HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.9Association, National Parks Conservation Association, USACE, NPS (GSMNP, SRO and Southeast Archaeological Center [SEAC]), FHWA, ARCADIS, and TRC Garrow. The purpose of the meeting was to review the draft PA. The participants discussed the agreement, and revisions were made congruent with their concerns. The revised PA was included in Appendix H. Organizations requesting to be included in the Section 106 coordination process as concurring parties are identified in the PA. Issues raised during the meeting were addressed in revisions to the PA. 5.6 Natural Resources Agency Field Meeting (October 19, 2004) A natural resources agency field meeting was held on October ] 9, 2004. It began at the Fontana Village Hotel Conference Room in Fontana Village, North Carolina, and concluded in the field at the western end of the Northern Shore Corridor. Representatives from FHWA, NPS, USFWS, NCDWQ, NCWRC, ARCADIS, TVA, and Swain County were present at the meeting. This meeting focused on the studies that had been conducted on the natural environment as part of the analysis of the alternatives. ARCADIS described methodology for determinations of streams and wetlands, sampling sites, vegetation plots, and species surveys. 5.7 Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting No. 2(February 8, 2005) A second consulting parties meeting was held on February 8, 2005, at the Comfort Suites Hotel in Cherokee, North Carolina. Representatives from the North Shore Cemetery Association, North Shore Historical Association, the North Shore Road Association, the Sierra Club, TVA, Graham County, Swain County, Smoky Mountain Hiking Club, Citizens for the Economic Future of Swain Counry, National Parks Conservation Association, EBCI-THPO, U.S. Rep. Charles H. Taylor's office, USACE, NPS, FHWA, ARCADIS, and TRC Garrow were present at the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the 2004 archaeological investigations, interviews and research regarding Traditional Cultural Properties, potential impacts to cultural resources, and the status of the draft PA. Subsequent to this meeting, the PA was signed by the NPS, FHWA, NC SHPO, and EBCI as consulting parties, and by the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma, Graham County, TVA, and Swain County as concurring parties. The signed PA is contained in Appendix H. 5.8 Interagency Meeting No. 4: Impact Analysis (February 23, 2005) The fourth interagency meeting was held on February 23, 2005, at the Renaissance Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina. Representatives from FHWA, NPS, USACE, NCDWQ, NCWRC, NCDENR, NCDOT, NC SHPO, TVA, USFWS, ARCADIS, Sammons/Dutton LLC, and TRC Garrow were present. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an update on the final study alternatives, the 2004 field work investigations, and the current summary of impacts. Participants had an opportuniry to review the public workshop displays and ask questions individually of study team members. Comments were solicited on the impact analysis phase of the EIS. 5.9 Endangered Species Act Coordination Potential impacts to 15 federally protected species were evaluated for the purposes of this investigation. The summary of impacts far this project has concluded that the bald eagle may be affected by the Partial-Build Agency Consultation and Coordination — 5-4 North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement Alternative to Bushnell or the Northern Shore Corridor and that the Indiana bat may be affected by the any of the partial-build or build altematives. It is likely that these impacts could be reduced through minimization, avoidance, and mitigation techniques. The proposed project would have no effects on the Carolina northern flying squirrel, noonday globe, spruc� fur moss spider, and rock gnome lichen due to the absence of habitat for these species in the project corridors. Habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker, bog turtle, spotfin chub, Appalachian elktoe, littlewing pearlymussel, small-whorled pogonia, and Virginia spiraea exists in the project corridars; however, none of these species were identified during field surveys. Habitat also exists in the project corridors for the red wolf and eastern cougar. A reintroduction of red wolves into GSMNP was unsuccessful and the population was removed. Records of eastem cougar are over 20 years old and this native cat is believed to be extirpated from the project study area. Based on information collected to date, the proposed project would have no effect on these species. Refer to Appendix N for additional information on protected species. The USFWS has delisted the bald eagle from the federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife, effective August 8, 2007. Prior to delisting, the bald eagle had been listed as a threatened species. Surveys, resulting documentation and information discussed in tbe FEIS were conducted and developed while this species was federally listed as threatened. Text pertaining to the bald eagle has been retained for informative purposes. Information pertaining to the current protection status of the bald eagle is found in the errata for Appendix N. Informal consultation with the USFWS is ongoing and formal consultation would be initiated with the USFWS, if required (see Section Future coordination and consultation, including a BA (if required), with the USFWS would depend on the alternative ultimately selected. A BA would be completed if a partial-build or build alternative were selected for implementation. It might become necessary to conduct additional surveys for federally protected species dependent upon updated information about species requirements or as more refined project designs are developed. In response to a letter from NPS, USFWS provided comments in a June 15, 2006, letter (Appendix P) regarding restrictions and mitigation requirements for the partial-build and build alternatives. Because of the delisting of the bald eagle, effective August 8, 2007, no additional consultation, either formal or informal, will be required far this species. 5.10 Consultation Regarding the Clean Air Act In accordance with air qualiry conformity regulations, coordination among the FHWA-EFLHD, NCDOT, and NCDAQ has taken place to review the status of GSMNP and associated conformity requirements that could apply to the North Shore Road Project. Please refer to Section 3.3.4 for information about air quality regulations. In a letter to NCDOT, dated July ] 1, 2006 (Appendix P), FHWA-EFLHD requested that NCDOT generate a regional emissions analysis and the Transportation Conformity Determination Report. The letter requested that the analysis be conducted for the baseline routes of the Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell and the Northern Shore Corridor (Principal Park Roads) as potential worst-case alternatives. An interagency consultation meeting for the conformity analysis was held on July 17, 2006. Representatives from NCDOT, NCDAQ, FHWA, USEPA, and NPS each provided input on key aspects for completing the conformity determination. Agency Consultation and Coordination — 5-5 North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement