HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0007283_Additional Information Request #1_20231031ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS,]R. Director THE HONORABLE JAMES V. BENDER, JR. TOWN OF POLLOCKSVILLE POST OFFICE BOX 97 POLLOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28573 Dear Mayor Bender: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality October 31, 2023 Subject: Application No. WQ0007283 Additional Information Request #1 Town of Pollocksville WWTF Wastewater Irrigation System Jones County Division of Water Resources' Central and Regional staff has reviewed the application package received on August 23, 2023. However, additional information is required before the review may be completed. Please address the items on the attached pages no later than the close of business on November 30, 2023. Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Any oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are still the Applicant's responsibility. In addition, any omissions made in responding to the outstanding items in Sections A through M, or failure to provide the additional information on or before the above -requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T .0107(e)(2). Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. All revised and/or additional documentation shall be signed, sealed, and dated (where needed), with an electronic response submitted to my attention at: htti)s://edocs.deci.nc.2ov/Fortns/NonDischar2_ e-Branch- Submittal-Form-Ver2. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me at (919) 707-3658 or zachary.mega@deq.nc.gov. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: 45A56104B4524E7... Zachary J. Mega, Engineer III Division of Water Resources cc: Washington Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section (Electronic Copy) Cecil G. Madden, Jr., PE — McDavid Associates, Inc. (Electronic Copy) Laserfiche File (Electronic Copy) Flo Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 ��RT AAo D_E o.wm...t.e e,.nm.m.mai o..i` /"� 919.707.9000 The Honorable James V. Bender, Jr. October 31, 2023 Page 2 of 5 A. Cover Letter: The cover letter mentions the existing treatment lagoon will be repurposed to store final effluent from the proposed biological nutrient removal (BNR) facility. Will the lagoon be cleaned (i.e., existing sludge build-up pumped out) before being utilized for final effluent storage? If this is not done, the post -chlorination effluent could be recontaminated before spray field application and may result in noncompliance. If the Contractor will perform this task, please revise the Engineering Plans and Specifications as needed. 2. The cover letter also mentions that only the influent to the existing lagoon is planned to be sampled. The effluent from the existing lagoon should be sampled as well just before irrigation since it is an open -atmosphere structure. This will be representative of the wastewater quality being applied to the spray fields. Please revise the Engineering Plans, Specifications, O&M Plan, and Form: WWIS 06-16 to reflect this. B. Application Fee: 1. No comment. C. Application (Form: WWIS 06-16): 1. Item IV.5. — The wastewater type was selected as "Domestic", however, the previous permit renewal application that was submitted on March 17, 2021, noted a wastewater composition of 77% domestic and 23% industrial. Please clarify what the influent wastewater composition (%) will be to the proposed BNR facility. If any portion will be industrial, please submit a wastewater chemical analysis per Instruction P of Form: WWIS 06-16 and 15A NCAC 02T .0504(h). 2. Item V. 1. — Only a portion of the estimated influent concentration and designed effluent concentration parameters listed in this table are detailed in the Engineering Calculations. Please revise the Engineering Calculations to clearly show (1) all estimated influent concentration parameters, (2) hydraulic and pollutant loading calculations for each treatment unit, and (3) all designed effluent concentration parameters as specific numbers (not ranges) per Instruction K of Form: WWIS 06-16 and 15A NCAC 02T .0504(c)(3). Item VA — "Yes" was selected for multiple pumps being provided wherever pumps are used, however, multiple pumps are required per treatment train to meet 15A NCAC 02T .0505(k). Please either revise the Engineering Plans, Specifications, Engineering Calculations, O&M Plan, and Form: WWIS 06-16 for multiple pumps to be provided wherever pumps are used or demonstrate that the current design meets the three Alternative Design Criteria (ADC) of 15A NCAC 02T .0105(n). 4. Item V.11.e. —The listed length and volume for the chlorination pipes do not match the Engineering Calculations. Please verify and revise. 5. Item V. I I .h. — Please add the proposed sampling station(s) to this table. 6. Item VII.3. — Please provide the minimum field observed distances for each setback parameter to the treatment/storage units. 