HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00852_Well Construction - GW1_20240205 aQ� WELL CONSTRUCTION'RECORD �t5a Far ldtcrrtnl Use ONLY; i This fond cap.be used Rif Single sit milltipk wills• I 1.WeitContr wtor Information: ` .WA1ERZONES Brian Ewing . . - PROMTO- D1rSCRIPt1O,X i WllContnnnrNanle ft.' R. - I 1 • 4240-B fL rt. I .I. NC Well Contiac1otCcrtifrcalioiNuntier• AS OUTER CASING troFnulthcasednellsl'OR,LiNEROral)neahk)-, • • .FR0111 - It) DIAMETER,I -I THICKNESS- - •MA'iERIAL SAEDACCO fL IL. in.1 Contrast).Nam 16 INNER"CASiNG OR TUBING(t.o ibt rsnal dosed-loop)',. -FAOnI TO DLAdMETER.; TRICKINESS MATERIAL • 2.Wcli Constluuction hcr'mit$: . • 0 It. 5 ft. 2 ht. SCH-40 PVC List all apphca*urilprimih fir.County:State•Variasrc.Infer rn etc.l' fl, ft. {t! • 3.WCIi.Usc(checicWc11 Pfe): . 17:SCREEN • ' Water Supply Well: -PROM. TO DL3MFTBR s LOT Sin.. TittCIt4Irtei 1.MATRRIAt. DAgticultutal. . • .Inh unieipal/Pliblie 5 It. 15 R. 2 in �'.O10 sCH-40 PVC °Geotheilnal(IfeatinglCtioting Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) rt. ft.' fo, i • ®hidustiiallConulte,eial • , ®Residential Water Supply(slatted) PROst GROUT TO. AL\TERGL EMPLACE." fENT1IEf1fOD&AhfOIfNT ElInieation ' . .' 0 '.f.' '1 ' .ft, PORTLAND' ' POURED Norr Water Suppll Well R., ft ®Monitoring • ORecoveiy 1 Injection Wello- :ft., n. I; . °Aquifer Recharge • ®GrouridwatcrRcntcdia(ion -19 SANDIGRAVELPACK(ifamilicahlel, 'FROM -. TO - MATERIAL " ltMPLACF:�IEVr�itrnon LlAgwicr.Storage and Rcco?•'ctp 17Salinity Flakier . 3 'ft.. 15 ft, FILTER SAND (# 2 ❑Agri f iTcst °SiommaicrDniiiia e' r . ft. 1.t. • pFx}lcamcnlal Technolagtr I]Snbsidcncc Control • se,DRILLING`LOG.(altach additional sheens if ncvessan•1 • OGeotltentlat'(ClosetdLoop) 17Tracer. .FROM• .TO . DESCRIPTION(cobr.hawacss.wn'mckt7fleixNaiste.sk:1 ' . . DGeothetmal(Heating(Cooliue Retunl) 130ther(Alain under-421 Reuialbs) 0 :fy '5 ft, FILL SILT-AND SAND - 5 ft:. 15 ft, WET SANDY SILT 4.DateWell(,)Completed:•1-10-24 WeltI1/ltTWH1o2-02 . . •r4 tt . • 5a.WclI Liicatlnn: 17, - NCDOT n.. IL -. lVr ....,__,. FacllityltlisncrNantc Facility lD#(if applicable) _ ... y... _ „ rt. fL i . 1-Ld I) 52024 5200.Woods.Edge.Rd., Wilmington, NC, 28409 . . f ft, Address.Cit.mid d Zip qt.R1nL\Rl:s ' i<.. . ITif_r ._... P.. _:r. 1.!n: New Hanover BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1 TO 3'i '�.s'"' -`�•' • County Parcel lastitirie.iuon No,(PIN) I Sb.1;481 a and Liingitude in ticgreeslminuteslscconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certiticadon: I (lfti ell field,O .41/1Oogissidflcicnt) 1 ' NV' B.i a.n-.EV1l�'. 1f12,2024 Signature of Ceitifa:d Well Coiiiroctar• ` •_ Ikttc 6.Is.(i e)tlienell(jc):.DPermaneat .or. X1Temporary ity,lgaittg it'rit.fium:'I hereby Terrify that xltrlvellip was inrnl wow:gred ln;aruvirfancr frier I SA NCAC 02C,0100 or 1 SA NCACOW;0i 0•il b)i'if Cmrstreietfoir Smadards and ihre:a Is'1 7. hiaarepairto-tii existing w lli DYea or LQN° coprbf Oar rrcordhasbccn'proridrdtoilie'11 li[otlier. IJtMs:ls a,pair:fill oar knaovt tall mrumretion lrtforvaarinn ant!t:iplaln ha miaow oldie I . ' nrmirraider I21icniarlasrrif naradlliebark-[fddsfort, 23 Site diagram or additional u dl details - You may use the.b ack'of this page to"pies de additional well site details or Well - • 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 colistructioli•detaits.'You May also attacll'addilionat p_ages if necessary. For Maltlple 10 fecilai or nmi,p'arer supply weds O,YLY irirh the same ea:rstracilor,you o n sabmit nor Prro. - CU11ML1TALiNSTUCTiONs- 1 9.Total well depth betowland surface: 15 - (ft.) 24a, Far All Wells: Submit this faint within.30 days of coniptetion of't�ell Far malrlple'acifslist all depths ifdij',i+rent(exampl-3e2(u1•'ant12.01430) constnrctiontothefollotfing; 10.Static water level below top of easing:,' (ft.) I)1 ismn of Water Resaure S,Information Pavicessing Unit, If water level is above costa::we"+" - 1617 Mall Service Center"Raleigh,NC 27699 1G17 11.Borchatc diametcr:8.25" (in 24b.For'Iliteedon Wells ONLY: in audition to sending the font to the address in 24aaboso.also,submit a copy of this.fonu within 30 da)s''of completion of well12.Well eonstiuctian-method:BORED constmction to the following: 4S' } - (i.eraugcr.ro y;bable direct Mash.etc.) - I • .. ' DIT'isiou of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, • FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS'ONLY: • • 1636MafiSen'iceCenler=Raleigb,NC27699-1636 13a irid(gilmj hleihod of test: 21c,'Fo,'Water Supple.&Injection Welts:; • Also subunit one cop),of this faint within 30,days ofcompletion.of 13b.Ois(nfcetiun type: Autaunt: well constnrction to the cormty health dcpagment of the caunty.where constructed. fanuGW-t Notilt CaRillim ElqktigiteIll:oiEnvimrtnuuandNatualResoiuccs-DtvisionofWaterRewuos Revised August2Ol3