2800 2800 140 r 11All sludges applied to land must have concentrations less than the ceiling concentration. r/ Sludges with this concentration or less and which meet Class A vector and pathogen reduction requirements arc classified as clean biosolids. Do not require land application site permits. TABLE 2 Soil Test Values Indicating Potential Phytotoxic Problems' Soil Cation Exchange Capacity (meq/100cn?) Metal 1-5 6-10 11-15 15+ lbs/ac Index lbs/ac Index lbs/ac Index lbs/ac Index Zinc 50 704 75 1056 125 1761 250 3521 Copper 25 694 45 1250 65 1805 125 3472 ,1 Any field office receiving a request for assistance involving municipal or industrial sludge should contact a resource specialist at the State Mce by lbllowing the proper protocol. t' North Carolina Department oCAgriculturc Agronomic Division PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A written Waste Utilization Plan shall be a part of each waste management system design. Exhibit A is an example of the minimum acceptable Waste Utilization Plan and includes the minimum specifications. Plans and specifications are to be prepared for specific field sites, based on the standard. Plans and specifications include construction plans, drawings, job sheets, construction specifications, narrative statements, or other similar documents. These documents are to specify the requirements for installing the practice, such as the kind, amount, or quality of materials to be used, or the timing or sequence of installation activities. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Operation and maintenance requirements shall be part of the waste utilization plan. NRCS, NC SEPU1,0FR,1996 Rev. 1 t EXHIBIT 14 Guide for Forage f + in North Carolina P. T ,r i This planting guide provides the best available information about planting rates, depths, and stand evaluation for forage crops commonly grown in North Carolina. The process of establishing a forage crop is very important because. ❑ It is expensive—$100 to $250 per acre; -- ❑ Perennial crops can remain productive for several years without replanting, and thus poor stands can result in long-term low yields and increased production costs, ❑ Soil and water conservation and animal feeding depend upon rapid establishment of persistently good stands. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May ©'and Juno 30, 1914. Employment and program opportunities aro offored to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sox, age, or disability. North Carolina Slate University, North Carolina A&T Stale University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. Variety Selection Variety selection can influence the produc- tivity and persistence of a crop, but most of the information provided here applies to all varieties of the same species. Informa- tion on variety performance can be obtained from Extension Service publica- tion AG-49, Forage Crops Variety Testing, or from Forage Memos, available from the Department of Crop Science. Remember, however, that poor stands can nullify the influence of even the best varieties. Planting Region The climate and soils of North Carolina vary considerably across the state. This variation makes it necessary to plant at different times in each area. The state can be divided into three major regions: moun- tains, piedmont, and coastal plain. The planting dates in this guide are listed for the major regions and are based on normal growing conditions. A review of the average freezing dates in the spring (Figure 1) and fall (Figure 2) indicates significant differences in weather within and between the three major regions. Therefore, the planting dates r'''�.t� ZN suggested may be adjusted a few days on the basis of local experience and weather records. For example, the optimum planting dates for the mountains are 15 to 30 days earlier in the fall than those for the piedmont, but a review of the tempera- ture records indicates that the best planting dates in the southern mountains may be similar to those in the piedmont. Planting Time Establishing a successful forage crop depends partly on weather conditions shortly before and after planting. Years of field research and experience under North Carolina's varied growing conditions have made it possible for researchers to recommend planting dates that will most likely lead to success or minimize risk. Delaying planting until the last possible dates indicated in the table may reduce the chance of a good stand by 30 to 50 percent. Time of planting is important because the survival rate of developing seedlings is related to the time at which stress occurs from drought, freezing, or competition for light and nutrients. If no sugl stress North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE SCIENCES occurs, or if it occurs after seedlings are r well established, survival and produc- CV a tion losses can be minimized. Fall Plantings. In general, the Mountains perennial cool -season forages can best be established by .. planting in the fall in a disked or plowed seedbed that is firm and smooth. Seedbeds can best be prepared during favor- able autumn weather when weeds are not as competitive. Furthermore, seedling root systems can become well established before hot, dry weather the following season. However, late fall plantings can result in winter injury from freezing and heaving. A disadvantage to autumn planting is that there is often not enough moisture for good germination and seedling development. Planting in a hot, dry seedbed is a gamble because a light rain followed by continued N drought can cause germination, then death of the seedlings. If Mountains o planting is delayed beyond the Oct possible seeding dates listed 2 here, it is best to wait until the � �• following spring or fall. Estab- lishment thigh risk w nterkillunneces unnecessarily. to oa �o Here are some points to remem- O ber about fall planting: ■ Cool -season grass seedlings are more tolerant of freezing temperatures and heaving than legumes. ■ In prepared seedbeds, alfalfa and Ladino clover should have five to seven true leaves present before frequent freezing weather occurs. o In prepared seedbeds, grasses should have three to four leaves before freezing weather occurs. Spring Plantings. Spring plantings in the piedmont and mountains may be justified (1) if land or sod is prepared in the fall or winter, and plantings can be made early enough for the crop to become established before summer stress; (2) if seedling diseases on legumes have usually been a problem for fall plant- ings; and (3) if summer weeds can be controlled while the seedlings develop. Sod Seeding Fall plantings can be made later in sod than in pre- pared seedbeds because the existing sod provides protection for the developing seedlings during the winter. Coastal Plain Piedmont • Apr I AN- =F lyy� �,��I�'- P ^ Apr 1 �Q Sandhills Mac IS - Figure 1. Average date of last freezing temperature (320F) in spring. w O..M •..I. QJ ° Sandhills �•��� "'°`" ""°" p�' Nov 9 ��ti� Noy �9 Figure 2. Average date of first freezing temperature (32°F) in fall. When planting ladino clover in an established sod of tall fescue or other cool -season grass, late winter or early spring (February to March) plantings are often as effective as fall plantings. However, fall sod plantings of alfalfa in fescue have been more successful than late winter plantings in the piedmont and coastal plain, except for late winter plantings made in sod killed the previous fall. When planting low-endophyte fescue or orchardgrass in existing sod, it is best to plant in the fall. (See Forage Memo 16 for details.) Seeding Rates Seeding rates vary because of seed size, purity, germination percentage, and seedling vigor. Under adverse conditions, only 10 to 50 percent of the seeds planted will establish successfully. Therefore, -many seeds are needed to obtain a satisfactory stand. (2) FORAGE PLANTING GUIDE FOR NORTH CAROLINA Seeding Rate (lb/acre) 1 0: brcadcr<sl D: drill (4• to 9• Mountains inch rows) R: row (30+ inches) Planting Depth (above 2,500 it elevation)" See footnote for below 2,500 It Piedmont and Tidewater" Coastal Plain" Crop PLS: pure live seeds B:15-25; D:t0.20 (inches) '/, • IANot Best Dates Possible Dales Best Dales Possible Dates adapted Not well adapted Best Dates Possible Dates Fab 15 Mar 15 Feb 1•Mar 31 PERENNIAL GRASSES Bahiagrass Mar 1-Mar 31 Feb 15-Apr 15 or lhru Jul 8 irrigated Bermudagrass (Hybrid) 13:25.40; 1 •3 Nol adapted Mar 1 Mar 31 Feb 15-May 1 or thru Jul it irrigated Sprigs - bu.=1.2510 R:5.15 bushels Not adapted Apr 15-May 15 Apr 1Jun 15 Apr I -May 15 Mar 15-Jun 7 Bermudagrass 9:6-8; D:5-7 '/, '/, (Common -seed only) - 15-Jun 15 May 1-Jun 30 -May 10 Jun 1 May t Jun 30 Apr 20 May 15 Apr 10 Jun 30 PLS; _ '/: 3/4May Big Bluestem 0:8.10 B;10-12 PLS 25-Aug 10 Jul 15 Aug 25 1 Not well adapted — — Not well adapted B:10.15; D:8 12 1/4Jul i3lucgrass Apr 20-May 15 Apr 10-Jun 30 . Caucasian Blucsicm D:2 PLS; B:4 PLS '/, %: May 15-Jun 15 May I -Jun 30 I May 10-Jun 1 May 1-Jun 30 Dallisgrass B:20 30; D:15 20 '/, - y: — Not adapted No well adapted Mar 1•Mar 30 Feb 15 Apr 15 May 15•Jun 15 May 1•Jun 30 May 10-Jun 1 May 1-Jun 30 Apr 20 May 15 Apr 10 Jun 30 —f Eastern Gammagrass i D:10.15 PLS; /, '. t B: Do not broadcast May 15•Jun 7 Apr 15-Jul 1 May 7-Jun 1 Apr 15Jun 15 Feb 15-Mar 15 Feb 1-Mar 30 Flaccidgrass D:2 4; Precision Jun 1-Jun 15 May 15-Jul 1 plant: 1.2; Sprig: 341/11, in 18' 1/4- '/a 2-3 Mar 1-Apr 7 Feb 15-Apr 15 May 15-Jun 15 May 1-Jul 15 Feb 20-Mar 20 Feb 1-Mar 30 Apr 25-Jun 1 - Apr 15-Jul 15 Apr 25-May 20 Apr 15-Jul 10 r rows; Idlers: 2.4/11 root cove, - May 15-Jun 15 May 1•Jun 30 May 10-Jun 1 May 1-Jun 30 Apr 20-May 15 Apr 10-Jun 30 ^ D:8.10 PLS; '/: '/, Indiangrass 8:10-12 PLS '/, %: ---• _ __ Jul 25 Aug 10 Jul 15-Aug 20 _ _ Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct 25 Nol well adapted Orehardgrass 0:12-15; D:8 12 Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1-May 15 Fob 15-Mar 31 Aug 25 Sep 15 Aug 25.Oct 25 Not well adapted Reed canary —grass ggrass B:5-10; D:4.8 '/, - %a Jul 25-Aug 10 Jul 15•Aug 20 Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1-May 15 Mar 1•Mar 31 Sep _1.Sep 15 Aug 25 Oct 15 Sep t•Sep 30 Aug 25 Oct 15 Rescuegrass D:20.25; 8:25 35 y: -'/, Aug 20 Sep 7 Aug 15 Oc11 Mar 15-Mar 30 Mar 1-Apr 30 Mar 1-Mar 30 Feb 15-Apr 30 Smooth Bromegrass 8:10.20; D.8.15 '/, . '% Jul 25•Aug 10 Jul 15-Aug 20 Not well adapted Not adapted I Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar I -May 15 __ J Switchgrass 0:8.12 PLS %: - 3/4May 15-Jun 15 May IJun 30 May I -Jun 1• Apr 1-Jun 30 25 0-J Apr 10-May 15 Apr 1un 30 M Sep 1-Sep 30 Sep 1-Ocl 31 Tall Fescue 13:15.20; D.10.15 '/. %: Jul 25•Aug 10 Jul 15-Aug 20 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct Feb 15•Mar 31 Feb 15-Mar 20 Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1 -May 15 - Not well adapted Not adapted Timothy B;10-12; D:8-10 — 'b - 1/2Jul 25-Aug 10 Jul 15•Aug 20 — Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1•May 15 MIXTURES 25-Aug 10 Jul 15-Aug 20 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25 Oct 15 Not well adapted Orchardgrass +Alfalfa B:5 + 20; 0:3 + 15 'AJul Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1-May 15 Orchardgrass + Ladino B:12 + 4; D:9 + 3 '/, Jul 25-Aug 10 Jul 15-Aug 20 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct 15 Not well adapted Clover Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1-May 15 Feb 15-Mar 31 Orchardgrass + Red 8:12 + 10; D:9 + 8 '/, Jul 25-Aug 10 Jul .15•Aug 20 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct 15 Not adapted Clover Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1-May 15 Feb 15-Mar 31 Tail Fescue + Ladino B:10 + 4; 0:8 + 3 1/4Jul 25•Aug 10 Jul 15-"Aug 20 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct 15 Feb 15-Mar 31 Sep 1 Sep 30 Sep 1.Oel 20 soils only) Feb 15-Mar 2 Clover Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1-May 15 Aug 25-Sep 15 _ Aug 25.Oci 15 15-Mar 31 _(heavy Sep 1•Sep 30 Sep 1-Oct 25 (heavy soils only) Fab 15-Mar 20 Tall Fescue +Red ^. 6:10 + 8; D:0 + 6 '/,` Jul 25 Aug. 10 Jul 15 Aug 20 Clover 1.2 Mar 20-Apr 20 Mar 1-May 15 Aug 1-Aug 20 Aug 1-Oct 10 Feb Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20 Oct 31 _ Not well adapted ANNUAL GRASSES — Barley 8:140; D:100 Millet, Pearl (Cattail) 0:20.25; 0:15.20; %a • 1 %a May 15-May 31 May 1-Jun 30 May 1•May 31 Apr 25-Jun 30 May 1-May 15 Apr 20-Jun 30 __ Millet, Foxtall, and R:6.10 D:10.15; R:5.7 %• 1'/: May 15-May 31 May 1•Jun 30 --- May 1-May 31 May 1Jun 30 May 1 MaydS Apr 20-Jun 30 Japanese (Not as productive as Pearl) Oats B:130; 0:100 1-2 Not well adapted Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20.Ocl 31 Sep 5-Sep 30 Sep I -Nov 15 V Rye 8:120; D:100 1. 2 Aug 1•Aug 20 Aug I.Oct 10 • Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug_20.Oct 31 Sep 5-Sep 30 Sep 1• Nov 15 _ '/, _ 1/2Jul 25-Aug 10 Jul 15-Aug 31-� Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20 Oct 31 Sep 1-Sep 30 Sep 1-Oct 31 _ _ Ryegrass B:30-40; D:20.30 _ (3) I, FORAGE PLANTING GUIDE FOR NORTH CAROLINA (continued) Seeding Rate (lb/acre) ,. B: broadcast D: drill (4- to 0- Mountains inch rows) Planting (above 2,500 It elevation)` R: row (30+ inches) Depth Sao footnote for below 2,500 It Piedmont and Tidewater"Coastal Plain"' Crop PLS: pure live seeds (inches) Best Dates Possible Dales Best Dates Possible Dates Best Dates Possible Dates Ryegrass Reduce ryegrass See Sao small grain or clover See small grain or clover See small grain or clover With small grain or rate by 50% ryegrass, clover mixture) grain, or clover Sorghum (Sudan) 8:35.40; D:20.30; 'h -1 May 15-May 31 May 1-Jun 30 May 1-May 31 Apr 25-Jun 30 May 1-May 15 Apr 20-Jun 30 R:15.20 Sorghum, Forage (Silage), RA-6 1 - 1'% May 15-May 31 May i-Jun 30 May 1-May 31 Apr 25-Jun 30 May 1-May 15 Apr 20-Jun 30 Sudangrass 0:30.40; D:20 25 1 •2 May 15-May 31 May 1-Jun 30 May I -May 31 Apr 25Jun 30 May I -May 15 Apr 20-Jun 30 Aug 1.Oct 1D Aug 25-Sop 15 Aug 20.Oc131 Sep 5-Sep 30 Sep 1-Nov 15 Wheat 8:120; D:100 1-2 Aug I -Aug 20 See dates for rains See dales for grains Small Grain Mix Reduce each 1 •2 See dales for grains 9 (2 Grains) selection by 50% Small Grain Reduce each %, 1 See dates for grains and ryegrass See dates for grains and ryegrass See dales for grains and ryegrass Ryegrass Mix selection by 25% PERENNIAL LEGUMES Alfalfa 13:20.25; D:15.20 '/. Jul 25-Aug 1.0 Mar 1-Apr 7 Alta Ila (For sod seeding 0:15.20 'h - y: Jul 25-Aug 101 into grass) Sep 15-Oct it Birdslool Trefoil ~; B:0.10; D:6.8 '/4 _ Jul 25-Aug 10 Crownvetch i B:15.20; D:10.15 '/4 • 'h Jul 25-Aug 10 (For erosion control) Mar 20-Apr 20 Ladino or White Clover 8:5; D:3-5 'b Jul 25-Aug 10 _ 'h • 'h Mar 20-Apr 20 Jul 25-Aug 10' Ladino (For sod seeding 1 8:5; D:3.5 into grass) Aug 1-Sep 11 Mar i-Mar 20 J— Red Clover B:10.15; D:8.10 'h '/1 Jul 25-Aug 10 Jul 25-Aug 101 Red Clover (For sod B:10.15; 0:8.10 'h .''/, seeding into grass) Aug 1-Sep 11 B:20-40; D:15.30 '/4 -'h Mar 1-Mar 20 Mar 15-Apr 15 Sericea Lespedcza (Dehulled) 13:20.30; D:10-15 'h Jul 25-Aug 10 Sweelclover (Dehulled) Mar 1-Apr 7 ANNUAL LEGUMES Jul 15-Aug 20 Mar 1•Apr 15 Jul 25.Oct 15 Jul 15-Aug 30 Jul 15-Aug 20 Mar 1•Apr 15 Jul 15-Aug 20 Mar 1-May 15 Aug 1-Sep 15 Mar 1•MaL1S Jul 15-Aug 20 Mar 1-May 15 Aug 1•Sep 15 Mar 1•MaY 15 Mar 1•Apr 30 Jul 15-Aug 20 Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct 15 Sep I -Sep 30 Sep 1.Ocl 31 Mar 1-Mar 31 Aug 25-Sep 15' Oct 15-Oct 25 Sep 1-Oct 31 Oct 10-Oct 201 Aug 25-Oct 20 Not well adapted Not well adapted Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 15-Oct 25 Not well adapted Mar I -Mar 30 Mar 1•Apr 15 r Aug 25-Oct 15 Sep 1-Oc125 Aug 25-Sep 15 Mar 1-Mar 31 Sep 1-Sep 30 Feb 15-Mar 20 Aug 25-Sep 151 Sep 1-Sep 301 Oct 7.Ocl 151 Aug 25-Oct 25 Oct 7.Ocl 151 Sap i -Oct 31 Feb 20-Mar 10 Feb 15-Mar 20 ; Feb 15-Feb 28 Feb 10-Mar 15 Aug 25-Sep 30 Sep 1.Oct 15 Aug 25-Sep 15 Feb 15-Mar 30 Sep 1-Sep 30 Feb 15-Mar 20 Aug 25-Sep 151 Sep I -Sep 301 Oct 7-Oct 151 Aug 25-Oct 25 Oct 7-Oct 151 Sep 1.Oet 31 Feb 20-Mar 10 Feb 15-Mar 20 Feb 15-Feb 28 Feb 10-Mar 15 Mar 1-Mar 20 Feb 15-Apr 30 Mar 1•Mar 20 Feb 15-Apr 30 Aug 25-Oct 15 Sep 1-Sep 30 Sep 1.Ocl 31 5 Mar 1-Mar 31 Aug 25-Sep 1 Crimson Clover 8:20.25: 0:15•_2_0_ —'/� Jul 25 Aug 10 Jul 15 Aug 20__ Auk 25�Sep 15 Aug 25:Oc125 Crimson Clover (Mixed B:20; D:15 'h Same as Crimson clover Same as Crimson clover with Ryegrass or Reduce grain by 1/3 Small Grainj 15-Mar 31 Mar 1-Apr 15 Feb 10-Fab 20 Feb 1 Mar 30 Lespedeza, Kobe 0:30-40 1/4. 1/2Mar Korean Subterranean Clover B:20.30 May not bet adapted Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 15-Ocl 25 B:10.20; D:8.15 % • '/r Vetch (Common, Hairy) 8:25.40; D:20.30 1/2 - 1'/, Jul 25-Aug 10 Jul 15-Aug 30 Aug 25-Sep 30 Aug 25 Oct 25 B:20.30; D.15-20 Sap !.S p 30 Sep 1_Oct 30 Same as Crimson clover Feb 1-Feb 20 Feb 1-Mar 20 Sep i-Sep 30 Sep 1.Ocl 31 Sep 1Sep 30 Sep I.Oct 25 OTHER SPECIES I Rape and Turnips 8:6.8; D:3-4 1/4 - /: MIr 1 Sep 10 Ju1b,Sop 510 Aug 15-Sap 15 Aug 1 Oct 1Feb 15-Mar 155 Sep 1 Oct 1, Aug 15-Oct 30 ' May extend the fall dales by 20 days, where elevation is below 2,500 feet, and seed 15 days earlier in spring. For the black, heavylexturtld soils in the tidewater region, use dales for the pitldmonl. rThe best lime to sod seed depends on the prevalence of insects in late August and early September and the drought prediction for September. II insects are not evident and moisture is adequate, plant on the early dates. Alfalfa can be successfully seeded into a sod in mid- to tale winter (same as ladino) provided that the grass sod is killed the previous fall (in October or November). (4) Seed Size Small seeds are not as vigorous as large ones. Therefore, emergence rates may vary with planting depth. The number of seeds per pound varies as follows: ladino clover, 800,000; orchardgrass, 650,000; fescue, 227,000; alfalfa, 200,000; and pearl millet, 88,000. Germination Rate The percentage of seeds that will germinate generally declines with age, but if seeds are stored in a cool, dry place, germination should not decline more than 10 percent the first year. In general, seeds that have low germination levels also produce seedlings with poor vigor. Drill vs. Broadcast Planting rates for drilling are 20 to 50 percent less than for broadcasting. Since drilling concentrates the seeds within a furrow, they occupy a smaller area of the ground and are better able to break through the soil crust. Seed placement, soil contact, and uniformity of Table 1. Planting Depth Affects Grass and Legume Establishment Planting Depth (Inches) Crops '/. '/2 1 2 Established Plants (sq ft) Alfalfa, ladino 47 22 9 „0�.:;r Tall fescue, orchardgrass 48 39 31 +,w.t Seeding rates per acre were 20 lb alfalfa, 5 Ili ladino,'10 lb fescue, and 6 lb orchardgrass. stands are usually better with drilling than with broad- casting, especially when planting conditions are not optimum. Planting -Depth Generally, small -seeded crops can be planted slightly deeper in sandy soils than in clay soils.'Grasses can usually be planted deeper than legumes in similar soils. However, it is important to prepare a firm Seed - Table 2. Characteristics of Good Grass and Clover Stands Plant Species ,,,.,Mixtures• Ladino/fescue Ladino/orchardgrass. .Cool Season Grasses• Fescue Orchardgrass Warm Season Grasses Pearlmillet ,Sorghum-sudan Alfalfa "..Age of Stand (months) 3 to 6 Seedlings (sq ft) 20 to 35 of each living in November 20 to 35 ladino and'35 to 55 orchardgrass living in November 40 to 60 living in November 70 to 100 living in November 15 to 25 living after 1 month 15 to 25 living after 1 month Minimum Number of Plants to Keep Stand 10° Plants (sq ft) Desirable Number of Plants for Good Production 50 or more .'ii 1:.•'i•�it'a 12 10° 25 or more 24 10 15 or more 36 5 to 8 10 or more 48 or more 3 to 5 'Assumes an autumn planting date. 'These figures will eventually result in satisfactory stands; however, yields will be low during the first season as weeds encroach, �Y (5 ) END OF EXHIBIT 14 bed before planting to conserve moisture and avoid variation in planting depth. Precision planting equip- ment is usually required to get proper depth control for small forage seeds. Table 1 shows how planting depth affects grass and legume stands. What is a Good Stand? Since plant characteristics change depending upon their density, age, grazing or cutting"height, and other factors, it is difficult to say exactly how many plants it takes to make a good stand. In general, a good stand is one that provides 90 to 100 percent ground cover and will produce high yields when managed properly. The clover part of mixtures should make up at least 30 percent of the stand (on a weight basis) in order for it to significantly contribute to the mixture. One should walk fields several times each growing season in order to make a fair evaluation of stands. Table 2 presents some general characteristics of good stands for several forage crops. When Using This Guide Remember: The fact that information about a particular crop is given in this publication does not mean that the species is recommended for North Carolina. In fact, several crops have not performed satisfactorily in this state. Information about these varieties is included to increase the chance of success if the decision to plant them has already been made. Additional information on various forage varieties can be obtained by -con- tacting your county Cooperative Extension Service agent. Prepared by J. T. Green and J. P. Mueller, Crop Science Extension Specialists —Forages D. S. Chamblee, Professor Emeritus, Crop Science 2, 000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $520, 00, or $.26 per copy. 1...... 1:< 1 ;;"' 1I UD TO YOU OY THE IJORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE ROBESON COUNTY CENTER LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28358 (910) 671.327G Published by NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE 5193-2M—MOC-230262 (Revised) AG-266 Exhibit 15 NMA Agromornie Division 4300 Reedy Cretl Rd Raleigh. NC 27601-6465 (919) 133.2655 Understanding the Soil Test Report EAL) PORAGE'JPASTURE CROPS(6'0p co*des 040 - 060) Soil pH and theamount of lime required for optimum yields are crucial pans of the soil test report, Loan soil pH and iow phosphorus cause more Meld losses than any other tactors in forage production. Excessive sail acidity (Inw pH; reduces the eapaeitl• of forage crops to utilizeapplicd fertilizer nutrients. Lime recommendations are based on ph, amount of acidity, and desired pH for the designated crop. Establishment and maintenance of legumes depend vt,-ry heavily on maintaining the proper pH. For best rvs-uits, recommender lime and fertilizer should be mixed into the top 6 to 8 in*hes of rite soil before establishment. Although most forage crops show- no response to ?hosphorus and potassium above an index of 54, so-ne fertilization will be recommenced for certain crops. Recommendations for nitrogen, piospitorus and potassium are for annual apa:ication. Depending on the crop, climate and soils, split applications of nitrogen and potassium may be -equired- Past experience, management level and economics will influence rates and tame of application. For additional information, see Note 12 "Forage and Pasture Crops" that ac:ompanies your soil test report. The table below shows the relationship between soil test level and response to applied nutrients. Soil?eM Index Crop Respovseto Nutrieat Application Rang.? Ralrag Phosphonrs Potassium .dlanpaese Zinc Copper 0-10 Very I -OW 1eryHig X-en. Hip VervHi'O lery Wgb ►err High 1 t._': Lam, High Hip Ito. Higt: Hig% 1(=-it: Medium Medium ` Aiedium \one None None it•)C0r High None LOW -None None None None IIN1- Very High None tione None None None Response- decremsesas;oii tesi index increases. Abbmtitioms HN mineral soft Wo mineral -organic soil 0 orgarticsoil 11M% pemeothumicmattu VA ue(OIAvlutne Orson CEC cation exdrauge capacity BS p perceni of CEC occupied by baste AC acidm' (decreases as pH increases) P•l phospborusindex K-I potassium index Ca calcium Mg ampesium loin -I manpriese index Mn-Al manpnse availability index Zn-1 zinc uldeP Zn-Al. anc s%vIabUin° index Cu-1 copper index S•1 sulfurindex SS-1 soluble salt index Nod N nitraienitrogeo (ppm) NH�•N ammonium nitrogen (ppsn) !3a sodium. No potash . P:o; phosphate R boron copies of dta pubbc document Ivere pnnte:l at a coo of Lt;i or : v.i12 Iv cop}. Grouter.' Wason, Bryan Copies to. sty Euensson Dhwor 343 Gold Leal Farm Road Dpcus, David Ellerbe, NC 28338 FGl estSoil Report Exhibit 15 Firrlrr. 2! 4i SERVING N.C. CITTLBNS FOR OVER 50 YEARS Rtcirmtvnd Coun Agconemiit Comments: E - 66 1,3, $,12 Sm %we Na. L"I C"P >Cr TIA � ar Year law N W5 go Mg Cu Zx R Mae Sege Note 01 Tabacoo,FC [*f"Y5 1st Crop: Potato, Sweet AT 80-1Q0 0 50-70 0 0 0 50 6 Ae."65 R�4 f og- 2nd Tobacco, 0 50.80 0 8D-l06 0 0 0 0 1 Test Results Sofa Chase .tIl M W/Y CBC BS% Ac pH P-I K I Ca% ht % HU-1 Mrs-Af (Z)Mx-Ar (2) Zed ZA-Air CU I SI $91 Nt-N MVN Na MIN 0.36 1.45 4.4 64 t7 1.6 5.6 197 1 *0 12.0 226 ] 146 01 301 196 58 0.0 "�A�X • C DI Sane. Last Crop YZ• T,(A (,Y+q or Year ,blare N WS &A b!g Cu % 9 B h1n See Note r r / 03 'robaaco,FC �e,,o,�.c Is( Crag: Com,Sweet 0 140U 180 0 60-80 0 0 0 0 6 ZndC :Tobaocc,FC 6 50-80 0 110-130 0 0 0 0 1 Test Results .Sail Class HIt91G WV CEC BS% Ac PH P-I K-I Ca% Ng% Mz-1 Hu-Af (I)Mx-A1(2) Zn-1 YW-Af Cu-1 S-I S3-I ftW Alb -al Na MIN 0.41 1.48 41 67.0 1.4 5.9 251 58 50.0 12.0 2CA 144 137 403 401 225 27 co Feld 7 sample No. Last Crop Yr T/A Crop r r Yem- Lfte N W 1 A0 Mg Ctt jai tf Mte S" Mete 04 Gorg,Sbneet`� 1st Crop: Tobaceo,FC 12nd .5T 50-5{7 Q 80-I00 0 0 0 0 1 Lcoe1 Drm Cow 10 :Potato, Sweet 0 80-100 Q 40-60 0 0 0 .5 0 6 Test Results Sail Glass If4!% W/V CEC BS% AV pH P-1 K I Ca% MR% Mn-f JfU-AI (1)Met-A1(2) Zud ZX-A[ Cat-1 S-1 AS-1 NQ1-N Mj1w Na miN 0.41 1.43 4.3 65.0 1.5 5.7 285 54 47.0 12.0 236 152 15 408 408 380 46 0.0 SanhWe No. Last Crop o Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N PA 160 Mg CU Zu B Mg See Note 06 Berm Hay/Pas,M Ist Crop: Sean HayfFas,K 0 180-220 0 10-3(} 0 0 0 0 12 P 2nd Crc : Test Results SOU Glass RM WIV CEC BS% Ac pH " 1- I CA MR% Mm-14fs-Af (1)Mn-A1(2) Zu.1 Za-AI Csa.1 S-1 SS-! NeW ATWN Na WN 0.31 1.41 5.5 82.0 1.0 6.5 307 103 58.0 14.0 152 101 417 417 248 24 0.0 PIA Nye f/A /V# Savoie Na. -Last &* 7fO Y r A p er Yecr Lime N PA5 AW mg Cu Ztt B mu �c See Note 08 Watermelonn r �as 1st : Tdncco,FC 0 50a 0 50 70 0 0 0 0 1 t:.15,kcz d Cro . Carn,S"xt 0 140-E80 0 10-30 0 0 0 0 6 Tell Results Sofl Crass HM WIV CEC BS% Ar, PH P-1 K I Ca% ft% Mttd Jha.df (1) Mtt-Af (2) Zx ,i Zs -AI Cu.] S-1 SS-1 NQ1.N M" Na MIN 0.36 l-4 .1 75A 1.3 6.2 3 0 71 54.0 14..0 148 103 443 443 270 2 � 0.0 _ - - Crop or Year Line - N P1vf No - mg Cu Zu ' B � SO-0 Nate Umpfe No. La& Yr r1A lop Small Grains Est Crop: Wdemielon 0 60 80 0 140-160 0 0 0 1.0 0 6 2nd Crr : Potato, Sweet 0 80400 0 110-130 0 0 0 .5 0 6 Test Results SoU Class AV% WIV CEC BS% Ao pH P 1 X-I Cad Aft% Mn-I Xrt-Af (1) Jfu-AI (2) Taa-I Zu-A1 Cx-1 S 1 SS I NQ-N AO-N Na Nil 032 I.48 .5 63.0 1.3 6.0 14 4b.0 11.@ 10 108 115 227 227 189 20 0.0 u *-M-fiw as. V SR . e No. best Crap Yr, TW Cmp or Year Lurie N PX1 s KO xg Cu Zu B Mn See Note 102 5" Grains 1st Crop: Watermelon 0 60a 0 170-190 0 0 0 1.0 0 6 2nd : Potato Sweet 0 80-100 0 130-150 0 0 0 .5 0 6 Test Results Sol( aiss IBM WIV CEC BS% tic pH P-f Y,1 r Mg% Mu-f Kn-Af (1) Ma Af (2) Zu-I Zu-Af Ca-1 S-f SS-1 N¢N Aff 1N Na WN 0.27 149 -4 5.0 1.4 5,9 14 25 44.0 12.0 23 67 74 157 157 53 20 0.0 __ � -- •; S"We No. Last Crap Afe Yr ZIA Crop or Year Lime N FJOS Rio Rig Cu Zu B Mu Sere Nate 10S Sm2l Grains Ist Crop: Wermdon 0 60-80 0 120-140 0 0 0 1.0 0 6 2nd Crop. Potato. Swea 0 80-100 0 70-90 0 0 0 .5 0 6 Test Results SWI Ciarss HM% WIV aC BSJ6 AC ,H P-I K4 Ca% ft% Afu-1Naa Af (?)Mte .4f (2) 7x-I Zu-AI Cie! S-f SS f Nib-N Nl Al Na MIN 0.27 1.42 3.2 59.0 13 6.0 105 43 42.0 11.0 83 60 67 14 119 64 19 0.0 NO Sample Na. Last Crop Ho Yr TIA CrV or Year Lime N "s &0 Mg Cu zu B Mu See Soto 11F Potato, Sweet 1st Crop: Toltacco,EC 0 5MO 0 110-130 0 0 0 0 1 tad Cry .:So moans 0 0 0 50-70 0 0 0 0 3 Test Results .Wl Class IrM% WIV CEC BS% Ac pH f =I K I Ca% ft% Mx4 Msr-Af (1) Mu✓AI (2) 7.u-I Zia -AI Cu I Sr SS -I Nib-N h7fi N Na MIN 0.92 1.42 4.0 68.0 1.3 5.9 157*-� 40 J7.0 1.6.0 77 58 58 321 321 199 75 0.0 R $1A /V/)t PI/10' IV/jq Sar Ie 1&. Lrrsst Cmp a Vr F'IA CmA ar lreary BMW N M.F MO MS Cu %n . B Mn ,See Nate 20 Tabaoco,FC 1st Crap: Potato, Swed 0 80-100 0 60-80 0 0 0 .5 0 6 2nd C: Tckco[a FC 0 50-80 0 90-110 0 0 0 0 1 Test Results - Sai1 Class HAM WIV CEC AN AC pH M K-I Ca% A%% MA-1 MU-M (1)Mra-Al (2) &4 2wA7 Cx I S I SS l NQW N &N Na MIN 0 2 1.44 4-5 73.0 1.2 6_o 227 U 52.0 15. n 25 74 67 53 353 138 74 0.0 - im Sample No. first Crop Yr 2"fA Crop or Year Ldtw N A05 MO Mg Cu Zn B Mn sea Noie 21 Small Crain 1st Crop: Small Groins 0 80-100 0 50-70 0 0 0 0 3 2ndC ):Sovbms 0 0 0 50-70 0 0 0 0 3 Test Results Soil CIRSS RM% WIV CBC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% )Wg% Mn-1 MtrrAl (I)Mn-Al (2) Zn-I Zn Al Cu-1 S-I SS-1 Ntw-N m -N Na MIN 032 1. .8 6S.0 1.2 6.0 n2 40 42.0 15.0 72 57 5z 123 193 127 28 0.0 WO x - of 4... - 9 �T f _ 1 camp a Nn. Last Crop Wo Yr TIA Crep or Year Lime N My ISO Mg Cet Zn B M11. See Note 22 Tebacco,FC 1st Crop: Small Grains .3T 80-100 0 60-90 0' 0 0 0 3 2nd Crop: 7obaccoFG 0 50-90 0 120-140 a 0 0 0 1 Test Results Sold Class llM WIV CEC BS% Ac pli P-I K-1 Ca% Mg% Mn-1 CAI (1)Mn-Al (2) Zu-I ?i-Al Crr-I S-I S54 Nfj-N NW-N Na hi1N 0.18 1.48 4.2 71.0 1.2 5.8 151 35 52-0 15.0 66 50 50 206 206 163 68 0.0 _..: - - - x u:- ors r, Sample No. Last Crop Ho Yr F'IA Crop or Year Lime N h05 AO Mg Ctt Tat B Mn See Note 28 Soybeans t hP ^ r" IA Crop: Soybmis AT 0 0 20-40 0 0 0 0 3 2nd Crop: Small Grains 0 80-100 0 2040 0 0 0 0 3 Test Results Sail Class HM% WIV GEC BS% Ac pff P--1 K-t Ca% A4% Mn-1 Ms-A1(I) Mn-AL (2) Zx-I Zx-Al Ct-1 S 1 SS•X Ntb•N A7&X Na MN 04b 1.2 .8 63.0 1.4 5.6 85 60 jo 18.0 114 78 79 104 104 68 46 0.0 h- - - 4 - -_ Nall Fast Crop o Yr TIA Crop or Year Lime N W5 go hig Ca zx B Ma See Note 29 Tabacao,FC 1st Crop: Cantaloupe .5T 60-80 0 100-120 $ 0 0 1.0 0 6 f i f G, t 2nd Cr: Tobacco,FC 0 50-80 0 80-t 00 $" 0 0 0 1 Test Results Soil Class H,V!% WIV CBC BS% Ac PH P-I K I Ca% Mg% Mn4 Mx-A1(1) h#n-AI (2) Zwl Zn.AI Cu4 S-I SW Nt�N NJ&X Va ON 0.51 1.42 5.6 73.0 1.5 5.7 357 51 60.0 9.0 201 131 1.31 407 407 145 64 0.0 � yM lot �Id 6 fe a Id G field 7 M M 0 MOT, ME G+aoruer. Wilson, Brp u Capes to. County Extension Director 303 Cold Leaf Farm Road FCI Mlerbe, NC 28338 Soil Farm. 12/1 SERVING N.C. CITIZENS FOR OVER 58 YEARS Rlchmead County Agwaomist Ceu menu c - 12, 3, $, 6 i - --ts[.-.-'� l" E-- 4:±a�-; y������/�ilx�.F"--:.•rµµ-E.4Si.���Y?�f �/1Y i�_ __ E L - --- _�145�i SaMPte Na: Last CTop Afo Yr TIA Cmp or Year Uvw N Ws MO Afg Cu Zn B AW See Nete 001 Soybeans j�, 1st Crop: Tobacco^ .5T 50-80 0 100-120 0 0 0 0 1 L 2nd Crop: Test Results Soft Gass Hh4% WIV CEC MN Ac pH Rf R-I C i% Us% Mn-I Mu-A1(1)Mn Af (2) Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I S-I SS -I NQI-N Ni&N Na WN 0.41 1.41 4.2 64.0 1.5 5.7 252 4 45.0 14.0 316 200 321 321 209 35 0.1 - - - .. _ mik - --"65==.3-""-'=x"-r�`X ':-':.E;rtKs _a '}�.. ::.-„r- -.'s i^*-r-.aky_.z.:J`- `,•dik"'- t`s.V?-._:-::T',�'� _ �c ,�'rAt[•r r %.......�, _._. _ .. - _ _ -Ki= •'S'�Y.. ': Y�{{i •t.Jf e�%C!F�c < `? --�' •'- 3 -�,t" -F ,.:'U'�.I Li - - •��� i3-..'�-ia F3 _ •:_A�'-�` T'.s.Yl'T- Sample No. Last Cr* Yr PIA Crop or Year Line N .�tts No Mg Cu Zs B Am See Note 002 Tobacw FC ii4S st Crop: Carn,Swect •5T 140-180 0 50-70 0 0 0 0 6 0-4 4 ► ` 2ndC Test Results Soft Glass HMSO WIV CEC BS% Ac pH P 1 K I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 M•a-AI (1)Mn Af (2) Zn-I Zn-Ai Car-! S-1 SS-1 N(lBs-N AM-N No MIN 0-46 1-42 3.7 62.0 IA 5.7 307 42 45.0 11.0 247 165 347 347 244 28 0.1 r� •- d x T Sample Alo. Last Crop 310 Yr TIA Crop or Year Lime N PJ05 Ito Mg Cre Zn B Mrn See Nate 03 Ccwn,5weet t'000 1st Crop: Tobacco,FC 0 50-S0 0 110-130 0 0 0 0 1 N fro•.)'r ` 2ndCro: Test Results Soft Class MM WIV CEC Bs% Ae pbr F-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Ha -AI (I)Mn-Ai (2) 7, x-I Z#-AI Cu-J S-I SS-1 NQ N MH-N Na MlN 0.46 1.44 4,2 67.0 1A 5.9 327 39 50.0 12.0 233 151 6 44 303 27 0.1 - - Crop or Year _ Lfe N PA 1w Mg Ca Zn B .x. HU - See Nate Sample No. Last Crop Alo, Yr TlA Tobacco,FC 1st Crop: Cantaloupe .3T 60-80 0 130-150 0 0 0 1.0 0 L 2nd Cru Test Results Soli class IfM W/V CRC BS% Ac plf PLI KI Ca% Mg% Mn-13fn-A1(1) Mn-Af (2) 7ta-1 Zx-Al Ca-1 S-1 SS-1 N(k;N Nil[ hN Na NUN .0.41 1.42 3.8 66.0 1.3 5.8 275 37 51.0 11.0 24.3 156 443 443 218 25 0.1 F" r;e id I F'e1d S i Id a Saln�la NO.. Last Crop �!d . Cr+Qp or Year Lime N �e(}s AOAfg Ca 7aa 8 Mie VFW Able 005. QPa tQrmelon - A„,� _ 1st Crop: Tob=o,FC 3T 50 80 0 ] 20-140 0 0 0 0 i 2nd Coo : TestResults Sod Cass Rm% - W/V CSC BS% Ac pB P--1 K f Ca% At% MnJ tl *-A10)Mu-AI (2) Zaw1 7ra-Al Cu-1 S 1 SS-1 NYb-N NiB V JWa MIN 046 1.42 4.1 68:0 1.3 5.8 411 34 54.0 10.0 170 112 463 463 258 25 0.1 Sig note No. Last cmP fo Yr l or Year Ltana N h05 AO Cu Zu B Am SeelVote 006 Berm HRTR=a .M 1st Crop: Bern Ilay,PRs,M AT 180-220 0 100-120 0 0 0 0 12 2nd Cr Vest Results Solt aass f1M9i W/V CEC BS% - Ac pff P-1 K 1 Ca% At% - Mn-I Mrs -Al (1)Mr-Af (2) Zx.1 Zn.A1 Cu-f S-1 SS-1 AVO.AFMSm Ara MIN 0. 2 1.3 4.6 83.0 0.8 6.4 i 4 61-0 15.0 154 1 D2 410 410 243 24 0.1 -� .. - - -- - ... ...,_ . '�F .....- -. ... ...- .�`�`�. �.�!7��•.'t..". - �-:� : M:�:X :.�-�K�. �- '�.i' .yam{�±%e:�-_ _ -. _ `j _ _ ' �.... _ �,�`xy:. -�i. . �-- n Tk ..�S�-i�:� =;' �� x..�_� _ _ w�`_c�:�ecc.v.�.;•.,;,.y� .att. ate• - ux x^: .... r • f - Sample No. Last Crop o Yr T/A Crop or Year Li N Ph0, 1W hf W Lra B Mn See Note 007 Bemr HayRas,M Ist Crop: Berm Hayj?asX 0 t80-220 0 40-60 0 0 0 0 12 i 2nd Cro Test Results Solt Class f(�}I% W/V CEC BS% Ac pff P--1 K-1 Ca% ft% Mns_I Mn-A1(I)Mtr-Af (2) .Zx-1 &a -AI Cu.1 S-1 SS-1 Ms-N Ni&N h'a MIDI 0.41 1.26 .2 -U to 6. 84 -0 15.0 20 131 I 1 644 41 0.I Sanrpk I& Last Crop a Yr TIA Crap or Year Lisle N R05 AO AIg Cu Zn B Mn Sec Nole - 07H Bern Hay/Fas,M 1st Crap: Berm Hay/Pas tVi gT t80-220 0 6"0 0 0 a 0 12 4,s 2,nd Test Results Sall Class IIM% W/V C$C BS% Ac p11 P 1 fC 1 CaX At % Mu-1 Nn-A1(1) Mn-AI (2) 2n-1 Zu-AI Cu-1 S 1 SS-1 Nt8-N [2&N Na mm 0.27 1.21 .3 83.0 1.4 6.1 33.8 70 6*6.0 13.0 168 110 1071 1071 452 37 0.2 Crop or Year ' Line N hO5 1w Whig Cu Zni B A1n - See Nose &"Vie hb. Last crop No Yr T/A ld 008 Tobicoo,l;CQr�G 1st Crap: Watemw1on LIT 60-80 0 0 0 1.0 0 6 C 4'IG't�EKI i �. cL G 2nd Crop: Test Results Soli Class ZW% W/V CEC BS% Ac pIt P-1 &I Ca% Mg% Mn 4r Nx-AI (1)Mn-AI (2) Zn-1 Zar-AI CH-1 S-1 SS I NQ--N l Wl N Na WN 0.46 1.42 4.9 59.0 2.0 5.2 386 53 49.0 6.0 338 213 453 453 217 39 0.1 #1A PIR N/R P/A Nil' M _.� -Lime ry sdragok M. Last Op YIA ` Crop ar or Ye N A05 MO Cu Za B Mn Sec Note 009 Corn, Grain 16tr� 1_ Crop: 7obaeca,FC 1T 50-80 0 0-80 0 0 0 0 1 v©%kt 2nd C Pest Reaulta Solt Class HM% WIV CEC BS% Ac pH RI KI C % JV% MM-1 MWA1(1)Mu-AI (2) Zn-I -7,wAI &-1 S-I SS-1 Nfjg-N Nil' Na MIN o Z 1.44 4 8 S7.0 1 6 .1 3 64 0.0 11.0 182 t 1 4 4 247 242 0.1 UM Na list (:ram o Yr FIA Crap ar Ywr Lime N B05 20 hag Cu Zn B 3hha Sete Note IGF Potato, Sweet Ist Ctcp: Small Grains .3T 80-100 0 60-80 0 0 0 0 3 2nd C Test Results IF Solt Class L M36 WIV CEC BS% Ac p11 P-I 11 1 Ca % A1g% Mn-1 MwAf (1) Mu -AI (2) Tay-t Z-g Al Cu-1 S-1 SS-1 AWN MA-M Nu MN 0.27 1.42 .1 65.0 1.1 5.8 1 F,6 5 4 .0 12.0 329 87 186 186 88 36 0.1 Lj�{� f��i�i,c.._ �7 �`5 :�C"}�s`rFrl`�.rY. .�- [e'-p,�x - "'JY7ll4� _ wec. • -- qQs r. 3..:' ,z3 �r.�: g.I Y`"yeF's">`-^. �t-y �[`' j' - 7L= adc tiv a: �?:•+•..... - - -. 7sa .'-3 .: �r ::53.._ .�'i'-'��e��' �y'_.s1'. .�Fc.•'t}.7 y['F?? 2-[3 _ '.-•.. _:!�'„T '35... • i�, r Sample No: Last Crop Ho Yr TIA Crop or Year Lime N M5 AO Mg Cu Zu B hM See Note 102 Potato, sweet 13t Crap: Small Grains AT 80-t00 0 100-120 0 0 0 0 3 df 1 2nd Crop: Test Results Soft Class HM% WIV CEC BSX Ac pH P-I ICI Ca% Mg% Xx-f Ms -AI (I)NN-M (2) Zn-I Zu-Al Cu-1 S4 SS-1 NON AMM Na �LNM 0.27 1.4 Z. 62.0 Ll 5..7 152 17 4.0 11.0 86 62 152 15? 45 _ �zu NO SaMpleNo. last Crap o Yr T/A Chp er Year Curse N P005 go Mg L7+ B Mu See Note IOS Potato, swaet Ist Crap: Smolt Grains 0 80-100 0 50-70 0 0 0 0 3 2nd Crop: Test esults Soil Clans .HM% WIV CEC BS% Ac PH Rl 1C1 Ca% Afg% Mx-1 hfss A1(I)Mtr-AI (Z) Zh-1 Zu-Af Ca -I S! SS-1 N(b-N AY-N Na MW 0-3G (.42 Z-6 6.0 0.9 5S 120 4.0 14.0 W5 76 18 138 6-1 25 0.1 SaoqdeN& Lust Crop Ho Yr TIA Crap or Year Lime N M5 160 Mg Ca zu B Mn Sea Note lip soykans Ist crap: Snuli Grains .7T s0-100 0 80-100 0 0 0 0 3 A �� 2nd Crop: Test Resu Salt Class HM% WIV CEC BS56 Ac pH RI JK 1 Ca% Mg% 6fu-1 Jtfs-A1(1) Mn-A1(2) Yu-1 Zu-Al Cu-1 S-1 SS-1 NQhN A7&N Ara MIN 0.41 1-38 3.6 58.0 1.5 5.5 175 24 46.0 10.0 87 62 316 316 198 25 0.1 t n i am Samp&Aix fewCr* Ha Yr IA CfvporYe" Lime .- N R05 A0 Aug cm hi B MAC Saee!Note PA 04d, prch4af- 005 P=h,M Is( Crop: Tobido,FC .0 50-80 0 130-150 0 0 0 p 1 12nd Crop: Test-Rcsults SOU am ILV% W/V CEC M Ac pH P 1 l- I Caa6 h i&-,r Ma AT (1)hbA-A[ (Z) Zx-1 7ii-AI Cu-1 S-1 SS4 Nib N IY1 �Ta In 0. 1 - 1.24 5.2 90 0 9 6.2 11 0 4 .0 14.0 168 109 254 2�4 33 0-1 e Last Ovb Ho Yr 1r/A Crop or leer Lfete N nos 1do it cu Znc B Mn S" Note IVA 006 soybeans Ist Crop: SMA Grains AT 80-100 0 50 70 0 0 0 0 3 r grid Tesl Resists Soil C'fass HN% W'/V C.W- B.5% Ac pH P I K4 CO% t% Mn-1 ifu-M (1)Afx-A1(2) Zee-1 Yk-AI Cv-1 S 1 S1 NI�N A&N Ma MIN 0.66 1.52 5.0 70.0 I.5 5.9 218 40 A 12.0 1. 11269 269 160 35 Q.1 smapkAw. -Last o Yr T/A Crap or Year Zeus 7V PAY ho Mg cu Zrs R . Mrs Sec Note 007 Potato, S%W LA 1st Crop: Tobamo,FC 0 50-80 0 110-140 $ 0 0 0 1 06n - Anse- 2nd C Test Results Soil Ctrs NFL W%V CEC BS% Ac pH P-{ K-1' Ca% NO NO-1 Mx -AT (r)Mk-Al (2) 1As I 2&�A1 cu-j $-1 &-1 Av N MgI .N Na MIN 0. 1 1.41 6.1 74.0 I.6 5. 443 2 6.Q 8.0 22$ 148 622 6n 176 0-1 T . Ses a Na iAst Crop Me Yr r/A Crop or Year N WS AO Mg Cyr $eel L a Mx see -Nose COS Potato, Sweet F.tic : Tobacco FC . -� . �P t 3 T 50 0 120-140 $ 0 0 0 1 CA I' C kf,"r a+1�6£. nr'� �"' 2nd C Vest Results Sail class war CEC BS% Ac pH P-.f x-1 Ca% NRX RX-I Mn-Al 0) Mte-A1(2) Zh4 Za-A1 Cu-1 S 1 sS-I NOI-N AS16N Na MIN o.6 1-5t 4 73.0 1.2 5-8 380 32 60.0 ru 1 83 i83 2 26 0.1 See ple Rro. L4W O e Yr 11A Crop or Yeffr lithe N hos 1W H ca zx & Mx SeeN01e fa 009 Small Grains 44---4' 1st Crap: Serra Ha /Pas6 1T 60-80 Q Y � 50-70 0 0 0 0 12 /w 2nd Crop- Bem Ha /Past 0 180-220 0 I30-150 0 0 0 0 12 .5 Test Results salt a4us 11M% WIV GEC BM Ac PH R1 X--1 CA JF % MA-1 Mx-A1(1)Mn A1(2) Ds-1 Ztr•Al cruel Sr SS -I AWN fiAW Na MIN 027 1.48 4.0 70.0 1.2 5.9 290 38 55.0 11.0 133 89 89 399 399 219 25 DA //gP? 17 End Exhibit 15 FI C191 ss -Wd NO Iffst &QP MO Yr TIA Crop or Year Lfi'ne N FW5 ►f o Mg Cm D Sm .vote 7apia eanwoupe &� Ist Crop: TabaccgFC .3T 50-80 0 110-130 $ 0 0 0 1 C �',ckerj c,, ;max Znd Test flAnits Soil Cress NJI % w1v 17C BS% Ac , p.fl P-I K I Q% N9% Afu I Nm-Af (I) MW-Ai (2) Zra-I Tat -AI C'a I S I SW A'S--N AB-N Na MIN 0.27 1.52 .5 63.0 1.3 51 7 48.O 8.0 i 428 428 261 23 0.1 Ff MRSIO•- Litre X PA25 NO � Mg Goa Zae B Ms See Note IretstCrap IA ° i�orVmr Eld 01il Corn'smet Oe �f � e eoM 1st Crop: 'r4*3aao'FC AT 50-80 0 100-120 0 0 0 0 1 U P- 4u s ; a3 Znd C : Teat Remits Soli floss HNX WIV aC BS% Ae pR P-I K I Ca% A" Hx-I j&-Ai (1) Mn-" (2) ZU-I Ze-AI Ca -I S-I SS•I AIG*N NNW Me MIN 0.22 1.44 3. 6O.0 1.4 .8 29 44 42.0 11.0 17 317 261 26 0.1 300wemp. Last [fop v Yr VA Cmp or Yaar Ldrae N - P105 !m iifg Ca W'201 Zae MOO B hfit See 145a4t Small Grains 3 r`s 1st Crap: Tob=ofC 0 50-80 0 70-90 0 0 0 0 1 >ea P'O Aid QW Test Results Sail Crass ll" WIV CW BS% Ac pH P-I K I Ca% Mg% XX-I Mjr-AI (1)Nm-AI (2) Zm4 ZT-Al Cri-I SI S,S•! N�.-NNfSN Na MIN 0.71 1.50 4.7 77.:0 1 A 6.1 296 5 4.0 16.0 256 150 374 i74 204 40 0.1 +;E� xL• I r -%=pie No. I.rrsi CV o Yr, rIA Cmp or Year L*m N hO3 AOJ� Cat 7ae B Mte See Note `.� F / 013 Bean HgRgsx PA NCrop: Berm HaylFas,M 0 IW220 0 50-70 0 0 0 0 12 49 ��`- Test Results Znd Cm : Sod Gass Iff% WIV CRC BS% Ae pH RI K I Ca% INO HX-I Mat -AI (1)Its-Ai(2) Ztt-I Zx-AI Cwl S-I SS•! NK1�N AWN Na .m N 0.36 .1.25 13.8 41.0 1.2 6.5 645 7 77.0 12.0 2 7 I88 2652 2652 951 41 0.2 'Crop r a ' � S"We No. last Crgp He Yr T/A or Year Lime N BOs mo mg Ctt zm B Mae See Note )05'e 14 014 Berm HaylF" 1st Crop: Berm HaYIFas,M 0 180.220 0 130-I50 0 0 0 0 12 IrSkre' Znd Cron: Test nests Soil Crass Awm WiV (.SRC BS% Ac pt! P I 1-I Cd% Ng% HA-1 An-Ai(I)Ais-A7(2) Za-I 7A Al Cu-1 SI SS -I NQ;-A A7*.K Na MIN 0.36 1.28 11.0 94.0 0.7 6.7 340 37 76.0 16.0` 262 164 2286 2286 1026 35 0-1 ..5 ".. Exhibih' 16 :. \ , I- it 1 : -; ,'+ • ! ', ,,- , • .1 „-/ ,// . Field'Calibration•Trocedures:,'�'' .for An.imal''Wastewater Application; Equipment' r' ,'' ' I '1 ' I 1 I ` I �/r 1 ��.` , , . t '_ � ,- .- 1 '"t' 1 1 + •j \ `, - 1 �t , I •1 `I'J �'S / , HOSEA HAR ' '/ !E �!"'.T- T��,���E� '� "•, /'S S~` -:Jii �I• ... 1 � i . •JI '',15''~� `:"`4 .f'f 5 i \ S '*^� `'.` - �;++_, r�l' •� lI• V + h ... `1`J , I!\�`fi � '- ,' 1 -'',• ,1 �• - � ,\ - IRRIGATI-O,N, _•� 1- "•" / ,r 1 r /SDI \� r, I, .. _ ."� i,._+`♦'. rf' � ' _ 1,,`.-1. . SYSTEM, i '\^ '+� - -/ ,, ,r 5� ,/, \ '+ ~ — r •"._'_'S -' .,1 - •'-• ! 1' ' /"_mot '`` -'1 '1\ `\J `S 5. 1 it r' '(� •fl. '-, 1 r ! l.` i - �J,/ \ I {•\ {-\1\ � \rr rI •`•,• � 1♦~ �\I• , I `'. J / \,• / \ _r `' - 1``t ' °E I 11y r+v�f ��FT,- � � \_ , / L•�,: \ l,J� '_ 1. 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''. � , - / ,\i, .i! rtJi `t-"-1, r - J�,\`'1 ., 55^'"/'-f :\ ♦-. 1'r ti.i,r'lfi �.~ � ♦i '\ r \ !t~•'• , " !1''�,'�: ,\•^' ' II~� i..•I• t Field Calibration Procedures for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment HARD HOSE Land application equipment used on animal production farms must be field AND CABLE calibrated or evaluated in accordance with existing design charts and tables TOW TRAVELER according to state rules that went into effect September 1, 1996. Technical IRRIGATION SYSTEM Specialist certifying waste, management plans after September 1, 1996, must also certify that operators have been provided calibration and adjustment guidance for all land application equipment. The rules apply to irrigation sys- tems as well as all other types. of liquid, slurry, or solid application equipment. Information presented in manufacturers' charts are based on average op- erating conditions for relatively new equipment. Discharge rates and applica- tion rates change over time as equipment ages and components wear. As a result, equipment should be field calibrated regularly to ensure that applica- tion rates and uniformity are consistent with values used during the system design and given in manufacturers' specifications. Field calibration involves collection and measurement of the material being applied at several locations in the application area. This publication contains step-by-step guidelines for field calibration of hard hose and cable tow traveler irrigation systems. General Guidelines Operating an irrigation system differently than assumed in the design will alter the application rate, uniformity of coverage, and subsequently the applica- tion uniformity. Operating with excessive pressure results in smaller droplets, greater potential for drift, and accelerates wear of the sprinkler nozzle. Pump wear tends to reduce operating pressure and flow. With continued use, nozzle wear results in an increase in the nozzle opening, which will increase the discharge rate while decreasing the wetted diameter. Clogging of nozzles or crystallization of main lines can result in increased pump pressure but reduced flow at the gun. Plugged intakes will reduce operating pressure. An operating pressure below design pressure greatly reduces the coverage diameter and application uniformity. Field calibration helps ensure that nutri- ents from animal waste are applied uniformly and at proper rates. The calibration of a hard hose or cable tow system involves setting out collection containers, operating the system, measuring the amount of wastewater collected in each container, and then computing the average application volume and application unifor- mity. An in -line flow meter installed in the main irrigation line provides a good estimate of the total volume pumped from the lagoon during each irriga- tion cycle. The average application depth can be determined by dividing the pumped volume by the application area. The average application depth is computed from the formula: Average application depth (inches) = Volume pumped (gallons) 27,154 (gal/ac-in) X Application area (acres) The average application depth is the average amount applied throughout the field. Unfortunately, sprinklers do not apply the same depth of water throughout their wetted diameter. Under normal operating conditions, application depth decreases towards the outer perimeter of the wetted diameter. Big gun sprinkler systems typically have overlap based on a design sprinkler spacing of 70 to 80 percent of the wetted sprinkler diameter to compen- 0 Field Calibration Procedures for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment sate for the declining application along the outer perimeter. When operated at the design pressure, this overlap results in acceptable application uniformity. When operated improperly, well -designed systems will not provide acceptable application uniformity. For example, if the pressure is too low, the applica- tion depth will be several times higher near the center of sprinkler and water will not be thrown as far from the sprinkler as indicated in manufacturers' charts. Even through the average application depth may be acceptable, some areas receive excessively high application while others receive no application at all. When applying wastewater high in nutrients, it is important to determine the application uniformity. Collection containers distributed throughout the application area must be used to evaluate application uniformity. Many types of containers can be used to collect flow and determine the application uniformity. Standard rain gauges work best and are recom- mended because they already have a graduated scale from which to read the application depth. Pans, plastic buckets, jars, or anything with a uniform opening and cross section can be used provided the container is deep enough (at least 4 inches deep) to prevent splash and excessive evapora- tion, and the liquid collected can be easily trans- ferred to a scaled container for measuring. All con- tainers should be the same size and shape to simplify application depth computations. All collection containers should be set up at the same height relative to the height of the sprinkler nozzle (discharge elevation). Normally, the top of each container should be no more than 36 inches above the ground. Collectors should be located so that there is no interference from the crop. The crop canopy should be trimmed to preclude interference or splash into the collection container. Calibration should be performed during periods of low evaporation. Best times are before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. on days with light wind (less than 5 miles per hour). on cool, cloudy days the calibration can be performed anytime when wind velocity is less than 5 mph. The volume (depth) collected during calibration should be read soon after the sprinkler gun cart has moved one wetted radius past the collection gauges to minimize evaporation from the rain gauge. Where a procedure must be performed more than once, containers should be read and values recorded inunediately after each setup. Calibration Setup for Hard Hose and Cable Tow Traveling Guns Hard hose and cable tow traveling guns are calibrated by placing a row (transect) of collection containers or gauges perpendicular to the direction of travel, Figure 1. The outer gauge on each end of the row should extend past the furthest distance the gun will throw wastewater to ensure that the calibration is performed on the "full" wetted diameter of the gun sprinkler. Multiple rows increase the accuracy of the calibration. Containers should be spaced no further apart than 1/16 of the wetted diameter of the gun sprinkler not to exceed 25 feet. At least 16 gauges should be used in the calibration. Sixteen gauges will be adequate except for large guns where the wetted diameter exceeds 400 feet. (Maximum recommended spacing between gauges, 25 feet X 16 = 400 feet.) Gauges should be set at least one full wetted diameter of throw from either c end of the travel lane, as shown in Figure 1. The system should be operated such that the minimum travel distance of the gun cart exceeds the wetted diameter of throw. Application volumes should be read as soon as the last gauges stop being wetted. O HARD HOSE AND CABLE TOW TRAVELER IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Reel cart Left Right Row of 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 collection y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gauges Gun cart Direction of travel 5w Wetted diameter At least one wetted (320 feet) > diameter end of field I Figure 1. General layout and orientation of collection gauges for calibration of a hard hose and cable tow traveler irrigation systems. CALIBRATION, PROCEDURES 1. Determine the wetted diameter of the gun. 2. Determine the number of collection gauges and spacing between gauges. For a wetted diameter of 320 feet, the rain gauge spacing should not exceed,20'.feet.:(320 ft / 16 = 20. ft). 3. Label gauges outward from the gun cart as either left or right (L1, L2, L3; etc; RI, R2, R3, etc.) 4.. Set out gauges along a row as. labeled and. shown in Figure, I equally spaced at the distance determined in item 2 (20 feet). The row should be at.least ;one wetted diameter;from either end.:of the`pulL:The first "< gauge on each side of the travel lane should be 1 /2 the gauge spacing from the. center of the lane. For a. gauge spacing of 20 feet, L1 and R1 should be 10,feet from the.center of,the lane. 5. Operate the system for the time required for.the`gun`to completely pass all collection containers. Record the "starting" time that wastewater begins to be applied along the.row of gauges and the "ending" time when wastewater no longer is being applied .anywhere along the row. Also record the distance traveled in. feet for the time of operation. 6. ' Immediately record the amounts collected in :each gauge. (Refer to.Table 1 for an.example.) 7. Identify those gauges that fall outside the effective lane spacing, Figure 2. This volume is the overlap volume that would be collected when'operating;ohe� ystem on. the adjacent. lane. 8. Superimpose (left to right and vice versa) the'gauges'iust outside the effective width with the gauges just., inside the effective width. Add the volumes together ume.(depth) collected in .gauge R8 (outside the effective For the layout shown in Figure 2, add the'.vol lane spacing) to volume (depth) collected in'gauge".L5' (inside the: effective lane spacing). Similarly, R7 is added to L6; L8 is added to R5; and L7 is added to R6.:This is,.now the application volume (depth) within. the effective lane spacing adjusted for overlap. Field Calibration Procedures for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment Lane 1 Reel cart I Left 8 716 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Direction of travel . I Gun I cart I` Lane 2 Left 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Gun 1 2 3 4 5 6 I7 8 cart 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ` " \\�I I 1I I` Effective lane Is acing � (224 feet Figure 2. Accounting for overlap when calibrating a hard hose traveler system. CALIBRATION PROCEDURES (continued) Right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "-, I Effective lanes acing (224 feet 9. Add the amounts collected in all gauges and divide by the number of gauges within the effective area. This is the average application depth (inches) within the effective lane spacing. Sum of amounts collected in all gauges Average application depth = Number of gauges within effective width 10. Calculate the deviation depth for each gauge. The deviation depth is the difference between each individual gauge value and the average value of all gauges (#7). Record the absolute value of each deviation depth. Absolute value means the sign of the number (negative sign) is dropped and all values are treated as positive. The symbol for absolute value is a straight thin line. For example, 121 means treat the number 2 as an absolute value. It does not mean the number 121. Because this symbol can lead to misunderstandings, it is not used with numbers in the worksheets at the end of this publication. The symbol is used in formulas in the text. Deviation depth = IDepth collected in gauge i — average application depth) "i" refers to the gauge number 11. Add amounts in #10 to get "sum, of the deviations" from the average depth and divide by the number of gauges to get the average deviation. Sum of deviations (add amounts computed in #10) Average deviation depth = Number of gauges within effective lane spacing 12.The precipitation rate (inches/hour) is computed by dividing the average application depth (inch) (#9) by the application time (hours) (#S) Average application depth (inch) Precipitation rate = Application time (hours) n HARD HOSE AND CABLE TOW TRAVELER IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 0 CALIBRATION PROCEDURES (continued) 13. Compute the average travel speed Distance traveled feet) Average travel speed = — Time (minutes) 14. Determine the application uniformity. The application uniformity is often computed using the mathematical formula referred to as the Christiansen Uniformity Coefficient. It is computed as follows: Average depth (#9) - Average deviation (#11) X 100 U_ Average depth (#9) 15. Interpret the calibration results. The higher the index value, the more uniform the application. An index of 100 would mean that the uniformity is perfect — the exact same amount was collected in every gauge. For travelers with proper overlap and operated in light wind, an application uniformity greater than 85 is common. Application uniformity between 70 to 85 is in the "good" range and is acceptable for wastewater application. Generally, an application uniformity below 70 is considered unacceptable for wastewater irrigation using travelers. If the computed Uc is less than 70, system adjustments are required. Contact your irrigation dealer or Certified Technical Specialist for assistance. Table 1. Example calibration data for a traveling gun system operated in parallel lanes. Lane spacing 70 percent of sprinkler wetted diameter. a. Manufacturers' Specifications: Gun Model150 Type Ta_rLer Bore Nozzle Dia. 0.9 inch Pressure (Gun) 70 psi Reel 105 psi Wetted diameter 320 ft Effective Spacing 224 ft Flow 127 GPM Hose Size: Length 800 ft Diameter3-in b. Spacing between collection containers (spacing 22-0-N / 16) = 20 ft c. Number of gauges = 16 d. Start of Irrigation event 7:1 LzL,m. e. End of Irrigation event •00 a.m. f. Duration (e-d) 105 minutes g. Travel distanceL 320 feet h. Operate the system and collect data. 0 I7 Field Calibration Procedures for Animal Wastewater application Equipment Table 1. Calibration Data (continued) Gauge Distance Volume No. from Center Collected (feet) (inches) L1 10 .94 L2 30 .80 L3 50 .59 L4 70 .61 L5 90 .50 L6 110 .42 L7 130 .33 L8 150 .07 R1 10 .73 R2 30 .81 R3 50 .92 R4 70, .64 R5 90 .50 R6 110 .27 R7 130 .20 R8 150 .13 *Absolute value; treat all values as positive. Overlap Adjustment (inches) .13 .20 .07 .33 Corrected Volume (inches) .94 .80 .59 .61 .63 .62 .73 .81 .92 .64 .57 .60 Deviation from Average* (inches) .235 (1 - j) .095 (2 - j) .115 ( etc) .095 .075 .085 .025 .105 .215 .065 .135 .105 L Sum of all volumes collected in #h .46 i he j. Average catch (i/number of gauges within effective width (12) 0 0 inch Distance traveled (ft) _ 320 ft 3._ 04 ft min k. Compute the average travel speed = Time (min) 105 min average depth (inches) 0.705 in I. Precipitation rate = = = 0.40 in hr application time (hour) 1.75 hr m. Sum of deviations from the average catch 1.356 n. Average deviation from average catch (m/12)0113 o. Uniformity coefficient 0.705 - 0.113 U�= -- X 100=84 0.705 P. Interpret results. Uniformity coefficient of 84 is in the good range for a traveler system. No adjustment is necessary. lR HARD HOSE AND CABLE TOW TRAVELER IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Irrigation System Calibration Data Sheet for Hard Hose Traveler Irrigation System DATE:_ _ Land Owner _ —__ — Farm No. a. Manufacturers' Specifications: Gun Model _ Type _ Nozzle Dia. _ in Pressure (Gun) (Reel) Wetted diameter ft Effective Spacing ft Flow _ GPM Hose Size: Length ft Diameter _ in b. Spacing between collection containers (diameter —ift) / 16) = ft wetted diameter (ft) C. Number of gauges = - " gauge spacing (ft) d. Start of Irrigation event Reel cart -> Right e. End of Irrigation event Ecll Url 6 7 6 s) 2 t Rlgl.l I ° ° ° ° ° ° 1 2 7 a 5 6 7 6 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° I f. Duration(e-d) — min I 6 716 3 4 3 2 1 °°1°°°°°° � Gun 1 2 1 4 $ 6 17 8 cart °°°°°° ° I Directlon of (ravel 1 Gun earl 1 I g. Travel distance _ feet • h. Operate the system, collect data, I p+ II __,_Elfecli�22�lecq `1Ag --I and record on the worksheet on page Elledi(2 lanesP cing —� 1 cup reel)' k— i. Sum of all catches inches I I I j. Average catch (i/number of gauges) inches I I I Distance traveled (ft) k. Average travel speed = Time (min) I. Sum of all deviations from the average catch m. Average deviation from average catch n. Uniformity coefficient U = X100= G) Interpret the calibration data and make necessary adjustments. For travelers with proper overlap and operated in light wind, an application uniformity Coefficient greater than 85 is common. Application uniformity between 70 to 85 is in the "good" range and is acceptable for wastewater application. Generally, an application uniformity below 70 is considered unacceptable for wastewater irrigation using travelers. If the computed U, is less than 70, system adjustments are required. Contact your irrigation dealer or Certified Technical Specialist for assistance. ' 9 Field Calibration Procedures for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment k Calibration Data (continued) Gauge Distance Volume Overlap Corrected Deviation Volume from Average* No. from Center Collected Adjustment (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (feet) Ll L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 RI R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 *Absolute value; treat all values as positive. Reel cart --� Left Right Row of 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 collection > O D U U U o U gauges Gun � cart Direction of travel Welted diameter Al least one welted < (320 feet) diameter end of lield e I F y 0 66£0£-L63 10Z0LZ-13)1/JW(—WS—L6/t, ZISS•JV _ •6ullejadoo:) sluawwan06 lenoi pue 'ajntlmlj6y to ivawiedaQ •s•n'Aj!SJaAiun alelS AV eugoaeD TJON'Aj!SJaAiun alels eullweD gIJoN 'Allligesip jo'a6e'xas'ul6uo leuoileu holoaaa 'ei jo ssalpie6ai aldoad lie of pajal!o ale saillumioddo wei6oid pue luawXoldw3 'b 16l 10£ aun( pue g AeIN jo ssaj6uoD !o spV ayl )o a)ueJaglJnj ul paingi1lsia 3NAM NOISN31X3 3AI1Vl OOD VNIIOJiV:) HIHON Xq pagsliqnd •Xdoa .Jad M g Jo 'Z96'l $ ]o asoo o to paauud aaam ivawmop oggnd s►ga jo saldoa 000'S asgopads uorsuaix3 6uuaaul6u3 !ojna1rol16y pun !oDr6o!o!9 'p/arjag5 '3*d Is!!opads uorsuaax3 4uo)srssy 6uuaaur6u3 !ojn3!nau6y pun 10o001a9 'ga!uas :L as!!opads uolsuaax3 6uuaau!6u3 !oana1nou6y pun loa160fol9 904jo9 'D'( Is!!o!oads uorsualx3 6u!jaau!6u3 !oina!nou6y puo 10a16010.19 'suoA3 'O'd Xq palodard 9L 4TgTuxa Pug Exhibit 17 Relative Nitrogen Fertilization Rate of Forage Species by Month (Piedmont & Coastal Plain)' Cropuary February March April ' � May June July August ' September October NovembeTan Fescue N' H' H' H° M' L L M M M LOrchardgrass N H H H 11 L L M M M NKentuck UN bluegrass N H H H M L L M M M NRascuegrass N H H H M M L L L M M Hybrid Bermudagrass N N L M H H 11 M M L N N 1 >o i Switchgrass N L M H H H H M L L N N 70 F7acidgrass N L M H H H H M L L L N 85 Gamagrass N N M H H H H M L L N N 10o Caucastan Bluestem N N L M H H H N M L N N 70 I t3ahiagrass ----------------- Pearl Met N --------- N N --------- N L --------- N M --------- N H H H Fi H H M M L 1{ L L N N N _ ` H -- 70 I ___ _ gg-~ Sorghum/sudan Hybrid N N N N H H I H M M L N N 100 Crabgrass N N N N M H I H H M I L N N 70 Italian Ryegrass L M H H M N N H L L L L 100 Small Grain (winter rye) L M H H L N N N L M M L 100 N = Do not apply nitrogen; L = low rate; M = medium rate; H = high rate. Approximate rates for bermudagrass are L <15 lbs/ac, M < 25 ibs/ac and H 50+ ibs/ac. Not adapted except in piedmont and mountains. 3 Not adapted in most of piedmont or mountains. ` While some forage growth may still continue, fertilization at this time may weaken the plants ability to overwinter. ' Between May 15 and August 7 (piedmont) September 1 (coastal plain) no more than a total of 501bs PA-N/ac should be applied. V .. ... ...... ;.. ,.�!rl_c!'lC'1 I5•PROVIDEC3�T�"Yl•1,J h; i i ll• COUNTY Ghl'E•Pli;►�ii°; :;! lll!:1 �:a:;:f�:;d.;�,w::.:,�'...,. ....._...... r�.t'. GlNcra:> ►:�ff(�l,i;:�lJ c:��•l•rF? �r U Studying nutrient removal by plants is one of the methods used to develop fertility recommendations. Tests are designed to examine patterns of nutrient uptake in response to different levels of fertilizer application. Information on nutrient removal alone is not adequate for making fertility recoliune►tdations because it does not take into account the ability of the soils to retain and supply nutrients: It can, however, show variations ill nutrient needs among different crops. In addition, it can indicate the rates at which reserves of soil nutrients will be depleted. F^ r Nutrient r,le•..i,/oa t. vl^,t//A// Crops -In T'Tartl"7. Carolina Plant growth and development depends on many factors, including adequate nutrition. The exact amount of fertilizer necessary varies with the potential yield, growth, and the concentration of nutrients that are available from soil reserves and decaying organic matter. These interacting factors make it difficult to develop reliable recommenda- tions for fertility. Sound recommen- dations require well -planned, long- term experiments that can show responses for a wide range of envi- ronmental, soil, and growth condi- tions. Nutrients in plants that are left in the field will partially resupply nutrient reserves in the soil as they decompose. Estimates of nutrient depletion, therefore, should take into account only the nutrients removed with the harvested portion of the plant. The table on page 2 shows the mean concentration of various nutrients that arc removed by each crop for the ycild level indi- cated. Values arc not reported for boron, molybdenum, iron, or chlo- rine because they were omitted from the references used. This does not mean they arc not removed nor that they are unimportant. A brief dis- cussion of each nutrient precedes the table. Nitrogeu Nitrogen (N) is a pact of all plant and animal proteins and a compo- nent of DNA and RNA. Crop uptake of nitrogen is relatively inefficient and often results in average nitrogen losses of 50 percent because of leaching, volatilization, or denitrifi- cation. Consequently, crop removal values reflect a minimum amount of nitrogen required because they do not account for nitrogen losses. Legumes produce most of their own nitrogen through,a symbiotic, or beneficial, relationship with bacteria (Rhizobium species) that infect their roots. These bacteria have the ability to convert atmos- pheric nitrogen into forms that can be used by plants. 7,Zicrefore, leg- umes with active nitrogen -fixing bacteria do not need additional sources of nitrogen. If fertilizer nitrogen is added to a legume, bac- terial production of nitrogen de- creases. Current research suggests that legumes may be less efficient than nonlegutne crops in recovering nitrogen applied as fertilizers. Nitrogen can accumulate under some conditions in North Carolina soils. However, the rate of accumu- lation and the length of availability is extremely unpredictable and as such is not included in standard soil analysis. Sources of soil nitrogen include commercial fertilizers, animal manures, legume residues, and other forms of decaying organic matter. For more infonnatton on nitrogen refer to Extension publica- tion AG-439-2 Nitrogen and Water Quality. SoflFacts Table 1. Estimated Nutrient Removal Rates of Crops S Mn zn O Ca M9 Crop Yield N P�Oa Ibs - - - Grains 1 2 ^ 3 0.03 0.03 0.06 gamey (grain) 40 bu 35 15 10 8 2 4 0.01 0.32 0.05 (straw) 1 ton 15 5 30 2 8 10 0.06 0.09 0.15 Corn (grain) 150 bu 135 53 40 22 20 14 0.05 1.50 0.30 (stover) 4.5 tons 100 37 115 3 5 0.03 0.12 0.05 (grain) 80 bu 50 20 15 8 9 0.03 - 0.29 ;.,fOats (straw) 2 tons 25 15 80 8 3 7 0.02 0.22 0.03 Rye (grain) •30 bu 35 1 0 10 10 2 8 2 3 0.01 0.14 0.07 (straw) 1.5 tons 15 8 4 5 5 0.01 0.04 0•04 ` Sorghum (grain) 60 bu 50 25 15 29 16 - - -- - (stover) 3 tons 65 20 95 3 0.03 0.09 0.14 Wheat (grain) 40 bu 50 25 6 3 5 0.01 0.16 0.05 (straw) 1.5 tons 20 5 35 Hay 180 112 21 19 0.06 0.44 0.42 'Alfalfa 4 tons 180 40 16 7 5 0.02 0.30 0.08 Bluegrass 2 tons 60 20 60 48 32 32 0.02 0•f4 0.48 Coastal Bermuda 8 tons 400 92 345 55 15 13 - 0.65 - Cowpea 2 tons 120 25 S0 185 13 20 - - - Fescue 3.5 tons 135 65 375 - 25 35 - Orchardgrass 6 tons 300 100 69 7 0.04 0.54 0.36 Red Clover 2.5 tons 100 25 100 40 - - 5 tons 215 85 240 - - - Ryegrass Sorghum -Sudan 8 tons 319 122 450 - 47 18 - 10 0 04 0.46 0.15 .Soybean 2tons 90 20 • 50 40 18 6 5 0.03 0.31 0.20 t; ;" r ..•: Timothy 2.5 tons 60 25 _ 95. Fruits and Vegetables, 5 10 0.03 0.03 0.03 Apples 500 bu 30 1.0 45 8 2 2 2 5 0.02 0.03 0.06 Bean, Dry 30 bu 75 25 25 - ._ - - Peppers 180 cwt 137 52 217 0 44 0.04 0.10 _ 0.08 ,Bell Cabbage 20 tons 130 35 130 1 2 18 0.03 us 0.31 -onions 7.5 tons 45 20 40 4 8 2 - - 0.01 Peaches 600 bu 35 '20 65 18 10 -- "• - Peas 25 cwt 164 35 1 - 7 7 0.06 0.14 0.08 .'Potatoes (white) 30,000 Ibs 90 90 48 158 5 12 7 - - - (vines) - 61 20 4 g 0.02 0.06 0.03 Potatoes (sweet) 300 bu 40 18 96 4 5 - - - - (vines) 30 4 24 - 17 -- --- - _' Snap Beans 4 tons 138 33 - 5 4 0.02 0.10 0.10 �J Spinach 5 tons 50 15 .30 30 20 11 -- - - Sweet Corn 90 cwt , 140 47 136 - 11 14 0.07 0.13 0.16 20 tons 120 40 160• 7 -- .Tomatoes - Turnips 10 tons 45 20 ,90 , 12 6 -- Nutrient ,Removal by Crops in North_ Carolina Table 1(continued) Crop Yield Other Crops N P.O. K10 - Ca Mg Ibs S — _ Cu Mn - Zn -- Cotton (soed & lint) 2,500 Ibs 63 25 31 4 7 5 0.18 0.33 0.96 Cotton (stalks, leaves, & burs) 3,000 lbs 57 16 72 56 16 15 0.05 0.06 0.75 Peanuts (nuts) 4,000 Ibs 140 22 35 6 5 10 0.04 0.3 0.25 (vines) 5,000lbs 100 17 150 88 20 11 0.12 0.15 — Soybeans (beans) 50 bu 188 41 74 19 10 23 0.05 0.06 0.05 (leaves,stems, & pods) 6,100 Ibs 89 16 74 30 9 12 — — — Tobacco, flue -cured (leaves) ' 3,000lbs 85 15 155 75 15 12 0.03 0.55 0.07 (stalks) 3,600lbs 41 11 102 — 9 7 — — — Tobacco, burley (leaves) 4,000lbs 145 14 150 — 18 24 — ( ) symbol rneans the inimmlion was not available in the reference used. Reference sources include: The Fertilizer Institute, Potash and Phosphate Institute, Alabama CES circular ANR-449, Tisdale and Nelson's Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, Mortvedt, Giordano and Undsays Micronutdonts in Agriculture, and IMC's Efficient FerNizer use — Fertilizing for Profit Phosphorus Phosphorus (P) is involved in the energy dynamics of plants. Without it, plants could not convert solar en- ergy into the chemical energy needed for the synthesis of sugars, starches, and proteins. Phosphorus moves very slowly in mineral soils and thus tends to build up over time when the amount of phosphorus added in fertilizer and organic matter exceeds the ariiount removed in the harvested portions of crops. Because phosphorus is relatively immobile in soil, it is important that plant roots have a close and ade- quate supply. Factors that inhibit root growth therefore can affect uptake of phosphorus. • Much of the phosphorus added to soil is "fixed" by chemical reac- tions with iron, aluminum, and calcium and becomes unavailable for uptake by crops. The quantity of phosphorus available to plants is much smaller than the total quantity of phosphorus in the soil. This amount can be determined only through soil tests. The quantity of available phosphorus in soils is the fraction that is affected by plant removal. Potassium Potassium (K) is involved in,photo- synthesis, sugar transport, water and nutrient movement, protein synthc- sis, and starch formation. Potassium helps to improve disease resistance, tolerance to water stress, winter hardiness, tolerance to plant pests, and uptake efficiency of other nutri- ents. Potassium removal by crops un- der good growing conditions is usu- ally high, and is often three to four times that of phosphorus and equal to that of nitrogen. In many cases where levels of soluble potassium in the soil arc high, plants tend to take up more potassium than they need. This is called luxury con- sumption because the excess potas- sium does not increase yields. Potassium is also mobile in soils, depending on soil texture. Movement is greatest in course - textured sands, followed by fine sands and then clay soils. Accumu- lation of potassium also depends upon soil texture. The greatest accumulation generally occurs in clay soils, followed by loam and coarse -textured sands. Calcium and Magnesium Calcium (Ca) is a constituent of the cell wall and keeps the cell mem- branes stable. Visual evidence of calcium deficiencies generally occurs in growing points of the plant at the fruit, stem, leaf, and root tips. Magnesium (Mg) is an essential part of the chlorophyll molecule where photosynthesis occurs. Mag- ncsium is also involved in energy metabolism in the plant and is required for protein formation. SoilFads ' �L:i""fautraiJ�t tS �..hi' i!✓i�::�v.]�.•...«:ifut�.iii Depletion of calciutnkand mag- nesium reserves in the soil by crop removal is rarely a problem in limed soils because of the large quantity of these nutrients that arc present in liming materials. However, sonic crops, such as peanuts, may require more calcium than the crops can remove. Sulfur Sulfur (S) is a component of some amino acids that are important in building proteins. Sulfur is required by plants in about the same quantity as phosphorus. Sulfur, just as nitrogen, is mo- bile in soils and can be lost by leaching. Leaching is greatest in coarse-tcxturcd soils under high rainfall conditions and least in limed clay soils that arc low in aluminum and 'iron. In North Carolina, most of the sulfur in surface soils is associ- ated with organic matter. About 10 pounds of sulfur per acre are depos- ited annually by rainfall in North Carolina. Values for crop removal may be useful guides for sulfur fer- tilization on coarse-tcxturcd, sandy soils with clay subsoils at depths greater than 15 inches. NEcronutrients -NEcronutricnts are called "micro" only because they are needed in very small quantities by plants. Without them, however, no plant could survive and function normal- ly. The micronutrients are involved in different plant processes and can react differently in the soil. Copper. Copper (Cu) is involved in plant enzyme systems, protein synthesis, seed formation; chloro- phyll fonnation and nitrogen me- tabolisin. Copper moves very little in soils and thus can accumulate when application rates exceed utilization. Copper is also held tightly by organic matter. Zinc.. Zinc (Zn) is involved in starch formation, protein synthesis, root development, growth hormones, and enzyme systems. As with copper, zinc is relatively immobile in soils and tends to accumulate. Manganese. Manganese (Mn) is involved in chlorophyll formation, nitrate assimilation, enzyme sys- tems, and iron metabolism, Manga- nese deficiency is generally caused by a high soil pH but can also be induced by an imbalance with other elements such as calcium, magne- sium, and ferrous iron. Manganese availability in limed soils is de- creased with increasing levels of organic matter. Boron. Boron (B) is involved in sugar and starch balance and translocation, pollination and seed production, cell division, nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism, and protein formation. Boron, just as nitrogen and sulfur, is highly mobile and is not readily retained by sandy surface soils. Because of this mobil- ity, boron must be added annually for crops sensitive to boron deficicn- cies. Removal of boron by crops is a reasonable estimate of need, but practicality and leaching dictate using several times this much. Boron fertilizer is required for cotton, peanuts, reseeding clovers, and alfalfa, and vegetable crops often require boron fertilization on sandy soils. Molybdenum. Molybdenum (MO) is involved in protein synthesis, lcg- Prepared by J. P. Zubiena, Extension So(! Sconce Spedafist utnc nitrogen fixation, enzyme sys- tems, and nitrogen metabolism. Dc- ficiencies of molybdenum generally occur on acidic soils that contain high levels of iron and aluitunurn oxides. Estimates of molybdcnum removal by crops may serve as a general fertilization guide. How- ever, availability of soil reserves of molybdenum to the plant arc largely regulated by soil pH. Iron. Iron (Fe) is important in chlorophyll and protein formation, enzyme systems, respiration, photo- synthesis, and energy transfer. Iron deficiency, which is not very com- mon in North Carolina, is believed to be caused by an imbalance of metallic ions, such as copper and manganese, excessive amounts of phosphorus in soils, and a combina- tion of high pH, high lime, cool temperatures and high levels of carbonate in the root zone. Chlorine. Chlorine (CI) is involved in photosynthesis, water-usc effi- ciency, crop maturity, disease control and sugar translocation. While chloride leaches quite readily in coarse-tcxturcd soils, deficiencies arc not very common. Summary Estimates of crop nutrient removal rates are useful in comparing the nutrient demands of different crops. These values, however, do not take into account the quality and availa- bility of nutrient reserves already in the soil. Because of this limitation, soil testing should still -be the cor- ncrstone of all fertility programs. Removal rates can be used in con- junction with soil testing to estimate the depletion of nutrient reserves. Published by THE NORTH CAROI.INA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE North Carolina State University at Raleigh, North Carolina Agricutturat aril Tochnical State University at Greensboro, and the U.S. pepartrnonl of Agriculture, ca operating. State Urversity Station, Raloigh, N.C., R.C. Wells, Director. Distributed in funhorarx%f the Acts of Congress of May 9 andJune practices30,1 ari4. a availablNorth Carolina Cooperative Extension Swdco Is an equal. opportunity/af5mlative action emplo or. Its ograms, activities, and employrm all people regardless of raco, color, religion, sox, ago, national origin, har&ap, or political affiliation. AG 439-1 G 9/91-7M—TMD-210213 1 Distributed in furthorance of the Acts of Congress of May a and Juno 90, 1914. Employment and program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Department or Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. SoilFac.ts Soil .Acidity and Proper Lime Use Situation in North Carolina Nearly all soils in North Carolina that pro- duce grain and oil crops, tobacco, cotton, vegetables, fruits, some forest species, turf, many ornamentals, and forages need lime for optimum plant growth unless lime has been added recently. Soil test summaries compiled by the Agronomic Division, North Carolina Department of Agriculture, verify this need. Nearly 21,000 soybean and 13,000 cottoll soil tests (July 1, 1989, through June 30, 1990) show that about 6 out of 10 fields will benefit from liming. Also, NCDA agrono- mists emphasize that a high percentage of the "problem samples" they receive have very low pH and therefore need lime. Proper lining, in combination with other sound agronomic and pest control practices, will increase crop income in North Carolina. Using conservative estimates of yield in- crease from proper lime use, the return from cotton, soybeans, and peanuts (crops that are quite sensitive to low PH) could be increased by about $25 million. In addition, returns J.0 4.0 J.V Soil pH Figure 1. General relationship between soil pH and acidity. from tobacco, corn, commercial vegetables, forages (especially legumes), and turf could probably be increased another $10 million. Although response to lime is frequently rather subtle in contrast to a nitrogen applica- tion to corn, ignoring its regular use limits crop yields. Nature and Cause of Soil Acidity Soil acidity is the term used to express the quantity of hydrogen (H) and aluminum (Al) ill soils. Ott the other hand, soil pH is an indirect indicator of "soil acidity." Soil pH, which is the negative logarithm of the soil hydrogen concentration, is expressed on a scale from 1 to 14. Because the pH scale is logarithmic, soil with a pH of 6 is 10 times more acidic and soil with a pH of 5 is 100 times more acidic than soil with a pH of 7. Remember that the lower the pH number, the more acid the soil and therefore the greater the need for lime. This relationship is shown in Figure 1. North Carolina soils arc highly weathered (leached) because of excessive rainfall and therefore arc naturally acidic. This process has de- plctcd the nutrient elements calciurn (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) from naturally occurring minerals as well as those of previously applied agricultural limestone. Plants also remove calcium and magnesium. Decay of crop residue or the u e addition of animal waste or other organic matter increases soil acidity. Widespread use of fertilizer nitrogen also in- creases soil acidity. North Carolina ::Q. Cooperative Extension Service J NORTH CAROL INA STATE UNIVERSITY COLL(GE OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE SCIENCES Soffacts Soil Testing and Target pHs Because aluminum and hydrogen arc the principal components of soil acidity in mineral soils (hydrogen is the principal component in organic soils) the North Carolina soil test report contains a measurement called thcAc value. This is the com- bination of aluminum and hydrogen in soils and is used to predict lime needs. Lime recommendations must take into account differences in acidity between soils and differ- cnccs among various crops, tolcr- ance to acidity. This explains why soils differ in the recommended or target pH. For most commonly grown crops, mineral (MIN) soils have a target PH of 6.0. For mincral- organic (M-0) soils the target is a PH of 5.5, and for organic (ORO) soils it is 5.0. The reason for the difference is that soils high in organic matter generally contain less aluminum and arc thus less toxic to plant roots at a relatively low pH. Furthermore, crops differ in their ability to tolerate a low pl•I. I'lants such as blueberries and azaleas arc known to be especially tolerant, whereas others such as alfalfa, cotton, and tomatoes grow better at a higher PH. Because of the differ- cnccs in crops and soils, the North Carolina soil test report rcconl mends varying rates of lime to achieve the best pH for the particu- lar soil class and crop combination under consideration. Lime Reactions in Soil The most commonly used lime for North Carolina agriculture is the dolomitic type (CaMgCO3); calcitic lime (CaCO3) is less frequently used. A liming material must have more than a high calcium content; it must also be capable of neutralizing acid (H). The chemical reaction of dolomitic lime with soils is as follows: Equation 1: Calcium Magnesium Carbonate + Water r ' ',Calcium +.,Magnesium + 131carbonate + Hydroxide Ca" + Mg" + 2HCO3- + 20H- CaMgCO, + H2O _T If dolomitic fir estone-is.used, the calcium or magnesium helps displace the hydrogen) and aluminum.on•the soil exchange sites, and the hydroxyl ..ions react to, neutralize,;these acidic components as shown in equations 2 and 3. The bicarbonate. anion. reacts with hydrogen to form a very weak acid. Equation:2: Aluminum +•Hydroxide Insoluble Aluminum Hydroxide AP' + 30H-•- )P- AI(OH), .Equation:3:: 'Hydrogen + Hydroxide Water H' + OH- --t H2O Aluminum hydroxide is insol- ublc; therefore the aluminum is effectively inactivated. Also, when hydrogen and hydroxide ions com- birtc, water is formed and tlic hydrogen is therefore neutralized. Because lime dissolves very slowly, it must be ground finely before it can effectively neutralize soil acidity (Figure 2). Note that 40- to 50-mesh material raised the pH to a higher level than 8- to 20-mesh material did during an 18-month study. Benefits of Proper Lime Use The solubility of many essential plant nutrients is influenced by, soil PH (Figure 3). For most nutrients the optimum pH range is between 6 and 7. In addition, proper liming will provide the following benefits: ■ A reduction in aluminum (and manganese in most piedmont and mountain soils), which may be toxic and restrict root and associated top t r 7.0 1op des y 6.5 F yp fey 6.0 pH 5.5 8,zo 5.0 4.8 mesh 110 Lime 4.6 0 6 12 1a Months After Liming Figure-2. Lime screen size and soil pH. growth. Restricted root .growth also, reduces drought tolerance. ■ More efficient use of fertilizer - supplied phosphorus (p). Aluminum, particularly at a low pH, is cllcmi- cally active and combines with fer- tilizer phosphorus, causing it to PH 4 pH 5 PH 6 PH 7 pH 8 pH 9 NTRQGEN 'POTASSIyU,M IISULFUR + •',� ..1 ........'1 FI:At''�tfi•'1.,`vfti.:��Y:•".'SF�y .... r . . ..........:.. a. y..Ly . ..,.+ lam: .. P HO ,. ] UrS ". ;% a CAa '.� (9 ..... ... _ �.� .� f its �b..�4i�.:�IJ��Ww"^n!`:u•.Hh..r.A..-•ten .:S!{Y:: .i�o� ,'r�;.r ,'�i:t^ny� x': r.'V. .�h•.-�;Y.w?-r;JA! ."Yi.Y.,d'•. 'i>:.{:':i if ra:. tititiy lY,y P,L'C A ' :'H:i,h:(.5���`t.11.i l;!':'v, I•�{:`.. a,. �; �.'•�i%iF•.:�e tY `�r`r: N.:; �;• .`• � � BORON.: , .:, ,;•..,'�:::r,:t•� '.. ;�,. ; ,.�s:,a.� ,,. ;ltf :li t'i Ls{' rrnisyn:-"'S';LiYJi.S�','�"r.^,^,^�,•a,�9 mil. .q^ 41 F i i AND ZINC'"+' P" > r.C;OP.FER y., ,i.'Jr�r,;'Y' ..; .ALUMINUND`M.ANGANES NrE• j , ; .�� �w '' ,.IRO i PH 4 pH 5 PH 6 PH 7 PH 8 pH 9 Figure 3. Effect of soil pH on nutrient availability. become insoluble. This tying up of fertilizer phosphorus means that less is available to the next crop. In some instances, fertilizer pliospho- rus has inadvertently served as a liming material, in that it has immo- bilized aluminum. ■ Economical provision of csscn- tial magnesium if dolomitic lime- stone is used. Furthermore, the magnesium supplied in dolomitic limestone is released slowly over a period of three to four years and is therefore better protected from leaching than that supplied by fertilizer magnesium. 10 Improved nodulation of lcg- times. The rhizobia in nodules on legume roots — those of soybeans, peanuts, alfalfa, and clover — synthesize greater amounts of nitrogen from the soil atmosphere for use by the legume where soil pH is not low. Such inoculation leads to an economical source of nitrogen and may supply the succeeding crop with substantial residual nitrogen. In addition, molybdenum (Mo), an essential clement in a legumes nitrogen -fixing processes, is increas- ingly tied up as soil pH gradually declines below 5.5 and thus becomes unusable to the rhizobia bacteria. Therefore, a less-tllan- optimum molybdenum means nitrogcn-deficient legumes. ■ Reduced leaching of potassium. On tIlc soil's exchange complex there are a limited number of sites that can hold nutrients such as po- tassium. When these sites arc occu- pied by strongly attached aluminum (low pH), any potassium added in fertilizer is more susceptible to leaching. Proper liming will not colnplctcly prevent leaching of po- tassium but will tend to minimize particularly on soils with deep sandy surfaces. ■ improved performance of some, herbicides, Triazincs — atrazinc and simazinc — do not perform effectively below the optimum pH. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that optimum pH also im- proves the performance of sonlc ncmaticidcs. Deteriiiining the Lime Requireinent It is important to remember that soils in different parts of the United States have different optimum pHs. For example, nlost Illidwcsicril soils produce best crops at a pR of 6.5 to 7.0, but these values would cause micronutricnt deficiencies in parts of North Carolina. Another problem is that laboratories use testing methods developed for their particu- lar conditions. Many laboratories use a weighed soil sample and assume that the wcight-to-volumc ratio remains the same from one soil to another. The North Carolina laboratory uses a soil volume ill its test because the soils of this state vary a great deal in wcight-to- volumc ratio. According to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture's Agro- nomic Division, the amount of lime required depends on the pH desired for the intended crop, the present soil pH, the amount of acidity (Ac), and an adjustment for residual credit (RC)' from recent lime applica- tions. Each sample is classified as mineral (MIN), mincral-organic (M- 0), or organic (ORG) because the desired pH differs for each of these three groups. With computer assis- tance, NCDA agronomists offer lime suggestions calculated by the following equation: Tons of lime per acre = r pH desired -present pH _ RC Ac x I 6 6 — present pH Example: If soil pH = 5.0; desired pH = 6.0; Ac = 1.2; RC = 0 then lime requirements are: 6.0 — 5.0 _ 0 = 0.76 ton/acre 1.2 x 5.0 'Residual credit is reduced by 8 perccnt per month from time of application to time of soil test for mincral soils and 16 percent per Monti, for mincral=organic soils- Sox1 Facts When the results of the calcula- tion indicate that no lime is needed and the soil PH is 0.3 unit or less a - below the level desired, an app lions of 0.3 tun per acre or 15 pounds per thousand square feet is recommended. When lime rates are calculated for a first and second crop, the highest of the two lime rates is suggested for the first crop and no lime is suggested for the sec- ond crop. Lime rates arc reported in tenths of a ton; no lime application is recommended when calculations indicate less than 0.3 ton. Calcitic Versus Dolomitic Limestone North Carolina has few good natural lime sources. Calcitic marl liming materials (soft marine shell depos- its) are available in the coastal plain, but there are no dolomitic lime deposits in the cast. Dolomitic lime must be obtained from the Virginia or Tennessee mountains and is thus relatively expensive. Occasionally, by-product liming materials become available. 'if the neutralizing value is known and the lime is ground finely enough to react in the soil, these can be economical substitutes. Liming materials containing cal- cium carbonate (CaCO3) aloha are called calcitic limes, and those with significant amounts of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) (6 percent mag- ncsium or greater) are called dolo- mitic limes. Pure calcium carbonate is used as the standard for liming materials and is assigned a rating of 100 percent. This rating is also known as the "calcium carbonate equivalent." All other liming materials arc rated in relationship to it. Dolomitic limes are slightly more efficient in neutralizing soil acidity and may have values slightly greater than 100. 'Calcitic limes can be used on any soil high in magnesium. On the other hand, doluntitic lilies sliuuld be used on soils low in magncsium. Many organic soils and some pied - moat soils are naturally high in magncsiuin, whereas most sandy soils in the coastal plain are low. The soil test report will indicate which lime should be used. It is possible to, use a magnesium fertil- izer instead of dolomitic lime, but the costs of this source of magne- sium arc almost always considerably higher. Liming Product Standards for North Carolina Size standards and other criteria have been established for the sale of agricultural materials to ensure a quality product. They arc as follows: w Agricultural liming materials must be crushed so that 90 percent passes through a U.S. standard 20- mesh screen (with a tolerance of ± 5 percent).* For dolomitic limestone, 35 percent lnust pass through a U.S. standard 100-mesh screen; for calcitic limestone, 25 percent must pass through a U.S. standard 100- mesh screen (with a tolerance of ± 5 percent).