HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131282 Ver 3_Application_20151015���;;:�.,� ��5 ��Y.������� �o�,,��.�'.g,-' "";�.:�..K STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCROxv GOVERNOR October 15, 2015 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 ATTN: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Division 5 Coordinator NICHOLAS J. TENNYSON SECRETARY SUBJECT: Request for Modification of the Section 404 Individual Permit and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed East End Connector from NC 147 (Durham Freeway/Buck Dean Expressway) to north of NC 98 (Holloway Street) in Durham, Durham County, North Carolina, Division 5. Federal Aid Project No. NHF-76-1(2), TIP No. U-0071. Debit $570.00 from WBS Element No. 34745.1.1 REFERENCE: 1) USACE Individual Permit, Action ID No. SAW-2011-00796, dated March 24, 2014 2) USACE Individual Permit Modification, Action ID No. SAW-2011-00796, dated May 7, 2015. 3) NCDWR Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Neuse River Buffer Authorization, and Isolated Wetlands Permit, NCDWR Project No. 20131282, Certification N�o. 3980, dated January 28, 2014. 4) Modification to the NCDWR Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Neuse River Buffer Authorization, and Isolated Wetlands Permit, NCDWR Project No. 20131282 ver. 2, Certification No. 3980, dated April 15, 2015. Dear Sir: The purpose of this letter is to request a second modification to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 Individual Permit and North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the above-referenced project. In addition to this cover letter, please find enclosed new Wetland Permit Drawing Sheet No. lA of 91 and revised Wetland Permit Drawing Sheet Nos. 36, 74, 90, and 91 of 91. MAILING ADDRESS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR"fA'fION TELk;PHONF.: 919-707-6100 Ce[ltu�'y CC77t0i - Bulldltlg B PROJECT DEVELOPMLNT AND �NVIRONMENTAL 1 O20 BiTCI] RidgO Di ANn[ vsis �AX: 919-212-5785 Kaleigh, NC 27610-4328 NATURAL �NVIRONMENT SECTION 1598 MAII. SF.RVICE ChN"fER YVEliSlTG: WWW.NCDOT.ORG Ra�E�cH NC 27699-1598 IMPACTS TO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES Surface Waters All revisions occur within the Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020101). No revisions to wetland or buffer impacts were made in this modification. Stream impact revisions occur at Sites 6 and 23. Descriptions for the changes at each site are below. Please also see Table 1, which has been revised to reflect these modifications. Revised Sites, sub-totals, and totals are in italics. • Permit Site 6(Permit Drawing 36 of 91) at 21+78 -Y7RPA- Lt: The contractor has installed the 66-inch pipe structure and rip rap bank stabilization following the most recently approved permit drawing at this site. The Department proposes to install additional Class II rip rap on the stream bank that would allow far the permanent stability to extend to the utility line crossing (and associated rip rap bank stabilization) downstream of this pipe structure that is depicted on Utility Stream Permit Drawing 2 of 5. This design change will result in a reduction in temporary stream impacts of 15 linear ft. (all will be eliminated) and an increase in bank stabilization impacts of 25 linear ft. • Permit Site 23 (Permit Drawing 74 of 91) at 45+00 -US70FLY- Lt: The contractor is currently installing the single barrel culvert at this site. The Department has evaluated existing streambank stability downstream of the culvert and proposes to add additional Class II rip rap bank stabilization along both streambanks at the outlet to provide for enhanced permanent stability. This design change will result in a reduction in temporary stream impacts of 11 linear ft., a decrease in permanent stream impacts of 10 linear ft., and an increase in bank stabilization impacts of 13 linear ft. In addition to the modifications at Sites 6 and 23, design revisions are also proposed at Sites 7, 8, 12, 17, and 23. These revisions will not alter the currently permitted impact totals at these sites. Descriptions for the changes at these sites are below. • Culverts at 95+48 -L- Lt/Rt (Permit Site 7, Permit Drawin� 36 of 91), 133+41 -L- Lt/Rt (Permit Site 17, Permit Drawing 60 of 91 �not includedl), 34+45 -Y3- Lt/Rt (Permit Site 23, Permit Drawing 74 of 91), and 19+07 -Y4- Lt/Rt (Permit Site 7, Permit Drawing 36 of 91): The contractor has completed installation of the single-barrel box culvert at 95+48 -L- Lt/Rt (Permit Site 7). The streambed has a headcut above the culvert inlet. The Department proposes to install a one foot sill at the inlet and outlet of the culvert at this location, as well as the other three culverts on the project (at Sites 7, 17, and 23). Please see added Wetland Permit Drawing Sheet No. lA of 91 for the culvert sill detail. • Permit Site 7(Permit Drawing 36 of 91) at 20+50 -Y7RPA- Rt: The Department proposes to install additional Class II rip rap bank stabilization on the north streambank at the culvert outlet. Note that this rip rap is fully within the limits of Class II rip rap bank stabilization previously permitted along the south streambank at the culvert outlet following the most recently approved permit drawing. U-0071 2"a Individual Permit Modification Application, October 2015 2 • Permit Site 8(Permit Drawing 36 of 91) at 20+00 -Y4- Lt: The original plan indicated placement of Class II rip rap in an eXisting stream channel. Note that the stream impact has been previously permitted as a total take. The Department has evaluated this design based on existing field conditions and now proposes to relocate the channel into a rip rap lined-lateral base false cut located at the toe of the fill slope. Please see Detail ZZ on the permit drawing. • Permit Site 12 (Permit Drawings 48 fnot includedl and 74 of 91) at 41+60 - US70FLY- Rt: The original plan indicated construction of a tail ditch (with no flow line liner) to convey stream flow through the project. The Department has evaluated this design based on eXisting field conditions and now proposes to relocate the stream channel into a tail ditch with Class I rip rap in the flow line and on the banks. Please see Detail BG3 on Permit Drawing No. 74. Table 1. Revised Surface Water Impacts within the Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) Impacts Impacts Permit Requiring USACE Requiring Stream Stream Intermittent Impact Impacts Site 1 USACE Mitigation 1:1 DWR No. Name ID /Perennial Type (lin. ft.) mitigation Ratio mitigation (lin. ft.) (lin. ft.) 1 UT of Goose S-B Intermittent Pe�' 412 OZ 03 Creek Fill Temp. 14 0 0 Fill 2 UT of Goose S-A Intermittent pe�' 673 0� 03 Creek Fill Bank 20 05 03 Stabil. 3 UT of Goose 5-35 Intermittent Pe�' 410 OZ 03 Creek Fill Temp. 15 0 0 Fill 4 UT of Little 5-26 ��ermittent Pe�• 349 04 03 Lick Creek (Isolated) Fill Bank 70 04 03 Stabil. 6 UT of Little S-25 Intermittent Bank 25 0� 03 Lick Creek Stabil. U-0071 2"a Individual Permit Modification Application, October 2015 3 Table 1. Revised Surface Water Impacts within the Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) (Continued) Impacts Impacts Permit Requiring USACE Requiring Site Stream Stream Intermittent Impact Impacts USACE Mitigation 1:1 DWR No. Name ID /Perennial Type (lin. ft.) mitigation Ratio mitigation (lin. ft.) (lin. ft.) Temp. 104 0 0 Fill � UT of Little 5-18 Perennial pe�' 665 665 2:1 665 Lick Creek Fill Sab 1. 305 05 305 g UT of Little 5-19 Intermittent pe�' 443 0� 03 Lick Creek Fill Perm. 29 OZ 03 9 UT of Little 5-24 Intermittent Fill Lick Creek Bank 43 05 03 Stabil. Temp. 132 0 0 Fill 12 UT of Little 5-16 Intermittent Pe�' 705 0� 03 Lick Creek Fill Bank 42 �5 �3 Stabil. Temp. 2g 0 0 Fill 1 � UT of Little S-6 Perennial pe�' 479 479 2:1 479 Lick Creek Fill Sab l. g5 Os 85 17A UT of Little �_12 Intermittent Temp. 56 0 0 Lick Creek Fill 17B UT of Little S-14 Intermittent Temp. � 0 0 Lick Creek Fill Temp. 65 0 0 Fill 23 UT of Little S-6 Perennial Pe�m' 270 270 2:1 270 Lick C�eek Fill �abil. 140 OS 140 Temp. 23 0 0 24 UT of Little S-7 Intermittent Fill Lick Creek Pe�• 104 OZ 03 Fill U-0071 2"a Individual Permit Modification Application, October 2015 Table 1. Revised Surface Water Impacts within the Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) (Continued) Impacts Impacts Permit Requiring USACE Requiring Site Stream Stream Intermittent Impact Impacts USACE Mitigation 1:1 DWR No. Name ID /Perennial Type (lin. ft.) mitigation Ratio mitigation (lin. ft.) (lin. ft.) Temp. � 0 0 0 Fill 25 UT of Little S-2 Intermittent pe�' 168 0� 03 Lick Creek Fill Bank 35 OS 03 Stabil. Temp. 23 0 0 Fill 26 UT of Little S-2 Intermittent Pe�' S0 0� 03 Lick Creek Fill Bank 50 Os 03 Stabil. 27 UT of Little S-6 Perennial Ba� 10 05 106 Lick Creek Stabil. UT of Little Utility/ s 3 U-1 Lick Creek 5-25 Intermittent Bank 20 0 0 Stabil. Temporary Fill Impacts (Non-isolated) 462 0 0 Temporary Fill Impacts (Isolated) 15 0 0 Permanent Fill Impacts (Non-isolated) 4,408 1,414 1,414 Permanent Fill Impacts (Isolated) 349 04 0 Bank Stabilization Impacts (Non-isolated) 775 0 540 Bank Stabilization Impacts (Isolated) 70 04 0 TOTAL TEMPORARY IMPACTS 477 0 0 TOTAL PERMANENT IMPACTS 5,602 1,414 1,954 �� .�ui,aui iv� a�� i�vui wi, �v ��.-vuiiwauv�i Ya�,nu� uawu �Yu� i� <.vi �. �Per USACE, no compensatory mitigarion is required far permanent impacts (including bank stabilization) to USACE-regulated intermittent streams associated with this project. 3 Per the NCDWQ Public Memorandum dated August 14, 2009, any NCDOT project within the Merger O1 process that has reached CP 4A prior to the effective date of October 16, 2009 is not subject to the NCDWR Intermittent Stream Mitigation Policy. This project reached CP 4A on December 13, 2007 and is not subject to this policy. Therefore, no compensatory mitigation for permanent impacts along intermittent streams is required by NCDWR for this project. 4Isolated streams are not regulated by USACE. SPer USACE, bank stabilization impacts do not require compensatary mitigation. 6Although this Site does not individually exceed the 150 linear foot threshold set by NCDWR for requiring compensatory mitigation, when combined with other Sites along the same stream, the cumulative impact to the stream exceeds that threshold. U-0071 2"a Individual Permit Modification Application, October 2015 Compensatory Miti�ation Compensatory mitigation requirements for permanent stream impacts associated with U-0071 within the Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020101) are summarized below in Table 2. Wetland mitigation requirements have not changed since the original application and subsequent permits. Buffer mitigation requirements have not changed since the 1 st permit modification application and subsequent revised certification. Revised sub-totals and totals are in italics. Stream Impacts A total of 5,602 linear