HomeMy WebLinkAbout290021_Permit Renewal Application 2019_20190410 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Animal Waste Management Systems Request for Certification of Coverage Facility Currently covered by an Expiring Sate Non-Discharge General Permit On September 30, 2019, the North Carolina State Non-Discharge General Permits for Animal Waste Management Systems will expire. As required by these permits, facilities that have been issued Certificates of Coverage to operate under these State Non-Discharge General Permits must apply for renewal at least 180 days prior to their expiration date. Therefore, all applications must be received by the Division of Water Resources by no later than April 3,2019. Please do not leave any question unanswered. Please verify all information and make any necessary corrections below. Application must be signed and dated by the Permittee. 1. Farm Number: 29-0021 Certificate Of Coverage Number: AWC290021 2. Facility Name: Red Acres Farm 3. Landowner's Name(same as on the Waste Management Plan): Red Acres Farm LLC 4. Landowner's Mailing Address: 2263 Jr Order Home Rd City: Lexington State: NC Zip: 27292 Telephone Number: 336-357-2590 Ext. E-mail: 5. Facility's Physical Address: 2250 J Order Home Rd City: Lexington State: NC Zip: 27292 6. County where Facility is located: Davidson 7. Farm Manager's Name(if different from Landowner): David Reid Smith g. Farm Manager's telephone number(include area code): 336-225-7216 Ext. 9. Integrator's Name(if there is not an Integrator,write"None"): i,4 O N E 10. Operator Name(OIC): David Reid Smith II Phone No.: >Z3(-2Z -7 Z-/& OIC#: 24831 11. Lessee's Name(if there is not a Lessee,write'None"): NO �\J E 12. Indicate animal operation type and number: Current Permit: Operations Type Allowable Count Cattle-Dairy Calf 50 Cattle-Dairy Heifer 270 Cattle-Milk Cow 650 Operation Types: Swine Cattle Dry Poultry Other T�Pes Wean to Finish Dairy Calf Non Laying Chickens Horses-Horses Wean to Feeder Dairy Heifer Laying Chickens Horses-Other Farrow to Finish Milk Cow Pullets Sheep-Sheep Feeder to Finish Dry Cow Turkeys Sheep-Other Farrow to Wean Beef Stocker Calf Turkey Pullet Farrow to Feeder Beef Feeder Boar/Stud Beef Broad Cow Wet Poultry Gilts Other Non Laying Pullet Other Layers 13. Waste Treatment and Storage Lagoons (Verify the following information is accurate and complete. Make all necessary corrections and provide missing data.) Design Estimated Liner Type Estimated Freeboard Structure Date (Clay,Synthetic, Capacity Surface Area 'Redline" Name Built Unknown) (Cubic Feet) (Square Feet) (Inches) LOWER STAGE 12/19/2007 294,057.00 44,420.00 UPPER STAGE 144,144.00 18.00 Mail one (1) copy of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) with this completed and signed application as required by NC General Statutes 143-215.1OC(d)to the address below. The CAWMP must include the following components: 1. The most recent Waste Utilization Plan(WUP),si,,ned bt the owner and a certified technical s pecialist,containing: a. The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields(e.g.irrigation,injection,etc.) b. A map of every field used for land application(for example:irrigation map) c. The soil series present on every land application field d. The crops grown on every land application field e. The Realistic Yield Expectation(RYE)for every crop shown in the WUP f. The maximum PAN to be applied to every land application field g. The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP h. The required NRCS Standard specifications 2. A site map/schematic 3. Emergency Action Plan 4. Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 5. Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 6. Mortality Control Checklist with selected method noted-Use the enclosed updated Mortality Control Checklist 7. Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.) Please be sure the above table is accurate and complete. Also provide any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. 8. Operation and Maintenance Plan If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. (e.g.composting,digesters,waste transfers,etc.) As a second option to mailing paper copies of the application package, you can scan and email one signed copy of the application and all the CAWMP items above to: 2019PermitRenewal@ncdenr.gov I attest that this application has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included,this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application may be subject to civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both for a similar offense.) Printed Name of Signing Official (Landowner, or if multiple Landowners all landowners should sign. If Landowner is a corporation,signature should be by a rinc' I e utive officer of the corporation): / Name: tija Title: J� Signature: 4'— Date: Name: Title: Signature: Date: Name: Title: Signature: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NCDEQ-DWR Animal Feeding Operations Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1636 Telephone number:(919)707-9100 E-mail:2019Pe rmitRenewal@ncden r.gov MAR 2 7 2019 FORM: RENEWAL-STATE GENERAL 02/2019 .ny oY COOPER G MAR 2 7 2019 Governor +�H MICHAEL S.REGAN .■. , .Secretary '' f LINDACULPEPPER NORTH CAROL]NA fJ twfor 1 nvironmentat Quality February 26,2019 Red Acres Farm LLC Red Acres Farm 2263 Jr Order Home Rd Lexington,NC 27292 Subject: Application for Renewal of Coverage for Expiring State General Permit Dear Permittee: Your facility is currently approved for operation under one of the Animal Waste Operation State Non-Discharge General Permits, which expire on September 30, 2019. Copies of the new animal waste operation State Non-Discharge General Permits are available at httDs://dee.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resourccs er ualit%-re mional-o erations/afo or by writing or calling: NCDEQ-DWR Animal Feeding Operations Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1636 Telephone number:(919)707-9100 In order to assure your continued coverage under the State Non-Discharge General Permits. you must submit an application for ennit coverage to the Division. Enclosed You will find a "Request for Certificate of Coverage Facility Currently Covered b�, an Expiring State Non-Discha a General Permit." The application form must be completed, signed and returned b. Aril 3 2019 Please note that You must include one Ill com of the Certified Animal Waste Mana ement Plan CAWMP with the completed and signed application form. A list of items included in the CAWMP can be found on rage 2 of the renewal a lication form. Failure to request renewal of your coverage under a general permit within the time period specified may result in a civil penalty. Operation of your facility without coverage under a valid general permit would constitute a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and could result in assessments of civil penalties of up to$25,000 per day. If you have any questions about the State Non-Discharge General Permits, the enclosed application, or any related matter please feel free to contact the Animal Feeding Operations Branch staff at 919-707-9100. Sincerely, Jon Risgaard,Section Chief Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Section Enclosures cc(w/o enclosures): Winston-Salem Regional Office,Water Quality Regional Operations Section Davidson County Soil and Water Co=rvation District AFOG Section Central Filesr AWC290021 Nonh Carolina Departrraent of Envaonrnental Quality I Dwsion of Water Resources 512 M_Salisbury S7.1 1636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1538 'A 919.707"0 Version—November 26,2018 Mortality Management Methods Indicate which method(s) will be implemented. When selecting multiple methods indicate a primary versus secondary option. Methods other than those listed must be approved by the State Veterinarian. Primary Secondary Routine Mortality Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours of knowledge of animal death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water (G.S.106403). The bottom of the burial pit should be at least one foot above the seasonal high water table.Attach burial location map and plan. Landfill at municipal solid waste facility permitted by NC DEQ under GS 15A NCAC 13B .0200. Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7. Complete incineration according to 02 NCAC 52C .0102. a A composting system approved and permitted by the NC Department of Agriculture&Con- sumer Services Veterinary Division (attach copy of permit). If compost is distributed off-farm, additional requirements must be met and a permit is required from NC DEQ. aIn the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the El NC Department of Agriculture&Consumer Services (G.S. 106-549.70). Any method which, in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian, would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval by the State Veterinarian must be attached). aMass Mortality Plan Mass mortality plans are required for farms covered by an NPDES permit. These plans are also recommended for all animal operations. This plan outlines farm-specific mortality man- agement methods to be used for mass mortality. The NCDA&CS Veterinary Division sup- ports a variety of emergency mortality disposal options; contact the Division for guidance. • A catastrophic mortality disposal plan is part of the facility's CAWMP and is activated when numbers of dead animals exceed normal mortality rates as specified by the State Veterinarian. • Burial must be done in accordance with NC General Statutes and NCDA&CS Veterinary Division regulations and guidance. • Mass burial sites are subject to additional permit conditions (refer to facility's animal waste management system permit). • In the event of imminent threat of a disease emergency, the State Veterinarian may enact additional temporary procedures or measures for disposal according to G.S. 106-399.4. Signature of Farm Owner/Manager Date Signature of Tech ' Specialist Date Waste Utilization Plan Agreement Name of Farm: Red Acres Farm Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management (DEM)before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of waste nutrients from this system to surface waters of the State from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm.The approved plan will be filed on-site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by DEM upon request. I (we) understand that I must own or have access to irrigation, or other equipment,to land apply the animal waste described in this waste utilization plan.This equipment must be available at the appropriate pumping time such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon in a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. I also certify that the waste will be applied on the land according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates that no runoff occurs. Name of Facility Owner (Please PJnt): Sign'�ature� Date Name of Manager(If different than owner) Signature Date Person Who Prepared Waste Utilization Plan: Affiliation Davidson SWCD Telephone Number 336-242-2075 Address 301 East Center Street Lexington, NC 27292-4107 Signature Z� DateC RED ACRES FARM LLC NARRATIVE OF OPERATION Red Acres Farm LLC is currently permitted for a 525 cow dairy operation. The farm would like to expand their cattle numbers therefore their waste management plan is being revised and they are requesting to be re-permitted for 650 dairy cows, 270 heifers and 50 calves. There is no change in the size of existing waste storage structures nor no plans to construct additional waste storage structures. The farm has two waste storage ponds, last one being constructed in 2007. Both ponds were designed and constructed to NRCS specifications. The storage term of the ponds because of the proposed expansion is being reduced from 10 months to 8 months storage, still above the required minimum of 6 months. Heifers that are currently on a pasture based system are to be housed in total confinement consisting of bedded pack pens and concrete scrape alley, that are roofed and side wall height designed to contain the dairy manure and urine for excess of 6 months. Concrete scrape alley (roofed) areas are to be scrapped several times a week and the slurry waste is land applied by box type spreader. When weather or crop conditions exist that prevent field application of this waste the waste is to be emptied into one of the two waste storage ponds. Attached waste volumes from worksheets document that 75%of waste generated from heifers is managed as bedded pack the remaining 25% is managed as a slurry. Hence the worksheets show 68 heifers, this represents 270 heifers with 25% of waste slurry. 270 x 25% = 67.5 heifers adjust to 68 heifers. Waste ponds can support the additional volume of the slurry material for 8 months although in reality the slurry waste will be directly applied to cropland the vast majority of the time. The farm produces a variety of row crops both summer and winter annuals and perennials. Typical rotations include fescue hayland and sudex hayland to allow the farm to apply waste when cropland application is not feasible because of crop height or damage to the crop. Cropland consist of corn silage followed by small grain silage. These rotations allow the farm access to land apply waste year round to a growing crop or one about be planned, assuming weather conditions permit. All crops are planted using no-till methods so soil loss is at a minimum. The farm has control of over 640 acres of land to apply waste, the minimum required acreage is 322 acres. Attached worksheets document that the plan is developed with a nitrogen (from animal waste) deficient amount. The additional nitrogen required for plant growth will be provided by commercial fertilizer. The newest/latest aerial maps and RYE charts have been incorporated into the waste management plan. The plan is developed so the producer if they desire can change or incorporate addition crops into the system if they desire based on market or weather changes without having to contact their technical specialist to revise the plan solely on adding a different/additional crop to the waste plan. PLAT has been made and determined that currently all fields have a low or medium rating, so once again the entire plan is based on nitrogen as nutrient of concern. Since no structural changes are being made to either of the waste storage ponds, designs and As built designs of the ponds are not included in this packet and original copies retained in the producer's official field office case file. Red Acres Farm LLC Waste Management Plan Heifer Barn sizing, bedded pack pens and scrape alley (existing barn) Barn contains 15 pens each pen holding 10, 1,000 lb. average weight heifers. 150 heifers total waste generated 194 cu. ft. (head/180 days) = 29,100 cu ft. Assume animals on pack 75% of time, 29,100 x .75 = 21,825 cu ft. /240ft length/30 ft. width /5ft depth. Concrete area, assume animals on pad 25% of time. 29,100 cu ft. x .25 = 7,275 cu ft. slurry Heifer Barn sizing, bedded pack pens and scrape alley (proposed barn) 120 heifers, 1,000 lb. ave wt. x 194 cu ft. (hd/180 days) =23,280 cu ft. 23,280 cu ft. x 75% bedded pack = 17,460 cu ft. 23,280 cu ft. x 25% (concrete area) = 5,820 cu ft. slurry 7,275 + 5,820 =13,095 cu ft. slurry produced total at both existing & proposed barns. Bedded pack will be scraped and land applied on less than 6 month intervals. However structure has the capacity to store waste for 6 months to comply with NRCS waste storage facilities specifications. Scrape alley waste is scraped multiply times a week and land applied. In those times that weather conditions prevent alley waste from being directly land applied, waste will be hauled and emptied into waste storage pond. This material will then be land applied when weather and crop conditions permit. Refer to worksheet 1OA-2 waste storage pond design form for detailed information on waste volumes. Waste produced from 68 heifers is used to determine waste volumes produced. 68 heifers = 270 heifers in confinement total of existing and proposed bedded pack barns with 25% of their waste handled as slurry and scrapped from concrete alleys. It should be noted that even though the storage pond can handle the heifer waste on a daily basis, in reality the waste will only be emptied into storage ponds when weather or field conditions prevent the slurry material from being applied to a growing crop. WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Producer: Red Acres Farm, LLC Location: 2263 Jr. Order Home Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Telephone: 336-357-3800 Type Operation: Dairy Number of Animals: 970 Head (Design Capacity) The waste from your ani:-�al facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste ut_liat' on plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient . Waste should-be- analyzed before each application cycle . Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in .implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fer t'_lizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally sa=e manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the c=oo to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste . Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize . Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates , leaching potentials , cation exchange capacities , and available water holding capacities . . Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. With special precautions , waste Tray be applied to land eroding at up to 10 tons per acre per year. Do not .apply waste on saturated soils , when it is raining, or when the surf ace is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in ruunof'_ to surf ace 'waters which is not allowed under OEM regulations . Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift. and downwind' odor problems . To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied to bare ground not - more than 30 days prior to planting . Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems . The estimated acres needed .to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for tinis type of facility . Acreage requirements should be based on the waste of report from your waste management facility. Attached you will find information on proper sampling techniques , preparation, and transfer of waste samples to the lab for analysis . This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requ=cements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H . 0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. 1 ATTACIUIE"iT A ... ................... .. ...I.......... ........ .......... Amount of Waste Produced Per Year(gallons, ft3, tons, etc.) AI G 'O animals X 2Z 9/(amt. ) waste/animal/year = Sa 36 So (Samt. ) waste/year. Amount of Plant Available Nitracen (PAN) Produced Per Year -_50 animals X lbs . FAN/animal/year = moo lbs . PAN/year. (PAN from N. C. Tech. Guide Std. 633) Applying the above amount of waste is a big job . You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The following acreage will be -needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown and surface application: Table 1 : ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Sail Crop Lbs . N Acres Lbs . N Month of No . Type Per Ac . * Utilized Application 'il/C 1 -/, 77 T 70,77 .I 77A 10 9S 1 &77- 7 - EaG2 I !'d I C4r,,j S, rl f I S. S ov- I �. 0 v 11-A..3 I .f CaryJ 1754 5-7'94G I !r ae 5 a . ^i. I .57.3 1 12 491 f i i I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Total * This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation . NOTE: The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. Beginning in 1996 the Coastal Zone Management Act will require farmers in some eastern counties of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients . This plan only addresses Nitrogen . 2 ATT A CiLD,1E`i T A A-, U-- AN: ........... ... ..... .. .................................. .......... ......... ... .... ... Amount of Waste Produced Per Year(galloms, ft3, tons, etc.) 1o_ animals x_ (�amt. } waste/animal/year = 3.Z � amt. ) waste/year. Amount of Plant Available Nitrogen 'PAN) Produced Per Year ,;Z?o animals X -5-2_1bs . PAN/animal/year = /�0�� lbs . PAN/year. (PAN from N. C. Tech. Guide Std. 633) Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The following acreage will be -needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown and surface application: Table 1 : ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Lbs . N Acres Lbs . N Month of # No . Type Per Ac. * Utilized Application 01217 1.2-5 1 I I J, J?141-- Iq I I I I I I I I I i I I I I i I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Total * This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield exnectation. NOTE: The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. Beginning in 1996 the Coastal Zone Management Act will require farmers in some eastern counties of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses Nitrogen. 2 ATTACHIENT A AY � � � IAA � � : ��A�...-_ :.. :. ..: STE.:,.... ......... ...... _- C'w/V&S Amount of Waste Produced Per Year(gallons, ft3, tons,. etc.) �a AS .5"o animals X -./ (amt. ) waste/animal/year = ?4 s (amt. ) waste/year. Amount of Punt Available Nitrogen (PAN) Produced Per Year _.a animals X_ l 8 lbs . FAN/animal/year lbs . PAN/year. (PAN from N. C. Tech. Guide Std. 633) Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The following acreage will be -needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown and surface application: Table 1 : ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Lbs . N Acres Lbs . N Month of No . Type Per Ac . * Utilized Application - I I I I I I I I I I i I I i i I I I i i I I I I I { ! I I I I I I I I I I I � I I i I I I I Total J —.7_oZg * This N is from animal waste only. if nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic vield .exnectation . NOTE: The applicator is cautioned that F and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. Beginning in 1996 the Coastal Zone Management Act will require farmers in some eastern counties of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses Nitrogen. 2 SUPPLEMENT TO WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WASTE APPLICATION WINDOWS Animal waste may be applied to small grain crops and tall fescue during the months of January and December,provided that the soil is not frozen or saturated. If weather conditions or forecast indicate serve weather in the immediate future, all applications or plans to apply animal waste are to be terminated immediately. Waste applications are not to resume until favorable weather conditions returns. Any animal waste applications to small grain or tall fescue during January or December are to be light application to prevent runoff and potential damage to existing crops, (excessive equip. traffic, and smothering crop). ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION TO VEGETATION USED AS COVER CROPS The maximum amount of PAN which may be applied to small grain seeded as a cover crop not for harvest is 30 lbs. per acre. N application to the next crop must be reduced by the amount applied to the small grain. Red Acres Farm -Field Index Tract Field # Soil Acres 1027 2 DdB 14.7 3 DdB 21.9 4 DdB 10.6 5 DdB 33.5 1220 5 MeB 18.3 2230 1 MeB 6.0 2237 1 DdB 56.3 2240 1 DdB 31.4 2 DdB 23.4 3 DdB 4.7 2241 2 DdB 11.2 3 DdB 7.7 4 DdB 16.8 2242 1 CcB 5.1 4 CcD 6.0 6 DdB 6.8 7 DdB 11.6 8 DdB 12.0 9 DdB 3.0 10 DdB 6.4 11 DdB 15.8 12 DdB 8.6 - 13 DdB 2.0 14 DdB 25.0 - 15 DdB 32.3 16 DdB 13.1 17 DdB 3.3 2243 1 DdB 6.9 3062 1 DdB 35.8 3070 1 MeB 20.9 3 MeB 7.8 3160 1 DdB 39.7 2 DdB 12.2 5 DdB 5.1 6 DdB 7.4 10 DdB 36.7 11 DdB 13.2 3161 2 DdB 9.0 3 DdB 19.0 4 DdB 9.6 5 DdB 6.0 6 DdB 5.0 641.8 Total Acres USDA -iced States c��t°' Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 15 w - Tract .v uV ' 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEL Crop 1 14.49 UHEL Noncro land All, J.1i2� 14.79 NHEL _ 3 21.89 NHEL 10.65 NHEL " 33.54 NHEL . . 29.58 UHEL Noncro land 7 32.26 UHEL Noncrgpland Page Cropland Total: 80.87 acres f / r I 3) I i I Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 f I Common Land Unit 1� Cropland Non-Cropland QTract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers M r Restricted Use 0 340 620 0 Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation J Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are far FSA Program administration only. This map does accepts the data not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather It depicts the intnrstion provided directly from the producer andlor the NAIP imagery. The producer US rn Wetland identifierss is'and assumes all risks associated do not represent the size,shape,or specific its use. The DA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. fic determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA -Ited States c of ulture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 11 - vulture �— --~ - — Tract i e.20 _ t - 2016 Program Year •a• 74 �fi '{ CLU Acres HEL 0 Crop . 1 1 20.31 HEL 2 0.35 UHEL Noncro land 3 16.38 UHEL Noncro land a l 5. 118.32 HEL _ Page Cropland Total: 38.63 acres •- Yi t f Al -y r •+- 'A Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 r Common Land Unit _ y Cropland . tit�fi+: -t•, 1F /,Non-Cropland A•4 ; � } `A .�+ ,c- Tract Boundary • /.i y! F � • +�0. Wetland Determination Identifiers Restricted Use � �' �� :�_��� �{ .�• _�-j� � �I Limited Restrictions r Exempt from Conservation _ "µ _ — •-- t"'"1I � Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal surveyor reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer ducer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as Wand assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland Identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA "-Ited States v f ulture Davidson County, North Carolina vulture Farm ?9 .` _ -- - ----�- --� Tract «30 Hi • ,� I 2016 Program Year R q.0 Acres HEL Crop 8 UHEL 4.09 UHEL Noncro land WW Page Cropland Total: 6.08 acres f r � k lot 0 .. Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 i Common Land Unit k' ' Cropland Non-Cropland N Y C3Tract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers Restricted Use _ `U 700 0 Limited Restrictions ! - Exempt from Conservation USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the infor accepts the data'as is'and assumes all mation provided directly from theProducer Compliance Provisions roducer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Pr Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your orig inal determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS Programs. USDA "^ited States s t of cum re Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 17 711, Tract ,& 37 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEIL Crop j. i f _ 1 , 56.31 HEL # r / 2 21.38 UHEL Noncro land 3 86.12 UHEL Noncro land 4 1.53 HEL / f. 5 0.56 HEL / Page Cropland Total: 58.4 acres IJA�. 4r Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland Tract Boundary y r Wetland Determination Identifiers 4D Restricted Use 425 $50 0 Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation _ _ Fed@t Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps'asare for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data s d Wand assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs, Wetland Identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA "-tted States 'rtmenulture of Davidson County, North Carolina Farm ^48 allure -- --- --- --- -- - -- - -- - - - ___ Tract &.40 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEL Crop k 1 31.46 HEL 2 23.4 HEL 4.74 HEL 4 7.12 1 UHEL Noncropland 6 4.99 UHEL Noncro land Page Cropland Total: 59.6 acres i R 1 Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland QTract Boundary z Wetland Determination Identifiers Restricted Use 75 � � 0 Limited Restrictions _ _ �Jiiiau Exempt from Conservation Fr3'8t Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage Incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA "-[led States ul t re`°` Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 19 - ----- -- -- -- - - -- -- --._-- - -- - Tract «41 2016 Program Year r- + r A __ i.. CLU Acres HEIL Crop �. 1 30.81 UHEL Noncro land 72T 11.24 HEL 7.7 HEL 4; 16.83 HEL 5 6.2 UHEL Noncro land _ - 1 6 10.63 1 UHEL Noncropland / Page Cropland Total: 35.77 acres �,�� '.• t r , LAO. � , f ;•X Z A l Y Y - 4 Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit _ Cropland Non-Cropland < QTract Boundary a Wetland Determination Identifiers ti Restricted Use 0 212.5 1 850 V Limited Restrictions ExemFeet Compliance Provisions t from tlon USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather lt depicts the Information provided directly directly from producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland idenffiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific detem,ination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA ",Iced States vtmentof " vulture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 14 --- - - - -- - --- - - -- -- --- . _ Tract .i42 rR 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEL Crop Xf 1 j 5.13 UHEL — i 1.43 UHEL 3 89.17 UHEL Noncro land 6.07 UHEL - ,f - 5 2.09 UHEL /�� �' 67 6.8 NH EL 7 11.62 NHEL 8 12.07 NHEL ' 2.99 UHEL 5 '10 6.48 UHEL • f• /11 15.81 I NHEL 8.61 UHEL . 25.06 i HEL L '15 32.35 _EL ]16 13.14 _R_EL 17 3.3 NH EL 18 3.76 UHEL Noncro land 1 19 6.78 UHEL Noncro land 20 1.2 UHEL Noncro land 21 0.17 UHEL Noncro land 22 0.15 UHEL Noncropland Page Cropland Total: 154.96 acres 1 "1 Map Created February 09,2016 9= Base Image Layer flown in 2014 15 Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland Tract Boundary -A Wetland Determination Identifiers i Restricted Use T V Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation - _ _ t — Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as Wand assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA "^Ited States ram' f ulture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm " �4 r allure �— --- l-- - —_ - - -- Tract &.43 ~� T'! ' {'� r 2016 Program Year w � CLU Acres HEL Crop ' .... - 1 ` 16.95 1 HEL 1.57 1 UHEL Noncro land ` Page Cropland Total: 6.95 acres I r a S f R i --Jr 1 Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 r Common Land Unit 1 # i A Cropland _ r / Non-Cropland •�.rr ,! 44 + �, � QTract Boundary �[ " �• , ` >���, elf. � Wetland Determination Identifiers fi- Restricted Use * S i , n V Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a l accepts the data egal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer 'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA rted States v f Davidson County, North Carolina Farm �5 culture pure Tract �aA2 2016 Program Year g cres HEL Crop .87 HEL76 UHEL Noncropland Page Cropland Total: 35.87 acres e r 1w _ � ..1 jW Y' Map Created February 09,2016 1 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 I f Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland ®Tract Boundary A. Wetland Determination Identifiers " Restricted Use ri +�+ � �^ `�� ❑ 176 • 350 7[}6 V Limited Restrictions *� Exempt from Conservation Feel Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as Wand assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage Incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland Identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA "-rted States of ulture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm ' '12 lture Tract >u 10 2016 Program Year f• CLU Acres HEL Crop `5- ~ 1 20:91 HEL 63.96 UHEL Noncropland ��3 _7___.87 HEL Ar Page Cropland Total: 28.78 acres � � I rYY ■ ' or■} "rig 4 Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 0"low Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland QTract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers i - Re stricted Use ■ +4►. _ _ `e � Q 175 350 700 7 Limited Restrictions _ _ • . �`�_ Exempt from Conservation _ _____ _ Feet Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA --ed States �lt ret°f Davidson County, North Carolina Farm ' 19 - - -- Tract j 60 2016 Program Year CLU Acres 1 HEL Crop r 39.75 HEL 2? 12.27 NHEL 3 19.74 UHEL -; 4 172.32 UHEL Noncro land 5 5.15 NHEL • r6) 7.46 NHEL 7 0.54 UHEL Noncro land ' 9 6.67 UHEL 10 36.78 NHEL ' 13.2 NHEL 5.84 NHEL I e r 13 2.2 UHEL NoncropIand Page Cropland Total: 146.86 acres I k � I tl.. 2 f 1 7 g Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 MORI' F Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland Y ^# Tract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers Restricted Use Limited Restrictions �r • Exempt from Conservation _ — Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the rnformatlon provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA -- Statesrtmen Farm " '�2 ulture of Davidson County, North Carolina lture Tract 4 ,61 2016 Program Year k CLU Acres HEL Crop 2 9.07 NHEL �3 19.02 NHEL 4 9.67 NHEL 5 6.08 UHEL ' 5.0 NHEL r 8.22 UHEL Inrrnniand ncro land 9 1.3 UHEL ncro land 11 17.89 UHEL 1,' r Page Cropland Total: 48.84 acres y _ n. W - -+ _ f J 4 r c s F Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 t a ' Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland Tract Boundary r Wetland Determination Identifiers - Restricted Use „ E 700 V Limited Restrictions l Exempt from Conservation '�"* — __ Feet Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal surveyor reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP Imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. e ��'�" •.��-=l - merit �' C A ,Me �-� MkU S Ud h 2 . t�, Ds#€7 goF.pdB DdEEryL1 r Me 1J IL v. Dd� .: 1 i3d . IArA } Dal] DdB DaE_ dE IrB. .C-� D `� MeB 6D y Dd$Ddi7� - P,! r r d8 PWE w . ;M-0B' C cle f �- Cct7' ► jz1 1 = MeD POEArA =�� Dd ' DdD it L�DdED MR DdB 1 1 11 •11 It ' 1 tll /11 •/11 ./1/ 1 ryj MkB2 MeD �pdb / lc�,A - _MicL7 B `3 CcB Q.dD-� lid Mk 2— ikB eD D D `ic - `� DMI[D2 K46B DdB i. ? W ArA D dB �;� DdB y DdE�CtiA .. Me8 �r�'' Mk 2 •�t, M�DMee Me8A� t V11 �~fT MeD �. rldrPiMkD2 M g Cy r .• ,:► eA 1444m 2 ..� e� E DcB' - �DdE MeVIAL 8s , {� MkI)2 D� Me McBy . r En13D PaE c �; '►A DdD w y a s. i]d13, . y ri ~ 7 ` MkD2 D E } EnD A' W McE3E]dB r- s COC hA' � k�B2 • 'F +� �.,.. - PaE Mkt? En Od Ddb r �� �M e D} • .' 92. �DdD -ors CeB2 � ea �!B C A-MQg—MeB raw ' PaE PaD k s mkB2- EQb t d r' 11 i 1 /11 11/ R' ••• 1 USDA sited States c of cuulturelture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 15 ' '� ,,µ---- ----- _ ►I ��_ Tract -o.,27 'i 2016 Program Year I CLU Acres I HEL Crop 1 14.49 UHEL Noncro land 2 14.79 NHEL 3; 21.89 NHEL / r 10.65 NHEL S 33.54 NHEL I / 29.58 UHEL Noncro land f 7 32.26 UHEL Noncro land Page Cropland Total: 80.87 acres R, Y - F I �7 % Of r _ ■ - Map Created February 09,2016 I Base Image Layer flown in 2014 /' r common Land Unit ' Cropland Non-Cropland Tract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers wr - - r_-) Restricted Use __ ■ tn 310 62L, 0 Limited Restrictions _ Exempt from Conservation USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather It depicts the Information`provided directly from the producer and/or he I'ance NAIP i agerysions accepts the data'as Wand assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS, fiery. The producer USDA -ted States �--- v pure f Davidson County, North Carolina Farm vulture 11 • Tract ,,r.20 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEL Crop 1 20.31 HEL 2 0.35 UHEL Noncropland 3 6.38 UHEL Noncro land 5 18.32 HEL Page Cropland Total: 38.63 acres w Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland Tract Boundary a Wetland Determination Identifiers h I ` Restricted Use w L V Limited Restrictions Exempt from.4 Compliance Conservation ance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA "'lied States Farm 19 i �� re Davidson County, North Carolina ' . Tract Lz30 2016 Program Year CLU Acres I HEL Crop 1 6.08 1 UHEL 14.09 1 UHEL I Noncro land Page Cropland Total: 6.08 acres Eli; At s r l Map Created February 09,2016 ' Base Image Layer flown in 2014 lunjor Order Horne a� Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland Tract Boundary + Wetland Determination Identifiers " — 7 0 Restricted Use 0 Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation e Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual owne rship;rather it depicts the Information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as Wand assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibillty for actual or consequential damage Incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USD,4 ''Ited States iartment of .culture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 17 - Tract cz37 F /' 2016 Program gam Year CLU EAcres HEL Crop HEL UHEL Noncro land 3 86.12 UHEL Noncro land 4 1.53 HEL 5 0.56 HEL r i Page Cropland Total: 58.4 acres res 4 Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2 014 Common Land Unit Cropland f Non-Cropland Tract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers r, Restricted Use / 425 g5q a Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation USDA s th maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather ft depicts the Information provided directly from the producer and/or thecompliance NAIP imagery. T Provisions accepts the data s d is and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no rosponsibilfty for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS, he producer 9 USDA -1ted States rtmenuturetof Davidson County, North Carolina Farm "118 Tract .._40 2016 Program Year u _ CLU Acres HEL Crop • �� 1 31.46 HEL 2 23.4 HEL 1T74 HEL 4 7.12 UHEL Noncro land 6 4.99 UHEL Noncro land r Page Cropland Total: 59.6 acres � •Ff 'r i Map Created February 09,2016 fBase Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit - Cropland Non-Cropland ImTract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers 1; Restricted Use 0 1'$7 5 375 75p V Limited Restrictions k Exempt from Conservation Feet l Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP Imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA I Inited States Iumeetof Davidson County, North Carolina Farm ' i9 - - - --- -- - --- �� _ _ ------ Tract ce.41 _ 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEL Crop i 1 30.81 UHEL Noncro land -� 2 11.24 HEL 7.7 HEL 16.83 HEL 6.2 UHEL Noncro land 6 0.63 UHEL Noncropland r- •' �� Page Cropland Total: 35.77 acres 4 F. r � I r 13 S t s ` y zT. 'jf,fir. �• ��ram. � ��f•'r r f� r ' i Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland Tract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers Restricted Use w F eM 0 212.5 850 V Limited Restrictions ' Exempt from Conservation — Feet Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the Information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data s is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland Identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA r Ited States ult m Davidson County, North Carolina Farm " �4 - - Tract LA2 "_ W 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEL Crop 1f5.13 UHEL 1.43 UHEL 3 89.17 UHEL Noncro land 4? 6.07 UHEL 5 2.09 UHEL 6; 6.8 NHEL 47- 11.62 NHEL 8 12.07 NHEL 2.99 UHEL h0 6.48 UHEL Junior Orde /1 15.81 1 NHEL ' 2 8.61 1UHEL 1 2.01 1 NHEL 25.06 1 HEL 15 32.35 1 NHEL 16 13.14 HEL '17 3.3 NHEL r 18 3.76 UHEL Noncro land 19 0.78 UHEL Noncro land 20 1.2 UHEL Noncropland 21 0.17 UHEL I Noncro land 22 0.15 I UHEL I Noncropland Page Cropland Total: 154.96 acres 12: r _ I Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland MTract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers ■ Restricted Use 0 7 Limited Restrictions e Exempt from Conservation Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the Information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA '^rted States of ulture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm " 14 tture Tract &.,r.43 2016 Program Year x 17► _�, jU Acres HEIL Crop 6.95 HEL ` 1.57 UHEL Noncropland Page Cropland Total: 6.95 acres I ` � I f Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland �Zt' rw ImTract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers Restricted Use 0 1 7 V Limited Restrictions _ Exempt from Conservation USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the Information provided directly from the producer and/or he Compliance imagery Provisions The producer accepts the data as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. p er USDA Ited State. v f culturelture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 15 Tract 4v62 r - 2016 Program Year f g res HEL Crop 87 HEL6 UHEL Noncro land Page Cropland Total: 35.87 acres _- 1 / - - f I r Map Created February 09,2016 Base Image Layer flown in 2014 Common Land Unit Cropland _ V,Non-Cropland Tract Boundary .r Wetland Determination Identifiers Restricted Use 700 V Limited Restrictions 0 Exempt from Conservation -- Feet: Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as Wand assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage Incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA --fted States Farm 2 �lt re Davidson County, North Carolina - s Tract Po l0 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEL Crop 1 20.91 HEL 63.96 UHEL Noncropland 3 7.87 HEL Page Cropland Total: 28.78 acres jig W/X/ Map Created February 09,2016 a Base Image Layer flown in 2014 ji Common Land Unit Cropland ,Non-Cropland QTract Boundary .+ Wetland Determination Identifiers " ! x• Restricted Use r' + 0 j 75 63. 700 V Limited Restrictions B _ * Exempt from Conservation Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as is'and assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USt)A --ited States of ulture Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 39 vulture ' Tract 4 60 �►� 2016 Program Year CLU Acres HEL Crop •�+-' ? 39.75 HEL 12.27 NHEL 3 19.74 UHEL 4 172.32 UHEL Noncropland 5; 5.15 NHEL • 6.> 7.46 NHEL 7 0.54 UHEL Noncro land 9 6.67 UHEL * 10 36.78 NHEL -t1T) 13.2 NHEL 12 5.84 NHEL 13 2.2 UHEL Noncro land ZA Page Cropland Total: 146.86 acres i �. X 'r r Map Created February 09,2016 Yr ; 4i -t Base Image Layer flown in 2014 r + - Common Land Unit Cropland ' 11I •e do V,Nor-Cropland Tract Boundary " •••'� " - -y.� Wetland Determination Identifiers N f 0 Restricted Use 0 Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation iance USDA s the maps are for FS program administrationassociated only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownerms ip;rather it depicts the Infarmatian provided directly from the producer and/or he INAIP imagery.ons The producer accepts the data'as d Wand assumes all risks shape,or with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes na responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any use's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination W the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. USDA —Ited States auIt re Davidson County, North Carolina Farm 'i2 _ - Tract a l 2016 Program Year 4 I CLU Acres HEL Crop C2J 9.07 NHEL 3 19.02 NHEL 4 9.67 NHEL 5 6.08 UHEL 5.0 NHEL Ir_ 8.22 UHEL Noncro land ?R. 1 9 11.3 UHEL Noncro land 11 17.89 UHEL Noncropland — - Page Cropland Total: 48.84 acres g ..r 4 • �' Ai 3 y Map Created February 09,2016 `a ..' • + Base Image Layer flown in 2014 ` Common Land Unit Cropland Non-Cropland Tract Boundary Wetland Determination Identifiers l" Restricted Use w�}e a I7; 700 V Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation Feet _ Compliance Provisions USDA FSA maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership;rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or the NAIP imagery. The producer accepts the data'as Wand assumes all risks associated with its use. The USDA Farm Service Agency assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size,shape,or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination(CPA-026 and attached maps)for exact boundaries and determinations or contact NRCS. UdiA- A M�tD2'... - Irk62 E1dt7':. p.dEErsD� ., r -MepS � dtlD � $ `'`� 17d P,D IL jr t. DdE IDdB. k= ', DdE }ArA J Dd❑ + x DdE` z dE IrB. � +MeB. Jof Z'� ��DdE We1) aao oas�daJ' cc Ar a PaE CcS WIII hile8 U" ChA W. $ G`cD pdD... .. � . B4 ArA _ _Cc y C cD 'i ` . ,✓MOD = ]�., ':PaE Ar r. DdD top- M eB Y ! } MkB2 P B PaE• Par: En C19 �. 1 R � V Mk 2 Lam' DdE l7 W __ "' D MeD Dd8 Awt, r 1 1 11 •11 ` 1 /11 i/11 •1/1 .11/ = !L memo , MeD ' Ch' ;� MkDZ a De�6' `.'. cc MkB2 -D �r 8 MOD y � + p[€D r JDId D. •r L DdB DdD :,, D 1N ATA- `� r lie ,k1 �. Dd8 'McsB DdE i [�clD 'DdD •� DdE MkD _•• '� McDMeBirB ChA� Ilk Gc �AMkD2 Me8 '■Mk02 _ CF MOH fy rvleB s y DdE ERB' i. ` e. MeD { - Y n Dd$ i" FaE t °: �:' �� DdB DdD MkD z DdDEnD QdE,MeB ArA Y j' hA r; M BDdBPaE EnD k0 y ArAr7 vv ..�• y- ; G !QW DdE MeD �; .4 r Me8 C B DdG Ddfl Ce8 PaE � r GhA MOB—MOB -2 aD MkD Z MkB2— 9CZD �' vim" K t Soil Map—Davidsonuounty,North Carolina (Red Acres Farm LLC) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(AOI) Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Area of Interest(AOI) � Stony Spot Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map Sails Very Stony Spot measurements. 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons Wet Spot Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service .ter Soil Map Unit Lines p Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov 13 Soil Map Unit Points Other Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) Special Line Features Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator VID Special Point Features projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts Blowout water Features p Streams and Canals distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the ® Albers e projection,Borrow Pit � equal-area conic ro'ection,should be used if more accurate Clay spot Transportation calculations of distance or area are required. Rails This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of Q Closed Depression the version date(s) Interstate Highways listed below. Gravel Pit US Routes Soil Survey Area: Davidson County,North Carolina A Gravelly Spot -�% Major Roads Survey Area Data: Version 16,Sep 14,2015 0 Landfill Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales 1:50,000 Local Roads or larger. Lava Flow Background Date(s)aerial images were photographed: Feb 11,2011—Mar 2, Marsh or swamp Aerial Photography 2011 �► Mine or Quarry The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were ;J) Miscellaneous Water compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor shifting 0 Perennial Water of map unit boundaries may be evident. V Rock Outcrop + Saline Spot �.� Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole y Slide or Slip �o Sodic Spot USDA` Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/29/2016 Lam` Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Paoe 2 of 3 Soil Map-Davidson County,North Carolina Red Acres Farm LLC Map Unit Legend -"� Davidson Coun North Garo C05lma N ., t►, 7) Ma Unrt S3r.mboi'` Ma Unit Name ` .,. _. _-�.- .. map, ArA Armenia loam,0 to 2 percent 73.3 2.7% slopes,frequently flooded Cce Cecil sandy loam,2 to 8 percent 233.4 8.5% slopes CcD Cecil sandy loam,8 to 15 49.4 1.8% percent slopes CfB Cecil-Urban land complex,2 to 100.9 3.7% 8 percent slopes ChA Chewacla loam,0 to 2 percent 258.5 9.4% slopes,frequently flooded DdB Davidson loam,2 to 8 percent 1,165.1 42.6% slopes DdD Davidson loam,8 to 15 percent 181.1 6.6% slopes DdE Davidson loam, 15 to 25 97.8 3.6% percent slopes EnB Enon fine sandy loam,2 to 8 3.9 0.1 percent slopes EnD Enon fine sandy loam,8 to 15 0.3 0.0% percent slopes Ir6 Iredell loam,1 to 6 percent 74.1 slopes MeB Mecklenburg loam,2 to 8 45.7 1.7% percent slopes MeD Mecklenburg loam,8 to 15 113.91 4.2% percent slopes MkB2 Mecklenburg clay loam,2 to 8 127.0 4.6% percent slopes,moderately eroded MkD2 Mecklenburg clay loam,8 to 15 13.2' 0.5% percent slopes,moderately eroded PaB IPacolet sandy loam,2 to 8 5.4 0.2% percent slopes PaD Pacolet sandy loam,8 to 15 17.6 0.6% percent slopes PaE Pacolet sandy loam,15 to 25 70.6 2.6% percent slopes PaF Pacolet sandy loam,25 to 45 38.9 1.4% I percent slopes Ud Udorthents,loamy 2.3 0.1% Ur Urban land 43.4 1.6% Water 12.0 0.4%1 rNatural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/29/2016 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Soil Map—Davidson County,North Carolina Red Acres Farm LLC x £. Davidson County,North Carolma;(NC057) ¢,Map Unit Sym6of_ Map Umt':Name_Y ' Acres m A01- Percent.of AQl ; _. :,. WeD Wedo wee sandy loam,8 to 15 10.21 0.4% percent slopes I Totals for Area of Interest 2,738.1 100.0% Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/29/2016 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 APPLICATION SCHEDULE FOR VARIOUS CROPS CROP MONTHS TO APPLY Barley Jan—March, Sept. - Dec Corn grain March- May Corn silage March—May Corn,tropical March—June Sorghum silage April - June Oats grain Jan—March, Sept. - Dec Rye grain Jan—March, Sept - Dec Ryegrass silage Jan—March, Sept- Dec Sm. grain silage Jan—March, Sept- Dec Soybeans d c April -July Soybeans f s April - June Triticale grain Jan—March, Sept - Dec Wheat grain Jan—March, Sept- Dec Fescue hay January- December Orchard grass hay January- December Millet hay April - Sept Sudan grass hay April - Sept Fescue pasture January - December Mixed cool January- December Season pasture * Light applications to hay land and pastureland during January, February and December, as weather condition permit. Residual Nitrogen Credits Legume Residual Nitrozen Available tlbs./acr Alfalfa 90 Hairy Vetch 90 Crimson Clover 70 Austrian Winter Pea 55 Soybeans 20 Nutrient Management in North Carolina Page 2 of 2 Realistic Yields for CCB: Cecil sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes in Davidson County Realistic Estimated Phosphorus Nitrogen Nitrogen Removal Crop Yield Factor Rate (Ibs/acre) (Ibs PaOs/acre) Barley (Grain) 77 Bushels 1.49 115 29 ............................................................................_........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Corn (Grain) 143 Bushels 0.92 131 63 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,..,......,........................................................... .......... Corn (Silage) 21.9 Tons 10.9 238 74 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,............................................................... Cotton 713 Pounds 0.081 58 21 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ._.. Sorghum (Silage) 18.5 Tons 7.6 141 56 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Oats (Grain) 97 Bushels 1.13 109 24 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I.................... Peanuts 0 Pounds 0 0 0 ........................................................................_.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Rye (Grain) 57 Bushels 2.01 115 19 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Small Grain (Silage) 10.5 Tons 11.1 116 56 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sorghum (Grain) 57 CWT 1.72 98 43 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................,................................................................................................................................... Soybeans (Double Cropped) 40 Bushels 0 0 32 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._.................. Soybeans (Full Season) 48 Bushels 0 0 38 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I......................... Soybeans (Double Cropped - Manured) 40 Bushels 3.89 155 32 .........................................................................................................................................._.............................................................................................................................................................................................. Soybeans(Full Season- Manured) 48 Bushels 3.89 185 38 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tobacco (Burley) 0 Pounds 0.074 0 0 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tobacco(Flue Cured) 3040 Pounds 0.029 88 15 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Triticale (Grain) 80 Bushels 1.52 121 27 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tropical Corn (Silage) 21,9 Tons 6.5 142 74 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Wheat(Grain) 57 Bushels 2.01 115 29 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Bahiagrass (Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 157 41 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...... Caucasion/Old World Bluestem (Hay) 3.8 Tons 44 167 45 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Common Bermudagrass (Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 157 43 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................. Dallisgrass(Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 157 47 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Fescue (Hay) 4.8 Tons 44 209 75 ....................................................................................._....................................._....................................................................._.................................................................._................................................................ Hybrid Bermudagrass (Hay) :. 4.8 Tons 44 209 58 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................... Hybrid Bermudagrass overseeded with Rescuegrass 0 Tons 44 0 0 (Hay) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,............................. ...................,,...,..., Mixed Cool Season Grass (Hay) 3.3 Tons 44 146 47 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Orchardgrass (Hay) 3.8 Tons 44 167 55 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pearl Millet(Hay) 4 Tons 49 198 54 ...................................................................................................................................................................._................................................................................................................................................................... Rescuegrass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Sorghum Sudan (Hay) 4.5 Tons 49 221 63 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Timothy Grass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dr. David Crouse is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Realistic Yield reporting tool. httn://vields.seil.ncsu_edu/index.nhn Nutrient Management in North Carolina Page 2 of 2 Realistic Yields for CCD: Cecil sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes in Davidson County Realistic Estimated Phosphorus Nitrogen Nitrogen Removal Crop Yield Factor Rate (Ibs/acre) (Ibs P205/acre) Barley (Grain) 65 Bushels 1.49 97 25 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Corn (Grain) 120 Bushels 0.92 110 53 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Corn (Silage) 18.4 Tons 10.9 201 63 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Cotton 600 Pounds 0.081 49 17 ............*.u-.........................................................................................................................*1-'5"............................................................,............................,......,.,............,...,......,.....................,....................................... Sorghum (Silage) 15.6 Tons 7.6 119 47 Oats (Grain) 82 Bushels 1.13 92 20 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Peanuts 0 Pounds ' 0 0 0 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................-.....,........................................................................................................................ Rye (Grain) 48 Bushels 2.01 96 16 -............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Small Grain (Silage) 8.8 Tons 11.1 98 48 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_............................_............................................................. Sorghum (Grain) 48 CWT 1.72 83 36 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Soybeans (Double Cropped) 34 Bushels 0 0 27 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Soybeans(Full Season) 40 Bushels 0 0 32 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Soybeans (Double Cropped - Manured) 34 Bushels 3.89 131 27 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Soybeans (Full Season- Manured) 40 Bushels 3.89 156 32 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tobacco (Burley) 0 Pounds 0.074 0 0 ................. ................................................................................................................................................................................_.................................................................................................................................... Tobacco (Flue Cured) 2560 Pounds 0.029 74 13 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Triticale (Grain) 67 Bushels 1.52 102 22 ........ropical.. .. ... C.. ......... .......(Si.. l.... . ...,.. )e-- .......................................,........................................ Tons 18.4.........................................6.....5..... .......... ................1,,2..0.............................................................6.,3. ........... .,..,......................... To...r..n a...ge) Wheat (Grain) 48 Bushels 2.01 96 24 ..............................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................. Bahiagrass (Hay) 3 Tons 44 132 34 ........................................................-.............................................................................,........................................................................................................................................................................ Caucasion/Old World Bluestein (Hay) 3.2 Tons 44 141 38 .................................................................................................................................._..................................................................................................................................................................................................... Common Bermudagrass (Hay) 3 Tons 44 132 36 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................._.................................................................................................................................... Dallisgrass (Hay) 3 Tons 44 132 39 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Fescue (Hay) 4 Tons 44 176 63 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._......................................................................................... Hybrid Bermudagrass (Hay) 4 Tons 44 176 49 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Hybrid Bermudagrass overseeded with Rescuegrass 0 Tons 44 0 0 (Hay) ..........................................................................................................................................................................,..,...............................,....,,..................,.,...............,..........................................,...,...,,...........I........... ,... Mixed Cool Season Grass (Hay) 2.8 Tons 44 123 40 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... Orchardgrass (Hay) 3.2 Tons 44 141 47 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Pearl Millet(Hay) 3.4 Tons 49 167 45 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Rescuegrass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 . o'-...g... ...hum.. ..... ...Sudan.. ........ . ......(...H...a...y)............................................................................................3.8.....T...on......s.......................49 18....................................1-8 6...............................................................53............................................ Sor Timothy Grass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 ................................................................_.............................................................................................................................................._...................................................................................................................... Dr. David Crouse is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Realistic Yield reporting tool. htti)://Yields.soil.ncsu.edu/index.i)h-o 3/22/2016 Nutrient Management in North Carolina Page 2 of 2 Realistic Yields for DdB: Davidson loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes in Davidson County Realistic Estimated Phosphorus Nitrogen Nitrogen Removal Crop Yield Factor Rate(lbs/acre) (lbs PzOs/acre) Barley (Grain) 84 Bushels 1.49 125 . 32 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Corn (Grain) 160 Bushels 0.92 147 70 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Corn (Silage) 24.7 Tons 10.9 269 84 ............................................................................,...,,.......,.........................,............................................,....,..................................................................................,.......... .,.,.,......,............................................... Cotton 855 Pounds 0.081 69 25 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sorghum (Silage) 20.9 Tons 7.6 159 63 ............................................................................,...........................,.,.....,.................,..............................................................................................,...................................................................................I.................. Oats (Grain) 105 Bushels 1.13 118 26 ............................................................................................................................._......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Peanuts 0 Pounds 0 0 0 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...................... Rye(Grain) 62 Bushels 2.01 124 20 ..........................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Small Grain (Silage) 11.4 Tons 11.1 127 62 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sorghum (Grain) 62 CWT 1.72 106 46 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Soybeans (Double Cropped) 44 Bushels 0 0 35 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I................. Soybeans (Full Season) 52 Bushels 0 0 42 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-............................................................. Soybeans (Double Cropped -Manured) 44 Bushels 3.89 170 35 .....................................................-............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Soybeans (Full Season - Manured) 52 Bushels 3.89 203 42 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Tobacco (Burley) 0 Pounds 0.074 0 0 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tobacco (Flue Cured) 3230 Pounds 0.029 94 16 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Triticale (Grain) 86 Bushels 1.52 131 29 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tropical Corn (Silage) 24.7 Tons 6.5 161 84 ................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Wheat(Grain) 62 Bushels 2.01 124 31 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_.................................................. Bahiagrass (Hay) 4.3 Tons 44 188 49 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Caucasion/Old World Bluestem (Hay) 4.5 Tons 44 199 54 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................-.................................................................,............................................................. Common Bermudagrass (Hay) 4.3 Tons 44 188 52 ..........................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................ Dallisgrass (Hay) 4.3 Tons 44 188 56 ..........I.......................;........................_............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Fescue (Hay) 5.2 Tons 44 230 82 .....................................................................................................I.............................................................................................................................................................................................._........................ ... Hybrid Bermudagrass (Hay) 5.7 Tons 44 251 70 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Hybrid Bermudagrass overseeded with Rescuegrass 0 Tons 44 0 0 (Hay) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................,..,.,................................................................................................... Mixed Cool Season Grass (Hay) 3.8 Tons 44 167 54 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Orchardgrass (Hay) 4.3 Tons 44 188 62 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pearl Millet(Hay) 4.8 Tons 49 233 63 .... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Rescuegrass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Sorghum Sudan (Hay) 5.5 Tons 49 268 76 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Timothy Grass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dr. David Crouse is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Realistic Yield reporting tool. http://yields.soil.ncsu.edu/index.php 3/22/201 f Nutrient Management in North Carolina Page 2 of 2 Realistic Yields for DdD: Davidson loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes in Davidson County Realistic Estimated Phosphorus Nitrogen Nitrogen Removal Crop Yield Factor Rate (Ibs/acre) (Ibs P205/acre) Barley(Grain) 70 Bushels 1.49 105 27 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... Corn (Grain) 134 Bushels 0.92 124 59 ..........................................................,..............................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................. Corn (Silage) 20.8 Tons 10.9 227 71 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._.................................................................................... Cotton 720 Pounds 0.081 58 21 .........................................................................................................................................._........................................................._.................................................................................................................................... Sorghum (Silage) 17.6 Tons 7.6 134 53 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ......... Oats (Grain) 88 Bushels 1.13 99 22 .........................................................................................................................................._........................................................._._............................................_........................................................................._.....-, Peanuts 0 Pounds 0 0 0 ..........................................................................................................................._........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Rye (Grain) 52 Bushels 2.01 105 17 ................................................................................................_................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Small Grain (Silage) 9.6 Tons 11.1 107 52 ........................................................................................................_........................................................................................................................................_..................................................................................... Sorghum (Grain) 52 CWT 1.72 89 39 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-.......................... Soybeans (Double Cropped) 37 Bushels 0 0 29 ............................................................................................._..........................................._........................................................._......................0-........._................................................................................................ Soybeans (Full Season) 44 Bushels 0 0 35 Soybeans (Double Crop............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Soybeans (Full Season - Manured) 44 Bushels 3.89 171 35 ...................................................................................................._...................................._................................_........................_.................................-................................................................................................. Tobacco (Burley) 0 Pounds 0.074 0 0 ....................................................................•......................•...........................•............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tobacco (Flue Cured) 2720 Pounds 0.D29 79 14 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Triticale (Grain) 73 Bushels 1.52 111 24 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_. Tropical Corn (Silage) 20.8 Tons 6.5 135 71 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._.. Wheat(Grain) 52 Bushels 2.01 105 26 ............................_.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Bahiagrass (Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 158 41 ....................................................................................................__..................................................................._........................_...................................._......................._..................................................................... Caucasion/Old World Bluestein (Hay) 3.8 Tons 44 167 45 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._........................................ Common Bermudagrass (Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 158 44 .........................................................................................................................................._................................_........................_..............................................._................ ....._........................................................... Dallisgrass(Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 158 47 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fescue (Hay) 4.4 Tons 44 194 69 ..........................................................-................................................................---............................................_........................................................................._............................................................-.............._.. Hybrid Bermudagrass (Hay) 4.8 Tons 44 211 59 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................._........................................................................................................ Hybrid Bermudagrass overseeded with Rescuegrass 0 Tons 44 0 0 (Hay) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mixed Cool Season Grass(Hay) 3.2 Tons 44 141 45 ............................................................................................•,..................................................................................................................................................................................................................•._.................... Orchardgrass (Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 158 53 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Pearl Millet(Hay) 4 Tons 49 196 53 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Rescuegrass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 .................................................."........................................................,................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sorghum Sudan (Hay) 4.6 Tons 49 225 64 ..............................................................._......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_.............. Timothy Grass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............_...._......... Dr. David Crouse is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Realistic Yield reporting tool. htto://vields.soil.nesu.edu/index.t)ht) Nutrient Management in North Carolina Page 2 of 2 Realistic Yields for MeB: Mecklenburg loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes in Davidson County Realistic Estimated Phosphorus Nitrogen Nitrogen Removal Crop Yield Factor Rate (Ibs/acre) (Ibs P205/acre) Barley (Grain) 65 Bushels 1.49 96 25 ............................................................................................................................_......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Corn (Grain) 120 Bushels 0.92 110 . 53 ............................................................................................................................_........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Corn (Silage) 18.1 Tons 10.9 197 61 ..........................................._.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Cotton 570 Pounds 0.081 46 17 ..............................................................................._.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Sorghum (silage) 15.4 Tons 7.6 117 46 .................._.._......._._.,_.........._............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Oats (Grain) 81 Bushels 1.13 91 20 .............................................................__.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Peanuts 0 Pounds 0 0 0 ........................................................................__................................._............................................................................................................................_..........._............................................................................ Rye(Grain) 48 Bushels 2.01 95 16 .....................................................................................................__...._.................._.........................................................................................................._......_....._.._._.................................................................. Small Grain (Silage) 8.6 Tons 11.1 95 46 .............................................................................................................................__........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Sorghum (Grain) 48 CWT 1.72 82 36 ....................................................................-.............................._................._.........................................................................................................................................._.................................................................. Soybeans (Double Cropped) 32 Bushels 0 0 26 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._.._......._....................................................... Soybeans (Full Season) 38 Bushels 0 0 30 .................................................................................................................._................................................................................................................................................._.................................................................. Soybeans (Double Cropped - Manured) 32 Bushels 3.89 126 26 .............................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Soybeans (Full Season -Manured) 38 Bushels 3.89 148 30 ............................................................................................................................................_.......................................................................................................................-..._..._........................................................ Tobacco (Burley) 0 Pounds 0.074 0 0 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I.......... Tobacco (Flue Cured) 2280 Pounds 0.029 66 it ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,..,................................................... Triticale(Grain) 67 Bushels 1.52 101 22 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Tropical Corn (Silage) 18.1 Tons 6.5 117 61 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_...................................................... Wheat(Grain) 48 Bushels 2.01 95 24 .........................................................................................................................................................................._.........................................................................._........._......_.............................................................. Bahiagrass (Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 157 41 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Caucasion/Old World Bluestem (Hays..............................................3:.8 Tons..........._......._44............._..............167 4..............._........_..................................5....................................... Common Bermudagrass (Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 157 43 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-................................_............................................................. Dallisgrass (Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 157 47 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Fescue (Hay)......................................................................................................... ...I 44 188 67 Tons ............ Hybrid Bermudagrass (Hay) 4.8 Tons 44 209 58 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hybrid Bermudagrass overseeded with Rescuegrass 0 Tons 44 0 0 (Hay) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mixed Cool Season Grass (Hay) ..........3:1 Tons....................44.................,,....,.....136..........................................................44....................................... Orchardgrass (Hay) 3.3 Tons 44 146 49 ................................................................................................................................................................................,,,.,.............,,..................................................................... ............................................I................. Pearl Millet(Hay) 4 Tons • 49 198 54 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Rescuegrass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sorghum Sudan (Hay) 4.5 Tons 49 221 63 .............................................................................................................._.............................................................................................................................................................................................-...-._..........-. Timothy Grass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._..._....................._............................................................... _ Dr. David Crouse is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Realistic Yield reporting tool. http://Yields.soil.ncsu.edu/index.T)hD Nutrient Management in North Carolina Page 2 of 2 Realistic Yields for MeD: Mecklenburg loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes in Davidson County Realistic Estimated Phosphorus Nitrogen Nitrogen Removal Crop Yield Factor Rate (Ibs/acre) (Ibs P205/acre) Barley(Grain) 54 Bushels 1.49 81 21 .............................................................................................................._.............._................................_...............................................................................,........................................................................... Corn (Grain) 101 Bushels 0.92 93 44 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Corn (Silage) 15.2 Tons 10.9 166 52 ..................................................•................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Cotton 480 Pounds 0.081 39 14 ........................................................................................................................................................................_............................................................................................................................................................. Sorghum (Silage) 13 Tons 7.6 99 39 ................-..............................................................................................._........................_........................................................................._.......................................................• Oats (Grain) 68 Bushels 1.13 77 17 ..................--................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Peanuts 0 Pounds 0 0 0 ......................................................................................................................_.................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..,....... Rye (Grain) 40 Bushels 2.01 80 13 ..................................................................................•.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. SmallGrain (Silage) 7.2 Tons..................11:1.._..-....-...............80...........................................................39........................................ Sorghum (Grain) 40 CWT 1.72 69 30 ...............................................................................................................-........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Soybeans (Double Cropped) 27 Bushels 0 0 22 Soybeans (Full Season)...............................................................................32 Bushels...................................................o............................................................2fi.................-.................. .........................................................................................................._.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Soybeans (Double Cropped - Manured) 27 Bushels 3.89 106 22 ..........................................................................................................................................................................._..................................................................................................................................................... ...._.. Soybeans (Full Season - Manured) 32 Bushels 3.89 124 26 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tobacco (Burley) 0 Pounds 0.074 0 0 ......................................................................................................................................................_.....,.................................................................................................................... Tobacco (Flue Cured) 1920 Pounds 0.029 56 10 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Triticale (Grain) 56 Bushels 1.52 85 19 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................._.............................................................................................................................,..... Tropical Corn (Silage) 15.2 Tons 6.5 99 52 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Wheat(Grain) 40 Bushels 2.01 80 20 Bahiagrass (Hay)........_.....................................................................................3 Tons..............._.........�............................-13 ....................................................-.....34.._..._............................ ....................................................................-.................................................................................................................................................................................................-...................................._.._.................... Caucasian/Old World Bluestem (Hay) 3.2 Tons 44 141 38 ......................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................._..............._....._.....__._............................................................ Common Bermudagrass (Hay) 3 Tons 44 132 36 ....................................................................................................................................................................................-............................................................................... Dallisgrass (Hay) 3 Tons 44 132 39 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._...._........................................................................... Fescue(Hay) 3.6 Tons 44 158 57 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................._............_................_...................................................... Hybrid Bermudagrass (Hay) 4 Tons 44 176 49 .. .... .. .. ............................................................._..................................................._........................_................_............................._.......................-.......................................................... Hybrid Bermudagrass overseeded with Rescuegrass 0 Tons 44 0 0 (Hay) ...................................................................................................................................................._....................................................................................................................................................I............................ Mixed Cool Season Grass (Hay) 2.6 Tons 44 114 37 ..........................................................................................................................................................................._.................................................................................................................................................. ........... Orchardgrass (Hay) 2.8 Tons 44 123 41 ...........................................................................................................................................,........................._.....................................................................•......................................................................................• Pearl......Millet. (Hay).. . .. 3.4 Tons 49 167 45 ... ..... . ............................................................................................................................ .........................................................................•.......•..................................,.................................................... Rescuegrass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................•............,........,....................................................... Sorghum Sudan (Hay) 3.8 Tons 49 186 53 ................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................_.........................,......................................................................... Timothy Grass (Hay) 0 Tons 44 0 0 ................................................................................................._.................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dr. David Crouse is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Realistic Yield reporting tool. http://yields.soil.nesu.edu/index.php �.Ulr,�(Apa - Lilli FlaLuJI116, uauiu t-amcaab m tuuiu b,bing maw Notes :Red Acres Farm LLC :Davidson County _tea } ;� Linwood ewM)"ItO Cotton Grove 1p ur-9 0_M c rc"id,a_W'V'n 0 20 16 4 E R E 00 I ling or e plop -IdA L a7 J \ +00' %bll Ad or Rd lel 5GO M 0 2016 HERE http://www.bing.com/mapspreview 7/7/2016 f Waste Pond #2 Waste Pond #1 r x: Jr. Order Home Rd. Letter of Variance Setback for Livestock Operation ad'( �oinmg landowner, name printed) have been informed by Red Acres Far LLC of their intentions to construct a livestock housing facility on their property. The purpose of this structure is to house dairy animals in confinement. As part of this facility, a waste storage area will be constructed within the facility to temporary store dry animal waste generated by the confined livestock. This area will be covered by roof and waste contained within walls to prevent seepage or spillage outside of the building. I realize that the proposed structure(s) will be located less than 750 feet from my residence. Having been informed, I have no objections to the proposed construction of the waste storage structure(s) or the distance of said structures to my residence. i Date Landowner's signature � Date Red Acres Farm LLC officer/representative signature Date Notary Public signature C)N .......... zi-Eat pN oo k4 Aj, AP 7a I I M WPM Davidson Soil Water Conservation District V'i WIN Lei Red Acres Farm LLC Phone Numbers I ortl3......D p i erit i ohin'6"iC;:He ltl : hT tural l e oiirces VISpan of .:.:...........::::::::::.:.:: ..s.an. 1m. egir�nal: fie ................. ..... :7.. .:::S0:0..... :.. . :.: . . ..-...........................................................................:::::.:::............. 6r:�jo-:....-:.� .. ...........:...: .:........:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.::: urs. ...e 9ePr'Y..-.um. er.......................... .... ::::.:::.: ..::.:.::::.::.:: :::: .::::::::: :.:::::: .91. .- 3. 3 �4 .:.:..:::::::.:::::::::::... ::::::::: :::::_:::::::::::::: ::::.:::.:::::::. ::: .::::::::::: ... ............................. .................................................................... avlclsor� Still a er..Co e ation.I trt................... . . US i -. $tural.Res�urc s Canservkion.. ervice ....: TZ : ` ..r on- ....... ..................................... . . :::::....:::.. ..::::::::::: . . ::::. ..;::: 2.4 4 .......�� ........................................... :. VIDSON.Cou E�ner exlc LVlaagemer�t ... :.:.:.:.........:....:...:..:.:.:.:.:.....:...:...:...:.:.. IMPORTANTLY Implement this plan if any part of the waste management system for this operation fails or results in overapplication of waste, or discharge of waste to the waters of North Carolina! DO NOT WAIT or PROCRASTINATE if there is a problem! Make every effort to ensure that animal waste does not reach surface waters...or neighboring propertyM This plan should be posted and accessible to all persons involved in the day-to-day operation of this facility!!! Post in a Prominent Place!!! DAVIDSON County NC Davidson Soil Water Conservation District _ at Red Acres Farm LLC 1. Stop the release of wastes Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested actions are listed below. Leakage from within and around Houses Repair roofs,side curtains to keep leaking/blowing rain out of houses...divert runoff away from houses Repair leaking waterers,waterlines in and around houses Clean up gable ends of all tracked/spilled litter from cleanout operations Runoff of Field Applied Waste Immediately stop waste application Evaluate and eliminate reason(s)for runoff Contain waste in a temporary diversion Evaluate application rate for fields where runoff occured Incorporate waste to prevent runoff Transportation Spillage Report accidents involving a spill immediatly Contain waste as in'Runoff from Field Applied Waste'above Stockpiled Litter Cover litter stockpiles with plastic Diveri surface water away from litter stockpile Remove/Relocate stockpiles...construct a litter storage structure or manage litter clean-out to minimize stockpiling 2. Assess the extent of problem and record obvious damages. Did waste reach any surface waters? Could spilled waste reach surface waters? Estimate volume of waste released and duration of event Could a rain event cause waste to reach surface waters? Note Damage...employee injury,fish kills,property damage Are potable wells endangered(on or off property)? Did spilled waste leave the property? Estimate how much waste reached surface waters 3. Contact appropriate agencies. See numbers posted on front of this plan. Call the DWQ(Division of Water Quality)...Regional Office or After Hours Emergency number Have the following information ready: Your name,facility,telephone number,details from Item 2 above, exact location of facility,direction of movement of spill,weather/wind conditions,corrective measures taken,seriousness of situation Call local EMS phone number if spill leaves property or enters surface waters...instruct EMS to contact Health Department Contact local SWCD-NRCS Office for advice/technical assistance(also may want to contact Extension Service Office) 4. If none of 3 above works Call 911 or Sherrifs Department,explain situation and ask personnel to contact the proper agencies. 5. Contact the Contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off-site damage. Contractor Name: _ Phone: 6. Contact the Technical Representative who prepared the waste management plan for this operation. Technical Specialist: Lloyd Phillips Jr. Work Phone: f 336) 242-2075 7. Implement procedures as advised by DWQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify damage, repair system and reassess the waste management plan to ensure no future release of waste. Post in a Prominent PlaceM DAVIDSON County NC USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service % ---- --•----- .W W 2. ................ . ..... .. .......... . .... ........... ...... .. .... ....... ........... ... ...... ............................................. ....... ......... ......... .... ......... . .... ... ..... ........... .. .... ...... ........ ... Insect Control Checklist Dry Systems Source BMPs to Control Insects 0 f Feeders Feed Spillage Design, operate and maintain feed systems (e.g. bunkers and troughs) to minimize accumulation of decaying wastage. - Cleanup spillage routinely(e.g., 7-10 day interval during the summer; 15-30 day interval during winter). Feed Storage Accumulation offeed Reduce moisture accumulation within and residues around perimeter of feed storage areas by insuring drainage away from site and/or providing adequate containment(e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products). Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids in filter strips around feed storage as needed. Animal Holding Areas Accumulations of animal Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along wastes and feed wastage fences and other locations where waste accumulates and distrubance by animals is minimal Maintain fence rows-and-g-ra-ss filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e., inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed). DAVIDSON County NC Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Insects Site Specific Practices Liquid Systems Flush Gutters 0 Accumulation of Solids O Flush system is designed and operated sufficiently to remove accumulated solids from gutters as designed; O Remove bridging of accumulated solids at discharge Lagoons and Pits M Crusted Solids O Maintain lagoons,settling basins and pits where pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting of solids to a depth of no more than 6-8 inches over more than 3 0%of surface. Excessive Vegetative 0 Decaying vegetation O Maintain vegetative control along banks of lagoons z Growth and other impoundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter.along water's edge on impoundment's perimeter. Feeders • Feed Spillage O Design,operate and maintain feed systems(e.g., bunkers and troughs)to minimize the accumulation of decaying y,astage. O Clean up spi 'age on a routine basis(e.g.,7- 10 day interval during summer; 15-30 day interval during winter). Feed Storage ® Accumulation of feed residues O Reduce moisture accumulation within and around immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by insuring drainage away from site and/or providing adequate containment(e.g.,covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain O Oug& pr and remove or break up accumulated solids in filter strips around feed storage as needed. AMIC- November 11, 1996,Page I �11 �_j \,j Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Insects Site Specific Practices Animal Holding Areas Accumulations of animal wastes O Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along fences and feed wastage and other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is minimal. O Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes(i.e.inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed. Dry Manure Handling a Accumulations of animal wastes 13 Remove spillage on a routine basis(e.g.,7-10 day Systems interval during summer;15-3 0 day interval during winter)where manure is loaded for land application O RbW88181adequate drainage around manure stockpiles, O Inspect for an remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter strips around stockpiles and manure handling areas as needed. For more information contact the Cooperative Extension Service,Department of Entomology,Box 7613,North Carolina State University,Raleigh,NC 27695-7613 AMIC- November 11, 1996,Page 2 1 1 Dairy Farm Waste Managemen Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Farmstead w Dairy Production O Vegetative or wooded buffers; O Recommended best management practices; O Good jud cement and common sense Paved lots or barn alley 0 Wet manure-covered surfaces O Scrape or flush daily; surfaces O Promote drying with proper ventilation; O Routine checks and maintenance on waterers, hydrants,pipes, stock tanks Bedded areas • Urine; O Promote drying with proper ventilation; • Partial microbial decomposition O Replace wet or manure-covered bedding Manure dry stacks • Partial microbial decomposition C] Provide liquid drainage for stored manure Storage tank or basin ■ Partial microbial decomposition; O Bottom or mid-level loading; surface • Mixing while filling; O Tank covers; • Agitation while emptving O Basin surface mats of solids; O Minimize lot runoff and liquid additions; O Agitate only prior to manure removal; 0 Proven-biological additives or oxidants Settling basin surfaces s Partial microbial decomposition; O Liquid drainage from settled solids; i Mixing while filling, O Remove solids regularly f Agitation while em.t in Manure,slung,or sludge -.6, Agitation when spreading; O Soil injection of slurry/sludges; W spreader outlets Volatile gas emissions O Wash residual manure from spreader after use; - O Proven biolo•rical additives or oxidants Uncovered manure,slurry q Volatile gas emissions while O Soil injection of slurry/sludges; or sludge on field surfaces drying O Soil incorporation within 48 hrs; O Spread in thin uniform lavers for rapid drying; - — — O Proven biolo:.ical additives or oxidants Flush tanks Agitation of recycled lagoon liquid O Flush tank covers; while tanks are filling p Extend fill lines to near bottom of tanks with anti-siphon vents Outside drain collection or n Agitation during wastewater O Box covers A' -November 11, 1996,Page 1 �`--�Source Cause \ J 1-,fPs to Minimize Odor Site Suecific Practices --- junction boxes conveyance Lift stations ma Agitation during sump tank filling ❑ Sump tank covers and drawdown End of drainpipes at lagoon e� Agitation during wastewater ❑ Extend discharge point of pipes underneath conveyance lagoon liquid level Lagoon surfaces a Volitile gas emission; O Proper lagoon liquid capacity; Biological mixing; ❑ Correct lagoon startup procedures; Agitation ❑ Minimum surface area-to-volume ratio. ❑ Minimum agitation when pumping; ❑ Mechanical aeration; ❑ Proven biological additives Irrigation sprinkler nozzles R High pressure agitation; ❑ Irrigate on dry days with little or no wind: e Wind drift ❑ Minimum recommended operating pressure: ❑ Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface: ❑ Pump from second stage lagoon: ❑ Flush residual manure from pipes at end of slurry/sludge pumpings Dead animals ■ Carcass decom iosition ❑ Proper disposition of carcasses Standing water around ■ Improper drainage; ❑ Grade and landscape such that water drains away facilities ■ Microbial decomposition of from facilities _. organic matter Mud tracked onto public Poorly maintained access roads ❑ Farm access road maintenance roads from farm access Additional Information: Available From: Cattle Manure Management; .0200 Rule/BMP Packet NCSU,County Extension Center Dairy Educational Unit Manure Management System-Lake Wheeler Road Filed Labatory;EBAE 209-95 NCSU-BAE Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage;EBAE 103-83 NCSU-BAE Management of Dairy Wastewater;EBAE 106-93 NCSU-BAE Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipment;EBAE Fact Sheet NCSU-BAE Nuisance Concerns in Animal Manure Management:Odors and Flies;PRO107, 1995 Conference Proceedings Florida Cooperative Extension AM'— -November 11, 1996,Page 2 Dairy I National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool Page 1 of 8 Dairy National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool (Type a title/description for your session...) ,,00 b,d AGE�;s �r-M &&- This report was compiled at 112712016 9:03:15 AM and will be available For one month at this location.http://nagsat tam u.edu1dairy1?key=b26eac0e. Effectiveness Results: Odor Particulate Hydrogen Volatile organic Nitrous Oxide Matter Ammonia sulfide Methane compounds(VOCs) (NZO) Animals and f � Housing C NIA Feed and Water — — � —^N� N/A Collection and ` Transfer — `"�`' J ! S � NIA Manure Storage ! [_ 1 I Land Application L ] � N/A Mortalities N/A NIA ; On-farm Roads � � �� NIA N/A N/A Perception N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Animals and Housing Note to User:Many farms may use more than one of the listed choices below. In order to allow the use of NAQSAT as a"What If'tool only one of the choices can be selected at a time.The user can click on"Get Results"for that selection and see how changing the answer will affect their results.See user's manual for more information. If only a general overview is desired, identifying the predominant practice will accomplish that result. Housing type:Select the photo that best represents your facility for each set of photos revealed below. O Pasture 0 Freestallffiestall/Stanchion/Confinement Bedding conditions: (Click on an image below;your selection will highlight in green.) Uneven wet bedding,manure Some wet stalls with manure accumulation htti)://naosat.tamu.edu/dairv/nrint 1 % Dairy National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool Page 2 of 8 Dry,groomed regularly Dry,full,clean,well groomed Percentage of floor manure covered: O Up to 25% 0 26 to 50% (�)>50% O Freestall/Tiestall/Stanchion with lot O Bedded pack/compost barn O Dry lot Feed and Water Number of rations formulated for your lactating herd: 01 0 2-3 04ormore How often are feed ingredients analyzed? O Weekly 0 Twice monthly U Monthly or less frequently O Never O 1 don't know What is your roughage source?