HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200035 Ver 1_LibertyRock_100135_MY1_2023_20240212 Liberty RockMitigationSite MONITORING YEAR 1 Randolph County, NC Cape Fear River Basin ANNUAL REPORT HUC 03030003 FINAL DMS Project No. 100135 NCDEQ Contract No. 7877-01 DMS RFP No. 16-007877 February2024 NCDWR Project No. 2020-0035 v1 USACE Action ID Number 2020-00047 Data Collection Period: January2023 - November2023 PREPARED FOR: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 February 9, 2024 Jeremiah Dow Eastern Regional Supervisor North Carolina DEQ Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 RE: DMS Comments on the MY1 Report Liberty Rock, Project ID #100135, DMS Contract 7877-01 Dear Mr. Dow: We have reviewed the comments on the MY1 Report for the above referenced project dated January 29, 2024 and have revised the report based on these comments. The revised documents are submitted with this letter. Below are responses to each of the comments. For your convenience, the comments are reprinted with responses in italics. 1. Table 2 a. First row states that there are no performance criteria for stream stability. The criteria are BHR below 1.2, ER over 2.2, etc. Response: Stream stability performance criteria in Table 2 has been updated. b. Second row regarding exclusion of livestock. There should be functional uplift associated with removal of livestock. Response: Functional uplift associated with livestock removal has been updated and is included in Table 2. c. Last row indicates that there was no encroachment in MY1 which conflicts with Section 2.2 and the discussion there of the Greensboro Science Center encroachment. Response: The last row of Table 2 has been updated to include the Greensboro Science Center vehicle encroachment. 2. Section 2.6 – States that the growing season for this project was approved at the April 2023 credit release meeting, but this site was not on the April 2023 credit release meeting agenda and the IRT as-built site visit was in May. Was this site discussed at credit release? Please clarify. st – Response: The growing season was approved in the Mitigation Plan and is March 1 th November 21 each year. Section 2.6 has been updated. 3. Figure 1 & 1b – Please show your best estimation of the vehicle encroachment location. Response: Figure 1b has been updated to include approximate location of the vehicle encroachment extent. 4. Can the multiflora rose and privet treatment indicated in Section 2.2 be shown on the CCPV, or were these scattered occurrences? Response: These were small, sporadic occurrences all below the mapping threshold. This has been clarified in the report text. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (P) 919.851.9986 • 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225 • Raleigh, NC 27609 5.Table 5 –It seems that the parrot feather treatment should be included here, or was it below the 0.1 acre threshold? Response:Parrot feather treatment extended over 0.13acres; Table 5 has been updated to include this. 6.Mussel survey indicates that downstream reaches (A & B) and an upstream reach were surveyed. There are only results for 2 reaches. Were the downstream reaches combined? Was this intended? The mitigation plan (Figure 11) shows 3 distinct mussel monitoring locations (upstream of the site, Reach 1, and Reach 2). We suggested requesting a map from the subconsultant that performed the mussel survey showing survey locations. Response:Per the Technical Memorandumsent to the IRT (12/15/2020) in the Liberty Rock Mitigation Plan, only the upstream off-site reach along with a secondoff- sitereach downstream of restoration activities are surveyed in Monitoring Year 1. The 3 sampling points included in the Mitigation Plan (Figure 11), depict which reaches sampling willtake place in. Transects within the reach of those pointsare sampled, as opposed to returning to aspecific riffle. The off- site reach downstream of restoration activities sampled for MY1 is not called out in the Mitigation Plan (Figure 11). Reaches A and B mentioned in the Mussel Survey Report represent the two stream transectsthat were surveyed within theoff-sitereach downstream of restoration activitiesduring MY1. This has been confirmed with the consultant, TranSystems. Amap of MY1 mussel survey locations has been added to this report and will be included withfuture monitoring reports as well. If you have any questions, please contact me by phone (919) 851-9986, or by email (jlorch@wildlandseng.com). Sincerely, Jason Lorch, Monitoring Coordinator Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (P) 919.851.9986 • 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225 • Raleigh, NC 27609 PREPARED BY: 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Jason Lorch jlorch@wildlandseng.com Phone: 919.851.9986 LIBERTY ROCK MITIGATION SITE Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 Project Quantities and Credits ................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 1-2 1.3 Project Attributes ....................................................................................................................... 1-4 Section 2: MONITORING YEAR 1 DATA ASSESSMENT ........................................................................ 2-1 2.1 Vegetative Assessment .............................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern ..................................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Stream Assessment .................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.4 Stream Areas of Concern ........................................................................................................... 2-2 2.5 Hydrology Assessment ............................................................................................................... 2-2 2.6 Wetland Assessment .................................................................................................................. 2-2 2.7 Monitoring Year 1 Summary ...................................................................................................... 2-2 Section 3: REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 3-1 TABLES Table 1: Project Quantities and Credits ..................................................................................................... 1-1 Table 2: Goals, Performance Criteria, and Functional Improvements ...................................................... 1-2 Table 3: Project Attributes ......................................................................................................................... 1-5 FIGURES Figure 1 Current Condition Plan View Key Figure 1a-b Current Condition Plan View APPENDICES Appendix A Visual Assessment Data Table 4 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 5 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Stream Photographs Vegetation Plot Photographs Groundwater Gauge Photographs Appendix B Vegetation Plot Data Table 6 Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table Appendix C Stream Geomorphology Data Cross-Section Plots Table 8 Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 9 Cross-Section Morphology Monitoring Summary Appendix D Hydrology Data Table 10 Bankfull Events Table 11 Rainfall Summary Recorded Bankfull Events Plots Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Finali Table 12 Recorded In-Stream Flow Events Summary Recorded In-Stream Flot Events Plot Table 13 Groundwater Gauge Summary Groundwater Gauge Plots Appendix E Project Timeline and Contact Info Table 14 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 15 Project Contact Table Appendix F Additional Documentation IRT Site Walk Notes Freshwater Mussel Monitoring Survey Report Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Finalii Section 1:PROJECT OVERVIEW The Liberty Rock Mitigation Site (Site) is located in Randolph County two miles south of the Town of Liberty and nine miles northwest of Siler City. The Site is located within the Rocky River Headwaters targeted local watershed (TLW) Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03030003070010 and the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) Subbasin 03-06-12. The Site will provide stream and wetland credits to the Cape Fear River Basin Cataloging Unit (CU) 03030003 through restoration, enhancement, and preservation of the Rocky River and four unnamed tributaries to the Rocky River (referred to as Schist Creek, Gypsum Creek, Dolomite Creek, and Mica Creek for the project) and riparian wetland re-establishment, rehabilitation, and enhancement. The Site is located on 2 parcels owned by one landowner and a conservation easement was recorded on 41.12 acres. 