feet of permanent warm water stream impacts will occur within the Neuse Basin. This is an increase of 28 linear feet compared to the 5,574 linear feet that was reported in the lst permit modification application. The 28 linear-foot increase is due to the addition of 38 linear feet of bank stabilization, minus 10 linear feet of permanent stream impacts due to the reduction at Site 23. A total of 1,414 linear feet of permanent warm water stream impacts will require compensatory mitigation per the U�SACE at a 2:1 ratio. This is a reduction of 10 linear feet campared to the original permit application/lst permit modification application and is due to the reduction in permanent stream impacts at Site 23. The 38 linear-foot increase in bank stabilization impacts does not require compensatory mitigation per USACE. Since there was a reduction in mitigable impacts rather than an increase, a revised Mitigation Acceptance Letter from the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is not being pursued at this time. The amount of compensatory mitigation required by NCDWR increased since the 1 st permit modification application from 1,951 linear feet to 1,954 linear feet of permanent warm water stream impacts. This revised amount will be mitigated for at a 1:1 ratio. After revisions, the total USACE mitigation requirement still exceeds the NCDWR mitigation requirement. Table 2. Revised Neuse River Basin Compensatory Mitigation Summary Stream Impacts (lin. ft.) Impacts Requiring 1,414 Mitigation Mitigation Ratio 2:1 Total DMS Mitigation 2, 828 Required U-0071 2"a Individual Permit Modification Application, October 2015 6 A copy of this permit modification application and its distribution list will be posted on the NCDOT website at I�tt�}s_;';%c_ull��ect.ncde�i.�c>v;'rest�«rces;'t:�:nvironi�le��tal.`Pa��es�'d�tault.a��x., under _..._.._ __.__.__------ -------------------.._..--- Quick Links > Permit Applications. Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Please contact James Mason at either jsnlaso��'ri;:ncdot.«,ov or (919) 707-6136 if you have any questions or need additional information. � Sincerely, ' . _,,/� , ""__" I �Richard W. Hancock, P.E., Manager �Yr Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit cc: NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List U-0071 2"d Individual Permit Modiiication Application, October 2015 7 Permit Drawing Sheet lA of 91 Added October 2015 ELEVATION � DIMENSION TO BE DETERMINED BY HYDRAULICS UNIT. 1'-0" N� JWEL (TYP.) AT A SPACING OF 4'-0" 2 LAYERS OF 30 LB. ROOFING FELT TO PREVENT BOND (TYPe) SECTION THROUGH SILL � DOWELS MAY BE PUSHED INTO GREEN CONCRETE AFTER SLAB HAS BEEN FLOAT FINISHEDe CULVERT SILL DETAILS FIGURE 9 - 18 Z O .r, � � ev � � � / �' �n PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. �5 �5 :.� � � � �, WiLUAM B. BARKER �` � V �� � `��, s �/-��7/ 20 P� �Py�p I i `}, DETAIL 8G3 ILW SHEET NO. / C '. � \ � TAIL BASE DITCH / `c,� \ 0�,�' ���r" P�FS �`v0 \ 1/W Nm��oi Inaiios�.,iel Ne���ai ROADNGINDRSIGN HENGNEERS �, � 'e^� TEMPORARY SHORING - SEE WORK � P AC�iS IN � `� 4 ZONE TRAFPIC CONTROL PLANS a.o��a a� p g'� c,o��n (�� ����{�J�E1n1 Site � �con�ti r��e � � Wa�os d 2�/� VI\I ACE VV�� � EI� / Gao�e+�le � g Min_D= 1.5 F_ ��� \ � Ma . d 1.5 F . �� �` � t �� O q IYNN-0%FORD ASSOOATE$ e- a.o Fe �V�� � �� � � � ����. 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' o s PACTS IN � `� ��� � �" �� c — � � � � '�t�' ��� ,.��_�R'��FACE WATER N �, ,��A �/'+ . . ° z�i wiaN��E r.,�!�.,?�� � � —� — — � ..i_-^..r"-,-,.(.�.r'�3V��lp�LE 4GI-A C � � ry ..� VANE GRATE / �'� I�� — � � � j- ,E� �"' WATERS� �� � � F , � — % ti w _ � � \ ��"�`� / ..