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NCC240205_Site Plan or Location Map_20240209
1/18/24, 1:48 PM 2621 S Scales St-Google Maps Go gle Maps 2621 S Scales St ito Chevrolet •k_,Q Monterrey Mexican Grill ImpeBuck GMC Q QLove's Travel Stop Food Lion �S S 1 25941 126,01 29 29 1 25951 d 1 24381 87433 29 �\ 87 \ l 23981 2459I Lia 124351 29 1 245 1 Ga gle 29 125991 Map data©2024 2000 ft 1 1 https://www.google.com/maps/place/2621+S+Scales+St,+Reidsville,+N C+27320/@36.3146801,-79.6715097,14.5z/data=!4m6!3m5!1 s0x8852dcbf63c6eca3:0x4aee95256fd46687!8m2!3d36.3163744!4... 1/1