HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00853_Well Construction - GW1_20240205 I . /11-15b WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD - • Fin Infernal lise pN1..y: i TO form ern bused for'single or multiple wells; • I 1 I 1.Well COntraCtor Information: • ',IL WATER ZONES Brian Ewing . FROM- TO DFACRIPDON I Well ContrainorNamo. ' rt.-: ft. I 1 , 4240-B. . • . .rt. . rt. I I _ NeWell Connactat Certification Nuillier • - ild.!OUTERCASING ilikinutii-eakil stilisli•°KUSER/nil-tiCable1i FROM To , DIAMETER,1 THICKNESS SIATERIAL- SA .EDACCO •Illt ft. 10. • . • - ' Coinpany Now 16.1NNER CASING OR TUBING kimilmranal dosed-loan). . -FROM. TO IHAMETER , THICKNESS SIATERIAL 2.Wr11 Conitrttition Pasta h: • 0 .ft; 5 ft. 2 . :in- SCH-40 PVC Lig all imp/folk,wrIl permits(ix.eatrafy,;Snne.Variance,Irjectiag ric.j. ft:. - . _ft. 4; . . Weif.Usb.(elteek well tist); - 17,'SCRIEN, Water Supply Well: . . - FROM 10 'DIAMETER st,or sin: Imotrass 1 MATERIAL , 5 R. 15 'ft: 2 - •in. 010 SCH-40 PVC LIAgticuintral, .CiMupaliPublic. CI R. . 'Geothennal(IleatingiCooliog Supply) " C3Residential Water Supply(single) . ft:. ht. El Indusitial/Conunercial .- EIResidential Water Supply(shathti) .:18.GROUT ' , I FROM -. TO. MATE EMPLACEMENT 31E11100. AMOUNT 1 1:11rtinotion• . . . 0 " •1t. 1 •ft, PORTLAND', ' POURED ' Non-Water Supply Well: . . . ,all It. ' .islonitori - ecorty " .. . ft og . ;CIRe I , Injection Welk.: - • . . '°Aquifer Recharge' UldioutidWitcr Reincdialion ',Mt,SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable!'" MOD- T0' • MATERM .1.' • EMPLA CM IENT Sintion IDAttnireiStorage and 1.kovety ElSalinity Rattier " 3 R. 15 ft. FILTER SAND # 2,.; ElAqrci Teo. *-13torntwatct Drainage; . • "ft„ It. . . • ClEkpetimcntal Technolov liSubsidence Control .. - - • • - '• •- • - • •. .• •"26:DRILLING LOGr(altach additional sheets if roccessarvl MC#0111,(4MMI. Closeel Loop) bTracer. . MIDST.: To . DEScRtPTIOS Kobr.h anthem,tuCemk Dot.: 1 ritc:de.) CIGNAlet111.11(Reatinatooling Return) ElOther(explain under.tal Remits) ° ' '14 5 ft,- FILL SILT AND SAND ' 5 IL, 15 ft. WET SANDY SILT .i.:jjaie..wi.efi(s)completed: 1-10-24 ,Welt nig MI1102-02 ft." ft. ' !:•- : 't 1"'-' 7--.... Sa.Wdl Location: .ft. ft ''''''''.- - -1---- ,....., d...,_-i; if i . • , NCDOT . - 11,. . ' It. . . ::-If-A-..t,....1:,.,1 t--„..--,t1,-)cf4:- 1 U'ill -F' c: a 5 2024 Fac0ityitlivirrilame . Facility WI:(itapplizable) • tt, rt. • Chalice.Lane (edge of 5200 Woods Edge Rd.), Wilmington, It. ft,. NC, 284 09 Ilk-ilea!Aildi.n•Ss,Ork.ilia'Zip' '', R.ErytARNs. . • - • BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1 TO 3 New Hanover Cutely . . . Parcel Idenlificallut:NO.(MN) • • . 51i.Latitude and Longitude in degrgesiminutiOseton!ls ti.r decimal thit's..i.w. ..22. of.Uell ficild;one latilotia is sufileienn• ' . • - • • • . • 'N • W Bna n E_wing. 1,12,2024 • • • , Signature Or Cesitiacti'Well Connector' • , Date 6.Is(art)the well(s):_OPermanent .or .10Temporaty r • .By:signbig n'O'Ann;'I iierFby certYy irbar..rlig,ilet0.0 WM(ViVy)grimy tied in,awortlancr Writ/54 NL'AC 02C.0100 or 15et NCAC 02C:0;00 MU Constriakor Paraurds and 11,41.a 7.Is-thus a nepalr to an nsisting nal. ElYo or EiNn -onfkrOf Mk record iias peen p wilder,to ilki'lur11giviter. If iOislt o repulr:fill pot ARtiliY1 well coogruction information and explain the ourare oldie I. . repair tiridcr42/.irtnarkiSrciiin or on the hart of Oils fornc. ,2 .Site"diagram or additional well details; You it4.use the back of this page to.intiide additional well site details or Well S.Nuntherof Wells Consttacted: 1 - • . . cousttuction details: You May also attach additional pages if tieessaty. For multi*Injection Or calk-Firer iuppti wel,tONLY with do some constration,you eon ' . • . . • .. -. I . suipuir one form. . R111411TTALINSTU I CTIONS. : 9.Tititisvell.depth het*land surface: 15 . , am 24a. For ALL Wills:.-Sulnnit this Tortn within 38 ds nf•compteticin of Well Foe nuilzipte Ii•elli list at!dephs Ifilifterevo(extroiple-3€1200'anal 2@ 100) constriction to the following; 10.Static water level below top of casing: "(10 DiviSiun of Water RC:soot-CO;Information Processing Unit, . if fluter let-el tv above casfax-use"+" 1617 Ma)!Senice Center;Raleigh,NC 23699-16 I.7 II.Borehole digrnolen 8.2i 7 'act.) . 211).For infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the fonn to the.address.in .214 abore.also submit a copy of this fonit.within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well etatstivetion method:BORED . COISOUCO011 to the following: . (.e.augcr.raw.table,direct push.ete..) 1 1 . . Dirblon of Water Resources.Underground fulection Control Program FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' " ' ' 1636 Malt Sersice Ccnter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I• ite.-For Water Supply&Inlection Wells:, . lla,Yield toppl) Airtlioil of test:. - - .A191 submit one'copy' of this fOittt Withii 30 dayS Of compleflotrof • 131i.Disinfection type: Amount: mil"construction to the county health department of the.conao-where • constmacd. I FonnGW-L 1+4'alb Carolina Depart:item of Erwin:anneal and Natural Resources-Division of Water Retooro Revised Mont 2015 . .