HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.1.04. Environmental Consequences 4.1 Introduction This chapter provides the analysis of the potential direct and indirect effects of each alternative on the environmental resources discussed in Chapter 3. Direct effects are caused by the action and occur at the same time and place. The CEQ defines indirect impacts as those "that are caused by the action and are later in time or farther removed in distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable" (40 CFR 1508.8). Potential impacts of the alternatives are identified far each resource and are evaluated for consideration of potential impairment to GSMN P resources and values. NEPA, as amended, requires all federal agencies to prepare a detailed environmental statement for any proposed majar action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. Furthermore, the agency is to study, develop, and describe appropriate alternative courses of action in any proposal that involves unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources. In 1978, the CEQ developed Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act. The CEQ regulations require a rigorous exploration and objective evaluation of all reasonable alternatives. In addition, the CEQ regulations required each federal agency to adopt procedures to supplement the CEQ regulations. In compliance, DOI produced its NEPA regulations as Part 516 of its departmental manual. Subsequently, in January 2001, NPS issued DO-12: Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision- n2aking and Handbook. DO-12 and its Handbook Simplifed List of t�e Fiwe �etailed 5tudy Alternatiues 1 } No-A�tion 2} Monetary Settlement 3J Laurel Branch Picnic Area 4) Partial-Build Atltemative to Bushnell {twa raute options arad two road type optians) 5} Narthern 5hore Cvrridor {edght mute aptions and two rpad type aptions] Gt�mprehensrve List caf 4ptimns for Ftoute snd Road Type Combinations Partial-Build Altemative tc� Bushnell: �) 8aseline (northern route at Forney Greek}, Primitive Park Road B� Baseline (northern route at Forney Gre�k}, 9�rincipal Park Road [`1 Southern Qption at Forney Creek Embayment, Primiiive Park Raad D� Southern Option at Forney Cre2k Embaymen#, Prin�i�al Park Raad Northern Shore Carridpr: A� 8aseline (northem routes at Forney, Hazel, and Eag�e creeks wi#h a terminus at NC 28j, Primitive Park Road B) Baseline {northern routes at Forney, Hazel, and EagGe creeks with a terminus at NC 28j, Principal Park Raad Ci 5outhem CJptiort at Forney Creek Emt�ayment, nor#hem route at Hazel and �ag9e Greeks, and #ermin�as at NC 28, Primitd�e Park Fiaad I]) Sauthern Optivn at Forney Cre�k Embayment, narthem raufe at Hazel and Eag9e creeks, and terminus at NC 28, Principal Park Road E1 Southarn Option at Forney Creek Embaymeni, Southem �ption at Haz�l and �agle Creek Embaymenks, and terminus at NC �8, Primitive Park Road F� 5outhern Option at Forney Creek Embaymeni, 5authem �ption at Hazel �nd Eagle Greek �m'baymerrts, and terminus at NC 28, Principal Park Road G1 Ssauthern �ption at Farney Creek Em�ayment, 5outhern �ptian at Hazel and Eagle Creek Embayments, and Sauthem OpCion Crossing Fontana Dam, Primitiv� Park Read f-la Svuthern Qption at Farney Creek Embayment, Sauthem C]ption at Haz�l and Eagle Creek Embayments, and SouEhern (7ption Crassireg Fontana �am, Principal Park Road I� S6uthern Optivn at Forney Creek Emt�ayment, narthern route at H�zel and Eag1e creeks, and Svuthem Optiar� Crossing Fontar�a Ctam, Primitive Park Road J1 5outhern Qption at F�mey Creek Embayment, northem route at �iazel anci Eag'�e creeks, and Southem Optior� Crossing Fonta�a Dann, Principal Park Road K1 Northern rautes at Forney, Hazel, and Eagle creeks, and 5outh�m C7ption Crossing Fantana Dam, Primiti�e Park Road I.� Norihern routes at Forney, Hazel, and Eagle creeks, and Southern 6ption Crossing Fantana �am, Principal Park Road �1y Nartheen route at Fvrruey Creek, Southern Option at Hazel and Eagle Creek Emhayments, and Southern {3ption Crossing Fvntana Darr�, Primitive Park R�ad ti� Norlhern rvute a# Fomey Creek, Southem CJption at Hazel and Eagle Creek Embayments, and 5outhern Optian Crossing Fontana Darro, Principal �'ark Road C7) Northern route at Fvmey Creek, Southern Option at Hazel and Eagle Creek Embayments, and terminua at P!C 28, Primitive'Park Road P� Northem route at Fomey Creek, Southern �ption at Hazel and Eagle Ceeek Embayments, and terminus at A1C 28, Rrincipal Park Rc,ad 5ee Figure 2-8 for route locatians. Clarification of the term "baseline" for this project: The Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell and the Northern Shore Corridor include a baseline route, as well as options to that route. Baseline routes and options are detailed in Section 2.5 and shown on Figure 2-8. Baseline routes have been compared to existing conditions. Impact analyses for the options are shown as a difference from the associated baseline route. Environmental Consequences — 4-1 North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement provide the policy and procedures for how the NPS will comply with NEPA. The process must provide reasonable alternatives that minimize adverse impacts. The impact analysis must utilize the best scientific information available, be scrutinized by other agencies and the public, and include direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts (NPS 2001 a). Overall guidance on defining and evaluating impacts and assessing the potential for impairment to NPS resources is provided in the sections below. Two of the alternatives, the Partial-Build A lternative to Bushnell and the Northern Shore Corridor, are presented throughout the document as baseline routes with segment options and two road type options, as detailed in Section 2.5. The baseline routes for these alternatives share the same northern alignmentfor 8.0 �ni (12.9 km) related to the Primitive Park Road and 5.8 nzi (9.3 km) related to the Principal Park Road. The baseline route and all options were afforded the same level of detail during the analysis. Baseline routes for each road type have been compared to existing conditions (i.e., the No-Action Alternative). Southern crossings of embaynzents and the terminus location provide options that may be used in any combination to form alternate routes for the Northern Shore Corridor and the Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell, as shown on Figure 2-8. Impact analyses for the options are shown as a d fference from the associated baseline route. Refer to the previous page for a conzprehensive list of route and road type combinations. This EIS documents the analysis of impacts without detailed mitigation, based on information known to date. Detailed mitigation plans would be developed before impleinentation of a partial-build or build alternative. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) would be developed between the NPS and FHWA to document the commitment of the two agencies to jointly produce detailed mitigation plans if a partial-build or build alternative were implemented. Final design and detailed mitigation could reveal site-specific impacts that are not currently known. Additional NEPA analysis would be required if impacts were found to be greater than identified in this EIS for any of the partial-build or build alternatives. 4.1.1 Impact Methods/Thresholds DO-12 requires that an EIS must discuss the impacts of each reasonable alternative under consideration and must quantify the impacts in terms of their type, context, duration, and intensity. This section defines the type, context, duration, and intensity for impacts based upon NPS technical guidance and internal documents. Methodologies, detailed guidance and regulations, and tailored definitions of impact intensiry are provided for each resource, or group of resources, in the corresponding section in this chapter. Definitions for the impact to each resource topic are specific in an individua] EIS. Type Impacts are identified as beneficial or adverse. In rare circumstances, impacts are found to be indeterminate for impacts that were not clearly adverse ar beneficial or which might result in effects of both types. Clarification of the term "baseline" for this project: The Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell and the Northern Shore Corridor include a baseline route, as well as options to that route. Baseline routes and options are detailed in Section 2.5 and shown on Figure 2-8. Baseline routes have been compared to existing conditions. Impact analyses for the options are shown as a difference from the associated baseline route. Environmental Consequences — 4-2 North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement