HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC240291_Site Plan or Location Map_20240209 Note: • STREET LEGEND P gs ET YARD LANDSCAPING CHART ace.-Arne Notes: Setbacks Proposed Buildings: r� 'n •emf-Corerete Monument Fouts 1.All drives 6 parking to be asphalt. Contractor shall insure that he and all his workers(wntracton, • LargeCan -Sign 2.Site is not Building tl l AS i Canopy Trees At Maturity D.B.-Deed Bookaffected by any special flood hazard per FEMA mop Front Yard 119'± / i subcontractors and other site personnel)do not damage construction Quantity Es, Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Neight Spread ,Q efh-ExistingFre Hydrant WN 37034D 4248 7(Onelow County).Effective 11-03-2005. stakes or other measures used in out the a whether 5 go Live oak Quercue Virginian Evergreen 30'-Se' 90'-60' i, F -Traffic Flow Arrow 3.There are no Ares of Environmental Concern°s defined the Side Yard Left 18'± crying project W pemb-Existing Mail Box Side Yard Right 133'± the Engineer or another entity including those under the employ of the 3 Total cop-Edge of Pavement -Wetlands coast°I Area Managenwnt Act(CAMa)on this site. Rear Yard 1,636'± contractor.Contractor shall cause his workers to observe and verify ® ¢pb-Existing Phone Box u. w 4.Boundary information taken from survey by Charles F.Riggs 6 to the fullest extent practicable that stakes,other measures and rdes O Existing Power Pale Associates,Inc dated March 8,2023. . Prot g epp- "9 Building 42 to be,accurate and correct,and immediate do cam-Existing Water Meter 5.Preliminary,2523wetlands taken from Southern Environmental Group, or appear immediately, prior B ° "9 Front Yard 105'± Landscaping Notes: LANDSCAPING LEGEND: ex.-Existing dated 02 oT-2oz3 to any associated work,notify the staking entity of any potential conflict, ng Side Yard Left 127'± S. av ISF-Iron Stake Found 6.Development Area is wooded. 4., error or question regarding the work.The Engineer shall not be responsible I.Plant material installed to meet the Ms of the O Side Yard Right 18'± ae requirements Me-Minimum Buildi Line 7.Stop signs shall be Rl-1,krneka'high intensity diamond grade °• if all of the above measures are not strictly adhered to.The Engineer shall Onslow CountyZoning Ordinance.The Zoning Administrator "9Rear Yard - 1,630't g g may reflective,installed on a breakaway or two piece k channel post, not be res onsible where due tohis staler ibeverified, a Qv-Live Oak Tree) M.B.-Map Book p damage, n9 can"° allow far other species provided the applicant demostrates that (Large R/W-Right of w 7(seven)feet above adjacent pavement height to bottan of sign face. ., For critical or costly components of the work,where the contractor believes it meets the intent of the Ordinance. 9 W with a horizontal dcarau¢of°minimum of I foot from existing Building 43 Il �, that staler mnotbe preserved,the contractor the staler a--NV. Front Yard 366'± staking may prase^' request staking 2.Shade Trees shrill include any permitted species of tree which has pavement edge to outermost port of sign. Side Yard Left 17•± 5" SITE R-Radius 8.No Register of Deed search doneor furnished to surveyor •w">' entity to place snaking in an area where its preservation can be insured. a mature height of greater than twenty(20)feet.At the Nmeef T T n9i by rveyor �9 J 6 1P'Typical Side Yard Right 133`± installation,all shade trees shall be a minimum of eight(8)feet in regarding deed or covenant restrictions. Rear Yard g 1,319'± B' height and have a minimum trunk caliper or diameter of f0/16ih - 9.The GPS portion of the control work was performed to third °3'y inches when measured at the nt 4.5 feet from the base of the order,Class I,FOGG specifications,the coordinates were obtained @ �� by Real Time Kinematic Differential GPS Observations using Trimble Building$9 tree or diameter breast height. Front Yard 371'± 3.Ornamental Trees shall include any permitted species of tree which Survry Grade 5800 tips Unit,NCGS RTK Network Adjustments to NC Side Yard Left 127'1 has a mature height of greater than ten(10)feet.Ar the time of Grid NAD'83(2011).Average Poistiunal Accuracy is 0.08'. 10.All distances are horizontal ground,U.S.survey feet. Side Yard Right 18•± immll°tion,all ornamental trees shall be a minimum of six 6 feet 9rou m"mY () 1L The existence of utilities the existence of on heeasement. Rear Yard 1,308'± /�/ in height and have a minimum trunk 5fere sree diameter of 3/4th 12,Buffer to meet the rcqumements fo Article XVI of the Onslow County ',�°' inches when measured at the point 4.5 feet from the base of the Zoning Ordinance Building 45 <• tree,Trees with multi le trunks,such m Crepe Myrtle,shall be 13.Anyone digging with mechanized equipment in highway right-of-way, p pe yrt Front Yard 688'± exempt Fran the caliper standard Side Yard Left 17'± private utility easements,or public spaces will be required by North 4.Large shrubs shall twee minimum mature height of six(6)feet Side Yard Right 133'± Carolina low to give notice of the proposed excavation to all existing Vicinity Sketch and shall have a minimum height of three(3)feet at the time of area utilities within 3-12 wa • king days before starring to dig.The utility Rear Yard 992•± ',y installation owner is to locate its facilities in the areas of the proposed excavation Not to Scale 5.Medimum shrubs shall have a minimum mature height of three(3) Utility members of NC 811 can be contacted at 1-800-632-4949 or dial 811. Building 46 feet and shall have a minimum height of two(2)feet at the time of 14.There are no properties or buildings on the National Register of Historic Front Yard 693'± irstallotion Places within this for ad' Side Yard Left 127r± Tract Data projac J°ce^r properties. Side Yard Ri ht 18'± 6.All landscaped seas to have grass,or mulch cover. 15.This side is not within the Flight "Y Path Overlay District. g Total Area 9 Ac_ 'Rear Yard 986±7.Irrigation Design to be by others. 16.Trash to be removed off-site as needed. Number of Lots - 1 Lot 17.No Commercial Vehicles to be Stared on Site. Building 97 Proposed Use Storage Front Yard 1,010'± Existing Use Undeveloped Side Yard Left 17`± Water ONWASA Side Yard Right 133`± Sewer Septic Rear Yard 75gr± Zone HB Zone Fire District South Onslow (Holly Ridge) Building 18 ISO Rating 5 Front Yard 1,015'± Number of Employees 2 Side Yard Left 127'± Hours of Operation 9 AM to 5 PM , Side Yard Bight 18'± Number of Units 162 Rear Yard 664'± Tax Map 797, Parcel 31; Pin: 424800918090 Building $9 Ref.: D.B. 5950, Pg. 538 Front Yard 1,356'± M.B. 83, Pg. 202 Side Yard Left 17'± Side Yard Right 133`± Setbacks: Rear Yard 506'± Front Yard 30` Side Yard 10' Building 910 Rear Yard 25. Front Yard 1,337'± I . Side Yard Left 127't Building Data: • • Side Yard Right 18'± Rear Yard 496`± Existing S.F 0 S.F. Proposed S.F 119,350 S.F. Total S.F 119,350 S.F. Parking Data: 5f6 Pep Parking Required N/A �p4efDExisting Spaces 0 Spaces e3 Parking Provided ay 2pz - Proposed Spaces 0 Spaces • ITotal Spaces 0 Spaces David L Lollar L I Emergency Access Emergency Access D.B.459,Pg.548 Emergency Auess Emergency Access Landscaping Data: • Drive(8"CABC Drive(8"LABC M.B.01,Pg.133 Drive(8'CABC Drive(8"CABC Street Yard Landscaping Material) Material) Undeveloped Material) Material) P 9 Required 1 Shade Tree each 90 linear c\—e."'ll Wetlands Pin 424804502787 WetlandsLine - feet of street frontage tt17,48• 17.42' 17.42' 17.35' 17-34' (T Lee HB Zone 1728' 1727' 17.22' (TYPJ -1T.19' -1716' 200 L.F. s 5 Shade Trees Ash Street Yard Landscaping Provided 200 L.E. -5 Shade Trees �•Olin 30'MBL _too - - - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ 526°55'29'E)959.80' -- - '�- '� I —:^` up mg, 148'- r 577T_— _l20'-�- /_�= 114' 8759 A 280' 280'/ •I % •.� \ . . . ! ' ' +:..` 10'MBL 50' Buiklhg#Ie]598759 8759ftd �. • �`.`.`� 8759 wLi // �( IBC Material)tea• za�i�224 re a1 Air Building A I' '/ /r80't5��j � � ��`..'149.88'. Buiii9 � _ � ., w� ypJ .v/ ...so'iy,...,L u'Id 3Y7��__- 1Q_".iJ ta^: /'� a?�_ ``•�Q '1v .- dint daAMmm➢iew. IN • NM' \.*„ ..\. ti �� Electronic F 60' 60' �. 60 \.` `1 "No Parkin] - ` -3 _ Gates w/ I. "'� y y 4411. fire -100.00'--- Lane Sign` ' 1 �„I. • a I Praposea Ice p:::.ry ,'.`. r P:c \$ ^m 7' 16'wive Drive /. `•` rn P wIQ' Io Sign I 8759/� 42 8 d2' ' 87 ".42.`" ' rd2'N y.. (8'CABC) Sand Filter / `I+`.�w Buiklrg#2 - Buildi tJ4 Building iR6 8759 '.� (See Sheet /r r' in y I l0'Street I av "9 "9 j Building •! '•1 6 f T) I, . . . o • .r Lawn • I 14' _ __�_ ®' __ _ ,//%/I _ ' ��80' _ i�I//I �. _ �80' _ _ ill%/I _ I��. rr,!2„,,, r,_,,111- ._ f,,,-A. i ` • ./ L._I MMIWIMI l49'- -10'MBL- _ -149' .- _ _ — — ` r- =O T. _._ - T oMBL 7." _ Q I 'w can 'or N26'S5'43'W 1959.50' _ "`y- / I /. ` :: ill sra.dmive IS -17.54' 17.58' 17.59' 17.63• 17.64' 17.68' 17.69' /•16'Undisturbed Type"C Buffer.if 1774'- -17.74' 17.76' 16'Undisturbed Typ¢'C Buffer.If •Buffer is not adequate planting must Keith J.6 Tracey O.Sink Buffer i4 not adequate planting muse / Ott Associates,LLC w Emergency Access be done to meet the requirements of Emergency Access D.B.1453,Pg.992 Emergency Access E Access - requirements of a•°Y ` y «.sea Drive 8'CABC Drive 8"CABC g Driv¢(8"CABL Emergency be dare to meet the D.B.5950, .767 4 Asa ( the Onslav County Zoning Ordinance ( M.B.01,Pg,133 Drive(B•CABC the Onslaw County Zoning Ordinance Material) Material) Single Family Material) Material) M.B.83,Pg.202 Pin:424800409335 Vnd¢veloped HB Zone Pin:424700595734 os.r.f-r HB Zone r r 3ED awc r�GON 8 I3 rrn h 1 e� vb I i `g I Site Plan - (- x •1uu1A 1 uyy ea ] ti•a oEEssjo, 9 HURRICANE AND RV STORAGE z' I I = a SEAL n' = 8759 Wilmington Hwy. TO 34970 Stump Sound Twp.,Onsbw Co.,North Carolina ••Fpl I Owner: %66 • Alusa Management,LLC / 103 A Bluewater Lane r>8 ay Surf City,NC 8445 (9 9 909 221 y DATE:8-22-23 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=60' 0 30 60 120 180 SCALE:1"=60r I .. Es - x FEET TIDEWATER ASSOCIATES, INC. Rev.01-IB-24 ELB-Revise Number of units and BuildingConsulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners `��Field Book:N/A 9 g JacksottNl le,North Carolna 1L1T\-1 Square Footage In Tract data Disk Nona:Prod 3195 Rev.10-31-23 ELB-Revi-Revise blewg.layouyt.Combldg cents. chart,and bldg data Filename:Hurricane Hole-Site.dwg ELB P.O.Box 976 - 306 New fridge Street-28540 sir Rev.30-31-23 ELB-Revise Per Omiow!aumy Commends. •3 Job No.:C230711-8404 Sheet 1 of 7 Phone(910)455-2414-www.TidewaterENC.com Er.1961 Firm License Number:F-0108