1.1Project Quantities and Credits The Wilmington District Stream Buffer Credit Calculator (updated (1/19/2018) was used to determine final crediting for the “Additional Credit from Extended Buffers” shown in Table 1 below. Table 1: Project Quantities and Credits PROJECT MITIGATION QUANTITIES Mitigation Mitigation As-Built Mitigation Restoration Project Segment Plan Ratio Credits Comments Footage Category Level Footage (X:1) Stream Rocky River Full Channel Restoration, Planted 1,989 2,023 Warm R 1.0 1,989.000 Reach 1 Buffer, Extended Buffers Rocky River Bank Stabilization, 580 585 Warm EI 1.0 580.000 Reach 2 Extended Buffers Rocky River 479 482 Warm R 1.0 479.000 Full Channel Restoration, Planted Reach 3 Buffer, Extended Buffers Schist Creek 420 476 Warm R 1.0 420.000 Gypsum Creek 152 152 Warm P 10.0 15.200 Conservation Easement Reach 1 Gypsum Creek Full Channel Restoration, Planted 208 218 Warm R 1.0 208.000 Reach 2 Buffer, Extended Buffers Dolomite Creek 188 188 Warm P 10.0 18.800 Conservation Easement Reach 1 Dolomite Creek Minor Bank Grading, Planted 36 31 Warm EII 5.0 7.200 Reach 2 Buffer Full Channel Restoration, Planted Mica Creek 1,151 1,182 Warm R 1.0 1,151.000 Buffer, Extended Buffers Total:4,868.200 Blue = Restoration Yellow = Enhancement I Orange = Enhancement II Green = Preservation Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final1-1 Wetland Restored Hydrology, Re-establishment N/A 12.868 Riverine R 1 12.868 Planted Enhanced Hydrology, Rehabilitation 3.308 3.308 Riverine RE 1.5 2.205 Planted Enhancement 0.893 0.893 Riverine RE 5 0.179 Conservation Easement Total: 15.252 Stream Riparian Wetland Restoration Level Non- Warm Cool Cold Riverine Riverine Restoration4,247.000 Enhancement I 580.000 Enhancement II7.200 Preservation 34.000 Additional Credits 274.150 from Extended Buffers Re-establishment 12.868 Rehabilitation 2.205 Enhancement 0.179 TOTALS 5,142.350 15.252 1.2Project Goals and Objectives The project is intended to provide numerous ecological benefits. Table 2 below describes expected outcomes to water quality and ecological processes and provides project goals and objectives. Table 2: Goals, Performance Criteria, and Functional Improvements Cumulative Objective/ Likely Functional Performance Goal Measurement Monitoring Treatment Uplift Criteria Results Entrenchment Cross-section Cross-section ratios over 2.2 monitoring will be data meets Construct stream and bank height Reduce sediment assessed during performance Improve the channels that will ratios remaining inputs from bank MY1, MY2, MY3, criteria; all bank stability of maintain stable below 1.2 with erosion. Reduce MY5, and MY7 height ratios stream cross-sections, visual shear stress on and visual are below 1.2 channels. patterns, and profiles assessments channel boundary. inspections will and over time. showing be performed entrenchment progression annually. ratios over 2.2. towards stability. Reduction in Exclude livestock Livestock have Livestock have Livestock have sediment, nutrient, Exclude through removal of been removed been removed been removed and fecal coliform livestock from bacteria inputs livestock from the from project from project from project streams. through livestock project parcel. parcel. parcel. parcel. exclusion. Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final1-2 Cumulative Objective/ Likely Functional Performance Goal Measurement Monitoring Treatment Uplift Criteria Results Increase and Install habitat diversify available There is no features such as habitats for performance Mussel surveys constructed riffles, macroinvertebrates, criteria for this will take place in lunker logs, and fish, mussels, and Improve metric. However, restoration MY1 mussel brush toes into amphibians leading in-stream mussel survey and/or relocation survey restored/enhanced to colonization and habitat. reports are reaches in MY1, completed. streams. Add woody increase in required MY2, MY3, MY5, materials to channel biodiversity over deliverables to and MY7. beds. Construct pools time. Add complexity the IRT. of varying depth. including LWD to the streams. Free groundwater 11 groundwater Remove livestock to surface within 12 gauges equipped Increased surface allow soil profiles to inches of the with pressure 7 out of 11 water residence time Improve stabilize. Remove ground surface transducers are groundwater will provide contact wetland drain effect of for 12% of the located in gauges met treatment and hydrology. channelized stream growing season representative success criteria groundwater and floodplain under normal wetland areas during MY1. recharge potential. swales. precipitation and monitored conditions. annually. Four bankfull Allow more frequent events in separate Multiple flood flows to years within the bankfull events Reconstruct stream disperse on the monitoring were recorded Crest and flow channels with floodplain. Support period. Thirty on all reaches, Reconnect gauges (pressure designed bankfull geomorphology and days of and 199 days of channels with transducers) dimensions and higher-level continuous flow consecutive floodplains. recording flow depth relative to the each year on flow were functions. Improve elevations. existing floodplain. intermittent recorded on wetland hydrology in the Rocky River streams during Gypsum Creek floodplain. years of normal during MY1. precipitation. Survival rate of 210 planted One hundred Reduce sediment stems per acre at square meter Plant native tree and MY7. Interim inputs from bank vegetation plots understory species in erosion and runoff. survival rate of All 19 are placed on 2% Restore and riparian zones and Increase nutrient 320 planted vegetation of the planted enhance native plant native shrub cycling and storage in stems per acre at plots have a area of the Site floodplain and and herbaceous floodplain. Provide MY3 and 260 at planted stem and monitored streambank species on riparian habitat. Add MY5. Trees in density greater during MY1, MY2, vegetation. streambanks. Treat a source of LWD and each plot must than 320 stems MY3, MY5, and invasive species average 7 ft at organic material to per acre. MY7 and assessed within project area. MY5 and 10 ft at stream. Support all visually in MY4 stream functions. MY7 (excluding and MY6. shrub and sub- canopy species). Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final1-3 Cumulative Objective/ Likely Functional Performance Goal Measurement Monitoring Treatment Uplift Criteria Results Vehicle access occurred near the confluence Establish a of Mica Creek conservation Protect Site from and Rocky Visually inspect easement on the encroachment on the River. This was Permanently the perimeter of Site. Preserve high riparian corridor and an error made protect the Site Prevent easement the Site to ensure quality stream direct impact to by the from harmful encroachment. no easement reaches through the Greensboro streams and uses. encroachment is placement of a wetlands. Support all Science Center occurring. conservation stream functions. while relocating easement on site. mussels and should not be a continued concern. 1.3Project Attributes Five jurisdictional stream channels are located on Site: Rocky River, Schist Creek, Gypsum Creek, Dolomite Creek, and Mica Creek. As referenced in the Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Final Mitigation Plan, historic aerials indicate that on-site streams have existed in their same approximate location for over 75 years, with some changes to the agricultural management of the land. Aerials show that the riparian buffers for Dolomite, Gypsum, and Schist Creeks have remained undisturbed since prior to 1943. The riparian buffer of Mica Creek was timbered and converted to agricultural use in the 1960’s and the riparian buffer and floodplain of Rocky River was timbered and converted to agricultural use in the 1980’s. The Rocky River was straightened and moved to the south valley edge during that time. Land use and buffer extents have remained consistent since then. A review of historic imagery for the greater Rocky River Watershed draining to the Site shows little land use change since 1993 as well. Nearly 4% of the watershed area is planted pine trees for future harvesting. According to aerial photography, the most recent logging event occurred between 2006 and 2008 when approximately 75 acres of pines in the upper watershed were timbered. Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final1-4 Table 3: Project Attributes PROJECT INFORMATION Liberty Rock Project Name County Randolph County Mitigation Site Project Area (acres) 41.12 Project Coordinates 35°49’12.34” N79°33’43.89” W PROJECT WATERSHED SUMMARY INFORMATION Physiographic Province Piedmont River Basin Cape Fear River USGS HUC 8-digit 03030003 USGS HUC 14-digit 03030003070010 42% Cultivated Crops, 24% Developed, 24% Forest, 5% Shrubland, 3% DWR Sub-basin 03-06-12 Land Use Classification Grassland/Herbaceous, 1% Open Water, 1% Wetlands Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious 2,600 6.70% (acres) Area RESTORATION TRIBUTARY SUMMARY INFORMATION Parameters Rocky River Schist Creek Gypsum Creek DolomiteCreek Mica Creek Pre-project length (feet) 2,652 211 113 952 44 Post-project (feet) 3,090 476 218 31 1,182 Moderately Valley confinement Unconfined confined Drainage area (acres) 2,600 219 2 7 92 Perennial, Intermittent, P P I I P Ephemeral DWR Water Quality Water Supply III Classification Dominant Stream 11 C4 C4/E4 N/A N/A C4/E4 Classification (existing) Dominant Stream 2 C4 C4 C4 N/A C4 Classification (proposed) Dominant Evolutionary class (Simon) if N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A applicable REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Parameters Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Water of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes USACE Nationwide Permit No. 27 and DWQ 401 Water Quality Water of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes Certification No. 4134. Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion in Mitigation Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Plan (Wildlands, 2020) Coastal Zone Management Act N/A N/A N/A Essential Fisheries Habitat N/A N/A N/A 1. Gypsum Creek Reach 2 and Dolomite Creek Reach 2 were severely degraded and eroded due to cattle trampling. Cross- section surveys could not be performed. 2. Source: Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Reaches not slated for restoration or enhancement I were not classified (NC). Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final1-5 Section 2:MONITORING YEAR 1 DATA ASSESSMENT Annual monitoring and site visits were conducted during MY1 to assess the condition of the project. The vegetation and stream success criteria for the Site follow the approved success criteria presented in the Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2021). Performance criteria for vegetation, stream, and hydrologic assessment are located in Section 1.2 Table 2: Goals, Performance Criteria, and Functional Improvements. Methodology for annual monitoring is described in the Monitoring Year 0 Annual Report (Wildlands, 2022). 2.1Vegetative Assessment The MY1 vegetative survey was completed in August 2023. Vegetation monitoring resulted in a stem density range of 364 to 688 planted stems per acre which is well above the interim requirement of 320 stems per acre required at MY3. Average stem density across all vegetation plots was 560 planted stems per acre. All 19 vegetation plots met the interim success criteria and are on track to meet the final success criteria required for MY7. Additionally, herbaceous groundcover has become well established across the site. Refer to Appendix A for Vegetation Plot Photographs and the Vegetation Condition Assessment Table and Appendix B for Vegetation Plot Data. 2.2Vegetation Areas of Concern Vegetation management and herbicide treatments were applied prior to construction in sporadic areas across the site to prevent the spread of invasive species that could potentially compete with planted native species. To further establish invasive treatment effectiveness, small, scattered occurrences of multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) and Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) received follow-up chemical and physical supplemental treatments throughout March-May 2023. Secondly, a vigorous approach has been taken to eradicate Parrot feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) from the Site and a huge reduction has been observed along Rocky River, with only a 0.13 acre area requiring treatment. Parrot feather treatment included alternating between physical and chemical removal, utilizing glyphosate and triclopyr several times although imazapyr was ultimately most effective for sporadic populations within isolated wetlands. Treated sporadic wetland areas have been reseeded with a wetland winter cover crop mix that has already germinated and begun to grow. Additional physical and chemical removal is planned for these areas throughout 2024. Invasive populations will continue to be monitored and retreated as necessary. Prior to construction, the floodplain along Mica Creek was dominated by pasture grasses. Wildlands proactively treated these areas by chemically burning pasture grasses with 2% glyphosate before seeding in Fall 2022. To further ensure trees outcompete dense herbaceous vegetation, Wildlands has continued to treat these areas with herbicide ring sprays and tree boosters at the drip line around planted trees. This was completed in April 2023 and will continue in this area in early Spring to reduce vegetative competition and promote tree growth. During a Site visit on April 12, 2023, an easement encroachment created by tire tracks was observed along the eastern side of Mica Creek leading toward the confluence of Mica Creek and Rocky River. It has been determined that this was an error made by the Greensboro Science Center, during a NCWRC approved mussel relocation effort. A vehicle was driven inside the conservation easement to the Rocky River stream bank to relocate mussels. Wildlands has contacted the Greensboro Science Center, and this should not be a continued concern. Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final2-1 2.3Stream Assessment Morphological surveys for MY1 were conducted in April 2023. Visual assessment shows all streams on Site are stable and functioning as designed. Cross-sections show minimal change in max depth and bankfull cross-sectional area. Cross-sections only show slight deviations from as-built due to sediment deposition and establishment of vegetation post-construction. Cross-section 9 shows slight deviation in bank shape from as-built due to natural settling of the underlying sod mats and sediment. Cross-sections show entrenchment ratios within an acceptable range of the design parameters and bank height ratios are less than 1.2. Specific entrenchment ratio numbers are not included in this report template but are available upon request. Refer to Appendix A for the Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table and Stream Photographs. Refer to Appendix C for Stream Geomorphology Data. Post-construction mussel surveys for MY1 were conducted by TranSystems on June 9, 2023. Visual and tactile surveying located six different freshwater mussel species. Refer to Appendix F for Additional Documentation and Mussel Survey Report. 2.4Stream Areas of Concern No stream areas of concern were identified, all streams are stable and functioning as intended. 2.5Hydrology Assessment By the end of MY7, four bankfull events must have occurred in separate years on Rocky River and Mica Creek. Two crest gauges were installed initially, one on Rocky River Reach 2 (Enhancement I) and another on Mica Creek. An additional crest gauge was installed on Rocky River Reach 1 on February 21, 2023 during MY1 to better reflect the interaction of flow conditions within the restored portion of the site. A bankfull event was recorded on all three crest gauges in April 2023 and additional events were captured on both Rocky River Reach 2 and Mica Creek during MY1. Additionally, the presence of baseflow must be documented annually on intermittent reaches (Gypsum Creek) for a minimum of 30 consecutive days during a normal precipitation year. Gypsum Creek exceeded this criterion, maintaining baseflow for 199 consecutive days during MY1. Refer to Appendix D for hydrology summary data and the Recorded Bankfull Events Plot. 2.6Wetland Assessment Eleven groundwater gauges were installed in wetlands across the Site. The performance criterion for wetland hydrology is groundwater within 12 inches of the ground surface for 12.0% (31 days) of the growing season consecutively. The growing season for this project has been set as March 1 through November 21 (265 days) and was approved by the IRT in the Mitigation Plan (Wildlands 2021). Per IRT request, groundwater gauge 6 will be relocated to higher ground during winter 2023-2024; the updated location and data will be reported in MY2. Of the eleven groundwater gauges, seven exceeded the success criteria during MY1 with hydroperiods ranging from 12.8% (34 consecutive days) to 55.8% (148 consecutive days). Groundwater gauges 2, 7, 9, and 11 missed the performance criteria with hydroperiods ranging from 1.1% (3 consecutive days) to 5.7% (15 consecutive days). After construction of the stream channel, it is anticipated that the groundwater table will take some time to recharge. Although continued hydrology observation throughout upcoming monitoring years is needed to evaluate success, it is expected that groundwater gauges 2, 7, 9, and 11 will show a positive trend in future monitoring years. 2.7Monitoring Year 1 Summary Overall, the Site looks great, is performing as intended, and is on course to meet success criteria. All vegetation plots are individually on track to exceed the MY3 interim requirement of 320 planted stems Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final2-2 per acre. MY1 vegetation plot data shows an average density of 560 planted stems per acre across the Site. Dense herbaceous vegetation has filled in across the floodplain. Ring sprays will be applied around the base of trees in early spring 2024 to continue to help planted trees compete with herbaceous vegetation. Invasive species will continue to be assessed and treated as necessary in future monitoring years. All project streams are stable, functioning as intended, and meeting project goals. Several bankfull events were documented on both Rocky River Reach 2 and Mica Creek and one bankfull event was captured on Rocky River Reach 1. Gypsum Creek had 199 consecutive days of flow, far exceeding success criterion. Seven of the eleven groundwater well gauges surpassed the success criterion, although the remaining four have yet to recharge post-construction and meet criteria. After construction of the stream channel, it is anticipated that the groundwater table will take some time to recharge. They are expected to show a positive trend in subsequent monitoring years. The easement boundary has been walked and no signage issues were observed. One vehicular access easement encroachment from a NCWRC approved mussel relocation effort was observed in April, has been resolved, and is no longer a concern. Summary information and data related to the performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices are available from DMS upon request. Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final2-3 Section 3: REFERENCES Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley, J., Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003. Stream Restoration, A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Harrelson, C.C; Rawlins, C.L.; Potyondy, John P. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Lee, M.T., Peet, R.K., Roberts, S.D., & Wentworth, T.R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT). 2016. Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update. Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Pagosa Springs, CO: Wildland Hydrology Books. Rosgen, D.L. 1997. A Geomorphological Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers. Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision. Center For Computational Hydroscience and Bioengineering, Oxford Campus, University of Mississippi, Pages 12-22. United States Army Corps of Engineers. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDENR-DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. United States Geological Survey. 1998. North Carolina Geology. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 2021. Liberty Rock Mitigation Site - Final Mitigation Plan. DMS, Raleigh, NC. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (2023). Liberty Rock Monitoring Year 0 Annual Report. DMS, Raleigh, NC. Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - Final3-1 Table4.VisualStreamMorphologyStabilityAssessmentTable LibertyRockMitigationSite DMSProjectNo.100135 MonitoringYear12023 RockyRiverReaches13 Number TotalAmountof%Stable, Stable, MajorChannelCategoryMetricNumberinUnstablePerformingas Performing AsBuiltFootageIntended asIntended 3,090 AssessedStreamLength 6,180 AssessedBankLength SurfaceScour/Banklackingvegetativecoverresultingsimplyfrom 0100% BareBank poorgrowthand/orsurfacescour. Banktoeerodingtotheextentthatbankfailure appearslikely.DoesNOTincludeundercutsthatare Bank ToeErosion 0100% modest,appearsustainableandareproviding habitat. Fluvialandgeotechnicalrotational,slumping, BankFailure 0100% calving,orcollapse. Totals:0100% Gradecontrolstructuresexhibitingmaintenanceof GradeControl 11100% gradeacrossthesill. Structure Bankerosionwithinthestructuresextentof 2121100% BankProtection influencedoesnotexceed15%. VisualAssessmentwascompletedNovember21,2023 SchistCreek Number TotalAmountof%Stable, Stable, MajorChannelCategoryMetricNumberinPerformingas Unstable Performing AsBuiltFootageIntended asIntended 476 AssessedStreamLength 952 AssessedBankLength SurfaceScour/Banklackingvegetativecoverresultingsimplyfrom 0100% BareBank poorgrowthand/orsurfacescour. Banktoeerodingtotheextentthatbankfailure appearslikely.DoesNOTincludeundercutsthatare Bank ToeErosion 0100% modest,appearsustainableandareproviding habitat. Fluvialandgeotechnicalrotational,slumping, BankFailure 0100% calving,orcollapse. Totals:0100% Gradecontrolstructuresexhibitingmaintenanceof GradeControl N/AN/AN/A gradeacrossthesill. Structure Bankerosionwithinthestructuresextentof BankProtection 66100% exceed15%. influencedoesnot VisualAssessmentwascompletedNovember21,2023 Table4.VisualStreamMorphologyStabilityAssessmentTable LibertyRockMitigationSite DMSProjectNo.100135 MonitoringYear12023 GypsumCreekReach2 Number TotalAmountof%Stable, Stable, MajorChannelCategoryMetricNumberinUnstablePerformingas Performing AsBuiltFootageIntended asIntended 218 AssessedStreamLength 436 AssessedBankLength SurfaceScour/Banklackingvegetativecoverresultingsimplyfrom 0100% BareBank poorgrowthand/orsurfacescour. Banktoeerodingtotheextentthatbankfailure appearslikely.DoesNOTincludeundercutsthatare Bank ToeErosion 0100% modest,appearsustainableandareproviding habitat. Fluvialandgeotechnicalrotational,slumping, BankFailure 0100% calving,orcollapse. Totals:0100% Gradecontrolstructuresexhibitingmaintenanceof GradeControl 22100% gradeacrossthesill. Structure Bankerosionwithinthestructuresextentof 77100% BankProtection influencedoesnotexceed15%. VisualAssessmentwascompletedNovember21,2023 MicaCreek Number TotalAmountof%Stable, Stable, MajorChannelCategoryMetricNumberinPerformingas Unstable Performing AsBuiltFootageIntended asIntended AssessedStreamLength 1,182 2,364 AssessedBankLength SurfaceScour/Banklackingvegetativecoverresultingsimplyfrom 0100% BareBank poorgrowthand/orsurfacescour. Banktoeerodingtotheextentthatbankfailure appearslikely.DoesNOTincludeundercutsthatare Bank ToeErosion 0100% modest,appearsustainableandareproviding habitat. Fluvialandgeotechnicalrotational,slumping, BankFailure 0100% calving,orcollapse. Totals:0100% Gradecontrolstructuresexhibitingmaintenanceof GradeControl 66100% gradeacrossthesill. Structure Bankerosionwithinthestructuresextentof BankProtection 1919100% exceed15%. influencedoesnot VisualAssessmentwascompletedNovember21,2023 of Planted % Noted** of AcreageAcreage Easement ac % 0 / 0.00%0.00% 0.130.32%* Encroachment AcreageAcreage CombinedCombined 1 resolved. Total Total (ac)(ac) 0.10 been none MappingMapping ThresholdThreshold has Cumulative the or Standard. count encroachment with will term in stem and access species short MY area. included the Performance vehicular in easement Include MY The current impact species the onof stems current acreage. material. easement. within based summary. Invasive woody the and regardless levels meeting inside report easement young, areas in not herbaceous DefinitionsDefinitions target is total addressed and communities. native, discovered the plantedbe below height identified of to were woody be existing Table against need clearly effort for both average outside outcompete MY1. ofwill should in 20232023 as occur where relocation 21,21, densities calculated cover directly structureabove treated ) Assessment value be mayto areas mussel stem limited NovemberNovember ğƨǒğƷźĭǒƒ VeryWoodycriteria.PlantedInvasivesthereforepotentialcommunitysummationEncroachmentmaybepoint,line,orpolygon.Encroachmenttobemappedconsistsofanyviolationofrestrictionsspecifiedintheconservationeasemen t.Commonencroachmentsaremowing,cattleaccess,vehicularaccess.Encroachmenthasnothreshold Site approved Condition 2023 completedcompleted 1 100135 NCWRC waswasa ofAreas Growth aǤƩźƚƦŷǤƌƌǒƒ No.( CategoryCategory Mitigation Year from DensityAcreage41.12 Vegetation Poor Areas Acreage23.70 Rock 5. feather of tracks Project Areas AssessmentAssessment Stem VegetationVegetation Table LibertyDMS MonitoringPlantedBareLowAreasAreasRatesEasementInvasiveConcernEasementEncroachment VisualVisual*Parrot**Tire STREAM PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTO POINT 1Rocky River R1 –upstream(2/21/2023)PHOTO POINT 1Rocky RiverR1–downstream(2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 2 Rocky River R1 – upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 2 Rocky River R1 –downstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 3 Rocky River R1 – upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 3 Rocky River R1 –downstream (2/21/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Stream Photographs PHOTO POINT 4Rocky River R1 –upstream(2/21/2023)PHOTO POINT 4 Rocky River R1–downstream(2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 5 Rocky River R1 – upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 5 Rocky River R1 –downstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 6 Rocky River R2 – upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 6 Rocky River R2 –downstream (2/21/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Stream Photographs PHOTO POINT 7Rocky River R2 –upstream(2/21/2023)PHOTO POINT 7Rocky River R2 –downstream(2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 8 Rocky River R3 – upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 8 Rocky River R3 – downstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 9SchistCreek –upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 9SchistCreek – downstream (2/21/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Stream Photographs PHOTO POINT 10SchistCreek –upstream(2/21/2023)PHOTO POINT 10 SchistCreek –downstream(2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 11 Gypsum Creek R1 –upstream (2/21/2023)PHOTO POINT 11 GypsumCreek R1 – downstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 12 Gypsum Creek R2 –upstream(2/21/2023)PHOTO POINT 12 GypsumCreek R2 – downstream (2/21/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Stream Photographs PHOTO POINT 13 DolomiteCreekR1–upstream (2/21/2023)PHOTO POINT 13 DolomiteCreek R1 –downstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 14 Mica Creek – upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 14 Mica Creek – downstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 15 Mica Creek – upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 15Mica Creek – downstream (2/21/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Stream Photographs PHOTO POINT 16 Mica Creek –upstream (2/21/2023)PHOTO POINT 16Mica Creek–downstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 17 Mica Creek – upstream (2/21/2023) PHOTO POINT 17 Mica Creek – downstream (2/21/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Stream Photographs VEGETATION PLOT PHOTOGRAPHS FIXED VEG PLOT 1 (08/09/2023)FIXED VEG PLOT 2 (08/09/2023) FIXED VEG PLOT 3 (08/09/2023)FIXED VEG PLOT 4 (08/09/2023) FIXED VEG PLOT 5 (08/09/2023)FIXED VEG PLOT 6 (08/09/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Vegetation Plot Photographs FIXED VEG PLOT 7 (08/09/2023)FIXED VEG PLOT 8 (08/09/2023) FIXED VEG PLOT 9 (08/09/2023)FIXED VEG PLOT 10(08/09/2023) FIXED VEG PLOT 11 (08/09/2023) FIXED VEG PLOT 12(08/09/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Vegetation Plot Photographs FIXED VEG PLOT 13 (08/09/2023) FIXED VEG PLOT 14(08/09/2023) FIXED VEG PLOT 15 (08/09/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Vegetation Plot Photographs RANDOMVEG PLOT 16 (08/09/2023) RANDOMVEG PLOT 17 (08/09/2023) RANDOMVEG PLOT 18 (08/09/2023) RANDOMVEG PLOT 19 (08/09/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Vegetation Plot Photographs GROUNDWATER GAUGE PHOTOGRAPHS GROUNDWATER GAUGE1-(11/21/2023)GROUNDWATER GAUGE2 -(11/21/2023) GROUNDWATER GAUGE 3 – (11/21/2023) GROUNDWATER GAUGE4 – (11/21/2023) GROUNDWATER GAUGE 5 – (11/21/2023) GROUNDWATER GAUGE6 – (11/21/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Groundwater Gauge Photographs GROUNDWATER GAUGE7 –(11/21/2023)GROUNDWATER GAUGE8 –(11/21/2023) GROUNDWATER GAUGE 9 – (11/21/2023) GROUNDWATER GAUGE 10 – (11/21/2023) GROUNDWATER GAUGE 11 – (11/21/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data – Groundwater Gauge Photographs t ing no be re a hat are t hat t pecies itigation plan approved, s nd species m a rom ont), f f ta da ection includes regular ( s ncludes i Species" addendum Plantandard" S gation iti itigation plan M m a Performance Post approved. " he en ough T be thr s ha itigation Plan ears y M pecies Post s " mitigation plan. onitoring he t m hat the t reas pproved a whe riginal plan, o ont indicates on f en approved in prior in the itigati egular be r m nd a ncluded i a riginal re hat have o t we hat pproved, t pecies a s t , no pecies ncluded in the re i s a se bolded) ( tems tho s ear rowth habit. y nly g rom o f pecies s o t rived only ear, italicized species y de due ection containsis urrent monitoring s c on an" the onitoring ecti Pl or s m f equirement r urrent c ight tandard" S he he t nd proposed stems. a onitoring in Approved Mitigation oposed for m o itigation plan addendum pr t re m a ncluded I ubject s t no SpeciesMitigation Plan Performance " " mitigation plan approved, olded species hehe B T Tst oposed through a Species pproved (italicized). *1).2).pra3).po t ing no be re a hat are t hat t pecies itigation plan approved, s nd species m a rom ont), f f ta da ection includes regular ( s ncludes i Species" addendum Plantandard" S gation iti itigation plan M m a Performance Post approved. " he en ough T be thr s ha itigation Plan ears y M pecies Post s " mitigation plan. onitoring he t m hat the t reas pproved a whe riginal plan, o ont indicates on f en approved in prior in the itigati egular be r m nd a ncluded i a riginal re hat have o t we hat pproved, t pecies a s t , no pecies ncluded in the re i s a se bolded) ( tems tho s ear rowth habit. y nly g rom o f pecies s o t rived only ear, italicized species y de due ection containsis urrent monitoring s c on an" the onitoring ecti Pl or s m f equirement r urrent c ight tandard" S he he t nd proposed stems. a onitoring in Approved Mitigation oposed for m o itigation plan addendum pr t re m a ncluded I ubject s t no SpeciesMitigation Plan Performance " " mitigation plan approved, olded species hehe B T Tst oposed through a Species pproved (italicized). *1).2).pra3).po t ing no be re a hat are t hat t pecies itigation plan approved, s