� � S o � ,o oa / �� r. � 3 f�� z�i-0 woo�s � � � H � �5 �� � � � r,s`� Fi � � � � � \ N � PSH SEE DETAII Pl �' /� 4' � 0.�' � � GRADE TO EL 326 � � 0 P 'L I � � 1' � �� � � � Bl� .� 9 �5� . � � � � 8 2 � r / . � I � I �� \� � 1''� ) � 'II' RIP RAP � °� M" `� ' �M MPACTS IN ,S W0005 � � � E TONS K VER � � �5 � / ST 2 SY GFD C � T E 2 4 �, . � '. ' . RIPRAP PAD TO �� � ���� w�, S ACE WATE��— �!� �TEMP. IMPAC�S If�V BE �o�NrERS�NK J � , , - � � c `z `�� �� � � �-- — g�' �/ ��S�RF��FI�YIAT,FcRS — ?m / � \ \� \ \\ - _1S- �/ � �G�- �� � ---- �s — � �s ���' e�� � PNILLIP C.RANSDELL II �� � �� �� �� PAUL AfiD�REN RANSOELL � \\ 15 SPECIAL Ni DITCH �-� �� PLACE PERMANENT SPECIAL CUT � / ♦ SEE DETAIL SlR � ROCK CHECK DAMS GRASSED SWALE � / F EST 170 TONS CL C�il 25' INTERVALS BZ � / s� � C�+F�1� EST 363 SY G� � � SEE RDV STD 1633.02 `�5' BASE '' .= i � 9� O � ��^-��r.,� SEE DETAIL GSS z� � f � ��^'�;rnL�n+.r ,-'r'"r� �. ��� �BZ fy�j. 'C� � LATERAL BASE N ^ � CLASS 'I' RIP RAP GRA55ED SWALE ��T��� / EST. 3 TONS SEE DETAIL GS \ 7 SY GFD EST 861 CY DDE \�� ��° � �� ������� �����.���� �s� DENOTES IMPACTS IN � L � t'?-11'--"t� � � N i � �� �� � �s`� SURFACE WATER ..-- PHILIIP C. RANSDELL II �'�.L, r � m �� A� ��F � PAGE CUNTER RANSDELL DENOTES TEMPORARY PAUL ANpREW RANSDELL � �Z, � � �� ��� `' ` �'' \� �� � � IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) � L 32+58 to 36+64 FILL 0.04 412 L 37+75 - SR1 34+g4 Y17 66" RCP-IV, 48"RCP-III, 2 11+14 2a°RCP-III 0.08 0.07 <0.01 673 14 BANK STABILIZATION 2Q 3 L 44+53 30" RCP-III Q.Q6 �.�6 410 * 4 SR2 36+89 Y7 17+24 48" RCP-III, 60" RCP-III 0.05 0.03 <Q.Q� 349 15 BANK STABILIZATION 7Q * 5(T) Y7LPA 13+98 60" RCP-III 0.06 6 Y7RPA 21+78 BANK STABILIZATION <0.01 Z5 7 Y7RPA 20+75 to Y6 15+90 8'x9' RCBC 0.17 �.0� 665 104 BANK STABILIZATION 3O5 Y4 19+63 to 22+30 and 30" RCP-III, FILL 8 Y4 23+04 to 25+59 �.�4 �.�7 443 Q Y5 23+20 RT. 30" RCP-III �.�3 <Q.Q1 29 � BANK STABILIZATION 43 10 Y5 26+62 RT. FILL Q.Q� Q.Q� 11 Y6 11+15 off 104 RT. 18" RCP-III <Q.Q� 12 Y2 26+53 to 27+90 LT. RFr.NnrvniFi i�ATinrv 0.11 0.03 705 132 BANK STABILIZATION 42 13(T) Y4 35+48 36" RCP-IV 0.78 * 14(T) L 122+93 30" RCP-V Q.Q$ * 15(T) L 132+13 FILL 0.03 * 16(T) L 132+33 RT. FILL 0.05 17 L 133+41 6'x7' RCBC �.�6 <Q.Q� 479 28 BANK STABILIZATION $ -rj 17A L 133+26 264' LT FILL <0.�� 56 TOTALS: 0.46 0.01 <0.01 1.42 0.04 4755 349 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: * indicates isolated wetland (T) Indicates Total Take Revised October 2015 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) �7B L 133+69 263' RT FILL <Q.Q� 7 18(T) L 134+53 LT. FILL 0.19 � g not jurisdictional 0 20 DFLW 27+34 to 38+06 42" RCP-III Q.Q2 <Q.Q� 2� $ � 7 2� DFLW 39+19 FILL Q.Q� 28 22 DFLW 41+62 FILL Q.Q� 23 23 Y3 34+45 8'x10' CULVERT 0.09 0.�� 270 65 BANK STABILIZATION �4O 24 Y3 40+16.69 RT 30" RCP-III �.04 �.�� 104 23 25 Y9 28+10 LT to 26+85 RT 66" RCP-III �.�� <�.�� 168 � � BANK STABILIZATION 35 26 Y3 57+75 LT to RT 60" RCP-III Q.Q� <Q.Q� 5Q 23 BANK STABILIZATION 5O 27 L 129+77 414LT. BANK STABILIZATION � Q 2$ DFLW 52+08 LT & RT 36" RCP �.�2 �.�� 121 2� 2Q DFLW 72+35 LT FILL < Q.Q� t}Q 30 DFLW 73+72 LT FILL < 0.01 10 31 DFLW 78+76 LT& 81+14 RT BANK STABILIZATION 61 Construction Activity <Q.Q� 22 32 DFLW 78+79 LT Construction Activity <0.01 9 TOTALS (page 2 of 2): 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.4 0.03 1328 196 TOTALS (page 1 of 2): 0.46 0.01 <0.01 1.42 0.04 4755 349 TOTALS: 0.46 0.01 <.0.01 1.82 0.07 6083 545 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: * indicates isolated wetland (T) Indicates Total Take Revised October 2015