HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A Memorandum of Agreement_October 8_1943Appendix A Memorandur� of Agreement of OctQ�er 8, 1943 1VIEMQ1t�1NDCUM QF AGREEMENT (�F �CTQBER 8, 19�3 THIS AGREEIViENT, made ar�d entercd into as af t�ie 34tii day c�f July 1943, by �nd between TENN�SSEE V�ILLEY �4UTHQRITY (hereiz�after catled the "Authority"), a c�rporatian c�-eated. l�y an act of Congress known as th� Tennessee Vall�y Authority Act of 1933} the STATE DF NORTH CARQLINA. [hereinafter called th� "State"), actin� by and thro�gh its Go�ern�r, its Cauncil af State, anci its State Highway and Public �Torl�� Commissi�n, S'WA.II�T CQLTNTY (hereinafter cailed tlie "Caunty"}, a palitical subdi�isicsn flf the State af I'dor�h +Carolina, acting by and through The Board of Cornmissianers f4r the County of Swain; and LTNITEI7 S1`ATES DEPARTMEN`�' �F THE I1�T�RI[]R (her�inafter callcd the "Department"}, acting herein for t13e use �.nd benefit of #he Nativna] Parl� Servi�e oi said Department, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authvrity, pursuant ta the powers vested in it by the Tenn�ssee Vall�y Authority Act of 1933, is engaged in the construction of a hydraelectric de�ett�prr►en�, l�own as the Fontana Project, can�isting of a darn and reservaar c�n th� Liiile Tennessee Riwer in Nor�h Carolina, said darn beir�g lacated apprc�xirnately ien (1(}} miles upstream from the Tennessee- North Caralina �tate ]��ne; ar�d WHETt�AS, the Farney Cre�k Ro�d Distri�i has heretc�fare issu�ed bonc�s for and cc�nstructed a raad ar highway extending from Deals Gap on th� ��rest to �ryson Gity on tlie east, said raad f+i�llflwing a course nor�h of the Little Tennessee and Tuekaseg�e Rivers and svuth of the present soutlY�rn laaundary of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park {he�°einafter referred to as tl�e "Park"}; and WHER�AS, the �aunty has heretafore assurned fiill liat�ility for all pri�cipal of anr� int�rest on the bonds issued far the cans�ruction of said road as afaresaid, and in 19417 issued its own refundin� bonds (and interest funding honds} in the p�ac� of all sucla bonds then outstanding and ui�,paid; and �VHE�EAS, the Stat� has heretofQre assurned jurisdictaon and cantrv� of`said Deals Gap- Br�son City road, wliich is now kno�vn as �arth Car[�lina Stat� Higliway ]�'�To. 288, and of all otl�er public raads cannecting therewith; and V'V'�T��.EA�, th.e reservoir to be const�ucted and operated by th� Autharity as a part of said Fontana Froject will subrnerge, fload, �r otherwise �d�ersely �ffect a suhstantial pc�rtion of s�id H3ghway 2$S easi of the site of the Fantana I)am, tagether wi�h oth�r public roads cannecting with said High���y 288; and WHEREAS, the i�ar Production Board has indicated that it wauld not approv�e c�r permit tY�e reconstr�ctian �r relocation o� said Highway 288 scr Iong as the present war emer�ency a.nd the shartage af iahor, materials, and equiprnent r�sultin� th�refram cox�tirru� ta exist; and �VHEI�EAS, said Highway 28$ as naw construcie� does not furr�ish or affi�rd a high standard of service, �d it is recagni�ed by the p�rties hereto that the recons#ruction vr relocativn �f said road on an e�ui�alent basis a�ter the war emergency ar at any other futur� time wauld not canstitute a wise or efficien# expenditure af public funds; and WHEREAS, there are now lield in pri�at�e vwnership ce�tain lands (hereina�ter described in section � of this agree�nent) aggregating approximately forty-fc�ur ihausand faur hul�tdred (44,4470} acres in area, Ic�cated with�n the lirrhits of fhe Coun#y south af the present southem 2 boundary of the Park and narth of tlle Little Tenrless�e a�id Tuckasegee I�i�vers, all of whicl� acrea�e (along ��ith cer�ain other acrEa�c na�� in private o�,Tncrs�ip} was ori�inally praposed for inclusian rvithin the baundaries of the Park; and WHE�ZEAS, the acquisition of said land described in sectian 1 hereaf �y the Uni�ed States o� Arnerica and the inclusivn thereaf witl�in the bQe�ndaries of tt�e Park would serve ta extend said baundaries sulastantially as arigina�Iy conteinplated, and wauld also establisl� a�asis far th� ca�struction by the Department of a paz-k standard road over and across said land; and WHEREAS, the Department regards a park �tandard road conne�tion I�etween I]eals Gap and Bryson city a.s an impartant link in a planned "around the �'ark" r�a�, ha� inciuded the same as pa�t of a 1Vlast�r Plan fc�r �he �lev�ioprnent Qf tt�e Park ��xteand�d as aforesaid), and, subjeGt tn inclusion af the aforesaid additional acreage within t�e Park area, is agreeable to initiating con�truction of the Park partion af su�h a rflad as s�on after t�e present war as fixnds are made a�ailable therefor by Congress; and V�'HEREAS, the pa�-tties iieretca desire to provide for and agree upon the extensian of the Park boundaries as �foresaid, the �lorsing and u�tirnate replac�ment of Highway 2$8, and the irnn�ediate and �nai settlement and disposikian oFall claims which the Statc and the Caunty may at any tirne have against tlie Authorit� or th� United States af Ame�ica by reasan o�'the flooding, taking, or closing of said Highway 2$8 and the ather roads hereinafter d�scribed or referred to, all in th� manner and upan the terms and canditions hereinafter sp�ecifi�d, and aIl tv the end and purpose of a��oiding ranwise and inefficient expenditures of public funds and of capturirag certain benefits far the regit�n af�ected and the public generally; NQ'L�, TI�EREFQRE, in ca�sidcxatian of the premis�s and af tl�e mutual cvvenants a�d promises hereinafter �ontained, it is herel�y r,�utually agr�cd by and t�etween the parties hereto as follows: I. Promptly upon the exe��tion af ihis agxe��.ent, the Authority shall, tc� the extent it has not already done so, in #Iie name of the Unites States o�'America, commence and thereafter prosecute in a systernatic, c�rderly, and diligent manner the acquisition by tl�e �urchas�, the exercise af emin�nt d�o�nain, or otherwise, of the land idenfified an the nr�ap attached ta and hereby mad� a part c�f this agreement as Exhibit A as "Land Propased far Tran�fe�r to U.S. Departrnent of Inte�ic�r," the Iand t4 be so acquired }aeing inore particularly described as #`a[laws: All that land, except that part hereinaft�r excluded, lyin,g in Swain County, North C�raiina, on tk�e x�orth side of tl�e Litt�e Tennessee and Tuckase�ec Ri�ers, and south of the Great Smoky Mouratains Nati�onal Park, extending frc�m Twenty Mile Ridge on the west to the dir�ide bettiv�en Lands Cree}� and Peacl�tree Cree�C an the eas#, the east �aoundary of the area being ap�aroxima�ely 2 miles west of Brysan City, North Caralina, the said area being baunded as follows: [1 } Qn the west and nflrth by the present bt�undary �ine af the Great Srnvky Mountains Nation�l Park; �2) On the east by the divide hetween Lands �reek and ��ach�ree Creek (the ne�rest prvperty line being the true boundary} but including the two tracts along the Tuc�asegee R��er fc�rrnerly owned by A.�. Lowe and A.L. and W.C. Nichcsls and acquared by the Author�ty fron� Nantahala pow�r a�nd Ligllt Carnpany under tract designatians �'R-252 and FR-264� (3} �n tkae south by proposed Fo�.tana Lal�e �171Q cQntvur} from the east boundary to a point on t�e ��i�e af the lake appraxirnately 3G04 feet as measurer� alc�ng the shore (17I0 coni�ur) in a northerly directian fra�n the axis o�'Fantana Dam; t�ence first vvith the nurth baun�laries thence th� west houndary of two tracts af Iand acquired by the Au�hority from Nantahala Powez- and Light Co�npany and Garo��ina Aluminurn Company, respectir�ely, under tract designations FR-43$ and �'R.-16 to a�aoint 15fl feet narth of the cenier line af th� principal access road to Fontana Fam and approxirnately 100 feet �aest of L�ewellyn Branch, t�ience al�ng a lin�e parallel tc� and 150 feet north af said center line in a general westerly direction tv an ix�tersectifln with the baundary line of the Great Smoky M�unt�ins Naticr�.�l Park on the south end af Tweniy Nlile Ridge and east vf Twenty Mile Creek. 4 Excepting and excluding frorn the are� above defined (1� aIl those Ia�ic�s D��ned l�y the North CarQlina Explaration CoFnpa�,y, consisting af some tl7ree c�f faur tracts of land $ituated in approxim�t�ly t 920 acr��, more or less, and (2} all lan� upstream fram Fontana Dam haUing th� �le�ation o�'its present ;raund surface belaw tl�e �lane of t�ie 1710-foat (rn.s1_} c�nt�►ur). The abo�Fe de�c�ibed land contains a net taYal af apprcaxiznately 44,40� acres, more or l�ss. Prc�vided, hovue��r, th�t the Autharity rraay �t its elec�ion pastpon� the acquisition ar th� taking af any steps in conne�tion �with the acquisitioz� of all or any part of ar interest in the follaw�ring property: The tr�.ct of land awr�ed by the Na�th CarnIina Mining Cor�oration situated on the north side af the Sugar Fark t�ibutary of Hazel Creek appr�ximatel}� � miles narth of Proctar and being the tract of land conveyed b� i�Valter S. Adarn� and wafe, Melind, io the 1'�orth Caxvlina Nlini�ng Corparation by deed dated March �9, 19(J�, and recarded in the [�ffice af the Register �af Deeds flf Swain �ounty, Narih Carolina, in Deed Book Z9, Page 238, the said tract containing 19� acres, rnore or ]�ss. until a date six manths af�er the cessation �f the hflstilities in which the United St�tes is nQw en�aged, it �eing recQgti�ed by tl�e parties hereto that the rnining af sa'rd tract of land and tlle removal af such minerals as may be contained therein may be of irnpnrtance �o the prosecutivn of ih� war. It is recogni�ed a�d agreed tl�at any or all of the lands acquired by the Authority under this section rnay be subj ect to outstanding rights of way, easements, andlor mineral rights; that any af said lands acquired from the Aluminurn Company e�f Arnerica ar any of its suhsidiaries rnay be sul�ject to ri�hts ofw�y orae hundred iifty �15�j feet i� vvidth for any transmission line or lines af any mf said �cnmp�ies which tnay be canstructed ta interconnect any af t�e plants of said cc�rnpanies with the �Qwer systenn of the Auth+ority, the locatian af such ri�hts c�f way to b� as a�reed upon frorn time to tlme by said 5 cr�nipa�ues ar any of them and the Authority; a��d that any Qf said lands �c�uired from �ara�ina A�urninurn �C�rnpany may be subject to any or all flf �he folla��in� perpetual ri�hts, easements, and privileges in fa�ar of Carolina Al�rninum Company, �ts successars and assigns, as the awner or awners of th� dam site of the Ch�eoah Developxnent a�d as appu�-t�nant ther�to: (a) The ri�hts at all iimes sv�thaut lin�itation o� restriction to �'ood by tl�e waters aftYae r�servoir irnpc�unded by th� Cheoah Darr� ar any other dam erected on Dr r�ear the site thereof, the said properties to an �Ievation of 127G.63 feet ahvve mean s�a level and to flaod said prc�perties ta sucti �dditivnal elevations as may result from wa�e action, floads, �nd other high water canditians. (b} The right in tl�e discretion oF C�rolina Aluminum Gorr�pany, its successors or assigns, to remcsve from the shor� a#� �heaah Re�ervflir and the land under said. r�s�rvoir and to destroy or otherwise dispose a� sa�t, drifk, timber, vegetation, and other �natter, and tc� use said share a�d land for such purposes and any other p�rpose reasanal�ly conn�ct�d with the maintenance an�i aperation of the �hec�al� de�elaprnent, ta�ether with the � ght of ingress, egress, and re�-ess far such purposes with toals, �ehicles, and equipr�eni acrc�ss said properties. It is further und�rstoQd and agreed that in the �urchase or oik�er acquisitian af the aforesaid land as herein provided, the Autho�ity shall t�e pri�ileged tr� follaw and abid� by its standard policies and procedures, a� the sarne may be vari�d or amended from tirne t� time, pertaining to the acqu�sition pf Iands vr in�erest therein. The Authority sha1P ne�i be responsible and shall incur na ]ialaility under tl�is sectiQn fnr any delay Qr delays in the acquisitian of title ta any of said land caused hy ar att�-ibutalale to title sear�hes or c�ther studies, condemnation pro�ceedings or other Iitigation, or caused by ar attr�ibuta�ile to any act or circumstance whi�h is incident to or reasonably related to such acquisition rrr whic� is beyand the 2�uth�prity's cantral, it ��ing the intention af the parties that the Authority sliall incur no lia�aility for any delays in �he a�quisition of any land under this G sectian resultin� frvm any causc whatsoe�er fltl�er than the willful failus-e or refusal of the Authoraty to take any step necessary ta effect such acquisition, 2. Immediately fa�ll�wing its acquisition in �ccorc€ance vvi�h sectic�n 1 her�of vFall of the Iand described in said sectic�n, �he Authorit� shall assign and transfer to the Depar�ment, for the use and benefit of the IVational Park Se�-vice and for inclusion as a part c�f th� Park, the right o�poss�ssian and all other right, title, and inieresi which t1�e Authority may have in and ta said lan+d, and shall als� grani t+o the Departrne�lt, its a��nts, se�vants and invitees the right of access to and use of alI lands af the i]nited Staies in t�a� Autl�ority's custady lying upstrea�m from Fontana Dam betr�veen the land to be transferred t� th� Department hereunder and low 4�vaterrnark on Fontana, Lake, t�gether wit�l the right of access to and the use �f the ti�aters vf said 1al�e, for the purpa�e �f canstructing and maintaining thereon boating and recreational facilities, piers, dv�ks, and relatecl equipment, and of perfc�rming all ather acts which rnay be reasanably necessary tfl the administratian anri use, as a part of the Park, af the larkds to b� trans%rred to the I�epartment und�er this section 2; provided, howewer, that said assi�men�, trar�s%r, and gz-ant shall t�e effected �y an agreemeni nf transfer between tl�e Authority and tfie Department substantialiy in the far� attached to and nlade part hereof as Exhabit B, and shall also be subject to all thase right�, easeanents, and interest (whether or nai naw Iisted ar specified in said Exhibit B) which have been a�- �ay be reserved or le#� autstanding at the tim� c�fthe Authr�ri�y's a�q�isition caf the Iands describ�d in section �, as p�rmitted flr �on#emplat�d ioy said sectian 1; pr�vided �urther that, pric�r to the exe�uti�n af said transfer agreement, a metes and bounds descripti�n of tl�e laa�,c�s to be transferred ta the Department thereunder shall he inca�porated th�rein in substitutivn for the descriptian c�f 7 said Iands now cantained in Exhibit B; and �rQVided further �hat if the Auth�rit� shalt at any time �ia�ve acquired all af the land descr�bed in section 1, with ihe exceptic�x� of alI or any part af 4r interest in the l�Torth Carvlina Mining Carporation tract separately descnbed in said �ection �, the Au#hority and the Department shall tlaen enter into an agre�rnent af trans£er, as aforesaid, with respe�t t� so much of the land descz-ibed in sec�ion 1 as the Authority shall then have ac�uired, and in such case said Nor�h Carolina Mining Corporation tract, or the part tllereof or interest therein not initially t�-ansferred �y the �u�hority to tlie Department, sha�l i�e the subject af a separate and subsequent ag�-eement of transfer between the Autharity and Department, such stihsequent agreement of transfer to �e consist�rat wataa the prc�Vision� oF this agreement and substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhihit B, and ta be executed iznmediately f€�Ilowing the Authority's �cquisition �af the part of Qr interest in said tract not co�er�d by the initial agreement of transfer. The parties recagnize and agree that, as an incident to tl�e �onstructian, rrriaintenance, and operation Qf th� F�ntana project, the Authorit�+ r��aill acc�uire �c�rtain lands and rights and intere�sts in land in addition ta those sp�ci�ed to t�e ac�uired under section 1 herec�f and to be transferred und�r tlais section �. The acquisitian of su�h additional lands and rights an�i inter�sts in land shall not giae rise to any obligativn on the part of the Authonty to iransfer the sarne, or any part therevf ac interest tl�ereii�t, ta Ehe Department, and the Authority's sc�le abligation under sections 1 and 2 of this agreerr�ent shall �e to ef�ect the acquisition ofthe lands specifed in section I and ta transfer the possession and contrvl of said iands ta th� Department alon� wi#h the additit�nai nghts ot' ae�ess and use specified xz� t�e pr�ceding pa�-agraph, all as herein specifically prvUided. 3. The Department agrees to enter into an a�reement or agreernents of transfer with the Autho�ty as provided by section 2 herevf, a�d, pursuault to and subject to the pro�isions of s�ach a�reement �r agreetr�ents, ta accept an assignment and transfer of the Iands d�escribed ii1 section 1 hereofz tv�ether with the additior�al rights Qf access and use sp�ci�ed in sectian 2. The Department further agrees that, f�rthwith upan the executian and deli�ery of such an agreement of transfer, it 4�i11 extend the pres�nt boundaries of the Paxk to embrace and inclu�le tY�e land transferred thereby. 4. The Department represents and st�t�s that it has evolved a 1Vlaster Plan far the develaprnent of the Park as exter�ded hy the additian �of the �ands described in se�tion 1 hereof, and that said 1�Iaster Plan includes an "around the Park" road, of ,which the Park sectian of a prajected rvad between Deais Gap and Sr�rsan City constitutes an important link. Subjec� to the transfer b}� th� Authority to the Departrnent af #lie land described ir� section � as herein pra�ided, tl�e De�artment a�ees that, as saon as funds are rnade a�ailable for that purpase by Con�r�ss aft�r t�e cessatic�n Qfthe hs�stilities in which tl�e United States is now engaged, #lie Department will construct or cause to be constructed the #'o€iawing described sections of road, all af said �ections being hereinaf�er collectiveiy referred ta as the "Park l�oaci": (a} A�ectian af raad beginnin� at a poizat on �he Fantana Dam Access Road near the cr�assing af F�x Brancli, and extending to a point an tl�e westerci l�oundary of the land identified on Ex�ibit A as the praperty of North Carolina Exploration Campariy. (b) A section flf road beginr�ing at the e�stern btrundary af said North C�ralina Explaratioz� Cvmpany land and extending #a the eastern baundary af the Park as extended hereunder. (c} A sectian af road acrcrss said North Carolina Exploratian Com��ny land conn�cting the ends flf the sections o�z-oad descriiaed in paragraphs (a} and (�) abQVe. � {d} A section af road be�inning at a point in the raad descz�bcd in paragraph {a) abowe, �nd �extending in a generally southerly dire�tion to th� west abutment o�FQn�ana Dam. Prar�ided, however, th�t in lieu of tl�e secEians of road described in paragraphs (a), {h), and (c} a�ove, the Department may at its �lection construct ar cause to be co�structed, as a par� c�ithe Park Raad, a cantinuo�s section ofroad beginY�ing at a pc�int on tlie Fontana Darn Access Road neaz- the crossing of Fax Branch and extendir�g arvund the afQresaid praperty of the North �ardlir�a Exploration Company (through existing Park lands} to the e�stern boundary of the Park as extended hereunder. In the e�ent of such �lection on the part of the Department, th� Department shall ne�er�heless constr►�ct ar cause to be constructed, as a part of the Park Road, the section of rvad described in paragraph (d} abo�ve, r�hich sectiv� shall in such case cornrrtence on said alternati�e section vf Park Road at a point wet of tY�e lands identified on Exhihit A as the property af Narth Carolina Explaration Campany. TJpon commencernent nr c�nstructian af the Park Raad, Authority shall transfer anc� assign tv the IJepar�ment its right af possession, and all its otl�.er right, title, and interest in and ta the land r�quired #'or th� right of way o f that poa°tion af the xoad described in paragraph (d) abQ�ve which Iies within the l�oundaries of �'antana Dam Reservatian. The Department shall secure and pro�ide for itself all such easements and rights af way as m,ay be necessary for the can�truction and maintenance of an� p�rtion of the Park Road whi�h rnay be located upon or acrass any af said North �Carc�lina Explorata�n �'ompany. If and when fun�ls are mad� availalale by the Congress for said 1'ark Raad �s afore�aid, tlYe locatic�n and type �f �aid road, t�e rr�eihod and rnanner of canstructing the 1 [l sarn�, and all standards and specifications therefar sha�l be deterrnined by Department in its sale discretion; pravid�d, however, that said �ark Road whe�l constructed shall as a minimum standa�rd be �'inished throug�iout its len�th with a dustless surf`a�e nat Iess than tvventy (�Oj feet in widt�; and pravided, further, t�iat said Pai-k Road s�a�l caz��ct at the eastern boundary of the Park, as extended hereunder, at a point to be selected by the Departrnent, with the road which is to be canstructed by the State in accc�rdance with and su�ject to the provision� af sectian b hereof The �bligation vf the Department to construct or pro�ide far the c�nstz-uctian of a Park Road as d�fined in this section 4 shall be subje�i ta and continger�t in all respects upon the apprapriatian by Congress oi all fun�is nec�ssary for such construction, and failure on the p�r� of Cangress �'or ar�y reason to rnake such appro�riations shall no�t c�nstitute a�r�ach or �iolation of this agr�ement by tt�e I7�partrnent or any oth�r pa�iy hereto. 5. Following cflm�letion of the Park Road to be constructed by the Department subject ta the provisions of section 4, the I]epartment znay in its discretian bar said raad �o cornrnereial use, and restrict ih� sara�� s�lely to pleasure and touri�t traff c. G. At such time as the Departrneni shall cornmence the constructian af t11e Park Road pursuant ta section 4 hereof, the State shall farthwith praceed to acquire gc�od and sufficient easements and rights of way for, and shall cflnstruct, a raad cnmmencing at a paint on U�.S. Hgghway 19 in Srysan City, Narth �aralina, and extending to a point on the easterr� bc�undary af th� Park (as extended here�nder) to be selected and designa#ed hy t�e Department, the point so desi�n�ted by the L7epartrnent to be such as ta pro�id� far in ihis sectian witi� the Park Ro�ad described in section 4. The easements �d rights of way 11 t�a be acquired �y the State far said Bryson +City-I�ark Baundary Raad shall be �ot less than two hundred (204) feet in width �utside the corporate limits aFBryson City. I� all c�th�r r�spects, except for the termini thereof as ab�ve prnvided, the tocation and type af said road, tlie rnethc�d and mannez- vf �onstructing the same, and all stanriards a.nd spe�ification� therefar sliall ]�e deterrnined by the �tate i�n its sole discretion; pravided, hower�er, ihat s�.id �t�ad when constructed by tlie State s�iall as a minimurrx standard be finished throu�hout its Iength with a dustless surface nQt less than twenty (2ii} feet in width. 7. Following earnpletion of the c�nstruction af the Fantan� project by the Autliority, tlle Autharrty, on its own �ehalf and as agent af the United States af �Ltnerica, shall quitclaim to the Stait� all of the rig�t, title, and interest tvhich it or th� Unit�d �kates of America may have in and ta the so-�alled �'ontana a4.ccess Road l�eretofore cofistructed l�y t�e Aut�onty from U.S. Highway �29 near Deals Gap tv the I��t {east� abutment o£the Fantana Dam, includang all brid�es, c�ul�aerts, and ather facilities constit�ting a part of said access road. In connection with and as a part af the transfer of said access raad ta the State as aforesaid, the Autharity shall alsa: (a) 7`ransfer a.nd quitclaim or cause to k�e transferred and quitclaim�d to the State all easements and righis of way acquire� by ihe A,.utl�ority as agent of ihe Unitec� S#ates appurtenant to those portions ar sec�ians of said access road wl�ich tr�a� �e located outside the iimits of land of the United States in the custody af tlae Authority, tflgether with such land as th� Authority, as agent of tl�e United States, may hol� o� acquire in fee west of a poin# on the nvrth right oF�uvay lina r�f said access r�ad approximately one hundred {1 �0� feet west of Le:wellyn Brancll, and between said nar�h right of way line at�d the Cheoal� Reservoir of Caaralina Alurninurn Cor�pazay. For the purposes hereaf, the north �i�ht of way �ine of said a�cess road west of said point apprQxirnately one hundred (10Q) fee� west of Lewellyn Branch sha11 be c�eerr�ed to be a line para11e1 ta and one hundred fifty �(150} feet north of the center line vf said access rvad. 12 (}�) Gr�nt �nd c�uit�lai�n ar cause to b� granted and quitclaimed to ilie State suitable easements and ri�lits o€' �vay �ar khe nl�intenance �f all of tlie portions t�f said access road whicli az-e located on land flf the LTnited S�ates in tl�� cu�tody af the Autl�vrity, w�lZere su�h land is not incluc�ed in the land to be transferred and quitclaimed to fhe State under paragraph {a} immediately preceding. (c� Transfer and a�si�n ar cause to F�e transferr�d and assigied to the 5tate an ab eement between the Authority at�d Caralina Aluminurn Company dated May 5, 1943, relating t� an easement for the constructic�n and maintenance of the bridge lo�ated on said Fantana Access Road across th� L�ttle T�nan�ssee River, together with a�I rights, privileges, and interests e�f the Auti�vriiy and the CJniteei States in, to, and under said ab eement. The State agrees that it wil�, hy forrnal agreemen# with the Authority and Carolina Aluminum Catnpany, accept an assi�nrnent af the aforesaid agreement Qf May 5, I943, and assume all af'the duties and o�ligations vf the Authority and the U�ited States of Arnenca thereunder, sa as ta effect the substitution of the State f�r the Authority and �he United States af America for all af'the purposed of said agreement as contemplated by sectian. 3 thereof. The State furth�r a�rees that, fot-thwitk► upon th� transfer of said access rQad as aforesaid, it will open arrd thereaf�er maintain said access road fnr pubii� travel, �ake oU�r at tl�e expense af tlie State th� rrrxaint�nance, repair, az�d upkeep ther�o�, as�d thereaft�r Fa�ever hoPd tlie Autharity and tlie Ur�ited States af Amer�ca harmless c�n accorxnt pf any lass, darnage, or injury sustained by any persan or persons using th� same; pravided, hawe�er, that in transferring said access rflad tm the State as aforesaid, the Authority rn�y reserve the right, but shall ha�e no obligatiQ�, ta anaintain, flattena plant grass or sk�rubbery upon, or otherwise madi� tI1� 5�(]�]�S G�CU�S aTIC� �T11L7117I�ii11�17�5 adjac�ent to any portion ar pariions of said access road between the sauth end of the Little Tennessee River Bridge and the left (east) abutrnent of Fontana I]am. 13 8. Foz�hwith L�pon tiie e�ec�tion af this agreement, t�e State, as a mcans of cooperatin� ��ith and assistin� tl�e Aut�ority in the �aurchase of the land described in �ection 1 hereof, az�d in tl�e settlement af the problems incident or relat�d ther�to, shall pay to the Autharity the suxn af �Qne Hu�dred Thousand DotIars ($1 ClD,0�4a}, suck� pa�tnent to l�e rnade for the purpr�ses of and pursuanE to the autho�ity contained in ,S.B.198 enacted at tlae 1�43 Session �a£the Nortl� Carolina L�gislature and apprQ�ved March 5, 1'�43. 9. Promptly upon the execution ofthis agreement, the Auth+�rity shall pay to tl�e State Treasurer ot'North Carolina, Treasurer ex officiQ of th� North Carolina Local GaVe�rnent Cornmissian, in tru�t for the County, the sum af Four Hundred Thausand Dallars (�4D(�,OD�), said State Treasurer �f Narth Carolina bein� I��reby designated by the Caunty �o recei�re and rec�ipt �or said sunn on th�e County's behalf. Priflr ta or si�nultane€�usly with the payment of said sum to said S�ate Treasurer nf Nor�h Carolina, the County shall enter init� a trust agr�eement �overnin� ihe �nanagement and dis�ursement ofsaid trust fund_ Said trust a�reement sl�all be subject to tlle appro�raP Qf the l�To�th Carnli�a Lacal Go�vernment Cr�rnmission, and shall prouid� that said suzx► shall be applied by the trustee exclusi�ely €o the payment of the princ�pal c��'road bonds oi the County whicY� are now ouistanding and unpaid. The County agrees t�lat said trust agreement, once entered into with the approval of the I'�arth Carolina Ltical Gavemrnent Commission, shall nat be arnended, re�voked, ar supplemented except with the written consent and apprvval of said Lo�al Go�ernrnent Corntnission_ Deli�ery ta said State Treasurer, as �'reasurer ex aff��io af the Narth �aro��na Lacal Gc��ernrnent Commissian, of the Autharity�'s check in the amount a�'Faur Hu�dred 14 Thausand Dollars (�4a0,0�]0), payable ta his order as tnzstee far the County, shall operate as a camplete fulfillment and discharg� of all obligatian� of`the Authc�rity under this section 9. 10. The State and the +County h�reby agree tha� tliey will, forthwith upon receipt of a request from the Autho�ity sa tv da, by instn�ment ��- instrur��.ents in form suitable for rect�rding, transfer, c�551�i1� con�ey, and qu�tclaim unto the Autharity and the United 5tates of Arnerica all right, title, and interr�st which they and the public may ha�e in and to th�t pc�rtion or section af existing North Carolina State Highway Z$8 t�etween Fax Branch and Watkins Branch, in and ta all ather roads �r �ortions �r sections of raad (irrespective of elevation} located upon €�r acrc�ss any af the land described in seetivza 1 h�reQf andlor any aFthe land identi�ied on Exhibit A hereta as the property ofl�dorth Ca�olina Exploration Company, �nd in and to all other roads or portians or sections of raad in the Coualty 1}�ng north of th� Little Tenn�ss�e and Tuckasegee Rivers east of Fontana Darn k�elow elevation 1?1S (rn.s.l.), i�cluding all bridges, cutver�s, and ather facilities cc�nstituting a part of any of said rvads or partions or sectians of raad, together wi#h all easements and rights of way appurtenant thereto, The State and the County fi�,r�her agxee that they will, forthwith upon receipt of a request frorn the Az�#hority so to do, iake ❑r prflcure the taking of any and ail action which may he necessary ar�d appropriate to �aacate and abandon all ofthe roads and par�ions or secti�ns ca£rQad to be ccrnveyed and quitclairned as pra�vided in this paragraph, and to close the same t�o the use of the puL,lic. ilntil such time as the t�uthority s11a11 request the canveyance and the �racation, a6andanment, ar3d closing af the roa�is or portions or seGtions of raad referred ta in this paragraph, all such roads or portions or sections of road re�'erred to in tY�i� �S paragraph, all such roads or portivns or seetians of road shall retain theiz- present status and coi�tin€�e to l�e used and rnaintained as public raads oz- highways. Tn cansideratiQn of the prernises and oF the cc��venants and prQmises af the Authority aY�d the I3epar�ment in and under this agreenient, the State and the Caunty, for th�msel�es, their respective succ�ssors, representaiives, and assigns, sliall and do here�ay, jointly and ser�erally, release, acquit, and discharge the 1�utharity, i�� successors and assign�, and its ager�ts and employees, and tihe United States af Arneriea, of atzd from aPP c�bligations, liability, claims and demands of every nature, character, or descriptian, w�7ether now or h�re�fter existing, ari�ing out af or in any way connected with the inundation, closing, ar taking, under or as the r�sult of tk�is agreement or as the result of the cQnstruction, �aintenanc�, or aperation oFFontana Dam ar F�ntana Reservoir, vf Noz-th Carolina State Highway 2$8, or �ny portio�n or �ection #hereof, wheresoever located, or of any ather road or roads or sectian or s�ctions vf road (irr�specti�e of eievation) located wl�olly vr partiaily upon or across a�iy of the land described in section 1 hereof or any ofthe land identi�e�i on Exhihit A hereto as the }�roperty oFNarth Carolina Explora�ion Cvmpany, c►r af any road vr rc�ads c�r sectian 4r secti�ras �f raad lying north di the Little Ten�essee and Tuckasegee RiVers bel+�w elevatio�n T 715 �(m.s.l.), toge#her wit� all olaligations, liahility, clairns, and demands ar�sing aut oF ar in any way cannected witli any impairment Qf the ��fici��cy, �aalu�, usa�ility, or c�n�enience of any partion (irrespective o� elevatian or locatian} c�f said Highway 288 arr af any of said other roads or sections c�f r�ad, not so inundated, closed, ar talcen; and the Stat� and the �ounty expressly agree that they rn�ill not, jaintly or severally, maintain ar attempt to rnain#ain any suit ar cause of the aGtir�n against the Authority, its agents or emplayees, or tlie lb L]nited �tates of Anierica based �pon or arising out of any s�cl� inundation, closing, taking, or impairment, it being the intention hereof tl�at the eo�enants and promises c�fthe Aut�iority anc� the I�epartment herein c�ntained sh�.11 cgn:stitute and effect and t�� accepted as an ixxamediate, cc�m�lete, a�d f�nal payment an� d�scharge o£ all such obligations, liabili�y, claizr�s, and demands; provided, �iowever, tha� nothin� herein contained shall apply to or preclude any actian hy the State or the Cflun�� to enforce cD�npliance or ta reco�er damages for noncampliance by the Authority ar t1�e Department with their respective ca�ena�its and promises herein ;nade. 11. Anykhing in section 10 ta th� contrary no�vviti�standing, the State does nat release or �aive ar a�ree not t� �nfQrce any �Iai�n; deman�l, ar "action over" whicl-� it may naw or hereafter have against the Aut�ority or the Ur►ited States, and v,rhich is based �p�n an obligation or liahility which the State tnay ha��e tt� incur to any landowner by reason of his being deprived of access tv land owned by fii�n in S�ain County, Noz�h Carolina, wher� such obligation or liahility an the part af the State arises out of the inundation, flaoding, clvsing, vr oth�r irnpairment, under o�r as the result of this agreemen# ar as the r�sult of the canstr€ictivn, rnainienance, or vperatian c�f Fontana I]arn ar Fontana Reser�air, of existing 1�lnrth Caralina Stat� Highway 288 between Fax Branch and Watkirrs Branch; and the Au�har�ty h�reby expressly agrees ta indemnify th� State against and safe it harrnless fram any such abligatidn or liability, pra�ided, howe�er, tliat whenever su�h obligatian or liability exists ax is alleged or claimed to exist an the part vf the Sta��� in fa�or of any landflwner, the State shall not, except pursuant to a judicial judgrnent or d�cree, pay compromise, settte, or othen�ise dispos� of such at�ligatian a�r Iiability or any claim, dernand, �uit, or action based thereon r�vithvut the written consent 17 of the Autharity; and pravided fi�rther that tlae .Auth�rit�+ shail at all tirnes ha�e and exercise full control over the defense, �ettl�ment, and dispasiti4�i of al� claims, demands, suits, and actians filed with or against the S�ake in respect vf any s�ach obligativn or liability, and may �ompron�ti�e, settle, or tiispase of the same in any maraner ar by any method or pracedure which it may see fit to adopt in its s�lo discretion. Whenever any ciaim, demand, suit, or action is rnade vr filed wit� ar against the State in respect of an actual c�r alleged abligati�n c�r liability on the part of the State af the kind r�fenred tv in the preceding paragraph of this sectian, the State shall pramptly, and in any e�ent within ten (10) days after receipt of far�nai written notice thereof by the State or summc�ns issued by any cour� and served an #he S#ate, g-ive the Authority written not�ce of the making c�r fi�ing af such claim, d��nand, actian, or suit, sv as to permit the Authonty tc� defend, cornpramise, setile, ar otherwise dispose of the same as herein pravi�led, c�r if the State shall, oiherwise than pursu�nt to judicial judgrne�t or decree, pay, comprvmi�e, settle, or �therwise dispose vf any such c�ai�n., dema�ad, action, or suit withaut th� written consent of the Authari�y, then and in either ar any c�f such events, the Authority shall be relie�ed and dischar�ed af any obligatian to indemnify the State a�ainst or sa�e it harmless from any ai�ligation ar liabitity in respect of snch �1aim, demand, suit, actaon, or any renewal thereaf. l2. This agreement may be simulta€ievusly executed and delivered in �ny numb�r of �counterparts, and each s�ch caunterpart siiall be deerned an original. IN �NITNESS T�IEREOF, the parties hereto ha�e caused this a�rE�nnent ta be executed by their proper repr�sentati�,es thereunto duly authorized �s of the day and year iirst ab�ve written. � Attest: � GladUS M. But•khart_ _ Assistant Secretary Attest: s! Ina L. Ferrell ecretary Attest: sl p.R. VVelch 19 TElLiNESSEE VA�LEY AUTHQRITY By sl Arthur S. daudrey �Seal} Acting General iVlanager STATE [JF NQRTH CAROLIlVA By sl J. Me1�ville Brou�hton �Seal} avernor And by Couneil vf State Bv sl J. Meiville Brou h�(Seal) Chairman And by State Highway ar�d Pul�lic W�rks Co�rLmissian By sl D,B. Mc�rary (Seal) cting airman S WA�1V CDLJNT�', N(7RTH CARC�LINA By The Board of +Comrnissioners for the County �f Swain By sl R.I). Estes (Seal} C 3a�rrnan UNITED STATES DEPAATMENT {]F TI-�E INTERI+QR Sy sl Harold L. Ickes Secret�ry �XHIBIT B A�REEMEl'�iT QF TRA�S��R �3etween TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHQ12iI'Y And LTNITED STATES �]EPAR`]i MEl'�IT CJF THE 1NTERIQR �ATIONAL FAR� SERVICE Rela�in� Ta LA.NDS 1N SV�'"ATN GC7UNT'Y, NQRTH CAROLIN.A THIS AGREEIVIENT DF` TRANSFER, made and entered into t�n�s 315Y day af Marcli, 194871�y and between TENNESS�E VALLEY AUTHURIiY, a carporation o�r�anized and exzsting under and by �irtue of an Act of Congress knawn as the Ter3nessee Valley A�utharity Act of 193 3(hereina%ter callec� "TVA"), and LTNITED STATES DEPAI�TMENT �C7F THE INTERi[]R, far the use and benefit of the Nativnal Park Servic� of the Unite�i States Depaa�ttment of the Interior �(liereinafter calted "Department"), WITI�TESSETH: That for the puxposes and consideration5 expressed in an agreement rnade and ent�red inta as of th� 3�th d�y af July 1943, hy TVA, the Department, the State of North Carotina, and Sr�+ain County, North Carolina, said agreement being identified by Contract I�o. TV-80454, but s��aject ta the approval of ihe President af the United States as � -� � . �. � � .. �, _. .,a _..., � � _� .�6�� � �� � .�� � ��, t,� : � � � �� � ��� r . _ _ . � �,z >, �1 _. . , ' , � � a . . ��� z � • � • � -� ��� = �� � � � � ; � � t; : ��� � - � � '� .�g. fi , � . � i ... . 4� �� � � � ..T,� h fT � t , 5 � F � .. ..'� ., tt ... � f. ' '� . .$ '�T8� ' ' . . . . g^ , .� � . . . ... . �.,��� ��`C�,"Y:�°: .. . 'a:� . . . .. .. �� �� . £ � � .. � . . . .' - .. . . . ; . . . i� ..a,M''.�y.m ::: . . . . ♦ ,.�:,: ...a ...... . . . . . '� r�r �'°' �; t. ,� ". � �t ° j � ^� . . � � f � . .. .� . � � � � z �' +� ?���. �� �� �' - � . � �� � � : � � .;�:{;"a . ` S' � .. ` i .a E ...g,:! �,. ... �`:.� ' � .. . . ��.�� � ,c . . � . r,: . . ., . .. , a':' : �& & �it:: � . . . . . . �:� �..:y�'': ,;�w�. - ' �,- : s'b ' .'. ��''�" �.. � � . .. �� 'y��� ��:�y� S � �k ... � ' � `3:. �:.. d . 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TVA, su�ject ta the conditians, exceptions auid reservations hereinafter �t�ntair�ed, hereby assi�ns and transf�rs ta the Department fo� the use and bene�it o#`tlle Natir�nal Park Service as part �f the Great Smaky M�uniains Natianal F'ark the right of passession axad can€rol of an all +�ther ri�ht, title, and interest which TVA rnay l�a�e in anr� to the foll�owin� descri�ed lands: Approximately 44,17� acres af land situated fln tlie north side af Fantana Reservoir, in Swain Caunty, North Caralina, said land being particularly descri�ed in the schedul� whi�h is attached to at�ci herei�y made a part of thh�..s agreemen� as Ap�aenc�ix A, and being shown colareri in cross-hatched yellow on Map 19 MS 453 K 5�5 R1 attached and made a part oF this agreement as Appendix B. 2. Ir� additian to the interests assigned and transferred under sectian 1, TVA shall and does hereby give and grant tQ the Departmealt, its agents, ser�ants and inwitees th� ri�ht af access to and use of all t�nds of the United States in TVA's custc�dy lying upstream frorn US TVA carne� 2-4A VV.C. (th� coordinates ofwhich are N. 656,154 and E. �6$,71C) hetween the T71a ft. c�ntour af the non-insular land c��vered �y said section 1 and �ow watermark t�n Fontana Lake, fvr the purpase of constructing and maintaining ther�on boating �nd recreational facilitics, piers, dacks anc� related eqiiipment, ar�d of �erformin� all c�ther acts urhicli may be reas�nably necessary to the administration and use, as a part of the Cireai 5maky Mauntains lriational Park, c�f the lands TVA's interest in which ass�gned and tra�sferred ta the Department under sectian 1. 3. All of ihe interests and rights assign�d, transferred, and granted l�y TVA ta t�e Departrnent under sections 1 and 2 k�er�ofare assigned, transferred, and granted sul�ject to: (a) The follc��ving rights which ar� h�rehy expressly reserved to and retained by TVA far itself, it successars, and assigns: (�} the unres#ricted right in perpetuity tv make wh�tever changes may be necessary or dcsirable in facilities for the storage, use e�r dis#ribuk�on Qiwater, and to construci, �naintain, and operate such additianal structures and facilities and carry an such activitaes as it may deern necessary to carry aut its program of flood c�ntral, na�igation, and incidenta� generation of power, as aut�arized by ih� T�nn.essee Valley Authority I�et of 19�3 as amended; (2} the right of ingress and egress at ali times to and fram. any point; {3} the r�ght to operate F�ntana R�servair and fluctuate the water le�el th�xeo�at any time c�r to any heig�it; (4} the right ta �nt�r upon any part of the land aff�ctEd hereby an� perform ar►y acts +�aY�ich it may deem necessar}r for the further�nce af rnalaria control and shareline sanitation, with due �ansideration l�eing g�ven to the Natianal Park �ervice's prv�ra.rn; {5} the ri�ht to rnaintain and aperate any elecfiric po��er transrnission and diskri�ution lines, telepl�one and telegraph li�es, and water flurnes anci railways, and 4ther facilities novv located on said land, ta�ether with tlle right to cans�ta�ct, aperate and maintain su�ch additianal transrnissinr�, distril�utinn, telephvne and electric lines, ��ater flumes ai�d railr�rays, arrd vther fa�ilities on said l�nd as it may hereaf�er deem necessary fcar �he exercise an� a�ccomplishm�nt of its statutary powers and purposes; (G} the ri�ht at all kimes witha�t lirnitation or restrictic�n to flood, �r tv suffer, permit, a�ree upon or cat�se the floodin� of, by the watears af any present or fu�ure reser�air located belvw F�ntarta Darn, any lands affecied h}� t��is agreement lracated west of a line extending due nc��th and s�outl� from the center of Foz�taria i�arra, to an eleUa#ion of 1279 feet abor�e mean se� le�el, and to f]oad or suffer, pet�nit, agree upan or cau�e tl�e flaodin� of said lands to suclY additional elevations as inay res�lt fror�1 wave acC�an, floods, and otlier high water conditions; and (7) the ri�ht in Fts di�cretion to remave from the share flf any present ar future reservair t�cated belvtiv Fontana Darn and the land under su�h reservr�ir and ta destxay or otherwise dispose of silt, drift, timber, vege�atian, and other matter, and to use said shore and land for such purpases and any ather �urpose reas�nably conne�ted with the maintenance aa�d operatian of su�h reservoir vr the darn associa�ed therewith, iogether with the ri�h� of in�ress, eg�-ess, and reg�-ess for su�h purpose with tools, �rehicles and equipment aeross any of the properti�s affected hy the agreernent, It is understood that ariy and all of #he rights reser�ed under thi� suhpara�raph �a} may be exexcised directly by TVA �r by and throu�h aDents or contractors, and that TVA rnay grant to ar permit the exercise by athers ❑f right� of the class ar character described in subdivision (5} of this subpar��raph, as wel� as the rights descri�aed in subdiwisians {6} and t7} of �his subpara.graph, either by agreemen�, sufferanee, tl�rou�h executian and deli�very vf perp�tual easernents, vr otherwise; prr�vided, hawever, �hat any farmal a�ee�nent, grant or perrnit coneerning the exercis� of such ri�Iits �y others shall, at tlie tirne wl]en made car issued, in TVA's judgment, have a xelationship tv its statutory prv�ram, p�rpnses and objecti�es. (b} T� sucl� rigtits af way and ofher rights, if any, whic�i tl�e Alurninum Campany of America or its subsidiaries may be obligated under an a�reerr}eni dat�d July 1, 1915, as arnended by an agreement dated March 1 a, 19� 1, between the �tuminuin Company af At�eri�a, et al. and Sauthern Railway �omparY�, et al., to grant and can�vey to Southem Railway Company, its successors, assigns, or nominees; an�i t�o rights of way �f 15�-foot widtli for any transmissic�n lines of the Aluminum Com�any af America dr its subsidiaries wvixich m�y be �or�structed ta interconnect its or their plants with the power system a�'TVA, the laca�ion af such rights of way to he zziuhaally a�reed upon be�r�en the Aluminum Lampany of Ameri�a and TVA. The n�ht� referred to in this subpara�aph (b} are the same as those cl�escri�ed in paragraphs 1 and 2 af Article III or Exhibit B to an agreement between TVA and the Aluininum Conapany of Ar�ier�ca dated August 14, I94�, recarded in the Qf�ce af the Re�ister of IDeeds of S��ain County, Nartl� Carolina, in Deed Book 63, pa�e 398, et seq., and rnay affect TVA land tracts 1�T�s, FR-17, 25, 27, 2$, �9, 8Q, S?, �'7, 88, 9I, 92, 93, 96, 97, �8, 101, 103, 1Q5, 1D6, 1Z5, 127, I34, 13$, 141, 1�2, I44, 147, I�}9, 15�i, 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, I62, 1b3, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 17&, 177, 1'18, 179, 1$0, 248, �49, Z5Q, 254, 258, 259, 26[l, �61, Z62, 264, and 1293. �c) To� such exceptians anri reser�ations �ontaincd in a deer� froni Carolina Aluzninunn Ca�npany ta the ilnited States of Amer€�a dated Decernber I 7, 19�3, recorded in fhe af�ce of the Register vf �]ecds of Swain County, I�Tarth Car�tina, in Deed Boak 68, p�ge 27Q, et seq-, as may a:ffect TVA �and tract Nv, FR.-1255, including [I} such right� ofuvay as rnay be �vested ia� the State of North Carolina ta State Highway 288; (2} such righ�s of way as may b� vested in th�rd parties to a telephone or tele�-aph line, (3) such burial rigl�tts in an ex�sting cemetery and rights of ingress and egress in connection therewith as rnay na�� be autstanc�ing in fhird parties; a��d (4} righis of vvay far transrnission lines to l�e constructed by Carolina Alurr�in;un Company ar its as��ciated carnpanies t� interco�n�ct with th� TVA power system. (d} To such ri�ht of way interests as rnay }�e r�ested in the Sauthern Railway Company with respect tr� TVA, land tracts Nas. FR-I9, I79, 249, 25d, �54, ZS9, 261, 262, 264 and 1293, and to a fee simple interest outstanding in the �outher� Raii��ray Cornpauiy in TVA land tract No. FR-928, all af whi�h interests are naw in the prace�s af acquisition by TVA iil the name of the Llnited Stat�s. (e} To such r�ghts Qr easements as were reserved ta the Harris-VVoc�dbury Lumber Carnpany by t�eeds vf record in Boak 34, �a�e 3b; Bvok 4�1, pa�es 263 and Z�S; �o4k 46, pa�e 30G and Bvvk 49, pages 4�Q�, 4G6, 473, 475, and 567 in tY�e Re�ister's Q#��c� af Swain Cour�ty, Nvrth Caralina, affecting TVA land tracts Nos. FR-� 78, 1001, 101$, 1 fl2f}, 1 Q21, 1(}23, 1 Q24, I4�32, i227, 1230, 1234, 1235, arrd 1292. (fj Tc� such burial rights and rights of ingre�s and egress in connectio� there�rith as m�y be vutstanding in third parties in T'VA land tracts Nos. FR-494, 71�, 1[}18, I019, 1Q20, la2b, 1fl81, 1I35, 1175, 1178, 11$S, 12Q2, 1206, 1�10, 121G, 1222, 1245, 127G, 1279, �281, and 1282. (g} Ta such rights as may be �ested in the State of Nurth Caralina and the public ta �-i�hts of way fnr public roads, affectin� TVA Iand tracts Nos. FR-17, 18, 25, 27, �S, Z9, S�, 82, 87, 9G, 101, I03, 38Z, 443, 445, 44.�, 452, �54, 455, 453, 4�5, 466, �67, 468, 470, 471, 478, 4$�, 494, 495, 496, �97, SQfi, 510, 515, 51�, 5�7, 518, 547, 5517, 556, 563, 566, 672, 711, i12, 713, 714, 721, 7�2, 723, 727, 72�, 729, 73D, 731, 75a, 7St, 894, 90D, 9aI, 913, 1085, 1 OS6, 1 C�87, 1 a9Q, 109�, l i�93, 1095, 1160, 1223, 125 S, � 265, 12fi6, and 1293, all of which ri�hts nf way are n�w in the process of acquisition by TVA in the name of the United States. (h} To sucfi ri�hts as may b� �7ested in third parties to telephone a�d transmission line righ�s of way affecting TVA land tract 1Vo. FR-12$3. (i) To such s�at�r ri�hts as may b� outstanding in I]. G. F�sher or his successors in iitle in TVA land tract No. FR-138 hy vir�ue of his deed dated [�ctober �7, 1�07, recarded in De�d Boak 31, page 448, in the Re�ist�r'� office af Swain County, Nc�rth Carolina. (�� T� the undi�ided 55f14�fl interests each af Wallac� O. Westfeldt and Jane Westfeldt 5mith in tract FR-1349, which interests are in #h�e process af acquisition by TUA in th� name of the United States. (k} Ta such rights as may l�e vested in third parties to axainera�s and mining rights in the TVA land tracts Nos. FR-29, 8�, 10�i, 127, 1�8, 134, 141, 162, Ib3, I6�, I70, 17Zy 174, 248, 249, 2SQ, 254, 258, 2G4, �45, 379, 38Q, 44fi, 47$, 49D, 4�8, 502, 503, 506, 547, 508, 509, 51{}, 5]5, 550, 673, 675, 717, 719, 913, l 00G, l Ofl9, 1� 1�, �{] 11, 1 a I 2, 1013, 1015, 1016, 1�} 17, 1018, Ia19, 1�Q20, 1D24, 1[�25, 10�6, 1a30, �[]31, 1032, 1034, Ia35, 143�, � Ob2, 1�63, 10"71, 1 a72, E OS4, 108�, 1 �$7, l OgO, 1092, 1495, 11� 1, 11 Z2, Y 139, 1143, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1� 57, 1158, 11 G2, 1172, 1174, 1175, 1184, 1185, 1225, 1�29, 123�, 1233, 12b0, 1274, 127�, I290, ��93, 129G, and 1302. 4. TVA in no way warrants the extent af its interest in the pr�per�y assigned and transfexred �nder sectian 1 hereaf pravided, hawe�er, that any in��rest which may hereafter be a�quired hy TV1� in and t+� any of said lands shall pass to Department, suY�ject to the tenns and ce�nditions hereof, autornatically and wikhout the necessity af any new and sep�rate transfers or assignments thereof; and prQVi�ed further that, anyihing herein tc► t1�e cantrary aiotwit�lstandin�, TVA shall a�xd hereby a�re�s to indemnify ihe I��parttne�t a�ainst and save it forever harmless fi-om any obligatians and liability and any loss, d�rna�e, or expense arising out of the c�aims and demands of, ar fF1e a�tual �r �hreatened rnining o� said praperty or any pa�t tflere�f by, any party or parties ati�ning or ho�ding title ta any minerals contained in �aid land or ov�ning or holding �he right to mine any such minerals, it �eing the intentian herea£ thaE TVA shall at all tim�s prQtect the I7epartment from any interference with ar restriction u�an the Dep�rtment's use of said lands Far park purposes �vhere such inter�ere�ce vr restriction arises aut of the exercise �ar assertion of autstanding �nineral rights or interesis. It is und�erstaod ar�d agreed, ho►�ever, that T'VA shall at all times have and exercise full control c�ver the handling, defense, settlement, ar�d djspasiti�n ofall claims, demands, suits, and actiai�s �led with or against tlie Departrnent, TVA, or the United 5tates based upon outsianding mineral rights o� intere�ts; tllai TVA may cflmpramise, settte, or dispose of any and all such clai�ns, demands, suits, and aetions in any rnann�r c�r by any methe�d ar procedure wl�ich it may see �t to advpt in ixs sole dis�retian; that the l�ep�rtment shall promptly notify "I'VA in ti�riting eancerning any such clairns, demands, suits, or actions �led tivit�i ar a�ainst the Department ar the United States, and can�erning any mining or threatened xnining of any af said land by the hc,]der of any mineral ri�hts or interests th�rein; ar�d that the I3epartment shall not, ex�ept pursuant to judicial judgrnent or dec�-ee, pay compromise, settle, Oi dt�i�l�'V15� d15�]DSe 4� 7lly 5L1C1i claiin, demand, suit, or action withvut the wzitten cc�ns�nt oFTVA, S. The Departmen# agrees to adn�inister and �perate t11e land�, TV�I's interest in which i� transferred by sectian 1 hereof, as a part af t1Ye �'rr�at 5moky 1Vlc�untains Nativnai Park in a rnanner designed ta afford ma�cim�m watershed protectioz�. None of said Iands shall be resald or �xchanged vr opened to entry, 6, �t is agrc�d that in the p�x�a�rnance of a°�y acts �r functions o� t}�e exercise af any rights or priwile�es upon or af£ecting the land described in section 1 llereof, due �onsideratir�n shall b� gi�en b� each party to the rigl�ts, inieresis, and program of th� other, it bein� the intent�an af the parties that #hey shall, by consultation anci catherwise, at all times �aoperate t� th� fullest possible extent in the prornotion aftheir separate as well as their corr�man interes# with respect to said land, a�ld in the acct�rnplishment c�f their respective prograzns and objectives in t��e area. 7. I'�vthing ��rcin contained shall be construed to canstitute a tivaiver of ar cornpliar�ce vvith any af the proVisions of sectian 26a of the Tenness�e Valley Authoriry Act of 1933, as amended, or ta affeet or limit in any �vay the pawers and duties �iven to and imposed upon TVA by said sectior� �ba. �N 'V4JITNESS WHEREQF, the parties hereto ha�fe caused this instrument ta be executed by their duly authori�ed �fficers, the d�y and year first abvve written. AT'�EST; sl Leona Lero�y Assistan# Secretary TE�IIVESSEE VALLEY AUTH�RiTI� By sl �eorge F. Gant (�eal} G�n�ral Mana�er CTNITED STATES DE�'ARTME�IT (]F THE Il�TTERI(.�R Jan. 10, 1949 APPRC�VEIJ�: By sl J. A. Kru� (Seal} Secretary sl Harry S. Tnuman President af the United States The White Hause November 15, 1949 Appro�ed hy TVA Baard af Dire�tors NTarch 31, 194$ L.L. Assistant Secretary ►a����l�i�]fh/al FD�TANA. RESERVQIR AR�A LANT3 FRQPQSED �'QR TRANSFER T� LT.S. DEPARTMENT DF INTERIQ� (NATIQNAL PARK. SERVICE) A tract of �and (Excepk those parcels hereinafter excluded) lyin� in Forneys Creek and Chariestan Townslaips af Swain �County, Stat� of Nortl� Carolina, on the nvrth shor� ofFontar}a Lake, between Mountain Branch (which is apprnximaiely 1-114 nliles north��vest of the northwest Corporatian Line of Bryson City� and Twenty Mile Ridge; the said tract being buunde�i as fatlows: B�UNDED QN T�E IV(�RTH AND WEST: By the present boundary �f the Great Smaky Mountains National Park; S�UN�ED C}N THE EAST: By the said park boundary and a line d�scribed as fallQws: Beginning at an angle iran the cc�ordinates of��hich are lri. G6a,5S8 and E. GC�5,S71 at th� inter�ection of the present baundary of th� Great Smc�ky Niountains Natianal Park and the top of the divide betw�en Nvland and Peac�itree Creeks. From the ini#ial p�int �asterly alang th� �neanders of the top of the divide between Peachfr�� and Lands Creek alang the following approxi�nate bearings and distances, �, �i 7° ��'., {�� �,; S. �n TF�3 .61.a � ! V 1L.� r.7. �4p 4L7 E. �JLLI �.y S. 6° 4�' E., 900� ft.; S. 31° 18' V�., 48(l �t.a S. 12° 1$' W., 47� ft., S. 15° 42' �, 1150 ft.; S. 30° 42' E., 82a ft.; S. 28° 1�' w., S�0 ft.; S. Z° 42' E., �00 �'t.; S�. 39 ° 18' 4V., 570 ft.; S. G° 1$' W., 35�6 ft.; S. 6° 13' W., 35U f�.; S. 2�° 48' W., 4b5 ft-; S. 59° 37' E., 3d5 ft.; S�, 5a° 37' E., 495 ft. to a pc�int t�e cac�rdinates of which are N. 65I,730 an�i E. 667,855; Lea�ing the top o£ the divide, b�r bearings and distan�es, S. 24° 19' W., 194� ft. ta a biack oak stump; S. 2�° 52' E., 491 f�. to a 3 d in. spanish �oak tree the coardinates a� whicl� are N. G49,4�6 and E. 667, 228 at the top of the divide between Peachtree axad Lands Creeks; Southwesterly at+�ng the m�anders af the top c�f the divide along the foPlowi�g the approximate bearings and distar�ces, S. 23° 54' E., I26 ft.; S. 54° 55' W.? 20� ft., .i. IQ� llVi VV ..� Z�J 1L.? S, �° 4I' W., 851 ft.; S, 8a° 35' Vt�., 443 ft.; S. 14° 35' W., 493 ft.; S. 51° 35' W., 257 ft.; �T. CG° 25' W., 287 ft.; S. 29° QS' W., 473 ft.; S. 69° �5' W., 3Q� ft.; S. 88° 37' W., 1GG ft.; N, 8�° 41' V�'., 38� ft.; S. 77° 16' 'W., 585 ft. t� an 8 in� post �aak �ree, Lea�ving the tap c�f the di�ide, by bearings and distanees, S. 3° 59' E., 91� ft.; S. 31° 31' W., 649 ft.; S. 24° 57' E., �45 ft., S, 1° 1 G' E., 156 ft. ta a 24 in. pine tree; S. 11° 3I' E., 27� ft. ta a 10 in. �hestnut tree; N. 88° []S' E., 3�d0 ft.; N. 77° 4g' �., 639 �t., crossing Lands �reek at 2EC} f�., more ox less; 5. 2�° SS' W., 8�5 ft� ta a l5 in. beech tzee; �. S7° 46' W., 262 ft, ta an 18 in. maple tree the coordinates of which are N. b44,250 and E. �iG4,3�8 an ihe left ba�lc af Lands Creek; S. 38° �0' E., 403 ft.; S. 28° 56' '�I., 434 ft.; S. 65° 23' VGj., 132 ft.; S. 30° 50' E,, 3G1 ft. tc� the center of M€�uniain $ratxch; Southwesterly dow�stream a�flng the meanders t�f'the center of the branch 975 ft., rnore or Iess, to the 1710 ft. c�ntaur on the nQr�h shor� of Fontana Lake; �C��1'�CDEIa C7N THE �C�UTH: By tl�e no�ih shQre a#� Fantana Lake at elevation 171 ��rQm tl�e c�nter of Mairntain Branch to tt�e nvrth baunda�y of State Grant I387 (which is the north hour�d�ry af a tract of jand acquired by the Te�messee Valley Autharit}r in the name of the Lrnit�d States oF America frorn the I�antahala Po�ver & Light Company under the desigr�ation of Tract No. FR-�3$}; the intersection Qf the 171 a ft. contour and the nc�rth 6oundary of State Grant. 1387 being l�cated 360d #�., m:are or l�ss, as mcasured aPflng the share ofFor�t�na Lake in a nor�herly direction fram Fontana Dam; The�c� by a line des�r�hed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the 1710 ft. contour and the narth b�oundary of 5tate �Grant 13'�7 frdm which US TVA Carner �-4A V+I.C. �the caordinates of �vhich �re N. �Sb,154 and E. 568, 716) bears N. 73° 30' W., 25 �t. Frorn thc initial paint (int�rsection of �he 171(] ft. cvntaur �nd ttae north l�o€andary a�' S�ate Grant 1387) by bea�iz�gs and �iistances, N. 73° 3(}' W., 322 ft., passin� US TV�L Cc�rner 2-4A W.C. at �S ft., to US TVA Con�er 2-4; S. 6° 3Q' W., 289D ft., passing L]S TVA Caz-ner 1-4 at 1372 �t., to US TVA Corner I-3; N. 89° QS' W., 250 ft. to US TVA Corner 1u2; S, ?° 47' �V., 1063 ft_ ta US TVA Cox-ner 1-1 tYze cQOrdii�ates of�vhich are N. &54,0��G and E_ 5�5,481 at the intersection af the 4vest �ao�anciaiy of a tract t�f land acquired by the Tennessee Valley Autharity in ihe naxrie oftlle United States af Amer�ca from th� Carolina A�uniinurn CQmpany under the desi�nativn v�T'ract No. FR-1G and a line T 50 #�. north c�f and paz-allel to the center o£ the access road ta Fontana I�am, Thence west�rly alang the rneand�rs of the lin.e T 5[� ft. north of and parallel to the center af the access rcaad to Fantana I]am 3 miles, T130I"E flI' ��SSa to the present boundary c�f the Great Srnoky Mc�untai�s Natianal Park at the tap af Twenty Mile Ridge. ���EPIl�IG AND E�CLUDIl'�1G fram the al��oue-describ�d tract ihree parcels of land ov�rned by the Narth Caralina Explaration Catnpa�y de�cribed as fallows: Parcel 1 Those portions l�rin� abo�e elevation 1710 of a parcel af land desc�-ibed as follows: Beginning at a paini the caordinates ofwhich are l�T. 671,Q05 and E. 5$4,997 at the intersection afthe center ofPinnacle Creek and the �resent sau#h baundary c�f the Great Smaky Mountains National Park� Fram the iniiial point }�y l�earings and distanc�es, 1*�. 