nd species m a rom ont), f f ta da ection includes regular ( s ncludes i Species" addendum Plantandard" S gation iti itigation plan M m a Performance Post approved. " he en ough T bethr s ha itigation Plan ears y M pecies Post s " mitigation plan. onitoring he t m hat the t reas pproved a whe riginal plan, o ont indicates on f n the en approved in prior i itigati egular be r m nd a ncluded i a riginal re hat have o t we hat pproved, t pecies a s t , no pecies ncluded in the re i s a se bolded) ( tems tho s ear rowth habit. y nly g rom o f pecies s contains o t rived only ear, italicized species y de due ection is urrent monitoring s c on an" the onitoring ecti Pl or s m f equirement r urrent c ight tandard" S he he t nd proposed stems. a onitoring in Approved Mitigation oposed for m o itigation plan addendum pr t re m a ncluded I ubject s t no SpeciesMitigation Plan Performance " " olded species hehe B T Tst mitigation plan approved, oposed through a Species pproved (italicized). *1).2).pra3).po t ing no be re a hat are t hat t pecies itigation plan approved, s nd species m a rom ont), f f ta da ection includes regular ( s ncludes i Species" addendum Plantandard" S gation iti itigation plan M m a Performance Post approved. " he en ough T bethr s ha itigation Plan ears y M pecies Post s " mitigation plan. onitoring he t m hat the t reas pproved a whe riginal plan, o ont indicates on f n the en approved in prior i itigati egular be r m nd a ncluded i a riginal re hat have o t we hat pproved, t pecies a s t , no pecies ncluded in the re i s a se bolded) ( tems tho s ear rowth habit. y nly g rom o f pecies s contains o t rived only ear, italicized species y de due ection is urrent monitoring s c on an" the onitoring ecti Pl or s m f equirement r urrent c ight tandard" S he he t nd proposed stems. a onitoring in Approved Mitigation oposed for m o itigation plan addendum pr t re m a ncluded I ubject s t no SpeciesMitigation Plan Performance " " olded species hehe B T Tst mitigation plan approved, oposed through a Species pproved (italicized). *1).2).pra3).po InvasivesInvasivesInvasivesInvasivesInvasives %%%%% FF SpeciesSpeciesSpeciesSpeciesSpecies FFF 369 1215 PlotPlotPlot PlotPlot VegVegVeg VegVeg (ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**# Ht.Ht.Ht.Ht.Ht. F. an with InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av. plots fixed and FF Species%Species%Species%Species%Species%R, FFF 258 1114 an PlotPlotPlot PlotPlot with VegVegVeg VegVeg (ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**# Ht.Ht.Ht.Ht.Ht. calculations. denoted are height in plots included Random not are "groups". habit InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av. plot growth vegetation Table FF species Species%Species%Species%Species%Species% FFF 147 to 1013 random PlotPlotPlot due PlotPlot the Summary VegVegVeg VegVeg (ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**#(ft)**# for Ht.Ht.Ht.Ht.Ht. plot requirement Standards height different a 5672906882110607290607210068821006072806072804862705673706073805672806072706072110688210060739060721006883906073905672100567290567280648310060721006072806072806072100567290688280607290567280 Stems/Ac.Av.Stems/Ac.Av.Stems/Ac.Av.Stems/Ac.Av.Stems/Ac.Av. Site monitoring Performance represents to 2023 7532107532107321075321075320 51 1 year 100135 YearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYear YearYearYearYearYearYearYearYear subject No. Mitigation Year not Vegetation Rock 7. monitoring Project MonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoring MonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitorin gMonitoringMonitoringMonitoring *Each**Species Table LibertyDMS Monitoring Invasives % R 18 Species Group Plot (ft)**# Veg Ht. F. an with InvasivesStems/Ac.Av. plots fixed R and 17 Species% R, an Group with Plot (ft)**# Veg Ht. calculations. denoted are height in plots included Random not are 00 "groups". habit InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.Invasives plot growth RR 5 vegetation 10 Table 1619 Species%Species% species to GroupGroup random due the Summary PlotPlot (ft)**#(ft)**# 22 for VegVeg Ht.Ht. plot requirement Standards height different a 526360526280405370607290607380526280364526 Stems/Ac.Av.Stems/Ac.Av. Site monitoring Performance represents to 2023 7531075210 23 1 100135 year YearYearYearYear YearYearYearYearYearYearYearYear subject No. Mitigation Year not Vegetation Rock 7. monitoring Project MonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoring Table LibertyDMS Monitoring *Each**Species Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based N/A N/A on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based N/A N/A on AB-Bankfull Area 669.63 669.20 Thalweg Elevation 673.16 673.18 LTOB Elevation 3.53 3.98 LTOB Max Depth 107.09 119.65 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based 673.41 673.30 on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based 1.00 0.95 on AB-Bankfull Area 671.25 670.98 Thalweg Elevation 673.41 673.20 LTOB Elevation 2.16 2.22 LTOB Max Depth 38.51 35.78 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based 670.49 670.48 on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based 1.00 1.01 on AB-Bankfull Area 668.06 667.84 Thalweg Elevation 670.49 670.51 LTOB Elevation 2.43 2.67 LTOB Max Depth 41.72 42.54 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based N/A N/A on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based N/A N/A on AB-Bankfull Area 665.88 665.30 Thalweg Elevation 669.97 670.05 LTOB Elevation 4.09 4.75 LTOB Max Depth 100.78 98.93 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based 667.70 667.77 on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based 1.19 0.95 on AB-Bankfull Area 665.39 665.48 Thalweg Elevation 668.15 667.65 LTOB Elevation 2.76 2.17 LTOB Max Depth 50.6337.04 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based 666.63 666.66 on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based 1.00 0.91 on AB-Bankfull Area 663.81 663.85 Thalweg Elevation 666.63 666.40 LTOB Elevation 2.82 2.55 LTOB Max Depth 44.0338.10 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based 673.50 673.61 on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based 1.00 0.95 on AB-Bankfull Area 671.62 671.74 Thalweg Elevation 673.50 673.52 LTOB Elevation 1.88 1.78 LTOB Max Depth 14.0112.84 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based 670.42 670.27 on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based 1.00 0.91 on AB-Bankfull Area 669.38669.18 Thalweg Elevation 670.42670.18 LTOB Elevation 1.04 1.00 LTOB Max Depth 5.42 4.76 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based 670.34 670.21 on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based 1.00 1.00 on AB-Bankfull Area 669.58669.49 Thalweg Elevation 670.34670.21 LTOB Elevation 0.75 0.81 LTOB Max Depth 3.29 3.27 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3MY5MY7 Bankfull Elevation - Based N/A N/A on AB-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio - Based N/A N/A on AB-Bankfull Area 667.60667.90 Thalweg Elevation 669.70669.77 LTOB Elevation 2.11 1.87 LTOB Max Depth 9.62 7.93 LTOB Cross Sectional Area Downstream (04/12/2023) Liberty Rock Mitigation Site Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data – Cross-Section Plots Table8.BaselineStreamDataSummary LibertyRockMitigationSite DMSProjectNo.100135 MonitoringYear12023 PREEXISTINGMONITORINGBASELINE DESIGN (MY0) CONDITIONS RockyRiverReach1 Parameter RiffleOnlyMinMaxnMinMaxMinMaxn 21.628.0 BankfullWidth(ft)230.630.72 200.0>100.0200.0 FloodproneWidth(ft)22 1.71.6 BankfullMeanDepth(ft)21.31.42 2.82.5 BankfullMaxDepth(ft)22.22.42 2 35.745.5 238.541.72 BankfullCrossSectionalArea(ft) 12.717.2 Width/DepthRatio222.424.22 >2.2>2.26.5 EntrenchmentRatio22 BankHeightRatio22 19.060.0 Maxparticlesize(mm)mobilizedatbankfull12.013.02 C4C4C4 RosgenClassification 110.0 BankfullDischarge(cfs)110.0121.0294.1107.22 Sinuosity2 2 WaterSurfaceSlope(ft/ft)0.00100.009020.00100.0050 Other 1 Parameter RockyRiverReach2 RiffleOnlyMinMaxnMinMaxMinMaxn 22.8N/A22.4 BankfullWidth(ft)11 200.0>20.0200.0 FloodproneWidth(ft)11 2.1N/A1.8 BankfullMeanDepth(ft)11 3.0N/A2.3 BankfullMaxDepth(ft)11 2 48.1N/A39.4 11 BankfullCrossSectionalArea(ft) 12.6N/A12.8 Width/DepthRatio11 >2.2N/A8.9 EntrenchmentRatio11 1.0N/A1.2 BankHeightRatio11 11.0N/A8.0 Maxparticlesize(mm)mobilizedatbankfull C4N/AC4 RosgenClassification N/A83.3 BankfullDischarge(cfs)110.0121.01 1.00N/A1.09 Sinuosity1 N/A0.0027 0.00100.00901 WaterSurfaceSlope(ft/ft) Other 1 RestorationactivitiesalongRockyRiverReach2werelimitedtobankgradingandstabilization.Noworkwasdoneonthechannelbedperagreementwith USFWSandWRConpotentialimpacttoonsitemussels.Designparameterswerenotusedonthisreach. 2 WaterSurfacenotrecorded,nowaterpresentinchannelattimeofasbuiltsurvey. Table8.BaselineStreamDataSummary LibertyRockMitigationSite DMSProjectNo.100135 MonitoringYear12023 PREEXISTINGMONITORINGBASELINE DESIGN CONDITIONS(MY0) RockyRiverReach3 Parameter RiffleOnlyMinMaxnMinMaxMinMaxn BankfullWidth(ft)11 200.0>100.0200.0 FloodproneWidth(ft)11 BankfullMeanDepth(ft)11 BankfullMaxDepth(ft)11 2 41.449.044.0 11 BankfullCrossSectionalArea(ft) 7.913.814.4 Width/DepthRatio11 >2.2>2.28.9 EntrenchmentRatio11 BankHeightRatio11 Maxparticlesize(mm)mobilizedatbankfull C4C4C4 RosgenClassification 128.0105.7 BankfullDischarge(cfs)110.0121.01 1.101.10 Sinuosity1.001.101 0.00200.0002 WaterSurfaceSlope(ft/ft)0.00100.00901 Other SchistCreek Parameter RiffleOnlyMinMaxnMinMaxMinMaxn 11.212.824.4 BankfullWidth(ft)11 75.0>75.075.0 FloodproneWidth(ft)11 BankfullMeanDepth(ft)11 BankfullMaxDepth(ft)11 2 10.412.514.0 11 BankfullCrossSectionalArea(ft) 12.413.038.7 Width/DepthRatio11 >2.2>2.23.1 EntrenchmentRatio11 BankHeightRatio11 Maxparticlesize(mm)mobilizedatbankfull C4/E4C4C4 RosgenClassification 20.931.017.2 BankfullDischarge(cfs)1 Sinuosity1 0.0038 0.00000.001010.00600.0170 WaterSurfaceSlope(ft/ft) Other Table8.BaselineStreamDataSummary LibertyRockMitigationSite DMSProjectNo.100135 MonitoringYear12023 PREEXISTINGMONITORINGBASELINE DESIGN CONDITIONS(MY0) 3 Parameter GypsumCreekReach2 RiffleOnlyMinMaxnMinMaxMinMaxn 8.3 BankfullWidth(ft)8.71 100.0 FloodproneWidth(ft)>100.01 0.7 BankfullMeanDepth(ft)0.51 1.0 BankfullMaxDepth(ft)0.81 2 2.95.4 1 BankfullCrossSectionalArea(ft) 12.7 Width/DepthRatio13.01 >2.212.1 EntrenchmentRatio1 1.0 BankHeightRatio1.01 31.012.0 Maxparticlesize(mm)mobilizedatbankfull C4C4 RosgenClassification 4.011.7 BankfullDischarge(cfs) Sinuosity 0.00960.0057 WaterSurfaceSlope(ft/ft)0.00010.01001 Other MicaCreek Parameter RiffleOnlyMinMaxnMinMaxMinMaxn BankfullWidth(ft)11 50.0>50.050.0 FloodproneWidth(ft)11 BankfullMeanDepth(ft)11 BankfullMaxDepth(ft)11 2 11 BankfullCrossSectionalArea(ft) 9.413.017.3 Width/DepthRatio11 >2.2>2.26.6 EntrenchmentRatio11 BankHeightRatio11 Maxparticlesize(mm)mobilizedatbankfull C4/E4C4C4 RosgenClassification BankfullDischarge(cfs) Sinuosity 0.01400.0138 0.00900.01501 WaterSurfaceSlope(ft/ft) Other 3 GypsumCreekPreExisitingConditionsdatanotrecorded. (2029)(2029) (2028)MY7(2028)MY7 (2027)MY6(2027)MY6 southeast. mi. 8.7 MY2. in west. (2026)MY5(2026)MY5 mi. 17 approximately updated be MY2. Office, in will MY1 approximately Climate of updated (2025)MY4(2025)MY4 be State AgACIS, will NC, NC, remainder MY1 the of County, County, from Data Chatham (2024)MY3(2024)MY3 remainder Randolph the Station, from Station, 11/21/2023. (SILR) Datato in.in. Airport *Randleman (2023)MY2 1/1/2023 (2023)*MY2 City 32.74* 11/21/2023. 40.9048.62 3/2/20233/2/2023 4/7/20234/7/20234/9/20234/7/2023 2/12/2023 1/25/20232/12/20236/23/20231/25/20236/23/2023 MY1 to Source: SiteSite Siler 2023. collected Events 20232023 Summary 21, was 11 Source: 100135100135 1/1/2023 70th to Total Precipitation 2 No.No. MitigationMitigation YearYear February 1** 30th RiverRiver BankfullRainfall CreekAverageAverage on collected WETS RockRock ReachMY1 precipitation Precip. 10.11.AnnualAnnual Normal Average Reach Precipitation ProjectProject was PercentilePercentile Reach YearYear WETS Mica RockyRocky Precipitation Compared Year 3030 Precip. Precipitation TableTable LibertyDMS Monitoring LibertyDMS Monitoring *Data**InstalledAnnual30*Annual (in)Precipitation Nov Oct Percentile 70th & Sep 30th Total Aug Precip Gauge Rolling Day Crest 1 30 Jul 2023 1 Reach Year River Bankfull Jun Rocky Monitoring Rock: Level Liberty May Water Apr Precipitation Daily Mar 2/21/2023 Feb Plot on Site Events 2023 Installed 1 100135 No. Jan Mitigation Year Bankfull Rock (ft)LevelWater Project Recorded LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation Nov Oct Percentile 70th & Sep 30th Total Aug Precip Gauge Rolling Day Crest 2 30 Jul 2023 1 Reach Year River Bankfull Jun Rocky Monitoring Rock: Level Liberty May Water Apr Precipitation Daily Mar Feb Plot Site Events 2023 1 100135 No. Jan Mitigation Year Bankfull Rock (ft)LevelWater Project Recorded LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation Nov Oct Percentile 70th & Sep 30th Total Aug Precip Rolling Gauge Day 30 Jul Crest 2023 1 Creek Year Mica Bankfull Jun Rock: Monitoring Liberty Level May Water Apr Precipitation Daily Mar Feb Plot Site Events 2023 1 100135 No. Jan Mitigation Year Bankfull Rock (ft)LevelWater Project Recorded LibertyDMS Monitoring (2029) (2028)MY7 Criteria* (2027)MY6 Success Meeting (2026)MY5 Days Days/Total (2025)MY4 Consecutive MY2. in Max updated Summary (2024)MY3 be will Events flow.Data of Flow days Days Days/ (2023)**MY2 11/21/2023. Stream 203 199 Site In MY1 2023 consecutive through 30 1 100135 is No. Mitigation Year Recorded colleted Creek criteria Rock was 12. Reach Project Gypsum Table LibertyDMS Monitoring *Success**Data (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 70th & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 Gauge Flow 2023 1 Creek Bankfull Year Gypsum Monitoring Rock: Thalweg Liberty Level Water Precipitation Daily flow t stream Plo Events consecutive Site of Flow 2023 days 1 100135 199 Stream JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov No. Mitigation Year In 672671670669668 (ft)Elevation Rock Project Recorded LibertyDMS Monitoring (2029) season. (2028)MY7 growing the of days) (2027)MY6 (31 12% (Percentage) for surface (2026)MY5 Hydroperiod ground the of Consecutive (2025)MY4 inches 12 Max. within table Summary (2024)MY3 Days) Gauge (265 Site groundwater 2023 11/21 Free DaysDaysDays (2023)MY2 DaysDaysDaysDaysDaysDays to 1 DaysDays 100135 (1.1%)(5.7%)(4.9%)(2.3%) 36 (55.8%)(40.4%)(12.8%)(26.8%)(41.1%)(28.3%)(28.3%) 347115751375 148107109 3/1 MY1 No. Mitigation Year Standard: Groundwater Rock Season: 13. Project 123456789 1011 Gauge Table LibertyDMS Monitoring PerformanceGrowing (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #1 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty Criteria #1 days Gauge consecutive max 148 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #2 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty Criteria days consecutive #2 max 3 Gauge 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #3 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty Criteria #3 days Gauge consecutive max 107 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 SeasonGrowingofEnd70th & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #4 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty Criteria days #4 Gauge consecutive max 34 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #5 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty Criteria #5 days Gauge consecutive max 71 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #6 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty Criteria #6 days Gauge consecutive max 109 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #7 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty Criteria days #7 Gauge consecutive max 15 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #8 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty Criteria #8 days Gauge consecutive max 75 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #9 Gauge 2023 1 Surface Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Liberty days Criteria consecutive #9 max 13 Gauge 3/1/2023 Precipitation SeasonGrowingofStart Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #10 Gauge 2023 Surface 1 Soil Year Groundwater Rock Monitoring Level Criteria Liberty #10 days Gauge consecutive max 75 3/1/2023 SeasonGrowingofStart Precipitation Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring (in)Precipitation 9876543210 Percentile 11/21/2023 70th SeasonGrowingofEnd & 30th Total Precip Rolling Day 30 #11 Gauge 2023 Surface 1 Soil Year Groundwater days Rock Monitoring Level Criteria Liberty consecutive max 6 #11 Gauge 3/1/2023 SeasonGrowingofStart Precipitation Daily Site Plot 2023 1 100135 Gauge No. Mitigation Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0 2010102030405060 Rock (in)LevelWater Project Groundwater LibertyDMS Monitoring Table14.ProjectActivityandReportingHistory LibertyRockMitigationSite DMSIDNo.100135 MonitoringYear12023 ActivityorReportDataCollectionCompleteCompletionorScheduledDelivery ProjectInstitutedN/ANovember2019 MitigationPlanApprovedN/AOctober2021 InvasiveVegetationTreatmentMarchJune2021 Construction(Grading)CompletedN/AAugust2022 InvasiveVegetationTreatmentAugustDecember2022 AsBuiltSurveyCompletedOctober2022October2022 PlantingCompletedN/AJanuary2023 StreamSurveyOctober2022 BaselineMonitoringDocument(Year0)January2023 January2023 VegetationSurvey InvasiveTreatmentMay2023 RingSprays+TreeBoostersApril2023 Year1Monitoring StreamSurveyApril2023 December2023 VegetationSurveyAugust2023 StreamSurvey2024 Year2MonitoringDecember2024 VegetationSurvey2024 StreamSurvey2025 Year3MonitoringDecember2025 VegetationSurvey2025 Year4Monitoring2026December2026 StreamSurvey2027 Year5MonitoringDecember2027 2027 VegetationSurvey Year6Monitoring2028December2028 StreamSurvey2029 December2029 Year7Monitoring VegetationSurvey 2029 Table15.ProjectContactTable LibertyRockMitigationSite DMSIDNo.100135 MonitoringYear12023 WildlandsEngineering,Inc. Designer 312WestMillbrookRoad,Suite225 AbigailVieira,PE Raleigh,NC27609 919.851.9986 WildlandsConstruction ConstructionContractor 312WestMillbrookRoad,Suite225 Raleigh,NC27609 MonitoringPerformersWildlandsEngineering,Inc. JasonLorch Monitoring,POC 919.851.9986 ¸ p ¸ p ¸ p ¸ p Liberty Rock Post-Construction Year 1 Freshwater Mussel Monitoring Survey Report Upper Rocky River Randolph County, North Carolina Prepared For: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Raleigh, North Carolina Contact Person: Angela Allen 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 325 Raleigh, NC 27609 December2023 Prepared by: 1 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 600 Raleigh, NC 27603 Contact Person: Chris Sheats csheats@transystems.com 919-417-2732 Table of Contents 1.0Introduction.....................................................................................................................1 2.0Survey Efforts...................................................................................................................1 3.0Results..............................................................................................................................1 4.0Discussion.........................................................................................................................2 Appendix A. Tagged Freshwater Mussels 1.0INTRODUCTION TranSystems conducted Monitoring Year 1 Post-Construction surveys to evaluate the freshwater mussel communities downstream and upstream of the Liberty Rock stream restoration reach. 2.0SURVEY EFFORTS Survey Efforts Freshwater mussel surveys were completedonJune 9, July 5, 6, and 18, 2023 in the downstream reaches (Reaches A & B), and in the upstream relocation reach to locate and identify resident and relocated freshwater mussels. Surveys were completed using visual and tactile methods. All individuals found were identified and placed back in the stream. Tagged species that were re-captured from pre-construction relocation efforts were recorded, measured and noted as a recaptured individuals. Common species marked during pre- construction relocation efforts that were re-captured were identified and recorded. A catch per unit effort (CPUE) for each species was estimated for each reach. 3.0RESULTS Rocky River-Downstream Reach A total of 1871 freshwater mussels including five species were observed including Eastern Elliptio (Elliptio complanata), Carolina Slabshell (Elliptio congaraea), Florida Pondhorn (Uniomerous carolinianus), Eastern Creekshell (Villosa delumbis), and the Notched Rainbow (Venusticoncha constricta) (Table 1). Table 1. Rocky River-Downstream Reach (15.33 hours total survey time). Common NameScientific NameNC Status*Species TotalCPUE* Eastern Creekshell Villosa delumbis SR 32 2.09 Notched Rainbow Venusticoncha constricta T12 0.78 Eastern Elliptio Elliptio complanata-1696110.63 Carolina Slabshell Elliptio congaraea-87 5.68 Florida Pondhorn Uniomerous carolinianus-44 2.87 Total 1871122.05 *NC Status (SR- State Rare; T- Threatened); CPUE- Catch Per Unit Effort The stream was 2 – 4 meters wide with majority of the reach having depths less than 0.5 meter. Riffle, run, and pool habitats were present throughout the reach. Substrate was dominated by sand, cobble, gravel, and bedrock. No tagged individuals were observed. Three Eastern Creekshell shells and one Notched Rainbow shell were found. Freshwater mussels were observed throughout the stream channel in stable gravel substrate and silty banks. Liberty Rock Enhancement Reach Mussel Survey Report December 2023 Page 1 Rocky River-Upstream Relocation Reach A total of 829 freshwater mussels composed of five species were observed including Eastern Elliptio (Elliptio complanata), Eastern Floater (Pyganodon cataracta), Florida Pondhorn (Uniomerous carolinianus), Eastern Creekshell (Villosa delumbis), and the Notched Rainbow (Venusticoncha constricta) (Table 2). Table 2.Rocky River-Upstream Relocation Reach(13.5 hours total survey time). % % Observed # Observed # without Species Common Name Scientific Name Taggedwith Tags UntaggedTags Total *CPUE Eastern Creekshell Villosa delumbis 9553854818013.33 Venusticoncha Notched Rainbow constricta 4 751254 0.30 Eastern Elliptio Elliptio complanata 27745345 55622 46.07 Uniomerous Florida Pondhorn carolinianus 4 18188222 1.63 Eastern Floater Pyganodon cataracta-011001 0.07 Total 37946450 54829 61.41 *CPUE- Catch Per Unit Effort The stream was 2 – 4 meters wide with majority of the reach having depths less than 0.75 meter. Riffle, run, and pool habitats were present throughout the surveyed area. Substrate was dominated by sand, silt, cobble, gravel, boulder, and bedrock. A total of 379 marked individuals were recaptured in the relocation reach. 4.0DISCUSSION Six freshwater mussel species were observed during the survey efforts including Eastern Elliptio, Notched Rainbow, Eastern Creekshell, Florida Pondhorn, Carolina Slabshell, and Eastern Floater. The Downstream Reach appeared to be stable with condition similar to the pre- construction period species diversity and abundance. The Upstream Relocation Reach appeared stable with conditions similar to the pre-construction period. 53% of the Eastern Creekshell individuals detected in the relocation reach were recaptures from pre-construction relocation efforts. 75% of Notched Rainbow individuals detected in the relocation reach were recaptures from pre-construction relocation efforts(Appendix A). 45% of the Eastern Elliptio individuals detected were recaptures from pre-construction relocation efforts. 18% of the Florida Pondhorn individuals detected were recaptures, and one untagged Eastern Floater was observed. Liberty Rock Post-Construction Monitoring Year 1 December 2023 Page 2 APPENDIX A Tagged Freshwater Mussels Liberty Rock Enhancement Reach Mussel Survey Report December 2023 Page 3 Eastern Creekshell A534-A547 (Villosa delumbis) A498-A500 A010-A018 A548-A557 A020-A034 A561-A574 A036-A047 A575-A618 A049 A623- A626 A056-A060 A629- A679 A062-A067 A688- A708 A069-A082 A083-A098 Notched Rainbow (Venusticoncha constricta) A107 A019 A109-A110 A035 A112-A131 A050- A055 A135-A162 A099- A106 A163-A180 A132- A133 A182 -A190 A181 A199-A242 A192- A198 A249-A310 A245- A248 A311-A334 A308 A336 -A357 A335 A358 -A374 A375- A383 A384 -A394 A443 A395-A414 A486- A491 A416-A442 A533 A444 A558- A560 A445-A460 A619- A622 A461-A472 A627- A628 A473-A485 A680- A684 A492-A497 A501-A532 Liberty Rock Enhancement Reach Mussel Survey Report December 2023 Page 4