HomeMy WebLinkAboutTable of ContentsVolume I Acronymns Summary 1. Introduction 1.1 Project Purpose and Need: the 1943 Agreement 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives 1.2.1 Goals 122 Objectives 1.3 Cooperating Agencies 1.4 Project History and Background 1.4.1 Legislative History 1.4.2 Project History 1.5 Project Setting 1.6 System Linkage 1.6.1 Road Networks 1.6.2 Railroads 1.6.3 Airports 1.6.4 Bicycles and Pedestrians 1.7 Study Issues 2. Description of Alternatives 2.1 Development of Preliminary Study Alternatives 2.1.1 Screening Criteria 2.12 Roadway Design Criteria 2.1.3 Initial Options Considered 2.1.4 Initial Partial-Build and Build Concepts Considered Table of Contents — i North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement A-1 S-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-5 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-4 2.2 Description of Preliminary Study Alternatives 2.2.1 No-Action 2.22 Monetary Settlement 2.2.3 Partial-Build Corridors 2.2.4 Build Corridors 2.2.5 Potential for Major Bridges 2.3 Framework for Decision-making: Summary of Potential Impacts 2.3.1 Comparison Matrix 2.3.2 Alternatives Eliminated from Further Study 2.3.3 Alternatives Initially Suggested for Detailed Study in the DEIS 2.4 Alternatives Refinement 2.4.1 Two Road Types Recommended for Detailed Study 2.42 Elimination of the Cable Cove Bridge Corridor 2.4.3 Addition of the Proctor Option (Modified Version of the Flint Gap Corridor and part of the Baseline Northern Shore Corridor) 2.4.4 Addition of the Forney Creek Crossing Option 2.5 Detailed Study Alternatives 2.5.1 No-Action 2.52 Monetary Settlement 2.5.3 Laurel Branch Picnic Area 2.5.4 Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell 2.5.5 Northern Shore Corridor 2.5.6 Options to the Baseline Corridors 2.6 Consistency with Sections 101(b) and 102(1) of NEPA 2.6.1 No-Action 2.6.2 Monetary Settlement 2.6.3 Laurel Branch Picnic Area 2.6.4 Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell Table of Contents — ii North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-9 2-12 2-12 2-12 2-13 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-19 2.6.5 Northern Shore Corridor 2.7 Environmentally Preferred Alternative 2.8 Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative 2.9 Preferred Alternative 2.10 Cost 2.10.1 Capital Costs/Funding 2.102 Operations and Maintenance Costs 2.11 Comparison of Alternatives 3. Affected Environment 3.1 Existing Roadway and Traffic Conditions 3.1.1 Roadway and Traffic Conditions 3.1.2 Roadway Capacity 3.1.3 Accident Analysis 3.2 Existing Human Environment 3.2.1 Socioeconomic and Community Features 3.22 Land Use (Existing and Future) 32.3 Utilities 32.4 Cultural Resources 32.5 Parkland, National Forest, and Recreational Facilities 3.3 Existing Physical Environment 3.3.1 Topography, Geology, and Soils 3.3.2 Floodplains 3.3.3 Hazardous Materials and Underground Storage Tanks 3.3.4 Air Quality 3.3.5 Soundscapes 3.4 Existing Natural Environment 3.4.1 Wetlands Table of Contents — iii North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 2-19 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-22 2-22 2-23 2-24 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-7 3-10 3-10 3-21 3-26 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-28 3-35 3-37 3-37 3.4.2 Lakes, Rivers, and Streams 3.4.3 Water Quality 3.4.4 Aquatic Ecology 3.4.5 Vegetation Communities 3.4.6 Terrestrial Wildlife 3.4.7 Black Bears 3.4.8 Migratory Birds 3.4.9 Invasive Exotics 3.4.10 Protected Species 3.5 Aesthetics and Visual Resources 3.5.1 Summary of Existing Conditions 4. Environmental Consequences 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Impact Methods/Thresholds 4.1.2 Cumulative Impacts 4.1.3 Impairment (as defined by NPS policy) 4.2 Impacts to the Human Environment 4.2.1 Traffic, Mobility, and Access 422 Community 4.2.3 Economics 4.2.4 Land Use 42.5 Visitor Use and Experience 4.2.6 Environmental Justice and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 42.7 Utilities 4.2.8 Cultural Resources 4.2.9 Public Health and Safety 4.3 Impacts to the Physical Environment Table of Contents — iv North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 3-40 3-43 3-45 3-49 3-55 3-60 3-62 3-64 3-65 3-72 3-73 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-10 4-11 4-11 4-24 4-35 4-47 4-55 4-83 4-84 4-85 4-98 4-100 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.3.1 Topography, Geology, and Soils 4.32 Floodplains and Floodways 4.3.3 Hazardous Materials and Underground Storage Tanks 4.3.4 Air Quality 4.3.5 Soundscapes Impacts to the Natural Environment 4.4.1 Wetlands 4.42 Lakes, Rivers, and Streams 4.4.3 Water Quality 4.4.4 Aquatic Ecology 4.4.5 Vegetation Communities 4.4.6 Terrestrial Wildlife 4.4.7 Black Bears 4.4.8 Migratory Birds 4.4.9 Invasive Exotics 4.4.10 Protected Species Impacts to Aesthetics and Visual Resources 4.5.1 Methodology for Assessing Impacts to Aesthetics and Visual Resources 4.52 Summary of Impacts to Aesthetics and Visual Resources 4.5.3 Views Created by Alternatives 4.5.4 Options to Address Potential Impacts 4.5.5 Impairment Evaluation Energy Impacts 4.6.1 Continuing Energy Consumption 4.6.2 Construction Fuel Consumption 4.6.3 Cumulative Impacts Private In-Holdings Table of Contents — v North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 4-100 4-107 4-114 4-115 4-143 4-152 4-152 4-162 4-169 4-185 4-198 4-208 4-217 4-224 4-231 4-239 4-253 4-253 4-255 4-258 4-259 4-260 4-260 4-260 4-263 4-263 4-263 4.7.1 Summary of Impacts to Private In-Holdings 4-264 4.8 Collective Impacts, Sustainability, and Long-Term Management 4-264 4.8.1 Local Short-Term Uses of Environment and Long-Term Productivity 4-264 4.8.2 Irreversible or Irretrievable Commitment of Resources 4-266 4.8.3 Adverse Impacts that Could Not Be Avoided 4-267 4.9 Impairment Evaluation Summary 4-268 4.9.1 Background 4-268 4.92 Conclusions 4-269 5. Agency Consultation and Coordination 5.1 Interagency Meeting No. 1: Scoping (March 12, 2003) 5.2 Notice of Intent (April 24, 2003) 5.3 Interagency Meeting No. 2: Existing Conditions (September 10, 2003) 5.4 Interagency Meeting No. 3: Alternatives Development (March 24 and April 22, 2004) 5.5 Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting No. 1(August 4, 2004) 5.6 Natural Resources Agency Field Meeting (October 19, 2004) 5.7 Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting No. 2(February 8, 2005) 5.8 Interagency Meeting No. 4: Impact Analysis (February 23, 2005) 5.9 Endangered Species Act Coordination 5.10 Consultation Regarding the Clean Air Act 5.11 Continued Section 106 Consultation and Coordination 5.12 Coordination between the Signatories of the 1943 Agreement 5.13 Other Coordination 5.14 Notice of Availabiliry 5.15 Agency Comments and Responses on the DEIS 5.15.1 Agency Comments on the DEIS 5.15.2 Study Team Responses Table of Contents — vi North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-37 5.16 List of Preparers 5.17 List of Reviewers 5.18 List of DEIS Recipients 5.19 List of FEIS Recipients 6. Public Involvement 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Media Strategies 6.2.1 Mailing List 622 Newsletters 6.2.3 Website 6.2.4 Other pocument Locations 62.5 Press Release and Public Announcements 6.2.6 Social Advertisement 6.3 Enhanced Outreach 6.4 Public Participation Opportunities 6.4.1 Project Timeframe 6.4.2 Public Meetings 6.5 Public Comments 6.5.1 Master Comment Summary Database (MCSD) 6.5.2 Public Comment Summaries 6.5.3 Thank You Response 6.5.4 Public Comments on the DEIS 7. References, Acronyms, Glossary, and Key Word Index 7.1 References 7.2 List of Acronyms 7.3 Glossary 7.4 Key Word Index Table of Contents —vii North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 5-62 5-70 5-72 5-74 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-10 6-10 7-1 7-1 7-27 7-32 7-52 Tables 2-1 Roadway Design Criteria Guidance 2-2 Length of New Roadway 2-3 Capital Costs and/or Funding Amount 2-4 Total Additional Annual GSMNP Operations and Maintenance Costs Associated with Construction 2-5 Increases to GSMNP Operations and Maintenance Costs Post-Construction 2-6 Comparison of Alternatives and Impacts 3-1 Archaeological Sites and Isolated Finds in North Shore Road EIS Study Corridors 3-2 Traditional Cultural Properties In and Adjacent to the Study Corridors 3-3 National and North Carolina Ambient Air Quality Standards 3-4 Typical Human Hearing Levels 3-5 Approximate Area by USFWS Classification of All Wetlands within the Project Study Corridors 3-6 Approximate Area by TNC Vegetation Classification of All Wetlands within the Project Study Corridors 3-7 Summary of Stream Flow Classifications within the Project Study Corridors 3-8 Targeted Aquatic Species List 3-9 Detailed Vegetation Communities and Their Global Ranking 3-10 Targeted Terrestrial Species List 3-11 Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Species and Their State Status Evaluated for Potential Occurrence within the Project Study Corridors 3-12 Federal Species of Concern and State Protected Species Found within the Project Study Corridors 4-1 2025 Traffic Volumes 4-2 Monthly Traffic Volume Percentages 4-3 Vehicle Classification Assumptions 4-4 Intersection Level of Service - Unsignalized (2025) Table of Contents —viii North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 4-5 Intersection Level of Service - Signalized (2025) 4-6 Level of Service - 2025 4-7 Level of Service for an Alternative's New Roadway - 2025 4-8 Projected Annual Recreation Visitor Use, Total and Net New for the Partial-Build and Build Alternatives 4-9 Impact of the Southern Options on Annual Jobs During Construction 4-10 Annual Long-Term Increases in Personal Income and Net Retail Sales 4-11 