HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Impairment Evaluation Impairment (as defined by NPS policy) to the floodplains and floodways of GSMNP and the AT would not occur under the No-Action Alternative, Monetary Settlement Alternative, Laurel Branch Picnic Area, and the Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell. The Northern Shore Corridor is not likely to impair the floodplains and floodways of GSMNP or the AT based on the information obtained to date. Due to the magnitude of this alternative, it is likely that additional NEPA documentation would be required to address sit�specific impacts not currently known, to determine detailed avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures as they relate to final design, and to re-evaluate the impairment determination related to floodplains and floodways. 4.3.3 Hazardous Materials and Underground Storage Tanks The No-Action Alternative is not expected to have an impact on the hazardous material and waste sites identified and discussed in Section 3.3.3. The Monetary Settlement Alternative is not anticipated to impact hazardous material and waste sites. The Laurel Branch Picnic Area, Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell, and the Northern Shore Corridor could impact these sites because the alternatives would require construction activities. However, because these three alternatives are entirely within GSMNP and none of the known hazardous material or waste sites are within GSMNP, irupacts are unlikely. Illegal drug activity, especially the manufacturing and dumping of inethamphetamine, is a concern. Although made mostly by mixing common household ingredients, a potentially harmful chemical is produced in the process. Therefore, a drug production and dump site would be a potential hazardous waste site. Increased access to GSMNP with the Partial-Build Altemative to Bushnell or the Northern Share Corridor would increase the potential for manufacturing methamphetamine within the Park. These assessments are preliminary and are not intended to stand in place of more detailed studies of subsurface soils and groundwater, if warranted, at a later date. Furthermore, if a partial-build or build alternative were chosen, site conditions would be thoroughly assessed prior to construction to ensure that no hazardous materials or waste sites are encountered. Due to the low potential for impacts to underground storage tanks and most hazardous materials, few cumulative effects were identified. The Partia]-Build Alternative to Bushnell and Northern Share Corridor would provide new access into the Park and add to the total number of potential locations for illegal drug activity, including the manufacturing and dumping of inethamphetamines. However, since these alternatives would extend existing Lake View Road and would not connect to other roadways in the Park network they would not increase the occurrence of those illegal activities on other Park roads. Clarification of the term "baseline" for this project: The Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell and the Northern Shore Corridor include a baseline route, as well as options to that route. Baseline routes and options are detailed in Section 2.5 and shown on Figure 2-8. Baseline routes have been compared to existing conditions. Impact analyses for the options are shown as a difference from the associated baseline route. Environmental Consequences — 4-114 North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement