HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlexander_Well Abandonment_20240212 PAfnE 7 WELL AB ANDONAZENT RECORD Test Inning TieMCA Y: — —--- Thar tom cos be met for single ex multiple wets L Well Contractor laformation: WELL ABANTIONM NT DETAILS *tC ('L l/,1 V( 7a.dumber of wells beftq abandoned: iiC awA®el&setoomrrpeaomltramnioidivoallecbitflezmcpar) Far m::lttoir erection or non-omen {r lea. MIT reran Lae leer ( corcot rrraelalueuwoweaq you OM s derir000lom `D(f�__(�''� G 7b.Appro un to volume of water remaining in scan(:): `e J 0 ,aL) 1 —— 'FOR WATER SUPPLY'R ELL S Ov3 Y: t(( Car Buse (I) n!� ,7e Type of disinfectant used: CADI —_. 2.Well Construction Permit b: -A Lrro!oaphrmfdeseaPpina&paCOMO'AronPerimu't bglection IfiC.,Fr bitnall I Id_Amount ofdisiodactantused: ! 02- S,1Tell use(check trel me): tiCater Supply lF'e1L 7 ealbtE ma$erials used(sheet all that apply): CtApoattttr al DLfami LPnbli Neat t emesr C-twt D Bmntnim Chips of Fellers QCseuthrtsavl ',Y ooiiab Supply) �.eadentiai' art Supply(sack) 0 Ss D Cheered Gmwr ❑Dry(lay nv. ,.e.:si tCtmtmetcial Ctesidetacal Water Supply(shared) D Cat Grout ❑Dull Coating Qi>aCrtics O Specialty Gunn t7 Gavel Non-Water Supply'Well: ❑Benmafre Shary ❑Oahe:(rvplen,ands 7d cMemory In — — -- 7t For each:mattetial selected above,provide and lint of materialsmaterialsmatt �,/� C[Agti�a Rechttge CCtta tmiam // / undire a& ad n 1 —(C0l i?�4�ayc Q f .c_Q�` Grw 1 CfAgtdfa Stump sad sscooary CSalinity Berrie ClAquifer Test DStntsaaate Darmame - Caspeximetnel Technology ❑Stdatideace Control 7g,Provide a brief disc iption of the abnndoumenc procedure: ClGeotfie®al(Csnsed.Loopp) Clutter /� �'// l7Geothemtal(Heating1CooEngRem) DDtba(explain raider7g) I �dsr%7 G(�/ .�nW" r�trQ 4�I ,. / ch IOtt A �P (sI 4e. c_eI�^�,G 4.Date scents)abandoned �t' G re f- f e Up N/�/. it.Well lacafioa yet- k 9-?/`) — FacinpOwnerName haat af waxlike') 8.Certification: 1 1 C LA 0r �-� z Ph9�1 aan.Z� an � Ale, ail � BJ,sianirtg Mt Arm I harebe cont'afar the welts)wra Qua e)abandoned in Comet' Parcel 7 kid.(PIN) accordance With ZIANC4C tr3C.0100 or 2C.t7300 Walt Cb, tnitrfnn Stardar& and that a cop;erhis record ha:boon provided 07 the wal!owner. 0b.Latitude and longtudeis degseesiminntestseconds or decimal degrees: (i uellfield am laolcmgis atttficaa*) c. Si.Site diagram or eddtdonol well detail,-. j1,? $- / 1 02 tr I/ Ton ay use the back of this pap to provide addinmal well site details or tell T T� t _W abmdammam details. 'You may also attach on L peps if necessary. CONSTRUCTION DTTAIIS OF WEI L&BEEN-ABANDONED SOICLEL'CAL IIVST2CtCITCM Amid well cnnsutaates;mortd(u('asiailabic Far la linter btia=asa or ant-u®v sapy{t we.t°WWI►deem rostatrman_t:tadonuarc 3n+,•cmailractouejbnn. I0a. Far All Wells: Submit this foam within 3C days ad compleion of well abemdommmtt tc Yee following: firs.WellID*: Division of Water Resources,Infonne doe Processing Trait, lib.Total wall depth: 4 lit) 1617 Simit Service Center,&ilei<:h,NC:276PP-1617 lob.For lniection Wells: la addition.m sending tad fain to the address tr.IC* above,also submit one copy of this four within 30 days of completion of well 6c_Borehole diameter. _Iat.) iaaaderameac to the follaa : Division of Water Eesources,Trndersnomad Injection Control Propan, red.Water lerel beim ground surface: 3 r ft.) 1636)Soil Se-vice Center,Raleigh,NC 276a4-1636 2Os..For Water Snooks.d laiection Wells: In atldidm to sending the taro to oi.Cturer cas1f le tli(if ltnoun):.—. _OE,/ the editre.s(es)whose, also sitt1110 ate copy of this tows within 30 days of complexion of well ebandanmttat to tlx calory health deeps mu of the cranny where abandoned. _ 6f.inner casingit ibis,length Gf hoown): IL) _ . �C�E1V.. tij 6g.Screen length(tf hnoscu): 'ft.) • s F r.B 1 2 2024 ForaCalit-3D Mirth Cantina Dammam orEnt9mtwrnnfNa=a1Raroonan- ef Revise`Wrsc2013 tJ