Lengths of GSMNP Trail Eliminated or Rerouted 4-12 Cultural Resources Threshold Definitions 4-13 Construction Phase Emissions within 1,000 feet (300 m) of the Partial-Build and Build Alternatives 4-14 Operational Emissions of the Partial-Build and Build Alternatives 4-15 FHWA Noise Abatement Criteria 4-16 Year 2025 Average Traffic Noise Contours 4-17a Direct and Indirect Jurisdictional Wetland Impacts within the Proposed Partial-Build and Build Alternatives 4-17b Direct and Indirect Special Aquatic Habitat Impacts within the Proposed Partial-Build and Build Alternatives 4-18 Direct Stream Impacts within the Proposed Partial-Build and Build Alternatives 4-19 NCDWQ Water Quality Standards per Use Classification 4-20 Water Quality Impacts - Quantity and Usage Classification of Streams within the Partial-Build and Build Alternatives 4-21 Direct Impacts to Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Within the Construction Footprint for Each Partial-Build and Build Alternative 4-22 Invasive Exotic Impact Indicator - Length of New Roadway 4-23 Partial-Build and Build Alternatives 2025 Future Traffic Volumes 4-24 Energy Consumption 5-1 List of Preparers 5-2 List of Reviewers 5-3 List of DEIS Recipients Table of Contents — ix North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 5-4 List of FEIS Recipients 6-1 Initial Project Mailing List 6-2 Current Project Mailing List 6-3 Public Workshop Information 6-4 Comment Numbers per EIS Planning Phase 6-5 Number of Comments Received on the DEIS 6-6 Comments Received on the DEIS by Type 6-7 DEIS Review Comment Topics Charts 4-1 Annual Jobs During Project Construction 4-2 Long-Terms Jobs After Project Construction Volume II Figures 1-1 General Vicinity Map 2-1 Photographic Examples of Road Types 2-2 Principal Park Road Typical Section 2-3 Special Purpose Park Road Typical Section 2-4 Primitive Park Road/Administrative Access Road Typical Section 2-5 Initial Concepts Considered 2-6 Preliminary Study Alternatives 2-7 Alternatives Initially Suggested for Detailed Study in the DEIS 2-8 Detailed Study Alternatives 2-9 Laurel Branch Picnic Area Conceptual Plan 2-10 Laurel Branch Picnic Area Example Structures 2-11 Bushnell Area Conceptual Plan 2-12 Bushnell Area Example Structures Table of Contents — x North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement 3-1 Census Boundaries 3-2 GMP Proposed Management Zoning 3-3 Floodplains 3-4 Ambient Sound Levels 3-5 Streams and Wetlands 3-6 Vegetation Communities 3-7 Viewpoints for Detailed Analysis 4-1 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Peak Hour Volumes A.M./P.M. Year 2025 (No-Action) 4-2 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Peak Hour Volumes A.M./P.M. Year 2025 (Laurel Branch) 4-3 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Peak Hour Volumes A.M./P.M. Year 2025 (Bushnell — Primitive) 4-4 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Peak Hour Volumes A.M./P.M. Year 2025 (Bushnell — Principal) 4-5 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Peak Hour Volumes A.M./P.M. Year 2025 (Northern Shore Corridor — Primitive) 4-6 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Peak Hour Volumes A.M./P.M. Year 2025 (Northern Shore Corridor — Principal) 4-7 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Level of Service Year 2025 (No-Action) 4-8 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Level of Service Year 2025 (Laurel Branch) 4-9 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Level of Service Year 2025 (Bushnell — Primitive) 4-10 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Level of Service Year 2025 (Bushnell — Principal) 4-11 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Level of Service Year 2025 (Northern Shore Corridor — Primitive) 4-12 Traffic Data and Capacity Analysis Intersection, Level of Service Year 2025 (Northern Shore Corridor — Principal) 4-13 Backcountry Campsite and Trail Elimination 4-14 Private In-Holdings Table of Contents — xi North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement Errata and Addenda to Appendices A 1943 Agreement D Local Government Resolutions and Correspondence H Programmatic Agreement Among the National Park Service, Federal Highway Administration, and the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer for the North Shore Road Project I Topography, Geology, and Soils Technical Report J Public Involvement Comment Summary L Cherohala Skyway: An Evaluation of Construction Techniques, Water Quality, and Similarities with the North Shore Road Project M Water Resources Technical Report N Terrestrial Resources Technical Report P Agency Consultation and Coordination Letters Q Great Smoky Mountains National Park Enabling Legislation R Independent Review of Cost Estimate for the North Shore Road Project Table of Contents — xii North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement