HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00903_Well Construction - GW1_20240205 ! I Lil 51 . . WELL CONSTRUCTION'RECORD Fcr tsternal Use ONLY: I' . This farm can W usedsinglp or ratipk wcIls• • 1 1 I i . 1.WelidintraCtor Information: /4AV.ATER ZONFS-Brian.Ewing " PROM 40 DFSCRIFTION Welt'corftactor Name, ft. ft. .ft. 4240-B . ff. -. . ''45.'0131ER CASING(forinuftliedseituills1 OR LINER Una 41eable): ' NC.Well Contractor Ccniftchtion Muller" vrioN in DIAMETER, ruciasyss. - MATERIAL SAEDACCO _ O. I iL• • Comp:UT MEE, ' 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING igeolhermsIdored-lonn).-: PROST .70 DULADEIER • THICKNESS MATERIAL .2.Well Constroiiion Fermit ti: - . .. .. o ft. 5 • It 2 !it!. SCE-40 PVC . Ust(1.17applinike teelipolitit*ILc.Caunty:-Surm;Varlarree.frfaticet,mc..t. 'ft,. ft, ' in. • 3.WeitUse(chixle Well use); it SCREEN Water Supply Well: .• • - FROM TO . DIAMETER SLOT SIPE THICKNESS I 'MATERIAL , , - 5 ft. 15 -It. 2 FA '1010 SCR-40 PVC ClAgtieuitinal 1:1Monidipal/Pnblic• . 'ft. fc •In. ClGeothetmal(Heating/Cooling Supply) LIResidential Water Supply(single) . C ._.I Industtial/Conintercial CIResidcutial Water SuPply aimed) .:m18:0GR„43.171 ,in t.SLI:TER. GIL ENIPLACE.- MENEMEIII. OD&AMOUNT' CI Irrigation-. , .0 ' . ft. .1 .•ft. PORTLAND POURED 'Non-Water Supply Well: • ti., - Illiit4onitoring . EIRecoyety . . • . Injection Well:. •' - - • , , It. - . . . • , , L3AquifcrIiccharge C26n?uftdwiticr Rentediation .49.SANIUGRAVELl'ACK(if amilkatite)• • ---- • - -. . . 'FROM- "TO • MATERIAL • PAIPLACLAIENT Mi:tHOli ipillerStoragc and Re&wrctf EiStilinity.Battier' 3 .ft.. 15 It, FILTER i SAND # 2 EIABlififc!"Tsst - " - 13Stormwatct thairi. . . I fi. I • ZI.Eicpetimental Teehooloa IDSubsidcn .cetontrol . . . . ••_ - - --NV ORILLI?iG LOG"faltach a dditionfal i . .iheetilf-neccsuint Opeotherinal(closed Loop) . tltincer. .F1105!• TO • DESCRIPTION Imbr.IiiutIncri.svIenickintt:gold ride.HO ElGeotheitnal(Regina/Cooling Return) . Obther(explain uatier.#21 RetnadmI ° 'ft-' 5. it, FILL SILTY SAND 5 'ft. 10 ft. MOIST SILTY SAND . .. . 4.13, Me Well(s)Complited: 12-20-23 ,Ax,rki um n1305-01 ., 1 , • 10 . IL 15 fi. WET SILTY SAND/CLAY •'. 5a,Well Location: .IL itt.• I -,„ip LL.,,,.,f'.'',-if— -.,—,7- - 2 '.1.1:::LH' ) ^..,a_ . - NCDOT 5 . ft ft. It.L • 1 , Facaitynur Name '' . facility II:0(i-appiiukic) ' ------17---- ---F. --EE----0-5-2-6(14 . ft. Camp.Branch Rd NW,.Ash, NC, 28920' - - • . ft... ' ft. . InfrIrr. ";:7°:-Z114. USX Pk-tidal Aitifteis„Citk..inft2ip• „In:REIHIARILs *,,J‹.n i"-h 1 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1 TO 3' " . Brunswick ' • • Cously " ' . pat'co ItletilittCatIon No,(PIN) . . . . .r . . . .. , . . 561.11.ittititdcMid bingltirde lit riegtleciftplituteitsecrinds Ur dcC MM!itetecter: 21 certification:. i fttnell field;o .lationi is•sufriekul) . .' ". I , Ii'' • ! , . ' ' . W Etrian EWIng 1/4/2024 ' Signs=Cf Certiried4Viell Contractor 6.Is(.ire)the well(0): tiPermmtent or' roTemporary 1 •Ify..1i:gtiin'kir fang;'I Irer;1?),cergry 0€4,the wilits)tius On.)cerwnifelett an(tett71141Ce tad!FM NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCA0,02C.020P Well eonstrnetion Standards and slim a 7.fs'this a repair to an existing Well; ElYes .or KIND .•rcsir of liar record.lies Ihjcil provideitto#Of menet; //Sysir a repair Jill out kuhen well consIntaket Intommrion and explain the nature of the . reparander mki:iraiaii P21 iiter ai-am Ihe bark fith m.tis for . 23.Site w diagram or additional ell Itleht8S; . . . You.mq.mse the back of this page M.provide additional well site details or Well • 8.Number-of wells Constructed: 1 . _ consiniction details, You may alto attach additional pages if necessary. For Mild:*(althea,'or amtleater supply wellsg.Nly with die same etursieuetIon,yon can . .._. - 1 . .sufmit 00E10nm: . SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIoNS'. 1 • • I . 9.Total well.dcpth below land surface: 1. (tio 24a. For AU Wells: 'Suhtitit this form. -Within:30-daya of•completioti of welt • . For nnilfiple'ill's-list all depths if dike rem(exampte-3E1200'Cilld 20 laR) . tonstractioO to the following: 1! . • 10.Static water level below lop of easing: • (ft) Division of Water ReSourcOS,Information Pracesaing Unit, If lit lei level!calmer easing;use"+" 1627 Mail Service Cciiier,Raleigh,NC 27.6901617 1 I - • 1L Borehole dianicherr8!25" . 1'04 246.Far bilectiou WelNONLY: II6 addition to sending the form to the address-in 24a above.-also submit a copy of lig form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction Method:BORED C61111E8011 to the foiloWing: I ! - (ic:auger:molly.cable.direct Fink etc) I- : ' 'Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: ' 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 f ! Ste.For Water Supply&InjectionlWells: . 13a.Yield(gym) 'Method of test: • Also sublitit one coPy of thi faitri'Within 30,days Of ComPletion of. 13h.Disinfetition,type: Amount: well eonstruCtitin ii)the county health'depaument of ilte„county.where • constnicted; . I FatinGW-1 North Caton=FIcpiutricnt of Enviromuest aid Natural Resources-Divirion of Water Ratrcis. Rivised August 2013 • 1 ,