6$° 54' E., along the park boundary, 44(1 ft., mor� or less, to the �enter of Pinnacle Creek; Easierly upstream along the rneanders of the center of the creel� 56� ft., mflre or less, to the present s�uth }�aundary of the Great Smol�y Mauntains National Park; N 6$° 54' �, alnng the park boundary, 14[1 ft., mor� 4r less, tQ the center of Pinnacle Creek; Eastcrly upstream along the fneanders of the cent�r of`the �reek ISGO ft., more ar less; S. 2° 56' W., 19b ft.; S. 8$° 13' �., fi50 ft. to a paint th�e coordinates afwhich are �. 671, 3�6 and E. 588,194; S. 27° D5' E., 2442 ft. to a dead 2{] in. chestnut tre� the cnardinates af which are N. 669,I32 and E. 589,3{�6; S. 78° 58' W., 3178 ft.; S. S3° 58' W., 5? i ft.; S. 75° 58' W., 1659 ft., S. 32° 21' W., 368 ft. to a 22 in. hemlack tree; 5. �S° 49' W., 449 ft. tc� a pine stu�np; S. 25° 18' W., 111� ft-; J. Ol� '#O�� VY •a �04 �.' S. 6° 45° W., G42 #�., passing a 14 in. hemlQC�C tree at ZUQ ft., to a stake, S. 4° 17' W., 1$76 �i. to a black flak stump, S. S�° 48' W., 1139 ft. to an iron pin; S. 28° 1$' E., 578 ft. to an iran pipe; N. 69° 41' E., 212b ft. to a dogwQOd stump; N. �7° �7' E., I�09 ft. to a 24 in. ch�stnut sz�ag; N. 78° 06' �., 1 t fi0 fi. to a cl�estnut stump �.t the t+�p af Pinnacle Ridge; S. �° O1' W., 1671 ft.; S. 85° 59' E., 767 £t to a 3� in. oak tree the cc�ordinates of whirh are hI. b�2,477 and E. 585,953 at tl�e top af the divide be€weer� Ha�el and Ea�le Creeks; Sc�utherly along the meanders af t�1e top of khe di�ide alang the fallo�vin� �ppraximate bearin�s and distanees: S. 2Z° 37' V�., 570 �t.; 5. 16° 23' E., 87f� ft.; N. 8�° 23' W., 77U ft.; S. G8° 37' �V., 8�� ft.; S. 39° 37' "�N., b2(} ft.; S. 43° 37' W., 350 �t.; N. 8�° 23' W., t� 30 �t,; S. 22° 37' 1N., 42� ft.; S. �il ° 37' W., 32Q ft., crc�ssin� a saddle at th� head of Cable Sranch; S. 3�° 37' �., 4�Q� �t.; S. 73° 37' N., 2b0 ft.; S. 28° 37' ivV., 56C� ft.; S. fl° 23' E,, 75�Q ft.; S. 5° 07' W., 1{}G4 ft.; S. '7�° 37' �N., 59(� ft.; S. 2° 3`�' W., 1834 ft.; S. 45° 37' W. 4�0 f�.; S. 37° 37' W., 51 S ft.; S. 5Q° 3i' W., �70 ft.; S. 39° 37' 4�i1., 360 ft-; S. 41° 37' W., ��4 ft.; S. 3° 23' �., "a50 ft.; �. 2° 07' W., 30(} ft. to a hub the coordin�tes of which are N. 652,�}42 and E. 579,516; Leaving the tap �of the divide, by bearings and c�istances, S. S�° 19' W,, 2136 �t., crossi�g the 1710 ft. cc�ntour at I S 15 ft., niare ar 1es�; N. S3° l�' W., 1084 ft., to the center +�f the farrner lacat�on of tlle cl�annel of Myers Branch, Southwesterly dawnstream along the rneanders �of the cer�ter of tlje former location oF the �hanne� of #he iar�neh 1�D ft., mare ar less; N. 86° 4�' ilV., �44 �t.; S. 35° 15' W., 70 �k. ta the former laGation af the n�rtheast right vf �vay line af the Carolina and Tennessee Southern Railway; 1�Torthwesterly a1Qng the f�rmer locatian �af the rig�t �f way line 239(] f�., rnore or less; 1�T. 1�° W., �15 ft. ta a line 30D fi. north of and pa.rallel ta the former right ba�k csf th� Little Tennessee Ri�uer; N. �4° °Vi�., a14ng the line 300 ft. north of an� paratlel to the fomaer right �ank of the Little Tennessee Ri�er, 9D ft., znarc ar less, ta Shuckstack Rid�e; Northerly along the meanders of the t�p of the ridge along the follawing approximate beariilgs and distances; N. 47° W., 670 ft.; N. 23° W., 42i� ft. to the intersection af the 171(} ft. contc�ur and the top r�f Shuckstack Ridge; Continuing along the meanders of t�.e top of the �id�e alang the fall�wing approxirnate bearings and distances: iwi. ].1 ° S�' '�1., 1 S 1 ft.; N. 9° 14' E., G93 ft.; �T. 27° 50' W., 3b1 f�,, I�i. 17° 10' E., 723 �it:; N. 29° SO' W., 251 ft., N. Z�° 10' E., 2b1 ft.; N. 3�i° 50' W., �72 f#.; S_ 8�° 14' W., 492 ft.; N. 4S° 5�}' W., 2Q1 �t. to the center af Stat� Highway 288; Leavin� th� ridg�, �ay bearings and distances, N. 65° 34' E., 6666 ft.; N. 24° 2b' �., 5Q79 �t. to a chestnut sturnp and an iran pin the coordinates af which are N. b64,5A�7 and E. 57G,857; N. 67° 16' E., 98� ft. to a stake; N. 7�a° O1' E., 91$ ft. to a paint fhe coordinaies of �avhich ax� 1�. 665,?50 and E. 578,GSi in the center c�f Eagle Creck at the maut�i of Lost Cove Branch; Easterly upstreain alang the meanders af the cen�er of Eagle Creek 6G40 i�., rnore or l�ss, to the mc�uth of Pinnacle Creek; N�rtheasterly upstrearn along the meanders of the center of Pinnaele Creek 6500 ft., more c�r le�s, to �he point r�fbe�inr�in�. Except, therefra�in, approxirnately 87 acr�s, lying within the boundaries ofParcel 1 which were not owned by the Nc�rth Carolina Exploration Company and wer� acq€�ired hy the Ter�nessee Valley Authority in the narr�e vf the Uz�xted States ofAinerica, the 87 acres being expressiy i�cIuded in thi� transfer and l�eing descr�bed as fvl�vws: That pflrtion lying ahove elevation 171 ��f th�e fo�lowing described tract af l�nd: Beginning at a 3� in. black vak tree th� caordinates af wliicl�t are N. GSG,480 and E. Si9,629. From the initial paint by bearin�s and distances, S. l�° 45' �., 276 ft. to �. 10 in. do�;�ood stump; �, 3�° 0�' W., 74[} ft., S. 15° (12' W., 21 d�3 ft. tcr a 2(i in. aaic #ree fram whieh the k�ub the coordinates af wl�ich are IV. 652,942 a�-id E. S7�,S 1� in the t�oundary of Parcel 1 Yaears S. 51° 49' E., I�32 ft.; S. 52° Z1' W., 1558 �t.} crossin� the Y71Q �t. cantour at 1225, 140fl and 145� ft., more or less; S. 89° 51' W,, 9S6 �t,; N. 3(3° 51' E., 623 ft., �rossing the 171Q ft. car�tour at �70 ft.; more or less; N. 5�° 03' W., 321 ft,; N. 24° 06' �iT•, 4I 6 Ft., crassin� tt�e 17I (l ft. contnur at 2€��D ft., rnare or Iess; N. 70° �4' E., 180 i't., crc�ssin� tFie 171 Q ft. cantour at 25 ft.; more ar less, ta the nartheast edge of Stat� Highw�y 288; S. �2° 36' E., 3(}4 ft.; T�i. 3�° 15' E,, 278 ft.; 5. 53° 22' E., 243 ft.; N. 3�° 51' E., 977 ft,; N. 45° 51 i E., 27�$ ft. tc� the 3 0 in. �alack oak tree, the place af l�eginnin�. Parcel Z Begiruiing at a chestnut stutnp the cQVrdinates of �vllich a�e N. 671,225 and E. 590,773 from w��ich the carner in th� bou�ndary of Parcel � the caordina�es v�vak�ick� are N. G7I,30b and E. S$8,194 bears N. S8° 13' W., 2580 ft. Fram th� initial paint by hearings and distances, S. 88° 13' E., 21$Q ft.; 5. 5° 35' W., 1�31 ft.; S. 82 ° 55' E., 993 ft. ta a stake the caardinates af which are 1V. +569,71Z and �. 593,7'85 at the top af Pinnacle Ridg�; Westexly alon� khe rneanders of the top of the rid�G Z�SU ft., mare or less, to a pvint fram which� the paint of bcginnin� �ears N. 21 ° 1$' W 24�2 ft.; N. 21 ° T 8' W., 2442 f�. to the chestnut stump, tl�e place of be�innin�. Parcel 3 Beginning at a stake the coardinates oFwhich ar�e N. G67,8�5 and E. 589,582 at the tap af �im�acle Ridge fram wh�ch the dead 20 in. chestr�ut tree (tlie coordinates of wl�ich are N. GG9,I32 and E. 589,3Qb} ir� the boundary of Parcel 1 bears I�. 12° I7' W., 1297 ft. FrQm the initial point by bearings and distances, tess; SQUthwest�rly along the meanders af the top of tt�� rid�e 140� ft., nr�ore or 5. 70° 57' W., 735 ft,, S. 39° 08' �V., 678 Ft. to a st.a.ke the coardinates of which are N. 6b6,234 and E. 587,392 at the top of Pinaiacle �id�e; Sauthwesterl� alang� the meanders af the tap af ridge 2'15f� ft., mrar� or less, ta a?4 in. black oak tree; N. 47° 46' �]J., 13 � 2 ft. to a st�ke; 5. G�° 25' W,, 86� ft.; S. 7'° 13' VV., 876 ft. ta tl�e top t�fthe ridge on th� west side af Ecaah Brar�ch; N. 48° 1�' W., b44 ft.; N. S° 55' Vil., �F51 ft.; N'. 63° �S' E., 1715 f�t., pas�ing a dauble pine stump at 143� ft.; S. 73° i30' �., 5�� ft. ta a point the coardinates of which are N. 665,�60 and E. 5$5,143; �. 1�D ��� 1�?.7 �Vl 1L.,� N. 42° 37' E., 11�7 ft., N, 7�° 43' �., 778 ft.; N. 14° 23' W., 504 ft.; AT. 79° 1G' E., 2552 ft. to a stake at #he tc�p of Pinnacle Rid�e, the piace of begir�ing. ALS[] E�CL1JD11VG �roin the land to be transferred all isla�ds lying in Fontana Lake. Tihe tract as descri}�ed cantains approximatety 44,174 acres_ The positiQns of �cc�rners and direc�ions of lines are ref�rr�d to the Ncartl� Carolina State �aardinate System. The eIeva�ic�r� is hased t�n Mean Sea L��el Datum as es#abli�hed by th� U,S. �oast and Geadetic Sl�rvey's Southeastem Supplemeret�ry Adjustment of 1936. The �orners designated "US T'VA, Cnrner" abo�e are angle irons witnessed or to be witnessed by fence pasts on which the numbers and letters given a�-e stamped.