(Check all that apply) ® Fermented forages ❑Unfermented forages 0 Coproduct feeds(cottonseed hulls,pulps) Using ionophores(i.e.Rumensin)? O Yes O No Formulating for crude protein or metabolizable protein? O Metabolizable protein O Crude protein O I don't know What percent of distillers grains are fed(including dry and wet sources as a%of diet on dry basis)? 00 0 1-10% O 10-20% 0 20-40% O >40% Do you notice a sulfur odor(rotten eggs)in your water? 0 Yes O No http://nagsat.tamu.edu/dairy/print.aspx?key=b26eae0e 1/27/2016 Dairy I National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool Page 3 of 8 What is your diet fat content on a dry matter basis? O <5% O+ 5-8% O >8% O 1 don't know What ration inputs are processed onsite,not including crop harvest?(Check all that apply) ® Roughage Are you doing anything to try to control dust when processing? O Yes O No ❑ Grain grinding/processing L Other products(i.e.Total Mixed Ration) Are you doing anything to try to control dust when processing? O Yes O No How are fermented and wet feeds(hays,grains,co-products)stored onsite?(Check all that apply) ❑Upright silo ❑ Uncovered bunker/piles 0 Covered bunker/piles ❑Commodity barn C7 Bags/wraps ❑ No fermented feeds onsite How is water supplied to your animals in the freestali/tiestall/stanchion/confinement facility? O Cups, bowls,or bells O Stock tank or circulating tank O Overflow waterers(seasonal and run continuously) How often are all waterers checked then repaired for leaks? OO Daily O At least weekly O Weekly or less frequently Collection and Transfer Note to User:Many farms may use more than one of the listed choices below. In order to allow the use of NAQSAT as a"What If'tool only one of the choices can be selected at a time.The user can click on"Get Results"for that selection and see how changing the answer will affect their results.See user's manual for more information. If only a general overview is desired,identifying the predominant practice will accomplish that result. Which best describes your manure handling system?(Check all that apply) ®Flush Do you notice an odor burst when you flush? No How often do you flush?Assumes no drying between flushes. O Weekly O 2-3 times per week O Once daily O 2-3 times per day O More than 3 times per day httD://naosat.tamu.edu/d.g.irv/nrint ,q.qn-v?kp.v=li?6i-nrnp 1 lei17 Al c Dairy National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool Page 4 of 8 O Yes Which photo best represents the typical floor conditions halfway between cleanings? (Click on an image below;your selection will highlight in green.) y I AA- complete manure coverage,deep majority manure coverage,minimal manure,cows splash when walking splashing r; i some manure accumulation minimal manure coverage Scrapelvacuum How often do you scrape or vacuum? n Less than once daily Once daily 0 2 to 3 times daily 0 More than 3 times daily Which photo best represents the typical floor conditions halfway between cleanings? (Click on an image below;your selection will highlight in green.) complete manure coverage,deep majority manure coverage,minimal manure,cows splash when walking splashing some manure accumulation minimal manure coverage ❑Gutter Deep pit El Solid Removal http://nagsat.tamu.edu/dairy/r)rint.aSDX?kev=b26eac0e 1 OWN)16 Dairy I National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool Page 5 of 8 Do you transfer the majority of manure from housing to storage using an open or closed channel? O Open conduit or channel C Closed conduit or pipe or channel O Does not apply Is the majority of liquid manure typically loaded into the storage above or below the surface? O Above 0 Below What method is used to transfer the majority of manure from storage to the field? O Pipe,closed channel, hose or drag hose Q Open channel 0 Tank-type spreader or tanker If a truck or spreader is used to transport manure to fields,is the manure transferred to the land application equiment in a closed transfer system? (i)Yes O No O Not applicable 0 Open spreader or truck O Does not apply Is the manure spilled at the loading station/area? O Yes O No Manure Storage Note to User: Many farms may use more than one of the listed choices below. In order to allow the use of NAOSAT as a"What If'tool only one of the choices can be selected at a time.The user can click on"Get Results"for that selection and see how changing the answer will affect their results.See user's manual for more information. If only a general overview is desired,identifying the predominant practice will accomplish that result. Do you haul manure daily? O Yes G No Is milkhouse washwater stored separate from manure? O Yes v No What percent of your farm's manure is stored as a liquid or slurry(does not stack)in your predominant housing type? Please slide to change value: Ji 94% Do any of these processes occur onsite?(Check all that apply) 2 Storage/stockpile How often is seepage noticed? Rarely O Commonly Does water pond around the base of compost piles(from rainfall events or leachate)for greater than 24 hours? httn://naa sat.tamu.edn/dairv/print a &Pn1-nP 1 /1117/,)A1 Dairy I National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool Page 6 of 8 Ponding or standing water is not present more than 24 hr after a rainfall event O Ponding or standing water is present more than 24 hr after a rainfall event How often are maggots noticed? ( Rarely O Commonly How often are flies noticed? 0 Rarely O Commonly ❑Composting ❑ Pelletizing ❑Gasification ❑ Incineration/burn For each stage of manure storage you have,click the"Add Stage"button below and complete the questions for each stage.For example,if you have a 3-stage manure storage system,you will need to complete the first stage below,and then add 2 stages (click the"Add stage"button twice). Stage 1 Does your manure contain greater or less than 5 lb of nitrogen per 1000 gallons(600 mg/kg)or less than 4%solids? O Less than 5 Ibs/1000 gallons or 600 mg/kg and be less than 4%total solids U Greater than 5 lb N/1000 gal and greater than 4%total solids Regarding your manure storage structure,describe the material for any cover that you may have on it. *Natural crust O Permeable cover(such as straw,stalks,geotextile material) O Impermeable cover(such as plastic) O Building(for slatted or deep pit buildings) O No cover What percent of the surface is exposed or uncovered? O<25% O 26-40% 0 41-60% O 61-85% O>86% O 1 don't know Land Application Where does manure go? ❑ Moved offsite(sold or given away)directly from the housing ❑Composted or stockpiled,then sold or given away CJ Year-round pasture-based 2 Land applied What form of manure is land applied?(Check all that apply) 0 Solid How long are solids piled,or staged,on the field prior to application? *<3 days O-3days O Directly land applied;not piled or staged Are the majority of your solids composted prior to land application? http://nagsat.tamu.edu/dairy/print.aspx?key=b26eacOe 1/27/9.01 F Dairy National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool Page 7 of 8 O Yes OO No When are solids incorporated? O At time of application O<24 hours after application O 24 hours to 3 days following application O More than 3 days after application or not incorporated L Liquid Do you typically...(Select the predominant practice) O inject? O incorporate within 24 hours? C)incorporate 24 hours or greater following application? U irrigate? O Surface applied and not incorporated Mortalities Other than during freezing weather,how long before carcasses are picked up or put into the disposal system? O Within 24 hours of death O Within a week of death O Less frequently How is mortality handled?(Check all that apply) Ed Managed offsite(such as rendered or landfilled,or offsite composting) O Buried onsite ❑Composted onsite On-farm Roads Are unpaved roads used for any of the following activities?(check all that apply) ❑ Routine service traffic(feed delivery,milk truck,renderer) 2 Less frequent service traffic(manure handling) ❑ General transportation(veterinarians, maintenance,nutritionists,managers,employees,farm tours) ❑ Does not apply Unpaved roads are surfaced with:(Check all that apply) ❑Caliche/limestone ®Unimproved dirt road ❑Washed gravel ❑Gravel Which is the predominant road-surface treatment used? MAR 2 7 2Q19 O Petroleum products,resins,emulsions as per manufacturer recommendations O Salts or hygroscopic materials(e.g.,magnesium chloride) O Fresh water O Holding pond wastewater f *None Are speed limits strictly enforced,or is speed controlled by passive means(e.g.,speed bumps)? O Speed limits are not present or are not enforced by management O Speed limits are enforced by management O Speed is controlled by speed bumps or other passive means Do you restrict public access to private roads? httn://naasat.tamu.edii/dpiirv/nrint..cn-z?kP.v=h?i�Paon,- 1 /17/1nic Dairy National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool Page 8 of 8 Yes U No Are most roads lined with windbreaks or shelterbelts? 0 No O Some or all roads are lined with vegetation Perception Do you employ the following to reduce nuisance issues? 2 Property line vegetative buffers ❑Cleaning up spilled manure from roads ❑ None of the above Do you practice"track-out control'(manure on tires)of manure or mud on vehicles leaving the property?(Do you have a means of controlling how much manure/mud leaves your property on the tires of all vehicles leaving your property?) U Yes O No Are most roads lined with windbreaks or shelterbelts? O No 1*Some or all roads are lined with vegetation Are you mindful of neighbors when timing manure removal from housing or storage? O Yes O No Do you consider how the following impact nuisance conditions when planning manure applications? Ed Timing relative to neighbor activities El Time of day ❑Season ❑Weather forecasts(wind direction relative to neighbor location) ❑ None of the above Are compost piles,mortalities,or manure storage visible from public roads? O Yes O No Are efforts made to ensure a pleasing roadside appearance? d Yes O No Select a new species and start over http://naqsat.tamu.edu/dairy/print.aspx?key=b26eac0e 1/27/201 E Worksheet 10A-2-Waste storage pond design Decisionmaker- f^" E Date: Site: Animal units 1. Animal type_------�i7tf1'-s ``,4 3. Number of animals(N)____________ 2. Animal weight,Ibs(W) �� � _, =' 4. Animal units, AU=W x N =..... _flC 1000 Manure volume 5. Daily volume of manure production 7. Total volume of manure production for ?� _7� per AU,ft3/AU/day(DVM)= f� ! (� animal type for storage period,ft3 VMD=AUxDVMxD = 6. Storage period,days (D)_ -------- ------ � 8.Total manure production for storage period,ft3 (TVM) .______L -1 Wastewater volume 9.Daily wastewater volume per / 11.Total wastewater volume for AU,ft3/AU/day (DWW)_ '/"� 51� ._ 1'�h�r storage period,ft3(TWW) -----------------------------f 10.Total wastewater volume for animal m _ _ description for storage period,ft3 WWD=DWWxAUxD = Clean water volume Runoff volume 12.Clean water added during storage period,ft3 (CW) — 13.Runoff volume,ft3(ROV) (attach documentation) ---------- E 9,390, ' Includes the volume of runoff from the drainage area Solids accumulation due to normal runoff for the storage period and the _ 14.Volume of solids accumulation,ft3(VSA)__________ —C runoff volume from the 25-year,24-hour storm. Minimum waste storage volume requirement 5. Waste storage volume,ft3(WSV)= TVM+TWW+CW+ROV+VSA Pond sizing 16.Sizing by trial and error c / ''7� Side slope ratio,(Z) = V must be equal to or greater than WSV= G 0/ ft3 Rectangular pond, Circular pond, V_r4xZ3xd3 B)+(ZxBWxd2)+ WxBLxd V= 1.05 x Z2 x d + 1.57 x W x Z x d Trial Bottom width Bottom length Depth* Volume Trial Bottom diameter Depth' Volume no. ft(BW) ft(BL) ft (d) ft3 (V) no. (DIA) ft(d) ft3 (V) * Depth must he adjusted in Step 17. f Depth adjustment 17. Depth adjustment Depth,ft(d) Add depth of precipitation less evaporation + Add for freeboard(1.O foot minimum)+ _______________________ (For the storage period) . Finaldepth----------------------------------------------- Add depth of 25-year,24-hour storm ______+ / ` Ci h�: r� _ rl0 h F �� •S %�i ��c t�'c.FL ,E�tFr ris al.25-i'c f G:Si%:_s c 1OA--2 (210-vi-AWMFH,rev.1,July 1996) ANBIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Runoff Control Measures- Such as concrete curbing and roof guttering should be inspected monthly to insure these systems are operating properly. Repair or replace as needed. Diversions, filter strips and buffers should be inspected to insure that vegetation is adequate and diversion capacity is adequate. Land Application Equi went- Shall be inspected before use to insure that equipment is working properly and that no leaks to tanks or box spreaders occur. Hose,pumps and pipes used with liquid spreader tanks and irrigation systems are to be checked before each use and repair or replace as needed. Waste Storage Structures - Check for floating or lodged debris in lagoons and storage ponds. Embankments of storage pond and lagoon are to be checked for stumps,bulges, wet or damp areas, and rodent damage on backside of dam. Vegetation should be adequate to prevent erosion. Bare areas should be seeded to fescue. Vegetation should be clipped a minimum of once per year to prevent trees and undesirable vegetation from becoming established. This can be done by either mowing, spraying or chopping. Pipes used to convey waste from buildings to storage pond or lagoon need to be inspected for separation of joints, cracks or breaks and salt/mineral accumulation. Bent Supports (pipe cradles) should be inspected to prevent sagging of pipes. When repair or replacement is needed replace with pressure treated posts and boards. Pipes should extend into the waste pond beyond the toe of bank slope or install rock rip rap and filter cloth on toe of slope. Pastured Areas -Maintain vegetation to prevent erosion. Hay rings and feed troughs should be located as far as possible from steep areas and watercourses such as creeks, streams and ponds. Rotate hay rings and portable troughs as animal waste accumulates. Waste is to be removed from area and land applied at agronomic rates. For areas where fencing along creeks have been installed, inspect fence to insure that animals do not have access to creek.