* IN, A product must contain a mini- mum of 6 percent magnesium to be classified as a dolomitic limestone. R Therc is no minimum calcium carbonate equivalent requirement for limestone sold in North Caro- lina. However, tale product must be labeled to show the amount neccs- sary to equal that provided by a liming material having a 90 percent calcium carbonate equivalent. Lime recommendations in North Carolina arc based on 90 percent calcium carbonate equivalency. For ex- amplc, a product having a calcium carbonate equivalent of 80 percent would be labeled "2,250 pounds of this material equals 1 ton of stan- dard agricultural liming material." ■ Pcllctcd lime must slake down when it comes in contact with mois- lure. •Also applies to Pcllctcd lima.. Lime Form Most agricultural lime is sold as a damp powder because dry lime is very dusty and difficult to handle. I-lowever, lime is occasionally excessively wet. Lime is sold by the Pound; thus be aware that you may be purchasing a substantial amount of water and should adjust lime rates accordingly. Lime is sometimes sold in pellet form. The pallets are formed from lime that has been finely ground; it is not large grains of solid lime- stone. The pellcted product is less dusty and easier to spread but is snore expensive. Pcllctcd lime is slower to act than powdered lime. Soil reaction will be enhanced if the soil can be retitled thoroughly several days after the pallets have been mixed into the soil and have become soft. Pcllctcd lime is not an economical source for most field crops. Lime is also sometimes sold as a suspension, often called "liquid lime." It consists of fine lime par- ticics mixed with water and a sus- pending clay. All the lima particles must be 100 mesh or finer. Up to 1,000 pounds of lime can be sus- Pcndcd in a ton of product. The main advantages are case of hand- ling and precise application. This material, although a fluid, does not react any faster than dry lima of the same particle size. Once it has been placed on the soil it is the same as dry lime. All of the lime in a sus- pension is fast acting, and a ton of product (1,000 pounds of fine lime particles plus clay and water) will. raise the pH as fast as a ton of dry lime. However, the effectiveness of suspensions is short lived compared to regular agricultural limestone, and therefore the liming will proba- bly have to be repeated every year. Also, suspensions arc a considerably more expensive way to correct soil acidity. e Soil Acidity and Proper Lime Use Application and Incorporation Lime moves little in the soil and neutrilizcs acidity only in the zone where it is '])plied. TO be cffcctivc, therefore, it must be uniformly spread and thoroughly incorporated. The poorest and most common method of application is by spinner spreader. Double spinners arc better than single spinners; however, all normally apply more lime immcdi- atcly behind the spreader than to tine sides. In practice, rates arc adjusted by checking the spreader pattern, overlapping the pattern, and double spreading, making the second pass at right angles to the first. if done properly, this is an acceptable way to apply lime. Ill many cases, however, these precautions are not followed and lime is applied un- evenly. The soil can suffer from both underlining and ovcrliming. Reduced yields may result. Special situations may occur in the coastal plain that lead to over - liming. First, if excessive lime falls along a relatively narrow path at the center line of the spreader truck, the soil pH may increase somewhat above tine desired level. Second, the delivered rate may be too high for sandy ridges that occur in certain fields. Third, there simply may have been too much lime applied uniformly across the field. These three circumstances may elevate the pi -I to tine extent that within a year or two an "induced" manganese deficiency has been created, and the crop may exhibit a manganese defi- ciency. Lime can be more evenly ap- plied using full -width or boom spreaders. Full -width spreaders allow lime to fall to the ground by gravity. The rate is determined by the size of the openings in the box and by ground speed. Boom spread- ers use drag chains, augers, or pneumatic pressure- to move lime out the booms and drop it on the ground. If adjusted properly, both types of spreaders are vastly super- ior to the spinner type. The main limitations to their use are the high initial cost and more complex operation. Most growers will likely continue to spread lime using spinner spreaders, but if you choose that method you should be aware of tine limitations and take every precaution to sec that the lime is evenly spread. The most commonly used lime incorporation tool is the disk. Its main limitation is that it incorpo- rates lime only about half as deep as the disk blades penetrate. Even with repeated passes it will not incorpo- rate lime well. offset disks that throw the soil do better. The best incorporation implement is a heavy- duty rotary tiller that mixes the soil as deep as tine roots need to go. if the land is to be bottom plowed, do not bury the lime too deep. If plowing, the best approach is to apply half the lime, then disk and bottom plow, and then apply the other half and disk again; however, this process is costly and is not generally used. Certain other tillage practices, such as bedding or middle busting, will help with lime incorpo- ration in the long run. Chisel plowing is very ineffective in lime incorporation. Although lime is applied on the surface to estab- lished pastures and lawns, it should be incorporated Iat establishment to reduce soil acidity. A proper soil pH can increase your crop income. However, vary- ing rates of lime arc recommended depending on the best pH for.the particular soil class and crop combi- nation. To test your soil's pH, send a soil sample to Agronomic Divi- sion, North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Blue Ridge Road Center, Raleigh, NC 27611. Soffacts _ THIS BULLETIN IS PROVIDED TO YOU BY THE NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE ROBESON COUNTY CENTER LUMBERTON. NORTH CAROLINA 2050 (919) 671-3276 Prepared by Paul Lilly, Exietlsioli Soil Science Specialist and Jack Baird, Professor Emeritus, Soil Science 7,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $1,055; or $.15 per copy. I Published by NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AG-439-17 4/93-7M—TWK-230226 (Revised) Exhibit 18 1�Utl.SoJ�t `5 .Swl+�� F��1 Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist 1 kcRa c,,,j.'i Cb,-uw �l Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Flush alleys Agitation during wastewater CI Underfloor flush with underfloor ventilation �� conveyance Pit recharge points • Agitation of recycled lagoon �Y Extend recharge lines to near bottom of pits with /�/�=-�,e�, liquid while pits are filling anti -siphon vents Lift stations • Agitation during sump tank CJ Sump tank covers y� filling and drawdown Outside drain • Agitation during wastewater Box covers collection or conveyance junction boxes End of drainpipes • Agitation during wastewater TKExtend discharge point of pipes underneath FIexAl, b�.k at lagoon conveyance lagoon liquid level Lagoon surfaces • Volatile gas emissions ' Proper lagoon liquid capacity • Biological mixing Mr Correct lagoon startup procedures WAS 09*5/E-w�-Q At�{ • Agitation Minimum surface area -to -volume ratio �2L5 fru��EGl�vfs 1�lT 7-/1F- %/"l F, PMinimum agitation when pumping Irrigation sprinkler nozzles C7 Mechanical aeration ET"Proven biological additives on 04C+4510r,; • High pressure agitation r IIrrigate on dry days with little or no wind • Wind drift 0 Minimum recommended operating pressure 0//Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface Cl Pump from second -stage lagoon -N,4 &F_5 j��se JrfiwGs N End Exhibit 18 Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause. Storage tank or • Partial microbial basin surface decomposition • Mixing while filling • Agitation when emptying Settling basin • Partial microbial surface decomposition • Mixing while filling • Agitation when emptying Manure, slurry, or sludge spreader outlets Uncovered manure, slurry, or sludge on field surfaces • Agitation when spreading • Volatile gas emissions • Volatile gas emissions while drying BMPs to Minimize Odor C7 Bottom or midlevel loading C] Tank covers 17 Basin surface mats of solids C7 Proven biological additives or oxidants C] Extend drainpipe outlets underneath liquid level C7 Remove settled solids regularly 17 Soil injection of slurry/sludges O Wash residual manure from spreader after use O Proven biological additives or oxidants O Soil injection of slurry/sludges O Soil incorporation within 48 hours O Spread in thin uniform layers for rapid drying O Proven biological additives or oxidants Site Specific Practices 1:(:& h/} NOT yEr u�Asi f-o scua6r&- , Dead animals Carcass decomposition Proper disposition of carcasses r (PC (kkoveo- Dead animal • Carcass decomposition O Complete covering of carcasses in burial pits �;-� SAS D��o SOX �. Gear disposal pits O Proper location/construction of disposal pits Incinerators • Incomplete combustion O Secondary stack burners v Standing water • Improper drainage Grade and landscape such that water drains away NO around facilities • Microbial decomposition of from facilities organic matter o�cv0 :liusf5 W Exhibit 19 j�lGt�mcvd, Cca • .� Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Control Insects Site Specific Practices Liquid Systems Flush gutters Accumulation of solids O Flush system is designed and operated sufficiently to remove accumulated solids from utters as designed Remove bridging of accumulated solids at Lagoons and pits Crusted solids Maintain lagoons, settling basins and pits where FARmfR BkR�Ws pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting Z .Oif/5 Awo b 4s#FS our cAA:w of solids to a depth of no more than 6 to 8 inches Soi.05 , G,46cow is Nor eX"tfo, Iver more than 30 percent of surface Excessive vegetative • Decaying vegetation growth Maintain vegetative control along banks of lagoons and other impoundments to -prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter along water's edge on impoundment's perimeter. Dry Systems. Feeders Feed spillage Design, operate, and.maintain feed systems ( .g., bunkers and troughs) to minimize the ccumulation of decaying wastage Clean up spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7- to 10- day interval during summer; 15- to 30-day interval during winter) 5 / !7i 5 ft" Gtf m End Exhibit 19 Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Control Insects Site Specific Practices Feed storage • Accumulations of feed Reduce moisture accumulation within and around residues immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by L,',We�- ce--�, A615 &d ensuring drainage is away from site and/or - providing adequate containment (e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain roducts) 2(pinspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids in filter strips around feed storage as needed Animal holding • Accumulations of animal Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along fences r areas wastes and feed wastage and other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is minimal t (Pr Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e., inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed) Dry manure • Accumulations of animal Cl Remove spillage on a routine basis (e.g., handling systems wastes 7- to 10-day interval during summer; 15- to 30-day interval during winter) where manure is loaded for land application or disposal 0 Provide for adequate drainage around manure stockpiles 0 Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter strips around stockpiles and manure handling areas as needed For more information contact: Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Box 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613. 11 Exhibit 20 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN PHONE NUMBERS DWQ EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SWCD MRCS This plan will be implemented in he sevent that hould not�wait untiastes l�wasteour operation each surface leaking, a waters or overflowing, or running off site. Yo leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. A. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: a. Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. C. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B: Runoff from waste application field -actions include: a. Immediately stop waste sn tcontain waste. b. Create a temporary diversion to c. Incorporate waste to.reduce runoff. d. Evaluate and he application It ratnate the s for the fields wherthat caused e runoff occurred. e runoff e. Evaluate C: Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. d. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. D: Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. -- b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Make sure no siphon occurs. d. Stop- all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators, December 18, 1996 C. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. E: Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks- possible action: a. Dig a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to lagoon. b. If holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. c. Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as possible. 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what riuration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? 3: Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Quality) regional office; Phone - - After hours, emergency number: 919-733-3942. Your phone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of the incident from item 2 above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS Phone number - c. Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. d. Contact CES, phone number - - , local SWCD office phone number and local NRCS office for advice/technical assistance phone number - 4: If none of the abovecall � o contact the pror the Sheriffs pment aner a encie sfor yours exain your and ask that problem to them Person 5: Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. a. Contractors Name:— b. Contractors Address: c. Contractors Phone:- 2 December 18, 1996 end Exhibit 20 6: Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (NRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc.) a. Name:. b. Phone: 7: Implement procedures as advised by DWQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. December 18, 1996 Exhibit 21 I NELSON NOZZLES Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle 1.2" Nozzle 1..31, 7" a...9" 1.01, 1.1" P.5.1. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. 50 100 250' 130 270' 165 290' 205 310' 255 330' 300 345' 350 360' 60 110 265' 143 285' 182 305' 225 325' 275 345' 330 365' 385 380' 70 120 280' 155 300' 197 320' 245 340' 295 360' 355 380' 415 395' 80 128 290' 165 310' 210 .335' 260 355' 315 375' 380 395' 445 410' 90 135 300' 175 320' 223 345' 275 365' 335 390' 405 410' 475 425' 100 143 310' 185 330' 235 355' 290 375' 355 400' 425 420' 500 440' 110 150 320' 195 340' 247 365' 305 385' 370 410' 445 430' 525 450' 120 157 330' 204 350' 258 375' 320 395' 385 420' 465 440' 1 545 460' Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring .97" 1.081, 1.18" 1.26*' 1.34" 1.41" P.S.I. .86" GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM 01A• GPM DIA.- GPM DIA. GPM DIA. 50 100 245' 130 265' 165 285' 205 300' 255 320' 300 335' 350 350' 60 110 260' 143 280' 182 300' 225 315' 275 335' 330 350' 385 365' 70 120 270' 155 290' 197 310' 245 330' 295 350' 355 365' 415 380' 80 128 280' 165 300' 210 320' 260 340' 315 360' 380 380' 445 395' 90 135 290' 175 310' 223 330' 275 350' 3,35 370' .405 390' 475 405' 100 143 300' 185 320' 235 340' 290 360' 355 380' 425 400' 500 415' 110 150 310' 195 330' 247 350' 305 370' 370 390' 445 410' 525 425` 120 157 315' 204 335' 258 360' 320 380' 385 400' + 465 420'� 545 435' u.�� Npzzte � Nozzle � Nozzle Nozzle 7 Nozzle ;+•„ ��.�.�. �!.°ys _g . f'� ,. �,rZ;f�,'. v'. it Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle.111 1.05•' 1.1" 1.2" 1,3•• 1,4" 1.51, 1.6" 1.75" 1.9- P.S.I. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA• GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA. GPM DIA GPM DIA. f�Y 60 250 345' 285 355 330 375' 385 390' 445 410' 115 430' S85 445' 695 470' 1 825 495' .; 70 270 360' 310 380' 355 395' 415 410' 480 430' S55 450" 630 465' 755 495' • 890 515, 80 290 375' 330 395' 380 410' 445 430' 515 450' 590 470' 675 485' 805 515' 950 535' 90 310 390' 350 410' 405 425' 475 445' 545 465' 625 485' 715 505' 855 535' 1005 555' 100 325 400' 370 420' 425 440' 500 460' 575 480' 660 500' 755 520' 900 550' 1060 575'y' S�Xt'i ;110 340 410' 390 430' 445 450' 525 470' $05 495' 695 515' 790 535' 945 565' 1110 590' 120 355 420' 405 440' 465 460' 545 480' 630 505' 725 530' 825 550' 985 580' 1160 605' 130 370 425' 425 445' 485 465' 565 485' 655 515' 755 .540' 860 560' 1025 590' t210 620' •,v3`y L End Exhibit 21 =r-"t%=L-t--y PUMP COMPANY TYPE "B" RATING CURVES BERKELEV-] ) @ ENGINE DRIVE CURVE 4117 DATE B-17-81 PAGE 4.01 SUPERSEDES Curve 4117 Poe 4.01 Dated 5-1-79 Case: M.W1.1 C. I . Pall. No. L— 15 36 Impeller: M.I.d.1 C. 1. Pail. N-- L— 15 39 MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE 205 PSI Nl-ch-mm L-1536 Mach -Ho. L-2409 VARIOUS R.P.M. — cycle. 13's- 17-7/811 x 17-5/8" FULL T. D. S. I. I., Lash water at a. leveled' F.., M-1 CR M--2 0 -HcAO N!.P S"i .. 30 ........... 500 NtjM.. A FQJM_ AMUM. . ...... .... 20 ... ........... �IFJ 450 10 ..... .... ...... .......... ........... . ........... .. . ..... 400 ..... . -1900- IPM--..7. ......... ...... .... ... ... ... ........ ....... .. ........ . . ........ .. .... 0 .. ........... .. ...... ..... ... ,350 ........ .... ...... E. .......... ... ... ....... ..... ............ ....... 300 .......PM .... ...... . . ..... ..... r 250 RPM .... ... (200 ............ 150 ...... ... ........... ........ .. ........ a 100 ....... .... ... .......... ........... .. ...... — ........ ..... ... ..... ...... . .. .......... ........... 50 ........... .i .... .... .. ........ ... .... ...... .. .. ...... .......... ..... . ... ........ .... ............ . .... .... ... ..... ... .. — .. ..... .... . . ..... . ....... .... 777,7. ........ .......... 20 1,. .: V::, 10' ....... --- w, TDS L 0 .. . .... A I ...... . .. 0 1 0 400 50o 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 CAPACITY IN U.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE -7052 On.don T-1645 SUP&.6das C-7052 Daled 3-30-81 om. 6r11--81 MODEL B4EYQBM Case: Malorlol C-1- Palt-No. L-1536 Mach.Nc, L-1536 VAR I OUS R.P.M. — crcl.-� Impeller: Material C.I. P.u.No. L-1698 Mach.No.L-2634 Die. 17-7/811 FULL T. O.S. L. for bash ..(., at sea I -160* F. .... U, I 45C 400 350 z a 6300 X 0 250 O J 200 150 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 '1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 CAPACITY IN U.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE C-7551 Bandon T-3194 Supersedes C-7551 Dalod 3-30-81 o-,- 6-11-81 MODEL B4FY H �a 20,. DSLI a K ef� ..." . ..._ a, :,yip - •_ s:,. •_ 'r ', `� �' _ �re r� TA' R e, f� 1 on Aw 5a4 d % �j ,may) yp 4V. kv $ - s .'6 na �4ryc. iIt- ,y.:.` a .,,y 31k d�F #1 r •�# �p �+!a' ..,�: yr� I � �Y g:�'.v4� � wwjj,•b., �gr�;i V-4 „ "'� 'i4 � � � -:u �` � .. aft r , �'� va: ',. $''� f � �,� .,3�'+ �., �� �k•- -44 !7f, yr' , 4 A' 74, "000 NC, -ly � � ��' ar� �O = _'' y s + ';��� , ;` �S ++ i+ : -��. ...,G� `"�, ,-� r Ir�'h',-• ' .. 5x. � i��, .e� fie' �� f a� 1t} 51 4s 3 "Vm q , ;s+-r.. dsK•* ::s. `r'aE;,Jry _ h.:az=ar. y A + y,w\I d�•. �^ . . . . . . . . . 1l', we MORN A J S't�iir,i�lki,3U,,?�i tip,,. Rfi id.[t'Pfltirian t�{G fav"9U."t �(t a,:u ,j,S lyl: rJi. E++4�N�h1ri aYA,it�i,n,r.?;ai rka .;,+kSidlS+l�uit31�•R,..�dj'� 3' 9 rrTs As C;• s Improved Design Provides Greater Operator Control Greater control ... more accurate application of both clean and wastewater. Simpler to operate ... the smooth operation of the six speed gearbox eliminates the need for multiple belts and pulleys while provid- ing a full range of operat- ing speeds. Within a high and low range there are three speeds for increased ■ precision and accuracy in F� controlling application f, rates. Knowing and con- .11 _11 trolling your application rates have become crucial Six speed gearbox wastewater management tools when trying to adhere to ever increasing regulations. Both the Model 1030 and 1033 are available with the standard 5.5 HP Honda engine or the efficient Pelton Pelton Wheel slurry turbine design only starts with the drive system. include: Wheel slurry tur- bine, the Pelton Wheel turbine is the ideal drive system when connected to the Irrigation com- puter. This combi- nation provides pin- point accuracy for applying wastewater or slurry from holding areas such as tanks and/or lagoons. This improved Other enhancements • A constant pressure automatic braking system which increases tension when the hose is being pulled out but reverts to lighter tension as the hose is being retrieved. • A positive action lock down. When engaged, this simple one way ratchet will lock the reel in place when shifting the gearbox to neutral, as well as secure the reel for transport when desired. • A miswind sensor. Should a miswind irregularity ever occur, this sensor will automatically disengage the drive, protecting the Reel Rain from damage. • Fixed frame and turntable models. In an effort to offer Reel Rain customers the widest range of options, both the 1030 and 1033 are.available with or without a turntable. • Increased speed range. Frorr .5 feet per minute to 12.5 feet per minute, you have the ability to control the application rate. WithReel Rain Irrigation equipment from AMADAS INDUSTRIES, you and your Dealer The Reel Rain Models 1030 and 1033 are also receive special atten- available in a fixed frame design. tion from our fully equipped Service Department. Each Service Technician is trained by the AMADAS staff engineer who • 6 Speed Gearbox • P.T.O. Rewind • _Automatic:Hose Retrieve Stop • Rugged Frame Design. • Turntable/Fixed Frame .. Reel .Speed Compensator • Safety Shielding • Galvanized Fittings • Galvanized Gun Cart • Mechanical Hose Guide • Three Year Warranty • Mlswind Sensor designed your Reel Rain. The 1030 and 1033 are only two of many dependable mod- els of Reel Rain Travelers. Ask your Dealer to show you other models that might meet your needs. Reel Rain Travelers are available in mod- els which will effi- ciently irrigate from 35 to 400 acres per week. - Time For Typical No. of Acres . Flow Rate One Pull, Applying 1" Model Hose Length Hose I.D. _Lane.Soacing' Covered`in (G.P.M.) of Water (Hrs.)- Nelson Gun Turbine Gas. Turbine.,Gas. Number (Feet) (Inches) (Feet) One Pull and. Pressure 1030 965 3.0 240 5.84 260, 280. 10.2 9.4 SR150/80 PSI 1033 850 1 3.3 1 1260. 1 5.68 1.260 400 . 7.16.4 I SR150/80 PSI INDuSI R I I SN=;I== 1100 Holland Rd. • P.O. Box 1833 • Suffolk, VA 23439-1833 • USA 1701 South Slappey Blvd. • P.O. Box 3687 • Albany, GA 31706 • USA Phone (804) 539-0231 Fax (804) 934-3264 Phone (912) 439-2217 • fax (912) 439-9343 AMADAS INDUSTRIES' policy is one of continuous Improvement, and We reserve the right to change speofficatlons, design or price$ Wfthvut incurring obligation. Exhibit 23 PIPE FOR IRRIGATION Ronald E. Sneed* R.-E. Marshburn** There are two categories of irrigation pipe: metallic and non- metallic. Metallic pipe consists of aluminum alloys and black iron, galvanized steel and coated steel pipe. The non-metallic materials are plastic and cement asbestos. Aluminum irrigation pipe or tubing is available in the form of extruded (alloy 6063) and roll formed seam welded (bare alclad alloys 3004 and 5050) tubing. These materials are lightweight, with high strength and have been used for.irrigation piping for more than 30 years. Maximum recommended working pressure is approximately 150 psi and is one-third to one-half the burst pressure. Minimum standards for aluminum irrigation tubing are covered in American Society of Agricultural Engineers standard ASAE S263.1. Bare aluminum tubing is damaged by extremely corrosive waters, therefore, alclad tubing was developed. However, for most naturally occurring water, bare aluminum tubing has adequate corrosive resistance. For portable aluminum and solid -set aluminum irrigation systems, standard wall thickness aluminum tubing is used. For side roll wheel move systems, heavy wall thickness aluminum tubing is used. This heavy wall tubing must be capable of withstanding the torque placed on the tubing as it serves as the axl.e for the wheels. Standard wall tubing is available in nominal 20, 30, and 40-foot lengths and in diameters from 2 to 10 inches. 'much of the standard wall tubing is available as heavy end to give additional protection against denting. st of avy wall tubing is available only in 40-foot lengths. A small amount of polyethylene plastic wrapped and vinyl coated aluminum tubing has been installed underground, but the higher cost and problems with connectors has limited this practice. Connectors or couplings for aluminum tubing include both aluminum and steel fittings. Female couplsrofare emalebolted couplersweldeincludeslatchto or pressed into the tubing. Type bell, ringlock, and lug. All couplers utilize a rubber ring or gasket that expands against the tubing when the system is pressurized. The bell type coupler also uses asteel spring boltedthat or weldeddontonthe�tubeng. rubber gasket. The male couplers are *Extension Specialist Irrigation), Biological and Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University **Rawls Pump and Supply Company, Cary, North Carolina Two types of steel pipe: schedule wall thickness and thin wall seam welded can be used for irrigation. However, except for well casings, very little steel pipe is used for irrigation. The schedule wall thickness pipe is used for well casings and some permanent main and lateral lines. When portable pipe -sprinkler systems were first introduced, thin wall seam welded pipe was used for portable systems, but aluminum tubing has eliminated this usage. Plastic pipe include a large and varied group of materials of high molecular weight. In the finished state, the pipe is a solid; however, at some point in the manufacturing process, the material is fluid and can be formed into the desired shape by heat or pressure or both. Plastics are either thermoplastic or thermosetting. Thermoplastic materials can be softened by heating. At normal temperatures thermoplastic pipe has good tensile strength, impact strength and excellent ductility, and good temperature resistance. Thermosetting pipe consists mainly of epoxies, polyesters, and pherolics. Some resins are reinforced with glass or asbestos fiber to improve the physical properties. Most plastic piping materials are resistant to deterioration by natural waters, dilute chemical solutions that may be encountered in the irrigation industry and most types of wastewater. The major dis- advantages of plastic pipe are expansion and contraction due.to temperature changes and low mechanical strength. There are no quick coupling devices for plastic pipe -so it is not readily adapted for portable irrigation systems but is very satisfactory for permanent systems. Polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe is available in a variety of pressure ratings from 0 to 160 psi working pressure. Sizes range from 1/2-inch to 3-inch. Depending upon pipe diameter, it is available in lengths from 100 to 400 feet. Both nSf(National Sanitation Foundation) approved pipe for potable water conveyance (drinking water) and non nSf pipe are available. Polyethylene pipe should meet the requirements of CS- 256-63 and should be labeled with the maximum allowable working pressure. A major disadvantage of PE pipe is the method of connection. All fittings are internal to the pipe. and clamps are used to secure the pipe to the fitting. These fittings reduce the effective diameter of the pipe. Only a limited amount'of PE pipe is used for sprinkler irrigation systems. Poly- ethylene pipe and tubing are the primary piping medium for drip and trickle irrigation systems, .especially for lateral lines. Most of the PE pipe for drip systems will be low pressure. Generally it will be high carbon, low density pipe that will be more flexible and less damaged by sunlight than conventional PE plastic pipe. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe is available in pressure ratings from 50 feet of head (21.6 psi) to 1130 psi depending upon size, type and manufacturer. Diameters range from 1/2-inch to 12,inches. Lengths are either 20 feet or 40 feet. These are basically three types of PVC plastic pipe: to -head, class pipe and schedule pipe. The to -head pipe is thin wall pipe used mainly for surface irrigation systems and drain lines for livestock confinement facilities. Class pipe is available in five pressure ratings: Class 100, Clas 125, Class 160, Class 200 and Class 315. The numbers denote working pressure rating. There are two 2 schedule pipes: Schedule 40 and Schedule 80. Schedule 40 PVC plastic pipe can be compared to lightweight steel pipe and Schedule 80 can be compared to regular weight steel pipe. Schedule 80 pipe can be threaded. The wall -thickness of the Schedule pipe will be fairly constant regard- less of pipe diameter. This means that as it increases in diameter the pressure rating will decrease. The wall thickness of the Class pipe will increase as pipe diameter increases, so that all sizes will have equivalent pressure ratings. Polyvinyl chloride plastic.pipe is connected either with solvent weld (glue) fittings or bell and gasket fittings. All fittings are external to the pipe. Solvent weld pipe may be plain end on each end with a separate fitting (coupling, tee, ell) being used, or the female end may be belled .to accept the male end of another piece of pipe. The bell and gasket pipe may be plain end on both ends with a separate coupler being used that has two rubber gaskets that seal against the pipe under pressure or the female end may be belled and have a rubber gasket that accepts the male end of another piece of pipe. For gasket pipe, concrete thrust blocks are required at the end of a line of pipe and at changes in direction in the line. These thrust blocks prevent the pipe from pulling apart. Gasket pipe must be buried for satisfactory performance. In fact, it is recommended that all PVC plastic pipe be buried, with the depth depending upon pipe diameter and the depth of the frost line. Normal depth is 24 inches for small diameter pipe and 36 to 42 inches for 6 inch or larger diameter. However, some growers are having satisfactory results with solvent weld PVC pipe on the surface provided it is drained during freezing weather. The most common PVC pipe for sprinkler irrigation systems will be PR-200 (PVC 1120, ASTMD-2241-67, SDR 21) and PR-160 (PVC 1120, ASTMD-2241-67, SOR 26). Cement asbestos.(CA) pipe is a rigid, heavy pipe which has been used by the water distribution and irrigation industries for many years. However, for irrigation usage it has essentially been replaced by PVC .plastic pipe. The product is a concrete pipe with asbestos fibers added to provide strength. It is chemically resistant to most waters, however water containing strong acids may damage the cement and result in pipe failure. Connections for CA pipe are bell and rubber gasket. This pipe requires thrust blocks at the, ends of lines and at changes in pipe direction. Cement asbestos pipe is available in diameters from 3 to 36 inches and 10 and 13 foot lengthswith shorterlengths being available as required. Pressure ratings vary from 25 to 250 psi. The pipe.should meet the requirements of ASTM C 296-63T and subsequent revisions and should be labeled accordingly. There will be -only a minimum amount of CA pipe used for irrigation. Most that is used will be 6 inches in diameter or larger and should have a pressure rating of jat least 150 psi. Although there are a variety of piping materials for irrigation, aluminum tubing and PVC plastic are the two materials most used. Normally aluminum tubing will be used for portable and solid -set systems and PVC plastic pipe will be used for permanent systems that are installed below the ground surface. -3- Handling and Installation of PVC Plastic Pipe Temperature has a major effect on PVC plastic pipe. As temperatures approach freezing, the flexibility and impact resistance of PVC plastic pipe is greatly reduced. At low temperatures when joining solvent weld pipe, a longer time is required for the glue to set. Generally solvent weld pipe should not be joined at temperatures below 400F. At high temperatures pipe becomes more flexible and set-up time for the glue is greatly reduced. When pipe is stacked, it should not be placed in piles more than five feet high. Occasionally out -of -round pipe will result from stacking. In warm weather, once the weight is removed, it -will rapidly assume a round shape. In cold weather, several hours may be required for the pipe to return to the original shape. Sunlight can have an effect on the pipe, especially in colors other than white. It may warp and exhibit a snaking effect. When left in the sunlight for long periods, the color may fade and the pipe will harden at the surface causing a loss of impact strength. Discolored pipe should be handled carefully during installation. If pipe is to be stored out- side for long periods of time, it should be covered with a cover of opaque material, not plastic, and air should. be able to circulate under the cover. Gaskets should be stored away from excessive heat and solvents. Some pipe comes from the manufacturer with the gaskets installed. If the pipe is not to be installed immediately, the gaskets should be removed and stored. When installing gasket pipe there are several simple steps to follow that will ensure leak -free joints. The gasket or ring groove should be cleaned of foreign materials. The gasket should be properly installed. Ample lubricant should be placed on the male pipe end, the pipe aligned and the male end inserted into the female end. Some pressure will be required to force the male end to. the correct depth. There will be a reference point to.indicate the required penetration depth. If penetration is not deep enough the joint may leak; and if penetration is too deep, there is not adequate room for pipe expansion. Once the joint is made, the pipe being installed should be rotated to ensure that the gasket is not pinched. Gasket pipe may be connected in the trench or on the ground beside the trench and then lowered into the trench. If the latter is done, check each joint to ensure that penetration is correct. If it is necessary to cut pipe, either a PVC pipe cutter or a miter box with.a carpenter's fine-toothed handsaw should be used.. For gasket pipe, it will be necessary to bevel the pipe, usually at an 30 angle, accomplished with a special rasp or file. For solvent weld pipc,-burrs, chips and filings should be removed from the outside and inside of the pipe and it is preferable to slightly bevel the outside circumference. Fittings for gasket pipe may be plastic or steel. The trend in the industry today is to use epoxy coated steel fittings. These are manufactured by several companies (McDowell, Pierce, Davis, etc.) and can- -4- be fabricated in almost any configuration. Some epoxy coated fittings include stacks and hydrants as an integral part of the fitting. Occasionally it may be necessary to connect PVC plastic pipe to steel or CA pipe. This connection can be made with a coupling called a. transition or repair coupling. In -line valves can be supplied with connections to gasket pipe. Thrust blocking -is required for gasket pipe. Most thrust blocks will be concrete. Manufacturers recommended thrust blocks at any change in direction greater than 100. Figure 1 gives an example of different arrangements for thrust blocks. 1 .r �, Figure 1, I Example of different arrangements for thrust blocks. -5- Figure 2. Anchorage blocks for in -line valves. Table 1 is the forces encountered at end plugs. to calculate forces encountered at bends; tees and wyes, multiply the figure in Table 1 by the factors given in Table 2. Table 1. Thrust W at End Plugs Thrust in --------------- lbs. for test pressure in si Pipe Diameter 100 PSI 150 PSI 200 PSI 250 PSI inches 295 455 440 680 '590 910 740 1140 112- 2 211 1 660 990 1320 1650 3 985 1480 1970 2460 4 1820 2720 3630 4540 6 3740 6490 5600 9740 7460 13,000 9350 16,200 8 10 10,650 16,000 21,300 26,600 12 15,150 22,700 30,200 37,800 14 20,600 30,800 41,100 51,400 16 26,600 39,800 53,100 66,400 -6- Table 2. Factors for Calculating Thrust W for Elbows and Tees. Elbows: 900 = 1.41 60° = 1.00 45° = 0.76 30° = 0.52 22.50 = 0.39 Tees = 0.70 Table 3 gives the safe bearing load for different soil types. Table 3. Safe Bearing Load Soil lb/ft2 Mulch, peat and similar 0 Soft Clay Sand Sand and gravel Sand and.gravel cemented with clay Hard shale 1000 2000 3000 4000 10,000 Thrust block area(ft2) - W _ Thrust (Table 1 & Table 2) - F' .oi re ear�ng stngt a e 3) In placing concrete thrust blocks, check with the manufacturer of the pipe being used to ensure that the correct size thrust blocks are being used. There are a number of machines that can be used to prepare the trench for PVC plastic pipe. Soil types, moisture content, de-pth of trench required and type and diameter of pipe must be considered. Generally chain trenches, wheel trenches, backhoes, or vibrating plows will be used. for trench preparation. The vibrating plow can only be used for solvent weld PVC pipe and generally is limited to the smaller diameter of pipe. Under most conditions the chain. trencher or wheel trencher will be faster than the backhoe. Where wide trenches for large pipe are required, the backhoe will be most satisfactory. If soil conditions permit, long stretches of open trench willexpedite e itinstalled installation. However, if rain is forecast the pip should and the trench backfilled. To avoid sharp turns in the line at obstructions, trenches should be curved within limits of curvature of the pipe.• -7- Most manufacturers have charts showing the radius and offsets per 20- foot length of pipe. When laying out pipe, place it as close to the trench or proposed trench as possible. This will eliminate unnecessary handling. Place'the pipe on the side of the trench opposite the soil deposit and out of the way of trenchers, backhoes, and other heavy. traffic. The trench should be kept as narrow as possible. Trenches with four inches of clearance on each side of the pipe will allow proper backfill to be placed around the pipe. When pipe is coupled in the trench, a wider trench will be required than when pipe is coupled on the surface. A trench that is too wide may result in excess soil loading on the pipe.and possibly pipe deformation or pipe bending. Trench depth will depend on surface loads, need for freeze protection and earth loads. If the pipe will be used.to convey water during freezing weather, the .pipe should)be at least six inches below the freeze depth. In cultivated land, pipe should be buried to a depth of at least 36 inches to facilitate cultural operations. In non -cultivated areas, a depth of 24 inches should be adequate for pipe diameters of four inches or less and for larger diameters the depth should be 30 to 48 inches. Trench bottoms should be smooth and free of stones 'or clods larger than one-half inch in diameter. Loose material should be left for bedding support. Where rocky areas are encountered, a four inch layer of select backfill should be placed in the trench bottom. In backfilling the pipe, the backfill should be placed in six inch to 12 inch layers and tamped. Backfill adjacent to the pipe should be free of stones of one-half inch diameter or larger. Tamping should be done carefully so the pipe is not damaged. Coupling, fittings (tees, ells, etc.) and valves should be left uncovered so that a pressure test can be run for visual inspection of -leaks. Most of the larger PVC plastic pipe that is installed is gasket pipe, most of the smaller, pipe will be solvent weld. The solvent weld pipe is easy to couple and install provided a few basic rules are followed. These include using the correct cement and primer, joining pipe at the correct temperature, having clean pipe and allowing cement to dry before moving pipe or testing pipe. Details of joining solvent weld pipe are listed below. Details of Solvent Weld Pi inc The solvent welding procedure detailed herein applies to PVC and CPVC pressure piping systems including molded fittings, belled end pipe and fittings and socket type pump and valve connections. A. Joinin !Materials Needed cutting tool rags (nonsynthetic, i.e., cotton) deburring tool cement and primer applicators applicator can or bucket pipe primer pipe solvent cement tool tray notched boards B. Tyres of Cement C. a E. a 1. Light duty industrial grade is for use with all Schedule 40 and Class (SDR rated) pipe up to 6 inches in size. 2. Heavy duty industrial grade is for use with all Schedule 80 pipe up to 6 inches in size and may be used for Class (SDR rated) pipe up to 6 inches in size. 3. Extra heavy duty industrial grade is for use with all PVC pipe 6 inch and larger. 4. CPVC solvent cement industrial grade is for use with all sizes of Schedule 40 and•Schedule 80 CPVC piping. 5. Pipe primer is for use with all PVC and CPVC pipe and fittings. Pipe Preparation 1. cutting Plastic pipe can be easily cut with a power or hand hacksaw, circular or band saw. For best results, use a fine-toothed blade (16-18 teeth per inch). To ensure square -end cuts, a mitre box, hold-down or jig should be used. Pipe or tubing cutters can be used for smaller diameter pipe when the cutting wheel is specifically designed for plastic pipe. 2. Deburrinq and Beveling. All' burrs, chips, filings, etc., snow bb remove trom both the pipe I.D. and O.D. before joining. Use a knife, deburring tool or a half -round, coarse file to remove all burrs. A slight bevel is preferable around the circumferences of the pipe end to minimize the chances of wiping the solvent cement from the I.D. of the fitting as the pipe is socketed. Fittina Preparation Prior to solvent weldinn, all fittings and couplings should be removed from their cartons and exposed for at least one hour to the same temperature conditions as the pipe in order to assure that they are thermally balanced before joining. Cl eanino Using a clean, dry cotton and moisture from the I.D. the I.D. of the fitting. WELD WET SURFACES. Priming rag, wipe away all loose dirt and O.D. of the pipe end and DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOLVENT Pipe primer is used to penetrate and soften surfaces of PVC and CPVC pipe and fittings. strength product that penetrates rapidly. effective on the hard -finished, high -gloss being produced. -9- the bonding It is a high It is very products now Use a dauber or paint brush to apply the primer to the pipe. A rag is not recommended as repeated contact with skin may cause irritatidn or blistering. Apply _primer freely in the socket keeping surface wet.and applicator wet and in motion for 5 to 15 seconds. Redip applicator as necessary: Avoid puddling in the socket. Apply again to the fitting socket. The second application is especially recommended for belled end pipe and fittings fabricated from pipe stock for many of them -have especially hard inside surfaces. For checking penetration, you should be able to scratch or scrape a few thousandths of the primed surfaces away. Repeated applica- tions to either or both surfaces may be necessary. Weather conditions do affect priming action. In cold weather more time is required for proper penetration. NOTE: The pipe ends can be rested on notched boards to keep them clean and for ease of solvent cement application. Solvent Cement Application Using the proper applicator, (see Table 4 for specific recommendations) proceed as follows: 1. Apply a full even layer of cement on the pipe O.D. for a distance slightly greater than the depth of the socket of the fitting. 2. Coat the fitting with a medium layer, avoiding puddling. On belled end pipe, do not coat beyond the socket depth or allow cement to run beyond the bell. 3. Put a second full even layer on the pipe O.D. Cement layers must be without voids and sufficient to fill any gap in the joints. Table 4. Size Applicator Required Pipe Size au er o er .ecommen e (Inches) Size Size Brush Width* Inches Inches] (Inches 3/3 1/ 2 1/ 2 3/4 3/4 NOT 1/2 1/2 1 RECOM- 1/2 MENDED 1 14 1 2 11� 2k, 3 `2 4 � 2 6 3 3 3 NOT '; 10 RECOM- g, 4 or 6 12 MENDED � g, 4 or 6 -10- *Natural bristle brushes should always be the alternative to daubers or rollers. It is recognized that the recom- mended brush width may not always be readily available. However, the selection should come as close as possible to the recommended width in order to ensure complete coverage with a minimum of brush strokes. H.. Joinine 1. Immediately upon finishing cement application and before -it starts to set, insert the pipe to the full socket depth while rotating the pipe or fitting'a 1/4 turn to ensure complete -and even distribution of the cement. Hold joint together for a minimum of 10 to 15 seconds to make sure that pipe does not move or back out of the socket. 2. For pipe sizes 6 inch and larger, a joining crew consisting of two men is recommended and the following steps are necessary: a. Rotation of the pipe in the fitting may be obmitted. b. Hold joint together for 1 to 3 minutes depending on pipe - size. c. As an aid for joining, in these larger sizes, it is recom- mended that a comealong or pipe joining tool similar to that manufactured by Reed Manufacturing Company be used. I. Excess Cement Immediately after joining and before joint is gently set back onto a level surface, wipe off all excess cement from the circumference of the pipe and fitting. J. Handlinci During the initial setting of the cement, which begins about two minutes after application, (on small sizes) be careful not to move.or disturb the joint. Table 5. PVC and CPVC Joint Movement Times Hot Mi I W I a We they* WeatherWeathe Nominal 90$-150OF 500-90"F 100-50�F Pipe Sizes Surface Surface Surface Temperature Temperature Temperature 12.min. 20 min. 30 min. 11i"-21i" 30 min.. 45 min. 1 hr. 3"-4" 45 min. 1 hr. 1 hr. & 30 min. 6"-3" 1 hr. 1 hr, & 30 min. 2 hrs. & 30 min. 10"-12" 2 hrs. 3 hrs. 5 hrs. *These temperatures above are drying• temperatures and should not be confused with atmospheric, joining temperature recommendations and limitations. _ -11- i K. Pressure Testing L. Air or compressed gas is not recommended as a media for pressure testing of plastic piping systems. I. Initial Joint Test�ng. Initial joint testing of PVC and CPVC pipe e� co a possi- iy L)e accomplished to 10% of its hydrostatic pressure rating after drying times (listed in Table 6). Table 6. PVC and CPVC Joint.Drying Times at 10% Pressure Nominal Pipe Size Hot Weather* 900-1500F Surface Temperature 1 hr. 1 hr. & 30 min. 2 hrs. & 45 min. 3 hrs. & 30 min. 6 hrs. Weather* 50 -90 F Surface Temoerature 1 hr. & 15 min. 1 hr. & 45 min. 3 hrs .. & 30 min. 4 hrs. 8 hrs. gold We$ they* 10 -50 F Surface Temperature 1 hr. & 45 min. 3 hrs. 6 hrs. 12 hrs . 32 hrs. *These temperatures shown are drying. temperatures and should not be confused with atmospheric, joining tem- perature recommendations and limitations. 2. High Pressure Testinq. The PVC and CPVC pipe could possibly be pressure tested up to 100% of its hydrostatic pressure rating after the drying times given in Table 7. Table 7. PVC and CPVC Joint Drying Times for 1000/0-Pressure r,vk. 1111u Weather* We$theE* l_u I Weather* Nominal 90 -150 F 50 -90 F 10 -50 F Pipe Size Surface Surface Surface Temperature Temperature Temperature yt1-1-411 4 hrs. 5 hrs. 7 hrs. Vi'1-2'i' 6 hrs. 8 hrs. 10 hrs. 31'-411 8 hrs. 18 hrs. 24 hrs. 611-811 12 hrs. 24 hrs. 48 hrs. 10"-1211 18 hrs. 36 hrs. 72 hrs. * These temperatures shown -are drying temperatures and should not be confused with atmospheric joining tem- perature recommendations and limitations. Do's and Don'ts R. 1. Use the proper applicator (see Table 4 for specific recommendations) -12- 2. Use proper type of solvent cement for the job. 3 Follow the instructions completely. Don't 1. At -tempt to solvent weld under the following conditions: a. if it is raining b. if atmospheric temperature is below 40°F c. if under direct exposure to sun at atmospheric temperatures above 90 F d. discard empty cans of'solvent, primer or rags in trench or near piping. Concentrated'fumes or dripping cement or primer, can cause pipe failure. M. Hot Water Cementing 1. Since cement contains a solvent certain precautions or steps should be taken when the atmospheric temperature is above 90 F to avoid excessive evaporation of the solvent from the cement just prior to joining. Such evaporation will cause the cement to prematurely set before joining, thus, adversely affecting the joint integrity. Use one or a combination of the below to reduce the chances of this condition occuring. a. Shade or shelter the joints surfaces from direct exposure to the sun's rays for at least one hour prior to joining and during the joining process. b. Make cement joints during early morning hours. c. Apply cement quickly. On 6 inch and larger pipe, it is recommended that two men apply cement to the pipe surface while the third applies it to the fitting socket. d. Join pipe to fitting as quickly as possible after applying cement. N. Cold Weather Cementing 1. Because the solvents in the cement will not evaporate as readily when the temperature is below 400F, the pipe joints will not set up as rapidly in cold weather. If solvento cementing must be done when the temperature is below 40 E, the following suggestions are offered: a. Store pipe, fittings, cement and primer in a heated area. b. Pre-fab as much of the system as possible in a heated work area. c. Joints that must be made outside should be protected with a portable shelter abovee408d with F priorltolrect joiningat to raise tempera The shelter and heat should remain in place for at least two hours after joint assembly. d. Pipe and fittings must dry prior to joining and the joints should be kept dry CAUTI0P1the DcOe�OTtATTEI�IPThad TO sufficient time to set. -13- 0. a SPEED THE SETTING OR DRYING OF THE CEMENT BY APPLYING DIRECT HEAT.TO THE SOLVENT -WELDED JOINT. Forced rapid drying by heating will cause the cement solvents to boil off, forming porosity, bubbles and blisters in the cement film. Handlin.7 of Primer.and Cement Note: Observe the use prior to date. Cement has a limited shelf life. Do not permit solvent cement can to stand open. Do not use cement that has dried to.the point where it becomes lumpy and stringy. Throw it away. Do not attempt to thin out sluggish cement with thinner or primer. The solvents in the primer and cement are highly flammable, like a fast drying lacquer, and should not be used near an open flame. Use them in a well ventilated area and avoid prolonged breathing of the fumes. Prolonged contact with the skin could cause a minor irritation. Estimated Solvent Cement Requirements Cement requirements given in Table 3 should only be considered as a guideline for usage and could vary according to a wide variety of installation conditions. Further, these estimates should in no way be used to restrict the liberal cement application instructions recommended for the pipe. Table 6. Estimate of Number of Joints That Can Be Made Per Volume of Cement* Pipe Sizesl Pint I Quart I Gallons z" 130 260 1,040 3/4" 80 160 640 1" 70 140 560 1y° 50 100 400 1" 35 70 280 2" 20 40 160 2 3" 1 15 30 .120 4" 10 20 80 6" N/R 8 24 8" N/R 3 12 10" N/R N/R 10 12" N/R N/R 6 *Each joint represents one socket in a fitting. Pipe for irrigation, especially underground irrigation, has changed rapidly in the past few years. Pipe that is availalbe today is high quality, long-lasting material. When properly utilized, aluminum tubing should.last 25 years and PVC plastic pipe installed under- ground has a life of 40 years or more. -14- W l[= POWER U141T GATE VALVE BLACK IRON 1811 24! AIR RELIEF PRESSURE RELIEF VALV E , VALVE 4 PUMP DISCH CHECK VALVE ,eli 35It ALUMINUM FLANGE PUMP TELESCOPING 'ti�Y ,IL ASSEMBLY TELESCOPING ASSEMBLY PH4P STARTER 6�� 10� - 20' r3 rm 811 PVC PIPE End Exhibit 23' AIR RELIEF VALVE ��•^�' Exhibit 24 Water & Energy Efficiency in Irrigation Much of the irrigation in the U.S. is practiced in arid regions where little or no rainfall oc- curs during the growing season. Under and conditions, irriga- tion water can be applied at fairly routine intervals and in routine amounts. However, North Carolina is located in a humid region where irrigation must be planned in conjunction with prevailing rainfall conditions. In humid regions such as ours, applying routine amounts of irrigation water at regular intervals will almost always result in overirrigation and the needless waste of water and energy. You can make most efficient use of water and energy by ap- plying the right amount of water to cropland at the right time. Irrigation Scheduling to Improve Water- and Energy -Use Efficiencies Irrigation scheduling is the use of water management strategies to prevent overapplication of water while minimizing yield loss due to water shortage or drought stress. Many different crops are irrigated in North Carolina. These crops are grown under a wide range of soil con- ditions and production practices. Therefore, irrigation scheduling is an extremely important management practice for irrigators in North Carolina. Importance of Irrigation Scheduling Some irrigation water is stored in the soil to be removed by crops and some is lost by evaporation, runoff, or seepage. The amount of water lost through these processes is affected by irrigation system design and irrigation management. Prudent scheduling min- imizes runoff and percolation losses, which in turn usually maximizes ir- rigation efficiency by reducing energy and water use. (Of course, in situa- tions where not enough water was being applied, proper irrigation scheduling will increase energy and water use.) You can save energy by no longer pumping water that was pre- viously being wasted. When water supplies and irrigation equipment are adequate, irrigators tend to overir- rigate, believing that applying more water will increase crop yields. In- stead, ovcrirrigation can reduce yields because the excess soil moisture often results in plant disease, nutrient leach- ing, and reduced pesticide effective- ness. In addition, water and energy are wasted. The quantity of water pumped can often be reduced without reducing yield. Studies have shown that irriga- tion scheduling using water balance methods (to be discussed Iater) can save 15 to 35 percent of the water nor- mally pumped without reducing yield. Maximum yield usually does not equate to maximum profit. The op- timum economic yield is less than the maximum potential yield. Irrigation scheduling tips presented in popular farm magazines too often aim at achieving maximum yield with too lit- tle emphasis on water and energy use efficiencies. An optimum irrigation schedule maximizes profit and op- timizes water and energy use. Irrigation scheduling requires knowledge of: • the soil • the soil -water status • the crops • the status of crop stress • the potential yield reduction if the crop remains in a stressed condition. In this publication, it is assumed that the reader understands these basic relationships. Their importance to ir- rigation scheduling is briefly sum- marized below. The terms that are normally used in irrigation scheduling are summarized in the box on the back cover. For more information on these subjects refcr to Extension Publi- cation AG-452-1, Soil Water and Cooperative Extension Service • North Carolina State University Crop Characteristics Irnportant to Ir- rigation Scheduling - Relating Soil -Water to Plant Stress The amount of water that should be applied with each irrigation depends primarily on the soil and the amount of water it can retain for plant use, referred to as plant -available water (pAM. The amount of water removed from the soil by the plant since the last irrigation or rainfall is referred to as the depletion volume. Irrigation should begin when the crop comes under water stress severe enough to reduce crop yield or quality. The level of stress that will cause a reduction in crop yield or quality depends on the kind of crop and its stage of development; the level varies during the growing season as the crop matures. For example, corn will tolerate more stress without caus- ing a yield reduction when the stress occurs during the vegetative stage as opposed to the pollination stage. Thus, determining when to irrigate is a scheduling decision that should take into account the crop's sensitivity to stress. Recently, scheduling techniques have been developed that arc based on the moisture status or stress condition of the crop. For example, to predict crop stress by infrared thermometry, the temperature of the crop's leaves is related to transpiration rate. Remote sensing of crop stress using infrared satellite imagery is another method being evaluated. Although these .methods hold promise for the future, most of the work on them has been conducted in and regions. Guidelines have not been developed for humid regions such as North Carolina. In humid regions, the most reli- able method currently available for es- timating when to irrigate is based on allowable depletion of PAW- The basic assumption is that crop yield or quality will not be reduced if crop water use is less than the allowable depletion level. In North Carolina, 50 percent depletion of PAW is recom- mended for most soils (Figure I) - However) allowable depletion may range from 40 percent or less in some coarse, sandy soils to as high as 60 to 70 percent in some clayey soils - Drought -sensitive crops (such as vegetable crops) tolerate less depld- tion than drought -tolerant crops (like soybeans or cotton). Influence of Rainfall In humid regions, the irrigation fre- quency and the amount of water to apply are strongly influenced by seasonal rainfall• Efficiently and effec- tively supplementing rainfall is one of the greatest challenges to irrigation scheduling in North Carolina. During periods when no rainfall occurs, I inch of irrigation water may be re- quired every three to four days. During a season when rainfall occurs frequently, irrigation may be needed only once or twice a month. In most years, the need for and frequency of ir- rigation falls between these extremes - Figure 2 illustrates the annual variation in rainfall at the Raleigh - Durham airport during the corn - growing season for the 30-year period from 1956 to 1985. Notice that the average rainfall during the growing season was nearly equal to the cumula- tive consumptive use for a corn crop. d ALLOWABLEVOLUME NQL•JVir Xi 1 '.•• h3% DEPLETED so Percent Allowable n AIR R WATEW VOLUME Added by Irrigation SOLIDS '- AIR Remalning r Irrigation? WATERY SOLIDS Figure 9. The relationship between water dlstriblAon In the soli and the concept of irrigation scheduling when 50 percent of the PAW has boon depleted. 2 On the average, then, enough rain- water was received to satisfy crop needs, suggesting that irrigation was unnecessary. But in some years more tharr,enough rainfall was received, whereas in other years rainfall was not adequate and irrigation was needed. These data illustrate that the timing of rains is more important to irrigation decisions than the total amount of rain- fall. Com planted between April 10 and 15 consumes the most water and is most susceptible to water deficits from June 5 to July 5. During that 30- day period, corn requires about 0.25 inches of water per day, or a total of 7.5 inches. Figure 3 shows that in only three years between 1956 and 1985 was rainfall adequate to satisfy the water needs of com throughout this critical growth stage. The average 30- day rainfall was approximately 4 in- ches, indicating that the average amount of irrigation water required was 3.5 inches during the 30-day period. But routinely applying that average amount would have been suitable in only 10 out of the 30 years. In 10 of the years, applying 3.5 inches 30 CORN CONSUMPTIVE WATER USE TO BLACK 27 . LAYER FORMATION m 24 u 21 v � 15 Q i2 tL Z 9 30 YEAR AVERAGE a 6 RAINFALL DURING 3 GROWING SEASON i i 0 +----t + 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980. 1985 YEAR Rgure 2. Ralydoll during the growing season (April 10 to August 31) at the Rdeigh- Durtxm cirpoit from 1956 to 1985. Consumptive use is the total amount of water extracted by a com crop during the growing season. 12 11 CONSUMPTIVE USE ^y t0 JUNE 5 TO JULY 5 m 9 8 ........ c 7 .. 6 AVERAGE J 5 L, 4 -- -- - -- - -- - -- - ---- --- 1 0. 