HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.102.10 Cost Costs were developed for construction, operation, and maintenance of the detailed study alternatives. 2.10.1 Capital Costs/Funding Construction estimates were developed using information from sources including FHWA-EFLHD, NPS, NCDOT, the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), Tennessee contractors and quarries. Costs for the day-use development areas, which are included with the Laurel Branch Picnic Area and the Partial- Build Altemative to Bushnell, were developed based on historical construction data of similar facilities, RS Means Construction Cost Estimating resources, and costs specific to NPS for certain Park amenities. For mare details on the development of construction costs, see the Capital Cost Estimate Assumptions (Appendix E). The following assumptions were used far calculating cost: ■ FY 2006 dollars without further inflation or incremental funding. ■ Cosis include currenily anticipated mitigation; however, additional mitigation may be identified during final design. ■ Assumes pyritic rock throughout the study corridors. ■ Construction is continuous over a specific time period: 2 years for Laurel Branch Picnic Area 5 years far Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell 15 years for Northern Shore Corridar The Monetary Settlement Alternative would involve federal funding. Whether or not these funds would result in construction expenditures would depend on use of these funds by Swain Counry. The Swain County Commissioners passed a resolution on February 11, 2003, that stated the County would accept a monetary settlement of $52 million to settle the 1943 Agreement. Bryson City passed a similar resolution on March 3, 2003 (Appendix D). The amount of $52 million was used for analysis purposes in Section 4.2.3. Costs for the detailed study alternatives are presented in Table 2-3. Due to the magnitude of the alternatives and the level of public interest in project capita] costs, an independent review of project cost estimates was developed by an outside consultant on behalf of FHWA and NPS. The Final Report Independent Review of Cost Estimate for the North Shore Road Project, Swain County, North Carolina was finalized on December 20, 2006 and is attached as Appendix R. Estimates from the cost review are detailed in Appendix R and include an estimate of $13 million for the Laurel Branch Picnic Area. Review estimates for the baseline Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell range from $117 million for the Primitive Park Road to $174 million far the Principal Park Road. Review estimates for the baseline Northern Shore Corridor range from $416 million for the Primitive Park Road to $729 million for the Principal Park Road. The independent review capital cost estimates are approximately 20% higher than the project capital cost estimates for the partial- build and build alternatives presented in Table 2-3 and reflect substantial inflation since the time of the project estimates for construction materials such as Portland cement and steel. Description of Alternatives — 2-22 North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement Table 2-3. Capital Costs and/or Funding Amount Alternative No-Action Monetary Settlement Laurel Branch Picnic Area Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell (baseline) Southern Option at Forney Creek Embayment Northern Shore Corridor (baseline) Southern Option at Forney Creek Embayment Southern Option at Hazel and Eagle Creek Embayments Southern Option Crossing Fontana Dam Costs (in millions of 2006 dollars) N/A 52 13.7 Primitive Park Road Principal Park Road 92.2 +7.6 344.9 +7.6 +37.0 �'�:3 Note: Numbers for options are the difference in cost compared with the baseline corridor. 2.10.2 Operations and Maintenance Costs 148.6 -18.9 589.7 -18.9 -24.5 Src�[. The partial-build and build alternatives involving construction in GSMNP would create the need for additional staff and equipment to serve this area of the Park. Additional Park staff and equipment would be required to help plan for construction and to address construction impacts and mitigation requirements of the partial-build and build alternatives. Once construction is completed and roadways and new facilities are opened to visitors, impacts are expected to Park maintenance of roads, buildings, and trails, management of natural and cultural resources, and provision of visitor services, as well as the demand for rangers and law enforcement and activities associated with long-term mitigation requirements. In addition to annual operations and maintenance costs, the partial-build and build alternatives would create the need for capital outlays for equipment and maintenance yards to serve this area of the Park. Current operations and maintenance practices and costs were reviewed with GSNINP staff from the Park's South District. Impacts to operations including staffing and equipment needs were discussed and reviewed with the South District staff. Operations and maintenance for the day-use development areas for tbe Laurel Branch Picnic Area and the Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell as well as the Northern Shore Corridor are included in the estimates. More information on operations and maintenance costs can be found in the Regional Economic Impacts Technical Report (Appendix F). Total GSMNP operations and maintenance costs associated with construction of the partial-build and build alternatives including initial capital outlays for equipment and maintenance yards are presented in Table 2-4 Description of Alternatives — 2-23 North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement Table 2-4. Total Additional GSMNP Operations and Maintenance Costs Associated with Construction Alternative Cost (in thousands of 2006 dollars) No-Action Monetary Settlement Laurel Branch Picnic Area N/A N/A 454 Primitive Park Road Principal Park Road Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell (baseline) 4,110 Same Northern Shore Corridor (baseline) 14,284 14,310 Note: Operations and Maintenance costs to plan for construction and to address construction impacts and mitigation requirements for the Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell and the Northern Shore Corridor are not altered by the road type or southern options. Increases to annual GSMNP operations and maintenance costs for the partial-build and build alternatives after construction is completed are presented in Table 2-5. Table 2-5. Increases to Annual GSMNP Operations and Maintenance Costs Post-Construction Alternative Cost (in thousands of 2006 dollars) No-Action N/A Monetary Settlement Laurel Branch Picnic Area U/,1 313 Primitive Park Road Principal Park Road Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell (baseline) 951 951 Northern Shore Corridor (baseline) 1,391 1,523 Note: The southern options do not alter the Operations and Maintenance costs for the Partial-Build Alternative to Bushnell or the Northern Shore Corridor. The GSMNP Business Plan (NPS 2002a) identifies funding shortfalls to existing GSMNP maintenance and operation of facilities of $5.2 million out of an overall $11.5 million Park operating shortfall. 2.11 Comparison of Alternatives Table 2-6 provides a comparison of study alternatives and impacts. These impacts are discussed in detail in Chapter 4. The impact thresholds that are referenced in Table 2-6 are defined in Chapter 4. The topics that are included in Table 2-6 are the same as those listed in Section 1.7. NEPA requires that all federal agencies consider avoidance and minimization measures when adverse effects on the environment are identified. Mitigation and enhancement measures are also to be considered for implementation to address potential impacts. Description of Alternatives — 2-24 North Shore Road Final Environmental Impact Statement