HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00857_Well Construction - GW1_20240205 pp 1L-1-15 Far WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'menial Usc ONLY: U 'Otis form can bc•uscd for single();multiple wills• 1.Welt Contractor Information: • 44..WATIERZONES• .• I .. . Brian Ewing F14051 ' '' 10 - ''Dt CIttPtiON • Well Contractor)ante ! ft. ft. 4240-B f4 fL 1 ; ' NC Well auc1orctifttIortNiuter IS:'Ou1ER'CAI.NG'(fiatSiidtkasidecps)OR11NER'firtii flcabkl`. .: �. root To DL1dreTER IIIICBCd IRS MATERIAL SAEDACCO II. (L : 'in.. • Cdn.tpanybrant4 ,`-.1( INNER CASING'OR'TLBING-“Oilicrinaleinsrd-loiii,)'r---_. ; FROM . TO DIAMETER TRIMNESS.IMNE.SS. MATERIAL ' 2,Welt Construction Permit#: 0 -ft. 5 ft. 2 ' I :fit. SCR-4 0 • PVC 140.all applicribhr rseUpr-rmits li•'..Cauntt.:Shah',•Vdrins-e.lrlreCtiC#.eh%) .•ft. ft. I •ht. 3,'Well Use(check well use);. 17:SCREEN' - . NatcrSupplgWcl)t - PROM It) nrtslrTt:t: 81,t1TStri: Ill rCtCNritiS h 41ATF:n1Rl, 5 ft. 15 ft, 2 ilL, .010 . SCH-40 . PVC a ClAgti'cultiuul CJMnnicipaUPublic. DGeothemtal(Ileating/Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) . ft ft;- in,' ®lndustrial(Corimiercial DResidcutiat Wolof Supply-famed) '-la:Fttort 40--m - T'•: - srATERrhl. EMPLACEMENT\IEIItan s A►rotor ❑krigntion . . .' . 0 ft. 1' ft, PORTLAND POURED ' Non-Water Suppt}Well:• h. ft. ®htnnitcyting ❑1 ecorety Injection Well: - . - .- - n.' ft. nAgtrifeiRecharge 1:36roundoaterltentediatlon - t9 SANDlGRAVELPACK(itaitollabter, --' --=_...- - --—. - .-• FICOsf 10 • MATRfLSI. EMPLACEMENT ❑Aquifcr Storage-and tceovety 17Salinity Rattier 3 . ft. 15 ft, FILTER, SAND " # 2 ' ❑Aonifcr Test ❑Slormwatcr Drainage 'ft. ft ' . ❑>~Ve in,cntal T hntrtogr ❑SUbsidcncc.Coniiol- .. ' . 3o;:DRJLLING'LOG'fiitlaeli'addiliomdrNs rerifrme.Llr l . - . ❑Geotltenta l(Closed Leap) CDTracer -.FROM TO DESCRlPrIOY(tmtnr.uurane.,.tOrt k,,nP:cr rnsite,co.) LIGeodtennal(lleatimsiCooline Return) 170tirer(explain under 021 Retnarks) 0 •ft. 5 ft. FILL SILT AND SAND • 5 ft.. 15 ft, WET SANDY SILT •4.DateWelh(s)Cautpleled: 1-8,24 *at IDfiTWH101-01 • - , ft,. ft. r' r 5a.Wc1I Location: .ft. ft. i, - ,.,' ,r. yV]' ) ;1 • NCDOT . ft; It C D 0.5 factlity.thy er Nun_rc Facility lDk(ifapplicabic). 1 . [024 . li. ft. g ft. 4. In .; '1 ;'::,..1...�.:,u tits' 301 Harris Rd., Wilmington, NC, 28405 1. D1sai'.13 `tic Phyikal rtddipss City..and Zip -2t-REMARKS- - . - - New Hanover • . BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1 TO 3' County -Parcel ldcritit tliou No.(PIN) . 5b,LOOM de and Luiigitude'in degvicesiminutes/seconds or decimal dcgt`ecs: Of melt fkekQ,,�M l;nilong'i4 Std11C1ent} 2-,Ccrtilhutln: N W • _Bra:n...Ewing . 1/12/2024 Sigmtur afCeittlicd Well Contractor 1 Dare 6.Is(ore)the eell(s): t7Permanent or .siTenporan° ( its signing this funrr,1 prerieby certify fy that the nellis.l tars•(rutty rinssimetrd in vixen-to:nice with.15A NCAC rla'C,0100 or f 5A NC4G;82C.,1/200 Well r:orrstrrrtio',Skurdants mid:hart a 7.Lti this a repair to an cxisting.well: IDYex or t INo .cope of this rrrrrcrl bar breri piorirle f to rhw arll owner. ifthts'is a(i purls,fill oafL anw rid!conorivioa htforaiation and&Main the)aware of the repair under4,21 remar4 sriiiun ar rut the bock of this faint. 23.Site diagram or additional Well detaits: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site detailsor welt S.Nnntberof Wills constructed: 1 construction details. You roar also await additional pates if accessing. For nri,liiplc i'tle&on or alai-noirer supply wellyONLi with rho trove cotrstrurtiwr.y'n eiju submitonc'forrn. STIR IITTAL INSTCTCTIONS 1 9.Total well depth herow land surface.' 15 (fL) 2141. Fur'all Welly: Submitthis form within 30 days of completion of 1i-ell For mt(hlplo iL•lJ'1i3r off depths tldifj?rcrrt ierompfe-J@200'oat?2@ fafrY eonstiactipn to the following: I - 10.Static water level below tap of easing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Prviceysing Unit. If miter legi.I 1s aboiv.msha;,:rase"+" 180 MALL Service C i ter.Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Dorchn1e diameter:8.25" (in.) 24b.For fit[m inn Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above.also submit a copy-of this''foam within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well constrnetiou method:BORED Conslllictinit to the following. (Lc.auger._rats¢,cable.dike)push.etc:) - ; . 'Divlsloit of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Service Center;Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13;r Yield(gym) 24e.For.Water Supply&Injection NVetts: (gym) Method of -- - Also submit one copy of this fortn}l Within 30 days of completion ofi • 13b.Disinfection types Amount: well consinietion to the.county lrealthi department of the county whom --- constmctcd. Fano GW-I . North Carolina I5panment of En1•irarn sail and Natural Resources-Division ofWater litrIrem Revised August?913