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 YEAR Figme 3. Yearly rointall fluctuation at ttte Raleigh -Durham dgmd during the 30- day cririool molsture period for com (June 5 - July 5) from 1956 to 1985. Con• atxnptlon Is the amount d water a corn crop would extract from the soil during fhe critical ical 30-day period N soil -water Is not limiting. would have been inadequate, and in the 10 remaining years it would have been excessive. The annual irrigation requirements ranged from none to .7 inches. Most irrigation systems have the capacity to satisfy crop needs in the driest year or at least in 9 out of every 10 years. In this example, the amount of irrigation water needed to satisfy crop demand during the critical growth phase in 9 out of 10 years was 6.5 inches, or more than 1.5 inches per week. Yet if this amount were ap- plied every week, overinigation would result 90 percent of the time. This example clearly shows that the weekly, monthly, and annual variability in rainfall must be taken into account when making irrigation decisions. Irrigation Scheduling Irrigation scheduling is the process of answering two basic questions: Do I need to irrigate? How much water should I apply? Determining When to Irrigate There are three ways to decide when to irrigate: • measure soil -water • estimate soil -water using an ac counting approach (the check- book method) • measure crop stress Measuring Soil -Water. There are many different methods or devices for measuring soil water. These in- clude the feel method, gravitational method, tensiometers, electrical resis- tance blocks, neutron: probe, Phene cell, and time domain reflectometer. These methods differ in reliability, cost, and labor intensity. For more in- formation on the operation, reliability, and cost of these methods, refer to Ex- tension Publication AG452-2, Measuring Soil-Waterfor Irrigation Scheduling: Monitoring Methods and Devices. Tensiometers and electrical resis- tance blocks are the most cost- efficient and reliable devices for measuring soil -water for the irrigation of North Carolina soils. Tensiometers 3 are best suited for sandy, sandy loam, and loamy soil textures; while electri- cal resistance blocks work best in silty or clayey soils. You should be aware that the calibration curves and recom mendations supplied by the manufac- turer for these devices were developed for general conditions and are not ade- quate for specific soil conditions and fields. For best results, all soil -water measuring devices should be calibrated for the major soils in each field being irrigated. Calibration pro- cedures for soil -water measuring devices are outlined in Extension Pub- lication AG-452-3, Calibrating Soil - Water Measuring Devices. Checkbook Method. The check- book method is an accounting ap- proach for estimating how much soil -water remains in the effective root zone based on water inputs and outputs (like a daily balance on a bank account based on deposits and withdrawals). Irrigation is scheduled when the soil -water content in the ef- fective root zone is near the allowable depletion volume. Some of the simpler checkbook methods keep track of rainfall, evapotranspiration, and irrigation amounts. More sophisti- cated methods require periodic meas- urements of the soil -water status and moisture -use rates of the crop.' Some methods may even require inputs of daily temperature, wind specd,.and solar radiation'amounis. Checkbook methods require detailed daily record keeping, which can become time consuming for the more complex methods. One of the ad- vantages of the checkbook approach is that it can be programmed on a com- puter. Computer programs have been developed to handle the accounting and provide timely and sometimes precise scheduling recommendations. Some of the more advanced programs can predict the effect of an irrigation or irrigation delay at a given growth stage on crop yield and maturity date. Computer programs can be very rcli- able tools for scheduling irrigation; however, it is very important to remember that the computer recom- mendations are only as good as the data you supply. Regardless of the method used to estimate or measure soil -water, there will be occasions when the soil will have reached the "turn on" level of dryness, yet your judgment suggests that irrigation should be delayed. For example, if the crop has not reached the most critical stage and the water supply is in danger of being exhausted before the end of the irrigation season, then irrigation should be delayed. This delay may cause some reduction in yield or quality, but the reduction . would be greater if the water supply became depleted before the crop reaches a more critical stage of growth. If a high probability of rain- fall has been predicted during the next one or two days, it may be ad- vantageous to wait and sec before starting to irrigate. This decision must also take into account the capacity of the irrigation system. If the system is already being used to full capacity and water sup- plies are sufficient, then irrigate on schedule. If predicted rainfall does not occur, it is impossible to get back on schedule when the irrigation equip- ment is already being used to full capacity. A wait -and -see approach is practical only when the irrigation sys- tem is not being used at full capacity. Determining How Much to Irrigate Enough irrigation water should be ap- plied to replace the depleted PAW within the root zone and to allow for irrigation inefficiencies. Root depth and root distribution are important be- cause they determine the depth of the soil reservoir from which the plant can extract available water. About 70 percent of the root mass is found in the upper half of the maximum root depth. Under adequate moisture condi- tions, water uptake by the crop is about the same as its root distribution. Thus, about 70 percent of the water used by a crop is obtained from the upper half of the root zone. This zone is referred to as the effective root depth. This depth should be used to compute the volume of PAW. Irriga- tion amounts should be computed to replace only the depleted PAW within the effective root zone. The depleted volume is referred to as the net amount of water to be replaced. Additional water must be ap- plied to account for irrigation inef- Monitor soil Moisture Does Soil Monitoring Indicate IYs Time To Irrigate YES NO DELAY Will Crop Yield or IRRIGATION auallty Be seriously IRRIGATE Reduced It Irrigation Is Delayed YES NO will water supply NO Be Adequate For Remainder Of Growing Season Is This the YES NO Most Critical crop Stage to Irrigate NO Is Rainfall Predicted YES Within 1 or 2 Days YES ' required to schedule Irrigation effectively. Figure 4. Daily decision process 2 ficiencies so that the desired (net) amount reaches the root zone. Inef- flciencics might include leakage at couplings, surface runoff, or percola- tion below the effective root depth. Irrigation efficiency is typically 70 to Bo percent of the total water applied. Thus, if the net irrigation amount re- quired to replace the depletion volume is 1 inch and the irrigation efficiency is 75 percent, the total amount of ir- rigation water needed to apply 1 inch of net water is approximately 1.3 in- ches (the net amount, 1 inch, divided by the irrigation efficiency of 0.75). This amount (1.3 inches) is referred to as the gross water application. For a discussion on strategies to maximize irrigation efficiency, refer to Exten- sion Publication AG-452-5, Irrigation Management Strategics to bnprove Water and Energy Efficiencies. There may be occasions when only part of the depletion volume should be replaced by irrigation. For example, if irrigation replaces all the depletion volume, there is little or no PAW storage remaining within the ef- fective root zone should a rainfall occur soon after the irrigation. In this situation, most of an ensuing rainfall amount could be lost through runoff or percolation. Applying only part of the scheduled amount of irrigation water in anticipation of rainfall will result in more efficient use of water and energy, although this approach may require more frequent irrigation. The above discussion has shown that determining when and how much to irrigate is a complex decision - making process. Critical elements of this process are summarized in Figure 4. Every irrigator must evaluate these critical elements daily to utilize water .and energy efficiently and effectively. The following examples demonstrate two irrigation scheduling procedures recommended for North Carolina. Irrigation Scheduling: Examples Calibrating soil -water measuring equipment and measuring soil -water are the first steps in developing an ef- fective irrigation schedule. The infor- mation obtained allows you to deter- mine when the soil -water content has reached the normal irrigation range. The calibration data are used to deter- mine the readings of the soil -water measuring device at the allowable depletion volume, usually 50 percent depletion of PAW. Using a ten- siomcter for irrigation scheduling is demonstrated in the following ex- ample. A similar procedure is fol- lowed if electrical resistance blocks or one of the other soil -water measuring devices is used. I 0.3 FIELD CAPACITY 0.2 - trrigation Scheduling Using Tensiometers A calibration curve showing soil - water tension (tensiometer reading) versus water content for a sandy soil is plotted in Figure 5. From this graph, field capacity is estimated to occur where the steeper portion of the curve begins to flatten out, at about 10 cen- tibars (cb). Field capacity occurs in a sandy soil about one day after a soak- ing rain. The water content at 10 cb is 0.20 it ni (0.20 in/in means each inch of soil depth contains 0.20 inches of DEPLETION OF PAW WILTING POINT o. t i i START IRRIGATION 0. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 � 15D0 TENSION (centibars) Figure 5. Calibration curve of water content versus tensiometer reading (tension). Field capacity Is normally Interpreted to be the point at which the rate of decrease of water content versus tension flattens out, to this case, about 10 cb. Table 1. Determining When and How Much to Irrigate Calculating When to Irrigate calculating How Much to Irrigate Plant -available water PAW - field capacity- wilting point 0.20 in./in.- 0.081n./in. 0.12 in,Bn. 50 percent depletion of PAW_ 0.12 in./in. x 0.50 0.06 in./in. Water content at 50 percent depletion water content (field capacity) minus allowable depletion = 0.20 in./In. - 0.06 in./in. = 0.14 in./in. Net irrigation amount (knee-high stage) depletion volume times effective root depth = 0.06 in./in. x 8 in. - 0.48 in./irrigation Gross water application net amount divided by irrigation. efficiency = 0.48 in. /0.75 = 0.64 In./irrigation Net Irrigation amount (tasseling stage) = 0.06 in./in. x 12 in. - 0.72 indirrigation Tension when water content is 0.44 in./in. Gross water application read from plot (Fig. 5) at 0.14 in, -0. 72 in,/ 0,75 e 30 cb . = 0.96 In. 5 water). The PAW of this soil as calcu- lated in Table I is 0.12 in/in.; there- fore, the allowable depletion (one-half of PAW) is 0.06 in/in. The water con- tent of the soil when irrigation should begin is 0.14 intn. The correspond- ing tension at this water content is 30 cb. Therefore, irrigation water should be applied to this soil when the ten- siometer reading reaches 30 cb. At the time of irrigation, the effec- tive root depth must be known in order to determine the total amount of irrigation water to apply and to install . tensiometers or electrical resistance blocks at the appropriate depth. As dis- cussed earlier, the effective root depth represents the depth of soil from which the plant extracts most of its water. The effective root depth in- creases during the growing season as the crop develops. It begins at zero at planting and increases to its maximum depth by the time the crop reaches its reproductive stage of growth, which occurs about midseason for most crops. In North Carolina, soil condi- tions usually limit the maximum effec- tive root depth to about 12 inches. When irrigation is scheduled during early growth stages before maximum root development, assume that the rate of root elongation increases linearly from planting time up to the maximum effective depth of 12 inches at midseason. For example, corn reaches its maximum effective root depth of 12 inches at the tasseling growth stage, 60 to 65 days after plant- ing. Before tasseling, the rate of effec- tive root growth is about 0.2 inches per day (12 inches/60 days). Thus, at the knee-high growth stage, 40 days after planting, the effective root depth is about 8 inches (0.2 inch/day x 40 days) The amount of water to be added at each irrigation is determined by Table 2. Example of Irrigation Scheduling Using a Simple Checkbook Approach' PAW in soil at start consumptive2 use for day Net Rainfa113 irrigation PAW in soil end of day Comments Date (inches) of day (%of PAM (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (%of PAW) 100 Soaking rain, FC assumed 1.00 1.44 5-31 6-4 4.44 100 0.14 1.30 1.15 90 80 2 130 90 0.15 0.99 69 3 1.15 80 69 0.16 0.17 0.68 47 4 0.99 57 0.18 0.04 0.68 47 Time to irrigate 5 6 0.82 0.68 47 0.19 0.04 0.72 4.25 87 7 4.25 87 0.20 0.45 4.20 4.00 83 69 8 4.20 83 0.21 0.01 0.88 61 9 1.00 69 0.22 0 22 0.66 46 Time to Irrigate 10 11 0.88 0.66 61 46 0.23 0.72 1.15 80 78 12 1.15 80 0.23 0.20 1.12 62 43 1.12 78 0.23 .0.89 0.65 45 Time to irrigate 14 15 0.89 0.65 62 45 0.24 0.24 0.08 0.72 4.21 84 16 4.21 84 0.24 0.49 1.16 0.92 81 64 17 1.16 81 0.24 1.26 1.44 100 0.49 in. rain above FC 18 0.92 64 0.25 0.34 4.44 100 0.06 in. rain above FC 19 1.44 400 0.25 0.25 4.49 83 20 21 1.44 1.19. 100 83 0.25 0.94 0.68 65 47 Time to irrigate 22 0.94 65 47 0.26 0.26 0.72 1.14 79 23 24 0.68 1.14 79 0.26 0.88 0.62 61 43 Time to irrigate 25 26 0.88 b.62 61 43 0.26 0.25 0.72 1.08 0.83 75 58 (Critical stage, corn silking) 27 4.08 75 0.25 0.72 1.30 90 Irrigate sooner than W/o 28 29 0.83 1.30 58 90 0.25 0.25 0.21 4.26 88 30 1.26 88 0.24 0.38 1.40 97 zone assumed to be 12 Inches. Total PAW=0.12 x 12 In. =1.44 in. Irrigale at W of PAW. Irtlga• Sandy loam soli of calibration example. Effective root rsm 4.44 Inches, which Is a net amount of 0.72 Inches, values shown do not Include Irrigation Inefficiency. lion amount 2Comumptive based on deplellon of use for corn from Rgure 7. Planting assumed to be April 15, so June 1 corresponds to 45 days afler planting. 3RcInfall from Raidgh•Durhom drport,1985. 9 multiplying the allowable depletion by the effective root depth. For ex- ample, if irrigation is scheduled when com has reached the knee-high stage and the effective root depth is 8 in- ches, the irrigation amount is. then 0.48 inches, as shown in Table .2. This represents the net (desired) irrigation amount. Assuming an irrigation ef- ficiency of 75 percent, the gross water application amount is 0.64 inches. Once corn reaches the tasseling stage, the effective root depth has increased to 12 inches. The net irrigation amount at this stage is 0.72 inches and the gross water application is 0.96 in- ches. Frequently, irrigation systems in North Carolina have been sized to apply approximately 1 inch of water every three to four days, which is a general rule. of thumb to satisfy ex- pected peak -use demands. This amount would be appropriate in the above example when corn has reached the tasseling stage. But notice that this amount of water is 50 percent more than should be applied at the knee- high stage. Few irrigators adjust their application amount during the grow- ing season, which often results in over - irrigation early in the season. Apply- ing the design system capacity of 1 inch at the knee-high stage in the . above example would result in apply- ing 0.24 inches per irrigation that would percolate below the effective root zone. Thus, the irrigation eff cicn- cy would be reduced from 75 percent to about 50 percent. This wastes water and energy. Locating Soil -Water Measuring Devices In general, soil -water should be measured at the center of the effective root zone. If the effective root depth is 12 inches, the soil -water measuring device should be installed at a depth of about 6 inches. When an irrigated field contains more than one soil type, at least one device should be installed within each major soil type in the field. The above calculations should also be made -for each different soil. When stationary sprinklers are used (such as solid -set or permanent irriga- tion systems), the system should be managed such that an irrigation zone encompasses only soils with similar soil -water properties. In this manner, irrigation amounts can be adjusted ac- cording to the soil -water retention properties within a particular zone. To check the computed irrigation amount, a second soil -water measur- ing device can be used at the bottom of the root zone to indicate when ir- rigation should stop. The two soil - water measuring devices arc used as an on -off switch, as shown in Figure 6.One device (the shallow one) is in- stalled in the center of the effective root zone and indicates when irriga- tion should start. The second device, installed at the bottom of the root zone, indicates when irrigation should stop. As soon as the root zone is rewetted to field capacity, water begins to percolate below the effec- tive root zone. The percolation is indi- cated by a decrease in soil -water tension of the lower tensiometer. As soon as the tension reading on the deep tensiometer starts to decrease, ir- rigation should be stopped. Scheduling irrigation is more dif- ficult for mechanical -move type irriga- tion systems (center pivots or hard hose travelers) because the irrigator must anticipate the time required for the system to move across the field. In this situation, irrigation must be a started sooner, typically after 30 to 40 percent depletion of PAW so that the last section irrigated will not be drier than 60 to 70 percent_ depleted. The situation is further complicated by rainfall events occurring during this period. The PAW content may be uniform following a rainfall, but depending on the time required for the system to make a complete cycle, PAW may vary across the field by 50 percent following irrigation. Shallow tensiometers can still be. used to determine when to irrigate, but irrigation must be started sooner so that the last portion to be irrigated does not become too dry. Deeper ten- siometers should be located near the midpoint of the travel cycle. They should be monitored as the system passes to determine whether the proper amount of water is being ap- plied. If no change in the tensiometer reading is observed as the system pas- ses, too little water is being applied and the travel speed should be reduced. Likewise, if the tensiometer reading decreases before the system is 90 percent past the tensiometer, too much water is being applied and the travel speed should be increased. With mechanical -move systems, soil - water measurements are used in con- junction with the checkbook approach to schedule irrigation properly and ac- count for the additional soil -water depletion that will occur while the sys- tem travels across the field. Irrigation Scheduling Using the Checkbook Approach The checkbook approach to irrigation scheduling involves a daily account- ing of water withdrawals and addi- tions to the effective root zone. The additions include rainfall and in iga- tion amounts and the withdrawals in- clude crop water use, runoff, and percolation. Rainfall and irrigation can be measured with rain gauges installed above the crop canopy in the irrigated field. Plant withdrawals can be es- timated from crop soil -water use curves or by measuring pan evapora- tion. Moisture use curves such as those shown in Figure 7 indicate the amount of water (consumptive use) that a crop would remove from the soil if the atmospheric evaporative demand was high; that is, on a clear, warm day if the amount of water stored in the effective root zone is suf- ficient. When these conditions are not present, actual consumptive use will be less than the consumptive use values shown in Figure 7. Fof ex- ample, on a cool, rainy, or very over- cast day, consumptive use may be near zero. Consumptive use rates should be adjusted to reflect prevail- ing weather conditions. Daily pan evaporation measure- ments reflect the effects of prevailing weather conditions. Pan evaporation is approximately equal to potential evapotranspiration (PET). Evapotranspiration is the process by which water is lost from the soil sur- face by evaporation and by the transpiration process of plants grow- ing on the soil. Potential evapo- trmtspiration (PET) is the maximum amount of water that could be lost through this process under a given set of atmospheric conditions, assuming that the crop covers the entire soil sur- face and that the amount of water present in the soil does not limit the process. However, when pan evapora- tion is used to estimate PET, a crop coefficient is required to adjust the pan evaporation value to actual evapotranspiration (AET). AET is the actual amount of water removed from the soil and can be limited by the crop or by the water content of the soil. Actual evapotranspiration equals PET (pan evaporation) for an actively growing crop that completely shades the soil surface (full crop canopy) and is growing in a soil near field capacity. But a young seedling does not transpire at the same rate as a crop with full canopy. In fact, during much of the growing season, AET is less than PET because the crop canopy is small or the crop is approaching senes- cence and not transpiring at its peak rate. The crop coefficient corrects for the difference between AET (as limited by the crop) and PET (a func- tion of atmospheric conditions). Crop coefficients for many plants have been developed. An example crop -coefficient curve for corn is shown in Figure S. AET can also be limited when the soil becomes too dry to supply water to plant roots so that the plant can transpire at PET. The plant undergoes temporary wilting when this occurs. The checkbook ap- proach includes no corrective measures to account for soil limita- tions. It is assumed that the soil does not limit water supply to the crop as long as PAW is not depleted below 50 percent. The National Weather Service records pan evaporation at several weather stations across the state. This information can be obtained from the local Extension Service office through the CAROLINE network. Pan evaporation can also be measured on site with a fairly large pan, such as a washtub. The pan should be covered with some type of screen or netting (with openings approximately I inch wide) to keep birds and animals from drinking the water. The most common source of error using the checkbook approach occurs in estimating water losses due to runoff and percolation losses; that is, estimating the effective rainfall or irrigation that remains in the effective root zone. These errors accumulate as the season progresses. For best results, it is necessary to measure soil -water several times during the growing season (preferably every two to three weeks) to make pe- riodic corrections of the checkbook balance of soil -water. To use the checkbook method, you must begin computations when the soil is at a known water content. Field capacity is the usual starting point and should be assumed to occur soon after a rainfall or irrigation of an amount large enough to wet the effec- tive root zone. For many of the loamy soil textures found in North Carolina (root zone textures consisting of loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, or sandy clay loam), field capacity can be assumed to occur one,day after rainfall or irrigation. A simple checkbook approach for scheduling irrigation is shown in D. Table 2. Irrigation amounts are com- puted as shown in Table 2. Notice that many of the adjustments discussed above, which are needed to correct for potential errors, have been omitted. The checkbook method becomes time consuming and tedious but more reli- able when these corrections are in- bluded. When data needed to make corrections are available, the use of a computer program is recommended. Technical Assistance Is Available While simple in concept, irriga- tion scheduling is rather complex in practice. As costs of energy and water continue to increase, irrigation scheduling will become increasingly important. By making more efficient use of both energy and water, irriga- tion scheduling can save you money. Your county Cooperative Extension TASSELING SILKING H 0.3 m ..c U c w EARLY DENT 0.2 KNEE HIGH BLACK LAYER W Q 0.1 MERGENCE Q 0 . 40 60 80 100 120 140 DAYS AFTER PLANTING figure 7. Daily water use by corn as influenced by stage of development. Irrlga- tlon scheduling decisions should be adjusted to reflect changes In water con- sumption by the crop during the growing season TASSELING SILKING 1.1 1 z o.s W 0.8 EARLY DENT U 0.7 La KNEE HIGH 'BLACK LAYER O 0.5 f+ I 0 U 3 EMERGENCE U 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 DAYS AFTER PLANTING Figure 8. Crop coefficient curve for corn for adjusting pan evaporation to actual evapotranspiration of the crop. For most crops growing In soils with ncdlml8r)g soll moisture, the coefficient will be 1 during the peak moisture -use period, In- dlCaflllg that AET 4 equcd to evc>pofaflon M a =o9f19d Class A evapofatioll pon• Service and Soil Conservation Service can help with irrigation decisions. Their staff members know how to apply irrigation scheduling techni- ques. Irrigation consulting and scheduling services are also available in some areas. End Exhibit 24 Soil, Water,, and Plant Terms Used in Irrigation Scheduling Term field capacity (FC) Permanent Ming Point (PWP) Plant -Available Water (PAW) Depletion Volume Allowvb/e Depletion Volume Effective Root Depth Definition The soil -water content after the force of gravity has drained or removed all the water it can, usually 1 to 3 days offer rainfall. The soil -water content at which healthy plants can no longer extract water from the soil at a rate fast enough to recover from wilting. permanent wilting point Is considered.the lower limit of plant- available water. The.amount of water held in the soil that is available to plants; the difference be- tween field capacity and the permanent wilting point. The amount of plant -available water removed from the soil by plants and evaporation from the soil surface. The amount of plant-avallable water that can be removed from the soil without seriously affecting plant growth and development. The upper portion of the root zone where plants got most of their water. Effective root depth Is estimated as one-half the maximum rooting depth. North Carolina oMsion COOPERATIVE rr_ rwr�� r ry EXTENSION SERVICE 91 NC Department of Economic rW'i'7t"W7 and Community Development Prepared by R. O. Evans, Extension Agricultural Engineering Specialist R. E. Sneed, Extension Agricultural Engineering Specialist D. K. Cassel, Professor of Soil Science This publication was produced by the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service with support provided by the Energy Division, North Carolina Department of Economic and Community Devolopmont, from petroleum violation escrow funds. The opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed heroin are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Energy Division, North Carolina Department of Economic and Community Development. Published by THE NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE North Carolina State University at Raleigh, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical Stale University at Greensboro, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating. Stale University Station, Raleigh, N.C., A.C. Wells, Director. Distributed In furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30,1914. The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Its programs, activities, and employment practices are available to all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or political affiliation, 6/91 - 2M — TAH — 210308 AG-452-4 2,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $1,007.00, or $.50 per copy. Exhibit 25 m Systems Operations Guide System Start -Up 1. Attach traveler to hydrant and open hydrant valve fully. 2. pull out traveler hose slowly. (make sure to observe buffer areas) 3. Move engine to lagoon and then prime pump. 4. Make sure ground entry gate valve is open fully. 5. Start engine and leave engine at :idle speed until all air is purged from the system lines. 6. Raise engine speed until proper pump pressure is met. 7. Start traveler engine and allow engine to warm. 8. Engage traveler drive and set travel speed to designed speed. 9. Make sure the gun is set on the designed arc (270) and that no buffer areas are being violated. System Shut Down 1. The traveler is designed to shut down automatically when the gun cart reaches the traveler. 2. After the traveler stops, lower the engine speed to idle. 3. Shut down the engine. 4. Shut the hydrant valve completely and move the traveler to the next hydrant location. 5. Repeat system start-up. 6. If at the last hydrant location, move pump and traveler to storage area. :din teriza Lion 1. Open all drains in the system. (pipeline) pump, traveler, etc.) 7.. After all water has drained from the system lines, close the pipeline drain valves. I End Exhibit 25 11 Systems Operations Guide Pa; ;e 2 Winterization Cont. 3. Open ground entry gate valve and pour in a small amount of anti -freeze. This will help to prevent the valve from freezing. 4. Leave the ground entry gate valve slightly open. Maintenance 1. Follow all maintenance manuals supplied with the system. 2. Replace any worn or damaged parts as soon as possible. (gaskets) hoses,etc.) 3. Coat the inside of the impeller housing with lubricant to help prevent corrosion. 4. Grease hydrant stems at least annually. General 1. Be sure to follow the waste plan as it is designed. 2. Observe all buffer zone areas. 3. Make sure all equipment is in good working condition before pumping. 4. Always start the engine slow and stop the engine slow. If the system is brought up to full speed before all of the air is out of the lines, or is stopped without slowing to idle speed, severe damage may result. 0 �0��1 q► ENGINEERING, INC. BOX 98, YOUNG AMERICA, MN 55397 TRI-ACT! ON IRRIGATION! VALVE U.S. Patent No. 3766941 FIELD PROVEN - THOUSANDS IN USE UNIQUE DESIGN allows installer to set Pressure Relief feature in the field to match PSI rating of PVC or Asbestos Cement Line - Eliminates inventory problems. INSTALLED ON ONE THREE-INCH NIPPLE IN ANY POSITION - Saves installation costs. Exhibit 26 (612) 467-3100 THE IRRIGATION. INDUSTRY'S ONLY LOW COST COMBINATION ACTION VALVE WITH THESE FEATURES BODY IS AIRCRAFT -TYPE HIGH TENSILE ALUMINUM AND STEEL PARTS ARE PLATED - Provides long, trouble -free service. CENTERLESS GROUND STEEL SPRING allows instant free flow when PSI setting is exceeded - To protect against costly pipeline repairs. • PRESSURE RELIEF + VACUUM RELIEF • AIR RELIEF. - STOCK. NO. DESCRIPTION TAV 100 HI -PRESSURE TRI-ACTION VALVE - calibrated from 50 to 130 PSI (can be used for pressures to 160 PSI). Shipping Wt. 24 lbs. TAV 101 LO-PRESSURE TRI-ACTION VALVE - calibrated from 0 - 50 PSI. Shipping Wt. 24 lbs. Exhibit 27 Calibration Procedures for Wastewater Application Equipment LOAD AREA METHOD J.C. Barker, R.O. Evans, and D.A. Crouse Information presented in manufacturers charts are based on average operating conditions for relatively new equipment. Discharge rates and application rates change over time as equipment gets older and components wear. For pump and haul application equipment, application rates and patterns may vary depending on forward travel and/or PTO speed, gear box settings, gate openings, operating pressures, spread widths and overlaps. Equipment should be calibrated on a regular basis to ensure proper application rates and uniformity. Calibration is a simple procedure involving collecting and measuring the material being applied at several locations in the application area. Calibration helps ensure that nutrients from animal waste are applied efficiently and at proper rates. Pump and Haul Application Systems: Liquid applicators and tank spreaders are an alternative to irrigation systems for transporting and applying liquid lagoon effluent, liquid manure slurries, and lagoon sludges. Proper location and design of pumping and loading pads are necessary to protect equipment and operators and avoid damaging the lagoon dike or embankment. Care should be taken to minimize spills during loading and transport. Semi -solid (slurry) applicators can be calibrated by one of two methods:Load Area Method, and Weight Area Method. Liquid applicators are best calibrated by the Load Area Method. Load Area Method To use the load area method, you must know.the spreader capacity. Spreader capacity is normally rated by the manufacturer and often is indicated on the application equipment. Liquid spreaders are normally rated in gallons while semi -solid spreaders are rated in either bushels or cubic feet. As the name implies, the Load Area method involves applying a full load to a measured area. For ease of measurement, it is best to use a rectangular field pattern. For PTO driven spreaders, application rate is dependent on ground speed so a uniform speed must be maintained throughout the swath length. Ground driven applicators apply reasonably uniform rates independent of ground speed. Load Area Method Calibration Procedure 1. Spread at least one full load of manure in a rectangular field pattern. 2. Measure the length and width of coverage. Do not include the outer fringe areas of the coverage which receive much lighter applications than the overlapped areas. 3. Multiply the length (feet) by die width (feet) and divide by 43,560 to determine the coverage area in acres. 4. Divide the weight of load of manure in the spreader by the acres covered to determine the application rate in tons per acre. 5. If the application rate is not acceptable, repeat the procedure at different spreader settings and/or speeds until the desired application rate [gallons per acre] is achieved. End Exhibit 27 CALIBRATING LIQUID MANURE SPREADERS USING THE LOAD -AREA METHOD 1. Determine the capacity of the manure spreader. a. gallons 2. Spread at least one full load using the regular spreading patterns of the applicator. Trial.l Trial2 Trial b. forward speed, gear, or throttle setting c. pto speed or setting d. spreader gate setting 3. Measure the area of spread e. spread area width f. spread area length g. spread area (e X f) h. spread area (g / 43,560) 4. Compute the manure application rate: i. number of.loads spread j. capacity per load (a) k. total manure spread (i X j) 1. application rate (k / h) 5. Compute the nutrient application rate: ft ft ft2 acre gallons gallons gal/acre m. manure analysis N lbs/1000 gallons P205 lbs/ 1000 gallons K20 lbs/1000 gallons n. application rate N lbs/acre (1 'X m / 1000) p205 lbs/acre K20 lbs/acre 6. If the application rate is not acceptable, repeat the procedure at different spreader settings and/or speeds (Item 2) until the desired application rate is achieved. EXHIBIT 28 This Exhibit shows estimated maximum Total Dynamic Heads (TDH) and maximum pressures on the discharge side of the irrigation pump for a proposed set of pumping parameters. These values are shown for each pull. The pump pressures shown are not reel pressures but are being estimated at just a few feet downstream from the irrigation pump. If the farmer would change these parameters (i.e. gallons per minute, piping layout, or irrigation nozzle pressure) the TDH and pump pressures would change from those shown in this Exhibit. In addition, if the gun cart elevation changes within the same pull the nozzle pressure will change. This means you will be putting out more or less water as the elevation changes. Keep a close eye on this if your elevation changes are over 5 feet in the same pull. The engineer is providing these calculations to give the reader some guidance on how to calculate their own pressure settings. One word of caution, the only way to know for sure what your pump pressures should be for each pull is to calibrate your irrigation equipment. This means to set the nozzle outputs, record the nozzle pressures by a gauge and have someone record the pump pressures at that nozzle pressure. This way you can set your pump pressures properly each time you pull out your gun cart and be assured you are close to the target irrigation amounts. Do some spot checking of your nozzle pressures each time you set up irrigation in a particular field so you know things are still in calibration. If nozzle pressures do not look right, go back over your system to make sure you are still in calibration. Please refer to the body of the. CAWMP and many of the other exhibits for additional details about irrigation. EXHIBIT 28 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 1 PULL 1 (F1-PI) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 "*" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 130 *** 0.38 0.87 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 5820 *** 10.83 25.03 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *" 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 31NCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -40 ** -17.32 -40.00 -SUCTION HEAD 10 "'"` 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 **" 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 114.73 265.03 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 110.40 255.03 EXHIBIT 28 PAGE 1 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 1 PULL 2 (F1-P2) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4.IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET � k NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *#' 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 k"" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 130 *** 0.38 0.87 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 '`'" 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 '' 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 6020 '"" 11.21 25.89 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 "*' 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *'"` 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 '""' 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -45 ""` -19.48 -45.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 "*'` 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES. 15 "*' 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 112.94 260.89 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 108.61 250.89 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 2 CALCULATING PRESS U_. AND_HEAD LOSSES ORV111LSON'S SWINE FARM_ FIELD 1 PULL 3 (F1-P3) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./l00 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./l00 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 "** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 240 '°*" 0.69 1.60 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 6220 *** 11.58 26.75 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -50 *** -21.65 -50.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 k*" 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 111.47 257.49 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 107.14 247.49 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 3 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 1 PULL 4 (F1-P4) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 130 *** 0.38 0.87 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 ** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 6420 *** 11.95 27.61 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** .0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -54 *** -23.38 -54.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 109.79 25 6*1 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 105.46 243.61 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 4 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 1 PULL 5 (F1-P5) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./l00 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 y"* 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 6620 '""` 12.32 28.47 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 ' `'` 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 "*" 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -55 "" -23.81 -55.00 SUCTION HEAD 10** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 "** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 109.35 252.60 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 105.02 242.60 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 5 CALCULATING._PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 2 PULL 1 (F2-PI) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) **" 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 `*" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 690 *** 2.00 4.61 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 '"" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0 *** 0.00 0.00 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 "'`* 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *""` 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -10 *** -4.33 -10.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 118.51 273.75 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 114.18 263.75 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 6 CAl ULAJTINGTRESBURESAND HEAD LA SES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 2 PULL 2 (F2-P2) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./l00 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./l00 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 '"`* 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 950 "" 2.75 6.35 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 "`k 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0 "*' 0.00 0.00 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 k`* 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 "** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 "* 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -5 *** -2.16 -5.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 " "" 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 121.42 280.48 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 117.09 270.48 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 7, ml 'A All 1".-TSUKRUM-061 FIELD 3 PULL 1 (F3-PI) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT.1100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) " k* 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 '** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 200 *** 0.58 1.34 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 ""* 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 1250 "** 2.33 5.38 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 """ 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 5 *** 2.16 5.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 `* 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 12 91� 290.85 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 121.58 280.85 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 8 CALCULAT ING PRESSURES AND HIEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 3 PULL 2 (F3-P2) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./l00 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 200 *** 0.58 1.34 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *" * 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 1450 *** 2.70 6.24 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 **" 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 7 *** 3.03 7.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 127.15 293.71 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 122.82 283.71 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 9 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 3 PULL 3 (F3-P3) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) "** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 "k" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 'k*" 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 1650 *** 3.07 7.10 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 "' 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 "" 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 0 *** 0.00 0.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 '"'* 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 k"" 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 123.91 286.23 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 119.58 276.23 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 10 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSOMS SWINE FARM FIELD 3 PULL 4 (F3-P4) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT'THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./l00 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./l00 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT.1100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 1650 *** 3.07 7.10 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 0 *** 0.00 0.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 123.91 286.23 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 119.58 276.23 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 11 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 4 PULL 1 (F4-P1) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 400 "*'` 1.16 2.67 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 1050 *** 1.95 4.52 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 41NCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 2 *** 0.87 2.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 124.82 288.33 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 120.49 278.33 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 12 CC LCULATINGPRE5-5MMS-AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON°S SWINE FARM FIELD 4 PULL 2 (F4-P2) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./l00 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 250 *** 0.72 1.67 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 900 *** 1.68 3.87 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 4 *** 1.73 4.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 124.97 288.68 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 120.64 278.68 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 13 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 4 PULL 3 (F4-P3) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./l00 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 200 *** 0.58 1.34 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 "" 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 780 '""` 1.45 3.35 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 `** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 "** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 6 '`*' 2.60 6.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 125.47 289.83 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 121.14 279.83 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 14 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 4 PULL 4 (F4-P4) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 980 *** 1.82 4.21 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 8 *** 3.46 8.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 126.13 291.35 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 121.80 281.35 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 15 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 4 PULL 5 (F4-P5) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 ""' 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE,'SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 1180 *** 2.20 5.07 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 "*" 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 127.36 294.21 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 123.04 284.21 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 16 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 5 PULL 1 (F5-PI) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT_ PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) ' " 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 **'` 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 "' 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 "** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 1850 *"' 3.44 7.96 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 * * 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -5 -2.16 -5.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *'t" 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 122.12 282.09 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 117.79 272.09 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 17 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 5 PULL 2 (F5-P2) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./l00 FT. 0 FT./l 00. FT. 0 FT./l00 FT. 14.29 FT./l00 FT. 0 FT./l00 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 1850 *** 3.44 7.96 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -5 *** -2.16 -5.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 122.12 282.09 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 117.79 272.09 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 18 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 5 PULL 3 (F5-P3) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE _ 0 FT.1100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT, 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE. VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 2050 *** 3.82 8.82 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SOR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -10 *** -4.33 -10.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 120.33 277.95 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 116.00 267.95 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 19 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 5 PULL 4 (F5-P4) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD, CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 2050 *** 3.82 8.82 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -5 *** -2.16 -5.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 ** TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 122*49 282.95 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 118.16 .272.95 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 20 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 5 PULL 5 (F5-P5) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./l00 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./l00 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) '"' 50 50.06 115.50 41NCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 '"" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 '"`* 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD, CONNECTING HOSE 20 **" 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SOR26 2250 "** 4.19 9.68 81NCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 k*' 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *"" 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -20 ""* -8.66 -20.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 "'" 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6A9 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 116.37 268.81 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 112.04 258.81 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 21 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM - FIELD 6 PULLS 1 AND 2, (F6-PI) AND (F6-P2) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT, 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) "*" 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 "°*" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 '"`" 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 '*" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 4370 *** 8.13 18.79 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *" 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *"' 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 '** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -35 *** -15.15 -35.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 ** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 113.82 262.93 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 109.49 252.93 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 22 + DiLOU m • • [ • FIELD 6 PULLS 3 AND 4, (F6-P3) AND (F6-P4) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: .(FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 **" 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 4590 *** 8.54 19.74 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -35 *"* -15.15 -35.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 114.23 263.88 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 109.90 253.88 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 23 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 6 PULLS 5 AND 6, (F6-P5) AND (F6-P6) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE. VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 "** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0,32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 4790 *** 8.92 20.60 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -37 *** -16.02 -37.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL. DYNAMIC HEAD 113.74 262.74 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 109.41 252.74 EXHISIT28 PAGE 24 QALCl�l=�G PRESSURES MQ N LOSSES FOR I NE FARM FIELD 6 PULLS 7 AND 8, (F6-P7) AND (F6-P8) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./l00 FT. 0.668 FT./1.00 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) "* 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0:00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 4990 *** 9.29 21.46 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -37 *** -16.02 -37.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 114.11 263.60 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 109.78 253.60 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 25 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 6 PULL 9 (F6-P9) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) SINGLE STAGE LAGOON 255 GPM 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. 0.668 FT./100 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT, 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) """' 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 '" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUMI PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 6190 '`'" 9.66 22.32 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *"" 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 **' 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -42 -18.18 -42.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15. '""' 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 112.32 259.46 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 107.99 249.46 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 26 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE_F-R FIELD 7 PULLS 1 AND 2, (F7-PI) AND (F7-P2) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./100 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT, 4 IN, HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./l00 FT, 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) ""* 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 "" 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 4160 *** 7.74 17.89 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 `" 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -35 *** -15.15 -35.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *' 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6A9 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 113.43 262.03 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 109.10 252.03 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 27 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 7 PULLS 3 AND 4, (F7-P3) AND (F7-P4) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 . GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./l00 FT. 0.668 FT./100 F.T. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *"* 50 50.06 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD! CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 3960 *** 7.37 17.03 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 '"" 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -35 *** -15.15 -35.00 SUCTION HEAD 10! *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 '"" 6.49 15.00 * TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 113.06 6 261.17 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 108.73 251.17 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 28 CALCULATING PRESSURES -AN DHEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINt; FARM FIELD 7 PULLS 5 AND 6, (F7-P5) AND (F7-P6) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 FT./l00 FT. (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0.668 FT./100 FT. 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 3.7 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 0.43 FT./100 FT. 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 FT./100 FT. 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 14.29 FT./100 FT. 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 FT./100 FT. INPUT INPUT PRESSURE PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN IN FEET PSI PSI FEET NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 115.50 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 0.74 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 3760 *** 7.00 16.17 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 *** 59.70 137.90 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 *** 0.00 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -35 *** -15.15 -35.00 SUCTION HEAD 10 *** 4.33 10.00 MISC. LOSSES 15 *** 6.49 15.00 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 112.69 260.31 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 108.36 250.31 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 29 CALCULATING PRESSURES AND HEAD LOSSES FOR WILSON'S SWINE FARM FIELD 7 PULLS 7 AND 8, (F7-P7) AND (F7-P8) LAGOON I.D. FOR IRRIGATION: SINGLE STAGE LAGOON FLOW RATE AT THIS NOZZLE 255 GPM PRESSURE LOSS PER FOOT OF: 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE (FILL OUT ONLY WHAT IS APP.) 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) INPUT INPUT PRESSURE VALUES VALUES IN FEET PSI PSI NOZZLE PRESSURE (PSI) *** 50 50.00 4 INCH ALUMINUM PIPE 0 *** 0.00 6 INCH ALUNIMUM PIPE 0 "'' 0.00 4 IN. HARD CONNECTING HOSE 20 *** 0.32 4 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 6 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR26 3770 *" 7.02 8 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *** 0.00 10 INCH PVC PIPE, SDR21 0 *" 0.00 3 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 965 `** 59.70 4 INCH COIL PIPE (REEL) 0 **' 0.00 MAX. POINT ELEVATION HEAD -35 *`* -15.15 SUCTION HEAD 10 4.33 MISC. LOSSES 15 *""` 6.49 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 112.71 MAX. PRESSURE ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE PUMP 108.38 EXHIBIT28 PAGE 30 0 FT./l00 FT. 0.668 FT./l00 FT. 3.7 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0.43 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 0 FT./100 FT. 14.29 FT./l00 FT. 0 FT./l00 FT. PRESSURE IN FEET 115.50 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.00 16.21 0.00 0.00 137.90 0.00 -35.00 10.00 15.00 260.35 250.35 n Exhibit 29 l- Z w J U- U- W U- O Z O J J Q WILSON'S SWINE FARM LAGOON -AS BUILT VOLUME vs DEPTH y� I. 1 :1�i •" N MISC. CAWMP CORRESPONDENCE AND TECHNICAL SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION FORMS The follow documents relate to the CAWMP specifications and are being bound in this document for easy reference. These documents were not part of the original bound package but were included as loose materials. T ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Water - Wastewater - Sludge - Agricultural - Industrial - Civil i:�' - , , I Richmond County NRCS c/o Vilma Mendez-Colombani 125 South Hancock Street Rockingham, NC 28379 August 13, 1999 Re: Certified Animal Waste Management Plan for Wilson's Swine Farm near Derby, Richmond County. Owner is Bryan Wilson. DWQ Farm ID # 77-17. Dear Ms. Colombani, Please find enclosed a copy of the CAWMP and certification forms referenced above. Please share Mr. Wilson's new CAWMP with Ms. Tina Mabe. If either of you have questions please call me. Best L�F. Crraha , P.E. E ronmental Engineering Services enclosures: cc: Bryan Wilson 0 P.O. BOX 426, ABERDEEN, N.C. 28315 PHONE (910) 295-3252 [� ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Water e Wastewater - Sludge - Agricultural - Industrial - Civil k cZo1�ffi NCDENR August 13, 1999 Division Of Water Quality Non -Discharge Branch - Compliance Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Attn: Sue Homewood Re: Certified Animal Waste Management Plans for Wilson's Swine Farm, State Road # 1465 (Sycamore Lane Road), Richmond County. Facility I.D. # 77 - 17 Dear Ms. Homewood, Enclosed you will find the following: 1. The signed Animal Waste Management Certification forms for the above referenced farm. 2. Vicinity maps of the farm. 3. An acknowledgment form stating that Mr. Wilson received his new CAWMP. Please note that this plan was certified by me on May 18, 1999. However, since that time I have been waiting on Mr. Wilson to send me a written acknowledgment of having received this plan so I could send DWQ a "complete" set of paperwork - all at one time. I finally received this acknowledgment yesterday. Mr. Wilson has been working with his crops day and night this summer and simply forgot to sign the acknowledgment form until now. I am sending Ms. Vilma Mendez Cplombani with the Richmond County NRCS a complete copy of the plans and correspondence for her files. I am sending the Fayetteville regional office of DWQ a copy of correspondence and maps. Please call if you have questions. enclosures cc: Bryan Wilson Vilma Mendez-Colombani, Richmond County NRCS Fayetteville Regional Office, DWQ P.O. BOX 426, ABERDEEN, N.C. 28315 PHONE (910) 295-3252 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Water • Wastewater • Sludge • Agricultural • Industrial • Civil NCDENR Division Of Water Quality Non -Discharge Branch - Compliance Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Attn: Sue Homewood May 18, 1999 Re: Certified Animal Waste Management Plans. Technical Specialist certifications for the Wilson's Swine Farm, State Road # 1465 (Sycamore Lane Road), Richmond County. Facility I.D. # 77 - 17. Dear Ms. Homewood, Please find enclosed one or more signed certification forms for the above referenced farm. The attached Technical Specialist forms are being sent in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H. 0200 rules and regulations for animal waste storage,. treatment, and utilization on existing, new or expanding facilities. The signed forms attached to this letter are indicated below: Section II. Certification Of Design. A) Collection, storage, treatment system ...................................... B) Land application site.................................................................. C) Run-off controls from exterior lots ............................................ D) Application and handling. equipment .......................................... E) Odor control, insect control, mortality management, and emergency action plan ............................................................. F) Written notice of new or expanding swine farm ......................... Section III. Certification Of Installation. A) Collection, storage, treatment installation .............................:.., B) Land application site................................................................ C) Run-off controls from exterior lots .......................................... D) Application and handling equipment installation ...................... E) Odor control, insect control, mortality management, and emergency action plan .... .......................................................... yes (recertified here but original certification done on May 4, 1995) yes yes yes yes not applicable not app., no expansion, yes not applicable yes yes General Comments Any and all attached certification forms are being signed by the Technical Specialist in an effort to comply "with the requirements stated in the 15A NCAC 2H 0.200 rules for animal P.O. BOX 426, ABERDEEN, N.C. 28315 PHONE (910) 295-3252 waste management. The Technical Specialist is stating that the plans being certified are complete to the best of his ability to comply with the intent of the rules. However the enclosed certification(s) reflect the plans being complete at the time of development and within the scope of work ordered. If plans were done at an earlier date, the plans being certified herein may not comply with recent rule changes or the most recent specification revisions published by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), DWQ, legislative actions, etc. Some of the rules and standards developed for animal waste systems are not well defined as of this certification date. In addition some of the rules and guidelines needed for such certifications are still under interpretation. The Technical Specialist has made every effort to comply with the intent of the 0.200 rules. The Technical Specialist is certifying that the above referenced farm has a certifiable plan for the system or systems being discussed in this letter. The details of certified plans can differ between farms and can vary depending on whether the farm is existing or if the farm is new. The certification form(s) indicate that the plans being discussed should work for that farm given the on -site level of management required is provided. No certification can be all inconclusive and be certified to contain each and every aspect of all possible outcomes associated with high intensity animal growing operations. The reader must review the plans to see what is being certified. Specific Comments 1. Wilson's Swine Farm is an existing swine production operation and is not expanding its number of animals. Wilson's Swine Farm is owned by Mr. Bryan Wilson. Technical Specialist Larry F. Graham, P.E. with Environmental Engineering Services (EES) signed the original Animal Waste Management Plan Certification form for this farm on 5-4-95. Back then this was a one page form. EES did the original lagoon design and lagoon certification only. Be it known that Gold Leaf Farm has been using a CAWMP since March of 1995. This CAWMP was developed by the Richmond County NRCS. 2. A new or revised waste utilization plan has recently been developed by EES for Wilson's Swine Farm and dated May 18, 1999. This new plan replaces the old NRCS plan. EES is certifying that this new plan is a "workable" plan for the farm and is being certified as such. It is much more comprehensive than the original plan. 3. Wilson's Swine Farm has one animal waste lagoon. This lagoon was designed in 1995 by the Technical Specialist (i.e. the engineer in this case) and met or exceeded the NRCS design criteria of that time. The existing lagoon has not been altered from its original design. The Technical Specialist is certifying the existing waste treatment system is suitable for the herd size. Mr. Wilson needs to perform some minor maintenance tasks on this lagoon but it is functioning as designed. This is mentioned here only for'reference. 4. Wilson's Swine Farm does not contain exterior lots where animals are kept (e.g. feed lots, lounging areas, etc.). 5. A working irrigation system has been in place at Wilson's Swine Farm for many years. This system is used for fresh water irrigation and wastewater irrigation. The Technical Specialist has evaluated the system and found it to be satisfactory in size and capability to deliver the irrigated effluent to the available crop acreage. However, the new irrigation plans submitted to the farmer and to the NRCS show a proposed piping scheme and some new equipment that is not yet in place. The existing system can be managed in such a way as to serve the needs of the waste utilization plan, but the new piping scheme and equipment would make irrigation much easier and less time consuming for the operator. It will be up to the irrigation operator to follow the proposed irrigation plans and travel lanes to the best of his ability in order to irrigate all shown acreage. 6. The new waste utilization and irrigation plans were developed looking at the farm as a whole. The irrigation plan and waste utilization plan calls for flexibility, to be adjusted as the farmer needs. The row crops grown at this farm vary from year to year and from field to field in placement. This makes it difficult to describe a generic waste application routine. The farmer will need to make yearly adjustments as shown in the new plan. 7. A few items still need to be done with regards to the waste management plan. Some of these items are: • Install some subsurface irrigation pipe,' purchase new irrigation equipment, install a few new irrigation hydrants, etc. The details can be seen in the written plan. • While a general Emergency Action Plan has been developed for this farm, a more site specific Emergency Action Plan should be developed for more specific emergencies. • Any other small items mentioned in the plans and in the process of installation. A copy of all design information and the certification forms will be or has been sent to the farm owner and the local NRCS. Should you have questions please call my office. ices enclosures cc: Bryan Wilson Vilma Mendez-Colombani, Richmond County NRCS Fayetteville Regional Office, DWQ r:. copy.: i nAnimal Waste NZanag ement Plan Certificat o (Please tv a or)tint ;ill information that does not recuire a sisnature) l;•;�cisttnm.. or ::New:;::.or ::Ex anded General Information: on's w' Facility No: 77 -- 17 Name of Farm:wils Br an wilson _Phone No:(A1 n) 652-3749 Owner(s) Name: Mailing Address: 1180 Jones S rinrls Church Rd. Ellerbe N.C. 28338 Farm Location: County Farm is located in: Richmond Latitude and Longitude: 35 26 / 79 36 20 Integrator: N.G. Purvis Farms Inc. Please attach a copy of a county road map with location identified and describe below (Be specific: road names, directions, milepost, etc.): Entrance to farm is on anu 1465 S camore about 1000 feet north of the inter nd.SRA 2.5 miles south east of Derb N.C. O eration Descri Lion: Type o Cattle No, of Animals Type of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals 0 Dairy a Wean to Feeder ❑ Layer O Pullets $�0 Beef t$Feeder to Finish 8 D ❑ Farrow to Wean O Farrow to Feeder Number o Animals: O Farrow to Finish Other Type of Livestock: f • Gilts ❑ Boars ,.:................ . lrxpancifn;fop crYYti0nc6iFl3!; .: ;4itnniri:T�estt. Ca cte�rix 7otaIX3esiesavaci.::....... Required Acreage: 159 Acreage Available for Application: + _ +/— Number o Lagoons Storage Ponds: 1 Total Capacity:2 07 00 Cubic Feet (ft3) Are subsurface drains present on the farm: YES or NO (please circle one) If YES: are subsurface drains present in the area of the LAGOON or SPRAY FIELD (please circle one) Owner / Manager Agreementthe operation I (we). verify that all the above information is correct and will be the approved animal waseamana. ted upon ment plan for lthe farm understand d above and will and maintenance procedures established in implement these procedures. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and e Division of storage system or construction of new facilitieswillrequireStocked. nI. (we) understand that therew certification to be emustbe to nod charge of Environmental Management before the new animals animal waste from the storage or application system to surface waters of the state either directly through a man-made the conveyance .or from a storm event less severe �an�run off not be run of pollutants utantstfrom lounorm and ging re andtheavy use areas must be application of animal waste. I (we) understand that minimized using technical standards developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The approvedmodification filed at the farm and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District. I (we) know that any must be approved by a technical specialist and submitted to the Soil and. Water Conservation District prior to implementation. A change in land ownership requires written notification to DEM or a new certification (if the approved plan is changed) within. 60 days of a title transfer. Name of Land caner : Bryan Wilson ` Date: May 18 1999 Signature: Name of iYlanager(if differe tfftrom owner): Date:.� Signature: AWC -- August 1, 1997 1 Technical Specialist Certification I° As a technical specialist designated by the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 6F .0005. I certify that the animal waste management system for the farm named above has an animal waste management plan that meets or exceeds standards and specifications of the Division of Environmental ivlana;ement (DELI) as specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0217 and the USDA -Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and/or the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H.0217 and 15A NCAC 6F .0001- .0005. The following elements are included in the plan as applicable. While each category designates a technical specialist who may sign each certification (SD, SI, WUP, RC, I), the technical specialist should only certify parts for which they are technically competent. II. Certification of Design A) Collection Storage, Treatment System Check the appropriate box __)� Original Lagoon Certification Done May 4, 1995 l�l. ExistinQ_facility without retrofit (SD or WUP) Storage volume is adequate for operation capacity; storage capability consistent with waste utilization requirements. o•�``D"r r','t►a, r �` 0 New, expanded or retrofitted facility SD) Animal waste storage and treatment structures, such as but not limited to collection s7t.StemFcgoons at ,9,oncLq, have been designed to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. SEAL :• • w 11602 Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Larry F rraham Affiliation Environ ate Work Complet° '" ye1 8. 1999 Address (AU y 0 A een NC 28315 PhoneNo.:.( Signature Date: May. 1 8. 1 A 9 9 %0%J11nrrrr►rn B) Land A lic on Site P) ,.•�•••• .�/� The plan p vides for m' imum separations (buffers); adequate amount of land for waste u�'1> �ihk�S� • '' �•'.� suitable for waste management; hydraulic and nutrient loading rates. SEAL z Name of 'technical Specialist (Please Print): Environmental Address (Agen Sionature:z C) Runoff Control rt Check the appropriate box Q5 Facility without exterior lots (SD or WUP or RC) This facility does not contain any exterior lots. 11602 Work Com Phone No. May 18, 1999 G Facility with exterior lots (RC) Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas have accordance with technical standards developed by MRCS. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Address ( Signaturd;z AWC -- August 1, 1 CA S EAL 11FFnn �cr�si;n�dYtYZ • Work Completed: May 18 1999 Phone No.: (910) 295-3252 Date: May 18, 1999 D). A licati0n and Handlin{= Et ui menI Cheer the appropriate box Existing of expanding facility with exi., tin;_ waste apslication eq p en (WUP or I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been either field calibrated or evaluated in accordance with existing design charts and tables and is able to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan: (existing application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates, a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained and calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan). 1 New, ex anded or existing facility with u exi in- writ a licatinn of ui m n fnr s r, v irrionti n. (I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been designed to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan; (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates; a schedule for timing of required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance are applications has been established; contained as part of the plan). New, ex an ed r exi. lino • cility withou exi tinQ waste a licati n ec ui ment for land wreading ngLU, ino yorav irri; to ion• (WUP or I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been selected to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan; (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or -nutrient loading rates; a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan). •t���ittrri���, Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Services Environmental Address Signature: F. Graham N.C. 28315 y' Y 18, 1999 ;(9T) 295-325 18,s 1999 .z'-� R- E) Odor ContrOf. insect Lnntrut. tvtuc rai��r l.�a„a-L.....•� �••� ~ -- SI. WUP. RC Or I) tt4t``�0y The waste management plan for this facility includes a Waste Management Odor Control Checklist, an Insect Control Checklist, a Mortality Management Checklist and an Emergency Action Plan. Sources of both odors and insects have been evaluated with respect to this site and Best Management Pract � ,Ijot Nlinimize Odors and Best Management Practices to Control Insects have been selected and included i % va � e med by an.this Both the yted by this facility. Mortality Management Plan and the Emergency Action Plan are comple E� SS ••. °�, Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Larr F. Graha wP Affiliation Environmental En ineerin- services Dauff dkk C 10 %��?t-ed: Mai 18, 1999 42 n N.C. 28315 Phone No.: 295-3252 Address ( �'• A-ZIM-1 Si;natur : - •RI F) Written No ti of New or andinc, S ne Farm N/A The following sig ture block is only to be used f r new or expanding swine farms that begin construction after June 21,1996. If the facility was built before June 21, 1996, when was it constructed or last expanded I (we) certify that I (we) have attempted to contact by certified mail all adjoining property owners and all property owners g who own property located across a public road, street, or highway from this new or expanding swine farm. The notice was in compliance with the requirements of NCGS 106-805. A copy of the notice and a !is[ of the property owners notified is attached. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Date: Name of Manager (if different from owner): Signature: Date: aWC -- august 1, 1997 3 III. Certification of Installation A} Collection. Storm*e. Treatment Installation Original Lagoon Certification done on May 4, 1995 New. expanded or retrofitted facility. (SI) Animal waste storage and treatment structures, such as but not limited to lagoons and ponds, have been installed in accordance with the approved plan to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. For existing facilities without retrofits, no certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation Address (Agency): Date Work Completed: Phone No.. Signature: Date: B) Land Annlication Site (WUP) Check the appropriate box EJ The cropping system is in place on all land as specified in the animal waste management plan. Conditional Approval: all required land as specified in the plan is cleared for planting; the cropping system as specified in the waste udlizadon plan has not been established and the owner has committed to establish the vegetation as specified in the plan by (month/day/year); the proposed cover crop is appropriate for compliance with the wasteutiiizadon plan. G Also check this box if appropriate if the cropping system as specified in the plan can not be established on of this certification, the owner has committed to establish an interim crc Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Larry_ Affiliation Environmental Engine -• '4n2 Services Address Si?natu; This following stature bl(tqk is only to above has been checked. Work Date: ��ranurrr,rr CAR '•• ;aye tI&A 30 days con. SEAL Ma used when the box for conditional approval in III. B I (we) certify that I (we) have committed to establish the cropping system as specified in my (our) waste utilization plan, and if appropriate to establish the interim crop for erosion control, and will submit to DEM a verification of completion from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date specified in the conditional certification. I (we) realize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste management plan and wiII subject me (us) to an enforcement action from DEM. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Name of Manager (if different from owner): Signature: Date: Date: NVC -- August 1. 1997 4 C) Runoff Controls from Exterior Lots (RC) N/A Facility with exterior lots Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants. -from lounging and heavy use areas have been installed as specified in the plan. For facilities without exterior lots, no certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation Date Work Completed: Address (Agency): Phone No.: Signature: Date: D) Application and Handling E ui ment Installation (WUP or I) Check the appropriate block FI Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan is on site and ready for use; calibration and adjustment materials have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan. !•.1 Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan has not been installed but the owner has proposed, leasing or third party application and has provided a signed contract; equipment specified in the contract agrees with the requirements of the plan; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment Guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan. ❑ Conditional approval: Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan has Improvements been purchased and will be on site and installed by (month/day/year); there is adequate planned but not storage to hold the waste until the equipment is installed and until the waste can be land applied in mandatory. accordance with the cropping system contained in the plan; and calibrat;Qaffii},jdjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan. CARO��°�iv .$ •'�••�� `�'• Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): LarryF. Graham ESS W� Affiliation Environmen 1 En ine Se i Date�Work�of tell' *Ma 18. 1999 Address (Age �. •C x P een N.C. 28315 = PhpM'Jo.:.91 295-3252 r v 1999 Signature: 0••i... • �Q. '� G The follotiv.ng sig ture blo s only to be used when the box far cond+yt}}Wip�royal in III D above has been ohecked. I (we) certify that I (wd) have committed to purchase the animal waste application and handling equipment as specified in my (our) waste management plan and will submit to DEM a verification of delivery and installation from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date specified in the conditional certification. I (we) realize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste management plan and will subject me (us) to an enforcement action from DEM. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Name of Manager (if different from owner): Signature: E) Odor Control. Insect Control ana iviortaitry w)aua •c),:c„t, ILJ �' Methods to control odors and insects as specified in the Plan have been mortality management system as specified in the Plan has also been install - is Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): LarryF. Graham :V! Enronmen nes DeyrcAffiliation ' services tr WF.r Naddres'ten Np *, t Signat Date: Date: WUP. RC or D e " h+.ge operational. The .� F e Ct3VA6d: Mav3 18. 1999 . Phone �1o.'- 91 2 WN 6A'L%'--1999 ANVC .- august 1 Please return the,completed form to the Division of Water Quality at the following address: Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division Of Water Quality Non -Discharge Branch, Compliance Unit P.O. -Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 2762&0535 Please also remember to submit a copy of this form along with the complete Animal Waste Management Plan to the local Soil and Water Conservation District Office and to keep a copy in your files with your Animal Waste Management Plan. AWC -- August 1, 1997 Exhibit 1 Vicinity map for Gold Leaf. Farm. J Owner: Bryan Wilson Par^ I 'IT k 35*10' IT N 0 POP.752, 7 Iq 0 D.,by b A 1167 1003 jag 4.11 7•3 77(A v •Mcleod. !as. o 1463. 1902 ..0A 37 . 0 152) .6 103 0­ 3 IAZA It 14 A N H L L A.32 t G A M E/ L A N D CAA 1374 U30 L L MACI '000 � 1 Mj uITS Mlll 100 HOFFMAN REST r0r. 38 9 I+/d Yeti V '.Ch.M,KINNEY LAKE 1.07 FISH HATCHERY )AZ-? Be—IdEll. Ch. felCINNEY LAKE 1411. !a! I .0 : .,.: ..., I M."lon L:dberfe, MAO- 7.0 IFAP 1"1 v ITT, 1337 .,do !479 1475 ON Post) .3 Cognoc 14 2) VA Gins - McDcI.Id Ch. A 177 P ✓ 21 IWGHAM� 1UNINIZ-1 WIP. .093 1696 RICHMOND COUNTY MM.3 .9 1691 169�q 1.6k& "r .69, ll 019 ICU .14 IA9) NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DWARTMENT. OF TRANSPORTATION ROCKtNGHM DIVISION Of HIGHWAYS —PUNNING AND RESEARCH BRANCH pop. all IN COOPERATION WITH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION 3607. Creek SCALE C1. 1607 AST E it Top.! 0 1 _2 3 A MILES 0.3 1 MILE SCALE FOR EIAARGEMP T5 Exhibit 2 USGS Topographic map for the Goldea Farm. .r, Owner: Bryan Wilson r •W 1�1 t ^:46 450 `� -. .-3N- 7�-.t::'-_ -� �',� - s � _ ,- s Trcr I 62 -_ it _III_% II II U I �l �.^/• ' WEST END QUADRANGLE °p . 1, `` J�°• / / `�� -� �a '��"•_ __ __• __-';' ��' ,X 1465 It— NORTH CAROLINA 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) it `r`-- _ HOFFMAN QUADRANGLE NORTH.-CAROLINA 1 / 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) t1 SE/4 JACKSON SPRINGS 15' QUADRANGLE LA _ y0 490 J�J �J O 461 -t , ,%� 11�J J v�tt6 �\ `rK. ,\�a • - \ 5,�._. r V4Us r��—�Z& 10 feet contour intervals SCALE 1:24000 1 f 0 I MILE 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER r CERTIFIED ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1. The undersigned person(s) hereby acknowledges that he/she has received a copy of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) developed by Larry F. Graham, P.E. (certified technical specialist) with Environmental Engineering Services for Wilson's Swine Farm operation, which is located on State Road # 1465 (Sycamore Lane Road), Richmond County. Facility I.D. # 77-17. This CAWMP was dated May 18, 1999. He or she also acknowledges that he/she has read the CAWMP, understands the information provided, and knows he/she must adhere to the intent of the CAWMP. 2. The undersigned person hereby acknowledges that he/she was involved with the development of the CAWMP and gave input to the engineer about historical farming practices, historical yields of crops, desired crop planting schedules, existing and new irrigation equipment, property lines, future farming plans, etc. Farm owner(s) o�r, their+ representative(s): Signature: Cam. Title: Farm nwnpr - operator Date: r 1,,2 , Signature: Title: Date: - -- - --- - - - Signature: Title: Date: 1. The undersigned engineer hereby certifies that he has provided Mr. Bryan Wilson with at least one copy of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) referenced above. Engin Comp Date: �► ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Water Wastewater • Sludge • Agricultural • Industrial • Civil Wilson's Swine Farm May 18, 1999 c/o Bryan Wilson 1180 Jones Springs Church Road Ellerbe, N.C.28338 ,1 7 Phone (910) 652-3749 Re: Certified Animal Waste Management Plans and Documentation for Wilson's Swine Farm, Richmond County. DWQ Facility I.D. # 77-17. Dear Mr. Wilson, The Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for the above referenced farm is now complete according to the task given Environmental Engineering Services. The following persons will get the following documentation: • You are receiving two complete animal waste management packages enclosed with this letter. I trust you will keep one of these on the farm site and share this information to those in management. I would ask you to review this plan ASAP to make sure it fits your needs and reasonably represents your farming plans. • Ms. Vilma Mendez-Colombani with the Richmond County NRCS will get one copy of this new and revised CAWMP package to be kept on file. • The Fayetteville regional office of DWQ will get a copy of this letter and maps of the site. DWQ will not get a complete specifications package. I was told they do not need a full copy of the revisions since your farm is already certified. • I will also send the Raleigh Office of DWQ a copy of this letter for their files. Please keep in mind that this set of specifications relates to the utilization of animal waste on Gold Leaf Farm Land. The following items are of particular importance. However do not fail to read the entire document to know its content. N 3 This new waste utilization plan is as comprehensive as any plan I have seen to date. However it is a best estimate on what will happen. Future waste application amounts will depend on the quantity of crops harvested, waste analyses, and soil testing. If crop yields were to drop off you will have to cut back on waste applications. On the other hand, if crop yields increase, you may be able to apply more waste, but do not make any drastic changes unless you first discuss the matter with me. Keep your crops in tip top shape and Keep Good Records! The limited number of lagoon effluent samples I have seen show that you may have more nitrogen per thousand gallons of lagoon effluent than is average. Please keep track of this by sampling at least 3 times per year (late winter, summer, and fall). Four samples per year is actually better. Nutrients in anaerobic lagoon sludge are much more concentrated than lagoon liquids. If you wait to remove sludge every 5 years, you will need to find an off -site location because you do not have enough land to'accept all of the nutrients. The off -site hauling of sludge is not part of the attached P.O. BOX 426, ABERDEEN, N.C. 28315 PHONE (910) 295-3252 waste utiliz"ation plan since I do not know where you would haul. If you decide to haul the sludge off -site, you will need to get a plan amendment first. Let me know when you are ready to remove sludge and I will develop the specifications. 4. If you ever decide to use 100% of your crop land you will need to obtain a broadcast type wagon to apply nutrients to the field fringes and where irrigation can not go. I personally think this is an essential tool for most swine operations. However, for now you do not need a broadcast wagon. 5. Gold Leaf Farm has enough cleared land to accept the generated nutrients in the animal waste according to my best estimates. However there are many combinations of crops and fields you could choose which can complicate the predicted nitrogen removal. You must keep track of what you grow, how much you grow, where you apply the waste, how much waste is applied, etc. in order to keep track of how much nitrogen you are using. This plan is realistic but it is not fool proof. I have enclosed some examples of how to calculate the application of waste but please feel free to ask questions if it is unclear. 6. Your lagoon needs to be staked so you can record water levels weekly. Make sure you match this with the level of your emergency overflow. Let me know if you want me to help you with this effort. A graph of your lagoon volume vs. depth is included in the CAWMP exhibits. 7. There is a large amount of information in this package so please read it and notice all of the precautions. Be especially careful to avoid all off -site waste run-off or drift. After reviewing the enclosed information let me know if you have questions. I can come to the farm and spend some time with you if you ever need some hands-on guidance, help with irrigation calibrations, calculations on nutrient loadings, waste analyses, or any other part of the overall effort. However, to keep your expenses down I will wait until you request such service. Thank -you for your time in this matter. Best Regards, "'_ C La F. Graham, Service enclosures cc: Vilma Mendez-Colombani, Richmond County MRCS Fayetteville Regional Office, DWQ Raleigh Office, DWQ