7. Item VII.4. —"No" was selected for complying with 15A NCAC 02T .0506(c) for reduced irrigation setbacks to property lines, however, the table below was completed. Please clarify if the proposed BNR facility will comply with 15A NCAC 02T .0506(c). The Honorable James V. Bender, Jr. October 31, 2023 Page 3 of 5 8. Section IX —Since "No" was selected for Items IX.1. and IX.2., Items IX.3. through IX.17. do not apply to this facility. No response is reauired. D. Property Ownership Documentation: 1. No comment. E. Engineering Plans: 1. Sheets G8 & G9 — See Comment H.1. 2. Sheet G10 — Where does the 1.5" PVC meter vault sump pump force main discharge from/to? It appears to stop at the invert of an existing drainage ditch and the meter vault is conveying wastewater flow. 3. Sheet G14 — a. Please depict and label the return activated sludge (RAS) and clarifier scum air lift pumps. b. The profile view labels the aeration chambers as 42,500 gallons each but the notes below state 43,350 gallons. Please verify and revise. F. Specifications: 1. Section 11391 (Package Steel BNR Sewage Treatment Plant) — a. Will the Contractor be relocating the existing gas chlorine injection equipment to the proposed chlorine contact piping? If so, please revise the Specifications to discuss this. b. Part 107 (Performance and Design Requirements) — The listed total phosphorous (TP) estimated influent concentration of 10 mg/L, designed effluent ammonia concentration of 1 mg/L (maximum), and designed effluent total nitrogen (TN) concentration of 6 mg/L do not match Item V.I. of Form: WWIS 06-16 and the Engineering Calculations. Please verify and revise. c. Part 21 LD.1. (Aerobic Sludge Holding Chamber — Emergency Overflow) — A reference is made to "high water in the digester chamber" when the holding chamber should be referenced. Please verify and revise. d. Part 216.D. (Mechanical Circular Clarifiers) — The listed minimum settling volume of 22,750 gallons does not match Item V.1 l.b. of Form: WWIS 06-16. Please verify and revise. e. Part 216.R. (Mechanical Circular Clarifiers) — A 12" diameter outlet is listed, but the Engineering Plans show a 6" diameter outlet from both clarifiers. Please verify and revise. £ Part 217.13. (Return Sludge/Waste Sludge System) — The TDH for the RAS pumps is listed as 15' which does not match Item V.I Le. of Form: WWIS 06-16 and the Engineering Plans. Please verify and revise. The Honorable James V. Bender, Jr. October 31, 2023 Page 4 of 5 G. Engineering Calculations: 1. Overall — a. Please sign and date the Professional Engineer (PE) seal on the Engineering Calculations cover page per Instruction K of Form: WWIS 06-16 and 15A NCAC 02T .0504(c)(3). b. Please provide pump curves and a system curve analysis (if applicable) to identify the operating point for all proposed pumps per Instruction K of Form: WWIS 06-16 and 15A NCAC 02T .0504(c)(3). c. Please provide buoyancy calculations for the meter vault since it will be constructed partially or entirely below grade per Instruction K of Form: WWIS 06-16. 2. Aeration Design — The designed effluent ammonia concentration of 4 mg/L listed in the spreadsheet does not match Item V.1. of Form: WWIS 06-16. Please verify and revise. 3. Secondary Clarifiers — Please provide friction/total dynamic head (TDH) calculations for the clarifier scum pumps. See Comment G.1.b. 4. Disinfection by Chlorination Design — Please demonstrate that a minimum of 30 minutes of chlorine contact time is achieved at Average Daily Flow (ADF). This should correspond to what was listed under Item V.1 I.e. of Form: WWIS 06-16. H. Site Map: 1. Please revise Sheets G8 and G9 of the Engineering Plans so they can serve as the Site Map(s) for the modified facility per Instruction L of Form: WWIS 06-16 and 15A NCAC 02T .0504(d): a. Please delineate and label the compliance and review boundaries per 15A NCAC 02L .0107 and 02L .0108, respectively. b. Please show and label the location of all wells (including monitoring wells), streams (ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial), springs, lakes, ponds, and other surface drainage features within 500' of all wastewater treatment, storage, and irrigation sites. c. Please provide applicable setback dimensions per 15A NCAC 02T .0506. I. Power Reliability Plan: 1. No comment. J. Operation & Maintenance Plan: 1. No comment. K. Residuals Management Plan: 1. No comment. The Honorable James V. Bender, Jr. October 31, 2023 Page 5 of 5 L. Additional Documentation: ➢ Existing Permit: 1. No comment. ➢ Floodway Regulation Compliance: 1. No comment. ➢ Threatened or Endangered Aquatic Species Documentation: 1. Please submit documentation from the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) demonstrating the presence or absence of threatened or endangered aquatic species within the boundary of the wastewater treatment, storage, and irrigation facilities per Instruction P of Form: WWIS 06-16 and 15ANCAC 02T .0105(c)(10). M. Recommendations (Response not required): 1. Engineering Plans — a. Sheet G5 — Recommend revising the "Each Train" labels in the middle of the hydraulic profile for clarity since this sheet is for peak flow single train operation. b. Sheet G8 — Recommend fixing the text conflict in the top right corner of the sheet.